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Trotz eines Rückgangs ist die EU-Jugendarbeitslosenquote nach wie vor sehr hoch. Laut EU-Kommission sind derzeit 4,5 Millionen junge Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren) arbeitslos. Einem großen Teil dieser Generation droht durch fehlende Zukunftsperspektiven soziale Ausgrenzung mit weitreichenden Folgen. Mit Maßnahmen wie der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz und Jugendgarantien der Länder soll entgegengesteuert werden.
Diese Infoplattform bietet einen Einblick in die Literatur zu den Determinanten von und Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.

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im Aspekt "EU"
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    What, for whom, and under what circumstances: Do activation policies increase youth employment in the EU? (2023)

    Cefalo, Ruggero ; Scandurra, Rosario ;


    Cefalo, Ruggero & Rosario Scandurra (2023): What, for whom, and under what circumstances: Do activation policies increase youth employment in the EU? In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 391-406. DOI:10.1177/09589287231199568


    "Activation measures have assumed a prominent role within policy perspectives aimed at increasing labour market participation to support welfare sustainability. Most comparative studies on active labour market policies (ALMPs) have been conducted at the national level, although several scholars recently stressed the need to consider more carefully the territorial dimension of social policies. This article addresses this research gap by providing quantitative estimates of the territorial effect of national ALMPs provision on youth employment in European regions. We find that regional contextual traits, which can present a variety of configurations, play a significant role in moderating the effects of ALMPs. Divergent outcomes per type and level of education also highlight the complexity of the landscape for ALMPs' design and implementation. Our analysis helps identify the institutional and contextual conditions that require evaluation when designing and implementing policies targeting young people." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    In what way a 'Guarantee for youth'? NEETs entrapped by labour market policies in the European Union (2023)

    Emmanouil, Effie; Chatzichristos, Georgios; Gialis, Stelios ; Herod, Andrew ;


    Emmanouil, Effie, Georgios Chatzichristos, Andrew Herod & Stelios Gialis (2023): In what way a 'Guarantee for youth'? NEETs entrapped by labour market policies in the European Union. In: Journal of Youth Studies online erschienen am 16.05.2023, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2023.2211943


    "Following the economic crisis of 2008/2009, the European Union developed the Youth Guarantee (YG) Action Plan to tackle youth labour market disengagement by ‘fostering employability’ and ‘removing barriers’ to employment. The current study adopts a Geographical Political Economy approach to analysing the YG's underpinnings and the conditions that differentiate its application on a regional level to explore whether – and, if so, how – the YG helps young people in the Southern EU to enter the labour market. The article introduces the first comparative, cross-regional investigation of the YG programme, targeting the NUTS-II regions of Spain and Italy. It uses mixed methods, supplementing quantitative analysis with in-depth interviews with key informants. We show that in Spanish and Italian regions the YG is closely entwined with socio-spatial inequality and labour precarity, which is reflected in the growing rates of temporary employment and inactive youth. Crucially, we conclude, such outcomes are not simply the result of the institutional/operational misapplications of the YG, as is often assumed. Rather, these misapplications are systematically reinforced by the mechanics of labour flexibilisation within a recessionary and crisis-prone environment, one whose geographical unevenness means that the YG is playing out in quite different ways in different places." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Quality of life of NEET youth in comparative perspective: subjective well-being during the transition to adulthood (2022)

    Jongbloed, Janine ; Giret, Jean-François ;


    Jongbloed, Janine & Jean-François Giret (2022): Quality of life of NEET youth in comparative perspective: subjective well-being during the transition to adulthood. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 321-343. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2020.1869196


    "In this study, we examine the self-reported subjective well-being (SWB) of youth who are ‘not in employment, education or training’ (NEET) across 24 countries in Europe. Theorizing from a youth transition regimes perspective focusing on the varying levels of social protection available to youth as well as social norms regarding the transition to adulthood, we attempt to understand the psychological outcomes associated with youth NEET statuses across country contexts. Using European Social Survey (ESS) data, we compare not only the SWB of NEET individuals with that of non-NEET youth, but also how it differs amongst specific NEET sub-categories. We hypothesize that the well-being of NEET youth will be highest where more comprehensive social protections are available, but that inequalities in well-being between NEET and non-NEET groups will be minimized in contexts where prolonged school-to-work transitions to adulthood are the social norm. We find that overall levels of well-being differ systematically amongst countries for both NEET and non-NEET groups, being highest in the Nordic countries. However, when examining relative scores that take into account the distribution of well-being within each country, we discover that inequalities between NEET sub-categories are also the most pronounced in these ‘universalistic’ contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ist diese Krise anders? Wie sich die Corona-Krise auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation von Jugendlichen in Europa auswirkt (2022)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2022): Ist diese Krise anders? Wie sich die Corona-Krise auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation von Jugendlichen in Europa auswirkt. In: IAB-Forum H. 20.01.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-01-18. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220120.01


    "Wirtschaftliche Einbrüche haben für junge Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt allgemein schwerwiegendere Folgen als für andere Altersgruppen. Wie wirkt sich die Covid-19-Krise diesbezüglich im Vergleich mit der globalen Finanzkrise vor einem Jahrzehnt aus? Ein genauer Blick auch auf andere europäische Länder liefert hier interessante Einblicke." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    NEETs and Youth Unemployment: A Longitudinal Comparison Across European Countries (2022)

    Pennoni, Fulvia ; Bal-Domańska, Beata ;


    Pennoni, Fulvia & Beata Bal-Domańska (2022): NEETs and Youth Unemployment. A Longitudinal Comparison Across European Countries. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 162, H. 2, S. 739-761. DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02813-5


    "Young people’s place in the labor market has been a topic of interest to the European Union and national governments for many years. This study analyzes young people who are Not in Employment nor in Education or Training (NEET) and Youth Unemployment (YU) in the European Union member states, through data collected over a period of sixteen years, considering the influence of some macroeconomic factors through an hidden Markov model. This approach is based on maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters, and provides a dynamic classification of the countries into clusters representing different levels of the phenomena. We discover three clusters of countries, and we show that whereas Italy was the worst performing country in terms of both NEETs and YU, the Czech Republic was the best performing country in reducing NEETs, and Poland and Slovakia were the best performing in reducing YU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe: Career guidance and counselling as auxiliary levers (2022)

    Psifidou, Irene; Harrison, Cynthia; Farazouli, Alexandra; Mouratoglou, Nikolaos;


    Psifidou, Irene, Nikolaos Mouratoglou, Alexandra Farazouli & Cynthia Harrison (2022): Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe. Career guidance and counselling as auxiliary levers. (CEDEFOP working paper series / European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training 2022,11), Thessaloniki, 40 S. DOI:10.2801/75320


    "Career guidance and counselling are key features of comprehensive strategies aiming to reduce early leaving from education and training. They may assist students, not only in terms of decision-making but also in managing their transitions within education and training pathways or from education to employment. Minimising the risks of either insufficient information or unrealistic expectations, career guidance and counselling may support learners in making informed decisions based on their interests, talents, and future job aspirations, as well as preventing dropout and early leaving. For those who have left education and training early, career guidance and counselling may assist them to return to, and qualify in, upper secondary education. This paper examines how national policies and practices in career guidance and counselling in EU Member States may support learners at risk and early leavers from education and training. It identifies common patterns and existing information gaps, and sets out future prospects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Krise auf Jugendliche am Arbeitsmarkt in den EU-27 (2022)

    Tamesberger, Dennis;


    Tamesberger, Dennis (2022): Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Krise auf Jugendliche am Arbeitsmarkt in den EU-27. In: L. Bellmann & W. Matiaske (Hrsg.) (2022): Sozio-Ökonomik der Corona-Krise, S. 111-136.


    "Mit einer deskriptiven Datenanalyse des Zeitraums zwischen dem ersten Quartal 2020 und dem ersten Quartal 2021 werden die EU-27-Länder je nach Betroffenheit von wirtschaftlicher Rezession in drei unterschiedliche Gruppen unterteilt. Gezeigt wurde, dass die Gruppe der Länder, die den stärksten BIP-Einbruch verzeichneten, gleichzeitig sehr schwierige institutionelle Rahmendbedingungen vorfand. In der zweiten Gruppe, die mittelstark betroffen war, konnten Länder mit dualem Ausbildungssystem die Vulnerabilität der Jugendlichen eindämmen, und die dritte Gruppe mit mäßigem bis keinem Einbruch des BIP zeigt ein recht diverses Bild. Auf supranationaler Ebene konnte festgestellt werden, dass Jugendliche im Alter von 15-19 Jahren eher von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen sind als junge Erwachsene, darunter waren es vorwiegend junge Frauen und Migran*innen, die von der Krise in die Arbeitslosigkeit gedrängt wurden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Learning from experience: integrating disadvantaged young people through mobility schemes: ESF Transnational Cooperation Platform - Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills (2022)


    "Trans-European mobility has been at the core of EU education policy since the introduction of mobility programs in the 1980s when the Erasmus and Youth for Europe programmes were introduced (in 1987 and 1988, respectively). Under the SOCRATES, Lifelong Learning Program (particularly the Leonardo and Erasmus strands) and the Erasmus+ programs mobility has become an important tool to provide young people with an experience of studying and working abroad. Significantly, the new Erasmus+ program for the 2021-27 period will have an estimated budget of EUR 26.2 billion, almost double the amount allocated to the 2014-20 programming period, with 70% of the budget dedicated to mobility.Mobility programs have demonstrated that they can have an impact on learners’ skills and competences as well as wider skills such as level of autonomy, confidence, independence, and open mindedness. In addition, a mobility period can help learners to define their future career and life choices. The evaluation of the Erasmus+ program found that participants had a shorter transition time between education and employment.4.The research on the longer-term investment of mobility programs is in its infancy, for example, with ongoing research (at the time of writing) into the cost-benefit analysis of mobility programs in Czechia. However, mobility should be considered as a longer-term investment in individuals, particularly those from vulnerable groups as they may endure less periods of unemployment compared to their peers. Historically, existing mobility programs such as the Leonardo program and Erasmus+ programs have tried to target those with fewer opportunities as part of the focus on social inclusion, but they have not been extremely successful. The category of ‘fewer opportunities’ is extremely broad and has tended to cover young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs), unemployed and underemployed, people with disabilities and minorities. The mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ 2014-20 program found that just 11.5% of the total number of participants in Erasmus+ were disadvantaged young people. The evaluation stressed that the program needs to do more to reach out to more vulnerable young people" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    ALMA, Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve - Active inclusion initiative for integrating disadvantaged young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) through mobility: manual of guidance (2022)


    "Publication metadata ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) is an active inclusion initiative to empower the most vulnerable young people aged 18 to 29 who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs), by implementing a tailor-made approach to support them to find a job and integrate into society. ALMA offers these young people counselling in their home country followed by a supervised, work-related learning experience in another EU Member State, with the aim of supporting their integration into the labour market and society in their home country. ALMA is one of the European Commission initiatives for the European Year of Youth 2022, and will be a key instrument in implementing the Reinforced Youth Guarantee adopted in 2020." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Reaching without outreaching: A comparative policy study of EU member states policy agenda on youth unemployment (2021)

    Andersson, Lisa; Minas, Renate;


    Andersson, Lisa & Renate Minas (2021): Reaching without outreaching: A comparative policy study of EU member states policy agenda on youth unemployment. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 255-265. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12470


    "Youth unemployment is a global issue, with supranational actors calling for policy responses, including early interventions such as outreach. This article examines how EU member states have translated the EU youth guarantee (YG) recommendation, focusing on early interventions in the form of outreach. Combining quantitative content analysis with corpus linguistics, we examined the YG implementation plans of 19 EU member states having differing institutional conditions, comparing if and how they have incorporated outreach in their policy agenda. Overall we found very little outreach in the YG-plans. In the outreach described, guidance and information on education and labour market efforts dominate, whereas social work and local level community work is largely absent. We found type of outreach to be related to institutional conditions. Our results also imply that getting member states to commit to early interventions such as outreach requires that the EU stress this issue with greater emphasis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    European Network of Public Employment Services: 2021 PES Capacity Questionnaire Part II: Monitoring of PES Support of the Reinforced Youth Guarantee: Survey-based Report (2021)

    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita;


    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita (2021): European Network of Public Employment Services: 2021 PES Capacity Questionnaire Part II: Monitoring of PES Support of the Reinforced Youth Guarantee. Survey-based Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 46 S. DOI:10.2767/738258


    "Publication metadata The EU Network of Public Employment Services (PES) is committed to supporting and monitoring the delivery of the YG and has already published several assessment reports on the PES capacity to implement the Youth Guarantee (YG). The present report, part of this monitoring activity, is focused on various qualitative aspects of PES administrative capacity to implement the reinforced YG, such as: PES partnerships and staff capacity in supporting the YG implementation; profiling and assessing the needs of NEETs; preparatory services; post-placement support provided to the young people; timescales for making an offer; and monitoring and evaluation of YG interventions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mapping Young NEETs Across Europe: Exploring the Institutional Configurations Promoting Youth Disengagement from Education and Employment (2021)

    Assmann, Marie-Luise; Broschinski, Sven ;


    Assmann, Marie-Luise & Sven Broschinski (2021): Mapping Young NEETs Across Europe: Exploring the Institutional Configurations Promoting Youth Disengagement from Education and Employment. In: Journal of applied youth studies, Jg. 4, H. 2, S. 95-117. DOI:10.1007/s43151-021-00040-w


    "Over the past decade, the number of young people neither in employment, education, or training (NEET) has reached a seriously high level in many European countries. Previous studies have illustrated the heterogeneity of this group and that they differ considerably across Europe. However, the reasons of these cross-country differences have hardly been investigated so far. This study explores how the rates of different NEET subgroups are conditioned by various institutional configurations by applying fuzzy-set Quantitative Comparative Analysis for 26 European countries using aggregated EU Labour Force Survey data from 2018. The analysis reveals that institutional causes of being NEET are as diverse as the group itself. Thus, high levels of young NEETs with care responsibilities are found in countries with a lack of family-related services in conjunction with weak formalised long-term care as it is true in mostly Central Eastern European countries. In contrast, high rates of NEETs with a disability are prevalent mainly in Northern European countries where generous and inefficient disability benefit schemes exist that create false incentives to stay away from the labour market. Finally, high proportions of unemployed and discouraged young NEETs are found in those countries hit hardest by the crisis and with high labour market rigidities, low vocational specificity, and a lack of active labour market policies like in the Southern and some Central Eastern European countries. The results illustrate that young people face very different barriers across Europe and that country-specific measures must be taken to reduce the number of NEETs in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth employment trajectories and labour market reforms during the Great Recession in Europe (2021)

    Berloffa, Gabriella; Şandor, Alina; Villa, Paola; Smith, Mark;


    Berloffa, Gabriella, Alina Şandor, Mark Smith & Paola Villa (2021): Youth employment trajectories and labour market reforms during the Great Recession in Europe. In: SINAPPSI, Jg. 11, H. 1, S. 8-21.


