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Gender, Diversity und der wirtschaftliche Erfolg von Unternehmen

Steigert eine diversitätsfördernde und gleichstellungsorientierte Personalstrategie den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg von Unternehmen? Ist die Berufung von Frauen in den Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand eines Unternehmens Garant für eine verbesserte Performance?
Diese Infoplattform stellt Studien vor, die auf Team- und Unternehmensebene analysieren, wie sich heterogene Personalstrukturen auf den Unternehmenserfolg auswirken.

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    Women directors, board attendance, and corporate financial performance (2024)

    Joecks, Jasmin ; Pull, Kerstin ; Scharfenkamp, Katrin;


    Joecks, Jasmin, Kerstin Pull & Katrin Scharfenkamp (2024): Women directors, board attendance, and corporate financial performance. In: Corporate Governance, Jg. 32, H. 2, S. 205-227. DOI:10.1111/corg.12525


    "Using insights from an in-depth qualitative interview study, we propose an input-process-output model where the link between women directors (input) and corporate financial performance (output) is mediated by board attendance and where board attendance serves as a proxy of several intermediate but latent board processes. Further, we dig deeper into the nonlinearities of female boardroom representation by analyzing in how far the postulated mediation depends on the number of women in the boardroom. Analyzing quantitative data from German supervisory boards over an 11-year period, we find the link between women directors and corporate financial performance to be partially mediated by board attendance, and we find the mediation to depend on whether there is more than just one “token” woman in the boardroom. When there is only one woman in the boardroom, her presence is positively linked to board attendance, but the higher board attendance does not to translate into a better corporate financial performance. Our study contributes to theory, by inductively enriching our understanding of how and when women directors and corporate financial performance are linked. Our study encourages firms to appoint more than one woman to the boardroom to profit from an enhanced board attendance that will then also translate into a better corporate financial performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Relational Responsibilisation and Diversity Management in the 21st Century: The Case for Reframing Equality Regulation (2024)

    Vincent, Steve ; Lopes, Ana ; Meliou, Elina ; Özbilgin, Mustafa;


    Vincent, Steve, Ana Lopes, Elina Meliou & Mustafa Özbilgin (2024): Relational Responsibilisation and Diversity Management in the 21st Century: The Case for Reframing Equality Regulation. In: Work, Employment and Society online erschienen am 09.01.2024, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1177/09500170231217660


    "This article critiques equality regulation within neoliberal policy regimes and suggests an alternative. We argue that, globally, neoliberal regimes exacerbate social divisions by individualising responsibilities for addressing inequalities. Consequentially, a new policy direction for equality regulation is required. Using the UK economy as an exemplar, we make the case for relational responsibilisation, which involves raising awareness of workplace inequalities on an international basis; attributing responsibility for inequalities onto specific socioeconomic causes and institutions; and systematically developing policies and practices that extend accountability for and ameliorate the negative consequences of workplace inequalities. Theoretically, Bourdieusian social critique and realist sociological imagination are used to conceive responsibilisation in relational terms and to imagine a policy agenda that might make societies more responsible for tackling the forms of inequality they produce. Our overall argument is for the creation of a new equality, diversity and inclusion-aware form of social democracy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Zukunft der Arbeit: New Work mit Flexibilität und Rechtssicherheit gestalten (2023)

    Knappertsbusch, Inka; Wisskirchen, Gerlind;


    Knappertsbusch, Inka & Gerlind Wisskirchen (Hrsg.) (2023): Die Zukunft der Arbeit. New Work mit Flexibilität und Rechtssicherheit gestalten. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 443 S.


    "Dieses Buch nimmt die Leser mit auf eine Reise in die Zukunft der Arbeit. Unter dem Einfluss der Pandemie ist eine vorher undenkbare Flexibilität der Arbeitsbedingungen eingetreten. Die in diesem Rahmen gewährten Freiheiten werden von vielen Mitarbeitern weiterhin eingefordert. Ebenso gibt es zahlreiche Unternehmen, die mit dieser Umstellung überwiegend positive Erfahrungen gemacht haben und diese gerne fortführen möchten. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist zu erwarten, dass sich die erfolgte Abkehr von einem traditionellen Arbeitsumfeld – bedingt durch die vier Einflussfaktoren demografischer Wandel, Fachkräftemangel, Digitalisierung und künstliche Intelligenz – in Zukunft noch verstärken wird. Dieses Buch vermittelt einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Gestaltungsoptionen im Bereich New Work und zeigt die jeweiligen Vor- und Nachteile auf. Zudem werden neue Trends und Prognosen in Bezug auf die Zukunft der Arbeit analysiert. Darüber hinaus wird in aller Kürze und leicht verständlich der maßgebliche rechtliche Rahmen dargestellt. Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen die nötigen Werkzeuge an die Hand, um die Zukunft der Arbeit in Ihrem Unternehmen aktiv und rechtssicher zu gestalten." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Are women-owned enterprises better for employees? (2023)

    Machokoto, Michael ; Bempong Nyantakyi, Eugene ;


    Machokoto, Michael & Eugene Bempong Nyantakyi (2023): Are women-owned enterprises better for employees? In: Economics Letters, Jg. 232. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111368


    "This study provides novel survey-based insights from an under-researched developing market perspective into whether women-owned enterprises offer better working environments despite being resource-constrained and subject to engendered restrictions. Using a hand-collected survey-based dataset from Kenya and Tanzania, we find that women-owned enterprises provide more training programs, pension coverage, health insurance, female and youth employment opportunities, and are more innovative. We attribute these findings to the fact that female participation leads to a more empathic and socially responsible approach to decision-making, resulting in better employee welfare outcomes. Our findings echo the need to spur equitable and sustained economic growth by eliminating engendered restrictions and providing more resources to female entrepreneurs in developing markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Gender diversity in senior management and firm productivity: Evidence from nine OECD countries (2023)

    Oecd, ;


    (2023): Gender diversity in senior management and firm productivity: Evidence from nine OECD countries. (OECD productivity working papers 34), Paris, 29 S. DOI:10.1787/58ad664a-en


    "This paper investigates the link between gender diversity in senior management and firm-level productivity. For this purpose, it constructs a novel cross-country dataset with information on firms' senior management group and other firm characteristics, covering both publicly listed and unlisted firms in manufacturing and non-financial market services across nine OECD countries. The main result from the analysis is that productivity gains from increasing gender diversity in senior management are highest among firms with low initial diversity. Increasing the female share to the sample average of 20% in firms with initially lower shares would increase aggregate productivity by around 0.6%. This suggests that improving women's access to senior management positions matters not only for equity but could yield significant productivity gains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Operationalisierbarkeit der Konzeption ,Wege zur Diskriminierungsfreiheit von Unternehmen‘ des djb für den Bereich der Personalrekrutierung: Kurzstudie im Auftrag der Bundesstiftung Gleichstellung (2023)

    Tobsch, Verena; Schmidt, Tanja;


    Tobsch, Verena & Tanja Schmidt (2023): Operationalisierbarkeit der Konzeption ,Wege zur Diskriminierungsfreiheit von Unternehmen‘ des djb für den Bereich der Personalrekrutierung. Kurzstudie im Auftrag der Bundesstiftung Gleichstellung. Berlin, 39 S.


