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Digitale Arbeitswelt – Chancen und Herausforderungen für Beschäftigte und Arbeitsmarkt

Der digitale Wandel der Arbeitswelt gilt als eine der großen Herausforderungen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Wie arbeiten wir in Zukunft? Welche Auswirkungen hat die Digitalisierung auf Beschäftigung und Arbeitsmarkt? Welche Qualifikationen werden künftig benötigt? Wie verändern sich Tätigkeiten und Berufe?
Diese Infoplattform dokumentiert Forschungsergebnisse zum Thema Arbeit 4.0 in den verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen.

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im Aspekt "andere Länder/ internationaler Vergleich"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Learning from Ricardo and Thompson: Machinery and Labor in the Early Industrial Revolution, and in the Age of AI (2024)

    Acemoglu, Daron; Johnson, Simon;


    Acemoglu, Daron & Simon Johnson (2024): Learning from Ricardo and Thompson: Machinery and Labor in the Early Industrial Revolution, and in the Age of AI. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 32416), Cambridge, Mass, 45 S. DOI:10.3386/w32416


    "David Ricardo initially believed machinery would help workers but revised his opinion, likely based on the impact of automation in the textile industry. Despite cotton textiles becoming one of the largest sectors in the British economy, real wages for cotton weavers did not rise for decades. As E.P. Thompson emphasized, automation forced workers into unhealthy factories with close surveillance and little autonomy. Automation can increase wages, but only when accompanied by new tasks that raise the marginal productivity of labor and/or when there is sufficient additional hiring in complementary sectors. Wages are unlikely to rise when workers cannot push for their share of productivity growth. Today, artificial intelligence may boost average productivity, but it also may replace many workers while degrading job quality for those who remain employed. As in Ricardo's time, the impact of automation on workers today is more complex than an automatic linkage from higher productivity to better wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms (2024)

    Alacovska, Ana; Bucher, Eliane; Fieseler, Christian ;


    Alacovska, Ana, Eliane Bucher & Christian Fieseler (2024): A Relational Work Perspective on the Gig Economy: Doing Creative Work on Digital Labour Platforms. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 1, S. 161-179. DOI:10.1177/09500170221103146


    "Based on interviews with 49 visual artists, graphic designers and illustrators working on two leading global digital labour platforms, this article examines how creative workers perform relational work as a means of attenuating labour commodification, precarity, and algorithmic normativity. The article argues that creative work on online labour platforms, rather than being entirely controlled by depersonalised, anonymised and algorithm-driven labour market forces, is also infused in relational infrastructures whose upkeep, solidity and durability depends on the emotional efforts undertaken by workers to match economic transactions and their media of exchange to meaningful client relations. By applying a relational work perspective from economic sociology to the study of platform-mediated gig work, the article elucidates the micro-foundations of creative work in the digital gig economy, including how labour inequalities are produced and reproduced within and around micro-level interpersonal interactions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of ICT and robots on labour market outcomes of demographic groups in Europe (2024)

    Albinowski, Maciej; Lewandowski, Piotr ;


    Albinowski, Maciej & Piotr Lewandowski (2024): The impact of ICT and robots on labour market outcomes of demographic groups in Europe. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 87. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102481


    "We study the age- and gender-specific labour market effects of two key modern technologies, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and robots. Our sample includes 14 European countries between 2010 and 2018. We use the variation in technology adoption between industries and apply the instrumental variables strategy proposed by Acemoglu and Restrepo (2020) to identify the causal effects of technology adoption. We find that exposure to ICT and robots increased the shares of young and prime-aged women in employment and in the wage bills of particular sectors. However, it reduced the shares of older women and prime-aged men. We do not detect significant effects of technology adoption on the relative wages of most demographic groups. Between 2010 and 2018, the growth in ICT capital played a larger role than robot adoption in the changes in the withinsector labor market outcomes of demographic groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, ©2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Does Artificial Intelligence Help or Hurt Gender Diversity? Evidence from Two Field Experiments on Recruitment in Tech (2024)

    Avery, Mallory; Leibbrandt, Andreas; Vecci, Joseph;


    Avery, Mallory, Andreas Leibbrandt & Joseph Vecci (2024): Does Artificial Intelligence Help or Hurt Gender Diversity? Evidence from Two Field Experiments on Recruitment in Tech. (CESifo working paper 10996), München, 70 S.


    "The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruitment is rapidly increasing and drastically changing how people apply to jobs and how applications are reviewed. In this paper, we use two field experiments to study how AI recruitment tools can impact gender diversity in the male-dominated technology sector, both overall and separately for labor supply and demand. We find that the use of AI in recruitment changes the gender distribution of potential hires, in some cases more than doubling the fraction of top applicants that are women. This change is generated by better outcomes for women in both supply and demand. On the supply side, we observe that the use of AI reduces the gender gap in application completion rates. Complementary survey evidence suggests that anticipated bias is a driver of increased female application completion when assessed by AI instead of human evaluators. On the demand side, we find that providing evaluators with applicants' AI scores closes the gender gap in assessments that otherwise disadvantage female applicants. Finally, we show that the AI tool would have to be substantially biased against women to result in a lower level of gender diversity than found without AI." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour Market Engineers: Reconceptualising Labour Market Intermediaries with the Rise of the Gig Economy in the United States (2024)

    Baber, Ashley ;


    Baber, Ashley (2024): Labour Market Engineers: Reconceptualising Labour Market Intermediaries with the Rise of the Gig Economy in the United States. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 3, S. 723-743. DOI:10.1177/09500170221150087


    "Gig work – accessing job opportunities through an app – has brought renewed attention to precarious non-standard labour arrangements. Scholars have begun to consider the intermediary role that platforms such as Uber, Lyft and Doordash play in exploiting and controlling workers. Yet, literature on labour market intermediaries has muddied conceptions of their role, impact and outcomes for workers by lumping a variety of institutions under the same umbrella term. Drawing from previous theoretical and empirical works throughout the temporary help and gig industries, this article proposes a reconceptualisation of labour market intermediaries as labour market engineers highlighting four mutually reinforcing features. This sociological reconceptualisation updates the understanding of for-profit labour market intermediaries by demonstrating the market making behaviours of firms of on-demand labour in the US context. Likewise, this reconceptualisation notes how gig firms have adapted and expanded these features in ways that increase precarity for workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Which Migrant Jobs are Linked with the Adoption of Novel Technologies, Robotization, and Digitalization? (2024)

    Barišić, Antea; Ghodsi, Mahdi; Stehrer, Robert;


    Barišić, Antea, Mahdi Ghodsi & Robert Stehrer (2024): Which Migrant Jobs are Linked with the Adoption of Novel Technologies, Robotization, and Digitalization? (WIIW working paper 241), Wien, 66 S.