    "The Great Recession had profound consequences for the quantity and quality of work for young people in European countries. Usual labour market indicators capture only some crisis effects, highlighting the need for a more dynamic and nuanced approach. As a result, this paper adopts an innovative approach to both the analysis of the integration of young adults (aged 17-34) on to the labour market and the study of the relationship between the labour market performance and policy making." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Territorial disparities in youth labour market chances in Europe (2021)

    Cefalo, Ruggero ; Scandurra, Rosario ;


    Cefalo, Ruggero & Rosario Scandurra (2021): Territorial disparities in youth labour market chances in Europe. In: Regional Studies, Regional Science, Jg. 8, H. 1, S. 228-238. DOI:10.1080/21681376.2021.1925580


    "Comparative research on youth employment has mostly focused on differences between countries or regimes of youth transitions. The territorial differentiation below country level has been less explored, notwithstanding the potential impact on youth-life chances and the territorial cohesion of the European Union. This paper aims at deepening into the investigation of regional variations in patterns of youth labour market chances. To do this, we build on a composite indicator measuring regional youth labour market integration (YLMI) as a comprehensive measure of contextual fragilities (or strengths) of regional youth labour markets. We provide both comparative and longitudinal views over 15 years (2004–18). Furthermore, we explore the impact of contextual factors related to economic conditions, labour market and demographic trends on the regional patterns of youth integration in the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Combating Youth Unemployment with a Fair EU Youth Guarantee (2021)

    Tamesberger, Dennis; Bacher, Johann;


    Tamesberger, Dennis & Johann Bacher (2021): Combating Youth Unemployment with a Fair EU Youth Guarantee. In: CESifo forum, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 3-7.


    "Although the Covid-19 recession has not caused youth unemployment and the NEET rate to rise as sharply as expected, reducing youth unemployment and the NEET rate is a political necessity at regional, national and European level. In the EU-27, there were around 9.8 million young people in a NEET situation in the year 2020; 5.1 million were unemployed. Experience from the financial and economic crisis of 2008, when the rise in NEET numbers occurred not immediately but with a delay, suggests that a longer timeframe for action in the form of a Youth Guarantee is essential. This also appears necessary because it is difficult to assess whether sufficient jobs will be available after the Covid-19 crisis has passed. We propose formula-based financing and distribution for this fund. On the one hand, the concept intends to avoid the substitution effect, whereby countries finance their existing programs with EU funds and do not undertake any additional efforts. On the other hand, the concept clearly promotes solidarity: countries that are more affected by the Covid-19 crisis and the NEET problem should co-finance less in relative terms than countries that are less affected. Similar to the formula-based financing of school systems, the proposed model could promote transparency and equity in EU funding. Finally, an EU Youth Guarantee with a sufficient budget and rational solidarity distributions would not only show that the EU cares about the next generation but also emphasize that the EU is eager to support economically struggling regions." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Vocational Specificity of Educational Systems and Youth Labour Market Integration: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis (2020)

    Blommaert, Lieselotte ; Wolbers, Maarten H. J.; Gesthuizen, Maurice; Muja, Ardita;


    Blommaert, Lieselotte, Ardita Muja, Maurice Gesthuizen & Maarten H. J. Wolbers (2020): The Vocational Specificity of Educational Systems and Youth Labour Market Integration: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 36, H. 5, S. 720-740. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcaa017


    "Comparative research on the impact of the vocational specificity of educational systems on youth labour market integration has expanded rapidly in the past decades. The present study reviews this body of research, focusing on how it has conceptualized the vocational specificity of educational systems and theorized its effect on youth labour market integration. Moreover, this study synthesizes the empirical evidence compiled in this research using a meta-analytical approach. Our review reveals that this research area is theoretically fragmented. A commonly accepted definition of the vocational specificity of educational systems is lacking and various theoretical approaches and conceptual frameworks are invoked to theorize the effect of vocational specificity, while exact mechanisms that are assumed to underlie the effect are often left unspecified. Our meta-analysis includes 105 effect estimates nested in 19 studies, published between 2003 and 2018, that used methods enabling a formal meta-analytical comparison. Results show that the overall average effect is positive and statistically significant but its magnitude is modest and there is substantial variability in the size and even direction of observed effects. We find that this variability is partly driven by which aspect of labour market integration was examined and which measure of vocational specificity was used." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    37 (2021), 1, 169: Corrigendum
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    Youth unemployment in times of crises in the EU 27 (2020)

    Dohmen, Dieter; Yelubayeva, Galiya; Karsin, Zein;


    Dohmen, Dieter, Zein Karsin & Galiya Yelubayeva (2020): Youth unemployment in times of crises in the EU 27. (FiBS-Forum / Forschungsinstitut für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie 72), Berlin, 37 S.


    "Die neue Studie „Youth Unemployment in Times of Crises in the EU 27“ des FiBS Forschungsinstituts für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie untersucht die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der EU in der Folge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/09 und verknüpft diese mit einer ersten Schätzung, wie die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit nach der Corona-Krise zunehmen könnte. Demnach könnte die Arbeitslosigkeit von Geringqualifizierten sogar die 40-Prozent-Marge überschreiten, allerdings erst Mitte der 2020er Jahre. Weiterhin wird die Arbeitslosigkeit von Männern möglicherweise höher sein als die von Frauen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Individual-level and family background determinants of young adults' unemployment in Europe (2020)

    Dvouletý, Ondrej; Lukeš, Martin; Vancea, Mihaela ;


    Dvouletý, Ondrej, Martin Lukeš & Mihaela Vancea (2020): Individual-level and family background determinants of young adults' unemployment in Europe. In: Empirica, Jg. 47, H. 2, S. 389-409. DOI:10.1007/s10663-018-9430-x


    "The aim of this study is to explore individual-level and family background determinants of young adults' unemployment. Compared to previous studies, we focus on extended adulthood by including a broader age range in the sample of young adults (18–35 years), and on less explored individual predictors. A harmonized data set, based on representative cross-sectional national surveys conducted in 2016 in eleven European countries, was used to analyze individual level predictors of young adults' unemployment. For young economically active individuals (N = 14,602), we estimated logistic regressions with the dependent variable representing odds of being unemployed. The findings suggest that besides age, gender, education, migration and ethnic backgrounds, caring responsibilities or unemployment experience, there are other important predictors of young adults' unemployment such as religious affiliation, risk taking and parental unemployment experience. Obtained estimates are robust and can be thus more likely generalized in comparison with previous findings. Policy-makers and labor market offices should better address those groups of young adults most endangered by unemployment such as younger individuals, women, ethnic minorities, risk averse young adults or those with parental unemployment history through more effective, inclusive and tailored education and labor market policies as well as specific counselling support services for career orientation and development." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The Effect of Young People Not In Employment, Education or Training, On Poverty Rate in European Union (2020)

    Jianu, Ionuț;


    Jianu, Ionuț (2020): The Effect of Young People Not In Employment, Education or Training, On Poverty Rate in European Union. (arXiv papers), 14 S.


    "This paper aims to estimate the effect of young people who are not in employment, education or training (neets rate) on the people at risk of poverty rate in the European Union. Statistical data covering the 2010-2016 period for all EU-28 Member States have been used. Regarding the methodology, the study was performed by using Panel Estimated Generalized Least Squares method, weighted by Period SUR option. The effect of neets rate on poverty rate proved to be positive and statistically significant in European Union, since this indicator includes two main areas which are extremely relevant for poverty dimension. Firstly, young unemployment rate was one of the main channels through which the financial crisis has affected the population income. Secondly, it accounts for the educational system coverage and its skills deficiencies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The changing face of youth employment in Europe (2020)

    Lewis, Paul; Heyes, Jason ;


    Lewis, Paul & Jason Heyes (2020): The changing face of youth employment in Europe. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 41, H. 2, S. 457-480. DOI:10.1177/0143831X17720017


    "This article examines trends in youth employment across the EU-15 countries during 2002-2006 and 2007-2011. Drawing upon microdata from the EU Labour Force Survey it examines changes in contract type, hours worked and occupation by level of education. Although the financial crisis creates a discontinuity in numbers employed, and despite certain country specificities, the authors observe common structural changes across the two periods. They find an increasing shift from permanent full-time to temporary part-time contracts, the 'hollowing out' of traditional mid-skill level occupations and evidence of 'occupational filtering down' whereby the higher-educated are substituted for the lower-educated in low-skilled occupations. The authors observe some growth in 'professionals' following the crisis, but little evidence of the rise of a new knowledge economy. This raises questions concerning the most appropriate policy approaches to education and training and labour market regulation if European nations are to provide high-quality employment opportunities for their young people." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    NEET rates convergence in Europe: A regional analysis (2020)

    Maynou, Laia; Ordóñez, Javier; Silva, José Ignacio;


    Maynou, Laia, Javier Ordóñez & José Ignacio Silva (2020): NEET rates convergence in Europe: A regional analysis. (Working paper / Universität Jaume I. Department of Economics 2020,8), Castellón de la Plana, 26 S.


    "In this paper, we study the convergence of the NEET rates (the rate of young people not in employment, education or training) across European regions between 2000 and 2015. First, we apply the Phillips and Sul (2007, 2009) convergence tests and identify the presence of four important clusters with different trends in the NEET rates. The first two clusters mainly include regions located in Western and Southern Europe and show an increase with respect to the average NEET but with different speed. The other two clusters mainly contain North and Central European regions showing constant NEET rates with respect but with different levels. Then, we use a spatial-temporal econometric model to confirm the presence of β–convergence in the NEET rates, identify their determinants in each cluster and calculate their long-run NEET rates. The young unemployment rate and the percentage of early leavers from education and training are the main determinants of the in all clusters." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Skills and Youth Unemployment: Cross-Country Evidence from Synthetic Panel Data (2020)

    Rodrigues, Margarida ;


    Rodrigues, Margarida (2020): Skills and Youth Unemployment: Cross-Country Evidence from Synthetic Panel Data. In: Journal of Human Capital, Jg. 14, H. 2, S. 217-248., 2020-05-01. DOI:10.1086/708855


    "This paper estimates the effect of human capital on countries’ youth unemployment ratio, by using country average scores from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the unemployment ratio of the same birth cohort. The identification strategy is based on variations in skills within country-by-year and across PISA cohorts. We estimate that a one standard deviation increase in reading literacy decreases the unemployment ratio by 1.2 percentage points, which is accounted for by a significant increase in employment. We find some evidence that educational and labour market institutions play a role in the association between skills and unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Escaping the motherhood trap: Parental leave and childcare help young mothers to avoid NEET risks (2020)

    Vugt, Lynn van ; Nieuwenhuis, Rense ; Levels, Mark ;


    Vugt, Lynn van, Rense Nieuwenhuis & Mark Levels (2020): Escaping the motherhood trap: Parental leave and childcare help young mothers to avoid NEET risks. (Research memoranda / VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 2020,33), Amsterdam, 58 S. DOI:10.26481/umagsb.2020033


    "This paper explores to what extent and how the risk that young mothers become NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) later in life is related to family policy provisions (i.e. parental leave and Early Childhood Education and Care). We examine a three-staged process: the relation between (a) characteristics of family policies and the use of it, (b) the use of family policy provisions and NEET risks, and (c) the effectiveness of family policy provisions on the characteristics of these family policies. Combining data from the EU-LFS with macro-level indicators of family policies, we analyse NEET risks of 13,613 young mothers (20-29) in 27 EU-countries. We find that young mothers are more likely to take parental leave if it is paid for a longer period of time, and are more likely to use ECEC when childcare placement is guaranteed. Both parental leave and ECEC services are associated with lower NEET risks, as long as they are not used for overly short or long periods. However, this depends largely on the way parental leave is organised. In addition, in countries where ECEC is more affordable, young mothers who use ECEC are better protected against NEET risks later in life." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth earnings and labour market volatility in Europe (2019)

    Ayllón, Sara ; Ramos, Xavier;


    Ayllón, Sara & Xavier Ramos (2019): Youth earnings and labour market volatility in Europe. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 158, H. 1, S. 83-113. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12069


    "We provide new evidence on earnings volatility and labour market volatility, which also includes flows into and out of employment, of young workers across Europe during the Great Recession, and examine the institutional factors that may shape these flows. Using EU-SILC data, we document large disparities in volatility levels and trends across European countries. As expected, the Great Recession increased volatility among Europe's youth, offsetting the falling trend observed over the last years of economic prosperity. Larger unemployment benefits and more stringent employment protection legislation are related to lower earnings and labour market volatility." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Negotiating early job insecurity well-being, scarring and resilience of European youth (2019)

    Hvinden, Bjørn; Schoyen, Mi A.; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Hyggen, Christer;


    Hvinden, Bjørn, Jacqueline O'Reilly & Christer Hyggen (Hrsg.) (2019): Negotiating early job insecurity well-being, scarring and resilience of European youth. Cheltenham: Elgar, 264 S. DOI:10.4337/9781788118798


    "Offering new knowledge and insights into European job markets, this book explores how young men and women experience job insecurity. By combining analysis of original data collected through a variety of innovative methods, it compares the trajectories of early job insecurity in nine European countries. Focusing on the ways in which young adults deal with this by actively increasing their chances of getting a job through a variety of methods, as the book shows how governmental policies can be altered to reduce early job insecurity." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth unemployment and job insecurity in Europe: Problems, risk factors and policies (2019)

    Hvinden, Bjørn; Hyggen, Christer; Schoyen, Mi A.; Sirovátka, Tomá¿;


    Hvinden, Bjørn, Christer Hyggen, Mi A. Schoyen & Tomá¿ Sirovátka (Hrsg.) (2019): Youth unemployment and job insecurity in Europe. Problems, risk factors and policies. Cheltenham: Elgar, 272 S. DOI:10.4337/9781788118897


    "Providing original insights into the factors causing early job insecurity in European countries, this book examines its short- and long-term consequences. It assesses public policies seeking to diminish the risks to young people facing prolonged job insecurity and reduce the severity of these impacts. Based on the findings of a major study across nine European countries, this book examines the diverse strategies that countries across the continent use to help young people overcome employment barriers." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa: Besserung in Sicht (2019)

    Schäfer, Holger;


    Schäfer, Holger (2019): Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa: Besserung in Sicht. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2019,51), Köln, 3 S.


