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Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten – Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt

Auf der Flucht vor Krieg und politischer Verfolgung verlassen viele Menschen ihr Heimatland und suchen Schutz und neue Perspektiven in Deutschland und beantragen Asyl. Die Beteiligung am Arbeitsmarkt wird häufig als Schlüssel für die gesellschaftliche Integration der Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten gesehen. Welche Qualifikationen bringen die Menschen mit, welche arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen sind hilfreich? Wie gehen die einzelnen Bundesländer damit um, welche Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Wirtschaft und die Sozialsysteme sind zu erwarten, wie sieht die Situation in anderen Ländern aus?
Dieses Themendossier stellt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Thema zusammen und ermöglicht den Zugang zu weiterführenden Informationen sowie zu Positionen der politischen Akteure.
Literatur zur besonderen Situation der Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine finden Sie im Themendossier Auswirkungen des Krieges gegen die Ukraine auf Wirtschaft, Arbeitsmarkt und Fluchtmigration in Deutschland

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im Aspekt "Zur Situation in anderen Ländern"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Zwischen Befähigung und Stigmatisierung? Die Situation von Geflüchteten beim Hochschulzugang und im Studium: ein internationaler Forschungsüberblick (2018)

    Berg, Jana; Schröder, Stefanie; Grüttner, Michael ;


    Berg, Jana, Michael Grüttner & Stefanie Schröder (2018): Zwischen Befähigung und Stigmatisierung? Die Situation von Geflüchteten beim Hochschulzugang und im Studium. Ein internationaler Forschungsüberblick. In: Z'Flucht. Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, Jg. 2, H. 1, S. 57-90. DOI:10.5771/2509-9485-2018-1-57


    "Der Beitrag gibt einen systematischen Überblick über den internationalen Forschungsstand zum Thema Hochschulzugang und Studiensituation von Geflüchteten. Es zeigt sich, dass die Literatur nahezu ausschließlich qualitative Studien bietet. Wir stellen die wichtigsten Faktoren zusammen, die in der Literatur als Einflüsse auf Hochschulzugang und Studiensituation diskutiert werden. Ein Vergleich des Forschungsstandes mit demjenigen zur Studiensituation von internationalen Studierenden zeigt, inwiefern Besonderheiten der Studiensituation von Geflüchteten angenommen werden können. Unser Beitrag schließt mit einer Diskussion der wissenschaftlichen und (hochschul-)politischen Implikationen mit Bezug auf die Situation in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Moving forward: Educational outcomes for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) exiting foster care in the United States (2018)

    Crea, Thomas M.; Underwood, Dawnya; Evans, Kerri; III, Robert G Hasson; Cardoso, Jodi Berger;


    Crea, Thomas M., Robert G Hasson III, Kerri Evans, Jodi Berger Cardoso & Dawnya Underwood (2018): Moving forward. Educational outcomes for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) exiting foster care in the United States. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 31, H. 2, S. 240-256. DOI:10.1093/jrs/fex020


    "Unprecedented numbers of unaccompanied children have migrated to the Southern border of the United States in recent years. Yet, little is known about how these children fare after arrival, including the few who are placed in the federally sponsored Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) foster care programme. Existing research suggests that unaccompanied refugee children, unaccompanied migrant children and foster children each face significant barriers that limit their educational attainment. This study examines educational attainment for children exiting the URM programme in 2015. Longer stays in care are associated with higher educational attainment. Permanent legal status predicts increased high-school graduation rates, but not college enrolment. Significant variation emerged between children from the Northern Triangle region of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) compared with other countries of origin, as well as across countries within this region. These results are discussed in light of United States policies that may influence the educational attainment of unaccompanied migrant youth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Integration of humanitarian migrants into the host country labour market: evidence from Australia (2018)

    Delaporte, Isaure; Piracha, Matloob ;


    Delaporte, Isaure & Matloob Piracha (2018): Integration of humanitarian migrants into the host country labour market. Evidence from Australia. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 15, S. 2480-2505. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2018.1429901


    "The objective of this paper is to identify the factors that influence the labour market integration of humanitarian migrants in the host country. A number of employment outcomes are examined including access to employment, access to stable employment, the wage/earnings level and the education-occupation mismatch. By using a recently collected panel survey data in Australia, the study shows that pre-migration education, work experience, previous migration episodes, as well as English proficiency, English training, study/job training undertaken in Australia and social capital form important determinants of the labour market integration of refugees in the host country. The paper highlights the differentiated impacts of these resources on the refugees' outcomes at six months, one year and two years after arrival." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    (The struggle for) refugee integration into the labour market: evidence from Europe (2018)

    Fasani, Francesco ; Frattini, Tommaso; Minale, Luigi;


    Fasani, Francesco, Tommaso Frattini & Luigi Minale (2018): (The struggle for) refugee integration into the labour market. Evidence from Europe. (IZA discussion paper 11333), Bonn, 56 S.


    "In this paper, we use repeated cross-sectional survey data to study the labour market performance of refugees across several EU countries and over time. In the first part, we document that labour market outcomes for refugees are consistently worse than those for other comparable migrants. The gap remains sizeable even after controlling for individual characteristics as well as for unobservables using a rich set of fixed effects and interactions between area of origin, entry cohort and destination country. Refugees are 11.6 percent less likely to have a job and 22.1 percent more likely to be unemployed than migrants with similar characteristics. Moreover, their income, occupational quality and labour market participation are also relatively weaker. This gap persists until about 10 years after immigration. In the second part, we assess the role of asylum policies in explaining the observed refugee gap. We conduct a difference-in-differences analysis that exploits the differential timing of dispersal policy enactment across European countries: we show that refugee cohorts exposed to these polices have persistently worse labour market outcomes. Further, we find that entry cohorts admitted when refugee status recognition rates are relatively high integrate better into the host country labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From refuge to riches?: an analysis of refugees' wage assimilation in the United States (2018)

    Giri, Animesh;


    Giri, Animesh (2018): From refuge to riches? An analysis of refugees' wage assimilation in the United States. In: International migration review, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 125-158. DOI:10.1111/imre.12285


    "Given that refugees may be fleeing from political, social, racial, ethnic, or religious persecution, they are not expected to be economically independent upon arrival to the United States. Considerable state and federal resources are specifically aimed at the economic assimilation of refugees in the United States. In this article, I examine the extent to which average refugee wages have assimilated toward those of their native counterparts in the United States. Among synthetic cohorts from 1990 to 2000, most recent young refugees increase average refugee wages by approximately 17 percent within a decade. Similarly, in the period between 2000 and 2010, the gains for young and recent refugees increase average refugee wages by approximately 22 percent. In contrast, across both decades, duration effects for the oldest refugee cohorts - irrespective of their length of stay in the United States - exert a considerable downward push on average refugee wages. The contrasts in wage contributions for the oldest and youngest cohorts are less extreme for non-refugee immigrants. These findings underscore the importance of age at entry into the United States for wage assimilation, especially in the case of refugees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    When lives are put on hold: Lengthy asylum processes decrease employment among refugees (2018)

    Hainmueller, Jens ; Hangartner, Dominik ; Lawrence, Duncan;


    Hainmueller, Jens, Dominik Hangartner & Duncan Lawrence (2018): When lives are put on hold: Lengthy asylum processes decrease employment among refugees. In: Science advances / American Association for the Advancement of Science, Jg. 2, H. 8, S. 1-7. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.1600432


    "European governments are struggling with the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, but there exists little evidence regarding how the management of the asylum process affects the subsequent integration of refugees in the host country. We provide new causal evidence about how one central policy parameter, the length of time that refugees wait in limbo for a decision on their asylum claim, affects their subsequent economic integration. Exploiting exogenous variation in wait times and registry panel data covering refugees who applied in Switzerland between 1994 and 2004, we find that one additional year of waiting reduces the subsequent employment rate by 4 to 5 percentage points, a 16 to 23% drop compared to the average rate. This deleterious effect is remarkably stable across different subgroups of refugees stratified by gender, origin, age at arrival, and assigned language region, a pattern consistent with the idea that waiting in limbo dampens refugee employment through psychological discouragement, rather than a skill atrophy mechanism. Overall, our results suggest that marginally reducing the asylum waiting period can help reduce public expenditures and unlock the economic potential of refugees by increasing employment among this vulnerable population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Early Intervention: Strategien und Maßnahmen in Deutschland - Lessons learnt für Österreich (2018)

    Hosner, Daniela; Schmoller, Doris; Heckl, Eva;


    Hosner, Daniela, Doris Schmoller & Eva Heckl (2018): Early Intervention. Strategien und Maßnahmen in Deutschland - Lessons learnt für Österreich. (AMS report 128), Wien, 65 S.


    "Die diesem AMS report zugrundeliegende Studie, die mit Jahresbeginn 2018 von der KMU Forschung Austria im Auftrag der Abt. Arbeitsmarktforschung und Berufsinformation des AMS Österreich abgeschlossen wurde, zielt darauf ab, einen Überblick über Early-Intervention- Strategien und Early-Intervention-Ansätze sowie entsprechende Maßnahmen in Deutschland zu präsentieren, die Situation in Österreich kurz zu skizzieren und Schlussfolgerungen im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung solcher Early-Intervention-Maßnahmen hierzulande zu ziehen. Im Rahmen der Studie wurden ausschließlich qualitative Methoden der Sozialforschung angewandt. Kernelemente waren dabei eine umfassende Internet-Recherche bzw. eine Dokumenten- und Literaturanalyse sowie ExpertInneninterviews (17 Interviews). In Deutschland wurden die Interviews mit Fachkräften der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) bzw. von Länderagenturen (Bayern, Niedersachsen-Bremen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen-Anhalt-Thüringen) geführt, in Österreich mit ExpertInnen der Bundesgeschäftsstelle und der Landesgeschäftsstellen des Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) sowie der Sozialpartnerorganisationen. Die ExpertInnenmeinungen im Rahmen der Interviews wurden dabei als Grundlage für die Maßnahmenauswahl im Sinne von Early Intervention herangezogen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen in Österreich: eine empirische Analyse (2018)

    Kanduth, Anna;


    Kanduth, Anna (2018): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen in Österreich. Eine empirische Analyse. In: WISO, Jg. 41, H. 2, S. 61-80.


    "Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht mittels Paneldaten des Hauptverbandes der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger die Effekte demografischer Merkmale und wirtschaftspolitisch beeinflussbarer Größen auf die Beschäftigung und Arbeitslosigkeit asylberechtigter Personen. Die Ergebnisse der Pooled OLS und Fixed Effects Schätzungen zeigen, dass eine Beschäftigung während des Asylverfahrens und eine Verkürzung des Asylverfahrens bei gleichbleibender Aufenthaltsdauer positive Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration haben. Frühzeitige Schulungen, die vor allem für gering qualifizierte Flüchtlinge vorgesehen sind, verringern die Anzahl der Tage in einer Beschäftigung und erhöhen die Arbeitslosigkeit. Im Laufe des Integrationsprozesses holen die Schulungsteilnehmer/innen jedoch auf." (Autorenreferat, © ISW-Linz)

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    Integration of refugees in Austria, Germany and Sweden: Comparative analysis (2018)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2018): Integration of refugees in Austria, Germany and Sweden. Comparative analysis. Brüssel, 60 S.


    "This note presents a comparative analysis of policies and practices to facilitate the labour market integration of beneficiaries of international protection in the main destination countries of asylum seekers in 2015/2016, namely Austria, Germany and Sweden. It focuses on the development of policy strategies to adapt the asylum and integration system to the high numbers of new arrivals. Special attention is given to the political discourse and public opinion on asylum and integration of refugees. Innovative approaches with respect to labour market integration are highlighted as well as gaps. Finally, the study includes lessons learned from recent policy developments as well as policy recommendations in order to improve labour market integration of asylum seekers and refugees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Is quick formal access to the labor market enough?: refugees' labor market integration in Belgium (2018)

    Lens, Dries ; Marx, Ive ; Vujić, Sunčica;


    Lens, Dries, Ive Marx & Sunčica Vujić (2018): Is quick formal access to the labor market enough? Refugees' labor market integration in Belgium. (IZA discussion paper 11905), Bonn, 42 S.


    "This paper examines the labor market trajectories of refugees who arrived in Belgium between 2003 and 2009. Belgium has offered relatively easy formal labor market access to refugees but they face many other barriers in its strongly regulated and institutionalized labor market. Using the Belgian Labour Force Survey linked to longitudinal administrative data, we estimate event history models to compare refugees' entry into and exit out of the first employment, contrasting their outcomes with family and labor migrants of the same arrival cohort. The analysis shows that refugees take significantly longer to enter their first employment as compared to other migrant groups. They also run a greater risk of exiting out of their first employment into unemployment and (back) into social assistance. The results suggest that quick formal access clearly does not suffice for sustainable integration in the labor market. Additional education and labor market measures appear needed to enhance a more durable integration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does migration motive matter for migrants' employment outcomes?: the case of Belgium (2018)

    Lens, Dries ; Vujić, Sunčica; Marx, Ive ;


    Lens, Dries, Ive Marx & Sunčica Vujić (2018): Does migration motive matter for migrants' employment outcomes? The case of Belgium. (IZA discussion paper 11906), Bonn, 35 S.


