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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

Literatur zum Thema Flucht und Asyl finden Sie in unserer IAB-Infoplattform Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten - Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt.

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    Zentrale Befunde zu aktuellen Arbeitsmarktthemen (2018)

    Althoff, Jörg; Moczall, Andreas; Möller, Joachim; Anger, Silke ; Osiander, Christopher ; Bossler, Mario ; Rauch, Angela ; Brücker, Herbert ; Reichelt, Malte ; Dummert, Sandra ; Reims, Nancy ; Gürtzgen, Nicole ; Rhein, Thomas; Hohendanner, Christian; Rothe, Thomas; Kaufmann, Klara; Schwengler, Barbara; Kruppe, Thomas ; Seibert, Holger; Kupka, Peter; Sirries, Steffen; Ramos Lobato, Philipp; Sperber, Carina; Matthes, Britta; Stüber, Heiko ; Bauer, Frank; Sujata, Uwe; Dietrich, Hans ; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ; Haller, Peter; Vicari, Basha ; Konle-Seidl, Regina; Walwei, Ulrich ; Lietzmann, Torsten; Weber, Enzo ; Kubis, Alexander; Ludewig, Oliver; Fuchs, Johann ; Bruckmeier, Kerstin ; Jahn, Elke ; Zika, Gerd; Wolff, Joachim;


    Althoff, Jörg, Silke Anger, Frank Bauer, Mario Bossler, Kerstin Bruckmeier, Herbert Brücker, Hans Dietrich, Sandra Dummert, Johann Fuchs, Nicole Gürtzgen, Peter Haller, Christian Hohendanner, Elke Jahn, Klara Kaufmann, Regina Konle-Seidl, Thomas Kruppe, Alexander Kubis, Peter Kupka, Torsten Lietzmann, Philipp Ramos Lobato, Oliver Ludewig, Britta Matthes, Andreas Moczall, Joachim Möller, Christopher Osiander, Angela Rauch, Malte Reichelt, Nancy Reims, Thomas Rhein, Thomas Rothe, Barbara Schwengler, Holger Seibert, Steffen Sirries, Carina Sperber, Heiko Stüber, Uwe Sujata, Ehsan Vallizadeh, Basha Vicari, Ulrich Walwei, Enzo Weber, Gerd Zika & Joachim Wolff (2018): Zentrale Befunde zu aktuellen Arbeitsmarktthemen. Nürnberg, 43 S.


    "Die hiesige Arbeitsmarktentwicklung ist nicht nur im Zeitvergleich bemerkenswert. Aus einer international vergleichenden Perspektive zeigt sich ebenfalls eine beachtliche Erfolgsgeschichte. Gleichwohl bestehen auch Schwachstellen und Risiken. So ist die Vererbung von schlechten Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktchancen hierzulande stark ausgeprägt. Und als exportorientierte Volkswirtschaft kann sich Deutschland nicht von internationalen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen abkoppeln.
    Die deutsche Arbeitsmarktpolitik steht zudem aus anderen Gründen vor großen Herausforderungen. Insbesondere gilt es, die Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt zu gestalten, die Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit weiter abzubauen, die Aufstiegsmobilität zu verbessern, den Fachkräftebedarf zu sichern und Arbeitsmarktintegration von Geflüchteten zu fördern.
    In der neu aufgelegten und erweiterten IAB-Broschüre 'Zentrale Befunde zu aktuellen Arbeitsmarktthemen' werden Ergebnisse aus der Forschungsarbeit des IAB zusammengefasst. Neben einer Standortbestimmung für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt auch im internationalen Kontext gibt sie einen Überblick zu den Themen Struktur der Beschäftigung, Fachkräftesicherung, Arbeitslosigkeit und Leistungsbezug, Bildung und Beruf sowie zu arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The contribution of foreign migration to local labor market adjustment (2018)

    Amior, Michael;


    Amior, Michael (2018): The contribution of foreign migration to local labor market adjustment. (CEP discussion paper 1582), London, 86 S.


    "The US suffers from large regional disparities in employment rates which have persisted for many decades. It has been argued that foreign migration offers a remedy: it 'greases the wheels' of the labor market by accelerating the adjustment of local population. Remarkably, I find that new migrants account for 30 to 60 percent of the average population response to local demand shocks since 1960. However, population growth is not significantly more responsive in locations better supplied by new migrants: the larger foreign contribution is almost entirely offset by a reduced contribution from internal mobility. This is fundamentally a story of 'crowding out': I estimate that new foreign migrants to a commuting zone crowd out existing US residents one-for-one. The magnitude of this effect is puzzling, and it may be somewhat overstated by undercoverage of migrants in the census. Nevertheless, it appears to conflict with much of the existing literature, and I attempt to explain why. Methodologically, I offer tools to identify the local impact of immigration in the context of local dynamics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund: Herausforderungen für das deutsche Bildungssystem (2018)

    Anger, Christina; Geis-Thöne, Wido;


    Anger, Christina & Wido Geis-Thöne (2018): Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund. Herausforderungen für das deutsche Bildungssystem. (IW-Analysen 125), Köln, 78 S.


    "Personen mit Migrationshintergrund haben in Deutschland schlechtere Erwerbs- und Einkommensperspektiven als andere. Das erklärt sich vorwiegend mit deren relativ niedrigem Bildungsstand und mit Lücken bei den Deutschkenntnissen. Auch wenn sie in Deutschland geboren oder im Kindesalter zugewandert sind, erreichen sie am Ende ihrer Bildungslaufbahn oftmals nicht das gleiche Bildungsniveau wie Personen ohne Migrationshintergrund. Dabei haben die Familien mit Migrationshintergrund sogar besonders hohe Bildungsziele für ihre Kinder. Dennoch sind diese im deutschen Bildungssystem weniger erfolgreich als andere Kinder. Bereits im Vorschulalter zeigen sich Rückstände bei der Kompetenzentwicklung, die sich in der weiteren Bildungslaufbahn noch verstärken. Eine gezielte frühkindliche Förderung könnte hier kompensatorisch wirken. Diese scheitert jedoch häufig bereits daran, dass Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund erst vergleichsweise spät eine Betreuungseinrichtung besuchen. Auch die Schulen schöpfen ihre Potenziale zur Förderung der Integration von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund derzeit noch nicht aus." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Economic impact of STEM immigrant workers (2018)

    Baum, Christopher F.; Lööf, Hans; Stephan, Andreas;


    Baum, Christopher F., Hans Lööf & Andreas Stephan (2018): Economic impact of STEM immigrant workers. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 257), Maastricht, 22 S.


    "STEM-focused industries are critical to the innovation-driven economy. As many firms are running short of STEM workers, international immigrants are increasingly recognized as a potential for high-tech job recruitment. This paper studies STEM occupations in Sweden 2011-2015 and tests hypotheses on new recruitment and the economic impact of foreign STEM workers. The empirical analysis shows that the probability that a new employee is a STEM immigrant increases with the share of STEM immigrants already employed, while the marginal effect on average firm wages is positively associated with the share of immigrant STEM workers. We also document heterogeneity in the results, suggesting that European migrants are more attractive for new recruitment, but non-EU migrants have the largest impact on wage determination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Evaluation of language training programs in Luxembourg using principal stratification (2018)

    Bia, Michela; Mercatanti, Andrea; Flores-Lagunes, Alfonso ;


    Bia, Michela, Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & Andrea Mercatanti (2018): Evaluation of language training programs in Luxembourg using principal stratification. (GLO discussion paper 289), Maastricht, 46 S.


