Befristete Beschäftigung – prekär oder Sprungbrett?
Rund jeder zwölfte Beschäftigte ab 25 Jahren hatte 2014 in Deutschland einen befristeten Arbeitsvertrag. Hauptgrund ist der Wunsch von Betrieben nach mehr Flexibilität. Allerdings wünschten sich rund 40 % der befristet Beschäftigten lieber eine Festanstellung. Die Zahl der Übernahmen von befristeter in unbefristete Beschäftigung ist über die Jahre merklich angestiegen. Wurden 2009 noch 30 Prozent der zunächst befristet angestellten Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern anschließend in eine unbefristete Beschäftigung übernommen, lag der Anteil im Jahr 2014 bei 37,5 Prozent.
Diese IAB-Infoplattform bietet Informationen zum Forschungsstand und zur arbeitsmarktpolitischen Diskussion.
Befristungsbezogene Anerkennungsdefizite junger, verpartnerter Männer und Frauen in Deutschland. In welchem Ausmaß treten sie auf und wie können sie verringert werden? (2024)
Baron, Daniel;Zitatform
Baron, Daniel (2024): Befristungsbezogene Anerkennungsdefizite junger, verpartnerter Männer und Frauen in Deutschland. In welchem Ausmaß treten sie auf und wie können sie verringert werden? In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 73, H. 2, S. 109-130. DOI:10.3790/sfo.73.2.109
"Das Durchlaufen befristeter Beschäftigung zu Beginn der Erwerbslaufbahn geht zumeist sowohl mit vergleichsweise geringen Einkommen als auch hohen subjektiven Unsicherheiten einher. Für die Erklärung damit einhergehender subjektiver Anerkennungsdefizite spielen ungleiche Prekarisierungsrisiken für Frauen und Männer eine wichtige Rolle. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der Frage, inwieweit Befristung bei jungen, verpartnerten Männern und Frauen zu erhöhten Anerkennungsdefiziten führt und ob eine als stabil empfundene (heterosexuelle) Paarbeziehung die empfundenen Anerkennungsdefizite verringert. Die Analysen werden auf Basis einer bundesweiten Stichprobe aus 179 Personen im Alter von 18 bis 35 Jahren durchgeführt, die 2012/13 erhoben wurde als die Entwicklung befristeter Beschäftigung in Deutschland einen Höchststand erreicht hatte Es zeigt sich ein signifikanter, U-förmiger Zusammenhang zwischen Befristungsanteilen an der Erwerbsbiographie und wahrgenommenen Anerkennungsdefiziten für junge, verpartnerte Männer. Bei Frauen ist dieser Zusammenhang statistisch nicht signifikant. Entgegen desintegrations- und anerkennungstheoretischer Annahmen übt eine als stabil wahrgenommene Partnerschaft im Befristungskontext keine hemmende Wirkung auf Anerkennungsdefizite aus. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird für öffentliche Diskursanstöße zu einer paarbezogenen Anerkennungsarbeit in Anbetracht einer sich flexibilisierenden Arbeitswelt plädiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)
Labor Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe (2024)
Bassanini, Andrea; Popp, Martin ; Falco, Paolo; Oberfichtner, Michael ; Felgueroso, Florentino; Caroli, Eve; Jansen, Marcel; Cingano, Frederico; Bovini, Giulia; Casanova Ferrando, Jorge; Melo, António; Martins, Pedro S. ;Zitatform
Bassanini, Andrea, Giulia Bovini, Eve Caroli, Jorge Casanova Ferrando, Frederico Cingano, Paolo Falco, Florentino Felgueroso, Marcel Jansen, Pedro S. Martins, António Melo, Michael Oberfichtner & Martin Popp (2024): Labor Market Concentration, Wages and Job Security in Europe. In: The Journal of Human Resources, S. 1-54. DOI:10.3368/jhr.0223-12757R1
"We leverage administrative linked employer-employee data from six European countries to provide the first comparable cross-country evidence on the impact of labor market concentration on wages and job security. We find strikingly similar and relatively low wage elasticities across countries, but greater elasticities for job security, as measured by contract type. We provide suggestive evidence that the similarity of our wage elasticities and the greater sensitivity of job security to labor market concentration may be explained by the fact that sector-level collective bargaining is dominant in the countries we study and that it sets wages but usually not contract type." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © University of Wisconsin Press) ((en))
Hiring Temps but Losing Perms? Temporary Worker Inflows and Voluntary Turnover of Permanent Employees (2024)
Bonet, Rocio, Marta Elvira & Stefano Visintin (2024): Hiring Temps but Losing Perms? Temporary Worker Inflows and Voluntary Turnover of Permanent Employees. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 1, S. 83-102. DOI:10.1177/09500170221103135
"This article investigates the effect of hiring temporary workers on the voluntary turnover of permanent employees. It argues that inflows of temporary workers erode the working conditions of permanent employees, prompting their voluntary departure. Using a unique panel dataset of individual-level monthly payroll data over an eight-year period in a sample of Spanish companies, a positive association between temporary worker inflows and the voluntary turnover of permanent workers is found. The results are robust to diverse specifications and are strongest for firms in non-manufacturing sectors and for firms that hire proportionally more low-skilled workers, contexts where the hiring of temporary workers may be more disruptive for permanent employees. Since the hiring of temporary workers is unlikely to threaten the employment of permanent employees in the dual labour market of Spain, the results indicate serious disruption costs associated with temporary hiring in organisations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Labour market reforms, institutional complementarity and the insider–outsider wage gap (2024)
