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Der Begriff Beschäftigungsfähigkeit bzw. 'Employability' bezeichnet die Fähigkeit einer Person, eine Beschäftigung zu finden und in Beschäftigung zu bleiben. In der arbeitsmarkt- und bildungspolitischen Diskussion wird Beschäftigungsfähigkeit mittlerweile als zentrale Zielgröße arbeitsmarktpolitischer Strategien, betrieblicher Personalpolitik und individueller Qualifikationsprofile betrachtet.

Diese Infoplattform zeichnet die Debatte um Herstellung und Erhalt von Beschäftigungsfähigkeit anhand ausgewählter Literatur- und Forschungsprojektnachweise nach. Sie zeigt auf, welche persönlichen Kompetenzen und institutionellen Bedingungen Beschäftigungsfähigkeit konstituieren, wie sie gemessen werden kann, welche Zielgruppen dabei im Fokus stehen und welche Konzepte, Instrumente und Maßnahmen zu ihrer Förderung eingesetzt werden.

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    Career Pathways and Professional Transitions: Preliminary Results from the First Wave of a 7-Year Longitudinal Study (2016)

    Maggiori, Christian; Rossier, Jérôme ; Krings, Franciska; Massoudi, Koorosh; Johnston, Claire S.;


    Maggiori, Christian, Jérôme Rossier, Franciska Krings, Claire S. Johnston & Koorosh Massoudi (2016): Career Pathways and Professional Transitions: Preliminary Results from the First Wave of a 7-Year Longitudinal Study. In: M. Oris, C. Roberts, D. Joye & M. E. Stähli (Hrsg.) (2016): Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course, S. 131-157. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-24157-9_6


    "The main purpose of this chapter is to present and to discuss the implementation and the main methodological characteristics, notably in terms of design and research protocol, sampling and data collection procedure via a mixed-mode approach, of our 7-year longitudinal study on professional trajectories. More specifically, adopting several psychological perspectives, this study addresses professional transitions and career pathways and personal experiences – particularly in terms of well-being – of employed and unemployed middle-aged adults (25–55 years) living in Switzerland. Furthermore, based on the first wave of data (N = 2469), we introduce some results concerning, amongst others, the predictors of the choice of the mode to complete the questionnaire and of the intention to participate in the next wave, and possible differences on vulnerability indicators with reference to personal characteristics, resources and professional situation. Finally, considering the procedure implemented and the results emerging from this first wave, we discuss several implications and challenges for the next waves." (Author's abstract, © Springer) ((en))

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    The investment model of volunteering in the EU-27 countries: volunteering, skills development and employability. A multi-level analysis (2016)

    Souto-Otero, Manuel; Shields, Robin;


    Souto-Otero, Manuel & Robin Shields (2016): The investment model of volunteering in the EU-27 countries. Volunteering, skills development and employability. A multi-level analysis. In: European Societies, Jg. 18, H. 5, S. 487-513. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2016.1228991


    "This article contributes to a better understanding of the social acceptance of the investment model of volunteering, that is, the view that volunteering can enhance employability through the development of professionally relevant knowledge and competences. Based on the analysis of Eurobarometer data, the article explores (1) the prevalence of the investment model of volunteering in the EU-27 countries and the extent to which this varies between individuals with the potential to make hiring decisions (IHP) and the general population, (2) the demographic factors associated with the acceptance of this model, (3) whether national differences in the acceptance of the model are better explained by variation between countries or cross-national demographic factors and (4) whether national institutional characteristics related to the competitiveness of the national labour market, the specificity of the education system, the strength of the continuing vocational training system and cultural factors influence acceptance. The results show that the acceptance of the investment model of volunteering is relatively widespread in Europe and that variation in the acceptance of the investment model among the general population is driven by both individual (age and class) and between-country differences (related to the strength of training for unemployed people), but variation is more attributable to differences between countries than cross-national demographic groups. IHP, on the other hand, tend to be more homogenous in their acceptance of the investment model than the general population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Perceived employability in difficult economic times: the significance of education systems and labour market policies (2015)