    "Wie sehen Lösungen für eine diskriminierungsfreie Personalauswahl aus? Und wie können Unternehmen bei der Entwicklung von gleichstellungsorientierten Maßnahmen unterstützt werden? Die neue Studie betont das Potential, datenbasiert Diskriminierungen im Recruiting aufzudecken und zeigt Handlungsoptionen auf. Bei der Karrieremesse herCAREER Expo wurde sie der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Supplemental family leave provision and employee performance: Disentangling availability and use (2022)

    Begall, Katia ; van Breeschoten, Leonie; van der Lippe, Tanja; Poortman, Anne-Rigt;


    Begall, Katia, Leonie van Breeschoten, Tanja van der Lippe & Anne-Rigt Poortman (2022): Supplemental family leave provision and employee performance. Disentangling availability and use. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 3, S. 393-416. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2020.1737176


    "The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the provision of supplemental family leave elicits higher work effort and extra-role behavior in employees. Drawing on arguments derived from signaling theory we test whether the beneficial effects of providing longer or better paid family leave on performance exist for all employees, or whether they are limited to the group who either took advantage of the supplemental leave in the past or is likely to do so in the future. In addition, the mechanism proposed by organizational support theory by which supplemental leave is expected to affect employee performance - by increasing affective organizational commitment - is tested. The hypotheses developed are tested using European multilevel organization-data (Van der Lippe et al., 2016a) on 11,011 employees in 869 departments or teams, and 259 organizations. The results indicate that perceived availability of supplemental family leave relates positively to employees? contextual performance, partially by increasing organizational commitment. This effect is found irrespective of actual use of family leave and is not moderated by characteristics relating to future use such as having young children, being of childbearing age or being female." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Betriebliche Diversitätsstrategien in Deutschland (2022)

    Brüll, Eduard ; Kampkötter, Patrick ;


    Brüll, Eduard & Patrick Kampkötter (2022): Betriebliche Diversitätsstrategien in Deutschland. (Forschungsbericht / Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales 603), Berlin, 48 S.


    "Dieser Bericht betrachtet freiwillige Diversitätsstrategien in Deutschland und analysiert die Wirkung dieser Strategien sowohl aus der Beschäftigten- als auch aus der Unternehmensperspektive. Basierend auf Daten des Linked Personnel Panel, einem repräsentativen Arbeitgeber-ArbeitnehmerDatensatz für privatwirtschaftliche Betriebe mit mehr als 50 sozialversicherungspflichtigen Beschäftigten, gibt dieser Bericht einen ersten deskriptiven Überblick über die Anwendung und thematische Ausgestaltung solcher Strategien in deutschen Betrieben. Anhand von Regressionen mit Strukturkontrollen und einem Differenz-in-Differenzen-Ansatz lassen sich kaum Belege für die Wirksamkeit dieser Strategien ermitteln. Hinsichtlich der Betriebszusammensetzung, der Rekrutierung von Beschäftigten und der Mitarbeiterbindung zeigt der Bericht keinerlei Unterschiede zwischen Unternehmen mit und ohne Diversitätsstrategien. Die wenigen vorliegenden Belege für die Wirksamkeit von Diversitätsstrategien beziehen sich auf Messgrößen, die direkt beschreiben, wie die Beschäftigten Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz wahrnehmen. Bei der empfunden Arbeitszufriedenheit und anderen aus der Beschäftigtenperspektive wichtigen Zielgrößen, lassen sich keine Unterschiede zwischen Beschäftigten in Betrieben mit und ohne Diversitätsstrategien feststellten. Insgesamt zeigen die Analysen in dem Bericht somit wenig Spielraum für die Wirksamkeit von Diversitätsstrategien, jedenfalls nicht innerhalb des betrachteten Zeitraums von fünf Befragungswellen zwischen 2012 und 2021." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does gender still matter? An examination of small business performance (2022)

    Kiefer, Kip; Heileman, Mark; Pett, Timothy L. ;


    Kiefer, Kip, Mark Heileman & Timothy L. Pett (2022): Does gender still matter? An examination of small business performance. In: Small business economics, Jg. 58, H. 1, S. 141-167. DOI:10.1007/s11187-020-00403-2


    "This study provides novel insights into gender differences in small business outcomes. We analyze the first publicly available microdata from the 2007 US Census Bureau PUMS dataset, in a manner similar to (Fairlie and Robb's in Small Business Economics, 33, 375–395 2009) analysis of the 1992 CBO dataset, and explore differences in female-led versus male-led firms' business performances over a 15-year period. Findings indicate that gender differences persist and that female-led businesses continue to trail male-led businesses in survival rates, profits, employment (i.e., firm size), and sales. We also extend the work by (Fairlie and Robb in Small Business Economics, 33, 375–395 2009), by examining new performance and predictor measures, including payroll firm and longevity. We find that female-led businesses trail male-led businesses in these variables as well. However, the news is not all bad. Our findings also reveal that, although female-led businesses continue to trail male-led businesses in performance outcomes, both female- and male-led businesses are improving and in some cases performance improvements by female-led businesses are out-pacing their male-led counterparts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Geschlechterdiversität im Management von mittelständischen Familienunternehmen (2022)

    Lorenzen, Solvej; Block, Jörn ;


    Lorenzen, Solvej & Jörn Block (2022): Geschlechterdiversität im Management von mittelständischen Familienunternehmen. In: Personal quarterly, Jg. 74, H. 4, S. 22-27.


    "Welchen Einfluss haben weibliche Familien- und Nichtfamilien-CEOs auf die Anzahl und den Anteil weiblicher Nichtfamilienmitglieder im Management von mittelständischen Familienunternehmen? Deskriptive Analyse und lineare Regression. 1.139 mittelständische Familienunternehmen im Maschinenbausektor Praktische Implikationen: Wir finden einen positiven Einfluss weiblicher NichtfamilienCEOs und einen negativen Einfluss weiblicher Familien-CEOs auf die Anzahl weiblicher Nichtfamilienmitglieder im Management von mittelständischen Familienunternehmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Haufe-Lexware)

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    Integration Costs and Missing Women in Firms around the World (2022)

    Miller, Conrad; Peck, Jennifer; Seflek, Mehmet;


    Miller, Conrad, Jennifer Peck & Mehmet Seflek (2022): Integration Costs and Missing Women in Firms around the World. In: AEA papers and proceedings, Jg. 112, S. 578-582. DOI:10.1257/pandp.20221084


    "Where social norms favor gender segregation, firms may find it costly to employ both men and women. If the costs of integration are largely fixed, firms will integrate only if their expected number of female employees under integration exceeds some threshold. We use the distribution of female employment to estimate the share of firms with binding integration costs. Using global survey data, we find evidence for these binding integration costs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and South Asia but not in other regions. We also show that the intensity of gender segregation preferences is correlated with these integration costs in the MENA region." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender-diverse teams produce more novel and higher-impact scientific ideas (2022)

    Yang, Yang; Tian, Tanya Y.; Uzzi, Brian; Woodruff, Teresa K. ; Jones, Benjamin F. ;


    Yang, Yang, Tanya Y. Tian, Teresa K. Woodruff, Benjamin F. Jones & Brian Uzzi (2022): Gender-diverse teams produce more novel and higher-impact scientific ideas. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jg. 119, H. 36. DOI:10.1073/pnas.2200841119


