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Soziale Netzwerke und Arbeitsmarkt

Bei der Personalsuche und der Suche nach freien Arbeitsplätzen werden von Betrieben und Arbeitsuchenden auch soziale Netzwerke genutzt. Darunter sind nicht nur die persönlichen Beziehungen über Verwandte und den Freundeskreis etc. zu verstehen, sondern auch "technisch vermittelte" Kontakte über Facebook, Xing etc. Soziale Netzwerke liefern oftmals Informationen über den Betrieb bzw. die Person, die über herkömmliche Rekrutierungs- und Suchkanäle (z.B. Stellenanzeige, Bewerbungsunterlagen) nicht oder nur schwer zugänglich sind.
In der Infoplattform ist die aktuelle wissenschaftliche Literatur zur Bedeutung und zum Nutzen sozialer Netzwerke bei der Personal- und Arbeitsplatzsuche zusammengestellt.

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  • Literaturhinweis

    "You'll never walk alone!" Die Bedeutung von sozialen Beziehungen für die Migrationsverläufe junger Spanierinnen und Spanier nach Deutschland (2017)

    Stedtfeld, Susanne; Ette, Andreas ; Sauer, Lenore ;


    Stedtfeld, Susanne, Lenore Sauer & Andreas Ette (2017): "You'll never walk alone!" Die Bedeutung von sozialen Beziehungen für die Migrationsverläufe junger Spanierinnen und Spanier nach Deutschland. In: Bevölkerungsforschung aktuell, Jg. 38, H. 4, S. 2-10.


    "Mit der Verschlechterung der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktlage in Spanien und anderen südeuropäischen Staaten im Zuge der Wirtschaftskrise 2008 wanderten zunehmend junge Menschen aus diesen Ländern in andere europäische Staaten ab. Dies galt insbesondere auch für junge Spanierinnen und Spanier, die in ihrem Heimatland keine Möglichkeit sahen, ihren Berufseinstieg umsetzen zu können. Deshalb versuchten viele ihr Glück auch in Deutschland. Nun stellt sich die Frage, welche Erfahrungen diese jungen binneneuropäischen Arbeitsmigrantinnen und -migranten hier machten und welche Faktoren Einfluss auf die Entscheidung hatten, nach Deutschland zu migrieren. Erste Aussagen deuten darauf hin, dass vor allem soziale Beziehungen eine große Rolle spielen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der Beitrag auf der Basis von 33 qualitativen Interviews mit in Deutschland lebenden jungen Spanierinnen und Spaniern, wie solche Beziehungen den Migrationsprozess beeinflusst haben. Die Resultate der Studie bestätigen die Annahme, dass soziale Beziehungen in Migrationsprozessen wichtige Schlüsselrollen einnehmen." (Autorenreferat)

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    Getting a job through unemployed friends: a social network perspective (2017)

    Zhang, Rui;


    Zhang, Rui (2017): Getting a job through unemployed friends. A social network perspective. In: The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Jg. 17, H. 2, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1515/bejte-2016-0055


    "We develop a model in which unemployed workers can pass along unwanted job information to other unemployed friends within social networks. Compared with the case in the absence of social networks, we first show in an economy where networks are equal in size that unemployment rate is lower. In terms of social welfare, social planner prefers workers becoming more selective than the decentralized equilibrium. When social networks differ in size, increasing the size difference is beneficial for unemployed workers with large networks but detrimental to those with small networks; in addition, the unemployment rate decreases with the size difference. However, because of the dilution effect, as the proportion of unemployed workers with large networks increases, it eventually results in losses for all unemployed workers, and the unemployment rate may follow a non-monotonic pattern." (Author's abstract, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    The implications of labor market network for business cycles (2016)

    Arbex, Marcelo; O'Dea, Dennis; Caetano, Sidney;


    Arbex, Marcelo, Sidney Caetano & Dennis O'Dea (2016): The implications of labor market network for business cycles. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 144, H. July, S. 37-40. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2016.04.028


    "We embed a frictional labor market with formal and informal search in an RBC model. Even in a model with exogenous search effort the interaction between formal and informal (network) search methods can help in generating more volatility in unemployment." (Author's abstract, © 2016 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Social networks and the labor market (2016)

    Beaman, Lori;


    Beaman, Lori (2016): Social networks and the labor market. In: Y. Bramoullé, A. Galeotti & B. W. Rogers (Hrsg.) (2016): The Oxford Handbook of the economics of networks, S. 649-671.


