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Trotz eines Rückgangs ist die EU-Jugendarbeitslosenquote nach wie vor sehr hoch. Laut EU-Kommission sind derzeit 4,5 Millionen junge Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren) arbeitslos. Einem großen Teil dieser Generation droht durch fehlende Zukunftsperspektiven soziale Ausgrenzung mit weitreichenden Folgen. Mit Maßnahmen wie der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz und Jugendgarantien der Länder soll entgegengesteuert werden.
Diese Infoplattform bietet einen Einblick in die Literatur zu den Determinanten von und Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.

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im Aspekt "Determinanten"
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    Why is youth unemployment so high and different across countries?: young people experience worse labor market outcomes than adults worldwide but the difference varies greatly internationally (2018)

    Pastore, Francesco ;


    Pastore, Francesco (2018): Why is youth unemployment so high and different across countries? Young people experience worse labor market outcomes than adults worldwide but the difference varies greatly internationally. (IZA world of labor 420), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.420


    "Ungeachtet eines kontinuierlich steigenden Bildungsniveaus sehen sich junge Menschen im Vergleich zu Älteren immer noch mit weniger Beschäftigung und Einkommen, niedrigeren Erwerbsquoten und deutlich höherer Arbeitslosigkeit konfrontiert. Der Anteil der Sekundar- und Hochschulabsolventen, die Jobs unterhalb ihres Qualifikationsniveaus annehmen, ist in vielen Ländern sehr hoch. Hauptgrund dafür ist das geringe Niveau arbeitsbezogene Kompetenzen junger Menschen. Diese Befähigungen zu schaffen, sollte für moderne Bildungssysteme oberste Priorität haben. Flexiblere Arbeitsmärkte sollten einen früheren Eintritt in den Arbeitsmarkt ermöglichen, sich jedoch nicht nur auf befristete Verträge stützen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Young adults' risk of long-term benefit receipt and parents' socioeconomic background (2018)

    Schels, Brigitte ;


    Schels, Brigitte (2018): Young adults' risk of long-term benefit receipt and parents' socioeconomic background. In: Acta sociologica, Jg. 61, H. 1, S. 17-33., 2016-09-14. DOI:10.1177/0001699316681828


    "This study investigates social differences in the risk of long-term benefit receipt of young adults in Germany. Although employment is a major route to end social benefit receipt, it may not result in financial independence for all social groups in their early working lives as this also depends on the status of their parents: Do young benefit recipients have unequal chances of making the transition from benefit receipt as soon as they take up employment? How stable is the impact of parents' socioeconomic status on the transition once young adults complete their vocational education? This study conducts an empirical analysis of the careers of a cohort of 18-to-24-year-old Germans who received benefits in 2005 by combining survey data and register data for a six-year observation period. Event history analyses indicate that social differences persist when young adults claim social benefits. In particular, parents' socioeconomic status is positively associated with their offspring's likelihood of ending receipt of social benefits as soon as they are in full-time employment. Parents' socioeconomic status has a relatively stable impact for young beneficiaries irrespective of whether they have completed vocational qualifications or not. The findings suggest that these social differences persist during early working life." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Schels, Brigitte ;
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    Glücksförderung lohnt sich! Wer benachteiligten Jugendlichen den Weg ins Erwerbsleben erleichtern will, muss positive Impulse setzen (2018)

    Schropp, Helen;


    Schropp, Helen (2018): Glücksförderung lohnt sich! Wer benachteiligten Jugendlichen den Weg ins Erwerbsleben erleichtern will, muss positive Impulse setzen. In: IAB-Forum H. 02.02.2018, o. Sz.


    "Junge Menschen, denen der Übergang von der Schule in Ausbildung oder Arbeit misslingt, weisen nicht selten verhaltensbezogene, emotionale und kognitive Probleme auf. Fördermaßnahmen, die individuelle Potenziale stärken, können in diesen Fällen wertvolle Impulse für eine positive Entwicklung geben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: Evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters (2018)

    Shi, Lulu P. ; Sacchi, Stefan ; Imdorf, Christian ; Samuel, Robin ;


    Shi, Lulu P., Christian Imdorf, Robin Samuel & Stefan Sacchi (2018): How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers. Evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 1-15. DOI:10.1186/s12651-018-0239-7


    "We ask how employers contribute to unemployment scarring in the recruitment process in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. By drawing on recruitment theories, we aim to better understand how recruiters assess different patterns of unemployment in a job candidate's CV and how this affects the chances of young applicants being considered for a vacancy. We argue that in contexts with tight school-work linkage and highly standardised Vocational Education and Training systems, the detrimental effect of early unemployment depends on how well the applicant's profile matches the requirements of the advertised position. To test this assumption, we surveyed Swiss recruiters who were seeking to fill positions during the time of data collection. We employed a factorial survey experiment that tested how the (un)employment trajectories in hypothetical young job applicants' CV affected their chances of being considered for a real vacancy. Our results show that unemployment decreases the perceived suitability of an applicant for a specific job, which implies there is a scarring effect of unemployment that increases with the duration of being unemployed. But we also found that these effects are moderated by how well the applicant's profile matches the job's requirements. Overall, the worse the match between applicant's profile and the job profile, the smaller are the scarring effects of unemployment. In sum, our findings contribute to the literature by revealing considerable heterogeneity in the scarring effects of unemployment. Our findings further suggest that the scarring effects of unemployment need to be studied with regard to country-specific institutional settings, the applicants' previous education and employment experiences, and the job characteristics." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Heranwachsende im Dreieck des SGB-II-Leistungsbezugs: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Triangulation von Daten, Methoden und Perspektiven für die Rekonstruktion kindlicher Lebenswelten (2018)

    Singh, Ajit; Engel, Florian; Kreher, Simone;


    Singh, Ajit, Florian Engel & Simone Kreher (2018): Heranwachsende im Dreieck des SGB-II-Leistungsbezugs. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Triangulation von Daten, Methoden und Perspektiven für die Rekonstruktion kindlicher Lebenswelten. In: Sozialer Sinn, Jg. 19, H. 1, S. 11-43. DOI:10.1515/sosi-2018-0002


    "Als Beitrag zu einer interpretativen Ungleichheits- und Armutsforschung thematisiert dieser Aufsatz methodologische und methodische Probleme, die bei der Rekonstruktion von Lebenswelten von Kindern, die von außen betrachtet in ,prekären Verhältnissen' des SGB-II-Bezugs aufwachsen, zu lösen sind. Dabei schlagen wir vor, eine Brücke zwischen Armutsforschung und den New Childhood Studies zu schlagen, um die Agency von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Hinblick auf ihre subjektiven Sicht- und Erlebensweisen deutlicher hervortreten zu lassen. Zudem wird reflektiert, wie spezifische Vorstellungen und Wissensbestände über 'Normalität' in der Erhebungssituation virulent werden, die auch bis in die hermeneutische Auswertung fortwirken können. Die Triangulation verschiedener Datensorten, Verfahren und Perspektiven ermöglichte uns einen reflexiven Umgang mit den jeweiligen Wirklichkeitskonstruktionen, die auch mit Blick auf die Positionalität der Forscherinnen zum Gegenstand gemacht werden." (Autorenreferat, © De Gruyter)

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    The fight against youth unemployment: enhancing the chances of success by strengthening linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination (2018)

    Sirovátka, Tomá¿; Horáková, Markéta; Hora, Ondrej;


    Sirovátka, Tomá¿, Ondrej Hora & Markéta Horáková (2018): The fight against youth unemployment. Enhancing the chances of success by strengthening linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination. (NEGOTIATE working paper 8.4), Oslo, 29 S.