    "Despite being one of the most prolific spenders on active labour market policies, and investing heavily in civic integration programmes, family policies and career and diversity plans, the native-migrant employment gap in Belgium is still one of the largest among EU and OECD countries. Past research has shown that even after controlling for human capital and other socio-demographic factors a large unexplained gap (often called ethnic gap or penalty) remains. This paper investigates how the motive for migrating to Belgium contributes to the native-migrant employment gap. Based on data from the 2014 Belgian LFS Ad Hoc Module on the labour market situation of migrants and their immediate descendants, we compare the employment outcomes of labour migrants (with and without a job prior to migration), family reunion migrants, student migrants and refugees with those of the native-born. In line with previous studies, we establish that refugees and family reunion migrants' employment likelihood is lower when compared to labour migrants and natives. Refugees who do work tend to do so in temporary jobs and in jobs that are below their skill levels. However, temporary employment is also prevalent among labour migrants without a job prior to migration and over qualification is a specific challenge for male student migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Triple disadvantage?: A first overview of the integration of refugee women (2018)

    Liebig, Thomas; Tronstad, Kristian Rose;


    Liebig, Thomas & Kristian Rose Tronstad (2018): Triple disadvantage? A first overview of the integration of refugee women. (OECD social, employment and migration working papers 216), Paris, 37 S. DOI:10.1787/3f3a9612-en


    "45% der Flüchtlinge in Europa sind Frauen. Über ihre Integrationsergebnisse und die spezifischen Herausforderungen, mit denen sie konfrontiert sind, ist jedoch nur wenig bekannt. In diesem Bericht werden frühere Forschungsarbeiten zur Integration weiblicher Flüchtlinge, sowohl im Vergleich zu männlichen Flüchtlingen als auch zu anderen Migrantinnen, zusammengefasst. Darüber hinaus werden neue Vergleichsdaten aus ausgewählten europäischen und nichteuropäischen OECD-Ländern präsentiert. Weibliche Flüchtlinge sind einer Reihe von besonderen Integrationsherausforderungen ausgesetzt. So sind ihre Gesundheits-, Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktergebnisse beispielsweise ungünstiger als die männlicher Flüchtlinge, die ihrerseits bereits gegenüber anderen Migrantengruppen benachteiligt sind. Zudem ist bei geflüchteten Frauen ein Jahr nach der Ankunft im Aufnahmeland eine Geburtenspitze zu beobachten. Viele weibliche Flüchtlinge kommen aus Ländern, in denen erhebliche Ungleichheiten zwischen Männern und Frauen herrschen und die Frauenerwerbstätigkeit im Allgemeinen gering ist. Allerdings besteht nur eine geringe Korrelation zwischen den Indikatoren der geschlechtsspezifischen Differenzen bei Erwerbsbeteiligung und Beschäftigung in den Herkunfts- und den Aufnahmeländern. Dies lässt den Schluss zu, dass die Integrationsherausforderungen durch beschäftigungs- und bildungspolitische Maßnahmen im Aufnahmeland bewältigt werden können. Der Bericht stellt außerdem fest, dass die Förderung des Erwerbs grundlegender Kompetenzen (Bildungsniveau, Sprache des Aufnahmelandes) zu deutlich verbesserten Arbeitsmarktergebnissen führt. Ferner ist ein generationsübergreifender positiver Effekt auf die Kinder von Flüchtlingsfrauen zu beobachten. Daher scheinen strukturierte Integrationsprogramme, wie sie in den skandinavischen Ländern angeboten werden, eine lohnende Investition zu sein." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden and the potential of education: a national cohort study (2018)

    Manhica, Hélio; Berg, Lisa; Hjern, Anders; Almquist, Ylva B.; Rostila, Mikael;


    Manhica, Hélio, Lisa Berg, Ylva B. Almquist, Mikael Rostila & Anders Hjern (2018): Labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden and the potential of education. A national cohort study. In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 533-550. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2018.1521952


    "This register-based study examined the importance of education on labour market participation among young refugees in Sweden. The study population consisted of unaccompanied (n?=?1606) and accompanied refuges (n?=?4142), aged 23-26 years in 2006 - 2010, after 7 years of residence in Sweden. Native Swedish, aged 24 years (n?=?347,255) constituted the comparison population, with intercountry adoptees (n?=?6689) as an alternative reference group. Gender-stratified multinomial regression models indicated that unaccompanied and accompanied male and female young refugees had higher risks of being in insecure work force and NEET compared to native Swedes with comparable levels of education. However, young refugees and intercountry adoptees with primary education had similar risks of poor labour market outcomes. The educational differences within each group concerning the risk of being in insecure work force were comparable. With the exception of unaccompanied females, secondary education seemed to be less protective against being in NEET among young refugees compared to native Swedes and intercountry adoptees. We conclude that while young refugees face employment disadvantages, education has the potential of mitigating poor labour market outcomes in this group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mass refugee inflow and long-run prosperity: lessons from the Greek population resettlement (2018)

    Murard, Elie ; Sakalli, Seyhun Orcan;


    Murard, Elie & Seyhun Orcan Sakalli (2018): Mass refugee inflow and long-run prosperity. Lessons from the Greek population resettlement. (IZA discussion paper 11613), Bonn, 65 S.


    "This paper investigates the long-term consequences of mass refugee inflow on economic development by examining the effect of the first large-scale population resettlement in modern history. After the Greco-Turkish war of 1919 - 1922, 1.2 million Greek Orthodox were forcibly resettled from Turkey to Greece, increasing the Greek population by more than 20% within a few months. We build a novel geocoded dataset locating settlements of refugees across the universe of more than four thousand Greek municipalities that existed in Greece in 1920. Exploiting the spatial variation in the resettlement location, we find that localities with a greater share of refugees in 1923 have today higher earnings, higher levels of household wealth, greater educational attainment, as well as larger financial and manufacturing sectors. These results hold when comparing spatially contiguous municipalities with identical geographical features and are not driven by pre-settlement differences in initial level of development across localities. The long-run beneficial effects appear to arise from agglomeration economies generated by the large increase in the workforce, occupational specialization, as well as by new industrial know-hows brought by refugees, which fostered early industrialization and economic growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Spezifische Herausforderungen der Arbeitsmarktintegration geflüchteter Frauen (2018)

    Pfeffer-Hoffmann, Christian; Pallmann, Ildikó; Knuth, Matthias; Kretschmer, Franka; Babeyeva, Alena; Montero Lange, Miguel; Hellwig, Vivien; Nissen, Majra; Poppenwimmer, Hannah; Oltmanns, Hilke; Hiltner, Hanna; Ziegler, Janine; Farrokhzad, Schahrzad; Wilpert, Czarina;


    Pallmann, Ildikó, Matthias Knuth, Franka Kretschmer, Alena Babeyeva, Miguel Montero Lange, Vivien Hellwig, Majra Nissen, Hannah Poppenwimmer, Hilke Oltmanns, Hanna Hiltner, Janine Ziegler, Schahrzad Farrokhzad & Czarina Wilpert (2018): Spezifische Herausforderungen der Arbeitsmarktintegration geflüchteter Frauen. (Profile der Neueinwanderung 2018), Berlin: Mensch und Buch Verlag, 176 S.


    "Bei der vierten Publikation der Reihe "Profile der Neueinwanderung" handelt es sich um eine erweiterte und überarbeitete Neuauflage der Ausgabe 2017. Sie gibt interessante Einblicke in die praktische Arbeit mit geflüchteten Frauen in Deutschland und Österreich. Basierend auf ihren Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen analysieren fünf Projekte, die sich mit ihrem Angebot spezifisch an geflüchtete Frauen richten, unter welchen Bedingungen eine gleichberechtigte Teilhabe geflüchteter Frauen am Arbeitsmarkt gelingen kann, beziehungsweise, was ihrer Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt bisher entgegensteht." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)
    Pallmann, Ildiko: Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt - Spezifische Herausforderungen für geflüchtete Frauen
    Poppenwimmer, Hannah: Kompetenzcheck: Arbeitsmarktmigration von Frauen mit Fluchterfahrung in Österreich
    Babeyeva, Alena; Hellwig, Vivien; Hiltner, Hanna; Kretschmer, Franka; Nissen, Majra; Oltmanns, Hilke: Arbeitsmarktintegration geflüchteter Frauen im Rahmen des Förderprogramms IQ
    Farrokhazad, Schahrzad: Teilhabe geflüchteter Frauen am Arbeitsmarkt - Ausgangslage, Hürden, Handlungsstrategien
    Knuth, Matthias: Auf alten Wegen zu neuen Zielgruppen - und wie Geflüchtete Frauen dabei verpasst werden
    Montero Lange, Miguel; Ziegler, Janine: Die Arbeitsmarktintegration geflüchteter Frauen: Zahlen, Fakten und internationale Erfahrungen
    Wilpert, Czarina: Wege zur sozialen und ökonomischen Teilhabe.

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    Claiming control: Cooperation with return as a condition for social benefits in Austria and the Netherlands (2018)

    Rosenberger, Sieglinde ; Koppers, Sabine;


    Rosenberger, Sieglinde & Sabine Koppers (2018): Claiming control: Cooperation with return as a condition for social benefits in Austria and the Netherlands. In: Comparative Migration Studies, Jg. 6, S. 1-18. DOI:10.1186/s40878-018-0085-3


    "Theoretically embedded in the migration/social policy nexus, this paper investigates cooperation with return (CWR) as a policy tool to remove practical deportation barriers for third-country nationals pending removal. Based on legal and policy documents and expert interviews with stakeholders in Austria and the Netherlands, the paper asks how CWR is implemented and what influence it has, both on migration control aims and on access to social rights. We argue that the politicization of the issue and diverging interests between policy networks of welfare and migration affect the regulation and implementation of the tool. By comparing the use of CWR within two country contexts, the analysis presented here adds valuable insights on features of governmental instruments in response to the 'deportation gap'. The paper further adds to the literature on sanction-oriented, personalized migration policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK (2018)

    Ruiz, Isabel; Vargas-Silva, Carlos;


    Ruiz, Isabel & Carlos Vargas-Silva (2018): Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 855-885. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby027


    "Using 2010-2017 data we compare the labour market outcomes of refugees (those who migrated to seek asylum), natives (UK-born) and other migrants in the UK (work, study and family migrants). The results indicate that refugees are less likely to be employed and earn less than natives and other migrants. The evidence suggests that differences in health status (particularly mental health) may be one of the factors that partly explain these gaps. Employment growth of refugees between 2010 and 2016 was significantly higher than that of other migrants, but this was not the case for earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour mobility for refugees and asylum seekers: Mending or eroding protection systems? (2018)

    Schultz, Caroline; Allemann, Stefanie; Wagner, Dana;


    Schultz, Caroline, Dana Wagner & Stefanie Allemann (2018): Labour mobility for refugees and asylum seekers. Mending or eroding protection systems? In: FluchtforschungsBlog.


    "Several countries are implementing or exploring policies to enable refugees or asylum seekers to access labour migration. While political motives and policy means are varied, the practices can be classified as pre-arrival and post-arrival, and lessons can be derived from their comparison. Comparing five unique practices, the authors make two main policy recommendations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Syrian Refugees and their re-entry to 'normality': the role of service industries (2018)

    Shneikat, Belal; Ryan, Chris;


    Shneikat, Belal & Chris Ryan (2018): Syrian Refugees and their re-entry to 'normality': the role of service industries. In: The Service Industries Journal, Jg. 38, H. 3/4, S. 201-227. DOI:10.1080/02642069.2017.1387539


    "The paper analyzes data derived from an exploratory study based on interviews with 26 Syrian Refugees, indicating how they used past experiences and qualifications to obtain employment in the UK and Germany. The paper also describes in outline a chronology of escape, reaching Europe, traveling through Europe, and finally accessing a new ‘normality’ through obtaining employment in the service industries or continuing past study. Their stories are used to further theoretical components of resilience and associated concepts of adaptability and overcoming vulnerability. Reference is made to the structure of resilience and the role of social networks made more accessible via the use of smartphones and social media." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination in the EU plus Norway: Synthesis report for the EMN study (2018)


    "Dieser EMN-Synthesebericht fasst die Ergebnisse von nationalen EMN-Studien aus 26 Ländern zu dem Thema 'Unbegleitete Minderjährige - Herausforderungen und Maßnahmen nach der Klärung des aufenthaltsrechtlichen Status in der EU und Norwegen' zusammen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Working together for local integration of migrants and refugees (2018)


    "Die Integration von Migranten geschieht dort, wo die Menschen sind: an ihren Arbeitsplätzen, in ihrer Nachbarschaft oder in Schulen. 'Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees' beschreibt, wie lokale und übergeordnete Behörden sowie Regierungs- und Nichtregierungsakteure zusammenarbeiten müssen, damit Integration gelingt. Der OECD-Bericht stützt sich dabei auf quantitative und qualitative Daten aus 72 Städten, darunter neun große europäische Städte (Amsterdam, Athen, Barcelona, Berlin, Glasgow, Göteborg, Paris, Rom und Wien) und die nordrhein-westfälische Kleinstadt Altena, zu denen tiefergehende Einzelfallstudien erstellt wurden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Development and integration at a crossroads: Culture, race and ethnicity in rural Sweden (2017)

    Arora-Jonsson, Seema;


    Arora-Jonsson, Seema (2017): Development and integration at a crossroads. Culture, race and ethnicity in rural Sweden. In: Environment and Planning. A, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Jg. 49, H. 7, S. 1594-1612. DOI:10.1177/0308518X17701130


    "The recent arrival of refugees in rural Sweden has raised hopes that they might stave off the depopulation of the country's periphery and lead to its development. Despite these visions in policy and in some academic literature, there is little research on how immigrant encounters with development and integration practices take shape on the ground. Critical research on immigrant integration in Sweden focuses on urban areas where most immigrants live. Rural areas, with sparse populations, weak economic positions vis a vis cities and increased policy pressures to define themselves as uniquely competitive, stand at a crossroads as they grapple with developing their areas and integrating newcomers. A less visible, but no less decisive crossroads is the vision of multiculturalism grounded in current institutions for democracy, in contrast to the road that I suggest we need to take - one that turns a critical eye on the relations that constitute the culture and institutions for integration and rural development. Drawing on long term ethnographic fieldwork in the province of Hälsingland and on Bourdieu's conceptualization of misrecognition as well as critical race theories, I probe the 'misrecognition' of the rural and of institutions for integration and democracy in Sweden. I argue that the misrecognition of voluntary associations as the template for democracy for all and dominant discourses on what constitutes rural culture, inadvertently embody racial undertones that need to be confronted - both in theorizing and in practice - if aspirations for a multicultural democracy are to be taken as seriously as they must." (Author's abstract, © 2017 a Pion publication) ((en))

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    Explaining the refugee gap: a longitudinal study on labour market participation of refugees in the Netherlands (2017)

    Bakker, Linda; Dagevos, Jaco; Engbersen, Godfried;


    Bakker, Linda, Jaco Dagevos & Godfried Engbersen (2017): Explaining the refugee gap: a longitudinal study on labour market participation of refugees in the Netherlands. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 11, S. 1775-1791. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1251835


    "In this paper, we examine the existence and development of the 'refugee gap': the difference in labour market participation rates between refugees and other types of migrants. Using the cumulative disadvantage hypothesis, we studied whether the 'refugee entry effect' scars refugees for their working careers in the Netherlands. To do so, we used register data (Social Statistical Database), containing information on all refugees who received refugee status in the Netherlands between 1995 and 1999 (N?=?33,030). We compared their labour market participation over the 2000 - 2011 period with that of labour and family migrants in the same cohort (N?=?78,298). We conclude that the 'refugee gap' exists at the start of refugees working career in the Netherlands and that it diminishes over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Forward to before 1991?: Strengthening access to the labour market for refugees and for asylum seekers. Peer country comments paper - France (2017)

    Barbier, Jean-Claude;


    Barbier, Jean-Claude (2017): Forward to before 1991? Strengthening access to the labour market for refugees and for asylum seekers. Peer country comments paper - France. Brüssel, 13 S.