    Berglund, Tomas ; Wallinder, Ylva;


    Berglund, Tomas & Ylva Wallinder (2015): Perceived employability in difficult economic times. The significance of education systems and labour market policies. In: European Societies, Jg. 17, H. 5, S. 674-699. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2015.1120879


    "This paper focuses on current European employment policy, promoting the individual's responsibility for remaining employable. Within this supply-oriented framework, general political responsibilities of both increasing the demand for labour and facilitating the development of human capital through training and education opportunities are less emphasized than the individual's own responsibility to remain attractive for employers. In an analysis of perceived opportunities among European employees, we argue that the concept of 'employment security' can lift the individualized perspective on employability skills and attributes to a more structural and institutional perspective. To enhance individuals' chances of finding a job, educational and lifelong learning policies and active labour market measures are believed to be important factors, besides general demand in the labour market. Through multi-level modelling, we analyse the significance of individual and contextual factors on employees' perception of their chances in the labour market. The data used are from the European Social Survey (2010), including data from 21 countries. Our results indicate that employability cannot solely be regarded as an individual phenomenon relying on individual characteristics. We also need to focus on the institutional context enabling the individual to remain in employment in the existing mobile and risky labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Predictors for re-employment success in newly unemployed: a prospective cohort study (2015)

    Brouwer, S.; Bakker, R.H.; Schellekens, J.M.H.;


    Brouwer, S., R.H. Bakker & J.M.H. Schellekens (2015): Predictors for re-employment success in newly unemployed. A prospective cohort study. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 89, H. August, S. 32-38. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2015.04.001


    "The aim of the present study was to examine which personal and situational factors affect reemployment success in persons in their first year of unemployment. In a prospective cohort study with a one-year follow-up, we investigated a sample of 3618 subjects who became unemployed. A survey was sent to all participants, including personal and situational factors, based on Wanberg's model, the Theory of Planned Behavior model and the Valence - Instrumentality - Expectancy model. Our results showed that ten key-factors predicted re-employment success in the first year after becoming unemployed. Knowing these factors, and in particular those which are amenable to change through any intervention program, may help to develop effective intervention strategies for those who facilitate reemployment in order to shorten the duration of unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employability, poverty and the spheres of sociability: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey (2015)

    Canduela, Jesus; Lindsay, Colin ; Graham, Helen; Raeside, Robert ;


    Canduela, Jesus, Colin Lindsay, Robert Raeside & Helen Graham (2015): Employability, poverty and the spheres of sociability. Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 49, H. 5, S. 571-592. DOI:10.1111/spol.12101


    "Policymakers in the UK and beyond have sought to promote interventions to encourage social capital-building among disadvantaged groups. One specific concern is that those with limited access to social capital/social network relationships will be at greater risk of experiencing both unemployment and poverty. By analyzing longitudinal data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), we seek to identify significant relationships between poverty and the likelihood of entering employment, and different measures of 'sociability' and social isolation. Crucially, we discuss if and how measures of sociability/social isolation are associated with jobseekers' varying chances of exiting and re-entering work and how this varies with their experience of poverty. These issues are important because if sociability impacts on the likelihood of entering employment from a state of worklessness, then policymakers need to understand how cycles of social and labour market exclusion are associated with the rates of entering employment in order to develop effective interventions to improve jobseekers' employability and combat poverty. Following an analysis of BHPS data, we identify lessons for policy for combating long-term unemployment and promoting social inclusion." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Integrating different notions of employability in a dynamic chain: the relationship between job transitions, movement capital and perceived employability (2015)

    Forrier, Anneleen; Cuyper, Nele de; Verbruggen, Marijke;


    Forrier, Anneleen, Marijke Verbruggen & Nele de Cuyper (2015): Integrating different notions of employability in a dynamic chain. The relationship between job transitions, movement capital and perceived employability. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 89, H. August, S. 56-64. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2015.04.007


