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Menschen mit Behinderungen in Ausbildung und Beruf

Mit dem Bundesteilhabegesetz und dem Nationalen Aktionsplan 2.0 wurden 2016 zwei wichtige behindertenpolitische Vorhaben angestoßen und in den Folgejahren umgesetzt und weiterentwickelt. Damit soll im Einklang mit der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention die Inklusion in Deutschland weiter vorangetrieben werden, indem die Selbstbestimmung und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen gestärkt werden. Mit dem schrittweisen Inkrafttreten des Bundesteilhabegesetzes erfuhren das Recht der Rehabilitation und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen und die Eingliederungshilfe (SGB IX) weitreichende Änderungen. Wie stellt sich die Situation von behinderten Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt dar? Wie lassen sich behindertengerechte Berufsleben und inklusive Arbeitswelten gestalten?
Die Infoplattform stellt zentrale Dokumente und relevante Quellenhinweise zusammen, inhaltlich strukturiert nach den Aspekten der Politik für behinderte Menschen und den diskutierten bzw. realisierten Reformanstrengungen.

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im Aspekt "Ausland"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Labour market consequences of an early-onset disability: the case of cerebral palsy (2024)

    Asuman, Derek ; Gerdtham, Ulf-G.; Alriksson-Schmidt, Ann I.; Jarl, Johan; Nordin, Martin;


    Asuman, Derek, Ulf-G. Gerdtham, Ann I. Alriksson-Schmidt, Martin Nordin & Johan Jarl (2024): Labour market consequences of an early-onset disability: the case of cerebral palsy. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 56, H. 11, S. 1309-1326. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2023.2176447


    "The labour market consequences of early-onset or congenital disabilities have received little attention in the literature. In this paper, we study the consequences of cerebral palsy (CP), a lifelong early onset disability, and pathways through which it affects labour outcomes. We use data from multiple linked Swedish National Population Registers between 1990 and 2015 and apply both regression and mediation analysis. Our results show, as expected, strong negative consequences of CP on labour outcomes, and that the consequences have increased over time. The social insurance system, we find, compensates for some of the losses through non-work-related benefits. The results also suggest that the direct effects of CP per se have prominent impact on labour market outcomes. Thus, given the same level of mediators, persons with CP will have lower labour outcomes compared to persons without CP. Our results draw attention to the widening labour market consequences of CP in Sweden." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Impact Evaluation of a New Counselling and Support Programme for Unemployed with Multiple Placement Obstacles (2024)

    Böheim, René; Eppel, Rainer ; Mahringer, Helmut;


    Böheim, René, Rainer Eppel & Helmut Mahringer (2024): Impact Evaluation of a New Counselling and Support Programme for Unemployed with Multiple Placement Obstacles. (WIFO working papers 672), Wien, 41 S.


    "We analyzed a new counselling and support program for people with low employment prospects in Austria. The Austrian Public Employment Service introduced regional pilots to investigate whether a new counselling strategy could improve labor market outcomes for this group. Eligible unemployed individuals could opt for third-party counselling and support, access a wide range of low-threshold services, and focus on personal stability rather than job placement. The goal was to achieve similar or even better labor market outcomes at lower cost. By comparing pilot and control regions, we found that introducing the offer resulted in higher costs without improving labor market outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Impact evaluation of a new counselling and support programme for unemployed with multiple placement obstacles (2024)

    Böheim, René; Mahringer, Helmut; Eppel, Rainer ;


    Böheim, René, Rainer Eppel & Helmut Mahringer (2024): Impact evaluation of a new counselling and support programme for unemployed with multiple placement obstacles. In: International Journal of Social Welfare. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12657


    "We analyzed a new counselling and support program for people with lowemployment prospects in Austria. The Austrian Public Employment Service introduced regional pilots to investigate whether a new counselling strategycould improve labor market outcomes for this group. Eligible unemployed individuals could opt for third-party counselling and support, access a widerange of low-threshold services, and focus on personal stability rather than jobplacement. The goal was to achieve similar or even better labor market out-comes at lower cost. By comparing pilot and control regions, we found that introducing the offer resulted in higher costs without improving labour market outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Early-life impairments, chronic health conditions, and income mobility (2024)

    Gugushvili, Alexi ; Finnvold, Jon Erik; Dokken, Therese; Grue, Jan;


    Gugushvili, Alexi, Therese Dokken, Jan Grue & Jon Erik Finnvold (2024): Early-life impairments, chronic health conditions, and income mobility. In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 75, H. 1, S. 56-64. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.13064


    "Individuals who have congenital conditions or become disabled early in life tend to have poorer educational and occupational outcomes than non-disabled individuals. Disability is known to be a complex entity with multiple causations, involving, inter alia, physiological, social, economic, and cultural factors. It is established that social factors can influence educational and occupational attainment for disabled people, and current disability policy in many countries, particularly in the Global North, stress the importance of equality of opportunity. However, there is a scarcity of research that explores the specific degrees to which advanced welfare states contribute to the equalization of life chances for individuals with early-life impairments and chronic health conditions. In this study, we use a Norwegian sample of high-quality register data on individuals with vision loss, hearing loss, physical impairment, type 1 diabe-tes, asthma, and Down syndrome diagnosed early in life and compare their intergenerational income mobility trajectories with a random sample drawn from the country's entire population. We find that individuals' early-life diagnoses are linked to significantly worse income outcomes in adulthood than what is observed among the general population. We conclude that even in one of the most advanced egalitarian welfare states, such as Norway, much remains to be done to equalize life chances for individuals with early-life impairments and chronic health conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The effects of an interdisciplinary employment program on paid employment and mental health among persons with severe mental disorders (2024)

    Hijdra, R. W.; Robroek, S. J. W.; Sadigh, Y.; Schuring, M. ; Burdorf, A.;


    Hijdra, R. W., S. J. W. Robroek, Y. Sadigh, A. Burdorf & M. Schuring (2024): The effects of an interdisciplinary employment program on paid employment and mental health among persons with severe mental disorders. In: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Jg. 97, H. 3, S. 253-262. DOI:10.1007/s00420-023-02039-7


    "This study evaluates the effects of the interdisciplinary employment program ‘Work As Best Care (WABC)’ on employment participation and mental health of persons with severe mental disorders. Methods WABC is a ‘work first’ employment program for unemployed persons with severe mental disorders in which employment professionals work closely together with mental health professionals. In a longitudinal non-randomized controlled study, participants of WABC (n = 35) are compared with participants of the control group (n = 37), who received regular employment support. Participants were followed for 1 year and filled out questionnaires on individual characteristics and health at baseline, after 6 and 12 months. This information was enriched with monthly register data on employment status from 2015 until 2020. Difference-in-differences analyses were performed to investigate changes in employment participation among participants of WABC and the control group. A generalized linear mixed-effects model was used to compare changes in mental health (measured on 0–100 scale) between the two groups. Before WABC, employment participation was 22.0%points lower among participants of WABC compared to the control group. After starting WABC, employment participation increased with 15.3%points per year among participants of WABC, compared to 5.6%points in the control group. Among all participants of WABC, no change in mental health was found (β 1.0, 95% CI − 3.4; 5.5). Only female participants of WABC showed a significant change in mental health (β 8.0, 95% CI 2.6; 13.4). To enhance employment participation of persons with severe mental disorders, an interdisciplinary ‘work-first’ approach in which professionals of employment services and mentalhealth services work in close collaboration, is of paramount importance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Labour market integration of disability insurance benefit applicants in Switzerland: Evidence from linked survey and administrative data (2023)

    Altwicker-Hámori, Szilvia;


    Altwicker-Hámori, Szilvia (2023): Labour market integration of disability insurance benefit applicants in Switzerland. Evidence from linked survey and administrative data. In: Alter - European Journal of Disability Research, Jg. 17, H. 1, S. 69-86.


    "The increased labor market participation of individuals with disabilities remains a key policy priority for European governments. This study therefore aimed to examine factors promoting the labor market integration of disability insurance benefit (DB) applicants and those entitled to integration and occupational measures in Switzerland. A novel dataset was created via linking the 2018 Swiss Labor Force Survey (SLFS) to administrative register data (2000-2017). Multiple logistic regression was used to analyse the associations between demographic, socioeconomic, health, and regional characteristics and economic activity in working-age DB applicants (N=9,309) and those entitled to integration and occupational measures (N=5,753). Being male, living with an employed partner, having upper secondary or tertiary education, and being able to participate in the SLFS in the language of the language region of residence were associated with higher odds of economic activity. Higher odds of economic activity were also found for those not reporting long-term health-related activity limitations or chronic morbidity and for younger age groups. Individuals residing in the Lake Geneva Region and Ticino were less likely to be economically active relative to their counterparts living in Espace Mittelland. Most importantly, the results imply that education beyond the lower secondary level as well as language proficiency are essential for the economic activity of DB applicants and those entitled to integration and occupational measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zur Arbeitsmarktsituation von Personen mit gesundheitlichen Vermittlungseinschränkungen (2023)

    Auer, Eva;


    Auer, Eva (2023): Zur Arbeitsmarktsituation von Personen mit gesundheitlichen Vermittlungseinschränkungen. (AMS-Spezialthema zum Arbeitsmarkt / Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich), Wien, 6 S.


    "Im Jahr 2022 waren insgesamt 76.653 Personen mit gesundheitlichen Vermittlungseinschränkungen arbeitslos vorgemerkt oder in Schulungsmaßnahmen, 15.611 bzw. 16,9% weniger als im Jahresdurchschnitt 2021. Auch im Vergleich zum Jahr 2019 ging die Zahl der Personen mit Beeinträchtigungen mit minus 10,6% deutlich zurück. Rund 18% der vorgemerkten Personen hatten eine Behinderung gemäß Behinderteneinstellungsgesetz oder Landesbehindertengesetz bzw. einen Behindertenpass. Die restlichen 82% der arbeitslos Vorgemerkten bzw. Schulungsteilnehmer_innen mit gesundheitlichen Problemen erbrachten den Nachweis der eingeschränkten Vermittelbarkeit durch ein (fach)ärztliches Gutachten. „Erfreulicherweise konnte auch die Gruppe der arbeitssuchenden Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen von der guten Konjunktur des Jahres 2022 profitieren. Trotzdem bleibt die Jobsuche für Betroffene alles andere als einfach. Das zeigt sich daran, dass sie im Schnitt fast doppelt so lange einen Job suchen. Unternehmen mit Personalbedarf kann ich – insbesondere in dieser Arbeitsmarktlage – dringend empfehlen, bewusst auch in dieser Personengruppe ihre nächsten Mitarbeiter_innen zu suchen.“ so Johannes Kopf, Vorstandsmitglied." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Predicting stable employment trajectories among young people with disabilities (2023)

    Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk ; Alecu, Andreea Ioana ;


    Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk & Andreea Ioana Alecu (2023): Predicting stable employment trajectories among young people with disabilities. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 36, H. 6, S. 408-425. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2023.2254271


    "Research aiming to explain disabled people's inequalities in the labour market has primarily focused on transitional factors between school and work, wage gaps, or socioeconomic background characteristics as explanations for (no-)entry in the labour market. There is a lack of longitudinal studies that map how disabled people fare in the labour market over time. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify, describe and predict stable employment paths of long-term disabled people. Our study employs detailed longitudinal data with total coverage of the Norwegian population - we focus on 11 birth cohorts (1973-83) of disabled individuals and we follow their employment trajectories between the ages 20 and 34. To describe employment trajectories and create a typology of longitudinal labour market attachments, we employ sequence analysis and subsequently linear probability models to analyse the association between the disability's severity, gender, educational enrolment, early-work experience and employment trajectories. We identify four main types of trajectories: permanently work-disabled, stable employment, early marginalisation, and unstable employment. Our findings indicate that men are more likely than women to have stable employment trajectories. Starting higher education, as well as parental higher education, is linked with the likelihood of stable employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work strains and disabilities in French workers: A career-long retrospective study (2023)

    Barnay, Thomas; Defebvre, Éric;


    Barnay, Thomas & Éric Defebvre (2023): Work strains and disabilities in French workers: A career-long retrospective study. In: Labour, Jg. 37, H. 3, S. 385-408. DOI:10.1111/labr.12252


    "This study aims to estimate the causal impact of detrimental working conditions on the self-reported disabilities in France. Using a retrospective lifelong panel, we implement a mixed econometric strategy that relies on difference-in-differences and matching methods to take into account for selection biases as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Deleterious effects from exposure on disability are found, depending on the nature and magnitude of the strains. These results provide insights into the debate on legal retirement age postponement and justify policies being enacted early in individuals' careers, but also schemes that are more focused on psychosocial risk factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Working conditions and disabilities in French workers: a career-long retrospective study (2023)

    Barnay, Thomas; Defebvre, Éric;


    Barnay, Thomas & Éric Defebvre (2023): Working conditions and disabilities in French workers: a career-long retrospective study. (HAL open science), Paris, 22 S. DOI:10.15609/annaeconstat2009


    "This study aims to estimate the causal impact of detrimental working conditions on disabilities in France. Using a rebuilt retrospective lifelong panel and defining indicators for physical and psychosocial strains, we implement a mixed econometric strategy relying on difference-in-differences and matching methods to take into account for selection biases as well as unobserved heterogeneity. For men and women, deleterious effects of both types of working conditions on disability after exposure are found, with varying patterns of impacts according to the nature and magnitude of the strains. These results provide insights into the debate on legal retirement age postponement and justify not only policies being enacted early in individuals' careers in order to prevent subsequent mid-career health repercussions, but also schemes that are more focused on psychosocial risk factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Exploring Disability Disadvantage in Hiring: A Factorial Survey among Norwegian Employers (2023)

    Berre, Stine ;


    Berre, Stine (2023): Exploring Disability Disadvantage in Hiring: A Factorial Survey among Norwegian Employers. In: Work, Employment and Society online erschienen am 14.07.2023, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1177/09500170231175776


    "The role of disability in producing disadvantage in employers’ hiring assessments was explored in a factorial survey, where a random sample of Norwegian employers (n = 1341) evaluated fictional job-seeker profiles. The results revealed that including an impairment description in a job-seeker profile significantly decreased the likelihood that employers would want to hire a candidate. The degree of disadvantage varied with the type of impairment. Being eligible for a wage subsidy scheme improved employers’ assessments of candidates while including information about other types of support measures did not. Furthermore, when an impairment description was introduced into a job-seeker profile, other crucial characteristics of the job seeker lost some or all of their impact on employers’ assessment scores. These findings are interpreted as disability becoming a ‘master status’ when employers make hiring assessments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability, Gender and Hiring Discrimination: A Field Experiment (2023)

    Bjørnshagen, Vegar ; Ugreninov, Elisabeth ; Rooth, Dan-Olof;


    Bjørnshagen, Vegar, Dan-Olof Rooth & Elisabeth Ugreninov (2023): Disability, Gender and Hiring Discrimination: A Field Experiment. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16217), Bonn, 38 S.


