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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitsmarktintegration"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Family unification, siblings, and skills (2018)

    Duleep, Harriet Orcutt; Regets, Mark;


    Duleep, Harriet Orcutt & Mark Regets (2018): Family unification, siblings, and skills. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 271), Maastricht, 38 S.


    "Recently proposed immigration reforms would constitute a major break in the 40-year-old U.S. admissions policy favoring family members. Although emphasizing the importance of the nuclear family, the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform and a house subcommittee on immigration recommend eliminating immigration preferences to other close relatives, including the brothers, sisters, and adult children of U.S. citizens. Under the proposed system, those relatives could not obtain U.S. visas unless they qualified because of specific job skills. Using Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) data on admissions criteria matched to 1990 Census data, we examine the effect of family admissions on immigrant education, self-employment, and earnings. Of particular relevance to the current debate, we also examine the effect of one of the family-based admission categories recommended for elimination -- the preference category that admits the siblings of U.S. citizens. We find that family-based immigrants, in general, have low initial earnings but high earnings growth relative to immigrants admitted on the basis of occupational skills. The earnings growth of immigrants is particularly high in cohorts with relatively high sibling admissions. Furthermore, sibling admissions are positively associated with immigrant self-employment. We also find that immigrant education levels are positively associated with sibling admissions and that the flows of occupation-based immigrants and immigrants admitted under the sibling category are intimately connected, particularly for immigrants from regions of the world where economic opportunities are limited for highly educated individuals. The results on earnings growth, self-employment, and education suggest that eliminating the sibling category may be counterproductive. More generally, the paper adds to our basic knowledge about the complex interactions of admission categories, human capital investment, and earnings growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigration and the health of older natives in Western Europe (2018)

    Escarce, José J.; Rocco, Lorenzo;


    Escarce, José J. & Lorenzo Rocco (2018): Immigration and the health of older natives in Western Europe. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 228), Maastricht, 47 S.


    "Previous research has found that immigration benefits the health of working-age natives, an effect mediated through the labor market. We use the Study of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) to investigate whether immigration also affects the health of natives 65-80 years old. Immigration may increase the supply and lower the price of personal and household services, a term that refers to care services and non-care services such as cleaning, meal preparation, and domestic chores. Higher consumption of personal and household services by older natives may help maintain health through a variety of pathways. Using a shift-share IV, we find pervasive beneficial effects of immigration on the physical and mental health of older natives. We also find evidence for the hypothesized pathways, especially for an effect of immigration in increasing social integration (e.g., institutional connections, social participation). However, our ability to test mechanisms is limited in our data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitslosigkeit und Migration in Österreich: Erste Ergebnisse aus Registerzählungsmikrodaten. Projektbericht (2018)

    Felix, Claudia; Moser, Mathias; Jestl, Stefan;


    Jestl, Stefan (2018): Arbeitslosigkeit und Migration in Österreich. Erste Ergebnisse aus Registerzählungsmikrodaten. Projektbericht. Wien, 45 S.


    Mikrodaten und deren Auswertungen sind zu unverzichtbaren Werkzeugen, sowohl in der politischen Wirkungsanalyse als auch dem wissenschaftlichen Diskurs geworden. Speziell für Fragestellungen die sowohl geographisch kleinräumige als auch sozioökonomisch vielschichtige Facetten aufweisen, bieten diese Daten verbesserte Ausgangssituationen für wirtschaftspolitische Weichenstellungen. Während diese Art der evidenzbasierten Analysen in anderen Ländern bereits jahrzehntelange Traditionen aufweisen, sind diese aufgrund der eingeschränkten Anzahl an verfügbaren Daten in Österreich bislang nur auf Teilbereiche fokussiert gewesen. Die schrittweise Erweiterung und Öffnung des Datenangebots für Forscher erlaubt jedoch auch zunehmend in Österreich die Analyse von ökonomischen Vorgängen mittels individuellen Daten aus administrativen Quellen. Diese Studie bedient sich dabei neuester Daten aus der Registerzählung für eine erste deskriptive Analyse von Arbeitslosigkeit und Migrationsverhalten. Ziel ist es einerseits, neue Einblicke in die Zusammenhänge dieser zwei Phänomene zu gewinnen, andererseits aber auch generell die Verwendbarkeit der verfügbaren Daten für Zwecke der Arbeitsmarktforschung auszuloten. Im Rahmen der Frage nach Auslösern und Verstärkungsmechanismen der Mobilität von Arbeitslosen stellt sich die Notwendigkeit der Identifikation von kausalen Wirkungszusammenhängen, über die in dieser Studie nur ansatzweise Hypothesen gebildet werden konnten. Auch hier lässt sich jedoch Potenzial in den Daten erkennen, speziell in der zukünftigen Anwendung von ökonometrischen Methoden, wie Matching oder Difference-in-Difference. Kritisch wird jedoch auch hier angemerkt, dass der Datenzugang im Rahmen der derzeitigen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen beschränkt bleibt. Trotz umfassender Datenschutzmaßnahmen bleibt es Wissenschaftlern derzeit noch verwehrt, mit bestimmten, sensiblen Personendaten zu arbeiten. (IAB)

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    Ethnicity as skill: immigrant employment hierarchies in Norwegian low-wage labour markets (2018)

    Friberg, Jon H.; Midtbøen, Arnfinn H.;


    Friberg, Jon H. & Arnfinn H. Midtbøen (2018): Ethnicity as skill: immigrant employment hierarchies in Norwegian low-wage labour markets. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 9, S. 1463-1478. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1388160


    "Immigrants are often concentrated in particular, often low-waged, segments of the labour market and employers tend to assume that immigrants posit (soft) skills which make them particularly suited for specific tasks. Less scholarly attention has been given to the real and perceived content of these skills and how employers may shift their view over time. We contribute to the literature by examining changing ethnic employment hierarchies in two immigrant-intensive labour markets in Norway. Drawing on qualitative data from the hotel and fish processing industries, we describe, first, how different ethnic groups are allocated into specific jobs forming a clear hierarchy in the eyes of employers, and, second, how employers' preferences for particular groups change as new immigrants enter the labour market. Theoretically, we develop the concept of 'ethnicity as skill', which points to the tendency among employers to equate ethnic group membership with a set of informal qualifications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant selection before and after communism (2018)

    Ganguli, Ina;


    Ganguli, Ina (2018): Immigrant selection before and after communism. In: The economics of transition, Jg. 26, H. 4, S. 649-694. DOI:10.1111/ecot.12159


    "The end of the Soviet Union and communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe led to sudden increases in emigration and large changes in wage inequality. This has provided a unique opportunity to understand how these changes altered incentives to emigrate during the transition period. In this paper, I analyze immigrant selection before and after the fall of the Soviet Union within a Roy Model framework, in which the relative return to skills determines the skill composition of immigrants. Using micro-level data from Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria, matched to Census data on immigrants from these countries in the United States, Spain and Greece in the post-Soviet period, I find evidence of positive selection of immigrants in the US, and negative selection for Greece and Spain. Using retrospective data from Ukraine during the communist period, I find that selection among Soviet men in the US was intermediate and selection among women was positive." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Zuwanderung: Fachkräfte aus Drittstaaten (2018)

    Geis, Wido;


    Geis, Wido (2018): Zuwanderung: Fachkräfte aus Drittstaaten. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2018,20), Köln, 3 S.


