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Gender und Arbeitsmarkt

Die IAB-Infoplattform "Gender und Arbeitsmarkt" bietet wissenschaftliche und politiknahe Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern, Müttern und Vätern, Berufsrückkehrenden, Betreuung/Pflege und Arbeitsteilung in der Familie, Work-Life-Management, Determinanten der Erwerbsbeteiligung, geschlechtsspezifische Lohnunterschiede, familien- und steuerpolitische Regelungen sowie Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Frauen und Männer.

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im Aspekt "Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen"
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    Die Arbeitsmarktsituation von Frauen und Männern 2021 (2022)


    Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Statistik/Arbeitsmarktberichterstattung (2022): Die Arbeitsmarktsituation von Frauen und Männern 2021. (Berichte: Blickpunkt Arbeitsmarkt / Bundesagentur für Arbeit), Nürnberg, 29 S.


    "Die Erwerbsneigung und Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen und Männern sind in Deutschland in den letzten zehn Jahren deutlich gestiegen. Nur in wenigen Ländern Europas ist die Erwerbsbeteiligung insgesamt und insbesondere von Frauen so hoch wie in Deutschland. - Frauen und Männer sind unterschiedlich in den verschiedenen Formen der Erwerbstätigkeit vertreten: Rund zwei Drittel der Selbständigen sind Männer. Die sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten sind zu über der Hälfte männlich. Bei den Beamten sind Frauen und Männer je zur Hälfte vertreten und Minijobs sind nach wie vor eine Frauendomäne. - Die Zahl der sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigten Frauen ist auf lange Sicht gewachsen. Im Frühjahr 2020 haben die Corona-Auswirkungen die Entwicklung am Arbeitsmarkt allerdings erheblich beeinträchtigt und den zehnjährigen Beschäftigungsaufbau zunächst gestoppt. Seit dem späten Frühjahr 2021 überschreitet die Beschäftigung das Vorkrisenniveau wieder – bei beiden Geschlechtern. - Frauen sind überproportional im tertiären Sektor, Männer häufiger im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe, dem Bereich Verkehr und Logistik sowie im Baugewerbe beschäftigt. Da die Corona-Krise – anders als frühere Krisen – auch weite Teile des Dienstleistungssektors beeinträchtigt hat, waren Frauen von den Folgen wie Beschäftigungseinbußen und Kurzarbeit ebenfalls stark betroffen. - Teilzeitbeschäftigung kommt bei Frauen weiterhin deutlich häufiger vor als bei Männern. - Männer verdienen im Mittel nach wie vor mehr als Frauen. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig. Sie reichen von der Berufswahl über Familienpflichten bis hin zu den Rahmenbedingungen für eine Aufwärtsmobilität. Dabei wird der Unterschied in kleinen Schritten geringer. - In Führungspositionen sind Frauen auch bei gleicher Qualifikation unterrepräsentiert. - Die Arbeitslosenquote der Frauen lag 2021 das dreizehnte Jahr in Folge – wenn auch teils sehr knapp – unter der Quote der Männer. - Männer haben ein höheres Risiko ihre Beschäftigung zu verlieren und arbeitslos zu werden, aber auch bessere Chancen Arbeitslosigkeit durch Aufnahme einer Beschäftigung wieder zu überwinden. Das liegt auch daran, dass Männer öfter in konjunktur- bzw. saisonabhängigen Berufen arbeiten. - Der Anteil Langzeitarbeitsloser liegt bei Frauen auf dem gleichen Niveau wie bei Männern. - Frauen stehen erheblich häufiger als Männer vor der Herausforderung, neben der Arbeitsuche allein für die Erziehung eines oder mehrerer Kinder verantwortlich zu sein. - Frauen sind in etwa entsprechend ihrem Anteil an den Arbeitslosen und ihrer relativen Betroffenheit von Arbeitslosigkeit an der Förderung durch arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen beteiligt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How individual gender role beliefs, organizational gender norms, and national gender norms predict parents' work-Family guilt in Europe (2021)

    Aarntzen, Lianne ; Steenbergen, Elianne van; Lippe, Tanja van der; Derks, Belle ;


    Aarntzen, Lianne, Tanja van der Lippe, Elianne van Steenbergen & Belle Derks (2021): How individual gender role beliefs, organizational gender norms, and national gender norms predict parents' work-Family guilt in Europe. In: Community, work & family, Jg. 24, H. 2, S. 120-142. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2020.1816901


    "The guilt that mothers feel about the time and energy that they invest in work instead of their family is often proposed to be an important reason for why mothers ‘opt-out’ the career track. We sought to understand if mothers indeed experience more work-family guilt than fathers and how this relates to both their own gender role beliefs and organizational gender norms across nine European countries. Analyses draw on the European Social Workforce Survey, with data from 2619 working parents nested in 110 organizations in 9 European countries. Results showed that when fathers and mothers work more than a full-time week (a) fathers with traditional gender role beliefs felt less guilty, and (b) especially mothers working in an organization with low support for the parent role of working fathers felt guilty. Explorative analyses showed no effect of national gender norms on gender differences in guilt. Our results are beneficial for organizations and policy makers by showing that guilt in working mothers can be reduced by developing egalitarian organizational norms, in which there is support for the parent role of mothers and fathers, potentially helping mothers to focus on their careers alongside their families." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Role of Monetary and Non-Monetary Job Quality Components in Determining Welfare Exit (2021)

    Achdut, Netta ; Stier, Haya ;


    Achdut, Netta & Haya Stier (2021): The Role of Monetary and Non-Monetary Job Quality Components in Determining Welfare Exit. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 50, H. 1, S. 79-103. DOI:10.1017/S0047279419000977


    "Contemporary welfare policies in many Western countries limit means tested public assistance for the long-term unemployed and spur rapid movement into the labor market. Studies on welfare use determinants that traced these policy changes focused on individuals’ characteristics, economic condition, and various policy components. Little attention was paid to welfare recipients’ job quality or its role in determining welfare exit. The present study examined the contribution of various job quality aspects, beyond wages, to welfare exit among welfare recipients in Israel. We considered the use of workers’ own skills and occupation, existence of standard employment contract (versus temporary), irregular work schedule, and application of mandatory and non-mandatory non-wage compensation attributes. The data derive from a national panel survey of 2,800 single-mother recipients of welfare in 2003. The results indicate the importance of these job components for welfare exit, above and beyond wages. Implications for policy are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intergenerational Mobility Trends and the Changing Role of Female Labor (2021)

    Ahrsjö, Ulrika; Rasmussen, Joachim Kahr; Karadakic, René;


    Ahrsjö, Ulrika, René Karadakic & Joachim Kahr Rasmussen (2021): Intergenerational Mobility Trends and the Changing Role of Female Labor. (CEBI working paper series 2021,19), Copenhagen, 54 S.


    "We present new evidence on the existence and drivers of trends in intergenerational income mobility using administrative income data from Scandinavia along with survey data from the United States. Harmonizing the data from Sweden, Denmark and Norway, we first find that intergenerational rank associations in income have increased uniformly across Scandinavia for cohorts of children born between 1951 and 1979. These trends are robust to a large set of empirical specifications that are common in the associated literature. However, splitting the trends by gender, we find that father-son mobility has been stable in all three countries, while correlations involving females display substantial trends. Similar patterns are confirmed in the US data, albeit with slightly different timing. Utilizing information about individual occupation, education and income in the Scandinavian data, we find that intergenerational mobility in latent economic status has remained relatively constant for all gender combinations. This suggests that a gradual reduction in gender-specific labor market segregation, increased female labor force participation and increased female access to higher education has strengthened the signal value that maternal income carries about productivity passed on to children. Based on these results, we argue that the observed decline in intergenerational mobility in Scandinavia is consistent with a socially desirable development where female skills are increasingly valued at the labor market, and that the same is likely to be true also in the US." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From Mancession to Shecession: Women's Employment in Regular and Pandemic Recessions (2021)

    Alon, Titan; Doepke, Matthias; Koll, David; Tertilt, Michèle; Coskun, Sena ;


    Alon, Titan, Sena Coskun, Matthias Doepke, David Koll & Michèle Tertilt (2021): From Mancession to Shecession: Women's Employment in Regular and Pandemic Recessions. (IZA discussion paper 14223), Bonn, 104 S.


    "We examine the impact of the global recession triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic on women's versus men's employment. Whereas recent recessions in advanced economies usually had a disproportionate impact on men's employment, giving rise to the moniker "mancessions," we show that the pandemic recession of 2020 was a "shecession" in most countries with larger employment declines among women. We examine the causes behind this pattern using micro data from several national labor force surveys, and show that both the composition of women's employment across industries and occupations as well as increased childcare needs during closures of schools and daycare centers made important contributions. While many countries exhibit similar patterns, we also emphasize how policy choices such as furloughing policies and the extent of school closures shape the pandemic's impact on the labor market. Another notable finding is the central role of telecommuting: gender gaps in the employment impact of the pandemic arise almost entirely among workers who are unable to work from home. Nevertheless, among telecommuters a different kind of gender gap arises: women working from home during the pandemic spent more work time also doing childcare and experienced greater productivity reductions than men. We discuss what our findings imply for gender equality in a post-pandemic labor market that will likely continue to be characterized by pervasive telecommuting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Coskun, Sena ;
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    The careers and time use of mothers and fathers: Briefing note (2021)

    Andrew, Alison ; Dias, Mónica Costa; Bandiera, Oriana; Landais, Camille;


    Andrew, Alison, Oriana Bandiera, Mónica Costa Dias & Camille Landais (2021): The careers and time use of mothers and fathers. Briefing note. London, 11 S. DOI:10.1920/BN.IFS.2021.BN0319


    "In this note, we investigate the evidence, and find no evidence for this hypothesis: the large decline in women’s paid work after childbirth cannot, in general, be explained by couples prioritising the paid work of the higher-wage parent. Put most simply, this is because women are always more likely to stop working after parenthood, regardless of whether or not they were the highest earner, and because among those who remain in paid work we see very similar changes in hours of paid work for mothers and fathers regardless of their relative wages before childbirth. Even in families where the mother had a higher wage than the father before the first child arrived, fathers’ working patterns are largely unaffected by childbirth whereas mothers reduce their hours of paid work substantially. We supplement this evidence with recent evidence from the COVID-19 crisis, which leads to a similar conclusion: additional childcare needs were met disproportionately by mothers, regardless of whether the mother earned more than the father before the crisis. This short report is part of the ongoing IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities which will, among many other things, include in-depth studies of the evidence on gender inequalities and how to address them." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of paternity leave on mothers' employment in Europe (2021)

    Bacheron, Johanne;


    Bacheron, Johanne (2021): The impact of paternity leave on mothers' employment in Europe. (AMSE working paper 2021,10 halshs-03145794), Paris, 48 S.


    "In this paper, I use a pseudo-panel approach with data from the European Union Labour Force Survey to study the impact of paternity leave policies on mothers' employment in ten countries. Using a dynamic Difference-in-Difference strategy, I show that paternity leave increased mothers' employment rate by up to 17% in the long run, and average hours worked by 2 to 4%. There is substantial heterogeneity across countries in the effect of paternity leave policies. The impact on employment rates is positive and significant in eight of the ten countries of the sample, while the impact on hours worked can be either positive or negative. I find no evidence that the reforms had any impact on Greece or Portugal." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A Split Decision: Welche Auswirkungen hätte die Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings auf das Arbeitsangebot und die Einkommensverteilung? (2021)

    Bachmann, Ronald ; Jäger, Philipp; Jessen, Robin;


    Bachmann, Ronald, Philipp Jäger & Robin Jessen (2021): A Split Decision: Welche Auswirkungen hätte die Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings auf das Arbeitsangebot und die Einkommensverteilung? (RWI-Materialien 144), Essen, 29 S.


    "In diesem Artikel wird mithilfe eines Mikrosimulationsmodells untersucht, inwiefern ein Wechsel von der gemeinsamen Besteuerung ("Ehegattensplitting") zur individuellen Besteuerung das Arbeitsangebot erhöhen würde. Wir zeigen, dass diese Umstellung das Arbeitsangebot um mehr als eine halbe Millionen Vollzeitäquivalente erhöhen würde. Eine solche Reform führt jedoch auch zu finanziellen Verlusten bei manchen Bevölkerungsgruppen, die von der Wirtschaftspolitik berücksichtigt werden sollten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Female Labor Force Participation and economic growth: Accounting for the gender bonus (2021)

    Baerlocher, Diogo ; Parente, Stephen L. ; Rios-Neto, Eduardo L. G.;


    Baerlocher, Diogo, Stephen L. Parente & Eduardo L. G. Rios-Neto (2021): Female Labor Force Participation and economic growth. Accounting for the gender bonus. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 200. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2021.109740


    "Borrowing from the demographic dividend literature, this paper examines whether there is a gender bonus, namely an increase in the average living standard associated with increases in female labor force participation (FLFP) rates. Translating a per worker production function into a per capita one, it derives a linear dynamic model, the coefficient of which can be used to test for the existence of a gender bonus, and the reasons for this bonus. Using an international panel and applying a system GMM approach, it finds a positive and statistically significant effect of the growth of FLFP on economic growth and a positive but not statistically different from zero effect of the initial FLFP on economic growth. Importantly, we cannot reject the hypothesis that either of these effects is merely an accounting effect, namely a consequence of having more workers in the economy and more aggregate output. It finds no support for a secondary bonus through education or population growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2021 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The Role of Local Public Goods for Gender Gaps in the Spatial Economy (2021)

    Bald, Fabian; Henkel, Marcel;


    Bald, Fabian & Marcel Henkel (2021): The Role of Local Public Goods for Gender Gaps in the Spatial Economy. (CRED research paper 33), Bern, 58 S.


    "We assess the role of local public goods provision for gender gaps in the labour market. We find that higher fiscal revenues of local governments are associated with decreasing gender employment gaps in German labour market areas because it decreases labour supply for male workers at a higher rate than for female workers. The results are robust when we include instrumental variables that address the endogeneity of local public goods provision. To assess the impact of fiscal transfers across regions on gender gaps we quantify a spatial general equilibrium model with multiple types of workers, who are differently affected by local public goods provision in their labour supply decision. We find that transfers reduce disparities across regions. This goes along with smaller gender gaps in employment in treated regions because female workers are disproportionately pulled into market work and regions with low productivity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Couples' Time-Use and Aggregate Labor Market Outcomes (2021)

    Balleer, Almut; Merz, Monika; Papp, Tamás K.;


    Balleer, Almut, Monika Merz & Tamás K. Papp (2021): Couples' Time-Use and Aggregate Labor Market Outcomes. (IZA discussion paper 14468), Bonn, 61 S.


    "We present a model of the time-allocation decision of spouses in order to study the role of heterogeneity in preferences and wages for couples' labor supply. Spouses differ in their tastes for market consumption and non-market goods and activities, and also in their offered or earned wages. They interact in their choices of market hours, homework, and leisure. We estimate the model for married or cohabiting couples in the 2001/02 wave of the German Time-Use Survey using Bayesian techniques. We generate gender-specific own- and cross-wage elasticities of market hours in the cross-section. Elasticities are significantly larger if the wage shock is asymmetric across partners, not symmetric. Aggregating preferences and wages by gender and comparing outcomes for a representative couple with those from heterogenous couples yields a discrepancy between alternative aggregate wage-elasticities. Its size varies with the type of wage shock and the distribution of spouses across the preference-wage space." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Men are from Mars, and women too: a Bayesian meta-analysis of overconfidence experiments (2021)

    Bandiera, Oriana; Petrongolo, Barbara; Rao, Michelle; Parekh, Nidhi;


    Bandiera, Oriana, Nidhi Parekh, Barbara Petrongolo & Michelle Rao (2021): Men are from Mars, and women too: a Bayesian meta-analysis of overconfidence experiments. (CEP discussion paper 1820), London, 47 S.


    "Gender differences in self-confidence could explain women's under representation in high-income occupations and glass-ceiling effects. We draw lessons from the economic literature via a survey of experts and a Bayesian hierarchical model that aggregates experimental findings over the last twenty years. The experts' survey indicates beliefs that men are overconfident and women under-confident. Yet, the literature reveals that both men and women are typically overconfident. Moreover, the model cannot reject the hypothesis that gender differences in self-confidence are equal to zero. In addition, the estimated pooling factor is low, implying that each study contains little information over a common phenomenon. The discordance can be reconciled if the experts overestimate the pooling factor or have priors that are biased and precise." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Drivers of Participation Elasticities across Europe: Gender or Earner Role within the Household? (2021)

    Bartels, Charlotte ; Shupe, Cortnie ;


    Bartels, Charlotte & Cortnie Shupe (2021): Drivers of Participation Elasticities across Europe: Gender or Earner Role within the Household? (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1969), Berlin, 61 S.


    "We compute participation tax rates across the EU and find that work disincentives inherent in tax-benefit systems largely depend on household composition and the individual’s earner role within the household. We then estimate participation elasticities using an IV group estimator that enables us to investigate the responsiveness of individuals to work incentives. We contribute to the literature on heterogeneous elasticities by providing estimates for breadwinners and secondary earners separately, according to their potential earnings rather than gender. Our results show an average participation elasticity of 0.0-0.1 among breadwinners and 0.1-0.4 among secondary earners in the EU as well as a high degree of heterogeneity across countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment Responses to Income Effect: Evidence from Pension Reform (2021)

    Becker, Sebastian; Haan, Peter; Buslei, Hermann; Geyer, Johannes ;


    Becker, Sebastian, Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer & Peter Haan (2021): Employment Responses to Income Effect: Evidence from Pension Reform. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1941), Berlin, 20 S.


