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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern"
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    Social Security, Gender and Class: The impacts of the Universal Credit Conditionality Regime on Unpaid Care and Paid Work (2024)

    Andersen, Kate ;


    Andersen, Kate (2024): Social Security, Gender and Class: The impacts of the Universal Credit Conditionality Regime on Unpaid Care and Paid Work. In: Social Policy and Society online erschienen am 28.02.2024, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1017/S1474746424000071


    "The introduction of Universal Credit, a new means-tested benefit for working-aged people in the UK, entails a significant expansion of welfare conditionality. Due to mothers’ disproportionate responsibility for unpaid care, women are particularly affected by the new conditionality regime for parents who have the primary responsibility for the care of dependent children. This article draws upon qualitative longitudinal research with twenty-four mothers subject to the new conditionality regime to analyze the gendered impacts of this new policy and whether there is variation in experiences according to social class. The analysis demonstrates that the new conditionality regime devalues unpaid care and is of limited efficacy in improving sustained moves into paid work. It also shows that the negative gendered impacts of the conditionality within Universal Credit are at times exacerbated for working-class mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Family Restrictions at Work (2024)

    Aragonès, Enriqueta;


    Aragonès, Enriqueta (2024): Family Restrictions at Work. (Barcelona GSE working paper series 1429), Barcelona, 24 S.


    "This paper analizes the discrimination that individuals face at work due to their commitment to unpaid care work. The formal model presents a parametrization of the discrimination that affects the individual's optimal labor market participation. The welfare of individuals with commitment to family duties is reduced for two different reasons: for not being able to participate as much in the labor market and thus receive a lower labor income, and for not being able to contribute as much to their family commitments. We compare the results for the female and male sections of the society and we illustrate the observed gender gaps in terms of labor market participation, income levels, and overall utility obtained. We find that even though the gender wage gap may be alleviated with reductions of the cost associated to unpaid care work, the gender utility gap will persist." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jobcenter-Betreuung von Alleinerziehenden im Vergleich zu Eltern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften (2024)

    Artmann, Elisabeth;


    Artmann, Elisabeth (2024): Jobcenter-Betreuung von Alleinerziehenden im Vergleich zu Eltern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2024), Nürnberg, 44 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2403


    "Alleinerziehende müssen die Doppelbelastung bewältigen, ohne Unterstützung eines Partners im Haushalt für den Familienunterhalt und die Kinderbetreuung zu sorgen, weshalb sie als Bevölkerungsgruppe mit besonderem sozialpolitischen Unterstützungsbedarf gelten. Rund ein Drittel der Alleinerziehenden-Haushalte mit minderjährigen Kindern war im Jahr 2022 auf Grundsicherungsleistungen angewiesen, während nur 6,3 Prozent der Paarhaushalte mit minderjährigen Kindern Leistungen bezog. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht untersucht deshalb anhand von Befragungsdaten des Panels „Arbeitsmarkt und soziale Sicherung” für die Jahre 2008 bis 2021 deskriptiv, wie alleinerziehende Mütter im Vergleich zu Müttern und Vätern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften von den Jobcentern betreut werden, welche Förder- und Beratungsangebote sie erhalten und wie sie die Jobcenter-Betreuung bewerten. Dabei werden ausschließlich Erziehende im Grundsicherungsbezug betrachtet, die nicht sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt sind. Ein Vergleich dieser Elterngruppen zeigt zunächst, dass Alleinerziehende im Durchschnitt weniger und ältere Kinder haben als Eltern in Paar-BGs. Zudem hat ein hoher Anteil aller drei Elterngruppen keinen Berufsabschluss, wobei dieser Anteil bei den Alleinerziehenden aber etwas geringer ist als bei den Eltern in Paarhaushalten. In der Regel sind Grundsicherungsbeziehende zur Arbeitssuche verpflichtet, um ihren Leistungsbezug zu reduzieren oder zu beenden. Allerdings gibt es mehrere Ausnahmen von dieser Pflicht. Alleinerziehende sind ihren eigenen Angaben nach insgesamt signifikant häufiger zur Arbeitssuche verpflichtet als Mütter in Paarhaushalten, aber seltener als Väter. Eine wichtige Rolle spielt hier das Alter des jüngsten Kindes, denn die Jobcenter-Betreuung Alleinerziehender ähnelt der der Mütter in Paarhaushalten, wenn ein Kleinkind zu betreuen ist, aber der der Väter, wenn das jüngste Kind mindestens drei bis fünf Jahre alt ist. Im Beobachtungszeitraum ist der Anteil der Personen, der zur Arbeitssuche verpflichtet ist, in allen Elterngruppen rückläufig, was an der sich verändernden Zusammensetzung der Gruppe der Leistungsbeziehenden liegen könnte. In den bis 2020 erhobenen Befragungswellen haben nur wenige Eltern keinen Kontakt zum Jobcenter und die Mehrheit der Eltern mit Verpflichtung zur Arbeitssuche wird vom Jobcenter beschäftigungsorientiert beraten. In der im Jahr 2021 erhobenen Welle zeigen sich die Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie, denn der Anteil der Personen ohne Kontakt zum Jobcenter steigt bei allen Elterngruppen sprunghaft an und ein geringerer Anteil der Leistungsbeziehenden wird ausführlich beraten. Liegt nach eigenen Angaben der befragten Personen eine Befreiung von der Suchverpflichtung vor, so gibt die Mehrheit der Mütter als Grund Kinderbetreuungspflichten an. Bei Vätern in Paarhaushalten sind die häufigsten Freistellungsgründe hingegen gesundheitliche Probleme und Ausbildung. Betrachtet man die Förderangebote, die Jobcenter-Mitarbeitende den arbeitsuchenden Leistungsbeziehenden unterbreiten, zeigt sich, dass Alleinerziehende insgesamt ähnlich und zum Teil sogar intensiver gefördert werden als Eltern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften. So werden ihnen im Vergleich zu Müttern in Paarbedarfsgemeinschaften signifikant häufiger eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Stelle oder Ausbildung sowie Aktivierungs- oder Vermittlungsgutscheine angeboten; im Vergleich zu Vätern wird ihnen öfter ein Minijob angeboten. Vätern werden hingegen häufiger Weiterbildungen, Umschulungen und Integrations- oder Deutschkurse angeboten als (alleinerziehenden) Müttern, wobei dies zum Teil am höheren (Sprach-)Förderbedarf der Väter liegen könnte. Jobcenter-Mitarbeitende können Leistungsbeziehende auch an externe Beratungsstellen verweisen, wenn dies für die Erwerbsintegration erforderlich ist. Von den drei betrachteten Beratungsarten besteht der größte Bedarf an einer gesundheitlichen Begutachtung zur Eignungsfeststellung und an einer Schuldnerberatung, während der Bedarf an Suchtberatungen niedrig ist. Bei allen Elterngruppen, vor allem aber bei den Vätern, ist der ungedeckte Bedarf an den entsprechenden Beratungen jedoch etwas höher als der gedeckte Bedarf. Die Betreuung durch die Jobcenter-Mitarbeitenden des Vermittlungsbereichs wird von allen drei Elterngruppen insgesamt als eher vertrauensvoll und kooperativ bewertet. Die befragten Eltern haben allerdings eher nicht den Eindruck, dass ihnen geholfen wird, eine neue Perspektive zu entwickeln und stimmen auch eher nicht der Aussage zu, dass mit ihnen ausführliche Gespräche zur Verbesserung ihrer Arbeitsmarktchancen geführt werden. (Alleinerziehende) Mütter weisen hier signifikant niedrigere Zustimmungswerte auf als Väter, was auch daran liegen könnte, dass sie öfter von der Suchverpflichtung befreit sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Artmann, Elisabeth;
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    Beliefs About Maternal Labor Supply (2024)

    Boneva, Teodora; Kaufmann, Katja; Rauh, Christopher ; Golin, Marta;


    Boneva, Teodora, Marta Golin, Katja Kaufmann & Christopher Rauh (2024): Beliefs About Maternal Labor Supply. (CRC TR 224 discussion paper series / EPoS Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 517), Bonn, 86 S.


    "We provide representative evidence on the perceived returns to maternal labor supply. A mother's decision to work is perceived to have sizable impacts on child skills, family outcomes, and the mother's future labor market outcomes. Beliefs about the impact of additional household income can account for some, but not all, of the perceived positive effects. Perceived returns are predictive of labor supply intentions under different policy scenarios related to childcare availability and quality, two factors that are also perceived as important. An information experiment reveals that providing information about benefits of mothers working causally affects labor supply intentions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Is part-time employment a temporary 'stepping stone' or a lasting 'mommy track'? Legislation and mothers' transition to full-time employment in Germany (2024)

    Brehm, Uta ; Milewski, Nadja ;


    Brehm, Uta & Nadja Milewski (2024): Is part-time employment a temporary 'stepping stone' or a lasting 'mommy track'? Legislation and mothers' transition to full-time employment in Germany. In: Journal of European Social Policy online erschienen am 30.01.2024, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1177/09589287231224607


    "Research on reconciling family and employment debates if maternal part-time employment works as ‘stepping stone’ to full-time employment or as gateway to a long-term ‘mommy track’. We analyze how mothers’ transition from part-time to full-time employment is shaped by changing reconciliation legislations and how this is moderated by reconciliation-relevant factors like individual behaviors and macro conditions. We extend the literature on work–family reconciliation by investigating mothers’ employment behavior after the birth of their last child, i.e., after the family formative phase. We draw upon Germany with its considerable regional and historical heterogeneity. Using event history methods on SOEP-data, we observe mothers who (re)enter part-time employment (i.e., up to 30 weekly working hours) after their last childbirth. Results suggest that the impact of reconciliation legislations depends on the moderation by other factors. Recent reconciliation-friendly legislations may have contributed to the polarization of maternal employment patterns: more and less employment-oriented mothers diverge sooner after childbirth than before. Legislations co-occur with increases both in childcare institutions and part-time culture, but their moderation effects compete. Hence, boosting part-time work as either a ‘stepping stone’ or a ‘mommy track’ requires a deep understanding of the mechanisms behind legislations as well as more explicit policy incentives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wie viel sollten Mütter und Väter arbeiten?: Idealvorstellungen variieren in und nach der Rushhour des Lebens (2024)

    Bujard, Martin ; Kleinschrot, Leonie;


    Bujard, Martin & Leonie Kleinschrot (2024): Wie viel sollten Mütter und Väter arbeiten? Idealvorstellungen variieren in und nach der Rushhour des Lebens. In: Bevölkerungsforschung aktuell H. 1, S. 3-9.


    "Der Artikel betrachtet die Rushhour des Lebens, die durch die Doppelbelastung aus Familien- und Erwerbsarbeit für Mütter und Väter insbesondere in der Lebensphase mit kleinen Kindern entsteht. Basierend auf Daten des familiendemografischen Panels FReDA wird gezeigt, dass die von den Befragten als ideal angesehene Erwerbsarbeitszeit für Mütter mit Kindern im Alter von 4 bis 18 Jahren deutlich höher ist als deren tatsächliche Arbeitszeit. Für Väter dagegen werden geringere Erwerbsarbeitszeiten als die tatsächlich von ihnen geleisteten als ideal angesehen, vor allem mit jungen Kindern. Die Studienergebnisse haben familienpolitische und arbeitsmarktbezogene Relevanz, auch vor dem Hintergrund des Arbeitskräftemangels. Mütter könnten durch Politik und Arbeitgebende eine stärkere Unterstützung bei der schrittweisen Erhöhung ihrer Arbeitszeit mit zunehmendem Alter der Kinder erfahren. Während für Väter in der Rushhour des Lebens die Realisierung einer vollzeitnahen Teilzeit hilfreich wäre." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Converging mothers’ employment trajectories between East and West Germany? A focus on the 2008-childcare-reform (2024)

    Fauser, Sophia ; Struffolino, Emanuela ; Levanon, Asaf ;


    Fauser, Sophia, Emanuela Struffolino & Asaf Levanon (2024): Converging mothers’ employment trajectories between East and West Germany? A focus on the 2008-childcare-reform. (SocArXiv papers), 24 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/kcgpm


    "Looking at a period of childcare expansion, we investigate East-West differences in employment trajectories around first childbirth in Germany over time to identify potential convergence. During Germany’s division (1945-1990), universal public childcare and female full-time employment were the norm in East Germany, while the male breadwinner model was dominant in the West. Even several years after reunification, East-West differences in women’s labor force behavior persist, although they are declining. In 2008, a widespread reform targeted the expansion of childcare availability to facilitate mother’s employment. We use sequence analysis methods to investigate East-West differences in mother’s employment trajectories around childbirth, comparing pre- (1990-2007) and post-reform (2008-2021) years. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1990-2021), the analysis comprises 355 East and 976 West German first-time mothers. Before the reform, employment trajectories between East and West German mothers differed in terms of timing and duration of employment states. After the reform, these differences decreased. Further analysis shows a convergence in the prevalence of post-birth part-time employment, nonetheless longer maternity leave is still more prevalent for West German and full-time employment for East German mothers. Employment trajectories of East and West German mothers have converged over the years. While childcare expansion might be contributing to this development, we still observe important East-West differences, especially regarding post-birth full-time employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor Market Institutions and Fertility (2024)

    Guner, Nezih; Kaya, Ezgi ; Sanchez-Marcos, Virginia;


    Guner, Nezih, Ezgi Kaya & Virginia Sanchez-Marcos (2024): Labor Market Institutions and Fertility. (HCEO working paper / Human capital and economic opportunity global working group 2024,006), Chicago, Ill., 74 S.


    "Among high-income countries, fertility rates differ significantly, with some experiencing total fertility rates as low as 1 to 1.3 children per woman. However, the reasons behind low fertility rates are not well understood. We show that uncertainty created by dual labor markets, the coexistence of temporary and open-ended contracts, and the inflexibility of work schedules are crucial to understanding low fertility. Using rich administrative data from the Spanish Social Security records, we document that temporary contracts are associated with a lower probability of first birth. With Time Use data, we also show that women with children are less likely to work in jobs with split-shift schedules. Such jobs have a long break in the middle of the day, and present a concrete example of inflexible work arrangements and fixed time cost of work. We then build a life-cycle model in which married women decide whether to work, how many children to have, and when to have them. Reforms that eliminate duality or split-shift schedules increase women's labor force participation and reduce the employment gap between mothers and non-mothers. They also increase fertility for women who are employed. Reforming these labor market institutions and providing childcare subsidies would increase the completed fertility of married women to 1.8 children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    When mothers do it all: gender-role norms, women's employment, and fertility intentions in post-industrial societies (2024)

    Han, Sinn Won ; Gowen, Ohjae ; Brinton, Mary C.;


    Han, Sinn Won, Ohjae Gowen & Mary C. Brinton (2024): When mothers do it all: gender-role norms, women's employment, and fertility intentions in post-industrial societies. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 40, H. 2, S. 309-325. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcad036


    "Post-industrial countries with high rates of female labour force participation have generally had low fertility rates, but recent studies demonstrate that this is no longer the case. This has generated increased attention to how greater gender equality in the private sphere of the household may contribute to a positive relationship between women’s employment rates and fertility. Building on recent scholarship demonstrating the multidimensionality of gender-role attitudes, we argue that conversely, the prevalence of a gender-role ideology that supports women’s employment but places greater priority on their role as caregivers may depress the higher-order fertility intentions of working mothers. Using data from 25 European countries, we find that this type of gender-role ideology (egalitarian familism) moderates the relationship between mothers’ full-time employment and their intention to have a second child. This holds even after accounting for key features of the policy environment that are likely to mitigate work–family conflict. The analysis suggests that conflicting normative expectations for women’s work and family roles tend to dampen working mothers’ second-order fertility intentions, independent of work–family reconciliation policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gleichstellung am Arbeitsmarkt?: Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Frauenerwerbstätigkeit in Deutschland (2024)

    Hermann, Michaela; Kunze, Luisa; Böker, Charlotte;


    Hermann, Michaela & Luisa Kunze (2024): Gleichstellung am Arbeitsmarkt? Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Frauenerwerbstätigkeit in Deutschland. (Factsheet / Bertelsmann Stiftung), Gütersloh, 14 S. DOI:10.11586/2023085


    "Die Erwerbstätigenquote von Frauen in Deutschland ist mit knapp 78 Prozent im europäischen Vergleich eine der höchsten. Da jedoch fast die Hälfte aller 20- bis 64-jährigen Frauen (48 Prozent) in Teilzeit arbeitet, ist ihre tatsächliche Erwerbsstundenzahl vergleichsweise gering. Dabei sind Frauen häufig hochqualifiziert und würden auch gerne mehr arbeiten – wenn die Rahmenbedingungen dafür besser wären. Angesichts dieses ungenutzten Potenzials ist es sowohl aus gleichstellungspolitischer als auch wirtschaftlicher Perspektive von höchster Relevanz, die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen zu erhöhen. Gerade in Zeiten eines beschleunigten Strukturwandels sowie zunehmenden Fachkräftemangels braucht es differenzierte Maßnahmen, um die Frauenerwerbstätigkeit zu stärken. Eine höhere Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen kann nicht nur helfen, Diskriminierung am Arbeitsmarkt zu mindern, sondern trägt auch zur Fachkräftesicherung und zu wirtschaftlichem Wohlstand bei. Gleichzeitig können sich Frauen beruflich freier und umfassender entwickeln, sind finanziell unabhängiger und beugen mit einem existenzsichernden Erwerbseinkommen der Armut im Alter vor." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Child Penalties and the Gender Gap in Home Production and the Labor Market (2024)

    Koopmans, Pim; Lent, Max van; Been, Jim ;


    Koopmans, Pim, Max van Lent & Jim Been (2024): Child Penalties and the Gender Gap in Home Production and the Labor Market. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16871), Bonn, 30 S.