    "The findings of the Negotiate project show that, in spite of the economic recovery in Europe1, the youth unemployment rates, the Youth Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) rates and the non-standard forms of work of young people are still high in many countries. The differences in these indicators even increased in Europe as some groups of young people (e.g. low skilled, immigrants or ethnic minority background) are affected heavily, in spite of the policy initiatives adopted at the EU level to improve the situation of young people on the labour market. Furthermore, there are long-term negative scarring effects from early job insecurity on young people's employment prospects, family formation, drug use, etc. Thus, the crucial question we are addressing here is How can the policies of labour market integration of young people be improved? Although we take into consideration a broader policy mix (active labour market policies, education policies, unemployment protection) when addressing this question, we are also concerned with the more specific question How can the Youth Guarantee (YG) initiative be successful in the broader policy and economic context? The discussion of these questions is based on the findings that were gathered throughout the Negotiate project in various deliverables. We refer here mainly to the comparative study on the trends in the policies for the labour market integration of young people in nine European countries (Hora et al. 2016a) and the comparative study on the Youth Guarantee (YG) programme implementation in these nine countries, focused on the multi-level governance perspective (Dingeldey et al. 2017). We have also analysed the respective background national studies that have served as source material for the comparative papers mentioned above (see the list of references), taking into account the existing studies on YG implementation. Apart from these studies dealing with the policies, we exhaust the other deliverables of the Negotiate project like the analysis of employer decisions on hiring young people in the European countries and the qualitative study of young people's experience with the school-to-work transitions and the scarring effects of early job insecurity on these transitions, as well as others that also bring policy implications. In the text below, we assess the strengths and weaknesses of the policies for integrating young people into the labour market, with a focus on YG implementation in the national contexts of nine countries. In the second section, we discuss the policy implications and recommendations." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Evaluation des Bundesprogramms RESPEKT: Abschlussbericht (2018)

    Sommer, Jörn; Oschmiansky, Frank; Popp, Sandra; Petleva, Diana; Karato, Yukako; Kowalczyk, Karin; Jahn, Josephine; Schmidt, Daniel; Otto, Kristin;


    Sommer, Jörn, Frank Oschmiansky, Sandra Popp, Yukako Karato & Karin Kowalczyk (2018): Evaluation des Bundesprogramms RESPEKT. Abschlussbericht. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht 518), Berlin, 111 S.


    "Seit vielen Jahren wird im Fachdiskurs die Herausforderung betont, dass keine jungen Menschen in Deutschland verloren gehen und durch die Maschen des Sozialleistungssystems fallen dürfen. Vor diesem Hintergrund fördert das Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) seit dem Jahr 2015 das Bundesprogramm RESPEKT. In diesem Rahmen wurden bundesweit 18 Projekte (ab 2018: 17 Projekte) gefördert. Zielsetzung ist junge Menschen, die individuelle Schwierigkeiten haben eine Qualifikation zu erreichen oder ins Arbeitsleben einzumünden und von den bestehenden Sozialleistungsangeboten nicht erreicht werden oder diese nicht annehmen, an Bildungsprozesse, Maßnahmen der Arbeitsförderung, Ausbildung oder Arbeit heranzuführen.
    Die Evaluation des Bundesprogramms wurde von der INTERVAL GmbH in Kooperation mit dem ZEP - Zentrum für Evaluation und Politikberatung zwischen Ende 2016 und Juni 2018 durchgeführt. Dabei wurden untersucht:
    - die Bedarfslagen und Merkmale der Zielgruppe, speziell auch die Gründe, aus denen sie nicht von den Sozialleistungen erreicht werden;
    - die inhaltliche Ausgestaltung des Hilfsangebots der geförderten Projekte, inkl. der Fragen zum Zugang zur Zielgruppe und zur Gestaltung der Kooperationen und Leistungen dritter Akteure zur Unterstützung der Teilnehmenden sowie
    - die Erreichung der Zielsetzungen des Programms.
    Auf Basis der Ergebnisse wurden Hinweise zur Gestaltung des § 16h SGB II ('Förderung schwer zu erreichender junger Menschen') geliefert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How educational systems structure ethnic inequality among young labour market participants in Europe: Occupational placement and variation in the occupational status distribution (2018)

    Spörlein, Christoph ;


    Spörlein, Christoph (2018): How educational systems structure ethnic inequality among young labour market participants in Europe. Occupational placement and variation in the occupational status distribution. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 55, H. June, S. 109-119. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2018.04.006


    "Prior research as demonstrated that patterns of early labour market careers vary considerably across European societies. However, little research investigated how these patterns differ between immigrants and majority youth and whether the extent of ethnic inequality varies with educational system characteristics. Using the 2009 European Labour Force Survey data for 18 countries on the early careers of non-tertiary educated labour market participants, the results of this study show that immigrants work in lower-status jobs more frequently than majority youth do. In addition and conditional on these mean differences, immigrant's status distributions are more dispersed suggesting more erratic early career patterns. Educational systems characteristics moderate these differences: the occupational status difference between immigrants and majority youth is considerably larger in countries with strongly differentiated, specifically highly tracked educational systems. In addition, ethnic disadvantages are even more severe in differentiated educational systems when central exams are present. The findings further show that educational tracking is associated with less variation in a country's occupational status distribution, thus shaping ethnic inequality beyond its relationship with mean differences. Ethnic penalties are estimated to be considerably more severe in highly differentiated countries due to their lower baseline variability in the occupational status distribution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Can welfare and labour market regimes explain cross-country differences in the unemployment of young people? (2018)

    Tamesberger, Dennis;


    Tamesberger, Dennis (2018): Can welfare and labour market regimes explain cross-country differences in the unemployment of young people? In: International Labour Review, Jg. 156, H. 3/4, S. 443-464. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12040


    Der Beitrag fragt nach den institutionellen Ursachen für die unterschiedliche Entwicklung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in den Ländern der Europäischen Union. Hierzu erfolgte eine Clusteranalyse für 27 europäische Länder für den Zeitraum 2007 bis 2013 unter Anwendung von 15 Indikatoren für folgende Dimensionen: Sozialpolitik, Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Arbeitsbeziehungen, Bildungssystem und Familie. Im Ergebnis wurden die 27 Länder fünf Clustern zuordnen. Diese unterscheiden sich durch ihre Orientierung auf die Lehrlingsausbildung, ihre Markt- oder Familienorientierung bzw. den Flexicurity-Ansatz. Die betriebliche Berufsausbildung wird als besonders erfolgreich bei der Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit angesehen. Das Flexicurity-Regime beugt vor allem der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit von Jugendlichen vor. Eine Kombination von beiden wird deshalb als besonders erfolgversprechend angesehen. (IAB)

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    Jugendliche in prekären Lebenslagen im Übergang zum Beruf: Biographische Zugänge zu Lebenswelten und Bildungsprozessen (2018)

    Templin, Ute;


    Templin, Ute (2018): Jugendliche in prekären Lebenslagen im Übergang zum Beruf. Biographische Zugänge zu Lebenswelten und Bildungsprozessen. Berlin: Logos, 328 S.


    "Mit welchen Schwierigkeiten Jugendliche aus prekären Lebenslagen auf ihrem Weg von der Arbeitslosigkeit in eine Ausbildung bzw. in einen Beruf zu kämpfen haben, dieser Frage geht Ute Templin auf der Basis von Lebensgeschichten von jungen Menschen nach, die 2002 im Alter von 15 bis 18 Jahren an einer betrieblichen Grundausbildungsmaßnahme teilgenommen haben.
    Ute Templin, die die halbjährige Maßnahme mit ursprünglich 17 TeilnehmerInnen geleitet hat, befragte sieben von ihnen acht Jahre später im Rahmen eines Ehemaligentreffens. Die theoretischen Perspektiven Pierre Bourdieus auf soziale Ungleichheiten und ihre Reproduktion mittels des Habitus werden hierbei genutzt, um die Auswirkungen prekärer Lebenslagen der untersuchten Jugendlichen auf ihren weiteren Bildungs- und Lebensweg zu analysieren. Hermeneutische Zugänge und reflexive Analysen ermöglichen Einblicke in jugendliche Lebenswelten und individuelle Problemlagen. Die Statuspassagen-Theorie und Konzepte der Übergangsforschung dienen dazu, den Übergang vom schulischen in das berufliche Feld auch als Transitionsprozess zu fassen. Die empirische Studie von Ute Templin lässt sich im Feld der Übergangsforschung, der Forschungen zur Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit sowie Biographie- und Lebensweltforschung in der Erziehungswissenschaft verorten." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    What drives youth unemployment in Europe?: Economic vs. non-economic determinants (2018)