    "Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels in Europa ist Deutschland mittelfristig auf Arbeitskräfte aus Drittstaaten angewiesen. Dabei gestaltet sich ihre Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt je nach Herkunftskontext sehr unterschiedlich. Zuwanderer aus den Balkanländern sind besonders häufig sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt und Zuwanderer aus China, Indien und den USA als qualifizierte Fachkräfte tätig." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    And labor came to us: making use of an opportune workforce: enhancing migrant integration into British economy (2018)

    Hack-Polay, Dieu; Mendy, John;


    Hack-Polay, Dieu & John Mendy (2018): And labor came to us: making use of an opportune workforce. Enhancing migrant integration into British economy. In: Labor Studies Journal, Jg. 43, H. 1, S. 29-45. DOI:10.1177/0160449X17744350


    "This article considers the opportunities presented by the availability of migrant labor in the U.K. employment market and its utilization. The research found that despite their qualifications, migrant labor is underutilized, thereby resulting in a readily available workforce being shunned and excluded from participative integration. This raises economic and ethical questions whose exploration revealed structural barriers (individually, communally, and institutionally) that impeded migrants' fulfillment of citizenship obligations to host communities and U.K. businesses. The article's key contribution is to highlight a skills mismatch and the persistent absence of institutional, communal, and strategic frameworks to support migrants' integration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor (2018)

    Herod, Andrew ;


    Herod, Andrew (2018): Labor. (Resources series), Cambridge: Polity Press, 242 S.


    "Labor is the source of all wealth. Without workers, the world's natural resources cannot be transformed into finished goods and services cannot be delivered. Labor, though, is a uniquely important resource for the very simple reason that working people have sentience. Whilst a business might seek to employ workers in much the same way as it does any other resource, unlike these other resources labor is capable of altering its own conditions of existence and so of challenging how it is used by others.
    In this book, Andrew Herod offers an original and wide-ranging analysis of labor as a multi-faceted and truly global resource. Opening with a rich overview of the migration streams and demographic trends that have shaped the planetary distribution of labor, he goes on to explore how globalization and the growth of precarious work are impacting working people's lives. A wide range of examples is examined to illustrate the ongoing struggles faced by workers worldwide - from forced labor and child labor in West Africa's cocoa and southeast Asia's shrimping industries to the labor practices affecting so-called 'knowledge workers'. Herod concludes by surveying some of the ways in which working people are taking action to improve their lives, including forming trade unions and other labor organizations, occupying factories in places like Argentina and Greece, and establishing anti-sweatshop campaigns." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labor market integration of migrants in Europe: new evidence from micro data (2018)

    Ho, Giang; Turk-Ariss, Rima;


    Ho, Giang & Rima Turk-Ariss (2018): The labor market integration of migrants in Europe. New evidence from micro data. (IMF working paper 2018,232), Washington, DC, 40 S.


    "This paper presents novel empirical evidence on the labor market integration of migrants across Europe. It investigates how successfully migrants integrate in 13 European countries by applying a unified framework to analyze a rich micro dataset with over ten million individuals surveyed between 1998 and 2016. Focusing on employment outcomes, we document substantial heterogeneity in the patterns of labor market integration across host countries and by migrant gender and origin. Our results also point to the importance of cohorts and network effects, initial labor market conditions, and the differential impact of education acquired domestically and abroad in determining migrants' subsequent employment prospects. The analysis has implications for the design of effective integration policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor market mobility and the early-career outcomes of immigrant men (2018)

    Javdani, Mohsen ; McGee, Andrew;


    Javdani, Mohsen & Andrew McGee (2018): Labor market mobility and the early-career outcomes of immigrant men. In: IZA journal of development and migration, Jg. 8, S. 1-28. DOI:10.1186/s40176-018-0128-4


    "We examine the role of between- and within-firm mobility in the early-career outcomes of immigrant men. Among Canadian workers with less than 10 years of potential experience, we find that visible minority immigrants were significantly less likely to have been promoted with their initial employers than similar white natives but were just as likely to have moved to new employers over the course of a year between interviews. White immigrants, on the other hand, were just as likely to be promoted as white natives but much more likely to move to new employers - suggesting that they enjoyed more overall mobility than white natives and other immigrants. We present tentative evidence linking these mobility patterns to differences in wage growth and occupational change between immigrants and natives. Overall, our findings suggest that the between- and within-firm mobility of white immigrants may play an important role in their relative economic success in Canada, while adding to growing evidence that visible minority immigrants experience frictions in the labor market that hinder their mobility and thus their economic prospects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wir wollen teilhaben, bloß wie?: Chancen und Herausforderungen zur Teilhabe aus der Perspektive von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund und Geflüchteten (2018)

    Kahraman, Seher; Songur, Berivan;


    Kahraman, Seher & Berivan Songur (2018): Wir wollen teilhaben, bloß wie? Chancen und Herausforderungen zur Teilhabe aus der Perspektive von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund und Geflüchteten. In: S. Zajak & I. Gottschalk (Hrsg.) (2018): Flüchtlingshilfe als neues Engagementfeld : Chancen und Herausforderungen des Engagements für Geflüchtete (Migration & Integration, 06), S. 249-260. DOI:10.5771/9783845286983


    "Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Motiven, Möglichkeiten und Hindernissen gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe von Personen mit Migrations- oder Fluchthintergrund in Form von ehrenamtlichen Engagement und der Arbeitsmarktintegration. Auch wenn insbesondere in der Geflüchtetenarbeit viele Engagierte selbst einen Migrations- bzw. Fluchthintergrund haben, sind ihre Motive ein wenig erforschtes Untersuchungsthema. Der vorliegende Beitrag möchte erste Anstöße zum Schließen dieser Forschungslücke geben. Im ersten Unterkapitel wurde anhand von Interviewausschnitten gezeigt, welchen Einfluss der eigene Migrationshintergrund auf die, in diesem Fall humanitär oder religiös geprägte, Motivausbildung hat. Da hier nur auf die Beweggründe von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund eingegangen wurde, bleibt offen, ob Unterschiede zwischen den Motiven von Personen, die während der Flüchtlingsbewegung in den Jahren 2015/16 angekommen sind und Personen mit Migrationshintergrund, die bereits seit vielen Jahren in Deutschland leben, bestehen. Das zweite Unterkapitel zeigt zum einen, dass ehrenamtliche Helfer_innen mit Migrations- oder Fluchthintergrund sich mitunter auf besondere Art und Weise in die Probleme von Geflüchteten eindenken und Hilfestellung leisten können. Zum anderen wird deutlich, dass auch die in diesem Fall geflüchteten Engagierten selbst von dem mit dem Engagement einhergehenden Sozialkontakten und den damit verbundenen Vertrauensbeziehungen profitieren.
    Im zweiten Teil des Beitrags wurden insbesondere frauenspezifische Herausforderungen bei der gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe im Allgemeinen und beim Arbeitsmarktzugang im Speziellen dargestellt. Die frauenspezifischen Benachteiligungen auszugleichen und eine gleichberechtigte gesellschaftliche Teilhabe zu gestatten, ist zwar keine leichte, aber durch einen koordinierten und zusammenhängenden Prozess zu schaffende Aufgabe. Dieser Beitrag hat gezeigt, dass Beratung, Kompetenzfeststellung, Kinderbetreuung sowie Spracherwerb miteinander sinnvoll verknüpft werden sollten, damit Zeitverluste vermieden werden und Frauen, die arbeiten wollen, möglichst schnell arbeiten können. Für die Verwirklichung dieses Prozesses sollten verschiedene Träger_innen in der Geflüchtetenarbeit auf kommunaler Ebene, nämlich die Arbeitsagentur, Jobcenter, Organisationen in der Geflüchtetenhilfe und andere relevante Akteur_innen vor Ort, zusammenarbeiten." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Ehrenamtliches Engagement für Geflüchtete in Deutschland (2018)

    Karakayali, Serhat; Heller, Mareike;


    Karakayali, Serhat (2018): Ehrenamtliches Engagement für Geflüchtete in Deutschland. (Flucht: Forschung und Transfer. State-of-Research Papier 09), Osnabrück, 29 S.