    "This chapter summarizes research, primarily in economics, looking to explain the role of social networks in the labor market. While there are a number of high-quality empirical papers establishing a causal relationship between the size and quality of workers' social networks on their labor market outcomes, far less is known on why firms and workers rely on informal channels for recruitment. There are a number of possible explanations analyzed in the theoretical literature. One possibility is that there are significant search frictions, and social network-based job information dissemination lowers search costs for both workers and firms. A second explanation stems from missing information in the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Märkte, Biografien, Storytelling: Gelingen und Scheitern beim Aufbau von Marktidentitäten (2016)

    Bernhard, Stefan;


    Bernhard, Stefan (2016): Märkte, Biografien, Storytelling: Gelingen und Scheitern beim Aufbau von Marktidentitäten. In: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, Jg. 17, H. 2, S. 1-26., 2016-02-18. DOI:10.17169/fqs-17.2.2447


    "Die Marktsoziologie hat dargelegt, dass Märkte grundlegend in soziale Strukturen eingebettet sind. Allerdings wurden bisher Biografien als relevante Kontexte marktlicher Einbettung wenig beachtet. So bleibt beispielsweise offen, wie biografische Erfahrungen Markthandeln beeinflussen und wie dieses im Gegenzug biografisch verarbeitet wird. Der vorliegende Artikel setzt hier an. Er leistet einen konzeptionellen und einen empirischen Beitrag: Konzeptionell zeigt er im Anschluss an die Theorie von Harrison C. White, wie sich im Schnittfeld von Märkten und personalen Styles ('Biografien') Marktidentitäten ausbilden. Marktidentitäten sind labile Konstrukte, die permanent ihre Anschlussfähigkeit an die Märkte und Biografien sicherstellen müssen, die sich in ihnen kreuzen. Empirisch präsentiert der Beitrag zwei Fallstudien von Selbständigen ohne Angestellte (sog. Solo-Selbständigen), eine auf dem Markt für künstlerische Fotografie und eine auf dem Markt für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel. Die Beispiele zeigen anhand von extremen Fällen, wie der Aufbau von Marktidentitäten scheitern und gelingen kann. Das hier vorgeschlagene Konzept der fragilen Marktidentitäten erschließt der Marktsoziologie eine weitere Dimension der Einbettung von Märkten in soziale Strukturen. Biografien sind zugleich Quellen von Markthandeln und Bezugskontexte, in denen Markterfahrungen aufgegriffen werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gluing, catching and connecting: how informal childcare strengthens single mothers' employment trajectories (2016)

    Brady, Michelle ;


    Brady, Michelle (2016): Gluing, catching and connecting: how informal childcare strengthens single mothers' employment trajectories. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 30, H. 5, S. 821-837. DOI:10.1177/0950017016630259


    "Research on single mothers' employment overwhelmingly focuses on the importance of access to formal childcare at a single point in time. However, to understand the relationship between childcare and single mothers' employment we must consider their access to and use of multiple forms of childcare - their childcare packages - and how these change over time. Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative study and employing the concepts of 'caringscapes' and 'work-time/childcare-time', this article highlights how childcare packages shape single mothers' employment trajectories. Informal carers play a crucial role within mixed (formal and informal) childcare packages in helping mothers bring children's needs, work-time and childcare-time into alignment, thus strengthening their employment trajectories. Informal carers achieve this effect by: (1) increasing the total hours of non-parental care; (2) 'gluing' together complex jigsaws of care; (3) offering a 'safety net' in times of crisis; and (4) playing a 'connector' role during employment transitions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Embeddedness as a multilevel problem: a case study in economic sociology (2016)