    "This study connects different notions of employability with the ultimate aim to arrive at integration of a research field that has been criticized for being fragmented and fuzzy. We define employability as 'an individual's chance of a job in the internal and/or external labor market'. Employability research assesses employability differently, looking at the realization of this chance (i.e., job transitions), personal strengths that increase this chance (i.e., movement capital) and appraisals of this chance (i.e., perceived employability). We hypothesize and establish in a two-wave sample of 643 Belgian (Dutch-speaking) employees that these different notions of employability form a dynamic chain, so that job transitions promote movement capital, which then affects perceived employability and ultimately feeds back to job transitions. Furthermore, we found that the internal labor market versus the external labor market are important foci in employability research since internal and external job transitions were found to relate differently to the other notions of employability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unterstützungsangebot für junge Langzeitarbeitslose auf dem Weg in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt: Erfahrungen aus einem Integrationsprojekt in Dresden und Meißen (2015)

    Grünert, Holle; Buchwald, Christina;


    Grünert, Holle & Christina Buchwald (2015): Unterstützungsangebot für junge Langzeitarbeitslose auf dem Weg in den ersten Arbeitsmarkt. Erfahrungen aus einem Integrationsprojekt in Dresden und Meißen. In: Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Jg. 44, H. 2, S. 42-45.


    "Die Lage am Arbeitsmarkt hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren positiv entwickelt, die Nachfrage nach qualifizierten Fachkräften ist gestiegen, die Zahl der Arbeitslosen gesunken. Allerdings profitieren nicht alle Personengruppen gleichermaßen vom Aufschwung am Arbeitsmarkt. Vor allem unter den Arbeitslosen aus dem Rechtskreis des SGB II gibt es eine fatale Tendenz zur Verstetigung von Exklusion. Dies ist besonders problematisch, wenn die Exklusion vom Arbeitsmarkt junge Menschen am Beginn ihrer Erwerbsbiografie trifft. Im Beitrag wird das Pilotprojekt 'ZIEL - Zielgerichtete Integration junger Langzeitarbeitsloser' in Sachsen vorgestellt und untersucht, welchen Beitrag es leisten kann, den Teufelskreis von Arbeitslosigkeit, Verlust an Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und Qualifikationsverschleiß zu durchbrechen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Understanding employment participation of older workers: creating a knowledge base for future labour market challenges (2015)

    Hasselhorn, Hans-Martin; Apt, Wenke;


    Hasselhorn, Hans-Martin & Wenke Apt (Hrsg.) (2015): Understanding employment participation of older workers. Creating a knowledge base for future labour market challenges. Berlin, 118 S.


    "In allen Ländern Europas steigt die durchschnittliche Lebenserwartung und der Anteil älterer Menschen nimmt deutlich zu. Obwohl dieser demografische Wandel mit einer allgemeinen Verbesserung der Gesundheit einhergeht, erreicht nur eine Minderheit älterer Arbeitnehmer das gesetzliche Renteneintrittsalter im Beruf.
    Die Europäische Programm-Initiative 'More Years, Better Lives' (JPI MYBL) hat zur Beantwortung der Frage 'Warum arbeiten manche Menschen im höheren Erwerbsalter und andere nicht?' eine Gruppe von 46 Wissenschaftlern aus 11 Ländern beauftragt, hierzu den aktuellen Forschungsbedarf zu identifizieren. Damit sollte anstehenden Forschungsförderungsaktivitäten zugearbeitet werden. Dieser Bericht legt die wichtigsten Ergebnisse vor.
    Die interdisziplinäre JPI UEP Arbeitsgruppe hat das umfassende 'lidA-Denkmodell' zur Analyse der Einflussfaktoren für einen frühen Rückzug aus dem Arbeitsmarkt beziehungsweise bei verlängerter Erwerbstätigkeit genutzt. Basierend darauf wurde der Forschungsstand bestimmt und der Forschungsbedarf abgeleitet.
    Zielgruppen dieses Berichtes sind demnach Forscher, Forschungsförderer sowie Entscheidungsträger in der Sozial- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik, die sich mit Teilhabe älterer Arbeitnehmer am Arbeitsmarkt beschäftigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    New perspectives on health, disability, welfare and the labour market: special issue (2015)

    Lindsay, Colin ; Greve, Bent ; Cabras, Ignazio; Ellison, Nick; Kellett, Steve;


    (2015): New perspectives on health, disability, welfare and the labour market. Special issue. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 49, H. 2, S. 139-298.