    "Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit stieg nach der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise im Jahr 2009 in den meisten europäischen Ländern stark an, zum Teil lag die Arbeitslosenquote bei über 40 Prozent. Aussagekräftiger ist allerdings der Anteil der Jugendlichen, die nicht beschäftigt und nicht im Bildungssystem sind. Dieser ist weit niedriger. Zudem sinkt die Beschäftigungslosigkeit von Jugendlichen seit einigen Jahren wieder deutlich." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The evolution of early job insecurity in Europe (2019)

    Symeonaki, Maria ; Parsanoglou, Dimitrios; Stamatopoulou, Glykeria;


    Symeonaki, Maria, Dimitrios Parsanoglou & Glykeria Stamatopoulou (2019): The evolution of early job insecurity in Europe. In: SAGE Open, Jg. 9, H. 2, S. 1-23. DOI:10.1177/2158244019845187


    "The present study proposes a meaningful multidimensional index of early job insecurity for European countries based on raw micro-data drawn from the European Union's Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS), and captures its evolution over time, before and during the years of the post - 2008 economic crisis. More specifically, a number of different indicators capturing various domains of early job insecurity are estimated, utilizing the data behind the EU-LFS survey for all European Union (EU) member states. These indicators are then composed into a single indicator of early job insecurity, which is used to apprehend and compare the degree of early job insecurity in EU member states, during these years. The proposed indicator captures the whole range of early job insecurity aspects, such as labor market conditions, job quality, school-to-work transitions, and job security, in an overall measurement providing a way of estimating and comparing early job insecurity among different countries. The results uncover the considerable differences between EU countries when early job insecurity is considered. Moreover, countries are ranked according to the degrees of early job insecurity for the years 2008-2014." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen - Effizienz der eingesetzten EU-Fördermittel: Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion der AfD (Drucksache 19/10819) (2019)


    Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (2019): Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen - Effizienz der eingesetzten EU-Fördermittel. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion der AfD (Drucksache 19/10819). (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages. Drucksachen 19/11552 (12.07.2019)), 19 S.


    Die Bundesregierung antwortet auf die Anfrage der Fraktion der AfD zum Thema Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen - Effizienz der eingesetzten EU-Fördermittel. (IAB-Doku)

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    Implementation of the Youth Guarantee by the Public Employment Services: Success factors and key challenges (2018)

    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita; McGrath, John;


    Anghel, Liliana-Luminita & John McGrath (2018): Implementation of the Youth Guarantee by the Public Employment Services. Success factors and key challenges. (Social Europe), Brüssel, 70 S. DOI:10.2767/052550


    "''A new study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work looks at the implementation of the Youth Guarantee and emerging challenges related to young people's transition into the labour market, with a particular focus on changes in the world of work. These changes relate to increasingly complex school-to-work transitions and new challenges arising from rapid technological developments that may affect the labour market prospects of young people.
    Public Employment Services are central players in the implementation of the Youth Guarantee. They cover a wide range of responsibilities in management, coordination and direct service provision, being the main providers of employment interventions. A new study on the implementation of the Youth Guarantee by the Public Employment Services discusses the success factors and key challenges that Public Employment Services experience in the delivery of the Youth Guarantee. The study is based on six country case studies (Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Portugal and Sweden).
    The study comes up with a number of recommendations to improve the implementation of the Youth Guarantee by the Public Employment Services, including:
    - the creation of a national Youth Guarantee coordination committee
    - more flexibility regarding the provision of offers
    - holistic service provision for young people
    - pro-active outreach
    - early career-guidance
    - additional indicators
    - and better tracking systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    EU-Mediterranean youths in the crisis: substitution vs. income effect (2018)

    Botric, Valerija; Tomic, Iva;


    Botric, Valerija & Iva Tomic (2018): EU-Mediterranean youths in the crisis. Substitution vs. income effect. In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 21, H. 5, S. 653-668. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2017.1406073


    "The economic crisis that erupted in 2008 has had particularly adverse effects on the youth labour market outcomes in the European Union Mediterranean economies. So far little evidence is available on the reaction of the young to the adverse conditions their household members faced due to the crisis. Youths could have decided to prolong or stay in education instead of participating on the labour market (substitution effect) or they could have decided to increase their participation (income effect). By using the EU Labour Force Survey data, we explore the probability of young adults changing their labour market status from (i) inactivity to employment, (ii) inactivity to unemployment, (iii) employment to education, and (iv) unemployment to education in response to labour market outcome changes in their households: (i) both parents losing the job; (ii) one of the parents losing the job, (iii) both parents becoming inactive, (iv) one of the parents becoming inactive, and (v) both parents remaining unemployed. Estimated probit models include seven EU Mediterranean countries during the 2006-2015 period. Results support both income and substitution effect, without clear identification of the dominance of one effect over the other." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work: Part 1, Youth Guarantee: Intervention models, sustainability and relevance (2018)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Kluve, Jochen; Tübbicke, Stefan ; Stöterau, Jonathan; Dheret, Claire; Hadjivassiliou, Kari; Pastore, Francesco ;


    Caliendo, Marco, Jochen Kluve, Jonathan Stöterau & Stefan Tübbicke (2018): Study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work. Part 1, Youth Guarantee: Intervention models, sustainability and relevance. (Social Europe), Brüssel, 58 S. DOI:10.2767/371432


    "A new study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work looks at the implementation of the Youth Guarantee and emerging challenges related to young people's transition into the labour market, with a particular focus on changes in the world of work. These changes relate to increasingly complex school-to-work transitions and new challenges arising from rapid technological developments that may affect the labour market prospects of young people.
    The first part of the study identifies key aspects of Youth Guarantee implementation and develops a Youth Guarantee typology. The overall findings highlight the role of EU funding, the increased spending on active labour market policies in some Member States and the introduction of reforms to national youth employment policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tübbicke, Stefan ;
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    Study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work: Part 2, Emerging challenges related to young people's transition into the labour market (2018)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Kluve, Jochen; Tübbicke, Stefan ; Stöterau, Jonathan; Dheret, Claire; Hadjivassiliou, Kari; Pastore, Francesco ;


    Caliendo, Marco, Jochen Kluve, Jonathan Stöterau & Stefan Tübbicke (2018): Study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work. Part 2, Emerging challenges related to young people's transition into the labour market. (Social Europe), Brüssel, 52 S. DOI:10.2767/508325


    "'A new study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work looks at the implementation of the Youth Guarantee and emerging challenges related to young people's transition into the labour market, with a particular focus on changes in the world of work. These changes relate to increasingly complex school-to-work transitions and new challenges arising from rapid technological developments that may affect the labour market prospects of young people.
    The second part provides a comprehensive overview of the current and future challenges for youth in the labour market, looks at how these challenges will affect different groups of young people and examines the potential role of public policies in addressing them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tübbicke, Stefan ;
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    Young people and the labour market: a comparative perspective (2018)

    Caroleo, Floro Ernesto; Signorelli, Marcello; Demidova, Olga; Marelli, Enrico;


    Caroleo, Floro Ernesto, Olga Demidova, Enrico Marelli & Marcello Signorelli (Hrsg.) (2018): Young people and the labour market. A comparative perspective. (Routledge Studies in labour economics), Abingdon: Routledge, 266 S.


    "Young people are a vulnerable category of workers, finding themselves in a delicate phase of their working life: their first entry into the labour market. In many European countries, youngsters are unemployed or have difficulty finding and obtaining jobs. This situation has deteriorated particularly after the crises, recessions and stagnation that has impacted European economies in recent years. In addition to the cyclical or crisis impact, structural factors are also very important. Additionally, prolonged crises, as in some Eurozone countries, have transformed a significant part of cyclical unemployment in structural (long term) unemployment.
    Young People and the Labour Market: A Comparative Perspective explores the condition of young people in the labour market. The authors present new evidence from several countries, with a special focus on Europe, and offer a comparative perspective. They investigate questions such as which structural conditions and labour market institutions guarantee better youth performance, which education systems and school-to-work processes are more effective and in which countries is gender differentiation less of an issue. All of the aforementioned, as well as many other comparisons which the authors make, are significant in helping to facilitate the successful design of labour and education policies." (Publisher's text, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Continued education offers under the Youth Guarantee: Experience from the ground (2018)

    Curth, Anette;


    Curth, Anette (2018): Continued education offers under the Youth Guarantee. Experience from the ground. (Social Europe), Brüssel, 42 S. DOI:10.2767/885331


    "Since its launch in 2013, the Youth Guarantee has supported millions of young people across the European Union to find a job, a traineeship, an apprenticeship or to continue in education. Yet despite this, too many young Europeans are still without work. Across the EU, more effort is needed so that all young people can benefit from quality offers under the Youth Guarantee.
    This report looks at the role of education and training in developing the relevant skills of young people, and thus supporting them in their transition into employment. It is one in a series of five reports on Youth Guarantee delivery, presenting existing practices from the ground from the first five years of its implementation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth in Greece (2018)

    Demetriades, Stavroula;


    Demetriades, Stavroula (2018): Youth in Greece. (Eurofound ad hoc report), Dublin, 14 S. DOI:10.2806/879954


    "The purpose of this short report is to provide a synthesis of Eurofound data and analysis regarding the situation of young people in Greece for the Greek government. The recent economic crisis has exacerbated the problem of youth integration in the labour market in the EU and Greece has been disproportionately affected. While youth unemployment in the country has long been part of the policy debate, conditions today are very different to those prior to the crisis. The economic crisis, socioeconomic developments, globalisation, and the pervasive effect of information technology and digitalisation have all changed labour market characteristics. Young people's transitions to adulthood and the labour market follow different trajectories and have become more complex." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugendmobilität als europäische Strategie: Wer und was bewegt Jugendliche? (2018)

    Lange, Joachim;


    (2018): Jugendmobilität als europäische Strategie. Wer und was bewegt Jugendliche? (Loccumer Protokolle 2017,66), Hildesheim: Universitätsverlag Hildesheim, 91 S. DOI:10.18442/778


    "Die Mobilität von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Europa - zu Bildungszwecken im engeren und weiteren Sinne, zum Kennenlernen anderer Länder und Kulturen sowie zum Sammeln erster praktischer Berufserfahrungen - kann positive Effekte für die Jugendlichen sowie die gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Europas und seiner Mitgliedstaaten haben. Diese Mobilität zu erforschen, war Ziel des internationalen, vom EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung und Innovation Horizont 2020 geförderten Forschungsprojektes 'Move: Mapping mobility - pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe'. Der Band dokumentiert die Ergebnisse einer Fachtagung, die dazu diente, die aus diesem Projekt resultierenden Erkenntnisse zu diskutieren und auf Lehren für die Praxis zu befragen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Traineeships under the Youth Guarantee: Experience from the ground (2018)

    Sienkiewicz, Lukasz;


    Sienkiewicz, Lukasz (2018): Traineeships under the Youth Guarantee. Experience from the ground. (Social Europe), Brüssel, 34 S. DOI:10.2767/149497


    "The report on Traineeships under the Youth Guarantee looks at how traineeship schemes can be successful learning experiences for young people, in supporting them to acquire essential skills for the labour market. It also takes a look at different measures that contribute to the quality of traineeships and prevent their misuse. This report is one in a series of five reports on Youth Guarantee delivery, presenting existing practices from the ground from the first five years of its implementation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How educational systems structure ethnic inequality among young labour market participants in Europe: Occupational placement and variation in the occupational status distribution (2018)

    Spörlein, Christoph ;


    Spörlein, Christoph (2018): How educational systems structure ethnic inequality among young labour market participants in Europe. Occupational placement and variation in the occupational status distribution. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 55, H. June, S. 109-119. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2018.04.006


    "Prior research as demonstrated that patterns of early labour market careers vary considerably across European societies. However, little research investigated how these patterns differ between immigrants and majority youth and whether the extent of ethnic inequality varies with educational system characteristics. Using the 2009 European Labour Force Survey data for 18 countries on the early careers of non-tertiary educated labour market participants, the results of this study show that immigrants work in lower-status jobs more frequently than majority youth do. In addition and conditional on these mean differences, immigrant's status distributions are more dispersed suggesting more erratic early career patterns. Educational systems characteristics moderate these differences: the occupational status difference between immigrants and majority youth is considerably larger in countries with strongly differentiated, specifically highly tracked educational systems. In addition, ethnic disadvantages are even more severe in differentiated educational systems when central exams are present. The findings further show that educational tracking is associated with less variation in a country's occupational status distribution, thus shaping ethnic inequality beyond its relationship with mean differences. Ethnic penalties are estimated to be considerably more severe in highly differentiated countries due to their lower baseline variability in the occupational status distribution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    What drives youth unemployment in Europe?: Economic vs. non-economic determinants (2018)

    Tomic, Iva;


    Tomic, Iva (2018): What drives youth unemployment in Europe? Economic vs. non-economic determinants. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 157, H. 3, S. 379-408. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12060


    "This article explores the main determinants of youth unemployment in Europe in the period 2002 - 2014, by estimating panel data models for 28 EU member countries. Heterogeneity among EU countries is acknowledged by estimating models on 'high' and 'low' youth unemployment rate subsamples. Main results suggest that youth unemployment is more pronounced in countries with poor GDP growth, low share of construction and high public debt in the economy. Less mobility due to homeownership, corruption, large remittances or fewer possibilities for young people to live outside parental homes are also important, at least for countries with comparatively high youth unemployment rates." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa: von der Identifikation der Krise zur Etablierung eines Politikfeldes (2018)

    Zick, Sebastian;


    Zick, Sebastian (2018): Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa. Von der Identifikation der Krise zur Etablierung eines Politikfeldes. (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Working paper Forschungsförderung 066), Düsseldorf, 62 S.