    "Die Beteiligung großer Teile der deutschen Bevölkerung an ehrenamtlichen Aktivitäten für Geflüchtete hat zu einem Boom in der Forschung zu diesem Themenfeld geführt. Der vorliegende Bericht behandelt daher ein weitgehend neues Forschungsthema. Besprochen werden vor allem seit 2015 durchgeführte Forschungsprojekte in Disziplinen wie Soziologie, Politikwissenschaften, Psychologie, Anthropologie oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Unter Berücksichtigung der Heterogenität der Zugänge und Methoden werden die Befunde der verschiedenen Studien zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt, um Tendenzen und Forschungsdesiderate aufzuzeigen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Impact of immigrants on a multi-agent economical system (2018)

    Kaufmann, Léa; Razakanirina, Ranaivo; Chopard, Bastien ; Groen, Derek;


    Kaufmann, Léa, Ranaivo Razakanirina, Derek Groen & Bastien Chopard (2018): Impact of immigrants on a multi-agent economical system. In: PLoS one, Jg. 13, H. 5, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0197509


    "We consider a multi-agent model of a simple economical system and study the impacts of a wave of immigrants on the stability of the system. Our model couples a labor market with a goods market. We first create a stable economy with N agents and study the impact of adding n new workers in the system. The time to reach a new equilibrium market is found to obey a power law in n. The new wages and market prices are observed to decrease as 1/n, whereas the wealth of agents remains unchanged." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrants in the labour markets of France and the United Kingdom: integration models, institutional variations, and ethnic inequalities (2018)

    Kesler, Christel; Safi, Mirna;


    Kesler, Christel & Mirna Safi (2018): Immigrants in the labour markets of France and the United Kingdom. Integration models, institutional variations, and ethnic inequalities. In: Migration studies, Jg. 6, H. 2, S. 225-250. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnx042


    "Theories of immigrant integration and political-economic institutions starkly contrast the contemporary labour markets of France and the United Kingdom (UK). We draw out predictions from these theories and then, using Labour Force Surveys that we harmonize ourselves, we empirically examine inequalities that immigrants of disadvantaged minority origins face in labour force participation, employment, and earnings in the two societies. The UK labour market attracts immigrants who have a larger skills advantage over natives. Nevertheless, we find inequalities of strikingly similar magnitude in the two labour markets. In the UK, barriers to labour force participation are paramount, whereas in France, barriers to employment among active job-seekers are more important. Earnings inequalities are less significant in both countries. Overall, we conclude that barriers to opportunity are largely similar in the two countries for immigrants of disadvantaged minority origins." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    High-skill immigration, innovation, and creative destruction (2018)

    Khanna, Gaurav; Lee, Munseob;


    Khanna, Gaurav & Munseob Lee (2018): High-skill immigration, innovation, and creative destruction. (NBER working paper 24824), Cambrige, Mass., 40 S. DOI:10.3386/w24824


    "Economists have identified product entry and exit as a primary channel through which innovation impacts economic growth. In this paper, we document how high-skill immigration affects product reallocation (entry and exit) at the firm level. Using data on H-1B Labor Condition Applications (LCAs) matched to retail scanner data on products and Compustat data on firm characteristics, we find that H-1B certification is associated with higher product reallocation and revenue growth. A ten percent increase in the share of H-1B workers is associated with a two percent increase in product reallocation rates -- our measure of innovation. These results shed light on the economic consequences of innovation by high-skill immigrant to the United States." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Human capital, family structure and religiosity shaping British Muslim women's labour market participation (2018)

    Khattab, Nabil ; Manley, David; Johnston, Ron;


    Khattab, Nabil, Ron Johnston & David Manley (2018): Human capital, family structure and religiosity shaping British Muslim women's labour market participation. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 9, S. 1541-1559. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1334541


    "Economic activity among Muslim women in the UK remains considerably lower and their unemployment rate significantly higher than among the majority group even after controlling for qualifications and other individual characteristics. This study utilises two data sets to explore possible factors underlying these differences, such as overseas qualifications, language skills and religiosity. It reveals that while religiosity is negatively associated with labour market participation among British Christian-White women, economic activity among Muslim women are not negatively affected by high religiosity. Furthermore, family structure and the presence of dependent children were among the most important factors explaining the latter's labour market participation, although these relationships were moderated by qualifications. More women with higher qualifications were economically active even if married and with children, although some of them experienced greater unemployment, probably due to discrimination in recruiting practices and choices and preferences on religious grounds." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hindernislauf statt Sprint (2018)

    Klaus, Sebastian;


    Klaus, Sebastian (2018): Hindernislauf statt Sprint. In: Personalwirtschaft, Jg. 45, H. 11, S. 50-52.


    "Ein Gesetz zur Fachkräftezuwanderung muss künftig den rechtlichen Rahmen vereinfachen, die Komplexität reduzieren sowie das Verfahren verständlich und zügig gestalten. Momentan haben weder Arbeitnehmer noch Arbeitgeber Planungssicherheit." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Low wage growth in Germany?: Don't blame the migrants! (2018)

    Klinger, Sabine; Weber, Enzo ;


    Klinger, Sabine & Enzo Weber (2018): Low wage growth in Germany? Don't blame the migrants! In: IAB-Forum H. 23.03.2018, o. Sz., 2018-03-20.


    "The German labour market follows a fascinating employment trend since the year 2005. In contrast, wage growth remained weak until 2010 and although wage dynamics have picked up by now, they remain clearly subdued when compared to the vibrant development of employment and vacancies. Various explanations such as weak productivity development and the rise of service jobs are given for this phenomenon. In the same context, one often finds the strong migration to Germany. The argument is a classical one: migrants increase labour supply which leads to higher wage competition. We argue that such a mechanism is unlikely to have played a relevant role for German wages in the recent years." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Was meint eigentlich "Integration"?: Nachdenken über einen scheinbar selbstverständlichen Begriff (2018)

    Kunz, Thomas;


    Kunz, Thomas (2018): Was meint eigentlich "Integration"? Nachdenken über einen scheinbar selbstverständlichen Begriff. In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik, Jg. 38, H. 3, S. 107-114.


    "Der Integrationsbegriff ist im öffentlichen Diskurs omnipräsent. Bei der selbstverständlichen Bezugnahme auf ihn wird in der Regel nicht geklärt, was unter Integration genau zu verstehen ist. Im Gegenteil: Es wird eine Übereinstimmung unterschiedlichster Akteure vorausgesetzt, nach der gemeinsamer Referenzpunkt des Redens über und von Integration zu sein scheint, der Begriff habe mit Migration zu tun bzw. beträfe grundsätzlich Menschen, die als MigrantInnen o. Ä. etikettiert werden. Diese Selbstverständlichkeit ist problematisch, denn sie blendet aus, dass überwiegend ein undifferenzierter, tendenziell am Alltagsverständnis orientierter Integrationsbegriff Verwendung findet, der im Kern als ideologisches Instrument zum Aufherrschen einseitiger Anpassungserwartungen an die Adresse von sog. MigrantInnen fungiert. Dieser hier als politisch-ideologisch zu bezeichnende Integrationsbegriff (in Abgrenzung von einem differenzierenden, soziologisch-theoretisch fundierten) etabliert mit seiner einseitigen Adressierung an als MigrantInnen markierte Personen und dem ihm innewohnenden paternalistischen Verständnis von Mehrheits- und Minderheitsgesellschaft eine reduzierte und unterkomplexe Sichtweise auf gesellschaftliche Teilhabe - und verfestigt bestehende Macht- und Verteilungsasymmetrien ebenso wie die Gegenüberstellung einer wir- und sie-Gruppe entlang der Differenzlinie ethnische Herkunft. Er ist eng verwoben mit der mehrheitsgesellschaftlichen Fiktion einer über die Staatsangehörigkeit hinausreichenden symbolischen Bestimmbarkeit nationaler Zugehörigkeit und weist eine hohe Passung zu nationalistisch-völkischen Homogenitätsmythen auf. Eine unkritische Bezugnahme auf einen solchen, sich am Alltagsverständnis orientierenden Begriff ist zu vermeiden. Stattdessen ist dafür zu plädieren, sich der Karriere dieses Integrationsbegriffes, der Bandbreite seiner inhaltlichen Bestimmung sowie seiner symbolischen Aufladungen und zugehörigkeitspolitischen Überdeterminierungen im herrschenden Diskurs zu vergewissern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employment effects of language training for unemployed immigrants (2018)

    Lang, Julia ;


    Lang, Julia (2018): Employment effects of language training for unemployed immigrants. (IAB-Discussion Paper 21/2018), Nürnberg, 46 S.