    "This article examines disability discrimination in the hiring process and explores variation in how the intersection of disability and gender shapes employers' hiring behavior by occupational context and gender segregation. We use data from a field experiment in which approximately 2,000 job applications with randomly assigned information about disability were sent to Swedish employers with vacancies. We find that nondisabled applicants receive 33 percent more callbacks than similarly qualified wheelchair users despite applying for jobs where the impairment should not interfere with performance. The results indicate no heterogeneity in levels of disability discrimination against men and women on average across occupations or by occupational gender segregation. However, levels of discrimination differ considerably among occupations, varying from no evidence of disability discrimination to discrimination against both disabled men and disabled women as well as cases where disability discrimination is found only against women or only against men. The results thus indicate that disability and gender interact and shape discrimination in distinct ways within particular contexts, which we relate to intersectional stereotyping and norms of gender equality influencing hiring practices but not to declared ambitions for diversity or gender equality legislation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives (2023)

    Coll, Catherine; Mignonac, Karim ;


    Coll, Catherine & Karim Mignonac (2023): Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 34, H. 10, S. 2039-2073. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2022.2054284


    "In this article, we combine insights from basic psychological needs theory and the social identity approach to propose that perceptions of organizational support enhance the basic need satisfaction of employees with disabilities, which yields higher levels of task performance. We also suggest that disability group identification strengthens this mediational process. We tested our hypotheses with two quantitative field studies that were conducted in France and based on matched employee-supervisor data. Using a sample of employees working in companies that specialize in the employment of persons with disabilities, Study 1 aimed to provide initial evidence for the mediating role of basic need satisfaction. Study 2 aimed to replicate the findings of Study 1 in less specific contexts while testing the moderating role of disability group identification. Next, the methodological limitations of these investigations were addressed in two quantitative post hoc studies. The results of these studies support our model and generate new knowledge about whether, why and when the perception of favorable treatment contributes to the job performance of employees with disabilities. We also discuss the practical implications of our findings and provide suggestions for human resources managers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability and Employment Policy in Canada: National Policy Variation for Working Age Individuals (2023)

    Dinan, Shannon ; Boucher, Normand;


    Dinan, Shannon & Normand Boucher (2023): Disability and Employment Policy in Canada: National Policy Variation for Working Age Individuals. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 52, S. 719-739. DOI:10.1017/S0047279421000878


    "This article analyses and compares disability policies for working-age individuals in Canada with a focus on the mode of policy provision and type of measure to determine the degree to which direct funding is used in this country. To consider policy diversity in this federal system, policies are compared using a mixed-methods approach. Using quantitative methods, federal, provincial and territorial policies are first compared using hierarchical cluster analysis. This provides evidence of three distinct clusters in Canada according to policy provision and measure type. In a second, qualitative analysis, the disability strategies of four provinces’ (British Columbia, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador and Quebec) are compared, to determine over arching policy orientations. Findings indicate that policy provision in Canada largely favours money over services. Furthermore, most provinces emphasize either health or integration measures over substantive measures. Despite these commonalities, significant variation persists across Canada. This extends to poverty and disability reduction strategies with two of the four provinces having a broader orientation while the other two provinces focus specifically on employment as a means of social inclusion. The article concludes with a discussion on the state of employment policies for individuals with a disability in Canada." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job demands and job control and their associations with disability pension - a register-based cohort study of middle-aged and older Swedish workers (2023)

    Falkstedt, Daniel ; Selander, Jenny; Bodin, Theo; Albin, Maria; Almroth, Melody; Kjellberg, Katarina; Hemmingsson, Tomas; Gustavsson, Per; D'Errico, Angelo;


    Falkstedt, Daniel, Melody Almroth, Tomas Hemmingsson, Angelo D'Errico, Maria Albin, Theo Bodin, Jenny Selander, Per Gustavsson & Katarina Kjellberg (2023): Job demands and job control and their associations with disability pension - a register-based cohort study of middle-aged and older Swedish workers. In: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Jg. 96, H. 8, S. 1137-1147. DOI:10.1007/s00420-023-01995-4


    "Objectives: Job demands and control at work and their combination, job strain, have been studied in relation to risk of disability pension (DP) previously. In the present study, based on registry data, we aimed to deepen the knowledge by analyzing major disease groups among the DPs, dose–response shape of the associations, and potential confounding efects of physical workload. Methods: Approximately 1.8 million workers aged 44 or older and living in Sweden in 2005 were followed up for 16 years, up to a maximum of 65 years of age. We linked mean values of job demands and job control, estimated in a job-exposure matrice (JEM) by gender, to individuals through their occupational titles in 2005. These values were categorized by rank order, and, for the construction of job-strain quadrants, we used a median cut-of. Associations with DP were estimated in Cox proportional-hazards models. Results: In models accounting for covariates including physical workload, low levels of job control were associated with higher risk of DP among both men and women. This association was most clear for DP with a psychiatric diagnosis, although a dose–response shape was found only among the men. High levels of job demands were associated with decreased risk of DP across diagnoses among men, but the same association varied from weak to non-existing among women. The high- and passive job-strain quadrants both showed increased risk of DP with a psychiatric diagnosis. Conclusion: The results suggest that, at the occupational level, low job control, but not high job demands, contributes to an increased incidence of DP, particularly regarding DP with a psychiatric diagnosis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Is Supported Employment Effective for Young Adults with Disability Pension?: Evidence from a Swedish Randomized Evaluation (2023)

    Fogelgren, Mattias; Thoursie, Peter Skogman ; Ornstein, Petra; Rödin, Magnus;


    Fogelgren, Mattias, Petra Ornstein, Magnus Rödin & Peter Skogman Thoursie (2023): Is Supported Employment Effective for Young Adults with Disability Pension?: Evidence from a Swedish Randomized Evaluation. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 58, H. 2, S. 452-487. DOI:10.3368/jhr.58.4.0319-10105R2


    "This paper reports results from a large-scale randomized experiment evaluating whether a supported employment rehabilitation intervention strategy can improve labor market opportunities for young adults on disability pension better than regular vocational rehabilitation. The supported employment intervention utilizes a caseworker as back-up for the individual during training to reduce employers' risks when hiring an individual with unclear productivity. In total, 1,062 individuals were randomly assigned between interventions. The main results show that 18 months after the start of the project, participants with supported employment have work rates that are approximately 10 percentage points higher than participants who received regular rehabilitation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness (2023)

    Hardoy, Ines; von Simson, Kristine;


    Hardoy, Ines & Kristine von Simson (2023): Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 36, H. 7-8, S. 592-607. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2023.2289952


    "Mental disorders threaten the chances of finishing secondary school and can hinder the school-to-work transitions of afflicted youths. Earlier onset depression predicts the chronicity, recurrence, and severity of episodes throughout life. Using rich, objective mental health data and a battery of variables covering personal and family characteristics, we investigate the impact of Norway’s vocational rehabilitation programs on youths aged 18–23 who are registered as unemployed. Our results indicate that the impact vary with mental health in adolescence, a variable often unavailable in such analyses. Separate analyses for age group 19–21 and 20–23 show that the younger ones with previous diagnosed mental disorders were likely to pursue further education after participating in programs providing work practice; those with no earlier diagnosed mental disorders were prone to pursue ordinary education after completing a training program. For the older age cohorts, aged 20–23, vocational rehabilitation programmes seem counterproductive, irrespective of program type and of whether they were diagnosed with mental health problems in adolescence or not." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Essential Elements of Customized Employment: Results From a National Survey of Employment Providers (2023)

    Inge, Katherine J.; Sima, Adam P.; Brooks-Lane, Nancy; Riesen, Tim ; Wehman, Paul ;


    Inge, Katherine J., Adam P. Sima, Tim Riesen, Paul Wehman & Nancy Brooks-Lane (2023): The Essential Elements of Customized Employment: Results From a National Survey of Employment Providers. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 66, H. 3, S. 170-185. DOI:10.1177/00343552221088256


    "Customized employment (CE) is designed to meet the specific needs and interests of individuals with disabilities as well as the needs of the employer by using flexible strategies at every stage of employment. The objective of this study was to ask U.S. rehabilitation providers who implement these services to describe the current status of CE service delivery. An online survey was administered to employment professionals from agencies within the United States. Participants responded to questions on the unique characteristics of Discovery and job development, current use of CE services, and information on their personal and agency demographics. Results indicate that there is agreement among CE providers on critical Discovery and job development activities, which suggests that providers are regularly accessing information to inform their practice. There appears to be a gap between what respondents identify as critical activities and how well they are being implemented. Recommendations for providing CE training for providers and provisions for individuals with disabilities are explored." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    'They Exist but They Don't Exist': Personal Assistants Supporting Physically Disabled People in the Workplace (2023)

    Maddison, Jane ; Birks, Yvonne; Graham, Katherine; Brooks, Jenni ;


    Maddison, Jane, Jenni Brooks, Katherine Graham & Yvonne Birks (2023): 'They Exist but They Don't Exist': Personal Assistants Supporting Physically Disabled People in the Workplace. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 1052-1069. DOI:10.1177/09500170221075532


    "Employment rates in England for disabled people are persistently lower than for non-disabled people. Support from a Workplace Personal Assistant is one way of narrowing this gap. Personal assistance is an empowerment-driven model in which the disabled person controls their support: who provides it, when, how and where. Previous research has focused on the personal assistant role in the home setting. This article draws on data from 32 qualitative interviews in the first UK study to explore personal assistance in the workplace for people with physical and/or sensory impairments. To maintain their enabling role in this external setting, Workplace Personal Assistants needed to strive for occupational invisibility when among the disabled workers’ colleagues: to ‘exist but not exist’. This article examines the Workplace Personal Assistant role as invisible work, applying Hatton’s conceptual framework. The analysis contributes to understanding of workplace personal assistance and ways in which mechanisms can intersect to produce multiple invisibility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Persons With Disabilities in Self-Employment Served by the Federal/State Vocational Rehabilitation System: Differences Between 2011–2013 and 2017–2019 (2023)

    Sanchez, Jennifer; Frain, Michael P.; Shirley, Ghari; Pan, Deyu; Rohack, Devin;


    Sanchez, Jennifer, Michael P. Frain, Ghari Shirley, Devin Rohack & Deyu Pan (2023): Persons With Disabilities in Self-Employment Served by the Federal/State Vocational Rehabilitation System: Differences Between 2011–2013 and 2017–2019. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 66, H. 3, S. 203-214. DOI:10.1177/00343552221102396


    "Persons with disabilities (PWDs) are disproportionately unemployed, underpaid, and underemployed despite their desire and capacity to work. The U.S. federal/state vocational rehabilitation (VR) program, under the supervision of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA), is charged with providing services to assist eligible PWDs (VR consumers) in achieving employment. Despite research showing that VR consumers closed to self-employment (vs. non-self-employment closures) have better outcomes, self-employment is often considered as a last resort. Moreover, some evidence suggests self-employment (like non-self-employment) outcomes are associated with VR consumers’ gender and racial/ethnic identity. The objective of this study was to determine trends of case closures in self-employment among PWDs within the VR program from 2011–2013 to 2017–2019 and to examine the effects of gender and race/ethnicity on self-employment outcomes. Variables of interest were obtained from RSA’s Case Service Report (RSA-911) data set for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Data were recoded and analyzed. The number of closures in self-employment declined significantly. Weekly earnings in self-employment increased. Time from application to closure in self-employment decreased. Differences in VR self-employment outcomes by race/ethnicity and gender were noted. Efforts should be made to increase competency in self-employment of VR counselors and promote self-employment within the VR program." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Striving for an inclusive labor market in Europe: Positive actions and reasonable accommodation to facilitate hiring and employment of persons with disabilities involving employers and employer initiatives: Synthesis report with input from the country experts of the European Disability Expertise (EDE) (2023)

    Waddington, Lisa;


    Waddington, Lisa (2023): Striving for an inclusive labor market in Europe: Positive actions and reasonable accommodation to facilitate hiring and employment of persons with disabilities involving employers and employer initiatives. Synthesis report with input from the country experts of the European Disability Expertise (EDE). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 132 S. DOI:10.2767/977872


    "This synthesis report, and the related country reports, explore positive actions and reasonable accommodation to facilitate hiring and employment of persons with disabilities involving employers and employer initiatives in the open labor market. The research carried out contributes to charting the diversity of actions and supports directed at employers to promote hiring and employment of persons with disabilities in European countries; reveals evidence on the strengths and weaknesses of such arrangements; and thus contributes to increasing knowledge about good practices and provides some insights into prerequisites for implementation. This synthesis report, and the related country reports, cover the 27 Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Serbia." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability Discrimination: Employer Considerations of Disabled Jobseekers in Light of the Ideal Worker (2023)

    Østerud, Kaja Larsen ;


    Østerud, Kaja Larsen (2023): Disability Discrimination: Employer Considerations of Disabled Jobseekers in Light of the Ideal Worker. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 3, S. 740-756. DOI:10.1177/09500170211041303


    "Labour market stratification and discrimination of disabled people remains a less researched topic compared to other minorities despite being a notably disadvantaged group. This article explores the employer side of discrimination against disabled jobseekers by using a field experiment conducted in Norway as its point of departure. Through qualitative follow-up interviews, this article investigates employers’ assessments of equally qualified mobility-impaired candidates in a field experiment. The article employs the theoretical perspective of the ideal worker to shed light on how employers evaluate disabled jobseekers against an able-bodied ideal. Although previous literature on disability and the ideal worker has shown the imperative of asserting productivity, the findings in the current article reveal a stronger emphasis on social considerations as grounds for exclusion. The findings show how tacit constructions of the ideal worker not only relate to productivity but also to the creation of the socially integrated workplace." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Autistic adults' views and experiences of requesting and receiving workplace adjustments in the UK (2022)

    Davies, Jade ; Remington, Anna; Livesey, Adam; Heasman, Brett; Pellicano, Elizabeth; Walker, Amy ;


    Davies, Jade, Brett Heasman, Adam Livesey, Amy Walker, Elizabeth Pellicano & Anna Remington (2022): Autistic adults' views and experiences of requesting and receiving workplace adjustments in the UK. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 17, H. 8. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0272420


    "This article examines 181 autistic adults’ views toward, and experiences of, requesting and receiving workplace adjustments in the UK. Using an online survey, we collected both qualitative and quantitative data relating to individuals’ experiences. While the majority of participants perceived workplace adjustments to be important, many were not receiving them. Analysis of open-ended text responses highlighted specific challenges that autistic people face in requesting and receiving adjustments. Specifically, participants felt the onus fell on them to (1) identify their need for adjustments; (2) establish the specific adjustments that would be beneficial and (3) request adjustments from their employer. Yet, they reported struggling with this process. Participants also highlighted a range of social and organisational barriers to the successful implementation of workplace adjustments. Unsurprisingly, the lack of successfully implemented adjustments had far-reaching impacts on participants’ wellbeing as well as the choices they made about their future employment. These findings highlight the need for employers to take a more active role in the identification and implementation of workplace adjustments, as well as a need for more understanding and inclusive working environments that truly allow autistic employees to thrive in the workplace." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inklusive Übergänge von der Schule in Ausbildung und Beruf (2022)

    Fasching, Helga ; Tanzer, Lena;


    Fasching, Helga & Lena Tanzer (2022): Inklusive Übergänge von der Schule in Ausbildung und Beruf. (Inklusive Schule), Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 197 S.