    "Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ist in aller europäischer Munde. Seit Anbeginn der Finanzkrise im Jahr 2008 erscheint das Problem der Nichtbeschäftigung von Jugendlichen allgegenwärtig. Dabei täuscht diese vermeintliche Erfindung des Diskurses um Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa über den Befund hinweg, dass dieses Thema in je unterschiedlichen Varianten zumindest seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre eine Konstante der Bemühungen um europäische Integration ist. Was unter Jugendarbeitslosigkeit zu verstehen ist, welche Ursachen, Auswege, Chancen und Risiken mit ihr beschrieben werden, ist jedoch keineswegs selbstverständlich und selbst stets Gegenstand von politischen Aushandlungsprozessen. Innerhalb dieser Prozesse stellt die Europäische Union (EU) einen besonders gewichtigen Akteur dar. Hier setzt das vorliegende Working Paper an: Es versucht mit einer Analyse zentraler Strategiepapiere der EU von 1993-2013 einerseits die Mechanismen, Strategien sowie rhetorischen und argumentativen Schritte in der Etablierung eines diskursiven und neuen politischen Feldes 'Jugendarbeitslosigkeit' nachzuvollziehen. Andererseits untersucht das Paper auch die differenten Logiken, Programmatiken und normativen Orientierungen, mit welchen das Problem 'Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa' beschrieben und bearbeitet wird. Dabei wird der Konstruktion und Identifikation des Krisenhaften eine besondere Bedeutung zuteil. Durch die rhetorische Produktion und inhaltliche Ausgestaltung von Krise schaffen die Dokumente Räume der gemeinsamen Verantwortung und legitimieren politisches Intervenieren. Jugendarbeitslosigkeit wird so sukzessive als eigenständiges Politikfeld etabliert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Effective outreach to NEETs: Experience from the ground (2018)


    "Since its launch in 2013, the Youth Guarantee has supported millions of young people across the European Union to find a job, a traineeship, an apprenticeship or to continue in education. Yet despite this, too many young Europeans are still without work. Across the EU, more effort is needed so that all young people can benefit from quality offers under the Youth Guarantee.
    This report is one in a series of five reports on Youth Guarantee delivery, presenting existing practices from the ground from the first five years of its implementation. It looks at measures to better reach out to young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training, and to encourage them to register for Youth Guarantee schemes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment and entrepreneurship under the Youth Guarantee: Experience from the ground (2018)


    Europäische Kommission. Generaldirektion Beschäftigung, Soziales und Integration (2018): Employment and entrepreneurship under the Youth Guarantee. Experience from the ground. (Social Europe), Brüssel, 42 S. DOI:10.2767/053196


    "Since its launch in 2013, the Youth Guarantee has supported millions of young people across the European Union to find a job, a traineeship, an apprenticeship or to continue in education. Yet despite this, too many young Europeans are still without work. Across the EU, more effort is needed so that all young people can benefit from quality offers under the Youth Guarantee.
    This report looks at employment incentives, direct job creation measures and start-up incentives that help young people to overcome employment barriers. It is one in a series of five reports on Youth Guarantee delivery, presenting existing practices from the ground from the first five years of its implementation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth unemployment and stigmatization across Europe: A comparative analysis (2017)

    Ayllón, Sara ; Valbuena, Javier;


    Ayllón, Sara & Javier Valbuena (2017): Youth unemployment and stigmatization across Europe. A comparative analysis. (NEGOTIATE working paper 6.4), Oslo, 24 S.


    "This paper studies the dynamics of the scarring effect of youth unemployment along the business cycle in 12 European countries. On the one hand, we analyse differences associated to the negative effect of past unemployment experiences in future labour market status. And, on the other hand, we consider potential stigmatization against prospect young workers, that is, the extent to which employers are more reluctant to hire individuals with a history of unemployment. Our results are based on data from the EU-SILC for the period 2004 to 2015 and provide support in favour of a significant scarring effect of unemployment among youths that is highly heterogeneous across the countries under analysis and that increased substantially during the Great Recession. On the contrary, evidence on stigma effects was found to be rather weak." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugendliche in Europa: rückläufige Arbeitslosigkeit, aber weiterhin große Probleme auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (2017)

    Brenke, Karl;


    Brenke, Karl (2017): Jugendliche in Europa: rückläufige Arbeitslosigkeit, aber weiterhin große Probleme auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 84, H. 44, S. 985-995.


    "Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit hatte im Frühjahr 2013 in der EU ihren Höhepunkt erreicht, danach ging sie deutlich zurück. Aber noch immer ist in der EU mehr als jede sechste Erwerbsperson im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren arbeitslos, und die Arbeitslosenquote der Jugendlichen ist zweieinhalb Mal so hoch wie die der Erwachsenen. Der vorliegende Bericht zeigt, wie sich die Arbeitsmarktsituation der Jugendlichen seit ihrem Höchststand entwickelt hat. Der Rückgang der Arbeitslosigkeit war überwiegend auf eine sinkende Zahl an Jugendlichen sowie eine nachlassende Erwerbsbeteiligung zurückzuführen; die Zunahme der Beschäftigung hat nur den kleineren Beitrag geleistet. Dabei waren die zusätzlichen Jobs fast ausschließlich zeitlich befristet, und die Teilzeitquote ist weiter gestiegen. Im europäischen Durchschnitt weisen die Jugendlichen unter den Arbeitslosen bei formal ähnlicher Qualifikation ein besonders hohes Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko auf. In den mitteleuropäischen Ländern sind junge Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt indes deutlich weniger im Nachteil, was an der praxisnäheren Berufsausbildung liegen dürfte. Da Berufserfahrungen und Referenzen für die Arbeitsmarktaussichten eine wichtige Rolle spielen, sollte zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktlage für Jugendliche vor allem bei den Berufsausbildungssystemen angesetzt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Binnenwanderung im Kontext der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise: Trends und Perspektiven (2017)

    Burkert, Carola ; Kislat, Julia;


    Burkert, Carola & Julia Kislat (2017): Binnenwanderung im Kontext der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. Trends und Perspektiven. In: R. Hrbek & M. Große Hüttmann (Hrsg.) (2017): Hoffnung Europa - Die EU als Raum und Ziel von Migration (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V., 96), S. 141-178, 2017-03-27.


    "In diesem Beitrag wurde aufgezeigt, in welchem Maße die Mobilität innerhalb der EU in den letzten Jahren gestiegen ist. Hauptgründe dafür sind regionale Disparitäten auf den Arbeitsmärkten sowie das teilweise enorme Einkommensgefälle zwischen den Staaten. Zwar kam es infolge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise und der dadurch aufkommenden Arbeitslosigkeit vor allem unter Jugendlichen in Südeuropa zu einer Umlenkung der Migrationsströme von den südeuropäischen Krisenländern hin zu nordeuropäischen Ländern - wodurch auch die Arbeitsmärkte in den von der Krise besonders betroffenen Ländern entlastet wurden. Jedoch ist auf diese Migration von Staatsangehörigen der Krisenländer GIIPS nur ein kleiner Teil des Anstiegs der Binnenmigration zurückzuführen. Vielmehr wird die Mobilität innerhalb der EU maßgeblich durch die EU-2 und EU-8, also Osteuropa und den Balkan, bestimmt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Burkert, Carola ;
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    Consequences of early job insecurity and the role of the welfare state (2017)

    Buttler, Dominik ; Michon, Piotr;


    Buttler, Dominik & Piotr Michon (2017): Consequences of early job insecurity and the role of the welfare state. (NEGOTIATE working paper 4.5), Oslo, 34 S.


    "The detrimental effect of joblessness on individual wellbeing is relatively well recognized (usually in the context of Western economies) as an additional, non-pecuniary cost of unemployment. However, the strength of the relationship between the employment status and life satisfaction varies considerably among countries. Relatively little is known about what forces drive these discrepancies, especially in the group of young people. The aim of the proposed paper is to identify the contextual factors influencing the strength of the relationship between the employment status and the level of individual wellbeing. In particular we are interested in the role of four policy fields: education policy, employment protection, passive and active labour market policy. In the empirical part of the paper we use data from two waves of the European Social Survey and apply the random intercept model. We find that vocationally oriented and tracked education systems as well as generous active and passive labour market policies strengthen the employment-wellbeing relationship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The strengths and weaknesses of policy coordination and policy outcomes in a system of multi-level governance: A comparative analysis (2017)

    Dingeldey, Irene ; Steinberg, Lisa; Assmann, Marie-Luise;


    Dingeldey, Irene, Marie-Luise Assmann & Lisa Steinberg (2017): The strengths and weaknesses of policy coordination and policy outcomes in a system of multi-level governance. A comparative analysis. (NEGOTIATE working paper 8.3), Oslo, 37 S.


    "The Council of the European Union (EU) launched the Recommendation on establishing a Youth Guarantee (YG) in April 2013. The EU institutions thus recognised that young people have been affected extremely by unemployment and job insecurity due to the economic crisis and increasing labour market segmentation. The YG suggests that all young people under 25 receive a good-quality, concrete offer within four months of leaving formal education or becoming unemployed (EC 2015a). The particular reference to NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) pays attention to the problem that some young people have lost contact with institutions and are not registered with employment services. With the adoption of the Recommendation, all Member States - except the UK - committed themselves to implementing the YG and establishing the actions envisaged. All in all, the promoted goals enhance an enabling approach within Europe's activating labour market policy (Lahusen et al. 2013) that supports individual capabilities by personalized guidance and individual action planning, including tailor made individual services, training and education (Maydell et al. 2006). Hence, a 'holistic approach' with respect to coordination and service delivery is required (6 2004)." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The European youth guarantee: a preliminary assessment and broader conceptual implications (2017)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Rinne, Ulf;


    Eichhorst, Werner & Ulf Rinne (2017): The European youth guarantee. A preliminary assessment and broader conceptual implications. In: CESifo forum, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 34-38.


    "The European Youth Guarantee can be viewed as an EU-wide framework comprising a system of measures to be taken by each Member State, which were, for example. encouraged to also use demand-side initiatives such as hiring subsidies (Andor 2016). More generally, the European Youth Guarantee is 'a commitment by all Member States to ensure that all young people under the age of 25 years receive a good quality offer of employment, continued education, apprenticeship or traineeship within a period of four months of becoming unemployed or leaving formal education' (European Commission 2017).3 In this context, best practices in the context of school-to-work transitions should be transferred from well-performing countries such as Austria and Finland to all Member States (Andor 2016)." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The European Youth Guarantee: A systematic review of its implementation across countries (2017)

    Escudero, Verónica ; López Mourelo, Elva;


    Escudero, Verónica & Elva López Mourelo (2017): The European Youth Guarantee. A systematic review of its implementation across countries. (ILO Research Department working paper 21), Genf, 23 S.


    "The European Youth Guarantee (YG) is one of the most innovative labour market policies of recent years. It arrived at a time when an urgent and radical response was needed to address the detrimental long-lasting consequences of long-term unemployment. This article examines empirical evidence on the effectiveness of past youth guarantee experiences, as well as the few existing evaluations of the YG, to identify the factors that are key to their success. We then assess whether the key success factors are embedded into the implementation plans published by the European countries and the extent to which these objectives have been met in practice. Our analysis shows that while most of countries have established clear eligibility criteria and appropriate institutional frameworks, and are providing a comprehensive package of measures, many of them are still facing challenges when meeting the objectives of early intervention and effective enforcement mechanisms. Finally, although countries' initial spending in the national YG schemes has often outpaced planned expenditures, in many instances resource allocations have not been sufficient to match the recommendations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth Unemployment in the EU: Recent Developments and old problems (2017)

    Hernanz, Virginia ; Jimeno, Juan F.;


    Hernanz, Virginia & Juan F. Jimeno (2017): Youth Unemployment in the EU. Recent Developments and old problems. In: CESifo forum, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 3-10.


