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Trotz eines Rückgangs ist die EU-Jugendarbeitslosenquote nach wie vor sehr hoch. Laut EU-Kommission sind derzeit 4,5 Millionen junge Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren) arbeitslos. Einem großen Teil dieser Generation droht durch fehlende Zukunftsperspektiven soziale Ausgrenzung mit weitreichenden Folgen. Mit Maßnahmen wie der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz und Jugendgarantien der Länder soll entgegengesteuert werden.
Diese Infoplattform bietet einen Einblick in die Literatur zu den Determinanten von und Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.

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im Aspekt "Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarktes"
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    Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2023: Analysen auf Basis der BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge und der Ausbildungsmarktstatistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zum Stichtag 30. September (2023)

    Oeynhausen, Stephanie; Schuß, Eric ; Christ, Alexander; Granath, Ralf-Olaf; Milde, Bettina;


    Oeynhausen, Stephanie, Alexander Christ, Eric Schuß, Bettina Milde & Ralf-Olaf Granath (2023): Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2023. Analysen auf Basis der BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge und der Ausbildungsmarktstatistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zum Stichtag 30. September. (BIBB-Preprint), Bonn, 54 S.


    "Die Zahl neu abgeschlossener Ausbildungsverträge ist im Berichtsjahr 2023 erneut gestiegen. Bundesweit wurden 489.200 Ausbildungsverträge neu abgeschlossen, das entspricht einem Plus von 3,0 % (+14.000) im Vergleich zur Vorjahreserhebung. Insgesamt liegt die Zahl der neu abgeschlossenen Ausbildungsverträge jedoch weiterhin deutlich unter dem Niveau von 2019 vor Ausbruch der Coronapandemie (-35.900 Verträge bzw. -6,8 %). Nach Rückgängen in den Vorjahren stieg die Nachfrage der Jugendlichen nach Ausbildung um 17.300 auf 552.900 (+3,2 %). Auch das Angebot an dualen Berufsausbildungsstellen nahm in vergleichbarem Umfang zu (+18.600 bzw. +3,4 %) und lag nun bei 562.600. Damit übertraf das Angebot zum zweiten Mal in Folge die Nachfrage der Jugendlichen. Allerdings nahmen auch die Schwierigkeiten zu, das Ausbildungsangebot der Betriebe und die Nachfrage der Jugendlichen zusammenzuführen. Sowohl der Anteil der unbesetzten Ausbildungsstellen als auch der Anteil der erfolglos suchenden Ausbildungsplatznachfrager ist im Vergleich zum Vorjahr leicht angestiegen. Bundesweit blieben 2023 73.400 Ausbildungsstellen unbesetzt, das sind 13,4 % des betrieblichen Angebots – ein neuer Höchstwert. Gleichzeitig hatten 63.700 junge Menschen zum Bilanzierungsstichtag 30. September 2023 noch keinen Ausbildungsplatz gefunden und hielten deshalb ihren Vermittlungswunsch weiterhin aufrecht. 11,5 % der Ausbildungsplatznachfrage blieb damit erfolglos." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku))

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    Arbeitsmarktsituation der Jüngeren in Berlin (2020)

    Carstensen, Jeanette; Seibert, Holger; Jost, Oskar ;


    Carstensen, Jeanette, Oskar Jost & Holger Seibert (2020): Arbeitsmarktsituation der Jüngeren in Berlin. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Berlin-Brandenburg 02/2020), Nürnberg, 37 S.


    "Die Arbeitsmarktsituation junger Menschen erfordert ein besonderes Augenmerk, da hier entscheidende Weichen für die spätere Erwerbsbiografie gestellt werden. Berlin verzeichnete lange Zeit im Bundesländervergleich besonders hohe Jugendarbeitslosenquoten, die insbesondere aus einer unzureichenden Lehrstellenversorgung resultierten. Sowohl im Zuge des Nachwendegeburtenknicks als auch aufgrund eines zunehmenden und selbsttragenden Aufschwungs in den letzten zehn Jahren besserte sich die Situation sukzessive. Es konnten mehr junge Menschen in Berlin in Ausbildung und Beschäftigung finden, sodass die Jugendarbeitslosenquote deutlich abgebaut wurde. Gleichwohl offenbaren die Ergebnisse des vorliegenden Berichts anhaltende Defizite und Potenziale, die es auszubauen gilt. So fällt die Jugendarbeitslosenquote junger Ausländer in Berlin nach wie vor deutlich höher aus als diejenige der deutschen Jugendlichen, was auf strukturelle Unterschiede und Probleme hindeutet. Darüber hinaus weisen junge Ausländer aus den Asylherkunftsländern momentan noch besonders hohe Arbeitslosenquoten auf, die weitere Anstrengungen erfordern, um eine Verfestigung in Arbeitslosigkeit zu verhindern und bestehende Unterschiede zu reduzieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Carstensen, Jeanette; Seibert, Holger;
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    Out of the labour force and out of school: A population-representative study of youth labour force attachment and mental health (2020)

