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Mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung haben sich auch neue Formen der plattformbezogenen Beschäftigung entwickelt. Auf digitalen Plattformen finden Anbietende von Produkten/Dienstleistungen und mögliche Kunden zueinander. Fahrdienste, Essenslieferungen oder Programmierarbeiten sind hierfür Beispiele. Unternehmen schätzen bei dieser Beschäftigungsform die größere Markttransparenz und sinkende Kosten, Beschäftigte vor allem das selbstbestimmte Arbeiten. Die politische Diskussion zu dem Thema ist vor allem durch die unklare soziale Absicherung der Beschäftigten geprägt.
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    Support and employment preferences in online platform work: A cluster analysis of German-speaking workers (2025)

    Klaus, Dominik ; Lamura, Maddalena ; Bilger, Marcel ; Haas, Barbara ;


    Klaus, Dominik, Maddalena Lamura, Marcel Bilger & Barbara Haas (2025): Support and employment preferences in online platform work. A cluster analysis of German-speaking workers. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, Jg. 34, H. 1, S. e12659. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12659


    "Online platform work is an emerging field of non-standard employment. Up to now, there has been little knowledge of the perspective of online platform workers on social protection and regulation. We provide quantitative data (n = 1727) on their needs for support and on their employment status preferences. Given the heterogeneity of German-speaking online platform workers, we have conducted a cluster analysis to group workers according to task length, hourly wage, working hours and experience on online platforms. Most of the respondents are solo-self-employed and hybrid workers. They prefer support instruments that improve their skills and income over those that aim to strengthen their rights. The majority of platform workers are in favour of working outside of platforms. The study also shows that despite the low dependence on platform income, the actual poverty risk is relatively high." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Inequality Regimes in Coworking Spaces: How New Forms of Organising (Re)produce Inequalities (2025)

    Knappert, Lena ; Ortlieb, Renate ; Cnossen, Boukje ;


    Knappert, Lena, Boukje Cnossen & Renate Ortlieb (2025): Inequality Regimes in Coworking Spaces: How New Forms of Organising (Re)produce Inequalities. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 39, H. 1, S. 43-63. DOI:10.1177/09500170241237188


    "Coworking is a rapidly growing worldwide phenomenon. While the coworking movement emphasizes equality and emancipation, there is little known about the extent to which coworking spaces as new forms of organizing live up to this ideal. This study examines inequality in coworking spaces in the Netherlands, employing Acker’s framework of inequality regimes. The findings highlight coworking-specific components of inequality regimes, in particular stereotyped assumptions regarding ‘ideal members’ that establish the bases of inequality, practices that produce inequality (e.g. through the commodification of community) and practices that perpetuate inequality (e.g. the denial of inequality). The study provides an update of Acker’s framework in the context of coworking and speaks, more broadly, to the growing body of literature on (in)equality in emerging organizational contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Good Jobs or Bad Jobs? Immigrant Workers in the Gig Economy (2025)

    Liu, Cathy Yang ; Renzy, Rory;


    Liu, Cathy Yang & Rory Renzy (2025): Good Jobs or Bad Jobs? Immigrant Workers in the Gig Economy. In: International migration review, S. 1-25. DOI:10.1177/01979183241309585


    "New work arrangements enabled by online platforms, or gig work, saw substantive growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various estimates have suggested the wide participation of workers in the gig economy, with minority and immigrant workers well represented. The quality of work is a multi-dimensional concept that goes beyond earnings. One framework of good jobs and bad jobs centers on control over work schedule, content and duration, stability, safety, benefits and insurance, as well as career advancement opportunities. Using a newly released national survey focused on entrepreneurs and workers in the United States, we find that about 18.5 percent immigrant workers and 21.1 percent native-born workers participated in the gig economy as their primary or secondary job. In terms of job quality, immigrant gig workers work shorter hours and have significantly less fringe benefits than non-gig workers as well as U.S.-born gig workers, reflecting a double disadvantage. However, they tend to have higher entrepreneurial aspirations, suggesting the transient nature of gig arrangements and potential for career advancements. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics and implication of immigrants’ engagement with the gig economy and offers policy and theoretical discussions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Algorithmic Management and the Platformisation of Work in Europe: Evidence from Spain and Germany (2025)