    "In recent decades, the development of novel technologies has intenzified due to globalization, prompting countries to enhance competitiveness through innovation. These technologies have significantly improved global welfare, particularly in sectors like healthcare, where they have facilitated tasks and boosted productivity, for example playing a crucial role in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. However, certain technologies, such as robots, can negatively impact employment by replacing workers and tasks. Additionally, the emergence of artificial intelligence as digital assets not only replaces specific tasks but also introduces complexities that may displace employees who are unable to adapt. While the existing literature extensively explores the heterogeneous effects of these technologies on labor markets, studies of their impact on migrant workers remain scarce. This paper presents pioneering evidence on the effects of various novel technologies on migrant employment in the European Union. The analysis covers 18 EU member states from 2005 to 2019 focusing on the impact of novel innovations, robot adoption, three types of digital assets, and total factor productivity, on migrant employment. The key findings reveal that innovations measured by the number of granted patents increase both the number and proportion of migrant workers relative to the overall workforce. While robots do replace jobs, their impact on native workers surpasses that of migrant workers, resulting in a higher share of migrant workers following robot adoption. Total factor productivity positively influences migrant workers, while the effects of digital assets are heterogeneous. Moreover, the impacts of these technologies on migrant workers vary significantly across different occupation types and educational levels." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Digital Technologies and Firms' Employment and Training (2024)

    Caselli, Mauro ; Fracasso, Andrea; Scicchitano, Sergio ; Fourrier-Nicolai, Edwin;


    Caselli, Mauro, Edwin Fourrier-Nicolai, Andrea Fracasso & Sergio Scicchitano (2024): Digital Technologies and Firms' Employment and Training. (CESifo working paper 11056), München, 63 S.


    "This study examines the causal influence of digital technologies, specifically operational (ODT) and information digital technologies (IDT), on firms' employment structure using Italian firm-level data. It employs a unique empirical approach, constructing instrumental variables based on predetermined employment composition and global technological progress, proxied by patents. Findings indicate that IDT investment positively affects employment, favoring a skilled, IT-competent workforce, as supported by firms' training and recruitment plans. Conversely, ODT investment does not significantly alter total employment but skews the workforce towards temporary contracts. The study contributes methodologically by distinguishing between ODT and IDT and highlighting nuanced employment dynamics within firms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Intellectualization and substitution elasticity of capital on the labour force in logistics enterprises: evidence from China and the United States (2024)

    Chen, Xi ; Cai, Xiang Wen ; Chen, Cheng ; Ding, Xu; Song, Le;


    Chen, Xi, Xiang Wen Cai, Xu Ding, Le Song & Cheng Chen (2024): Intellectualization and substitution elasticity of capital on the labour force in logistics enterprises: evidence from China and the United States. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 31, H. 5, S. 395-400. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2022.2136615


    "This paper addresses the substitution elasticity of capital on the labor force in the context of the development of intellectualization. Given the substitution of capital for labor, China's benchmark listed logistics companies are compared with an American company to discuss the evolution of capital - labor substitution. A large-scale intellectualization process began in 2017, and based on a variable elasticity of substitution, this paper creates an econometric model of substitution elasticity between capital and labor and its evolution between 2017 and 2021. The American logistics company UPS maintains a relatively high level of substitution elasticity, and Chinese logistics companies are quickly catching up. The substitution elasticity of capital on labor in Chinese enterprises trends upward year after year. In 2021, the capital - labor substitution elasticity of logistics enterprises in both countries showed considerable growth. The calculation model of substitution elasticity presented in this paper can be extended to different regions and industries to measure intelligent development levels and the relationship between capital and the labor force." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Wishing for More: Technological Change, the Rise of Involuntary Part-Time Employment and the Role of Active Labour Market Policies (2024)

    Doorn, Lars Van ; Vliet, Olaf van;


    Doorn, Lars Van & Olaf van Vliet (2024): Wishing for More: Technological Change, the Rise of Involuntary Part-Time Employment and the Role of Active Labour Market Policies. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 53, H. 3, S. 751-771. DOI:10.1017/S0047279422000629


    "Technological change has squeezed the demand for middle-skill jobs, which typically involve routine-intense tasks. This squeeze has coincided with an increase in the number of part-time working individuals who wish to work more hours. We argue that these two trends are linked. Due to the decline of middle-skill employment, medium-educated workers shift into low-skill employment, increasing the supply of labor for jobs in this segment of the labor market. This pushes those dependent on these jobs to accept part-time jobs, even if these involve fewer hours than they prefer. To empirically assess this claim, we analyze involuntary part-time employment across 16 European countries between 1999 and 2010. Our analysis confirms that a decline in middle-skill employment is associated with an increase in involuntary part-time employment at the bottom end of the labor market. This finding implies that the automation of routine-intense labour worsens employment possibilities in this segment of the labor market. However, we show that training and job creation schemes mitigate this effect. These programs cushion competition either by providing medium-educated workers with the necessary skills to shift into high-skill jobs or by increasing employment possibilities. Thus, governments have the tools to support workers facing challenges in the knowledge economy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    The effects of automation in the apparel and automotive sectors and their gender dimensions (2024)

    Fana, Marta ; Tejani, Sheeba; Kucera, David; Esquivel, Valeria; Bárcia De Mattos, Fernanda; Anzolin, Guendalina;


    Fana, Marta, Fernanda Bárcia De Mattos, Valeria Esquivel, Guendalina Anzolin, David Kucera & Sheeba Tejani (2024): The effects of automation in the apparel and automotive sectors and their gender dimensions. (JRC science for policy report 136639), Brüssel, 66 S.


    "This report is the final output of a research project investigating the effects of automation on employment in the automotive, apparel and footwear industries in five countries, namely Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Romania, and Spain. The main objective of this project has been to improve our understanding of how ongoing processes of technological upgrading, particularly automation, impact women's and men's employment and work in these industries. Our findings suggest that, in the short term, close to the introduction of new automation technology, the impact on employment takes the form of reassignment of workers directly involved in automated processes to other positions, tasks, and occupations. This study also explored the impact of automation in terms of work organization and working conditions. Across the case studies, it emerged that the adoption of automation technologies has reduced heavy and repetitive tasks and improved health and safety for workers directly concerned by automation. Another interesting and related common finding is the reduction of workers' autonomy who are now subject to more standardization of tasks together with an ongoing process of deskilling of operators. Finally, in the apparel and footwear sector, we did not find evidence of defeminisation at the establishment level as well as the automotive factories remains highly male-dominated. Cultural norms and stereotypes which influence not only the jobs women and men apply to and get hired for, but also which training and education they engage in, contribute to this gender segregation in both sectors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Will robot replace workers? Assessing the impact of robots on employment and wages with meta-analysis (2024)

    Guarascio, Dario ; Reljic, Jelena ; Piccirillo, Alessandro;


    Guarascio, Dario, Alessandro Piccirillo & Jelena Reljic (2024): Will robot replace workers? Assessing the impact of robots on employment and wages with meta-analysis. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1395), Essen, 31 S.


