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Brain Drain? Brain Gain? Folgen der internationalen Wanderung

Arbeitskräftemobilität über Staatsgrenzen hinweg ist ein mit Hoffnungen und Ängsten verbundenes Phänomen. In der politischen Debatte konkurrieren auf Begrenzung zielende Reaktionsmuster mit Vorschlägen, die auf eine aktive Steuerung der Migration in den heimischen Arbeitsmarkt zielen. Was bedeutet internationale Wanderung für die Herkunfts-, was für die Aufnahmeländer? Insbesondere die Migration gut ausgebildeter Menschen wurde oft unter dem Schlagwort des "Brain Drain" als schädlich für Wohlfahrt und Entwicklung ihrer Heimatländer betrachtet. Die Forschung zeichnet inzwischen jedoch ein differenzierteres Bild. Dieses Themendossier stellt eine Auswahl der theoretischen und empirischen Literatur vor.
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    Female Migrants and Brain Waste - A Conceptual Challenge with Societal Implications (2020)

    Elo, Maria; Täube, Florian; Aman, Raushan;


    Elo, Maria, Raushan Aman & Florian Täube (2020): Female Migrants and Brain Waste - A Conceptual Challenge with Societal Implications. In: International Migration online erschienen am 22.10.2020, S. 1-24. DOI:10.1111/imig.12783


    "Global careers and highly skilled expatriates employing their talent in diverse contexts of the world tend to be conceptualized as “male”, and recognized diplomas represent employability. Despite the increasing feminization of migration, highly skilled female migrants and their contributions to economies through careers or entrepreneurship remain overlooked. Many obstacles impede the full employment of their talents. We review extant literature and argue that female migrant talent merits more detailed conceptual attention. By analysing interview data from 2010 to 2019 in two advanced European countries, we found that female migrants suffer from brain waste in multiple ways, partly due to external institutional aspects and discrimination and partly due to inherent internalized practices and sociocultural norms. We call for greater intersectionality and interdisciplinarity in examining equality to advance female economic participation. Private and public sectors may improve female talent perception, integration and employment by developing specific responses to the problems identified." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Bedeutung und Modellierung von Migrationsprozessen im Rahmen von Bevölkerungs- und Arbeitsmarktprognosen (2020)

    Fuchs, Johann ; Söhnlein, Doris ; Vanella, Patrizio ;


    Fuchs, Johann, Doris Söhnlein & Patrizio Vanella (2020): Bedeutung und Modellierung von Migrationsprozessen im Rahmen von Bevölkerungs- und Arbeitsmarktprognosen. In: P. Deschermeier, J. Fuchs, I. Iwanow & C. B. Wilke (Hrsg.) (2020): Zur Relevanz von Bevölkerungsvorausberechnungen für Arbeitsmarkt-, Bildungs- und Regionalpolitik, Bielefeld, wbv S. 94-117, 2020-03-31.


    "Bevölkerungsprojektionen werden am stärksten durch die zugrunde liegenden Annahmen zur zukünftigen Migrationsentwicklung beeinflusst. Da sich diese am schwersten vorausberechnen lässt, stellt die Modellierung zukünftiger Migrationsbewegungen ein ebenso wichtiges wie anspruchsvolles Unterfangen dar. Unser Beitrag vergleicht in Form von Modellrechnungen unterschiedliche Modellansätze zur Projektion der Migration ausländischer Staatsbürger in Deutschland. Der Fokus auf die ausländische Bevölkerung wurde gewählt, weil diese deutlich größere Wanderungstendenzen als deutsche Staatsbürger aufweist. Mit einem deterministischen Simulationsmodell wird der Zusammenhang von Immigration, Emigration, Nettomigration und Emigrationsrate analysiert. Insbesondere wird die Rückkoppelung zwischen Emigration und Immigration untersucht, die eine wichtige Rolle für die Nettomigration spielt. Je höher die Immigration, desto höher ist bei gleichbleibender Emigrationsrate die absolute Emigrationszahl. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, wie sensitiv Bevökerungs- und Arbeitsmarktprojektionen auf Annahmen zur Migrationsentwicklung reagieren. Wenig adäquate Modellansätze können zu unrealistischen Projektionen von Bevölkerung und damit auch des Erwerbspersonenpotzenzials führen. Wir leiten daraus zwei Empfehlungen ab. Erstens sollten Bevölkerungsvorausschätzungen den Zusammenhang von Emigration und Immigration stärker berücksichtigen. Zweitens sollte die Migrationspolitik neben der Zuwanderung auch die Auswanderung stärker berücksichtigen als bisher." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Söhnlein, Doris ;
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    Schätzung der Wanderungsströme von EU-Bürgern und EU-Bürgerinnen nach und aus Deutschland bis 2040 (2020)