    "The consequence of the arrival of children for the gender wage gap - known as the child penalty - is substantial and has been documented for many countries. Little is still known about the impact of having children beyond paid work in the labor market, such as home production. In this paper we estimate - deploying an event study with Dutch survey data - the child penalty in both home production and the labor market. In line with the literature we find no labor market effects for men. For women we find a strong reduction in work hours and lower wages. However, we find an increase in home production for women roughly similar to the decline in paid work. Consequently, time allocated to the labor market plus home production is roughly equal across gender before and after the arrival of children. This result rejects the hypothesis that women substitute paid work for leisure after the arrival of children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Cost of Fair Pay: How Child Care Work Wages Affect Formal Child Care Hours, Informal Child Care Hours, and Employment Hours (2024)

    Löffler, Verena;


    Löffler, Verena (2024): The Cost of Fair Pay: How Child Care Work Wages Affect Formal Child Care Hours, Informal Child Care Hours, and Employment Hours. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 1205), Berlin, 81 S.


    "The debate on the effects of child care policies on household and individual behavior is substantial but lacks a discussion of the unintended consequences of rising wages in the child care work sector. To address this gap in the debate, the relation between rising pay and formal child care hours, informal child care hours, and employment hours is analyzed empirically with a case study on child care in Germany between 2012 and 2019. Among other findings, the evidence demonstrates that the consumption of formal child care hours of middle- and high-income households in eastern Germany correlates negatively with child care work wages, indicating price elasticity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How Gender Role Attitudes Shape Maternal Labor Supply (2024)

    Mensinger, Tim; Zimpelmann, Christian ;


    Mensinger, Tim & Christian Zimpelmann (2024): How Gender Role Attitudes Shape Maternal Labor Supply. (CRC TR 224 discussion paper series / EPoS Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 513), Bonn, 62 S.


    "We examine the influence of gender role attitudes, specifically views about the appropriate role of mothers, on post-childbirth employment decisions. German panel data reveals that mothers with traditional attitudes are 15% less likely to work during early motherhood than their egalitarian counterparts. Among working mothers, those with traditional attitudes work four hours less per week, and these differences persist for at least seven years. Fathers' attitudes also predict maternal labor supply, highlighting joint decision-making within couples. Examining the interaction of attitudes with policies, we find that the introduction of a cash-for-care payment for parents who abstain from using public childcare substantially reduced the labor supply of traditional mothers, whereas egalitarian mothers' labor supply remained unaffected. Moreover, a structural life-cycle model of female labor supply demonstrates that labor supply elasticities are substantially larger for traditional mothers, while a counterfactual policy facilitating full-time childcare access has a more pronounced effect on egalitarian mothers. Our findings stress that gender role attitudes moderate the impact of policies, which implies that measured average policy effects depend on the distribution of attitudes and cannot easily be transferred over time or to other countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Breaking the Divide: Can Public Spending on Social Infrastructure Boost Female Employment in Italy? (2024)

    Reljic, Jelena ; Zezza, Francesco;


    Reljic, Jelena & Francesco Zezza (2024): Breaking the Divide: Can Public Spending on Social Infrastructure Boost Female Employment in Italy? (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1407), Essen, 31, III S.


    "We contribute to the long-standing debate on the Italian North-South divide by assessing the impact of public spending on social infrastructure - including education, healthcare, childcare and social assistance - on the gender employment gap over the last two decades, using a PSVAR analysis. These investments, while not explicitly targeting women, may increase both their labor supply - by reducing the unpaid care work burden - and pro-women labor demand through job creation in care sectors that predominantly employ women. Our research reveals a positive and long-lasting impact of social infrastructure expenditure on private investment, GDP and employment in all areas of the country. However, the reduction of the gender employment gap is detected only in the South and among high-skilled women. These results stress the need for targeted policies to fill the investment gaps in social infrastructure, aiming for a more inclusive labour market, particularly in Southern regions, which suffer from chronic underinvestment and structural challenges." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Maternal Employment Patterns and the Risk for Child Maltreatment (2024)

    Schneider, William; Feely, Megan; Kang, Jeehae;


    Schneider, William, Megan Feely & Jeehae Kang (2024): Maternal Employment Patterns and the Risk for Child Maltreatment. In: Social Service Review, Jg. 98, H. 1, S. 34-92. DOI:10.1086/728457


    "This study examines the complex, nonlinear, and understudied relationship between maternal employment, employment patterns, and four types of child maltreatment; describes the employment status and often nonstandard employment patterns of high-risk mothers at three child developmental ages; and applies the results in the context of three theories used in extant research to understand the relationship between economic hardship and child maltreatment. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, we find that both too much and not enough paid employment are associated with increased risk for child maltreatment, neglect in particular. Our findings indicate that income-support programs tied to employment may be ineffective mechanisms for many families to balance time and money, key factors in the prevention of child maltreatment. As policy makers seek new approaches to prevent child maltreatment, scholars must understand and consider the employment patterns of at-risk mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Gender Wage Gap and Parenthood: Occupational Characteristics Across European Countries (2023)

    Adsera, Alícia ; Querin, Federica;


    Adsera, Alícia & Federica Querin (2023): The Gender Wage Gap and Parenthood: Occupational Characteristics Across European Countries. In: European Journal of Population, Jg. 39. DOI:10.1007/s10680-023-09681-4


    "Different strands of research analyse gender occupational differences and how they relate to differential earnings, especially among parents juggling family demands. We use rich data from PIAAC across a subset of European countries and match occupational characteristics to individuals’ jobs using the O*NET database to analyse, first, whether there are gender differences in the occupational characteristics of jobs, particularly among parents, and second, whether the return to key occupational characteristics varies by gender. Compared to men, women’s jobs generally require more contact with others, less autonomy in decision-making, and less time pressure. In addition, positions held by mothers involve both less leadership expectations and less intensive use of machines than those held by fathers. Further, mothers receive a lower return to both of these occupational characteristics than fathers do. Finally, even though gaps in occupational characteristics such as leadership jointly with the differential sorting of mothers and fathers across sectors explain part of the gender wage gap in Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition models, especially in Continental Europe, a large share remains unexplained particularly in Eastern and Southern European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Erwerbsverläufe und frühzeitige Aktivierung von Bedarfsgemeinschaften mit kleinen Kindern (2023)

    Artmann, Elisabeth;


    Artmann, Elisabeth (2023): Erwerbsverläufe und frühzeitige Aktivierung von Bedarfsgemeinschaften mit kleinen Kindern. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2023), Nürnberg, 36 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2303


    "Arbeitslosengeld-II-Beziehende sind grundsätzlich verpflichtet, Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um ihren Leistungsbezug zu beenden oder zu verringern. Dazu zählt die Pflicht zur Arbeitssuche und Teilnahme an angebotenen Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regelung betrifft Bedarfsgemeinschaften, die Kinder unter drei Jahren betreuen. Hier kann sich ein Partner auf die Erziehung des Kindes berufen und muss dem Arbeitsmarkt nicht zur Verfügung stehen, kann dies aber auf freiwilliger Basis tun. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht untersucht anhand von administrativen Daten zunächst, wie sich die Arbeitsmarktverläufe von Eltern im Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezug in den ersten vier Lebensjahren ihres Kindes entwickeln. Des Weiteren wird analysiert, in welchem Umfang Mütter und Väter in diesem Zeitraum von den Jobcentern in gemeinsamen Einrichtungen aktiviert werden. Im Sinne von Aktivierung werden sowohl Betreuungstermine im Jobcenter als auch Teilnahmen an arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen betrachtet. Die Stichprobe für diese Untersuchungen umfasst Bedarfsgemeinschaften, in denen in den Jahren 2014 oder 2015 ein Kind geboren wurde und die zumindest am Tag der Geburt des Kindes Arbeitslosengeld II bezogen. Die Erwerbsverläufe von Müttern und Vätern weisen darauf hin, dass vor allem Frauen die Betreuung der Kinder übernehmen und für den Arbeitsmarkt nicht verfügbar sind. Ein wesentlicher Teil der Mütter in der Stichprobe ist in den ersten drei Lebensjahren des Kindes als „nicht arbeitsuchend” gemeldet, während der Anteil von Müttern in sozialversicherungspflichtiger Beschäftigung mit dem Alter des Kindes zunimmt, aber während des Beobachtungszeitraums niedrig bleibt. Nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes zeigt sich insgesamt ein Sprung in den Arbeitsuchendmeldungen von Frauen und ein geringer Anstieg in den Teilnahmen an arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen. Dieses Muster ist vor allem auf westdeutsche Frauen zurückzuführen, den bei ostdeutschen Frauen nehmen sowohl die Arbeitsuchendmeldungen als auch die Beschäftigungsquote bereits nach dem ersten Geburtstag des Kindes sprunghaft zu. Die Erwerbsverläufe von Vätern scheinen hingegen kaum von der Geburt ihres Kindes beeinflusst zu werden, sie sind durchgehend häufiger in Beschäftigung bzw. arbeitsuchend gemeldet als Frauen. Auch nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes zeigen sich allenfalls geringe Veränderungen in den Erwerbsverläufen der Väter. Mütter werden im Beobachtungszeitraum dieser Studie in den ersten drei Lebensjahren ihres Kindes insgesamt nur sehr eingeschränkt aktiviert. Sowohl die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Betreuungstermine je Jobcenter als auch der Anteil an Frauen in arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen sind deutlich geringer als die entsprechenden Zahlen für Väter. Jedoch zeigen sich für Mütter auch bei der Aktivierungsintensität wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen ost- und westdeutschen Jobcentern. Mütter in ostdeutschen Jobcentern nehmen bereits nach dem ersten Geburtstag ihres Kindes zunehmend Betreuungstermine wahr und an Maßnahmen teil, während sich bei Müttern in westdeutschen Jobcentern vor allem nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes eine Zunahme der Aktivierungsintensität zeigt. Rund vier Jahre nach der Geburt ihres Kindes sind etwas weniger als 20 Prozent der westdeutschen Mütter sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt, aber rund 28 Prozent der ostdeutschen Mütter. Kausale Effekte frühzeitiger Aktivierung auf die Erwerbschancen der Eltern lassen sich mit den vorliegenden Daten jedoch nicht bestimmen, unter anderem weil sich die Teilnehmenden an frühzeitigen Aktivierungsmaßnahmen von denjenigen unterscheiden, die nicht teilnehmen. Im Rahmen eines Feldexperiments ließe sich für derartige (Selbst-)Selektionen kontrollieren, da die Zielgruppe zufällig einer Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe zugeordnet werden könnte. Aufgrund der Zufallszuordnung könnten spätere Unterschiede in den Arbeitsmarktergebnissen zwischen beiden Gruppen als kausale Effekte der Intervention (z.B. eine intensivere Frühaktivierung) interpretiert werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Artmann, Elisabeth;
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    Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth: Evidence from Germany (2023)

    Artmann, Elisabeth; Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola ; Giupponi, Giulia;


    Artmann, Elisabeth, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln & Giulia Giupponi (2023): Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth. Evidence from Germany. (CESifo working paper 10427), München, 48 S.


    "We provide new evidence of forward-looking labor supply responses to changes in pension wealth. We exploit a 2014 German reform that increased pension wealth for mothers by an average of 4.4% per child born before January 1, 1992. Using administrative data on the universe of working histories, we implement a difference-in-differences design comparing women who had their first child before versus after January 1, 1992. We document significant reductions in labor earnings, driven by intensive margin responses. Our estimates imply that, on average, an extra euro of pension wealth in a given period reduces unconditional labor earnings by 54 cents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Artmann, Elisabeth;
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    Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg (2023)

    Bacher, Johann; Lankmayer, Thomas; Beham-Rabanser, Martina;


    Bacher, Johann, Martina Beham-Rabanser & Thomas Lankmayer (Hrsg.) (2023): Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg. Wiesbaden: Springer, 247 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-38040-3


    "Der österreichische Arbeitsmarkt ist durch eine starke Geschlechtersegregation geprägt, die sich dadurch charakterisiert, dass Frauen andere, häufig schlechter bezahlte Berufe ausüben als Männer und in hohem Ausmaß Teilzeit arbeiten, wenn sie Kinder haben, mit der Folge, dass sie weniger verdienen und auch geringere Pensionen beziehen werden. Diese Geschlechterunterschiede sind in der einschlägigen Literatur vielfach beleuchtet und zeigen Benachteiligungen von Frauen gegenüber Männern am Arbeitsmarkt auf. Demgegenüber lässt sich für den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt eine höhere Arbeitslosigkeit der Männer gegenüber den Frauen beobachten. Forschungsbefunde deuten zudem darauf hin, dass Frauen ein beruflicher Wiedereinstieg leichter gelingt als Männern. Obwohl diese Geschlechterunterschiede in vielen Evaluierungen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Österreich gefunden wurden, wurden sie bisher nicht systematisch untersucht. Dementsprechend fehlen auch (empirisch gesicherte) Erklärungsansätze. An diese Forschungslücke knüpft die vorliegende Publikation an. Sie basiert auf einem breit angelegten Forschungsprojekt und verfolgt das Ziel, Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg systematisch zu beleuchten und Erklärungsansätze für diese empirisch zu prüfen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The Motherhood Wage and Income Traps (2023)

    Barigozzi, Francesca; Cremer, Helmuth; Thibault, Emmanuel;


    Barigozzi, Francesca, Helmuth Cremer & Emmanuel Thibault (2023): The Motherhood Wage and Income Traps. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16072), Bonn, 38 S.