    "In a world increasingly globalized, multiple language skills can create more employment opportunities. Several countries include language training programs in active labor market programs for the unemployed. We analyze the effects of a language training program on the re-employment probability and hourly wages of the unemployed simultaneously, using highquality administrative data from Luxembourg. We address selection into training by exploiting the rich administrative information available, and account for the complication that wages are 'truncated' by unemployment by adopting a principal stratification framework. Estimation is undertaken with a mixture model likelihood-based approach. To improve inference, we use the individual's hours worked as a secondary outcome and a stochastic dominance assumption. These two features considerably ameliorate the multimodality problem commonly encountered in mixture models. We also conduct sensitivity analysis to assess the unconfoundedness assumption employed. Our results strongly suggest a positive effect (of up to 12.7 percent) of the language training programs on the re-employment probability, but no effects on wages for those who are observed employed regardless of training participation. It appears that, in the context of an open and multilingual economy, language training improve employability but the language skills acquired are not sufficiently rewarded to be reflected in higher wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fachkräfteeinwanderung aus Drittstaaten: Zum Eckpunktepapier der Bundesregierung (2018)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ; Hauptmann, Andreas;


    Brücker, Herbert, Andreas Hauptmann & Ehsan Vallizadeh (2018): Fachkräfteeinwanderung aus Drittstaaten: Zum Eckpunktepapier der Bundesregierung. (IAB-Stellungnahme 09/2018), Nürnberg, 11 S.


    "Die vorliegende IAB-Stellungnahme befasst sich mit dem Eckpunktepapier der Bundesregierung zur Fachkräfteeinwanderung aus Drittstaaten, das am 2. Oktober 2018 im Bundeskabinett verabschiedet wurde.
    Das Eckpunktepapier hält im Grundsatz an den bestehenden Regelungen des deutschen Einwanderungsrechts fest. Erkennbar sind drei wesentliche Änderungen: die Abschaffung der Vorrangprüfung, die Öffnung der Möglichkeit zur Einwanderung von Personen mit beruflichen Abschlüssen auch außerhalb der Engpassberufe, und die Ausweitung der Möglichkeit zur Arbeitsuche von Personen mit beruflichen Abschlüssen. Alle drei Maßnahmen sind sinnvoll, werden aber voraussichtlich nur zu geringfügigen Veränderungen in Umfang und Struktur der Fachkräfteeinwanderung führen. Die Gleichwertigkeit beziehungsweise Anerkennung beruflicher Abschlüsse soll unverändert rechtliche Voraussetzung für die Einwanderung bleiben. Damit soll die wesentliche Hürde für die Einwanderung von Fachkräften nicht reformiert werden.
    Vorgesehen sind außerdem verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Verwaltungsvereinfachung, zur Anwerbung und zur Sprachförderung. Diese Maßnahmen sind sinnvoll, es ist aber zweifelhaft, dass dadurch zum Beispiel die Hürde zur Anerkennung beruflicher Abschlüsse in der Praxis tatsächlich gesenkt wird.
    Eine weitgehende Beibehaltung des Status quo wirft für die wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung Deutschlands Risiken auf. Mit dem Rückgang der Einwanderung aus der Europäischen Union werden sich Qualifikationsstruktur und Arbeitsmarktchancen der ausländischen Bevölkerung schrittweise verschlechtern, wenn auch künftig nur ein Bruchteil der Einwanderer aus Drittstaaten ein Visum zu Erwerbszwecken erhält." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Occupational recognition and immigrant labor market outcomes (2018)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Romiti, Agnese; Glitz, Albrecht; Lerche, Adrian;


    Brücker, Herbert, Albrecht Glitz, Adrian Lerche & Agnese Romiti (2018): Occupational recognition and immigrant labor market outcomes. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 1017), Berlin, 44 S.


    "In this paper, we analyze how the formal recognition of immigrants' foreign occupational qualifications affects their subsequent labor market outcomes. The empirical analysis is based on a novel German data set that links respondents' survey information to their administrative records, allowing us to observe immigrants at monthly intervals before, during and after their application for occupational recognition. Our findings show substantial employment and wage gains from occupational recognition. After three years, the full recognition of immigrants' foreign qualifications increases their employment rates by 24.5 percentage points and raises their hourly wages by 19.8 percent relative to immigrants without recognition. We show that the increase in employment is largely driven by a higher propensity to work in regulated occupations. Relating our findings to the economic assimilation of immigrants in Germany, we further document that occupational recognition leads to substantially faster convergence of immigrants' earnings to those of their native counterparts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Brücker, Herbert ; Lerche, Adrian;
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    Making the most of immigration in Canada (2018)

    Carey, David;


    Carey, David (2018): Making the most of immigration in Canada. (OECD Economics Department working papers 1520), Paris, 54 S. DOI:10.1787/6813672e-en


    "Canada's immigration policy aims to promote economic development by selecting immigrants with high levels of human capital, to reunite families and to respond to foreign crises and offer protection to endangered people. Economic-class immigrants, who are selected for their skills, are by far the largest group. The immigration system has been highly successful and is well run. Outcomes are monitored and policies adjusted to ensure that the system's objectives are met. A problematic development, both from the point of view of immigrants' well-being and increasing productivity, is that their initial earnings in Canada relative to the native-born fell sharply in recent decades to levels that are too low to catch up with those of the comparable native-born within immigrants' working lives. Important causes of the fall include weaker official language skills and a decline in returns to pre-immigration labour market experience. Canada has responded by modifying its immigration policy over the years to select immigrants with better earnings prospects, most recently with the introduction in 2015 of the Express Entry system. It has also developed a range of settlement programmes and initiatives to facilitate integration. This chapter looks at options for further adjusting the system to enhance the benefits it generates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Revisiting aspiration and ability in international migration (2018)

    Carling, Jørgen ; Schewel, Kerilyn;


    Carling, Jørgen & Kerilyn Schewel (2018): Revisiting aspiration and ability in international migration. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 6, S. 945-963. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1384146


    "It is a refreshingly simple thought that migration is the combined result of two factors: the aspiration to migrate and the ability to migrate. Without having to resort to overly structural or individualistic explanations, this analytical distinction helps disentangle complex questions around why some people migrate but others do not. Still, aspiration and ability raise their own thorny theoretical and methodological questions. To begin with, what does it mean to have migration aspirations? How can such concepts be objects of empirical research? And is it meaningful to say that individuals possess the ability to migrate if their preference is to stay? The aspiration/ability model was originally proposed in this journal and has since been diversely applied and adapted. In this article, we look back at more than a decade of research to examine a series of theoretical and empirical developments related to the aspiration/ability model and its extensions. We identify two-step approaches as a class of analytical frameworks that share the basic logic of the aspiration/ability model. Covering expansive theoretical, methodological and empirical ground, we seek to lay a foundation for new research on global migration in its diverse forms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Where do you come from, where do you go?: assessing skills gaps and labour market outcomes of young adults with different immigration backgrounds (2018)

    Cathles, Alison; Ou, Dongshu; Sasso, Simone; Veen, Tom van; Setrana, Mary;


    Cathles, Alison, Dongshu Ou, Simone Sasso, Mary Setrana & Tom van Veen (2018): Where do you come from, where do you go? Assessing skills gaps and labour market outcomes of young adults with different immigration backgrounds. (CESifo working paper 7157), München, 46 S.