    Kubis, Alexander; Schneider, Lutz ;


    Kubis, Alexander & Lutz Schneider (2020): Schätzung der Wanderungsströme von EU-Bürgern und EU-Bürgerinnen nach und aus Deutschland bis 2040. In: P. Deschermeier, J. Fuchs, I. Iwanow & C. B. Wilke (Hrsg.) (2020): Zur Relevanz von Bevölkerungsvorausberechnungen für Arbeitsmarkt-, Bildungs- und Regionalpolitik, Bielefeld, wbv S. 69-92, 2020-03-31.


    "Die Migration hat einen großen Einfluss auf die demografische Entwicklung in Deutschland. Dabei müssen jedoch nicht nur die Zuwanderungsströme, sondern auch die Auswanderungsprozesse berücksichtigt werden. Dieser Beitrag prognostiziert die Einwanderung und Auswanderung von nichtdeutschen EU-Bürgern nach und von Deutschland für die Jahre 2018 bis 2040. Die Prognosen zeigen, dass die Zahl der Zuwanderung aus der EU im Laufe der Zeit abnehmen wird. Dies ist hauptsächlich auf die Alterungsprozesse der Bevölkerung zurückzuführen, die nicht nur Deutschland, sondern auch die wichtigsten EU-Herkunftsländer der Migranten wie Polen und Rumänien kennzeichnen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Kubis, Alexander;
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    Southern Europe skilled migration into Mexico: the impact of the economic crisis (2020)

    Mendoza, Cristóbal ;


    Mendoza, Cristóbal (2020): Southern Europe skilled migration into Mexico. The impact of the economic crisis. In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, Jg. 54, H. 4, S. 495-504. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2018.1447101


    "The paper analyses the reasons why highly skilled immigrants from Italy and Spain migrate to Mexico and their patterns of incorporation into the country's workforce. Specifically, it explores the dynamics of local labour markets, possible niches for qualified workers, and the mechanisms granting immigrants access to technical and managerial posts in Mexico. Based on a comparative approach, it analyzes the similarities and differences between Italians and Spaniards in Mexico and compares flows before and during/after the 2008 economic crisis to see how relevant the crisis is to an understanding of current migration flows." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Auswanderung aus Deutschland von Personen mit und ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit (2020)


    IQ-Fachstelle Einwanderung (2020): Should I Stay or Should I Go? Auswanderung aus Deutschland von Personen mit und ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit. (Working paper / IQ-Fachstelle Einwanderung 2020,03), Berlin, 41 S.


    "Mit kleinen aktuellen Konjunkturdämpfern erlebt Deutschland momentan die längste Aufschwungsphase seit 1991 (Statistisches Bundesamt 2018a). Der Aufschwung der letzten Jahre geht mit steigenden Zahlen sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigter Personen und einer sinkenden Arbeitslosigkeit bzw. Unterbeschäftigung einher (Agentur für Arbeit 2019). In den kommenden Jahrzehnten wird zudem die Bevölkerungsalterung eine starke Auswirkung auf den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt haben. Berechnungen der UN zufolge wird der Altenquotient in Deutschland von 32,1 % 2015 auf 54,5 % 2050 ansteigen (UNDESA 2017). Unabhängig von den positiven wirtschaftlichen Eckdaten und der Stabilität des Arbeitsmarktes verzeichnet Deutschland in den letzten zehn Jahren bei Personen mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit einen negativen Wanderungssaldo. Im vorliegenden Arbeitspapier wird die Abwanderung aus Deutschland untersucht, um wichtige Trends der letzten Jahre zu identifizieren. Dabei werden nationale und internationale Statistiken analysiert und erläutert. In den ersten Abschnitten werden die Abwanderungszahlen aus Deutschland und die Bestandszahlen Ausgewanderter analysiert. Im Anschluss werden die Aufenthaltsdauer und der Erwerbsstatus Ausgewanderter untersucht. Letztlich wird in den letzten beiden Abschnitten zunächst explizit auf die Altersverteilung und Berufsgruppen hochqualifizierter Ausgewanderter eingegangen, bevor im letzten Schritt die Migrationstrends unter Ärzt*innen exemplarisch dargestellt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Youth drain, entrepreneurship and innovation (2019)