    Brailly, Julien; Lazega, Emmanuel; Chatellet, Josiane; Favre, Guillaume;


    Brailly, Julien, Guillaume Favre, Josiane Chatellet & Emmanuel Lazega (2016): Embeddedness as a multilevel problem. A case study in economic sociology. In: Social Networks, Jg. 44, H. January, S. 319-333. DOI:10.1016/j.socnet.2015.03.005


    "Economic sociology has established the interdependencies between economic and social structures using the notion of embeddedness of the former in the latter. However research usually studies inter-organizational commercial networks and inter-individual informal networks separately. In this article we use a multilevel framework to analyze jointly economic networks between firms and informal networks between their members in order to reframe this embeddedness hypothesis. Based on a network study of a trade fair for television programmes in Eastern Europe we show that while each level has its own specific processes they are partly nested. Beyond this result, we observe that these levels of agency emerge in different contexts and in different temporalities. To conclude, we show that in order to understand performance on a market one needs to look at this dual positioning of individuals and organizations." (Author's abstract, © 2016 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Neueinstellungen im Jahr 2015: Stellen werden häufig über persönliche Kontakte besetzt (2016)

    Brenzel, Hanna; Czepek, Judith; Moczall, Andreas; Rebien, Martina; Weber, Enzo ; Röttger, Christof; Szameitat, Jörg; Kubis, Alexander; Warning, Anja;


    Brenzel, Hanna, Judith Czepek, Alexander Kubis, Andreas Moczall, Martina Rebien, Christof Röttger, Jörg Szameitat, Anja Warning & Enzo Weber (2016): Neueinstellungen im Jahr 2015: Stellen werden häufig über persönliche Kontakte besetzt. (IAB-Kurzbericht 04/2016), Nürnberg, 6 S.


    "Die positive Entwicklung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt hält weiter an: Erwerbstätigenzahlen und Arbeitsvolumen zeigen für das Jahr 2015 Rekordwerte. Im Fokus dieses Kurzberichtes stehen die Rekrutierungsstrategien von Betrieben bei Neueinstellungen in Zeiten anhaltend guter Beschäftigungsentwicklung und die Frage, wie viel Zeit sie benötigen, um Mitarbeiter für ihre offenen Stellen zu finden. Welche Wege werden bei der Personalsuche eingeschlagen und welche führen tatsächlich zu einer Stellenbesetzung? Wie viel Zeit beansprucht die Suche nach geeignetem Personal? Inwiefern unterscheiden sich Suchkanäle und Suchdauern je nach Qualifikationsanforderung der zu besetzenden Stelle? Antworten darauf liefern die aktuellen Ergebnisse der IAB-Stellenerhebung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Do informal referrals lead to better matches?: evidence from a firm's employee referral system (2016)

    Brown, Meta; Topa, Giorgio; Setren, Elizabeth;


    Brown, Meta, Elizabeth Setren & Giorgio Topa (2016): Do informal referrals lead to better matches? Evidence from a firm's employee referral system. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 34, H. 1/Pt. 1, S. 161-209.


    "Using a new firm-level data set that includes explicit information on referrals by current employees, we investigate the hiring process and the relationships among referrals, match quality, wage trajectories, and turnover for a single US corporation and test various predictions of theoretical models of labor market referrals. We find that referred candidates are more likely to be hired; experience an initial wage advantage, which dissipates over time; and have longer tenure in the firm. Further, the variances of the referred and nonreferred wage distributions converge over time. The observed referral effects appear to be stronger at lower skill levels. The data also permit analysis of the role of referrer-referee pair characteristics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social capital and homophily both matter for labor market outcomes: evidence from replication and extension (2016)

    Chen, Yunsong; Volker, Beate;