    "This paper analyzes numeracy and literacy skills of migrants, using PISA and PIAAC data from twelve OECD countries. Our results first show some convergence of the skills gap between the second generation immigrants and the natives over time. Second, the gap in literacy skills among the first-generation and natives and among first-generation and second-generation immigrants has increased over time. Third, demographics and family background contribute to the achievement gaps between different groups. Fourth, school input variables do contribute to skills gaps of young adults with different immigrant backgrounds. Fifth, an immigrant background does not appear to affect the chances of studying in a STEM field." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor market and institutional drivers of youth irregular migration: evidence from the MENA region (2018)

    Dibeh, Ghassan; Marrouch, Walid; Fakih, Ali ;


    Dibeh, Ghassan, Ali Fakih & Walid Marrouch (2018): Labor market and institutional drivers of youth irregular migration. Evidence from the MENA region. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 261), Maastricht, 25 S.


    "Irregular migration became an alarming issue over the last decade for both developed and developing countries. A prevailing assumption in migration policy is that labor market and institutional characteristics play a crucial role in pushing people to leave their home countries in search for better life prospects. This paper examines this hypothesis using a unique dataset covering young people aged 15 to 29 from five major MENA countries from the year 2016. Using a probit model, the paper finds that labor market drivers (unemployment, job sector, social security, contract type) are of great importance for the decision to migrate irregularly amongst the youth in the MENA region and that the quality of institutions matters. In addition, the lack of wealth and economic opportunities enhance their willingness to engage in irregular migration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zuwanderung: Fachkräfte aus Drittstaaten (2018)

    Geis, Wido;


    Geis, Wido (2018): Zuwanderung: Fachkräfte aus Drittstaaten. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2018,20), Köln, 3 S.


    "Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels in Europa ist Deutschland mittelfristig auf Arbeitskräfte aus Drittstaaten angewiesen. Dabei gestaltet sich ihre Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt je nach Herkunftskontext sehr unterschiedlich. Zuwanderer aus den Balkanländern sind besonders häufig sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt und Zuwanderer aus China, Indien und den USA als qualifizierte Fachkräfte tätig." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    And labor came to us: making use of an opportune workforce: enhancing migrant integration into British economy (2018)

    Hack-Polay, Dieu; Mendy, John;


    Hack-Polay, Dieu & John Mendy (2018): And labor came to us: making use of an opportune workforce. Enhancing migrant integration into British economy. In: Labor Studies Journal, Jg. 43, H. 1, S. 29-45. DOI:10.1177/0160449X17744350


    "This article considers the opportunities presented by the availability of migrant labor in the U.K. employment market and its utilization. The research found that despite their qualifications, migrant labor is underutilized, thereby resulting in a readily available workforce being shunned and excluded from participative integration. This raises economic and ethical questions whose exploration revealed structural barriers (individually, communally, and institutionally) that impeded migrants' fulfillment of citizenship obligations to host communities and U.K. businesses. The article's key contribution is to highlight a skills mismatch and the persistent absence of institutional, communal, and strategic frameworks to support migrants' integration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor (2018)

    Herod, Andrew ;


    Herod, Andrew (2018): Labor. (Resources series), Cambridge: Polity Press, 242 S.


    "Labor is the source of all wealth. Without workers, the world's natural resources cannot be transformed into finished goods and services cannot be delivered. Labor, though, is a uniquely important resource for the very simple reason that working people have sentience. Whilst a business might seek to employ workers in much the same way as it does any other resource, unlike these other resources labor is capable of altering its own conditions of existence and so of challenging how it is used by others.
    In this book, Andrew Herod offers an original and wide-ranging analysis of labor as a multi-faceted and truly global resource. Opening with a rich overview of the migration streams and demographic trends that have shaped the planetary distribution of labor, he goes on to explore how globalization and the growth of precarious work are impacting working people's lives. A wide range of examples is examined to illustrate the ongoing struggles faced by workers worldwide - from forced labor and child labor in West Africa's cocoa and southeast Asia's shrimping industries to the labor practices affecting so-called 'knowledge workers'. Herod concludes by surveying some of the ways in which working people are taking action to improve their lives, including forming trade unions and other labor organizations, occupying factories in places like Argentina and Greece, and establishing anti-sweatshop campaigns." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From engineer to taxi driver?: language proficiency and the occupational skills of immigrants (2018)

    Imai, Susumu; Warman, Casey; Stacey, Derek;


    Imai, Susumu, Derek Stacey & Casey Warman (2018): From engineer to taxi driver? Language proficiency and the occupational skills of immigrants. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 239), Maastricht, 63 S.


    "We examine the ability of immigrants to transfer the occupational human capital they acquired prior to immigration. We first augment a model of occupational choice to study the implications of language proficiency on the cross-border transferability of occupational human capital. We then explore the empirical predictions using information about the skill requirements from the O*NET and a unique dataset that includes both the last source country occupation and the first four years of occupations in Canada. We supplement the analysis using Census estimates for the same cohort with source country occupational skill requirements predicted using detailed human capital related information such as field of study. We find that male immigrants to Canada were employed in source country occupations that typically require high levels of cognitive skills, but rely less intently on manual skills. Following immigration, they find initial employment in occupations that require the opposite. Consistent with the hypothesized asymmetric role of language in the transferability of previously acquired cognitive and manual skills, these discrepancies are larger among immigrants with limited language fluency." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ehrenamtliches Engagement für Geflüchtete in Deutschland (2018)

    Karakayali, Serhat; Heller, Mareike;


    Karakayali, Serhat (2018): Ehrenamtliches Engagement für Geflüchtete in Deutschland. (Flucht: Forschung und Transfer. State-of-Research Papier 09), Osnabrück, 29 S.