    "Das Beherrschen der Sprache des Ziellandes ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die (Arbeitsmarkt-)Integration von Migranten. In dieser Studie wird untersucht, inwieweit die Teilnahme an einem Sprachkurs die Arbeitsmarktchancen von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund verbessern kann. Das hier untersuchte vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) angebotene und durch den Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) geförderte ESF-BAMF Sprachprogramm zur berufsbezogenen Sprachförderung richtet sich an Personen, deren Deutschkenntnisse nicht ausreichend sind, um auf dem Arbeitsmarkt Fuß zu fassen. Die Wirkung des Programms wird für Teilnehmende im Jahr 2014 mit Prozessdaten untersucht. Da in den Daten keine Angaben zu den Sprachkenntnissen der Personen enthalten sind, die sowohl die Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeit als auch die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit beeinflussen, wird ein Instrumentvariablenansatz genutzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Teilnahme am ESF-BAMF Sprachprogramm die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit der Teilnehmenden mittelfristig (zwei Jahre nach Beginn des Kurses) um bis zu sieben Prozentpunkte erhöht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education (2018)

    Lee, Rennie ;


    Lee, Rennie (2018): Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 9, S. 1560-1583. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1362976


    "As the U.S. continues to debate how to reform the current immigration system, there has been an increased emphasis on increasing skilled migration via employment sponsorship and subsequently decreasing other forms of migration, such as family reunification or refugees and asylees. Employment migration is viewed favourably because immigrants tend to arrive with greater education and language skills. However, it is unclear whether the descendants of immigrants admitted via employment categories have greater integration outcomes than the descendants of immigrants admitted via other categories. This study examines whether an immigrant's entry visa (e.g. temporary work, refugee, student, etc.) affects their children's education. Using data from the 2004 Immigration and Intergenerational Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles, this study finds that children whose fathers arrived via student/tourist visas have greater odds of college attainment. Related, this study identifies a possible mechanism, advanced/honors courses in high school, that may explain why father's student/tourist visa exerts a positive effect on student's pathway to college completion. However, there are no significant effects for fathers arriving under temporary work visas or as legal permanent residents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment (2018)

    Lemmermann, Dominique; Riphahn, Regina T.;


    Lemmermann, Dominique & Regina T. Riphahn (2018): The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment. In: Economics of education review, Jg. 63, H. April, S. 78-99. DOI:10.1016/j.econedurev.2017.11.001


    "We investigate the causal effect of age at migration on subsequent educational attainment in the destination country. To identify the causal effect we compare the educational attainment of siblings at age 21, exploiting the fact that they typically migrate at different ages within a given family. We consider several education outcomes conditional on family fixed effects. We take advantage of long running and detailed data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, which entails an oversample of immigrants and provides information on language skills. We find significant effects of age at migration on educational attainment and a critical age of migration not above age 6. The educational attainment of female immigrants responds more strongly to a high age at immigration than that of males. While language skills affect educational attainment they do not appear to fully explain the causal connection between age at migration and educational attainment." (Author's abstract, © 2017 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Migrants' support for welfare state spending in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands (2018)

    Lubbers, Marcel; Kuhn, Theresa; Larsen, Christian Albrekt; Diehl, Claudia ;


    Lubbers, Marcel, Claudia Diehl, Theresa Kuhn & Christian Albrekt Larsen (2018): Migrants' support for welfare state spending in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 52, H. 4, S. 895-913. DOI:10.1111/spol.12404


    "This contribution describes differences between 10 migrant groups and natives in their attitudes towards government spending in three residence countries: Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. Previous research provided evidence that 'migrants' as a catch-all category of people from different origins are in favor of more government spending on social welfare. We study to what extent support for government spending can be explained by self-interest explanations of welfare state attitudes as well as by differences in ideological position. The contribution employs data from the Migrants' Welfare State Attitudes project, including migrant groups from similar origins in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. The study moves beyond the larger migrant groups of Turks and Poles that received attention in previous research as well, and includes a greater variety of groups that differ in terms of their skill levels. The overall finding is that migrants' welfare state spending preferences are, as in the case of natives, significantly related to socio-demographic differences and standard ideology measures of attitudes to regulation of the economy and family values. However, even with these standard variables included, spending preferences differ strongly between migrant groups, residence countries, and welfare spending domain. A comparison between country of origin and residence country provisions seems to be a promising path for further understanding migrant group differences in welfare state spending attitudes. The study challenges the idea that all migrants are supportive of extended welfare state arrangements." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Types of migration: the motivations, composition, and early integration patterns of "New Migrants" in Europe (2018)

    Luthra, Renee; Platt, Lucinda ; Salamonska, Justyna;


    Luthra, Renee, Lucinda Platt & Justyna Salamonska (2018): Types of migration. The motivations, composition, and early integration patterns of "New Migrants" in Europe. In: International migration review, Jg. 52, H. 2, S. 368-403. DOI:10.1177/0197918318781586


    "Applying latent class analysis to a unique data source of 3,500 Polish migrants in Western Europe, we develop a new typology of Polish migrants under 'free movement' following the 2004 expansion of the European Union. We characterize these diverse migrant types in terms of their premigration characteristics and link them to varied early social and economic integration outcomes. We show that alongside traditional circular and temporary labor migration, European Union expansion has given rise to new migrant types who are driven by experiential concerns, resulting in a more complex relationship between their economic and social integration in destination countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intended versus unintended consequences of migration restriction policies: evidence from a natural experiment in Indonesia (2018)

    Makovec, Mattia; Purnamasari, Ririn S.; Savitri, Astrid R.; Sandi, Matteo;


    Makovec, Mattia, Ririn S. Purnamasari, Matteo Sandi & Astrid R. Savitri (2018): Intended versus unintended consequences of migration restriction policies. Evidence from a natural experiment in Indonesia. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 915-950. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby029


    "This article studies the consequences of restrictions to migration at the origin on labor market outcomes and school enrolment in origin communities. Our difference-in-differences specification exploits the differential impact across districts in Indonesia of a reform that restricted the migration of Indonesian female domestic workers towards Saudi Arabia in 2011. Our results suggest that this reform did not lead to higher unemployment in Indonesia, but it increased the proportion of workers employed in informal jobs and in agriculture. No detectable change in the consumption patterns of Indonesian households appears from our analysis, suggesting that rural areas in Indonesia could absorb the sudden increase in the availability of workforce. Our findings also show an increase in junior secondary school enrolment of both males and females, arguably reflecting the importance of the maternal presence in the household for the investment in human capital of children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden and the potential of education: a national cohort study (2018)