    Tomic, Iva;


    Tomic, Iva (2018): What drives youth unemployment in Europe? Economic vs. non-economic determinants. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 157, H. 3, S. 379-408. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12060


    "This article explores the main determinants of youth unemployment in Europe in the period 2002 - 2014, by estimating panel data models for 28 EU member countries. Heterogeneity among EU countries is acknowledged by estimating models on 'high' and 'low' youth unemployment rate subsamples. Main results suggest that youth unemployment is more pronounced in countries with poor GDP growth, low share of construction and high public debt in the economy. Less mobility due to homeownership, corruption, large remittances or fewer possibilities for young people to live outside parental homes are also important, at least for countries with comparatively high youth unemployment rates." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    From Job-seekers to Self-searchers: Changing Contexts and Understandings of School-to-work Transitions (2018)

    Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom;


    Vogt, Kristoffer Chelsom (2018): From Job-seekers to Self-searchers. Changing Contexts and Understandings of School-to-work Transitions. In: Young. Nordic Journal of Youth Research, Jg. 26, H. 4 Supplement, S. 18S-33S. DOI:10.1177/1103308817741006


    "This article sheds new light on a key topic in youth research over recent decades; how young people often rely on individualistic frames of interpretation in understanding their own lives. Based on biographical interviews with two cohorts of skilled men in Norway, the article demonstrates relations between historically specific institutional contexts and the ways in which people understand their school-to-work transitions. Whereas the older cohort accounted for their transitions as embedded processes, the younger cohort, who entered the same occupations three decades later, viewed their transitions as determined by self-searching in institutionalized choice situations. The wider implication of this is that the vocabulary fostered by contemporary transition contexts may invite researchers to overemphasize discrete moments ruptured from process, and thus obscure the dynamic relations between history and biography (Mills, 1959). A life course perspective, with its emphasis on transitions as contextualized processes, represents a viable theoretical alternative." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intergenerational effects of further vocational training in Germany (2018)

    Zabel, Cordula ; Kopf, Eva;


    Zabel, Cordula & Eva Kopf (2018): Intergenerational effects of further vocational training in Germany. In: Community, work & family, Jg. 21, H. 5, S. 581-598., 2018-08-31. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2018.1527757


    "This article analyses the influence of unemployed parents' further vocational training on their children's future apprenticeship and employment opportunities. We focus on households receiving means-tested benefits in Germany and investigate whether parents' further vocational training helps avoid an intergenerational transmission of unemployment. Parents' further vocational training can affect children's future apprenticeship and employment opportunities directly, for instance by raising the value attributed to education and training within the family. Indirect effects via parents' improved employment opportunities are possible as well. The sample consists of adolescents who were 14 - 17 years old when their parents participated in a further vocational training programme. We evaluate apprenticeship and employment outcomes for the young adults at ages 17 - 23 using entropy balancing methods on the basis of rich large-scale register data. Our findings indicate significantly positive effects of parents' further vocational training on children's apprenticeship enrolment but non-significant or negative effects on children's regular employment at young ages. Moreover, mediation analysis gives evidence that these effects are partly mediated via an increase in parents' own employment opportunities. Overall, our analyses indicate that parents' further vocational training improves the qualifications of the next generation as well." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Danish labor market, 2000-2016: despite recession-induced job losses, high turnover prevented a steep increase in long-term and youth unemployment (2017)

    Andersen, Torben M.;


    Andersen, Torben M. (2017): The Danish labor market, 2000-2016. Despite recession-induced job losses, high turnover prevented a steep increase in long-term and youth unemployment. (IZA world of labor 404), Bonn, 10 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.404


    "Die dänische Wirtschaft wurde von der Großen Rezession stark getroffen und verzeichnete nach zuvor anhaltenden Beschäftigungszuwächsen große Arbeitsplatzverluste. Insgesamt hat das dänische Flexicurity-Modell die Krise aber erfolgreich bewältigen können. Dank der traditionell hohen Jobfluktuation war die verbreitet eintretende Arbeitslosigkeit meist nur von kurzer Dauer. Dies hat einen starken Anstieg der Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit verhindert und den Arbeitsmarktzugang für junge Menschen nicht erschwert. Die Lohnungleichheit nimmt weniger deutlich als in anderen Ländern zu, die Lohnstreuung ist nach wie vor eher gering." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Small differences matter: How regional distinctions in educational and labour market policy account for heterogeneity in NEET rates (2017)

    Bacher, Johann; Leitgöb, Heinz; Tamesberger, Dennis; Koblbauer, Christina;


    Bacher, Johann, Christina Koblbauer, Heinz Leitgöb & Dennis Tamesberger (2017): Small differences matter: How regional distinctions in educational and labour market policy account for heterogeneity in NEET rates. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1186/s12651-017-0232-6


    "Labour market and education policy makers and researchers are increasingly focusing on the NEET indicator as a supplement to the youth unemployment rate. Analyses of factors influencing NEET have concentrated primarily on individual characteristics such as gender and migration background on one hand, and on macro-level factors of nations such as economic growth and minimum wage regulations on the other. However, nations are not homogenous, especially when a country is divided into several federal states, as is the case with Austria. This article aims to analyse regional differences within Austria. In order to explain the differences, we define a multilevel model that contains four contextual factors: the importance of upper secondary education; the importance of dual education; vacant jobs; and expenditures for active labour market policy. Because the institutional level addresses different age groups, the analysis was split into two age groups: 15 - 19 and 20 - 24 years. The results have shown that, besides the social structure of the population, contextual factors like the upper secondary education, the dual education, vacant jobs, and expenditures for active labour market policy are also relevant for explaining regional differences in the NEET rates. But one main insight was that the impact of the contextual factors varies between different social groups." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The interplay of educational and labour market institutions and links to relative youth unemployment (2017)

    Brzinsky-Fay, Christian;


    Brzinsky-Fay, Christian (2017): The interplay of educational and labour market institutions and links to relative youth unemployment. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 27, H. 4, S. 346-359. DOI:10.1177/0958928717719198


    "Many institutional theories assume that institutions function in conjunction with each other and, therefore, constitute regimes. Moreover, when analysing institutional effects most researchers maintain a purely variable-oriented approach and its ceteris-paribus logic of causal association. This article analyses associations between configurations of labour market and education institutions and relative youth unemployment by examining 30 countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The analysis reveals that no single institution constitutes a sufficient or necessary condition for relative youth unemployment. Institutions unfold their effects only in combination with other institutions, that is, they are always conjunctural. Low relative youth unemployment cannot be explained adequately. Employment protection is only associated with high relative youth unemployment if vocational specificity, standardisation and stratification is low." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Young people and UK labour market policy: A critique of 'employability' as a tool for understanding youth unemployment (2017)

    Crisp, Richard; Powell, Ryan;


    Crisp, Richard & Ryan Powell (2017): Young people and UK labour market policy. A critique of 'employability' as a tool for understanding youth unemployment. In: Urban studies, Jg. 54, H. 8, S. 1784-1807. DOI:10.1177/0042098016637567


    "This paper presents a critical analysis of the contemporary policy focus on promoting employability among young people in the UK. Drawing on analysis of UK policy approaches to tackling youth unemployment since the late 1970s, we suggest that existing critiques of employability as 'supply-side orthodoxy' fail to capture fully its evolving meaning and function. Under the UK Coalition Government, it became increasingly colonised as a targeted tool of urban governance to legitimise ever more punitive forms of conditional welfare. We argue that this colonisation undermines the value of the notion of employability as an academic tool for understanding the reasons why young people face difficulties in entering the labour market. The paper suggests that the notion of youth transitions offers more potential for understanding youth unemployment, and that more clearly linking this body of research to policy could provide a fruitful avenue for future research. Such a shift requires a longer term, spatially informed perspective as well as greater emphasis on the changing power relations that mediate young people's experiences of wider social and economic transformations. The paper concludes that promoting employment among urban young people requires a marked shift to address the historically and geographically inadequate knowledge and assumptions on which policies are based." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: comparing policy coordination in nine European countries (2017)

    Dingeldey, Irene ; Assmann, Marie-Luise; Steinberg, Lisa;


    Dingeldey, Irene, Marie-Luise Assmann & Lisa Steinberg (2017): Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people. Comparing policy coordination in nine European countries. (NEGOTIATE working paper 8.2), Oslo, 55 S.