    Minh, Anita ; McLeod, Christopher B.; Guhn, Martin; O'Campo, Patricia;


    Minh, Anita, Patricia O'Campo, Martin Guhn & Christopher B. McLeod (2020): Out of the labour force and out of school: A population-representative study of youth labour force attachment and mental health. In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 23, H. 7, S. 853-868. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2019.1639648


    "This study examines youth mental health at the nexus of work and education, with a focus on youth who are both out of the labour force and out of school. Using data from a nationally representative sample of Canadian youth ages 15 - 29 (n?=?4883), this study examines the relationship between self-reported symptoms of depression, distress, and life-satisfaction and five distinct categories of labour market and educational attachment (employed non-students, employed students, students, unemployed youth, and youth out of the labour force and school). Main associations were estimated using logistic and ordered-logit regression. Stratified analyses were done to examine whether associations differed by youth socioeconomic status (SES). Study findings indicate that being unemployed has distinct associations with mental health compared with being out of the labour force and out of school. Unemployed youth had higher odds of depression, greater distress, and lower life-satisfaction, whereas the mental health of youth who were out of the labour force and out of school were not significantly different than employed non-students. There was some indication that being out of the labour force and out of school may be associated with higher life satisfaction for high-SES youth, but estimates were not statistically significant." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Skills and Youth Unemployment: Cross-Country Evidence from Synthetic Panel Data (2020)

    Rodrigues, Margarida ;


    Rodrigues, Margarida (2020): Skills and Youth Unemployment: Cross-Country Evidence from Synthetic Panel Data. In: Journal of Human Capital, Jg. 14, H. 2, S. 217-248., 2020-05-01. DOI:10.1086/708855


    "This paper estimates the effect of human capital on countries’ youth unemployment ratio, by using country average scores from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the unemployment ratio of the same birth cohort. The identification strategy is based on variations in skills within country-by-year and across PISA cohorts. We estimate that a one standard deviation increase in reading literacy decreases the unemployment ratio by 1.2 percentage points, which is accounted for by a significant increase in employment. We find some evidence that educational and labour market institutions play a role in the association between skills and unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Global employment trends for youth 2020: Technology and the future of jobs (2020)


    International Labour Office (2020): Global employment trends for youth 2020. Technology and the future of jobs. (Global employment trends for youth ...), Genf, 184 S.


    "Incorporating the most recent labour market information available, Global Employment Trends for Youth sets out the youth labour market situation around the world. It shows where progress has or has not been made, updates world and regional youth labour market indicators, and gives detailed analyses of medium-term trends in youth population, labour force, employment and unemployment. The 2020 edition discusses the implications of technological change for the nature of jobs available to young people. It focuses on shifts in job characteristics, sectors and skills, as well as examining the impact of technological change on inequalities in youth labour markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The determinants of youth unemployment: A panel data analysis of OECD countries (2019)

    Bayrak, Riza; Tatli, Halim;


    Bayrak, Riza & Halim Tatli (2019): The determinants of youth unemployment: A panel data analysis of OECD countries. In: European Journal of Comparative Economics, Jg. 15, H. 2, S. 231-248. DOI:10.25428/1824-2979/201802-231-248


    "The aim of this study was to determine some of the key factors affecting youth employment from 2000-2015. Youth unemployment rate (YU) was the dependent variable while consumer price index (INF), domestic gross savings (GS), labor productivity (LP) and economic growth rate (GR) were the independent variables. Data from 31 OECD countries were obtained from World Bank (WB) and OECD databases. Panel Data Analysis was used to analyze the data. The results show that growth, inflation, and savings affect youth unemployment negatively while labor productivity affects youth employment positively. It is therefore concluded that growth, inflation, savings and labor productivity are among the key determinants of youth unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The evolution of early job insecurity in Europe (2019)