    "For the design of the pension system, it is crucial to disentangle the employment responses related to the substitution effect and the income effect. In this paper, we provide causal evidence regarding the importance of the income effect, which is generally assumed to be small or non-existent. We exploit a pension reform in Germany that raised pension benefits related to children. For the identification, we exploit the discontinuity induced by the reform: only mothers with children born before 1.1.1992 were affected by the pension reform. Children born after this cut-off date did not change pension income. We use a difference-in-differences estimator based on administrative data from the German pension insurance that includes complete individual employment histories. We find that income effects are significant and economically important. We show that the policy led to a reduction in the employment of affected females. Further, we are able to show effect heterogeneity on different dimensions: by treatment intensity, age of the mother, and pre-reform pension wealth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Differing Labor Supply: A Study on the Role of Culture (2021)

    Behera, Sarthak; Sadana, Divya;


    Behera, Sarthak & Divya Sadana (2021): Differing Labor Supply: A Study on the Role of Culture. (MPRA paper / University Library of Munich 110753), München, 41 S.


    "In this paper, we study the role of peoples' attitudes on their labor market behavior. Focusing within a household, we estimate how one's labor market decisions are dependent on their partner's labor market outcomes, and how these decisions are driven by their culture component. Historically, man has been associated as the primary earner in a family. We argue that culture might play a role in determining a person's labor market outcomes as it induces an aversion to the situation of when the wife earns more than the husband. We find that husbands increase their participation in the labor market if their wives earn more and this effect is even more prominent if they are from a country where people have the traditional view that man should be the primary bread-winner for the family. However, wives do not exhibit any such behavior. We argue that this irregularity is explained by the role that culture plays on forming labor market decisions. This result is important as it might contribute to the explanation of the slowdown in the convergence of the gender gap in the recent past." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Motherhood and the Allocation of Talent (2021)

    Berniell, Maria Ines; Marchionni, Mariana; De la Mata, Dolores; Machado, Matilde P. ; Edo, María; Berniell, Lucila; Fawaz, Yarine;


    Berniell, Maria Ines, Lucila Berniell, Dolores De la Mata, María Edo, Yarine Fawaz, Matilde P. Machado & Mariana Marchionni (2021): Motherhood and the Allocation of Talent. (IZA discussion paper 14491), Bonn, 40 S.


    "In this paper we show that motherhood triggers changes in the allocation of talent in the labor market besides the well-known effects on gender gaps in employment and earnings. We use an event study approach with retrospective data for 29 countries drawn from SHARE to assess the labor market responses to motherhood across groups with different educational attainment, math ability by the age of 10, and personality traits. We find that while even the most talented women— both in absolute terms and relative to their husbands—leave the labor market or uptake part-time jobs after the birth of the first child, all men, including the least talented, stay employed. We also find that motherhood induces a negative selection of talents into self-employment. Overall, our results suggest relevant changes in the allocation of talent caused by gender differences in nonmarket responsibilities that can have sizable impacts on aggregate market productivity. We also show that the size of labor market responses to motherhood are larger in societies with more conservative social-norms or with weaker policies regarding work-life balance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jointly Modeling Male and Female Labor Participation and Unemployment (2021)

    Bernstein, David H. ; Martinez, Andrew B. ;


    Bernstein, David H. & Andrew B. Martinez (2021): Jointly Modeling Male and Female Labor Participation and Unemployment. (Working paper series / H. O. Stekler Research Program On Forecasting 2021,6), Washington, DC, 23 S.


    "The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the most abrupt changes in U.S. labor force participation and unemployment since the Second World War, and with different consequences for men and women. This paper models the U.S. labor market to help interpret the pandemic's effects. After replicating and extending Emerson's (2011) model of the labor market, we formulate a joint model of male and female unemployment and labor force participation rates for 1980-2019 and use it to forecast into the pandemic to understand the pandemic's labor-market consequences. Gender-specific differences were particularly large at the pandemic's outset; lower labor force participation persists." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Health and Labor Market Impacts of Twin Birth: Evidence from a Swedish IVF Policy Mandate (2021)

    Bhalotra, Sonia; Palme, Marten; Clarke, Damian; Mühlrad, Hanna;


    Bhalotra, Sonia, Damian Clarke, Hanna Mühlrad & Marten Palme (2021): Health and Labor Market Impacts of Twin Birth. Evidence from a Swedish IVF Policy Mandate. (Warwick economic research paper 1391), Coventry, 92 S.


    "IVF allows women to delay birth and pursue careers, but IVF massively increases the risk of twin birth. There is limited evidence of how having twins influences women's post-birth careers. We investigate this, leveraging a single embryo transfer (SET) mandate implemented in Sweden in 2003, following which the share of twin births showed a precipitous drop of 70%. Linking birth registers to hospitalization and earnings registers, we identify substantial improvements in maternal and child health and women's earnings following IVF birth, alongside an increase in subsequent fertility. We provide the first comprehensive evaluation of SET, relevant given the secular rise in IVF births and growing concerns over twin birth risk. We contribute new estimates of the child penalty imposed by twin as opposed to singleton birth, relevant to the secular rise in the global twin birth rate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migrant-native differentials in the uptake of (in)formal childcare in Belgium: The role of mothers' employment opportunities and care availability (2021)

    Biegel, Naomi ; Neels, Karel ; Wood, Jonas ;


    Biegel, Naomi, Jonas Wood & Karel Neels (2021): Migrant-native differentials in the uptake of (in)formal childcare in Belgium: The role of mothers' employment opportunities and care availability. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 33, H. 2, S. 467-508. DOI:10.20377/jfr-463


    "Objective: we explore migrant-native differentials in the uptake of formal and informal childcare and whether this is induced by lower demand for childcare versus differential access to (in)formal childcare compared to natives. Background: The rise in female labour market participation in recent decades has challenged parents to negotiate work and family responsibilities and organise childcare. Belgium is among the European countries with the highest availability of formal childcare, but maternal employment and uptake of childcare are substantially lower in migrant populations. Methods : Combining linked microdata from the 1991 and 2001 censuses with contextual data on childcare availability at the municipality level, we use multinomial logit models to study childcare use and type of childcare arrangement among parents having a young child in 2001. As access to childcare and maternal employment are mutually endogenous, we use estimated employment opportunities. Results : We find considerable migrant-native differentials in childcare use, as well as substantial differences between first and second generation migrants. Second generation mothers of Turkish, Moroccan and Eastern-European background are less likely than natives to use childcare, and more likely to rely on informal arrangements if childcare is used. Controlling for socio-demographic characteristics and differential availability of (in)formal childcare largely accounts for differences in childcare use, but Turkish and Moroccan women remain less likely to use care and first generation Turkish mothers remain more likely to use informal care as opposed to formal childcare. Conclusions : While differences in socio-demographic characteristics, labour market opportunities and availability of (in)formal care provide a partial explanation, partial migrant-native differentials in childcare use persist for specific groups, suggesting that other factors inhibit the uptake of formal childcare." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Impact of Selection into the Labor Force on the Gender Wage Gap (2021)

    Blau, Francine D.; Kahn, Lawrence M. ; Boboshko, Nikolai; Comey, Matthew;


    Blau, Francine D., Lawrence M. Kahn, Nikolai Boboshko & Matthew Comey (2021): The Impact of Selection into the Labor Force on the Gender Wage Gap. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1946), Berlin, 73 S.


    "We study the impact of selection bias on estimates of the gender pay gap, focusing on whether the gender pay gap has fallen since 1981. Previous research has found divergent results across techniques, identification strategies, data sets, and time periods. Using Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics data and a number of different identification strategies, we find robust evidence that, after controlling for selection, there were large declines in the raw and the unexplained gender wage gaps over the 1981-2015 period. Under our preferred method of accounting for selection, we find that the raw median wage gap declined by 0.378 log points, while the median unexplained gap declined by a more modest but still substantial 0.204 log points. These declines are larger than estimates that do not account for selection. Our results suggest that women's relative wage offers have increased over this period, even after controlling for their measured covariates, including education and actual labor market experience. However, we note that substantial gender wage gaps remain. In 2015, at the median, the selectivity-corrected gaps were 0.242 log points (raw gap) and 0.206 log points (unexplained gap)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor Market Transitions of Members of Opposite-Sex Couples: Nonparticipation, Unemployed Search, and Employment (2021)

    Bloemen, Hans;


    Bloemen, Hans (2021): Labor Market Transitions of Members of Opposite-Sex Couples: Nonparticipation, Unemployed Search, and Employment. (IZA discussion paper 14673), Bonn, 74 S.


    "An empirical analysis of labor market transitions for spouses in couples is implemented. Object of study are transitions between the states of nonparticipation, unemployed search, and employment. Motivated by a model of household search, the emphasis is on spousal variables and interactions. Additionally, a proxy for the business cycle is included in the analysis, and household specific unobserved heterogeneity is accounted for. Results show that female transitions into nonparticipation (both out of unemployed search and employment) are positively affected by the husband's income (while no effect is found for transitions out of nonparticipation). Men seem to move from employment into unemployed search easier the higher is the wife's income. Since the wife having an income is in turn strongly accociated with female participation, this suggests that households with a participating wife are better able to deal with unemployment of the husband. A supplementary analysis with reservation wages and numbers of applications points in the same direction. Husbands' reservation wages are only sensitive to his own unemployment income if the wife is nonparticipating. This implies that unemployment benefits have a different role in households with the husband as a sole earner compared to dual earner households." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Raus aus der Zweitverdienerinnenfalle: Reformvorschläge zum Abbau von Fehlanreizen im deutschen Steuer- und Sozialversicherungssystem (2021)

    Blömer, Maximilian; Peichl, Andreas ; Brandt, Przemyslaw;


    Blömer, Maximilian, Przemyslaw Brandt & Andreas Peichl (2021): Raus aus der Zweitverdienerinnenfalle. Reformvorschläge zum Abbau von Fehlanreizen im deutschen Steuer- und Sozialversicherungssystem. Gütersloh, 45 S. DOI:10.11586/2021077


    "In der diesem Bericht zugrunde liegenden Studie haben wir häufig diskutierte Vorschläge für Reformen untersucht, die dem Ziel dienen sollen, die Beschäftigungsanreize für Zweitverdienende zu verbessern. Bei den Zweitverdienenden handelt es sich häufig um Ehefrauen und Mütter. Wir haben uns in unserer Analyse auf die Regelungen zum Mini- und Midijob, das Ehegattensplitting und verschiedene Kombinationen der diskutierten Reformelemente konzentriert. Zur Quantifizierung der Wirkungen der vorgeschlagenen Reformen auf das Arbeitsangebot haben wir das ifo-Mikrosimulationsmodell verwendet, ein empirisch geschätztes strukturelles Arbeitsangebotsmodell im Haushaltskontext." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Maternal Labor Supply: Perceived Returns, Constraints, and Social Norms (2021)

    Boneva, Teodora; Rauh, Christopher ; Kaufmann, Katja Maria;


    Boneva, Teodora, Katja Maria Kaufmann & Christopher Rauh (2021): Maternal Labor Supply: Perceived Returns, Constraints, and Social Norms. (IZA discussion paper 14348), Bonn, 93 S.


    "We design a new survey to elicit quantifiable, interpersonally comparable beliefs about pecuniary and non-pecuniary benefits and costs to maternal labor supply decisions, to study how beliefs vary across and within different groups in the population and to analyze how those beliefs relate to choices. In terms of pecuniary returns, mothers' (and fathers') later-life earnings are perceived to increase the more hours the mother works while her child is young. Similarly, respondents perceive higher non-pecuniary returns to children's cognitive and non-cognitive skills the more hours a mother works and the more time her child spends in childcare. Family outcomes on the other hand, such as the quality of the mother-child relationship and child satisfaction, are perceived to be the highest when the mother works part-time, which is also the option most respondents believe their friends and family would like them to choose. There is a large heterogeneity in the perceived availability of full-time childcare and relaxing constraints could substantially increase maternal labor supply. Importantly, it is perceptions about the non-pecuniary returns to maternal labor supply as well as beliefs about the opinions of friends and family that are found to be strong predictors of maternal labor supply decisions, while beliefs about labor market returns are not." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Export, Female Comparative Advantage and the Gender Wage Gap (2021)

    Bonfiglioli, Alessandra; De Pace, Federica;


    Bonfiglioli, Alessandra & Federica De Pace (2021): Export, Female Comparative Advantage and the Gender Wage Gap. (CEPR discussion paper 15801), London, 52 S.


    "This paper studies the effect of firms' export activity on the gender wage gap among its workers. Using matched employer-employee data from Germany for the period between 1993 and 2007, we show that an increase in a firm's export widens the wage gap between male and female blue-collar workers, while it reduces it between male and female white collars. In particular, the former effect is stronger for workers in routine manual tasks, while the latter is driven by employees performing interactive tasks. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that serving foreign markets relies more on interpersonal skills, which reinforces female comparative advantage and reduces (widens) the gender wage gap in white-collar (blue-collar) occupations. Our results, identified out of the variation in wages within firm-worker pairs, are robust to controlling for a series of worker and firm characteristics, and a host of firm, sector, time and state fixed effects, and heterogeneous trends." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt auf die Erwerbstätigkeit von Frauen: Kurzexpertise im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (2021)

    Bonin, Holger; Steffes, Susanne; Ody, Margard; Koch, Niklas; Koch, Niklas [Mitarb.]; Gehlen, Annica; Hillerich-Sigg, Annette; Rinne, Ulf; Teschner, Mia; Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle;


    Bonin, Holger, Susanne Steffes, Annette Hillerich-Sigg, Annabelle Krause-Pilatus & Ulf Rinne (2021): Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt auf die Erwerbstätigkeit von Frauen. Kurzexpertise im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales. (IZA research report 107), Bonn, 57 S.


    "Der digitale Wandel verändert die Beschäftigungschancen in einzelnen Branchen und Berufen unterschiedlich, und auch der digitale Wandel am individuellen Arbeitsplatz kann sich in Form und Intensität sehr verschieden gestalten. Wegen der anhaltenden Geschlechterunterschiede in der Arbeitswelt könnten die mit der Digitalisierung einhergehenden Veränderungen die Beschäftigungs- und Einkommenschancen von Frauen systematisch anders verändern als Männer. Dabei schafft der technologische Wandel am Arbeitsmarkt sowohl Risiken, dass sich die Disparitäten zwischen den Geschlechtern vergrößern, als auch Chancen für Frauen, ihre Stellung im Arbeitsmarkt im Verhältnis zu den Männern zu verbessern. Vor diesem Hintergrund gibt diese Kurzexpertise einen fundierten Überblick über die Erkenntnisse der nationalen und internationalen Forschung zu den Chancen und Risiken, die der digitale Wandel am Arbeitsmarkt spezifisch für Frauen mit sich bringen kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf das Familien- und Erwerbsleben: Kurzexpertise im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales (2021)

    Bonin, Holger; Eichhorst, Werner; Krause-Pilatus, Annabelle; Rinne, Ulf;


    Bonin, Holger, Werner Eichhorst, Annabelle Krause-Pilatus & Ulf Rinne (2021): Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf das Familien- und Erwerbsleben. Kurzexpertise im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales. (IZA research report 111 574), Bonn, 36 S.


    "Die mit der COVID-19-Pandemie verbundene schwere wirtschaftliche Rezession bringt bei Frauen und Männern unterschiedliche Beschäftigungs- und Einkommensrisiken mit sich und könnte sich damit auf die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter auswirken. So sind Frauen einerseits in einigen systemrelevanten Bereichen, wie etwa Pflege und Erziehung, besonders stark vertreten. Andererseits sind sie überdurchschnittlich oft in einigen von den kontaktbeschränkenden Maßnahmen besonders betroffenen Wirtschaftsbereichen, wie etwa im Gastgewerbe, tätig. In vielen Konstellationen musste zudem aufgrund der zumindest zeitweisen Schließung von Kitas und Schulen die Verteilung von Erwerbs- und Sorgearbeit zwischen Frauen und Männern neu ausgehandelt werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund beleuchtet diese Kurzexpertise die gleichstellungspolitisch relevanten Veränderungen in Deutschland, die sich im bisherigen Verlauf der COVID-19-Pandemie am Arbeitsmarkt abzeichnen, sowie die sozialpolitischen Maßnahmen zur Abfederung der entstandenen Problemlagen unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Gleichstellung. Davon ausgehend werden konkrete Handlungsansätze erörtert, mit denen potenziell nachhaltigen Rückschritten bei Gleichstellungszielen durch Pandemiefolgen an den Arbeitsmärkten und in den Familien entgegengearbeitet werden könnte, oder die vorbeugend für eine gleichmäßigere Verteilung wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Risiken in künftigen Krisensituationen sorgen könnten" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Is 'Employment during Motherhood' a 'Value Changing Experience'? (2021)

    Borrell-Porta, Mireia; Contreras, Valentina; Costa-Font, Joan;


    Borrell-Porta, Mireia, Valentina Contreras & Joan Costa-Font (2021): Is 'Employment during Motherhood' a 'Value Changing Experience'? (CESifo working paper 9222), München, 34 S.