    "The French share of asylum seekers in Europe is relatively modest: with nearly 86 000 asylum applications, France in 2016 was ranked 11th among EU Member States. In 2016 the refugees resettled in France amounted to 6 000 whereas total relocations (including HCR visas) from Greece and Italy reached 3 780 as of mid-July 2017. In the French case, it is thus difficult to talk in terms of the much used phrase 'migratory crisis', when the present situation is compared with Germany's, and, for that matter, with Sweden's and Italy's. Overall, the migrants' share of the total population amounted to 0.13% against the EU average of 0.25%." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labour market consequences of refugee supply shocks (2017)

    Borjas, George J.; Monras, Joan;


    Borjas, George J. & Joan Monras (2017): The labour market consequences of refugee supply shocks. In: Economic policy, Jg. 32, H. 91, S. 361-413. DOI:10.1093/epolic/eix007


    "The continuing inflow of hundreds of thousands of refugees into many European countries has ignited much political controversy and raised questions that require a fuller understanding of the determinants and consequences of refugee supply shocks. This paper revisits four historical refugee shocks to document their labour market impact. Specifically, we examine: The influx of Marielitos into Miami in 1980; the influx of French repatriates and Algerian nationals into France at the end of the Algerian Independence War in 1962; the influx of Jewish émigrés into Israel after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s; and the exodus of refugees from the former Yugoslavia during the long series of Balkan wars between 1991 and 2001. We use a common empirical approach, derived from factor demand theory, and publicly available data to measure the impact of these shocks. Despite the differences in the political forces that motivated the various flows, and in economic conditions across receiving countries, the evidence reveals a common thread that confirms key insights of the canonical model of a competitive labour market: Exogenous supply shocks adversely affect the labour market opportunities of competing natives in the receiving countries, and often have a favorable impact on complementary workers. In short, refugee flows can have large distributional consequences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant labor market integration across admission classes (2017)

    Bratsberg, Bernt; Raaum, Oddbjørn; Røed, Knut;


    Bratsberg, Bernt, Oddbjørn Raaum & Knut Røed (2017): Immigrant labor market integration across admission classes. (CReAM discussion paper 2017,02), London, 34 S.


    "We examine patterns of labor market integration across immigrant groups. The study draws on Norwegian longitudinal administrative data covering labor earnings and social insurance claims over a 25-year period and presents a comprehensive picture of immigrant-native employment and social insurance differentials by admission class and by years since entry. For refugees and family immigrants from low-income source countries, we uncover encouraging signs of labor market integration during an initial period upon admission, but after just 5-10 years, the integration process goes into reverse with widening immigrant native employment differentials and rising rates of immigrant social insurance dependency. Yet, the analysis reveals substantial heterogeneity within admission class and points to an important role of host-country schooling for successful immigrant labor market integration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Scandinavian exceptionalism?: Civic integration and labour market activation for newly arrived immigrants (2017)

    Breidahl, Karen N.;


    Breidahl, Karen N. (2017): Scandinavian exceptionalism? Civic integration and labour market activation for newly arrived immigrants. In: Comparative Migration Studies, Jg. 5, S. 1-19. DOI:10.1186/s40878-016-0045-8


    "Since the late 1990s, a wide range of so-called new civic integration policies aimed at civilizing or disciplining newcomers have been introduced. Consequently, migration scholars have discussed whether a converging restrictive 'civic turn' has taken place in Western Europe or whether national models have been resilient: Based on an in-depth historical and comparative analysis of labour market activation policies targeting newly arrived immigrants in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark since the early 1990s, the article contributes to the overall question: To what extent do the institutional pathways of the Scandinavian welfare states prevail when confronted with newcomers? Activation policies targeting newly arrived immigrants exemplifies how the ambition of states to promote functional, individual autonomy is also an important, ongoing process in diverse policy areas of the welfare state and not restricted to early integration instruments.
    While the Scandinavian welfare states differ on a number of counts with respect to immigration control, national integration philosophies and citizenship policies, the article outlines how activation policies aimed at newly arrived immigrants share several features. One of the key factors in this turn involves path dependency from, among others, a lengthy tradition for strong state involvement and norms about employment. Another factor in this turn involves transnational policy learning. On some points, national versions of these policies are also found due to country-specific citizenship traditions, integration philosophies and party political constellations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The situation of refugee women in Europe, the Spanish state and Catalonia: Diagnosis and gaps for improvement (2017)

    Castellà, Helena;


    Castellà, Helena (2017): The situation of refugee women in Europe, the Spanish state and Catalonia. Diagnosis and gaps for improvement. (CMC papers 2017,01), Brüssel, 48 S.


    "In order to take a stand against the discrimination and violation of rights faced by refugee women in Europe, it's important to analyse what these are and how their rights are regulated. With the objective of understanding this specific issue of the current refugee crisis, we have incorporated in this report a diagnosis of the violations of the human rights suffered by refugee women at their country of origin, during transit as well as at their destination. This is followed by an analysis of international, European, and Spanish legislation that could, and should, prevent the violation of their rights." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labor market effects of refugee waves: reconciling conflicting results (2017)

    Clemens, Michael A. ; Hunt, Jennifer;


    Clemens, Michael A. & Jennifer Hunt (2017): The labor market effects of refugee waves. Reconciling conflicting results. (IZA discussion paper 10806), Bonn, 53 S.


    "An influential strand of research has tested for the effects of immigration on natives' wages and employment using exogenous refugee supply shocks as natural experiments. Several studies have reached conflicting conclusions about the effects of noted refugee waves such as the Mariel Boatlift in Miami and post-Soviet refugees to Israel. We show that conflicting findings on the effects of the Mariel Boatlift can be explained by a sudden change in the race composition of the Current Population Survey extracts in 1980, specific to Miami but unrelated to the Boatlift. We also show that conflicting findings on the labor-market effects of other important refugee waves can be produced by spurious correlation between the instrument and the endogenous variable introduced by applying a common divisor to both. As a whole, the evidence from refugee waves reinforces the existing consensus that the impact of immigration on average native-born workers is small, and fails to substantiate claims of large detrimental impacts on workers with less than high school." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A 'civic turn' in Scandinavian family migration policies?: Comparing Denmark, Norway and Sweden (2017)

    Cochran Bech, Emily; Borevi, Karin ; Mouritsen, Per;


    Cochran Bech, Emily, Karin Borevi & Per Mouritsen (2017): A 'civic turn' in Scandinavian family migration policies? Comparing Denmark, Norway and Sweden. In: Comparative Migration Studies, Jg. 5, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1186/s40878-016-0046-7


    "Family migration policy, once basing citizens and resident foreigners' possibilities to bring in foreign family members mainly on the right to family life, is increasingly a tool states use to limit immigration and to push newcomers to integrate into civic and economic life. The family migration policies of Denmark, Norway and Sweden range widely - from more minimal support and age requirements to high expectations of language skills, work records and even income levels. While in Denmark and increasingly in Norway growing sets of requirements have been justified on the need to protect the welfare state and a Nordic liberal way of life, in Sweden more minimal requirements have been introduced in the name of spurring immigrants' labor market integration even as rights-based reasoning has continued to dominate. In all three countries, new restrictions have been introduced in the wake of the refugee crisis. These cases show how prioritizations of the right to family life vis-à-vis welfare-state sustainability have produced different rules for family entry, and how family migration policies are used to different extents to push civic integration of both new and already settled immigrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Asylum as construction work: Theorizing administrative practices (2017)

    Dahlvik, Julia;


    Dahlvik, Julia (2017): Asylum as construction work: Theorizing administrative practices. In: Migration studies, Jg. 5, H. 3, S. 369-388. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnx043


    "This paper understands the administration of asylum as a vital element of the current migration regime in Europe, and investigates the migration regime 'at work' through an ethnographic case study of street-level bureaucracy. With a focus on the understudied role of social construction in the asylum procedure, I argue that the social practices of decision-making officials in determining refugee status go beyond labelling and categorization, and include the construction of facts, artefacts and (in)credibility. The argument is based on a qualitative investigation of the former Austrian Federal Asylum Office, including interviews with government officials in different positions, participant observation of asylum hearings and office life, and the analysis of documents, particularly records. While previous empirical studies of the asylum procedure tend to lack a broader theoretical embedding of their findings, this paper seeks to link empirical evidence to post-constructivist and structuration theories. Drawing on this theoretical background to explain and frame the observed practices of the asylum administration, I analyse how the diverse construction processes can be understood as a key characteristic of the present migration regime. Consequently, I argue that the perspective of structure and agency not only emphasizes the interdependence of the different levels of action but also highlights the contingency and volatility of the regime 'at work,' as it is necessarily reproduced and reinvented by bureaucrats in the process of determining refugee status. I conclude by pointing out that the structures of the migration regime might not be as entrenched as they seem at first glance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The (struggle for) labour market integration of refugees: Evidence from European countries (2017)

    Fasani, Francesco ; Minale, Luigi; Frattini, Tommaso;


    Fasani, Francesco, Tommaso Frattini & Luigi Minale (2017): The (struggle for) labour market integration of refugees. Evidence from European countries. (CReAM discussion paper 2017,16), London, 53 S.


    "This paper studies the labour market performance of refugees vis-à-vis comparable migrants across several EU countries and over time. We use recently released repeated cross - sectional survey data and find that refugees are 13% less likely to have a job and 32% more likely to be unemployed than migrants with similar characteristics. Their performance is relatively weaker also when analysing participation in the labour market, quality of occupation and income. Between 60 and 80% of the 'refugee gap' remains unexplained even when conditioning on unobservable factors by means of a rich set of fixed effects for areas of origin, entry cohorts, destination countries as well as their interactions. These gaps are larger for the areas of origin from which most refugees currently arrive and they persist until about ten years after immigration. We also assess the role played by asylum policies. First, we exploit the differential timing of the enactment of dispersal policies across European countries in a difference - in - differences setup and find that refugee cohorts exposed to these polices have persistently worse labour market outcomes. Second, we document how entry cohorts admitted when refugee status' recognition rates were relatively high integrate better in the host country labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Local labor markets and earnings of refugee immigrants (2017)

    Godøy, Anna;


    Godøy, Anna (2017): Local labor markets and earnings of refugee immigrants. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 31-58. DOI:10.1007/s00181-016-1067-7


    "This paper estimates how local conditions at the time of immigration influence later outcomes for refugee immigrants to Norway, exploiting the quasiexperimental nature of the Norwegian system for settlement for 'quota' or resettlement refugees. A unique administrative dataset with assigned settlement municipalities is used to identify the causal effect of initial location characteristics. Being placed in a labor market where other non-OECD immigrants do well increases own annual labor earnings up to 6 years after immigration. Extended models suggest that this effect is not driven by individual scarring effects: when controlling for the contemporaneous employment rate in the assigned region, effects of initial conditions disappear. Rather, the effects appear to be due to persistence in local labor market conditions combined with limited geographical mobility in response to adverse labor market conditions." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Refugees and asylum seekers, the crisis in Europe and the future of policy (2017)

    Hatton, Timothy;


    Hatton, Timothy (2017): Refugees and asylum seekers, the crisis in Europe and the future of policy. In: Economic policy, Jg. 32, H. 91, S. 447-496. DOI:10.1093/epolic/eix009


    "The recent asylum crisis has highlighted the inadequacies of European asylum policies. The existing asylum system, which encourages migrants to make hazardous maritime or overland crossings to gain access to an uncertain prospect of obtaining refugee status, is inefficient, poorly targeted and lacks public support. In the long run it should be replaced by a substantial joint programme of refugee resettlement that would help those most in need of protection, that would eliminate the risks to refugees, and that would command more widespread public support. Analysis of key facts and data includes the determinants of asylum applications and trends in public opinion. In this light I evaluate the feasibility of three elements for reform: first, implementing tougher border controls to reduce unauthorised entry; second, promoting direct resettlement of refugees from countries of first asylum; and third, expanding refugee-hosting capacity through enhanced burden-sharing among destination countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hoffnung Europa - Die EU als Raum und Ziel von Migration (2017)

    Hrbek, Rudolf; Große Hüttmann, Martin;


    Hrbek, Rudolf & Martin Große Hüttmann (Hrsg.) (2017): Hoffnung Europa - Die EU als Raum und Ziel von Migration. (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V. 96), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 196 S.


    "Der Band behandelt die Zuwanderungspolitik der EU, vergleicht die Arbeitsmigrationspolitik Deutschlands und Kanadas, beleuchtet Probleme der Binnenwanderung (Freizügigkeit) am Beispiel Großbritanniens und der Schweiz und fragt nach der Bedeutung des Themas Migration für rechtspopulistische Strömungen in Europa." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    The labour market participation of humanitarian migrants in Sweden: an overview (2017)

    Irastorza, Nahikari ; Bevelander, Pieter;


    Irastorza, Nahikari & Pieter Bevelander (2017): The labour market participation of humanitarian migrants in Sweden. An overview. In: Intereconomics, Jg. 52, H. 5, S. 270-277. DOI:10.1007/s10272-017-0689-0


    "The aim of this article was twofold: first, to provide an overview of immigration and integration policies in Sweden, and second, to analyse the labour market integration of humanitarian migrants who arrived in Sweden between 1998 and 2012 relative to other migrants and natives." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Minimum wages and the integration of refugee immigrants (2017)

    Lundborg, Per; Skedinger, Per ;


    Lundborg, Per & Per Skedinger (2017): Minimum wages and the integration of refugee immigrants. (Swedish Institute for Social Research. Working paper 2014,04), Stockholm, 23 S.