    "Der Band befasst sich mit der Gestaltung von inklusiven Übergängen von der Schule in Ausbildung und Beruf. Inklusion umfasst eine fundierte Berufsorientierung, chancengerechten Zugang zum Ausbildungssystem sowie nachhaltige Partizipation am Allgemeinen Arbeitsmarkt. Die Begleitung und Unterstützung von Jugendlichen mit Behinderung stehen dabei im Fokus. Der Band führt in ausgewählte Handlungsfelder und Konzepte ein und diskutiert Theorien und Begriffe unter Inklusions- und Diversitätsgesichtspunkten." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    The total compensation gap, wage gap and benefit gap between workers with and without a disability (2022)

    Hallock, Kevin F.; Jin, Xin ; Waldman, Michael;


    Hallock, Kevin F., Xin Jin & Michael Waldman (2022): The total compensation gap, wage gap and benefit gap between workers with and without a disability. In: BJIR, Jg. 60, H. 1, S. 3-31. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12607


    "The wage gap between workers with and without a disability has been widely documented. However, wages and salaries account for less than 70% of the total hourly cost of compensation for an average U.S. worker. In this study, we construct a measure of total compensation by linking the American Community Survey to a restricted‐access version of the Employer Cost for Employee Compensation database, which contains detailed benefit measures for the years 2008–2014. After controlling for selection into full‐time employment and other observed characteristics, we find that the percentage total compensation gap between full‐time male workers with and without a disability is substantially larger than the percentage wage and salary gap. The opposite pattern is observed for full‐time female workers. Our results suggest that considering only wage and salary may mask the true gaps in total compensation from employment. We also document a persistent benefits gap between workers with and without a disability. We discuss possible explanatory factors for the observed patterns in total compensation and benefit gaps." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Working from home and disabled people's employment outcomes (2022)

    Hoque, Kim ; Bacon, Nick ;


    Hoque, Kim & Nick Bacon (2022): Working from home and disabled people's employment outcomes. In: BJIR, Jg. 60, H. 1, S. 32-56. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12645


    "This paper assesses disabled employees’ likelihood of working from home relative to non-disabled employees, and the implications of doing so for their experiences of work. Analysing British nationally representative data, the findings suggest that disabled employees are less likely to work from home than non-disabled employees, given they are disproportionately excluded from the higher-paying and/or managerial roles in which working from home is more widely available. In addition, organizations in which working from home is more commonplace do not employ a higher proportion of disabled people. The results also confirm disabled employees report poorer experiences of work than non-disabled employees regarding job control, job-related mental health, job satisfaction and work–life balance. Although working from home is positively associated with these outcomes (except for work–life balance) for both disabled and non-disabled employees, there is very little evidence it is associated with smaller disability gaps in these outcomes. Therefore, our analysis questions the potential for working from home to reduce disability disadvantage within organizations, and highlights the need for more substantial action to address the barriers to employment that disabled people encounter." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Sheltered employment for people with disabilities: An international appraisal with illustrations from the Spanish case (2022)

    Malo, Miguel A.; Vanesa, Rodríguez;


    Malo, Miguel A. & Rodríguez Vanesa (2022): Sheltered employment for people with disabilities: An international appraisal with illustrations from the Spanish case. (MPRA paper 111861), München, 24 S.


    "This article presents an updated review of the employment policy of sheltered employment for people with disabilities. We review the international literature, focusing on the European Union and especially on Spain, because of the great importance of sheltered employment centres in this country. Studies have increasingly questioned sheltered employment's ability to promote labour market integration, mainly compared with supported employment. However, we lack clear causal evidence, as these arguments are largely based on descriptive evidence. In addition, sheltered employment centres have shifted to focus on people with physical disabilities rather than those with mental and cognitive disabilities, which was the predominant focus until the 2000s" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The operation of the social support sector serving siblings of people with disabilities: A cross-country analysis (2022)

    Meltzer, Ariella ;


    Meltzer, Ariella (2022): The operation of the social support sector serving siblings of people with disabilities: A cross-country analysis. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 56, H. 3, S. 423-437. DOI:10.1111/spol.12775


    "Sibling support is a form of support often offered to the brother or sister of a person with disability. While practiced around the world and the subject of much research interest, most research about sibling support has been outcomes evaluation of individual sibling support programs, rather than about the operational/structural circumstances of the organizations providing sibling support or of the sibling support sector at large. Within this context, this paper offers the first research of its kind: an exploratory study of the business operation of sibling support in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, USA and Canada. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with 13 leaders of sibling support provider organizations in these countries, the paper focuses on sibling support providers' business models, funding, staffing, leadership and governance. The findings highlight that across countries, sibling support is a sub-section of the not-for-profit/charity sector that mostly operates with minimal funding and staffing, and which is largely driven by the passion and personal experience of those who run sibling support organizations. The paper discusses the implications of the findings, with the conceptual lens of seeking to formalize recognition and legitimacy for sibling support as a distinct social service type within the disability/health/social care and not-for-profit/charity spaces. Further, by aggregating the experiences of sibling support providers across countries, the paper is able to show that—while a distinct service type and sector—the successes and challenges of the sibling support sector nevertheless also very much reflect the broader struggles of many other small not-for-profits/charities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Disabled People Working in the Disability Sector: Occupational Segregation or Personal Fulfilment? (2022)

    Revillard, Anne ;


    Revillard, Anne (2022): Disabled People Working in the Disability Sector: Occupational Segregation or Personal Fulfilment? In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 5, S. 875-892. DOI:10.1177/09500170221080401


    "This article explores variations in job quality for young workers by analysing six employers across three industrial sectors of Greater Manchester, an English city-region. Four aspects of job quality are examined because of their centrality in shaping how youth labour-power is deployed in the labour process: technological utilisation, work-rate, autonomy and discretion, and opportunities for training and career progression. Primary data were collected from 30 semi-structured interviews with business owners, managers, young workers and from workplace observations. Findings reveal job quality is high in advanced manufacturing and creative and digital sectors, but low in business services. Job quality is shaped by the nature of commodity production and accompanying labour process. Development or degradation of young workers in the labour process depends largely on the requirements of the employer, as few countervailing pressures exist. Training provision improves job quality, but demand-side interventions are required to generate sustainable good jobs for young workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability and Academic Careers: Using the Social Relational Model to Reveal the Role of Human Resource Management Practices in Creating Disability (2022)

    Sang, Katherine ; Calvard, Thomas ; Remnant, Jennifer ;


    Sang, Katherine, Thomas Calvard & Jennifer Remnant (2022): Disability and Academic Careers: Using the Social Relational Model to Reveal the Role of Human Resource Management Practices in Creating Disability. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 4, S. 722-740. DOI:10.1177/0950017021993737


    "Disabled people continue to face a variety of significant barriers to full participation and inclusion in work and employment. However, their experiences remain only sparsely discussed in relation to human resource management (HRM) practices and employment contexts. The current study contributes to this gap in understanding by drawing together relevant work connecting HRM practices, diversity management and disability studies to examine the experiences of a sample of 75 disabled academics in the UK. Through the social relational model of disability, HRM practices socially construct disability in the workplace. Interview and email data from disabled academics in the UK are drawn upon to illustrate how organisational practices and policies, while intended to ‘accommodate’ disabled people, inadvertently construct and shape disability for people with impairments or chronic health conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of human resource practices for including persons with disabilities in the workforce: a systematic literature review (2022)

    Schloemer-Jarvis, Aileen; Bader, Benjamin; Boehm, Stephan A.;


    Schloemer-Jarvis, Aileen, Benjamin Bader & Stephan A. Boehm (2022): The role of human resource practices for including persons with disabilities in the workforce: a systematic literature review. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 1, S. 45-98. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2021.1996433


    "Organizations are increasingly aware that a better vocational inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWD) is in their self-interest for reasons such as a shortage of skilled labor, an increasing prevalence of disability in their aging workforces, and changed societal attitudes and laws regarding the promotion of diversity and equity in the workplace. Human resource (HR) practices have been identified as a primary enabler of inclusion, yet research on disability-related HR Management is scattered across disciplines. To provide an evidence-based analysis and integration, this article systematically reviews the literature on HR management in the context of employing persons with disabilities, using the high-performance work practices ‘selection and staffing’, ‘training and development’, ‘(performance) appraisal, promotion, and career management’ and ‘compensation and benefits’ as an organizing framework. We systematically reviewed and summarized the key findings of 74 empirical studies conducted from 1990 through 2020. Most studies focused on selection and staffing practices, providing strong evidence that standardization and structure reduce bias in the appraisal of PWD and related employment decisions. Research regarding appropriate HR practices that allow to utilize, develop and reward PWDs’ potential, in contrast, is still in its infancy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Academic mothers with disabilities: Navigating academia and parenthood during COVID-19 (2022)

    Wagner, Kathryn; Pennell, Summer Melody; Lim, Stacey R.; Eilert, Meike;


    Wagner, Kathryn, Summer Melody Pennell, Meike Eilert & Stacey R. Lim (2022): Academic mothers with disabilities: Navigating academia and parenthood during COVID-19. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 29, H. 1, S. 342-352. DOI:10.1111/gwao.12751


    "Academic mothers (including nonbinary, trans, and genderqueer parents) have always faced challenges in their profession due to systemic barriers and a “motherhood tax”; however, COVID-19 has exacerbated already existing inequalities (Oleschuk, 2020). This study examines how the pandemic has affected academic mothers with mental health and physical disabilities, as these voices often remain hidden and unheard in academia despite increased awareness of their presence (Brown & Leigh, 2018; Kelly & Senior, 2020). Here, we share the voices of 23 participants using a qualitative methodology drawing from social justice and feminist theories to highlight the lived experience of academic mothers with mental and/or physical disabilities and their experiences as a scholar and parent during COVID-19. Understanding the lived experience of this intersectional population can provide invaluable insights into ableist privilege within higher education, especially in the context of COVID-19 which has substantially disrupted work and homelife routines." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The Economic Status of People with Disabilities and Their Families since the Great Recession (2021)

    Bengali, Leila; Valletta, Robert G.; Lofton, Olivia; Daly, Mary C.;


    Bengali, Leila, Mary C. Daly, Olivia Lofton & Robert G. Valletta (2021): The Economic Status of People with Disabilities and Their Families since the Great Recession. (IZA discussion paper 14165), Bonn, 29 S.


    "People with disabilities face substantial barriers to sustained employment and stable, adequate income. We assess how they and their families fared during the long economic expansion that followed the Great Recession of 2007-09, using data from the monthly Current Population Survey (CPS) and the March CPS annual income supplement. We find that the expansion bolstered the well-being of people with disabilities and in particular their relative labor market engagement. We also find that applications and awards for federal disability benefits fell during the expansion. On balance, our results suggest that sustained economic growth can bolster the labor market engagement of people with disabilities and potentially reduce their reliance on disability benefits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Short-Term Effectiveness of Job Search Skills Training: Comparisons by Summer Work Experience Participation (2021)

    Cmar, Jennifer; McDonnall, Michele C. ;


    Cmar, Jennifer & Michele C. McDonnall (2021): Short-Term Effectiveness of Job Search Skills Training: Comparisons by Summer Work Experience Participation. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 64, H. 2, S. 86-96. DOI:10.1177/0034355220910225


    "We utilized a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test design to assess the effects of job search skills training on job search knowledge, job search behavior, job search behavior self-efficacy, and job search outcomes self-efficacy. We also examined differences in outcomes based on participation in a vocational rehabilitation agency-sponsored summer work experience (SWE) program. Participants were 92 youth with visual impairments, ages 15 to 22 years, from three U.S. states. The intervention was an intensive job search skills training program involving 35 to 40 hr of content; 42 youth also participated in an SWE program for approximately 6 weeks. Intervention group participants significantly improved in job search knowledge, job search behavior, and job search behavior self-efficacy in contrast to comparison group participants, but results for job search outcomes self-efficacy did not differentiate the two groups. SWE participation by itself was related to increases in both self-efficacy measures, and participation in the intervention plus the SWE was related to larger increases in job search behavior self-efficacy. Results indicate that job search skills training and SWE programs may have differential effects on short-term outcomes. Rather than finding jobs for youth, practitioners could foster youths’ competence, confidence, and preparation for the future by teaching job search skills and encouraging independent job-seeking." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mental disorders and lifetime earnings (2021)

    Salokangas, Henri;


    Salokangas, Henri (2021): Mental disorders and lifetime earnings. (Discussion paper / Aboa Centre for Economics 145), Turku, 47 S.


    "In advanced countries in particular, the mental well-being of adolescents and young adults is gaining increased amount of attention. Yet little is known about lifetime labor market costs attributable to mental disorders nor the related heterogeneity by the age of onset of psychiatric conditions. This paper contributes by documenting the lifetime labor market performance deficits related to severe mental healthrelated problems. Using longitudinal socio-economic and health register data with a 45-year follow-up, I document that psychiatric admission history is associated with substantial losses in labor market performance. Age of first admission matters: having the first admission one year earlier than the affected controls is associated with € 10 000-13 000 loss. Overall, results provide an economic rationale for early intervention in mental illnesses as deficits in the labor market are larger, the earlier first psychiatric admissions emerge." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Problematizing Perceptions of STEM Potential: Differences by Cognitive Disability Status in High School and Postsecondary Educational Outcomes (2021)

    Shifrer, Dara ; Freeman, Daniel Mackin;


    Shifrer, Dara & Daniel Mackin Freeman (2021): Problematizing Perceptions of STEM Potential: Differences by Cognitive Disability Status in High School and Postsecondary Educational Outcomes. In: Socius, Jg. 7, S. 1-13. DOI:10.1177/2378023121998116


    "The STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) potential of youth with cognitive disabilities is often dismissed through problematic perceptions of STEM ability as natural and of youth with cognitive disabilities as unable. National data on more than 15,000 adolescents from the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 first suggest that, among youth with disabilities, youth with medicated attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have the highest levels of STEM achievement, and youth with learning or intellectual disabilities typically have the lowest. Undergraduates with medicated ADHD or autism appear to be more likely to major in STEM than youth without cognitive disabilities, and youth with autism have the most positive STEM attitudes. Finally, results suggest that high school STEM achievement is more salient for college enrollment than STEM-positive attitudes across youth with most disability types, whereas attitudes are more salient than achievement for choosing a STEM major." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bildungs- und Berufsberatung für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten (2021)

    Steiner, Karin; Dürr, Agnes; Taschwer, Mario;


    Steiner, Karin, Agnes Dürr & Mario Taschwer (2021): Bildungs- und Berufsberatung für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten. (AMS-Report / Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich 154), Wien, 130 S.