    "We present a simple dynamic model based on on-the-job human capital accumulation affecting the dynamic of wage rates and labor earnings. We show how these dynamics are determined by the interplay between the supply and demand sides of the labor market. The model can generate and explain the different dynamics of women's earnings after childbirth documented in the empirical literature on child penalties. We show that the temporary negative shock in labor supply due to childbearing may create a wage trap and a permanent divergence of labor earnings between genders. Even when the wage trap is avoided, and working mothers are on a path toward a high-wage equilibrium, slow convergence can permanently lose earnings. We use this model to study the impact of different policies on the gender wage gap and child penalties. We show that mandatory maternal leave exacerbates the shock which pleads against long leaves. Similarly, cash transfers to mothers via the income effect on labor supply aggravate gender wage differences. By contrast, temporary subsidies to mothers' wages (possibly in the form of Income Tax Credits) are not only useful to exit the wage trap, but also to speed up recovery and reduce the child penalty when the shock in labor supply is small enough to avoid the wage trap. Other family policies, like formal child-care subsidies and in-kind provision of formal childcare, are potentially useful because they reduce the mothers' cost of labor supply, but they affect mothers' choices only indirectly." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Maternal employment effects of paid parental leave (2023)

    Bergemann, Annette; Riphahn, Regina T.;


    Bergemann, Annette & Regina T. Riphahn (2023): Maternal employment effects of paid parental leave. In: Journal of Population Economics, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 139-178. DOI:10.1007/s00148-021-00878-7


    "We study the short-, medium-, and long-run employment effects of a substantial change in Germany's parental leave benefit program. In 2007, a means-tested parental leave transfer program that paid benefits for up to 2 years was replaced with an earnings-related transfer that paid benefits for up to 1 year. The reform changed the regulation for prior benefit recipients and added benefits for those who were not eligible before. Although long-run labor force participation did not change substantially—the reform sped up mothers' labor market return after their benefits expired. Likely pathways for this substantial reform effect are changes in social norms and in mothers' preferences for economic independence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Die Gesundheit von Müttern im Fokus der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie – ein Scoping-Review (2023)

    Bode, Annika; Metzing, Sabine; Dorin, Lena; Hellmers, Claudia;


    Bode, Annika, Lena Dorin, Sabine Metzing & Claudia Hellmers (2023): Die Gesundheit von Müttern im Fokus der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie – ein Scoping-Review. In: GMS Zeitschrift für Hebammenwissenschaft, Jg. 10, S. 1-43. DOI:10.3205/zhwi000025


    "Hintergrund: Die physische und psychische Gesundheit sowie die Gesundheit im Allgemeinen von Müttern nach Mutterschutz bzw. Elternzeit ist, im Zuge der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie, multidimensionalen Einflüssen ausgesetzt, die bisher in Deutschland nicht systematisch untersucht wurden. Ziel: Das Ziel dieses Literaturreviews ist die Darstellung der Gesundheit von Müttern unter Einbezug der Einflussfaktoren aus Beruf und Familie. Methodik: Die systematische internationale Literaturanalyse für das Scoping-Review erfolgte zwischen September 2016 und Dezember 2018 in den Datenbanken Medline via Pubmed, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES und GESIS (Sowiport) für den Veröffentlichungszeitraum 2007-2018. Ergebnisse: Es wurden 86 Studien eingeschlossen. Positive Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit von Müttern entstehen, wenn eine berufliche Tätigkeit persönlich gewünscht ist und die berufliche Rolle bereichernd und mit dem Familienleben als gut vereinbar eingeschätzt wird. Sehr individuell scheint zu sein, zu welchem Zeitpunkt der berufliche Wiedereinstieg erfolgt, in welchem Umfang gearbeitet wird und wie hoch das Einkommen ist. Entscheidend ist die insgesamt positive Einschätzung der Berufsausübung bezüglich der eigenen Lebenssituation. Wenn die Anforderungen mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen bewältigt werden, steigt das Wohlbefinden. Diskussion: Die Relevanz des Umfangs der Beschäftigung, des Zeitpunkts der Rückkehr in den Beruf sowie der erlebten Kontrolle im Alltag für die mütterliche Gesundheit sind abhängig vom Gesamtkontext und von systemspezifischen Rahmenbedingungen. Es ist bisher nicht ausreichend untersucht, welche Konsequenzen sich aus den individuellen Lebenslagen für die Gesundheit von Müttern in Deutschland ergeben. Daher haben weitere Studien zum Zusammenspiel von Erwerbsarbeit und Familie für die Gesundheit von Müttern in Deutschland und daran angelehnte politische Maßnahmen das Potential, die Frauen- und Familiengesundheit nachhaltig zu stärken." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Short and Medium Term Effects of Full-Day Schooling on Learning and Maternal Labor Supply (2023)

    Bovini, Giulia; Sestito, Paolo; Cattadori, Niccolò; De Philippis, Marta;


    Bovini, Giulia, Niccolò Cattadori, Marta De Philippis & Paolo Sestito (2023): The Short and Medium Term Effects of Full-Day Schooling on Learning and Maternal Labor Supply. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16378), Bonn, 47 S.


    "This paper considers the case of Italy to analyze the short- and medium-term effect of a longer school day in primary school on both students' learning and mothers' labor supply. we rely on unique application-to-primary-school data: first, we control for parental preferences, proxied by individual applications; second, we exploit variation in the probability of attending the full-time (FT) scheme that only stems from nonlinearities in the mix of FT and part-time (PT) applications received by the school and from class size limits set by the law. We show that attending the FT scheme increases Math test scores in grades 2 and 5 and Italian scores in grade 2 by around 4.5% of a standard deviation, but the effects fade away by grade 8. Conversely, there is a positive impact on maternal labor force participation and employment, which is long-lasting (approximately 2 p.p.). No effect is found on fathers' employment. Finally, we find some evidence of negative selection on gains, as the groups of students and mothers for whom the effect seems to be larger are not those more likely to apply to the FT scheme or to attend it conditional on applying." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fertility postponement and labor market outcomes: Postponed childbearing improves women's labor market outcomes but may reduce overall fertility (2023)

    Bratti, Massimiliano ;


    Bratti, Massimiliano (2023): Fertility postponement and labor market outcomes. Postponed childbearing improves women's labor market outcomes but may reduce overall fertility. (IZA world of labor 117), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.117.v2


    "Die zeitliche Verlagerung der Mutterschaft kann sich für Frauen ökonomisch positiv auswirken, indem sie vor der Geburt ihr Humankapital vergrößern, ihre Erwerbsbeteiligung intensivieren und ihr Einkommen steigern können. Umgekehrt kann dies die Realisierung von (weiteren) Kinderwünschen verhindern. Empirisch lässt sich zeigen, dass eine Verschiebung der Mutterschaft Arbeitsmarktnähe und Lohnniveau deutlich erhöht, zugleich aber weniger Kinder zu haben wahrscheinlicher macht. Hier sollte die Familienpolitik ansetzen: durch öffentliche Kinderbetreuungsangebote, finanzielle Anreize für Firmen, die betriebliche Angebote schaffen, sowie durch Elternzeitprogramme, die die Kinderbetreuungsaufgaben gerechter auf Väter und Mütter verteilen. Facebook Twitter" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employees' perceptions of co-workers' internal promotion penalties: the role of gender, parenthood and part-time (2023)

    Brüggemann, Ole ;


    Brüggemann, Ole (2023): Employees' perceptions of co-workers' internal promotion penalties: the role of gender, parenthood and part-time. In: European Societies online erschienen am 26.10.2023, S. 1-29. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2023.2270049


    "Much research has focused on penalties by gender, parenthood and part-time work for hiring processes or wages, but their role for promotions is less clear. This study analyzes perceived chances for internal promotion, using a factorial survey design. Employees in 540 larger German (>100 employees) firms were asked to rate the likelihood of internal promotion for vignettes describing fictitious co-workers who varied in terms of gender, parenthood, working hours as well as age, earnings, qualification, tenure and job performance. Results show that promotion chances are perceived as significantly lower for co-workers who are women (gender penalty), mothers (motherhood penalty) and part-time workers (part-time penalty). Fathers and childless men (co-workers) are not evaluated differently (no fatherhood premium or penalty), and neither does part-time employment seem to be perceived as a double penalty for male co-workers. All three perceived promotion penalties are more pronounced among female employees, mothers and part-time employees. These findings show that employees perceive differential promotion chances for co-workers which indicate actual differences due to discrimination, selective applications or structural dead-ends. Either way, perceived promotion penalties are likely consequential in guiding employee's application behavior and hence can contribute to the persistence of vertical gender segregation in the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Digitalisierung der Arbeit – eine Zwischenbilanz aus Geschlechterperspektiven (2023)

    Carstensen, Tanja;


    Carstensen, Tanja (2023): Digitalisierung der Arbeit – eine Zwischenbilanz aus Geschlechterperspektiven. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 76, H. 5, S. 374-382. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2023-5-374


    "Die Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt seit der Mitte der 2010er Jahre wurde früh mit weitreichenden Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen für Veränderungen in den Geschlechterverhältnissen diskutiert. Mittlerweile liegen diverse, ein breites Feld an Fragen umspannende empirische Studien vor. Nach einigen Vormerkungen zum Verhältnis von Gender und Technik resümiert der Beitrag die bisherigen Befunde entlang von fünf Themenfeldern, die sich als Schwerpunkte der Digitalisierungsforschung aus Geschlechterperspektiven herausgebildet haben: 1. Ortsflexibilisierung / Homeoffice, 2. Plattformen, 3. Automatisierung und neue Anforderungen, 4. Diskriminierung durch Algorithmen und KI und 5. mangelnde Diversität und (globale) Ungleichheiten in der Technikentwicklung. Die Autorin schließt mit einer Zwischenbilanz dieser bisher vorliegenden Befunde und benennt weiteren Forschungsbedarf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Childcare restrictions and gender gap in labor outcomes (2023)

    Cervini, Maria; Silva, Jose I. ;


    Cervini, Maria & Jose I. Silva (2023): Childcare restrictions and gender gap in labor outcomes. (MPRA paper / University Library of Munich 118957), München, 23 S.


    "Persistent gender gaps exist in labor market outcomes. This study contributes to the literature by examining the gender gap effects of childcare restrictions. Specifically, not using professional childcare services due to issues like access, quality, or costs. Using a specialized module from the 2018 Spanish Labor Force Survey, we identify substantial gender gaps in labor force, employment, full-time employment and hours worked among parents facing childcare constraints. In contrast, parents without such restrictions experience much lower gender gaps. Working time flexibility helps to alleviate the gender gap in hours worked. Additionally, we explore the long-run consequences of extended work interruptions for childcare, revealing a significant decline in women's labor supply, employment rates and full-time share, particularly for career breaks lasting 5 years or more." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Persistence in Gendering: Work-Family Policy in Britain since Beveridge (2023)

    Chanfreau, Jenny ;


    Chanfreau, Jenny (2023): The Persistence in Gendering: Work-Family Policy in Britain since Beveridge. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 52, S. 981-998. DOI:10.1017/S0047279422000125


    "Understanding the historical policy pathways that have led to the constellation of policies that both reflect and shape the current gender order can reveal reasons for the persistence of gender inequality in paid work and unpaid family care. Bringing together existing research and policy critique with Carol Bacchi’s framework of policy as ‘gendering practices’, this paper focuses on the role of policy as a process that constructs and upholds an unequal gender order. The discussion traces how UK social policies have since the establishment of the post-war welfare state articulated and positioned gendered possibilities for combining paid work and childrearing, shaping gendered and classed work-family life courses. The analysis illustrates that British social policy has not been consistently committed to a more equal gender regime but instead maintained a heteronormative family ideal and thus, despite various policy changes, the gendering of ‘the worker’ and ‘the parent’ as conceptualised in UK policy has persisted over the last several decades." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Who benefits from cash-for-care? The effects of a home care subsidy on maternal employment, childcare choices, and children’s development (2023)

    Collischon, Matthias ; Oberfichtner, Michael ; Kühnle, Daniel;


    Collischon, Matthias, Daniel Kühnle & Michael Oberfichtner (2023): Who benefits from cash-for-care? The effects of a home care subsidy on maternal employment, childcare choices, and children’s development. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 58, H. 6, S. 1-58., 2021-12-30. DOI:10.3368/jhr.0720-11051R1


    "We provide comprehensive evidence on Germany’s home care subsidy for one and two year-old children. In West Germany, take-up was 60% and the subsidy reduced mothers’ probability to work within three years after childbirth by 1.4 percentage points and increased exclusive parental care by 6.5 percentage points. The subsidy improved children’s development at age six, with the exception of children who do not speak German at home. In East Germany, 30% of families used the subsidy, neither affecting maternal employment nor exclusive parental care. As an income transfer, the subsidy did not benefit families with the least economic resources most." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © University of Wisconsin Press) ((en))

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    Subsidized small jobs and maternal labor market outcomes in the long run (2023)

    Collischon, Matthias ; Cygan-Rehm, Kamila; Riphahn, Regina T.;


    Collischon, Matthias, Kamila Cygan-Rehm & Regina T. Riphahn (2023): Subsidized small jobs and maternal labor market outcomes in the long run. (LASER discussion papers 148), Erlangen, S. 56.


    "This paper investigates whether incentives generated by public policies contribute to motherhood penalties. Specifically, we study the consequences of subsidized small jobs, the German Minijobs, which are frequently taken up by first-time mothers upon labor market return. Using a combination of propensity score matching and an event study applied to administrative data, we compare the long-run child penalties of mothers who started out in a Minijob employment versus unsubsidized employment or non-employment after birth. We find persistent differences between the Minijobbers and otherwise employed mothers up to 10 years after the first birth, which suggests adverse unintended consequences of the small jobs subsidy program for maternal earnings and pensions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Who benefits from an adult worker model? Gender inequality in couples' daily time use in Germany across time and social classes (2023)

    Deuflhard, Carolin;


    Deuflhard, Carolin (2023): Who benefits from an adult worker model? Gender inequality in couples' daily time use in Germany across time and social classes. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 3, S. 1391-1419. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwac065


    "This article investigates how mothers' and fathers' daily time use changed across social classes from 1990 to 2013 in Germany. In the 2000s, Germany's adherence to the male breadwinner model was eroded by labor and family policy reforms typical of the adult worker model, which assumes individual self-sufficiency. The implications for gender and class inequality have been heatedly discussed. Drawing on the German Time Use Survey, I find that gender equality in the division of labor is greatest among full-time dual-earner couples with standard schedules. The prevalence of this pattern increased among the middle- and upper-class in historically conservative western Germany, but declined across classes in formerly socialist eastern Germany. In parallel, nonstandard work patterns and dual-joblessness gained in importance among lower-class couples, particularly in eastern Germany. I conclude that the adult worker model benefited mothers with access to standard full-time jobs but at the cost of greater class polarization." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Betreuungsgeld – familienpolitische Leistung oder Hindernis bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration? (2023)

    Fendel, Tanja ; Jochimsen, Beate ;


    Fendel, Tanja & Beate Jochimsen (2023): Betreuungsgeld – familienpolitische Leistung oder Hindernis bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration? In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 103, H. 5, S. 309-313., 2023-05-10. DOI:10.2478/wd-2023-0096


    "Deutschland steuert seit einigen Jahren auf einen gravierenden Arbeits- und Fachkräftemangel zu. Dabei gibt es nach wie vor erhebliche geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei der Erwerbsbeteiligung. Die Bemühungen, die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen zu steigern, spielen eine zentrale Rolle. Dennoch gab es von 2013 bis 2015 in Deutschland ein bundesweites Betreuungsgeld für Eltern, die keine öffentliche Kinderbetreuung für Kinder im Alter von einem oder zwei Jahren in Anspruch nahmen. Auch nach 2015 gab es ein Betreuungsgeld oder vergleichbare Leistungen in mehreren Bundesländern. Es stellt sich die Frage, welchen Einfluss ein Betreuungsgeld auf die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mothers’ Employment in a High- and Low- Maternal Employment Regime – a comparison between France and Germany (2023)

    Filser, Andreas ; Frodermann, Corinna ; Achard, Pascal; Wagner, Sander; Müller, Dana;


    Filser, Andreas, Pascal Achard, Corinna Frodermann, Dana Müller & Sander Wagner (2023): Mothers’ Employment in a High- and Low- Maternal Employment Regime – a comparison between France and Germany. (SocArXiv papers), 29 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/kbwtv


    "France and Germany, the two biggest EU economies with relatively similar welfare states differ profoundly in how childbirth affects the careers of mothers. Building on newly harmonized administrative data we document differences in mothers’ employment trajectories, show how these differences evolved between 1997-2019, and analyse whether the influence of individual and firm-level characteristics on maternal employment are similarly structured in two countries with such different post-maternal employment regimes. Our results show that previously employed mothers in Germany reducing their employment by over 2.3 years more than their French counterparts in the six years including and following birth. Part-time work increases by over 40% among those continuing to work in Germany and by about 25% in France. We document a common trend towards increased post-maternal employment and increased part-time work in later cohorts in both countries. Individual- and firm-level factors have a much more stratified effect on post-maternal employment in France, with low-income and low-education mothers faring comparatively worse. While mothers’ employment is reduced to a much greater extent in Germany, the high maternal employment French model seems to particularly disfavour the return of mothers with low human capital into the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Influences on Employment Transitions around the Birth of the First Child: The Experience of Italian Mothers (2023)

    Fiori, Francesca ; Di Gessa, Giorgio ;


    Fiori, Francesca & Giorgio Di Gessa (2023): Influences on Employment Transitions around the Birth of the First Child: The Experience of Italian Mothers. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 196-214. DOI:10.1177/09500170221082479