    "This paper is the first to estimate the effects of minimum wages on the unemployment of refugee immigrants. The collectively agreed minimum wages raise both the incidence of unemployment and days in unemployment considerably for Swedish male refugees; different estimation methods and models yield robust elasticities in the 1.8 - 2.0 range. The effects for young natives are about half as large. There are heterogeneous effects with regard to country of origin and time of residence in Sweden for both male and female refugees. We account for spatial trends - a concern in some of the recent literature - as well as industrial trends. It turns out that only the latter affect our results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From the law to the decision: The social and legal conditions of asylum adjudication in Switzerland (2017)

    Miaz, Jonathan;


    Miaz, Jonathan (2017): From the law to the decision: The social and legal conditions of asylum adjudication in Switzerland. In: European policy analysis, Jg. 3, H. 2, S. 372-396. DOI:10.1002/epa2.1018


    "Starting from an ethnography within the State Secretariat for Migrations in Switzerland, this article addresses the issue of discretion in law enforcement by analyzing the conditions in which Swiss asylum caseworkers make their decision. This article argues that social and legal constraints frame caseworkers' practices and favor a strict interpretation of the law when implementing it. If evolutions of legislation have indeed strengthened the law, there are also incentives for strictness through the controls of superiors and peers, as well as through the secondary implementation rules created within the office to orient caseworkers' practices. Nevertheless, this article also shows that the position of the individual caseworkers in the institution, their institutional symbolic capital, the role of their superiors, the group pressure they experience, the countries from which the asylum demands they process originate, as well as caseworkers' institutional socialization, structure their perception of the room for maneuver they can exercise." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zugewanderten, Geflüchteten und benachteiligten Gruppen: Deutschland und Israel im Vergleich. Abschlussbericht (2017)

    Mohoric, Andrea; Wendler, Gregor; Wittig, Wolfgang;


    Mohoric, Andrea, Gregor Wendler & Wolfgang Wittig (2017): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zugewanderten, Geflüchteten und benachteiligten Gruppen. Deutschland und Israel im Vergleich. Abschlussbericht. Berlin, 65 S.


    "Angesichts der aktuellen Flüchtlings- und Wanderungsbewegungen und der damit verbundenen Herausforderungen für berufliche Integration der Zugewanderten soll ein Fachaustausch zwischen beiden Ländern aufzeigen, wie Deutschland von einem Vergleich der Ansätze und Konzepte im Bereich der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Israel lernen könnte. Zentrale Erkenntnisse im Einzelnen:
    1. In Bezug auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zugewanderten und Minderheiten kann Deutschland von Israel lernen.
    2. Verstärkte curriculare Integration des Spracherwerbs in berufliche Bildung und betriebliche Praxis.
    3. Arbeitsmarktzugang und differenzierte Gestaltung individueller Bildungswege ermöglichen.
    4. Kontinuierliche Beratung und Begleitung durch ein und dieselbe Person
    5. Regionale und lokale Bedarfsermittlung und flexible Gestaltung der Bildungsangebote
    6. Ein partizipativer kulturell-orientierter Handlungsansatz bei der Gestaltung von Bildungsmaßnahmen würde den Zielgruppen gerechter
    7. Qualifizierungsoffensive für Berufsbildungspersonal - Multiplikatoren-Fortbildungen für eine interkulturelle Didaktik
    8. Überzeugung durch Good Practice - Kommunikation und Verbreitung
    9. Unterstützung der Betriebe verstärken
    10. Interdisziplinäre, interinstitutionelle Akteurskonferenzen für eine ganzheitliche Steuerung der Handlungsbedarfe und Lösungsansätze" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mentoring as a way of integrating refugees into the labour market: evidence from a Swedish pilot scheme (2017)

    Månsson, Jonas; Delander, Lennart;


    Månsson, Jonas & Lennart Delander (2017): Mentoring as a way of integrating refugees into the labour market. Evidence from a Swedish pilot scheme. In: Economic analysis and policy [Elektronische Ressource] : EAP ; journal of the Economic Society of Australia, Jg. 56, H. December, S. 51-59. DOI:10.1016/j.eap.2017.08.002


    "Despite the fact that mentoring is used as a mean to increase the speed of labour market integration for immigrants around the world there is little evidence of the impacts of this type of programme. This study investigates the impact of a Swedish mentoring programme on the labour market status of newly arrived refugees. The key finding is that mentoring as a universal 'quick fix' does not attract a great deal of support. However, mentoring does show promise for males for whom a positive and significant impact when the outcome is defined as a yearly income exceeding one basic amount (appx. 4200 euro). For females, no short-term effect is found, although it is suggested the absence of an impact may be due to lock-in effects in other labour market programmes." (Author's abstract, © Economic Society of Australia (Queensland)(year)) ((en))

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    Labour market performance of refugees in the EU (2017)

    Peschner, Jörg;


    Peschner, Jörg (2017): Labour market performance of refugees in the EU. (European Commission. Working paper 2017,01), Brüssel, 24 S. DOI:10.2767/191461


    "This paper analyses the individual driving factors of refugees' and family migrants' labour market performance, using an ordinal logistic regression model. In a basic model, their employment rate is being regressed against the main socio-demographic characteristics (sex, age, education), before a supplementary model includes other information (years of residence, language skills and information about parents) available through the 2014 ad hoc module of the Labour Force Survey dedicated to migration. A second model extends the analysis towards employment dynamics, i.e., refugees' chances to find employment and their risk to move into unemployment.
    The analysis finds evidence that good education helps improve the employment rate of refugees (and family migrants) and their chances of finding a job if unemployed or inactive. However, the improvement is much less significant than it is for native-born workers. Tertiary education, in particular, seems to pay out much less. The analysis concludes that labour market access barriers reduce migrants' performance on the labour market. There are a number of labour market barriers that are beyond control of the migrants themselves, but rather attributed to 'being a migrant': legal obstacles, low acceptance of qualifications acquired abroad as well as discrimination lower the return on education on the labour market. In addition, insufficient language skills are shown to have a large negative effect on the employment rate of refugees and family migrants even after controlling for personal characteristics such as education. Investment into closing the language gap promises a high return to both the newcomers themselves and the economy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bundling measures to an 'integration year': peer country comments paper - Austria (2017)

    Pfeffer, Thomas;


    Pfeffer, Thomas (2017): Bundling measures to an 'integration year'. Peer country comments paper - Austria. Brüssel, 17 S.


    "- Similar to Germany, Austria is among the countries with the highest inflows of asylum seekers 2015-17 (in relative terms).
    - Similar to Germany, Austria has federal states, which play an important role in (labour market) integration. The way in which they execute this role seems to differ.
    - The Austrian labour market seems to be more restrictive towards asylum seekers than the German one.
    - While Austria has more (three) federal agencies responsible for the integration of refugees than Germany (two), the responsibility of labour market integration seems to be clearer than in Germany. On the federal level, it is only the public employment service AMS.
    - Due to the clear responsibility of the AMS for labour market integration, the competence clearance via the Competence Check, and the bundling of measures in the Integration Year, labour market integration seems to be more synchronised in Austria than in Germany." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Forced migrants: labour market integration and entrepreneurship (2017)

    Sak, Güven; Kaymaz, Timur; Kenanoglu, Murat; Kadkoy, Omar;


    Sak, Güven, Timur Kaymaz, Omar Kadkoy & Murat Kenanoglu (2017): Forced migrants. Labour market integration and entrepreneurship. (Economics. Discussion papers 2017-61), Kiel, 14 S.


    "In 2015, worldwide forced displacement was at its highest recorded level, surpassing 65 million. Out of this number, nearly 20 million people are those who fled their countries of origin to seek refuge in third countries. International responsibility sharing in terms of hosting the historical levels of refugee flows has so far been inadequate. Today, lower- and upper-middle income countries host 65 percent of the world's refugees, mostly in urban settings. Whereas refugee camps provide access to basic needs such as shelter, food and healthcare, displaced individuals living in urban settings have to sustain their needs through their own means. In turn, this requires access to labour market. To facilitate formal labour market integration of refugees in host countries, the authors call on G20 to mobilize the private sector in developing sustainable solutions for the global refugee crisis, endorse a 'Virtual Observatory for Refugee Integration' to be operated by the participation of domestic policy think tanks in refugee hosting countries to monitor and to advocate private sector based policies for the integration of refugees around the world, and encourage its members and host communities to initiate start-up visa programmes for refugees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social protection of non-removable rejected asylum-seekers in the EU: a legal assessment (2017)

    Schoukens, Paul ; Buttiens, Siemen;


    Schoukens, Paul & Siemen Buttiens (2017): Social protection of non-removable rejected asylum-seekers in the EU. A legal assessment. In: European Journal of Social Security, Jg. 19, H. 4, S. 313-334. DOI:10.1177/1388262717744708


    "Asylum-seekers whose application for international protection in the European Union (EU) is rejected receive a return decision. However, the enforcement of this decision may be temporarily impossible due to legal or practical barriers, or policy choices. An assessment of the provisions in the Returns Directive offering social protection to non-removable rejected asylum-seekers shows that only limited standards of protection are guaranteed. Consequently, the EU Member States are left plenty of room to manoeuvre. This article raises the question of what social protection this particular group is legally entitled to in a sample of 17 EU Member States. For the purpose of this article, 'social protection' is defined as access to the labour market, health care and social benefits. This study finds that Member States' approaches differ markedly with respect to each of these three issues. Furthermore, it questions the added value of the current legal framework at the level of the EU. Finally, some suggestions for improving the level of social protection of non-removable rejected asylum seekers are put forward." (Author's abstract, © Intersentia, Ltd.) ((en))

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    Asylum Seekers and the Labour Market: Spaces of Discomfort and Hostility (2017)

    Waite, Louise;


    Waite, Louise (2017): Asylum Seekers and the Labour Market: Spaces of Discomfort and Hostility. In: Social policy and society, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 669-679. DOI:10.1017/S1474746417000173


    "This article examines the relationship in the UK between asylum-seeking and the labour market. Since 2002, asylum-seekers have not been allowed to work unless they have waited over twelve months for an initial decision on their asylum claim. This policy change occurred as employment was considered a 'pull factor' encouraging unfounded asylum claims. Despite not having the right to work, asylum-seekers - and especially those whose applications for refugee status have been refused by the UK government - interact with the labour market in manifold ways. Drawing on an ESRC-funded study in the UK's Yorkshire and Humber region and related studies, this article argues that both asylum-seekers and refused asylum-seekers form a hyper-exploitable pool of 'illegalised' and unprotected workers. As a vital part of their survival terrain, work is largely experienced as for-cash labouring in low-paid labour market sectors where the spectre of exploitation and even 'modern slavery' are perpetual threats. Recent policy shifts are deepening such threats through creating increasingly 'uncomfortable' and 'hostile' environments for certain categories of migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Refugee youth in Sweden who arrived as unaccompanied minors and separated children (2017)

    Çelikaksoy, Aycan; Wadensjö, Eskil;


    Çelikaksoy, Aycan & Eskil Wadensjö (2017): Refugee youth in Sweden who arrived as unaccompanied minors and separated children. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 30, H. 4, S. 530-553. DOI:10.1093/jrs/few042


    "The number of children fleeing and/or seeking asylum alone without parents or guardians has been increasing during the last decade worldwide, where Sweden has been receiving the largest number of asylum claims by unaccompanied minors in Europe. Despite the growing interest in the situation of this group in destination countries, there is a lack of research articles that address this group with nationwide comprehensive data. This study examines the labour-market situation of the whole population of the refugee youth who entered Sweden as unaccompanied minors or separated children and were registered during the years 2003 - 12. We investigate whether this group is in a disadvantageous situation regarding labour-market incorporation compared to their counterparts who arrived with their families due to their specific marginalized and vulnerable position within society. The results show that this group exhibits capacity and resilience in terms of finding employment and willingness to work. The results are discussed with a structural incorporation framework from a reception and integration policy perspective as well as from an immigrant wellbeing and a 'whole-child' approach." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The refugee surge in Europe: economic challenges (2016)

    Aiyar, Shekhar; Barkbu, Bergljot; Topalova, Petia; Batini, Nicoletta; Ebeke, Christian; Berger, Helge; Dizioli, Allan; Lin, Huidan; Spilimbergo, Antonio; Kaltani, Linda; Sosa, Sebastian; Detragiache, Enrica;


    Aiyar, Shekhar, Bergljot Barkbu, Nicoletta Batini, Helge Berger, Enrica Detragiache, Allan Dizioli, Christian Ebeke, Huidan Lin, Linda Kaltani, Sebastian Sosa, Antonio Spilimbergo & Petia Topalova (2016): The refugee surge in Europe. Economic challenges. (IMF staff discussion note 2016,02), Washington, DC, 50 S.


    "The dislocation of large parts of the population in Syria and other conflict zones is, first and foremost, a humanitarian catastrophe with important ramifications across many countries in the Middle East, Europe, and beyond. This note focuses on one facet of this complex issue, the economic aspects of the surge in asylum seekers in the European Union (EU), where asylum applications in 2015 have surpassed those in any of the last thirty years. This surge has exposed flaws in the common asylum policy and is raising questions about the EU's ability to quickly integrate the newcomers into the economy and society. Security, political, and social concerns compound these challenges. A better understanding of the economic aspects could help inform the political debate. Policies can help open up the refugees' path to the labor market: restrictions on taking up work during the asylum application phase should be minimized, and active labor market policies (ALMPs) specifically targeted to the refugees strengthened. Wage subsidies to private employers have often been effective in raising immigrants' employment; alternatively, temporary exceptions to minimum or entry level wages may also be considered. Initiatives to ease avenues to self-employment (including access to credit) and facilitate skill recognition could also help refugees succeed." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Reforming the integration of refugees: the Swedish experience (2016)

    Andersson Joona, Pernilla; Lanninger, Alma Wennemo; Sundström, Marianne;


    Andersson Joona, Pernilla, Alma Wennemo Lanninger & Marianne Sundström (2016): Reforming the integration of refugees. The Swedish experience. (IZA discussion paper 10307), Bonn, 30 S.