    "Science’s changing demographics raise new questions about research team diversity and research outcomes. We study mixed-gender research teams, examining 6.6 million papers published across the medical sciences since 2000 and establishing several core findings. First, the fraction of publications by mixed-gender teams has grown rapidly, yet mixed-gender teams continue to be underrepresented compared to the expectations of a null model. Second, despite their underrepresentation, the publications of mixed-gender teams are substantially more novel and impactful than the publications of same-gender teams of equivalent size. Third, the greater the gender balance on a team, the better the team scores on these performance measures. Fourth, these patterns generalize across medical subfields. Finally, the novelty and impact advantages seen with mixed-gender teams persist when considering numerous controls and potential related features, including fixed effects for the individual researchers, team structures, and network positioning, suggesting that a team’s gender balance is an underrecognized yet powerful correlate of novel and impactful scientific discoveries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women on board and firm export attitudes: Evidence from Italy (2021)

    Carbonero, Francesco ; Devicienti, Francesco ; Manello, Alessandro; Vannoni, Davide ;


    Carbonero, Francesco, Francesco Devicienti, Alessandro Manello & Davide Vannoni (2021): Women on board and firm export attitudes: Evidence from Italy. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Jg. 192, S. 159-175. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.10.011

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    Gender Preferences in Job Vacancies and Workplace Gender Diversity (2021)

    Card, David; Colella, Fabrizio; Lalive, Rafael;


    Card, David, Fabrizio Colella & Rafael Lalive (2021): Gender Preferences in Job Vacancies and Workplace Gender Diversity. (NBER working paper), Cambridge, Mass, 69 S. DOI:10.3386/w29350


    "In spring 2005, Austria launched a campaign to inform employers and newspapers that gender preferences in job advertisements were illegal. At the time over 40% of openings on the nation’s largest job-board specified a preferred gender. Over the next year the fraction fell to under 5%. We merge data on filled vacancies to linked employer-employee data to study how the elimination of gender preferences affected hiring and job outcomes. Prior to the campaign, most stated preferences were concordant with the firm’s existing gender composition, but a minority targeted the opposite gender - a subset we call non-stereotypical vacancies. Vacancies with a gender preference were very likely (>90%) to be filled by someone of that gender. We use pre-campaign vacancies to predict the probabilities of specifying preferences for females, males, or neither gender. We then conduct event studies of the effect of the campaign on the predicted preference groups. We find that the elimination of gender preferences led to a rise in the fraction of women hired for jobs that were likely to be targeted to men (and vice versa), increasing the diversity of hiring workplaces. Partially offsetting this effect, we find a reduction in the success of non-stereotypical vacancies in hiring the targeted gender, and indications of a decline in the efficiency of matching. For the much larger set of stereotypical vacancies, however, vacancy filling times, wages, and job durations were largely unaffected by the campaign, suggesting that the elimination of stated preferences had at most small consequences on overall job match efficiency." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job quality and workplace gender diversity in Europe (2021)

    Clark, Andrew E. ; Zhu, Rong; D'Ambrosio, Conchita;


    Clark, Andrew E., Conchita D'Ambrosio & Rong Zhu (2021): Job quality and workplace gender diversity in Europe. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Jg. 183, S. 420-432. DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.01.012


    "We here consider the relationship between workplace gender measures and employees’ perceived job quality, where the former cover both the gender mix of workers with the same job title and the gender of the immediate boss. Data from the 2015 European Working Conditions Survey show that men’s job evaluation is higher in gender-balanced job positions at the workplace, while that of women is higher in either gender-balanced or male-dominated positions. The gender of the immediate boss plays no significant role in employee job evaluation. There is some evidence that these correlations differ by job-quality domains. We introduce co-worker support and help, gender discrimination, and unwanted sexual attention as possible mediators of the gender-mix correlations: these change the estimated coefficients only little. Our estimated correlations could therefore reflect a pure preference for job-position gender composition. Last, we use a bounding approach to show that our main results are robust to the potential influence of unobservables. Overall, job-position gender diversity is associated with higher worker well-being." (Author's abstract, © 2021 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The human side of productivity: Uncovering the role of skills and diversity for firm productivity (2021)

    Criscuolo, Chiara; Nicoletti, Giuseppe; Leidecker, Timo; Gal, Peter;


    Criscuolo, Chiara, Peter Gal, Timo Leidecker & Giuseppe Nicoletti (2021): The human side of productivity: Uncovering the role of skills and diversity for firm productivity. (OECD productivity working papers 29), Paris: OECD Publishing, 66 S. DOI:10.1787/5f391ba9-en


    "Relying on linked employer-employee datasets from 10 countries, this paper documents that the skills and the diversity of the workforce and of managers – the human side of businesses – account on average for about one third of the labour productivity gap between firms at the productivity “frontier” (the top 10% within each detailed industry) and medium performers at the 40-60 percentile of the productivity distribution. The composition of skills, especially the share of high skills, varies the most along the productivity distribution, but low and medium skilled employees make up a substantial share of the workforce even at the frontier. High skills show positive but decreasing productivity returns. Moreover, the skill mix of top firms varies markedly across countries, pointing to the role of different strategies pursued by firms in different policy environments. We also find that managerial skills play a particularly important role, also through complementarities with worker skills. Gender and cultural diversity among managers – and to a lesser extent, among workers – is positively related to firm productivity as well. We discuss public policies that can facilitate the catch-up of firms below the frontier through skills and diversity. These cover a wide range of areas, exerting their influence through three main channels: the supply, upgrading and the matching across firms (the SUM) of skills and other human factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Economics of Being LGBT: A Review 2015-2020 (2021)

    Drydakis, Nick ;


    Drydakis, Nick (2021): The Economics of Being LGBT. A Review 2015-2020. (IZA discussion paper 14845), Bonn, 26 S.


    "This paper reviews studies on LGBT workplace outcomes published between 2015 and 2020. In terms of earnings differences, in the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia, gay men were found to experience earnings penalties of 7% in comparison to heterosexual men, bisexual men experienced earnings penalties of 9% in comparison to heterosexual men, and bisexual women faced earnings penalties of 5% in comparison to heterosexual women. In the same regions, lesbian women experienced an earnings premium of 7% in comparison to heterosexual women. Trans women, in the US and Europe, faced earnings penalties ranging from 4% to 20%. In terms of job satisfaction, in the US, Canada, and Europe, gay men, and lesbian women experienced 15% and 12%, respectively lower job satisfaction than their heterosexual counterparts. Additionally, bullying against sexual minorities has persisted. In the UK, sexual minorities who experienced frequent school-age bullying faced a 32% chance of experiencing frequent workplace bullying. In relation to job exclusions, in OECD countries, gay men and lesbian women were found to experience 39% and 32%, respectively lower access to occupations than comparable heterosexual men and women. For trans men and women in Europe, comparable patterns are in evidence. Given these patterns, it is not of surprise that LGBT people in the US and the UK experience higher poverty rates than heterosexual and cis people. However, in these two regions, anti-discrimination laws and positive actions in the workplace helped reduce the earnings penalties for gay men, enhance trans people's self-esteem, spur innovation and firms' performance, and boost marketing capability, corporate profiles, and customer satisfaction. The evidence indicated that LGBT inclusion and positive economic outcomes mutually reinforced each other." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Top management gender diversity and performance: in search of threshold effects (2021)

    Gong, Yundan ; Girma, Sourafel;


    Gong, Yundan & Sourafel Girma (2021): Top management gender diversity and performance: in search of threshold effects. In: Cambridge Journal of Economics, Jg. 45, H. 1, S. 109-127. DOI:10.1093/cje/beaa045