    "Urban and regional research has focused on opportunity entrepreneurship and how cities can promote growth through the ‘right’ type of entrepreneurship. This neglects the increasing risk of precarious self-employment reflected in the compositional change of self-employment towards self-employment with no employees (‘solo self-employment’). This article tests whether precarious self-employment is more prevalent in urban areas, in parallel to more entrepreneurial forms as shown in previous research. Based on the European Working Conditions Survey 2015 and including 30 countries, it proposes a multidimensional empirical framework of precariousness of self-employment. Findings show significant variations in the prevalence of precarious self-employment in urban versus non-urban areas across geographical regions. Some individual characteristics (gender) and job-related characteristics (industry and working at home) are related with an increased risk of precariousness in urban areas. Policies therefore need to go beyond regulatory and legal frameworks and target local conditions of self-employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Parental Leave Policy and Long-run Earnings of Mothers (2023)

    Frodermann, Corinna ; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Zucco, Aline;


    Frodermann, Corinna, Katharina Wrohlich & Aline Zucco (2023): Parental Leave Policy and Long-run Earnings of Mothers. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 80, 2022-11-11. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102296


    "Paid parental leave schemes have been shown to increase women’s employment rates but to decrease their wages in case of extended leave duration. In view of these potential trade-offs, many countries are discussing the optimal design of parental leave policies. We analyze the impact of a major parental leave reform on mothers’ long-term earnings. The 2007 German parental leave reform replaced a means-tested benefit with a more generous earnings-related benefit that is granted for a shorter period of time. Additionally, a ”daddy quota” of two months was introduced. To identify the causal effect of this policy mix on long-run earnings of mothers, we use a difference-in-differences approach that compares labor market outcomes of mothers who gave birth just before and right after the reform and nets out seasonal effects by including the year before. Using administrative social security data, we confirm previous findings and show that the average duration of employment interruptions increased for mothers with high pre-birth earnings. Nevertheless, we find a positive long-run effect on earnings for mothers in this group. This effect cannot be explained by changes in the selection of working mothers, working hours or changes in employer stability. Descriptive evidence suggests that the stronger involvement of fathers, incentivized by the ”daddy months”, could have facilitated mothers’ re-entry into the labor market and thereby increased earnings. For mothers with low pre-birth earnings, however, we do not find beneficial long-run effects of this parental leave reform." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Elsevier) ((en))

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    Frodermann, Corinna ;

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    Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen (2023)

    Frodermann, Corinna ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Filser, Andreas ;


    Frodermann, Corinna, Andreas Filser & Ann-Christin Bächmann (2023): Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen. (IAB-Kurzbericht 1/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2301


    "Seit der Einführung des Elterngeldes im Jahr 2007 steigt der Anteil von Vätern, die nach der Geburt eines Kindes ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbrechen. Dieses stärkere Engagement der Väter geht auch mit einer schnelleren Arbeitsmarktrückkehr von Müttern einher. Paarinterne Aufteilungsmuster zeigen allerdings, dass bei vielen Ehepaaren nach wie vor nur die Mutter ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbricht, während der Großteil der Väter keine Elternzeit nimmt. Wenn Väter ebenfalls unterbrechen, dann vorrangig für maximal zwei Monate. Die vorgelegten Befunde machen insgesamt deutlich, dass verheiratete Paare in Deutschland nach wie vor weit davon entfernt sind, Sorge- und Erwerbsarbeit gleich aufzuteilen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age (2023)

    Gambaro, Ludovica; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Spieß, C. Katharina ; Ziege, Elena;


    Gambaro, Ludovica, C. Katharina Spieß, Katharina Wrohlich & Elena Ziege (2023): Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-14


    "Employment among mothers has been rising in recent decades, although mothers of young children often work fewer hours than other women do. Parallel to this trend, approval of maternal employment has increased, albeit not evenly across groups. However, differences in attitudes remain unexplored despite their importance for better understanding mothers’ labour market behaviour. Meanwhile, the employment of fathers has remained stable and attitudes towards paternal employment do not differ as much as attitudes towards maternal employment do between socio-economic groups. This paper examines attitudes towards maternal and paternal employment. It focuses on Germany, drawing on data from the German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA). The survey explicitly asks whether mothers and fathers should be in paid work, work part-time or full-time, presenting respondents with fictional family profiles that vary the youngest child’s age. Unlike previous studies, the analysis compares the views of respondents with different origins: West Germany, East Germany, immigrants from different world regions, and second-generation migrants in West Germany. The results highlight remarkable differences between respondents from West and East Germany, with the former group displaying strong approval for part-time employment among mothers and fathers of very young children and the latter group reporting higher approval for full-time employment. Immigrant groups are far from homogenous, holding different attitudes depending on their region of origin. Taken together, the results offer a nuanced picture of attitudes towards maternal and paternal employment. We discuss these findings in relation to labour markets participation in Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Till mess do us part: Married women's market hours, home production, and divorce (2023)

    García-Morán, Eva; Kuehn, Zoe;


    García-Morán, Eva & Zoe Kuehn (2023): Till mess do us part: Married women's market hours, home production, and divorce. (MPRA paper / University Library of Munich 119324), München, 54 S.


    "Part time jobs facilitate the conciliation of work and family life. But they entail reduced returns to experience and translate into lower own income in case of divorce. Given non-trivial divorce risks, why do married women work so little? Using micro data for Germany, we show married mothers' market hours (hours dedicated to housework) to be positively (negatively) related to separations. We then propose a dynamic life-cycle model of mothers' labor force participation, home production, and endogenous divorce which we calibrate to German data. Making divorce exogenous or ruling out divorce leads to an overestimation of the share of married mothers working full time and an underestimation of their housework and child care time, particularly among medium and highly educated women. Carrying out three policy experiments (increasing alimony, eliminating joint taxation, subsidizing child care) we highlight how couples' considerations of divorce risks condition the effects of such policies on married mothers' market hours." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender-Specific Duration of Parental Leave and Current Earnings (2023)

    Gerst, Benedikt; Grund, Christian ;


    Gerst, Benedikt & Christian Grund (2023): Gender-Specific Duration of Parental Leave and Current Earnings. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 215-235. DOI:10.1177/09500170221090163


    "Although male employees are increasingly making use of parental leave, gender differences in both usage and duration of parental leave are still prevalent. Based on signalling theory and the masculinities concept, the article explores the role of gender in the relationship between the incidence/duration of parental leave and wages/compensation after returning to a job. It is shown that pay gaps associated with parental leave are much more severe for male than they are for female middle managers in the German chemical industry." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employer Responses to Family Leave Programs (2023)

    Ginja, Rita; Karimi, Arizo; Xiao, Pengpeng;


    Ginja, Rita, Arizo Karimi & Pengpeng Xiao (2023): Employer Responses to Family Leave Programs. In: American Economic Journal. Applied Economics, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 107-135. DOI:10.1257/app.20200448


    "Search frictions make worker turnover costly to firms. A three-month parental leave expansion in Sweden provides exogenous variation that we use to quantify firms' adjustment costs upon worker absence. The reform increased women's leave duration and likelihood of separating from pre-birth employers. Firms with greater exposure to the reform hired additional workers and increased coworkers to make it coworkers' hours, incurring wage costs corresponding to 10 full-time equivalent months in addition to replacing the workers. These adjustment costs varied by firms' availability of internal substitutes. We also analyze a daddy-month reform and find similar employer responses to male workers' leave, albeit smaller in magnitude." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mothers at work: How mandating a short maternity leave affects work and fertility (2023)

    Girsberger, Esther Mirjam ; Karunanethy, Kalaivani; Hassani-Nezhad, Lena; Lalive, Rafael;


    Girsberger, Esther Mirjam, Lena Hassani-Nezhad, Kalaivani Karunanethy & Rafael Lalive (2023): Mothers at work: How mandating a short maternity leave affects work and fertility. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 84. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102364


    "Switzerland mandated a 14-week paid maternity leave in 2005 when many firms already offered a similar benefit. While the mandate had only small and temporary effects on labor market outcomes of first-time mothers, it raised the share of those having a second child by three percentage points. Women employed in firms with prior paid leave sharply increased their subsequent fertility. In contrast, women employed in other firms did not change their fertility behaviour, but instead saw a persistent increase in their earnings after birth. This pattern of results suggests that firms with pre-mandate leave passed on (some of) their resulting cost-savings to their employees – “trickle down effects” – by making their maternity leave more generous than mandated, hiring temporary replacement workers and/or supporting mothers’ return to work in other ways." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, ©2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023 (2023)

    Hammermann, Andrea; Stettes, Oliver;


    Hammermann, Andrea & Oliver Stettes (2023): Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023. (Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023), Berlin, 33 S.


    "Der Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit berichtet aus der Perspektive von Personalverantwortlichen und Beschäftigten, wie sich die Familienfreundlichkeit im Betrieb gestalten lässt, wie sie im Alltag gelebt werden kann und worauf es Beschäftigten mit unterschiedlichen Erwerbsbiografien und Lebenshintergründen ankommt. Das Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft setzt mit dem Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023 die vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend geförderte Befragungsreihe fort. Die aktuelle Untersuchung unterstreicht den Stellenwert einer guten Vereinbarkeit für eine nachhaltige Strategie zur Fachkräftesicherung. Aufgrund der demografischen Entwicklung zeichnet sich in Deutschland seit Längerem eine Verknappung des Arbeitskräfteangebots ab. Sie ist schon heute in den Unternehmen spürbar. Dies belegt auch der Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2023: Drei von vier Unternehmen weisen hierzulande erhebliche Probleme auf, Fachkräfte zu rekrutieren. Fachkräfte- beziehungsweise Arbeitskräfteengpässe werden in vielen Bereichen zunehmend zum Hemmnis wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung (BA, 2023, Seite 14 ff.; Tiedemann/Malin, 2023). Neben einer zeitgemäßen Ausbildung, einer gezielten Weiterbildung und einem verstärkten Werben um ausländische Fachkräfte braucht es auch Lösungsansätze, mit denen das Potenzial an heimischen Arbeitskräften noch besser erschlossen werden kann (Bundesregierung, 2022). Wie (zeitliche) Konflikte zwischen familiären und beruflichen Verpflichtungen wahrgenommen werden, ist ein zentraler Einflussfaktor bei Entscheidungen von Menschen im Laufe ihrer gesamten Erwerbsbiografie, vom Berufs- bis zum Renteneintritt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Frühkindliche Betreuung erhöht den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern ohne Abitur (2023)

    Hermes, Henning ; Wiederhold, Simon; Krauß, Marina; Peter, Frauke ; Lergetporer, Philipp;


    Hermes, Henning, Marina Krauß, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter & Simon Wiederhold (2023): Frühkindliche Betreuung erhöht den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern ohne Abitur. In: Wirtschaft im Wandel, Jg. 29, H. 3, S. 52-55.


    "In den meisten Ländern wirkt sich die Geburt eines Kindes negativ auf den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern aus, insbesondere bei Müttern mit niedrigerem Schulabschluss. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse eines Feldexperiments in Deutschland vorgestellt, in dem Familien bei der Bewerbung für einen Platz in einer Kindertagesstätte (Kita) unterstützt wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der verbesserte Zugang zu frühkindlicher Betreuung die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht, dass Mütter ohne Abitur in Vollzeit arbeiten, und deren Haushaltseinkommen steigert. Um den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern zu verbessern, sollte die Politik den Zugang zu frühkindlicher Betreuung erleichtern und die Zahl der Kita-Plätze noch weiter erhöhen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Public child care and mothers' career trajectories (2023)

    Huber, Katrin; Rolvering, Geske;


    Huber, Katrin & Geske Rolvering (2023): Public child care and mothers' career trajectories. (CEPA discussion papers / Center for Economic Policy Analysis 64), Potsdam, 33 S.


    "This paper studies the effect of public child care on mothers' career trajectories. To this end, we combine county-level data on child care coverage with detailed individual-level information from the German social security records and exploit a set of German reforms leading to a substantial temporal and spatial variation in child care coverage for children under the age of three. We conduct an event study approach that investigates the labor market outcomes of mothers in the years around the birth of their first child. We thereby explore career trajectories, both in terms of quantity and quality of employment. We find that public child care improves maternal labor supply in the years immediately following childbirth. However, the results on quality-related outcomes suggest that the effect of child care provision does not reach far beyond pure employment effects. These results do not change for mothers with different 'career costs of children'." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Promotion Prospects and Within-level Wage Growth: A Decomposition of the Part-time Penalty for Women (2023)

    Ilieva, Boryana;


    Ilieva, Boryana (2023): Promotion Prospects and Within-level Wage Growth: A Decomposition of the Part-time Penalty for Women. (Discussion paper / Rationality & Competition, CCR TRR 190 457), München ; Berlin, 40 S.


    "I study the life-cycle pattern of part-time employment and its impact on wage growth in female careers. I show that the part-time wage penalty consists of two essential components: i) a penalty for promotions and ii) a within-career-level wage penalty. Using dynamic structural modeling, I quantify the relative importance of the channels. The penalty for working half a day for two consecutive years in one's early thirties is one Euro per hour. 70% of it is due to slowdowns in experience accumulation within career levels. A part-time spell of four years marks the point at which forgone chances of promotion and within-level wage losses contribute to the wage penalty to an equal degree. Counterfactual simulations demonstrate that financial incentives to increase the time spent working can be well complemented by policies which ensure that experienced young women are promoted early in their careers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Constrained 'choices': Optional familism and educational divides in work-family arrangements (2023)

    Jozwiak, Andreas ;


    Jozwiak, Andreas (2023): Constrained 'choices': Optional familism and educational divides in work-family arrangements. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 57, H. 5, S. 700-726. DOI:10.1111/spol.12901


    "German family policy was dramatically reformed in the 2000s because of dual reforms to parental leave and childcare provision. While considerable evidence has suggested the reforms affected employment and other outcomes, this article asks what the consequences of these reforms are for the family, specifically for patterns of work-family arrangements. Moreover, it asks how education matters for work-family arrangements post-reform. Using German Socio-Economic Panel data, I show that college-educated mothers giving birth to their first child after the reforms earned roughly half of household income if they benefited from expanded local childcare access. By contrast, in areas with lower childcare availability, even among the college-educated, mothers' earnings resemble pre-reform patterns, where mothers earn between a quarter to a third of household income. Therefore, the reforms contributed to greater differences in family structures based on the education. One interpretation of these findings is that the status reproducing nature of the Continental welfare states has recalibrated for the modern age, de-gendered for those with the greatest labour market returns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Die Aufteilung von Care- und Erwerbsarbeit ist eine Richtungsentscheidung für die Erwerbsverläufe beider Eltern (Interview mit Andreas Filser, Corinna Frodermann und Ann-Christin Bächmann) (2023)

    Keitel, Christiane; Filser, Andreas ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Frodermann, Corinna ;


    Keitel, Christiane; Andreas Filser, Ann-Christin Bächmann & Corinna Frodermann (interviewte Person) (2023): Die Aufteilung von Care- und Erwerbsarbeit ist eine Richtungsentscheidung für die Erwerbsverläufe beider Eltern (Interview mit Andreas Filser, Corinna Frodermann und Ann-Christin Bächmann). In: IAB-Forum H. 07.02.2023 Nürnberg. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20230207.01


    "Seit der Einführung des Elterngeldes im Jahr 2007 steigt der Anteil von Vätern, die nach der Geburt eines Kindes ihre Erwerbstätigkeit zugunsten von Kinder­betreuung unterbrechen. Der IAB-Kurzbericht 1/2023 zeigt nun unter anderem auf, wie sich eine Erwerbsunterbrechung der Väter auf die Arbeitsmarktrückkehr der Mütter auswirkt. Die Redaktion des IAB-Forum hat dazu bei Corinna Frodermann, Ann-Christin Bächmann und Andreas Filser nachgefragt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Closing the gap? Erwerbstätigkeit und Arbeitszeit von Müttern und Vätern nach 15 Jahren Elterngeld (2023)

    Keller, Matthias; Körner, Thomas;


    Keller, Matthias & Thomas Körner (2023): Closing the gap? Erwerbstätigkeit und Arbeitszeit von Müttern und Vätern nach 15 Jahren Elterngeld. In: Wirtschaft und Statistik, Jg. 75, H. 4, S. 88-101.