Broschinski, Sven (2024): Labour market reforms, institutional complementarity and the insider–outsider wage gap. In: Socio-economic review, S. 1-27. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwae024
"This article provides long-term evidence on how wage differentials between permanent and temporary workers are shaped by institutions that play a key role in labour market dualism, i.e. industrial relations, employment protection legislation and unemployment benefits. A two-step multilevel approach with fixed effects is employed using EU-SILC data for 25 European countries spanning up to 17 years (waves 2004–2020, N = 397) to estimate the moderating effects of several institutions and their interactions on the wage gap by contract type and across the whole wage distribution. The results show that more insider-oriented institutions tend to widen wage differentials and that the impact of institutional reforms on the wage gap varies greatly with the given institutional context. Overall, policy trends towards flexibilization risk widening insider–outsider divides due to accumulating labour market risks for temporary workers, thus increasing labour market segmentation by contract type." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
A model of risk sharing in a dual labor market (2024)
Créchet, Jonathan;Zitatform
Créchet, Jonathan (2024): A model of risk sharing in a dual labor market. In: Journal of monetary economics, Jg. 147. DOI:10.1016/j.jmoneco.2024.103591
"In OECD countries, the labor market features a coexistence of open-ended, permanent jobs subject to strict employment protection and fixed-term, temporary jobs. This paper studies a search-and-matching model with risk-averse workers and dynamic employment contracts subject to limited commitment. In equilibrium, permanent and temporary jobs coexist when the match quality is sufficiently dispersed: firing costs generate insurance gains implying that permanent contracts are optimal for high-quality matches. Consistent with recent empirical evidence, quantitative analysis of the model shows that temporary contracts crowd out permanent jobs and do not generate employment gains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))
Starting flexible, always flexible? The relation of early temporary employment and young workers employment trajectories in the Netherlands (2024)
Eberlein, Laura, Dimitris Pavlopoulos & Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal (2024): Starting flexible, always flexible? The relation of early temporary employment and young workers employment trajectories in the Netherlands. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 89. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2023.100861
"Using register data from Statistics Netherlands (2009–2019), this paper examines whether the first employment contract is related to early career outcomes for a cohort of young workers who entered the Dutch labor market in the period from late 2009–2013. Instead of looking at the timing of isolated transitions between employment states, 6-year-long trajectories are considered to identify differences in early career paths. Applying a Mixture Hidden Markov Model, eight distinct states of employment quality characterized by different contract types and incomes are identified. Transitions between these employment states reveal four early career patterns that differ according to their upward and downward mobility. Our results show that entering the labor market with a permanent contract does not necessarily lead to immediate wage growth, but provides a safeguard against volatile careers with frequent transitions in and out of employment. While entering the labor market with a fixed-term contract facilitates upward mobility, on-call and temporary agency work early in the career may negatively affect long-term labor market integration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))
Do temporary employees experience increased material deprivation? Evidence from German panel data (2024)
Friedrich, Martin & Nils Teichler (2024): Do temporary employees experience increased material deprivation? Evidence from German panel data. In: Journal of European Social Policy. DOI:10.1177/09589287241300011
"Economic insecurity has recently received increasing attention as a determinant of material deprivation. We contribute to this line of research by analysing the relationship between temporary employment and material deprivation. We argue that temporary workers face exacerbated deprivation because they may forego basic needs to provide for an uncertain future. Using German panel data for the years 2008–2020, we find that temporary employment increases material deprivation among workers, particularly in low-income households. This finding is robust to our controlling for important variables such as household income and needs, individual- and household fixed effects and when considering lagged independent variables. The association is not driven by young or highly educated workers who may be more likely to hold temporary jobs without experiencing sustained material deprivation. We also find that temporary agency work, perceived job insecurity and firm turnover rates aggravate material deprivation. This supports the theoretical assumption that the impact of temporary employment on material deprivation is driven by the economic insecurities faced by temporary workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © SAGE) ((en))