    "High and persistent unemployment has been a recurrent phenomenon in Europe since the early 1980s. Nowadays, despite some economic recovery from the Great Recession and the European debt crisis, it remains at levels well above those registered in the mid-2000s. Moreover, there are two new developments with potentially adverse consequences. One is the increasing divergence of unemployment rates across European countries (see Boeri and Jimeno 2016); the other is the higher likelihood of unemployment among youths, despite their declining weights in the population and in the labour force due to demographic trends. In fact, it is the concentration of unemployment among the younger population groups in some countries that explains a good deal of the increasing unemployment divergence in the EU." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa: Eine europäische Verantwortung (2017)

    Köster, Thomas;


    Köster, Thomas (2017): Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa. Eine europäische Verantwortung. (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Analysen und Argumente 269), Sankt Augustin, 12 S.


    "Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der EU, insbesondere in Südeuropa, verharrt auf hohem Niveau. Die Arbeitslosenquote von Jugendlichen im Alter von 16 bis 25 ist etwa doppelt so hoch wie die Arbeitslosenquote insgesamt. Warum entstehen in Deutschland Fachkräftelücken, während Jugendliche im Süden Europas ohne Perspektive sind? Die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit (eine der Grundfreiheiten des Binnenmarktes) sollte nicht nur verbrieftes Recht der Europäer sein, sondern gelebte Wirklichkeit werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Young people in crisis times: comparative evidence and policies (2017)

    Marelli, Enrico; Signorelli Marcello, ;


    Marelli, Enrico (2017): Young people in crisis times. Comparative evidence and policies. In: CESifo forum, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 19-25.


    "Youth unemployment is a pathology that bears heavy economic, social and even political consequences. We can here recall three key empirical features: (i) youth unemployment rates (YUR) are generally higher than adult or total unemployment rates (UR); (ii) YUR are more sensitive than UR both to the business cycle, in particular to recessions, and to crisis episodes; (iii) there is great variation across European countries, in terms of both levels and dynamics of YUR." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Long-term unemployed youth: Characteristics and policy responses (2017)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ledermaier, Stefanie; Vacas-Soriano, Carlos; Jacobs, Lena;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano, Stefanie Ledermaier, Carlos Vacas-Soriano & Lena Jacobs (2017): Long-term unemployed youth. Characteristics and policy responses. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 85 S. DOI:10.2806/940447


    "While the youth labour market has improved considerably since 2014, one legacy of the recent economic crisis is the large cohort of long-term unemployed young people, which represents nearly one-third of jobless young people. This report provides an updated profile of the youth labour market in 2016 and describes trends over the past decade. It explores the determinants of long-term unemployment, at both sociodemographic and macroeconomic levels. It also provides evidence on the serious consequences for young people of spending a protracted time in unemployment, such as scarring effects on income and occupation and on several dimensions of young people's well-being. The report concludes with a discussion of selected policy measures recently implemented by 10 Member States in order to prevent young people from becoming long-term unemployed or, if they are in such circumstances, to integrate them into the labour market or education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    An incomplete recovery: Youth unemployment in Europe 2008-2016 (2017)

    Meierkord, Anja; Thies, Lars; Meyer-Hamme, Alexa;


    Meierkord, Anja, Alexa Meyer-Hamme & Lars Thies (2017): An incomplete recovery. Youth unemployment in Europe 2008-2016. Gütersloh, 19 S.


    "Fast zehn Jahre nach Beginn der europaweiten Finanzkrise ist auch die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa im Zuge der Erholung der Arbeitsmärkte weiter zurückgegangen. Bei genauer Betrachtung der Entwicklung zwischen 2008 und 2016 zeigen sich jedoch große Unterschiede: Vor allem einige süd- und osteuropäische Länder haben das Vorkrisen-Niveau ihrer Jugendbeschäftigungsquote noch nicht wieder erreicht. Ebenso bleibt die Integration bestimmter Gruppen junger Menschen in Bildung oder Arbeit eine große Herausforderung. Weitere Maßnahmen sind auf Ebene der EU und in Mitgliedsstaaten erforderlich." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Cohort size and youth labour-market outcomes in Europe (2017)

    Moffat, John; Roth, Duncan ;


    Moffat, John & Duncan Roth (2017): Cohort size and youth labour-market outcomes in Europe. In: Economics Bulletin, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 2735-2740., 2017-11-22.


    "Using data from 49 European regions covering 2005-2012, this paper estimates the effect of cohort size on youth employment and unemployment outcomes. The effects are found to be very sensitive to the age range of the sample used for estimation. In particular, the results show a negative (positive) effect of cohort size on employment (unemployment) among individuals aged 18-22 but the opposite effects among older individuals. This heterogeneity is driven by Eastern and Western European countries. For Southern European countries, belonging to a larger cohort is found to be beneficial across all age groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Roth, Duncan ;
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    Youth unemployment in Europe from a regional perspective (2017)

    Möller, Joachim;


    Möller, Joachim (2017): Youth unemployment in Europe from a regional perspective. In: CESifo forum, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 11-18.


    "It is an established fact that in most countries the unemployment rate of young workers exceeds that of prime-age workers. To a certain extent a moderately elevated rate of joblessness among young workers might be seen as 'natural'. For instance, job mobility in general is higher for entrants in the labour market. Younger workers are not yet closely attached to a specific workplace or occupation. They are often looking for better alternatives and are more inclined to try something new. As a result of these specific mobility patterns, employment spells are shorter and frictional unemployment is higher. Since mobility should lead to better matches, it even contributes to better labour market efficiency." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Möller, Joachim;
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    Getting it right: Youth employment policy within the EU (2017)

    Pastore, Francesco ;


    Pastore, Francesco (2017): Getting it right: Youth employment policy within the EU. In: CESifo forum, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 26-33.


    "This essay aims at assessing the employment and education policy implemented in EU countries to address youth unemployment, perhaps the most important social problem of the EU. It seeks to provide an overall evaluation of a number of interventions which have been implemented in various EU countries in this field." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Young people's development and the great recession: uncertain transitions and precarious futures (2017)

    Schoon, Ingrid; Bynner, John;


    Schoon, Ingrid & John Bynner (Hrsg.) (2017): Young people's development and the great recession. Uncertain transitions and precarious futures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 487 S. DOI:10.1017/9781316779507


    "The 2007 - 8 financial crisis and subsequent 'Great Recession' particularly affected young people trying to make their way from education into the labour market at a time of economic uncertainty and upheaval. This is the first volume to examine the impact of the Great Recession on the developmental stage of young adulthood, a critical phase of the life course that has great significance in the foundations of adult identity. Using evidence from longitudinal data sets spanning three major OECD countries, these essays examine the recession's effects on education and employment outcomes and consider the wider psycho-social consequences, including living arrangements, family relations, political engagement, and health and well-being. While the recession intensified the impact of pre-existing trends towards a prolonged dependence on parents and, for many, the precaritisation of life chances, the findings also point to manifestations of resilience, where young people countered adversity by forging positive expectations of the future." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth employment initiative: European implementation assessment. In-depth-analysis (2017)

    Tymowski, Jan;


    Tymowski, Jan (2017): Youth employment initiative. European implementation assessment. In-depth-analysis. Brüssel, 28 S. DOI:10.2861/310563


    "This in-depht analysis, produced by the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), aimst at presenting an overview of the state of implementation of the Youth Employment Initative (YEI), which was established in 2013. It was drafted following the publication of the European Commission's report on the YEI and the Youth Guarantee, and also takes the findings of the Court of Auditors' special reports on the implementation of both instruments into account. The analysis seeks to contribute to the preparation of a non-legislative implementation report by the European Parliament's Commitee on Employment and Social Affairs" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Global employment trends for youth 2017: Paths to a better working future (2017)


    International Labour Office (2017): Global employment trends for youth 2017. Paths to a better working future. (Global employment trends for youth ...), Genf, XI, 115 S.


    "Incorporating the most recent employment trends for young women and men, Global Employment Trends for Youth sets out the youth labour market situation around the world. It shows where progress has or has not been made, updates world and regional youth labour market indicators, and gives detailed analyses of medium-term trends in youth population, labour force, employment, unemployment, working poverty and informality.
    The 2017 edition discusses the implications of technological change for youth labour market prospects, focusing on trends in sectoral employment and on the forms of work available to young people.
    The report draws on the extensive range of analyses undertaken by the ILO and others in recent years so as to outline innovative and effective policy responses to the challenges facing young women and men entering the world of work today. It also offers insights into the directions needed for national policies and programmes to meet the challenges the youth of tomorrow will encounter in their search for entry points into decent work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Absolventen allgemeinbildender und beruflicher Bildungsgänge in Europa: Der Start ins Berufsleben ist in einigen Ländern besonders schwierig (2016)

    Anger, Silke ; Rodrigues, Margarida ; Leber, Ute;


    Anger, Silke, Ute Leber & Margarida Rodrigues (2016): Absolventen allgemeinbildender und beruflicher Bildungsgänge in Europa: Der Start ins Berufsleben ist in einigen Ländern besonders schwierig. (IAB-Kurzbericht 11/2016), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Die Integration junger Menschen in den Arbeitsmarkt hat eine zentrale Bedeutung für die wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung eines Landes. Dies gilt umso mehr, als frühe Arbeitsmarkterfahrungen wichtig sind für den späteren Beschäftigungserfolg. Allerdings ist der Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben für viele Jugendliche in Europa auch infolge der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise immer noch schwierig. Ein neuer Indikator der EU, die Erwerbstätigenquote von Absolventen allgemeinbildender und beruflicher Bildungsgänge, soll den Beitrag des Bildungssystems beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt adäquat abbilden. Auf Basis dieser Kennzahl zeigen die Autorinnen die Entwicklung der Beschäftigung von jungen Menschen mit Schul-, Berufs- oder Hochschulabschluss in Europa über die letzten zehn Jahre und gehen auf Unterschiede zwischen den Ländern sowie auf länderspezifische Einflussfaktoren ein." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Anger, Silke ; Leber, Ute;
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    Are recessions good for human capital accumulation? (2016)

    Ayllón, Sara ; Nollenberger, Natalia;


    Ayllón, Sara & Natalia Nollenberger (2016): Are recessions good for human capital accumulation? (NEGOTIATE working paper 5.1), Oslo, 32 S.


    "This paper is the first to investigate to what extent the high levels of joblessness brought by the Great Recession across Europe have translated into higher school attendance among youth. Using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the EU- SILC on 28 countries, we establish a robust counter-cyclical relationship between rising unemployment rates and school enrollment. The same is true for transitions back to education. However, our analysis by subgroups reveals a worrisome trend by which youths belonging to most disadvantaged backgrounds (measured by low household income) became less likely to enroll in University studies. The austerity measures and educational cutbacks imposed during the recession, not only changed the pattern of educational decisions among you" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effects of the economic crisis on drug consumption of young individuals in Europe: unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth (2016)

    Ayllón, Sara ; Ferreira-Batista, Natalia N.;


    Ayllón, Sara & Natalia N. Ferreira-Batista (2016): The effects of the economic crisis on drug consumption of young individuals in Europe. Unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth. (NEGOTIATE working paper 4.2), Oslo, 32 S.


    "This paper studies changes in patterns of drugs consumption and attitudes to- wards drugs in relation to sky-high (youth) unemployment rates in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Our analysis is based on data for 28 European countries referred to young people between the ages of 15 and 24. We find that consumption of cannabis and of 'new substances' is positively related with increasing unemployment rates. For example, an increase of 1% in the regional unemployment rate is associated with an increase of nearly 0.7% of young people declaring to have consumed cannabis at any point in time. Our findings also indicate that higher unemployment rates can be associated with more young people perceiving that access to drugs became more difficult, particularly for ecstasy, cocaine and heroin. On the opposite, we do not find any link between changes in the unemployment rate and changes in perceived risk of drugs use. Finally, according to young Europeans, when the economy worsens, anti-drug policies should focus on the reduction of poverty and unemployment, and not on implementing tougher measures against users." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth unemployment and active labor market policies in Europe (2016)

    Caliendo, Marco ; Schmidl, Ricarda;


    Caliendo, Marco & Ricarda Schmidl (2016): Youth unemployment and active labor market policies in Europe. In: IZA journal of labor policy, Jg. 5, S. 1-30. DOI:10.1186/s40173-016-0057-x


    "Since the economic crisis in 2008, European youth unemployment rates have been persistently high at around 20% on average. The majority of European countries spends significant resources each year on active labor market programs (ALMP) with the aim of improving the integration prospects of struggling youths. Among the most common programs used are training courses, job search assistance and monitoring, subsidized employment, and public work programs. For policy makers, it is of upmost importance to know which of these programs work and which are able to achieve the intended goals - may it be the integration into the first labor market or further education. Based on a detailed assessment of the particularities of the youth labor market situation, we discuss the pros and cons of different ALMP types. We then provide a comprehensive survey of the recent evidence on the effectiveness of these ALMP for youth in Europe, highlighting factors that seem to promote or impede their effectiveness in practice. Overall, the findings with respect to employment outcomes are only partly promising. While job search assistance (with and without monitoring) results in overwhelmingly positive effects, we find more mixed effects for training and wage subsidies, whereas the effects for public work programs are clearly negative. The evidence on the impact of ALMP on furthering education participation as well as employment quality is scarce, requiring additional research and allowing only limited conclusions so far." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Varieties of youth welfare citizenship: towards a two-dimension typology (2016)

    Chevalier, Tom ;


    Chevalier, Tom (2016): Varieties of youth welfare citizenship. Towards a two-dimension typology. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 26, H. 1, S. 3-19. DOI:10.1177/0958928715621710


    "How do welfare states deal with the period of the life course that is youth? In this article, we propose a two-dimension typology in order to account for cross-national variation in the access to financial independence of young people, that is, what we call 'youth welfare citizenship'. The first dimension addresses the issue of welfare support, and distinguishes between a familialization perspective, according to which young people are seen as children, and an individualization perspective, in which they are considered as adults. The second dimension relates to the integration into the labour market, which can either provide skills for every young person in an encompassing strategy, or deliver such skills only to a specific part of the youth population in a more selective strategy. It leads to four regimes of youth welfare citizenship, which we identify in the article: the denied citizenship, the monitored citizenship, the second-class citizenship and the enabling citizenship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Erwerbslosigkeit Jugendlicher in Europa im Jahr 2014 (2016)

    Dietrich, Hans ;


    Dietrich, Hans (2016): Erwerbslosigkeit Jugendlicher in Europa im Jahr 2014. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte 04/2016), Nürnberg, 6 S.