    "Does employment during motherhood change peoples preferences? We study whether the experience of employment during motherhood exerts an effect on attitudes towards gender norms, and more specifically, attitudes towards the impact of women's employment on children's wellbeing (which proxy traditional gender attitudes). Drawing on a large, representative and longitudinal data and an instrumental variable (IV) strategy that exploits a Bartik instrument for employment, we find that, that non-mothers who work and mothers who do not work are more likely to agree that pre-school children suffer if mothers work, which we proxy as having more traditional views. However, this is not the case when women experience both working and motherhood it does not significantly change women's attitudes. These results suggest that exogenous changes in employment during motherhood confirm individuals priors, and point towards the critical role of early life value formation. That is, employment during motherhood is not a “value changing experience” but rather a “value preserving experience”. Hence, the so-called 'motherhood penalty' cannot be fully explained by a change in attitudes after employment during motherhood." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Promovieren im Spannungsfeld zwischen wissenschaftlicher Qualifizierung und Elternschaft: Aktuelle Ergebnisse der National Academics Panel Study (2021)

    Briedis, Kolja; Schwabe, Ulrike ; Brandt, Gesche ;


    Briedis, Kolja, Gesche Brandt & Ulrike Schwabe (2021): Promovieren im Spannungsfeld zwischen wissenschaftlicher Qualifizierung und Elternschaft. Aktuelle Ergebnisse der National Academics Panel Study. (DZHW-Brief 2021,04), Hannover, 12 S. DOI:10.34878/2021.04.dzhw_brief


    "Von den in Nacaps befragten Promovierenden haben 17 Prozent Kinder. Dieser Anteil ist bei weiblichen und männlichen Promovierenden gleich hoch. Unter Promovierenden in strukturierten Promotionsprogrammen ist der Anteil geringer (11 Prozent). Knapp drei Viertel der kinderlosen Promovierenden wünschen sich Kinder zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, etwa ein Fünftel ist in dieser Frage noch unentschlossen und eine kleine Gruppe spricht sich zum Befragungszeitpunkt dezidiert gegen eigene Kinder aus. Kinderlose Promovierende sehen die größten Schwierigkeiten bei der Familienplanung in der beruflichen Unsicherheit sowie in der als schwierig wahrgenommenen Vereinbarkeit von Berufs- und Privatleben. Promovierende mit Kind geben eine mittlere Zufriedenheit mit der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf an. Auf einer Skala mit insgesamt elf Stufen liegt der mittlere Wert der Zufriedenheit bei einem Wert von 6,1. Promovierende Väter geben mit einem durchschnittlichen Skalenwert von 6,3 eine höhere Zufriedenheit an als promovierende Mütter (5,8). Die Zufriedenheit mit der Vereinbarkeit steht in einem positiven Zusammenhang mit der Stabilität der Promotionsbetreuung, der emotionalen Unterstützung in der Promotionsphase sowie der Unterstützung bei der allgemeinen Karriereplanung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Marriage Market and Labor Market Sorting (2021)

    Calvo, Paula A.; Reynoso, Ana; Lindenlaub, Ilse;


    Calvo, Paula A., Ilse Lindenlaub & Ana Reynoso (2021): Marriage Market and Labor Market Sorting. (NBER working paper 28883), Cambridge, MA, 67 S. DOI:10.3386/w28883


    "We build a novel equilibrium model in which households' labor supply choices form the link between sorting on the marriage market and sorting on the labor market. We first show that in theory, the nature of home production – whether partners' hours are complements or substitutes – shapes marriage market sorting, labor market sorting and labor supply choices in equilibrium. We then estimate our model on German data to assess the nature of home production in the data, and find that spouses' home hours are complements. We investigate to what extent complementarity in home hours drives sorting and inequality. We find that the home production complementarity – by strengthening positive marriage sorting and reducing the gender gap in hours and labor sorting – puts significant downward pressure on the gender wage gap and within-household income inequality, but it fuels between-household inequality. Our estimated model sheds new light on the sources of inequality in today's Germany and – by identifying important shifts in home production technology towards more complementarity – on the evolution of inequality over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Behind the Child Penalty: Understanding What Contributes to the Labour Market Costs of Motherhood (2021)

    Casarico, Alessandra ; Lattanzio, Salvatore ;


    Casarico, Alessandra & Salvatore Lattanzio (2021): Behind the Child Penalty: Understanding What Contributes to the Labour Market Costs of Motherhood. (CESifo working paper 9155), München, 29 S.


    "We study the short- and long-run impact of motherhood on labour market outcomes and explore the individual and firm-level factors that influence it. Using matched employer-employee data for Italy over 1985-2018, through an event study methodology around childbirth, we show that the long-run child penalty in annual earnings is 57 log points and it largely depends on the change in labour supply along the intensive margin. The birth of a child increases the probability of transition to non-employment, reduces the likelihood of having executive roles and increases that of working in firms with lower productivity, sales, capital and wages, providing evidence of sorting into worse firms after childbirth. In the heterogeneity analysis, we find that the child penalty is higher for young, low-wage mothers and those taking longer leaves. It is larger in firms with less generous pay, worse peers, in more gender-conservative regions and where childcare services are scarcer." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Impact of Gender Role Norms on Mothers' Labor Supply (2021)

    Cavapozzi, Danilo; Nicoletti, Cheti ; Francesconi, Marco;


    Cavapozzi, Danilo, Marco Francesconi & Cheti Nicoletti (2021): The Impact of Gender Role Norms on Mothers' Labor Supply. (IZA discussion paper 14219), Bonn, 45 S.


    "We study whether mothers' labor supply is shaped by the gender role attitudes of their peers. Using detailed information on a sample of UK mothers with dependent children, we find that having peers with gender-egalitarian norms leads mothers to be more likely to have a paid job and to have a greater share of the total number of paid hours worked within their household, but has no sizable effect on hours worked. Most of these effects are driven by less educated women. A new decomposition analysis allows us to estimate that approximately half of the impact on labor force participation is due to women conforming gender role attitudes to their peers', with the remaining half being explained by the spillover effect of peers' labor market behavior. These findings suggest that an evolution towards gender-egalitarian attitudes promotes gender convergence in labor market outcomes. In turn, a careful dissemination of statistics on female labor market behavior and attitudes may accelerate this convergence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Impact of Gender Role Norms on Mothers' Labor Supply (2021)

    Cavapozzi, Danilo; Francesconi, Marco; Nicoletti, Cheti ;


    Cavapozzi, Danilo, Marco Francesconi & Cheti Nicoletti (2021): The Impact of Gender Role Norms on Mothers' Labor Supply. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Jg. 186, S. 113-134. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.03.033

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    Gender role norms and mothers' labour supply (2021)

    Cavapozzi, Danilo; Nicoletti, Cheti ; Francesconi, Marco;


    Cavapozzi, Danilo, Marco Francesconi & Cheti Nicoletti (2021): Gender role norms and mothers' labour supply. In: VOX H. 13.05.2021, o. Sz.


    "Despite a significant reduction in gender differences in the labour market over the last 40 years, they are still present in most advanced economies and do not appear likely to vanish soon. This column analyses the impact of culture, defined by women’s gender role attitudes, on maternal labour market decisions. It finds that social pressure is at least as strong as social learning in influencing labour market behaviour. Once these channels are accounted for, there is no direct effect of peers’ gender identity norms on labour force participation. Disseminating detailed statistics on female labour market outcomes and work attitudes may prove to be a cost-effective way to promote labour market participation, especially among less-educated mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Spatial impact of factors influencing the achievement of the Europa2020 employment targets (2021)

    Chica-Olmoa, Jorge; Checa-Olivas, Marina;


    Chica-Olmoa, Jorge & Marina Checa-Olivas (2021): Spatial impact of factors influencing the achievement of the Europa2020 employment targets. In: Papers in Regional Science, Jg. 100, H. 3, S. 633-649. DOI:10.1111/pirs.12592


    "In this paper, autologistic models are used to examine the impact of certain factors on the likelihood of European regions’ ability to meet the employment target for both men and women for the year 2017 in 270 EU regions at NUTS 2 level. The results show the role of both regional and gender differences in forming spatial clusters, as well as the presence of spatial interaction in achievement of the target. Moreover, meeting the European strategy's education target and increasing a region’s GDP levels also have a positive impact on achieving the targets. These findings may be of interest for the implementation of socio‐economic policies at a regional level, aimed at raising the employment rate for men and women in European regions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Motherhood Employment Penalty and Gender Wage Gap Across Countries: 1990-2010 (2021)

    Chu, Yu-Wei Luke ; Doan, Nguyen; Cuffe, Harold E.;


    Chu, Yu-Wei Luke, Harold E. Cuffe & Nguyen Doan (2021): Motherhood Employment Penalty and Gender Wage Gap Across Countries: 1990-2010. (SEF working paper 9446), Wellington, 41 S.


    "In this paper, we employ twin birth as an instrument to estimate the effects of fertility on female employment using 72 censuses from 37 countries in 1990–2010. Next, we document a strong linear association between gender wage gap and the estimated motherhood employment penalty both across countries and within countries. Reductions in the gender wage gap are associated with decreases in motherhood employment penalty. Our estimates suggest that a reduction of one percentage-point in the gender wage gap is associated with a decrease of 0.4 percentage-points in the estimated motherhood employment penalty. Our finding supports the notion that job prospects and gender equality in the labor market play a direct role in a mother’s labor supply response to childbirth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work-Care Balance over the Day and the Gender Wage Gap (2021)

    Cubas, German; Juhn, Chinhui; Silos, Pedro;


    Cubas, German, Chinhui Juhn & Pedro Silos (2021): Work-Care Balance over the Day and the Gender Wage Gap. In: AEA papers and proceedings, Jg. 111, S. 149-153. DOI:10.1257/pandp.20211021


    "We focus on the timing of labor supplied during the day and its interaction with home care responsibilities. Using the American Time Use Survey, we measure the incidence of household care activities between 8 AM and 5 PM (the prime time of the day). Women experience more work interruptions during that time. These work interruptions imply wages that are about 9 percent lower. This result is consistent with occupations offering more flexibility but also a lower wage. We offer suggestive evidence that missing work due to household demands has a larger penalty in occupations with more coordinated work schedules." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Cracking under Pressure? Gender Role Attitudes toward Maternal Employment in Times of a Pandemic (2021)

    Danzer, Natalia ; Pape, Astrid ; Siegel, Nico A.; Wagner, Gert G.; Jenkins, Stephen P. ; Huebener, Mathias;


    Danzer, Natalia, Mathias Huebener, Astrid Pape, Stephen P. Jenkins, Nico A. Siegel & Gert G. Wagner (2021): Cracking under Pressure? Gender Role Attitudes toward Maternal Employment in Times of a Pandemic. (IZA discussion paper 14471), Bonn, 12 S.


    "This paper studies the effects of Covid-19 related daycare and school closures on gender role attitudes toward maternal employment in Germany. We compare women and men with dependent children to those without children one year after the outbreak of the pandemic. Using data on gender role attitudes from 2008 through 2021, we find that fathers' egalitarian attitudes toward maternal employment dropped substantially in 2021. This drop is observed for men in West Germany, who showed a steady progression toward more egalitarian attitudes in the pre-pandemic period. Attitudes by women are not affected. These findings suggest that the pandemic not only affected the short-term allocation of housework and childcare, but also reversed recent trends toward more egalitarian gender roles." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Maternity leave and female labor force participation: evidence from 159 countries (2021)

    Del Rey, Elena ; Kyriacou, Andreas; Silva, José I. ;


    Del Rey, Elena, Andreas Kyriacou & José I. Silva (2021): Maternity leave and female labor force participation: evidence from 159 countries. In: Journal of Population Economics, Jg. 34, H. 3, S. 803-824. DOI:10.1007/s00148-020-00806-1


    "In this paper, we account for the direct and indirect effects of maternity leave entitlements on female labor force participation. We first explore theoretically the impact of maternity leave duration on female labor supply in the presence of fertility decisions. We assume that maternity leave duration affects female labor supply through two main channels: reducing the time cost of female market work, and reducing women's earnings. Our theoretical model allows for non-monotonic effects of leave duration on female labor supply. We test the predictions of our model using an unbalanced panel of 159 countries for the years 1994, 2004, and 2011. We confirm the existence of an inverted U-shaped relationship between maternity leave duration and female participation, and find a maternity leave threshold of around 30 weeks above which female participation falls. Below this threshold, increasing maternity leave increases female labor force participation because the positive effect due to the reduction of work–time cost of employed mothers strongly dominates the negative wage penalty effect. Beyond this threshold, the opposite happens. Our analysis also confirms the relevance of social norms for female labor supply throughout the world." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Male-Female Fertility Differentials Across 17 High-Income Countries: Insights From A New Data Resource (2021)

    Dudel, Christian ; Klüsener, Sebastian ;


    Dudel, Christian & Sebastian Klüsener (2021): Male-Female Fertility Differentials Across 17 High-Income Countries: Insights From A New Data Resource. In: European Journal of Population, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 417-441. DOI:10.1007/s10680-020-09575-9


    "Obtaining cross-country comparative perspectives on male fertility has long been difficult, as male fertility is usually less well registered than female fertility. Recent methodological advancements in imputing missing paternal ages at childbirth enable us to provide a new database on male fertility. This new resource covers more than 330 million live births and is based on a consistent and well-tested set of methods. These methods allow us to handle missing information on the paternal age, which is missing for roughly 10% of births. The data resource is made available in the Human Fertility Collection and allows for the first time a comparative perspective on male fertility in high-income countries using high-quality birth register data. We analyze trends in male–female fertility quantum and tempo differentials across 17 high-income countries, dating as back as far as the late 1960s for some countries, and with data available for the majority of countries from the 1980s onward. Using descriptive and counterfactual analysis methods, we find substantial variation both across countries and over time. Related to the quantum we demonstrate that disparities between male and female period fertility rates are driven to a large degree by the interplay of parental age and cohort size differences. For parental age differences at childbirth, we observe a development toward smaller disparities, except in Eastern Europe. This observation fits with expectations based on gender theories. However, variation across countries also seems to be driven by factors other than gender equality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Taxes, Subsidies, and Gender Gaps in Hours and Wages (2021)

    Duval-Hernandez, Robert; Fang, Lei; Ngai, L. Rachel;


    Duval-Hernandez, Robert, Lei Fang & L. Rachel Ngai (2021): Taxes, Subsidies, and Gender Gaps in Hours and Wages. (Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 2021,17), Atlanta, Ga., 48 S. DOI:10.29338/wp2021-17


    "Using micro data from 17 countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, this paper documents a negative cross-country correlation between gender ratios in market hours and wages. We find that market hours by women and the size of the service sector that produces close substitutes to home production are important for the gender differences in market hours across countries. We quantify the role played by taxes and subsidies to family care on the two gender ratios in a multisector model with home production. Higher taxes and lower subsidies reduce the marketization of home production and therefore reduce market hours. The effect is larger for women because of their comparative advantage in producing home services and the corresponding market substitutes. The larger fall in female market hours drives up the female wage relative to the male wage, resulting in higher gender wage ratios." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of the depletion, accumulation, and investment of personal resources on work–life balance satisfaction and job retention: A longitudinal study on working mothers (2021)

    Fan, Yuyang; Potočnik, Kristina;


    Fan, Yuyang & Kristina Potočnik (2021): The impact of the depletion, accumulation, and investment of personal resources on work–life balance satisfaction and job retention: A longitudinal study on working mothers. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 131. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103656


    "Our research has empirically supported the long-term manifestation of the resource depletion, accumulation, and investment mechanisms which have been proposed in the conservation of resources (COR) theory but have been under-investigated in the work–life balance (WLB) literature. Specifically, we have examined how multiple work and non-work contextual demands and resources impact working mothers' WLB satisfaction and job retention via changes in their personal resources of childcare time and family finances through these three mechanisms. The use of multilevel analysis and a longitudinal design has enabled us to evaluate the effectiveness of contextual resources for WLB in consideration of both their short-term influence as transient resources via within-individual fluctuations and their long-term impact as durable resources via between-individual differences. We have tested a total of 27 hypotheses on a nationally representative British sample of 10,983 working mothers who participated in a longitudinal study over 6 years of their children's primary education. By highlighting the critical role of both childcare time and family finances in promoting working mothers' WLB satisfaction and job retention over time, our research contributes to the WLB literature that has predominantly emphasized time-based but neglected financial-based constraints and resources. We have found that working mothers may trade their childcare time for better family finances when they undertake a managerial role. Thus, becoming a manager serves as both a time-based demand and a financial-based resource for working mothers, which points to the specific rather than generic nature of contextual demands and resources." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The Effect of Alimony Reform on Married Women's Labor Supply: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey (2021)

    Fernández-Kranz, Daniel; Roff, Jennifer Louise;


    Fernández-Kranz, Daniel & Jennifer Louise Roff (2021): The Effect of Alimony Reform on Married Women's Labor Supply: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey. (IZA discussion paper 14949), Bonn, 41 S.


