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Aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik im internationalen Vergleich

"Aktivierung" als zentrales Prinzip der Leistungsgewährung für Langzeitarbeitslose bzw. erwerbsfähige Sozialhilfeempfänger wurde in Deutschland mit der sogenannten "Hartz IV-Reform" eingeführt. Dänemark, Schweden, die Niederlande und Großbritannien haben diesen Schritt bereits früher vollzogen. Dieses Themendossier bietet Literatur zur Ausgestaltung dieser Programme, zu den Zugängen und ihren Effekten auf die Erwerbsintegration und den Abgang aus dem Leistungsbezug.
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Den kommunale aktivering i helsingör - en analyse af maal, midler og perspectiver (2000)

    Thomson, Margit Helle;


    Thomson, Margit Helle (2000): Den kommunale aktivering i helsingör - en analyse af maal, midler og perspectiver. Taastrup.

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    New deal for young people: the national options. Findings from a qualitative study amongst individuals (2000)

    Woodfield, Kandy; Bruce, Sara; Ritchie, Jane;


    Woodfield, Kandy, Sara Bruce & Jane Ritchie (2000): New deal for young people. The national options. Findings from a qualitative study amongst individuals. (Employment Service. Research and development report 37), Sheffield, 86 S.


    "A qualitative study of young peoples' views and experiences of New Deal for Young People aged 18-24 years, options in national areas. Based on qualitative interviews and group discussions with young people, covering both ongoing participants and leavers from the programme." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The new deal for young people: first year analysis of the implications for the macroeconomy (1999)

    Anderton, Bob; Riley, Rebecca; Young, Garry;


    Anderton, Bob, Rebecca Riley & Garry Young (1999): The new deal for young people. First year analysis of the implications for the macroeconomy. (Employment Service. Research and development report 33), Sheffield: Empoyment Service, 38 S.


    "This report summarises results from the macro evaluation of the New Deal for Young People (NDYP) in the first year after its national roll-out. It incorporates the results of both the DfEE internal analysis and the evaluation undertaken by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR). The purpose of the macro evaluation is to assess the overall impact of the NDYP on youth unemployment and employment, on unemployment of other groups in the labour market, and on the wider economy. The programme has had a positive effect on the numbers of young people leaving the claimant count and is estimated to have reduced youth unemployment in Great Britain by approximately 30 thousand relative to what it would otherwise have been. This is equivalent to a reduction in youth long-term unemployment of nearly 40 per cent." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Kvinnoforums arbetsmarknadsprogram (1999)

    Gustavsson, Jan; Ackum Agell, Susanne; Hemström, Maria;


    Gustavsson, Jan, Maria Hemström & Susanne Ackum Agell (1999): Kvinnoforums arbetsmarknadsprogram. (Forskningsrapport 1999:1), Uppsala.

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    New deal for young people: leavers with unknown destinations (1999)

    Hales, Jon; Collins, Debbie;


    Hales, Jon & Debbie Collins (1999): New deal for young people. Leavers with unknown destinations. (Employment Service. Research and development report ESR 21), Sheffield: Employment Service, 47 S.


    "The Employment Service (ES) commissioned the National Centre for Social Research (formerly SCPR) to conduct a study of New Deal leavers with unknown destinations to establish the economic activities in which these people were engaged. In addition, it was intended that the study would provide an assessment of the extent to which the New Deal had met the needs of these people, in particular those from disadvantaged groups. Interviewing was conducted between mid-December 1998 and the end of January 1999 with those leaving New Deal between April and August 1998. This allows activities immediately after New Deal to be compared with the activities in which the sample members were involved around six months later." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Resursarbete - en uppföjlning (1999)

    Johansson, Kerstin;


    Johansson, Kerstin (1999): Resursarbete - en uppföjlning. (Forskningsrapport 1999:4), Uppsala.

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    Aktivare användningen av arbets-löshetsersättningen - en uppföljning (1999)

    Martinson, Sara;


    Martinson, Sara (1999): Aktivare användningen av arbets-löshetsersättningen - en uppföljning. (Forskningsrapport 1999:7), Uppsala.

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    Tummen up (1999)

    Perjos, Solveig; Ståhl, Lena;


    Perjos, Solveig & Lena Ståhl (1999): Tummen up. (Ungdomsstyrelsen Rapporterar 17), Stockholm.

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    Utvecklingsgarantin för långtidsarbetslösa ungdomar i 10 kommuner (1999)

    Ståhl, Lena;


    Ståhl, Lena (1999): Utvecklingsgarantin för långtidsarbetslösa ungdomar i 10 kommuner. (Ungdomsstyrelsens Utredningar Nr. 16), Stockholm.