    Chen, Yunsong & Beate Volker (2016): Social capital and homophily both matter for labor market outcomes. Evidence from replication and extension. In: Social Networks, Jg. 45, H. March, S. 18-31. DOI:10.1016/j.socnet.2015.10.003


    "Social resource theory has been challenged, as the effects of contact resources on job outcomes may be spurious given the presence of homophily. We review the Mouw - Lin debate and propose that occupational homophily moderates the role of contact resources in the labor market and that effects of resources depend on labor market institutions. We analyze data from the US, East Germany before 1989, and post-reform China, combining the first-difference method and Heckman selection procedure to deal with endogeneity. Empirical findings from different labor market contexts demonstrate that: (1) contact resources have a causal and positive role in job outcomes; (2) in a market economy, the role of resources is more salient if they provide within-occupation job-leads; (3) under state job-assignment systems occupational homophily does not pay off; and (4) job-search ties can take the form of heterophilous selection." (Author's abstract, © 2016 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Referral-based job search networks (2016)

    Dustmann, Christian; Glitz, Albrecht; Schönberg, Uta; Brücker, Herbert ;


    Dustmann, Christian, Albrecht Glitz, Uta Schönberg & Herbert Brücker (2016): Referral-based job search networks. In: The Review of Economic Studies, Jg. 83, H. 2, S. 514-546., 2015-06-08. DOI:10.1093/restud/rdv045


    "This article derives novel testable implications of referral-based job search networks in which employees provide employers with information about potential new hires that they otherwise would not have. Using comprehensive matched employer - employee data covering the entire workforce in one large metropolitan labour market combined with unique survey data linked to administrative records, we provide evidence that workers earn higher wages and are less inclined to leave their firms if they have obtained their job through a referral. These effects are particularly strong at the beginning of the employment relationship and decline with tenure in the firm, suggesting that firms and workers learn about workers' productivity over time. Overall, our findings imply that job search networks help to reduce informational deficiencies in the labour market and lead to productivity gains for workers and firms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Schönberg, Uta; Brücker, Herbert ;
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  • Literaturhinweis

    The impact of family support on young entrepreneurs' start-up activities (2016)

    Edelman, Linda F. ; Tsukanova, Tatyana; Manolova, Tatiana; Shirokova, Galina;


    Edelman, Linda F., Tatiana Manolova, Galina Shirokova & Tatyana Tsukanova (2016): The impact of family support on young entrepreneurs' start-up activities. In: Journal of business venturing, Jg. 31, H. 4, S. 428-448. DOI:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2016.04.003


    "In this paper, we use a social support perspective and hypothesize that the scope of start-up activities is positively associated with two types of instrumental family support, financial and social capital. We further argue that the effect of instrumental family support is enhanced by the level of emotional support, in the form of family cohesiveness. To test our hypotheses, we draw from the 2011 Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey (GUESSS), a survey of university students from 19 countries. We focus on those nascent entrepreneurs who are in the process of starting their new venture. Our findings indicate that family social capital is positively associated with the scope of start-up activities, family financial capital is negatively associated with the scope of start-up activities, and family cohesiveness amplifies the effect of family social capital on the scope of start-up activities. Theoretical, practitioner, and public policy implications are discussed." (Author's abstract, © 2016 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The formation of networks in the diaspora (2016)

    Epstein, Gil S.; Heizler, Odelia;


    Epstein, Gil S. & Odelia Heizler (2016): The formation of networks in the diaspora. (IZA discussion paper 9762), Bonn, 29 S.