Beteiligte aus dem IAB
Friedrich, Martin; -
Feeling disadvantaged? Type of employment contract and political attitudes (2024)
Gatskova, Kseniia, Michal Pilc & Maciej Beresewicz (2024): Feeling disadvantaged? Type of employment contract and political attitudes. In: Socio-economic review. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwae011
"We tested the theory of relative deprivation in the context of the Polish labour market during the post-crisis period from 2009 to 2015. This period witnessed the highest incidence of temporary contracts in the European Union, providing novel evidence on the causal relationship between the type of employment contract and political attitudes. Our findings suggest that temporary workers are more supportive of income redistribution but less supportive of democracy. Additionally, a shift from permanent to temporary contracts among prime-aged employees leads to a decrease in their support for democracy. Although this effect is modest in magnitude, the article points to an important mechanism influencing shifts in political attitudes. Our findings suggest that the effect of temporary employment on political attitudes is more pronounced among socio-demographic groups less accustomed to unstable employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Oxford Academic) ((en))
Overeducation, Overskilling and Job Satisfaction in Europe: The Moderating Role of Employment Contracts (2024)
Giuliano, Romina, Benoît Mahy, François Rycx & Guillaume Vermeylen (2024): Overeducation, Overskilling and Job Satisfaction in Europe: The Moderating Role of Employment Contracts. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1419), Essen, 34 S.
"This paper is the first to examine whether and how overeducation and overskilling, considered separately and in interaction, influence workers' job satisfaction at European level. It also investigates the moderating role of employment contracts. Our results, based on a unique pan-European database covering 28 countries in 2014, show that overeducation and overskilling reduce the probability of workers being satisfied with their jobs, but also that the drop in job satisfaction is almost double for genuinely overeducated workers (i.e. workers that are both overeducated and overskilled). These adverse effects on job satisfaction are found to be more pronounced among mismatched workers (whether overeducated, overskilled or both) on fixed-term rather than indefinite contracts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Befristungen bei Neueinstellungen 2023: Stand: 10. Mai 2024 (2024)
Gürtzgen, Nicole, Alexander Kubis & Martin Popp (2024): Befristungen bei Neueinstellungen 2023. Stand: 10. Mai 2024. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 8 S.
"Im Rahmen der IAB-Stellenerhebung gaben die Betriebe an, im Jahr 2023 in Deutschland rund 4,7 Mio. sozialversicherungspflichtige Neueinstellungen (ohne Auszubildende und ohne MiniJobs) vorgenommen zu haben. Hiervon waren 26 Prozent, also rund 1,2 Mio. Stellen (zunächst) befristet (Tabelle 1). Die Befristung von Neueinstellungen ermöglicht den Betrieben, die Fähigkeiten von Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern zu überprüfen, bevor ein unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis eingegangen wird. Durch den Abschluss von befristeten Arbeitsverträgen können Betriebe ohne langfristige Mittelbindung häufig auch Jobs anbieten, die sonst vielleicht nicht finanzierbar gewesen wären. Darüber hinaus haben Befristungen für Betriebe zudem den Vorteil, dass sie (Entlassungs-)Kosten vermeiden können, die gegebenenfalls im Rahmen des allgemeinen oder tarifvertraglich erweiterten Kündigungsschutzes entstehen können (Bossler et al. 2017). Als weiteres wichtiges betriebliches Motiv für befristete Neueinstellungen ist zudem ein vorübergehender Mehrbedarf an Arbeitskräften etwa infolge temporärer Auftragsspitzen zu nennen (siehe hierzu z.B. Gürtzgen und Küfner 2023). Die Tatsache, dass Betriebe befristete Neueinstellungen vornehmen können, kann u.a. darin begründet sein, dass Betriebe über Marktmacht verfügen, die den Abschluss von befristeten Verträgen erleichtert (Bassanini et al. 2024). Zu beachten ist, dass die Befristungsquoten bei Neueinstellungen deutlich oberhalb des Anteils befristeter Beschäftigung an der Gesamtbeschäftigung liegen. Rund 2,6 Millionen Beschäftigte in Deutschland hatten laut IAB-Betriebspanel im Jahr 2022 einen befristeten Arbeitsvertrag. Das entspricht einem Anteil an allen Beschäftigten (ohne Auszubildende) von 6,6 Prozent (Hohendanner / IAB 2023). Die Diskrepanz zwischen dem Anteil befristeter Neueinstellungen und dem Befristungsanteil aller Beschäftigter zeigt, dass befristete Beschäftigungsverhältnisse in nennenswertem Ausmaß in unbefristete Arbeitsverträge umgewandelt werden (Müller et al. 2017)." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)
Do Caseworker Meetings Prevent Unemployment? Evidence from a Field Experiment (2024)
Homrighausen, Pia & Michael Oberfichtner (2024): Do Caseworker Meetings Prevent Unemployment? Evidence from a Field Experiment. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16923), Bonn, 28 S.