    "The analysis is based on nine in-depth country studies including Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Poland, Spain, the UK and two non-EU countries; Norway and Switzerland, which serve as a reference group.
    The empirical research makes use of both primary and secondary sources, as well as four to six expert interviews per country to identify different types of youth employment regimes and strategies used to implement the respective policies.
    The introduction of the Youth Guarantee (YG) was met with high expectations. Since the economic crisis youth unemployment has significantly increased. It was accompanied by a flexibilisation of employment forms and the lowering of youth wages, both attempts to facilitate integration in the labour market. Hence, it was up to the YG to address existing problems vis-à-vis young people entering the labour market, and to improve policy coordination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsfähig?! Identitätskonstruktionen junger Erwachsener im arbeitsideologischen Diskurs: eine empirische Analyse (2017)

    Discher, Kerstin; Hartfiel, Anna Kristina;


    Discher, Kerstin & Anna Kristina Hartfiel (2017): Arbeitsfähig?! Identitätskonstruktionen junger Erwachsener im arbeitsideologischen Diskurs. Eine empirische Analyse. In: Soziale Passagen, Jg. 9, H. 1, S. 23-42. DOI:10.1007/s12592-017-0259-0


    "Für eine Transformation des Sozialstaats in Richtung eines aktivierenden Sozialstaats sind arbeitsideologische Leitlinien konstitutiv. Diese legitimieren sowohl Gesetzesänderungen zum Abbau sozialstaatlicher Kollektivgarantien als auch einen veränderten Umgang mit erwerbslosen Menschen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellen wir uns im vorliegenden Artikel anhand biografisch-narrativer Interviews mit jungen Erwachsenen in verschiedenen beruflichen Übergangssituationen die Frage, inwieweit junge Erwachsene in ihrer Erzählung arbeitsideologische Leitlinien zur Konstruktion ihrer narrativen Identität nutzen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich die jungen Erwachsenen in ihren Erzählungen als (engagierte) Arbeitssubjekte positionieren wollen. Deutlich wird, dass sie sich letztlich als selbstverantwortlich dafür fühlen, einen Platz in der 'Aktivgesellschaft' zu finden. Bedeutsam für die Analyse ist dabei der Blick auf die unterschiedlichen Artikulationsmöglichkeiten, die ihnen hierfür je nach Sprecher*innenposition, die sie im Diskurs innehaben, gegeben sind. So zeigen wir in diesem Artikel auf, wie arbeitsideologische Leitlinien je nach Sprecher*innenposition aufgegriffen werden (können), um der eigenen Biografie in der aktuellen Lebenssituation des beruflichen Überganges Sinn zu verleihen." (Autorenreferat, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Does reducing unemployment benefits during a recession reduce youth unemployment?: evidence from a 50% cut in unemployment assistance (2017)

    Doris, Aedín; Sweetman, Olive; O'Neill, Donal;


    Doris, Aedín, Donal O'Neill & Olive Sweetman (2017): Does reducing unemployment benefits during a recession reduce youth unemployment? Evidence from a 50% cut in unemployment assistance. (IZA discussion paper 10727), Bonn, 38 S.


    "We use administrative data to examine the effect of a 50% benefit cut for young unemployed workers in Ireland during the Great Recession. Because the cut applied only to new benefit claims, claimants whose unemployment start dates differed by a matter of days received very different benefits; we exploit this fact in our Regression Discontinuity and Difference-in-Difference analyses. While we find no impact on unemployment duration for those aged 20-21, the benefit cut significantly reduced duration for 18 year olds, with an estimated elasticity close to one. We consider possible explanations for our findings and also examine long-run effects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Understanding cross-country variation in the long-term consequences of graduating at a bad time: a comparison of five European countries (2017)

    Helbling, Laura; Imdorf, Christian ; Sacchi, Stefan ;


    Helbling, Laura, Stefan Sacchi & Christian Imdorf (2017): Understanding cross-country variation in the long-term consequences of graduating at a bad time. A comparison of five European countries. (NEGOTIATE working paper 6.3), Oslo, 40 S.


    "This working paper investigates if graduating in a bad economy scars careers of youth cohorts in terms of increased future unemployment and overrepresentation in fixed-term and involuntary part-time work. These dynamics of scarring are explored from a cross-country comparative perspective, focusing on the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Finland. These countries make up for interesting cases as they differ remarkably on institutional and economic dimensions such as for example the vocational orientation of their education systems, the strictness of employment protection legislation, active labour market policies to support job-search success of jobless young people and the general level of prevalent youth unemployment, which are assumed to be related to cross-nationally distinct patterns in scarring effects. The focus of the empirical analysis is on long-term effects of the level of aggregate youth unemployment at graduation on career evolvement of school-leaver cohorts over 12 years since their graduation, distinguishing between educational groups while allowing for gender effects. All in all we find that bad luck in timing of labour market entry can scar future careers over the long-run. A bad economy at labour market entry may thus be seen as a major risk factor for the future integration of youth cohorts in very different institutional contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Long-term unemployed youth: Characteristics and policy responses (2017)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ledermaier, Stefanie; Vacas-Soriano, Carlos; Jacobs, Lena;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano, Stefanie Ledermaier, Carlos Vacas-Soriano & Lena Jacobs (2017): Long-term unemployed youth. Characteristics and policy responses. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 85 S. DOI:10.2806/940447


    "While the youth labour market has improved considerably since 2014, one legacy of the recent economic crisis is the large cohort of long-term unemployed young people, which represents nearly one-third of jobless young people. This report provides an updated profile of the youth labour market in 2016 and describes trends over the past decade. It explores the determinants of long-term unemployment, at both sociodemographic and macroeconomic levels. It also provides evidence on the serious consequences for young people of spending a protracted time in unemployment, such as scarring effects on income and occupation and on several dimensions of young people's well-being. The report concludes with a discussion of selected policy measures recently implemented by 10 Member States in order to prevent young people from becoming long-term unemployed or, if they are in such circumstances, to integrate them into the labour market or education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Absolventen allgemeinbildender und beruflicher Bildungsgänge in Europa: Der Start ins Berufsleben ist in einigen Ländern besonders schwierig (2016)

    Anger, Silke ; Rodrigues, Margarida ; Leber, Ute;


    Anger, Silke, Ute Leber & Margarida Rodrigues (2016): Absolventen allgemeinbildender und beruflicher Bildungsgänge in Europa: Der Start ins Berufsleben ist in einigen Ländern besonders schwierig. (IAB-Kurzbericht 11/2016), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Die Integration junger Menschen in den Arbeitsmarkt hat eine zentrale Bedeutung für die wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung eines Landes. Dies gilt umso mehr, als frühe Arbeitsmarkterfahrungen wichtig sind für den späteren Beschäftigungserfolg. Allerdings ist der Eintritt in das Erwerbsleben für viele Jugendliche in Europa auch infolge der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise immer noch schwierig. Ein neuer Indikator der EU, die Erwerbstätigenquote von Absolventen allgemeinbildender und beruflicher Bildungsgänge, soll den Beitrag des Bildungssystems beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt adäquat abbilden. Auf Basis dieser Kennzahl zeigen die Autorinnen die Entwicklung der Beschäftigung von jungen Menschen mit Schul-, Berufs- oder Hochschulabschluss in Europa über die letzten zehn Jahre und gehen auf Unterschiede zwischen den Ländern sowie auf länderspezifische Einflussfaktoren ein." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Anger, Silke ; Leber, Ute;
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    Are recessions good for human capital accumulation? (2016)

    Ayllón, Sara ; Nollenberger, Natalia;


    Ayllón, Sara & Natalia Nollenberger (2016): Are recessions good for human capital accumulation? (NEGOTIATE working paper 5.1), Oslo, 32 S.