    "Aus dem einleitenden Teil: "Dieser Bericht beschäftigt sich mit Menschen mit Behinderung als Zielgruppe in der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung. Vor dem Hintergrund eines sehr weitgefächerten Behinderungsbegriffes liegt der besondere Fokus auf BeratungskundInnen mit Lernschwierigkeiten. Der Bericht macht deutlich, dass sich BeratungskundInnen mit Lernschwierigkeiten dieselben Fragen über ihre berufliche Zukunft wie BeratungskundInnen ohne Lernschwierigkeiten stellen und sich eine berufliche Zukunft wünschen, in der sie ihre Fähigkeiten und Stärken bestmöglich fruchtbar machen können. Dabei stoßen BeraterInnen wie BeratungskundInnen jedoch auf gesellschaftliche und arbeitsmarktpolitische Hürden. Welche Herausforderungen sind es, mit denen BeraterInnen konfrontiert werden? Welche Anliegen und Beratungsthemen werden in der Beratung hauptsächlich adressiert? Welchen Veränderungsbedarf gibt es, und welche Zukunftsvisionen haben BeraterInnen für die Berufssituation ihrer KundInnen? Die hier genannten Leitfragen werden in dieser Studie diskutiert und beantwortet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employer Engagement in Promoting the Labour-Market Participation of Jobseekers with Disabilities. An Employer Perspective (2021)

    van Berkel, Rik;


    van Berkel, Rik (2021): Employer Engagement in Promoting the Labour-Market Participation of Jobseekers with Disabilities. An Employer Perspective. In: Social Policy and Society, Jg. 20, H. 4, S. 533-547. DOI:10.1017/S147474642000038X


    "This article contributes to the literature on engaging employers in activation policies. It focuses on a specific policy aimed at promoting the labour-market participation of people with disabilities. Unlike many activation policies, this policy recognises that the engagement of employers and the human resource management practices in their organisations are crucial factors for the policy’s success. The article reports on a study among employers participating in this policy. It focuses on the challenges employers experience in placing people with disabilities in their organisations, and on the public support they expect in dealing with these challenges. The article concludes that as promoting the labour-market participation of groups remote from the labour market requires social policy interventions as well as interventions in organisational human resource management, it poses challenges for policy makers, agencies providing employment services, and employers and their organisations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Das Recht auf Arbeit für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Deutschland und Österreich: Empfehlungen und Diskussionen zur Umsetzung von Art. 27 UN-BRK (2020)

    Dittmann, Réne;


    Dittmann, Réne (2020): Das Recht auf Arbeit für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Deutschland und Österreich. Empfehlungen und Diskussionen zur Umsetzung von Art. 27 UN-BRK. In: Diskussionsforum Rehabilitations- und Teilhaberecht, S. 1-9.


    "Die UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention (UN-BRK) konkretisiert die in anderen internationalen Verträgen enthaltenen Menschenrechte für Menschen mit Behinderungen, so auch das Recht auf Arbeit. Nach Art. 27 Abs. 1 S. 1 UN-BRK anerkennen die Vertragsstaaten das gleiche Recht von Menschen mit Behinderungen auf Arbeit, was das Recht auf die Möglichkeit beinhaltet, den Lebensunterhalt durch frei gewählte oder angenommene Arbeit auf einem offenen, integrativen/inklusiven und für Menschen mit Behinderungen zugänglichen Arbeitsmarkt und Arbeitsumfeld zu verdienen. Über die Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung der Verpflichtungen aus der UN-BRK und die dabei erzielten Fortschritte haben die Vertragsstaaten dem Ausschuss für die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen (UN-Fachausschuss) regelmäßig zu berichten (Art. 35 Abs. 1 UN-BRK). Deutschland und Österreich haben jeweils ein erstes Staatenberichtsverfahren durchlaufen und werden nun ein zweites Mal durch den UN-Fachausschuss geprüft. Aus diesem Anlass wurde am 13. Februar 2020 in Innsbruck die Tagung „Umsetzung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention in Deutschland und Österreich“ von Prof. Dr. Michael Ganner, Dr. Elisabeth Rieder, Dr. Caroline Voithofer (alle Universität Innsbruck) und Prof. Dr. Felix Welti (Universität Kassel) veranstaltet. Dieser Beitrag zeigt auf, welche Beobachtungen und Empfehlungen der UN-Fachausschuss zur Umsetzung von Art. 27 UN-BRK in seinen Abschließenden Bemerkungen zu den ersten Staatenberichten für Deutschland und Österreich hatte (I.). Anschließend wird über aktuelle Diskussionen in beiden Ländern berichtet (II.)" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Evaluating social investment in disability policy (2020)

    Folmer, Christopher P. Reinders; van der Veen, Romke; Mascini, Peter;


    Folmer, Christopher P. Reinders, Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2020): Evaluating social investment in disability policy. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 54, H. 5, S. 792-812. DOI:10.1111/spol.12579


    "Disability policy in European countries is displaying a shift towards social investment: increasing human capital and access to the labour market. The reasoning that underlies this transition is that disabled persons would benefit from mainstream employment, but are impeded in traditional policy by deficiencies in labour supply and demand. However, the shift towards more activating policies in many countries is accompanied by a decline in social protection. It is unclear whether social investment may effectively promote the employment chances of disabled persons within this context. The present research examines this question through a quantitative, cross‐sectional, multilevel analysis on microdata from 22 EU countries. Our findings suggest greater activation to predict lower employment chances, while reducing passive support shows mixed effects. Conversely, measures for facilitation in daily life predict greater employment chances, as do measures for sheltered work. These findings raise questions over the value of social investment for disabled persons - and underline the need to overcome broader barriers in the labour market and in society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Earnings responses to disability insurance stringency (2020)

    Garcia-Mandicó, Sílvia; García-Gómez, Pilar ; O'Donnell, Owen; Gielen, Anne C.;


    Garcia-Mandicó, Sílvia, Pilar García-Gómez, Anne C. Gielen & Owen O'Donnell (2020): Earnings responses to disability insurance stringency. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 66. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2020.101880


    "Accurate assessment of earnings capacity is critical to the efficient operation of disability insurance (DI) programs. We use administrative data on the universe of Dutch DI recipients to estimate employment and earnings responses to reassessment of their earnings capacity under more stringent rules. We estimate that reassessment of recipients aged 30–44 removed 17 percent from the program and reduced benefit income by 20 percent, on average. In response, employment increased by 6.7 percentage points and earnings rose by 18 percent. Recipients were able to increase earnings by € 636 for every € 1000 reduction in DI benefit. This earnings response was strongest from those with more subjectively defined disabilities and a shorter claim duration, as well as younger and female recipients." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, 䗏 2020 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Labour market participation for young people with disabilities: The impact of gender and higher education (2020)

    Gottschalk Ballo, Jannike;


    Gottschalk Ballo, Jannike (2020): Labour market participation for young people with disabilities. The impact of gender and higher education. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 34, H. 2, S. 336-355. DOI:10.1177/0950017019868139


    "To what extent does higher education promote labour market participation for disabled people in school-to-work transitions and early career trajectories? This article argues that the effect of higher education on labour market outcomes for disabled people must be studied in correlation to gender. Intersectional theory warns against the generalisability of the female and male experiences, and predicts that disability may influence sexism, and that gender may influence disableism. Norwegian full-population register data on recipients of disability benefits are used to explore the effect of higher education on three labour market outcomes for men and women with disabilities. Contrary to common intersectionality expectations, the results show that men experience more extreme employment disadvantages related to their disabilities than women. Higher education has a stronger effect on participation for disabled women than for disabled men. However, gender differences in participation are smaller for people with disabilities than for the general population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Why self-employment rates are higher among people with work limitations (2020)

    Gouskova, Elena;


    Gouskova, Elena (2020): Why self-employment rates are higher among people with work limitations. In: Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Jg. 31, H. 1, S. 15-25. DOI:10.1177/1044207319851244

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    Estimating the impact of disability onset on employment (2020)

    Jones, Melanie K.; McVicar, Duncan ;


    Jones, Melanie K. & Duncan McVicar (2020): Estimating the impact of disability onset on employment. In: Social Science & Medicine, Jg. 225. DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113001


    "This paper examines the impact of disability onset on the probability of employment using an underexplored longitudinal dataset for Britain. It contrasts estimates based on a control group drawn from those not experiencing disability onset – a common approach in the literature – with estimates based on a control group drawn from those who do experience disability onset, but one year after the treatment group. Compared to the non-disabled control group, the control group of later-onsetters is likely to be more similar to the treatment group in terms of unobservables, with the resulting estimates therefore more plausibly interpreted as causal. Using this control group we estimate that the probability of employment falls by 11 percentage points in the year of disability onset. The equivalent estimate using the control group drawn from those not experiencing onset is about fifty percent larger. The employment effects of disability onset are also shown to be larger for those with lower qualification levels, consistent with weaker attachment to the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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    Support Work Relationships: Budget Holders with Intellectual Disabilities and their Support Workers (2020)

    Lutz, Deborah Luise;


    Lutz, Deborah Luise (2020): Support Work Relationships. Budget Holders with Intellectual Disabilities and their Support Workers. (Research), Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 217 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-29690-2


    "Many countries have introduced personal budgets for people with intellectual disabilities. A personal budget is a sum of money that allows people with intellectual disabilities to purchase their own support work. Support workers are people who assist budget holders to organise and do activities, such as household tasks and social activities in the community. This book uses care, Ethics of Care and disability studies literature to conceptualise support work relationships – the relationship between budget holders with intellectual disabilities and their support workers. It investigates two research questions: (1) How do people with intellectual disabilities in receipt of a personal budget and their support workers experience their relationships with each other? (2) How are the lived experiences of people with intellectual disabilities and their support workers in their relationship with each other influenced by personal budget policies organising support work? Through the methodology of Institutional Ethnography, the researcher explores both questions in Germany and Australia. This methodology states that people’s everyday experiences are influenced by the ‘ruling relations’, which are policy processes and people’s practices that organise social settings. During one year of ethnographic field research in Germany and Australia, the researcher conducted participant observation and interviews with five people with intellectual disabilities and their support workers from each country. Additionally, the researcher conducted interviews with ten service professionals in each country and analysed disability policy documents from each country. By using the analytical framework of Institutional Ethnography, the study found that the constituents of the ruling relations included people’s views and expectations about the support work relationship, the support work context and the policies of personal budgets. The policies of personal budgets were only one constituent of the ruling relations that operated within a wider social policy context. The interconnection between the three constituents influenced the ways in which the two people engaged in the emotional form of support work (the social interaction) and the practical form of support work (the support work activities) which affected their relationship. The study argues that disability research, policy and practice needs to be cognisant of all three constituents to improve the quality of support work relationships." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Barriers to finding and maintaining open employment for people with intellectual disability in Australia (2020)

    Meltzer, Ariella ; Robinson, ; Fisher, Karen R. ; Sally, ;


    Meltzer, Ariella & Karen R. Fisher (2020): Barriers to finding and maintaining open employment for people with intellectual disability in Australia. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 54, H. 1, S. 88-101. DOI:10.1111/spol.12523


    "Everyone has the right to employment. Work is important for health, well-being, and social, economic, and financial inclusion. However, it is often difficult for people with intellectual disability to find and maintain work, especially in the open labour market. Policy challenges remain about who can access open employment (also sometimes called competitive or supported employment) and how often people with intellectual disability do so. Greater understanding about the barriers that people with intellectual disability encounter when they try to find and keep work in open employment is needed.
    Drawing on research with 51 people with intellectual disability in Australia, this paper examines the systemic barriers they report to finding and maintaining work in open employment. The findings highlight that the barriers they experience stem from narrow, dismissive, and discouraging attitudes to their work in open employment and from a spectrum of experiences of stigma and discrimination in open workplaces. The paper thus provides new knowledge about reasons that people with intellectual disability may either reject or not continue in open employment and take up less inclusive work options. The paper discusses the implications of the findings, including the need for policy development for attitudinal change, designing more varied roles for employees with intellectual disability, ensuring access to industrial relations protections, and increasing and better regulating and funding requirements on support to people with intellectual disability who are seeking work in open employment." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Predicting policy performance: Can the work and health programme work for chronically ill or disabled people? (2019)

    Benstead, Stef;


    Benstead, Stef (2019): Predicting policy performance: Can the work and health programme work for chronically ill or disabled people? In: Critical social policy, Jg. 39, H. 4, S. 643-662. DOI:10.1177/0261018318820173


    "Many developed countries consider that disability benefit receipt is too high and more disabled people should be in paid work. Employment programmes designed to achieve this have tended towards less financial support and more requirement to engage in activity. But emphasis on social inclusion through paid work coupled with inadequate benefits and mandated activity can cause distress and worsened health. It is therefore vital that politicians understand the likely impact of employment programmes before introducing them. In this article, a new framework based on five 'Ds' (diagnosis, destination, development, design and delivery) is used to analyse the UK's Work and Health Programme. It is shown that the programme is likely to fail: it includes measures that do not work, and may cause harm, whilst ignoring measures that are known to work. Based on this, it is recommended that this programme be scrapped and the government start listening to disabled people." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Combatting disability discrimination: A comparison of France and Great Britain (2019)

    Corby, Susan; William, Laura; Richard, Sarah;


    Corby, Susan, Laura William & Sarah Richard (2019): Combatting disability discrimination: A comparison of France and Great Britain. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 25, H. 1, S. 41-56. DOI:10.1177/0959680118759169


    "This article examines disabled people's employment in Great Britain and France. In both countries, they are far less likely to be employed than non-disabled people, but the gap is wider in Britain than in France. Possible explanations for the wider gap in Britain include weak enforcement mechanisms, judicial resistance and the lack of an institutional role for trade unions, resulting in an implementation gap; while the narrower gap in France may reflect the more proactive legislation, including its quota-levy scheme. We conclude that these explanations are not mutually exclusive, and we suggest that Britain might consider adopting some French provisions, thus tempering its voluntarist approach." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effects of youth transition programs on labor market outcomes of youth with disabilities (2019)

    Dean, David; Pepper, John; Schmidt, Robert; Stern, Steven;


    Dean, David, John Pepper, Robert Schmidt & Steven Stern (2019): The effects of youth transition programs on labor market outcomes of youth with disabilities. In: Economics of education review, Jg. 68, H. February, S. 68-88. DOI:10.1016/j.econedurev.2018.11.006


    "The process of 'transitioning' to adulthood for youth with disabilities has long been recognized to be an important but understudied public policy concern. This paper evaluates the labor market effects of Virginia's school-to-work vocational evaluation program, PERT. Using a unique panel data set containing more than a decade of labor market and service information, we provide the first-ever assessment of the long-term employment impacts of a transitioning program for youth with disabilities. Overall, the estimated effects are substantial: PERT has an estimated median quarterly rate of return of nearly 30%." (Author's abstract, © 2019 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Impact of participation in school-to-work programs on postsecondary outcomes for youth with disabilities from low-income families (2019)

    Enayati, Hassan ; Karpur, Arun;


    Enayati, Hassan & Arun Karpur (2019): Impact of participation in school-to-work programs on postsecondary outcomes for youth with disabilities from low-income families. In: Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Jg. 29, H. 4, S. 235-244. DOI:10.1177/1044207318789419


    "Individuals with disabilities who also live in poverty face a double jeopardy. Disability and poverty are each separately associated with poorer education and employment outcomes. One approach to ameliorate these poorer outcomes is to improve the transition from high school to adulthood. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, this article examines the role of school-to-work training programs on adult outcomes for individuals with disabilities who live in welfare receiving households. A linear probability model identifies the differences in outcomes for youth by disability and welfare status. Participation in school-to-work programs for youth with disabilities from welfare receiving homes was found to predict higher rates of employment, lower rates of conviction, and lower wages. Implications of these results and recommendations for future research design are included." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "Please, treat me respectful" Partizipative Forschung mit Jugendlichen mit Behinderung zu ihren Kooperationserfahrungen im Übergang von der Schule in (Aus-)Bildung und Beschäftigung (2019)

    Fasching, Helga ; Felbermayr, Katharina ;


    Fasching, Helga & Katharina Felbermayr (2019): "Please, treat me respectful" Partizipative Forschung mit Jugendlichen mit Behinderung zu ihren Kooperationserfahrungen im Übergang von der Schule in (Aus-)Bildung und Beschäftigung. In: Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, Jg. 70, H. 9, S. 442-453.