    Pesole, Annarosa ;


    Pesole, Annarosa (2025): Algorithmic Management and the Platformisation of Work in Europe: Evidence from Spain and Germany. In: The Indian Journal of Labour Economics. DOI:10.1007/s41027-024-00544-y


    "This study investigates the impact of digital tools and algorithmic management on work organisation and working conditions, with a focus on the growing platformisation of work. The research focuses on three main aspects: the use of digital devices and platforms, the collection and processing of data by these platforms, and the role of algorithms in managing labour activities. Drawing on data from the AMPWork survey conducted in Spain and Germany, the analysis explores the prevalence and effects of digital monitoring and algorithmic management within traditional and platform work settings. Findings highlight the significant diffusion of digital tools and reveal that over two-thirds of workers use such technologies in their tasks. However, the extent of platformisation varies by occupation, sector, and digital tool usage. The findings reveal that a significant number of workers now rely on digital devices in their daily tasks, with digital monitoring and algorithmic management prevalent across various work environments. The survey highlights higher levels of platformisation among clerks and operators in high-tech industries, knowledge-intensive services, and public administration. Additionally, remote workers or those operating outside traditional employer premises are more likely to experience platformisation. While the use of platforms can lead to more structured and efficient work procedures, it also introduces challenges, such as increased monotony and stress, suggesting a complex relationship between platformisation and job satisfaction. This study underscores the transformative impact of platformisation on the nature of work, calling attention to the need for further research and policy consideration. The findings emphasise the importance of addressing the implications of digital labour platforms and algorithmic management for job quality, economic value, and the evolving landscape of employment in the digital era. Indeed, the study confirms that the integration of algorithmic management and surveillance technologies in the workplace poses significant risks to workers’ privacy, datarights, freedom of association, and overall well-being. These practices can erode working conditions and harm mental and physical health. Addressing these issues requires strict regulation of intrusive surveillance and the development of a comprehensive policy framework for algorithmic management and digital monitoring." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms (2024)

    Alacovska, Ana; Fieseler, Christian ; Bucher, Eliane ;


    Alacovska, Ana, Eliane Bucher & Christian Fieseler (2024): A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 1, S. 161-179. DOI:10.1177/09500170221103146


    "Based on interviews with 49 visual artists, graphic designers and illustrators working on two leading global digital labour platforms, this article examines how creative workers perform relational work as a means of attenuating labour commodification, precarity, and algorithmic normativity. The article argues that creative work on online labour platforms, rather than being entirely controlled by depersonalised, anonymised and algorithm-driven labour market forces, is also infused in relational infrastructures whose upkeep, solidity and durability depends on the emotional efforts undertaken by workers to match economic transactions and their media of exchange to meaningful client relations. By applying a relational work perspective from economic sociology to the study of platform-mediated gig work, the article elucidates the micro-foundations of creative work in the digital gig economy, including how labour inequalities are produced and reproduced within and around micro-level interpersonal interactions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mobile workers, contingent labour: Migration, the gig economy and the multiplication of labour (2024)

    Altenried, Moritz ;


    Altenried, Moritz (2024): Mobile workers, contingent labour: Migration, the gig economy and the multiplication of labour. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 56, H. 4, S. 1113-1128. DOI:10.1177/0308518X211054846


    "The article takes the surprising exit of the food delivery platform Deliveroo from Berlin as a starting point to analyse the relationship between migration and the gig economy. In Berlin and many cities across the globe, migrant workers are indispensable to the operations of digital platforms such as Uber, Helpling, or Deliveroo. The article uses in-depth ethnographic and qualitative research to show how the latter's exit from Berlin provides an almost exemplary picture of why urban gig economy platforms are strongholds of migrant labour, while at the same time, demonstrating the very contingency of this form of work. The article analyses the specific reasons why digital platforms are particularly open to migrants and argues that the very combination of new forms of algorithmic management and hyper-flexible forms of employment that is characteristic of gig economy platforms is also the reason why these platforms are geared perfectly toward the exploitation of migrant labour. This allows the analysis of digital platforms in the context of stratified labour markets and situates them within a long history of contingent labour that is closely intertwined with the mobility of labour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2021 a Pion publication) ((en))