    "Die Beteiligung großer Teile der deutschen Bevölkerung an ehrenamtlichen Aktivitäten für Geflüchtete hat zu einem Boom in der Forschung zu diesem Themenfeld geführt. Der vorliegende Bericht behandelt daher ein weitgehend neues Forschungsthema. Besprochen werden vor allem seit 2015 durchgeführte Forschungsprojekte in Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Politikwissenschaften, Psychologie, Anthropologie oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Unter Berücksichtigung der Heterogenität der Zugänge und Methoden werden die Befunde der verschiedenen Studien zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt, um Tendenzen und Forschungsdesiderate aufzuzeigen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Immigrants in the labour markets of France and the United Kingdom: integration models, institutional variations, and ethnic inequalities (2018)

    Kesler, Christel; Safi, Mirna;


    Kesler, Christel & Mirna Safi (2018): Immigrants in the labour markets of France and the United Kingdom. Integration models, institutional variations, and ethnic inequalities. In: Migration studies, Jg. 6, H. 2, S. 225-250. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnx042


    "Theories of immigrant integration and political-economic institutions starkly contrast the contemporary labour markets of France and the United Kingdom (UK). We draw out predictions from these theories and then, using Labour Force Surveys that we harmonize ourselves, we empirically examine inequalities that immigrants of disadvantaged minority origins face in labour force participation, employment, and earnings in the two societies. The UK labour market attracts immigrants who have a larger skills advantage over natives. Nevertheless, we find inequalities of strikingly similar magnitude in the two labour markets. In the UK, barriers to labour force participation are paramount, whereas in France, barriers to employment among active job-seekers are more important. Earnings inequalities are less significant in both countries. Overall, we conclude that barriers to opportunity are largely similar in the two countries for immigrants of disadvantaged minority origins." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Human capital, family structure and religiosity shaping British Muslim women's labour market participation (2018)

    Khattab, Nabil ; Manley, David; Johnston, Ron;


    Khattab, Nabil, Ron Johnston & David Manley (2018): Human capital, family structure and religiosity shaping British Muslim women's labour market participation. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 9, S. 1541-1559. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1334541


    "Economic activity among Muslim women in the UK remains considerably lower and their unemployment rate significantly higher than among the majority group even after controlling for qualifications and other individual characteristics. This study utilises two data sets to explore possible factors underlying these differences, such as overseas qualifications, language skills and religiosity. It reveals that while religiosity is negatively associated with labour market participation among British Christian-White women, economic activity among Muslim women are not negatively affected by high religiosity. Furthermore, family structure and the presence of dependent children were among the most important factors explaining the latter's labour market participation, although these relationships were moderated by qualifications. More women with higher qualifications were economically active even if married and with children, although some of them experienced greater unemployment, probably due to discrimination in recruiting practices and choices and preferences on religious grounds." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education (2018)

    Lee, Rennie ;


    Lee, Rennie (2018): Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 9, S. 1560-1583. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1362976


    "As the U.S. continues to debate how to reform the current immigration system, there has been an increased emphasis on increasing skilled migration via employment sponsorship and subsequently decreasing other forms of migration, such as family reunification or refugees and asylees. Employment migration is viewed favourably because immigrants tend to arrive with greater education and language skills. However, it is unclear whether the descendants of immigrants admitted via employment categories have greater integration outcomes than the descendants of immigrants admitted via other categories. This study examines whether an immigrant's entry visa (e.g. temporary work, refugee, student, etc.) affects their children's education. Using data from the 2004 Immigration and Intergenerational Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles, this study finds that children whose fathers arrived via student/tourist visas have greater odds of college attainment. Related, this study identifies a possible mechanism, advanced/honors courses in high school, that may explain why father's student/tourist visa exerts a positive effect on student's pathway to college completion. However, there are no significant effects for fathers arriving under temporary work visas or as legal permanent residents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment (2018)

    Lemmermann, Dominique; Riphahn, Regina T.;


    Lemmermann, Dominique & Regina T. Riphahn (2018): The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment. In: Economics of education review, Jg. 63, H. April, S. 78-99. DOI:10.1016/j.econedurev.2017.11.001


    "We investigate the causal effect of age at migration on subsequent educational attainment in the destination country. To identify the causal effect we compare the educational attainment of siblings at age 21, exploiting the fact that they typically migrate at different ages within a given family. We consider several education outcomes conditional on family fixed effects. We take advantage of long running and detailed data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, which entails an oversample of immigrants and provides information on language skills. We find significant effects of age at migration on educational attainment and a critical age of migration not above age 6. The educational attainment of female immigrants responds more strongly to a high age at immigration than that of males. While language skills affect educational attainment they do not appear to fully explain the causal connection between age at migration and educational attainment." (Author's abstract, © 2017 Elsevier) ((en))

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    International migration and innovation diffusion: an eclectic survey (2018)

    Lissoni, Francesco ;


    Lissoni, Francesco (2018): International migration and innovation diffusion. An eclectic survey. In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, Jg. 52, H. 5, S. 702-714. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2017.1346370


    "Im neuen Zeitalter der internationalen Massenmigration hat die Rolle von hochqualifizierten Personen bei der Verbreitung von Innovation erhebliche Beachtung gefunden. Unter Nutzung von wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Studien als Vorlage werden in diesem Beitrag verschiedene Gruppen von Untersuchungen nach drei Hauptthemen geordnet: der Unterscheidung zwischen Mobilität und Migration, den Richtungen der Ströme und ihrer Inhalte. Die Migration fördert eine Diffusion von Ursprungs- zu Aufnahmeländern, aber auch in die umgekehrte Richtung sowie innerhalb von und zwischen Zielorten. Der Beitrag enthält einen Vorschlag für ein Forschungsprogramm unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wichtigkeit von sozialen Bindungen zwischen Migranten sowie der Unterscheidung zwischen dem Zugriff auf allgemeine Informationen einerseits und Wissenstausch andererseits." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden and the potential of education: a national cohort study (2018)

    Manhica, Hélio; Berg, Lisa; Hjern, Anders; Almquist, Ylva B.; Rostila, Mikael;


    Manhica, Hélio, Lisa Berg, Ylva B. Almquist, Mikael Rostila & Anders Hjern (2018): Labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden and the potential of education. A national cohort study. In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 533-550. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2018.1521952


    "This register-based study examined the importance of education on labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden. The study population consisted of unaccompanied (n?=?1606) and accompanied refuges (n?=?4142), aged 23-26 years in 2006 - 2010, after 7 years of residence in Sweden. Native Swedish, aged 24 years (n?=?347,255) constituted the comparison population, with intercountry adoptees (n?=?6689) as an alternative reference group. Gender-stratified multinomial regression models indicated that unaccompanied and accompanied male and female young refugees had higher risks of being in insecure work force and NEET compared to native Swedes with comparable levels of education. However, young refugees and intercountry adoptees with primary education had similar risks of poor labour market outcomes. The educational differences within each group concerning the risk of being in insecure work force were comparable. With the exception of unaccompanied females, secondary education seemed to be less protective against being in NEET among young refugees compared to native Swedes and intercountry adoptees. We conclude that while young refugees face employment disadvantages, education has the potential of mitigating poor labour market outcomes in this group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effect of the H-1B quota on the employment and selection of foreign-born labor (2018)

    Mayda, Anna Maria; Ortega, Francesc ; Peri, Giovanni ; Sparber, Chad ; Shih, Kevin;


    Mayda, Anna Maria, Francesc Ortega, Giovanni Peri, Kevin Shih & Chad Sparber (2018): The effect of the H-1B quota on the employment and selection of foreign-born labor. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 108, H. September, S. 105-128. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.06.010