    "In this paper, we examine possible types of network formation among immigrants in the diaspora and between those immigrants and the locals in different countries. We present the model by considering different possible interactions between immigrants and the new society in their host country. Spread of migrants from the same origin in the diaspora may well increase international trade between the different countries, depending on the types of networks formed. We present possible applications of network structure on the country of origin, such as on international trade. We find that when the size of the diaspora is sufficiently large, the natives in the different countries will be willing to bear the linking cost with the immigrants because the possible benefits increase with increasing size of the diaspora." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Being unemployed in the age of social media (2016)

    Feuls, Miriam; Fieseler, Christian ; Meckel, Miriam; Suphan, Anne;


    Feuls, Miriam, Christian Fieseler, Miriam Meckel & Anne Suphan (2016): Being unemployed in the age of social media. In: New Media and Society, Jg. 18, H. 6, S. 944-965. DOI:10.1177/1461444814552637


    "This article reports the results of a stratified sample survey of 2414 unemployed individuals in Germany regarding Internet usage, accompanied by a small sample of qualitative interviews and time-use diaries. The Internet serves as a structuring device for individuals during unemployment and helps such individuals maintain social contacts; it fills time with activities for the unemployed that are meaningful from a normative perspective and are perceived subjectively as a good use of time. The Internet enables degrees of interaction that would otherwise not be possible because of financial difficulties. The research suggests that expanded interaction on the Internet for the unemployed would likely be beneficial." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Soziale Netzwerke als Ressource für den Umgang mit Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit (2016)

    Klärner, Andreas ; Knabe, André ;


    Klärner, Andreas & André Knabe (2016): Soziale Netzwerke als Ressource für den Umgang mit Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 69, H. 5, S. 353-364. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2016-5-353


    "Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit den Folgen des Übergangs vom fürsorgenden zum aktivierenden Wohlfahrtsstaat, der mit den Arbeitsmarktreformen der 'Agenda 2010' vorangetrieben wurde. Im Zuge dieser Reformen wurden insbesondere Langzeitarbeitslose selbst für ihre Lage verantwortlich gemacht. Die Forderungen nach Eigenverantwortlichkeit und (Selbst)Aktivierung erfordern von den Betroffenen kompensatorisches Handeln, das fehlende staatliche Unterstützung ausgleicht. In unserem Beitrag fragen wir, welche Rolle dabei soziale Netzwerke spielen können. Dafür analysieren wir 34 qualitative Interviews mit langzeitarbeitslosen Menschen aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Im Rahmen der Interviews wurden Daten zu den sozialen Netzwerken der Befragten erhoben und deren Rolle bei der Bewältigung der Folgen von Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit untersucht. Im Ergebnis stellen wir fest, dass diese Netzwerke zwar wichtige Ressourcen sozialer Unterstützung bereitstellen, ihre Rolle aber auch nicht überschätzt werden darf, da für viele der von uns befragten Personen die Möglichkeit zur Nutzung dieser Ressourcen stark begrenzt ist und besonders effektive und verlässliche Unterstützung oftmals nur von institutionellen Helfern geleistet wird." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Why the referential treatment: evidence from field experiments on referrals (2016)

    Pallais, Amanda; Sands, Emily Glassberg;


    Pallais, Amanda & Emily Glassberg Sands (2016): Why the referential treatment. Evidence from field experiments on referrals. In: Journal of Political Economy, Jg. 124, H. 6, S. 1793-1828. DOI:10.1086/688850


    "Referred workers are more likely than nonreferred workers to be hired, all else equal. In three field experiments in an online labor market, we examine why. We find that referrals contain positive information about worker performance and persistence that is not contained in workers' observable characteristics. We also find that referrals perform particularly well when working directly with their referrers. However, we do not find evidence that referrals exert more effort because they believe their performance will affect their relationship with their referrer or their referrer's position at the firm." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Career choice and the strength of weak ties (2016)

    Tumen, Semih ;


    Tumen, Semih (2016): Career choice and the strength of weak ties. (IZA discussion paper 10401), Bonn, 20 S.