    "This paper is the first to investigate to what extent the high levels of joblessness brought by the Great Recession across Europe have translated into higher school attendance among youth. Using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the EU- SILC on 28 countries, we establish a robust counter-cyclical relationship between rising unemployment rates and school enrollment. The same is true for transitions back to education. However, our analysis by subgroups reveals a worrisome trend by which youths belonging to most disadvantaged backgrounds (measured by low household income) became less likely to enroll in University studies. The austerity measures and educational cutbacks imposed during the recession, not only changed the pattern of educational decisions among you" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effects of the economic crisis on drug consumption of young individuals in Europe: unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth (2016)

    Ayllón, Sara ; Ferreira-Batista, Natalia N.;


    Ayllón, Sara & Natalia N. Ferreira-Batista (2016): The effects of the economic crisis on drug consumption of young individuals in Europe. Unemployment, drugs and attitudes among European youth. (NEGOTIATE working paper 4.2), Oslo, 32 S.


    "This paper studies changes in patterns of drugs consumption and attitudes to- wards drugs in relation to sky-high (youth) unemployment rates in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Our analysis is based on data for 28 European countries referred to young people between the ages of 15 and 24. We find that consumption of cannabis and of 'new substances' is positively related with increasing unemployment rates. For example, an increase of 1% in the regional unemployment rate is associated with an increase of nearly 0.7% of young people declaring to have consumed cannabis at any point in time. Our findings also indicate that higher unemployment rates can be associated with more young people perceiving that access to drugs became more difficult, particularly for ecstasy, cocaine and heroin. On the opposite, we do not find any link between changes in the unemployment rate and changes in perceived risk of drugs use. Finally, according to young Europeans, when the economy worsens, anti-drug policies should focus on the reduction of poverty and unemployment, and not on implementing tougher measures against users." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Soziale Exklusion von Jugendlichen in Österreich: Vorschlag für einen Index zur Messung der Ausgrenzungsgefährdung von Jugendlichen (2016)

    Bacher, Johann; Tamesberger, Dennis;


    Bacher, Johann & Dennis Tamesberger (2016): Soziale Exklusion von Jugendlichen in Österreich. Vorschlag für einen Index zur Messung der Ausgrenzungsgefährdung von Jugendlichen. In: Wiso. Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Zeitschrift des ISW, Jg. 39, H. 3, S. 71-90.


    "Der Beitrag versucht den Kritikpunkt der mangelnden Spezifität des NEET-Konzeptes zu überwinden, indem ein neuer Index zur Messung der Ausgrenzungsgefährdung von Jugendlichen vorgeschlagen wird. Dabei wird neben dem NEET-Status auch der frühe Schulabgang und die prekäre Beschäftigung von Jugendlichen berücksichtigt. Demnach sind rund 128.000 Jugendliche, in Österreich von sozialer Ausgrenzung betroffen. Dieser Indikator ist in der Lage zukünftige Arbeitslosigkeit oder einen NEET-Status vorherzusagen." (Autorenreferat, © ISW-Linz)

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    Long-term consequences of being not in employment, education or training as a young adult: stability and change in three Swedish birth cohorts (2016)

    Bäckman, Olof; Nilsson, Anders;


    Bäckman, Olof & Anders Nilsson (2016): Long-term consequences of being not in employment, education or training as a young adult. Stability and change in three Swedish birth cohorts. In: European Societies, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 136-157. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2016.1153699


    "In this article we analyse the development of young adults not in education, employment or training (NEET) in three complete Swedish birth cohorts born in 1975, 1980 and 1985. We analyse the risk for future labour-market exclusion among NEETs, and how this risk varies between three birth cohorts who made the transition from school to work during periods characterised by different opportunity structures for young adults. Analyses using propensity score matching with repeated outcomes show that belonging to the NEET-group in early adulthood has an independent effect on the development of subsequent labour-market risk for both men and women. Moreover, this effect increases across the cohorts. The fact that the degree of labour-market attachment has clear and long-lasting implications indicates that the problems associated with being NEET cannot be reduced to a transient phase. Rather, it seems as though being NEET may be both a step on an already unfavourable life career and a triggering factor for social exclusion." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do youths graduating in a recession incur permanent losses?: Penalties may last ten years or more, especially for high-educated youth and in rigid labor markets (2016)

    Cockx, Bart ;


    Cockx, Bart (2016): Do youths graduating in a recession incur permanent losses? Penalties may last ten years or more, especially for high-educated youth and in rigid labor markets. (IZA world of labor 281), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.281


    "The Great Recession that began in 2008 - 2009 dramatically increased youth unemployment. But did it have long-lasting, adverse effects on the careers of youths? Are cohorts that graduate during a recession doomed to fall permanently behind those that graduate at other times? Are the impacts different for low- and high-educated individuals? If recessions impose penalties that persist over time, then more government outlays are justified to stabilize economic activity. Scientific evidence from a variety of countries shows that rigid labor markets can reinforce the persistence of these setbacks, which has important policy implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employer voices, employer demands, and implications for public skills development policy connecting the labor and education sectors (2016)

    Cunningham, Wendy; Villasenor, Paula;


    Cunningham, Wendy & Paula Villasenor (2016): Employer voices, employer demands, and implications for public skills development policy connecting the labor and education sectors. (Policy research working paper 7582), Washington, DC, 37 S.


    "Educators believe that they are adequately preparing youth for the labor market while at the same time employers lament the students' lack of skills. A possible source of the mismatch in perceptions is that employers and educators have different understandings of the types of skills valued in the labor market. Using economics and psychology literature to define four skills sets - socio-emotional, higher-order cognitive, basic cognitive, and technical- this paper reviews the literature that quantitatively measures employer skill demand, as reported in a preference survey. A sample of 27 studies reveals remarkable consistency across the world in the skills demanded by employers. While employers value all skill sets, there is a greater demand for socio-emotional skills and higher-order cognitive skills than for basic cognitive or technical skills. These results are robust across region, industry, occupation, and education level. Employers perceive that the greatest skills gaps are in socio-emotional and higher-order cognitive skills. These findings suggest the need to re-conceptualize the public sector's role in preparing children for a future labor market. Namely, technical training is not equivalent to job training; instead, a broad range of skills, many of which are best taught long before labor market entry, should be included in school curricula from the earliest ages. The skills most demanded by employers - higher-order cognitive skills and socio-emotional skills - are largely learned or refined in adolescence, arguing for a general education well into secondary school until these skills are formed. Finally, the public sector can provide programming and incentives to non-school actors, namely parents and employers, to encourage them to invest in the skills development process. Skills, labor demand, cognitive, non-cognitive, behavioral skills, competences, employer surveys, skills policy, education policy, training policy" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Youth unemployment in Europe - business cycle and institutional effects (2016)

    Dietrich, Hans ; Möller, Joachim;


    Dietrich, Hans & Joachim Möller (2016): Youth unemployment in Europe - business cycle and institutional effects. In: International economics and economic policy, Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 5-25., 2015-11-04. DOI:10.1007/s10368-015-0331-1


    "In the aftermath of the Great Recession 2008/2009 European youth unemployment rose sharply from below 4.2 m in 2007 to more than 5.6 m young people under 25 unemployed in the EU28 countries in 2013. The youth unemployment rate expanded from 15.5 in 2007 to 25.5 in 2013. Beyond the consequences for individuals youth unemployment as a mass phenomenon is potentially menacing the stability of democratic societies. Hence there are good reasons to fight youth unemployment by any means. The paper analyses the specific structure and causes of youth unemployment. Although youth unemployment is also influenced by individual factors like insufficient qualification, we show that country-specific factors - institutions, traditions and characteristic structures - are of high importance in explaining the huge disparities between European countries. Using panel data estimates with specific country and time fixed effects we show that especially the Mediterranean countries responded to the economic downturn in a specific way. However, the high correlation of changes in the youth and adult unemployment rates across countries points to the fact that not only structural factors but also business cycle effects are important for explaining the sharp increase in the youth unemployment rate in Europe. The rise in joblessness is in fact closely related to macroeconomic slackness. Therefore, we argue that a two-handed approach combining institutional improvements with growth stimulating measures is needed to overcome the problem." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dietrich, Hans ; Möller, Joachim;
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    Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: analysing linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination (2016)

    Dingeldey, Irene ; Steinberg, Lisa;


    Dingeldey, Irene & Lisa Steinberg (2016): Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people. Analysing linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination. (NEGOTIATE working paper 8.1), Oslo, 25 S.