    "Im Beitrag wird über erste Ergebnisse partizipativer Forschung mit vier Jugendlichen mit Behinderung im Rahmen eines mehrjährigen Forschungsprojektes berichtet. Zuerst wird auf die Entwicklung partizipativer Forschung mit Menschen mit Behinderung und ihren Familien eingegangen und das Reflecting Team als methodischer Ansatz für partizipative Forschung vorgestellt. Anhand ausgewählter Analyseergebnisse zu den Kooperationserfahrungen der Jungendlichen im Übergang Schule, (Aus-)Bildung oder Beschäftigung, werden insbesondere die methodischen Erfahrungen des ersten Reflecting Teams besprochen. Die Ergebnisse und Reflexionen zeigen, dass sich dieser methodische Ansatz sehr gut für partizipative Forschung mit Jugendlichen mit Behinderung eignet und als Instrument des Empowerments gilt, wenn bestimmte zielgruppenspezifische Adaptierungen vorgenommen werden." (Autorenreferat, © 2019 Ernst Reinhardt Verlag)

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    Successful return to work during labor market liberalization: The case of Italian injured workers (2019)

    Galizzi, Monica ; Leombruni, Roberto ; Pacelli, Lia;


    Galizzi, Monica, Roberto Leombruni & Lia Pacelli (2019): Successful return to work during labor market liberalization: The case of Italian injured workers. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 53, H. 1, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1186/s12651-019-0260-5


    "We investigate the long term employment outcomes of Italian injured workers over a time period when the country introduced policy reforms that increased labor market flexibility but reduced job security. Using an employer-employee database matched with injury data, we observe that both before and after the reforms almost one-fourth of injured workers were no longer employed 3 years after their 'first' return to work. We note a slight decrease in this share after the reforms (from 24 to 22%) while we find a decline in workers' job security as measured by their probability of re-employment in permanent contracts. We use multinomial logit estimates to study how liberalization reforms were associated with a changing role of individual, firm, and injury characteristics in shaping long-term employment outcomes of injured workers after their recovery period. Heterogeneity analyses show that low wage employees, women, immigrants, and individuals who suffered a more severe injury were penalized more. Pre-injury individual characteristics became stronger predictors of long-term employment than firms' characteristics. In particular, we find that the advantage provided by working in larger firms was significant before the liberalization reforms, but disappeared afterward, while the advantage provided by human capital became more relevant after the liberalization." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Decomposing employment trends of disabled workers (2019)

    Koning, Pierre ; Vethaak, Heike ;


    Koning, Pierre & Heike Vethaak (2019): Decomposing employment trends of disabled workers. (IZA discussion paper 12775), Bonn, 42 S.


    "Many OECD countries are facing decreases in the employment rates of disabled workers. To uncover the driving forces of these trends, this paper estimates Age-Period- Cohort (APC) models on administrative data of Disability Insurance (DI) application cohorts for the Netherlands between 1999 and 2013. Our main finding is that the substantial decrease in employment rates of applicant cohorts in this time period is almost fully explained by cohort effects - equalling about 30 percentage points - and that the impact of period effects is only small. In turn, cohort effects stem from changes in the observed composition of applicants, with increasing shares of workers without (permanent) contracts in the year before the application. These changes are largely confined to years following two major DI reforms that increased self-screening among potential applicants. We also expand the APC model by allowing for distinct effects for awarded and rejected DI applicants. Assuming common compositional cohort effects for these two groups, difference-in-difference estimates of cohort effects indicate that the effect of changes in benefit conditions ('incentive effects') is limited. Disability reforms thus predominantly affected the stringency of the DI system and induced substantial self-screening in the sickness period before the DI decision, rather than changing individual employment rates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inklusive Berufsorientierung und berufliche Bildung - aktuelle Entwicklungen im deutschsprachigen Raum (2019)

    Lindmeier, Christian; Lindmeier, Bettina; Fasching, Helga ; Sponholz, Dirk;


    Lindmeier, Christian, Helga Fasching, Bettina Lindmeier & Dirk Sponholz (Hrsg.) (2019): Inklusive Berufsorientierung und berufliche Bildung - aktuelle Entwicklungen im deutschsprachigen Raum. (Sonderpädagogische Förderung heute 2. Beiheft), Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 393 S.


    "Das Beiheft setzt sich aus berufs-, sozial- und sonderpädagogischer Perspektive mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen der inklusiven Berufsorientierung und beruflichen Bildung auseinander und fokussiert dabei insbesondere den Übergang Schule - Beruf. Die Beiträge bilden den aktuellen Stand des fachlichen Diskurses ab und offerieren grundlagentheoretische Überlegungen, Überblicksdarstellungen über die Situation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz, innovative Konzepte professionellen Handelns und Beispiele guter Praxis sowie ausgewählte Berichte über Forschungs- und Praxisprojekte." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Employment outcomes and job quality of vocational rehabilitation consumers with deaf-blindness (2019)

    McDonnall, Michele C. ; Cmar, Jennifer;


    McDonnall, Michele C. & Jennifer Cmar (2019): Employment outcomes and job quality of vocational rehabilitation consumers with deaf-blindness. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 63, H. 1, S. 13-24. DOI:10.1177/0034355218769461


    "The purpose of this study was to investigate employment outcomes for vocational rehabilitation (VR) consumers with deaf-blindness, a population that has received no attention in the literature. The sample was obtained from Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911) data and included 1,382 consumers with deaf-blindness identified as their primary or secondary disability whose cases were closed during fiscal years 2013, 2014, and 2015. Independent variables consisted of consumer personal characteristics and VR service-related variables. Two measures of employment outcomes were used: obtainment of competitive employment and a composite measure of job quality. Overall, the results indicate that several VR service-related factors are associated with whether deaf-blind consumers obtain competitive employment, but consumers' personal characteristics are much more important in determining job quality. Implications for improving employment outcomes for consumers who are deaf-blind include providing job-related services, supporting educational advancement, and providing counseling and guidance. Results also support the importance of accounting for employment status at application in RSA-911 analyses and the efficacy of service provision by separate agencies for the blind." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Financial incentives and earnings of disability insurance recipients: evidence from a notch design (2019)

    Ruh, Philippe; Staubli, Stefan;


    Ruh, Philippe & Stefan Staubli (2019): Financial incentives and earnings of disability insurance recipients. Evidence from a notch design. In: American Economic Journal. Economic Policy, Jg. 11, H. 2, S. 269-300. DOI:10.1257/pol.20160076


    "Most countries reduce disability insurance (DI ) benefits for beneficiaries earning above a specified threshold. Such an earnings threshold generates a discontinuous increase in tax liability - a notch - and creates an incentive to keep earnings below the threshold. Exploiting such a notch in Austria, we provide transparent and credible identification of the effect of financial incentives on DI beneficiaries' earnings. Using rich administrative data, we document large and sharp bunching at the earnings threshold. However, the elasticity driving these responses is small. Our estimate suggests that relaxing the earnings threshold reduces fiscal cost only if program entry is very inelastic." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Switching focus: Whose responsibility to improve disabled people's employment and pay (2019)

    Sayce, Liz;


    Sayce, Liz (2019): Switching focus. Whose responsibility to improve disabled people's employment and pay. London, 146 S.


    "This report addresses the question of whether there is a set of policy levers that could, together, encourage employers to improve disabled people's employment and pay. It also considers how proposals could be framed and pursued, to enable people to unite to achieve them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mainstreaming effective employment support for individuals with health conditions: an analytical framework for the effective design of modified individual placement and support (IPS) models (2019)

    Whitworth, Adam ;


    Whitworth, Adam (2019): Mainstreaming effective employment support for individuals with health conditions. An analytical framework for the effective design of modified individual placement and support (IPS) models. In: Social policy and society, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 517-533. DOI:10.1017/S147474641800043X


    "Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is a highly effective model of employment support for individuals with severe mental health conditions. Its potential modification for new settings and larger cohorts is of keen interest across advanced economies given shared health-related (un)employment challenges. Despite mushrooming policy interest and activity around modified IPS a significant barrier and risk at present is the absence of a well-considered analytical framework to enable structured critical reflection about the effective translation of IPS principles and fidelity into modified IPS services. This article fills this void through the presentation for the first time in the literature of such an analytical framework, unpacking as it does so a set of key original analytical distinctions that are unhelpfully homogenised in current literature and policy thinking and highlighting the wider potential of IPS principles and models to the nature of good employment support for other individuals with health conditions and disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effect of hearing impairments on wage earnings: evidence from a Copula-based spline selection model (2019)

    Zimmer, David M.;


    Zimmer, David M. (2019): The effect of hearing impairments on wage earnings. Evidence from a Copula-based spline selection model. In: Labour, Jg. 33, H. 2, S. 147-161. DOI:10.1111/labr.12142


    "This paper investigates the effect of hearing impairments on annual wage earnings. A standard Heckman-style selection model suggests that hearing impairments reduce earnings by approximately 14 per cent, with no evidence of selection bias. The paper then relaxes the assumption of bivariate normality using a copula specification, and the paper allows for potentially nonlinear links between nonbinary covariates and earnings using smooth spline functions. By incorporating those two deviations, not only does the model appear to provide a better fit to the data, but hearing impairments appear to reduce earnings by 19 per cent, an effect 36 per cent larger than what is suggested by the standard selection setup. The model also uncovers evidence of statistically significant selection bias." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Disability saliency and discrimination in hiring (2018)

    Armour, Phillip; Hollands, Simon; Button, Patrick;


    Armour, Phillip, Patrick Button & Simon Hollands (2018): Disability saliency and discrimination in hiring. In: AEA papers and proceedings, Jg. 108, S. 262-266. DOI:10.1257/pandp.20181045


    "Theory suggests that disability discrimination protections may adversely affect the hiring of individuals with disabilities by making them more expensive. Using SIPP data, we explore how the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), which expanded disability discrimination protections, affected the relative hiring rate of individuals with disabilities. We employ new categorizations of disability type: salient physical conditions, non-salient physical conditions, mental retardation and developmental disability, and other mental conditions. We find that the ADAAA had no effect other than increasing hiring for those with non-salient physical conditions. These results suggest that condition saliency may mediate the effects of discrimination protections on hiring." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jobs for youth program: an intervention to improve transition outcomes of former dropout minority youth (2018)

    Balcazar, Fabricio E. ; Awsumb, Jessica; Dimpfl, Shawn; Langi, F. L. Fredrik G. ; Lara, Jazmin;


    Balcazar, Fabricio E., Jessica Awsumb, Shawn Dimpfl, F. L. Fredrik G. Langi & Jazmin Lara (2018): Jobs for youth program. An intervention to improve transition outcomes of former dropout minority youth. In: Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, Jg. 41, H. 3, S. 166-174. DOI:10.1177/2165143417747225


    "This study describes an intervention developed to implement several best transition practices with a high risk/high need population. In all, 116 students with disabilities from a charter school for dropouts participated. All students were interviewed at different points in time to track their progress as they completed the program. Records of participant's activities and outcomes were collected. Results suggest a positive impact on students' graduation rate (95%), enrollment in vocational rehabilitation (100%), proportion of students obtaining certificates for employment (56%), and paid internship (37%). Overall, 35% of the vocational rehabilitation cases were closed successfully with students meeting the 90-day employment requirement after graduation. Results inform future work on the implementation of interventions designed to help low-income minority youth with disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Physical disability and labor market discrimination: evidence from a field experiment (2018)

    Bellemare, Charles; Lacroix, Guy ; Goussé, Marion ; Marchand, Steeve;


    Bellemare, Charles, Marion Goussé, Guy Lacroix & Steeve Marchand (2018): Physical disability and labor market discrimination. Evidence from a field experiment. (IZA discussion paper 11461), Bonn, 25 S.


    "We investigate the determinants and extent of labor market discrimination toward people with physical disabilities using a large scale field experiment. Applications were randomly sent to 1477 private firms advertising open positions. We find that average callback rates of disabled and non-disabled applicants are respectively 14.4% and 7.2%. We find this differential does not result from accessibility constraints related to firm infrastructures. We also find that mentioning eligibility to a government subsidy to cover the cost of workplace adaptation does not increase callback rates. Finally, we estimate that a lower bound of the proportion of discriminating firms is 49.7%." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Erwerbsbezogene Rehabilitation von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen - Herausforderungen und Chancen: Ein Rückblick auf die AMS-Tagung "Neue Wege, neue Chancen? Erwerbsbezogene Rehabilitation von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen" am 23. Oktober 2017 in Wien (2018)

    Egger-Subotitsch, Andrea; Liebeswar, Claudia; Kendlbacher, Manfred;


    Egger-Subotitsch, Andrea, Claudia Liebeswar & Manfred Kendlbacher (2018): Erwerbsbezogene Rehabilitation von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen - Herausforderungen und Chancen. Ein Rückblick auf die AMS-Tagung "Neue Wege, neue Chancen? Erwerbsbezogene Rehabilitation von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen" am 23. Oktober 2017 in Wien. (AMS-Info 403), Wien, 4 S.