    "Erwerbsbeteiligung und Arbeitszeiten von Müttern und Vätern unterscheiden sich stark; das ist einer der Hauptgründe für die geringeren Verdienste von Frauen im Vergleich zu Männern. Wie sich die Erwerbstätigkeit und die Aufteilung der Arbeitszeit von Müttern und Vätern seit dem Jahr 2005 entwickelt haben, insbesondere seit der Einführung des Elterngelds im Jahr 2007, hat das Statistische Bundesamt auf Grundlage von Ergebnissen des Mikrozensus untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen hierbei die Erwerbskonstellationen von Paaren mit und ohne Kinder. Ergebnisse zur Erwerbssituation alleinerziehender Mütter und Väter ergänzen die Analyse." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden)

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    Gender Norms under Socialism and Capitalism: A Historical Examination of Attitudes towards Maternal Employment in the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany (2023)

    Kleinschrot, Leonie;


    Kleinschrot, Leonie (2023): Gender Norms under Socialism and Capitalism: A Historical Examination of Attitudes towards Maternal Employment in the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-07


    "Research on the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) in the 1980s shows a high level of congruence between conservative social policy deterring mothers from employment and traditional societal gender norms. In contrast, little is known about whether people in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) agreed with the socialist idea of continuous full-time maternal employment. Based on unexploited GDR data from 1984 and a description of contemporary social policy, this study examines attitudes towards maternal employment, whether they were related to individual preferences for work or children, and their congruence with the socialist policy. The same questions are examined for the FRG using data from 1982. Results for the GDR indicate that one third of respondents rejected the socialist idea of maternal full-time employment, with individual work preferences being decisive for respondents’ assessments. In the FRG, there was a high degree of agreement with the gender norm of maternal non-employment, with this being dependent on individual preferences for children. These findings complement post-reunification evidence on East-West-differences in gender norms and provide insights into attitudes under Eastern European state socialism. * This article belongs to a special issue on “Demographic Developments in Eastern and Western Europe Before and After the Transformation of Socialist Countries”." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Second Birth Fertility in Germany: Social Class, Gender, and the Role of Economic Uncertainty (2023)

    Kreyenfeld, Michaela ; Konietzka, Dirk ; Lambert, Philippe; Ramos, Vincent Jerald;


    Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Dirk Konietzka, Philippe Lambert & Vincent Jerald Ramos (2023): Second Birth Fertility in Germany: Social Class, Gender, and the Role of Economic Uncertainty. In: European Journal of Population, Jg. 39, H. 1. DOI:10.1007/s10680-023-09656-5


    "Building on a thick strand of the literature on the determinants of higher-order births, this study uses a gender and class perspective to analyse second birth progression rates in Germany. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel from 1990 to 2020, individuals are classified based on their occupation into: upper service, lower service, skilled manual/higher-grade routine nonmanual, and semi-/unskilled manual/lower-grade routine nonmanual classes. Results highlight the “economic advantage” of men and women in service classes who experience strongly elevated second birth rates. Finally, we demonstrate that upward career mobility post-first birth is associated with higher second birth rates, particularly among men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit im internationalen Vergleich: Update des EcoAustria Scoreboard-Indikators (2023)

    Köppl-Turyna, Monika; Graf, Nikolaus;


    Köppl-Turyna, Monika & Nikolaus Graf (2023): Kinderbetreuung und Vereinbarkeit im internationalen Vergleich: Update des EcoAustria Scoreboard-Indikators. (Policy note / EcoAustria - Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung 54), Wien, 21 S.


    "Die Verfügbarkeit qualitativ hochwertiger, örtlich erreichbarer, zeitlich flexibler Kinderbetreuung stellt eine Grundvoraussetzung der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie dar. Österreich weist eine überdurchschnittliche Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern auf, zugleich findet diese Erwerbsbeteiligung sehr häufig in Form von Teilzeitbeschäftigung statt. Teilzeitbeschäftigung stellt wieder mit, eine Ursache für geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten am Arbeitsmarkt dar. Institutionelle Kinderbetreuung kann die Arbeitsmarktteilnahme von Müttern befördern und zu einer Ausweitung der Arbeitszeit führen. Zugleich gehen von Kinderbetreuung positive Effekte auf die Bildungsergebnisse und auf die schulische Integration bildungsbenachteiligter Kinder aus. In Anbetracht der aktuellen Arbeitskräfteknappheit kann eine Ausweitung der Erwerbsintegration von Müttern eine Option darstellen, die Nachfrage nach Arbeitskräften zu decken. Kurzum: Von Kinderbetreuung gehen viele positive, gesellschaftlich und politisch erwünschte Effekte aus. Dennoch: Trotz der in der jüngeren Vergangenheit erzielten Fortschritte sind etwa bei der Betreuung von Kleinkindern unter drei Jahren und im Hinblick auf verlängerte flexible Öffnungszeiten am Tagesrand sowie Schließtage während den Ferien Aufholpotenziale insbesondere in ländlichen Regionen gegeben. [...]" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Der Preis von Mutterschaft – die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen mit und ohne Kinder in Ost- und Westdeutschland (2023)

    Lawitzky, Corinna; Weyh, Antje;


    Lawitzky, Corinna & Antje Weyh (2023): Der Preis von Mutterschaft – die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen mit und ohne Kinder in Ost- und Westdeutschland. In: Gender, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 119-137., 2021-12-07. DOI:10.3224/gender.v15i1.09


    "Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die Lohnlücke zwischen Frauen mit und ohne Kinder vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher gesellschaftlicher Rollenbilder in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Die Datengrundlage bildet die Beschäftigtenhistorik des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, die Angaben zu allen sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten in Deutschland enthält. Vollzeitbeschäftigte Frauen mit Kindern verdienen weniger als Frauen ohne Kinder, wobei dieser Lohnunterschied in Westdeutschland deutlich größer ausfällt als in Ostdeutschland. Mittels einer Oaxaca-Blinder-Zerlegung weisen wir wichtige Einflussfaktoren aus und können einen bereinigten Lohnunterschied ermitteln. Dabei deuten die Ergebnisse der Zerlegungen darauf hin, dass historische Unterschiede bezüglich der gesellschaftlichen Leitbilder zur Mutterrolle in Ost- und Westdeutschland weiterhin bestehen. Die Abkehr vom traditionellen Bild der Mutterrolle ist somit nach wie vor relevant für den Abbau des Lohnnachteils für Mütter." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Budrich)

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    Weyh, Antje;
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    Gender Role Attitudes and Labour Market Behaviours: Do Attitudes Contribute to Gender Differences in Employment in Germany? (2023)

    Lietzmann, Torsten; Frodermann, Corinna ;


    Lietzmann, Torsten & Corinna Frodermann (2023): Gender Role Attitudes and Labour Market Behaviours: Do Attitudes Contribute to Gender Differences in Employment in Germany? In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 373-393., 2021-03-07. DOI:10.1177/09500170211011318


    "This article contributes to the literature on persistent gender inequalities in the labour market by investigating gender role attitudes in Germany and their association with labour market behaviour. Based on the German Panel Study ‘Labour Market and Social Security’ (PASS), longitudinal analyses are applied to examine the influence of gender role attitudes and the household context on various employment states. The results reveal that gender role attitudes are crucial for labour market behaviour and that there are differences among women and men in different household contexts. Whereas single men and women do not differ significantly in their employment probabilities, women in couple households are less active in the labour market than their male counterparts. Furthermore, differences in employment are largest in couples with children. Among women, differences in full-time employment by household context become smaller when these women hold egalitarian attitudes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lietzmann, Torsten; Frodermann, Corinna ;
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    Gender-Specific Application Behavior, Matching, and the Residual Gender Earnings Gap (2023)

    Lochner, Benjamin ; Merkl, Christian ;


    Lochner, Benjamin & Christian Merkl (2023): Gender-Specific Application Behavior, Matching, and the Residual Gender Earnings Gap. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16686), Bonn, 61 S.


    "This paper analyzes the relationship between gender-specific application behavior, employer-side flexibility requirements, and the gender earnings gap using a unique combination of the German Job Vacancy Survey (JVS) linked to administrative employment records. We document that women have a substantially lower probability of applying to jobs with high flexibility requirements at high-wage firms than do men but have the same probability of being hired upon application. In our two-stage search model, these empirical patterns are rationalized by firms compensating workers for meeting employer-side flexibility requirements. Consistently, we empirically show that among women, mothers face the largest earnings discounts relative to men in jobs with high flexibility requirements." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lochner, Benjamin ;
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    Path-Dependencies in Employment Trajectories Around Motherhood: Comparing Native Versus Second-Generation Migrant Women in Belgium (2023)

    Maes, Julie ; Wood, Jonas ; Neels, Karel ;


    Maes, Julie, Jonas Wood & Karel Neels (2023): Path-Dependencies in Employment Trajectories Around Motherhood: Comparing Native Versus Second-Generation Migrant Women in Belgium. In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, Jg. 24, H. 1, S. 281-344. DOI:10.1007/s12134-020-00801-1


    "A sizeable body of literature has shown that the migrant-native employment gap is larger among women with children than among childless women, suggesting that the transition to parenthood has a stronger impact on the employment trajectories of migrant origin women compared to those of native women. However, due to the limited use of longitudinal data, our understanding of the mechanisms generating differential employment trajectories around the transition to parenthood remains limited. This study adopts a life course perspective to address path-dependencies in employment trajectories around the transition to motherhood. Using longitudinal data and fixed-effects models that compare within-individual changes in contractual working hours around the transition to parenthood between natives and second-generation migrants of Southern European and Turkish or Moroccan origin in Belgium, we find no migrant-native differentials among women with low employment rates before the birth of their first child and only limited differentials in employment trajectories around parenthood among women with medium and high employment rates before parenthood. This indicates that there is a strong path-dependency of employment trajectories around parenthood for migrant women and natives alike, but that second-generation migrant women generally have a lower pre-birth labour market attachment than native women which accounts for the frequently observed migrant-native differentials in maternal employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The effect of child allowances on female labour supply: evidence from Israel (2023)

    Mazar, Yuval; Reingewertz, Yaniv;


    Mazar, Yuval & Yaniv Reingewertz (2023): The effect of child allowances on female labour supply: evidence from Israel. In: Economica, Jg. 90, H. 359, S. 882-910. DOI:10.1111/ecca.12467


    "This study estimates the effect of the sharp reduction in Israel's child allowances in the early 2000s on female labour supply. The study uses the difference-in-differences method to estimate changes in the labour supply of Israeli women with more children (four or five) compared to changes in the labour supply of women with fewer children (two or three). The results show an increase of approximately 3.1 percentage points (4.4%) in the labour supply of women with four or five children, relative to that of women with two or three children. These numbers translate to an income elasticity of labour supply in the range −0.50 to −0.81. Finally, we document the heterogeneity of these effects and provide several tests of their validity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation (2023)

    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena ; Moral, Alfonso; Martín-Román, Ángel L.;


    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena, Ángel L. Martín-Román & Alfonso Moral (2023): Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 293-305. DOI:10.1177/09500170211062808


    "This article presents novel empirical evidence of fathers’ parental leave usage by introducing a family dimension in Spain. To test this hypothesis, a bivariate probit estimation was used to analyse the effect of the mother’s labour force participation on the father’s decision to take parental leave. This procedure allowed us to address the issue of simultaneous factors affecting the decisions of both the man and the woman, which were relevant to interpreting for the phenomenon. The results suggested that successfully using fathers’ paternity leave as a tool to promote gender equality depends on the family household’s characteristics and the woman’s connection to the job market. The bivariate probit estimation revealed that the effect of the woman’s decision on the man’s choice is much stronger than a naive regression would suggest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mothers Working during Preschool Years and Child Skills: Does Income Compensate? (2023)

    Nicoletti, Cheti ; Salvanes, Kjell; Tominey, Emma;


    Nicoletti, Cheti, Kjell Salvanes & Emma Tominey (2023): Mothers Working during Preschool Years and Child Skills: Does Income Compensate? In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 41, H. 2, S. 389-429. DOI:10.1086/719688


    "Increasing mothers’ labour supply in a child’s preschool years may reduce time investments, yielding a negative direct effect on mid-childhood and teenage outcomes. But as mothers’ work hours increase, income will rise. Can income compensate for the negative effect of hours? Our mediation analysis exploits exogenous variation in both mothers’ hours and family income. Results suggest a negative, insignificant direct effect from increasing mother’s hours on child test scores. However the positive mediating effect of income creates a positive total effect on test scores of 26% of a standard deviation for 10-hours increase in mothers weekly hours in preschool years." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen des Zugangs zum Homeoffice auf die Erwerbsarbeitszeiten von Müttern und Vätern (2023)

    Pauliks, Johanna Elisabeth ; Schunck, Reinhard ; Lott, Yvonne ;


    Pauliks, Johanna Elisabeth, Reinhard Schunck & Yvonne Lott (2023): Auswirkungen des Zugangs zum Homeoffice auf die Erwerbsarbeitszeiten von Müttern und Vätern. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 75, H. 3, S. 319-340. DOI:10.1007/s11577-023-00910-6


    "Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie sich die tatsächliche Arbeitszeit von Müttern und Vätern verändert, wenn sie die Möglichkeit erhalten, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. Ausgehend von der Principle-Agent-Theorie, der sozialen Austauschtheorie und der Work/Family-Border-Theorie wurde mit längsschnittlichen Daten des deutschen Beziehungs- und Familienpanels (pairfam) geprüft, ob eine Veränderung der tatsächlichen Arbeitszeit zu beobachten ist, wenn die Möglichkeit besteht, im Homeoffice zu arbeiten. Um mögliche Selektionseffekte auszuschließen, wurden sowohl konventionelle Fixed-Effects- als auch Fixed-Effects-Individual-Slope-Modelle zur Schätzung des Effekts vom Zugang zu Homeoffice auf die Arbeitszeit von Vätern und Müttern verwendet. Bei Vätern sind die geschätzten Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Zugang zum Homeoffice und der tatsächlichen Arbeitszeit klein und statistisch nicht signifikant. Bei Müttern zeigen sich positive, substanzielle und – in Abhängigkeit von der Modellspezifikation – statistisch signifikante Zusammenhänge." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Motherhood and the Cost of Job Search (2023)

    Philippe, Arnaud; Skandalis, Daphné;


    Philippe, Arnaud & Daphné Skandalis (2023): Motherhood and the Cost of Job Search. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16669), Bonn, 43 S.


    "Why do women experience a persistent drop in labor earnings upon becoming mothers, i.e. a "child penalty"? We study a new mechanism: search frictions. We analyze data on job applications sent on a popular online platform linked with administrative data for 350,000 involuntarily unemployed workers in France. First, we highlight differences in job search behavior between mothers and similar women with no children. Mothers send 12.2% fewer job applications and are more selective regarding wage and non-wage amenities. Consistently, they have a lower job finding rate. Second, we analyze the exact time when applications are sent and highlight differences in the timing of job search. We find that mothers' rate of applications decreases by 20.3% in the hours and days when there is no school. We also show that mothers responded to a reform that introduced school on Wednesday by smoothing their search across weekdays and narrowing their search timing gap with other women. In a simple search model, we show that our results imply that mothers both face lower incentives and higher costs to search. We conclude that search frictions disproportionately prevent mothers from improving their labor market situation and contribute to the child penalty." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Familie, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen (2023)

    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias ;


    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias (2023): Familie, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen. In: O. A. Becker, K. Hank & A. Steinbach (Hrsg.) (2023): Handbuch Familiensoziologie, Wiesbaden, Springer VS S. 675-692. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-35219-6_27


    "Die familiale Situation hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das Erwerbsverhalten von Frauen und kann ebenfalls die Berufstätigkeit von Männern beeinflussen. Der Übergang zur Mutterschaft wirkt sich negativ auf die Erwerbsbeteiligung, den Erwerbsumfang und die Einkommenshöhe von Frauen aus. Bei Männern sind hingegen sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf die Arbeitszeit zu beobachten. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt verschiedene Theorieansätze zum Einfluss familialer Übergänge auf das Erwerbsverhalten und skizziert den empirischen Forschungsstand. Dabei wird auch diskutiert, inwiefern Effekte der Elternschaft durch individuelle Merkmale, familienpolitische Rahmenbedingungen und den kulturellen Kontext geprägt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer)

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    Frauen in den Fokus: Der ungehobene Fachkräfteschatz (2023)

    Rademaker, Maike;


    Rademaker, Maike (2023): Frauen in den Fokus: Der ungehobene Fachkräfteschatz. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, Jg. 68, H. 1, S. 43-46.


