Prof. Dr. Jörg Drechsler
Funktion am IAB
- Forschungsbereichsleiter - Bereich Kompetenzzentrum Empirische Methoden (KEM)
- Mitglied - Arbeitsgruppe Datenqualität
Beruflicher Werdegang
Jörg Drechsler studierte von 1999 bis 2004 Klavier an der Musikhochschule Augsburg-Nürnberg und von 2001 bis 2006 Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Seit 2006 ist er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am IAB. Er promovierte 2009 an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität in Bamberg und habilitierte 2015 an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München im Fach Statistik. Ab 2016 war er Adjunct Assistent Professor, seit 2018 ist er Adjunct Associate Professor im Joint Program in Survey Methodology an der University of Maryland. Zudem wurde er 2018 auf eine Honorarprofessur an der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Mannheim berufen.
laufende Projekte
- Inferenz mit Nicht-Zufallsstichproben
- synthetische Daten in der Statistik und Informatik - systematischer Vergleich und Weiterentwicklung der Methodik
- Hochfrequente Personenbefragung: Entwicklungsstudie
- Towards an End-to-End Approach to Formal Privacy for Sample Surveys
abgeschlossene Projekte
- Überarbeitung des IAB-Publikationsratings
- Verbesserung der Qualität und Erweiterung der Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Längsschnittdaten zur Bildungsforschung
- Imputation and record linkage strategies for educational data collected from surveys and administrative sources
- Imputation of right-censored wages in the BeH
- Anonymisierung der georeferenzierten IEB durch Erstellung synthetischer Datensätze
- Imputation der Arbeitszeitinformationen in der BeH
- Imputation der Bildungsvariable in der IEB
- Entwurf eines Publikationsratings für das IAB
- Imputation und Gewichtung zum Umgang mit fehlenden Werten in hierarchischen Längsschnitterhebungen
- Erzeugung synthetischer Datensätze des BHP
- Blue ETS - BLUE-Enterprise and Trade Statistics
- Verbesserung der informationellen Infrastruktur für das E-Science Age (infinitE)
- Wirtschaftsstatistische Paneldaten und faktische Anonymisierung (FAWE)
- Prüfung der Möglichkeiten der tieferen Regional- und Berufsgliederung sowie der multiplen Datenimputation der Quartalsdaten der Erhebung des gesamtwirtschaftlichen Stellenangebots 2005/2006
- Fragebogensplit Offene-Stellen Erhebung
Handbook of Sharing Confidential Data
Drechsler, Jörg, Daniel Kifer, Jerome Reiter & Aleksandra Slavković (Hrsg.) (2025): Handbook of Sharing Confidential Data. Differential Privacy, Secure Multiparty Computation, and Synthetic Data. (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods), Boca Raton: CRC Press, 342 S.
Bridging Between Different BeH Industry Classifications via Imputation
Drechsler, Jörg & Johannes Ludsteck (2024): Bridging Between Different BeH Industry Classifications via Imputation. (FDZ-Methodenreport 04/2024 (en)), Nürnberg, 17 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZM.2404.en.v1
Evaluating the Pseudo Likelihood Approach for Synthesizing Surveys Under Informative Sampling
Oganian, Anna, Jörg Drechsler & Mehtab Iqbal (2024): Evaluating the Pseudo Likelihood Approach for Synthesizing Surveys Under Informative Sampling. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & M. Önen (Hrsg.) (2024): Privacy in Statistical Databases 2024, S. 129-143. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-69651-0_9
An Evaluation of Synthetic Data Generators Implemented in the Python Library Synthcity
Fössing, Emma & Jörg Drechsler (2024): An Evaluation of Synthetic Data Generators Implemented in the Python Library Synthcity. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & M. Önen (Hrsg.) (2024): Privacy in Statistical Databases 2024, S. 178-193. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-69651-0_12
Generating Synthetic Data is Complicated: Know Your Data and Know Your Generator
Latner, Jonathan P., Marcel Neunhoeffer & Jörg Drechsler (2024): Generating Synthetic Data is Complicated: Know Your Data and Know Your Generator. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & M. Önen (Hrsg.) (2024): Privacy in Statistical Databases 2024, S. 115-128. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-69651-0_8
The Complexities of Differential Privacy for Survey Data
Drechsler, Jörg & James Bailie (2024): The Complexities of Differential Privacy for Survey Data. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 32905), Cambridge, Mass, 18 S.