    Manhica, Hélio; Berg, Lisa; Hjern, Anders; Almquist, Ylva B.; Rostila, Mikael;


    Manhica, Hélio, Lisa Berg, Ylva B. Almquist, Mikael Rostila & Anders Hjern (2018): Labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden and the potential of education. A national cohort study. In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 533-550. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2018.1521952


    "This register-based study examined the importance of education on labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden. The study population consisted of unaccompanied (n?=?1606) and accompanied refuges (n?=?4142), aged 23-26 years in 2006 - 2010, after 7 years of residence in Sweden. Native Swedish, aged 24 years (n?=?347,255) constituted the comparison population, with intercountry adoptees (n?=?6689) as an alternative reference group. Gender-stratified multinomial regression models indicated that unaccompanied and accompanied male and female young refugees had higher risks of being in insecure work force and NEET compared to native Swedes with comparable levels of education. However, young refugees and intercountry adoptees with primary education had similar risks of poor labour market outcomes. The educational differences within each group concerning the risk of being in insecure work force were comparable. With the exception of unaccompanied females, secondary education seemed to be less protective against being in NEET among young refugees compared to native Swedes and intercountry adoptees. We conclude that while young refugees face employment disadvantages, education has the potential of mitigating poor labour market outcomes in this group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effect of the H-1B quota on the employment and selection of foreign-born labor (2018)

    Mayda, Anna Maria; Ortega, Francesc ; Peri, Giovanni ; Sparber, Chad ; Shih, Kevin;


    Mayda, Anna Maria, Francesc Ortega, Giovanni Peri, Kevin Shih & Chad Sparber (2018): The effect of the H-1B quota on the employment and selection of foreign-born labor. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 108, H. September, S. 105-128. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.06.010


    "The H-1B program allows skilled foreign-born individuals to work in the United States. The annual quota on new issuances of H-1B status fell from 195,000 to 65,000 in fiscal year 2004. This cap did not apply to new employees of colleges, universities, and non-profit research institutions. Existing H-1B holders seeking to renew their status were also exempt from the quota. Using a triple difference approach, this paper demonstrates that cap restrictions significantly reduced the hiring of new H-1B workers in for-profit firms relative to what would have occurred in an unconstrained environment. Declines were most pronounced at the top and bottom quintiles of the wage distribution. Restrictions did not reduce hiring of new H-1B workers from India, in computer-related occupations, or at firms using the H-1B program intensively." (Author's abstract, © 2018 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Oiling the wheels? Flexible labour markets and the migration industry (2018)

    McCollum, David; Findlay, Allan;


    McCollum, David & Allan Findlay (2018): Oiling the wheels? Flexible labour markets and the migration industry. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 4, S. 558-574. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1315505


    "The growing commercialisation of migration, often through a multiplicity of labour market intermediaries, is an issue of increasing academic interest. We seek to contribute to an emerging research agenda on the migration industries by exploring how one of the key actors that constitutes it, recruitment agencies, sits at the nexus between flexible labour market structures and migrant labour. Interviews with U.K. labour providers and low-wage employers form the evidence base for an analysis of the strategies developed by recruiters to derive commercial gain from connecting the so-called 'supply' and 'demand' sides of the flexible international labour market. We seek to contribute to understandings of the analytical categories within migration systems by illustrating how the migration industry interacts with other key stakeholders to structure international migration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen: Zu den Vorhaben der Großen Koalition (2018)

    Meissner, Frank;


    Meissner, Frank (2018): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen. Zu den Vorhaben der Großen Koalition. In: Soziale Sicherheit, Jg. 67, H. 4, S. 157-159.


    "Ein zentrales Thema des letzten Bundestagswahlkampfes war die Aufnahme und Integration von Flüchtlingen aus Kriegsgebieten. Das starke Abschneiden der AfD und das Erstarken rechtspopulistischer Bewegungen sind zum Teil Reaktionen auf die Flüchtlingspolitik. Die Vorhaben der neuen Großen Koalition aus Union und SPD zu den Themen 'Fluchtmigration' und 'Integration von Flüchtlingen in den Arbeitsmarkt' stehen deshalb politisch unter besonderer Beobachtung. Was sieht der Koalitionsvertrag dazu vor? Wie werden die Vorhaben aus gewerkschaftlicher Sicht bewertet?" (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Mass refugee inflow and long-run prosperity: lessons from the Greek population resettlement (2018)

    Murard, Elie ; Sakalli, Seyhun Orcan;


    Murard, Elie & Seyhun Orcan Sakalli (2018): Mass refugee inflow and long-run prosperity. Lessons from the Greek population resettlement. (IZA discussion paper 11613), Bonn, 65 S.


    "This paper investigates the long-term consequences of mass refugee inflow on economic development by examining the effect of the first large-scale population resettlement in modern history. After the Greco-Turkish war of 1919 - 1922, 1.2 million Greek Orthodox were forcibly resettled from Turkey to Greece, increasing the Greek population by more than 20% within a few months. We build a novel geocoded dataset locating settlements of refugees across the universe of more than four thousand Greek municipalities that existed in Greece in 1920. Exploiting the spatial variation in the resettlement location, we find that localities with a greater share of refugees in 1923 have today higher earnings, higher levels of household wealth, greater educational attainment, as well as larger financial and manufacturing sectors. These results hold when comparing spatially contiguous municipalities with identical geographical features and are not driven by pre-settlement differences in initial level of development across localities. The long-run beneficial effects appear to arise from agglomeration economies generated by the large increase in the workforce, occupational specialization, as well as by new industrial know-hows brought by refugees, which fostered early industrialization and economic growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Source country culture and labor market assimilation of immigrant women in Sweden: evidence from longitudinal data (2018)

    Neumann, Emma;


    Neumann, Emma (2018): Source country culture and labor market assimilation of immigrant women in Sweden. Evidence from longitudinal data. In: Review of Economics of the Household, Jg. 16, H. 3, S. 585-627. DOI:10.1007/s11150-018-9420-6


    "This paper analyzes the role of source country culture on gender roles for labor market assimilation of immigrant women in Sweden. Sweden ranks as one of the world's most gender-equal countries and at the same time a recipient of many immigrants from countries with more traditional views on gender roles and gender equality. I find that the labor force participation of immigrant women in Sweden is related to their source country culture, in the sense that women from countries where women's labor market participation is low (high) also have low (high) participation in the Swedish labor market. However, all immigrant women assimilate towards, but do not reach parity with, the participation rate of native women, and the difference between women from high- and low-participation countries diminishes with length of residence in Sweden. This indicates that source country culture on gender roles does not have a persistent effect on immigrant women's labor market participation in Sweden. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance of taking into account unobservable time-constant individual and source country factors when estimating the relationship between source country culture and immigrants' labor market outcomes. Neglecting to control for these factors could lead researchers to misrepresent the rate of assimilation and overstate the effect of source country culture." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Vocational behavior of refugees: How do refugees seek employment, overcome work-related challenges, and navigate their careers? (2018)

    Newman, Alexander; Nielsen, Ingrid; Bimrose, Jenny; Zacher, Hannes ;


    (2018): Vocational behavior of refugees: How do refugees seek employment, overcome work-related challenges, and navigate their careers? In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 105, H. April, S. 1-184. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2018.01.007