    "Ob in der Pflege, im Handwerk oder an den Schulen: In vielen Bereichen fehlen hierzulande Fachrkäfte. Der Bedarf an Arbeitskräften wächst von Jahr zu Jahr - und doch versagt die Politik massiv darin, eine potenzielle Zielgruppe von Arbeitenden wirklich in den Blick zu nehmen, nämlich Frauen, kritisiert die Journalistin Maike Rademaker." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku, © Blätter Verlagsgesellschaft mbH)

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    Single earners and carers during lockdown: everyday challenges faced by Finnish single mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)

    Salin, Milla ; Hakovirta, Mia ; Kaittila, Anniina ; Raivio, Johanna;


    Salin, Milla, Mia Hakovirta, Anniina Kaittila & Johanna Raivio (2023): Single earners and carers during lockdown: everyday challenges faced by Finnish single mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 43, H. 13/14, S. 146-160. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-03-2023-0051


    "Purpose: This article analyzes the challenges Finnish single mothers experienced in their everyday lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. In studies on challenges to family life during COVID-19 lockdowns, single-parent families remain a largely understudied group. Design/methodology/approach The authors apply triple bind theory and ask how did Finnish single mothers manage the interplay between inadequate resources, inadequate employment, and inadequate policies during lockdown in spring 2020? These data come from an online survey including both qualitative and quantitative questions which was conducted between April and May 2020 to gather Finnish families' experiences during lockdown. This analysis is based on the qualitative part of the survey. Findings This study's results show that lockdown created new inadequacies while also enhancing some old inadequacies in the lives of Finnish single mothers. During lockdown, single mothers faced policy- and resource-disappearances; accordingly, they lost their ability to do paid work normally. Furthermore, these disappearances endangered the well-being of some single mothers and their families. Originality/value This article contributes to the wider understanding of everyday lives of single mothers and the challenges COVID-19 pandemic created. Moreover, this study provides knowledge on the applicability of the triple bind theory when studying the everyday lives of single mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Reducing the Child Penalty by Incentivizing Part-Time Work? Evidence from a Paid Parental Leave Reform in Germany (2023)

    Sandner, Malte ; Bärtsch, Laurenz;


    Sandner, Malte & Laurenz Bärtsch (2023): Reducing the Child Penalty by Incentivizing Part-Time Work? Evidence from a Paid Parental Leave Reform in Germany. (VfS Annual Conference 2023 (Regensburg): Growth and the "sociale Frage"),: Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association 48 S.


    "Worldwide governments discuss how to increase maternal labor market participation and to reduce the child penalty after birth. This study analyses a German paid parental leave reform, which aims to increase maternal labor market participation and to reduce the child penalty by financially incentivising maternal part-time work during the two years following child birth. Using German social security records, we exploit the fact that only mothers whose child is born in or after July 2015 are eligible for the new part-time PL option in a Difference-in-Differences strategy. We find that the policy increased the probability that high income mothers return to work during the first year after child birth by 3pp (≈ 15%). However, the policy does not impact maternal employment along the intensive margin (part-time or full-time work) in the long run, leaving maternal labor market participation and the child penalty unaffected." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    (Für‑)Sorgearbeit – Hausarbeit – Care-Arbeit: Soziale Arbeit – eine vergeschlechtlichte Profession (2023)

    Schimpf, Elke;


    Schimpf, Elke (2023): (Für‑)Sorgearbeit – Hausarbeit – Care-Arbeit: Soziale Arbeit – eine vergeschlechtlichte Profession. In: Soziale Passagen, Jg. 15, H. 2, S. 361-379. DOI:10.1007/s12592-023-00475-3


    "Anhand der historischen Entwicklung der (Für-)Sorgearbeit in Deutschland wird gezeigt wie die geschlechtlich segregierte Arbeitsteilung als Praxis hervorgebracht und gesellschaftlich genutzt wurde. Weiter wird mit den Hausarbeitsdebatten und der Forderung nach ‚Lohn für Hausarbeit‘ der Frauenbewegungen in den 1979er Jahren, den Fragen nachgegangen, welchen Stellenwert Hausarbeit gesellschaftlich (und aktuell) hat und welche Zusammenhänge zwischen Sozialer Arbeit und Hausarbeit bestehen. Abschließend wird auf die internationalen Sorge- und Care-Debatten und deren Forderungen eingegangen wie auch deren Relevanz für die Soziale Arbeit. Dabei wird die ökonomische Eigenlogik von Sorge als ein bedeutsames Professionsmerkmal für die Positionierung der Sozialen Arbeit in den Sorge- und Reproduktionskämpfen eines sorglosen Kapitalismus benannt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Erwerbsarbeitszeitmodelle und deren Potenzial für Geschlechtergleichstellung (2023)

    Schmidt, Eva-Maria ;


    Schmidt, Eva-Maria (2023): Erwerbsarbeitszeitmodelle und deren Potenzial für Geschlechtergleichstellung. In: WISO, Jg. 23, H. 1, S. 15-29.


    "Der Beitrag analysiert Entwicklungen bei Arbeitszeitmodellen und im Erwerbsarbeitsverhalten von Frauen in Österreich in Zusammenhang mit zugrundeliegenden Leitvorstellungen. Gleichstellung wird durch die dadurch fortgeschriebene Koppelung von Kinderbetreuungsverantwortung an Frauen und Vollzeiterwerbstätigkeit an Männer eher behindert. Datengrundlage sind die Arbeitskräfteerhebungen 2008–2018 sowie Gruppendiskussionen und Interviews mit Arbeitgeber:innen und Arbeitnehmer:innen österreichweit." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku, © ISW-Linz)

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    Labour Market Participation and Fertility in Seven European Countries: A Comparative Perspective (2023)

    Tomatis, Francesca ; Impicciatore, Roberto ;


    Tomatis, Francesca & Roberto Impicciatore (2023): Labour Market Participation and Fertility in Seven European Countries. A Comparative Perspective. In: Comparative Population Studies, Jg. 48. DOI:10.12765/cpos-2023-08


    "Although evidence suggests a correlation between fertility and employment, comparative studies on this topic are relatively scarce, particularly when considering the diverse ways in which the two variables interact in different countries. The aim of this article is to analyse the relationship between the employment and reproductive behaviours of women born between 1940 and 1979 in seven European countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Georgia, Italy, and Lithuania). Using data from the second wave of Generation and Gender Surveys (GGS) and the Istat survey Famiglia e Soggetti Sociali (FSS) in Italy, we estimated the propensity of first and second childbirth through multi-process modelling. The article’s contribution is both theoretical and methodological. First, this research aims to investigate the correlation between employment and the timing of first and second births in a comparative perspective challenging the traditional East-West divide in Europe and the potential convergence in the impact of employment on fertility behaviours across European countries. Furthermore, the study asks whether the relationship between employment and fertility is changing similarly across European countries or whether differences tend to persist over time. The results are discussed considering women’s emancipation in different institutional settings, highlighting how women’s participation in labour markets affects reproductive behaviour. In particular, the relationship between employment and fertility behaviour is examined in relation to the opposing macro-level thesis, which suggests that the association between employment and fertility changed from negative to positive after the mid-80s. The second contribution of the article is a methodological one. It involves using simultaneous models with three equations to account for potential unobserved factors that influence the timing of the first and second childbirth and the potential endogeneity of employment status on fertility behaviour. The three equations include two log-Hazard equations for the transitions to the first and second birth order and an additional probit model to estimate the probability of being currently employed over the life course. By using this approach, we aim to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between employment and fertility, while controlling for potential confounding factors. Results suggest relevant national differences. On the one hand, the three Western countries considered in the analysis, France, Germany, and Italy, show a clear incompatibility of work and childbearing. However, in the first two, younger cohorts seem to be less affected by employment, likely because they benefitted from family policies introduced after the mid-1980s. On the other hand, the post-socialist countries are highly heterogeneous. In this area, we can find three different models. First, in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic employment is largely compatible with fertility choices resulting in a higher propensity of having the first and the second childbirth among working women. Second, in Lithuania the positive impact of employment for the first childbirth turns negative for the second one. Third, in Georgia we found a clear postponement of childbirth among working women for both birth orders. Overall, our results show deep differences across countries, suggesting that some European countries are far from demonstrating convergence in the relationship between employment and fertility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effect of fertility on female labor supply in a labor market with extensive informality (2023)

    Tumen, Semih ; Turan, Belgi ;


    Tumen, Semih & Belgi Turan (2023): The effect of fertility on female labor supply in a labor market with extensive informality. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 65, H. 4, S. 1855-1894. DOI:10.1007/s00181-023-02399-6


    "This paper presents new evidence on the causal link between fertility and female labor supply by focusing on how informal employment interacts with maternal labor supply. We employ an IV strategy based on an unused data source for twin births in Turkey|a large middle-income country with extensive labor informality. We find that, following the first birth, female labor supply declines significantly and mothers who drop out of labor force are mostly the informally employed ones. This is contrary to the perception that informal jobs might be easier to sustain during motherhood as they are more flexible. Following further increases in family size, formally employed mothers start dropping out of labor force and their hours of work also decline. Higher fertility also leads to lower wages and lower job search intensity among mothers. We document substantial differences between maternal versus paternal labor supply in response to changes in family size. Unlike mothers, fathers increase their labor supply, which mostly comes from elevated informal employment|possibly due to a decline in their reservation wages. As a result, wages decline, hours of work increase, and job search activity shifts from formal to informal search methods for fathers. These results suggest that higher fertility might be associated with increased vulnerabilities and high labor income risks in countries with pervasive labor informality. Our estimates are robust to using alternative IV specifications based on gender composition of siblings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    15 Jahre Elterngeld: Auswirkungen und Reformoptionen (2023)

    Wrohlich, Katharina ; Zucco, Aline;


    Wrohlich, Katharina & Aline Zucco (2023): 15 Jahre Elterngeld. Auswirkungen und Reformoptionen. (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Working paper Forschungsförderung 281), Düsseldorf, 22 S.


    "Am 1. Januar 2007 wurde in Deutschland das Elterngeld eingeführt. Zahlreiche empirische Studien haben gezeigt, dass dessen Ziele insofern erreicht wurden, als sich die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern ab dem zweiten Lebensjahr des Kindes erhöht hat. Wir zeigen zudem, dass das Elterngeld den Verdienst von Müttern positiv beeinflusst hat. Das Elterngeld beinhaltet also das Potenzial, Geschlechterungleichheiten am Arbeitsmarkt zu reduzieren. Dieses Potenzial kann jedoch noch ausgebaut werden, etwa durch eine Erhöhung der Zahl der Partnermonate." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does a Flexible Parental Leave System Stimulate Maternal Employment? (2023)

    Ziegler, Lennart ; Bamieh, Omar ;


    Ziegler, Lennart & Omar Bamieh (2023): Does a Flexible Parental Leave System Stimulate Maternal Employment? (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16172), Bonn, 27 S.


    "This study examines the effect of two recent parental leave reforms in Austria that allow parents to choose leave schemes with varying duration. Using a regression discontinuity design, we find that the introduction of more flexible scheme choices led mothers to take, on average, 1-2 months less of leave. This decrease in leave duration, however, was not accompanied by an employment increase of similar magnitude. To understand the absence of labor supply effects, we examine data on work preferences from the Austrian Microcensus. Child care duties are cited as the primary reason for not seeking work but few mothers indicate that they would start working if better access to formal childcare were available. Switching to the more flexible leave system had a minimal effect on the labor market choices of mothers, as the majority continue to prioritize child care responsibilities and do not consider nurseries as a desirable alternative." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Early child care and the employment potential of mothers: evidence from semi-parametric difference-in-differences estimation (2023)

    Zimmert, Franziska ;


    Zimmert, Franziska (2023): Early child care and the employment potential of mothers. Evidence from semi-parametric difference-in-differences estimation. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 57, 2023-05-17. DOI:10.1186/s12651-023-00344-9


    "This paper examines the effect of an expansion of subsidized early child care on maternal labor market outcomes. It contributes to the literature by analyzing, apart from the employment rate, the adjustment of agreed working hours and especially of preferred working hours. Semi-parametric difference-in-differences estimation based on survey data from the German Microcensus results in positive effects on the employment rate, as well as on agreed and preferred working hours by up to 20% of the pre-reform mean. As agreed and preferred working hours adjust in line with each other, the expansion of early child care can tap labor market potentials beyond those of currently underemployed mothers. Moreover, conditional effects show that especially better educated and non-single mothers respond to the reform." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Participation in Job-Related Training: Is There a Parenthood Training Penalty? (2023)

    Zoch, Gundula ;


    Zoch, Gundula (2023): Participation in Job-Related Training: Is There a Parenthood Training Penalty? In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 274-292. DOI:10.1177/09500170221128692


    "Gender inequalities in paid and unpaid work are well documented, but patterns of advantage or disadvantage in further job-related training have been less explored. Previous cross-sectional studies indicate gender differences in further training, with lower participation rates and shorter training sessions for women, especially mothers. Based on the National Educational Panel Study for Germany (adult cohort, 2008–2020), this study is the first to examine gendered parenthood effects on participation in non-formal further job-related training using panel analyses. The results from fixed-effects regressions provide evidence of parenthood training penalties that are particularly pronounced for mothers and in the first years after childbirth. While fatherhood training penalties are mostly explained, motherhood gaps remain robust when accounting for a large number of time-varying characteristics. The results point towards further relevant changes in mothers’ aspirations or employer support. Thus, they underline the importance of training opportunities for reducing childbirth-related inequalities later in life." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    International Migration Outlook 2023 (2023)


    OECD (2023): International Migration Outlook 2023. (International migration outlook 47), Paris, 403 S. DOI:10.1787/b0f40584-en


    "The 2023 edition of International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and the labour market inclusion of immigrants in OECD countries. It also monitors recent policy changes in migration governance and integration in OECD countries. This edition includes two special chapters on the labour market integration of migrant mothers and on fertility patterns among migrant populations in OECD countries. The Outlook also includes country notes and a detailed statistical annex." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Transitions to parenthood, flexible working and time-based work-to-family conflicts: A gendered life course and organisational change perspective (2022)

    Abendroth, Anja-Kristin ;


    Abendroth, Anja-Kristin (2022): Transitions to parenthood, flexible working and time-based work-to-family conflicts: A gendered life course and organisational change perspective. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 34, H. 4, S. 1033-1055. DOI:10.20377/jfr-730


    "Objective: This study investigates how flexitime and flexiplace moderate the consequences of transitions to parenthood for time-based work-to-family conflicts for women and men, and whether the normalisation of their use in organisations additionally contributes to reducing work-to-family conflicts. Background: Although flexible working has been described as a resource for better aligning demands in the domains of work and family, the findings of previous - mainly cross-sectional – research on its consequences for work–family conflict are inconsistent. Method: Individual fixed effects analyses were conducted using linked employer-employee panel data for 1,973 partnered men and 1575 partnered women in 132 large work organisations in Germany. Results: Time-based work-to-family conflicts after transition to parenthood increased for men but decreased for women. This can be explained by women reducing their working hours. However, work-to-family conflicts remained rather stable despite of the transition to parenthood among women who used flexitime. This can partly be explained by their weaker work-to-family conflicts already before the transition as well as to adjustments in work investments being less common among them. There is some evidence that the normalisation of flexitime and flexiplace in the organisation is associated with fewer work-to-family conflicts among women and men. Conclusion: Flexitime seems to be not an additional but an alternative resource to decrease the likelihood of more frequent time-based work-to-family conflicts after transition to parenthood among women. The normalization of flexible working depicts organizational change towards more family-friendliness." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employed parents' reactions to work-family conflicts: Adaptive strategies of scaling back in Germany (2022)

    Adams, Ayhan ; Golsch, Katrin ;


    Adams, Ayhan & Katrin Golsch (2022): Employed parents' reactions to work-family conflicts: Adaptive strategies of scaling back in Germany. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 34, H. 4, S. 1101-1125. DOI:10.20377/jfr-712