    Symeonaki, Maria ; Parsanoglou, Dimitrios; Stamatopoulou, Glykeria;


    Symeonaki, Maria, Dimitrios Parsanoglou & Glykeria Stamatopoulou (2019): The evolution of early job insecurity in Europe. In: SAGE Open, Jg. 9, H. 2, S. 1-23. DOI:10.1177/2158244019845187


    "The present study proposes a meaningful multidimensional index of early job insecurity for European countries based on raw micro-data drawn from the European Union's Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS), and captures its evolution over time, before and during the years of the post - 2008 economic crisis. More specifically, a number of different indicators capturing various domains of early job insecurity are estimated, utilizing the data behind the EU-LFS survey for all European Union (EU) member states. These indicators are then composed into a single indicator of early job insecurity, which is used to apprehend and compare the degree of early job insecurity in EU member states, during these years. The proposed indicator captures the whole range of early job insecurity aspects, such as labor market conditions, job quality, school-to-work transitions, and job security, in an overall measurement providing a way of estimating and comparing early job insecurity among different countries. The results uncover the considerable differences between EU countries when early job insecurity is considered. Moreover, countries are ranked according to the degrees of early job insecurity for the years 2008-2014." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of declining youth employment stability on future wages (2019)

    Umkehrer, Matthias;


    Umkehrer, Matthias (2019): The impact of declining youth employment stability on future wages. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 56, H. 2, S. 619-650., 2017-11-08. DOI:10.1007/s00181-018-1444-5


    "Has the early career become less stable during the 1980s and 1990s? And does a lack of early-career employment stability inhibit wage growth? I analyze exceptionally rich administrative data on male graduates from Germany's dual education system to shed more light on these important questions. The data indicate a decline in youth employment durations since the late 1970s, limited to already relatively short durations. Controlling for endogeneity of employment in youth with training firm fixed effects and by exploiting institutional variation in the timing of nationwide macroeconomic shocks, I find significant returns to early-career employment stability in terms of higher wages in adulthood. These returns decline not only across the wage distribution, but also with cohort age. The findings suggest less stable employment in the early years of a career to have become increasingly costly during the 1990s for the least advantaged workers." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Young adult occupational transition regimes in Europe: Does gender matter? (2018)

    Goglio, Valentina ; Rizza, Roberto;


    Goglio, Valentina & Roberto Rizza (2018): Young adult occupational transition regimes in Europe. Does gender matter? In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 38, H. 1/2, S. 130-149. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-04-2017-0052


    The objective of this paper is to achieve a greater understanding of the transitions young adults experience into and out of the labor market and the influence that gender and married/cohabiting status have on employment careers.
    The paper focuses on young adults (25-34 years old) in four European countries - Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Norway - that are representative of different youth transition regimes. Using longitudinal data from EU-SILC survey (for the years 2006-2012) and event history analysis we investigate: the effect of the particular set of institutional features of each country, the effect of the cohort of entry and of gender differences in determining transitions across labour market status.
    Findings show that the filter exercised by the national institutions has a selective impact on the careers of young adults, with some institutional contexts more protective than others. In this respect, the condition of inactivity emerges as an interesting finding: on one side, it mainly involves women in a partnership, on the other side it is more common in protective youth regimes, suggesting that it may be a chosen rather than suffered condition.
    The paper contributes to existing literature by: i) focusing on a specific category, young adults from 25 to 34 years old, which is increasingly recognized as a critical stage in the life course though it receives less attention than its younger counterpart (15-24); ii) integrating the importance of family dynamics on work careers by analysing the different effects played by married/cohabiting status for men and women." (Author's abstract, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: Evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters (2018)

    Shi, Lulu P. ; Sacchi, Stefan ; Imdorf, Christian ; Samuel, Robin ;


    Shi, Lulu P., Christian Imdorf, Robin Samuel & Stefan Sacchi (2018): How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers. Evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 1-15. DOI:10.1186/s12651-018-0239-7