    Anelli, Massimo; Peri, Giovanni ; Basso, Gaetano ; Ippedico, Giuseppe;


    Anelli, Massimo, Gaetano Basso, Giuseppe Ippedico & Giovanni Peri (2019): Youth drain, entrepreneurship and innovation. (NBER working paper 26055), Cambrige, Mass., 64 S. DOI:10.3386/w26055


    "Migration outflows, especially of young people, may deprive an economy of entrepreneurial energy and innovative ideas. We exploit exogenous variation in emigration from Italian local labor markets to show that between 2008 and 2015 larger emigration flows reduced firm creation. The decline affected firms owned by young people and innovative industries. We estimate that for every 1,000 emigrants, 10 fewer young-owned firms were created over the whole period. A simple accounting exercise shows that about 60 percent of the effect is generated simply by the loss of young people; the remaining 40 percent is due to a combination of selection of emigrants among highly entrepreneurial people, negative spillovers on the entrepreneurship rate of locals, and negative local firm multiplier effect." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Should individuals migrate before acquiring education or after?: A new model of brain waste vs. brain drain (2019)

    Brezis, Elise S.;


    Brezis, Elise S. (2019): Should individuals migrate before acquiring education or after? A new model of brain waste vs. brain drain. In: The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Jg. 19, H. 2, S. 1-11. DOI:10.1515/bejm-2019-0015


    "Should individuals migrate before acquiring education or after? In order to analyze the optimality of the timing of migration, I develop a model of migration, which combines the two migration decisions into a unique model - the decisions about where to get an education and about where to work. The main reason for having a unified model is that investment in human capital cannot be disjoined from the decision about work. This paper shows that brain drain is usually an optimal solution. But, when we incorporate 'brain waste' and 'return migration', then it is optimal to migrate when young." (Author's abstract, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    Kurzexpertise Zuwanderung (2019)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Trübswetter, Parvati; Fuchs, Johann ; Schuß, Eric; Weber, Enzo ; Söhnlein, Doris ;


    Brücker, Herbert, Johann Fuchs, Eric Schuß, Doris Söhnlein, Parvati Trübswetter & Enzo Weber (2019): Kurzexpertise Zuwanderung. Nürnberg, 58 S.


    "Die vorliegende Kurzexpertise untersucht, ob und inwieweit die jüngste Einwanderung seit 2005 einen Beitrag dazu leisten kann, das deutsche Rentensystem zu entlasten und den Beitragssatz in der GRV zu stabilisieren. Zur Analyse wird auf die IAB-SOEP-Migrationsstichprobe und den Mikrozensus zurückgegriffen - die nach der Beschreibung des Forschungsvorhabens in Kapitel 1 - in Kapitel 2 zunächst beschrieben werden. In einem ersten Schritt werden in Kapitel 3 die individuellen Merkmale und der Bildungshintergrund der im Ausland geborenen Einwanderinnen und Einwanderer betrachtet. Anschließend wird in Kapital 4 die aktuelle Arbeitsmarktintegration der Zuzüge und ihre Beschäftigungssituation in Abhängigkeit von der Aufenthaltsdauer analysiert. Dabei wird auch erläutert, inwiefern das Rück- und Auswanderungsverhalten der Einwanderinnen und Einwanderer Einfluss auf die Beurteilung des Beitrages von Einwanderung für die Deutsche Rentenversicherung hat. Deshalb schließt sich mit Kapitel 5 eine Prognose an, die auf der Basis eines stochastischen Modells die künftige Bedeutung der in Deutschland lebenden Bevölkerung mit ausländischer Nationalität, insbesondere für den Arbeitsmarkt, darstellt. Abschließend werde die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Kapitel zusammengefasst und diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    An inquiry on the impact of highly-skilled STEM immigration on the U.S. economy (2019)

    Gunadi, Christian;


    Gunadi, Christian (2019): An inquiry on the impact of highly-skilled STEM immigration on the U.S. economy. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 61, S. 101751. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2019.101751