    "Reforms that reduce alimony can affect married couples in two different ways. First, reduced alimony lowers the bargaining power of the payee, usually the wife. Second, reduced alimony lowers the incentives of wives to engage in the traditional male breadwinner model of household specialization. Using the American Time Use Survey and exploiting a series of recent reforms in several US states that reduced the entitlements of eligible spouses, we find that wives surprised by the reforms reacted by moving away from the traditional male breadwinner model of household specialization. We also find that highly educated women substituted work for time devoted to housework and childcare, while less educated wives substituted work for leisure and personal time. We find no effects for men. The fact that the reforms reduced fertility only among women with higher education suggests that the difference between them and less educated wives in the response to reduced alimony is due, at least in part, to differences in their preferences and costs for children. The estimated effects are larger among couples with a large difference in the earnings potential of spouses and are robust to several sensitivity tests." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    'You Just Had to Get on with It': Exploring the Persistence of Gender Inequality through Women's Career Histories (2021)

    Ford, Jackie ; Harding, Nancy; Atkinson, Carol ; Collinson, David;


    Ford, Jackie, Carol Atkinson, Nancy Harding & David Collinson (2021): 'You Just Had to Get on with It': Exploring the Persistence of Gender Inequality through Women's Career Histories. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 35, H. 1, S. 78-96. DOI:10.1177/0950017020910354


    "This article examines the career histories of the first generation of UK women to enter professional employment in the 1970s and 1980s in comparatively large numbers. In so doing, it contributes to the sparse literature on older women’s working life histories. Presenting empirical research on women’s experiences in the legal and HR sectors, it reveals how women pioneers were often silenced by requirements to conform with male-dominated norms, values and practices governing masculine career pathways. They learned to speak a predominantly masculine language that in turn constituted a significant barrier to effective resistance and disallowed new ways of speaking about careers. The article argues that these earlier conditions of entry into careers continue to influence the barriers women face at work today. Through this analysis of older women’s working lives, the article also contributes to contemporary debates about intersectionality by illustrating how gender and age interact in ways that reinforce earlier patterns of career disadvantage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Where do women earn more than men? Explaining regional differences in the gender pay gap (2021)

    Fuchs, Michaela ; Weyh, Antje; Wydra-Somaggio, Gabriele ; Rossen, Anja ;


    Fuchs, Michaela, Anja Rossen, Antje Weyh & Gabriele Wydra-Somaggio (2021): Where do women earn more than men? Explaining regional differences in the gender pay gap. In: Journal of regional science, Jg. 61, H. 5, S. 1065-1086., 2021-03-26. DOI:10.1111/jors.12532


    "This paper provides new evidence on the magnitude and determinants of regional differences in the gender pay gap. Based on a comprehensive data set of all full‐time employees in Germany, we explain the profound variation of the gender pay gap at a small‐scale level with theory‐based individual and job‐related characteristics. Using the Oaxaca‐Blinder decomposition, we find pronounced spatial differences in the impact of the considered determinants. Whereas gender differences in job‐related characteristics are important drivers in regions with a high gender pay gap, individual characteristics come into effect in regions with a low and negative gap. The results underscore the role played by the establishment composition in a region and the kind of jobs provided for gendered earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Systemrelevante Berufe und das Potenzial für Homeoffice: Eine geschlechtsspezifische Bestandsaufnahme für Thüringen (2021)

    Fuchs, Michaela ; Otto, Anne ; Fritzsche, Birgit;


    Fuchs, Michaela, Anne Otto & Birgit Fritzsche (2021): Systemrelevante Berufe und das Potenzial für Homeoffice: Eine geschlechtsspezifische Bestandsaufnahme für Thüringen. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Sachsen-Anhalt-Thüringen 01/2021), Nürnberg, 54 S.


    "Frauen sind von der Corona-Krise weitaus stärker betroffen, als dies in früheren Krisen der Fall war. Unter anderem sind sie stärker in den systemrelevanten Berufen vertreten, also denjenigen Berufen, die als unverzichtbar für das Funktionieren der Gesellschaft und die Aufrechterhaltung der kritischen Infrastruktur gelten. Gleichzeitig aber haben sie in einem größeren Maße als Männer die Möglichkeit, zumindest zeitweise von zu Hause zu arbeiten und damit den Vorgaben des Arbeitsschutzes und der sozialen Distanzierung nachzukommen. Vor diesem Hintergrund unterzieht die vorliegende Analyse die Arbeitsmarktsituation von Frauen und Männern in den systemrelevanten Berufen sowie deren Homeoffice-Potenziale in Thüringen einer umfassenden Bestandsaufnahme. In Thüringen arbeitet rund ein Drittel aller sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten – vorrangig Frauen - in den systemrelevanten Berufen. Die Studie zeichnet ein sehr differenziertes Bild dieser Berufe, in denen Frauen vielfach eine ungünstigere Arbeitsmarktsituation als Männer aufweisen. In einigen Berufen jedoch ist die Situation der Frauen ähnlich oder sogar besser als die der Männer. Frauen arbeiten in frauendominierten Berufen vorwiegend in Teilzeit, während Männer hauptsächlich eine Vollzeittätigkeit ausüben. Männer weisen zudem in vielen systemrelevanten Berufen eine stärkere Spezialisierung auf anspruchsvolle und komplexe Tätigkeitsniveaus auf. Dieser Befund steht in Zusammenhang damit, dass Männer in vielen systemrelevanten Berufen höher entlohnt werden als Frauen. Im Gegenzug sind Frauen in den meisten systemrelevanten Berufen seltener von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen. In Thüringen kann theoretisch etwas mehr als die Hälfte der Beschäftigten zumindest zeitweise im Homeoffice arbeiten. Hierbei haben Frauen ein wesentlich höheres Homeoffice-Potenzial als Männer. Diese Diskrepanz beruht hauptsächlich auf der geschlechtsspezifischen Berufssegregation und hiermit verbundenen unterschiedlichen Tätigkeitsstrukturen. In den systemrelevanten Berufen gibt es nur ein geringes Homeoffice-Potenzial, da vielfach die physische Präsenz am Arbeitsplatz erforderlich ist. Demgegenüber bieten Arbeitsplätze mit komplexeren Arbeitsinhalten wie bei Spezialisten- und Experten einen besseren Zugang zu Homeoffice. Um die stärkere Betroffenheit von Frauen in kommenden Krisen, aber auch generell auf lange Sicht zu verringern, sollten die Rahmenbedingungen künftig verbessert werden. Ansatzpunkte hierfür bieten u. a. eine bessere finanzielle Entschädigung für Lohnausfälle der Eltern bei Kita- und Schulschließungen, bessere Voraussetzungen für die ausgewogenere Aufteilung von Erwerbs- und Sorgearbeit zwischen Partnern, ein weiterer Ausbau der Betreuungsinfrastruktur sowie eine höhere Entlohnung und Wertschätzung in systemrelevanten Berufen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Systemrelevante Berufe und das Potenzial für Homeoffice: Eine geschlechtsspezifische Bestandsaufnahme für Sachsen-Anhalt (2021)

    Fuchs, Michaela ; Otto, Anne ; Fritzsche, Birgit;


    Fuchs, Michaela, Anne Otto & Birgit Fritzsche (2021): Systemrelevante Berufe und das Potenzial für Homeoffice: Eine geschlechtsspezifische Bestandsaufnahme für Sachsen-Anhalt. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Sachsen-Anhalt-Thüringen 02/2021), Nürnberg, 53 S.


    "Frauen sind von der Corona-Krise weitaus stärker betroffen, als dies in früheren Krisen der Fall war. Unter anderem sind sie stärker in den systemrelevanten Berufen vertreten, also denjenigen Berufen, die als unverzichtbar für das Funktionieren der Gesellschaft und die Aufrechterhaltung der kritischen Infrastruktur gelten. Gleichzeitig aber haben sie in einem größeren Maße als Männer die Möglichkeit, zumindest zeitweise von zu Hause zu arbeiten und damit den Vorgaben des Arbeitsschutzes und der sozialen Distanzierung nachzukommen. Vor diesem Hintergrund unterzieht die vorliegende Analyse die Arbeitsmarktsituation von Frauen und Männern in den systemrelevanten Berufen sowie deren Homeoffice-Potenziale in Sachsen-Anhalt einer umfassenden Bestandsaufnahme. In Sachsen-Anhalt arbeitet rund ein Drittel aller sozialversicherungspflichtig Beschäftigten – vorrangig Frauen - in den systemrelevanten Berufen. Die Studie zeichnet ein sehr differenziertes Bild dieser Berufe, in denen Frauen vielfach eine ungünstigere Arbeitsmarktsituation als Männer aufweisen. In einigen Berufen jedoch ist die Situation der Frauen ähnlich oder sogar besser als die der Männer. Frauen arbeiten in den systemrelevanten frauendominierten Berufen vorwiegend in Teilzeit, während Männer hauptsächlich eine Vollzeittätigkeit ausüben. Männer weisen zudem in vielen systemrelevanten Berufen eine stärkere Spezialisierung auf anspruchsvolle und komplexe Tätigkeitsniveaus auf. Dieser Befund steht in Zusammenhang damit, dass Männer in vielen systemrelevanten Berufen höher entlohnt werden als Frauen. Im Gegenzug sind Frauen in den meisten dieser Berufe seltener von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen. In Sachsen-Anhalt kann theoretisch etwas mehr als die Hälfte der Beschäftigten zumindest zeitweise im Homeoffice arbeiten. Hierbei haben Frauen ein wesentlich höheres Homeoffice-Potenzial als Männer. Diese Diskrepanz beruht hauptsächlich auf der geschlechtsspezifischen Berufssegregation und hiermit verbundenen unterschiedlichen Tätigkeitsstrukturen. In den systemrelevanten Berufen gibt es nur ein geringes Homeoffice-Potenzial, da vielfach die physische Präsenz am Arbeitsplatz erforderlich ist. Demgegenüber bieten Arbeitsplätze mit komplexeren Arbeitsinhalten wie bei Spezialisten und Experten einen besseren Zugang zu Homeoffice. Um die stärkere Betroffenheit von Frauen in kommenden Krisen, aber auch generell auf lange Sicht zu verringern, sollten die Rahmenbedingungen künftig verbessert werden. Ansatzpunkte hierfür bieten u. a. eine bessere finanzielle Entschädigung für Lohnausfälle der Eltern bei Kita- und Schulschließungen, bessere Voraussetzungen für die ausgewogenere Aufteilung von Erwerbs- und Sorgearbeit zwischen Partnern, ein weiterer Ausbau der Betreuungsinfrastruktur sowie eine höhere Entlohnung und Wertschätzung in systemrelevanten Berufen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Role of Childcare Challenges in the US Jobs Market Recovery During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)

    Furman, Jason; Kearney, Melissa Schettini; Powell, Wilson;


    Furman, Jason, Melissa Schettini Kearney & Wilson Powell (2021): The Role of Childcare Challenges in the US Jobs Market Recovery During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (NBER working paper 28934), Cambridge, MA, 26 S. DOI:10.3386/w28934


    "We examine how much of the overall decline in employment between the beginning of 2020 and 2021 can be explained by excess job loss among parents of young children, and mothers specifically. Using data from the Current Population Survey (CPS), we confirm that, in general, mothers with young children have experienced a larger decline in employment, as compared (unconditionally) with other adults, including fathers. This excess job loss is driven by mothers without a four-year college (bachelor's) degree. The main point of the paper is to build off this observation and examine how much of the aggregate employment deficit in early 2021 can be explained by parent-specific issues, such as childcare struggles. To examine this question, we construct counterfactual employment rates and labor force participation rates that assign to mothers of young children the percent change in employment and labor force participation rates experienced by comparable women without young children. We consider multiple definition, sample, and counterfactual specification alternatives. Our analysis yields robust evidence that differential job loss among mothers of young children accounts for a negligible share of the ongoing aggregate employment deficit. The result is even stronger (and flips signs) if we consider all parents, since fathers with young children experienced less job loss than other men. The practical implication of these findings is that nearly all of the aggregate ongoing employment deficit is explained by factors that affect workers more broadly, as opposed to challenges specific to working parents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Familienpolitik - Erwerbstätigkeit beider Elternteile stärken (2021)

    Geis-Thöne, Wido; Plünnecke, Axel;


    Geis-Thöne, Wido & Axel Plünnecke (2021): Familienpolitik - Erwerbstätigkeit beider Elternteile stärken. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2021,45), Köln, 3 S.


    "Um Familien wirtschaftlich besser zu stellen und gegen Risiken abzusichern, ist die Erwerbstätigkeit beider Elternteile hilfreich. Daher sollte die Familienpolitik die U3-Betreuung und Ganztagsgrundschulen ausbauen, die Qualität der Betreuungsangebote erhöhen und Elterngeld und Ehegattenbesteuerung weiterentwickeln." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mütter haben unterschiedliche Erwerbswünsche und erwerbsbezogene Normen: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Analyse auf Basis des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) (2021)

    Geis-Thöne, Wido;


    Geis-Thöne, Wido (2021): Mütter haben unterschiedliche Erwerbswünsche und erwerbsbezogene Normen. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Analyse auf Basis des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP). (IW-Report / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2021,28), Köln, 48 S.


    "In den letzten 20 Jahren hat sich das Rollenbild der Mütter in Deutschland sehr stark gewandelt, wie eine Auswertung des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) zeigt. Wollten im Jahr 1998 noch 26,3 Prozent der Frauen im Alter zwischen 25 und 54 Jahren mit minderjährigen oder volljährigen Kindern keiner Erwerbstätigkeit nachgehen, lag dieser Anteil im Jahr 2018 nur noch bei 12,4 Prozent. Gleichzeitig ist im letzten Jahrzehnt auch eine starke Tendenz weg von der kleinen Teilzeit mit weniger als 20 Stunden in der Woche und hin zur Vollzeit oder vollzeitnahen Teilzeit zu beobachten. Allerdings unterscheiden sich die Erwerbswünsche je nach sozioökonomischem Hintergrund stark. So wollten Mütter ohne berufsqualifizierenden Abschluss im Jahr 2018 mit 25,4 Prozent mehr als dreimal so häufig keiner Erwerbstätigkeit nachgehen wie Mütter mit Hochschulabschluss mit 8,0 Prozent. Ebenso findet sich ein derartiges traditionelles Rollenbild auch bei zugewanderten Müttern und Müttern mit drei und mehr Kinder besonders oft. Auch wollen Mütter mit gutverdienenden Partnern unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen häufiger in Teilzeit und seltener in Vollzeit arbeiten. Überdies zeigt sich auch über ein Vierteljahrhundert nach der Wiedervereinigung noch ein so starkes Ost-Westgefälle, dass die Anforderungen an die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf als strukturell unterschiedlich einzustufen sind. Betrachtet man die im SOEP ebenfalls erhobenen Einschätzungen der Mütter dazu, ob Männer und Frauen möglichst gleich viel erwerbstätig sein und sich um Haushalt und Familie kümmern sollten sowie ob Kinder im Alter unter drei und unter sechs Jahren unter einer Erwerbstätigkeit der Mütter leiden, wird deutlich, dass sich nicht nur die Erwerbswünsche, sondern auch die erwerbsbezogenen Normen der Mütter stark unterscheiden. So lehnen Mütter mit gutverdienenden Partnern eine gleiche Aufgabenteilung unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen besonders häufig ab und Mütter ohne berufsqualifizierenden Abschluss, zugewanderte Mütter und Mütter mit drei und mehr Kindern sehen sie besonders häufig im Hinblick auf das Wohlergehen kleinerer Kinder als kritisch an. Auch wenn die Lage dieser Mütter im öffentlichen Diskurs wenig präsent ist, muss die Familienpolitik auch hier unterstützende Maßnahmen anbieten. Wichtig ist zunächst, dass sie für die Risiken der von ihnen gewählten Erwerbsbiografien im Falle der Trennung und des Todes oder der unerwarteten Arbeitslosigkeit des Partners sensibilisiert werden. Zudem sollte die Familienpolitik bei der Gestaltung finanzieller Anreize für eine stärkere Erwerbsbeteiligung der Mütter die Vielfalt der Lebenswirklichkeiten der Familien im Blick behalten und diese nicht, wie beim Konzept der Familienarbeitszeit, nur auf sehr spezifische Erwerbskonstellationen ausrichten, sondern möglich breit anlegen. Dabei ist auch zu beachten, dass zunächst die bestehenden Hemmnisse abgebaut und insbesondere die Betreuungsangebote tatsächlich bedarfsgerecht ausgebaut werden müssen. Dies hilft den Müttern mit älteren und erwachsenen Kindern allerdings wenig, die meist ebenfalls nur in beschränktem Umfang einer Erwerbstätigkeit nachgehen wollen. Hier wären weitergehende wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen notwendig, um festzustellen, wie sich ihr mit Blick auf die Fachkräftesicherung bedeutendes Potenzial für den Arbeitsmarkt heben lässt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Temporal Flexibility, Breaks at Work, and the Motherhood Wage Gap (2021)

    Giménez-Nadal, José Ignacio ; Molina, José Alberto ; Sevilla, Almudena ;


    Giménez-Nadal, José Ignacio, José Alberto Molina & Almudena Sevilla (2021): Temporal Flexibility, Breaks at Work, and the Motherhood Wage Gap. (IZA discussion paper 14578), Bonn, 27 S.