    Alexander Newman, Jenny Bimrose, Ingrid Nielsen, Hannes Zacher: Vocational Behavior of Refugees: How do Refugees Seek Employment, Overcome Work-related Challenges, and Navigate Their Careers? (1-5);
    Emily D. Campion: The career adaptive refugee: Exploring the structural and personal barriers to refugee resettlement (6-16);
    Peyman Abkhezr, Mary McMahon, Kevin Glasheen, Marilyn Campbell: Finding voice through narrative storytelling: An exploration of the career development of young African females with refugee backgrounds (17-30);
    Petra M. Eggenhofer-Rehart, Markus Latzke, Katharina Pernkopf, Dominik Zellhofer, Wolfgang Mayrhofer, Johannes Steyrer: Refugees' career capital welcome? Afghan and Syrian refugee job seekers in Austria (31-45);
    Dina Gericke, Anne Burmeister, Jil Löwe, Jürgen Deller, Leena Pundt: How do refugees use their social capital for successful labor market integration? An exploratory analysis in Germany (46-61);
    Lena Knappert, Angela Kornau, Meltem Figengül: Refugees' exclusion at work and the intersection with gender: Insights from the Turkish-Syrian border (62-82);
    Katja Wehrle, Ute-Christine Klehe, Mari Kira, Jelena Zikic: Can I come as I am? Refugees' vocational identity threats, coping, and growth (83-101);
    Benjamin E. Baran, Sorin Valcea, Tracy H. Porter, Vickie Coleman Gallagher: Survival, expectations, and employment: An inquiry of refugees and immigrants to the United States (102-115);
    Lisa E. Baranik, Carrie S. Hurst, Lillian T. Eby: The stigma of being a refugee: A mixed-method study of refugees' experiences of vocational stress (116-130);
    Artjoms Ivlevs, Michail Veliziotis: Beyond conflict: Long-term labour market integration of internally displaced persons in post-socialist countries (131-146);
    Alexander Newman, Ingrid Nielsen, Russell Smyth, Giles Hirst, Susan Kennedy: The effects of diversity climate on the work attitudes of refugee employees: The mediating role of psychological capital and moderating role of ethnic identity (147-158);
    Sofija Pajic, Magdalena Ulceluse, Gábor Kismihók, Stefan T. Mol, Deanne N. den Hartog: Antecedents of job search self-efficacy of Syrian refugees in Greece and the Netherlands (159-172);
    Martin Obschonka, Elisabeth Hahn, Nida ul Habib Bajwa: Personal agency in newly arrived refugees: The role of personality, entrepreneurial cognitions and intentions, and career adaptability (173-184).

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    Ökonomische Effekte von Zuwanderung und kultureller Diversität - Befunde für Produktivität, Wachstum und Innovationen (2018)

    Niebuhr, Annekatrin ;


    Niebuhr, Annekatrin (2018): Ökonomische Effekte von Zuwanderung und kultureller Diversität - Befunde für Produktivität, Wachstum und Innovationen. In: J. Fritz & N. Tomaschek (Hrsg.) (2018): In Bewegung : Beiträge zur Dynamik von Städten, Gesellschaften und Strukturen (University - Society - Industry, 07), S. 119-132.


    "Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst die Ergebnisse von Studien zusammen, die sich mit den Effekten der Arbeitsmigration auf den Innovationserfolg, die Produktivität und das Wachstum in den Zielländern beschäftigen. Dabei wird unterschieden zwischen Effekten, die von einer Erhöhung des Arbeitsangebots durch die Zuwanderung ausgehen und den Wirkungen einer zunehmenden kulturellen Vielfalt der Arbeitskräfte." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Labor market effects of immigration policies border enforcement and amnesty (2018)

    Oroyco-Aleman, Sandra; Gonzalez-Lozano, Heriberto;


    Oroyco-Aleman, Sandra & Heriberto Gonzalez-Lozano (2018): Labor market effects of immigration policies border enforcement and amnesty. In: Journal of labor research, Jg. 39, H. 2, S. 150-177. DOI:10.1007/s12122-018-9266-y


    "We explore the effects of tighter border enforcement and an amnesty on the wages and unemployment rates of natives and immigrants. We extend the Mortensen-Pissarides labor market model to include individuals authorized to work and illegal workers in a framework that accounts for voluntary return migration. Furthermore, we study the effects of an amnesty when a proportion of illegal workers pays payroll taxes. Our results show that the effect of changes in border enforcement on the number of illegal workers in the United States is theoretically ambiguous. While tighter border enforcement deters illegal migration of prospective workers, it also changes the incentives of those already in the United States decreasing return migration. If tighter border enforcement increases the number of illegal workers in the economy, it will also increase the wages of natives as market tightness increases. Our findings show that the larger the proportion of illegal workers paying payroll taxes, the larger will be the decrease in wages, and the smaller the increase in unemployment generated by the decrease in the number of illegal workers in the economy that will follow an amnesty." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Occupational barriers and the labor market penalty from lack of legal status (2018)

    Ortega, Francesc ; Hsin, Amy;


    Ortega, Francesc & Amy Hsin (2018): Occupational barriers and the labor market penalty from lack of legal status. (IZA discussion paper 11680), Bonn, 31 S.


    "Wage gaps between documented (including natives) and undocumented workers may reflect employer exploitation, endogenous occupational sorting and productivity losses associated with lack of legal status. Identification of the undocumented productivity penalty is crucial to estimate the aggregate economic gains from legalization. This paper presents a new identification strategy based on the interplay between educational attainment and occupational barriers. Our main finding is that lack of legal status reduces the productivity of undocumented workers by about 12%. We also find that Dreamers are positively selected compared to similarly skilled natives, as one would expect if they face occupational barriers (Hsieh et al., 2013). Our estimates also imply that the degree of employer exploitation is likely to be small, suggesting that employer competition bids up the wages of undocumented workers and aligns them with their productivity. Last, we also find evidence suggesting that the occupational choices of undocumented workers are heavily influenced by licensing requirements and by the degree of exposure to apprehension by immigration enforcement agencies. In sum, our results strongly suggest that occupational barriers associated with lack of legal status lead to misallocation of talent and negatively affect economic growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic crisis and occupational integration of recent immigrants in Western Europe (2018)

    Panichella, Nazareno ;


    Panichella, Nazareno (2018): Economic crisis and occupational integration of recent immigrants in Western Europe. In: International sociology, Jg. 33, H. 1, S. 64-85. DOI:10.1177/0268580917742002


    "There are two models of inclusion of recent immigrants in Western Europe. In the Continental model immigrants are penalized in terms of both probabilities of being employed and job quality. In the Mediterranean one there is a stronger trade-off between a limited risk of unemployment and a lower job quality. Did the recession foster a convergence or a divergence between these two models? This article focuses on this issue and analyses the integration of immigrants in 10 countries, using EU-LFS data (2005-2012) and considering two occupational outcomes: the probability of being employed, and the probability of avoiding the unskilled working class. It also studies the turnover between unemployment and dependent employment. The crisis generated a partial and limited convergence between the two models, involving only male immigrants living in Southern Europe. In these countries immigrants experienced higher risks of unemployment because the crisis diminished their turnover between unemployment and dependent employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Navigating between two cultures: immigrants' gender attitudes toward working women (2018)

    Pessin, Léa; Arpino, Bruno ;


    Pessin, Léa & Bruno Arpino (2018): Navigating between two cultures: immigrants' gender attitudes toward working women. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 38, S. 967-1016. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.35