    "This study conducts a meta-analysis to assess the effects of robotization on employment and wages, compiling data from 33 studies with 644 estimates on employment and a subset of 19 studies with 195 estimates on wages. We identify a publication bias towards negative outcomes, especially concerning wages. After correcting for this bias, the actual impact appears minimal. Thus, concerns about the disruptive effects of robots on employment and the risk of widespread technological unemployment may be exaggerated or not yet empirically supported. While this does not preclude that robots will be capable of gaining greater disruptive potential in the future or that they are not already disruptive in specific contexts, the evidence to date suggests their aggregate effect is negligible." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does robotization improve the skill structure? The role of job displacement and structural transformation (2024)

    Hu, Shengming; Lin, Kai; Liu, Bei ; Wang, Hui;


    Hu, Shengming, Kai Lin, Bei Liu & Hui Wang (2024): Does robotization improve the skill structure? The role of job displacement and structural transformation. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 56, H. 28, S. 3415-3430. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2023.2206623


    "The literature generally focuses on the impact of robots or artificial intelligence on the employment and wages, but ignores the effect of robotization on the skill structure and its underlying mechanisms and lacks empirical evidence from developing countries. We theoretically develop a task model by introducing the skill structure and empirically investigate the effect of robotization on the skill structure based on Chinese provincial panel data from 2006 to 2018. Results show that: (1) the development of robotization in China is conducive to improving the skill structure, and the baseline conclusion still holds even though adopting multiple indexes of skill structure and controlling the endogeneity bias. (2) Robotization generates not only job displacement effect by displacing unskilled workers with robots but also structural transformation effect by increasing the proportion of technology-intensive industries, which can improve the skill structure. (3) In coastal provinces with strong Internet foundation, information transmission capacity and labour protection intensity, high labour cost and ageing rate, robotization plays a stronger role in improving the skill structure. Moreover, robotization can induce the employment polarization. These conclusions can help avoid technical unemployment and promote the upgrading of the skill structure in China." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Is the wage premium on using computers at work gender-specific? (2024)

    Kristal, Tali ; White, Adena; Herzberg-Druker, Efrat ;


    Kristal, Tali, Efrat Herzberg-Druker & Adena White (2024): Is the wage premium on using computers at work gender-specific? In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 89. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2024.100890


    "Past research on the relationship between computers and wages has revealed two stylized facts. First, workers who use a computer at work earn higher wages than similar workers who do not (termed as ‘the computer wage premium’). Second, women are more likely to use a computer at work than are men. Given the recognized computer wage premium and women’s advantage in computer use at work, we ask: Is the wage premium on using computers at work gender- or non-gender-specific? Given gendered processes operating at both the occupational and within-occupation levels, we expect that returns to computer usage are gender-bias. This contrasts the skill-biased technological change (SBTC) theory assumption that the theorized pathways through which computers boost earnings are non-gender-specific productivity-enhancing mechanisms. Analyzing occupational data on computer use at work from O*NET attached to the 1979–2016 Current Population Surveys (CPS) and individual-level data from the 2012 Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC), we find that the computer wage premium is biased in favor of men at the occupation level. We conclude by suggesting that computer-based technologies relate to reproducing old forms of gender pay inequality due to gendered processes that operate mainly at the structural level (i.e., occupations) rather than at the individual level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Robots, meaning, and self-determination (2024)

    Nikolova, Milena ; Cnossen, Femke ; Nikolaev, Boris ;


    Nikolova, Milena, Femke Cnossen & Boris Nikolaev (2024): Robots, meaning, and self-determination. In: Research Policy, Jg. 53, H. 5. DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2024.104987


    "This paper is the first to examine the impact of robotization on work meaningfulness, autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which are essential to motivation and well-being at work. Using surveys of workers and robotization data for 14 industries in 20 European countries spanning 2005–2021, we find a consistent negative impact of robotization on perceived work meaningfulness and autonomy. Using instrumental variables, we find that doubling robotization leads to a 0.9 % decrease in work meaningfulness and a 1 % decline in autonomy. To put this in perspective, if the robotization levels of the top 5 industry were to match those of the leading industry in terms of robot adoption in 2020 (equivalent to a 7.5-fold increase), it would result in a decline of 6.8 % in work meaningfulness and 7.5 % in autonomy. The link between robotization, competence, and relatedness is also negative but less robust. We also examine how tasks, skills, and socio-demographic characteristics moderate the main relationships. We find that workers with routine tasks experience an even greater negative effect of robotization in terms of declines in their autonomy, competence, and relatedness. However, we also discover that utilizing computers as tools for independent work can help workers maintain a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in industries and job roles that adopt robots. Our results highlight that by deteriorating work meaningfulness and self-determination, robotization can impact work life above and beyond its consequences for employment and wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    The job demands-resources model as a theoretical lens for the bright and dark side of digitization (2024)

    Scholze, Alexander; Hecker, Achim;


    Scholze, Alexander & Achim Hecker (2024): The job demands-resources model as a theoretical lens for the bright and dark side of digitization. In: Computers in Human Behavior, Jg. 155. DOI:10.1016/j.chb.2024.108177


    "With digitization continuing to reshape work environments, organizations must confront the challenges of comprehending its “bright side” and “dark side” effects. A growing imperative exists to comprehend how digitization affects employee well-being and to create sustainable health-centric workplaces. The established Job Demands-Resources model offers a pertinent theoretical framework for gaining fresh insights into alterations in job demands and resources caused by digitization. This study extends the Job Demands-Resources model to include digital job demands and resources by utilizing a sample of 898 white-collar employees. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling was employed to investigate digitization's interrelationships and dependencies within an organizational context. The results confirm that the Job Demands-Resources model offers a holistic approach to investigating the concrete effects of the “dark side" and “bright side" of digitization in a concrete work scenario and to classify them in a theoretically structured way. This study offers starting points for the future design of workplaces and strategies for organizations to harness the positive aspects of digitization while concurrently mitigating the psychological stress on employees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Effects of digital innovation on income inequality among different workforces: evidence from Chinese industries (2024)

    Zhou, Yongguang; Xie, Weihong; Li, Qun; Li, Jingwu;


    Zhou, Yongguang, Weihong Xie, Jingwu Li & Qun Li (2024): Effects of digital innovation on income inequality among different workforces: evidence from Chinese industries. In: Applied Economics online erschienen am 18.03.2024, S. 1-13. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2024.2331424


    "To understand the impact of digital innovation on the workforce and its role in achieving common prosperity, this paper uses data from Chinese A-share listed companies during 2006–2021 to investigate the effects of digital innovation on income inequality among different industry-level groups. We find that digital innovation significantly reduces income inequality among employees across industries, but it does not significantly impact income inequality within management groups. Through mechanistic analysis, we find that digital innovation decreases income inequality among ordinary employees whose incomes are closely linked to company performance and thereby for the entire workforce by narrowing the income gap across industries. However, as digital innovation does not significantly influence evaluation systems (e.g. educational degrees) for management income, it does not contribute to reducing income inequality among managerial levels. These findings provide valuable insights to develop policies for common prosperity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Robots and Workers: Evidence from the Netherlands (2023)

    Acemoglu, Daron; Ozgen, Ceren ; Koster, Hans R. A.;


    Acemoglu, Daron, Hans R. A. Koster & Ceren Ozgen (2023): Robots and Workers: Evidence from the Netherlands. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31009), Cambridge, Mass, 60 S.


    "We estimate the effects of robot adoption on firm-level and worker-level outcomes in the Netherlands using a large employer-employee panel dataset spanning 2009-2020. Our firm-level results confirm previous findings, with positive effects on value added and hours worked for robot-adopting firms and negative outcomes on competitors in the same industry. Our worker-level results show that directly-affected workers (e.g., blue-collar workers performing routine or replaceable tasks) face lower earnings and employment rates, while other workers indirectly gain from robot adoption. We also find that the negative effects from competitors' robot adoption load on directly-affected workers, while other workers benefit from this industry-level robot adoption. Overall, our results highlight the uneven effects of automation on the workforce." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    New Technologies and Jobs in Europe (2023)

    Albanesi, Stefania; Jimeno, Juan F.; Lamo, Ana; Wabitsch, Alena; Dias da Silva, Antonio;


    Albanesi, Stefania, Antonio Dias da Silva, Juan F. Jimeno, Ana Lamo & Alena Wabitsch (2023): New Technologies and Jobs in Europe. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16227), Bonn, 58 S.