    "Objective: This study investigates the extent to which employed mothers and fathers scale back on working hours or job pressures in response to work-to-family conflicts (WFC). Background: Drawing on the concept of adaptive family strategies, it is assumed that WFC is an antecedent to a reduction in work demands. Considering partners’ gender ideology net of other resources and characteristics, we can expect to see gender differences in the adoption of this strategy. Relatively little research has been conducted on associations among WFC, gender ideology, gender, and work-related coping strategies. Method: We use six waves of the German Family Panel (pairfam, release 11.0), covering the survey years 2012-2019, to examine the effect of WFC and gender ideology on employed mothers’ and fathers’ work-related coping strategies (N=791 mothers and N=1292 fathers). OLS regression is used to estimate the effect of WFC at and gender ideology on changes in job pressure and working hours between and. Results: Parents who experience WFC are more likely to reduce their job pressure and less likely to scale back on working hours. Gender differences in the reaction between mothers and fathers on WFC only occur in connection with traditional gender ideology. Conclusion: Scaling back seems not to be a commonly used strategy to react to WFC." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Household specialization and the child penalty in the Netherlands (2022)

    Artmann, Elisabeth; Oosterbeek, Hessel; Klaauw, Bas van der;


    Artmann, Elisabeth, Hessel Oosterbeek & Bas van der Klaauw (2022): Household specialization and the child penalty in the Netherlands. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 78, 2022-07-01. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102221


    "Women in the Netherlands face an earnings penalty of 47% after the birth of their first child, which is in line with previous studies. We construct several measures of relative within-household earnings potential to assess the importance of household specialization based on comparative advantage. The Netherlands offers a particularly interesting setting for studying household specialization since employees basically face no restrictions if they want to reduce their working hours. We find that women with a higher earnings capacity than their partner face lower earnings losses after childbirth and reduce their labor supply less than women with a low relative earnings potential. Yet, men’s labor market trajectories are largely unaffected by parenthood irrespective of their relative earnings potential in the household. There is thus no evidence that households divide market work and child care based on comparative advantage or bargaining power. We provide some evidence that women with high earnings potential rely more on formal child care." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The Earned Income Tax Credit and Maternal Time Use: More Time Working and Less Time with Kids? (2022)

    Bastian, Jacob; Lochner, Lance ;


    Bastian, Jacob & Lance Lochner (2022): The Earned Income Tax Credit and Maternal Time Use: More Time Working and Less Time with Kids? In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 40, H. 3, S. 573-611. DOI:10.1086/717729


    "Parents spend considerable time and resources investing in their children’s development. Given evidence that the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) affects maternal labor supply, we investigate how the maximum available EITC amount affects a broad array of time use activities, focusing on the amount and nature of time spent with children. Using 2003-18 time use data, we find that federal and state EITC expansions increase maternal work time, reducing time devoted to home production, leisure, and time with children. However, almost none of the reduction comes from time devoted to “investment” activities, such as active learning and development activities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Supplemental family leave provision and employee performance: Disentangling availability and use (2022)

    Begall, Katia ; Breeschoten, Leonie van; Lippe, Tanja van der; Poortman, Anne-Rigt;


    Begall, Katia, Leonie van Breeschoten, Tanja van der Lippe & Anne-Rigt Poortman (2022): Supplemental family leave provision and employee performance. Disentangling availability and use. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 3, S. 393-416. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2020.1737176


    "The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the provision of supplemental family leave elicits higher work effort and extra-role behavior in employees. Drawing on arguments derived from signaling theory we test whether the beneficial effects of providing longer or better paid family leave on performance exist for all employees, or whether they are limited to the group who either took advantage of the supplemental leave in the past or is likely to do so in the future. In addition, the mechanism proposed by organizational support theory by which supplemental leave is expected to affect employee performance - by increasing affective organizational commitment - is tested. The hypotheses developed are tested using European multilevel organization-data (Van der Lippe et al., 2016a) on 11,011 employees in 869 departments or teams, and 259 organizations. The results indicate that perceived availability of supplemental family leave relates positively to employees? contextual performance, partially by increasing organizational commitment. This effect is found irrespective of actual use of family leave and is not moderated by characteristics relating to future use such as having young children, being of childbearing age or being female." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Erschöpft: Familien in der Corona-Krise (2022)

    Boll, Christina ;


    Boll, Christina (2022): Erschöpft: Familien in der Corona-Krise. In: L. Bellmann & W. Matiaske (Hrsg.) (2022): Sozio-Ökonomik der Corona-Krise, S. 283-312.


    "Die Corona-Pandemie hat Familien vor große Herausforderungen gestellt. Eltern mussten ad hoc wegbrechende außerfamiliale Bildung und Betreuung selbst übernehmen. Wechselnde Rahmenbedingungen wie der Betreuung, wirtschaftliche Unsicherheit und Umorganisation der Erwerbstätigkeit erfordern seit Ende März 2020 einen täglichen, nervenraubenden Balanceakt. Das blieb nicht ohne Auswirkungen auf Familienklima, Zufriedenheit und inner-familiale Konflikte. Die soziale Schere ging in der Krise noch weiter auf: Die Herausforderungen und Belastungen treffen die Familien unterschiedlich stark und können von ihnen auch unterschiedlich gut bewältigt werden. Dies liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass staatliche Unterstützungsangebote die Familieneinkommen zwar insgesamt massiv abgefedert, aber nicht alle Zielgruppen gleich gut erreicht haben. Auch die elterlichen Sorgen um die Kinder weisen einen sozialen Gradienten auf. Quer durch alle sozialen Schichten zieht sich die zunehmende Erschöpfung von Familien. Die Belastungen für das Familienleben sind vom ersten zum zweiten Lockdown eher noch gewachsen. Mütter trugen und tragen die größten Zusatzlasten bei der Kinderbetreuung und bei der Angehörigenpflege. Für die Geschlechtergleichstellung kann die Krise u.a. aufgrund des Digitalisierungsschubs dennoch Fortschritte bringen, auch wenn die Effekte auf die Arbeitsteilung im Haushalt eher klein sein dürften. Die Pandemie hat enorme Defizite des Bildungs- und Pflegesystems offengelegt, die politisch adressiert werden müssen. Auch im Kinderschutzsystem besteht Handlungs- und Forschungsbedarf, um für die nächste Krise besser gewappnet zu sein." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Müttern mit Migrationshintergrund – Analyse der Maßnahmenerfolge des Bundesprogramms "Stark im Beruf" (2022)

    Boll, Christina ; Zollner, Corinna; Castiglioni, Laura; Eichhorn, Thomas ; Nikolka, Till;


    Boll, Christina, Laura Castiglioni, Thomas Eichhorn, Till Nikolka & Corinna Zollner (2022): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Müttern mit Migrationshintergrund – Analyse der Maßnahmenerfolge des Bundesprogramms "Stark im Beruf". München, 44 S. DOI:10.36189/DJI202212


    "Das durch das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) geförderte Bundesprogramm des Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) „Stark im Beruf – Mütter mit Migrationshintergrund steigen ein“ soll Müttern mit Migrationshintergrund den Erwerbseinstieg erleichtern und ihren Zugang zu vorhandenen Angeboten zur Arbeitsmarktintegration verbessern. Der vorliegende Bericht präsentiert eine Auswertung der im Rahmen des Programms „Stark im Beruf“ erhobenen Daten zu den durch die Teilnehmerinnen erzielten Programmerfolge vor dem Hintergrund individueller Merkmale, regionaler Kontextfaktoren sowie der Belegung unterschiedlicher Programmmodule. Hierzu werden auf Grundlage theoretischer Überlegungen zunächst Hypothesen zur Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen Programmerfolg in Abhängigkeit von potentiellen Erklärfaktoren abgeleitet, die danach mithilfe eines multivariaten Regressionsmodells getestet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Teilnehmerinnen kurze Zeit nach Programmabschluss mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit eine Beschäftigung aufnehmen, wenn sie bei Programmeintritt bessere Voraussetzungen hinsichtlich ihres übertragbaren Humankapitals und ihrer Nähe zum Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland mitbringen. Teilnehmerinnen, die über einen längeren Zeitraum arbeitslos gemeldet sind oder sich im SGB II-Bezug befinden, haben nach Programmabschluss hingegen eine niedrigere Wahrscheinlichkeit eine Beschäftigung aufzunehmen. Außerdem zeigt sich, dass Teilnehmerinnen mit kleinen Kindern, die mit größeren Herausforderungen bezüglich der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie konfrontiert sind, das „Stark im Beruf“ Programm mit einer geringeren Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit abschließen. Entgegen der Erwartungen bestätigt sich kein systematischer Zusammenhang zwischen dem Aufenthaltsstatus oder der Aufenthaltsdauer der Teilnehmerinnen in Deutschland und einem erfolgreichen Programmabschluss. Neben individuellen Merkmalen der Teilnehmerinnen beziehen wir auch Informationen zur regionalen Arbeitsmarkt- und Bevölkerungsstruktur sowie Angaben zur Belegung unterschiedlicher Modulkategorien im „Stark im Beruf“ Programm in unsere Analysen ein. Es zeigt sich, dass Teilnehmerinnen, die eher berufsorientierte Module belegen, auch unter Berücksichtigung aller weiteren beobachtbaren Merkmale eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen Programmerfolg haben als Teilnehmerinnen, die andere Programmmodule belegen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Beliefs about Maternal Labor Supply (2022)

    Boneva, Teodora; Colin, Marta; Kaufmann, Katja; Rauh, Christopher ;


    Boneva, Teodora, Marta Colin, Katja Kaufmann & Christopher Rauh (2022): Beliefs about Maternal Labor Supply. (CESifo working paper 10148), München, 73 S.


    "This paper provides representative evidence on the perceived returns to maternal labor supply. We design a novel survey to elicit subjective expectations, and show that a mother’s decision to work is perceived to have sizable impacts on child skills, family outcomes, and the future labor market outcomes of the mother. Examining the channels through which the impacts are perceived to operate, we document that beliefs about the impact of additional household income can account for some, but not all, of the perceived positive effects. Beliefs about returns substantially vary across the population and are predictive of labor supply intentions under different policy scenarios related to childcare availability and quality, two factors that are also perceived as important. Consistent with socialization playing a role in the formation of beliefs, we show that respondents whose own mother worked perceive the returns to maternal labor supply as higher." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Access to universal childcare and its effect on maternal employment (2022)

    Bousselin, Audrey ;


    Bousselin, Audrey (2022): Access to universal childcare and its effect on maternal employment. In: Review of Economics of the Household, Jg. 20, H. 2, S. 497-532. DOI:10.1007/s11150-021-09572-9


    "Subsidized childcare is a key instrument to support maternal employment in most OECD countries. Using a major reform implemented in Luxembourg in 2009, I study the effects of expanding access to subsidized childcare on the employment decisions of women in a context where childcare is universal and heavily subsidized, but is limited by capacity constraints. The identification strategy relies on temporal variation across age groups of children. In response to the reform, the employment rate of mothers increased by 3 percentage points, and their working time grew by 1 h per week. This effect hides the difference between children's ages, as mothers of the youngest children are found to be more responsive to the reform than mothers of children in primary education. Studying heterogeneous effects reveals a differential impact of the reform with regard to prior employment status." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Maternity Leave and Paternity Leave: Evidence on the Economic Impact of Legislative Chances in High Income Countries (2022)

    Canaan, Serena; Lassen, Anne Sophie ; Steingrimsdottir, Herdis ; Rosenbaum, Philip;


    Canaan, Serena, Anne Sophie Lassen, Philip Rosenbaum & Herdis Steingrimsdottir (2022): Maternity Leave and Paternity Leave: Evidence on the Economic Impact of Legislative Chances in High Income Countries. (IZA discussion paper 15129), Bonn, 48 S.


    "Labor market policies for expecting and new mothers emerged at the turn of the nineteenth century. The main motivation for these policies was to ensure the health of mothers and their newborn children. With increased female labor market participation, the focus has gradually shifted to the effects that parental leave policies have on women's labor market outcomes and gender equality. Proponents of extending parental leave rights for mothers in terms of duration, benefits, and job protection have argued that this will support mothers' labor market attachment and allow them to take time off from work after childbirth and then safely return to their pre-birth job. Others have pointed out that extended maternity leave can work as a double-edged sword for mothers: If young women are likely to spend months, or even years, on leave, employers are likely to take that into consideration when hiring and promoting their employees. These policies may therefore end up adversely affecting women's labor market outcomes. This has led to an increased focus on activating fathers to take parental leave, and in 2019, the European Parliament approved a directive requiring member states to ensure at least two months of earmarked paternity leave. The literature on parental leave has proliferated over the last couple of decades. The increased number of studies on the topic has brought forth some consistent findings. First, the introduction of short maternity leave is found to be beneficial for both maternal and child health and for mothers' labor market outcomes. Second, there appear to be negligible benefits from a leave extending beyond six months in terms of health out-comes and children's long-run outcomes. Furthermore, longer leaves have little, or even adverse, influence on mothers' labor market outcomes. However, some evidence suggests that there may be underlying heterogeneous effects from extended leaves among different socioeconomic groups. The literature on the effect of earmark" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Coworker peer effects on parental leave take-up (2022)

    Carlsson, Magnus ; Reshid, Abdulaziz Abrar;


    Carlsson, Magnus & Abdulaziz Abrar Reshid (2022): Coworker peer effects on parental leave take-up. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Jg. 124, H. 4, S. 930-957. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12485


    "This paper investigates coworker peer effects in parental leave usage in Sweden. We use an instrumental variable approach labeled peers of peers in which parental leave usage by family peers (siblings and cousins) of coworkers is used as an instrument for coworkers’ parental leave usage. For fathers, we find that a ten-day increase in average parental leave usage among coworkers increases usage by approximately one and a half days; while for mothers, the increase is approximately one day. The results are robust to alternative model specifications. We explore possible mechanisms and discuss policy implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The Effect of Child Care Costs on Gender Inequality (2022)

    Casarico, Alessandra ; Rey, Elena Del; Silva, Jose I. ;


    Casarico, Alessandra, Elena Del Rey & Jose I. Silva (2022): The Effect of Child Care Costs on Gender Inequality. (CESifo working paper 9827), München, 29 S.


    "We develop a model to study the impact on gender gaps in participation and wages of a liquidity constraint that prevents some households from paying child care. We show that this liquidity constraint generates an inefficiency and amplifies gender gaps in the labour market. In this framework, an extension of paid maternity leave duration has ambiguous effects on gender inequality. In contrast, child care subsidies, which require higher taxes, and loans, which do not, unambiguously reduce gender inequality. We illustrate the mechanisms at play in a numerical example using Spanish data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Expansions in Paid Parental Leave and Mothers' Economic Progress (2022)

    Corekcioglu, Gozde; Francesconi, Marco; Kunze, Astrid;


    Corekcioglu, Gozde, Marco Francesconi & Astrid Kunze (2022): Expansions in Paid Parental Leave and Mothers' Economic Progress. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 15585), Bonn, 89 S.