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    Varieties of platform capitalism? Competition, regime types and the diversity of food delivery platforms across Europe and North America (2024)

    Ametowobla, Dzifa ; Kirchner, Stefan ;


    Ametowobla, Dzifa & Stefan Kirchner (2024): Varieties of platform capitalism? Competition, regime types and the diversity of food delivery platforms across Europe and North America. In: Socio-economic review. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwae079


    "This article challenges the idea of platform capitalism, that digital platforms implement a uniform model based on a self-employed labor force. Expanding on empirical evidence of a diversity of platform models, we theorize expectations about platform diversity from competition and comparative capitalism research. Using a unique cross-national dataset of leading food delivery platforms in 32 countries across North America and Europe, we compare platform models and competitive relations across national institutional regimes. Our analyses uncover a considerable diversity of platform models across Europe, in contrast to a clear uniformity in North America. We also find that the use of self-employment varies across and within large multinational corporations and is most prevalent in countries of the lightly regulated regime type. Our results call for an economic sociology perspective on the platform economy that integrates a general concept of platforms but allows for diversity stemming from competition and different national regimes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Won’t Get Fooled Again? Theorizing Discursive Constructions of Novelty in the ‘New’ World of Work (2024)

    Aroles, Jeremy ; Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, Aurelie ; Granter, Edward ; Hassard, John ; Foster, William M.;


    Aroles, Jeremy, Aurelie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, John Hassard, William M. Foster & Edward Granter (2024): Won’t Get Fooled Again? Theorizing Discursive Constructions of Novelty in the ‘New’ World of Work. In: Work, Employment and Society. DOI:10.1177/09500170241300948


    "This article outlines how notions of novelty define today’s work practices and debates what the discursive construction of work as ‘new’ means. On the one hand, we highlight a misplaced emphasis on change and novelty that can lead to unnecessary dichotomization in the characterization and discursive construction of work practices and organizational phenomena. On the other, we specify substantive continuities in a range of strategic, organizational and employment arrangements. As such, we contend that a critical evaluation of key characteristics of contemporary work reveals that they are often not unique. Instead, these characteristics reflect the extending, rebranding or reshaping of measures and processes fashioned in earlier forms of value production. Ultimately, we theorize how the promotion of the ‘new’ world of work reflects structures and practices somehow altered in appearance, yet still analogous in substance, to those found in the traditional employment and production fabric of organizations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Crowdwork: Kontext und Kompetenzentwicklung in den Ländern Italien, den Niederlanden, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich (2024)

    Azzellini, Dario;


    Azzellini, Dario (2024): Crowdwork: Kontext und Kompetenzentwicklung in den Ländern Italien, den Niederlanden, Schweden und dem Vereinigten Königreich. (Working papers des Forschungsclusters OPAL der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität 14), Hamburg, 112 S. DOI:10.24405/17002