    "We examine the link between labour market developments and new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and software in 16 European countries over the period 2011- 2019. Using data for occupations at the 3-digit level in Europe, we find that on average employment shares have increased in occupations more exposed to AI. This is particularly the case for occupations with a relatively higher proportion of younger and skilled workers. This evidence is in line with the Skill Biased Technological Change theory. While there exists heterogeneity across countries, only very few countries show a decline in employment shares of occupations more exposed to AI-enabled automation. Country heterogeneity for this result seems to be linked to the pace of technology diffusion and education, but also to the level of product market regulation (competition) and employment protection laws. In contrast to the findings for employment, we find little evidence for a relationship between wages and potential exposures to new technologies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Firm Investments in Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Changes in Workforce Composition (2023)

    Babina, Tania; Fedyk, Anastassia; Hodson, James; He, Alex X.;


    Babina, Tania, Anastassia Fedyk, Alex X. He & James Hodson (2023): Firm Investments in Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Changes in Workforce Composition. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31325), Cambridge, Mass, 47 S.


    "We study the shifts in U.S. firms' workforce composition and organization associated with the use of AI technologies. To do so, we leverage a unique combination of worker resume and job postings datasets to measure firm-level AI investments and workforce composition variables, such as educational attainment, specialization, and hierarchy. We document that firms with higher initial shares of highly-educated workers and STEM workers invest more in AI. As firms invest in AI, they tend to transition to more educated workforces, with higher shares of workers with undergraduate and graduate degrees, and more specialization in STEM fields and IT skills. Furthermore, AI investments are associated with a flattening of the firms' hierarchical structure, with significant increases in the share of workers at the junior level and decreases in shares of workers in middle-management and senior roles. Overall, our results highlight that adoption of AI technologies is associated with significant reorganization of firms' workforces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Evolution of Work from Home (2023)

    Barrero, José María; Davis, Steven J.; Bloom, Nicholas;


    Barrero, José María, Nicholas Bloom & Steven J. Davis (2023): The Evolution of Work from Home. In: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 23-49. DOI:10.1257/jep.37.4.23


    "Full days worked at home account for 28 percent of paid workdays among Americans 20–64 years old, as of mid-2023. That’s about four times the 2019 rate and ten times the rate in the mid-1990s. We first explain why the big shift to work from home has endured rather than reverting to prepandemic levels. We then consider how work-from-home rates vary by worker age, sex, education, parental status, industry and local population density, and why it is higher in the United States than other countries. We also discuss some implications for pay, productivity, and the pace of innovation. Over the next five years, US business executives anticipate modest increases in work-from-home rates at their own companies. Other factors that portend an enduring shift to work from home include the ongoing adaptation of managerial practices and further advances in technologies, products, and tools that support remote work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Risks to job quality from digital technologies: Are industrial relations in Europe ready for the challenge? (2023)

    Berg, Janine; Nurski, Laura; Spencer, David A. ; Green, Francis ;


    Berg, Janine, Francis Green, Laura Nurski & David A. Spencer (2023): Risks to job quality from digital technologies: Are industrial relations in Europe ready for the challenge? In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 29, H. 4, S. 347-365. DOI:10.1177/09596801231178904


    "We examine job quality effects of new digital technologies, using the European frame of seven job quality domains: Pay, Working Time Quality, Prospects, Skills and Discretion, Work Intensity, Social Environment, and Physical Environment. Theoretical effects are ambivalent across all domains. The analysis of these effects confirms that digital technologies can both improve and harm job quality depending on how they are used. In light of this analysis and to think through the challenge of regulating digital technologies, we review emerging regulations across several European countries. Drawing on the principles of human-centred design, we argue that worker participation is important for securing good job quality outcomes, at both the innovation and adoption stages. We also consider the application of data protection legislation to the regulation of job quality. Overall, the paper extends debate about the future of work beyond employment and pay, on to a consideration of job quality more broadly." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Contradictory effects of technological change across developed countries (2023)

    Blien, Uwe ; Rossen, Anja ; Ludewig, Oliver;


    Blien, Uwe, Oliver Ludewig & Anja Rossen (2023): Contradictory effects of technological change across developed countries. In: Review of International Economics, Jg. 31, H. 2, S. 580-608., 2022-08-31. DOI:10.1111/roie.12638


    "Will productivity gains lead to technological unemployment in a region or to new prosperity? In our article, we formally show that under general assumptions the price elasticity of demand on product markets is decisive: technological change leads to employment growth if product demand is elastic and it leads to employment decline if product demand is inelastic. In our empirical analysis, we use industry-level time series data on output, prices, employment, wages, and national income for nine countries (including Germany, UK, USA) to estimate aggregate Marshallian product demand functions based on IV regressions and state space models with time-varying coefficients. The resulting income and price elasticities are used as inputs in a second step in which we estimate the employment effects of productivity changes as interactions with the elasticities. The results correspond to theoretical expectations: demand is generally inelastic and the employment effect of technological progress is therefore moderately negative." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Wiley) ((en))

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    Blien, Uwe ; Rossen, Anja ; Ludewig, Oliver;
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    Wages, Skills, and Skill-Biased Technical Change: The Canonical Model Revisited (2023)

    Bowlus, Audra ; Suleymanoglu, Eda; Robinson, Chris; Lochner, Lance ;


    Bowlus, Audra, Lance Lochner, Chris Robinson & Eda Suleymanoglu (2023): Wages, Skills, and Skill-Biased Technical Change. The Canonical Model Revisited. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 58, H. 6, S. 1783-1819. DOI:10.3368/jhr.0617-8889r1


    "While influential, the canonical supply–demand model of the wage returns to skill has faced challenges, including theoretically wrong-signed elasticities of substitution, counterintuitive paths for skill-biased technical change (SBTC), and an inability to account for observed deviations in college premia for younger versus older workers. We show that using improved estimates of skill prices and supplies that account for variation in skills across cohorts helps to explain the college premium differences between younger versus older workers and produces better out-of-sample predictions, positive elasticities of substitution between high- and low-skill workers, and a more modest role for SBTC. We further show that accounting for recession-induced jumps and trend adjustments in SBTC and linking SBTC to direct measures of information technology investment expenditures yield an improved fit, no puzzling slowdown in SBTC during the early 1990s, and a higher elasticity of substitution between high- and low-skill workers than previous ad hoc assumptions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    Does artificial intelligence kill employment growth: the missing link of corporate AI posture (2023)

    Bughin, Jacques;


    Bughin, Jacques (2023): Does artificial intelligence kill employment growth: the missing link of corporate AI posture. In: Frontiers in artificial intelligence, Jg. 6. DOI:10.3389/frai.2023.1239466


    "Introduction An intense debate has been on-going about how artificial intelligence (AI) technology investments have an impact on employment. The debate has often focused on the potential of AI for human task automation, omitting the strategic incentive for firms to cooperate with their workers as to exploit AI technologies for the most relevant benefit of new product and service innovation. Method We calibrate an empirical probit regression model of how changes in employment relate to AI diffusion, based on formalizing a game-theoretical model of a firm exploiting the twin role of AI innovation and AI automation for both absolute and competitive advantage. Results The theoretical game-theory prediction is that employment following AI technology adoption is not negative, and ultimately depends on how AI leads to new success in innovation, competition which defines the competitive reward of innovation and profit sharing between workers and firms. Our estimation, is based on a global survey of 3,000 large companies across 10 countries, demonstrates that a firm employment growth depends on two strategic postures, that is, the firm relative maturity of AI adoption as well as its relative bias toward AI-based product innovation. Discussion The contribution of this research is to highlight the twin role of firm and workers in shaping how technology will affect employment. AI in particular marries the potential of task automation with even more potential for expansion." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Fall of the Labor Income Share: the Role of Technological Change and Hiring Frictions (2023)