    "WP8 deals with the co-ordination of policy measures and strategies to strengthen young people's negotiating positions in the transition to the labour market. The focus is on the development and coordination of policy efforts within a system of multi-level governance. The template aims to address three issues by analysing the following questions: 1. Vertical and horizontal coordination of European policies to improve labour market integration of young people - Does coordination take place through 'hard' or 'soft' measures? - Which actors are involved in decision-making? - When does multi-level policy coordination to help labour market integration of young people work best?' 'Under what conditions are the development and coordination of such policies across multiple levels of governance likely to succeed?' 2. Impact of European initiatives, support and mutual learning on national and subnational policies/strategies - What impact did European programs like 'Youth Guarantee' and Youth initiative and 'Youth on the move' have at national and sub-national level? 3. Re-integration of national experiences in the European policy agenda - Which approaches, experiences and achievements of European countries have influenced European level initiatives? The template aims to provide a basis for country chapters on the implementation of European initiatives, a comparative report on strengths and weaknesses of policy coordination and policy outcomes in a MLG system as well as policy recommendations on how actors might improve coordination across governance levels. Empirical information of this working paper will be based on secondary country-based literature, official documents, existing national policy/program evaluations, and expert interviews with 4 - 5 key officials from agencies involved in the implementation of these programs in each country." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Supporting disadvantaged young people into work: insights from the capability approach (2016)

    Egdell, Valerie ; McQuaid, Ronald;


    Egdell, Valerie & Ronald McQuaid (2016): Supporting disadvantaged young people into work. Insights from the capability approach. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 50, H. 1, S. 1-18. DOI:10.1111/spol.12108


    "The Capability Approach (CA) offers a perspective on the employment activation of young people that is concerned with their freedom to make choices that they value rather than focusing solely on outcomes, such as having to take any job. It incorporates empowerment and the individual and external conversion factors that influence the conversion of resources into functionings for young people, such as getting a job that they value. This article considers the implications of using the CA as a lens for analyzing youth activation polices. A more capability informed approach to employment activation would not measure success solely by the transition into work, but rather by whether it has improved the young person's capabilities, and might focus, for example, on more sustainable and valued careers and develop individuals' freedom of choice in the labour market. Using data from two UK case studies of third sector organizations that support young people into work, it explores these issues empirically, including the extent to which these employment activation programmes, in their current form, can enhance the capabilities of beneficiaries. Conclusions on the implications of a CA for employment activation are made." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    "Schwierige Jugend". Zur Studie "Disconnected Youth" - Entkopplungen beim Übergang von der Schule in Ausbildung und Berufe (2016)

    Gellermann, Jan F. C.;


    Gellermann, Jan F. C. (2016): "Schwierige Jugend". Zur Studie "Disconnected Youth" - Entkopplungen beim Übergang von der Schule in Ausbildung und Berufe. In: Siegen: sozial H. 1, S. 36-39.


    "Seit 2014 führt das Zentrum für Planung und Evaluation Sozialer Dienste der Universität Siegen (ZPE) ein auf drei Jahre angelegtes Forschungsprojekt mit dem Titel 'Disconnected Youth - Entkopplungen beim Übergang von der Schule in Ausbildung und Beruf' durch. Auftraggeber ist die Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Ziel der laufenden Studie ist es, Sozialisationsprozesse und Biografieverläufe von Jugendlichen zu erfassen, denen der stabile Übergang in das Ausbildungssystem mittel- und langfristig nicht gelingt. Die Untersuchung wird an zwei vorgegebenen Standorten in Rheinland-Pfalz durchgeführt. Der Fokus dieser Studie liegt auf jenen Fällen, die von beteiligten Fachkräften als 'besonders schwierig' bezeichnet werden und davon bedroht sind, den Anschluss an den Ausbildungsmarkt im Zweifel dauerhaft zu verlieren." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Straßenjugendliche in Deutschland - eine Erhebung zum Ausmaß des Phänomens: Zwischenbericht - zentrale Ergebnisse der 1. Projektphase (2016)

    Hoch, Carolin;


    Hoch, Carolin (2016): Straßenjugendliche in Deutschland - eine Erhebung zum Ausmaß des Phänomens. Zwischenbericht - zentrale Ergebnisse der 1. Projektphase. (Forschungsschwerpunkt "Übergänge im Jugendalter" am Deutschen Jugendinstitut e.V. Wissenschaftliche Texte), Halle, 59 S.


    "In Deutschland beginnen Straßenkarrieren von Jugendlichen im Durchschnitt im Alter von 16 Jahren. Rund 40 Prozent von ihnen sind Mädchen. Häufig fliehen die Jugendlichen wegen großer Probleme in ihrer Familie. Unterschlupf finden sie dann meist bei Freunden. Zu diesen Ergebnissen kommt eine neue Studie des Deutschen Jugendinstituts e.V., für die rund 300 Jugendliche in Berlin, Hamburg und Köln befragt wurden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Institutional determinants of early job insecurity in nine European countries (2016)

    Hora, Ondrej; Sirovátka, Tomá¿; Horáková, Markéta;


    Hora, Ondrej, Markéta Horáková & Tomá¿ Sirovátka (2016): Institutional determinants of early job insecurity in nine European countries. (NEGOTIATE working paper 3.4), Oslo, 69 S.


    "In the European labour market, young people have been disproportionally affected by job insecurity indicated by unemployment, inactivity, job precariousness and fragmented careers during and after the economic crisis of 2008. This may be crucial for their ability to maintain a living income and to live a decent life on their present and future life course. The increasing polarisation in the labour market may become a persistent structural feature in the conditions of the changing employment structures and flexibilization of labour. This challenge was recognised at the EU level when Youth Opportunities Initiative (2011), Youth Employment Package (2012) and Youth Guarantee (2013) were launched and underpinned with financing from ESF schemes. The European countries, however, have experienced very different impacts of the crisis on their labour markets (Karamessini et al. 2016). Similarly, the initial responses in active labour market policies (ALMPs) to the crisis also diverged considerably (Clasen et al 2012). The question arises about the longer-term adaptations of labour market policy and other policies to the challenge of increasing early job insecurity and the associated structural changes in the labour market.
    The aim of this paper is to assess in nine national contexts how recent reforms in labour market institutions and policies and the skill formation systems may have affected the incidence of early job insecurity and the patterns of labour market entry/integration of young women and men. Job insecurity as understood here includes two dimensions: (a) insecurity of maintaining the current job, (b) insecurity of getting another job in the future, that is, job insecurity and employment insecurity (compare Chung and van Oorschot 2011)." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Understanding unemployment scars: a vignette Experiment of employers' decisions in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland (2016)

    Hyggen, Christer; Yfanti, Aggeliki; Imdorf, Christian ; Shi, Lulu P. ; Parsanaglou, Dimitris; Stoilova, Rumiana ; Sacchi, Stefan ; Yordanova, Gabriela; Samuel, Robin ;


    Hyggen, Christer, Christian Imdorf, Dimitris Parsanaglou, Stefan Sacchi, Robin Samuel, Rumiana Stoilova, Lulu P. Shi, Aggeliki Yfanti & Gabriela Yordanova (2016): Understanding unemployment scars. A vignette Experiment of employers' decisions in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland. (NEGOTIATE working paper 7.2), Oslo, 63 S.