    "Ein zentraler auf Deutschland bezogener Befund des bis Ende 2024 laufenden Verbundprojekts „Crowdwork und Crowdworker – Kompetenz-/Subjektivierungseffekte, individuelle Beruflichkeit und lernförderliche Plattformgestaltung (CKoBeLeP) ist, dass die Plattformen selbst kaum strukturierte Lernangebote für die Crowdworker machen, sondern darauf bauen, dass die Crowdworker:innen eigene für die Aufgabenerledigung erforderliche Kompetenzen in die Tätigkeit einbringen oder diese on the job entwickeln. Zugleich wird ersichtlich, dass für einen nicht kleinen Teil der untersuchten Crowdworker das Erlernen neuer Fähigkeiten und Kompetenzen in der Tätigkeit gerade ein Motiv dafür bildet, auf Crowdwork-Plattformen aktiv zu sein. Die vorliegende Studie dient dazu, die eigenen, auf Deutschland und primär deutschsprachige Plattformen bezogenen Projektbefunde im internationalen Kontext einzuordnen und dadurch umfassender zu verorten. Die Länderauswahl wurde auf europäische Länder beschränkt, um den Kontrast der institutionellen und sozioökonomischen Kontextbedingungen begrenzt zu halten und zugleich eine kontrollierte Variation der als Kontextbedingungen relevanten Wohlfahrts- und Ausbildungsregime zu ermöglichen. Dementsprechend fokussiert die vorliegende Studie auf Crowdwork-Plattformen in den vier kontrastiv ausgewählten europäischen Ländern Italien, Niederlande, Schweden und Vereinigtes Königreich. Herausgearbeitet werden auf Grundlage des Forschungsstands die jeweiligen länderspezifischen institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen und Ausprägungen von Crowdwork sowie zentrale Befunde zu Kompetenzentwicklung der Crowdworker. Vertiefend werden in einem zweiten Untersuchungsschritt 34 exemplarisch ausgewählte Crowdworkplattformen, die in einem der vier Länder angesiedelt sind oder transnational operieren und in den Untersuchungsländern aktiv sind, in ihren Grundstrukturen dargestellt; acht davon werden im Hinblick auf das Kompetenzentwicklungsangebot ausführlich analysiert. Auf der Grundlage einer detaillierten Literatur- und Datenrecherche gibt die Studie etliche Anhaltspunkte nicht nur für die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen rechtlichen und materiellen Ressourcen von Crowdworkern und den organisationalen und infrastrukturellen Begrenzungen und Möglichkeiten von formalisierter Weiterbildung, Lernen im unmittelbaren Arbeitszusammenhang und individueller Kompetenzentwicklung, sondern sie wirft auch den Blick auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Wohlfahrtsregimen, Crowdwork und individueller Arbeitsmarktintegration und auf Karrieremöglichkeiten via Weiterbildung in und durch Crowdwork. Die Studie bietet sowohl für das dtec-Projekt CKoBeLeP als auch für die Crowdworkforschung eine umfassende und orientierende Analysefolie." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Labour Market Engineers: Reconceptualising Labour Market Intermediaries with the Rise of the Gig Economy in the United States (2024)

    Baber, Ashley ;


    Baber, Ashley (2024): Labour Market Engineers: Reconceptualising Labour Market Intermediaries with the Rise of the Gig Economy in the United States. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 3, S. 723-743. DOI:10.1177/09500170221150087


    "Gig work – accessing job opportunities through an app – has brought renewed attention to precarious non-standard labour arrangements. Scholars have begun to consider the intermediary role that platforms such as Uber, Lyft and Doordash play in exploiting and controlling workers. Yet, literature on labour market intermediaries has muddied conceptions of their role, impact and outcomes for workers by lumping a variety of institutions under the same umbrella term. Drawing from previous theoretical and empirical works throughout the temporary help and gig industries, this article proposes a reconceptualisation of labour market intermediaries as labour market engineers highlighting four mutually reinforcing features. This sociological reconceptualisation updates the understanding of for-profit labour market intermediaries by demonstrating the market making behaviours of firms of on-demand labour in the US context. Likewise, this reconceptualisation notes how gig firms have adapted and expanded these features in ways that increase precarity for workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unemployment insurance for platform workers: Challenges and approaches from a comparative perspective (2024)

    Barrio, Alberto ;


    Barrio, Alberto (2024): Unemployment insurance for platform workers: Challenges and approaches from a comparative perspective. In: European Journal of Social Security, Jg. 26, H. 2, S. 251-265. DOI:10.1177/13882627241267989