    "Background: Gender attitudes toward women's employment are of particular importance because they positively in?uence gender-equal outcomes in the labor market. Our understanding of the mechanisms that promote egalitarian gender attitudes among immigrants, however, remains limited.
    Objective: By studying ?rst- and second-generation immigrants from multiple origins and living in different countries, this article seeks to explain under what conditions the prevalent cultural attitudes toward gender roles at the origin and destination in?uence immigrants' gender attitudes. We address three main research questions. First, does the country-of-origin gender ideology in?uence immigrants' views toward working women? Second, does the country-of-destination gender ideology in?uence immigrants' views toward working women? And third, are these relationships moderated by (1) the immigrant generation; (2) the age at arrival in the country of destination; (3) the length of residence at the destination?
    Methods: Using data from the European Social Survey, we model immigrants' gender attitudes toward working women by using linear cross-classi?ed models to account for clustering into the country of origin and destination.
    Results: The results highlight the importance of the context of early socialization in shaping immigrants' gender attitudes. First-generation immigrants, and more speci?cally adult migrants, hold gender attitudes that re?ect more strongly the country of origin's gender culture. In contrast, the positive association between gender ideology at destination and immigrants' gender attitudes is stronger among second-generation immigrants and child migrants.
    Contribution: We add to the literature on gender ideology formation by analyzing the in?uence of gender ideology at the origin and destination levels on the gender attitudes of immigrants from 96 countries of origin and residing across 32 countries of destination." (Author's abstract, © Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung) ((en))

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    ifo Migrationsmonitor: Integration von Geflüchteten - Schlüsselfaktor Spracherwerb (2018)

    Rhode, Carla; Stitteneder, Tanja;


    Rhode, Carla & Tanja Stitteneder (2018): ifo Migrationsmonitor: Integration von Geflüchteten - Schlüsselfaktor Spracherwerb. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 71, H. 12, S. 88-92.


    "Bei der Integration von Zuwanderern nimmt der Spracherwerb einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Die Sprachförderung ermöglicht erfolgreichen Arbeitsmarktzugang, Bildungsteilnahme und Interaktion mit der Gesellschaft und ist somit für die Zuwanderer, den Staat und die Gesellschaft unabdingbar. Durch die besondere Rolle des Spracherwerbs sind Integrationskurse von zentraler Bedeutung. Zusätzlich gewinnt die Alphabetisierung an Wichtigkeit, da die erhöhte Fluchtmigration zu einem steigenden Anteil an Personen führt, die das lateinische Alphabet nicht beherrschen. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die Integrationskurse in Deutschland und über die Teilnahme an den Kursen. Abschließend wird die aktuelle Debatte bezüglich Teilnahmeberechtigung, Kursinhalte und Integrationsförderung im Allgemeinen dargestellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Naturalization and labor market performance of immigrants in Germany (2018)

    Riphahn, Regina T.; Saif, Salwan;


    Riphahn, Regina T. & Salwan Saif (2018): Naturalization and labor market performance of immigrants in Germany. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 980), Berlin, 46 S.


    "Naturalization may be a relevant policy instrument affecting immigrant integration in host-country labor markets. We study the effect of naturalization on labor market outcomes of immigrants in Germany. We apply recent survey data and exploit a reform of naturalization rules in an instrumental variable estimation. In our sample of recent immigrants, linear regression yields positive correlations between naturalization and beneficial labor market outcomes. Once we account for the endogeneity of naturalization most coefficients decline in magnitude and lose statistical significance: male immigrants' labor market outcomes do not benefit significantly from naturalization. Naturalization reduces the risks of unemployment and welfare dependence for female immigrants. For males and females, the propensity to hold a permanent contract increase as a consequence of naturalization. The results are robust to modifications of samples and the instrument." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK (2018)

    Ruiz, Isabel; Vargas-Silva, Carlos;


    Ruiz, Isabel & Carlos Vargas-Silva (2018): Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 855-885. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby027


    "Using 2010-2017 data we compare the labour market outcomes of refugees (those who migrated to seek asylum), natives (UK-born) and other migrants in the UK (work, study and family migrants). The results indicate that refugees are less likely to be employed and earn less than natives and other migrants. The evidence suggests that differences in health status (particularly mental health) may be one of the factors that partly explain these gaps. Employment growth of refugees between 2010 and 2016 was significantly higher than that of other migrants, but this was not the case for earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Local labour market conditions on immigrants' arrival and children's school performance (2018)

    Røed, Marianne; Umblijs, Janis; Schøne, Pål;


    Røed, Marianne, Pål Schøne & Janis Umblijs (2018): Local labour market conditions on immigrants' arrival and children's school performance. (IZA discussion paper 11526), Bonn, 34 S.


    "In this paper we analyse the impact of labour market conditions at immigration on school performance for the immigrants' children. First, we establish the direct effect of initial labour market conditions on later labour market performance for the father. Along with several other studies in this field we find that later labour market performance of the father (measured by labour earnings and accumulated work experience) depend significantly initial labour market conditions. Second, we find evidence that this initial effect feeds into the children's school performance. Concretely, for the sons, we find a positive impact of initial favourable labour market conditions of the father on the grade point average in lower secondary school. Daughters' school performance seems to be unrelated to the same initial labour market conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The anatomy of job polarisation in the UK (2018)

    Salvatori, Andrea;


    Salvatori, Andrea (2018): The anatomy of job polarisation in the UK. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 1-15. DOI:10.1186/s12651-018-0242-z


    "This paper studies the contribution of different skill groups to the polarisation of the UK labour market. We show that the large increase in graduate numbers contributed to the substantial reallocation of employment from middling to top occupations which is the main feature of the polarisation process in the UK over the past three decades. The increase in the number of immigrants, on the other hand, does not account for any particular aspect of the polarisation in the UK. Changes in the skill mix of the workforce account for most of the decline in routine employment across the occupational distribution, but within-group changes account for most of the decline in routine occupations in middling occupations. In addition, there is no clear indication of polarisation within all skill groups - a fact that previous literature has cited as evidence that technology drives the decline of middling occupations. These findings differ substantially from previous evidence on the US and cast doubts on the role of technology as the main driver of polarisation in the UK." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The role of PES in outreach to the inactive population: Study Report (2018)

    Scharle, Ágota ; Mosley, Hugh; Štefánik, Miroslav ;


    Scharle, Ágota, Hugh Mosley & Miroslav Štefánik (2018): The role of PES in outreach to the inactive population. Study Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 93 S. DOI:10.2767/125717


    "The inactive population is not a traditional target group for the Public Employment Services (PES), although a significant share of the inactive population wants to work and is potentially available for work. Concerns about demographic trends have made the inactive an increasingly central focus of EU labor market policy. A rapidly shrinking labour force can negatively affect the full economic potential of the Union. Since the inactive are ordinarily not clients of PES, the PES, or other actors, have to engage in outreach activities to establish a relationship to this target group. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of outreach measures for the inactive with particular reference to the role of PES. Within the framework of this small scale study, we focus more narrowly on outreach activities for three target groups among the inactive that are central to current policy discussions on increasing labor force participation and social inclusion: 1. Inactive older workers 2. Working-age women not in the labor force 3. Ethnic minorities and migrants. The first part of the study surveys existing policy regimes and outreach measures for the selected target groups, based on the existing research literature and on national and EU sources. The second part examines in greater detail outreach measures for the target groups in 6 country case studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geflüchtete ausbilden: Junge Migranten sind für Deutschland eine Chance: Gastbeitrag (2018)

    Schreyer, Franziska;


    Schreyer, Franziska (2018): Geflüchtete ausbilden: Junge Migranten sind für Deutschland eine Chance. Gastbeitrag. In: Frankfurter Rundschau H. 17.10.2018, o. Sz., 2018-10-17.