    "In this paper we evaluate the Swedish Establishment Reform, carried out in 2010 with the goal of speeding up the establishment of refugees and their family. From December 1, 2010 the reform transferred the responsibility for the integration of newly-arrived refugees from the municipalities to the government funded Public Employment Service through which those eligible should get establishment talks, individual plans and coaches. The Reform was motivated by concern over the low employment level and slow integration of refugees. Our approach is to compare the outcomes of the Treatment group, which took part in establishment activities and arrived between December 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011, to those of the Comparison group, which arrived in the eleven months preceding the Reform and participated in municipal introduction programs, controlling for a rich set of observables, including country of birth and month of residence permit. Outcomes are measured in terms of employment and earnings in 2012, 2013 and 2014 for the Treatment group and in 2011, 2012 and 2013 for the Comparison group. Our data comes from registers held by Statistics Sweden and covers all immigrants. The results suggest positive and significant effects of the Reform. In the second year after program-start the Treatment group had about 5.7 percent higher probability of employment and in the third year about 7.5 percent higher. The effects on earnings were larger, about 20 percent higher earnings for the Treatment group after the second year and about 22 percent higher after the third year." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The asylum-integration paradox: comparing asylum support systems and refugee integration in The Netherlands and the UK (2016)

    Bakker, Linda; Cheung, Sin Yi; Phillimore, Jenny;


    Bakker, Linda, Sin Yi Cheung & Jenny Phillimore (2016): The asylum-integration paradox. Comparing asylum support systems and refugee integration in The Netherlands and the UK. In: International migration, Jg. 54, H. 4, S. 118-132. DOI:10.1111/imig.12251


    "This article explores the impact of asylum support systems on refugee integration focusing on the UK and the Netherlands. Both have adopted deterrent approaches to asylum support. The Dutch favour the use of asylum accommodation centres, segregating asylum seekers from the general population. The UK disperses asylum seekers to housing within deprived areas, embedding them within communities. Both countries have been criticized for these practices, which are viewed as potentially anti-integrative: something of a paradox given that both promote the importance of refugee integration. We analyse national refugee integration surveys in both countries and provide original empirical evidence of negative associations between asylum support systems and refugees' health, which differ in relation to mental and physical health. The integration and asylum policy implications of these findings are discussed." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    How economic, humanitarian, and religious concerns shape European attitudes toward asylum seekers (2016)

    Bansak, Kirk ; Hainmueller, Jens ; Hangartner, Dominik ;


    Bansak, Kirk, Jens Hainmueller & Dominik Hangartner (2016): How economic, humanitarian, and religious concerns shape European attitudes toward asylum seekers. In: Science, Jg. 354, H. 6309, S. 217-222. DOI:10.1126/science.aag2147


    "What types of asylum seekers are Europeans willing to accept? We conducted a conjoint experiment asking 18,000 eligible voters in 15 European countries to evaluate 180,000 profiles of asylum seekers that randomly varied on nine attributes. Asylum seekers who have higher employability, have more consistent asylum testimonies and severe vulnerabilities, and are Christian rather than Muslim received the greatest public support. These results suggest that public preferences over asylum seekers are shaped by sociotropic evaluations of their potential economic contributions, humanitarian concerns about the deservingness of their claims, and anti-Muslim bias. These preferences are similar across respondents of different age, education, income, and political ideology, as well as across the surveyed countries. This public consensus on what types of asylum seekers to accept has important implications for theory and policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market integration of refugees: a comparative survey of Bosnians in five EU countries (2016)

    Barslund, Mikkel ; Ludolph, Lars ; Lenaerts, Karolien ; Renman, Vilde; Busse, Matthias;


    Barslund, Mikkel, Matthias Busse, Karolien Lenaerts, Lars Ludolph & Vilde Renman (2016): Labour market integration of refugees. A comparative survey of Bosnians in five EU countries. (CEPS special report 155), Brüssel, 27 S.


    "This study traces the integration experience of Bosnian refugees from the Balkan wars with the aim of drawing lessons for the current wave of refugees entering Europe. Integration is a slow-moving process. Looking closely at Bosnian refugees enables us to see past immediate integration outcomes and take a longer-term view. Another consideration in the design of this study is that there is significant overlap among the countries affected by the two refugee crises. Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden all saw a large absolute and relative influx of refugees in both 2015 and in the years between 1992 and 1995, when the largest share of Bosnians arrived in Western Europe. The study carries out an in-depth examination of their labour market integration in those five countries.
    This research was funded by the Mercator Foundation in the context of the MEDAM Project (Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Chancen und Risiken der Flüchtlingszuwanderung für die Wirtschaft (2016)

    Biffl, Gudrun;


    Biffl, Gudrun (2016): Chancen und Risiken der Flüchtlingszuwanderung für die Wirtschaft. In: Wiso. Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Zeitschrift des ISW, Jg. 39, H. 3, S. 107-122.


    "Den jüngsten Meinungsumfragen zufolge birgt die jüngste Flüchtlingszuwanderung die Gefahr einer Spaltung der Bevölkerung, wenn es nicht gelingen sollte, die Flüchtlinge so rasch wie möglich ins Erwerbsleben zu integrieren. Um dies zu bewerkstelligen, braucht es nicht nur Aus- und Weiterbildung für Flüchtlinge, sondern auch Infrastrukturmaßnahmen und ein gezieltes Schnittstellenmanagement, das Flüchtlinge und offene Stellen zusammenführt. Die damit verbundenen Ausgaben sind einer Investition gleichzusetzen, die langfristig Erträge in der Form von Steigerungen des Wirtschaftswachstums und der Wohlfahrt abwerfen können." (Autorenreferat, © ISW-Linz)

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    Human capital, values, and attitudes of persons seeking refuge in Austria in 2015 (2016)

    Buber-Ennser, Isabella ; Gisser, Richard; Rengs, Bernhard; Potancoková, Michaela; Lutz, Wolfgang; Striessnig, Erich ; Kohlenberger, Judith; Goujon, Anne ; Testa, Maria Rita; Al Zalak, Zakarya;


    Buber-Ennser, Isabella, Judith Kohlenberger, Bernhard Rengs, Zakarya Al Zalak, Anne Goujon, Erich Striessnig, Michaela Potancoková, Richard Gisser, Maria Rita Testa & Wolfgang Lutz (2016): Human capital, values, and attitudes of persons seeking refuge in Austria in 2015. In: PLoS one, Jg. 11, H. 9, S. 1-29. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0163481


    "Since its inception in 2010, the Arab Spring has evolved into a situation of violent conflict in many countries, leading to high levels of migration from the affected region. Given the social impact of the large number of individuals applying for asylum across Europe in 2015, it is important to study who these persons are in terms of their skills, motivations, and intentions. DiPAS (Displaced Persons in Austria Survey) aims to uncover the socio-demographic characteristics of the persons seeking refuge who arrived in Austria in 2015, mainly originating from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Particular focus is on human capital, attitudes and values. This survey, the first of its kind in Austria and possibly in Europe, was carried out among adult displaced persons, mostly residing in Vienna, yielding 514 completed interviews. Information gathered on spouses and children allows for the analysis of 972 persons living in Austria, and of further 419 partners and children abroad. Results indicate that the surveyed population comprised mainly young families with children, particularly those coming from Syria and Iraq. Their educational level is high compared with the average level in their country of origin. A vast majority of respondents are Muslims, rating their religiosity at medium levels. Judging from stated attitudes towards gender equity, interviewed men seem to have more liberal attitudes than their compatriots. The majority of respondents do not intend to return to their home countries, mostly because of the perception of permanent threat. DiPAS provides data for political decision-making and the on-going societal dialogue. Its findings can help to inform assessments about the integration potential of the displaced population into the host society. In addition, the applied methodological technique and experiences during the fieldwork provide valuable insights on sampling asylum seekers and refugees in the current European context." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Refugee migration - a crisis for the Nordic model? (2016)

    Djuve, Anne Britt;


    Djuve, Anne Britt (2016): Refugee migration - a crisis for the Nordic model? Berlin, 15 S.


    "- The influx of refugees was subject of particular attention also in the Nordic countries. Issues that were especially discussed involved consequences for the individual welfare states as well as effects on the Nordic model in general. Here, a joint discussion between the Nordics about strategies and measures is required urgently.
    -?? The Nordic model's conditions include a combination of a comprehensive welfare state, collective bargaining, labor market regulation and free market capitalism. These pillars are mutually dependent and are based on high employment rates and universal welfare provision. Even given a successful (labor market) integration of the recently arrived, considerable costs will arise. The Nordic welfare states are though able to successfully meet these challenges.
    -?? In order to achieve a positive labor market integration (what in turn is required for the functioning of the Nordic model), measures addressing the mismatch of competences, discrimination and the growing competition especially in the low-wage sector have to be developed. For a successful and sustainable integration, the only reasonable alternative would be offering qualification programs for refugees enabling them to enter the labor market. Only paying for their social integration outside the labor market or reducing general labor costs on the employer side would not reach far enough and also threaten the Nordic model in the end.
    -?? The challenge to integrate newly arrived refugees both in the society and in the labor market by clearing competence mismatches can also help to develop general education policies. Also, the current refugee-situation may contribute to a strengthened cooperation between the Nordics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Approaches to the labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers (2016)

    Fóti, Klára; Fromm, Andrea;


    Fóti, Klára & Andrea Fromm (2016): Approaches to the labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 54 S. DOI:10.2806/18416


    "This report expands on existing research on the labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers as a response to the refugee crisis. It updates information on legislation and practical arrangements in the first half of 2016, examines labour market integration in the broader context of receiving asylum seekers and supporting both them and refugees, and explores the role of the social partners. The study finds that the main countries affected made many efforts to provide faster and easier access to their labour markets for asylum seekers. In some, the social partners have been active in designing more effective labour market integration policies and have launched some promising initiatives. The sudden and large inflow of asylum seekers, however, posed many challenges, and it remains to be seen how those obstacles can be overcome." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geflüchtete auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt: Erfahrungen mit Migranten in der Vergangenheit und in anderen Ländern (2016)

    Garloff, Alfred;


    Garloff, Alfred (2016): Geflüchtete auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt: Erfahrungen mit Migranten in der Vergangenheit und in anderen Ländern. (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie. Diskussionspapier 01), Berlin, 11 S.


    "Ausgehend von der Erkenntnis, dass aufgrund der Einmaligkeit der Flüchtlingswelle des Jahres 2015/2016 nach Deutschland und aufgrund der besonderen Charakteristika von Flüchtlingen eine Beurteilung von deren Effekten auf den Arbeitsmarkt schwierig ist, zeigt das Diskussionspapier Erfahrungen aus früheren Einwanderungsepisoden nach Deutschland sowie aus Erfahrungen anderer Länder auf. Die Erkenntnisse aus der Literatur deuten darauf hin, dass Migranten und insbesondere Flüchtlinge gegenüber Einheimischen in Bezug auf Bildung, Löhne und Beschäftigung schwächer abschneiden. Umstritten ist, wie viel schwächer die Werte für Flüchtlinge ausfallen und inwiefern im Zeitverlauf die Lücke geschlossen werden kann. Die Arbeitsmarktposition einheimischer Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer ist zumeist nur geringfügig durch Zuwanderer betroffen. Falls ungünstige Ergebnisse nachgewiesen wurden, so galt dies vor allem für Geringqualifizierte und vormalige Migranten. In einzelnen Studien sind aber auch positive Effekte auf Löhne und Beschäftigung von geringqualifizierten Einheimischen nachgewiesen worden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration und Flüchtlingspolitik in Europa: das Beispiel Schweiz (2016)

    Geisen, Thomas;


    Geisen, Thomas (2016): Arbeitsmarktintegration und Flüchtlingspolitik in Europa. Das Beispiel Schweiz. In: Migration und Soziale Arbeit, Jg. 38, H. 2, S. 112-119. DOI:10.3262/MIG1602112


    "Vor diesem Hintergrund einer strukturellen Neuausrichtung der Fluchtpolitik in den europäischen Ländern werden nachfolgend zunächst Probleme und Herausforderungen der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen vorgestellt und am Beispiel der Schweiz konkretisiert. Darüber hinaus wird die Perspektive von Flüchtlingen dargestellt, es werden Empfehlungen internationaler Organisationen zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen diskutiert und arbeitsmarktpolitische Instrumente vorgestellt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Refugees, asylum seekers, and policy in OECD countries (2016)

    Hatton, Timothy J.;


    Hatton, Timothy J. (2016): Refugees, asylum seekers, and policy in OECD countries. In: The American economic review, Jg. 106, H. 5, S. 441-445. DOI:10.1257/aer.p20161062


    "Refugees and asylum seekers are only a small proportion of the 60 million forcibly displaced persons. But those seeking asylum in the developed world have received much of the attention as western governments have struggled to develop a policy response. An analysis of asylum applications by origin and destination indicates that these flows are largely driven by political terror and human rights abuses. Poor economic conditions in origin countries and tough asylum policies in destination countries matter too. In the light of the findings I suggest that greater coordination among OECD countries could improve the lot of those fleeing from persecution but even this would make only modest inroads into the sum of human misery that displaced people exemplify." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration und Flucht: wirtschaftliche Aspekte - regionale Hot Spots - Dynamiken - Lösungsansätze (2016)

    Jäggi, Christian J.;


    Jäggi, Christian J. (2016): Migration und Flucht. Wirtschaftliche Aspekte - regionale Hot Spots - Dynamiken - Lösungsansätze. Wiesbaden: Springer, 148 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-13147-0


    "Dieses Fachbuch ordnet die hochaktuelle Fluchtthematik in größere theoretische Zusammenhänge ein. Dabei werden die wichtigsten globalen Fluchtbewegungen und Migrationsrouten und regionale Hot Spots skizziert, und zwar aus europäischer und insbesondere aus schweizerischer Sicht. Für Migration und Flucht gibt es ökonomische Ursachen, aber auch Krieg, Gewalt und Naturkatastrophen führen dazu, dass eine wachsende Zahl von Menschen ihre Heimat verlässt. Neben Fragen des Überlebens sind oft auch der Wunsch nach einem besseren Leben die Motivation dazu. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Darstellungen der Migrationsforschung geht der Schweizer Autor Christian J. Jäggi nicht von linearen Migrationsverläufen, sondern von gleichzeitigen, bilokalen Lebensformen aus. Die ökonomischen Implikationen von Migration und Flucht sowohl für die Migranten als auch für die Herkunfts- und für die Einwanderungsländer werden dargestellt. Zudem werden internationale und globale Strategien und Lösungsansätze analysiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Labour market integration of refugees: strategies and good practices (2016)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina; Bolits, Georg;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2016): Labour market integration of refugees. Strategies and good practices. Brüssel, 55 S.


    "This Policy Department A study provides the Employment and Social Affairs Committee with an analytical review of literature to identify key elements of a strategy for labour market integration of refugees. Strategies and policies are illustrated by examples and good practices from various Member States based upon evidence or expert assessment. The study finds a high degree of international consensus on key elements for a successful integration strategy taking up lessons from the past and research findings. However, a number of challenges for research and policy remain." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen in Europa (2016)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2016): Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen in Europa. In: BBE Europa-Nachrichten H. 5, S. 1-5., 2016-05-24.