    "We ask how employers contribute to unemployment scarring in the recruitment process in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. By drawing on recruitment theories, we aim to better understand how recruiters assess different patterns of unemployment in a job candidate's CV and how this affects the chances of young applicants being considered for a vacancy. We argue that in contexts with tight school-work linkage and highly standardised Vocational Education and Training systems, the detrimental effect of early unemployment depends on how well the applicant's profile matches the requirements of the advertised position. To test this assumption, we surveyed Swiss recruiters who were seeking to fill positions during the time of data collection. We employed a factorial survey experiment that tested how the (un)employment trajectories in hypothetical young job applicants' CV affected their chances of being considered for a real vacancy. Our results show that unemployment decreases the perceived suitability of an applicant for a specific job, which implies there is a scarring effect of unemployment that increases with the duration of being unemployed. But we also found that these effects are moderated by how well the applicant's profile matches the job's requirements. Overall, the worse the match between applicant's profile and the job profile, the smaller are the scarring effects of unemployment. In sum, our findings contribute to the literature by revealing considerable heterogeneity in the scarring effects of unemployment. Our findings further suggest that the scarring effects of unemployment need to be studied with regard to country-specific institutional settings, the applicants' previous education and employment experiences, and the job characteristics." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Small differences matter: How regional distinctions in educational and labour market policy account for heterogeneity in NEET rates (2017)

    Bacher, Johann; Leitgöb, Heinz; Tamesberger, Dennis; Koblbauer, Christina;


    Bacher, Johann, Christina Koblbauer, Heinz Leitgöb & Dennis Tamesberger (2017): Small differences matter: How regional distinctions in educational and labour market policy account for heterogeneity in NEET rates. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1186/s12651-017-0232-6


    "Labour market and education policy makers and researchers are increasingly focusing on the NEET indicator as a supplement to the youth unemployment rate. Analyses of factors influencing NEET have concentrated primarily on individual characteristics such as gender and migration background on one hand, and on macro-level factors of nations such as economic growth and minimum wage regulations on the other. However, nations are not homogenous, especially when a country is divided into several federal states, as is the case with Austria. This article aims to analyse regional differences within Austria. In order to explain the differences, we define a multilevel model that contains four contextual factors: the importance of upper secondary education; the importance of dual education; vacant jobs; and expenditures for active labour market policy. Because the institutional level addresses different age groups, the analysis was split into two age groups: 15 - 19 and 20 - 24 years. The results have shown that, besides the social structure of the population, contextual factors like the upper secondary education, the dual education, vacant jobs, and expenditures for active labour market policy are also relevant for explaining regional differences in the NEET rates. But one main insight was that the impact of the contextual factors varies between different social groups." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The interplay of educational and labour market institutions and links to relative youth unemployment (2017)

    Brzinsky-Fay, Christian;


    Brzinsky-Fay, Christian (2017): The interplay of educational and labour market institutions and links to relative youth unemployment. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 27, H. 4, S. 346-359. DOI:10.1177/0958928717719198


    "Many institutional theories assume that institutions function in conjunction with each other and, therefore, constitute regimes. Moreover, when analysing institutional effects most researchers maintain a purely variable-oriented approach and its ceteris-paribus logic of causal association. This article analyses associations between configurations of labour market and education institutions and relative youth unemployment by examining 30 countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The analysis reveals that no single institution constitutes a sufficient or necessary condition for relative youth unemployment. Institutions unfold their effects only in combination with other institutions, that is, they are always conjunctural. Low relative youth unemployment cannot be explained adequately. Employment protection is only associated with high relative youth unemployment if vocational specificity, standardisation and stratification is low." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: comparing policy coordination in nine European countries (2017)

    Dingeldey, Irene ; Assmann, Marie-Luise; Steinberg, Lisa;


    Dingeldey, Irene, Marie-Luise Assmann & Lisa Steinberg (2017): Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people. Comparing policy coordination in nine European countries. (NEGOTIATE working paper 8.2), Oslo, 55 S.


    "The analysis is based on nine in-depth country studies including Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Germany, Poland, Spain, the UK and two non-EU countries; Norway and Switzerland, which serve as a reference group.
    The empirical research makes use of both primary and secondary sources, as well as four to six expert interviews per country to identify different types of youth employment regimes and strategies used to implement the respective policies.
    The introduction of the Youth Guarantee (YG) was met with high expectations. Since the economic crisis youth unemployment has significantly increased. It was accompanied by a flexibilisation of employment forms and the lowering of youth wages, both attempts to facilitate integration in the labour market. Hence, it was up to the YG to address existing problems vis-à-vis young people entering the labour market, and to improve policy coordination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Studying employers' risk assessment and the role of institutions: an experimental design (2015)

    Shi, Lulu P. ; Samuel, Robin ; Imdorf, Christian ;


    Shi, Lulu P., Christian Imdorf & Robin Samuel (2015): Studying employers' risk assessment and the role of institutions. An experimental design. (NEGOTIATE working paper 7.1), Oslo, 24 S.