    "We analyze the relationship between temporal flexibility at work (i.e., the ability to vary or change the time of beginning or ending work) and the motherhood wage gap of working parents, in the US. To that end, we first characterize temporal flexibility at work using the 2017-2018 Leave and Job Flexibilities (LJF) Module of the American Time Use Survey, which contains self-reported information on temporal flexibility at work. We find cross-occupation differences in the ability to vary or change work-times, with more than 70% of full-time workers having flexibility, in occupations such as computer and mathematical science, management, architecture, and engineering. Less than 40% of full-time workers in construction and extraction, education, training and library, or production have temporal flexibility at work. We examine the temporal flexibility of the gender gap among full-time working parents, using the American Time Use Survey for the years 2003-2019. Our analysis reveals that temporal flexibility has a U-shaped relationship with the wage rates of both fathers and mothers, and that temporal flexibility has a concave relationship with the motherhood wage gap, with a maximum being reached at the level of 55% of temporal flexibility. Our analysis of the structure of work hours reveals that temporal flexibility is reflected in how work hours are structured throughout the working day, and also serves as evidence that our measure of temporal flexibility captures the technologies of production, rather than the characteristics or motivations of a given company policy. This paper posits temporal flexibility as a factor affecting the motherhood wage gap." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mothers at Work: How Mandating Paid Maternity Leave Affects Employment, Earnings and Fertility (2021)

    Girsberger, Esther Mirjam ; Lalive, Rafael; Hassani Nezhad, Lena; Karunanethy, Kalaivani;


    Girsberger, Esther Mirjam, Lena Hassani Nezhad, Kalaivani Karunanethy & Rafael Lalive (2021): Mothers at Work: How Mandating Paid Maternity Leave Affects Employment, Earnings and Fertility. (IZA discussion paper 14605), Bonn, 58 S.


    "In July 2005, Switzerland introduced the first federal paid maternity leave mandate, offering 14 weeks of leave with 80% of pre-birth earnings. We study the mandate's impact on women's employment and earnings around the birth of their first child, as well as on their subsequent fertility by exploiting unique, rich administrative data in a difference-in-differences set-up. Women covered by the mandate worked and earned more during pregnancy, and also had temporarily increased job continuity with their pre-birth employer after birth. Estimated effects on other labor market outcomes are small or absent, and all dissipate by five years after birth. The mandate instead persistently increased subsequent fertility: affected women were three percentage points more likely to have a second child in the next nine years. Women living in regions that had greater early child care availability experienced a larger increase in subsequent fertility following the mandate, suggesting that child care complements paid maternity leave in helping women balance work and family." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Monitoring hiring discrimination through online recruitment platforms (2021)

    Hangartner, Dominik ; Kopp, Daniel ; Siegenthaler, Michael ;


    Hangartner, Dominik, Daniel Kopp & Michael Siegenthaler (2021): Monitoring hiring discrimination through online recruitment platforms. In: Nature, Jg. 589, H. 7843, S. 572-576. DOI:10.1038/s41586-020-03136-0


    "Women (compared to men) and individuals from minority ethnic groups (compared to the majority group) face unfavourable labour market outcomes in many economies1,2, but the extent to which discrimination is responsible for these effects, and the channels through which they occur, remain unclear3,4. Although correspondence tests5—in which researchers send fictitious CVs that are identical except for the randomized minority trait to be tested (for example, names that are deemed to sound 'Black' versus those deemed to sound 'white')—are an increasingly popular method to quantify discrimination in hiring practices6,7, they can usually consider only a few applicant characteristics in select occupations at a particular point in time. To overcome these limitations, here we develop an approach to investigate hiring discrimination that combines tracking of the search behaviour of recruiters on employment websites and supervised machine learning to control for all relevant jobseeker characteristics that are visible to recruiters. We apply this methodology to the online recruitment platform of the Swiss public employment service and find that rates of contact by recruiters are 4–19% lower for individuals from immigrant and minority ethnic groups, depending on their country of origin, than for citizens from the majority group. Women experience a penalty of 7% in professions that are dominated by men, and the opposite pattern emerges for men in professions that are dominated by women. We find no evidence that recruiters spend less time evaluating the profiles of individuals from minority ethnic groups. Our methodology provides a widely applicable, non-intrusive and cost-efficient tool that researchers and policy-makers can use to continuously monitor hiring discrimination, to identify some of the drivers of discrimination and to inform approaches to counter it." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ehegattensplitting: Reform verbessert Arbeitsanreize nur wenig (2021)

    Hentze, Tobias; Beznoska, Martin;


    Hentze, Tobias & Martin Beznoska (2021): Ehegattensplitting: Reform verbessert Arbeitsanreize nur wenig. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2021,40), Köln, 3 S.


    "Befürworter und Gegner des Ehegattensplittings beharken sich seit Jahren. Oft geht es dabei um unterschiedliche Weltbilder. Aus ökonomischer Sicht ist die Frage wichtig, inwieweit sich Arbeitsanreize durch eine Reform verbessern lassen. Die Ergebnisse sind eher ernüchternd." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Parenthood as a driver of increased gender inequality during COVID-19?: Exploratory evidence from Germany (2021)

    Hipp, Lena ; Bünning, Mareike ;


    Hipp, Lena & Mareike Bünning (2021): Parenthood as a driver of increased gender inequality during COVID-19? Exploratory evidence from Germany. In: European Societies, Jg. 23, H. sup1, S. S658-S673. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2020.1833229


    "Drawing on three waves of survey data from a non-probability sample from Germany, this paper examines two opposing expectations about the pandemic’s impacts on gender equality: The optimistic view suggests that gender equality has increased, as essential workers in Germany have been predominantly female and as fathers have had more time for childcare. The pessimistic view posits that lockdowns have also negatively affected women’s jobs and that mothers had to shoulder the additional care responsibilities. Overall, our exploratory analyses provide more evidence supporting the latter view. Parents were more likely than non-parents to work fewer hours during the pandemic than before, and mothers were more likely than fathers to work fewer hours once lockdowns were lifted. Moreover, even though parents tended to divide childcare more evenly, at least temporarily, mothers still shouldered more childcare work than fathers. The division of housework remained largely unchanged. It is therefore unsurprising that women, in particular mothers, reported lower satisfaction during the observation period. Essential workers experienced fewer changes in their working lives than respondents in other occupations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Belastungswahrnehmung in der Corona-Pandemie: Erkenntnisse aus vier Wellen der HBS-Erwerbspersonenbefragung 2020/21 (2021)

    Hövermann, Andreas ;


    Hövermann, Andreas (2021): Belastungswahrnehmung in der Corona-Pandemie. Erkenntnisse aus vier Wellen der HBS-Erwerbspersonenbefragung 2020/21. (WSI policy brief 50), Düsseldorf, 13 S.


    "Über ein Jahr ist es mittlerweile her, dass die ersten Corona-Fälle in Deutschland auftraten. Das Virus und die zur Eindämmung getroffenen Einschränkungen stellen die Bevölkerung vor große Herausforderungen. Ein Indikator dafür ist die Belastungswahrnehmung, die in diesem Policy Brief im Mittelpunkt steht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Women's Vulnerability to the Economic Crisis through the Lens of Part-time Work in Spain (2021)

    Insarauto, Valeria ;


    Insarauto, Valeria (2021): Women's Vulnerability to the Economic Crisis through the Lens of Part-time Work in Spain. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 621-639. DOI:10.1177/09500170211001271


    "This article studies women’s vulnerability to the economic crisis of 2008 through the lens of part-time work in Spain. It posits that part-time work made the female employment position more fragile by acting as a transmission mechanism of traditional gender norms that establish women as secondary workers. This argument is tested through an analysis of Labour Force Survey data from 2007 to 2014 that examines the influence of the employment situation of the household on women’s part-time employment patterns. The results expose the limited take-up of part-time work but also persistent patterns of involuntariness and underemployment corresponding to negative household employment situations, highlighting the constraining role of gender norms borne by the relative position of part-time work in the configuration of employment structures. The article concludes that, during the crisis, part-time work participated in the re-establishment of women as a family dependent and flexible labour supply, increasing their vulnerability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Culture, Children and Couple Gender Inequality (2021)

    Jessen, Jonas ;


    Jessen, Jonas (2021): Culture, Children and Couple Gender Inequality. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1957), Berlin, 57 S.


    "This paper examines how culture impacts within-couple gender inequality. Exploiting the setting of Germany’s division and reunification, I compare child penalties of couples socialised in a more gender-egalitarian culture (East Germany) to those in a gender-traditional culture (West Germany). Using a household panel, I show that the long-run child penalty on the female income share is 26.9 percentage points in West German couples, compared to 15.5 in East German couples. I additionally show that among women in West Germany the arrival of a child leads to a greater increase in housework and a larger share of child care responsibilities than among women in the East. A battery of robustness checks confirms that differences between East and West socialised couples are not driven by current location, economic factors, day care availability or other smooth regional gradients. I add to the main findings by using time-use diary data from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and reunified Germany, comparing parents with childless couples of similar age. This provides a rare insight into gender inequality in the GDR and allows to compare the effect of children in the GDR to the effects in East and West Germany after reunification. Lastly, I show that attitudes towards maternal employment are more egalitarian among East Germans, but that the arrival of children leads to more traditional attitudes for both East and West Germans. The findings confirm that socialisation has a strong impact on child penalties and thus on gender inequality as a whole." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mind the gap: The role of family policies and the gender-egalitarian climate in shaping gender and ethnic labour market inequalities in Europe (2021)

    Kanas, Agnieszka ; Steinmetz, Stephanie ;


    Kanas, Agnieszka & Stephanie Steinmetz (2021): Mind the gap: The role of family policies and the gender-egalitarian climate in shaping gender and ethnic labour market inequalities in Europe. In: Migration Studies, Jg. 9, H. 4, S. 1569-1589. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnab035


    "This study is related to a growing literature on the impact of a receiving context on immigrant labour market outcomes. Unlike previous comparative research, which has been primarily concerned with immigrant men, our focus is on immigrant women and the role of institutions particularly relevant to them. Using the European Union Labour Force Surveys (2011–5) augmented with country-level data, we estimate country fixed-effects models to study gender and ethnic inequalities in labour force participation across European countries. Our results underline the complexity of how family policies and gender-egalitarian contexts are related to gender and ethnic inequalities in the labour market. On the one hand, we find gender inequalities to be less pronounced in countries with more generous family policies and a higher gender-egalitarian climate. On the other hand, our results indicate that at the same time, the selected institutional characteristics are related to increased ethnic inequalities in the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Historical Gender Gap Index: A Longitudinal and Spatial Assessment of Sweden, 1870-1990 (2021)

    Karlsson, Tobias; Perrin, Faustine; Kok, Joris;


    Karlsson, Tobias, Joris Kok & Faustine Perrin (2021): The Historical Gender Gap Index: A Longitudinal and Spatial Assessment of Sweden, 1870-1990. (Lund papers in economic history 217), Lund, 51 S.


    "Our knowledge of the long-run evolution of gender equality is limited. We currently lack quantitative indicators capable of capturing the variations on and changes in the individual dimensions of gender equality. This paper seeks to assess the long-run evolution of gender roles and relations in Sweden. To this end, we build a database with quantitative indicators of gender equality. These indicators allow us to construct a Historical Gender Gap Index (HGGI), which isused to describe and analyze the evolution of gender equality in Sweden during a phase characterized by industrialization, urbanization and demographic transition. We find that after a period of stagnation, Sweden from the 1940s onwards made significant progress in closing the gender gap to reach the high level of gender equality that it is now famous for. All counties have made substantial improvements in closing the gap over time, although some counties have been quicker than others. Our investigation reveals the existence of a convergence pattern between counties." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geht das stärkere Engagement von Frauen in Pflege und Unterstützung auf ihre geringere Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung zurück? Ein Beitrag zur Gleichstellungsdebatte (2021)

    Klaus, Daniela; Vogel, Claudia;


    Klaus, Daniela & Claudia Vogel (2021): Geht das stärkere Engagement von Frauen in Pflege und Unterstützung auf ihre geringere Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung zurück? Ein Beitrag zur Gleichstellungsdebatte. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 70, H. 2, S. 53-74. DOI:10.3790/sfo.70.2.53


    "Frauen leisten nach wie vor mehr private Sorgearbeit als Männer, obwohl ihre Erwerbsbeteiligung in den letzten Jahren deutlich gestiegen ist. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir auf Basis des Deutschen Alterssurveys 1996 bis 2017 im Längsschnitt, ob das stärkere Engagement von Frauen in der Übernahme unbezahlter Unterstützung und Pflege für gesundheitlich eingeschränkte Angehörige darauf zurückgeht, dass sie im Vergleich zu Männern nach wie vor seltener, mit geringerem Stundenumfang sowie geringerer beruflicher Qualifikation am Arbeitsmarkt beteiligt sind. Diese Hypothese wird nicht bestätigt, denn bestehende Geschlechterunterschiede in Pflege und Unterstützung können allenfalls partiell durch die geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsmarktbeteiligung aufgeklärt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Betriebliche Beschäftigungsentwicklung und betriebliches Einstellungsverhalten in Baden-Württemberg: Eine geschlechterspezifische Analyse auf der Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels (2021)

    Klee, Günther; Kleimann, Rolf;


    Klee, Günther & Rolf Kleimann (2021): Betriebliche Beschäftigungsentwicklung und betriebliches Einstellungsverhalten in Baden-Württemberg. Eine geschlechterspezifische Analyse auf der Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels. (IAW-Kurzberichte 2021,05), Tübingen, 48 S.


    "Immer mehr Frauen in Baden-Württemberg verfügen heute über qualifizierte Bildungs- und Berufsabschlüsse, und haben auch in puncto Erwerbsbeteiligung in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich aufgeholt. Dennoch bestehen weiterhin erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen den Erwerbsmustern von Frauen und Männern. Aufgrund des sich zunehmend abzeichnenden Fachkräftemangels ist es jedoch für den Wirtschaftsstandort Baden-Württemberg essentiell, diesen Tendenzen auch auf betrieblicher Ebene möglichst proaktiv entgegen zu steuern. Ein wichtiger Ansatzpunkt dabei ist, das vorhandene Arbeitskräftepotenzial von Frauen stärker zu nutzen. Darüber hinaus gilt es, der Vielzahl qualifizierter und hochqualifizierter Frauen bessere Chancen zu eröffnen, qualifizierte Positionen und insbesondere auch Führungspositionen auszuüben. Trotz manch positiver Entwicklung in den vergangenen Jahren ist dieses Potenzial noch bei Weitem nicht ausgeschöpft. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird nachfolgend der Frage nachgegangen, ob und inwieweit in den letzten Jahren eine substanzielle Angleichung der Erwerbsmuster von Frauen und Männern stattgefunden hat. Inwiefern hat sich nicht nur der Anteil weiblicher Berufstätiger dem der Männer angenähert, sondern auch Art, Umfang und Qualifikationsniveau der ausgeübten Tätigkeiten? Besitzen Frauen aktuell in ähnlichem Ausmaß wie Männer sozialversicherungspflichtige und unbefristete Vollzeitstellen? Gibt es inzwischen deutlich mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen? Oder ist der gestiegene Anteil berufstätiger Frauen weiterhin hauptsächlich auf eine starke Zunahme in besonderen Branchen und vorwiegend niedrig qualifizierten Berufen sowie in spezifischen („atypischen“) Formen der Erwerbstätigkeit wie Teilzeitarbeit sowie befristeter oder geringfügiger Beschäftigung zurückzuführen? Bei der Analyse der Beschäftigungsentwicklung und der ‐struktur wird nach Qualifikationsniveau, Geschlecht, Branchen und Betriebsgrößenklassen differenziert. Darüber hinaus werden – sofern verfügbar – die entsprechenden Referenzangaben für Deutschland bzw. Westdeutschland berücksichtigt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Trade and gender: A Framework of analysis (2021)

    Korinek, Jane; Moïsé, Evdokia; Tange, Jakob;


    Korinek, Jane, Evdokia Moïsé & Jakob Tange (2021): Trade and gender: A Framework of analysis. (OECD trade policy working papers 246), Paris, 87 S. DOI:10.1787/6db59d80-en


    "Closing gender gaps makes good economic sense. Advancing the aim of women's economic empowerment will require policy action across a wide range of areas, including increasing their participation in international trade. Although trade policies are not de jure discriminatory, they impact women and men differently due to dissimilar initial conditions. Mapping the channels and interactions between trade and gender for women as workers, consumers, and business owners shows that: (i) trade impacts women workers differently to men in part because they are employed in different sectors — in OECD countries, more often in services; (ii) trade lowers prices for consumers, which particularly increases the purchasing power of more vulnerable groups, where women are disproportionately represented; and (iii) higher trade costs impede smaller businesses' access to international markets more than large firms, which impacts women who tend to own and lead smaller businesses. A framework is proposed for analysing the impacts of trade and trade policies on women that policy makers can use in order to ensure that trade and trade policies in their country support women's economic empowerment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ruhestandsentscheidungen im Haushaltskontext: Der Einfluss partnerschaftlicher Machtverhältnisse (2021)

    Kroneder, Andreas;


    Kroneder, Andreas (2021): Ruhestandsentscheidungen im Haushaltskontext. Der Einfluss partnerschaftlicher Machtverhältnisse. (Alter(n) und Gesellschaft), Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 388 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-33487-1


    "Der Übergang in den Ruhestand ist für viele Betroffene ein biographischer Einschnitt. Eine Vielzahl von Aspekten bestimmt dabei die Entscheidung über das „Wann“ und „Wie“ des Renteneintritts. Ein Aspekt bleibt in der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion eher unberücksichtigt: der Einfluss des persönlichen Umfelds bzw. des Haushaltskontexts. Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich diesem und fokussiert dabei im Besonderen den Einfluss partnerschaftlicher Machtverhältnisse. Anhand einer Sekundäranalyse qualitativer Daten, die im Zuge einer Untersuchung zur Koordination der Ruhestandsentscheidungen von heterosexuellen Doppelverdiener-Paaren entstanden sind, werden die Machtstrukturen genauer untersucht. Dabei werden fünf Typen entwickelt, die zeigen, wie die paarinternen Einflussverhältnisse auf unterschiedliche Weise in die (individuellen) Ruhestandsentscheidungen eingreifen können. Die Studie zeigt darüber hinaus, dass diese dabei nicht alleine verantwortlich sind, sondern dass es auf Haushaltsebene immer zu einem Zusammenspiel mit anderen Aspekten der Ruhestandsentscheidung kommt. Zugleich weist die Studie darauf hin, dass die Partnerschaft von heterosexuellen Doppelverdiener-Paaren nicht ausschließlich als Unterstützungsfaktor beim Übergang in den Ruhestand zu verstehen ist, sondern dass sich zahlreiche Abhängigkeitsstrukturen zwischen Partnerin und Partner verstärken und verschieben können. Da bis jetzt ähnliche Untersuchungen im Feld der Retirement Studies nicht bekannt sind, wird die Studie ihrem explorativen Charakter gerecht." (Autorenreferat, © 2021 Springer)

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    Essays in Applied Labor Economics (2021)

    Kunaschk, Max;


    Kunaschk, Max (2021): Essays in Applied Labor Economics. Erlangen, 175 S.