    "We examine the impact of government-funded universal paid parental leave extensions on the likelihood that mothers reach top-pay jobs and executive positions, using eight Norwegian reforms. Up to a quarter of a century after childbirth, such reforms neither helped nor hurt mothers' chances to be at the top of their companies' pay ranking or in leadership positions. We detect no differential effect across many characteristics, and no impact on other outcomes, such as hours worked and promotions. No reform affected fathers' pay or the gender pay gaps between mothers and their male colleagues and between mothers and their partners." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Parental leave, (in)formal childcare and long-term child outcomes (2022)

    Danzer, Natalia ; Zweimüller, Martina ; Schneeweis, Nicole ; Halla, Martin ;


    Danzer, Natalia, Martin Halla, Nicole Schneeweis & Martina Zweimüller (2022): Parental leave, (in)formal childcare and long-term child outcomes. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 57, H. 6, S. 1826-1884. DOI:10.3368/jhr.58.2.0619-10257R1


    "We evaluate the effect of an Austrian parental leave extension from the child’s first to its second birthday on long-term child outcomes. Exploiting a sharp birthday cutoff-based discontinuity in the eligibility for extended leave, we find that longer parental leave improves on average child health outcomes, but has no effect on the child’s labor market outcomes. When accounting for the counterfactual mode of care, we find significant gains in all outcomes for children for whom the reform most likely induced a replacement of informal childcare with maternal care. This highlights the importance of the counterfactual scenario in such evaluations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    Home care allowance and labor market participation of immigrant and native-born mothers (2022)

    Fendel, Tanja ; Jochimsen, Beate ;


    Fendel, Tanja & Beate Jochimsen (2022): Home care allowance and labor market participation of immigrant and native-born mothers. In: SN Social Sciences, Jg. 2, 2022-04-26. DOI:10.1007/s43545-022-00393-w


    "Most countries still have a significant gender gap in labor force participation, and this gap is especially large for immigrants. Despite this gap, Germany introduced various forms of home care allowances in the last decade. Parallel to the extension of early child care and the inclusion of a legal claim for it, from 2013 to 2015, a nationwide home care allowance existed for parents who did not use public child care for children aged one or two years. After 2015, home care allowances continued to exist in several German federal states. Some politicians strongly criticized this transfer for allegedly decreasing work incentives, particularly for mothers with lower labor market integration, such as immigrant mothers. Using federal state differentiated data obtained from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we investigate the impact of a home care allowance on the labor market participation of mothers. For both native-born and especially immigrant mothers, the effects are significantly negative. We conclude that a home care allowance has negative effects on the labor force participation of mothers of young children, irrespective of the legal claim for and the extension of public child care." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Grandmothers' Labor Supply (2022)

    Frimmel, Wolfgang ; Schmidpeter, Bernhard ; Halla, Martin ; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf ;


    Frimmel, Wolfgang, Martin Halla, Bernhard Schmidpeter & Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (2022): Grandmothers' Labor Supply. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 57, H. 5, S. 1645-1689. DOI:10.3368/jhr.58.1.0419-10144R1


    "We use high-quality administrative data from Austria to estimate the effect of grandmotherhood on the labor supply decision of older workers. Assuming that grandmothers cannot predict the exact date of conception of their grandchild, we identify the effect of the first grandchild on employment. Our Timing-of-Events approach shows that a first grandchild increases the probability of leaving the labor market by 9 percent. This effect is stronger when informal childcare is more valuable, and when grandmothers live close to the grandchild. To assess the effect of an additional grandchild, we also use twin-births among the first grandchild as instruments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    When the Kids Grow Up: Women's Employment and Earnings across the Family Cycle (2022)

    Goldin, Claudia; Olivetti, Claudia; Kerr, Sari Pekkala;


    Goldin, Claudia, Sari Pekkala Kerr & Claudia Olivetti (2022): When the Kids Grow Up: Women's Employment and Earnings across the Family Cycle. (NBER working paper 30323), Cambridge, Mass, 41 S. DOI:10.3386/w30323


    "Women earn less than men, and that is especially true of mothers relative to fathers. Much of the widening occurs after family formation when mothers reduce their hours of work. But what happens when the kids grow up? To answer that question, we estimate three earning gaps: the “motherhood penalty,” the “price of being female,” and the “fatherhood premium.” When added together these three produce the “parental gender gap,” defined as the difference in income between mothers and fathers. We estimate earnings gaps for two education groups (college graduates and high school graduates who did not complete college) using longitudinal data from the NLSY79 that tracks respondents from their twenties to their fifties. As the children grow up and as women work more hours, the motherhood penalty is greatly reduced, especially for the less-educated group. But fathers manage to expand their relative gains, particularly among college graduates. The parental gender gap in earnings remains substantial for both education groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Paying Moms to Stay Home: Short and Long Run Effects on Parents and Children (2022)

    Gruber, Jonathan; Huttunen, Kristiina; Kosonen, Tuomas;


    Gruber, Jonathan, Kristiina Huttunen & Tuomas Kosonen (2022): Paying Moms to Stay Home: Short and Long Run Effects on Parents and Children. (VATT working papers / Valtion Taloudellinen Tutkimuskeskus (Helsinki) 151), Helsinki, 86 S.


    "We study the impacts of a policy designed to reward mothers who stay at home rather than join the labor force when their children are under age three. We use regional and over time variation in child home care allowance to show that home care allowance decreases maternal employment in both the short and long term, with almost three-quarters of the supplement amount offset by lost labor income. The effects are large enough for the existence of home care benefit system to explain the higher child penalty in Finland than comparable nations. Home care benefits also negatively affect the early childhood cognitive test results of children at the age of five, increase the likelihood of choosing vocational rather than academic secondary education track, and increase youth crimes. We confirm that the mechanism of action is changing work/home care arrangements by studying a day care fee (DCF) reform had the opposite effect of raising incentives to work. We find that this policy increased the labor force participation of mothers and participation of children to day care, and improved child early test and schooling outcomes. This parallel set of findings suggests that on average in Finland, shifting child care from the home to the market increases labor force participation and improves child outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2022)

    Hermes, Henning ; Lergetporer, Philipp; Peter, Frauke ; Krauß, Marina; Wiederhold, Simon;


    Hermes, Henning, Marina Krauß, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter & Simon Wiederhold (2022): Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers. A Randomized Controlled Trial. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 15814), Bonn, 55 S.


    "We present experimental evidence that enabling access to universal early child care for families with lower socioeconomic status (SES) increases maternal labor supply. Our intervention provides families with customized help for child care applications, resulting in a large increase in enrollment among lower-SES families. The treatment increases lower-SES mothers' full-time employment rates by 9 percentage points (+160%), household income by 10%, and mothers' earnings by 22%. The effect on full-time employment is largely driven by increased care hours provided by child care centers and fathers. Overall, the treatment substantially improves intra-household gender equality in terms of child care duties and earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktwirkung der Covid-19-Pandemie: Ähnlicher Arbeitszeitausfall, aber bei Müttern höhere zusätzliche Belastung durch Kinderbetreuung (2022)

    Illing, Hannah; Oberfichtner, Michael ; Schmieder, Johannes; Pestel, Nico; Trenkle, Simon ;


    Illing, Hannah, Michael Oberfichtner, Nico Pestel, Johannes Schmieder & Simon Trenkle (2022): Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktwirkung der Covid-19-Pandemie: Ähnlicher Arbeitszeitausfall, aber bei Müttern höhere zusätzliche Belastung durch Kinderbetreuung. (IAB-Kurzbericht 03/2022), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2203


    "Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat im Frühjahr 2020 eine Rezession ausgelöst, von der - anders als in früheren Rezessionen - Frauen ähnlich stark betroffen waren wie Männer. Die Kita- und Schulschließungen führten außerdem zu sehr starken zusätzlichen Belastungen für Eltern. Mütter haben dabei deutlich mehr zusätzliche Zeit für Kinderbetreuung übernommen als Väter." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Culture, Children and Couple Gender Inequality (2022)

    Jessen, Jonas ;


    Jessen, Jonas (2022): Culture, Children and Couple Gender Inequality. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 150. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2022.104310


    "This paper examines how culture impacts within-couple gender inequality. Exploiting the setting of Germany's division and reunification, I compare child penalties of East Germans who were socialised in a more gender egalitarian culture to West Germans socialised in a gender-traditional culture. Using a household panel, I show that the long-run child penalty on the female income share is 23.9 percentage points for West German couples, compared to 12.9 for East German couples. The arrival of children also leads to a greater increase in the female share of housework and child care for West Germans. I add to the main findings by using time-use diary data from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and reunified Germany, which provides a rare insight into gender inequality in the GDR and allows me to compare the effect of having children in the GDR to the effects in East and West Germany after reunification. Lastly, I show that attitudes towards maternal employment are more egalitarian among East Germans, but that the arrival of children leads to more traditional attitudes for both East and West Germans. The findings confirm that socialisation has a strong impact on child penalties and that family policies may have an impact on gender inequality through social learning in the long run." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Kind – und dann? Wandel partnerschaftlicher Erwerbsverläufe drei Jahre nach dem Übergang in die Elternschaft (2022)

    Kelle, Nadiya ; Simonson, Julia ; Romeu Gordo, Laura ;


    Kelle, Nadiya, Laura Romeu Gordo & Julia Simonson (2022): Kind – und dann? Wandel partnerschaftlicher Erwerbsverläufe drei Jahre nach dem Übergang in die Elternschaft. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 74, H. 3, S. 329-351. DOI:10.1007/s11577-022-00860-5


    "Der Übergang in die Elternschaft markiert für viele Elternpaare den Übergang in geschlechterspezifische Erwerbsarrangements, oft unabhängig von der gelebten vorgeburtlichen Arbeitsteilung. Dabei können die Entscheidungen über die Erwerbsarrangements nach der Geburt des ersten Kindes richtungsgebend für die zukünftigen Erwerbsverläufe und Alterssicherung sein. Vor diesem Hintergrund fokussiert der Beitrag auf zwei Fragen: erstens, ob sich gerade für jüngere Elternpaare der in den 1980er-Jahren Geborenen eine Konvergenz in den Erwerbsverläufen nach dem Übergang in die Elternschaft im Vergleich zu den in den 1970er-Jahren geborenen Elternpaaren zeigt und zweitens, ob die Arbeitsteilung vor dem Übergang in die Elternschaft eine zunehmende Rolle für die Erwerbskonstellationen danach spielt. Unter Verwendung der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) werden anhand sequenz-, cluster- und regressionsanalytischer Verfahren Erwerbsverläufe von 900 Paaren über 36 Monate nach dem Übergang in die Elternschaft analysiert. Für die Kohorte der in den 1980er-Jahren Geborenen setzt sich die Bedeutungsabnahme traditioneller Erwerbsarrangements fort. Zudem gibt es immer mehr Elternpaare, in denen beide Elternteile relativ schnell nach der Geburt eines Kindes in die Erwerbstätigkeit zurückkehren. Kaum zu beobachten ist, dass Väter ihre Erwerbstätigkeit zunehmend zugunsten einer stärkeren Einbindung in Haushalts- oder Familientätigkeiten einschränken. Hingegen scheinen die Konvergenzen in den Erwerbsverläufen zwischen Müttern und Vätern vielmehr ein Resultat zunehmender Erwerbsdiskontinuitäten zu sein. Darüber hinaus hat die vorgeburtliche Arbeitsteilung auch für die jüngeren Elternpaare einen eher geringen Einfluss auf ihre nachgeburtlichen Erwerbskonstellationen. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass der Abbau von geschlechterspezifischen Ungleichheiten am Arbeitsmarkt verstärkt voranzutreiben ist, damit weitere Anreize für die gleichmäßigere Erwerbsaufteilung im Paarkontext entstehen können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Parental leave and maternal labor supply (2022)

    Kunze, Astrid;


    Kunze, Astrid (2022): Parental leave and maternal labor supply. (IZA world of Labor 279,2), Bonn, 10 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.279.v2


    "Numerous studies have investigated whether the provision and generosity of parental leave affects the employment and career prospects of women. Parental leave systems typically provide either short unpaid leave mandated by the firm, as in the US, or more generous and universal leave mandated by the government, as in Canada and several European countries. Key economic policy questions include whether, at the macro level, female employment rates have increased due to parental leave policies; and, at the micro level, whether the probability of returning to work and career prospects have increased for mothers after childbirth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do high childcare costs and low access to Head Start and childcare subsidies limit mothers' employment? A state-level analysis (2022)

    Landivar, Liana Christin ; Scarborough, William J. ; Ruppanner, Leah ; Collins, Caitlyn ;


    Landivar, Liana Christin, William J. Scarborough, Caitlyn Collins & Leah Ruppanner (2022): Do high childcare costs and low access to Head Start and childcare subsidies limit mothers' employment? A state-level analysis. In: Social science research, Jg. 102. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102627


    "Access to affordable childcare is crucial to mothers' employment. Yet, childcare costs and access to Head Start, childcare subsidies, and state-funded preschool vary dramatically across U.S. states. Using data from the 2016 American Community Survey five-year estimates, we apply hierarchical logistic regression models to show mothers are more likely to work in states with inexpensive childcare, higher Head Start enrollment and childcare subsidy participation, and increased availability of state-funded preschool. Childcare subsidy access is associated with higher maternal employment amongst those with lower levels of educational attainment, whereas state-funded preschool is associated with higher employment primarily among the college educated. Additionally, our analysis revealed that Head Start has a stronger association with maternal employment in states where childcare costs are high, reducing the negative relationship of employment with expensive childcare. As national discussions continue to center on the importance of childcare, our research adds evidence that public programs support maternal employment through reducing out-of-pocket childcare costs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Desperate Housewives and Happy Working Mothers: Are Parent-Couples with Equal Income More Satisfied throughout Parenthood? A Dyadic Longitudinal Study (2022)

    Langner, Laura ;


    Langner, Laura (2022): Desperate Housewives and Happy Working Mothers: Are Parent-Couples with Equal Income More Satisfied throughout Parenthood? A Dyadic Longitudinal Study. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 80-100. DOI:10.1177/0950017020971548


    "Are parent-couples with equal income more satisfied as their children grow up, than those who prioritize the father’s career (specialize)? For the first time, 384 German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study couples were categorized into life-course coupled earnings types, by tracing how earnings were divided within couples between the ages of 1 to 15 of their youngest child. Multivariate, multilevel analysis showed that, unlike mothers pursuing an (eventually) equal earnings division, mothers in an (eventually) specialized arrangement experienced a strong decline in life satisfaction. Hence, particularly high-status mothers (having invested heavily into their career) were eventually up to two life satisfaction points less satisfied if they prioritized their partner’s earnings, than those who shared earnings equally with their partner. Paternal life satisfaction was not significantly different between patterns of earnings (in)equality. For most couples, earnings equality led to a win-win situation: mothers’ life satisfaction was higher than for specialized mothers without negatively affecting paternal satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work-family conflict and partners' agreement on fertility preferences among dual-earner couples: Does women's employment status matter? (2022)

    Latshaw, Beth A. ; Yucel, Deniz ;


    Latshaw, Beth A. & Deniz Yucel (2022): Work-family conflict and partners' agreement on fertility preferences among dual-earner couples: Does women's employment status matter? In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 34, H. 4, S. 1151-1174. DOI:10.20377/jfr-689


    "Objective: This study tests the effects of work-family conflict, in both directions, on partners' agreement on fertility preferences among dual-earner couples, as well as whether this relationship varies by women's employment status. Background: Few studies have examined the relationship between work-family conflict and fertility preferences. Given the high percentages of women working part-time in Germany, it is important to investigate the role working women’s employment status plays to further understand this relationship. Method: Using data from 716 dual-earner couples in Wave 10 of the German Family Panel (pairfam), we use dyadic data analysis to test whether work-family conflict impacts one’s own ("actor effects") and/or one’s partner’s ("partner effects") reports of agreement on fertility preferences. We also run multi-group analyses to compare whether these effects vary in "full-time dual-earner" versus "modernized male breadwinner" couples. Results: There are significant actor effects for family-to-work conflict in both types of couples, and for work-to-family conflict in modernized male breadwinner couples only. Partner effects for family-to-work conflict exist only among modernized male breadwinner couples. While there are no gender differences in actor or partner effects, results suggest differences in the partner effect (for family-to-work conflict only) between these two couple types. Conclusion: These findings indicate that work-family conflict is associated with greater partner disagreement on fertility preferences and highlight the differential impact incompatible work and family responsibilities have on fertility decisions when women work full-time versus part-time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gendered occupational aspirations among German youth: Role of parental occupations, gender division of labour, and family structure (2022)

    Law, Helen ; Schober, Pia ;


    Law, Helen & Pia Schober (2022): Gendered occupational aspirations among German youth: Role of parental occupations, gender division of labour, and family structure. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 34, H. 2, S. 643-668. DOI:10.20377/jfr-603


    "Objective: This study investigates how multiple domains of parental gender role socialisation as well as parent-child relationships and family structure may shape adolescents’ gendered occupational aspirations. Background: Young people with gender-typical aspirations have a higher chance of choosing gender-typical post-secondary education fields and are more likely to work in gender-typical occupations as adults. Gender norms, family structures and parent-child relationships have undergone profound changes in recent decades. We extend the intergenerational transmission literature by considering whether the influence of parental role modelling may vary according to parent-child relationships and family structure. Method: We draw on data from 2,235 adolescents from the German Socio-Economic Panel and apply logistic regressions. Results: Children whose fathers were employed in gender-typical jobs had a greater likelihood of aspiring to a more gender-typical occupation. This relationship was not significant among sons who did not live continuously with both parents since birth, who were generally more likely to aspire to gender-typical occupations. Surprisingly, the gender-typicality of fathers' occupations seemed more influential among daughters whose parents had separated than among those who lived continuously with both parents. Regarding the parental gender division of paid and unpaid work, only mothers' continuous non-employment was associated with daughters being more likely to aspire to a gender-typical occupation. Conclusion: On the whole, our findings suggest a rather weak influence of parental gender role modelling on children’s persistently gendered occupational aspirations in Germany. Yet, our study extends existing family research by pointing to significant variations across family structures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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