    "More than 2.4 million people of working age in the UK are out of work and claiming 'incapacity' or disability benefits (DBs). Reducing the high levels of benefit claiming among those with health limitations and disabilities has been a priority for successive governments (Lindsay and Houston 2013). Other countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranging from Sweden, with its 'social democratic' welfare state (Hagelund and Bryngelson 2014), to the 'liberal' USA also report high rates of disability claiming, and have similarly prioritized measures to bring down welfare rolls (Milligan 2012). Given this context, policy debates have focused an both reforms to the administration of DBs and the content of targeted activation (Bannink 2014).

    There is a need for continuing interdisciplinary research an the nature of the 'disability benefits problem' and the efficacy of current policy solutions and public services. This Special Issue brings together researchers who seek to explore the distinctive, yet interrelated, elements of die problems faced by disability claimants, and evaluate related policies and services." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Einschätzung der Ein-Euro-Jobs durch die Einsatzbetriebe: Auf den Zweck kommt es an (2015)

    Moczall, Andreas; Rebien, Martina;


    Moczall, Andreas & Martina Rebien (2015): Einschätzung der Ein-Euro-Jobs durch die Einsatzbetriebe: Auf den Zweck kommt es an. (IAB-Kurzbericht 23/2015), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Ein-Euro-Jobs sollen Teilnehmer an den Arbeitsmarkt heranführen und ihre Beschäftigungsfähigkeit erhalten oder wieder herstellen. Auch wenn die Teilnahme an der Maßnahme nicht unmittelbar in sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung führt, soll sie doch mittelbar die Chancen auf eine Beschäftigung am ersten Arbeitsmarkt verbessern. Dieser Kurzbericht zeigt, wie Betriebe, die Ein-Euro-Jobber beschäftigen, die Maßnahme und die Teilnehmer bewerten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Moczall, Andreas;
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    Can employability do the trick? Revealing paradoxical tensions and responses in the process of adopting innovative employability enhancing policies and practices in organizations (2015)

    Peters, Pascale; Lam, Willem;


    Peters, Pascale & Willem Lam (2015): Can employability do the trick? Revealing paradoxical tensions and responses in the process of adopting innovative employability enhancing policies and practices in organizations. In: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, Jg. 29, H. 3/4, S. 235-258. DOI:10.1177/239700221502900305


    "This study uses a 'paradox lens' to contribute to employability debates in HRM by examining the effectiveness of employability enhancing policies and practices (hereafter EP&Ps) in three case organizations. We identify three organizing paradoxes reflecting the complexities of the Dutch economic, political and socio-cultural contexts. In line with the EP&Ps' competing goals, we label these: the '(inverted) flexibility/commitment paradox'; 'self-management/(human-resource) management paradox'; and the 'sustainability/effectiveness and efficiency paradox'. We further analyse how their underlying paradoxical tensions spill over and create role-performance, belonging and learning paradoxical tensions at the micro-level and how these cumulatively impact managers' and employees' responses to EP&Ps. We then explore how HRM tries to actively go beyond 'reinforcing paradox cycles' by creating awareness and stimulating contextual change to foster the wider adoption of EP&Ps. In conclusion, we argue that the paradox lens can inform HRM scholars and labour market stakeholders to search for innovative ways to study and govern contemporary employability issues." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Organisationales Arbeitsvermögen: eine wichtige Dimension für die nachhaltige Integration in eine Arbeitsorganisation (2015)

    Schütt, Petra; Ritter, Tobias; Pfeiffer, Sabine ;


    Schütt, Petra, Sabine Pfeiffer & Tobias Ritter (2015): Organisationales Arbeitsvermögen. Eine wichtige Dimension für die nachhaltige Integration in eine Arbeitsorganisation. In: Forum Arbeit H. 4, S. 10-16.