    "The H-1B program allows skilled foreign-born individuals to work in the United States. The annual quota on new issuances of H-1B status fell from 195,000 to 65,000 in fiscal year 2004. This cap did not apply to new employees of colleges, universities, and non-profit research institutions. Existing H-1B holders seeking to renew their status were also exempt from the quota. Using a triple difference approach, this paper demonstrates that cap restrictions significantly reduced the hiring of new H-1B workers in for-profit firms relative to what would have occurred in an unconstrained environment. Declines were most pronounced at the top and bottom quintiles of the wage distribution. Restrictions did not reduce hiring of new H-1B workers from India, in computer-related occupations, or at firms using the H-1B program intensively." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Oiling the wheels? Flexible labour markets and the migration industry (2018)

    McCollum, David; Findlay, Allan;


    McCollum, David & Allan Findlay (2018): Oiling the wheels? Flexible labour markets and the migration industry. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 4, S. 558-574. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1315505


    "The growing commercialisation of migration, often through a multiplicity of labour market intermediaries, is an issue of increasing academic interest. We seek to contribute to an emerging research agenda on the migration industries by exploring how one of the key actors that constitutes it, recruitment agencies, sits at the nexus between flexible labour market structures and migrant labour. Interviews with U.K. labour providers and low-wage employers form the evidence base for an analysis of the strategies developed by recruiters to derive commercial gain from connecting the so-called 'supply' and 'demand' sides of the flexible international labour market. We seek to contribute to understandings of the analytical categories within migration systems by illustrating how the migration industry interacts with other key stakeholders to structure international migration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen: Zu den Vorhaben der Großen Koalition (2018)

    Meissner, Frank;


    Meissner, Frank (2018): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen. Zu den Vorhaben der Großen Koalition. In: Soziale Sicherheit, Jg. 67, H. 4, S. 157-159.


    "Ein zentrales Thema des letzten Bundestagswahlkampfes war die Aufnahme und Integration von Flüchtlingen aus Kriegsgebieten. Das starke Abschneiden der AfD und das Erstarken rechtspopulistischer Bewegungen sind zum Teil Reaktionen auf die Flüchtlingspolitik. Die Vorhaben der neuen Großen Koalition aus Union und SPD zu den Themen 'Fluchtmigration' und 'Integration von Flüchtlingen in den Arbeitsmarkt' stehen deshalb politisch unter besonderer Beobachtung. Was sieht der Koalitionsvertrag dazu vor? Wie werden die Vorhaben aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht bewertet?" (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Exploitation and the decision to migrate: the role of abuse and unfavorable working conditions in Filipina domestic workers' desire to return abroad (2018)

    Naufal, George; Malit, Froilan Jr.;


    Naufal, George & Froilan Jr. Malit (2018): Exploitation and the decision to migrate. The role of abuse and unfavorable working conditions in Filipina domestic workers' desire to return abroad. (IZA discussion paper 11677), Bonn, 35 S.


    "The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries host at least 2.4 million foreign domestic workers, who are legally excluded from national labor laws and regulations, thus placing them in precarious social, legal, and economic conditions in the GCC labor markets. Despite the recent growth of academic scholarship on domestic work in the GCC and beyond, little attention has been paid to absconding foreign domestic workers and the complex role abuse plays in determining their future decision to migrate. This paper examines the likelihood that Filipina domestic workers will migrate after absconding from their previous employer. Applying a unique dataset of absconding Filipina domestic workers collected at the Philippine Labor Office (POLO) in Qatar between 2013-2015, we find that abuse and poor working conditions do not act as deterrents for future migration. Paradoxically, absconding domestic workers who have been financially abused are more likely to want to return and seek employment abroad. This study offers empirical and theoretical insights into the connection between migrant exploitation and domestic workers' desire to migrate once again." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ökonomische Effekte von Zuwanderung und kultureller Diversität - Befunde für Produktivität, Wachstum und Innovationen (2018)

    Niebuhr, Annekatrin ;


    Niebuhr, Annekatrin (2018): Ökonomische Effekte von Zuwanderung und kultureller Diversität - Befunde für Produktivität, Wachstum und Innovationen. In: J. Fritz & N. Tomaschek (Hrsg.) (2018): In Bewegung : Beiträge zur Dynamik von Städten, Gesellschaften und Strukturen (University - Society - Industry, 07), S. 119-132.


    "Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst die Ergebnisse von Studien zusammen, die sich mit den Effekten der Arbeitsmigration auf den Innovationserfolg, die Produktivität und das Wachstum in den Zielländern beschäftigen. Dabei wird unterschieden zwischen Effekten, die von einer Erhöhung des Arbeitsangebots durch die Zuwanderung ausgehen und den Wirkungen einer zunehmenden kulturellen Vielfalt der Arbeitskräfte." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Niebuhr, Annekatrin ;
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    Türkeistämmige Personen in Deutschland: Erkenntnisse aus der Repräsentativuntersuchung "Ausgewählte Migrantengruppen in Deutschland 2015" (RAM) (2018)

    Schührer, Susanne;


    Schührer, Susanne (2018): Türkeistämmige Personen in Deutschland. Erkenntnisse aus der Repräsentativuntersuchung "Ausgewählte Migrantengruppen in Deutschland 2015" (RAM). (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Working paper 81), Nürnberg, 80 S.


    "In diesem Working Paper werden Unterschiede beim Stand der Integration innerhalb der heterogenen Bevölkerung mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund untersucht. Dabei werden erstens Personen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit mit den Personen mit türkischer Staatsangehörigkeit verglichen. Zweitens wird bezüglich der Zugehörigkeit zur ersten und der zweiten Generation der Zuwanderer unterschieden. Als 'erste Generation' werden diejenigen Personen zusammengefasst, die im Ausland geboren und nach Deutschland zugewandert sind. Mit 'zweite Generation' sind jene Personen gemeint, die in Deutschland geboren wurden, bei denen aber mindestens ein Elternteil im Ausland geboren wurde.
    Die Studie analysiert den Stand der Integration unter anderem in Bezug auf Arbeitsmarkt und Bildung sowie soziale Teilhabe und Identifikation. Darüber hinaus liefert die Studie Erkenntnisse zur Diskriminierungswahrnehmung und zur Auswirkung von Mediennutzung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Taxpayer effects of immigration: reliable estimates of taxpayer effects are essential for complete economic analyses of the costs and benefits of immigration (2018)

    Smith, James P.;


    Smith, James P. (2018): Taxpayer effects of immigration. Reliable estimates of taxpayer effects are essential for complete economic analyses of the costs and benefits of immigration. (IZA world of labor 50), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.50.v2


    "Eine umfassende Analyse der Auswirkungen von Migration auf die Steuer- und Abgabenlast steht für viele Einwanderungsländer, erst recht aber die Herkunftsländer der Migranten, noch aus. Die vorliegenden Analysen weisen auf kurzfristig negative Auswirkungen hinsichtlich Flüchtlingen, illegalen und geringqualifizierten Zuwanderern hin. Auf lange Sicht stellen sich überwiegend positive Nettoeffekte ein: Viele Migranten leisten über den Lebensverlauf mehr Beiträge zu den öffentlichen Haushalten des Aufnahmelandes, als sie an Transferleistungen erhalten und entlasten damit einheimische Steuerzahler. Dies gilt insbesondere für gut qualifizierte Zuwanderer." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mobile entrepreneurs: An ethnographic study of the migration of the highly skilled (2018)