    Carbonero, Francesco ; Weber, Enzo ; Offermanns, Christian J.;


    Carbonero, Francesco, Enzo Weber & Christian J. Offermanns (2023): The Fall of the Labor Income Share: the Role of Technological Change and Hiring Frictions. In: Review of Economic Dynamics, Jg. 49, S. 251-268., 2022-01-09. DOI:10.1016/j.red.2022.09.001


    "Die Veränderungen in der funktionalen Einkommensverteilung erhalten in der Forschung viel Aufmerksamkeit. Wir dokumentieren einen durchschnittlichen Rückgang des labour share (Anteil des Faktors Arbeit an der Einkommensverteilung) von 8 Prozentpunkten für acht europäische Länder und die USA zwischen 1980 und 2007. Wir untersuchen theoretisch und empirisch zwei Mechanismen: Substitution zwischen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (IKT) und Arbeit sowie Friktionen bei Beschäftigungsanpassungen. Wir finden, dass Substitution zwischen IKT und Arbeit wesentlich den Rückgang des labour share erklären kann. Wenn Arbeitsmarktfriktionen berücksichtigt werden, übernehmen diese allerdings einen Teil der Erklärungskraft. Insbesondere spielen Einstellungskosten in Europa eine größere Rolle als in den USA. Schließlich wird die Subsitutionselastizität zwischen IKT und Arbeit als Funktion institutioneller und struktureller Variablen modelliert und festgestellt, dass sie mit dem Anteil von Routine-Berufen positiv und mit dem Anteil hochqualifizierter Arbeiter negativ korreliert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Weber, Enzo ;
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    Occupational Exposure to Capital-Embodied Technical Change (2023)

    Caunedo, Julieta; Keller, Elisa ; Jaume, David;


    Caunedo, Julieta, David Jaume & Elisa Keller (2023): Occupational Exposure to Capital-Embodied Technical Change. In: The American economic review, Jg. 113, H. 6, S. 1642-1685. DOI:10.1257/aer.20211478


    "We study differences in exposure to factor-biased technical change among occupations by providing the first measures of capital-embodied technical change (CETC) and of the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor at the occupational level. We document sizable occupational heterogeneity in both measures, but quantitatively, it is the heterogeneity in factor substitutability that fuels workers' exposure to CETC. In a general equilibrium model of worker sorting across occupations, CETC accounts for almost all of the observed labor reallocation in the US between 1984 and 2015. Absent occupational heterogeneity in factor substitutability, CETC accounts for only 17 percent of it." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Innovation and the Labor Market: Theory, Evidence and Challenges (2023)

    Corrocher, Nicoletta; Staccioli, Jacopo; Moschella, Daniele; Vivarelli, Marco ;


    Corrocher, Nicoletta, Daniele Moschella, Jacopo Staccioli & Marco Vivarelli (2023): Innovation and the Labor Market: Theory, Evidence and Challenges. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16199), Bonn, 32 S.


    "This paper deals with the complex relationship between innovation and the labor market, analyzing the impact of new technological advancements on overall employment, skills and wages. After a critical review of the extant literature and the available empirical studies, novel evidence is presented on the distribution of labor-saving automation (namely robotics and AI), based on natural language processing of US patents. This mapping shows that both upstream high-tech providers and downstream users of new technologies—such as Boeing and Amazon—lead the underlying innovative effort." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    AI technologies and employment: micro evidence from the supply side (2023)

    Damioli, Giacomo ; Vivarelli, Marco ; Vertesy, Daniel ; Roy, Vincent Van;


    Damioli, Giacomo, Vincent Van Roy, Daniel Vertesy & Marco Vivarelli (2023): AI technologies and employment: micro evidence from the supply side. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 30, H. 6, S. 816-821. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2021.2024129


    "In this work we investigate the possible job-creation impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, focusing on the supply side, where the development of these technologies can be conceived as product innovations in upstream sectors. The empirical analysis is based on a worldwide longitudinal sample (obtained by merging the EPO PATSTAT and BvD-ORBIS databases) of more than 3,500 front-runner companies that patented AI-related inventions over the period 2000–2016. Based on system GMM estimates of dynamic panel models, our results show a positive and significant impact of AI patent families on employment, supporting the labour-friendly nature of AI product innovation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The employment impact of AI technologies among AI innovators (2023)

    Damioli, Giacomo ; Vertesy, Daniel ; Roy, Vincent Van; Vivarelli, Marco ;


    Damioli, Giacomo, Vincent Van Roy, Daniel Vertesy & Marco Vivarelli (2023): The employment impact of AI technologies among AI innovators. (MSI discussion paper / KU Leuwen 2306),: KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Department of Management, Strategy and Innovation, Leuven 36 S.


    "This study supports the labour-friendly nature of product innovation among developers of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. GMM-SYS estimates on a worldwide longitudinal dataset covering 3,500 companies that patented inventions related to AI technologies over the period 2000-2016 show a positive and significant impact of AI patent families on employment. The effect is small in magnitude and limited to service sectors and younger firms, which are front-runners of the AI revolution. We also detect some evidence of increasing returns suggesting that innovative companies more focused on AI technologies are those obtaining larger impacts in terms of job creation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention (2023)

    Doorn, Niels van; Graham, Mark ; Ferrari, Fabian ;


    Doorn, Niels van, Fabian Ferrari & Mark Graham (2023): Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 1099-1111. DOI:10.1177/09500170221096581


    "In urban gig economies around the world, platform labour is predominantly migrant labour, yet research on the intersection of the gig economy and labour migration remains scant. Our experience with two action research projects, spanning six cities on four continents, has taught us how platform work impacts the structural vulnerability of migrant workers. This leads us to two claims that should recalibrate the gig economy research agenda. First, we argue that platform labour simultaneously degrades working conditions while offering migrants much-needed opportunities to improve their livelihoods. Second, we contend that the reclassification of gig workers as employees is by itself not sufficient to counter the precarisation of migrant gig work. Instead, we need ambitious policies at the intersection of immigration, social welfare, and employment regulation that push back against the digitally mediated commodification of migrant labour worldwide." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Skills or Degree? The Rise of Skill-Based Hiring for AI and Green Jobs (2023)

    Ehlinger, Eugenia Gonzalez; Stephany, Fabian ;


    Ehlinger, Eugenia Gonzalez & Fabian Stephany (2023): Skills or Degree? The Rise of Skill-Based Hiring for AI and Green Jobs. (CESifo working paper 10817), München, 37 S.


