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Der Trend zur Höherqualifizierung im Erwerbssystem bescherte vor allem Akademikerinnen und Akademikern über viele Jahre hinweg Beschäftigungszuwächse und niedrige Arbeitslosenquoten. Doch hervorragend ausgebildete Frauen haben eine ähnlich problematische Situation wie ihre geringer qualifizierten Geschlechtsgenossinnen: Sie verdienen weniger als vergleichbar ausgebildete Männer und haben es schwerer, eine Karriere zu verfolgen. Dieses Themendossier bietet Publikationen und weiterführende Links zu den Arbeitsmarktchancen und den Beschäftigungsbedingungen hochqualifizierter Frauen.
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    Ökonominnen sind in der wirtschaftspolitischen Beratung deutlich seltener vertreten als ihre Kollegen (2020)

    Barth, Denise; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Barth, Denise & Katharina Wrohlich (2020): Ökonominnen sind in der wirtschaftspolitischen Beratung deutlich seltener vertreten als ihre Kollegen. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 87, H. 25, S. 455-460. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2020-25-1


    "In vielen Gremien der ökonomischen Politikberatung sind Frauen nur zu einem geringen Anteil vertreten. Beispielsweise ist der Frauenanteil in den wissenschaftlichen Beiräten des Bundesfinanz- und des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums (14 beziehungsweise 15 Prozent) geringer als unter allen Professuren der Volkswirtschaftslehre (VWL) in Deutschland (rund 18 Prozent). In den stärker interdisziplinär ausgerichteten Beiräten des Bundesfamilien- sowie des Bundesumwelt- und Bundesbildungsministeriums sind Frauen zu einem deutlich höheren Anteil vertreten (63 beziehungsweise 71 Prozent). Im Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung ist der Frauenanteil durch die Ernennung von Veronika Grimm und Monika Schnitzer zuletzt deutlich gestiegen (von 20 auf 40 Prozent). In den Medien kommen Ökonominnen jedoch nach wie vor selten zu Wort. Initiativen wie Expertinnenlisten könnten die ökonomische Expertise von Frauen sichtbarer machen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Die Bedeutung von Auslandserfahrung für den Karriereerfolg von Hochschulabsolventen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt: DAAD-Wirkungsstudie Langfassung : Endbericht (2020)

    Geifes, Stephan; Placke, Beate; Konegen-Grenier, Christiane;


    Konegen-Grenier, Christiane & Beate Placke (2020): Die Bedeutung von Auslandserfahrung für den Karriereerfolg von Hochschulabsolventen auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. DAAD-Wirkungsstudie Langfassung : Endbericht. Bonn, 189 S.


    "Zum vierten Mal seit 2007 hat der DAAD 2019 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Arbeitgeber in Deutschland nach dem Stellenwert von Auslandserfahrung bei Akademikerinnen und Akademikern gefragt. Untersucht wurde erneut die Bedeutung von Auslandserfahrung im Studium für den Berufseinstieg. Zusätzlich wurde erstmals auch nach der Bedeutung von Auslandserfahrung für den späteren Karriereverlauf gefragt. Neben der Ausweitung des Untersuchungsgegenstands wurde auch methodisch ein zukunftsweisender Ansatz gewählt. Personaler wurden danach gefragt, welche Kompetenzen für sie bei der Einstellung und späteren Auswahl von Führungskräften ausschlaggebend sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors in Economics? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial (2020)

    Ginther, Donna K.; Blau, Francine D.; Croson, Rachel T. A.; Currie, Janet M.;


    Ginther, Donna K., Janet M. Currie, Francine D. Blau & Rachel T. A. Croson (2020): Can Mentoring Help Female Assistant Professors in Economics? An Evaluation by Randomized Trial. In: AEA papers and proceedings, Jg. 110, S. 205-209. DOI:10.1257/pandp.20201121


    "Women continue to be underrepresented in academic ranks in the economics profession. The Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession of the American Economic Association established the CeMENT mentoring workshop to support women in research careers. The program was designed as a randomized controlled trial. This study evaluates differences between the treatment and control groups in career outcomes. Results indicate that relative to women in the control group, treated women are more likely to stay in academia and more likely to have received tenure in an institution ranked in the top 30 or 50 in economics in the world." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The glass ceiling revisited: empirical evidence from the German academic career ladder (2020)

    Heinrichs, Katrin; Sonnabend, Hendrik ;


    Heinrichs, Katrin & Hendrik Sonnabend (2020): The glass ceiling revisited: empirical evidence from the German academic career ladder. (Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020: Gender Economics), Kiel, 15 S.