    Sontag, Katrin;


    Sontag, Katrin (2018): Mobile entrepreneurs. An ethnographic study of the migration of the highly skilled. Opladen: Budrich UniPress, 171 S. DOI:10.3224/86388790


    "Migration, mobility, and globalization are transforming ways of working and living. Business activities, relationships and a sense of belonging are often not tied to any one place. This book explores biographies of highly mobile startup founders who often run startups that have been called 'born global'. It describes how they move, how they orientate and perceive themselves, and how migration and mobility play a role beyond the physical act of 'moving'. Presenting current ethnographic research, the book critically discusses approaches in migration and mobility studies and the research field of the 'migration of the highly skilled'." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Drittstaatsangehörigen in Deutschland: Studie der deutschen nationalen Kontaktstelle für das Europäische Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN) (2018)

    Tangermann, Julian; Grote, Janne;


    Tangermann, Julian & Janne Grote (2018): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Drittstaatsangehörigen in Deutschland. Studie der deutschen nationalen Kontaktstelle für das Europäische Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN). (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Working paper 82), Nürnberg, 80 S.


    "Diese Studie widmet sich der Integration von in Deutschland geborenen sowie zugewanderten Drittstaatsangehörigen in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. In drei Kapiteln präsentiert die Studie
    1. die rechtlichen und organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen der Arbeitsmarktintegration und statistische Kennzahlen zum Stand der Arbeitsmarktpartizipation
    von Drittstaatsangehörigen, 2. staatliche Maßnahmen auf Ebene des Bundes zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Drittstaatsangehörigen, sowie
    3. Initiativen und Maßnahmen von Unternehmen und Verbänden der Privatwirtschaft zur Verbesserung der Anwerbung, des Ankommens und des Verbleibs internationaler Beschäftigter in Unternehmen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern im Familiennachzug: Ergebnisse der BAMF-Familiennachzugsstudie 2016 (2018)

    Wälde, Marie; Evers, Katalin;


    Wälde, Marie & Katalin Evers (2018): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderern im Familiennachzug. Ergebnisse der BAMF-Familiennachzugsstudie 2016. (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Forschungsbericht 32), Nürnberg, 182 S.


    "Im vorliegenden Forschungsbericht werden die Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Online-Befragung von Personen dargestellt, die im Rahmen des Familiennachzugs zwischen dem 1. Januar 2010 und dem 30. Juni 2015 als Ehefrauen, Ehemänner oder Elternteile erstmalig nach Deutschland eingereist sind und Mitte 2015 zwischen 18 und 54 Jahren alt waren. Ziel der Studie war es, das Arbeitsmarktpotential der zugewanderten Familienangehörigen in Deutschland zu untersuchen. Bezüglich der Staatsangehörigkeit fand keine Einschränkung statt, jedoch wurde die Grundgesamtheit anhand dieses Merkmals in zehn Herkunftsgruppen eingeteilt. Diese sind die Türkei, GUS, Westbalkan, Maghreb und Nahost, Ost- und Südostasien, Südasien, Industriestaaten, Süd- und Mittelamerika, Subsahara-Afrika sowie Syrien. Die Ergebnisse basieren auf den gewichteten Antworten von 3.102 befragten Personen. Der Fokus der Befragung liegt dabei auf der schulischen und beruflichen Bildung sowie auf der beruflichen Integration." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Minas: Atlas über Migration, Integration und Asyl (2018)


    "Die Themen Migration, Integration und Asyl bilden das Fundament der Arbeit des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge.
    Mit der nun vorliegenden achten Ausgabe des 'Atlas über Migration, Integration und Asyl' (Minas) werden diese Themenfelder in kartographischen und informatorischen Grafiken anschaulich gemacht und geben einen Überblick über das Migrationsgeschehen in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Settling in 2018: Indicators of immigrant integration (2018)


    OECD (2018): Settling in 2018: Indicators of immigrant integration. (Indicators of immigrant integration ... : settling in / OECD 3), Paris, 306 S. DOI:10.1787/9789264307216-en


    "Diese Gemeinschaftspublikation von OECD und Europäischer Kommission bietet einen vergleichenden Überblick über die Integrationsergebnisse von Migranten und ihren Kindern in sämtlichen EU- und OECD-Ländern sowie ausgewählten G20-Ländern. Sie basiert auf 74 Indikatoren zu 3 Themenbereichen: Beschäftigung und Kompetenzen, Lebensbedingungen sowie bürgerschaftliches Engagement und soziale Integration. Detaillierte Daten zu den Merkmalen der Zuwandererbevölkerung und der Zuwandererhaushalte ermöglichen die bessere Einordnung dieses Vergleichs. In drei Sonderkapiteln geht es um geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei der Integration der Zugewanderten, junge Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund und Drittstaatsangehörige in der Europäischen Union." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Recruiting immigrant workers: Australia 2018 (2018)


    OECD (2018): Recruiting immigrant workers: Australia 2018. (Recruiting immigrant workers), Paris, 212 S. DOI:10.1787/9789264288287-en


    "Australia has always been a nation of immigrants. More than one quarter of its population in 2015 was born abroad. Immigrants make an important economic and demographic contribution and help address skill and labour shortages. Labour migration is managed through a complex, but well-functioning and effective system which sets and respects annual migration targets. In recent years, the labour migration system has shifted from a mainly supply-driven system to a system where demand-driven migration represents close to half of the permanent skilled migration programme and demand-driven temporary migration has also risen sharply. In addition, two-step migration has gained ground in recent years. The review examines the implications of these changes for the composition of immigrants and their labour market outcomes. Moreover, it discusses recent changes in the tools used to manage labour migration and provides a detailed analysis on the impact of the introduction of Skill Select on the efficiency of the system. Finally, the review discusses the extent to which the current labour migration system responds to the labour market needs of Australia's States and Territories." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    International migration outlook 2017 (2017)

    Chaloff, Jonathan; Poeschel, Friedrich ; Salt, John; Jean-Christophe Dumont, ;


    Chaloff, Jonathan, Friedrich Poeschel & John Salt Chaloff, Jonathan, Friedrich Poeschel & John Salt (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2017): International migration outlook 2017. (International migration outlook 41), Paris, 361 S. DOI:10.1787/migr_outlook-2017-en


    "The International Migration Outlook 2017, the 41st edition of this annual OECD publication, analyses recent developments in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and selected non-member countries. Where relevant, it examines the impact of the recent increase in humanitarian migration. It looks at the evolution of the labour market outcomes of immigrants in OECD countries, with a focus on the medium-term dynamic of employment outcomes and on the implications of structural changes in the labour market. It includes one special chapter on family migrants, looking at this important part of migration and the policies that govern it. A statistical annex completes the book." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wage differences between immigrants and natives in Austria: the role of literacy skills (2017)

    Christl, Michael ; Köppl-Turyna, Monika; Gnan, Phillipp;


    Christl, Michael, Monika Köppl-Turyna & Phillipp Gnan (2017): Wage differences between immigrants and natives in Austria. The role of literacy skills. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 145), Maastricht, 39 S.