    "The impact of gender diversity on business performance has been featured prominently on the agenda of many politicians and business leaders in recent years. However, empirical results of the impact of gender diversity on firm performance have been ambiguous. This paper contributes to the literature by using propensity score-based estimation techniques on a large sample of UK firms to analyse the performance effect of appointing a first female board director. We look at financial and non-financial performance indicators and document significant effects on firm growth and labour cost efficiency, but rather fragile ones on accounting returns, such as profitability. We also document evidence of another threshold effect; namely, gender diversity appears to have its highest impact (its 'ceiling') when the proportion of female directors is approximately 30%. Carrying out a sensitivity analysis, we conclude that hidden bias must be implausibly high to be able to attribute the beneficial effects of boardroom gender diversity to unmeasured confounding." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Der Schutz vor Diskriminierung und die Förderung personaler Vielfalt im Arbeitsleben: Umsetzungsstand und Praxis in Unternehmen, Verwaltungen und Organisationen des Dritten Sektors (2021)

    Icks, Annette; Mappal, Christian; Bijedić, Teita; Merx, Andreas; Latzke, Philipp; Kay, Rosemarie ;


    Icks, Annette, Teita Bijedić, Rosemarie Kay, Philipp Latzke & Andreas Merx (2021): Der Schutz vor Diskriminierung und die Förderung personaler Vielfalt im Arbeitsleben. Umsetzungsstand und Praxis in Unternehmen, Verwaltungen und Organisationen des Dritten Sektors. Berlin, 184 S.


    "Die Studie untersucht, inwiefern Diversity-Maßnahmen und Maßnahmen des Diskriminierungsschutzes rund 15 Jahre nach Einführung des AGG und der Gründung der Charta der Vielfalt in Unternehmen, Verwaltungen und dem Dritten Sektor umgesetzt werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie Arbeitgeber*innen und Personalverantwortliche das AGG in der Praxis bewerten und inwiefern Diskriminierungsschutz und Vielfaltsförderung Einzug in die Unternehmens- und Organisationskulturen gehalten haben. In der qualitativen Studie wurden aufbauend auf einer Literaturrecherche und Expert*innen-Interviews, die Geschäftsführungen oder Personalverantwortlichen von 50 Unternehmen, Verwaltungen und Organisationen des Dritten Sektors befragt. Aus den Befragungsergebnissen wurden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender differences in competitiveness: to what extent can different attitudes towards competition for men and women explain the gender gap in labor markets? (2021)

    Lackner, Mario;


    Lackner, Mario (2021): Gender differences in competitiveness. To what extent can different attitudes towards competition for men and women explain the gender gap in labor markets? (IZA world of labor 236), 10 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.236.v2


    "In addition to the well-documented gender pay gap, women are globally under-represented in top-level jobs. One obvious explanation for this is discrimination. Differences in attitudes toward competition, which are observed in the empirical literature, offer another explanation. These differences could partly explain the gender gaps in labor market outcomes. A future challenge is to mitigate the negative consequences of these gaps on the way to achieving gender equality in labor markets. Reforms of the educational systems could help to encourage competitive attitudes and affect educational choices of women. One possibility is to consider gender-segregated education in specific subjects. Some evidence suggests that any intervention is most likely to be successful during early ages. In contrast, preferences regarding competitiveness are found to evolve over time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Das deutsche Diversitäts-Dilemma: German Diversity Monitor 2021 (2021)

    Wagner, Victoria; Ackermann, Antonia; Antoni, Natalie; Schulz, Nadine; Kijas, Shana;


    (2021): Das deutsche Diversitäts-Dilemma. German Diversity Monitor 2021. (German Diversity Monitor 2), Düsseldorf, 17 S.


    "Mit dem German Diversity Monitor 2021 erfolgt nach 2020 zum zweiten Mal eine Bestandsaufnahme der Diversität in den Vorständen bzw. in den Geschäftsführungen führender deutscher Unternehmen sowie des inklusiven Arbeitsumfelds in deutschen Unternehmen. Dadurch sollen Fortschritte und Veränderungen identifiziert und die Wirkung der Diversitätsinitiative BeyondGenderAgenda messbar gemacht werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender Diversity in Firms (2020)

    Azmat, Ghazala; Boring, Anne;


    Azmat, Ghazala & Anne Boring (2020): Gender Diversity in Firms. (IZA policy paper 168), Bonn, 34 S.


    "This paper explores the recent efforts by the corporate world and public policy to increase the number of women in leadership positions in the workplace. We review and empirically evaluate the "business case" for gender equality, showing some evidence in favour of it. Despite the evidence and growing support, progress towards more diversity in leadership positions has been slow. We study the importance of supply-side constraints, as well as the main diversity policies (gender quotas, mentoring and network programs, diversity training to change firm culture, and family friendly policies) that have been implemented. We focus on the effectiveness of these policies, their shortcomings, as well as potential future steps that could help guide policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender Diversity in Firms (2020)

    Azmat, Ghazala; Boring, Anne;


    Azmat, Ghazala & Anne Boring (2020): Gender Diversity in Firms. In: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Jg. 36, H. 4, S. 760-782. DOI:10.1093/oxrep/graa043


    "This paper explores the recent efforts by the corporate world and public policy to increase the number of women in leadership positions in the workplace. We review and empirically evaluate the 'business case' for gender equality, showing some evidence in favour of it. Despite the evidence and growing support, progress towards more diversity in leadership positions has been slow. We study the importance of supply-side constraints, as well as the main diversity policies (gender quotas, mentoring and network programmes, diversity training to change firm culture, and family friendly policies) that have been implemented. We focus on the effectiveness of these policies, their shortcomings, as well as potential future steps that could help guide policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor force diversity and firm survival (2020)

    Backman, Mikaela ; Kohlhase, Janet E. ;


    Backman, Mikaela & Janet E. Kohlhase (2020): Labor force diversity and firm survival. In: Journal of regional science, Jg. 60, H. 5, S. 903-928. DOI:10.1111/jors.12488


    "We analyze the influence that the diversity of individuals, both within a firm and in the region where the firm is located, has on firm survival. We estimate a hazard model using microdata for Swedish firms for the years 2002-2013. Results show that firm-specific diversity in education, age, and gender are positively associated with firm survival. However, firm-specific diversity by place of origin is negatively associated with firm survival. Yet the cultural diversity among the inhabitants in the region where the firm is located enhances firm survival. Magnitudes of the effects vary by region and industrial sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Family-friendly organizational arrangements - anything but "a fuss" (over nothing)! (2020)

    Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Hagen, Marina; Grunow, Daniela; Müller, Dana; Frodermann, Corinna;


    Bächmann, Ann-Christin, Corinna Frodermann, Daniela Grunow, Marina Hagen & Dana Müller (2020): Family-friendly organizational arrangements - anything but "a fuss" (over nothing)! In: IAB-Forum H. 20-02-2020, o. Sz., 2020-02-17.