    "This contribution presents an overview of the challenges involved in ensuring that persons performing platform work (as either employees, self-employed, or in a third category) are able to effectively access unemployment insurance protection. It also addresses the specific approaches taken by European countries to tackle these challenges, relying especially on the contributions to this special issue on unemployment protection for the self-employed and platform workers. After presenting a brief definition of platform work, the contribution provides an overview of the main challenges linked to unemployment protection insurance posed by the features of platform work; we use primarily the Council Recommendation on access to social protection for workers and the self-employed as an evaluative framework. These challenges relate to both formal exclusion (due to classification as self-employed or marginal work) and effective exclusion (due to difficulties meeting minimum work requirements and lack of transparency on algorithmic management and platform work). The contribution then analyses some of the main approaches taken by European countries to address such challenges. Actions targeting platform work comprise (a) employment status reclassification; (b) establishment of a presumption of an employment relationship; (c) the setting of requirements to inform on the use of algorithmic management; (d) facilitation of transparency on platform work information; and (e) exemption from formal social security coverage of some forms of (marginal) platform work. General approaches with consequences for the unemployment insurance protection of platform workers include the application of the same criteria for access to unemployment benefits across employment statuses, as well as greater leniency on these criteria for certain forms of non-standard work. The contribution ends with a conclusion, which highlights the main gaps in unemployment insurance protection for platform work, and discusses avenues for action regarding platform work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Investigating social protection amongst platform workers in Germany: forced individualisation, hybrid income generation and undesired regulation (2024)

    Beckmann, Fabian ; Topal, Serkan ; Hoose, Fabian ; Glanz, Sabrina ;


    Beckmann, Fabian, Sabrina Glanz, Fabian Hoose & Serkan Topal (2024): Investigating social protection amongst platform workers in Germany: forced individualisation, hybrid income generation and undesired regulation. In: Journal of Social Policy, S. 1-19. DOI:10.1017/s0047279424000217


    "The social protection of platform workers is considered one of the most precarious features and political challenges of this new form of employment. Still, there have only been a few empirical investigations on this issue to date. This article presents an explorative empirical analysis of the social protection of platform workers in Germany – a conservative welfare regime with a strong link between standard employment and institutionalized social protection. On the basis of an online survey amongst 719 self-employed platform workers, we examine how different employment patterns correspond to institutionalized protection against sickness and old age. We empirically explore different protection types and analyse how they differ regarding working conditions in platform work and individual social policy preferences. Findings reveal that conditions of platform work and social protection as well as demands and regulatory preferences vary notably across different clusters of platform workers. Still, the vast majority votes against obligatory social insurances for platform workers and favors self-employment over dependent employment. Against this background, we discuss challenges for future attempts aiming at improving social protection for platform workers. This study adds to the literature by empirically exploring platform workers’ social protection and social policy preferences, which have been overlooked to date." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Casualization of work, free riding and institutional distrust: Explaining social protection preferences of platform workers in Germany (2024)

    Beckmann, Fabian ; Hoose, Fabian ; Topal, Serkan ; Obereiner, Lara;


    Beckmann, Fabian, Fabian Hoose, Lara Obereiner & Serkan Topal (2024): Casualization of work, free riding and institutional distrust: Explaining social protection preferences of platform workers in Germany. In: Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, Jg. 70, H. 3, S. 225-247. DOI:10.1515/zsr-2023-0024


    "The social protection of platform workers is widely recognized as a major political challenge but remains vastly understudied. The few existing investigations focus on social protection coverage and the employment status of platform workers, while their social protection preferences remain a black box to date. In this article, we investigate the social protection preferences of platform workers using a mixed methods design based on an online survey (n = 719) and qualitative in-depth interviews (n = 20) with self-employed platform workers in Germany. While the quantitative data indicate that the vast majority of respondents reject compulsory social insurance contributions for platform workers and favour self-employment over dependent employment, the qualitative interviews reveal three main types of explanations for this regulation aversion in different segments of platform work: The casualization of work in the platform economy, free riding on protection derived from ‘regular ’ employment and distrust in established welfare state institutions. Against this background, we discuss challenges for social policies aiming at improving social protection for platform workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    Wie bewältigen Regionen die digitale und ökologische Transformation von Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt? (Podium) (2024)

    Dauth, Wolfgang ; Solms, Anna; Grienberger, Katharina; Lehmer, Florian ; Moritz, Michael ; Müller, Steffen ; Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Plümpe, Verena; Falck, Oliver ; Bauer, Anja ; Sonnenburg, Anja; Janser, Markus ; Schneemann, Christian; Diegmann, André ; Matthes, Britta ; Solms, Anna;