    "Die von der Abt. Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation des AMS Österreich in Kooperation mit dem BBRZ und dem sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut abif veranstaltete Tagung 'Neue Wege, neue Chancen? Erwerbsbezogene Rehabilitation von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen ', die am 23. Oktober 2017 in Wien stattfand, reflektierte, wie adäquat auf die Bedarfe dieser Zielgruppe reagiert werden kann, wie sich psychische Erkrankungen am Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarkt auswirken und wie die langfristige erwerbsbezogene (Re-)Integration von Menschen mit psychischen Erkrankungen in den Arbeitsmarkt besser gefördert werden kann." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Measuring the effects of employment protection policies: theory and evidence from the Americans with Disabilities Act (2018)

    Kim, Soojin; Rhee, Serena;


    Kim, Soojin & Serena Rhee (2018): Measuring the effects of employment protection policies. Theory and evidence from the Americans with Disabilities Act. In: Labour economics, Jg. 54, H. October, S. 116-134. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2018.08.001


    "Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is an employment protection policy for disabled workers. By exploiting cross-state variation in pre-ADA legislation, we measure the effects of the law on transition rates of disabled workers. We find a decline in employment-to-non-employment transitions after the ADA, with an insignificant change in flow into employment. We use a model to disentangle the costs of firing and hiring imposed by the ADA. Our findings suggest that the ADA induces firms to fire less frequently but become more selective with new hires, impacting the aggregate productivity of the workforce and output of the economy." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Why do workers with disabilities earn less? Occupational job requirements and disability discrimination (2018)

    Kruse, Douglas ; Schur, Lisa; Ameri, Mason; Rogers, Sean;


    Kruse, Douglas, Lisa Schur, Sean Rogers & Mason Ameri (2018): Why do workers with disabilities earn less? Occupational job requirements and disability discrimination. In: BJIR, Jg. 56, H. 4, S. 798-834. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12257


    "We analyse competing explanations for the lower pay of employees with disabilities, using 2008 - 2014 data from the American Community Survey matched to O*Net data on occupational job requirements. The results indicate that only part of the disability pay gap is due to productivity-related job requirements. The remaining pay gap -- experienced by employees whose impairments should not limit their productivity -- reflects potential discrimination. The discrimination-related pay gaps appear to be smallest and possibly non-existent for women and men with hearing impairments, and largest for those with cognitive and mobility impairments. Overall the results indicate that discrimination is likely to remain an influence on the pay of many workers with disabilities." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    State and local determinants of employment outcomes among individuals with disabilities (2018)

    Sevak, Purvi; Houtenville, Andrew; Brucker, Debra; O'Neill, John;


    Sevak, Purvi, John O'Neill, Andrew Houtenville & Debra Brucker (2018): State and local determinants of employment outcomes among individuals with disabilities. In: Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Jg. 29, H. 2, S. 119-128. DOI:10.1177/1044207318782676


    "In the United States, employment rates among individuals with disabilities are persistently low but vary substantially. In this study, we examined the relationship between employment outcomes and features of the state and county physical, economic, and policy environment among a national sample of individuals with disabilities. To do so, we merged a set of state- and county-level environmental variables with data from the 2009 - 2011 American Community Survey accessed in a U.S. Census Research Data Center. We estimated regression models of employment, work hours, and earnings as a function of disability, personal characteristics, and these environmental features. We found that economic conditions and physical environmental variables had stronger associations than policy variables with employment outcomes. Although the estimated importance of environmental variables was small relative to individual disability and personal characteristics, our results suggest that these variables may present barriers or facilitators to employment that can explain some geographic variation in employment outcomes across the United States." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Striving to work and overcoming barriers: employment strategies and successes of people with disabilities (2018)

    Sundar, Vidya; Katz, Elaine E.; Keirns, Tracy; Houtenville, Andrew J.; Phillips, Kimberly G.; O'Neill, John; Smith, Andrew ;


    Sundar, Vidya, John O'Neill, Andrew J. Houtenville, Kimberly G. Phillips, Tracy Keirns, Andrew Smith & Elaine E. Katz (2018): Striving to work and overcoming barriers. Employment strategies and successes of people with disabilities. In: Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jg. 48, H. 1, S. 93-109. DOI:10.3233/JVR-170918


    "BACKGROUND: People with disabilities experience longstanding barriers to employment. However, beyond the conventional metrics of labor force participation or unemployment rates we know very little about the workplace experiences of people with disabilities.
    OBJECTIVE: This study describes findings from the 2015 Kessler Foundation National Employment and Disability Survey (2015 KFNEDS), a nationally representative survey of Americans with disabilities.
    METHODS: A dual-frame, random digit dial, nationally representative survey was conducted. Survey respondents included 3013 working age adults with a disability. Survey respondents were asked about disability, employment status, job search activities and workplace experiences.
    RESULTS: Over 42% of survey respondents were currently working. 68.4% were striving to work characterized by job preparation, job search and/or participation in the workforce since the onset of their disability. Although some barriers persisted in the workplace, many were able to overcome the same. Overall, 47.8% of the respondents used workplace accommodations, 45.3% were satisfied with their jobs, 86.6% felt accepted in their workplace.
    CONCLUSION: The 2015 KFNEDS highlights how people with disabilities strive to work and overcome barriers, a discourse largely overlooked in contemporary disability and employment research. Survey findings can inform new programs and policies to improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Macroeconomic impact of flexicurity on the integration of people with disabilities into the labour market.: A two-regime spatial autoregressive analysis (2017)

    Agovino, Massimiliano; Rapposelli, Agnese;


    Agovino, Massimiliano & Agnese Rapposelli (2017): Macroeconomic impact of flexicurity on the integration of people with disabilities into the labour market. A two-regime spatial autoregressive analysis. In: Quality and Quantity. International Journal of Methodology, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 307-334. DOI:10.1007/s11135-015-0306-x


    "The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of flexicurity upon regional labour market performance in the employment of disabled people. To this purpose, we estimate a matching function by means of a two-regime spatial autoregressive model on Italian regions for the period 2006 - 2011. Our results highlight the importance of spatial interactions in the matching process of disabled people, which enable Northern - Central Italy regions to find a job for a number of disabled persons five times higher than the one employed by Southern Italy regions." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Rethinking vocational rehabilitation through institutional ethnography (2017)

    Aksnes, Siri Yde;


    Aksnes, Siri Yde (2017): Rethinking vocational rehabilitation through institutional ethnography. In: Journal of Comparative Social Work, Jg. 12, H. 2, S. 1-23.


    "In Norway, vocational rehabilitation for people with support needs involves complex inter-professional and inter-organizational processes that do not have clear institutional boundaries. Every process involves a new constellation of actors, representing divergent practices, ideas and objectives. This article argues that much of the current research on the implementation of activation policy inadequately captures the mechanisms and processes that influence vocational rehabilitation practices. The article proposes the use of institutional ethnography (IE) to empirically examine vocational rehabilitation, and argues that IE provides methodological concepts and tools that enable researchers to link and make visible the everyday practices, the social relations and the institutional contexts that make up vocational rehabilitation processes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment outcomes of youth with disabilities in vocational rehabilitation: a multilevel analysis of RSA-911 data (2017)

    Alsaman, Marwa A.; Lee, Chun-Lung;


    Alsaman, Marwa A. & Chun-Lung Lee (2017): Employment outcomes of youth with disabilities in vocational rehabilitation. A multilevel analysis of RSA-911 data. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 60, H. 2, S. 98-107. DOI:10.1177/0034355216632363


    "The purpose of this study is twofold: (a) to examine the relationship between individual factors and rehabilitation outcomes of transition youth with disabilities receiving state vocational rehabilitation services and (b) to determine the contextual effects of state unemployment rate on the employment outcomes of transition youth and its potential interactions with personal and service factors. Hierarchical generalized linear modeling was used to analyze Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911) data for fiscal year 2013. Results show that state unemployment rates were found to moderate the relationships between some demographic and service variables and successful competitive employment. These results indicate the importance of contextual variables, such as state unemployment rates, and their impact on the predictive strength of specific personal and service variables on employment outcomes of youth with disabilities. Implications for vocational rehabilitation services and policy, and future research are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of workplace accommodations in the employment of people with disabilities (2017)

    Anand, Priyanka; Sevak, Purvi;


    Anand, Priyanka & Purvi Sevak (2017): The role of workplace accommodations in the employment of people with disabilities. In: IZA journal of labor policy, Jg. 6, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1186/s40173-017-0090-4


    "We explore the role of workplace accommodations in reducing employment barriers and improving the employment of people with disabilities. We do so using data from the 2015 Survey of Disability and Employment on people with disabilities who applied for vocational rehabilitation services in three states. The results show that at least one third of nonworking people with disabilities reported employment barriers that could be addressed by workplace accommodations, such as lack of transportation and an inaccessible workplace. We also find that receiving certain types of workplace accommodations, such as help with transportation, flexible work schedules, or a personal care attendant, is positively correlated with being employed at the time of the survey. Finally, people who are in poor health or have physical disabilities were more likely to perceive workplace inaccessibility as a barrier but less likely to have received accommodations in their current or most recent job. This suggests that people with these characteristics may be good candidates to target for greater access to workplace accommodations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The process and experiences of self-employment among people with disabilities: A qualitative study (2017)

    Ashley, Deborah; Graf, Noreen M.;


    Ashley, Deborah & Noreen M. Graf (2017): The process and experiences of self-employment among people with disabilities. A qualitative study. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 61, H. 2, S. 90-100. DOI:10.1177/0034355216687712


    "Self-employment and business ownership may provide viable options toward overcoming employment disparities for people with disabilities. This qualitative study explored the process and experience of self-employment among people with disabilities. An online survey yielded responses from 18 individuals who were engaged in various self-employment endeavors. The researchers identified three main categories: reasons for self-employment, the process of becoming self-employed, and the challenges encountered. The majority of participants revealed negative and/or unhelpful interactions with vocational rehabilitation counselors. In addition, this study solicited advice from participants for vocational rehabilitation counselors and other persons with disabilities contemplating self-employment. Finally, recommendations for vocational rehabilitation practice, business development training, and education are provided." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Two types of expectancies concerning competitive employment among people with mental illness in supported employment (2017)

    Brantschen, Elisabeth; Landolt, Karin; Kawohl, Wolfram; Rössler, Wulf; Nordt, Carlos; Bärtsch, Bettina;


    Brantschen, Elisabeth, Karin Landolt, Wolfram Kawohl, Wulf Rössler, Bettina Bärtsch & Carlos Nordt (2017): Two types of expectancies concerning competitive employment among people with mental illness in supported employment. In: Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jg. 46, H. 2, S. 195-202. DOI:10.3233/JVR-160855


    "Background: Motivation is a central factor in supported employment.
    Objective: This paper introduces two types of expectancy postulated by the extended cognitive model of motivation into the field of supported employment. We focus on the action-outcome-expectancy, which implies an active and action orientated attitude, and the situation-outcome-expectancy, which is associated with a passive attitude. We analysed which of the two expectancies is related to a better vocational outcome in a supported employment study.
    Methods: 116 participants with mental illness were enrolled. A series of logistic regression analyses were conducted to explore associations between the type of expectancy and variables of interest.
    Results: The action-outcome-expectancy was predicted by a higher self-motivation (importance of working), being female, higher income, and a higher score in the global quality of life scale. Having a partner, lower income and a lower score in the global quality of life scale were predictors of the situation-outcome-expectancy. Notably, study participants with the action-outcome-expectancy had a threefold higher probability of obtaining competitive employment.
    Conclusion: Therefore, job coaches should consider taking a stronger lead in the application process for participants with situation-outcome-expectancy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A review of research on teaching people with significant disabilities vocational skills (2017)

    Cannella-Malone, Helen I.; Schaefer, John M.;


    Cannella-Malone, Helen I. & John M. Schaefer (2017): A review of research on teaching people with significant disabilities vocational skills. In: Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, Jg. 40, H. 2, S. 67-78. DOI:10.1177/2165143415583498


    "Although an important part of adult life, individuals with significant disabilities experience low rates of gainful employment. The purpose of this review was to summarize and analyze the literature on teaching vocational skills to individuals with significant disabilities. Sixty-two articles (with 75 experiments) included in this review were published between 1969 and 2014, and indicated that most participants were successfully taught to engage in a variety of vocational skills in a range of settings. Unfortunately, this review also determined that the research on teaching vocational skills to individuals with significant disabilities is steadily decreasing, with only 15 new studies published since 2000. Potential directions for future research will be proposed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hiring subsidies for people with a disability: Evidence from a small-scale social field experiment (2017)

    Deuchert, Eva; Kauer, Lukas;


    Deuchert, Eva & Lukas Kauer (2017): Hiring subsidies for people with a disability. Evidence from a small-scale social field experiment. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 156, H. 2, S. 269-285. DOI:10.1111/j.1564-913X.2014.00025.x


    "The effectiveness of hiring subsidies for people with disabilities remains unclear due to potential free-rider, substitution and signalling effects. The authors propose a novel evaluation approach wherein it is randomly decided whether or not job applications disclose the subsidy to potential employers. Based on call-back rates for interviews, the subsidy is found to be ineffective or even counterproductive in a group of adolescents having completed their vocational training programme. However, the negative signalling effect seems to be much weaker in a group of clients of job-coaching services who acquired their disability during their working life." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Personal characteristics of vocational rehabilitation applicants: findings from the Survey of Disability and Employment (2017)

    Eckstein, Angela; Wright, Debra; Sevak, Purvi;


    Eckstein, Angela, Purvi Sevak & Debra Wright (2017): Personal characteristics of vocational rehabilitation applicants. Findings from the Survey of Disability and Employment. In: Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jg. 46, H. 2, S. 177-185. DOI:10.3233/JVR-160853


    "Background: Existing survey and administrative data provide little information on why individuals with disabilities have had persistently low employment rates and why some groups of individuals fare better in the labor market than others.
    Objective: Our goal is to provide new insights into the barriers and facilitators to employment among individuals with disabilities.
    Methods: We designed the Survey of Disability and Employment, a 30-minute telephone survey, to collect information on health conditions, employment history and barriers, and workplace and social supports for 2,804 vocational rehabilitation (VR) applicants in 2014.
    Results: In addition to citing health issues, VR applicants cite many barriers to employment, including difficulty finding a job, lack of skills, and accessibility. Health presents as a barrier due to unpredictability of symptoms, pain, and lack of physical energy and adequate time. Despite these barriers, the majority of VR applicants state it is extremely important that they work and most have high self-perceptions of executive functioning.
    Conclusion: A richer understanding of the resources and needs of individuals with disabilities can help counselors and policymakers better tailor services to support their employment goals." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Supplemental security income and the transition to adulthood in the United States: state variations in outcomes following the age-18 redetermination (2017)

    Hemmeter, Jeffrey; Mann, David R.; Wittenburg, David C.;


    Hemmeter, Jeffrey, David R. Mann & David C. Wittenburg (2017): Supplemental security income and the transition to adulthood in the United States. State variations in outcomes following the age-18 redetermination. In: Social Service Review, Jg. 91, H. 1, S. 106-133. DOI:10.1086/691219