"Caseworker meetings have been shown to accelerate exit from unemployment. We explore whether they are also effectual before entering unemployment. In a natural field experiment, we offer caseworker meetings to workers at risk of losing their jobs while they are still employed. We find that the offer induces additional meetings and substantially shifts the first meeting forward but has no effect on entry into unemployment or on labor market outcomes within one year. The intervention does not alter jobseekers' search behavior, which likely explains its inefficacy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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auch erschienen als: LASER discussion papers, 150 -
Fixed-term employment and leaving intention: An analysis of junior academics across Europe (2024)
Höhle, Ester;Zitatform
Höhle, Ester (2024): Fixed-term employment and leaving intention. An analysis of junior academics across Europe. In: C. Gross & S. Jaksztat (Hrsg.) (2024): Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia (=Soziale Welt. Special Edition 26), S. 169-206. DOI:10.5771/9783748925590-169
"Die akademischen Karrierestrukturen in Europa sind sehr unterschiedlich. In Tenure-Systemen können Wissenschaftler/innen nach der Promotion unbefristete Stellen erhalten, in Rauf-oder-raus-Systemen verbleiben die meisten Wissenschaftler/innen bis zur Professur in befristeten Arbeitsverhältnissen. Daher konzentriert sich dieser Beitrag auf die Frage, wie sich die Vertragsart auf die Absicht promovierter Wissenschaftler/innen in verschiedenen Ländern auswirkt, die Wissenschaft zu verlassen. Dazu werden arbeitsmarkttheoretische Überlegungen sowie der sozial-kognitive Ansatz zugrunde gelegt. Die Ergebnisse, die auf den EUROAC-Daten aus zehn europäischen Ländern basieren, zeigen, dass Wissenschaftler/innen in Rauf-oder-raus-Systemen häufiger beabsichtigen, die Wissenschaft zu verlassen als diejenigen in Tenure-Systemen. Dies gilt sowohl für befristet als auch für dauerhaft beschäftigte Wissenschaftler/innen. Die Vertragsdauer – insbesondere die befristete Beschäftigung ohne Verstetigungsperspektiven im Vergleich zur Dauerbeschäftigung – ist auch nach Kontrolle durch weitere Faktoren ein signifikanter Prädiktor für das Verlassen von Universitäten. Im Gegensatz dazu trägt in beiden Gruppen Arbeitszufriedenheit zum Verbleib in der Wissenschaft bei. Die Publikationsstärke hat nur in den Tenure-Systemen einen signifikanten Einfluss und spielt in den Rauf-oder-raus-Systemen interessanterweise keine Rolle. Ebenfalls nur in den Tenure-Systemen zeigen Frauen mit Kindern eine geringere Ausstiegsintention – dabei wird grade in Deutschland die Vereinbarkeit einer wissenschaftlichen Karriere mit Familie als ein Problemfeld diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Nomos)
The effect of transitioning into temporary employment on wages is not negative: A comparative study in eight countries (2024)
Latner, Jonathan P. (2024): The effect of transitioning into temporary employment on wages is not negative: A comparative study in eight countries. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 92, 2024-07-22. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2024.100957
"There remains a lack of clarity about the effect of temporary employment on wages. Using asymmetric fixed effects models with a dummy impact function, we study the wage effects of four distinct transitions: (1) from unemployment into a temporary relative to (2) a permanent contracts; and (3) from temporary into permanent contracts relative to (4) from permanent into temporary contracts. We use panel data from eight countries to examine the effect of these distinct transitions, over time after the transition occurs, and in a cross-national, comparative context. The main finding explains the wage penalty of temporary employment identified by previous research. The negative effect is more accurately understood as the difference between two types of transitions, neither of which are negative, even if transitions from temporary into permanent contracts more positive than transitions from permanent into temporary contracts. There is little difference in the wage effect of transitions from unemployment into temporary relative to permanent contracts. The findings may be counter intuitive, but they are consistent with the theory of equalizing differences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))
Beggaring Thy Co-Worker: Labor Market Dualization and the Wage Growth Slowdown in Europe (2024)
Lehner, Lukas, Paul Ramskogler & Aleksandra Riedl (2024): Beggaring Thy Co-Worker: Labor Market Dualization and the Wage Growth Slowdown in Europe. In: ILR review, Jg. 77, H. 5, S. 659-684. DOI:10.1177/00197939241248162