    "This paper analyzes wage differences between natives and immigrants in Austria. First, we show that for both groups, literacy skills are an important determinant of the hourly wage. In the second step, we show that differences in proficiency with respect to literacy can explain more than three log points of the total wage gap of 9.7 log points between natives and immigrants. When adding literacy skills to the wage decomposition, the discriminatory part vanishes completely, suggesting that the wage difference between immigrants and natives in Austria can be to a large extent explained. Furthermore, we account for a possible sample selection bias. After controlling for literacy skills, the unexplained part of the gap becomes statistically insignificant. The importance of literacy skills in explaining wage differences between natives and immigrants is robust across several sensitivity tests." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Polnische Neuzuwanderer in Deutschland (2017)

    Diehl, Claudia ; Gresser, Anne;


    Diehl, Claudia & Anne Gresser (2017): Polnische Neuzuwanderer in Deutschland. In: Geographische Rundschau, Jg. 69, H. 3, S. 12-16.


    "Zuwanderer aus Osteuropa und Ostmitteleuropa sind relativ hoch qualifiziert und können sich innerhalb der EU weitgehend frei bewegen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellen sich zwei wichtige Fragen: Ist die Vorstellung, dass Menschen aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen dauerhaft ihr Herkunftsland verlassen, um in der Fremde ihr Glück zu suchen, noch angemessen? Und welche Rolle spielt bei dieser Zuwanderergruppe die Integration in den Aufnahmekontext im Sinne einer Angleichung von Neuankömmlingen und Mehrheitsangehörigen?" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Regional skill relatedness: towards a new measure of regional related diversification (2017)

    Fitjar, Rune Dahl; Timmermans, Bram;


    Fitjar, Rune Dahl & Bram Timmermans (2017): Regional skill relatedness. Towards a new measure of regional related diversification. In: European Planning Studies, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 516-538. DOI:10.1080/09654313.2016.1244515


    "This paper proposes a novel index of regional skill-relatedness and calculates this measure for all Norwegian labour-market regions. Studies of regional related diversification rely on measures of related variety, which build on the industry classification hierarchy. However, the growing literature identifying similarities in knowledge and competences across industries demonstrates that these classifications fail to identify a great deal of actual skill relatedness, and that measures based on empirical measures of industry relatedness are required. The skill relatedness measure builds on labour mobility flows across industries to develop a relatedness matrix for Norwegian industries. It further uses social network analysis to identify the number of other regional industries to which each industry in a particular region is related. Comparing this measure to the related variety index, the analysis shows that the two measures are highly correlated, but that the regional skill relatedness index is able to identify more of the relatedness across industries. In particular, the related variety index tends to underestimate the level of relatedness in many of Norway's most technologically sophisticated manufacturing regions, whereas these rank highly in the regional skill relatedness index. Consequently, the regional skill relatedness index represents a promising new tool for identifying relatedness in regional systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The rise and fall of U.S. low-skilled immigration (2017)

    Hanson, Gordon; McIntosh, Craig; Liu, Chen;


    Hanson, Gordon, Chen Liu & Craig McIntosh (2017): The rise and fall of U.S. low-skilled immigration. In: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity H. Spring, S. 83-168.


    "From the 1970s to the early 2000s, the United States experienced an epochal wave of low-skilled immigration. Since the Great Recession, however, U.S. borders have become a far less active place when it comes to the net arrival of foreign workers. The number of undocumented immigrants has declined in absolute terms, while the overall population of low-skilled, foreign-born workers has remained stable. We examine how the scale and composition of low-skilled immigration in the United States have evolved over time, and how relative income growth and demographic shifts in the Western Hemisphere have contributed to the recent immigration slowdown. Because major source countries for U.S. immigration are now seeing and will continue to see weak growth of the labor supply relative to the United States, future immigration rates of young, low-skilled workers appear unlikely to rebound, whether or not U.S. immigration policies tighten further." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant occupational composition and the earnings of immigrants and natives in Germany: sorting or devaluation? (2017)

    Heizmann, Boris ; Holst, Elke; Busch-Heizmann, Anne;


    Heizmann, Boris, Anne Busch-Heizmann & Elke Holst (2017): Immigrant occupational composition and the earnings of immigrants and natives in Germany. Sorting or devaluation? In: International migration review, Jg. 51, H. 2, S. 475-505. DOI:10.1111/imre.12209


    "In this article, the influence of immigrant occupational composition on the earnings of immigrants and natives in Germany is examined. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study and the German Microcensus, several relevant concepts are tested. The notion of quality sorting states that the differences in wages that are associated with the immigrant share within occupations are due only to differences in qualification requirements. Cultural devaluation assumes a negative influence over and above that of quality sorting. The findings indicate that both processes are at work. Additional analyses reveal that the impact of immigrant occupational composition is largely restricted to white-collar occupations, which underlines the importance of considering historical differences between occupation types in classic migration destinations such as Germany." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktchancen von Migranten in Europa: Analysen zur Bedeutung von Bildungsherkunft und Bildungssystemen (2017)

    Herwig, Andreas;


    Herwig, Andreas (2017): Arbeitsmarktchancen von Migranten in Europa. Analysen zur Bedeutung von Bildungsherkunft und Bildungssystemen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH - Springer VS, 342 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-17117-9


    "Andreas Herwig analysiert auf Basis der Europäischen Arbeitskräfteerhebung (EU-LFS) die Arbeitsmarktchancen von Einwanderern in 18 westeuropäischen Ländern. Er untersucht, ob eher die Herkunft der Personen oder die Herkunft ihrer Bildung relevant für eine erfolgreiche Arbeitsmarktintegration ist und geht der Frage nach, inwieweit landes- und gruppenspezifische Bildungsverwertungschancen durch die Stratifizierung und Berufsfachlichkeit der Bildungssysteme der Aufnahmeländer geprägt werden. Die Ergebnisse liefern Erklärungen für ethnische Ungleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und bieten einen Beitrag zur Diskussion um den Einfluss institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen auf Arbeitsmarktchancen." (Verlagsangaben)

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    A joint hazard-longitudinal model of the timing of migration, immigrant quality, and labor market assimilation (2017)

    Jain, Apoorva; Sabirianova Peter, Klara;


    Jain, Apoorva & Klara Sabirianova Peter (2017): A joint hazard-longitudinal model of the timing of migration, immigrant quality, and labor market assimilation. (IZA discussion paper 10887), Bonn, 46, 17 S.