On the Formal Privacy Guarantees of Synthetic Data
Neunhoeffer, Marcel, Jonathan P. Latner & Jörg Drechsler (2024): On the Formal Privacy Guarantees of Synthetic Data. In: National Bureau of Economic Research (2024): Data Privacy Protection and the Conduct of Applied Research: Methods, Approaches and their Consequences, Spring 2024, Washington, S. 1-16.
Whose Data Is It Anyway? Towards a Formal Treatment of Differential Privacy for Surveys
Bailie, James & Jörg Drechsler (2024): Whose Data Is It Anyway? Towards a Formal Treatment of Differential Privacy for Surveys. In: National Bureau of Economic Research (2024): Data Privacy Protection and the Conduct of Applied Research: Methods, Approaches and their Consequences, Spring 2024, Washington, S. 1-33.
30 Years of Synthetic Data
Drechsler, Jörg & Anna-Carolina Haensch (2024): 30 Years of Synthetic Data. In: Statistical Science, Jg. 39, H. 2, S. 221-242. DOI:10.1214/24-STS927
Das Reidentifikationspotenzial von strukturierten Gesundheitsdaten
Drechsler, Jörg & Hannah Pauly (2024): Das Reidentifikationspotenzial von strukturierten Gesundheitsdaten. In: Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz, Jg. 67, S. 164-170. DOI:10.1007/s00103-023-03820-2
An overview of data protection strategies for individual-level geocoded data
Steffen, Maike, Konstantin Körner & Jörg Drechsler (2023): An overview of data protection strategies for individual-level geocoded data. In: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Hrsg.) (2023): UNECE Expert meeting on Statistical Data Confidentiality 2023, S. 1-13.
Imputation der rechtszensierten Tagesentgelte für die BeH
Drechsler, Jörg, Johannes Ludsteck & Andreas Moczall (2023): Imputation der rechtszensierten Tagesentgelte für die BeH. (FDZ-Methodenreport 05/2023 (de)), Nürnberg, 25 S. DOI:10.5164/
Differential Privacy for Government Agencies - Are We There Yet?
Drechsler, Jörg (2023): Differential Privacy for Government Agencies - Are We There Yet? In: Journal of the American Statistical Association, Jg. 118, H. 541, S. 761-773. DOI:10.1080/01621459.2022.2161385
Challenges in Measuring Utility for Fully Synthetic Data
Drechsler, Jörg (2022): Challenges in Measuring Utility for Fully Synthetic Data. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & M. Laurent (Hrsg.) (2022): Privacy in Statistical Databases 2022, S. 220-233. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-13945-1_16
Controlling Privacy Loss in Sampling Schemes: An Analysis of Stratified and Cluster Sampling
Bun, Marc, Jörg Drechsler, Marco Gaboardi, Audra McMillan & Jayshree Sarathy (2022): Controlling Privacy Loss in Sampling Schemes: An Analysis of Stratified and Cluster Sampling. In: L. Elisa Celis (Ed.) (2022): 3rd annual Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC), S. 1-24. DOI:10.4230/LIPIcs.FORC.2022.1
Nonparametric Differentially Private Confidence Intervals for the Median
Drechsler, Jörg, Ira Globus-Harris, Audra McMillan, Jayshree Sarathy & Adam Smith (2022): Nonparametric Differentially Private Confidence Intervals for the Median. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 10, H. 3, S. 804-829. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smac021
Accuracy Gains from Privacy Amplification Through Sampling for Differential Privacy
Hu, Jingchen, Jörg Drechsler & Hang Kim (2022): Accuracy Gains from Privacy Amplification Through Sampling for Differential Privacy. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 10, H. 3, S. 688-719. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smac012
Herausforderungen bei der Anonymisierung - von der Pseudonymisierung über synthetische Daten zum Konzept der Differential Privacy
Drechsler, Jörg (2022): Herausforderungen bei der Anonymisierung - von der Pseudonymisierung über synthetische Daten zum Konzept der Differential Privacy. In: J. Baas (Hrsg.) (2022): Gesundheit im Zeitalter der Plattformökonomie, S. 80-88.
Accounting for longitudinal data structures when disseminating synthetic data to the public
Rashid, Sana, Jörg Drechsler & Robin Mitra (2021): Accounting for longitudinal data structures when disseminating synthetic data to the public. In: United Nations Economic Comission for Europe (Hrsg.) (2021): Expert Meeting on Statistical Data Confidentiality, Genf, S. 1-12.