    "This article estimates the potential economic benefits of STEM immigration and examines the impact of highly skilled STEM immigration on the wage structure in the United States. Considering that foreign-born share of STEM workers has been increasing rapidly in recent years, there are new interests in examining the extent to which labor market outcomes of natives – and immigrants alike – are affected by this supply inflow. The analysis yields a few main findings. First, U.S. and foreign-born STEM workers with similar skills have a high but finite elasticity of substitution ( ∼ 18), implying that the adverse impact of STEM immigration would be more concentrated among immigrant STEM workers themselves. Second, 2000–2015 foreign STEM labor supply shock increases the average wage of preexisting U.S.-born STEM workers by 4.67%. This finding, however, masks a distributional consequence of the shock as native STEM workers with higher educational attainment experience lower wage gains. Finally, the economic benefit for native workers from 2000–2015 foreign STEM supply shock is approximately 103 billion USD or 1.03% of U.S. GDP in 1999. Almost all of this benefit comes from the productivity spillovers associated with high-skilled STEM immigration that increase the productivity and wages of U.S.-born workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2020 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The Politics of Skilled Immigration: Explaining the Ups and Downs of the US H-1B Visa Program (2019)

    Kennedy, Andrew;


    Kennedy, Andrew (2019): The Politics of Skilled Immigration: Explaining the Ups and Downs of the US H-1B Visa Program. In: International migration review, Jg. 53, H. 2, S. 346-370. DOI:10.1177/0197918318769312


    "The United States has long been a magnet for skilled immigrants, but its openness to these immigrants has varied considerably over time. Focusing on the H-1B visa program, this article explains why the program's annual cap has risen and fallen from the mid-1990s to the present. Whereas recent studies of skilled immigration policy have focused on struggles between capital and labor, this article contends that US policy also reflects a struggle between capital and citizen groups' one that has changed considerably over the past two decades. The findings challenge recent work on skilled immigration and US immigration policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does it pay to study abroad? Evidence from Poland (2019)

    Liwiński, Jacek ;


    Liwiński, Jacek (2019): Does it pay to study abroad? Evidence from Poland. In: International journal of manpower, Jg. 40, H. 3, S. 525-555. DOI:10.1108/IJM-11-2017-0305


    "Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify the impact of international student mobility (ISM) on the first wages of tertiary education graduates in Poland.
    Design/methodology/approach: The author uses data from the nationwide tracer survey of Polish graduates (2007 Graduate Tracer Study) and regresses the hourly net wage rate of salaried workers in their first job after graduating from a higher education institution on a rich set of individual characteristics. In order to reduce the bias due to selection to ISM, the author includes a set of variables representing abilities and skills, characteristics of studies, and international experience as control variables. The author addresses the possible selection to employment bias by using the Heckman correction.
    Findings: After controlling for observed heterogeneity, the author finds that Polish graduates who studied abroad for at least one month earn on average 22 per cent more in their first job than those who studied in Poland only. However, the author also finds that this wage premium is explained by international economic migration after graduation. Studying abroad brings a wage premium only if it is followed by working abroad. Those who perform their first job in Poland do not obtain any wage premium from ISM.
    Originality/value: The main contribution of the paper is that it identifies international economic migration after graduation as another mechanism explaining why those who studied abroad earn more." (Author's abstract, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    International migration outlook 2019 (2019)


    OECD (2019): International migration outlook 2019. (International migration outlook 43), Paris, 407 S. DOI:10.1787/c3e35eec-en

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    Networks and migrants' intended destination (2018)

    Bertoli, Simone ; Ruyssen, Ilse ;


    Bertoli, Simone & Ilse Ruyssen (2018): Networks and migrants' intended destination. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 705-728. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby012


    "Social networks are known to influence migration decisions, but connections between individuals remain usually unobserved. Surveys conducted by Gallup in 147 countries provide information on migration intentions and on distance-one connections in each destination. The distribution of distance-one connections mirrors the one of migrant stocks, and intentions are informative about actual decisions. The estimation of origin-specific conditional logit models reveals that distance-one connections can alter the ranking of most pairs of destinations. We test the validity of the distributional assumptions that underlie identification and perform extensive robustness checks, thus mitigating the concerns about the threats to identification posed by unobservables." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    South-South migration and the labor market: evidence from South Africa (2018)

    Biavaschi, Constanza; Mendola, Mariapia; Mayda, Anna Maria; Facchini, Giovanni;


    Biavaschi, Constanza, Giovanni Facchini, Anna Maria Mayda & Mariapia Mendola (2018): South-South migration and the labor market. Evidence from South Africa. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 823-853. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby010