    "This paper develops and estimates a joint hazard-longitudinal (JHL) model of the timing of migration and labor market assimilation - two processes that have been assumed to be independent in the existing literature. The JHL model accounts for the endogenous age of entry in estimating the returns to years since migration by allowing cross-equation correlations of random intercepts with individual rates of wage assimilation. Commonly ignored sample selection issues due to non-random survey attrition and missing wages are also addressed. Using German household panel surveys from 1984 to 2014 and home country-level data from 1961, we find large upward bias in the OLS-estimated average rate of wage assimilation. Our estimates suggest that immigrants with lower unobserved skills and with a higher unobserved propensity to migrate early have a faster assimilation rate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment (2017)

    Lemmermann, Dominique; Riphahn, Regina T.;


    Lemmermann, Dominique & Regina T. Riphahn (2017): The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 908), Berlin, 56 S.


    "We investigate the causal effect of age at migration on subsequent educational attainment in the destination country. To identify the causal effect we compare the educational attainment of siblings at age 21, exploiting the fact that they typically migrate at different ages within a given family. We consider several education outcomes conditional on family fixed effects. We take advantage of long running and detailed data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, which entails an oversample of immigrants and provides information on language skills. We find significant effects of age at migration on educational attainment and a critical age of migration around age 6. The educational attainment of female immigrants responds more strongly to a high age at immigration than that of males. Also, language skills do not appear to be central for the causal connection between age at migration and educational attainment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migrants' competence recognition systems: controversial links between social inclusion aims and unexpected discrimination effects (2017)

    Lodigiani, Rosangela; Sarli, Annavittoria;


    Lodigiani, Rosangela & Annavittoria Sarli (2017): Migrants' competence recognition systems: controversial links between social inclusion aims and unexpected discrimination effects. In: European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, Jg. 8, H. 1, S. 127-144.


    "An adequate incorporation of migrants in the labour market, able to fully unleash their potential, is a major challenge for EU development. In this direction, the recognition of migrants skills, knowledge and competence acquired in formal and non/informal contexts represents a crucial issue. Based on a comparative research work conducted at European level, this paper highlights the ambivalence of competence recognition systems which, whilst representing potential means of social inclusion, in certain condition risk becoming invisible instruments of discrimination. Moreover it provides some recommendations for improving the substantial universalism of EU competence recognition systems and their impact on migrants integration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Stymied ambition: does a lack of economic freedom lead to migration? (2017)

    Meierrieks, Daniel ; Renner, Laura;


    Meierrieks, Daniel & Laura Renner (2017): Stymied ambition. Does a lack of economic freedom lead to migration? In: Journal of population economics, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 977-1005. DOI:10.1007/s00148-017-0633-4


    "We investigate the relationship between economic freedom and international migration for the 1980 - 2010 period using a dataset on migration from 91 emerging countries to the 20 most attractive OECD destination countries. We find that more economic freedom at home discourages high-skilled migration, but not low-skilled migration. The negative association between economic freedom and high-skilled emigration also holds when we estimate (dynamic) panel models that allow for endogeneity in the economic freedom-migration nexus. In sum, our findings suggest that high-skilled migration is especially responsive to the economic incentives resulting from economic freedom." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Catching up? The educational mobility of migrants' and natives' children in Europe (2017)

    Oberdabernig, Doris; Schneebaum, Alyssa;


    Oberdabernig, Doris & Alyssa Schneebaum (2017): Catching up? The educational mobility of migrants' and natives' children in Europe. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 49, H. 37, S. 3701-3728. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2016.1267843


    "Migrants into European countries are often less educated than European natives. We analyse whether migrants' children are more or less likely than natives' children to achieve upward educational mobility across generations, and study differences in the factors, which contribute to differences in mobility for the two groups. We find that migrants' descendants are more often upwardly mobile (and less often downwardly mobile) than their native peers in the majority of countries studied, and show that the main factor contributing to these patterns is the education level of parents. Although a lower parental education means that their children are less likely to access the same amount of human, social and financial capital as children of more highly educated parents, migrants' descendants over the last two generations were able to make significant progress in reducing education gaps with natives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are over-qualified immigrants mismatched according to their actual skills?: an international comparison of labor market placement in OECD countries (2017)

    Perry, Anja ;


    Perry, Anja (2017): Are over-qualified immigrants mismatched according to their actual skills? An international comparison of labor market placement in OECD countries. (GESIS papers 2017,19), Köln, 33 S.


    "Previous research finds that immigrants are more often over-qualified than natives. Reasons can be imperfect transferability and signalling of skills. However, over-qualification does not necessarily imply that someone is over-skilled when it comes to actual skills and vice versa. The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC 2012) provides most recent data on basic skills of the working-age population. With this data I examine numeracy mismatch of first generation immigrants and natives in 13 OECD countries. My results suggest that especially non-native speaking immigrant workers have difficulties finding employment that aligns with their skill level. This results in genuine mismatch of immigrants, meaning that they are more often over-qualified than native workers and at the same time (comparing individuals a t the same skill level) more often over-skilled. Hence, their skills are not put into effective use. These findings differ across occupations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wanderungsmonitoring: Erwerbsmigration nach Deutschland: Bericht für das Jahr 2016 (2017)

    Schmidt, Hans-Jürgen; Rühl, Stefan;


    (2017): Wanderungsmonitoring: Erwerbsmigration nach Deutschland. Bericht für das Jahr 2016. (Wanderungsmonitoring: Erwerbsmigration nach Deutschland), Nürnberg, 35 S.


    "Das vorliegende Wanderungsmonitoring gibt zu Beginn einen Gesamtüberblick über die aktuelle Entwicklung der Zuzüge von ausländischen Staatsangehörigen nach Deutschland. Bei EU-Ausländern, die keinen Aufenthaltstitel benötigen, kann keine Differenzierung nach Aufenthaltsgründen vorgenommen werden. Die Zuwanderung von Drittstaatsangehörigen kann dagegen differenziert nach Aufenthaltszwecken betrachtet werden. Die von den örtlichen Ausländerbehörden erteilten Aufenthaltstitel (Aufenthalts- und Niederlassungserlaubnisse sowie Blaue Karten EU) werden im AZR registriert und umfassen den Aufenthalt aus familiären oder humanitären Gründen, zum Zweck der Erwerbstätigkeit oder der Bildung. Betrachtet werden im Folgenden sowohl die Zuzüge (Kapitel 1) als auch die an Drittstaatsangehörige erteilten Aufenthaltstitel (Kapitel 2) im Jahr 2016." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Talent abroad: A review of Moroccan emigrants (2017)


    "Close to 3 million people who were born in Morocco lived in OECD countries in 2010/11. To assess the potential that this group represents for the Moroccan economy, this review looks at the distribution of Moroccan emigrants over OECD countries, as well as their age, sex, and educational attainment. It analyses the labour market outcomes of Moroccan emigrants and documents the characteristics of return migrants in Morocco. Moroccan emigrants primarily reside in France, followed by Spain and Italy, where their numbers grew strongly before flows were affected by the economic crisis. Moroccan emigrants have lower educational attainment and less favourable labour market outcomes than native-born persons in destination countries, and many work in low-skill occupations. Those who have returned to Morocco are often retired, but they are also especially likely to become entrepreneurs there." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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