Synthesizing Geocodes to Facilitate Access to Detailed Geographical Information in Large-Scale Administrative Data
Drechsler, Jörg & Jingchen Hu (2021): Synthesizing Geocodes to Facilitate Access to Detailed Geographical Information in Large-Scale Administrative Data. In: Journal of survey statistics and methodology, Jg. 9, H. 3, S. 523-548. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smaa035
Synthetic microdata for establishment surveys under informative sampling
Kim, Hang J., Jörg Drechsler & Katherine J. Thompson (2021): Synthetic microdata for establishment surveys under informative sampling. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, Jg. 184, H. 1, S. 255-281. DOI:10.1111/rssa.12622
The R Package hmi: A Convenient Tool for Hierarchical Multiple Imputation and Beyond
Speidel, Matthias, Jörg Drechsler & Shahab Jolani (2020): The R Package hmi: A Convenient Tool for Hierarchical Multiple Imputation and Beyond. In: Journal of statistical software, Jg. 95, H. 9, S. 1-48. DOI:10.18637/jss.v095.i09
TippingSens: An R Shiny Application to Facilitate Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Inference Under Confounding
Haensch, Anna-Carolina, Jörg Drechsler & Sarah Bernhard (2020): TippingSens: An R Shiny Application to Facilitate Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Inference Under Confounding. (IAB-Discussion Paper 29/2020), Nürnberg, 39 S.
Secure Matrix Computation: A Viable Alternative to Record Linkage?
Drechsler, Jörg & Benjamin Klein (2020): Secure Matrix Computation: A Viable Alternative to Record Linkage? In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & K. Muralidhar (Hrsg.) (2020): Privacy in Statistical Databases, Cham, S. 240-254. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-57521-2_17
Applying data synthesis for longitudinal business data across three countries
Alam, M. Jahangir, Benoit Dostie, Jörg Drechsler & Lars Vilhuber (2020): Applying data synthesis for longitudinal business data across three countries. In: Statistics in transition, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 212-236. DOI:10.21307/stattrans-2020-039
Multiple Imputation
Drechsler, Jörg (2020): Multiple Imputation. In: P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J. W. Sakshaug & R. A. Williams (Hrsg.) (2020), SAGE Research methods foundations: an encyclopedia, o. Sz. DOI:10.4135/9781526421036885886
In memory of Professor Susanne Rässler
Drechsler, Jörg, Hans Kiesl, Florian Meinfelder, Trivellore E. Raghunathan, Donald B. Rubin, Nathaniel Schenker & Elizabeth R. Zell (2019): In memory of Professor Susanne Rässler. In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 35, H. 1, S. 285-286. DOI:10.2478/jos-2019-0013
Statistical matching as a supplement to record linkage
Gessendorfer, Jonathan, Jonas Beste, Jörg Drechsler & Joseph Sakshaug (2018): Statistical matching as a supplement to record linkage. A valuable method to tackle nonconsent bias? In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 34, H. 4, S. 909-933. DOI:10.2478/jos-2018-0045
Some clarifications regarding fully synthetic data
Drechsler, Jörg (2018): Some clarifications regarding fully synthetic data. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & F. Montes (Hrsg.) (2018): Privacy in statistical databases : UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy International Conference, PSD 2018 Valencia, Spain, September 26 - 28, 2018 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11126), S. 109-121. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-99771-1_8
R package hmi: a convenient tool for hierarchical multiple imputation and beyond
Speidel, Matthias, Jörg Drechsler & Shahab Jolani (2018): R package hmi: a convenient tool for hierarchical multiple imputation and beyond. (IAB-Discussion Paper 16/2018), Nürnberg, 55 S.
Preface to the papers on 'Data confidentiality and statistical disclosure control'
Drechsler, Jörg & Natalie Shlomo (2019): Preface to the papers on 'Data confidentiality and statistical disclosure control'. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in Society, Jg. 181, H. 3, S. 607-608. DOI:10.1111/rssa.12383
Synthetische Daten
Drechsler, Jörg & Nicola Jentzsch (2018): Synthetische Daten. Innovationspotential und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen. Berlin, 26 S.