    "In dem Aktuellen Bericht werden die Entwicklung der Jugenderwerbslosigkeit in Europa sowie der altersspezifischen Unterschiede im Erwerbslosigkeitsrisiko und der Dauern der Erwerbslosigkeit dargestellt. Zudem wird das Risiko, erwerbslos zu werden und erwerbslos zu bleiben, betrachtet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Dietrich, Hans ;
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    Youth unemployment in Europe - business cycle and institutional effects (2016)

    Dietrich, Hans ; Möller, Joachim;


    Dietrich, Hans & Joachim Möller (2016): Youth unemployment in Europe - business cycle and institutional effects. In: International economics and economic policy, Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 5-25., 2015-11-04. DOI:10.1007/s10368-015-0331-1


    "In the aftermath of the Great Recession 2008/2009 European youth unemployment rose sharply from below 4.2 m in 2007 to more than 5.6 m young people under 25 unemployed in the EU28 countries in 2013. The youth unemployment rate expanded from 15.5 in 2007 to 25.5 in 2013. Beyond the consequences for individuals youth unemployment as a mass phenomenon is potentially menacing the stability of democratic societies. Hence there are good reasons to fight youth unemployment by any means. The paper analyses the specific structure and causes of youth unemployment. Although youth unemployment is also influenced by individual factors like insufficient qualification, we show that country-specific factors - institutions, traditions and characteristic structures - are of high importance in explaining the huge disparities between European countries. Using panel data estimates with specific country and time fixed effects we show that especially the Mediterranean countries responded to the economic downturn in a specific way. However, the high correlation of changes in the youth and adult unemployment rates across countries points to the fact that not only structural factors but also business cycle effects are important for explaining the sharp increase in the youth unemployment rate in Europe. The rise in joblessness is in fact closely related to macroeconomic slackness. Therefore, we argue that a two-handed approach combining institutional improvements with growth stimulating measures is needed to overcome the problem." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dietrich, Hans ; Möller, Joachim;
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    Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: analysing linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination (2016)

    Dingeldey, Irene ; Steinberg, Lisa;


    Dingeldey, Irene & Lisa Steinberg (2016): Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people. Analysing linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination. (NEGOTIATE working paper 8.1), Oslo, 25 S.


    "WP8 deals with the co-ordination of policy measures and strategies to strengthen young people's negotiating positions in the transition to the labour market. The focus is on the development and coordination of policy efforts within a system of multi-level governance. The template aims to address three issues by analysing the following questions: 1. Vertical and horizontal coordination of European policies to improve labour market integration of young people - Does coordination take place through 'hard' or 'soft' measures? - Which actors are involved in decision-making? - When does multi-level policy coordination to help labour market integration of young people work best?' 'Under what conditions are the development and coordination of such policies across multiple levels of governance likely to succeed?' 2. Impact of European initiatives, support and mutual learning on national and subnational policies/strategies - What impact did European programs like 'Youth Guarantee' and Youth initiative and 'Youth on the move' have at national and sub-national level? 3. Re-integration of national experiences in the European policy agenda - Which approaches, experiences and achievements of European countries have influenced European level initiatives? The template aims to provide a basis for country chapters on the implementation of European initiatives, a comparative report on strengths and weaknesses of policy coordination and policy outcomes in a MLG system as well as policy recommendations on how actors might improve coordination across governance levels. Empirical information of this working paper will be based on secondary country-based literature, official documents, existing national policy/program evaluations, and expert interviews with 4 - 5 key officials from agencies involved in the implementation of these programs in each country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Euro, crisis and unemployment: youth patterns, youth policies? (2016)

    Ghoshray, Atanu; Ordóñez, Javier; Sala, Hector;


    Ghoshray, Atanu, Javier Ordóñez & Hector Sala (2016): Euro, crisis and unemployment. Youth patterns, youth policies? (IZA discussion paper 9952), Bonn, 31 S.


    "This paper examines the occurrence of structural breaks in European unemployment associated with major events experienced by the European economies at an institutional level: the creation of the European and Monetary Union (EMU) in 1999, and the Euro/financial crisis in 2008-2009, which was followed by a general and intensive reform process in the years afterwards. Beyond the well documented asymmetries across countries, we uncover different responses of adult and youth unemployment rates. While adult unemployment is more prone to experience structural breaks, youth unemployment is more sensitive to business cycle oscillations. This has been especially so in the recent crisis and calls for fine tuning policy measures specifically targeted to youth unemployed in bad times. One important implication of our findings is that generic labour market reforms are not effective enough to solve the youth unemployment problem across Europe. We point to educational policies that raise average qualifications and help school-to-work transitions as suitable complementary cures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis * (2016)

    Karamessini, Maria; Symeonaki, Maria ; Papazachariou, Antonis; Stamatopoulou, Glykeria;


    Karamessini, Maria, Maria Symeonaki, Glykeria Stamatopoulou & Antonis Papazachariou (2016): The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis *. (NEGOTIATE working paper 3.2), Oslo, 93 S.


    "In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of young people's careers in Europe and the identification of the risk factors influencing them. The study of transitions between labour market states and the measurement of the school-to-work transition probabilities has become of utmost importance, since young people's pathways from school to sustained work have become rough and unpredictable. The probability of someone who has concluded full-time education to move successfully into full-time occupation seems to decrease, while, on the other hand, the probability of engaging into a part-time or temporary job increases. Emphasis should therefore be given to the estimation of different indicators that can be used in order to capture the extent and forms of job insecurity. Several methodological approaches are proposed in the present study, taking advantage of existing data sources, cross-sectional and longitudinal, so as to provide a full picture of early job insecurity in all European countries and its relation to a number of socio-demographic variables that might be influencing its magnitude. The results uncover that there are important differences between countries, when all estimated early job insecurity indicators are taken into account." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Age effects in Okun's law with different indicators of unemployment (2016)

    Marconi, Gabriele; Maselli, Ilaria; Beblavý, Miroslav;


    Marconi, Gabriele, Miroslav Beblavý & Ilaria Maselli (2016): Age effects in Okun's law with different indicators of unemployment. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 23, H. 8, S. 580-583. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2015.1090540


    "We reassess the results from the literature on the relationship between the youth unemployment rate and GDP growth (Okun's law), based on the concern that the unemployment rate is not an ideal indicator for teenagers and young adults. Using the unemployment ratio instead, we find that youth unemployment (15 - 24 years old) is not significantly more responsive to economic growth than prime-age (25 - 64) unemployment. However, compared to prime-age unemployment, teenagers' unemployment (15 - 19) is relatively unresponsive, whereas young adult's (20 - 24) unemployment is more strongly correlated with economic growth. These results are quite different than those obtained with the unemployment rate as the dependent variable." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Engaging the 'missing middle': status quo, trends and good practice (2016)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ledermaier, Stefanie;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano & Stefanie Ledermaier (2016): Engaging the 'missing middle'. Status quo, trends and good practice. Dublin, 14 S.


    "Youth unemployment policy has tended to focus on two groups: young people with low educational attainment and those with higher education who have failed to find work. However, there is a large group of middle attainers who tend to be overlooked by policy - young people who have completed second-level education but do not follow academic routes into higher education. These are the 'missing middle', who may be confronted with a range of challenges when trying to find alternative ways into employment, further education or training. This paper describes the middle attainers and looks at recent trends in policy from different EU countries aimed at engaging this group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Exploring the diversity of NEETs (2016)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ledermaier, Stefanie;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano & Stefanie Ledermaier (2016): Exploring the diversity of NEETs. Dublin, 63 S. DOI:10.2806/62307


    "The concept of NEET (young people not in employment, education or training) has, since 2010, been widely used as a tool to inform youth-oriented policies in the 28 Member States of the European Union. While it has been a valuable addition to more traditional indicators used to understand the economic and social vulnerability of young people and their labour market participation, it has often been criticised because of the heterogeneity of the population it captures. This report explores the diversity of NEETs and suggests seven subgroups into which the NEET population can be disaggregated using data routinely collected for the EU Labour Force Survey. Through analysis of the data for each of these subgroups, it offers a contemporary overview of the composition of the NEET population, both at EU28 level and in each Member State. It is hoped this information will help policymakers more precisely target interventions intended to ease young people's engagement with the world of work and training. An executive summary is available - see Related content - and a separate annex presents detailed information on the composition of NEETs in the 28 Member States." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration aspirations of European youth in times of crisis (2016)

    Mol, Christof Van ;


    Mol, Christof Van (2016): Migration aspirations of European youth in times of crisis. In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 19, H. 10, S. 1303-1320. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2016.1166192


    "In recent years, the European Union (EU) passed through a significant economic crisis. All across Europe, European young people are among the groups which are hit hardest, with youth unemployment rates rising to over 50% in member states such as Greece and Spain. In the classical migration literature, it is suggested that such unfavourable economic climate would make people more likely to move abroad. Whereas in press releases we are regularly confronted with stories about South European young adults with tertiary education working in bars in Northern European cities, limited empirical evidence exists as such on the relationship between the recent Euro-crisis and migration aspirations. This paper addresses this gap in the academic literature. Using data from Flash Eurobarometer 395, I investigate which micro- and macro-level characteristics influence migration aspirations of young people across the member states of the EU. The results reveal the importance of individual characteristics and feelings of discontent with the current climate in explaining migration aspirations. Furthermore, I detect a negative relationship of relative welfare levels with migration aspirations, and a positive relationship of the youth unemployment ratio. Together, the results suggest that potential young intra-EU movers are positively selected from the population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Start-up support for young people in the EU: from implementation to evaluation (2016)

    Riso, Sara;


    Riso, Sara (2016): Start-up support for young people in the EU. From implementation to evaluation. Dublin, 76 S. DOI:10.2806/075998


    "Against a background of high youth unemployment, policymakers are paying more attention to encouraging young people to start their own businesses as a means of easing their entry into the labour market. As part of the Youth Guarantee, launched in 2013, several Member States have introduced start-up support measures for young job-seekers. However, these measures vary considerably in terms of their content, delivery and aims. This report provides an overview of the current start-up support measures targeted at young people, as well as other more general measures that have relevance for them. It also reviews evaluations of the impact of selected start-up support measures. In doing so, it highlights some of the key methodological issues and limitations of the evaluation exercise." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    NEET und sozial benachteiligte junge Menschen im Übergang in das Erwerbsleben: Konzepte, Befunde, Diskussionen (2016)

    Schels, Brigitte ;


    Schels, Brigitte (2016): NEET und sozial benachteiligte junge Menschen im Übergang in das Erwerbsleben. Konzepte, Befunde, Diskussionen. In: A. Lange, H. Reiter, S. Schutter & C. Steiner (Hrsg.) (2016): Handbuch Kindheits- und Jugendsoziologie, S. 241-252. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-05676-6_14-1


    "Das Akronym NEET ('not in employment, education, or training') steht in der europäischen Sozialberichterstattung und arbeitsmarktpolitischen Diskussion für eine Gruppe von sozial benachteiligten jungen Menschen mit besonderem Förderbedarf. Im Folgenden wird die Begriffsgenese skizziert und Zahlen zu NEETs in Europa vorgestellt. Weiter wird die Aussagekraft der Kategorie NEET, die junge Menschen in heterogenen Lebenslagen zusammenfasst, beleuchtet. Abschließend wird auf den Forschungsstand zu den Bestimmungsfaktoren, Konsequenzen und Perspektiven von NEET-Jugendlichen geblickt und kritisch diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Schels, Brigitte ;
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    Die Jugendgarantie und die Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen: Dreijahresbilanz. Mitteilung der Kommission an das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Rat, den Rat, den Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen. {SWD(2016) 323 final}, {SWD(2016) 324 final}. COM(2016) 646 final (2016)


    "Seit 2013 verfolgen die Union und ihre Mitgliedstaaten eine ehrgeizige Strategie zur Reduzierung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. Auf Vorschlag der Kommission haben alle Mitgliedstaaten der Einführung einer Jugendgarantie zugestimmt. Dabei handelt es sich um die politische Zusage - in Form einer Empfehlung des Rates vom April 2013 - , sicherzustellen, dass allen jungen Menschen innerhalb von vier Monaten, nachdem sie arbeitslos werden oder die Schule verlassen, eine hochwertige Arbeitsstelle oder Weiterbildungsmaßnahme oder ein hochwertiger Ausbildungs- bzw. Praktikumsplatz angeboten wird. Die Einführung der Jugendgarantie ging mit politischen Leitlinien und finanzieller Unterstützung auf EU-Ebene einher, insbesondere in Form der Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen (Youth Employment Initiative, YEI). Drei Jahre nach Einführung der Jugendgarantie gibt es in der EU 1,4 Millionen weniger arbeitslose Jugendliche.
    Zusätzlich bietet die Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen (YEI) mit finanziellen Ausgangsmitteln in Höhe von 6,4 Mrd. EUR erstmalig eine gezielte Unterstützung für junge NEETs in Regionen, die mit Jugendarbeitslosigkeitsquoten von über 25 % zu kämpfen haben." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage: Volume I, Investigating causes and extent (2016)


    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (2016): Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage. Volume I, Investigating causes and extent. (CEDEFOP research paper 57), Thessaloniki, 136 S. DOI:10.2801/893397