    "For emerging professions, such as jobs in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or sustainability (green), labor supply does not meet industry demand. In this scenario of labor shortages, our work aims to understand whether employers have started focusing on individual skills rather than on formal qualifications in their recruiting. By analyzing a large time series dataset of around one million online job vacancies between 2019 and 2022 from the UK and drawing on diverse literature on technological change and labor market signalling, we provide evidence that employers have started so-called “skill-based hiring” for AI and green roles, as more flexible hiring practices allow them to increase the available talent pool. In our observation period the demand for AI roles grew twice as much as average labor demand. At the same time, the mention of university education for AI roles declined by 23%, while AI roles advertise five times as many skills as job postings on average. Our analysis also shows that university degrees no longer show an educational premium for AI roles, while for green positions the educational premium persists. In contrast, AI skills have a wage premium of 16%, similar to having a PhD (17%). Our work recommends making use of alternative skill building formats such as apprenticeships, on-the-job training, MOOCs, vocational education and training, micro-certificates, and online bootcamps to use human capital to its full potential and to tackle talent shortages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Routinization of work processes, de-routinization of job structures (2023)

    Fernández-Macías, Enrique ; Rinaldi, Riccardo; Peruffo, Eleonora; Bisello, Martina ;


    Fernández-Macías, Enrique, Martina Bisello, Eleonora Peruffo & Riccardo Rinaldi (2023): Routinization of work processes, de-routinization of job structures. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 3, S. 1773-1794. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwac044


    "This article investigates changes in routine tasks and computer use in European jobs in the period 1995–2015, putting them in the context of the debates on the future of work and the impact of automation. Digital technologies not only affect employment shifts but also shape work organization. A shift-share analysis combining European Working Conditions Survey and European Labour Force Survey data assesses to what extent recent changes in tasks are the result of changes in the structure of employment (shifts in employment across jobs) or changes in the content of work itself (transformation in the task contents and methods within jobs). The results suggest contrasting trends between observed changes in tasks measures within jobs and compositional shifts in employment for routine tasks indexes. Employment structures are de-routinizing while work itself is becoming more routine. These results seem also related to the increased use of computers at work during the same period." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy (2023)

    Fleischer, Julia ; Wanckel, Camilla;


    Fleischer, Julia & Camilla Wanckel (2023): Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy. In: Review of Public Personnel Administration online erschienen am 12.01.2023, S. 1-22. DOI:10.1177/0734371X221148403


    "Worldwide, governments have introduced novel information and communication technologies (ICTs) for policy formulation and service delivery, radically changing the working environment of government employees. Following the debate on work stress and particularly on technostress, we argue that the use of ICTs triggers “digital overload” that decreases government employees’ job satisfaction via inhibiting their job autonomy. Contrary to prior research, we consider job autonomy as a consequence rather than a determinant of digital overload, because ICT-use accelerates work routines and interruptions and eventually diminishes employees’ freedom to decide how to work. Based on novel survey data from government employees in Germany, Italy, and Norway, our structural equation modeling (SEM) confirms a significant negative effect of digital overload on job autonomy. More importantly, job autonomy partially mediates the negative relationship between digital overload and job satisfaction, pointing to the importance of studying the micro-foundations of ICT-use in the public sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Evolution of Platform Gig Work, 2012-2021 (2023)

    Garin, Andrew; Miller, Alicia; Jackson, Emilie; Koustas, Dmitri K.;


    Garin, Andrew, Emilie Jackson, Dmitri K. Koustas & Alicia Miller (2023): The Evolution of Platform Gig Work, 2012-2021. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31273), Cambridge, Mass, 72 S.


    "We document the dynamics of tax-based measures of work mediated by online platforms from 2012 through 2021. We present a measurement framework to account for high reporting thresholds on some information returns using returns from states with lower reporting thresholds to provide a more complete estimate of total platform work. Updating data through 2021 allows us to provide the most comprehensive estimates of the COVID-19 pandemic on tax filing behavior. We find that the number of workers receiving information returns not subject to the 1099-K gap increased dramatically during the pandemic, with least 5 million individuals receiving information returns from platform gig work by 2021, nearly all from transportation platforms. We present evidence that the availability of expanded unemployment insurance benefits resulted in many individuals who were platform workers in 2019 not reporting any self-employment income in 2020-2021. At the same time, other services done by platform gig workers increased dramatically by at least 3.1 million people between 2019 and 2021. Interestingly, the broader 1099-contract economy follows a different trend, declining during this period, suggesting the challenges for tax administration are largely concentrated among platform gig workers, at least through 2021." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The puzzle of changes in employment and wages in routine task-intensive occupations (2023)

    Ghosh, Pallab ; Liu, Zexuan;


    Ghosh, Pallab & Zexuan Liu (2023): The puzzle of changes in employment and wages in routine task-intensive occupations. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 65, H. 4, S. 1965-1980. DOI:10.1007/s00181-023-02394-x


    "Autor and Dorn (Am Econ Rev 103(5):1553–1597, 2013) provide an explanation of the polarization of US employment and wages for the period 1980–2005. Using the 1980 Census and 2005 American Community Survey data, this study replicates the estimation results of Autor and Dorn (2013) for employment polarization in all major occupation groups and qualitatively matches the wage polarization results. Also, we investigate the puzzle of why employment and wages changed in opposite directions only in clerical and administrative support occupations in 1980–2005." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Faire Arbeit in der österreichischen Plattformökonomie? (2023)

    Griesser, Markus; Vogel, Laura; Gruber-Risak, Martin; Herr, Benjamin; Plank, Leonhard;


    Griesser, Markus, Martin Gruber-Risak, Benjamin Herr, Leonhard Plank & Laura Vogel (2023): Faire Arbeit in der österreichischen Plattformökonomie? (Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 242), Wien, 94 S.


    "Die vorliegende Studie liefert eine branchenübergreifende Darstellung der ortsgebundenen Plattformarbeit in Österreich anhand einer Untersuchung von sechs Unternehmen aus vier unterschiedlichen Branchen (Essenslieferung, Lebensmittellieferung, Personentransport, Reinigungsarbeit). Sie entstand im Kontext des internationalen Fairwork-Netzwerks, das im Sinne der Aktionsforschung zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsbedingungen im Bereich der Plattformökonomie beitragen möchte. Dabei werden Unternehmen entlang von fünf Prinzipien (faire Bezahlung, faire Arbeitsbedingungen, faire Verträge, faire Management-Prozesse, faire Mitbestimmung) auf Basis eines multimethodischen Designs bewertet. Die Ergebnisse der Studie unterstreichen die große Heterogenität von ortsgebundener Plattformarbeit und verdeutlichen, dass die Auswirkungen für Beschäftigte stark von den gewählten Geschäftsmodellen der Unternehmen abhängen. Dabei schneiden jene Plattformen am besten ab, die geschäftliche Risiken und Verantwortung nicht einseitig auf Beschäftigte abschieben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The skill-specific impact of past and projected occupational decline (2023)

    Hensvik, Lena; Skans, Oskar Nordström;


    Hensvik, Lena & Oskar Nordström Skans (2023): The skill-specific impact of past and projected occupational decline. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 81. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102326


    "Using population-wide data on a vector of cognitive abilities and productive non-cognitive traits among Swedish male workers, we show that occupational employment growth has been monotonically skill-biased in terms of these intellectual skills, despite a simultaneous (polarizing) decline in middle-wage jobs. Employees in growing low-wage occupations have more of these skills than employees in other low-wage occupations. Conversely, employees in declining, routine-task intensive, mid-wage occupations have comparably little of these skills. Employees in occupations that have grown relative to other occupations with similar wages have more intellectual skills overall but are particularly well-endowed with the non-cognitive trait “Social Maturity” and cognitive abilities in the “Technical” and “Verbal” domains. Projections from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics about future occupational labor demand do not indicate that the relationship between employment growth and skills is about to change in the near future." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Robots, Natives and Immigrants in US local labor markets (2023)

    Javed, Mohsin ;