    "Europäische Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen bei der Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen sind das Thema des Gastbeitrages von Regina Konle-Seidl, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Forschungsbereich 'Internationale Vergleiche und Europäische Integration' am Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung (IAB) in Nürnberg. Im europäischen Vergleich und Austausch lassen sich Erfolgsfaktoren und Hemmnisse identifizieren. Dabei wirken sich auch Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der Fluchtmigration im Vergleich zu früheren Bewegungen aus. Ohne den Abbau rechtlicher Hürden und aktive Unterstützungsmaßnahmen wird es dabei nicht gehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen - Determinanten und Erfahrungen in europäischen Ländern (2016)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2016): Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen - Determinanten und Erfahrungen in europäischen Ländern. In: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, Jg. 63, H. 3, S. 607-621.


    "Der Beitrag geht auf wesentliche Determinanten der Arbeitsintegration von Fluchtmigranten ein, zeigt noch bestehende rechtliche Hürden des Arbeitsmarktzugangs auf und diskutiert arbeits-und integrationsfördernde Unterstützungsmaßnahmen vor dem Hintergrund der bisherigen Erfahrungen mit der Integration von Flüchtlingen in Europa." (Autorenreferat, © MANZ Verlag, Wien)
    Der Beitrag ist eine gekürzte und aktualisierte Fassung einer Studie zur Arbeitsintegration von Flüchtlingen, die Frau Konle-Seidl für das Europäische Parlament verfasst hat.

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Die betriebliche Integration von Flüchtlingen: Ergebnisse einer Unternehmensbefragung in Oberösterreich (2016)

    Krings, Torben;


    Krings, Torben (2016): Die betriebliche Integration von Flüchtlingen. Ergebnisse einer Unternehmensbefragung in Oberösterreich. In: Wiso. Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Zeitschrift des ISW, Jg. 39, H. 3, S. 123-134.


    "Die aktuelle Fluchtmigration stellt Österreich vor neue integrationspolitische Herausforderungen, nicht zuletzt auch im Hinblick auf den Arbeitsmarkt. Dieser Artikel untersucht, inwieweit bei oberösterreichischen Betrieben eine Bereitschaft zur Einstellung von Flüchtlingen besteht. Auf Grundlage einer schriftlichen Befragung in drei Branchen, dem Bau, dem Einzelhandel und der Gastronomie, wird gezeigt, dass viele Unternehmen der Einstellung von Flüchtlingen offen gegenüberstehen." (Autorenreferat, © ISW-Linz)

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    Understanding the perspectives of refugee unaccompanied minors using a computer-assisted interview (2016)

    Lawrence, Jeanette A.; Kaplan, Ida; Collard, Amy H.;


    Lawrence, Jeanette A., Ida Kaplan & Amy H. Collard (2016): Understanding the perspectives of refugee unaccompanied minors using a computer-assisted interview. In: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, Jg. 17, H. 2, S. 1-19.


    "This article reports analyses of the perspectives on their wellbeing expressed by four unaccompanied minor refugees resettling in Australia. We used a computer-assisted interview (CAI) to set up a research environment to facilitate young people's expressions and to treat them and their expressed perspectives with respect and integrity. Participants' data are represented in tables as full transcripts with CAI questions and tasks, and are analyzed using exegetical textual analysis. Analyses reveal similarities and differences in young people's themes and personalized concerns in relation to their life circumstances in resettlement. All four unaccompanied minors were worried about the families from whom they were isolated. Two young women who were humanitarian refugees were preoccupied with family separation and reunion, and also with their own inner states and behavior. Two young men who had been asylum seekers were focused on family and their own educational advancement. The value of the CAI approach is discussed in relation to criticisms of reductionism in quantitative and qualitative data; its ability to support young refugees to express their views with agency and confidence; and the representation of young people's expressed perspectives as a basis for understanding and for supportive programs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employer attitudes towards refugee immigrants: findings from a Swedish survey (2016)

    Lundborg, Per; Skedinger, Per ;


    Lundborg, Per & Per Skedinger (2016): Employer attitudes towards refugee immigrants. Findings from a Swedish survey. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 155, H. 2, S. 315-337. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12026


    "Based on a large-scale survey of Swedish firms, the authors identify significant heterogeneity in their attitudes towards refugee hiring, job performance, wage setting and discrimination, though experience of employing refugees reduces negative attitudes. Firms' reasons for discontinuing their employment of refugees are not related to discrimination by staff or customers, but rather to refugees' suboptimal job performance. While the majority of firms do not regard the collectively agreed minimum wages as an important obstacle to the hiring of refugees, firms with a large share of refugees on the payroll report that reducing those wage rates would enhance employment substantially." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    From refugees to workers: mapping labour-market integration support measures for asylum seekers and refugees in EU member states. Vol. I, Comparative analysis and policy findings (2016)

    Martín, Iván; Zorlu, Aslan ; Emilsson, Henrik; Wolffberg, Rebecca; Kalantaryan, Sona; Arcarons, Albert; MacIver, Alastair; Aumüller, Jutta; Mara, Isilda; Venturini, Alessandra ; Scalettaris, Giulia; Bevelander, Pieter; Welle, Inge van der; Vidovic, Hermine; Windisch, Michael;


    Martín, Iván, Albert Arcarons, Jutta Aumüller, Pieter Bevelander, Henrik Emilsson, Sona Kalantaryan, Alastair MacIver, Isilda Mara, Giulia Scalettaris, Alessandra Venturini, Hermine Vidovic, Inge van der Welle, Michael Windisch, Rebecca Wolffberg & Aslan Zorlu (2016): From refugees to workers. Mapping labour-market integration support measures for asylum seekers and refugees in EU member states. Vol. I, Comparative analysis and policy findings. Gütersloh, 58 S.


    "The study sets out to provide a better understanding of the emerging challenges in policy targeting the labour-market integration of refugees. What are the strategies and practices implemented in different EU Member States to facilitate access into employment? What do we know about their effectiveness? What are good practices and lessons learned in different countries?
    The study is based on nine detailed country case studies of the following EU Member States: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. It has been produced by the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute in Florence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From refugees to workers: mapping labour-market integration support measures for asylum seekers and refugees in EU member states. Vol. II, Literature review and country case studies (2016)

    Martín, Iván; Wolffberg, Rebecca; Kalantaryan, Sona; Windisch, Michael; MacIver, Alastair; Arcarons, Albert; Mara, Isilda; Bevelander, Pieter; Scalettaris, Giulia; Zorlu, Aslan ; Venturini, Alessandra ; Emilsson, Henrik; Vidovic, Hermine; Aumüller, Jutta; Welle, Inge van der;


    Martín, Iván, Albert Arcarons, Jutta Aumüller, Pieter Bevelander, Henrik Emilsson, Sona Kalantaryan, Alastair MacIver, Isilda Mara, Giulia Scalettaris, Alessandra Venturini, Hermine Vidovic, Inge van der Welle, Michael Windisch, Rebecca Wolffberg & Aslan Zorlu (2016): From refugees to workers. Mapping labour-market integration support measures for asylum seekers and refugees in EU member states. Vol. II, Literature review and country case studies. Gütersloh, 175 S.


    "The report sets out to provide a better understanding of the emerging challenges in policy targeting the labour-market integration of refugees. What are the strategies and practices implemented in different EU Member States to facilitate access into employment? What do we know about their effectiveness? What are good practices and lessons learned in different countries?
    The study is based on nine detailed country case studies of the following EU Member States: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. It has been produced by the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute in Florence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Troubling the exclusive privileges of citizenship: mobile solidarities, asylum seekers, and the right to work (2016)

    Mayblin, Lucy;


    Mayblin, Lucy (2016): Troubling the exclusive privileges of citizenship. Mobile solidarities, asylum seekers, and the right to work. In: Citizenship studies, Jg. 20, H. 2, S. 192-207. DOI:10.1080/13621025.2015.1132570


    "This article discusses asylum seekers and the right to work in the UK. Differential access to the labour market is one of the ways in which the state maintains a distinction between British citizens, who 'belong', and non-citizens who do not. While such a policy approach garners widespread support amongst the general public of citizens, it does not go uncontested. This article discusses a UK-based campaign, 'Let Them Work', which has sought to influence the government in extending the right to work to asylum seekers. In doing so, it demonstrates the ways in which the stratified regime of citizenship rights is contested politically, and explores how such contestation troubles the exclusive privileges of citizenship by enacting mobile solidarities from marginalised spaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Rumänien: Flüchtlinge im Land der Auswanderer? (2016)

    Mihai, Silviu;


    Mihai, Silviu (2016): Rumänien: Flüchtlinge im Land der Auswanderer? Bukarest, 6 S.


    "- Im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen Ländern des Balkans befindet sich Rumänien nicht auf der Flüchtlingsroute von der Türkei nach Mitteleuropa und ist auch noch kein Mitglied des grenzkontrollfreien Schengen-Raums. Das Niveau der Leistungen für AsylbewerberInnen ist prekär, entspricht aber dem niedrigen Niveau der Löhne, Gehälter und Sozialleistungen, die rumänische StaatsbürgerInnen beziehen.
    - Diese Faktoren erklären die sehr geringe Zahl der gestellten Asylanträge, aber auch das relativ geringe Interesse der Politik an einer seriösen Debatte über das Thema. Rechtspopulistische, flüchtlingsfeindliche Kräfte spielen in Rumänien keine bedeutende Rolle, an einer konstruktiven Diskussion über zukunftsorientierte Ansätze fehlt es allerdings ebenso.
    - Regierung und Präsident haben sich bei der letzten Abstimmung über die Verteilung der Flüchtlinge innerhalb der EU gegen das System der Pflichtquoten ausgesprochen. Zugleich wollen sie aber eine Isolation Rumäniens in dieser Frage vermeiden.
    - Die Aufnahme einer größeren Zahl von Schutzsuchenden wäre langfristig eine Chance für das Land, um die Defizite auszugleichen, die durch die massive Arbeitsmigration nach Westeuropa in den vergangenen 15 Jahren entstanden sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Refugees and the labour market (2016)

    Niebuhr, Annekatrin ;


    Niebuhr, Annekatrin (2016): Refugees and the labour market. In: RSAI newsletter H. May, S. 10-11., 2016-04-25.


    "The large influx of refugees to Europe raises the question how this will affect European labour markets. Altogether it is extremely difficult to assess the impact of the current refugee crisis on European labour markets based on the available information. It is impossible to forecast the future development of the inflow of asylum seekers and we lack detailed information on the (professional) qualifications of the refugees. Without doubt, the massive influx of refugees creates immense challenges for the societies in the host regions. And clearly, successful labour market integration of refugees is a precondition for potential benefits to exceed the drawbacks of immigration. This probably calls for accelerated procedures and adjustments with respect to recognizing professional qualifications of the refugees, Job placement, education, training, and in particular access to language courses in the host regions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Das Asylsystem Schwedens (2016)

    Parusel, Bernd;


    Parusel, Bernd (2016): Das Asylsystem Schwedens. Gütersloh, 30 S.


    "Die schwedische Migrations- und Integrationspolitik wird international oft als progressiv und ambitioniert wahrgenommen. Und obwohl es durchaus Herausforderungen gibt, etwa einen Mangel an bezahlbaren Mietwohnungen und eine schleppend verlaufende Arbeitsmarktintegration neu zuziehender Flüchtlinge, bekennt sich die Regierung zu einer positiven Sicht auf Migration.
    Auf der Internetseite der Regierung ist zu lesen, man ziele darauf ab, eine 'langfristige und nachhaltige Migrationspolitik' aufrechtzuerhalten, mit der 'das Recht auf Asyl gewahrt wird und im Rahmen einer gesteuerten Migration die grenzüberschreitende Mobilität erleichtert, bedarfsorientierte Arbeitsmigration gefördert, die positiven Effekte von Migration für Entwicklung verstärkt und die Europäische und internationale Kooperation vertieft werden soll.'
    Nichtsdestotrotz vollzog Schweden im Herbst 2015 in der Asylpolitik eine drastische Kehrtwende. Angesichts massiver Engpässe bei der Registrierung, Unterbringung und Versorgung der im Zuge der 'Flüchtlingskrise' immer zahlreicher ins Land kommenden Asylsuchenden kündigte die Regierung im Oktober und November 2015 in zwei Schritten einen Katalog von Maßnahmen an, mit dem der Asylbewerberzuzug drastisch gesenkt werden soll. U. a. ist vorgesehen, dass Schutzberechtigte statt einer unbefristeten künftig nur noch eine befristete Aufenthaltserlaubnis erhalten, anerkannte Flüchtlinge für drei Jahre und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte, also bspw. Kriegsflüchtlinge, für 13 Monate.
    Die entsprechenden Änderungen im schwedischen Ausländergesetz (Utlänningslag) traten im Sommer 2016 in Kraft, gelten aber auch rückwirkend für alle Asylbewerber, die nach der Ankündigung der Maßnahmen im Herbst 2015 noch ins Land kamen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Integrating refugees into the labor market: A comparison of Europe and the United States (2016)

    Poutvaara, Panu; Wech, Daniela;


    Poutvaara, Panu & Daniela Wech (2016): Integrating refugees into the labor market. A comparison of Europe and the United States. In: CESifo DICE report, Jg. 14, H. 4, S. 32-43.


    "There are major differences between Europe and the United States in the size and composition of refugee flows, and in how well or badly refugees are integrated into the labor market. Firstly, the EU receives far more asylum applications than the US, while the US takes many more refugees through a planned resettlement program, in which the applicants are outside the US at the time of submitting their application, than the EU takes in through its regular resettlement programs. Overall, the number of refugees arriving in the EU is much larger. Secondly, there are major differences in the composition of refugee flows. In 2015, over half of asylum applicants in the EU came from Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq; in 2014, one third of applicants came from Syria, Afghanistan and Kosovo. For the US, the largest groups of refugees admitted through resettlement programs in the fiscal year 2014 were the Iraqis and the Burmese, accounting together for almost half of the total number, followed by the Somalis and the Bhutanese. A third of asylum permits were granted to the Chinese. Thirdly, there are major differences in the employment performance of refugees. Integration into the labor market is much faster in the US than in the EU." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Activation reform and inter-agency co-operation: local consequences of mixed modes of governance in Sweden (2016)

    Qvist, Martin;


    Qvist, Martin (2016): Activation reform and inter-agency co-operation. Local consequences of mixed modes of governance in Sweden. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 50, H. 1, S. 19-38. DOI:10.1111/spol.12124


    "Organizational reform has become a recurring solution to problems of social exclusion and unemployment. In Europe, and other parts of the world, there is a trend towards policies of 'activation' in employment and social policy. The idea of flexible, individualized and tailor-made services is coupled with managerial and market-based reforms as well as collaborative governance. In these complex structures of service provision, coordination and inter-agency co-operation have become key concerns. Based on a study of a recent reform of programmes for newly arrived refugees in Sweden (Etableringsreformen), this article seeks to contribute to the literature on governance of 'activation' by examining the consequences of mixed modes of governance (market and collaborative) on local inter-agency co-operation. Drawing on data from in-depth case studies in two municipalities, it is demonstrated how the coupling of managerial practices and quasi-markets with existing collaborative arrangements has created barriers for inter-agency co-operation. The results indicate that institutional tensions between governance forms represent an important factor for explaining governance failure in this policy area." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Flucht und Migration als Herausforderung für Europa: internationale und nationale Perspektiven aus der Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (2016)

    Rieck, Christian E.; Kossack, Janine;


    (2016): Flucht und Migration als Herausforderung für Europa. Internationale und nationale Perspektiven aus der Arbeit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Sankt Augustin, 102 S.