Biases in multilevel analyses caused by cluster-specific fixed-effects imputation
Speidel, Matthias, Jörg Drechsler & Joseph Sakshaug (2018): Biases in multilevel analyses caused by cluster-specific fixed-effects imputation. In: Behavior research methods, Jg. 50, H. 5, S. 1824-1840. DOI:10.3758/s13428-017-0951-1
Discussion of the synthetic data papers published in the previous issue
Drechsler, Jörg (2016): Discussion of the synthetic data papers published in the previous issue. In: Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Jg. 32, H. 2, S. 271-274. DOI:10.3233/SJI-161001
Beat the heap: An imputation strategy for valid inferences from rounded income data
Drechsler, Jörg & Hans Kiesl (2016): Beat the heap: An imputation strategy for valid inferences from rounded income data. In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Jg. 4, H. 1, S. 22-42. DOI:10.1093/jssam/smv032
MI double feature: Multiple imputation to address nonresponse and rounding errors in income questions
Drechsler, Jörg, Hans Kiesl & Matthias Speidel (2015): MI double feature: Multiple imputation to address nonresponse and rounding errors in income questions. In: Austrian Journal of Statistics, Jg. 44, H. 2, S. 59-71. DOI:10.17713/ajs.v44i2.77
Generating synthetic geocoding information for public release
Hu, Jingchen & Jörg Drechsler (2015): Generating synthetic geocoding information for public release. In: S. A. Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.) (2015): NTTS - Conferences on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics. Brussels, 9-13 March 2015. Proceedings, S. 56-59.
Multiple imputation of multilevel missing data rigor vs. simplicity
Drechsler, Jörg (2015): Multiple imputation of multilevel missing data rigor vs. simplicity. In: Journal of educational and behavioral statistics, Jg. 40, H. 1, S. 69-95. DOI:10.3102/1076998614563393
Synthetic longitudinal business databases for international comparisons
Drechsler, Jörg & Lars Vilhuber (2014): Synthetic longitudinal business databases for international comparisons. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer (Hrsg.) (2014): Privacy in statistical databases 2014 : UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, International Conference, PSD 2014, Ibiza, Spain, September 17-19, 2014. Proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science, 8744), S. 243-252. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-11257-2_19
A first step towards a German SynLBD
Drechsler, Jörg & Lars Vilhuber (2014): A first step towards a German SynLBD. Constructing a German longitudinal business database. In: Statistical Journal of the IAOS, Jg. 30, H. 2, S. 137-142. DOI:10.3233/SJI-140812
Disclosure risk from factor scores
Bleninger, Philipp, Jörg Drechsler & Gerd Ronning (2014): Disclosure risk from factor scores. In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 30, H. 1, S. 107-122. DOI:10.2478/jos-2014-0006
Beat the heap - an imputation strategy for valid inferences from rounded income data
Drechsler, Jörg & Hans Kiesl (2014): Beat the heap - an imputation strategy for valid inferences from rounded income data. (IAB-Discussion Paper 02/2014), Nürnberg, 26 S.
Evaluating the potential of differential privacy mechanisms for census data
Soria-Comas, Jordi & Jörg Drechsler (2013): Evaluating the potential of differential privacy mechanisms for census data. (UNECE Working paper), New York, 12 S.
Replicating the synthetic LBD with German establishment data
Vilhuber, Lars & Jörg Drechsler (2013): Replicating the synthetic LBD with German establishment data. (Labor Dynamics Institute. Working Paper), 6 S.
Generating useful test data for complex linked employer-employee datasets
Dorner, Matthias, Jörg Drechsler & Peter Jacobebbinghaus (2012): Generating useful test data for complex linked employer-employee datasets. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & I. Tinnirello (Hrsg.) (2012): Privacy in statistical databases (Lecture notes in computer science, 7556), S. 165-178.
Combining synthetic data with subsampling to create public use microdata files for large scale surveys
Drechsler, Jörg & Jerome P. Reiter (2012): Combining synthetic data with subsampling to create public use microdata files for large scale surveys. In: Survey Methodology, Jg. 38, H. 1, S. 73-79.
An empirical evaluation of easily implemented, nonparametric methods for generating synthetic datasets
Drechsler, Jörg & Jerome P. Reiter (2011): An empirical evaluation of easily implemented, nonparametric methods for generating synthetic datasets. In: Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.) (2011): Proceedings of the Eurostat Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) 2011, Brussels, S. 1-12.
Remote Access
Ronning, Gerd, Philipp Bleninger, Jörg Drechsler & Christopher Gürke (2011): Remote Access. Eine Welt ohne Mikrodaten?? (FDZ-Arbeitspapier 33), Wiesbaden, 59 S.
