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Menschen mit Behinderungen in Ausbildung und Beruf

Mit dem Bundesteilhabegesetz und dem Nationalen Aktionsplan 2.0 wurden 2016 zwei wichtige behindertenpolitische Vorhaben angestoßen und in den Folgejahren umgesetzt und weiterentwickelt. Damit soll im Einklang mit der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention die Inklusion in Deutschland weiter vorangetrieben werden, indem die Selbstbestimmung und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen gestärkt werden. Mit dem schrittweisen Inkrafttreten des Bundesteilhabegesetzes erfuhren das Recht der Rehabilitation und Teilhabe von Menschen mit Behinderungen und die Eingliederungshilfe (SGB IX) weitreichende Änderungen. Wie stellt sich die Situation von behinderten Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt dar? Wie lassen sich behindertengerechte Berufsleben und inklusive Arbeitswelten gestalten?
Die Infoplattform stellt zentrale Dokumente und relevante Quellenhinweise zusammen, inhaltlich strukturiert nach den Aspekten der Politik für behinderte Menschen und den diskutierten bzw. realisierten Reformanstrengungen.

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im Aspekt "Frankreich"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Work strains and disabilities in French workers: A career-long retrospective study (2023)

    Barnay, Thomas; Defebvre, Éric;


    Barnay, Thomas & Éric Defebvre (2023): Work strains and disabilities in French workers: A career-long retrospective study. In: Labour, Jg. 37, H. 3, S. 385-408. DOI:10.1111/labr.12252


    "This study aims to estimate the causal impact of detrimental working conditions on the self-reported disabilities in France. Using a retrospective lifelong panel, we implement a mixed econometric strategy that relies on difference-in-differences and matching methods to take into account for selection biases as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Deleterious effects from exposure on disability are found, depending on the nature and magnitude of the strains. These results provide insights into the debate on legal retirement age postponement and justify policies being enacted early in individuals' careers, but also schemes that are more focused on psychosocial risk factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Working conditions and disabilities in French workers: a career-long retrospective study (2023)

    Barnay, Thomas; Defebvre, Éric;


    Barnay, Thomas & Éric Defebvre (2023): Working conditions and disabilities in French workers: a career-long retrospective study. (HAL open science), Paris, 22 S. DOI:10.15609/annaeconstat2009


    "This study aims to estimate the causal impact of detrimental working conditions on disabilities in France. Using a rebuilt retrospective lifelong panel and defining indicators for physical and psychosocial strains, we implement a mixed econometric strategy relying on difference-in-differences and matching methods to take into account for selection biases as well as unobserved heterogeneity. For men and women, deleterious effects of both types of working conditions on disability after exposure are found, with varying patterns of impacts according to the nature and magnitude of the strains. These results provide insights into the debate on legal retirement age postponement and justify not only policies being enacted early in individuals' careers in order to prevent subsequent mid-career health repercussions, but also schemes that are more focused on psychosocial risk factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives (2023)

    Coll, Catherine; Mignonac, Karim ;


    Coll, Catherine & Karim Mignonac (2023): Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 34, H. 10, S. 2039-2073. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2022.2054284


    "In this article, we combine insights from basic psychological needs theory and the social identity approach to propose that perceptions of organizational support enhance the basic need satisfaction of employees with disabilities, which yields higher levels of task performance. We also suggest that disability group identification strengthens this mediational process. We tested our hypotheses with two quantitative field studies that were conducted in France and based on matched employee-supervisor data. Using a sample of employees working in companies that specialize in the employment of persons with disabilities, Study 1 aimed to provide initial evidence for the mediating role of basic need satisfaction. Study 2 aimed to replicate the findings of Study 1 in less specific contexts while testing the moderating role of disability group identification. Next, the methodological limitations of these investigations were addressed in two quantitative post hoc studies. The results of these studies support our model and generate new knowledge about whether, why and when the perception of favorable treatment contributes to the job performance of employees with disabilities. We also discuss the practical implications of our findings and provide suggestions for human resources managers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disabled People Working in the Disability Sector: Occupational Segregation or Personal Fulfilment? (2022)

    Revillard, Anne ;


    Revillard, Anne (2022): Disabled People Working in the Disability Sector: Occupational Segregation or Personal Fulfilment? In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 5, S. 875-892. DOI:10.1177/09500170221080401


    "This article explores variations in job quality for young workers by analysing six employers across three industrial sectors of Greater Manchester, an English city-region. Four aspects of job quality are examined because of their centrality in shaping how youth labour-power is deployed in the labour process: technological utilisation, work-rate, autonomy and discretion, and opportunities for training and career progression. Primary data were collected from 30 semi-structured interviews with business owners, managers, young workers and from workplace observations. Findings reveal job quality is high in advanced manufacturing and creative and digital sectors, but low in business services. Job quality is shaped by the nature of commodity production and accompanying labour process. Development or degradation of young workers in the labour process depends largely on the requirements of the employer, as few countervailing pressures exist. Training provision improves job quality, but demand-side interventions are required to generate sustainable good jobs for young workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Evaluating social investment in disability policy (2020)

    Folmer, Christopher P. Reinders; Veen, Romke van der; Mascini, Peter;


    Folmer, Christopher P. Reinders, Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2020): Evaluating social investment in disability policy. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 54, H. 5, S. 792-812. DOI:10.1111/spol.12579