    "In an effort to broaden the understanding of how early job insecurity can affect an individual's future career from an employer's perspective NEGOTIATE conducted an employer-sided survey with an integrated multidimensional vignette experiment in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland. This report documents the sampling and data-collection in the four countries. In addition we present some basic descriptive results from the survey. Data from the survey will be available for public use, following a quarantine period after the end of the project, through the data repository at the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD).
    Theoretical considerations underpinning the survey, state of research and a further description of the methodological approach is previously published in the NEGOTIATE Working paper D7.1 Studying employer's risk assessment and the role of institutions: An experimental design (Shi, L.P, C. Imdorf and R. Samuel 2016)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Exportartikel Berufsbildung?: Internationale Bildungszusammenarbeit zwischen Armutsreduktion und Wirtschaftsförderung (2016)

    Jäger, Matthias; Maurer, Markus ; Fässler, Martin;


    Jäger, Matthias, Markus Maurer & Martin Fässler (2016): Exportartikel Berufsbildung? Internationale Bildungszusammenarbeit zwischen Armutsreduktion und Wirtschaftsförderung. Bern: Hep, 215 S.


    "Berufsbildung ist seit den 1950er-Jahren ein wichtiges Standbein der schweizerischen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Nun verleiht ihr die in jüngster Zeit weltweit zunehmende Jugendarbeitslosigkeit neue Popularität. Entwicklungspolitische Zielvorgaben, internationale Megatrends und unterschiedliche Konzepte stellen die Berufsbildung vor große Herausforderungen. Die Autoren diskutieren Praxis und Potenzial bezüglich der Bildungszusammenarbeit im Spannungsfeld zwischen Armutsreduktion und Wirtschaftsförderung. Dabei schlagen sie den Bogen von den ersten internationalen Berufsbildungsprojekten bis zu einer nächsten Projektgeneration." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis * (2016)

    Karamessini, Maria; Symeonaki, Maria ; Papazachariou, Antonis; Stamatopoulou, Glykeria;


    Karamessini, Maria, Maria Symeonaki, Glykeria Stamatopoulou & Antonis Papazachariou (2016): The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis *. (NEGOTIATE working paper 3.2), Oslo, 93 S.


    "In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the study of young people's careers in Europe and the identification of the risk factors influencing them. The study of transitions between labour market states and the measurement of the school-to-work transition probabilities has become of utmost importance, since young people's pathways from school to sustained work have become rough and unpredictable. The probability of someone who has concluded full-time education to move successfully into full-time occupation seems to decrease, while, on the other hand, the probability of engaging into a part-time or temporary job increases. Emphasis should therefore be given to the estimation of different indicators that can be used in order to capture the extent and forms of job insecurity. Several methodological approaches are proposed in the present study, taking advantage of existing data sources, cross-sectional and longitudinal, so as to provide a full picture of early job insecurity in all European countries and its relation to a number of socio-demographic variables that might be influencing its magnitude. The results uncover that there are important differences between countries, when all estimated early job insecurity indicators are taken into account." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Engaging the 'missing middle': status quo, trends and good practice (2016)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ledermaier, Stefanie;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano & Stefanie Ledermaier (2016): Engaging the 'missing middle'. Status quo, trends and good practice. Dublin, 14 S.


    "Youth unemployment policy has tended to focus on two groups: young people with low educational attainment and those with higher education who have failed to find work. However, there is a large group of middle attainers who tend to be overlooked by policy - young people who have completed second-level education but do not follow academic routes into higher education. These are the 'missing middle', who may be confronted with a range of challenges when trying to find alternative ways into employment, further education or training. This paper describes the middle attainers and looks at recent trends in policy from different EU countries aimed at engaging this group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Exploring the diversity of NEETs (2016)

    Mascherini, Massimiliano; Ledermaier, Stefanie;


    Mascherini, Massimiliano & Stefanie Ledermaier (2016): Exploring the diversity of NEETs. Dublin, 63 S. DOI:10.2806/62307


    "The concept of NEET (young people not in employment, education or training) has, since 2010, been widely used as a tool to inform youth-oriented policies in the 28 Member States of the European Union. While it has been a valuable addition to more traditional indicators used to understand the economic and social vulnerability of young people and their labour market participation, it has often been criticised because of the heterogeneity of the population it captures. This report explores the diversity of NEETs and suggests seven subgroups into which the NEET population can be disaggregated using data routinely collected for the EU Labour Force Survey. Through analysis of the data for each of these subgroups, it offers a contemporary overview of the composition of the NEET population, both at EU28 level and in each Member State. It is hoped this information will help policymakers more precisely target interventions intended to ease young people's engagement with the world of work and training. An executive summary is available - see Related content - and a separate annex presents detailed information on the composition of NEETs in the 28 Member States." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Size of training firms and cumulated long-run unemployment exposure: the role of firms, luck, and ability in young workers' careers (2016)

    Müller, Steffen; Neubäumer, Renate;


    Müller, Steffen & Renate Neubäumer (2016): Size of training firms and cumulated long-run unemployment exposure. The role of firms, luck, and ability in young workers' careers. (IWH-Diskussionspapiere 2016,05), Halle, 28 S.


    "This paper analyzes how life-cycle unemployment of former apprentices depends on the size of the training firm. We start from the hypotheses that the size of training firms reduces long-run cumulated unemployment exposure, e.g. via differences in training quality and in the availability of internal labor markets, and that the access to large training firms depends positively on young workers' ability and their luck to live in a region with many large and medium-sized training firms. We test these hypotheses empirically by using a large administrative data set for Germany and find corroborative evidence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic crisis and youth unemployment: comparing Greece and Ireland (2016)

    Papadopoulos, Orestis ;


    Papadopoulos, Orestis (2016): Economic crisis and youth unemployment. Comparing Greece and Ireland. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 409-426. DOI:10.1177/0959680116632326


    "Both Greece and Ireland have long suffered high youth unemployment rates and have been pressured to restructure their employment and social systems under the European Employment Strategy. Problems were aggravated by the harsh conditions imposed by the Troika following bail-outs. Yet there was significant divergence in youth employment outcomes between Greece and Ireland despite a convergence of policies. In Ireland, tighter conditionality of benefits and stronger 'activation' were already on the agenda of the social actors, so their implementation was not forcefully contested. In Greece, the lack of effective social protection made it difficult for successive governments to build support for flexibilization, and the escalating insecurity of young Greeks and their families gave rise to social unrest and political instability. This contrast leads to a reappraisal of the convergence - divergence debate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage: Volume I, Investigating causes and extent (2016)


    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (2016): Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage. Volume I, Investigating causes and extent. (CEDEFOP research paper 57), Thessaloniki, 136 S. DOI:10.2801/893397


    "This Cedefop study examines the contribution that vocational education and training (VET) can make to reducing early leaving from education and training (ELET). Published in two volumes, this first looks at quantitative data to understand better the extent of early leaving from VET (ELVET). It analyses mechanisms for monitoring early leaving (at national and EU-levels), and examines VET and labour-market-specific factors, as well as those related to the individual and his/her family background, contributing to this phenomenon. It aims to assist national policy-makers and decision-makers at different levels in developing existing monitoring systems to measure ELVET and inform VET policies to tackle ELET. It also aims to assist European stakeholders to refine the EU indicator to capture the important variations in individual situations of early leavers. The second volume reviews VET-related measures to tackle ELET, either by preventing learners dropping out and/or by bringing those who have already left back to education and training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage: Volume II, Evaluating policy impact (2016)


    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (2016): Leaving education early: Putting vocational education and training centre stage. Volume II, Evaluating policy impact. (CEDEFOP research paper 58), Thessaloniki, 149 S. DOI:10.2801/967263


    "This Cedefop study focuses on the contribution that vocational education and training (VET) can make to reducing early leaving from education and training (ELET). Published in two volumes, the first is dedicated to understanding better the learning pathways of young students, providing measurements of early leaving in VET, and understanding the role of VET in breaking the vicious cycle of early leaving and unemployment. This second volume reviews VET-related measures to tackle ELET, either by preventing learners dropping out and/or by bringing those who have already left back to education and training. This volume identifies and discusses the key features of successful policies and practices, plus the conditions necessary to evaluate and upscale successful regional and local practices to national strategies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Schweiz: Good-Practice-Beispiele an der Schnittstelle "Schule - Beruf" (2015)

    Bachinger, Karin; Heckl, Eva; Dorr, Andrea;


    Bachinger, Karin, Andrea Dorr & Eva Heckl (2015): Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in der Schweiz. Good-Practice-Beispiele an der Schnittstelle "Schule - Beruf". (AMS report 110), Wien, 72 S.