    "This paper argues that the structure (i.e., size and composition) of the informal search network is a crucial determinant of the career decisions of young workers. Building on the search-theoretic career choice and job mobility model proposed by Neal (1999), I compare the consequences of career advice by one's weak ties versus that by strong ties. The main result is that receiving help from weak ties is associated with early career and job settlements, while the strong ties are more likely to lead to amplified mobility and generate mismatch. Given a network size, I find a strongly positive correlation between the fraction of weak ties among one's informal connections and the likelihood of settling on a stable career path early in the life course. I also find that the sign of this correlation persists, while the magnitude gets smaller as the network size increases. I conclude that the strength-of-weak-ties hypothesis can shed light on the complexity of job mobility patterns among young workers. The model can explain why it takes much longer for blacks - whose informal networks are documented to consist of strong ties - to locate a stable career path than their white counterparts. It also predicts that young workers from closed and segregated neighborhoods tend to spend more time before they find suitable careers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "Since many of my friends were working in the restaurant": the dual role of immigrants' social networks in occupational attainment in the Finnish labour market (2015)

    Ahmad, Akhlaq;


    Ahmad, Akhlaq (2015): "Since many of my friends were working in the restaurant". The dual role of immigrants' social networks in occupational attainment in the Finnish labour market. In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 965-985. DOI:10.1007/s12134-014-0397-6


    "This article considers the dual role of immigrants' social networks in occupational attainment in the Finnish labour market. Drawing on the empirical observations gained from investigating the entire occupational careers of 40 immigrants, it argues that while ethnically dominated networks act as a crucial resource-opportunity structure to help get immigrants a foothold in the local economy and society, at the same time, they can also operate as constraining factors by confining them to low-prestige occupations in which the chances for occupational mobility are rather restricted. Overall, the article aims to suggest that although deficiency in locally gained human capital creates obstacles to better labour-market integration, the kinds of social networks in which immigrants are embedded can also significantly contribute to their low occupational attainment in their new country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do they find you on facebook? Facebook profile picture and hiring chances (2015)

    Baert, Stijn ;


    Baert, Stijn (2015): Do they find you on facebook? Facebook profile picture and hiring chances. (IZA discussion paper 9583), Bonn, 36 S.


    "We investigate whether the publicly available information on Facebook about job applicants affects employers' hiring decisions. To this end, we conduct a field experiment in which fictitious job applications are sent to real job openings in Belgium. The only characteristic in which these candidates differ is the unique Facebook profile that can be found online with their name. Candidates with the most beneficial Facebook picture obtain approximately 39% more job interview invitations compared to candidates with the least beneficial picture. In addition, we find suggestive evidence for a higher effect of Facebook profile picture appearance on hiring chances when candidates are highly educated and when recruiters are female." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The strength of many kinds of ties: unpacking the role of social contacts across stages of the job (2015)

    Barbulescu, Roxana;


    Barbulescu, Roxana (2015): The strength of many kinds of ties. Unpacking the role of social contacts across stages of the job. In: Organization Science, Jg. 26, H. 4, S. 1040-1058. DOI:10.1287/orsc.2015.0978


    "The topic of job mobility has received increasing attention in recent years. Yet, surprising in light of the wealth of research on social networks and job attainment, we do not have a unified model of the impact of different kinds of social contacts on job search success. In this paper I show that contacts are differently beneficial for job seekers depending on the stage of the job search process that job seekers are engaged in. Specifically, three stages of the job search process can be distinguished in which social contacts fulfill different roles for the job seekers: deciding the types of jobs for which to apply, submitting job applications, and preparing for interviews. I propose that contacts who are spread across different occupations are conducive to applying to more types of jobs, yet it is contacts who are more focused across occupations that are beneficial for being invited to more interviews - relative to the number of job types applied for - and for converting the interviews into offers. In addition, contacts with lower relationship depth with the job seeker are more helpful for getting invited to interviews, whereas contacts who have more frequent interactions with the job seeker are more helpful for converting interviews into offers. Analyses using a unique longitudinal data set on the job searches of 226 participants in an MBA program offer robust evidence in support of the hypotheses. The results suggest that external mobility is best enabled when job seekers engage with - and learn from - different kinds of contacts across stages of the job search process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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