An empirical evaluation of easily implemented, nonparametric methods for generating synthetic datasets
Drechsler, Jörg & Jerome P. Reiter (2011): An empirical evaluation of easily implemented, nonparametric methods for generating synthetic datasets. In: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Jg. 55, H. 12, S. 3232-3243. DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2011.06.006
Improved variance estimation for fully synthetic datasets
Drechsler, Jörg (2011): Improved variance estimation for fully synthetic datasets. (Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality 2011. Working paper 18), New York, 13 S.
Disclosure risk from factor scores in a remote access environment
Bleninger, Philipp, Jörg Drechsler & Gerd Ronning (2011): Disclosure risk from factor scores in a remote access environment. (Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality 2011. Working paper 02), New York, 14 S.
Remote data access and the risk of disclosure from linear regression
Bleninger, Philipp, Jörg Drechsler & Gerd Ronning (2011): Remote data access and the risk of disclosure from linear regression. In: Statistics and operations research transactions (SORT) H. Special Issue, S. 7-24.
New data dissemination approaches in old Europe
Drechsler, Jörg (2012): New data dissemination approaches in old Europe. Synthetic datasets for a German establishment survey. In: Journal of applied statistics, Jg. 39, H. 2, S. 243-265. DOI:10.1080/02664763.2011.584523
Erzeugung synthetischer Datensätze durch multiple Imputation
Drechsler, Jörg (2011): Erzeugung synthetischer Datensätze durch multiple Imputation. Theorie und Implementierung in der Praxis. Gerhard-Fürst-Preis. In: Wirtschaft und Statistik H. 4, S. 402-407.
Methodenreport: Synthetische Scientific-Use-Files der Welle 2007 des IAB-Betriebspanels
Drechsler, Jörg (2011): Methodenreport: Synthetische Scientific-Use-Files der Welle 2007 des IAB-Betriebspanels. (FDZ-Methodenreport 01/2011 (de)), Nürnberg, 19 S.
Remote data access and the risk of disclosure from linear regression
Bleninger, Philipp, Jörg Drechsler & Gerd Ronning (2011): Remote data access and the risk of disclosure from linear regression. An empirical study. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & E. Magkos (Hrsg.) (2011): Privacy in statistical databases : UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, International Conference, PSD 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science, 6344), S. 220-233. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-15838-4_20
Using support vector machines for generating synthetic datasets
Drechsler, Jörg (2011): Using support vector machines for generating synthetic datasets. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & E. Magkos (Hrsg.) (2011): Privacy in statistical databases : UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, International Conference, PSD 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science, 6344), S. 148-161. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-15838-4
Releasing multiply-imputed synthetic data generated in two stages to protect confidentiality
Reiter, Jerome P. & Jörg Drechsler (2010): Releasing multiply-imputed synthetic data generated in two stages to protect confidentiality. In: Statistica Sinica, Jg. 20, H. 1, S. 405-421.
Remote Access
Ronning, Gerd, Philipp Bleninger, Jörg Drechsler & Christopher Gürke (2010): Remote Access. Eine Welt ohne Mikrodaten?? (IAW-Diskussionspapiere 66), Tübingen, 64 S.
Multiple imputation of missing values in the wave 2007 of the IAB Establishment Panel
Drechsler, Jörg (2010): Multiple imputation of missing values in the wave 2007 of the IAB Establishment Panel. (IAB-Discussion Paper 06/2010), Nürnberg, 29 S.
Multiple imputation in practice
Drechsler, Jörg (2011): Multiple imputation in practice. A case study using a complex German establishment survey. In: Advances in statistical analysis, Jg. 95, H. 1, S. 1-26. DOI:10.1007/s10182-010-0136-z
Sampling with synthesis
Drechsler, Jörg & Jerome P. Reiter (2010): Sampling with synthesis. A new approach for releasing public use census microdata. In: Journal of the American Statistical Association, Jg. 105, H. 492, S. 1347-1357. DOI:10.1198/jasa.2010.ap09480
Disclosure control in business data
Drechsler, Jörg (2009): Disclosure control in business data. Experiences with multiply imputed synthetic datasets for the German IAB Establishment Survey. In: Europäische Kommission (Hrsg.) (2009): Proceedings of the Eurostat Conference on New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS), 2009, Brussels, S. 1-10.
Synthetic datasets for the German IAB Establishment Panel
Drechsler, Jörg (2009): Synthetic datasets for the German IAB Establishment Panel. (Joint UNECE/Eurostat Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality 2009. Working paper 10), New York, 13 S.