    Javed, Mohsin (2023): Robots, Natives and Immigrants in US local labor markets. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 85. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102456


    "I analyze the impact of industrial robots on the employment of natives and immigrants in US local labor markets between 1990 and 2014. The proposed mechanism, through which robot adoption affects the employment of natives and immigrants differentially, is based on two facts: first, robots tend to displace workers based on the task content of occupations, and second, natives and immigrants in the US differ in their task specialization. Therefore, robots should affect their employment unequally. Exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in robot exposure across US local labor markets over time, I test this mechanism and find that the effect on immigrants is roughly 1.76 times greater than that observed for natives. Specifically, I find that one more robot per thousand workers reduces the employment-to-population ratio of natives and immigrants by 0.38 and 0.67 percentage points, respectively. I attribute these results to the fact that immigrants specialize in jobs or tasks at risk of being automated." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Robots and Wages: A Meta-Analysis (2023)

    Jurkat, Anne; Klump, Rainer; Schneider, Florian;


    Jurkat, Anne, Rainer Klump & Florian Schneider (2023): Robots and Wages: A Meta-Analysis. (EconStor Preprints 274156), Kiel, 72 S.


    "The empirical evidence on how industrial robots affect employment and wages is very mixed. Our meta-study helps to uncover the potentially true effect of industrial robots on labor market outcomes and to identify drivers of the heterogeneous empirical results. By means of a systematic literature research, we collected 53 papers containing 2143 estimations for the impact of robot adoption on wages. We observe only limited evidence for a publication bias in favor of negative results. The genuine overall effect of industrial robots on wages is close to zero and both statistically and economically insignificant. With regard to the drivers of heterogeneity, we find that more positive results are obtained if primary estimations a) include more countries in their sample, b) control for ICT capital, demographic developments, or tenure, c) focus on employees that remain employed in the same sector, d) consider only non-manufacturing industries, e) are specified in long differences, and f) come from a peer-reviewed journal article. More negative effects, in turn, are reported for primary estimations that are i) weighted, ii) aggregated at country level, iii) control for trade exposure, iv) and consider only manufacturing industries. We also find some evidence for skill-biased technological change. The magnitude of that effect is albeit small and less robust than one might expect in view of skill-biased technological change. We find little evidence for data dependence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Measuring the technological bias of robot adoption and its implications for the aggregate labor share (2023)

    Koch, Michael; Manuylov, Ilya ;


    Koch, Michael & Ilya Manuylov (2023): Measuring the technological bias of robot adoption and its implications for the aggregate labor share. In: Research Policy, Jg. 52, H. 9. DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2023.104848


    "This paper investigates the technological bias of robot adoption using a rich panel data set of Spanish manufacturing firms over a 25-year period. We apply the production function estimation when productivity is multidimensional to the case of an automating technology, to reveal the Hicks-neutral and labor-augmenting technological change brought about by robot adoption within firms. Our results indicate a causal effect of robots on Hicks-neutral and labor-augmenting components of productivity. The biased technological change turns out to be an important determinant of the decline in the aggregate share of labor in the Spanish manufacturing sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Technology and Labor Displacement: Evidence from Linking Patents with Worker-Level Data (2023)

    Kogan, Leonid; Seegmiller, Bryan; Papanikolaou, Dimitris; Schmidt, Lawrence D. W.;


    Kogan, Leonid, Dimitris Papanikolaou, Lawrence D. W. Schmidt & Bryan Seegmiller (2023): Technology and Labor Displacement: Evidence from Linking Patents with Worker-Level Data. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 31846), Cambridge, Mass, 93 S.


    "We develop measures of labor-saving and labor-augmenting technology exposure using textual analysis of patents and job tasks. Using US administrative data, we show that both measures negatively predict earnings growth of individual incumbent workers. While labor-saving technologies predict earnings declines and higher likelihood of job loss for all workers, labor-augmenting technologies primarily predict losses for older or highly-paid workers. However, we find positive effects of labor-augmenting technologies on occupation-level employment and wage bills. A model featuring labor-saving and labor-augmenting technologies with vintage-specific human capital quantitatively matches these patterns. We extend our analysis to predict the effect of AI on earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Trade Unions and the Process of Technological Change (2023)

    Kostøl, Fredrik B. ; Svarstad, Elin ;


    Kostøl, Fredrik B. & Elin Svarstad (2023): Trade Unions and the Process of Technological Change. In: Labour Economics, Jg. 84. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2023.102386


    "We investigate how trade unions influence the process of technological change at the workplace level. Using matched employer-employee data, comprising all Norwegian workplaces and working individuals in the period 2000-2014, we exploit exogeneous changes in the tax rules for union members to identify how changes in unionization rates affect the structural composition of occupations within workplaces. Making a distinction between routine and non-routine workers, based on their estimated probabilities of being replaced by automation technologies, we show how labor unions contribute to raising the relative wage of routine workers over non-routine workers. As routine workers on average have lower earnings than non-routine workers, unions thereby contribute to compress wages at the workplace level. The direct implication of this policy is shown to reduce the relative demand for routine workers over non-routine workers in unionized establishments. However, our results also suggest that unions influence the relative demand for routine workers, conditional on relative wages. Our findings thus give some support to bargaining theories where unions force firms off their demand curves." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Capital-skill complementarity and regional inequality: A spatial general equilibrium analysis (2023)

    Lecca, Patrizio ; Sakkas, Stelios; Persyn, Damiaan ;


    Lecca, Patrizio, Damiaan Persyn & Stelios Sakkas (2023): Capital-skill complementarity and regional inequality: A spatial general equilibrium analysis. In: Regional Science and Urban Economics, Jg. 102. DOI:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2023.103937


    "This paper employs a large scale numerical spatial general equilibrium model featuring capital-skill complementarities in production to study the distributional implications of a capital-augmenting technological shift across regions and skills groups. Similarly to the existing literature, we find a negative relationship between the labour income share and the capital labour-ratio. Our counterfactual shows that the effects are quite uneven across skills and regions, benefiting mostly high-skilled workers at the detriment of the low and the medium skilled. This is particularly so in more developed regions compared with less developed ones. We show that the effects stem from regional initial conditions, and in particular the regional capital–labour ratio, trade linkages and unemployment rates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The future of employment revisited: how model selection affects digitization risks (2023)

    Lorenz, Hanno ; Stephany, Fabian ; Kluge, Jan ;


    Lorenz, Hanno, Fabian Stephany & Jan Kluge (2023): The future of employment revisited: how model selection affects digitization risks. In: Empirica, Jg. 50, H. 2, S. 323-350. DOI:10.1007/s10663-023-09571-2


    "The uniqueness of human labour is at question in times of smart technologies. As computing power and data available increases, the discussion on technological unemployment reawakens. Prominently, Frey and Osborne (Technol Forecast Soc Change 114:254–280, 2017) estimated that half of US employment must be considered exposed to computerization within the next 20 years; followed by a series of papers expanding the research with information on heterogeneous job-specific tasks within the same jobs diminishing digitization potentials to only smaller fractions of workers at high risk. The main contribution of our work is to show that the diversity of previous findings regarding the degree of digitization is additionally driven by model selection. For our case study, we consult experts in machine learning and industry professionals on the susceptibility to digital technologies in the Austrian labour market. Our results indicate that, while clerical computer-based routine jobs are likely to change in the next decade, professional activities, such as the processing of complex information, are less prone to digital change." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Undeclared activities on digital labour platforms: an exploratory study (2023)