    "Die Erfahrungen anderer Länder sind von Bedeutung, um das Förderinstrumentarium des Arbeitsmarktservice in Österreich laufend zu optimieren und den wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen anzupassen. Dabei kommt in erster Linie jenen Ländern eine besondere Bedeutung zu, die ähnliche Rahmenbedingungen am Arbeitsmarkt aufweisen. Während meistens der Blick auf Deutschland fällt, wird in dieser Studie die Schweiz genauer unter die Lupe genommen. Dieses Nachbarland zeichnet sich durch eine niedrige Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und ein umfangreiches Angebot an Maßnahmen für verschiedene arbeitsmarktpolitisch relevante Zielgruppen aus. Im Fokus dieser von der KMU Forschung Austria im Auftrag der Abteilung Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation des AMS Österreich im Jahr 2014 erstellten Untersuchung stehen Maßnahmen für Jugendliche mit sozialen Benachteiligungen (z. B. Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund, ohne Pflichtschulabschluss) am Übergang 'Schule und Beruf'." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Handlungskonzepts zur Steigerung der Mobilität ausbildungssuchender Jugendlicher innerhalb Deutschlands: Schlussbericht. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie (2015)

    Berger, Florian; Teichler, Thomas; Talmon-Gros, Larissa;


    Berger, Florian, Larissa Talmon-Gros & Thomas Teichler (2015): Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Handlungskonzepts zur Steigerung der Mobilität ausbildungssuchender Jugendlicher innerhalb Deutschlands. Schlussbericht. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie. Frankfurt am Main, 63 S.


    "Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurden insbesondere folgende Fragen analysiert: Welche fördernden und hemmenden Faktoren gibt es für die Mobilität und Flexibilität ausbildungssuchender Jugendlicher? Wie bzw. mit welchen Maßnahmen nehmen Akteure bereits heute Einfluss auf Mobilitätsentscheidungen sowie auf die Flexibilität von Ausbildungssuchenden? Welche Akteure sind das? Welche zusätzlichen Maßnahmen sind sinnvoll? Wie muss ein praktikabler, ansprechender und wirksamer Ansatz gestaltet sein? Auf Basis der Antworten auf diese Frage wird ein Handlungskonzept entworfen, das für verschiedene Akteure (Staat, Unternehmen, Regionen) Hinweise gibt, wie die verschiedenen regionalen oder branchenspezifischen Herausforderungen adressiert werden können." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Inequality and 21-year-olds' negotiation of uncertain transitions to employment: a Bourdieusian approach (2015)

    Borlagdan, Joseph;


    Borlagdan, Joseph (2015): Inequality and 21-year-olds' negotiation of uncertain transitions to employment. A Bourdieusian approach. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 18, H. 7, S. 839-854. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2014.992327


    "Faced with uncertainty, how do young people navigate the transition from school to work? Applying Bourdieu's concept of habitus to the 'fields' of education and employment, I argue that past experience, family background and unequal access to economic, social and symbolic forms of capital differentiate their transitions. Drawing on the tenth wave of the Australian longitudinal Life Chances Study, we found that all of the twenty-five 21-year-olds interviewed expressed uncertainty when discussing their futures. However, those from high-income backgrounds with access to strong social, economic and cultural resources were better able to manage the risks arising from uncertainty than their counterparts from low-income backgrounds. The following article seeks to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of young people's experiences at age 21 through the application of Bourdieu's conceptual framework. The interviewees' habitus and cultivation of varying forms of capital tend towards social reproduction, yet also reveal opportunities for those considered 'disadvantaged' to mobilise their cultural resources. Bourdieu's model of the field, and its component conceptual tools, provide an explanatory frame to make sense of the seemingly incoherent paths that young people trace between education and employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Early school leaving in Scandinavia: extent and labour market effects (2015)

    Bäckman, Olof; Jakobsen, Vibeke; Österbacka, Eva ; Lorentzen, Thomas ; Dahl, Espen ;


    Bäckman, Olof, Vibeke Jakobsen, Thomas Lorentzen, Eva Österbacka & Espen Dahl (2015): Early school leaving in Scandinavia. Extent and labour market effects. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 253-269. DOI:10.1177/0958928715588702


    "The article explores the extent to which the organization of vocational tracks in upper secondary school affects the labour market risks associated with early school exit. The Nordic countries share many features, but the upper secondary school systems differ significantly in how their vocational tracks are organized. Denmark and Norway have dual vocational tracks, that is, they combine school-based education and workplace apprenticeships, whereas in Finland and Sweden they are primarily school based. We analyse administrative longitudinal data from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s in the four countries and find the highest vocational track dropout rates in Norway and the lowest in Finland. The results indicate that the relative labour market effect of dropping out from a vocational track is most detrimental in Norway. It is also in Norway that we find the greatest gender differences in this respect." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    2. Förderphase des Bundesprogramms "XENOS - Integration und Vielfalt": Abschlussbericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung (2015)

    Böwing-Schmalenbrock, Melanie; Kuhnke, Ralf; Müller, Matthias; Reißig, Birgit;


    Böwing-Schmalenbrock, Melanie, Ralf Kuhnke, Matthias Müller & Birgit Reißig (2015): 2. Förderphase des Bundesprogramms "XENOS - Integration und Vielfalt". Abschlussbericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung. München, 148 S.


    "Das XENOS-Programm 'Integration und Vielfalt' (XENOS II) will die Integration von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in den Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsmarkt und damit auch die Integration in die Gesellschaft verbessern. Es richtet sich nicht nur auf individuelle Beschäftigungsförderung und die Verbesserung des Zugangs zu Ausbildung und Arbeit, sondern auch auf die Stärkung interkultureller Kompetenzen. Ziel der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung ist die prozessbegleitende Programmevaluation. In diesem Rahmen wurden sämtliche Projekte und in ausgewählten Stichproben Adressatengruppen einiger Projekte befragt. Mit diesem Forschungsansatz konnten Erkenntnisse zur Projektumsetzung, zu hinderlichen und förderlichen Bedingungen, zu möglichen Problementwicklungen und Bewältigungsstrategien und zur Zielerreichung sowie Projektverstetigung gewonnen werden. In dem hier vorliegenden Abschlussbericht werden die gewonnenen und ausgewerteten Daten aller Erhebungen vorgestellt, zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt und daraus Erkenntnisse abgeleitet. Diese werden an den Programmzielen gemessen und bewertet und zu Handlungsempfehlungen verdichtet, um zukünftigen Programmumsetzungen zu dienen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    NEET youth in the aftermath of the crisis: challenges and policies (2015)

    Carcillo, Stéphane ; Fernández, Rodrigo; Königs, Sebastian; Minea, Andreea;


    Carcillo, Stéphane, Rodrigo Fernández, Sebastian Königs & Andreea Minea (2015): NEET youth in the aftermath of the crisis. Challenges and policies. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 164), Paris, 108 S. DOI:10.1787/5js6363503f6-en


    "This paper presents an overview of the situation of youth in OECD countries since the onset of the financial crisis focusing primarily on describing the characteristics and living conditions of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET). It also provides data on the availability, coverage and effectiveness of income-support policies for young people, and summarises available evidence on the impact of interventions that aim at improving the social, education and employment situation of the most disadvantaged youth. Due to the paper's explicit focus on the hardest-to-place, most disadvantaged youth, the range of policies covered is broader than in earlier studies on the same topic, including various social benefits and in-kind services targeted at this group. The paper shows that NEET rates have not yet recovered from the crisis. There are large differences in youth unemployment and inactivity across countries, and these differences were further exacerbated by the recession. Reducing NEET rates is a great challenge for governments, as youth who remain jobless for long periods typically come from more disadvantaged backgrounds, have low levels of educational attainment, and are in many cases inactive. There is substantial evidence, however, that even the most disadvantaged youth can benefit from a variety of targeted interventions, including for instance special education programmes and mentoring." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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