    "In Germany, more and more companies are offering measures to improve the reconciliation of family and work. This carries benefits for companies and employees alike, because family-friendly measures help women to return to their previous employer faster and more frequently." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Where women make a difference: Gender quotas and firms' performance in three European countries (2020)

    Comi, Simona; Pagani, Laura; Grasseni, Mara; Origo, Federica ;


    Comi, Simona, Mara Grasseni, Federica Origo & Laura Pagani (2020): Where women make a difference: Gender quotas and firms' performance in three European countries. In: ILR review, Jg. 73, H. 3, S. 768-793. DOI:10.1177/0019793919846450


    "The authors study the effect of corporate board gender quotas on firm performance in France, Italy, and Spain. The identification strategy exploits the exogenous variation in mandated gender quotas within country and over time and uses a counterfactual methodology. Using firm-level accounting data and a difference-in-difference estimator, the authors find that gender quotas had either a negative or an insignificant effect on firm performance in the countries considered with the exception of Italy, where they find a positive impact on productivity. The authors then focus on Italy. Using a novel data set containing detailed information on board members' characteristics, they offer possible explanations for the positive effect of gender quotas. The results provide an important contribution to the policy debate about the optimal design of legislation on corporate gender quotas." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Diversity wins: How inclusion matters (2020)

    Dixon-Fyle, Sundiatu; Hunt, Vivian; Dolan, Kevin; Prince, Sara;


    Dixon-Fyle, Sundiatu, Vivian Hunt, Kevin Dolan & Sara Prince (2020): Diversity wins: How inclusion matters. New York, NY, 52 S.


    "The business case for inclusion and diversity (I&D) is stronger than ever. For diverse companies, the likelihood of outperforming industry peers on profitability has increased over time, while the penalties are getting steeper for those lacking diversity. Progress on representation has been slow, yet a few firms are making real strides. A close look at these diversity winners shows that a systematic, business-led approach and bold, concerted action on inclusion are needed to make progress." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender diversity in corporate boards: Evidence from quota-implied discontinuities (2020)

    Kuzmina, Olga; Melentyeva, Valentina;


    Kuzmina, Olga & Valentina Melentyeva (2020): Gender diversity in corporate boards: Evidence from quota-implied discontinuities. (CEPR discussion paper 14942), London, 54 S.


    "We use data across European corporate boards to investigate the effects of quota-induced female representation, under minimal possible identification assumptions. We find that having more women in board causally increases Tobin's Q, despite some negative effects on operating performance and more likely employment downsizings. We interpret this evidence as firms scaling down inefficient operations. Our results highlight that gender quotas are not necessarily a costly way of promoting equality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Board gender diversity and cost of equity (2020)

    Nguyen, Pascal ;


    Nguyen, Pascal (2020): Board gender diversity and cost of equity. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 27, H. 18, S. 1522-1526. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2019.1693693


    "Evidence that women directors provide more effective monitoring suggests that greater board gender diversity is associated with lower cost of equity because of greater confidence in the firm's governance. We test this hypothesis using a sample of French firms over the period 2006-2017. The results show that cost of equity is significantly lower when firms have a higher proportion of women directors. It thus appears that mandatory quotas have allowed women directors to reach the critical mass needed to have significant impact." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women on Top Management Teams and Firm Performance in German Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Moderating Role of Recruiting Source (2020)

    Reineke, Kristina; Kabst, Rüdiger; Steinmetz, Holger; Isidor, Rodrigo;


    Reineke, Kristina, Holger Steinmetz, Rodrigo Isidor & Rüdiger Kabst (2020): Women on Top Management Teams and Firm Performance in German Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Moderating Role of Recruiting Source. (Working paper / Universität Paderborn, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 60), Paderborn, 32 S.


    "Despite substantial research, evidence regarding the relationship between the proportion of women on top management teams (TMTs) and firm performance is still inconclusive. Building on upper echelons theory, this paper expands the discussion of potential moderating effects in this regard by applying a complementary perspective to the commonly studied organization-oriented factors. Applying a person-oriented perspective to the composition of TMTs, this study argues that the recruiting source of TMT members - whether members were recruited from the owner's family, from the internal job market or the external job market - leads to differences in the job-relevant characteristics of TMT members. Consequently, the recruiting source should moderate the relationship between TMT gender composition and performance. Our analysis of 1025 German medium-sized enterprises (MEs) shows that there is no main effect of the proportion of women on firm performance. However, recruiting from the owner's family and the internal labor market have a significant negative moderating influence on the relationship between the proportion of women on TMTs and firm performance. Conversely, hiring externally exerts a significant positive effect." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Female leadership and firm performance (2019)

    Beltran, Arlette;


    Beltran, Arlette (2019): Female leadership and firm performance. In: Prague economic papers, Jg. 28, H. 3, S. 363-377. DOI:10.18267/j.pep.695


    "This study explores whether companies┐ experience benefits when the firm's CEO and owner are both women. It employs data from the 2009 - 2014 World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES) to measure firms' performance through growth in sales and productivity. Potential endogeneity was corrected by using the UN Gender Development Index and the average fertility rate as they comply with the exclusion restrictions. The paper uses the Control Function method with a Probit first stage estimation and an OLS main equation. The findings suggest that a female owner strengthens the female CEO's business skills and leads to better firm performance than when the CEO is a woman and the owner is a man." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The direct and indirect impact of gender diversity in new venture teams on innovation performance (2019)

    Dai, Ye; Byun, Gukdo ; Ding, Fangsheng;


    Dai, Ye, Gukdo Byun & Fangsheng Ding (2019): The direct and indirect impact of gender diversity in new venture teams on innovation performance. In: Entrepreneurship, theory and practice, Jg. 43, H. 3, S. 505-528. DOI:10.1177/1042258718807696


    "Women's interest and participation in entrepreneurship is growing. The limited and inconclusive findings on such growth have made it difficult to characterize its influence on new venture innovation performance. In addressing this issue, our study found a positive relationship between the gender diversity scores of new venture teams - reflecting the increased presence of women - and the innovation performance of new ventures. It also found the positive influence of gender diversity on (a) the relationship between the functional diversity of a venture team and its innovation performance and (b) the relationship between female employee presence and innovation performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Diversity networks: Networking for equality? (2019)

    Dennissen, Marjolein; Benschop, Yvonne; van den Brink, Marieke ;


    Dennissen, Marjolein, Yvonne Benschop & Marieke van den Brink (2019): Diversity networks: Networking for equality? In: British journal of management, Jg. 30, H. 4, S. 966-980. DOI:10.1111/1467-8551.12321


    "In recent years, the use of diversity networks as diversity management instruments in organizations has increased tremendously. Diversity networks support the needs of employees with different social identities, such as women, ethnic minorities, LGBTs, disabled and young people. The aim of this study is to come to a better understanding of how diversity networks contribute to equality by examining how diversity network leaders discursively construct the value of their networks against the backdrop of discourses on diversity and equality. We conducted a multiple case study of five different diversity networks in a financial service organization in the Netherlands. Our results show that network leaders tend to construct the value of their networks primarily in terms of individual career development and community building, to prevent their members' isolation. However, they are much less articulate about removing the barriers to inclusion in the organization as a core value of their networks. We conclude that the value of diversity networks is limited when these networks only address the individual and group levels of equality and leave systemic inequalities at the organizational level unchallenged." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2019 (2019)

    Hammermann, Andrea; Stettes, Oliver; Schmidt, Jörg;


    Hammermann, Andrea, Jörg Schmidt & Oliver Stettes (2019): Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2019. (Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 06), Berlin, 33 S.


    "Der 'Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2019' wurde zum sechsten Mal seit 2003 gefördert durch das Bundesfamilienministerium vom Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln (IW Köln) vorgelegt. Der Unternehmensmonitor besteht seit der Erhebung 2015 aus einer repräsentativen Unternehmensbefragung und einer repräsentativen Beschäftigtenbefragung. Er gibt Auskunft zum Stand der Familienfreundlichkeit in deutschen Unternehmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Age diversity and innovation: Do mixed teams of old and experienced and young and restless employees foster companies innovativeness? (2019)

    Hammermann, Andrea; Schmidt, Jörg; Niendorf, Matthias;


    Hammermann, Andrea, Matthias Niendorf & Jörg Schmidt (2019): Age diversity and innovation: Do mixed teams of old and experienced and young and restless employees foster companies innovativeness? (IAB-Discussion Paper 04/2019), Nürnberg, 31 S.