    Dauth, Wolfgang & Michael Moritz; Katharina Grienberger, Florian Lehmer, Steffen Müller, Bernd Fitzenberger, Verena Plümpe, Oliver Falck, Anja Bauer, Anja Sonnenburg, Markus Janser, Christian Schneemann, André Diegmann, Britta Matthes & Anna Solms (sonst. bet. Pers.) (2024): Wie bewältigen Regionen die digitale und ökologische Transformation von Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt? (Podium). In: IAB-Forum H. 06.05.2024. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240506.01


    "Was bedeuten die absehbaren Transformationsprozesse der kommenden Jahrzehnte auf regionaler Ebene und wie können sie gemeistert werden? Antworten auf diese Fragen gab der IWH/IAB-Workshop zur Arbeitsmarktpolitik, der in diesem Jahr erstmals am IAB in Nürnberg stattfand." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Robots, occupations, and worker age: A production-unit analysis of employment (2024)

    Deng, Liuchun ; Müller, Steffen ; Stegmaier, Jens ; Plümpe, Verena;


    Deng, Liuchun, Steffen Müller, Verena Plümpe & Jens Stegmaier (2024): Robots, occupations, and worker age: A production-unit analysis of employment. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 170, 2024-10-10. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2024.104881


    "We analyze the impact of robot adoption on employment composition using novel micro data on robot use of German manufacturing plants linked with social security records and data on job tasks. Our task-based model predicts more favorable employment effects for the least routine-task intensive occupations and for young workers, the latter being better at adapting to change. An event-study analysis for robot adoption confirms both predictions. We do not find decreasing employment for any occupational or age group but churning among low-skilled workers rises sharply. We conclude that the displacement effect of robots is occupation-biased but age neutral whereas the reinstatement effect is age-biased and benefits young workers most." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Plattformnutzung durch Solo-Selbstständige: Explorative Befunde und forschungsstrategische Perspektiven (2024)

    Depperschmidt, Rina; Matton, Heleen; Probst, Pia; Pongratz, Hans;


    Depperschmidt, Rina, Heleen Matton, Hans Pongratz & Pia Probst (2024): Plattformnutzung durch Solo-Selbstständige. Explorative Befunde und forschungsstrategische Perspektiven. In: Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Jg. 33, H. 1-2, S. 3-27. DOI:10.1515/arbeit-2024-0002


    "Plattformarbeit ist für Solo-Selbstständige zu einem wichtigen Erwerbszugang geworden. Dieser Zusammenhang wurde noch wenig untersucht, obwohl der Forschungsstand für beide Erwerbsformen ähnliche Bedingungen ausweist. Mittels einer qualitativen Befragung haben wir die Plattformerfahrungen von 20 Solo-Selbstständigen aus drei Berufsfeldern in vergleichender Perspektive analysiert: Yoga-Lehrer*innen, Sprachlehrer*innen und Creator*innen von Inhalten für die sozialen Medien. Trotz verschiedener Formen der Nutzung von Plattformdiensten sind die Resultate ähnlich: Für kleinere Zusatzeinnahmen ist beträchtlicher Aufwand erforderlich, aber Tools und Informationsangebote der Plattformen machen Arbeitserleichterungen möglich. Die Solo-Selbstständigen erleben viele der aus der Plattformforschung bekannten Abhängigkeiten und verschärften Konkurrenzbedingungen auf Online-Märkten. Nur für wenige Creator*innen führt Plattformarbeit aus einer prekären Selbstständigkeit heraus. Der Beitrag plädiert dafür, die beiden Forschungsfelder stärker zu verbinden und mit institutionellen Absicherungen des solo-selbstständigen Erwerbs auch die Bedingungen von Plattformarbeit zu verbessern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter)

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    Gig work as migrant work: The platformization of migration infrastructure (2024)

    Doorn, Niels van ; Vijay, Darsana ;


    Doorn, Niels van & Darsana Vijay (2024): Gig work as migrant work: The platformization of migration infrastructure. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 56, H. 4, S. 1129-1149. DOI:10.1177/0308518X211065049