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    New deal for young unemployed people: case studies of delivery and impact in pathfinder areas (1998)

    Blackburn, Vicky; Stern, Elliot; Hills, Julie; Williams, Sadie; Hadjivassiliou, Kari; Saunders, Murray; Child, Camilla; Darmon, Isabelle;


    Blackburn, Vicky, Camilla Child, Isabelle Darmon, Kari Hadjivassiliou, Julie Hills, Murray Saunders, Elliot Stern & Sadie Williams (1998): New deal for young unemployed people. Case studies of delivery and impact in pathfinder areas. (Employment Service. Research report ESR 07), Sheffield: Employment Service, 192 S.

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    The third way: the renewal of social democracy (1998)

    Giddens, Anthony;


    Giddens, Anthony (1998): The third way. The renewal of social democracy. Cambridge u.a.: Polity Press, 176 S.


    "The idea of finding a 'third way' in politics has been widely discussed over recent months - not only in the UK, but in the US, Continental Europe and Latin America. But what is the third way? Supporters of the notion haven't been able to agree, and critics deny the possibility altogether. Anthony Giddens shows that developing a third way is not only a possibility but a necessity in modern politics." (author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Grounded theory: Strategien qualitativer Forschung (1998)

    Glaser, Barney G.; Strauss, Anselm L.;


    Glaser, Barney G. & Anselm L. Strauss (1998): Grounded theory. Strategien qualitativer Forschung. (Hans Huber Programmbereich Pflege), Bern u.a.: Hogrefe und Huber, 270 S.


    Grounded Theory ist eine von Glaser und Strauss entwickelte Strategie der qualitativen Sozialforschung zur Theorieentwicklung durch Analyse quantitativer und qualitativer Daten: Durch systematisches Erheben und Analysieren von Daten, die sich auf das entdeckte Phänomen beziehen, werden Theorien mittlerer Reichweite ausgearbeitet und vorläufig bestätigt. Aus der Untersuchung der Phänomene werden Theorien abgeleitet, welche die Phänomene abbilden. Datensammlung, Analyse und die Theorie stehen somit in einer wechselseitigen Beziehung zueinander. Das Buch behandelt drei Aspekte der Grounded Theory: Die Theoriegenerierung mittels komparativer Analyse, den flexiblen Gebrauch quantitativer und qualitatitver Daten sowie die Implikationen der Grounded Theory, insbesondere Glaubwürdigkeit, Anwendung und die Rolle des Einfalls als Quelle von Theorien. (IAB)

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    New deal for young unemployed people: the gateway (1998)

    Legard, Robin; Keegan, Jill; Turner, Rachel; Ritchie, Jane;


    Legard, Robin, Jane Ritchie, Jill Keegan & Rachel Turner (1998): New deal for young unemployed people. The gateway. (Employment Service. Research and development report 08), Sheffield: Employment Service.


    "In-depth interviews and group discussions with New Deal participants on Gateway in four Pathfinder districts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Evaluatie van activering. Werkdocument. Eindversie. In opdracht van Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Divisie Arbeid en Onderwijs, Rotterdam (1998)

    Nes, Peter J. van; Koning, Jaap de; Cluitmans, M. M.;


    Nes, Peter J. van, M. M. Cluitmans & Jaap de Koning (1998): Evaluatie van activering. Werkdocument. Eindversie. In opdracht van Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Divisie Arbeid en Onderwijs, Rotterdam. Rotterdam.

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    New ambitions for our country: a new contract for welfare (1998)

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    Perspectief voor langdurig baanlozen. Evaluatie van het project (1997)

    Lammerts, Rob;


    Lammerts, Rob (1997): Perspectief voor langdurig baanlozen. Evaluatie van het project. Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Instituut Publicaties.

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    Kommunernas ansvar för arbetslösa ungdomar - En utvärdering (1997)


    62927 (1997): Kommunernas ansvar för arbetslösa ungdomar - En utvärdering. (Ungdomsstyrelsens Utredningar Nr. 8), Stockholm.

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    Identifying potentially interesting variables and analysis (1994)

    Lipsey, Mark W.;


    Lipsey, Mark W. (1994): Identifying potentially interesting variables and analysis. In: H. Cooper & L. V. Hedges (Hrsg.) (1994): The handbook of research synthesis, S. 111-124.

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    The three worlds of welfare capitalism (1991)

    Esping-Andersen, Gøsta;


    Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (1991): The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Cambridge: Policy Press, 248 S.


    Im Rahmen einer international vergleichenden Analyse werden theoretische und empirische Aspekte wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Entwicklung behandelt. Dabei werden drei wohlfahrtsstaatliche Typen herausgearbeitet: der konservative, der liberale und der sozialdemokratische Wohlfahrtsstaat. (IAB)

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