    Die Autoren erachten das organisationale Arbeitsvermögen als wesentlich für die nachhaltige berufliche Reintegration von Langzeitarbeitslosen. Dabei fokussiert das Konzept des Arbeitsvermögens auf informelle und implizite, habituelle und körpergebundene Fähigkeiten, die sich sowohl im fachlichen Umgang mit Arbeitsmitteln als auch in sozialen Beziehungen mit Kunden, Kollegen und Vorgesetzen zeigen. Dabei erweist sich die Erwerbsorganisation als zentrale Aneignungsstruktur für Arbeitsvermögen. Verdeutlicht wird dies auf der Grundlage einer qualitativen Befragung von Langzeitarbeitslosen, die über einen Zeitraum von 2005 bis 2011 begleitet wurden. Dabei ging es vor allem darum, welche Kompetenzen für eine dauerhafte Eingliederung in eine Erwerbsorganisation erforderlich sind. Es zeigt sich, dass das organisationale Arbeitsvermögen von enormer Bedeutung ist für die Fähigkeit, eine Organisation auf verschiedenen Ebenen zu 'lernen', zu verstehen, zu gestalten und letztlich in ihr zu verbleiben. (IAB)

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    The employability of older job-seekers: evidence from Germany (2015)

    Tisch, Anita;


    Tisch, Anita (2015): The employability of older job-seekers. Evidence from Germany. In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Jg. 6, H. December, S. 102-112., 2014-07-18. DOI:10.1016/j.jeoa.2014.07.001


    "Encouraged by the European Employment Strategy, the German government, like many other European governments, promotes individual employability as an instrument to improve the persistently low employment prospects of older job-seekers in the labour market. However, ageing is only rarely discussed in contemporary employability approaches. This article includes various employability approaches and empirically tests the commonly used dimensions of employability in actual labour market prospects with respect to older job-seekers (>50 years of age). Many dimensions of employability are found to vary by age, and older job-seekers can be described as disadvantaged with regard to certain dimensions. However, disadvantages in 'classical' employability factors cannot fully explain the comparatively poor labour market prospects of older job-seekers. This article shows that older job-seekers in Germany are less likely to transit from unemployment to employment, even after controlling for employability factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Firms' contribution to the internal and external employability of older employees: evidence from Germany (2015)

    Tisch, Anita;


    Tisch, Anita (2015): Firms' contribution to the internal and external employability of older employees. Evidence from Germany. In: European journal of ageing, Jg. 12, H. 1, S. 29-38., 2014-09-26. DOI:10.1007/s10433-014-0323-y


    "In the examination of older employees' employability, one can distinguish between internal and external employability. Internal employability can be measured by individual employment stability, and external employability occurs when employees replace one employment relationship with another. Most studies focus on the personal skills and characteristics that are necessary to maintain employability. However, external factors also contribute to individual employability. Therefore, this study examines which organisational attributes of firms contribute to older employees' employability in Germany. Taking firm and individual characteristics into account, the results of discrete-time survival models show that in specific organisational structures, older employees have higher internal employability. Accordingly, older employees are more likely to maintain employment in the service sector and in recruiting organisations facing (skilled) labour shortages. However, the results also indicate that financially investing organisations facilitate early labour market exits. With regard to older employees' external employability, the results show only little evidence indicating an association between organisational attributes of firms and the likelihood of job change." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Beschäftigungsfähigkeit als ein zentraler Faktor eines längeren Erwerbslebens (2014)

    Eichhorst, Werner;


    Eichhorst, Werner (2014): Beschäftigungsfähigkeit als ein zentraler Faktor eines längeren Erwerbslebens. (IZA Standpunkte 64), Bonn, 15 S.