    "Diese Dissertation besteht aus vier unabhängigen Studien und behandelt die Themen Mindestlöhne, Geschlechterungleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, die Effekte einer großen Elterngeldreform, und Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit. Die breite der analysierten Themen zeigt die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten auf, die administrative Daten für die Forschung in der angewandten Wirtschaftswissenschaft bieten und diese Dissertation trägt damit neue Erkenntnisse zu zentralen Themen der Arbeitsmarktökonomik bei. Die erste Studie befasst sich mit den kausalen Effekten der Einführung eines Mindestlohns im deutschen Friseurgewerbe. Besonders an dem Sektor ist, dass er viele Charakteristika aufweist, die man von einem Arbeitsmarkt mit vollständiger Konkurrenz erwarten würde. Mithilfe der Vollerhebung aller abhängig beschäftigten Friseure in Deutschland und eines Difference-in-Differences-Ansatzes zeigt die Studie, dass selbst Mindestlöhne die, im Vergleich zum herrschenden Lohnniveau, relativ hoch sind, nicht zwangsläufig zu negativen Beschäftigungseffekten führen müssen, wie man es in einem Arbeitsmarkt mit vollständiger Konkurrenz eigentlich erwarten würde. Stattdessen zeigt die Studie, dass die Mindestlohneinführung zu einer Erhöhung der Verbraucherpreise geführt hat. Dies zeigt, dass zwar auch relativ hohe Mindestlöhne nicht zwangsläufig zu Arbeitsplatzverlusten führen, dies aber unter Umständen durch höhere Preise für Konsumenten kompensiert wird. Die zweite Studie befasst sich mit den kausalen Effekten der Einführung des nationalen Mindestlohns im Jahr 2015 auf geplante Humankapitalinvestitionen von Jugendlichen. Für diese Studie kombinieren wir Befragungsdaten mit einem Fokus auf Bildung mit administrativen Arbeitsmarktdaten. Mithilfe eines Difference-in-Differences-Ansatzes zeigt die Studie, dass die Reform die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht hat, dass Jugendliche einen höheren Schulabschluss erreichen wollen. Weiterhin zeigt die Studie mithilfe eines Triple Differencein-Differences-Ansatzes, dass dieser positive Effekt durch leistungsschwächere Jugendliche getrieben wird. Insgesamt implizieren die Ergebnisse, dass Jugendliche vorausschauend handeln und hinsichtlich ihrer Humankapitalentscheidungen sowohl auf Veränderungen von Löhnen, als auch auf Veränderungen der Wahrscheinlichkeit einen Arbeitsplatz zu finden reagieren. Die dritte Studie befasst sich mit Unterschieden in den Effekten des Kinderkriegens auf Geschlechterungleichheit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in West- und Ostdeutschland, sowie mit den kausalen Effekten einer großen Elterngeldreform auf die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit von Müttern und Vätern. Diese Studie kombiniert verschiedene neue Ansätze, welche die Analysemöglichkeiten der administrativen Daten stark erweitern. Mithilfe eines Event-Study-Ansatzes zeigt die Studie, dass die Geburt des ersten Kindes die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit von Frauen in West- und in Ostdeutschland noch deutlich unterschiedlich beeinflusst, während es bei Männern kaum Unterschiede gibt. Hinsichtlich der Elterngeldreform zeigt die Studie, dass diese den Anteil der Väter, die Elternzeit nehmen, stark erhöht hat. Mithilfe eines neuen empirischen Ansatzes, der einen Event-Study-Ansatz mit einem Difference-in-Differences-Ansatz kombiniert, zeigt die Studie weiterhin, dass die Elterngeldreform das Arbeitsangebot von Männern und Frauen im ersten Jahr nach der Geburt des Kindes verringert hat, die Reform aber nach Ablauf der Periode während der Elterngeld gezahlt wird keine Auswirkungen auf die Beschäftigung beider Partner hatte. Letztlich zeigt die Studie noch, dass es keine langfristigen Effekte auf die Beschäftigungswahrscheinlichkeit beider Partner hat, wenn der Vater Elternzeit nimmt. Die vierte Studie vergleicht verschiedene statistische Methoden zur Vorhersage von Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit. Die Studie vergleicht Vorhersagen basierend auf logistischen Regressionsmodellen mit Vorhersagen basierend auf Random Forest Modellen und zeigt, dass, abhängig davon welche Ziele verfolgt werden und welche Budgetrestriktionen die Möglichkeiten staatlicher Jobvermittlung einschränken, eine der beiden Methoden zu bevorzugen ist. Vorhersagen basierend auf logistischen Regressionsmodellen identifizieren einen größeren Anteil der Personen, die Langzeitarbeitslos werden, während Vorhersagen basierend auf Random Forest Modellen einen geringeren Anteil an nicht-Langzeitarbeitslosen falsch als solche klassifizieren. Weiterhin zeigt die Studie, wie staatliche Arbeitsvermittlung potenzielle statistischer Diskriminierung adressieren kann und diskutiert Fragen hinsichtlich der praktischen Implementierung statistischer Vorhersagemethoden. Durch die Nutzung qualitativ hochwertiger administrativer Daten in Kombination mit einer Vielfalt empirischer Methoden trägt diese Dissertation somit zum Feld der angewandten Arbeitsmarktökonomik bei, indem sie neue Erkenntnisse zu wichtigen Themen des Feldes liefert. Während die ersten drei Studien hauptsächlich auf die Identifikation kausaler Effekte von Arbeitsmarktreformen abzielen, beschäftigt sich die vierte Studie vornehmlich mit den praktischen Implikationen der Nutzung statistischer Vorhersagemethoden in staatlicher Arbeitsvermittlung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Mothers' Job Search After Childbirth (2021)

    Lafférs, Lukáš; Schmidpeter, Bernhard ;


    Lafférs, Lukáš & Bernhard Schmidpeter (2021): Mothers' Job Search After Childbirth. (Ruhr economic papers 915), Essen, 52 S. DOI:10.4419/96973061


    "We explore the impact of successful job search after childbirth on mothers’ labor market careers. Using a bounding approach and administrative data, we find strong heterogeneity in the returns to leaving the pre-birth employer. Moving to a new employer after childbirth leads to an increase in re-employment earnings only for mothers at the upper part of the earnings distribution. For these mothers, initial job search also increases long-term earnings. We provide evidence that earnings gains are the result of higher geographical mobility and longer commutes to work. Successful mothers are also more likely to move to faster growing firms and firms offering better opportunities to women. Our results do not suggest that husbands play an important role in supporting successful job search of mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigration and Gender Differences in the Labor Market (2021)

    Llull, Joan;


    Llull, Joan (2021): Immigration and Gender Differences in the Labor Market. In: Journal of Human Capital, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 174-203. DOI:10.1086/713725


    "This paper analyzes the effect of immigration on gender gaps. Using an equilibrium structural model for the US economy, I simulate the importance of two mechanisms: the differential increase in labor market competition from immigration on male and female workers and the availability of cheaper childcare services. Aggregate effects on gender and participation gaps are negligible. Females are more negatively affected by labor market competition, but the availability of cheaper childcare compensates for these effects. This generates heterogeneity in the effects along skill distribution: gender gaps are increased at the bottom and reduced at the top. Human capital adjustments are also heterogeneous." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Female Employment and Gender Gaps in China (2021)

    Ma, Xinxin ;


    Ma, Xinxin (2021): Female Employment and Gender Gaps in China. (Hitotsubashi University IER Economic Research Series 48), Singapore: Springer Singapore, XXI, 180 S. DOI:10.1007/978-981-33-6904-7


    "This open access book investigates female employment and the gender gap in the labor market and households during China's economic transition period. It provides the reader with academic evidence for understanding the mechanism of female labor force participation, the determinants of the gender gap in the labor market, and the impact of policy transformation on women's wages and employment in China from an economics perspective. The main content of this book includes three parts - women's family responsibilities and women's labor supply (child care, parent care, and women's employment), the gender gap in the labor market and society (gender gaps in wages, Communist Party membership, and participation in social activity), and the impacts of policy transformation on women's wages and employment (the social security system and the educational expansion policy on women's wages and employment) in China. This book provides academic evidence about these issues based on economics theories and econometric analysis methods using many kinds of long-term Chinese national survey data. This book is highly recommended to readers who are interested in up-to-date and in-depth empirical studies of the gender gap and women's employment in China during the economic transition period. This book is of interest to various groups such as readers who are interested in the Chinese economy, policymakers, and scholars with econometric analysis backgrounds." (Provided by publisher)

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    Gender Norms and the Motherhood Employment Gap (2021)

    Moriconi, Simone; Rodríguez-Planas, Núria;


    Moriconi, Simone & Núria Rodríguez-Planas (2021): Gender Norms and the Motherhood Employment Gap. (CESifo working paper 9471), München, 45 S.


    "Using individual-level data from the European Social Survey, we study the relevance of gender norms in accounting for the motherhood employment gap across 186 European NUTS2 regions (over 29 countries) for the 2002-2016 period. The gender norm variable is taken from a question on whether “men should have more right to a job than women when jobs are scarce” and represents the average extent of disagreement (on a scale 1 to 5) of women belonging to the “grandmothers” cohort. We address the potential endogeneity of our gender norms measure with an index of the degree of reproductive health liberalization when grandmothers were 20 years old. We also account for the endogeneity of motherhood with the level of reproductive health liberalization when mothers were 20 years old. We find a robust positive association between progressive beliefs among the grandmothers' cohort and mothers' likelihood to work while having a small child (0 to 5 years old) relative to similar women without children. No similar association is found among men. Our analysis underscores the role of gender norms and maternal employment, suggesting that non-traditional gender norms mediate on the employment gender gap mainly via motherhood." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hiring Discrimination in Labor Markets. An Experimental Study of Mood Regulation (2021)

    Mourelatos, Evangelos;


    Mourelatos, Evangelos (2021): Hiring Discrimination in Labor Markets. An Experimental Study of Mood Regulation. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 956), Essen, 49 S.


    "We explore whether there is a link between mood and hiring decisions. This research examines how positive mood affects the discrimination faced my homosexual job candidates compared to heterosexuals. Our experimental design allows us to track the complete hiring process and monitor employers' behavior within and without our treatment context, in both online and offline labor market settings. Constructing pairs of curriculum vitae, distinguished, in each case, only by the sexual orientation or the gender of the applicants, led to the observation that females and gay men faced a significantly lower chance of getting hired regardless the labor market context. We also find that female employers propose higher levels of discrimination only for the case of female applicants. Our positive mood manipulation led to a depletion of discrimination levels, with the effects being more robust in the online labor context. Thus, there is substantial experimental evidence to suggest that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender does exist also in online labor markets. Contributions to the hiring discrimination, mood research, and gig-economy literature are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Blurred lines: work, eldercare and HRM (2021)

    Murphy, Caroline ; Cross, Christine;


    Murphy, Caroline & Christine Cross (2021): Blurred lines: work, eldercare and HRM. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 32, H. 7, S. 1460-1485. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2018.1528470


    "Increased levels of female labour market participation have impacted on the ability of families to provide care for elderly relatives in many industrialised societies. While work - family balance has received significant academic attention, less attention has focused specifically on individuals with eldercare responsibility, a cohort which accounts for a growing segment of the labour market internationally. Taking a qualitative research approach this paper uses work/family border theory to the constraints and facilitators to reconciling care and employment for employees working full-time in Ireland. The findings highlight the significant impact that eldercare provision has on employees with regard to day-to-day work commitments. We find that while general work - life balance policies exist within organisations, that the design and functionality of such policies are of limited value to elder caregivers. Furthermore, this paper highlights how the lack of formal HR policies around eldercare within organisations results in a reliance on supervisory discretion. We make some recommendations for organisational level strategies to address the needs of a growing number of caregivers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers (2021)

    Naldi, Lucia; Markowska, Magdalena ; Ahl, Helene ; Baù, Massimo ;


    Naldi, Lucia, Massimo Baù, Helene Ahl & Magdalena Markowska (2021): Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers. In: Small business economics, Jg. 56, H. 3, S. 903-918. DOI:10.1007/s11187-019-00275-1


    "Using data on all businesses started by mothers of young children in Sweden between 2000 and 2014, we explore which factors are associated with entrepreneurship among mothers. We find that being unemployed or being an immigrant is positively associated with business start-up by mothers; however, our findings show that what matters more is the paternity leave taken by the mothers' partners. These findings suggest that in institutional contexts such as Sweden, gender inequality is not a persistent feature of most households and that women can make career choices by negotiating with their partners who will make use of the parental benefits offered by the government." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Motherhood 2.0: Slow Progress for Career Women and Motherhood within the 'Finnish Dream' (2021)

    Niemistö, Charlotta ; Hearn, Jeff; Kehn, Carolyn; Tuori, Annamari;


    Niemistö, Charlotta, Jeff Hearn, Carolyn Kehn & Annamari Tuori (2021): Motherhood 2.0: Slow Progress for Career Women and Motherhood within the 'Finnish Dream'. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 696-715. DOI:10.1177/0950017020987392


    "This article investigates the gendered dynamics of motherhood and careers, as voiced by professionals in the knowledge-intensive business sector in Finland. It is informed by the CIAR method through 81 iterative, in-depth interviews with 23 women and 19 men. Among the women respondents with no children, one child, or two children, three dominant forms of discursive talk emerge: ‘It takes two to tango’, ‘It’s all about time management’ and ‘Good motherhood 2.0’. Though Finland provides a seemingly egalitarian Nordic welfare state context, with the ‘Finnish Dream’, women face contradictions between expectations of women as full-time ideal workers pursuing masculinist careers and continuing responsibilities at home, performing ‘good motherhood’. The women’s double strivings meet the double constraining demands of these ideals. The gendered pressures are imposed on the women by themselves, male colleagues, the organisation more broadly and society, leading the women to enact a form of ‘bounded individualism’." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Native-immigrant differences in the effect of children on the gender pay gap (2021)

    Nieto, Adrián;


    Nieto, Adrián (2021): Native-immigrant differences in the effect of children on the gender pay gap. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Jg. 183, S. 654-680. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.01.015

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    Trends in Women's Relative Earnings Within Couples Across the Transition to Parenthood in Sweden, 1987–2007 (2021)

    Nylin, Anna-Karin ; Musick, Kelly ; Billingsley, Sunnee ; Evertsson, Marie; Duvander, Ann-Zofie ;


    Nylin, Anna-Karin, Kelly Musick, Sunnee Billingsley, Ann-Zofie Duvander & Marie Evertsson (2021): Trends in Women's Relative Earnings Within Couples Across the Transition to Parenthood in Sweden, 1987–2007. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 37, H. 3, S. 349-364. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcaa056


    "This article applies a couple perspective to assessing gender inequality in Sweden—a setting with high maternal labour force participation, a long history of family policy investment, and strong norms of gender equality. We address open questions about how couples' earnings following parenthood have changed over time, and how patterns of inequality in couples' earnings have played out across educational groups. Our study uses fixed effects methods and register data covering the total population of heterosexual couples giving birth in Sweden between 1987 and 2007 (N = 587,414 couples). It examines change in the female partner's share of total couple earnings from 2 years before to 8 years after first birth across parent cohorts differentiated by his and her education. Women's earnings share declines steeply following birth, across all groups. Results show modestly smaller declines among parents in the latest cohort in the year directly following childbirth. Change is most pronounced among couples with a highly educated female partner, and it appears driven by a marked dip in fathers' earnings that is new to this recent generation of men. Recent movement towards within-couple equality in Sweden appears driven by men's work adjustments, pointing to an important shift in the allocation of care work within couples." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment Trade-Offs under Different Family Policy Constellations (2021)

    Olsen, Karen M.;


    Olsen, Karen M. (2021): Employment Trade-Offs under Different Family Policy Constellations. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 35, H. 1, S. 37-56. DOI:10.1177/0950017019892827


    "This article examines how employees consolidate the spheres of work and family in three countries with different family policy constellations: Sweden, Germany and Great Britain. The analyses are based on data from the International Social Survey Programme, 2015. Building on family policy typologies, the study demonstrates how gender and family and employment demands interact with the institutional setting regarding how people make employment trade-offs. The results show that (1) employees in Sweden make the fewest employment trade-offs, (2) family demands exert a gendered effect on employment trade-offs in Germany and (3) employment demands have both similar and distinct gender effects across countries. The article contributes to the literature by showing how individual characteristics interact with family policy constellations. The findings provide little support for a welfare-state paradox regarding family demands but some support with regard to employment demands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Determinants of female labour force participation: Evidence from Greece (2021)

    Petrakis, Ioannis;


    Petrakis, Ioannis (2021): Determinants of female labour force participation: Evidence from Greece. In: Labour, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 538-567. DOI:10.1111/labr.12206


    "The present study investigates long-term trends in female participation in the Greek labour market. The analysis presented decomposes the growth in the female participation rate between 1992 and 2020. The dataset used is the Greek Labour Force Survey (GLFS). The model type used is a binary age-period-cohort Probit model and a multinomial choice Probit model. A number of assumptions are made to identify the three effects separately. Model I use lagged unemployment as a proxy variable for the period effects and cohort fixed effects – where cohort is a proxy variable for year of birth – together with separate specifications for an interaction term of cohort and region and a linear trend. Model II uses a multinomial Probit model in order to examine whether the decision of a female to enter or not the labour market interacts with the type of work she is choosing, with a number of assumptions again used to identify the three effects separately. The results suggest that the increasing female participation rate is mostly due to cohort effects, when there are also observable age and period effects. Regarding the choice model, results suggest that the period effect has a higher significance on job choice compared with the cohort effect. Age effects are observable and significant in both models." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Can parental leave be shared? (2021)

    Périvier, Hélène; Verdugo, Gregory ;


    Périvier, Hélène & Gregory Verdugo (2021): Can parental leave be shared? (Sciences Po OFCE working paper 2021,6), Paris, 55 S.