    "Die Flüchtlings- und Migrationskrise lässt keinen Politikbereich und keinen EU-Mitgliedstaat unberührt. Diese Broschüre zeichnet ein vielstimmiges Bild, das nationale und internationale Analysen, Perspektiven und Ausblicke auf diese gewaltige Herausforderung vereint." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen im EU-Vergleich: keine Patentlösung in Sicht (2016)

    Schwarzwälder, Joscha;


    Schwarzwälder, Joscha (2016): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen im EU-Vergleich. Keine Patentlösung in Sicht. (Bertelsmann-Stiftung. Zukunft soziale Marktwirtschaft. Policy brief 2016,03), Gütersloh, 8 S.


    "Sprachkurse, Praktika, Kompetenzfeststellung und Qualifizierung - überall in Europa suchen Politiker derzeit nach Wegen, um Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge bei der Integration in Arbeit zu unterstützen. Die Herausforderung ist groß. Denn während die Zahl der Asylanträge europaweit auf Rekordniveau liegt, finden Geflüchtete bisher deutlich seltener und später Beschäftigung als andere Zuwanderer." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Asylverfahren in den Niederlanden (2016)

    Thränhardt, Dietrich;


    Thränhardt, Dietrich (2016): Asylverfahren in den Niederlanden. Gütersloh, 19 S.


    "Acht Tage dauerten Asylverfahren in den Niederlanden, acht Monate in Deutschland. Deswegen kämen so viele Balkan-Flüchtlinge nach Deutschland. So kommentierte Frans Timmermans, der Vizepräsident der EU-Kommission, am 9. September 2015 im Deutschen Fernsehen. Ähnlich selbstbewusst war Rob van Lint, der Leiter der niederländischen Migrationsbehörde. Auf die Frage, ob die Niederlande etwas von anderen Ländern lernen könnten, antwortete er mit der Feststellung, vor allem hätten andere Länder viel von den Niederlanden gelernt. 'Im Vergleich haben wir ein sehr straffes Verfahren.'
    Unsere Analyse des niederländischen Asylsystems soll nicht nur klären, ob das niederländische Selbstbewusstsein gerechtfertigt ist. Es geht darum, vorbildliche Elemente in der niederländischen Praxis zu identifizieren. Ist das Asyl-Aufnahmesystem in den Niederlanden schneller und besser? Wie verhält sich die Schnelligkeit der Verfahren zur Genauigkeit und zur Qualität der Antragsprüfung? Konnte das niederländische System die gestiegenen Antragszahlen im Jahr 2015 bewältigen? Welche Effekte hat die anwaltliche Vertretung bei allen Asylverfahren, die die Niederlande den Asylbewerbern zur Verfügung stellen? Beeinflusst wachsender Populismus die Praxis? Diese Fragen stellen sich bei einem Vergleich. Ziel der vergleichenden Analyse ist es, Elemente und Verfahrensweisen herauszuarbeiten, die von einem zum anderen Land übertragbar sind und die eine Optimierung der Asyl-Aufnahmesysteme erlauben, wie sie in der Europäischen Union angestrebt wird." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The economic impact of Syrian refugees on host countries: quasi-experimental evidence from Turkey (2016)

    Tumen, Semih ;


    Tumen, Semih (2016): The economic impact of Syrian refugees on host countries. Quasi-experimental evidence from Turkey. In: The American economic review, Jg. 106, H. 5, S. 456-460. DOI:10.1257/aer.p20161065


    "The Syrian Conflict generated forced immigration from northern Syria to southeastern Turkey. Arrival of refugees resembles a natural experiment, which offers good opportunities to study the economic impact of immigration. I study three main outcomes: labor markets, consumer prices, and housing rents. I document moderate employment losses among native informal workers, which suggests that they are partly substituted by refugees. Prices of the items produced in informal labor intensive sectors declined due to labor cost advantages generated by refugee inflows. Finally, refugee inflows increased the rents of higher quality housing units, while there is no effect on lower quality units." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market access for asylum seekers and refugees under the common European asylum system (2016)

    Weber, Franziska;


    Weber, Franziska (2016): Labour market access for asylum seekers and refugees under the common European asylum system. In: European Journal of Migration and Law, Jg. 18, H. 1, S. 34-64. DOI:10.1163/15718166-12342089


    "The paper identifies a policy inconsistency between the EU's asylum and the EU's labour migration policies and makes a call for stronger convergence. The analysis starts off by setting out the EU's current and future economic challenges with a view to its ageing population and low fertility rates, which displays the EU's need for migrants. Two trends can be observed: The lacking success of Europe's highly-skilled regime, i.e. the Blue Card scheme, casts doubts on the suitability of the EU's labour migration policy and its ability to meet the EU's labour market's needs this way. Labour market access for people that come to the EU to seek asylum on the other hand is subject to quite a number of restrictions. The lack of coordination seems short-sighted. In an attempt to advocate for stronger coherence the paper sets out the rights to access the EU labour market of those who come to the EU as asylum seekers in detail and explores reform potential where these rights can be expanded consistent with the EU's labour market needs. It looks at EU law in general and refers to Germany as an implementation example." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    OECD-Wirtschaftsberichte: Deutschland 2016 (2016)


    OECD (2016): OECD-Wirtschaftsberichte: Deutschland 2016. (OECD-Wirtschaftsberichte. Deutschland), Paris, 141 S. DOI:10.1787/eco_surveys-deu-2016-de


    "Regelmäßig analysiert die OECD Volkswirtschaften ihrer Mitgliedsländer und einiger größerer Drittstaaten. Die Wirtschaftsberichte entstehen im Rahmen einer Peer Review und enthalten Empfehlungen, die den Konsens aller 34 OECD-Mitglieder spiegeln. Der vorliegende Bericht thematisiert unter anderem die Integration von Flüchtlingen und Migranten, die Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels und die Notwendigkeit von Investitionen in soziale Infrastrukturen sowie die Steigerung der Produktivität." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarkt in Kürze: Fluchtmigration (2016)


    "Die hohe Zahl an geflüchteten Menschen beeinflusst die Entwicklung am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. Die Broschüre 'Arbeitsmarkt in Kürze: Fluchtmigration' gibt in Form von Tabellen und Schaublidern einen schnellen Überblick über Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zu den bereits sichtbaren Auswirkungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Erfolgreiche Integration: Flüchtlinge und sonstige Schutzbedürftige (2016)


    OECD (2016): Erfolgreiche Integration. Flüchtlinge und sonstige Schutzbedürftige. (Erfolgreiche Integration 01), Paris, 75 S. DOI:10.1787/9789264251632-de


    "Die OECD-Publikationsreihe 'Erfolgreiche Integration' beruht auf zentralen Erkenntnissen aus den Arbeiten der OECD zur Integrationspolitik, insbesondere den Länderstudien der Reihe Jobs for Immigrants. Ziel ist es, in leicht verständlicher, überblicksartiger Form die wichtigsten Herausforderungen und empfehlenswerten politischen Praktiken bei der Förderung der dauerhaften Integration von Zuwanderern und ihren Kindern für ausgewählte wesentliche Zielgruppen und Integrationsbereiche darzustellen. Jeder Band enthält zehn Empfehlungen sowie Beispiele für empfehlenswerte Praktiken, die durch synthetische Vergleiche des integrationspolitischen Rahmens in den einzelnen OECD-Ländern ergänzt werden, die sich auf bisherige Erfahrungen stützen. Der erste Band befasst sich mit Flüchtlingen und sonstigen schutzbedürftigen Personen, die als humanitäre Zuwanderer bezeichnet werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How are refugees faring on the labour market in Europe?: A first evaluation based on the 2014 EU Labour Force Survey ad hoc module (2016)


    "This paper is a joint effort by the OECD and the European Commission to make a first evaluation of the situation on refugees on the labour market. It is based on the 2014 EU Labour Force Survey. Available evidence confirms that refugees are one of the most vulnerable groups when it comes to labour market integration but show however, significant differences across European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Improving the integration of refugees: an early evaluation of a Swedish reform (2015)

    Andersson Joona, Pernilla; Lanninger, Alma W.; Sundström, Marianne;


    Andersson Joona, Pernilla, Alma W. Lanninger & Marianne Sundström (2015): Improving the integration of refugees. An early evaluation of a Swedish reform. (IZA discussion paper 9496), Bonn, 29 S.


    "This paper is an early evaluation of the Swedish Establishment Reform which was enacted in 2010 with the goal of facilitating and speeding up the integration of refugees and their family into the labor market and the society. From December 1, 2010 the reform transferred the responsibility for the integration of newly-arrived refugees from the municipalities to the government funded Public Employment Service through which those eligible would get an establishment plan and a coach. The reform was motived by concern over the low employment level and slow integration of refugees. Our approach is to compare the outcomes of the treatment group, which took part in establishment activities and arrived between December 1, 2010 and December 31, 2011, to those of the comparison group, which arrived in the eleven months preceding the Reform and participated in municipal introduction programs, controlling for a rich set of observables, including country of birth and date of residence permit. Outcomes are measured in terms of employment and earnings in 2012 for the treatment group and in 2011 for the comparison group. Our data comes from registers held by Statistics Sweden and the Public Employment Service and covers all immigrants. Although there are good reasons to expect positive effects of the Reform we find no significant difference in employment or earnings between the treatment group and the comparison group." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Conceptualizing and measuring immigration policies: a comparative perspective (2015)

    Bjerre, Liv; Zobel, Malisa; Römer, Friederike ; Helbling, Marc;


    Bjerre, Liv, Marc Helbling, Friederike Römer & Malisa Zobel (2015): Conceptualizing and measuring immigration policies. A comparative perspective. In: International migration review, Jg. 49, H. 3, S. 555-600. DOI:10.1111/imre.12100


    "In the last decade, researchers have developed many innovative ideas for the construction of indices measuring immigration policies. Methodological considerations have, however, been largely absent from the discussion. To close this gap, this paper investigates the characteristics of existing indices by critically comparing and discussing them. We start by providing a definition of immigration policy which may serve as a benchmark when assessing the indices. By means of the analytical framework developed by Munck and Verkuilen (2002), which we adapt and customize for our analysis, we then evaluate the conceptualization, measurement, and aggregation, as well as the empirical scope of thirteen immigration policy indices. We discuss methodological strengths and weaknesses of the indices, how these affect the research questions that can be answered and what the next steps in index building within the field of immigration policy should be." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Flüchtlinge sind sehr ungleich auf die EU-Länder verteilt: auch bezogen auf die Wirtschaftskraft und Einwohnerzahl (2015)

    Brenke, Karl;


    Brenke, Karl (2015): Flüchtlinge sind sehr ungleich auf die EU-Länder verteilt. Auch bezogen auf die Wirtschaftskraft und Einwohnerzahl. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 82, H. 39, S. 867-881.


    "In die Europäische Union kommen derzeit so viele Asylbewerber wie noch nie. Dabei sind die Schutzsuchenden recht ungleich auf die Mitgliedstaaten der EU verteilt: Große Länder wie das Vereinigte Königreich, Frankreich, Italien und Spanien haben eine relativ geringe Zahl von Asylbewerbern aufgenommen. Auch in den osteuropäischen Ländern mit Ausnahme Ungarns wurden im ersten Halbjahr 2015 vergleichsweise wenige Asylanträge gestellt. Weitaus mehr Flüchtlinge kommen nach Mitteleuropa, nach Schweden sowie in kleine Staaten an der Peripherie (Malta, Zypern und Bulgarien). Deutschland nimmt ebenfalls überdurchschnittlich viele Asylsuchende auf - gemessen an der Einwohnerzahl fast dreimal so viele und gemessen an der Wirtschaftskraft etwa doppelt so viele wie bei einer gleichmäßigen Verteilung auf alle EU-Länder. Die regionale Konzentration der Asylsuchenden dürfte noch weiter zunehmen, weil einige Länder bei der Flüchtlingspolitik nunmehr restriktiver agieren. Daher ist es dringend erforderlich, dass sich die EU-Staaten auf eine gleichmäßigere und somit als faire wahrgenommene Verteilung der Flüchtlinge einigen. In Deutschland wurde in den ersten sieben Monaten dieses Jahres 37 Prozent der Asylsuchenden nach Beendigung des Asylverfahrens ein Schutzstatus zuerkannt. Die Integration der anerkannten Flüchtlinge in den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt fällt den verfügbaren Daten zufolge allerdings sehr schwer. Die Zahl der Arbeitslosen ist - ausgehend von einem niedrigen Niveau - bei den Personen mit der Nationalität der wichtigsten Flüchtlingsstaaten stark gestiegen. So gibt es unter allen in Deutschland lebenden Syrern mit einem Aufenthaltstitel inzwischen mehr Arbeitslose als sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigte. Nur wenig besser ist die Relation bei den aus dem Irak, aus Afghanistan, Somalia und Eritrea stammenden Personen. Dementsprechend ist der Anteil der Bezieher von Hartz-IV-Leistungen hoch. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass sich diese Probleme deutlich abmildern werden, je länger die anerkannten Flüchtlinge in Deutschland leben und je besser sie die deutsche Sprache beherrschen. Deren Erlernen sollte besser unterstützt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Asyl- und Flüchtlingsmigration in die EU und nach Deutschland (2015)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Trübswetter, Parvati; Hauptmann, Andreas;


    Brücker, Herbert, Andreas Hauptmann & Parvati Trübswetter (2015): Asyl- und Flüchtlingsmigration in die EU und nach Deutschland. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte 08/2015), Nürnberg, 27 S.