    "Using census data for 1996, 2001 and 2007, we study the labor market effect of immigration to South Africa. We exploit the variation - both at the district and at the national level - in the share of foreign-born male workers across schooling and experience groups over time. In addition, we use an instrumental variable empirical strategy to estimate the causal effect of immigration on the local labor market. At the district level, we show that increased immigration has a negative and significant effect on natives' employment rates but not on total income. At the national level, we find that increased immigration has a negative and significant effect on natives' total income but not on employment rates. Our results are consistent with outflows of natives to other districts as a consequence of migration, as in Borjas (2006)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The changing structure of immigration to the OECD: what welfare effects on member countries? (2018)

    Burzynski, Michal; Rapoport, Hillel; Docquier, Frédéric;


    Burzynski, Michal, Frédéric Docquier & Hillel Rapoport (2018): The changing structure of immigration to the OECD. What welfare effects on member countries? (CESifo working paper 6992), München, 38 S.


    "We investigate the welfare implications of two pre-crisis immigration waves (1991-2000 and 2001-2010) and of the post-crisis wave (2011-2015) for OECD native citizens. To do so, we develop a general equilibrium model that accounts for the main channels of transmission of immigration shocks - the employment and wage effects, the fiscal effect, and the market size effect - and for the interactions between them. We parameterize our model for 20 selected OECD member states. We find that the three waves induce positive effects on the real income of natives, however the size of these gains varies considerably across countries and across skill groups. In relative terms, the post-crisis wave induces smaller welfare gains compared to the previous ones. This is due to the changing origin mix of immigrants, which translates into lower levels of human capital and smaller fiscal gains. However, differences across cohorts explain a tiny fraction of the highly persistent, cross-country heterogeneity in the economic benefits from immigration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration policies and the highly skilled (2018)

    Casarico, Alessandra ; Uebelmesser, Silke ;


    Casarico, Alessandra & Silke Uebelmesser (2018): Migration policies and the highly skilled. In: ifo DICE report, Jg. 16, H. 1, S. 28-33.


    "Europe faces a skill shortage challenge. Beside policies targeting the domestic population, attracting foreign skilled workers is another option. This article provided an assessment of various migration policies geared towards this goal. At the EU level, the introduction of the EU Blue Card was a step in this direction, as this card eases immigration by highly skilled from outside the EU, provided that they fulfil certain conditions. These conditions comprise of higher professional qualifications, an employment contract or a binding job offer with a high salary compared to the average of the EU country in which the job is offered. EU countries 4 There is evidence that high-wage earners and those with high non-wage income are sensitive to the tax systems. For an interesting study on the effect of the preferential tax scheme in Denmark on foreign top earners' mobility, see Kleven et al. (2014). Akcigit, Baslandze, and Stantcheva (2016) study the effect of top tax rates on the international mobility of 'superstar' inventors. determine the details; they can also set an upper limit on the number of non-EU citizens who can enter for highly-qualified work.5 At the moment, a new directive to attract highly skilled workers to the European Union is under discussion by the European Parliament and Council, with the goal of easing entry conditions and further harmonising the regulatory framework (European Commission 2016). On a country level, EU countries are mostly continuing to facilitate admission of highly skilled workers, for example, the Czech Republic and Italy, while some other EU and non-EU countries, like New Zealand, Denmark and the United Kingdom, have made their skilled migration policy more selective (OECD 2017). There is, however, one important caveat: a selective migration policy only allows selection among those individuals who have an interest in coming to a country. To influence highly skilled workers' location decisions location decisions, in addition to a well-designed migration policy, the institutional framework of the destination country is also important. This comprises of labour market institutions, the transfer system, as well as the quality of the education sector and the design of family policy. In addition, a welcome culture is needed. Only in such cases can the destination country achieve its goals and benefit from the new ideas, skills and contacts that migrants bring with them." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Family unification, siblings, and skills (2018)

    Duleep, Harriet Orcutt; Regets, Mark;


    Duleep, Harriet Orcutt & Mark Regets (2018): Family unification, siblings, and skills. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 271), Maastricht, 38 S.