    "Die Erwerbsbevölkerung in Deutschland altert rasant, gleichzeitig nimmt aber auch die Altersheterogenität in den Belegschaften zu. In der Literatur finden sich sowohl Hinweise auf einen positiven wie auch einen negativen Einfluss der Altersheterogenität auf den Teamerfolg. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, inwieweit die Altersheterogenität die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Betriebs beeinflusst, Produkt- oder Verfahrensinnovationen hervorzubringen. Auf Basis von Linked Employer-Employee-Daten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) der Jahre 2009 bis 2013 werden verschiedene Indikatoren zur Messung der Altersheterogenität in der Belegschaft verwendet (Varietät, Separation, Disparität). Im Ergebnis findet sich ein negativer Effekt des Durchschnittsalters auf die Innovationsfähigkeit, allerdings erhöhen die Standardabweichung des Alters und die durchschnittliche Alterslücke die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Betriebs, Innovationen hervorzubringen. Eine Gleichverteilung der Altersstruktur zeigt hingegen keinen Zusammenhang zur betrieblichen Innovationsfähigkeit. Die unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse zur Heterogenität des Alters und der Betriebszugehörigkeitsdauer weisen zudem auf eine höhere Bedeutung des allgemeinen Humankapitals für kreative Prozesse hin - im Vergleich zum Humankapital, welches betriebsspezifisch erworben wird." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Birds, birds, birds: Co-worker similarity, workplace diversity, and voluntary turnover (2019)

    Hirsch, Boris ; Jahn, Elke ; Zwick, Thomas ;


    Hirsch, Boris, Elke Jahn & Thomas Zwick (2019): Birds, birds, birds: Co-worker similarity, workplace diversity, and voluntary turnover. (IZA discussion paper 12333), Bonn, 34 S.


    "We investigate how the demographic composition of the workforce along the sex, nationality, education, age, and tenure dimension affects voluntary turnover. Fitting duration models for workers' job-to-job moves that control for workplace fixed effects in a representative sample of large manufacturing plants in Germany during 1975-2016, we find that larger co-worker similarity in all five dimensions substantially depresses voluntary turnover whereas workplace diversity is of limited importance. In line with conventional wisdom, which has that birds of one feather flock together, our results suggest that workers prefer having co-workers of their kind and place less value on diverse workplaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Jahn, Elke ;
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    Perceived roles of women directors on supervisory boards: insights from a qualitative study (2019)

    Joecks, Jasmin ; Pull, Kerstin ; Scharfenkamp, Katrin;


    Joecks, Jasmin, Kerstin Pull & Katrin Scharfenkamp (2019): Perceived roles of women directors on supervisory boards. Insights from a qualitative study. In: German journal of human resource management, Jg. 33, H. 1, S. 5-31. DOI:10.1177/2397002218783925


    "The (under-)representation of women on corporate boards is much debated among the public as well as in academia. In our exploratory article, we contribute to the literature by investigating women directors' perceived roles by interviewing female as well as male board members and by employing the critical incident technique to address potential problems of social acceptancy. In the perception of board members, women directors fulfil three roles: they widen the boards' perspectives and thus act as (unique) experts, they objectify discussions and they act as mediators." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Diversity Champions: BCG Gender Diversity Index 2019: Auszüge aus der Studie (2019)

    Lorenzo, Rocío; Voigt, Nicole; Welpe, Isabell;


    Lorenzo, Rocío, Nicole Voigt & Isabell Welpe (2019): Diversity Champions: BCG Gender Diversity Index 2019. Auszüge aus der Studie. München, 16 S.


    "Erste Studie, die Deutschlands 100 größte börsennotierte Unternehmen hinsichtlich ihrer Geschlechterverteilung im Top-Management untersucht und den Faktor Gehalt mit einbezieht
    Erhebung der Frauenquote in Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat anhand der Webauftritte der Unternehmen sowie der relativen Vergütung von Frauen und Männern in diesen Gremien anhand der Geschäftsberichte
    Vergleich mit Daten der Jahre 2017 und 2018 möglich
    Ergänzung um eine Befragung zum Thema Vielfalt unter 16.700 Personen in 14 Ländern – Fokus auf ambitionierten Frauen sowie männlichen Entscheidungsträgern in Deutschland." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Diversität in öffentlichen Einrichtungen: Antidiskriminierungs- und Gleichstellungsdaten in der Praxis. Ergebnisse einer Piloterhebung unter Führungskräften der Berliner Verwaltung und Unternehmen mit Mehrheitsbeteiligung des Landes (2018)

    Aikins, Joshua Kwesi; Bartsch, Samera; Gyamerah, Daniel; Wagner, Lucienne;


    Aikins, Joshua Kwesi, Samera Bartsch, Daniel Gyamerah & Lucienne Wagner (2018): Diversität in öffentlichen Einrichtungen. Antidiskriminierungs- und Gleichstellungsdaten in der Praxis. Ergebnisse einer Piloterhebung unter Führungskräften der Berliner Verwaltung und Unternehmen mit Mehrheitsbeteiligung des Landes. Berlin, 53 S.


    "Das Team von Vielfalt entscheidet - Diversity in Leadership hat 2017 mit Unterstützung des Integrationsbeauftragten der Stadt Berlin und der Landesstelle für Gleichbehandlung - gegen Diskriminierung (LADS) die vorliegende Erhebung von Gleichstellungsdaten in Berlins öffentlichen Einrichtungen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen auf, wie divers die Führungspositionen sind und welche Strategien und Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Diversität und Chancengleichheit in der Berliner Verwaltung bereits umgesetzt werden und wo Führungskräfte einen weiteren Bedarf sehen, aktiv zu werden. Auf Basis der Angaben von 187 befragten Führungskräften empfiehlt der folgende Bericht:
    1. Die Einführung eines differenzierten Antidiskriminierungs- und Gleichstellungsmonitorings und dessen gesetzliche Verankerung;
    2. Die Ausweitung und Präzisierung aller gesetzlichen und Verwaltungsvorgaben, die sich auf den Migrationshintergrund fokussieren, um ein menschenrechtliches Verständnis rassistischer Diskriminierung;
    3. Den Angleich des Schutz- und Förderniveaus des Partizipations- und Integrationsgesetzes an das Landesgleichstellungsgesetz sowie die Einführung entsprechender verbindlicher positiver Maßnahmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Female board directorship and firm performance: what really matters? (2018)

    Bennouri, Moez ; Nagati, Haithem; Chtioui, Tawhid; Nekhili, Mehdi ;


    Bennouri, Moez, Tawhid Chtioui, Haithem Nagati & Mehdi Nekhili (2018): Female board directorship and firm performance. What really matters? In: Journal of Banking and Finance, Jg. 88, H. March, S. 267-291. DOI:10.1016/j.jbankfin.2017.12.010


    "Using a sample of 394 French firms for the period of 2001 to 2010, we study the relationship between female directorship and firms' accounting (ROA and ROE) and market-based (Tobin's Q) performance. We find that female directorship significantly increases ROA and ROE, and significantly decreases Tobin's Q. We postulate that these relationships are affected by the attributes of female directors. To this end, we collect a set of nine different attributes of female directors capturing their monitoring capabilities and contribution to the board's human capital (demographic and board relational attributes). We find that the positive relationship between accounting performance and female directorship remains when we include these attributes, while the negative relationship between Tobin's Q and female directorship disappears. Interestingly, the different attributes of female directors do not uniformly affect accounting and market-based performance. We explain the different relationships between attributes and firm performance by the tradeoff between the benefits and costs of diversity on board effectiveness, particularly in a low investor protection environment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of a culturally diverse workforce on firms' revenues and productivity: an empirical investigation on Germany (2018)