    "Angesichts des demographischen Wandels wird es immer wichtiger, dass sich Unternehmen und Erwerbstätige auf ein längeres Erwerbsleben einstellen. Eine höhere Beschäftigungsquote älterer Arbeitskräfte und ein späterer Renteneintritt erlauben die Mobilisierung von dringend benötigten Arbeitskräfte- und Fachkräftepotenzialen. Dies wird umso besser gelingen, je mehr auf Pflege und Entwicklung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit im Lebensverlauf geachtet wird, sowohl durch Aus- und Weiterbildung als auch durch die Gestaltung von Arbeitsbedingungen und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, die ein längeres, gesünderes und produktiveres Erwerbsleben erlauben. Im nachfolgenden Text sollen die wesentlichen Herausforderungen aufgezeigt und Lösungsansätze vorgestellt werden, die Politik, Sozialpartner, Betriebe und Beschäftigte gleichermaßen angehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Developing social-emotional skills for the labor market: the PRACTICE model (2014)

    Guerra, Nancy; Modecki, Kathryn; Cunningham, Wendy;


    Guerra, Nancy, Kathryn Modecki & Wendy Cunningham (2014): Developing social-emotional skills for the labor market. The PRACTICE model. (Policy research working paper 7123), Washington, DC, 53 S.


    "Although there is a general agreement in the literature of the importance of social-emotional skills for labor market success, there is little consensus on the specific skills that should be acquired or how and when to teach them. The psychology, economics, policy research, and program implementation literatures all touch on these issues, but they are not sufficiently integrated to provide policy direction. The objective of this paper is to provide a coherent framework and related policies and programs that bridge the psychology, economics, and education literature, specifically that related to skills employers value, non-cognitive skills that predict positive labor market outcomes, and skills targeted by psycho-educational prevention and intervention programs. The paper uses as its base a list of social-emotional skills that employers value, classifies these into eight subgroups (summarized by PRACTICE), then uses the psychology literature -- drawing from the concepts of psycho-social and neuro-biological readiness and age-appropriate contexts -- to map the age and context in which each skill subset is developed. The paper uses examples of successful interventions to illustrate the pedagogical process. The paper concludes that the social-emotional skills employers value can be effectively taught when aligned with the optimal stage for each skill development, middle childhood is the optimal stage for development of PRACTICE skills, and a broad international evidence base on effective program interventions at the right stage can guide policy makers to incorporate social-emotional learning into their school curriculum." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Trajectories of perceived employability and their associations with well-being at work: a three-wave study (2014)

    Kirves, Kaisa; Kinnunen, Ulla; Mäkikangas, Anne; Cuyper, Nele de;


    Kirves, Kaisa, Ulla Kinnunen, Nele de Cuyper & Anne Mäkikangas (2014): Trajectories of perceived employability and their associations with well-being at work. A three-wave study. In: Journal of personnel psychology, Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 46-57. DOI:10.1027/1866-5888/a000103


    "The first aim of this study was to identify trajectories of perceived employability (PE) with a longitudinal person-centered approach, accounting for both the level of PE and changes in PE. The second aim was to examine how the trajectories were related to well-being at work (i.e., vigor at work, job satisfaction, and job exhaustion) with a variable-centered approach. The data were collected in two Finnish universities (N = 926) during 2008 - 2010 with three measurement points. Growth Mixture Modeling identified four trajectories, which differed in level, stability, and change in PE across time: we established two trajectories with stable PE (88% of the participants), and two trajectories with a nonlinear change pattern in PE (12%). Furthermore, variable-centered analyses showed that the level of PE was positively associated with wellbeing at work. Moreover, in one change trajectory, the increase in PE was associated with an increase in vigor at work. Overall, these results indicate that PE can be seen as a personal resource. However, the effect of PE is minor in terms of change in employee well-being among highly educated employees." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effect of job insecurity and employability on preferences for redistribution in Western Europe (2014)

    Marx, Paul;