    "Work Package 7 aims at understanding how early job insecurity can affect an individual's future career from an employer's perspective. By paying special attention to the educational background and gender of the applicants, we plan to investigate how employers interpret young applicants' job insecurity, for example in the form of unemployment or job-mismatch experiences, during recruitment. The negative effects of such experiences on an individual's chances of being recruited successfully - so called scarring effects - may further vary depending on economic and institutional contexts such as country-specific economic or political conditions, educational structures or economic sectors. By surveying employers from different sectors, we will examine if and how these scarring effects vary between four different countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland. We will apply an innovative methodology in the form of an employer-sided survey with an integrated multidimensional vignette experiment in order to simulate the impact of multiple factors on success and failure when young people who experienced job insecurities apply for new jobs. In the present working paper we summarise the major theoretical concepts that have been used to explain the scarring effects that can result from employer behaviour. Moreover, we outline how we plan to collect data in WP 7 in order to analyse scarring through decision-making on behalf of employers during the recruitment process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zukunft unsicher: Jugendarbeitslosigkeit im europäischen Vergleich (2014)

    Thompson, Spencer; Hohbein, Aline; Thies, Lars;


    Thompson, Spencer, Aline Hohbein & Lars Thies (2014): Zukunft unsicher. Jugendarbeitslosigkeit im europäischen Vergleich. Gütersloh, 102 S.


    "Wie entsteht Jugendarbeitslosigkeit? Von welchen Faktoren wird sie beeinflusst? Spielen konjunkturelle und wirtschaftsstrukturelle Einflüsse die entscheidende Rolle, oder ist es die Flexibilität der Arbeitsmärkte? Anhand von Daten des europäischen Statistikamtes Eurostat und der europäischen Arbeitskräfteerhebung (European Labour Force Survey) geht die vorliegende Studie auf empirischer Grundlage der Frage nach, wie sich in Großbritannien, den Niederlanden, Frankreich, Spanien, Schweden und Deutschland die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit entwickelt hat und von welchen Faktoren diese bestimmt wird. Im Ergebnis wird deutlich, dass der Ausgestaltung der Ausbildungssysteme eine wesentliche Bedeutung zukommt: Je stärker Praxiserfahrungen in die Ausbildung integriert werden - ob nun auf formelle oder auf informelle Weise - desto besser sind die Übergangschancen der Absolventen in den Arbeitsmarkt. Das duale Ausbildungssystem deutscher Prägung schneidet einerseits sehr gut ab bei diesem Vergleich, denn die betriebliche Praxis ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Ausbildung. Andererseits zeigt ein genauerer Blick auch Probleme auf: Wer als junger Mensch seinen Weg in das deutsche Ausbildungssystem findet, hat zwar beste Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Wem dies jedoch nicht gelingt, der hat schlechte Karten. Ohne Ausbildungsplatz ist die berufliche Zukunft düster für Jugendliche in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How to combine the entry of young people in the labour market with the retention of older workers? (2013)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Boeri, Tito ; Steiber, Nadia ; Kendzia, Michael J.; Coen, An de; Galasso, Vincenzo ;


    Eichhorst, Werner, Tito Boeri, An de Coen, Vincenzo Galasso, Michael J. Kendzia & Nadia Steiber (2013): How to combine the entry of young people in the labour market with the retention of older workers? (IZA discussion paper 7829), Bonn, 31 S.


    "This paper provides an overview of the employment situation of young and old workers in the EU Member States, setting out the most recent development during the crisis and dealing with policies implemented to promote the employment of both groups. The evidence collected shows that there is no competition between young and older workers on the labour market. Structural or general policies to enhance the functioning of EU labour markets are crucial to improving the situation of both groups. However, the responsibility for employment policies still predominantly lies within Member States of the European Union, although initiatives taken at the EU level can provide added value, particularly through stimulating the exchange of experiences and facilitating regional and cross-border mobility throughout the EU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market transitions of young workers in Nordic and southern European countries: the role of flexicurity (2013)

    Madsen, Per Kongshøj; Molina, Oscar ; Lozano, Mariona ; Møller, Jesper;


    Madsen, Per Kongshøj, Oscar Molina, Jesper Møller & Mariona Lozano (2013): Labour market transitions of young workers in Nordic and southern European countries. The role of flexicurity. In: Transfer, Jg. 19, H. 3, S. 325-343. DOI:10.1177/1024258913495348