    "This Cedefop study examines the contribution that vocational education and training (VET) can make to reducing early leaving from education and training (ELET). Published in two volumes, this first looks at quantitative data to understand better the extent of early leaving from VET (ELVET). It analyses mechanisms for monitoring early leaving (at national and EU-levels), and examines VET and labour-market-specific factors, as well as those related to the individual and his/her family background, contributing to this phenomenon. It aims to assist national policy-makers and decision-makers at different levels in developing existing monitoring systems to measure ELVET and inform VET policies to tackle ELET. It also aims to assist European stakeholders to refine the EU indicator to capture the important variations in individual situations of early leavers. The second volume reviews VET-related measures to tackle ELET, either by preventing learners dropping out and/or by bringing those who have already left back to education and training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage: Volume II, Evaluating policy impact (2016)


    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (2016): Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage. Volume II, Evaluating policy impact. (CEDEFOP research paper 58), Thessaloniki, 149 S. DOI:10.2801/967263


    "This Cedefop study focuses on the contribution that vocational education and training (VET) can make to reducing early leaving from education and training (ELET). Published in two volumes, the first is dedicated to understanding better the learning pathways of young students, providing measurements of early leaving in VET, and understanding the role of VET in breaking the vicious cycle of early leaving and unemployment. This second volume reviews VET-related measures to tackle ELET, either by preventing learners dropping out and/or by bringing those who have already left back to education and training. This volume identifies and discusses the key features of successful policies and practices, plus the conditions necessary to evaluate and upscale successful regional and local practices to national strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative three years on: part 1. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the European Council, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Commission staff working document. {COM(2016) 646 final}, {SWD(2016) 324 final} (2016)


    Die Arbeitsunterlage der Kommissionsdienststellen ergänzt die Mitteilung der Europäischen Kommission, in der sie die wichtigsten Erfolge bei der Umsetzung der Jugendgarantie und der Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen (Youth Employment Initiative - YEI) seit dem Start 2013 (bis zum Stand: Juni 2016) darstellt und Schlussfolgerungen für die Verbesserung der Maßnahmen der EU und der Mitgliedstaaten zur Umsetzung nationaler Jugendgarantie-Programme zieht. Sie versteht sich als Hilfsmittel für die Akteure in den Ländern zur Fortsetzung der nationalen Umsetzung des Programms und stellt Praxisbeispiele für signifikante Reformschritte und gelungene Maßnahmen aus den Mitgliedstaaten vor und benennt - wo möglich - identifizierbare Erfolgsfaktoren. Ebenso dient die Arbeitsunterlage als Referenzdokument, das auf zahlreiche Untersuchungen, Berichte und Statistiken weiterer nationaler wie gemeinschaftlicher Ressourcen verweist. Die Berichte basieren auf Daten aus der laufenden Beobachtung des Beschäftigungsausschusses (Employment Committee - EMCO) aus den Jahren 2014 und 2015 unter einem gemeinsamen Indikatorenrahmen und den Kernaussagen der Tagung des Rats für 'Beschäftigung, Sozialpolitik, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz' am 7. März 2016 sowie auf der Auswertung von Antworten aus den Mitgliedstaaten im Rahmen des Sozialen Dialogs und Beratungen mit Jugendlichen auf dem Europäischen Jugend-Event (European Youth Event - EYE) vom 20.-21. Mai 2016 am Sitz des Europäischen Parlaments in Straßburg und schließlich auch auf einem Bericht des Europäischen Beschäftigungsobservatoriums (EEPO) zur Umsetzung der Jugendgarantie. (IAB)

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    Permanent and transitory earnings inequality of young people in Europe * (2015)

    Ayllón Gatnau, Sara; Ramos, Xavier;


    Ayllón Gatnau, Sara & Xavier Ramos (2015): Permanent and transitory earnings inequality of young people in Europe *. (NEGOTIATE working paper 4.1), Oslo, 35 S.


    "We provide new evidence on earnings volatility and labour market volatility, which also includes flows into and out of employment, of young workers across Europe over the Great Recession, and examine the institutional factors that may shape both earnings and labour market volatility. Using EU-SILC data, we document large disparities in volatility levels and trends of youth across European countries, which makes it difficult to group countries with similar volatility trends into meaningful clusters. Trends do not differ by gender, age, or education. As expected, the Great Recession increases volatility for Europe's youth, offsetting the falling trend observed over the last years of economic prosperity. Larger unemployment benefits and more stringent employment protection legislation are related to lower earnings and labour market volatility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aus einer europäischen Perspektive: theoretische Ansätze, empirische Konzepte und ausgewählte Befunde (2015)

    Dietrich, Hans ;


    Dietrich, Hans (2015): Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aus einer europäischen Perspektive. Theoretische Ansätze, empirische Konzepte und ausgewählte Befunde. (IAB-Discussion Paper 24/2015), Nürnberg, 31 S.


    "Der Beitrag führt in die Thematik von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit ein, diskutiert zentrale theoretische sowie verwandte empirische Ansätze (social exclusion, NEET - Not in Education, Employment or Training), stellt die vorherrschenden Verfahren zur Messung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und darauf bezogene Kennziffern vor und berichtet über ausgewählte empirische Befunde. Weiterhin werden mögliche individuelle Folgen von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Dietrich, Hans ;
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    Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aus einer europäischen Perspektive (2015)

    Dietrich, Hans ;


    Dietrich, Hans (2015): Jugendarbeitslosigkeit aus einer europäischen Perspektive. In: M. Klebl & S. Popescu-Willigmann (Hrsg.) (2015): Handbuch Bildungsplanung : Ziele und Inhalte beruflicher Bildung auf unterrichtlicher, organisationaler und politischer Ebene, S. 555-586, 2015-06-13.


    "Der Beitrag führt in die Thematik Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Abgrenzung zu alternativen Konzepten wie sozialer Exklusion oder NEET sowie unter Rückgriff auf zentrale theoretische Ansätze ein, stellt die vorherrschenden Verfahren zur Messung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und darauf bezogene Kennziffern vor und berichtet ausgewählte aktuelle empirische Befunde. Weiterhin werden individuelle Folgen von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit kritisch diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa: Auf der Suche nach der richtigen Zahl? (2015)

    Dietrich, Hans ;


    Dietrich, Hans (2015): Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa: Auf der Suche nach der richtigen Zahl? In: IAB-Forum H. 2, S. 32-37., 2015-12-01. DOI:10.3278/IFO1502W032


    "Während die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland zurückgeht, ist sie seit 2008 insbesondere in Südeuropa stark gestiegen. Allerdings wird deren faktisches Ausmaß in der öffentlichen Diskussion überschätzt, wenn als Indikator die 'Erwerbslosenquote' betrachtet wird. Insbesondere im internationalen Vergleich ist es hilfreich, alternative Messkonzepte zu berücksichtigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Understanding the consequences of early job insecurity and labour market exclusion: the interaction of structural conditions, institutions, active agency and capability (2015)

    Dingeldey, Irene ; O'Reilly, Jacqueline; Schøyen, Mi Ah; Hyggen, Christer; Hvinden, Bjørn ;


    Dingeldey, Irene, Bjørn Hvinden, Christer Hyggen, Jacqueline O'Reilly & Mi Ah Schøyen (2015): Understanding the consequences of early job insecurity and labour market exclusion. The interaction of structural conditions, institutions, active agency and capability. (NEGOTIATE working paper 2.1), Oslo, 43 S.


    "This document is the first deliverable from Work Package 2 of the NEGOTIATE project, 'Early job insecurity and youth unemployment as a theoretical and societal challenge'. The Work Package's first objective is to develop 'an original analytical framework for a comparative assessment of the individual and societal consequences of job insecurity early in a career. The analytical framework integrates concepts such as negotiation, agency, capability, empowerment, social resilience, embedded employability, networks, transition regimes, welfare state regimes and multi-level governance. A key interest is how to conceptualise the interactions between the young adults' agency and structurally given constraints and opportunities, (e.g. how they perceive and use their scope for action through networks and active agency, even in seemingly adverse circumstances) and in what sense young adults' find ways of negotiating the challenges of prolonged unemployment and job insecurity.' (DoA, Annex 1, Part A, p. 16). NEGOTIATE's core question is how young people's scope for agency interacts with different layers of structural conditions in a multi-level governance system.
    As means to answering this question, the deliverable will review and summarise relevant theoretical literature on key concepts and assess how they contribute to an understanding of the consequences of early job insecurity for young people. A particular interest is the extent to which young women and men are able to negotiate these conditions and avoid the most adverse consequences of such insecurity. We will be particularly attentive to mechanisms of gendered labour market outcomes and patterns of market marginalisation of young people.
    The practical goal of presenting the analytical framework and undertaking a conceptual clarification is to provide a common basis for the empirical work of NEGOTIATE (cf. Work Packages 3-8), as well as a conceptual base for the final synthesis of results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Promoting youth employment through activation strategies (2015)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Rinne, Ulf;


    Eichhorst, Werner & Ulf Rinne (2015): Promoting youth employment through activation strategies. (IZA research report 65), Bonn, 61 S.


    "The working paper provides an overview of the main features of youth activation strategies around the world. It covers strategies implemented in 33 selected countries from different regions with a view to contributing to the discussion on the emerging approach of activation strategies as a tool to tackle the youth employment challenge. It provides an overview of the main features of these strategies and attempts to conduct a preliminary assessment of what works and what does not in their implementation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Policy performance and evaluation: Germany (2015)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Wozny, Florian; Cox, Michael;


    Eichhorst, Werner, Florian Wozny & Michael Cox (2015): Policy performance and evaluation: Germany. (IZA research report 66), Bonn, 40 S.


    Der Beitrag beginnt mit einer Darstellung der Struktur des deutschen Bildungssystems, seiner Institutionen, der Hierarchie der Zuständigkeiten und der Akteure auf dem Feld der Bildungspolitik - des Schulsystems, der tertiären Bildung und vor allem der beruflichen Bildung (duales System). Im nächsten Schritt werden die aktive bzw. aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik, die Anspruchsvoraussetzungen für den Leistungsbezug, der Kündigungsschutz und neuere politische Innovationen auf den Politikfeldern Bildung, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Mindestlohn beschrieben. Ein letzter Blick gilt den unterschiedlichen Förderungsmöglichkeiten für (arbeitslose) Jugendliche und deren Subgruppen und den Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der im europäischen Vergleich deutlich niedrigeren Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. (IAB)

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    Gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit: innovative Ideen, Modelle, Strategien (2015)

    Hartz, Peter; Petzold, Hilarion G.;


    Hartz, Peter & Hilarion G. Petzold (Hrsg.) (2015): Gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. Innovative Ideen, Modelle, Strategien. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 569 S.


    "Europatriates sind arbeitslose und weiterbildungsinteressierte Jugendliche, die temporär in ein europäisches Partnerland gehen, um einen Beruf zu erlernen oder eine Beschäftigung aufzunehmen. Sie sammeln dabei praktische Erfahrungen, theoretische Kenntnisse, europarelevantes und interkulturelles Wissen. Sie haben die Chance, sich im internationalen Rahmen bewegen zu lernen und sich in Europa zunehmend 'heimisch' zu fühlen.
    Dieser Band stellt Ideen, Konzepte, Modelle und Strategien vor, die auf dem 'Ersten operativen Kongress gegen die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa' im Juni 2014 in Saarbrücken erarbeitet und präsentiert wurden. 507 Teilnehmer aus 24 Ländern sind gekommen: Junge Menschen aus ganz Europa, Arbeitsmarktspezialisten, Vertreter aus Politik, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Finanzwesen, aus Ministerien und Verwaltung - eine breite Phalanx von Experten und Expertinnen, die dem Problem massenhafter Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa entgegentreten.
    In Vorträgen, auf Podien, in Workshops und in Arbeitskreisen werden Ideen und Modelle diskutiert und konkrete Projekte und Tools von 'best practice' vorgestellt, die unter einer europäischen Perspektive für die Lösung des Problems der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit innovative Beiträge leisten. Hier werden erstmalig die jungen Menschen selbst gehört. Interdisziplinäre und intergenerationale Diskurse zeigen: Es gibt Wege, die Probleme zu lösen. Sie müssen beschritten werden - engagiert, tatkräftig und innovativ - , um der Gefahr einer 'lost generation' zu begegnen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Social inclusion of young people (2015)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ludwinek, Anna; Ledermaier, Stefanie;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano, Anna Ludwinek & Stefanie Ledermaier (2015): Social inclusion of young people. Dublin, 145 S. DOI:10.2806/588575


    "Since the onset of the economic crisis, the unemployment level among young people has risen sharply and although an improvement is now being registered some EU countries still have stubbornly high youth unemployment rates. Young people, especially those who are not in employment, education or training (NEET), are now the group at highest risk of social exclusion, with severe consequences not only for the individuals concerned but for the economy and society as a whole. Through its Youth Strategy 2010 - 2018, the EU has adopted a comprehensive and holistic approach to the social inclusion of young people. While the Youth Guarantee (which guarantees young people a work or training placement) seeks to intervene quickly and help young people back into the labour market, there are many other policies and measures at EU, Member State and regional level promoting the social inclusion of young people. This report discusses the first year of implementation of the Youth Guarantee and draws on case study findings showcasing successful initiatives aimed at preventing the social exclusion of young people in the EU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa - Generation ohne Perspektive?: zur Diskussion gestellt (2015)

    Möller, Joachim; Schmid, Günther; Schmidt, Jörg; Asmussen, Jörg; Bosch, Gerhard;


    Möller, Joachim, Gerhard Bosch, Günther Schmid, Jörg Schmidt & Jörg Asmussen (2015): Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa - Generation ohne Perspektive? Zur Diskussion gestellt. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 68, H. 17, S. 3-21.