    "Policy makers have raised concerns about the outcomes of former child Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients following the redetermination of eligibility at age 18 using an adult disability definition. We use Social Security administrative data to track state-level benefit receipt and employment outcomes of all former child SSI recipients who received an age-18 redetermination from 1998 through 2006, through age 24. We find that (1) state cessation rates ranged from 20 to 47 percent, (2) ceased recipients had higher employment rates and lower rates of SSI receipt than continued recipients, and (3) continued recipients who lived in states with higher employment rates also had higher Disability Insurance benefit receipt rates than those who lived in states with lower employment rates. The findings raise questions about the state-level variation in SSI's role in the overall safety net and the variations in options available to former child SSI recipients following the age-18 redetermination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour Market Integration and Equality for Disabled People: A Comparative Analysis of Nordic and Baltic Countries (2017)

    Kuznetsova, Yuliya; Yalcin, Betul; Priestley, Mark;


    Kuznetsova, Yuliya, Betul Yalcin & Mark Priestley (2017): Labour Market Integration and Equality for Disabled People. A Comparative Analysis of Nordic and Baltic Countries. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 51, H. 4, S. 577-597. DOI:10.1111/spol.12314


    "This article considers the employment situation of disabled people, and disability policies, in three Nordic and three Baltic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania). The analysis is framed by a changing paradigm for disability policy-making, from compensation towards human rights and in a context of multi-level governance involving the EU and UN as significant policy actors. The analysis draws on policy analysis and European social survey data to compare outcomes for disabled people in each country and in binary comparison between Nordic and Baltic countries. This enables interactions between individual and regional block factors to be modelled. We conclude that national policies make a difference, that non-discrimination policies are not enough and that a focused mix of regulatory and redistributive measures is needed. The findings highlight better employment and social protection outcomes for disabled people in the Nordic countries, but point to policy challenges in both blocks. National processes of (de)commodification and stratification affect disabled people differently and this may disrupt our assumptions about welfare state comparisons." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The impact of traineeships on the employment of the Mentally Ill: the role of partial compliance (2017)

    Martini, Alberto; Barbetta, Gianpaolo; Rettore, Enrico;


    Martini, Alberto, Enrico Rettore & Gianpaolo Barbetta (2017): The impact of traineeships on the employment of the Mentally Ill. The role of partial compliance. (IZA discussion paper 10582), Bonn, 13 S.


    "Lavoro & Psiche is a RCT aimed at increasing employment among severely mentally ill patients, by offering them a structured job-search experience. The key feature of the treatment was the presence of a 'job coach' entirely dedicated to support the job search of a small number (12-13) of mentally ill patients. What most often the job coach did was finding the patient a traineeship. If one were to consider only the effect of making the support of the coach available - the so-called Intention-To-Treat effect - it would be a disappointing statistically non-significant 5 percentage point difference in the employment of treatment and control members, in the full post-treatment year. However, the impact of making something available is rarely the primary interest of policy-makers, who would rather know the effect of receiving it. The main difficulty in obtaining unbiased estimates of the latter is that 'who receives what' is no longer solely determined by randomization, but also by post-randomization events and decisions. During the implementation period of Lavoro & Psiche of 2011-12, an unprecedented wave of traineeship opportunities hit those enrolled in the demonstration, both in the experimental and in the control group. The main finding is that, for the subset of the experimental group that was induced by the offer to be involved in a traineeship the chances of having a job in the post-treatment year more than double from the 17% of those who did not do any traineeship to the 34% of those who did, well above the Intention-To-Treat impact estimates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do Finnish work integration enterprises benefit the community? (2017)

    Melkas, Helinä; Koskela, Virpi; Oikarinen, Tuija; Konsti-Laakso, Suvi;


    Melkas, Helinä, Virpi Koskela, Tuija Oikarinen & Suvi Konsti-Laakso (2017): Do Finnish work integration enterprises benefit the community? In: Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation, Jg. 11, H. 2, S. 59-70. DOI:10.13169/workorgalaboglob.11.2.0059


    "This study explores Finnish work integration social enterprises through social enterprise criteria identified in previous research, notably the aim to benefit the community. Previous research has identified positive motivations in social enterprises, but whether these are played out in practice is less examined. This study makes a contribution by exploring the situation in Finland, where social enterprises are still a relatively new phenomenon as compared with many other countries. In this study, in light of the interviews, a strong commitment among social enterprise managers to serving the community and specific people is revealed. This may be achieved by providing viable employment opportunities and avenues for participation, for instance. However, the findings also indicate many challenges, obstacles and even threats faced by the studied social enterprises. These affect opportunities to realise these enterprises' whole potential." (Author's abstract, © Pluto Journals Ltd.) ((en))

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    Does sanctioning disabled claimants of unemployment insurance increase labour market inactivity?: An analysis of 346 British local authorities between 2009 and 2014 (2017)

    Reeves, Aaron ;


    Reeves, Aaron (2017): Does sanctioning disabled claimants of unemployment insurance increase labour market inactivity? An analysis of 346 British local authorities between 2009 and 2014. In: The journal of poverty and social justice, Jg. 25, H. 2, S. 129-146. DOI:10.1332/175982717X14939739331029


    "Imposing financial penalties on claimants of unemployment insurance may incentivise labour market re-entry. However, sanctions may have differential effects depending on the work-readiness of the claimants. Here, I explore whether sanctioning disabled claimants is associated with greater labour market activity or inactivity among disabled people data on 346 British local authorities between 2009 and 2014. When the number of sanctioned disabled claimants rises (as a proportion of all claimants), the disability rate among economically inactive people becomes larger. There is no clear relationship between sanctioning disabled claimants and the employed disability rate." (Author's abstract, © 2017 Policy Press) ((en))

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    Projekte zur Förderung der beruflichen Teilhabe von Menschen mit schwerer motorischer Bewegungseinschränkung und schwerer Kommunikationsbeeinträchtigung (2017)

    Renner, Gregor;


    Renner, Gregor (2017): Projekte zur Förderung der beruflichen Teilhabe von Menschen mit schwerer motorischer Bewegungseinschränkung und schwerer Kommunikationsbeeinträchtigung. In: Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, Jg. 68, H. 2, S. 52-64.


    "Menschen mit schwerer motorischer und kommunikativer Behinderung haben geringe Chancen auf eine Anstellung auf dem allgemeinen Arbeitsmarkt. Ziel dieser Studie war es, Projekte zur beruflichen Förderung und Integration dieser Menschen zu recherchieren und auf Erfolgsfaktoren zu analysieren. Die Auswertung ergab elf Projekte im deutschsprachigen Raum mit über 60 Teilnehmern und unterschiedlichen Ansätzen von beruflicher Grundbildung bzw. Berufssondierung und -orientierung bis hin zu konkreten Arbeitsaufgaben im Logistikbereich. Fünf Projekte mit acht Teilnehmern beinhalteten Praktika auf dem allgemeinen Arbeitsmarkt. Evaluationen dokumentierten positive Einschätzungen der Praktikanten und Arbeitgeber. Allerdings wurde über die Projektdauer hinaus kein Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt und damit keine Nachhaltigkeit erreicht." (Autorenreferat, © 2017 Ernst Reinhardt Verlag)

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    Why one size fits all approach to transition in Disability Employment Services hinders employability of young people with physical and neurological disabilities in Australia (2017)

    Stafford, Lisa ; Marston, Gregory; Chamorro-Koc, Marianella; Drennan, Judy; Beatson, Amando;


    Stafford, Lisa, Gregory Marston, Marianella Chamorro-Koc, Amando Beatson & Judy Drennan (2017): Why one size fits all approach to transition in Disability Employment Services hinders employability of young people with physical and neurological disabilities in Australia. In: The journal of industrial relations, Jg. 59, H. 5, S. 631-651. DOI:10.1177/0022185617723379


    "The education-to-work pathways for young people with disabilities are becoming more diverse and lengthier in our post-industrial economy. Furthermore, it is recognized that a multitude of barriers still remain in securing employment at the end of these pathways. In this paper, we focus on Australia's Disability Employment Services (DES) to understand how views of transition in DES policy may be influencing program rules in supporting secondary and tertiary students with physical and/or neurological disabilities in their employability and employment. We do this through critical policy analysis of DES and in-depth Interpretive accounts from service providers and advocacy organizations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Firm-level early intervention incentives: which recent employers of disability program entrants would pay more? (2017)

    Stapleton, David C.; Mann, David R.; Singh, Pragya; Song, Jae;


    Stapleton, David C., David R. Mann, Pragya Singh & Jae Song (2017): Firm-level early intervention incentives: which recent employers of disability program entrants would pay more? In: Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Jg. 28, H. 3, S. 162-173. DOI:10.1177/1044207317729126


    "The declining economic status of people with disabilities and the predicted 2016 depletion of the Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund have generated considerable interest in proposals for reforming the DI program. Some proposals would hold firms partially responsible for a portion of the DI benefits paid to their recent employees. We analyze the implications of this approach for employers and workers in general, and specifically consider two prominent reform proposals: One would require employers to carry short-term DI; the second would apply an experience rating to the DI portion of the Federal Insurance Contributions Act premium. We find the proposals would place a relatively large burden on the labor costs of many relatively small (fewer than 500 workers), low-wage firms. Firms with high potential liabilities might react by seeking to accommodate and retain workers with challenging medical conditions but might also reduce hiring or retaining workers at high risk of medical problems. Hence, although these proposals would likely reduce DI expenditures, they might have less desirable unintended consequences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "Eine junge Frau erzählt ihre Geschichte": Die bildungs-biographische Fallrekonstruktion einer intellektuell beeinträchtigten Frau (2017)

    Wegscheider, Patricia; Fasching, Helga ;


    Wegscheider, Patricia & Helga Fasching (2017): "Eine junge Frau erzählt ihre Geschichte". Die bildungs-biographische Fallrekonstruktion einer intellektuell beeinträchtigten Frau. In: Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, Jg. 68, H. 7, S. 329-340.


    "Dieser Beitrag wird der Analyse der Bildungsgeschichte einer jungen, in Österreich lebenden Frau mit intellektueller Beeinträchtigung gewidmet. Ihre Erzählungen wurden mittels narrativer Interviews erfasst und nach der Biographischen Fallrekonstruktion nach Gabriele Rosenthal (2014) ausgewertet. Die Analyse lässt den Schluss zu, dass der familiäre Zusammenhalt, die individuelle Unterstützung innerhalb und außerhalb der Schule sowie der Faktor Zeit einen positiven Beitrag zum Verlauf ihrer Bildungsgeschichte geleistet haben. Diese Aspekte werden als bildungsbiographisch bedeutsame Faktoren in ihrem Leben definiert und gesondert diskutiert. Darüber hinaus erfolgt eine theoretische Auseinandersetzung mit den Grundlagen interpretativer Sozialforschung sowie eine Erläuterung des forschungsmethodischen Ansatzes, der dieser Untersuchung zugrunde liegt." (Autorenreferat, © 2017 Ernst Reinhardt Verlag)

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    Does flexicurity promote the employment of disabled people: a panel analysis for Italian regional data (2016)

    Agovino, Massimiliano; Rapposelli, Agnese;


    Agovino, Massimiliano & Agnese Rapposelli (2016): Does flexicurity promote the employment of disabled people. A panel analysis for Italian regional data. In: Quality and Quantity. International Journal of Methodology, Jg. 50, H. 5, S. 2085-2105. DOI:10.1007/s11135-015-0252-7


    "The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of flexicurity upon regional labour market performance in the employment of disabled people. To this purpose, we implement a static model, via 2SLS, and a dynamic model, via GMM-system, on Italian regions for the period 2006 - 2011. Our results show a failure of flexicurity for people with disabilities in terms of policy, it is important to promote more flexibility in the laws governing the employment of disabled people and in contributory benefits transfer programmes. Moreover, it is necessary to promote policy actions aimed at supporting private firms in their production process." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Employment social skills: what skills are really valued? (2016)

    Agran, Martin; Scott, LaRon A.; Thoma, Colleen A.; Hughes, Carolyn;


    Agran, Martin, Carolyn Hughes, Colleen A. Thoma & LaRon A. Scott (2016): Employment social skills. What skills are really valued? In: Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, Jg. 39, H. 2, S. 111-120. DOI:10.1177/2165143414546741


    "Although social skills have long been recognized as essential in promoting employees' employability (e.g., maintaining employment), there has been little research about work-related social skills for the last two decades. A systematic replication of Salzberg, Agran, and Lignugaris/Kraft's investigation of critical social skills was conducted. Specifically, a national sample of secondary teachers was asked to rate the importance of social skills in employment settings and the extent to which instruction was provided to teach these skills. Among the skills rated as most important were seeking clarification for unclear instructions, arriving at work on time, refraining from inappropriate touching of others, carrying out instructions needing immediate attention, notifying a supervisor when assistance is needed, responding appropriately to critical feedback, and interacting well with customers/clients. Interestingly, the skills perceived to be the most important were not the skills that were most frequently taught. The implications of these findings are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The differential earnings and income effects of involuntary job loss on workers with disabilities: evidence of Sweden (2016)

    Angelov, Nikolay; Eliason, Marcus ;


    Angelov, Nikolay & Marcus Eliason (2016): The differential earnings and income effects of involuntary job loss on workers with disabilities. Evidence of Sweden. In: Labour, Jg. 30, H. 2, S. 213-233. DOI:10.1111/labr.12062


    "People with disabilities are consistently found to face considerable difficulties in the labour market. In this study we investigated whether their earnings and income trajectories are more adversely affected in case of involuntary job loss. Earnings of those with and without disabilities began to diverge already several years prior to job loss because of larger incidence of sickness. Following job loss much more job losers with disabilities became disability retirees resulting in a considerable and seemingly permanent earnings differential. However, larger uptake of public social insurances among job losers with disabilities resulted in a much smaller income differential." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of disability benefits on labor supply: Evidence from the VA's disability compensation program (2016)

    Autor, David H.; Lyle, David S.; Greenberg, Kyle; Duggan, Mark;


    Autor, David H., Mark Duggan, Kyle Greenberg & David S. Lyle (2016): The impact of disability benefits on labor supply. Evidence from the VA's disability compensation program. In: American Economic Journal. Applied Economics, Jg. 8, H. 3, S. 31-68. DOI:10.1257/app.20150158


    "Combining administrative data from the US Army, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Social Security Administration, we analyze the effect of the VA's Disability Compensation (DC) program on veterans' labor force participation and earnings. We study the 2001 Agent Orange decision, a unique policy change that expanded DC eligibility for Vietnam veterans who served in theater but did not expand eligibility to other veterans of this era, to assess the causal effects of DC enrollment. We estimate that benefits receipt reduced veterans' labor force participation by 18 percentage points, though measured income net of transfer income rose on average." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Using sensory, functional, and activity limitation data to estimate employment outcomes for working-age persons with disabilities in the United States (2016)

    Brucker, Debra L.; Houtenville, Andrew J.; Lauer, Eric A.;