    "We examine the consequences of recent policies promoting parental leave sharing using a 2015 French reform. The reform reduced the duration of mothers' paid leave to give 12 months of non transferable leave to fathers. Leave can be taken while working part-time for up to 80% of standard working hours, which can be a more attractive option for fathers. We find that the take-up rates for fathers remained low, as less than 3% of fathers took any form of leave after the reform. Surprisingly, we also find low take-up rates for fathers working part-time after the reform and for whom taking paid part-time leave would have increased their median income by 15% without requiring them to change in their labour supply. For fathers working part-time, non-take-up rates of part-time leave benefits are as high as 81% compared with less than 25% for mothers. The reform dramatically increased the annual earnings of mothers, but it had no effect on the earnings of fathers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    COVID-19 and OECD Labour Markets: What Impact on Gender Gaps? (2021)

    Queisser, Monika;


    Queisser, Monika (2021): COVID-19 and OECD Labour Markets: What Impact on Gender Gaps? In: Intereconomics, Jg. 56, H. 5, S. 249-253. DOI:10.1007/s10272-021-0993-6


    "Across the board statements on who suffers most are not helpful and may actually be a disservice to the fight for greater gender equality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Career Paths with a Two-Body Problem: Occupational Specialization and Geographic Mobility (2021)

    Rueda, Valeria; Wilemme, Guillaume;


    Rueda, Valeria & Guillaume Wilemme (2021): Career Paths with a Two-Body Problem: Occupational Specialization and Geographic Mobility. (Upjohn Institute working paper 346), Kalamazoo, Mich., 25 S. DOI:10.17848/wp21-346


    "We develop a model of joint job search and occupational choice in which job opportunities can be incompatible inside the couple. Typically, incompatibilities may arise because jobs are not in the same location. We show that the existence of incompatible jobs pushes some couples to sacrifice the career of one partner. The model predicts occupational switches throughout the career and at the time of couple formation. Gendered equilibria, whereby all women (or men) choose the accommodating occupation, may arise. Any element of ex-ante unfavorable gender gaps - for instance, due to discrimination or norms - is amplified and can generate large systemic differences in gender composition between occupations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How do Gender Norms and Childcare Costs Affect Maternal Employment Across US States? (2021)

    Ruppanner, Leah ; Landivar, Liana Christin ; Collins, Caitlyn ; Scarborough, William J. ;


    Ruppanner, Leah, Caitlyn Collins, Liana Christin Landivar & William J. Scarborough (2021): How do Gender Norms and Childcare Costs Affect Maternal Employment Across US States? In: Gender & Society, Jg. 35, H. 6, S. 910-939. DOI:10.1177/08912432211046988


    "In this article, we investigate how state-to-state differences in U.S. childcare costs and gender norms are associated with maternal employment. Although an abundance of research has examined factors that influence mothers’ employment, few studies explore the interrelationship between maternal employment and culture, policy, and individual resources across U.S. states. Using a representative sample of women in the 2017 American Community Survey along with state-level measures of childcare costs and gender norms, we examine the relationship between these state conditions and mothers’ probability of employment. We pay careful attention to differences in mothers’ level of education. Our results suggest that expensive childcare is associated with lower maternal employment, particularly for those with less education. For the college educated, expensive childcare is negatively associated with maternal employment in states with traditional gender norms that uphold mothers as primary caregivers. Among mothers with lower levels of education, gender norms have a limited association with employment. These findings suggest that highly educated mothers mobilize resources to remain in the labor force when paid work is supported by local gender norms. For less-educated mothers, expensive childcare predicts lower employment regardless of gender norms, indicating that structural constraints outweigh normative expectations among those with fewer resources." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Eltern sein in Deutschland - Materialien zum Neunten Familienbericht (2021)

    Samper, Cristina; Reim, Julia; Boll, Christina ; Wild, Elke; Wendt, Ruth; Vries, Lisa de; Conrad, Ines; Winkler, Anna; Zabel, Cordula ; Fischer, Veronika; Stockinger, Bastian ; Müller, Martina; Haux, Tina; Schulz, Florian ; Zucco, Aline; Shinozaki, Kyoko; Wrohlich, Katharina ; Görges, Luise; Samtleben, Claire ; Specht-Riemenschneider, Louisa; Bernhardt, Janine ; Abramowski, Ruth; Schönecker, Lydia; Michel, Marion; Orthmann Bless, Dagmar;


    Der Expertisenband versammelt die Expertisen für den neunten Familienbericht "Eltern sein in Deutschland - Ansprüche, Anforderungen und Angebote bei wachsender Vielfalt". Wie auch bei vorangegangenen Berichten war der Entstehungsprozess des Berichts nicht nur von intensiven kommissionsinternen Diskussionen geprägt, es wurde auch auf Fachkenntnisse externer Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zurückgegriffen. Die Kommission hat beschlossen, die Expertisen als Online-Publikation einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. (IAB-Doku)

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    Zabel, Cordula ;
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    The Importance of Mothers-in-Law's Employment for Their Daughter-in-Law's Labour Market Outcomes in West-Germany: Results and Mechanisms (2021)

    Schmitz, Sophia ; Spieß, C. Katharina ;


    Schmitz, Sophia & C. Katharina Spieß (2021): The Importance of Mothers-in-Law's Employment for Their Daughter-in-Law's Labour Market Outcomes in West-Germany: Results and Mechanisms. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1932), Berlin, 49 S.


    "Social norms have been put forward as prominent explanations for the changing labour supply decisions of women. This paper studies the intergenerational formation of these norms, examining how they affect subsequent female labour supply decisions, taking into account not only the early socialization of women but also that of their partner. Using large representative panel data sets from West Germany, results suggest that women with partners who grew up with a working mother are more likely to participate in the labour force, work longer hours, and earn higher labour income. Our study can assess a variety of potential mechanisms for this intergenerational link. It cannot be explained by other confounding patterns. We find no evidence that this finding reflects assortative mating; rather, analysis suggests that the partner's preferences play a decisive role for the labour supply decision of partnered women. Our results suggest that policy measures supporting the labour force participation of today's mothers will increase the female labour force participation of the next generation" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Combining Parenthood and Work: Transmission Channels and Heterogenous Returns to Early Public Childcare (2021)

    Schuß, Eric ; Azaouagh, Mohammed;


    Schuß, Eric & Mohammed Azaouagh (2021): Combining Parenthood and Work: Transmission Channels and Heterogenous Returns to Early Public Childcare. In: Review of Economics of the Household, Jg. 19, S. 641-676., 2020-11-26. DOI:10.1007/s11150-020-09530-x


    "We exploit local and temporal variation in the availability of public childcare for children under the age of three that induces exogenous variation in childcare attendance. We find a weak, positive average treatment effect (ATE) on maternal labor supply. The estimation of the average treatment effect is interesting – however, possibly masking important effect heterogeneity. Examining selection behavior and estimating marginal treatment effects along the distribution of observables and unobservables that drive individual treatment decisions reveal transmission channels and uncover substantial heterogeneity in marginal returns from public childcare reforms. By estimating marginal returns, we detect reverse selection on gains at the intensive margin, whereas a substantial share (40 percent) of mothers with median desire to public childcare react with increased probability to work full time. Thus, if the supply of public childcare is expanded from a modest to a more generous level of coverage, those with average resistance towards early public childcare do gain. At the extensive margin, positive selection on gains is found; however, only a small fraction of mothers with the lowest distaste for early public childcare shift from non-employment to part-time jobs." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    (Digital) arbeiten 2020: Chancengerecht für alle?: Teil 2: Partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung: Analyse einer Erwerbstätigenbefragung unter Genderaspekten (2021)

    Schwarze, Barbara; Funk, Lore; Marsden, Nicola; Zachau, Britta; Struwe, Ulrike; Mellies, Sabine;


    Schwarze, Barbara & Lore Funk (2021): (Digital) arbeiten 2020: Chancengerecht für alle?: Teil 2: Partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung. Analyse einer Erwerbstätigenbefragung unter Genderaspekten. Bielefeld, 29 S.


    "Wie können Arbeitsprozesse gestaltet werden, um die Chancen, die in der Digitalisierung und – in unserem Fokus – im Homeoffice als Arbeitsort liegen, zu optimieren? Welche Folgen der Digitalisierung werden heute bereits positiv erfahren und wo sind weitere Aushandlungsprozesse und Nachbesserungen in der Umsetzung nötig? Wie könnte die Arbeitsteilung zwischen Frauen und Männern bei Erwerbs- und Reproduktionstätigkeiten so gestaltet werden, dass alle an Lebensqualität dazu gewinnen? Um ein möglichst differenziertes Bild über Rahmenbedingungen, Einstellungen und Praktiken rund um Arbeit im Jahr 2020 zu erhalten, wurden alle Personen, die aktuell in Deutschland erwerbstätig sind, aufgerufen, ihre Erfahrungen zu Homeoffice, digitaler Ausstattung, Weiterbildung und Arbeitsteilung in der Partner*innenschaft zu teilen. Mehr als 1.000 Männer und Frauen haben vom 8. bis 30 Juni 2020 an der Befragung teilgenommen. Die zweite Veröffentlichung beleuchtet ausgewählte Aspekte der Studie, die sich auf die Partnerschaftliche Teilung der Arbeit im Haushalt beziehen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen: Das Potenzial in Form der Orientierung an einem paritätischen Ideal ist vorhanden, jedoch sind effektive Weichenstellungen noch zu selten Teil des gesellschaftlichen und betrieblichen Alltags. Chancen liegen in der Flexibilisierung der Erwerbstätigkeit – unter bestimmten Bedingungen: Transparente und verhandelbare Regeln der Arbeit im Homeoffice sind zentral." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Female labour force participation and household income inequality in Italy (2021)

    Segato, Federico;


    Segato, Federico (2021): Female labour force participation and household income inequality in Italy. (MPRA paper / University Library of Munich 108280), München, 51 S.


    "This study contributes in investigating how female participation in the workforce, together with main related socio-demographic changes, has affected household incomes and their distribution in Italy. The Italian case has been investigated again, relying on theoretical and methodological knowledge of previous researches in the field of female employment and income inequality. The data employed in the analysis belong to the Bank of Italy's Historical Archive of the Survey on Household Income and Wealth (SHIW) for years between 2000 and 2016. From a methodological point of view the approach has been complemented and has enabled to fill previous research gaps. Not only married women have been considered and they are no more divided between working women and inactive one. The choice of consider existing heterogeneity in working hours has allowed to examine part-time role in inequality increase. How female employment increase has affected income inequality has been analysed first at individual level and only later at the household one. The first analysis level has been performed with descriptive statistics and the second with two different decomposition methods, one for income sources and one for household types. To these a shift-share analysis and a counterfactual analysis have been applied. In Italy, even with regional differences, female employment has continued to grow with overall equalizing effects on household income distribution. With regard to socio-demographic changes, male breadwinner households reduction and single households increase have contributed in household income inequality drop. For the Italian case, part-time can contribute in inequality decline only in the case of female breadwinner households." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Effect of Childcare Use on Gender Equality in European Labor Markets (2021)

    Sikirić, Ana Marija;


    Sikirić, Ana Marija (2021): The Effect of Childcare Use on Gender Equality in European Labor Markets. In: Feminist economics, Jg. 27, H. 4, S. 90-113. DOI:10.1080/13545701.2021.1933560


    "Parenthood necessarily increases the scope of unpaid work in households and tends to depress women’s employment rates relative to men’s. This paper examines the relationship between the use of full-time childcare for children under 3 years of age and employment rates for men and women with one, two, or three or more children under 6 years of age in European households. Panel data from a sample of the (then) twenty-eight European Union member states for the 2005–15 period were analyzed. The results indicate that smaller differences between employment rates of men and women with one, two, or three or more children under 6 years of age are associated with greater use of full-time childcare arrangements for children under the age of 3." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Public kindergarten, maternal labor supply, and earnings in the longer run: Too little too late? (2021)

    Soldani, Emilia;


    Soldani, Emilia (2021): Public kindergarten, maternal labor supply, and earnings in the longer run: Too little too late? In: Labour, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 214-263. DOI:10.1111/labr.12195


    "By facilitating early re-entry to the labor market after childbirth, public kindergarten might positively affect maternal human capital and labor market outcomes: Are such effects long-lasting? Can we rely on between-individuals differences in quarter of birth to identify them? I isolate the effects of interest from spurious associations through difference-in-difference, exploiting across-states and over-time variation in public kindergarten eligibility regulations in the United States. The estimates suggest a very limited impact in the first year, and no longer-run impacts. Even in states where it does not affect kindergarten eligibility, quarter of birth is strongly and significantly correlated with maternal outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Pendelmobilität und partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung: Eine Studie über Geschlechterungleichheiten in heterosexuellen Paarbeziehungen (2021)

    Stenpaß, Anna;


    Stenpaß, Anna (2021): Pendelmobilität und partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung. Eine Studie über Geschlechterungleichheiten in heterosexuellen Paarbeziehungen. (Research), Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 298 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-31746-1


    "Anna Stenpaß verbindet in dieser Studie quantitative und qualitative Daten, um ein umfassendes Bild von einem bisher wenig erforschten Untersuchungsfeld zu erhalten. Anhand eines Mixed-Methods Ansatzes untersucht sie den Einfluss beruflicher Pendelmobilität auf die innerpartnerschaftliche Verteilung der Hausarbeit und Kinderbetreuung. Sie verdeutlicht, dass eine ungleiche Verteilung dieser Arbeiten auch im Zusammenhang mit der Pendelmobilität besteht. Insbesondere weibliche Pendler tragen oftmals weiterhin die Hauptverantwortung für die Hausarbeit und Kinderbetreuung, auch wenn sie neben der Erwerbstätigkeit berufsbedingt pendeln – und stehen damit einer Dreifachbelastung gegenüber. Wohlgleich verdeutlichen die Analysen, dass sich auch Möglichkeiten 'harmonischer' Arrangements etablieren lassen. Wie die Pendler*innen mit den unbezahlten Arbeiten umgehen und welche Arrangements sie im Umgang mit diesen herstellen, hängt von einem Zusammenspiel handlungstheoretischer Aspekte, normativer Einstellungen sowie der subjektiven Wahrnehmung der Pendelmobilität und deren Nutzen und Kosten ab." (Autorenreferat, © 2020 Springer)

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    The double penalty: How female migrants manage family responsibilities in the Spanish dual labour market (2021)

    Sánchez-Domínguez, María ; Guirola Abenza, Luis ;


    Sánchez-Domínguez, María & Luis Guirola Abenza (2021): The double penalty: How female migrants manage family responsibilities in the Spanish dual labour market. In: Journal of Family Research, Jg. 33, H. 2, S. 509-540. DOI:10.20377/jfr-497


    "Objective: This study examines the convergence of employment behaviour and work-life balance of foreign-born women with those of native-born Spanish women between 2014 and 2018. Background: The changing role of women in the labour market is a central development of the past century. However, the study of female labour market participation has focused on native women, typically with a college education. Method: We use the Spanish Labour Force Survey and its 2018 ad hoc module on the reconciliation of work and family life to compare the working behaviours of native and migrant women. We use a matching algorithm to construct a sample of native workers with comparable human capital and living arrangement characteristics. Results: The segmentation of the Spanish labour market leads to the concentration of female immigrants in specific occupational niches with precarious employment conditions, regardless of the length of their stay in the country. The country's employment and care regime forces female migrants to deal with their care responsibilities differently than their native counterparts: i.e., migrants are more likely than natives to interrupt their employment to fulfil household duties, and are less likely to engage in part-time work and to outsource care provision to family and professional caregivers. Conclusion: Female immigrants are doubly penalised as both immigrants and mothers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Gender Mobility Paradox: Gender Segregation and Women's Mobility Across Gender-Type Boundaries, 1970-2018 (2021)

    Torre, Margarita ; Jacobs, Jerry A. ;


    Torre, Margarita & Jerry A. Jacobs (2021): The Gender Mobility Paradox: Gender Segregation and Women's Mobility Across Gender-Type Boundaries, 1970-2018. In: Gender & Society, Jg. 35, H. 6, S. 853-883. DOI:10.1177/08912432211046328


    "In this article, we examine trends in women’s mobility among male-dominated, gender-neutral, and female-dominated occupations. Earlier research, largely employing data from the 1970s and early 1980s, showed that along with significant net movement by women into male-dominated fields, there was also substantial attrition from male-dominated occupations. Here, we build on previous research by examining how “gender-type” mobility rates have changed in recent decades. The findings indicate that while still quite high, levels of women’s occupational mobility among female, gender-neutral, and male occupations have decreased considerably over time. We suggest that this is the result of increasing differentiation among women. In particular, many women, especially those in high-status occupations, plan to pursue employment in a male-dominated field, succeed in gaining entry, and tend to remain in these fields more often than their counterparts in previous decades. We interpret these findings as evidence that gender segregation is maintained by an enduring but imperfect system of social control that constrains women’s choices before, during, and after entry into the labor market. The evidence presented here underscores the importance of studying gender-type mobility as a distinct dimension of labor market inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Eltern sein in Deutschland - Neunter Familienbericht: Zusammenfassung des Gutachtens der Sachverständigenkommission (2021)

    Walper, Sabine ; Kleinschrot, Leonie; Schüle-Tschersich, Meike; Müller, Dagmar;


    Walper, Sabine, Leonie Kleinschrot, Dagmar Müller & Meike Schüle-Tschersich (2021): Eltern sein in Deutschland - Neunter Familienbericht: Zusammenfassung des Gutachtens der Sachverständigenkommission. (Familienbericht 9), Berlin, 53 S.