    "Recently proposed immigration reforms would constitute a major break in the 40-year-old U.S. admissions policy favoring family members. Although emphasizing the importance of the nuclear family, the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform and a house subcommittee on immigration recommend eliminating immigration preferences to other close relatives, including the brothers, sisters, and adult children of U.S. citizens. Under the proposed system, those relatives could not obtain U.S. visas unless they qualified because of specific job skills. Using Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) data on admissions criteria matched to 1990 Census data, we examine the effect of family admissions on immigrant education, self-employment, and earnings. Of particular relevance to the current debate, we also examine the effect of one of the family-based admission categories recommended for elimination -- the preference category that admits the siblings of U.S. citizens. We find that family-based immigrants, in general, have low initial earnings but high earnings growth relative to immigrants admitted on the basis of occupational skills. The earnings growth of immigrants is particularly high in cohorts with relatively high sibling admissions. Furthermore, sibling admissions are positively associated with immigrant self-employment. We also find that immigrant education levels are positively associated with sibling admissions and that the flows of occupation-based immigrants and immigrants admitted under the sibling category are intimately connected, particularly for immigrants from regions of the world where economic opportunities are limited for highly educated individuals. The results on earnings growth, self-employment, and education suggest that eliminating the sibling category may be counterproductive. More generally, the paper adds to our basic knowledge about the complex interactions of admission categories, human capital investment, and earnings growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education (2018)

    Lee, Rennie ;


    Lee, Rennie (2018): Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 9, S. 1560-1583. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1362976


    "As the U.S. continues to debate how to reform the current immigration system, there has been an increased emphasis on increasing skilled migration via employment sponsorship and subsequently decreasing other forms of migration, such as family reunification or refugees and asylees. Employment migration is viewed favourably because immigrants tend to arrive with greater education and language skills. However, it is unclear whether the descendants of immigrants admitted via employment categories have greater integration outcomes than the descendants of immigrants admitted via other categories. This study examines whether an immigrant's entry visa (e.g. temporary work, refugee, student, etc.) affects their children's education. Using data from the 2004 Immigration and Intergenerational Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles, this study finds that children whose fathers arrived via student/tourist visas have greater odds of college attainment. Related, this study identifies a possible mechanism, advanced/honors courses in high school, that may explain why father's student/tourist visa exerts a positive effect on student's pathway to college completion. However, there are no significant effects for fathers arriving under temporary work visas or as legal permanent residents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    International migration and innovation diffusion: an eclectic survey (2018)

    Lissoni, Francesco ;


    Lissoni, Francesco (2018): International migration and innovation diffusion. An eclectic survey. In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, Jg. 52, H. 5, S. 702-714. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2017.1346370


    "Im neuen Zeitalter der internationalen Massenmigration hat die Rolle von hochqualifizierten Personen bei der Verbreitung von Innovation erhebliche Beachtung gefunden. Unter Nutzung von wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Studien als Vorlage werden in diesem Beitrag verschiedene Gruppen von Untersuchungen nach drei Hauptthemen geordnet: der Unterscheidung zwischen Mobilität und Migration, den Richtungen der Ströme und ihrer Inhalte. Die Migration fördert eine Diffusion von Ursprungs- zu Aufnahmeländern, aber auch in die umgekehrte Richtung sowie innerhalb von und zwischen Zielorten. Der Beitrag enthält einen Vorschlag für ein Forschungsprogramm unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wichtigkeit von sozialen Bindungen zwischen Migranten sowie der Unterscheidung zwischen dem Zugriff auf allgemeine Informationen einerseits und Wissenstausch andererseits." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Migrants' support for welfare state spending in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands (2018)

    Lubbers, Marcel; Kuhn, Theresa; Larsen, Christian Albrekt; Diehl, Claudia ;


    Lubbers, Marcel, Claudia Diehl, Theresa Kuhn & Christian Albrekt Larsen (2018): Migrants' support for welfare state spending in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 52, H. 4, S. 895-913. DOI:10.1111/spol.12404


    "This contribution describes differences between 10 migrant groups and natives in their attitudes towards government spending in three residence countries: Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. Previous research provided evidence that 'migrants' as a catch-all category of people from different origins are in favor of more government spending on social welfare. We study to what extent support for government spending can be explained by self-interest explanations of welfare state attitudes as well as by differences in ideological position. The contribution employs data from the Migrants' Welfare State Attitudes project, including migrant groups from similar origins in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. The study moves beyond the larger migrant groups of Turks and Poles that received attention in previous research as well, and includes a greater variety of groups that differ in terms of their skill levels. The overall finding is that migrants' welfare state spending preferences are, as in the case of natives, significantly related to socio-demographic differences and standard ideology measures of attitudes to regulation of the economy and family values. However, even with these standard variables included, spending preferences differ strongly between migrant groups, residence countries, and welfare spending domain. A comparison between country of origin and residence country provisions seems to be a promising path for further understanding migrant group differences in welfare state spending attitudes. The study challenges the idea that all migrants are supportive of extended welfare state arrangements." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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