    Mațcu, Mara ; Horodnic, Ioana Alexandra ; Ianole-Călin, Rodica; Zaiț, Adriana;


    Mațcu, Mara, Adriana Zaiț, Rodica Ianole-Călin & Ioana Alexandra Horodnic (2023): Undeclared activities on digital labour platforms: an exploratory study. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 43, H. 7/8, S. 740-755. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-07-2022-0186


    "Purpose: This paper aims to explore the prevalence of undeclared activities conducted on digital labour platforms, and then to discuss what policies are likely to be more effective in order to prevent the growth of the informal activities on these platforms. Design/methodology/approach: To depict the profile of the digital worker conducting undeclared activities, the sectors where undeclared activities are more prevalent and the effectiveness of deterrent policies, data are reported from 2019 Special Eurobarometer survey covering the European Union member states and the UK. Findings: The finding is that 13% of undeclared activities are conducted on digital labour platforms. This practice is more common amongst men, those married or remarried, those living in small/middle towns, in sectors such as repairs/renovations, selling goods/services, assistance for dependant persons, gardening and help moving house. The higher the perceived sanction, the lower the likelihood of undertaking undeclared activities on digital labour platforms. Intriguing, a higher risk of detection is associated with a higher likelihood to use digital labour platform for undeclared activities.Practical implications The attitudes toward risk can be interpreted closer to the gaming context, and not to the working environment, looking at platform workers as being involved in a state versus individual game. Policy makers should consider improving the correspondence of laws and regulations between countries and offering operational assistance for suppliers and consumers. Originality/value: This is the first paper to explore the prevalence of undeclared activities conducted on digital labour platforms and to outline the policy measures required to reduce this practice." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Informalization in gig food delivery in the UK: The case of hyper-flexible and precarious work (2023)

    Mendonça, Pedro ; Clark, Ian ; Kougiannou, Nadia K. ;


    Mendonça, Pedro, Nadia K. Kougiannou & Ian Clark (2023): Informalization in gig food delivery in the UK: The case of hyper-flexible and precarious work. In: Industrial Relations, Jg. 62, H. 1, S. 60-77. DOI:10.1111/irel.12320


    "This article examines the process of informalization of work in platform food delivery work in the UK. Drawing on qualitative data, this article provides new analytical insight into what drives individual formal couriers to both supply and demand informalized sub-contracted gig work to undocumented migrants, and how a platform company enables informal work practices through permissive HR practices and technology. In doing so, this article shows how platform companies are enablers of informal labor markets and contribute to the expansion of hyper-precarious working conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Digitalisation and the labour market: Worker-level evidence from Slovenia (2023)

    Miho, Antonela; Borowiecki, Martin; Hoj, Jens;


    Miho, Antonela, Martin Borowiecki & Jens Hoj (2023): Digitalisation and the labour market: Worker-level evidence from Slovenia. (OECD Economics Department working papers 1767), Paris, 25 S. DOI:10.1787/d2bb40db-en


    "This paper provides evidence on the effects of digitalisation on the labour market in Slovenia using a unique dataset of Slovenian workers and firms for the years 2016 to 2020. Results show that at the firm level, digitalisation – measured in terms of ICT investment, is associated with positive and statistically significant effects on employment. However, job growth is not evenly distributed: High-skilled workers and younger workers benefit the most from employment gains, whereas there is little to no employment increases for low- and medium-skilled workers and older workers aged 50 or more. Furthermore, employment effects from digitalisation are strongest for private manufacturing firms. In contrast, ICT investment by state-owned firms is not associated with employment gains." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Between Frustration and Invigoration: Women Talking about Digital Technology at Work (2023)

    Mosseri, Sarah ; Vromen, Ariadne; Cooper, Rae; Hill, Elizabeth ;


    Mosseri, Sarah, Ariadne Vromen, Rae Cooper & Elizabeth Hill (2023): Between Frustration and Invigoration: Women Talking about Digital Technology at Work. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 6, S. 1681-1698. DOI:10.1177/09500170221091680


    "This study addresses the dearth of gender analysis within debates about technological innovation and workplace change. Qualitative analysis of 12 focus groups conducted with women in ‘frontline’ and ‘professional’ roles discussing their use and engagement with digital technologies at work reveals contrasting narratives of ‘digital frustration’ and ‘digital invigoration’. To explain these distinct narratives, we synthesise insights from science and technology studies with findings from scholarship on gendered work and labour market inequality to show that these differences are not driven solely by a technology’s form or the degree of automation it ostensibly represents. Instead, women’s narratives reflect an interplay between technological design, employment context and workers’ own voice and agency. These findings challenge assumptions about the totalising and transformative power of work-related technologies, redirecting attention to how social and political contestations over digital technologies inform worker experiences and shape the future of work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Just Another Cog in the Machine? A Worker-Level View of Robotization and Tasks (2023)

    Nikolova, Milena ; Lepinteur, Anthony ; Cnossen, Femke ;


    Nikolova, Milena, Anthony Lepinteur & Femke Cnossen (2023): Just Another Cog in the Machine? A Worker-Level View of Robotization and Tasks. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16610), Bonn, 44 S.


    "Using survey data from 20 European countries, we construct novel worker-level indices of routine, abstract, social, and physical tasks across 20 European countries, which we combine with industry-level robotization exposure. Our conceptual framework builds on the insight that robotization simultaneously replaces, creates, and modifies workers' tasks and studies how these forces impact workers' job content. We rely on instrumental variable techniques and show that robotization reduces physically demanding activities. Yet, this reduction in manual work does not coincide with a shift to more challenging and interesting tasks. Instead, robotization makes workers' tasks more routine, while diminishing the opportunities for cognitively challenging work and human contact. The adverse impact of robotization on social tasks is particularly pronounced for highly skilled and educated workers. Our study offers a unique worker-centric viewpoint on the interplay between technology and tasks, highlighting nuances that macro-level indicators overlook. As such, it sheds light on the mechanisms underpinning the impact of robotization on labor markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Crowd work in STEM-related fields: A window of opportunity from a gender perspective? (2023)

    Petroff, Alisa ; Fierro, Jaime;


    Petroff, Alisa & Jaime Fierro (2023): Crowd work in STEM-related fields: A window of opportunity from a gender perspective? In: Sociology Compass, Jg. 17, H. 3. DOI:10.1111/soc4.13058


    "After the Global Financial Crisis (2008) many people found new job opportunities on crowd platforms. The COVID-19 crisis reinforced this trend and virtual work is expected to increase. Although the working conditions of individuals engaged on these platforms is an emerging topic, of research, the existing literature tends to overlook the gendered dimension of the gig economy. Following a quantitative approach, based on the statistical analysis of 444 profiles (platform Freelancer.com in Spain and Argentina), we examine the extent to which the gig economy reproduces gender inequalities such as the underrepresentation of women in STEM-related tasks and the gender pay gap. While the findings reveal lower participation of women than men, this gap is not higher in Argentina than in Spain. Moreover, gender variations in hourly wages are not as marked as expected, and such differences disappear once STEM skill levels are controlled for. Asymmetry in individuals' STEM skill level provides a better explanation than gender of the hourly wage differences. This finding opens a window of opportunity to mitigate the classical gender discrimination that women face in technological fields in traditional labor markets. Finally, the paper identifies some issues concerning the methodological bias entailed by the use of an application programming interface in cyber-research, when analyzing gender inequalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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