    "Dieser Bericht befasst sich mit dem Umfang der Asyl- und Flüchtlingsmigration, der Umsetzung des Asylrechts, der Sozial- und Bildungsstruktur der Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge, deren Arbeitsmarktintegration sowie Handlungsoptionen in den Bereichen Flüchtlings- und Migrationspolitik, Verteilung der Flüchtlinge und Asylverfahren in Deutschland sowie Arbeitsmarktintegration und Teilhabe." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The unaccompanied refugee minors and the Swedish labour market (2015)

    Celikaksoy, Aycan; Wadensjö, Eskil;


    Celikaksoy, Aycan & Eskil Wadensjö (2015): The unaccompanied refugee minors and the Swedish labour market. (IZA discussion paper 9306), Bonn, 30 S.


    "More unaccompanied refugee children arrive to and get a residence permit in Sweden than in any other country in Europe. The number of children who arrives is increasing fast. The Swedish experiences are therefore of great interest also for other countries. In this paper we study the labour market situation in terms of employment and income for those who have arrived as unaccompanied minors and have been registered in Sweden. We compare them with those who also arrived as minors from the same countries but who have arrived together with their parents. After controlling for demographic and migration related variables we find that young adults who arrived as unaccompanied refugee children are more likely to be employed than those children who arrived accompanied from the same countries. Another result is that labour market participation is much lower for females than for males. We also compare the labour market situation of these children with that for those who were born in Sweden and are of the same age." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of Syrian refugees on natives' labor market outcomes in Turkey: evidence from a quasi-experimental design (2015)

    Ceritoglu, Evren; Gurcihan Yunculer, H. Burcu; Torun, Huzeyfe; Tumen, Semih ;


    Ceritoglu, Evren, H. Burcu Gurcihan Yunculer, Huzeyfe Torun & Semih Tumen (2015): The impact of Syrian refugees on natives' labor market outcomes in Turkey. Evidence from a quasi-experimental design. (IZA discussion paper 9348), Bonn, 47 S.


    "Civil war in Syria, which started in March 2011, has led to a massive wave of forced immigration from the Northern Syria to the South-eastern regions of Turkey. This paper exploits this natural experiment to estimate the impact of Syrian refugees on the labor market outcomes of natives in Turkey. Using a difference-in-differences strategy, we find that immigration has considerably affected the employment outcomes of natives, while its impact on wage outcomes has been negligible. We document notable employment losses among informal workers as a consequence of refugee inflows. The majority of those who lost their informal jobs have either left the labor force or remained unemployed. Overall, unemployment rates have increased, while labor force participation, informal employment, and job finding rates have declined among natives. Disadvantaged groups - i.e., females, younger workers, and less-educated workers - have been affected the worst. The prevalence of informal employment in the Turkish labor markets has amplified the negative impact of Syrian refugee inflows on natives' labor market outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Refugees and access to vocational education and training across Europe: a case of protection of white privilege? (2015)

    Chadderton, Charlotte; Edmonds, Casey;


    Chadderton, Charlotte & Casey Edmonds (2015): Refugees and access to vocational education and training across Europe. A case of protection of white privilege? In: Journal of vocational education and training, Jg. 67, H. 2, S. 136-152. DOI:10.1080/13636820.2014.922114


    "This small-scale, highly original study connects themes which are rarely explored in relation to each other, particularly in a European context: vocational education and training (VET), refugees and race equality in order to explore how VET policies impact on racial equality, and the ways racial structures in Europe impact on VET. It begins to fill important gaps in cross-European research, firstly around VET and race, and secondly around refugees and VET. The paper is based on a study which examined the meso-social benefits of, and barriers to VET for adult refugees to European countries, commissioned by CEDEFOP, the agency funded by the European Commission to promote the development of VET in the European Union. In the paper, we argue that a key factor in shaping refugees' experiences of VET, are the racial structures integral to capitalist societies. Innovatively drawing on key literature which analyses white privilege in the labour market to contextualise our findings, we suggest that barriers faced by refugees are potentially related to structures of white privilege which shape notions of work and workers in Europe and sustain racial hierarchies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of Syrians refugees on the Turkish labor market (2015)

    Del Carpio, Ximena V.; Wagner, Mathis;


    Del Carpio, Ximena V. & Mathis Wagner (2015): The impact of Syrians refugees on the Turkish labor market. (Policy research working paper 7402), Washington, DC, 32 S.


    "Civil war in Syria has resulted in more than four million refugees fleeing the country, of which 1.8 million have found refuge in Turkey, making it the largest refugee hosting country worldwide. This paper combines newly available data on the 2014 distribution of Syrian refugees across subregions of Turkey with the Turkish Labour Force Survey, to assess the impact on Turkish labor market conditions. Using a novel instrument, the analysis finds that the refugees, who overwhelmingly do not have work permits, result in the large-scale displacement of informal, low-educated, female Turkish workers, especially in agriculture. While there is net displacement, the inflow of refugees also creates higher-wage formal jobs, allowing for occupational upgrading of Turkish workers. Average Turkish wages have increased primarily as the composition of the employed has changed because of the inflow of refugees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Nachhaltigere Politikansätze zur Gestaltung von Flucht und Migration in den internationalen Beziehungen (2015)

    Ette, Andreas ;


    Ette, Andreas (2015): Nachhaltigere Politikansätze zur Gestaltung von Flucht und Migration in den internationalen Beziehungen. In: Bevölkerungsforschung aktuell, Jg. 36, H. 5, S. 17-22.


    "Die Steuerbarkeit von Migration entlang eng definierter Kategorien von Fähigkeiten und Motiven der Migranten ('Arbeitsmigranten') ist nach den Entwicklungen der vergangenen Zeit ganz offensichtlich an Grenzen gelangt. Daher gibt der Beitrag einen Ausblick auf längerfristige Perspektiven einer möglicherweise nachhaltigen Gestaltung von Flucht und Migration und diskutiert unter anderem die bisherigen Bemühungen der Europäischen Union." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Understanding the role of immigrants' legal status: evidence from policy experiments (2015)

    Fasani, Francesco ;


    Fasani, Francesco (2015): Understanding the role of immigrants' legal status. Evidence from policy experiments. In: CESIfo Economic Studies, Jg. 61, H. 3/4, S. 722-763. DOI:10.1093/cesifo/ifv006


    "Programmes aimed at reducing the presence of unauthorized immigrants are often at the core of the migration policy debate in host countries. In recent years, a growing body of empirical literature has attempted to understand the effect of lacking legal status on immigrants' outcomes and behaviour. The main difficulties in this field are the scarcity of data and the identification challenge posed by endogenous selection into legal status. The vast majority of these articles have therefore used amnesty programmes (or similar policy changes) to establish causal relationships. In this article, we propose a first systematic review of the empirical literature for the USA and Europe on the impact of legal status on different immigrants' outcomes. We then present some new evidence of the relationship between labour market outcomes and legal status in the Italian context. In our empirical analysis, we first provide some descriptive evidence on differences in the outcomes for groups with different residence statuses, and we then exploit a specific amnesty programme to produce causal estimates of the impact of legal status. Our results confirm previous findings in the literature and show that the design of the specific amnesty analysed matters in shaping its effects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrants' effect on native workers: new analysis on longitudinal data (2015)

    Foged, Mette ; Peri, Giovanni ;


    Foged, Mette & Giovanni Peri (2015): Immigrants' effect on native workers. New analysis on longitudinal data. (IZA discussion paper 8961), Bonn, 47 S.


    "Using longitudinal data on the universe of workers in Denmark during the period 1991-2008 we track the labor market outcomes of low skilled natives in response to an exogenous inflow of low skilled immigrants. We innovate on previous identification strategies by considering immigrants distributed across municipalities by a refugee dispersal policy in place between 1986 and 1998. We find that an increase in the supply of refugee-country immigrants pushed less educated native workers (especially the young and low-tenured ones) to pursue less manual-intensive occupations. As a result immigration had positive effects on native unskilled wages, employment and occupational mobility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Between control and support. The protection of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers at risk: the Dutch case (2015)

    Galloway, Moira; Kromhout, Mariska; Smit, Monika;


    Galloway, Moira, Monika Smit & Mariska Kromhout (2015): Between control and support. The protection of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers at risk. The Dutch case. In: International migration, Jg. 53, H. 4, S. 51-61. DOI:10.1111/imig.12178


    "Drawing on research by the Research and Documentation Centre (WODC) of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice (Kromhout et al., 2010), this article describes how the Dutch government tried to protect Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers (UMAs) who were (at risk of becoming) victims of human trafficking by implementing 'Protected Reception'. It was concluded that the three objectives of this pilot programme were met to some extent: the influx of risk groups and the number of disappearances decreased, yet there was no (immediate) increase in return migration to the country of origin, after leaving Protected Reception. An important question that was raised was how far a state can go in protecting these vulnerable young people, by (partially) limiting their freedom of movement. It was concluded that placement and stay in Protected Reception had to be qualified as a deprivation of liberty for which Dutch legislation did not offer any ground." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A policy of vulnerability or agency?: refugee young people's opportunities in accessing further and higher education in the UK (2015)

    Gateley, Davina E.;


    Gateley, Davina E. (2015): A policy of vulnerability or agency? Refugee young people's opportunities in accessing further and higher education in the UK. In: Compare, Jg. 45, H. 1, S. 26-46. DOI:10.1080/03057925.2013.841030


    "The UK government's austerity cuts have negatively impacted many voluntary-sector interventions that provided support to refugees. One such intervention, the Refugee Integration and Employment Service (RIES), is discussed in this paper. The RIES was a UK Border Agency-funded integration programme for recognised refugees and operated through voluntary-sector organisations nationwide. Findings of this small, qualitative study tentatively suggest that without bespoke support such as RIES, refugees will struggle to make informed and strategic decisions about their future education choices, restricting their ability to exercise autonomous agency. Current UK policy of counting refugees alongside other types of migrants will not cater for the specificity and multiplicity of issues faced by refugee young people. This will inhibit their opportunities and increase vulnerabilities, compounding their precarious position in UK society." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Anerkannte Flüchtlinge und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte am Arbeitsmarkt: Spezialthema zum Arbeitsmarkt, September 2015 (2015)

    Grieger, Nadine;


    Grieger, Nadine (2015): Anerkannte Flüchtlinge und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte am Arbeitsmarkt. Spezialthema zum Arbeitsmarkt, September 2015. Wien, 4 S.


    "Ende September 2015 waren 18.968 anerkannte Flüchtlinge und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte in Österreich beim Arbeitsmarktservice gemeldet. Das entspricht einer Zunahme von rund 50% gegenüber dem Vorjahresmonat und einem Anteil von 4,8% an allen beim Arbeitsmarktservice arbeitslos gemeldeten oder in Schulung befindlichen Personen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Asylum policy in the EU: the case for deeper integration (2015)

    Hatton, Timothy J.;


    Hatton, Timothy J. (2015): Asylum policy in the EU. The case for deeper integration. In: CESIfo Economic Studies, Jg. 61, H. 3/4, S. 605-637. DOI:10.1093/cesifo/ifv002


    "Over the last 15 years, the locus of policymaking towards asylum seekers and refugees has shifted away from national governments and towards the European Union (EU) as the Common European Asylum Policy has developed. Most of the focus has been on the harmonization of policies relating to border control, the processing of asylum claims, and reception standards for asylum seekers. But this still falls far short of a fully integrated EU-wide policy. This article examines the basis upon which a joint EU policy can be justified. I then ask whether superior outcomes can be achieved by harmonization alone or if more centralized policymaking is necessary. I chart the progress of harmonization and burden-sharing in the development of the Common European Asylum System and explore its effects. I also study the political feasibility of deeper policy integration by analysing public attitudes in the European Social Survey. I conclude that deeper integration is both" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Nordic labor market and migration (2015)

    Ho, Giang; Shirono, Kazuko;


    Ho, Giang & Kazuko Shirono (2015): The Nordic labor market and migration. (IMF working paper 2015,254), Washington, DC, 44 S.


    "The large influx of migrants to Nordic countries in recent years is challenging the adoptability of Nordic labor market institutions while also adding to potential growth. This paper examines the trends, economic drivers, and labor market implications of migration to Nordic countries with a particular focus on economic migration as distinct from the recent large flows of asylum seekers. Our analysis finds that migration inflows to the Nordics are influenced by both cyclical and structural factors. Although migration helpfully dampens overheating pressures during periods of strong demand, and over the longer term will cushion the decline in labor supply from population aging, in the near-term unemployment can rise, especially among the young and lower-skilled. The analysis highlights the need to adapt Nordic labor market institutions in a manner that better facilitates the integration of migrants into employment. In particular, greater wage flexibility at the firm level and continued strong active labor market measures will help improve labor market outcomes among immigrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen in Schweden, Dänemark und Großbritannien (2015)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina; Schreyer, Franziska; Bauer, Angela;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina, Franziska Schreyer & Angela Bauer (2015): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Asylbewerbern und Flüchtlingen in Schweden, Dänemark und Großbritannien. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte 18/2015), Nürnberg, 15 S.


    "Die stark gestiegene Fluchtmigration stellt den Arbeitsmarkt in Deutschland vor große Herausforderungen. Der Aktuelle Bericht stellt dar, wie ausgewählte europäische Länder (Schweden, Dänemark, Großbritannien) bei der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Schutzsuchenden vorgehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Constructing gender: refugee women working in the United States (2015)

    Koyama, Jill;


    Koyama, Jill (2015): Constructing gender: refugee women working in the United States. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 28, H. 2, S. 258-275. DOI:10.1093/jrs/feu026


    "Drawing on data collected during a 26-month ethnographic study of refugees in a city in upstate New York, I examine the gendered and gendering training and work contexts with which refugee women engage. Utilizing the notion of assemblage, a term often associated with actor-network theory (ANT), I ask, among other questions, how do the gathered collages of texts, aims, histories, resources, knowledges, and practices that instantiate what we might recognize as resources for newcomers, come to frame refugee women as they enter the workforce? I demonstrate that through the processes of becoming employed, certain material objects, such as completed job applications, combine with case workers' assessments of employability, and employers' ethnic and gender stereotypes, to create socio-material renderings of refugee women. However, even as they participate in the labour market, the refugee women push against the constraints imposed by their limited English-language ability, lack of formal education, initial lack of socio-economic connections, culturally-defined gender roles, and gender stereotypes. I argue that greater efforts through changes in the national policy and also the related practices of local resettlement agencies should address gender more explicitly. Greater time investment in educational programmes, a longer period of workforce training in more varied, less gender-stereotypical areas, and explicit programmes educating the receiving community about the refugees could result not only in greater economic adaptation, but also increased social integration for refugee women." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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