"As temporary employment has become a pervasive feature of modern labor markets, reasons for wage growth have become less well understood. To determine whether these two phenomena are related, the authors investigate whether the dualized structure of labor markets affects macroeconomic developments. Specifically, they incorporate involuntary temporary workers into the standard wage Phillips curve to examine wage growth in 30 European countries for the period 2004–2017. Relying on individual-level data to adjust for a changing employment composition, their findings show, for the first time, that the incidence of involuntary temporary workers has strong negative effects on permanent workers’ wage growth, thereby dampening aggregate wage growth. This effect, which the authors name the competition effect, is particularly pronounced in countries where wage bargaining institutions are weak. The findings shed further light on the reasons for the secular slowdown of wage growth after the global financial crisis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
The effect of precarious employment on suicidal ideation: A serial mediation model with contractual temporality and job insecurity (2024)
Llosa, José Antonio; Agulló-Tomás, Esteban ; Iglesias-Martínez, Enrique ; Oliveros, Beatriz; Menéndez-Espina, Sara;Zitatform
Llosa, José Antonio, Enrique Iglesias-Martínez, Esteban Agulló-Tomás, Sara Menéndez-Espina & Beatriz Oliveros (2024): The effect of precarious employment on suicidal ideation: A serial mediation model with contractual temporality and job insecurity. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, S. 1-17. DOI:10.1177/0143831X241240616
"Suicidal ideation is a variable prior to suicidal behavior and one of the main producers of risk of death by suicide. The sample consisted of a total of 1,288 people living in Spain who at the time of answering the questionnaire were in active employment. Contractual status is a significant variable for the prediction of suicidal ideation. Contractual temporality is a risk factor for suicidal ideation, whereas permanent employment is a protective factor. In suicidal ideation, job insecurity is a mediating risk factor and a key dimension of job precariousness because of the adverse effects on mental health it causes. Job insecurity interacts with objective causes of precariousness and is presented as a necessary variable for understanding the relationship between these material causes and suicidal thoughts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Forty and over the academic hill?: Biological and academic age and the race for tenure (2024)
Ordemann, Jessica & Laura Naegele (2024): Forty and over the academic hill? Biological and academic age and the race for tenure. In: C. Gross & S. Jaksztat (Hrsg.) (2024): Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia (=Soziale Welt. Special Edition 26), S. 457-489. DOI:10.5771/9783748925590-457
"Der Beitrag untersucht, wie sich das Alter eines*r Wissenschaftler*in auf die Erreichung einer unbefristeten Stelle im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem (unbefristete Postdoktorand*innenstelle bzw. Professor*in an einer Fachhochschule oder Universität) auswirkt. Dabei unterscheiden wir basierend auf Überlegungen zu Altersdiskriminierung und zur von Merton geprägten Idee der kumulativen Vorteile (Matthäus-Effekt) zwischen dem biologischen und akademischen Alter. Wir testen unsere Überlegungen anhand der Daten des DZHW-Promotionspanels 2014. Unter Anwendung von Piecewise Constant Exponential-Schätzungen und von Entropy Balancing stellen wir fest, dass Wissenschaftler*innen, die bei ihrer Promotion 40 Jahre oder älter waren, einen signifikant positiven Effekt auf die Erlangung einer Professur an einer Fachhochschule und einer Anstellung als entfristeter Postdoc hatten. Wir interpretieren den ersten Befund als ein Beispiel für positive Altersdiskriminierung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Nomos)
What if it is not just an additional income? Poverty risks of non-standard employment histories in Germany (2024)
Wolf, Fridolin (2024): What if it is not just an additional income? Poverty risks of non-standard employment histories in Germany. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, S. 1-17. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12676