    Marx, Paul (2014): The effect of job insecurity and employability on preferences for redistribution in Western Europe. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 24, H. 4, S. 351-366. DOI:10.1177/0958928714538217


    "This article sheds light on the so far under-researched effect of subjective job insecurity on social policy preferences and the moderating role of employability. Using pooled individual-level data from the European Social Survey for workers from 11 Western European countries, it shows that subjective job insecurity does increase demand for redistribution. This effect is conditional upon employability perceptions, that is, expectations about future employment prospects. The impact of job insecurity on redistribution is strongest for workers who fear long-term unemployment. The findings do not seem to be driven by underlying political belief systems as they are robust in a reduced sample of centrist non-partisan workers. While the results confirm the hypothesised repercussions of labour-market flexibility on the individual level, aggregate effects should not be exaggerated, since the segment of workers exposed to job insecurity and low employability at the same time is rather small." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employability among the long-term unemployed: a futile quest or worth the effort? (2013)

    Koen, Jessie ; Klehe, Ute-Christine ; Van Vianen, Annelies E.M.;


    Koen, Jessie, Ute-Christine Klehe & Annelies E.M. Van Vianen (2013): Employability among the long-term unemployed. A futile quest or worth the effort? In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 82, H. 1, S. 37-48. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2012.11.001


    "Unemployment bears many negative consequences for both individuals and societies. Particularly the long-term unemployed face poor chances of finding reemployment, and many recommendations issued in the regular unemployment literature may not apply to them. Therefore, the current study investigates whether employability (Fugate et al., 2004) may help finding reemployment among those who have been unemployed for years. Specifically, we examine whether employability can foster job search and the chance on finding reemployment above and beyond the barriers that long-term-unemployed people so often face. Additionally, we investigate whether reemployment interventions can contribute to long-term unemployed people's employability. The present study assessed long-term unemployed people's employability at two points in time (nT1=2541, nT2=897). Results show that employability fosters job search and the chance on finding reemployment among long-term unemployed people, although not all employability dimensions contributed equally to job search and reemployment. Moreover, reemployment interventions contributed to people's development of employability, although the effects were relatively small. Taken together, our study demonstrates the significant role of employability in the reemployment process, thereby extending the notion of employability from active members of the workforce to the long-term unemployed. We discuss that reemployment research and practice should focus on longterm unemployed people's employability, and that reemployment services should take a more person-centered approach in helping them to find reemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mobilität - Kompetenzzuwachs für Benachteiligte: LEONARDO DA VINCI Mobilität fördert Kompetenzzuwachs und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Benachteiligten in der Berufsausbildung (2012)

    Becker, Carsten; Goldkamp, Sina; Kroos, Daniela;


    Becker, Carsten, Sina Goldkamp & Daniela Kroos (2012): Mobilität - Kompetenzzuwachs für Benachteiligte. LEONARDO DA VINCI Mobilität fördert Kompetenzzuwachs und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Benachteiligten in der Berufsausbildung. (Impuls 44), Bonn, 120 S.


    "2011 gab die Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) eine Studie zum Thema 'Grenzüberschreitende Mobilität bei sozial benachteiligten Jugendlichen in der Berufsausbildung - Kompetenzerwerb und besonderer Nutzen der Auslandserfahrung' in Auftrag. Zielgruppe der Studie waren Auszubildende der Berufsausbildung in außerbetrieblichen Einrichtungen (BAE), die während ihrer Ausbildung einen Lernaufenthalt im Ausland absolviert hatten.
    Ziel der Studie war es, den Erwerb personaler und sozialer Kompetenzen sowie deren Wirkung auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von benachteiligten Jugendlichen zu ermitteln. Auch wurde untersucht, ob Auslandsaufenthalte für benachteiligte Auszubildende bei der Vermittlung in Beschäftigung nützlich sind. Zudem wurden die Rahmenbedingungen für die erfolgreiche Durchführung der Mobilitätsprojekte mit Benachteiligten erforscht und Handlungsempfehlungen entwickelt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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