    Brunow, Stephan ; Nijkamp, Peter ;


    Brunow, Stephan & Peter Nijkamp (2018): The impact of a culturally diverse workforce on firms' revenues and productivity. An empirical investigation on Germany. In: International Regional Science Review, Jg. 41, H. 1, S. 62-85., 2016-01-27. DOI:10.1177/0160017616642820


    "There is evidence from the literature that firms enjoy higher productivity levels, when the workforce employed is culturally more diverse. It is an open question whether this gain is utilized to shift the supply curve and set lower prices in order to achieve a higher demand and possibly higher revenues. This knowledge gap is not addressed in the existing literature and forms the departure of our research. We introduce a reduced-form model, inspired by the study of Melitz and Ottaviano on heterogeneous firms, and add labor productivity by using the approach of Ottaviano and Peri on cultural diversity. In our empirical study, we employ German data, while the field of research is conducted for single plants, and industry-specific effects are taken into account. Our analysis shows significant positive effects of the cultural diversity of the high-skilled workforce on the market size of single establishments. We conclude that emerging productivity gains are not just paid as dividend or factor rewards but are also used to set lower prices in order to achieve higher demand." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Macroeconomic costs of gender gaps in a model with entrepreneurship and household production (2018)

    Cuberes, David; Teignier, Marc;


    Cuberes, David & Marc Teignier (2018): Macroeconomic costs of gender gaps in a model with entrepreneurship and household production. In: The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Jg. 18, H. 1, S. 1-15. DOI:10.1515/bejm-2017-0031


    "This paper examines the quantitative effects of gender gaps in entrepreneurship and workforce participation in an occupational choice model with a household sector and endogenous female labor supply. Gender gaps in workforce participation have a direct negative effect on market, while gender gaps in entrepreneurship affect negatively market output not only by reducing wages and labor force participation but also by reducing the average talent of entrepreneurs and aggregate productivity. We estimate the effects of these gender gaps for 37 European countries, as well as the United States, and find that gender gaps cause an average loss of 17.5% in market output and 13.2% in total output, which also includes household output. Interestingly, the total output loss would be similar (12%) in a model without household sector, since the market output loss is larger when the female labor supply is endogenous. Eastern Europe is the region with the lowest income fall due to gender gaps, while Southern Europe is the region with the largest fall. Northern Europe is the region with the largest productivity fall, which is due to the presence of high gender gaps in entrepreneurship." (Author's abstract, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    Teamwork, Leadership and Gender (2018)

    De Paola, Maria; Scoppa, Vincenzo; Gioia, Francesca ;


    De Paola, Maria, Francesca Gioia & Vincenzo Scoppa (2018): Teamwork, Leadership and Gender. (IZA discussion paper 11861), Bonn, 22 S.


    "We ran a field experiment to investigate whether individual performance in teams depends on the gender of the leader. About 430 students from an Italian University took an intermediate exam that was partly evaluated on the basis of teamwork. Students were randomly matched in teams of three and in each team we randomly chose a leader with the task of coordinating the work of the team. We find a positive and significant effect of female leadership on team performance. This effect is driven by the higher performance of team members in female led teams rather than due to an improvement in the leader's performance. We also find that, in spite of the higher performance of female led teams, male members tend to evaluate female leaders as less effective, whereas female members are more sympathetic towards them." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Increasing workplace diversity: evidence from a recruiting experiment at a fortune 500 company (2018)

    Flory, Jeffrey A.; Leibbrandt, Andreas; Rott, Christina; Stoddard, Olga;


    Flory, Jeffrey A., Andreas Leibbrandt, Christina Rott & Olga Stoddard (2018): Increasing workplace diversity. Evidence from a recruiting experiment at a fortune 500 company. (CESifo working paper 7025), München, 33 S.


    "The persistent lack of workplace diversity in management and leadership may lead to organizational vulnerabilities. White males occupy most high-profile positions in the largest U.S. corporations whereas African Americans, Hispanics, and women are clearly underrepresented in leadership roles. While many firms and other organizations have set ambitious goals to increase demographic diversity, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on effective ways to reach them. We use a natural field experiment to test several hypotheses on effective means to attract minority candidates for top professional careers. By randomly varying the content in recruiting materials of a major financial services corporation with over 10,000 employees, we test different types of signals regarding the extent and manner in which the employer values diversity among its workers. We find that signaling explicit interest in employee diversity can reverse the ethnicity gap in rates of interest and applications, and that it has a strong positive effect on interest in openings among racial minority candidates, the likelihood that they apply, and the probability that they are selected. These results uncover an effective method for disrupting monocultures in management through a minor intervention that influences sorting among job-seekers into high-profile careers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Female directors, board committees and firm performance (2018)

    Green, Colin P. ; Homroy, Swarnodeep;


    Green, Colin P. & Swarnodeep Homroy (2018): Female directors, board committees and firm performance. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 102, H. February, S. 19-38. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2017.12.003


    "A number of studies have found little economic impact of board gender diversity on firm performance. We return to this issue in the context of large European firms. Our contribution is twofold. First, using information on the gender of CEOs children as a source of exogenous variation in female director appointments, we demonstrate a robust positive effect of female board representation on firm performance. Second, while previous work has considered female representation broadly, we focus on membership of board committees as a proxy for active involvement in corporate governance. We demonstrate economically meaningful positive effects on performance of female representation on board committees. Our evidence is supportive of an economic rationale for increased female representation on corporate boards." (Author's abstract, © 2017 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Altersdiversität in Betrieben: Aktuelle Ergebnisse einer Betriebs- und Beschäftigtenbefragung (2018)

    Grunau, Philipp ; Wolter, Stefanie; Mackeben, Jan;


    (2018): Altersdiversität in Betrieben. Aktuelle Ergebnisse einer Betriebs- und Beschäftigtenbefragung. (Monitor), Berlin, 22 S.


    "Steigende Lebenserwartung und niedrige Geburtenraten in den letzten Jahrzehnten haben für eine veränderte Altersstruktur in den Betrieben gesorgt. So stellen die 'Babyboomer' - also 58-68-jährige Personen - einen immer größeren Anteil an den Belegschaften. Zugleich werben die Unternehmen um junge Auszubildende im Rahmen der dualen Berufsausbildung. Im Ergebnis arbeiten so in manchen Betrieben drei Generationen zusammen. Aber was bedeutet diese Altersvielfalt für die Betriebe, für die Belegschaften und auch für den Arbeitsmarkt? Wie unterscheiden sich die Generationen hinsichtlich Qualifikation, Arbeitsform und Wohlbefinden? Gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Alter, Arbeitszufriedenheit und Kollegialität? Beeinflusst die zunehmende Altersdiversität die Arbeitsqualität? Antworten auf diese Fragen gibt der vorliegende Monitor, der dazu die Daten einer repräsentativen Betriebs- und Beschäftigtenbefragung ausgewertet hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Delivering through diversity (2018)

    Hunt, Vivian; Yee, Lareina; Dixon-Fyle, Sundiatu; Prince, Sara;


    Hunt, Vivian, Sara Prince, Sundiatu Dixon-Fyle & Lareina Yee (2018): Delivering through diversity. 42 S.