"While the poverty risks associated with transitions to and from different forms of non-standard employment (NSE) have been studied extensively, poverty research on NSE histories remains fuzzy. Therefore, this study focuses on persons with NSE histories whose earnings contribute significantly to the household income, asking to what extent they are exposed to income poverty risks during their main career phase and examining the role of employment, family and sociodemographic characteristics. Employment histories were observed over 10 years using German Socio-Economic Panel data from 2001 to 2020. A sequence cluster analysis identified four NSE clusters with increased poverty risks, namely, those with increasing and permanent low-part-time work, those who were mainly temporary agency-employed or had long episodes of fixed-term employment. Multivariate regressions considering employment-specific, care-related and sociodemographic characteristics revealed a network of cumulative disadvantages related to gender, occupational position, care obligations and structural disadvantages for those clusters." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))
Who benefits from job security? Job satisfaction and performance in academia (2023)
Ambrasat, Jens; Fabian, Gregor;Zitatform
Ambrasat, Jens & Gregor Fabian (2023): Who benefits from job security? Job satisfaction and performance in academia. (SocArXiv papers), 34 S. DOI:10.31219/
"Working conditions in the science system have long been complained about as insecure and lacking in perspective. It is an open question who could benefit from more secure employment. While a widespread rhetoric in political debates and some economic approaches suspect that greater job security undermines scientist's motivation, efforts and performance, psychological approaches on work and motivation see increasing satisfaction on the part of scientists as a driver for the development of higher performance potential. We are investigating the relationship between contract situation, satisfaction and performance in science on the basis of a representative sample of 4,134 postdocs from all universities in Germany. The results show positive effects of secure employment on both satisfaction and output. However, the output effect is only partly mediated by satisfaction. In contrast to earlier studies, relevant contextual characteristics of the work situation are controlled for, so that the effect of the secure employment is more clearly carved out. The study refutes negative attributions of permanent positions on work results and thus the hammock argument. Thus, all parties may benefit from stable jobs for researchers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Temporary talent: Wage penalties among highly educated temporary workers in Canada (2023)
Banerjee, Rupa, Laura Lam & Danielle Lamb (2023): Temporary talent: Wage penalties among highly educated temporary workers in Canada. In: The Journal of Industrial Relations, Jg. 65, H. 2, S. 185-210. DOI:10.1177/00221856231151964
"Temporary employment (TE) arrangements have become increasingly common in Canada among both high- and low-skilled workers. In this study, we examine the prevalence and earnings effects of TE across education levels with a specific focus on highly educated workers. We also examine the earnings effects of TE across the earnings distribution. We find that higher levels of schooling are negatively associated with the probability of TE. However, the earnings discounts for temporary work are significant and increase in magnitude for individuals with higher levels of educational attainment. For highly educated workers at the top end of the earnings distribution, the discount associated with being in a temporary job is large enough to substantially reduce, although not entirely negate, the sizeable earnings premiums associated with higher levels of education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Reforming Dual Labor Markets: “Empirical” or “Contractual” Temporary Rates? (2023)
Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio; Ruiz, Jesus; Puch, Luis A.; García, Manu;Zitatform
Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio, Manu García, Luis A. Puch & Jesus Ruiz (2023): Reforming Dual Labor Markets: “Empirical” or “Contractual” Temporary Rates? (Estudios sobre la Economía Española / Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada 2023-36), Madrid, 48 S.
"This paper analyzes the impact of the 2021 labor reform in Spain on job creation, job destruction, and employment duration using new daily comprehensive administrative data. The reform's primary objective was the mitigation of the temporary employment rate; however, despite the success in reducing the nominal temporary employment rate, the evidence suggests that employment stability in terms of duration has not significantly improved. The Spanish experience demonstrates that it is possible to design a labor reform that is highly effective in reducing the “contractual” temporary employment rate in a dual labor market, but with minimal impact on duration and short-term employment transitions, i.e. the “empirical” temporary employment rate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))