    Brucker, Debra L., Andrew J. Houtenville & Eric A. Lauer (2016): Using sensory, functional, and activity limitation data to estimate employment outcomes for working-age persons with disabilities in the United States. In: Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Jg. 27, H. 3, S. 131-137. DOI:10.1177/1044207315578949


    "Using data from the 2010 - 2012 American Community Survey (ACS), we estimate employment outcomes among persons with different combinations of sensory, functional, and activity limitations while controlling for individual characteristics. We consider activity limitations as indicators of barriers to independent living and of a need for support services. We find that the presence of an activity limitation is strongly associated with decreased odds of employment for persons with sensory or functional limitations. Results provide support for the targeted allocation of resources to increase independent living among persons with disabilities as a means to improve employment outcomes among persons with disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Estimating the income loss of disabled individuals: the case of Spain (2016)

    Cervini-Plá, Maria; Silva, Jose I. ; Vall Castelló, Judit;


    Cervini-Plá, Maria, Jose I. Silva & Judit Vall Castelló (2016): Estimating the income loss of disabled individuals. The case of Spain. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 51, H. 2, S. 809-829. DOI:10.1007/s00181-015-1019-7


    "Abstract In this paper, we present a theoretical model along with an empirical model to identify the effects of disability on wages. From the theoretical model, we derive the hypothesis that only the temporary component of the wage gap, which is due to assimilation costs, will diminish over time, whereas the permanent element, which is due to the productivity loss after the disabling condition, will in fact persist. We test this theoretical hypothesis using an exogenous disability shock (accident) and combine propensity score matching with a difference-in-differences method to account for observed and unobserved time-constant differences. In all our specifications, we find that the reduction in wages for the disabled is between 274 and 308 euros per month, and this represents 19 - 22%of the average wage of a disabled worker. This gap, however, is more than offset when we count disability benefits and wages collectively as income. As predicted in the theoretical model, we observe that around 40% of the initial wage gap between disabled and non-disabled individuals is reversed once the transitory drop in productivity disappears. However, we also observe a constant wage gap that remains over time and that corresponds to the permanent fall in productivity predicted by the theoretical model (60% of the initial wage gap)." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Predictors of job accommodations for individuals with psychiatric disabilities (2016)

    Chow, Clifton M.; Cichocki, Benjamin;


    Chow, Clifton M. & Benjamin Cichocki (2016): Predictors of job accommodations for individuals with psychiatric disabilities. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 59, H. 3, S. 172-184. DOI:10.1177/0034355215583057


    "The empirical literature on the impact of psychiatric disability on employment outcomes has consistently shown that individuals with psychiatric disabilities are more likely than those without to experience adverse labor market outcomes. One strategy invoked to address barriers to employment has been reasonable job accommodations, developed originally through the Americans With Disabilities Act legislation. However, little is known about the factors associated with the request for reasonable job accommodations among those with serious psychiatric disabilities. Data for this study come from a longitudinal multisite demonstration project funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Accommodations were reported by individuals with serious mental health disabilities who became employed. Results from logistic regression analysis found that those who disclosed their disability to their employers, who were more severely disabled, and who had positive social relationships were more likely to request accommodations. This study advances our knowledge of the factors that influence the decision of individuals with serious mental health disabilities to seek accommodation in the work environment and offers a framework for guiding rehabilitation counselors in ways that might help to enhance employment outcomes for this population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Impacts of school structural factors and student factors on employment outcomes for youth with disabilities in transition: a secondary data analysis (2016)

    Dong, Shengli; Luecking, Richard G.; Fabian, Ellen;


    Dong, Shengli, Ellen Fabian & Richard G. Luecking (2016): Impacts of school structural factors and student factors on employment outcomes for youth with disabilities in transition. A secondary data analysis. In: Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Jg. 59, H. 4, S. 224-234. DOI:10.1177/0034355215595515


    "This study aimed to examine school structural factors (i.e., free/reduced lunch percentage, proportion of minority student enrollment, and student - teacher ratio) that may contribute to employment outcomes for transitioning youth with disabilities beyond individual student factors through hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) analyses. The secondary data for 3,289 students were obtained from the Bridges From School to Work Program, and the school structural data for 121 schools were drawn from the Common Core of Data. The major types of disabilities for the student participants included learning disabilities (73.1%), emotional and behavioral disabilities (4.7%), sensory disabilities (2%), and others (20.2%). Around 41% of participants were female. The study found that employment outcomes (i.e., whether a participant secured a paid job and weekly job earnings) were primarily attributed to student individual factors rather than school structural factors, particularly prior paid work experience. The finding suggests the potential importance of effective transition interventions to improve employment outcomes for all youth with disabilities. Implications for rehabilitation professionals are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Not all jobs are the same: predictors of job quality for adults with intellectual disabilities (2016)

    Heyman, Miriam; Stokes, Jeffrey E.; Siperstein, Gary N.;


    Heyman, Miriam, Jeffrey E. Stokes & Gary N. Siperstein (2016): Not all jobs are the same. Predictors of job quality for adults with intellectual disabilities. In: Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jg. 44, H. 3, S. 299-306. DOI:10.3233/JVR-160800


    "Background: Some adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) who are competitively employed earn more than minimum wage, receive health benefits from their employers, and have work schedules that accommodate their financial and personal needs. However, most competitively employed adults with ID lack such benefits that are commonly associated with high-quality competitive employment.
    Objective: The objective of this study was to look within the population of adults with ID who are competitively employed in order to understand factors related to high-quality competitive employment.
    Methods: Respondents included a national sample of 153 parents/guardians of adult children (21 years of age or older) with intellectual disabilities who were competitively employed. These parents/guardians were drawn from a nationally representative sample of 1,055 households which included an adult with an intellectual disability.
    Results: The results indicated that while high-quality competitive employment is attainable for adults with ID, most competitively employed adults with ID lack benefits including health insurance and salaries that are above minimum wage. Adaptive behavior was related to greater job quality. Also, beyond the influence of adaptive behavior, being at the same job for three or more years significantly predicted higher wages, more work hours, and greater likelihood of receiving health benefits.
    Conclusions: Policies and programs should look beyond emphasizing competitive employment as the ultimate goal for individuals with intellectual disabilities, and should seek to promote access to high-quality competitive employment. Improving employment stability may contribute to this goal." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Making disability work?: the effects of financial incentives on partially disabled workers (2016)

    Koning, Pierre ; Sonsbeek, Jan-Maarten van;


    Koning, Pierre & Jan-Maarten van Sonsbeek (2016): Making disability work? The effects of financial incentives on partially disabled workers. (IZA discussion paper 9624), Bonn, S. 202-215. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2017.05.008


    "This study uses longitudinal administrative data from the Netherlands to explore the responsiveness of disabled workers to financial incentives. We focus on workers with partial Disability Insurance (DI) benefits that have substantial residual work capacities. When the first phase of benefit entitlement to DI has expired, these workers experience a dramatic drop in income if they do not employ their residual income capacity. Entitlement periods to the first phase of DI benefits vary across individuals. This enables us to estimate the impact effect of this change in work incentives on the incidence of work, on wage earnings and on full work resumption. Based on the estimation results, the implied labor force non-participation elasticity rate equals 0.12. Response estimates are highest among young DI recipients, who typically have shorter entitlement periods to the more generous first phase of DI benefits. The incentive change has a limited impact on wage earnings of partially disabled workers and no significant impact on full work resumption." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The workplace discrimination experiences of middle-age and younger adult workers with disabilities: results from the National EEOC ADA Research Project (2016)

    Li, Jiana; Cichy, Kelly E.; McMahon, Brian T.; Rumrill, Phillip D.;


    Li, Jiana, Kelly E. Cichy, Phillip D. Rumrill & Brian T. McMahon (2016): The workplace discrimination experiences of middle-age and younger adult workers with disabilities. Results from the National EEOC ADA Research Project. In: Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Jg. 45, H. 3, S. 365-376. DOI:10.3233/JVR-160836


    "Background: Little is known about the employment discrimination experiences of middle-aged workers with disabilities.
    Objective: This study investigated the employment discrimination experiences of middle-age charging parties with disabilities (ages 35 - 54 years) in comparison to younger adult charging parties with disabilities (ages 25 - 34 years) on demographic characteristics (e.g., gender, disability type), characteristics of employers against whom allegations were filed (e.g., size, industry type), the nature of the discrimination, and the resolution of these allegations.
    Methods: The study utilized data from the Integrated Mission System of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
    Results: Findings indicated that, compared to younger adult charging parties, middle-age charging parties were more likely to be male and Caucasian; more likely to file allegations on the basis of diabetes, heart/cardiovascular disease, back impairments, and cancer; and less likely to file allegations on the basis of anxiety disorders, manic depressive disorder, schizophrenia, or other psychological impairments. Middle-age charging parties were less likely than younger charging parties to allege discrimination related to unlawful discharge and constructive discharge, but more likely to allege discrimination related to layoff. They were less likely to allege discrimination against small employers and employers in the finance/insurance, accommodation/food service, and retail trade industries. Middle-age charging parties were more likely to allege discrimination against employers in the manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, utilities, educational services, and public administration industries. Middle-age charging parties were slightly less likely than younger adult charging parties to have ADA title I allegations resolved in their favor through the EEOC's investigatory process.
    Conclusions: Implications for working with prime age workers with disabilities are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Frauen mit Behinderung in Bildung und Arbeit - einen Steinwurf von der Gleichstellung entfernt?: eine Studie über die aktuelle Situation in der Deutschschweiz (2016)

    Manfredi, Olga; Zimmermann, Helen;


    Manfredi, Olga & Helen Zimmermann (2016): Frauen mit Behinderung in Bildung und Arbeit - einen Steinwurf von der Gleichstellung entfernt? Eine Studie über die aktuelle Situation in der Deutschschweiz. Luzern: Verlag an der Reuss, 165 S.


    "Mehrfachdiskriminierung von Frauen mit Behinderung im Bildungs- und Erwerbsbereich ist bis heute in der Schweiz wenig erforscht. Die Autorinnen legen mit ihrem Forschungsbeitrag einen wichtigen Grundstein zum bisher kaum geführten Diskurs um die Gleichstellung von Frauen mit Behinderung in Bildung und Erwerb.
    Ihre empirische Untersuchung zeigt, dass alle befragten Frauen Diskriminierung erlebten. Zum Teil gingen die Diskriminierungen so weit, dass sie auch im juristischen Sinn als Verletzung von Gleichheitsansprüchen zu werten sind. Geschlecht, Behinderung und weitere Lebensmerkmale, die zu Mehrfachdiskriminierung führen können, sind gegeben und nicht aus der Welt zu schaffen. Die Erkenntnisse dieser Studie sollen dazu beitragen, dass die gestaltete Umwelt so konstruiert wird, dass eine effektive und umfassende Gleichstellung von Frauen mit Behinderung eines Tages Wirklichkeit wird. Dazu zeigen die Autorinnen Handlungsansätze auf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Are workers with disabilities more likely to be displaced? (2016)

    Mitra, Sophie; Kruse, Douglas ;


    Mitra, Sophie & Douglas Kruse (2016): Are workers with disabilities more likely to be displaced? In: The international journal of human resource management, Jg. 27, H. 14, S. 1550-1579. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2015.1137616


    "The literature on employment and disability has been relatively silent regarding the job loss experience of persons with disabilities. We document the gap in job displacement rates across disability status in the United States over the 2007 - 2013 period using data from the 2010, 2012 and 2014 Displaced Worker Supplements of the Current Population Survey. We find that men and women with disabilities are, respectively, 75 and 89% more likely to experience an involuntary job loss than men and women without disabilities in the United States over the 2007 - 2013 period, with gaps in displacement rates of eight and seven percentage points for men and women, respectively. A significant gap is found in most occupation-education subsamples. Using a logit decomposition, we find that differences in observable characteristics do not explain the gap in the job loss rate across disability status. Longitudinal tests following workers over a one-year period point to a causal effect of disability on the likelihood of displacement. While the disability gap may be due to unobservable characteristics, job mismatch and employer discrimination are also possible explanations, highlighting the potential importance of employer and public policies in improving the job security of workers with disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability and employment across Central and Eastern European countries (2016)

    Mussida, Chiara ; Sciulli, Dario ;


    Mussida, Chiara & Dario Sciulli (2016): Disability and employment across Central and Eastern European countries. In: IZA journal of labor and development, Jg. 5, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1186/s40175-016-0049-7


    "We contribute to the scarce literature focusing on the life outcomes of disabled people in Central and Eastern European Countries by estimating the effects of disability on employment probabilities for six Central and Eastern European Countries. We find that disability negatively affects the employment probabilities of disabled people, especially those with severe disabilities. The effects of disability persist even after controlling for disability benefits, signaling a predominant role for disability per se. The long-term effects of disability are smaller than the short-term effects, suggesting the partial integration of disabled people into the labor market over time, which might favor both social inclusion and a country's economic performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor market integration of people with disabilities: results from the Swiss spinal cord injury cohort study (2016)

    Reinhardt, Jan D. ; Brinkhof, Martin W. G.; Post, Marcel W. M.; Fekete, Christine; Trezzini, Bruno;


    Reinhardt, Jan D., Marcel W. M. Post, Christine Fekete, Bruno Trezzini & Martin W. G. Brinkhof (2016): Labor market integration of people with disabilities. Results from the Swiss spinal cord injury cohort study. In: PLoS one, Jg. 11, H. 11, S. 1-18. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0166955


    We aimed to describe labor market participation (LMP) of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Switzerland, to examine potential determinants of LMP, and to compare LMP between SCI and the general population.
    We analyzed data from 1458 participants of employable age from the cross-sectional community survey of the Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study. Data on LMP of the Swiss general population were obtained from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. Factors associated with employment status as well as the amount of work performed in terms of full-time equivalent (FTE) were examined with regression techniques.
    53.4% of the participants were employed at the time of the study. Adjusted odds of being employed were increased for males (OR = 1.73, 95% CI 1.33-2.25) and participants with paraplegia (OR = 1.78, 95% CI 1.40-2.27). The likelihood of being employed showed a significant concave relationship with age, peaking at age 40. The relation of LMP with education was s-shaped, while LMP was linearly related to time since injury. On average, employment rates were 30% lower than in the general population. Males with tetraplegia aged between 40 and 54 showed the greatest difference. From the 771 employed persons, the majority (81.7%) worked part-time with a median of 50% FTE (IRQ: 40%-80%). Men, those with younger age, higher education, incomplete lesions, and non-traumatic etiology showed significantly increased odds of working more hours per week. Significantly more people worked part-time than in the general population with the greatest difference found for males with tetraplegia aged between 40 and 54.
    LMP of persons with SCI is comparatively high in Switzerland. LMP after SCI is, however, considerably lower than in the general population. Future research needs to show whether the reduced LMP in SCI reflects individual capacity adjustment, contextual constraints on higher LMP or both." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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