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Der Ausbildungsmarkt befindet sich in der Krise. Neben dem demografisch bedingten Bewerbermangel passen das Profil der angebotenen Stellen und die Bewerberinteressen oft nicht zueinander. Als Folge gibt es viele unbesetzten Ausbildungsstellen und gleichzeitig viele Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, die keinen Ausbildungsvertrag erhalten. Dieses Themendossier bietet Hintergrundinformationen zur Strukturdaten, Trends und Perspektiven des Ausbildungsmarktes. Im Filter „Autorenschaft“ können Sie auf IAB-(Mit-)Autorenschaft eingrenzen.

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im Aspekt "Generation Corona? Der Ausbildungsmarkt in und nach der Pandemie"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Education responses to covid-19: Embracing digital learning and online collaboration (2020)


    "With the spread of the covid-19, countries are implementing emergency plans to slow down and limit the spread of the virus –and prepare for a possible longer term disruption of school and university attendance. Every week of school closure will imply a massive loss in the development of human capital with significant long-term economic and social implications. While this is a strong stress test for education systems, this is also an opportunity to develop alternative education opportunities. China, which was hit first by the corona virus, is already well advanced in providing a large share of its students with access to online learning opportunities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Der Ausbildungsmarkt im Juni 2020 - Corona-Spezial (2020)


    Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (2020): Der Ausbildungsmarkt im Juni 2020 - Corona-Spezial. (KOFA kompakt / Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung), Köln, 3 S.


    "Dieser KOFA Kompakt stellt die Situation auf dem Ausbildungsmarkt in Deutschland in Zeiten der Corona-Krise dar. Mit Hilfe der monatlichen Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zum Ausbildungsmarkt können Tendenzen für das Ausbildungsjahr 2019/2020 abgeleitet werden. Eine abschließende Bilanz ist allerdings erst zum Herbst 2020 möglich." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The importance of being vocational: challenges and opportunities for VET in the next decade (2020)


    "This paper, jointly prepared by Cedefop and the ETF, aims to inform the next steps in VET policy- making at EU level, including the Osnabruck declaration expected to be discussed by ministers in the autumn of 2020. It puts forward key challenges and opportunities for VET which have emerged from the intelligence, research and evidence collected over the years by the two agencies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Career guidance policy and practice in the pandemic: results of a joint international survey - June to August 2020 (2020)


    "In light of the growing negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on national labour markets and people’s lives and livelihoods, the role of career guidance has become ever more important to individuals, families, communities, the workforce, employers and society. This report is based on a flash joint international survey, designed to provide a snapshot of how career guidance policies, systems and services were adapting and coping, following the declaration of the world Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020. The survey, launched on 8 June 2020 and closed on 3 August 2020, included an exploration of these policies, systems and practices (focusing on remote and ICT-based delivery) in the context of the early phase of government reactions to the pandemic, the extent to which the pandemic and its social consequences triggered a debate on career guidance reform, and the role for career guidance in pandemic recovery measures. It also considered the support role of international and donor bodies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Digital gap during COVID-19 for VET learners at risk in Europe: Synthesis report on seven countries based on preliminary information provided by Cedefop’s Network of Ambassadors tackling early leaving from VET (2020)


    "Cedefop’s ambassadors for tackling early leaving from education and training call for further support to address the needs of learners at risk and ensure their equal access to quality distance learning. The coronavirus pandemic disrupted the education and training of an entire generation of vocational education and training (VET) learners. Those already at risk – from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds, migrants and from ethnic minorities, learners with disabilities and special education needs – often find themselves out of school. With schools being closed, they risk falling further behind, while further disruption to their learning is imminent if distance learning is not ensured. At the same time, they are at increased risk of violence, abuse and neglect, as families and households are locked down. Examples of initiatives from seven European countries in Cedefop’s new report show the efforts made to ensure that learning continues for all VET learners, as well as to support VET teachers and trainers who had to convert physical classrooms and working places into digital learning environments overnight. According to the report, VET teachers and trainers face challenges such as no access to equipment and internet connection required to offer distance learning; lack of digital skills and competences to make efficient use of the platforms; poor experience in creating digital teaching content; no experience in e-learning and other distance learning pedagogies in VET, especially for teaching practical components; concerns over privacy issues, copyright and data protection. The report also points out that learners at risk, not participating in distance education, disconnect for a longer period and may eventually drop out of their VET programme. Prior to the pandemic, European countries had made significant progress in lowering the rates of early leaving from education and training, results which should be sustained in the post-coronavirus era. Cedefop’s VET toolkit for tackling early leaving has never been more important in supporting policy-makers and VET practitioners to prevent early leaving." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ausbildung 2020: Ergebnisse einer DIHK-Online-Unternehmensbefragung (2020)


    "Der DIHK hat erneut die Unternehmen zu ihren Ausbildungserfahrungen und -plänen befragt. In der Zeit vom 15. bis 19. Juni 2020 konnten sich Unternehmen online an der Befragung beteiligen. Die Auswahl und Ansprache der Unternehmen erfolgte über die Industrie- und Handelskammern. Insgesamt beteiligten sich 15.001 Unternehmen an der Online-Umfrage. Die Ergebnisse: Das betriebliche Ausbildungsplatzangebot wird in diesem Jahr niedriger ausfallen als im Vorjahr. Die Bewerbungsprozesse in den Unternehmen sind ins Stocken geraten. Einstellungen verzögern sich vielerorts. Es gibt aber immer noch vielfältige Chancen. Die Übernahmeperspektiven für ausgebildete Fachkräfte sind auch dieses Jahr gut. Betriebe gestalten Ausbildungsalltag durch kreative Lösungen. Digitales wichtiger denn je – Nachholbedarf bei den Berufsschulen. " (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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