    "Eine Ausbildung erhöht bei Geflüchteten nicht nur die Beschäftigungs-, sondern auch die Aufenthaltschancen. Das kommt dem Arbeitsmarkt zugute, der zunehmend auf Zuwanderung aus Ländern außerhalb der Europäischen Union angewiesen ist." (Textauszug, Frankfurter Rundschau)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Schreyer, Franziska;
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    The impact of language skills on immigrants' labor market integration: a brief revision with a new approach (2018)

    Schuss, Eric ;


    Schuss, Eric (2018): The impact of language skills on immigrants' labor market integration. A brief revision with a new approach. In: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 1-19., 2018-07-20. DOI:10.1515/bejeap-2017-0280


    "I examine the impact of language skills on immigrants' labor market performance by applying a new approach, which allows to estimate wage benefits attributed to initial language skills at arrival. By exploiting unique data, I isolate the endogenous part of current German skills and instrument current command by German proficiency measured retrospectively at the point in time of migration. This approach tackles the problem that labor market effects from current language skills are at risk to reflect merely the sum of a successful residence in Germany and only display growth effects. I find that a good command of German increases labor market income by 47.0% for males, while no significant language effects are detected for females. Further analyses illustrate that differences in language effects by gender can be attributed to selection into different occupations and part-time employments and that language operates complementary and enables cross-border transferability of human capital." (Author's abstract, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    Türkeistämmige Personen in Deutschland: Erkenntnisse aus der Repräsentativuntersuchung "Ausgewählte Migrantengruppen in Deutschland 2015" (RAM) (2018)

    Schührer, Susanne;


    Schührer, Susanne (2018): Türkeistämmige Personen in Deutschland. Erkenntnisse aus der Repräsentativuntersuchung "Ausgewählte Migrantengruppen in Deutschland 2015" (RAM). (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Working paper 81), Nürnberg, 80 S.


    "In diesem Working Paper werden Unterschiede beim Stand der Integration innerhalb der heterogenen Bevölkerung mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund untersucht. Dabei werden erstens Personen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit mit den Personen mit türkischer Staatsangehörigkeit verglichen. Zweitens wird bezüglich der Zugehörigkeit zur ersten und der zweiten Generation der Zuwanderer unterschieden. Als 'erste Generation' werden diejenigen Personen zusammengefasst, die im Ausland geboren und nach Deutschland zugewandert sind. Mit 'zweite Generation' sind jene Personen gemeint, die in Deutschland geboren wurden, bei denen aber mindestens ein Elternteil im Ausland geboren wurde.
    Die Studie analysiert den Stand der Integration unter anderem in Bezug auf Arbeitsmarkt und Bildung sowie soziale Teilhabe und Identifikation. Darüber hinaus liefert die Studie Erkenntnisse zur Diskriminierungswahrnehmung und zur Auswirkung von Mediennutzung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Replacement migration: ein Konzept mit begrenzter Reichweite (2018)

    Siedhoff, Mathias;


    Siedhoff, Mathias (2018): Replacement migration. Ein Konzept mit begrenzter Reichweite. In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung H. 1, S. 84-96.


    "Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels verweisen zahlreiche Akteure häufig auf die steigende Bedeutung von Zuwanderungen aus dem Ausland. Eine Diskussion über 'Replacement Migration' ist aber wenig hilfreich, wenn wir sie nicht deutlich differenzierter führen und uns offener gegenüber Zuwanderungen zeigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Thai Marriage Migrants in Germany and their Employment Dilemma after the Residence Act of 2005 (2018)

    Sinsuwan, Woranmon;


    Sinsuwan, Woranmon (2018): Thai Marriage Migrants in Germany and their Employment Dilemma after the Residence Act of 2005. Berlin, 135 S. DOI:10.18452/18769


    "Seit ungefähr den 1960er Jahren migrieren Thailänder nach Deutschland, und es ist statistisch belegt, dass die Feminisierung der thailändischen Migration bis heute anhält (Bundesamt für Statistik, 2016). Frauen machen 87 Prozent aller in Deutschland lebenden Thailänder und Thailänderinnen aus. 94 Prozent aller Ehen mit thailändischer Beteiligung in Deutschland bestehen zwischen thailändischen Frauen und deutschen oder ausländischen Männern, während in nur 6 Prozent der Fälle thailändische Männer mit deutschen oder ausländischen Frauen verheiratet sind. Im Jahr 2005 waren 58.784 thailändische Staatsangehörige in Deutschland gemeldet, aber nur 43 Prozent davon waren nach dem deutschen Gesetz als „erwerbstätig“ registriert. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das Beschäftigungsdilemma thailändischer Heiratsmigranten seit dem Inkrafttreten des neuen Aufenthaltsgesetzes im Jahr 2005. Zunächst beleuchtet sie die zugrundeliegenden Probleme, wegen derer die thailändische Heiratsmigranten ihr Potential als Vollzeit-Arbeitskräfte nicht ausschöpfen können, und erklärt, warum sich hochqualifizierte thailändische Heiratsmigranten nicht voll in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt integrieren können. Dann untersucht sie die thailändische Diaspora und den Transnationalismus thailändischer Heiratsmigranten in Deutschland, und schließlich versucht sie, anhand Pierre Bourdieus Theorie von Kapital, Habitus und sozialem Raum die Berufsentscheidungen thailändischer Heiratsmigranten im deutschen Umfeld zu erklären. Qualitative Interviews, welche zwischen 2016 und 2017 durchgeführt worden sind, stellen mit 38 Informanten und einem quantitativen Fragebogen, der von 125 Befragten ausgefüllt wurde, bislang eine der umfangreichsten Forschungen über thailändische Ehemigranten in Deutschland dar." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Faktor Vielfalt - Die Rolle kultureller Vielfalt für Innovationen in Deutschland (2018)

    Stahl-Rolf, Silke; Proff, Sidonia von; Pfaff, Daniel; Reuß, Karsten; Mecks, Elisa; Holtmannspötter, Dirk; Hutapea, Luciana;


    Holtmannspötter, Dirk, Luciana Hutapea, Elisa Mecks, Daniel Pfaff, Sidonia von Proff & Karsten Reuß (2018): Faktor Vielfalt - Die Rolle kultureller Vielfalt für Innovationen in Deutschland. Gütersloh, 58 S.


    "Die Studie 'Faktor Vielfalt - Die Rolle kultureller Vielfalt für Innovationen in Deutschland' setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, ob und wie sich kulturelle Vielfalt auf die Innovationskraft von Unternehmen und Gesellschaft auswirkt. Vieles spricht dafür, dass eine kulturell vielfältige Zusammensetzung der Mitarbeiterschaft - also auch verschiedene Erfahrungen, Denkmuster und Interpretationskontexte - für Kreativität und Innovationen förderlich ist.
    Für die vorliegende Arbeit wurden empirische Studien zum Zusammenhang von kultureller Vielfalt und Innovation ausgewertet. Insgesamt deuten die Studien auf einen moderaten positiven Zusammenhang zwischen kultureller Vielfalt und Innovation hin." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Die Blaue Karte EU: Ein länderübergreifender Überblick (2018)

    Stitteneder, Tanja;


    Stitteneder, Tanja (2018): Die Blaue Karte EU: Ein länderübergreifender Überblick. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 71, H. 6, S. 43-47.


    "Angesichts der demographischen Entwicklung und des zunehmenden Innovationsdrucks konkurrieren die Mitgliedstaaten der EU mit anderen Ländern der Welt um hochqualifizierte Fachkräfte. Die Blaue Karte soll die dauerhafte Zuwanderung von hochqualifizierten Drittstaatangehörigen in die EU fördern und erleichtern. Zwar variieren die Gültigkeitsdauer, die Verwaltungsgebühren, die geltenden Einkommensgrenzen und die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Blauen Karten je Mitgliedstaat, die Blaue Karte hat aber das Potenzial, die Zuwanderung Hochqualifizierter für alle Mitgliedstaaten der EU positiv zu beeinflussen. Von einer Reform der Blauen Karte, über die die Mitgliedsländer seit 2016 beraten, würden nicht nur die Zielländer und Antragsteller profitieren, sondern auch international tätige Unternehmen und Organisationen - und somit der gesamte Wirtschaftsraum der EU." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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