    "Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Europäischen Union, vor allem in den südeuropäischen Ländern, ist erschreckend hoch. Das hat nicht nur unmittelbare Konsequenzen für die ökonomische Lage der Betroffenen, sondern auch erhebliche Folgen im weiteren Berufsleben. Droht langfristige eine 'verlorene Generation' heranzuwachsen, die auch im späteren Erwerbsleben kaum Chancen auf einen Eintritt in den Arbeitsmarkt hat? Für Joachim Möller, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), Nürnberg, und Universität Regensburg, lässt sich der dramatische Anstieg der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit nicht durch eine Veränderung struktureller Faktoren erklären. Vielmehr liege der Misere die allgemeine Arbeitsmarktschwäche zugrunde, die sich auch in der Arbeitslosenquote der übrigen Erwerbspersonen widerspiegelt. Es empfehle sich deshalb die doppelseitige Strategie: Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und der Arbeitsmarktstrukturen in den Krisenländern bedürfen einer Komplementierung durch eine Steigerung der aggregierten Nachfrage, um die Schaffung und Erhaltung von Arbeitsplätzen zu begünstigen. Gerhard Bosch, Universität Duisburg-Essen, sieht ein Versagen der Hilfsprogramme der EU, die bislang die hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Süd- und Osteuropa nicht erkennbar verringern konnten. Nach Ansicht von Günther Schmid, ehem. FU Berlin, gilt es langfristig für die Länder mit hoher oder gar dramatisch hoher Jugendarbeitslosigkeit, die institutionellen Kapazitäten für duale Ausbildungssysteme aufzubauen. Jörg Schmidt, Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln, findet es zu früh, um von einer verlorenen Generation Jugendlicher in Europa zu sprechen. Die vergleichsweise hohe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in einigen südeuropäischen Staaten gebe zwar Anlass zur Sorge, allerdings hätten einige der institutionellen Regelungen auch Reformpotenzial, um diesem Problem zu begegnen, insbesondere im Bereich der (beruflichen) Bildungssysteme sowie der Kündigungsschutz- und Mindestlohnregelungen. Jörg Asmussen, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, sieht bei der Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa in den letzten Jahren einige Erfolge. Aber es findet noch immer jeder fünfte arbeitswillige junge Europäer keinen Job. Es sollten u.a. die Berufsausbildungssysteme durch Modernisierung gestärkt, die Arbeitsmarktverwaltungen modernisiert und Existenzgründungen ermöglicht werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Reaktionen der EU auf die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit (2015)

    Möller, Joachim;


    Möller, Joachim (2015): Reaktionen der EU auf die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit. In: U. von Alemann, E. G. Heidbreder, H. Hummel, D. Dreyer & A. Gödde (Hrsg.) (2015): Ein soziales Europa ist möglich : Grundlagen und Handlungsoptionen, S. 201-216, 2015-01-01. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-04952-2_12


    "Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht die Gründe, die für eine höhere Arbeitslosigkeit Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener verantwortlich sein könnten. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden einige grundlegende Fakten der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa beleuchtet. Es zeigt sich, dass die Veränderung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit hoch mit der Veränderung der allgemeinen Arbeitslosigkeit korreliert. Neuere Forschungen untermauern, dass Jugendarbeitslosigkeit Narben hinterlässt, die im gesamten Erwerbsleben nachwirken. Die Situation insbesondere in den europäischen Krisenstaaten lässt damit erhebliche negative ökonomische und soziale Langzeiteffekte befürchten. Diskutiert werden die Erfolgsaussichten möglicher arbeitsmarktpolitischer Instrumente der Europäischen Union in diesem Kontext." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Facing trajectories from school to work: towards a capability-friendly youth policy in Europe (2015)

    Otto, Hans-Uwe; Düker, Jan; Ekbrand, Hans; Bergström, Gunilla; Dif-Pradalier, Mael; Atzmüller, Roland; Sztandar-Sztanderska, Karolina; Bifulco, Lavinia; Simon, Veronique; Chiappero, Enrica; Haidinger, Bettina; Halleroed, Björn; Hollywood, Emma; Kwiek, Marek ; Kasper, Ruth; Vero, Josiane; Lambert, Marion; Ziegler, Holger; Ley, Thomas; Bonvin, Jean-Michel ; McQuaid, Ronald; Kjeldsen, C.C.; Michel-Schertges, Dirk; Zielenska, Marianna; Monteleone, Raffaele; Egdell, Valerie ; Mozzana, Carlotta; Berthet, Thierry; Rosendal Jense, Niels; Schröer, Regine; Rosenstein, Emilie;


    Otto, Hans-Uwe, Roland Atzmüller, Thierry Berthet, Lavinia Bifulco, Jean-Michel Bonvin, Enrica Chiappero, Valerie Egdell, Björn Halleroed, C.C. Kjeldsen, Marek Kwiek, Regine Schröer, Josiane Vero & Marianna Zielenska (Hrsg.) (2015): Facing trajectories from school to work. Towards a capability-friendly youth policy in Europe. (Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects 20), Cham: Springer London, 394 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-11436-1


    "This book promotes a radical alternative impact on youth policy in Europe to overcome the situation of vulnerability and discrimination of a growing number of youngsters in their transition from school to work. It follows a Human Development perspective in using the Capability Approach (CA) as analytical and methodological guiding tool to improve the social conditions of the most socially vulnerable young people in European societies. The mission of the interdisciplinary authors is to expand the actual chances of the young to actively shape their lives in a way they have reason to choose and value. This book is based on the research of the EU Collaborative Project 'Making Capabilities Work' (WorkAble), funded by the EU within the Seventh Framework Programme. It is the first empirical project to pursue a justice theory perspective on a European level. It also contributes to a fundamental change in the currently mostly insufficient attempts within the human capital approach to use the labour market to ensure desired lifestyle forms and a secure income for vulnerable youth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Education mismatch, human capital and labour status of young people across European Union countries (2015)

    Pompei, Fabrizio; Selezneva, Ekaterina;


    Pompei, Fabrizio & Ekaterina Selezneva (2015): Education mismatch, human capital and labour status of young people across European Union countries. (IOS working papers 347), Regensburg, 37 S.


    "This paper analyses the influence of country-level education mismatch on the individual-level relationship between education and the probability of being unemployed or staying in alternative labour statuses, for young people aged 15 - 34 in 2006, 2008 and 2010, living in 21 EU countries. We assume that young people may fall in five labour market statuses: 1) Employee; 2) Self-employed; 3) Unemployed; 4) In Education; 5) Inactive, and perform a multinomial logit model to study the effects of years of education on relative probability of being in labour statuses 2, 3, 4, or 5, compared to the base category (Employee). Afterwards, we interact the individual-level years of education with a country-level indicator of education mismatch in order to identify the heterogeneous effects of the aggregate mismatch among people with different educational attainments. Results show that more years of education: i) reduce the relative probability of being unemployed; ii) have a cumulative effect by extending the period of education; iii) slightly raise the relative probability to be self-employed. As regards country-level education mismatch, we found that only after 2008 it produces an additional effect on better educated young people by further reducing their relative unemployment risk when it is compared to that of low educated youngsters. This outcome tells us that improving access to university degrees remains the main road to tackle youth unemployment caused by education mismatch, even after the outburst of the current financial and economic crisis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A multifactorial explanation of youth unemployment and the special case of Austria (2015)

    Tamesberger, Dennis;


    Tamesberger, Dennis (2015): A multifactorial explanation of youth unemployment and the special case of Austria. In: International social security review, Jg. 68, H. 1, S. 23-45. DOI:10.1111/issr.12058


    "One of the biggest challenges currently facing European society is the dramatically high level of youth unemployment. Commonly, political solutions and strategies can be found in those countries that have been able to keep youth unemployment low in spite of the financial and economic crises. Austria is such a case. On the basis of European Union Member State data, the article gives a multifactorial explanation of youth unemployment and asks whether these factors can explain relatively low youth unemployment in Austria. With the country's 'youth safety net' presented in detail, it is shown that active labour market policy reduces youth unemployment in Austria. The article also points out the limitations of cross-country comparisons of youth unemployment rates and proposes the use of a greater number of indicators. Finally, the article argues for economic policies to stimulate demand, which have to be based on a political and social commitment to full employment." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Youth unemployment in advanced economies in Europe: searching for solutions (2014)

    Banerji, Angana; Lin, Huidan; Saksonovs, Sergejs; Blavy, Rodolphe;


    Banerji, Angana, Sergejs Saksonovs, Huidan Lin & Rodolphe Blavy (2014): Youth unemployment in advanced economies in Europe. Searching for solutions. (IMF staff discussion note 2014,11), Washington, DC, 32 S. DOI:10.5089/9781498337113.006


    "The staff discussion note will assess the youth unemployment problem in advanced European countries, with a special focus on the euro area. It will document the main trends in youth and adult unemployment in 22 European countries before and after the global financial crisis. It will identify the main drivers of youth and adult unemployment, focusing in particular on the role of the business cycle and structural characteristics of the labor market. It will outline the main elements of a comprehensive strategy to address the problem." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Youth unemployment in Europe: appraisal and policy options (2014)

    Berlingieri, Francesco ; Bonin, Holger; Sprietsma, Maresa;


    Berlingieri, Francesco, Holger Bonin & Maresa Sprietsma (2014): Youth unemployment in Europe. Appraisal and policy options. Stuttgart, 138 S.


    "Der alarmierende Anstieg der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit infolge der jüngsten Wirtschaftskrise kann für die Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene nicht ohne Folgen bleiben. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass in der EU über 5,5 Millionen junge Menschen Schwierigkeiten haben, einen Arbeitsplatz zu finden, müssen Strategien zur Bekämpfung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit entwickelt werden. Nur so kann verhindert werden, dass eine verlorene Generation von europäischen Jugendlichen entsteht, die auf dem Arbeitsmarkt und in der Gesellschaft dauerhaft benachteiligt sind.
    Vor diesem Hintergrund hat die Robert Bosch Stiftung die vorliegende Studie beim Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) in Mannheim in Auftrag gegeben. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Entwicklung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa zu untersuchen, die maßgeblichen institutionellen und ökonomischen Ursachen für Jugendarbeitslosigkeit zu identifizieren und die Maßnahmen zu diskutieren, die ergriffen werden können, um eine bessere Arbeitsmarktintegration von jungen Erwachsenen zu erzielen.
    Obgleich die Studie die Perspektive der EU-Mitgliedstaaten insgesamt abdeckt, legt sie den Schwerpunkt auf die südeuropäischen Länder, die in besonderem Maße von der aktuellen Jugendarbeitslosigkeitskrise betroffen sind. Den Hauptteil bilden drei Länderberichte, in denen die Lage in Italien, Spanien und Portugal im Detail dargestellt wird und aktuelle sowie mögliche zukünftige politische Initiativen untersucht werden, die zu einer Senkung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in diesen Ländern beitragen könnten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Youth labour market integration across Europe: the impact of cyclical, structural, and institutional characteristics (2014)

    Lange, Marloes de; Gesthuizen, Maurice; Wolbers, Maarten H.J.;


    Lange, Marloes de, Maurice Gesthuizen & Maarten H.J. Wolbers (2014): Youth labour market integration across Europe. The impact of cyclical, structural, and institutional characteristics. In: European Societies, Jg. 16, H. 2, S. 194-212. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2013.821621


    "Young people in Europe face great difficulties nowadays when entering the labour market. Unemployment and temporary employment are high among youth, although considerable differences exist between European countries. In this article, we study to what extent cyclical, structural, and institutional factors explain cross-national variation in youth labour market integration. Inaddition, we examine educational differences in the impact of these macro-characteristics. To answer these questions, we use data on young people from 29 countries who were interviewed in the European Social Survey of 2002, 2004, 2006, or 2008 and left day-time education in the period 1992_2008. Both unemployment and temporary employment are regarded as a lack of labour market integration, compared to the situation of permanent employment. The empirical results first of all show that high unemployment hinders young people to smoothly integrate into the labour market. In addition, economic globalisation positively affects youth labour market integration. We also demonstrate that young people experience less difficulty with labour market integration as the educational system is more vocationally specific. Intermediate and higher educated particularly profit from the positive effect of the vocational specificity of the educational system. Finally, as the employment protection legislation of incumbent workers is stricter, young people experience more difficulties with labour market integration, especially higher educated youth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market transitions of young people during the economic crisis (2014)

    Leitner, Sebastian; Stehrer, Robert;


    Leitner, Sebastian & Robert Stehrer (2014): Labour market transitions of young people during the economic crisis. (WIIW working paper 109), Wien, 35 S.


    "This paper analyses the impacts of the crisis on various groups in the labour market, providing a comparison across groups of EU countries and individual Central and East European new EU Member States. In particular, it reports how the crisis affected the transitions of people between different states in the labour market: employment, unemployment, education and inactivity. Based on EU SILC data, a descriptive overview concerning the changes in transition rates is provided by estimating Markov transition probabilities. This is complemented by a set of probit regression results pointing towards significant changes in the various transitions triggered by the crisis. This is particularly the case for the younger age cohorts and low-educated workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mapping youth transitions in Europe (2014)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Vacas, Carlos; Gebel, Michael ; Ludwinek, Anna; Meierkord, Anja;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano, Anna Ludwinek, Carlos Vacas, Anja Meierkord & Michael Gebel (2014): Mapping youth transitions in Europe. Dublin, 100 S. DOI:10.2806/51024


    "Young people in Europe continue to experience great difficulties in entering the labour market. Although the youth unemployment rate in a few Member States has started to fall, overall 23% of young European job-seekers aged 15 - 24 could not find a job in January 2014. In 2012, 14.6 million young people across Europe were not in employment, education or training (NEETs), accounting for 15.9% of the entire population of those aged 15 - 29. This report analyses the labour market situation of young people in Europe, focusing in particular on their school-to-work transition, while also monitoring their more general transition to adulthood. The report also investigates the ability of young people to remain in employment against the odds during the crisis and charts their transitions from temporary to permanent contracts. The report concludes with a discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of selected policy measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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