    "Eltern sein in Deutschland“ fasst das Gutachten der Sachverständigenkommission für den Neunten Familienbericht zusammen und bietet einen Überblick über die wichtigsten gesellschaftlichen Trends, die das Familienleben und die Situation von Eltern in Deutschland bestimmen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Eltern als Weichensteller für das Leben ihrer Kinder. Ansprüche, Anforderungen und Angebote, denen sich Eltern bei wachsender Vielfalt gegenüber sehen, werden Wünschen und Zielen gegenübergestellt, um daraus Empfehlungen für eine wirksame Politik für Familien abzuleiten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Wage and Employment Discrimination by Gender in Labor Market Equilibrium (2021)

    Xiao, Pengpeng;


    Xiao, Pengpeng (2021): Wage and Employment Discrimination by Gender in Labor Market Equilibrium. (VATT working papers / Valtion Taloudellinen Tutkimuskeskus (Helsinki) 144), Helsinki, 60 S.


    "This paper develops an equilibrium search model to study the mechanisms underlying the lifecycle gender wage gap: human capital accumulation, preference for job amenities, and employers’ statistical discrimination in wage offers and hiring. In the model, men and women differ in turnover behaviors, parental leave lengths, and preference for amenities before and after having children. Capacity-constrained firms anticipate these gender differences when setting wages and making match decisions. Estimating the model on administrative employer-employee data combined with occupational level survey data on amenities from Finland, I find that a large proportion (44%) of the gender wage gap in early career is attributed to employers’ statistical discrimination based on fertility concerns, whereas gender differences in labor force attachment explain the majority of the gap (70%) in late career. Both hiring discrimination and preference for amenities draw women to low-productivity jobs in early career, and slow down their career progression in the long run. Counterfactual simulations show that shifting two parental leave months from women to men shrinks the wage gap by 13%. A gender quota at top jobs improves women’s representation in high productivity positions, but firms undo this policy by exerting more wage discrimination. An equal pay policy counterfactual shows that requiring firms to pay men and women the same wage closes the wage gap by 15% on average, but has unintended consequences as employers adjust on the hiring margin." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – the Role of Working Conditions (2021)

    Zoch, Gundula ; Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;


    Zoch, Gundula, Ann-Christin Bächmann & Basha Vicari (2021): Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – the Role of Working Conditions. (IAB-Discussion Paper 04/2021), Nürnberg, 45 S.


    "Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat sich sehr unterschiedlich auf die Bedingungen der Beschäftigung und der Familienarbeit von Männern und Frauen ausgewirkt. Damit könnte sie den in den letzten Jahrzehnten langsam und mühsam erreichten Abbau der geschlechtsspezifischen Ungleichheiten in der familiären Arbeitsteilung gefährden. Mit Daten des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS) und der Online durchgeführten Covid-19-Zusatzbefragung für Deutschland untersuchen wir den Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitsbedingungen und Geschlechterunterschieden im subjektiven Wohlbefinden während der ersten Monate der Pandemie. Dabei berücksichtigen wir systematisch den Haushaltskontext, indem wir zwischen Erwachsenen mit und ohne kleine Kinder unterscheiden. Die Ergebnisse aus multivariaten Regressionsmodellen, die die Zufriedenheit vor der Pandemie berücksichtigen, zeigen einen Rückgang der Lebenszufriedenheit bei allen Befragten, insbesondere bei Frauen und Müttern mit kleinen Kindern. Der stärkere Rückgang des Wohlbefindens von Frauen kann jedoch nicht mit systematischen Unterschieden in den Arbeitsbedingungen während der Pandemie in Verbindung gebracht werden. Kitagawa-Oaxaca-Blinder kontrafaktische Dekompositionen bestätigen diesen Befund. Weitere Robustness-Checks deuten darauf hin, dass die verbleibenden geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede in den ersten Monaten der Krise zum Teil durch gesellschaftliche Sorgen und größere Einsamkeit der Frauen erklärt werden. Allgemein betrachtet deuten unsere Ergebnisse auf wichtige geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im sozialen Leben und in der psychischen Belastung im Frühjahr 2020 hin, die sich im weiteren Verlauf der Krise wahrscheinlich noch verstärken werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;
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    Who cares when care closes? Care-arrangements and parental working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany (2021)

    Zoch, Gundula ; Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;


    Zoch, Gundula, Ann-Christin Bächmann & Basha Vicari (2021): Who cares when care closes? Care-arrangements and parental working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. In: European Societies, Jg. 23, H. sup1, S. S576-S588., 2020-10-01. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2020.1832700


    "This study examines the short-term consequences for care-arrangements among working parents, who were affected by the closure of schools and institutional childcare as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. By applying multinomial logistic regression models to novel data from two panel surveys of the National Educational Panel Study and its supplementary COVID-19 web survey, the study finds that mothers continue to play a key role in the care-arrangements during the first months of the pandemic. Moreover, the results illustrate the importance of working conditions, especially the possibility of remote work for the altered care-arrangements. Overall, the findings point towards systematic gender differences in the relationship between parental working conditions and the care-arrangements." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;
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    Stand der Gleichstellung: Ein Jahr mit Corona (2021)

    Zucco, Aline; Lott, Yvonne ;


    Zucco, Aline & Yvonne Lott (2021): Stand der Gleichstellung: Ein Jahr mit Corona. (WSI-Report 64), Düsseldorf, 27 S.


    "Die Corona-Krise schränkt das soziale und wirtschaftliche Leben in Deutschland stark ein. Neben dem Anstieg von Kurzarbeit waren und sind viele Beschäftigte aufgrund der eingeschränkten institutionellen Kinderbetreuung gezwungen, ihre Arbeitszeit zu verkürzen oder Kinderbetreuung im Homeoffice zu leisten. Da vor allem Frauen bereits vor der Krise den Löwenanteil an Sorgearbeit übernahmen, geht der vorliegende Report der folgenden Frage nach: Wie hat sich die Krise auf die Geschlechterungleichheit ausgewirkt? Dabei wird die Entwicklung des Gender Pay Gap, Gender Time Gap und Gender Care Gap in den Blick genommen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Neunter Familienbericht "Eltern sein in Deutschland": Ansprüche, Anforderungen und Angebote bei wachsender Vielfalt mit Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung (2021)


    "Der hier vorliegende Neunte Familienbericht ist in einer Zeit intensiver familien- und gesellschaftspolitischer Diskurse und Initiativen entstanden, die unter dem Eindruck vielfältiger Aspekte sozialen Wandels, nach wie vor ungelöster gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen und markanter Ereignisse stehen. Die Endphase seiner Fertigstellung fiel zusammen mit der Covid-19-Pandemie, die ab März 2020 eine der größten Krisen seit der Wirtschaftskrise vor mehr als zehn Jahren auslöste. Der teilweise lange anhaltende Lockdown zur Abwehr einer übergroßen Ausbreitung des Virus und damit einer Überforderung des Gesundheitssystems hat auch in Deutschland weite Bereiche der Wirtschaft zum Stillstand gebracht, und viele Familien sahen sich in der Betreuung und Beschulung der Kinder auf sich selbst gestellt. Dies hat einzelne Themen noch stärker in den Vordergrund gerückt, als es bei der Konzeption dieses Berichts und der Hauptphase seiner Erarbeitung absehbar war. Fragen der wirtschaftlichen Stabilität, die gelebten Erwerbsmodelle und die damit verbundenen Risiken haben an zentraler Bedeutung gewonnen, ebenso wie Fragen ungleicher Bildungschancen, die durch den zeitweisen Ausfall institutioneller Bildung und Betreuung entscheidend akzentuiert wurden. Bereits vor der Corona-Pandemie mussten viele Familien mit einem kleinen Einkommen wirtschaften und sahen ihre Teilhabechancen, vor allem aber auch die Bildungschancen ihrer Kinder beschränkt. Trotz massiver Bemühungen, das Bildungssystem zu reformieren und der in Deutschland starken „sozialen Vererbung“ von Bildungsressourcen entgegenzuwirken und trotz starker Initiativen zur Entwicklung eines inklusiven Bildungssystems, fallen die Bildungserfolge von Kindern und Jugendlichen je nach sozialer Herkunft und je nach individuellen Beeinträchtigungen noch immer sehr unterschiedlich aus. Darüber hinaus wird im Bereich der Bildungspolitik auf die nach wie vor schwächeren Bildungschancen von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund hingewiesen. Schon seit der Anwerbung von Arbeitsmigrantinnen und -migranten in den 1950er-Jahren steht die Diskussion über eine geeignete Integrationspolitik im Raum, die in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten und insbesondere durch die intensive Zuwanderung von Geflüchteten seit 2015 deutlich an Intensität gewonnen hat. Dabei wird zunehmend deutlich, dass sich Integrationsbemühungen auch an Eltern richten müssen und von einer stärkeren Familienorientierung diesbezüglicher Regelungen und Maßnahmen profitieren können. Parallel hierzu hat sich durch die Digitalisierung aller Lebensbereiche das Zusammenleben merklich verändert. Neue Kommunikationstechnologien erleichtern den Austausch im privaten Kreis und in erweiterten sozialen Netzen, helfen bei der raschen Informationssuche, und prägen auch zunehmend die Lern- und Arbeitsbedingungen in Schule, Ausbildung, Studium und Beruf. Gleichzeitig sind neue Anforderungen an Medienkompetenzen entstanden, mit denen alle Nutzenden und vor allem Eltern in ihrer Verantwortung für Kinder und Jugendliche konfrontiert sind. Nicht nur an dieser Stelle wachsen Kita und Schule neue Aufgaben zu, um Kinder und Jugendliche zum kompetenten Umgang mit Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der digitalisierten Gesellschaft zu befähigen, sondern auch Eltern Information und Orientierung zu bieten." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Eltern sein in Deutschland - Kurzfassung
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    Eltern sein in Deutschland - Neunter Familienbericht: Ansprüche, Anforderungen und Angebote bei wachsender Vielfalt : mit Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung (2021)


    Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (2021): Eltern sein in Deutschland - Neunter Familienbericht. Ansprüche, Anforderungen und Angebote bei wachsender Vielfalt : mit Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung. (Familienbericht 9), Berlin, LXV, 654 S. DOI:10.36189/DJI232021


    "Der Neunte Familienbericht mit dem Titel "Eltern sein in Deutschland" stellt die Eltern in den Mittelpunkt und die Frage, wie es ihnen geht. Der Bericht bestätigt: Familien brauchen Flexibilität und Sicherheit, Investitionen in neue Chancen für die Kinder und gute Perspektiven für das Familienleben. Drei wichtige Handlungsfelder werden in dem Bericht benannt: ∙eine neue Qualität der Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie für mehr Partnerschaftlichkeit, ∙mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit für Kinder und ∙stabile wirtschaftliche Sicherheit für alle Familien. Eltern sein in Deutschland ist anspruchsvoller geworden. Eltern verlangen sich viel ab: Sie wollen mehr Zeit mit ihren Kindern verbringen, sie so gut wie möglich fördern, Familie und Beruf in Einklang bringen und auch eigene Ziele verfolgen. Dafür suchen und brauchen sie Orientierung und Unterstützung, gerade angesichts sich wandelnder Rollenbilder, komplexerer Familienstrukturen, der Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung und der nach wie vor bestehenden ungleichen sozialen Bedingungen für das Aufwachsen und die Chancen von Kindern. Mit der Erstellung des Neunten Familienberichts wurde im Juli 2018 eine aus sieben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern bestehende unabhängige Sachverständigenkommission beauftragt. Der 600-seitige Bericht umfasst den Zeitraum Juli 2018 bis 18. August 2020 und enthält insgesamt 31 Empfehlungen zu sieben Zielen, die sich an der nachhaltigen Familienpolitik und einer investiven Sozialpolitik orientieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Welfare-use accumulation and chronic dependency in Israel: the role of structural factors (2020)

    Achdut, Netta ; Stier, Haya ;


    Achdut, Netta & Haya Stier (2020): Welfare-use accumulation and chronic dependency in Israel. The role of structural factors. In: Journal of social policy, Jg. 49, H. 1, S. 81-101. DOI:10.1017/S0047279418000843


    "Contemporary welfare policies in many Western countries limit public assistance for the long-term unemployed and spur rapid movement into the labour market. These policies have substantially changed the trade-offs of employment and welfare-use behaviour, making employment far more attractive than welfare dependency. Despite this new reality, many welfare recipients circulate in and out of the welfare system and the low-wage labour market or become disconnected from both work and welfare. Drawing on longitudinal administrative data of single Israeli mothers who received Income Support Benefit in 2003, this study focuses on the role of structural factors, including local labour market conditions and local availability of subsidised child-care, in explaining the intensity of welfare receipt over a 51-month period. The results indicate notable diversity in welfare-use accumulation. Some mothers were classified as short- to mid-termer recipients while others showed a much more intensive use, and about a third were classified as chronically dependent. Local labour market conditions and their change over time played an important part in explaining welfare accumulation, while local child-care availability had no effect. Implications for policy are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Childcare arrangements and working mothers’ satisfaction with work‒family balance (2020)

    Arpino, Bruno ; Luppi, Francesca;


    Arpino, Bruno & Francesca Luppi (2020): Childcare arrangements and working mothers’ satisfaction with work‒family balance. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 42, S. 549-588. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2020.42.19


    "Background: Difficulties with work‒family reconciliation contribute to explaining the low participation of women in the labour market and low fertility levels in several developed countries. Understanding how much different types of childcare can help mothers to balance family and work is crucial for implementing ad hoc policies. Objective: This study examines whether working mothers’ satisfaction with work‒family balance is associated with different combinations of paid and unpaid childcare arrangements. Difficulties in using different types of childcare are also considered. Methods: We use random effects models on panel data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey (2003‒2013). Results: Results show that a balanced mix of paid and unpaid childcare is associated with mothers’ highest satisfaction. Difficulties related to the affordability and the flexibility of paid childcare negatively relate to the satisfaction with work‒family balance. Moreover, even after adjusting for experienced difficulties, the “mixed” arrangement guarantees the most satisfying combination of work and family responsibilities. Contribution: Taken together, our analyses are suggestive of the idea that improving the flexibility and the affordability of paid childcare services is a way to increase mothers’ satisfaction with the work‒family balance. The issue might become even more urgent if we consider that grandparents’ availability is not so obvious in a context where young people work and live at long distance from their original family, and when age at first (grand)parenthood is increasing." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung) ((en))

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    It's a woman's world? Occupational structure and the rise of female employment in Germany (2020)

    Bachmann, Ronald ; Stepanyan, Gayane;


    Bachmann, Ronald & Gayane Stepanyan (2020): It's a woman's world? Occupational structure and the rise of female employment in Germany. (Ruhr economic papers 889), Essen, 25 S.


    "We analyse whether the rise in female labour force participation in Germany over the last decades can be explained by technological progress increasing the demand for non-routine social and cognitive skills, traditionally attributed to women. We do so by examining which task groups and occupations drive the increase in the female share and how this is related to women's wages. Our findings show that the share of women indeed rises most strongly in non-routine occupations requiring strong social and cognitive skills. While the female share in high-paid occupations increases over time, the share of women in the upper parts of the overall wage distribution rises much less which implies significant within-occupation gender wage gaps." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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