Disclosure risk and data utility for partially synthetic data
Drechsler, Jörg & Jerome P. Reiter (2009): Disclosure risk and data utility for partially synthetic data. An empirical study using the German IAB Establishment Survey. In: Journal of official statistics, Jg. 25, H. 4, S. 589-603.
ESSNET-SDC deliverable report on synthetic data files
Domingo-Ferrer, Josep, Jörg Drechsler & Silvia Polettini (2009): ESSNET-SDC deliverable report on synthetic data files. The Hague, 32 S.
Far from normal: Multiple imputation of missing values in a German establishment survey
Drechsler, Jörg (2009): Far from normal: Multiple imputation of missing values in a German establishment survey. (United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Working paper 21), New York, 13 S.
Evaluating different approaches for multiple imputation under linear constraints
Drechsler, Jörg & Trivellore E. Raghunathan (2008): Evaluating different approaches for multiple imputation under linear constraints. (United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Working paper 25), New York, 12 S.
Accounting for intruder uncertainty due to sampling when estimating identification disclosure risks in partially synthetic data
Drechsler, Jörg & Jerome P. Reiter (2008): Accounting for intruder uncertainty due to sampling when estimating identification disclosure risks in partially synthetic data. In: J. Domingo-Ferrer & Y. Saygin (Hrsg.) (2008): Privacy in statistical databases : UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy International Conference, PSD 2008, Istanbul, Turkey, September 24-26, 2008. Proceedings (Lecture notes in computer science, 5262), S. 227-238.
Comparing fully and partially synthetic datasets for statistical disclosure control in the German IAB Establishment Panel
Drechsler, Jörg, Stefan Bender & Susanne Rässler (2008): Comparing fully and partially synthetic datasets for statistical disclosure control in the German IAB Establishment Panel. In: Transactions on Data Privacy, Jg. 1, H. 3, S. 105-130.
Estimation of vacancies by NACE and ISCO at disaggregated regional level
Kettner, Anja, Jörg Drechsler, Martina Rebien, Katrin Schmidt, Marina Smerdjieva, Michael Stops & Kurt Vogler-Ludwig (2007): Estimation of vacancies by NACE and ISCO at disaggregated regional level. (IAB-Bibliothek 310), Nürnberg, 197 S.
Does convergence really matter?
Drechsler, Jörg & Susanne Rässler (2008): Does convergence really matter? In: Shalabh & C. Heumann (Hrsg.) (2008): Recent advances in linear models and related areas : essays in honour of Helge Toutenburg (Statistical theory and methods, 15).
A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel
Drechsler, Jörg, Agnes Dundler, Stefan Bender, Susanne Rässler & Thomas Zwick (2008): A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel. Multiple imputation for a better data access. In: Advances in statistical analysis, Jg. 92, H. 4, S. 439-458. DOI:10.1007/s10182-008-0090-1
Comparing fully and partially synthetic data sets for statistical disclosure control in the German IAB Establishment Panel
Drechsler, Jörg, Stefan Bender & Susanne Rässler (2007): Comparing fully and partially synthetic data sets for statistical disclosure control in the German IAB Establishment Panel. (United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Working paper 11), New York, 8 S.
Releasing multiply-imputed synthetic data generated in two stages to protect confidentiality
Reiter, Jerome P. & Jörg Drechsler (2007): Releasing multiply-imputed synthetic data generated in two stages to protect confidentiality. (IAB-Discussion Paper 20/2007), Nürnberg, 26 S.
A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel
Drechsler, Jörg, Agnes Dundler, Stefan Bender, Susanne Rässler & Thomas Zwick (2007): A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel. Multiple imputation for a better data access. (IAB-Discussion Paper 11/2007), Nürnberg, 31 S.
A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel
Bender, Stefan, Jörg Drechsler, Agnes Dundler, Susanne Rässler & Thomas Zwick (2006): A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel. Multiple imputation for a better data access. (United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe. Working paper 18), New York, 18 S.
Estimation of vacancies by NACE and ISCO on disaggregated regional level
Kettner, Anja, Jörg Drechsler, Martina Rebien, Katrin Schmidt, Marina Semerdjiva, Michael Stops & Kurt Vogler-Ludwig (2006): Estimation of vacancies by NACE and ISCO on disaggregated regional level. Nürnberg, 101 S., Anhang.
A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel
Drechsler, Jörg, Agnes Dundler & Susanne Rässler (2006): A new approach for disclosure control in the IAB Establishment Panel. Multiple imputation for a better data access. In: (2006): Proceedings of privacy in statistical data bases.