    "Eine internationale Studie kommt zu dem Schluss, dass es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Diversität und Geschäftserfolg gibt: Unternehmen, die sich durch einen hohen Grad an Vielfalt auszeichnen, haben danach eine größere Wahrscheinlichkeit, überdurchschnittlich profitabel zu sein. Bei Unternehmen mit besonders ausgeprägter ethnischer/kultureller Vielfalt in Führungsteams steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, in ihrer Branche überdurchschnittlich profitabel zu sein, um 33 Prozent. Das deutet darauf hin, dass die Einbeziehung sehr unterschiedlicher Individuen ein wesentliches Unterscheidungsmerkmal zwischen Unternehmen sein kann. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt die aktuelle Studie 'Delivering Through Diversity' von McKinsey. Der Bericht baut auf den Ergebnissen der Vorgängerstudie 'Why Diversity Matters' von 2015 auf und bezieht mehr Unternehmen und eine größere Anzahl finanzieller Leistungsindikatoren ein. Berücksichtigt wurden 1007 Unternehmen in zwölf Ländern, davon 65 in Deutschland. Frauenanteil im Topmanagement besonders entscheidend Unternehmen, die hinsichtlich des Frauenanteils im Topmanagement - Vorstand und zwei bis drei Ebenen darunter - besonders gut abschneiden, haben laut Studie eine 21 Prozent größere Wahrscheinlichkeit, überdurchschnittlich erfolgreich zu sein. Bei deutschen Unternehmen mit einem hohen Anteil weiblicher Führungskräfte im Topmanagement liegt diese Wahrscheinlichkeit sogar doppelt so hoch. Unternehmen mit geringer Diversität wirtschaftlich im Nachteil Ein Vergleich mit der Vorgängerstudie zeigt, dass die untersuchten Firmen, die in Sachen Diversität auf einer niedrigen Stufe geblieben sind, sowohl was geschlechtliche als auch ethisch-kulturelle Vielfalt betrifft, eine um 29 Prozent geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, eine überdurchschnittliche Rentabilität zu erreichen als alle anderen Unternehmen. Das heißt, der wirtschaftliche Erfolg ist sogar unterdurchschnittlich. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Vielfalt im Management und Geschäftserfolg sei real, kommentiert Julia Sperling, McKinsey-Partnerin in Frankfurt, die Studienergebnisse. Die Förderung von Talenten mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen, Männer wie Frauen, unterschiedliche Ethnien und wissenschaftliche Hintergründe, ist sowohl eine Frage der Gerechtigkeit als auch eine Business-Priorität, so Sperling. Gelingen könne Vielfalt am effektivsten, wenn nach objektiven Kriterien befördert werde, zum Beispiel durch den Einsatz von datengestützten People Analytics. So würden wirklich die besten Mitarbeiter in die Führungsetagen gelangen" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Are there negative consequences of workforce diversity? Investigating the effect of group faultlines on turnover and organizational performance (2018)

    Krug, Gerhard ; Stegmaier, Jens ; Buche, Antje;


    Krug, Gerhard, Jens Stegmaier & Antje Buche (2018): Are there negative consequences of workforce diversity? Investigating the effect of group faultlines on turnover and organizational performance. (SocArXiv Papers), 29 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/j9nc6


    "There is strong empirical evidence that workforce diversity is beneficial for organizations. The theoretical concept of faultlines stresses, however, that diversity can also have negative consequences. This is the case when the subgroups differ not just with regard to one characteristic but with regard to several characteristics simultaneously. This paper is the first to examine the negative consequences of faultlines with large-scale data on organizations in the public and private sector. Fixed-effects-regressions are used to investigate the impact of functional (working time, tenure, qualification) and demographic (age, gender, nationality) faultlines on turnover and organizational performance. We also consider the interaction between firm size and faultlines. Regarding turnover, we do not find the expected negative effects of demographic and only limited evidence for functional faultlines. The effects of demographic faultlines on performance, in turn, are negative for small organizations and become positive for organizations with more than 10 members." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Krug, Gerhard ; Stegmaier, Jens ;
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Diversity im Topmanagement: Vielfalt in deutschen Unternehmen - was funktioniert, was nicht? (2018)

    Lammers, Brigitt;


    Lammers, Brigitt (2018): Diversity im Topmanagement. Vielfalt in deutschen Unternehmen - was funktioniert, was nicht? In: Zeitschrift Führung und Organisation, Jg. 87, H. 4, S. 225-232.


    "Die Frage, wie wir unterschiedliche Talente zielgerichtet und erfolgreich in die Führung deutscher Unternehmen einbeziehen, ist in Deutschland heute noch immer nicht befriedigend beantwortet. Der Frauenanteil in börsennotierten Unternehmen liegt auf Vorstandsebene unter 8%. In den Aufsichtsräten ist immerhin die gesetzliche Quote von 30% in vielen Unternehmen bereits erreicht und Vielfalt wird als mehrwertschaffende Realität wahrgenommen. Mit den Millennials hat nun eine Generation in deutschen Unternehmen Einzug gehalten, die ein von Diversität, Internationalität und nicht tradierten Lebensmodellen geprägtes Arbeitsumfeld erwartet. Das Augenmerk liegt vielerorts immer noch zu sehr auf dem zahlenmäßigem Verhältnis von männlichen und weiblichen Mitarbeitern statt auf der Umsetzung von Unternehmensstrategien, bei der Diversität bewusst eingesetzt wird, um strategische und operative Fragestellungen mit vielfältigen Perspektiven und Sozialisierungshintergründen besser und erfolgreicher zu lösen. Eine intensivere Teilhabe von Frauen Im Management deutscher Unternehmen sollte inzwischen selbstverständlich sein. Es ist Aufgabe der Unternehmensführung, hier Vorurteile abbauen zu helfen, strategische Relevanz aufzuzeigen und die konsequente Umsetzung aktiv zu begleiten." (Autorenreferat, © 2018 Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag für Wirtschaft - Steuern - Recht GmbH, Stuttgart)

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Gender diversity in the board, women's leadership and business performance (2018)

    Moreno-Gómez, Jorge; Vaillant, Yancy; Lafuente, Esteban;


    Moreno-Gómez, Jorge, Esteban Lafuente & Yancy Vaillant (2018): Gender diversity in the board, women's leadership and business performance. In: Gender in management, Jg. 33, H. 2, S. 104-122. DOI:10.1108/GM-05-2017-0058


    This paper aims to investigate how gender diversity in top management - i.e. boardroom and top management positions - affects business performance among Colombian public businesses.
    Building on the upper echelon theory which emphasizes that gender in an important characteristic that influences top management's decision-making, panel data models are used on a sample of 54 Colombian public businesses for the period 2008-2015 to test the proposed hypotheses relating to gender diversity and subsequent business performance.
    The results support that gender diversity is positively associated with subsequent business performance. More concretely, the relationship between gender diversity at the top of the corporate hierarchy - in the present case, as CEO and in the top management team - and subsequent performance becomes more evident when performance is linked to business operations (ROA), whereas the positive effect of women's representation in the boardroom and subsequent performance is significant when performance is measured via shareholder-oriented metrics (ROE).
    Few studies have addressed the role of gender diversity on performance in developing economies. This study contributes to better understand how gender diversity affects performance in contexts where women are underrepresented in the top management, and where the appointment of women directors or managers is not driven by regulatory pressures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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