    "Die Wirtschaftskrise hat das Interesse an der zunehmend prekären Lage junger Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt neu entfacht. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet Übergangssituationen junger Menschen am Arbeitsmarkt in den nordischen und südeuropäischen Beschäftigungssystemen, bewertet Unterschiede in Art und Umfang der Ungewissheit, die sie dabei erfahren, sowie die im Rahmen der Wirtschaftskrise beobachteten Veränderungen. Es wird argumentiert, dass die ''Flexicurity''- Arbeitsmarktpolitiken bei der Eindämmung des zunehmenden Auseinanderklaffens der Arbeitsmärkte in der EU nur bedingt erfolgreich waren. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße für die jungen Arbeitnehmer/innen in Südeuropa, denen in erhöhtem Maße die Dimension der Flexibilität abverlangt wird und die weniger in den Genuss der ausgleichenden Sicherheitsmaßnahmen kommen. Die Analyse zeigt außerdem, wie die Krise die Kluft zwischen den beiden Gruppen von Ländern erweitert hat in Bezug auf den Grad der Ungewissheit beim Übergang junger Arbeitnehmer/innen in ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis und in Bezug auf die Form dieser Ungewissheit." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2013: Zahl der neu abgeschlossenen Ausbildungsverträge fällt auf historischen Tiefstand. BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge zum 30. September (2013)

    Ulrich, Joachim Gerd; Flemming, Simone; Matthes, Stephanie; Granath, Ralf-Olaf; Krekel, Elisabeth M.;


    Ulrich, Joachim Gerd, Stephanie Matthes, Simone Flemming, Ralf-Olaf Granath & Elisabeth M. Krekel (2013): Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2013. Zahl der neu abgeschlossenen Ausbildungsverträge fällt auf historischen Tiefstand. BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge zum 30. September. Berlin, 41 S.


    "Im Jahr 2013 sanken sowohl das Ausbildungsplatzangebot als auch die Ausbildungsplatznachfrage, und die Zahl der neu abgeschlossenen Ausbildungsverträge fiel auf einen historischen Tiefstand, den niedrigsten Wert seit der Wiedervereinigung. Zugleich nahmen die Passungsprobleme zu: Ein höherer Anteil des betrieblichen Ausbildungsangebots blieb unbesetzt, und mehr Ausbildungsplatznachfrager blieben bei ihrer Ausbildungsplatzsuche erfolglos. Insgesamt verschlechterte sich die Marktlage zu Lasten der Jugendlichen, und es gelang nicht mehr im selben Ausmaß wie in den drei Jahren zuvor, ausbildungsinteressierte Jugendliche an dualer Berufsausbildung zu beteiligen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Explaining cross-national variation in youth unemployment: market and institutional factors (2005)

    Breen, Richard ;


    Breen, Richard (2005): Explaining cross-national variation in youth unemployment. Market and institutional factors. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 21, H. 2, S. 125-134. DOI:10.1093/esr/jci008


    "There is wide variation in youth unemployment among OECD countries. This paper seeks to explain some of this variation on the basis of institutional and economic differences between countries. Economic differences are captured by the rate of adult unemployment, which proxies for the overall state of the labour market. Two institutional factors play a central part: the educational system's role in signalling the suitability of a job seeker for a particular job, and the degree to which employers are prevented from dismissing workers. I show that, as might be expected, relative to the level of adult unemployment, youth unemployment is high in regulated labour markets in which employers are restricted in their freedom to dismiss unsuitable workers. Conversely, it tends to be low in liberal labour markets and also in countries in which the educational system sends very clear signals about job seekers' abilities and skills. This latter can offset the tendency for higher youth unemployment in regulated labour markets. These arguments are supported by the results of regression analyses using data from 27 OECD countries from the late 1990s." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job club methodology applied in a workfare setting (1992)

    Stidham, Helen H.; Remley, Theodore P. junior;


    Stidham, Helen H. & Theodore P. junior Remley (1992): Job club methodology applied in a workfare setting. In: Journal of Employment Counseling, Jg. 29, H. 2, S. 69-76. DOI:10.1002/j.2161-1920.1992.tb00155.x


    "The Job Club program consisted of a series of monthly groups, meeting daily for 15-20 three-hour sessions conducted in the Azrin Job Club methodology. Results indicate that those clients attending the Job Club sessions had a higher employment rate than did those not attending." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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