    "Disability policy in European countries is displaying a shift towards social investment: increasing human capital and access to the labour market. The reasoning that underlies this transition is that disabled persons would benefit from mainstream employment, but are impeded in traditional policy by deficiencies in labour supply and demand. However, the shift towards more activating policies in many countries is accompanied by a decline in social protection. It is unclear whether social investment may effectively promote the employment chances of disabled persons within this context. The present research examines this question through a quantitative, cross‐sectional, multilevel analysis on microdata from 22 EU countries. Our findings suggest greater activation to predict lower employment chances, while reducing passive support shows mixed effects. Conversely, measures for facilitation in daily life predict greater employment chances, as do measures for sheltered work. These findings raise questions over the value of social investment for disabled persons - and underline the need to overcome broader barriers in the labour market and in society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The impact of a disability on labour market status: a comparison of the public and private sectors (2015)

    Barnay, Thomas; Narcy, Mathieu; Clainche, Christine Le; Videau, Yann; Duguet, Emmanuel;


    Barnay, Thomas, Emmanuel Duguet, Christine Le Clainche, Mathieu Narcy & Yann Videau (2015): The impact of a disability on labour market status. A comparison of the public and private sectors. (Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi. Document de travail 178), Noisy-le-Grand, 30 S.


    "This study analyses the causal effect of a disability on subsequent labour market status by distinguishing between public employment and private employment in France. This study provides two original contributions. First, previous studies have not distinguished between the public and private sectors although the characteristics of these sectors are likely to affect the relationship between the occurrence of a disability and labour market status. Second, we implement a difference-in-differences approach combined with an exact and dynamic matching method, which has never been used to estimate the effect of a disability on labour market status. We utilise data from the Santé et itinéraire professionnel (SIP) survey conducted in France during the period 2006-2007. The results indicate that the occurrence of a disability exerts a strong detrimental effect on private employment but has no significant effect on public employment during the five years after its occurrence. Moreover, this public/private difference is neither explained by differences in the type of disability nor by differences in the composition of the workforce employed in each sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Chronic illnesses and injuries: an evaluation of their impact on occupation and revenues (2012)

    Duguet, Emmanuel; Clainche, Christine Le;


    Duguet, Emmanuel & Christine Le Clainche (2012): Chronic illnesses and injuries. An evaluation of their impact on occupation and revenues. (Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi. Document de travail 155), Noisy-le-Grand, 26 S.


    "This paper investigates whether chronic illnesses and injuries have a significant impact on the individual's performance in the labor market. We use the 'Santé et Itinéraires Professionnels' (SIP, 'Health and Labor Market Histories') survey, conducted in France in 2006-2007. We use the propensity score method in order to evaluate the impact of chronic illnesses and accidents on labor market participation and earnings. We find that both health events, chronic illness and accidents have a negative effect on professional careers and earnings, and that accidents have a greater impact on women's earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Transitions to and from self-employment among older people with disabilities in Europe (2012)

    Pagan-Rodriguez, Ricardo;


    Pagan-Rodriguez, Ricardo (2012): Transitions to and from self-employment among older people with disabilities in Europe. In: Journal of Disability Policy Studies, Jg. 23, H. 2, S. 82-93. DOI:10.1177/1044207311422232


    "This paper analyses the labor-market transitions among older people with disabilities in Europe as compared to their nondisabled counterparts. Particular attention is paid to the workers' transitions to and from self-employment. Using data from the two first waves (2004 and 2007) of a panel data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), we estimate employment transition matrices for disabled and non-disabled individuals aged 50 years or over, taking into account the possible transitions in disability status that individuals may experience throughout our panel data. The results show that older people with disabilities (especially females) who are self-employed in 2004 are less likely to remain in the same labor status three years later. In contrast, transitions from self-employment to 'out of labor force' were relatively higher for disabled individuals as compared to non-disabled ones. In addition, the results vary when we take into consideration the disability trajectories. Areas of future research and policy recommendations are given." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Disability and social security reforms: the French case (2011)

    Behaghel, Luc; Roger, Muriel; Debrand, Thierry; Blanchet, Didier;


    Behaghel, Luc, Didier Blanchet, Thierry Debrand & Muriel Roger (2011): Disability and social security reforms. The French case. (Paris-Jourdan Science Economiques. Working paper 2011-02), Paris, 32 S.


    "The French pattern of early transitions out of employment is basically explained by the low age at 'normal' retirement and by the importance of transitions through unemployment insurance and early-retirement schemes before access to normal retirement. These routes have exempted French workers from massively relying on disability motives for early exits, contrarily to the situation that prevails in some other countries where normal ages are high, unemployment benefits low and early-retirement schemes almost non-existent. Yet the role of disability remains interesting to examine in the French case, at least for prospective reasons in a context of decreasing generosity of other programs.
    The study of the past reforms of the pension system underlines that disability routes have often acted as a substitute to other retirement routes. Changes in the claiming of invalidity benefits seem to match changes in pension schemes or controls more than changes in such health indicators as the mortality rates. However, our results suggest that increases in average health levels over the past two decades have come along with increased disparities. In that context, less generous pensions may induce an increase in the claiming of invalidity benefits partly because of substitution effects, but also because the share of people with poor health increases." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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