    "With markets concentrating predominantly in and around large cities, gig platforms across the globe seem to depend as much on the cheap labor of migrants and minorities as on investment capital and permissive governments. Accordingly, we argue that there is an urgent need to center migrant experiences and the role of migrant labor in gig economy research, in order to generate a better understanding of how gig work offers certain opportunities and challenges to migrants with a variety of backgrounds and skill levels. To fill this research gap, this article examines why migrant workers in Berlin, Amsterdam, and New York take up platform labor and how they incorporate it into their everyday lives and migration trajectories. Additionally, it considers the extent to which gig platforms are emerging as actors in the political economy of migration, as a result of how they absorb migrant labor and mediate migrant mobilities. We move beyond the existing parameters of gig economy research by engaging with two strands of literature on migration and migrant labor that, we feel, are particularly useful for framing our analysis: the autonomy of migration approach and the migration infrastructures perspective. Combining these conceptual lenses enables us not only to critically situate migrant gig workers’ experiences but also to identify a broader development: the platformization of low-wage labor markets that are an integral component of migration infrastructures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 a Pion publication) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy (2024)

    Fleischer, Julia ; Wanckel, Camilla ;


    Fleischer, Julia & Camilla Wanckel (2024): Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy. In: Review of Public Personnel Administration, Jg. 44, H. 3, S. 431-452. DOI:10.1177/0734371X221148403


    "Worldwide, governments have introduced novel information and communication technologies (ICTs) for policy formulation and service delivery, radically changing the working environment of government employees. Following the debate on work stress and particularly on technostress, we argue that the use of ICTs triggers “digital overload” that decreases government employees’ job satisfaction via inhibiting their job autonomy. Contrary to prior research, we consider job autonomy as a consequence rather than a determinant of digital overload, because ICT-use accelerates work routines and interruptions and eventually diminishes employees’ freedom to decide how to work. Based on novel survey data from government employees in Germany, Italy, and Norway, our structural equation modeling (SEM) confirms a significant negative effect of digital overload on job autonomy. More importantly, job autonomy partially mediates the negative relationship between digital overload and job satisfaction, pointing to the importance of studying the micro-foundations of ICT-use in the public sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Gig-work in the German delivery-services sector: Employment has increased significantly in recent years (2024)

    Friedrich, Martin; Lang, Julia ; Jost, Ramona ; Müller, Christoph ;


    Friedrich, Martin, Ramona Jost, Julia Lang & Christoph Müller (2024): Gig-work in the German delivery-services sector: Employment has increased significantly in recent years. In: IAB-Forum H. 08.07.2024. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.202407.01


    "Die Fahrer*innen von App-basierten Lieferdiensten sind auch in Deutschland aus dem Stadtbild nicht mehr wegzudenken. Gleichzeitig wird in der Öffentlichkeit kontrovers über die Arbeitsbedingungen in der sogenannten Plattform-Ökonomie diskutiert. Das IAB untersucht nun erstmals das Wachstum und die Struktur dieser Beschäftigungsform sowie die individuellen Merkmale der abhängig Beschäftigten bei zehn großen App-basierten Lieferdiensten in Deutschland. Fast die Hälfte dieser Menschen ist geringfügig beschäftigt und ihr Einkommen ist geringer als in vergleichbaren Helferberufen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Gig-Work bei Lieferdiensten in Deutschland: Beschäftigung hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen (2024)

    Friedrich, Martin; Helm, Ines ; Jost, Ramona ; Müller, Christoph ; Lang, Julia ;


    Friedrich, Martin, Ines Helm, Ramona Jost, Julia Lang & Christoph Müller (2024): Gig-Work bei Lieferdiensten in Deutschland: Beschäftigung hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. In: IAB-Forum H. 03.04.2024, 2024-03-28. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20240403.01


    "Die Fahrer*innen von App-basierten Lieferdiensten sind auch in Deutschland aus dem Stadtbild nicht mehr wegzudenken. Gleichzeitig wird in der Öffentlichkeit kontrovers über die Arbeitsbedingungen in der sogenannten Plattform-Ökonomie diskutiert. Das IAB untersucht nun erstmals das Wachstum und die Struktur dieser Beschäftigungsform sowie die individuellen Merkmale der abhängig Beschäftigten bei zehn großen App-basierten Lieferdiensten in Deutschland. Fast die Hälfte dieser Menschen ist geringfügig beschäftigt und ihr Einkommen ist geringer als in vergleichbaren Helferberufen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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