    "Women are underrepresented in leadership positions - academia is no exception. Using data on careers of doctoral graduates in Germany, we study gender differences in the decision to stay at university as a postdoctoral researcher and in the intention to become a professor. We find that gender gaps related to aiming for a professorship can be fully explained by observable characteristics other than gender. On the contrary, even after adding controls for an array of characteristics relevant to academic careers, we find female graduates to be 5.9 percentage points less likely to hold a postdoctoral position which allows them to qualify for professorship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Historical comparison of gender inequality in scientific careers across countries and disciplines (2020)

    Huang, Junming; Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo; Sinatra, Roberta ; Gates, Alexander J.;


    Huang, Junming, Alexander J. Gates, Roberta Sinatra & Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (2020): Historical comparison of gender inequality in scientific careers across countries and disciplines. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jg. 117, H. 9, S. 4609-4616. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1914221117


    "Empirical evidence suggests significant gender differences in the total productivity and impact of academic careers across science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Paradoxically, the increase in the number of women academics over the past 60 years has increased these gender differences. Yet, we find that men and women publish a comparable number of papers per year and have equivalent career-wise impact for the same total number of publications. This suggests the productivity and impact of gender differences are explained by different publishing career lengths and dropout rates. This comprehensive picture of gender inequality in academic publishing can help rephrase the conversation around the sustainability of women’s careers in academia, with important consequences for institutions and policy makers.There is extensive, yet fragmented, evidence of gender differences in academia suggesting that women are underrepresented in most scientific disciplines and publish fewer articles throughout a career, and their work acquires fewer citations. Here, we offer a comprehensive picture of longitudinal gender differences in performance through a bibliometric analysis of academic publishing careers by reconstructing the complete publication history of over 1.5 million gender-identified authors whose publishing career ended between 1955 and 2010, covering 83 countries and 13 disciplines. We find that, paradoxically, the increase of participation of women in science over the past 60 years was accompanied by an increase of gender differences in both productivity and impact. Most surprisingly, though, we uncover two gender invariants, finding that men and women publish at a comparable annual rate and have equivalent career-wise impact for the same size body of work. Finally, we demonstrate that differences in publishing career lengths and dropout rates explain a large portion of the reported career-wise differences in productivity and impact, although productivity differences still remain. This comprehensive picture of gender inequality in academia can help rephrase the conversation around the sustainability of women’s careers in academia, with important consequences for institutions and policy makers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Warum wählen Männer und Frauen unterschiedliche Studienfächer? (2020)

    Hägglund, Anna Erika; Lörz, Markus;


    Hägglund, Anna Erika & Markus Lörz (2020): Warum wählen Männer und Frauen unterschiedliche Studienfächer? In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 49, H. 1, S. 66-86. DOI:10.1515/zfsoz-2020-0005


    "Trotz der seit mehreren Jahrzehnten bestehenden geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede in der Studienfachwahl, ist es der bisherigen Forschung nur zum Teil gelungen, die zugrundeliegenden Ursachen empirisch herauszuarbeiten und die geschlechtsspezifische Studienfachwahl vollständig zu erklären. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht daher aus verschiedenen interdisziplinären Blickwinkeln der Frage nach, warum Männer und Frauen unterschiedliche Studienfächer wählen und betrachtet hierbei fünf Fächergruppen. Die Ergebnisse der multinominalen logistischen Regressions- und Dekompositionsanalysen zeigen, dass die geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede hauptsächlich aus vorgelagerten Bildungsentscheidungen und den damit zusammenhängenden Interessen- und Leistungsprofilen resultieren. Die kulturelle Zuschreibung von geschlechterkonformen Verhaltensweisen zeigt sich hierbei nicht in antizipierten Diskriminierungsprozessen, sondern in einer geschlechtsspezifischen Wahrnehmung der eigenen Fähigkeiten und der Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Berufsinteressen. Die Geschlechterunterschiede in den verschiedenen Fächergruppen sind jedoch teilweise auf unterschiedliche Ursachen zurückzuführen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter)

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    Myriad potential for mentoring: Understanding the process of transformational change through a gender equality intervention (2020)

    Leenders, Joke ; Brink, Marieke C. L. van den; Bleijenbergh, Inge L. ;


    Leenders, Joke, Inge L. Bleijenbergh & Marieke C. L. van den Brink (2020): Myriad potential for mentoring: Understanding the process of transformational change through a gender equality intervention. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 27, H. 3, S. 379-394. DOI:10.1111/gwao.12385


    "This paper contributes to understanding transformational change towards gender equality by examining the transformational change potential of a mentoring programme for women, a type of gender equality intervention both criticized and praised for its ability to bring about change. Drawing upon an empirical case study of a mentoring programme for women academics in a Dutch university, we explore three dimensions of transformational change: organizational members 1) discussing and reflecting upon gendered organizational norms and work practices, 2) creating new narratives, and 3) experimenting with new work practices. Our findings indicate five specific conditions that enable transformational change: cross-mentoring, questioning what is taken for granted, repeating participation and individual stories, facilitating peer support networks and addressing and equipping all participants as change agents. We suggest these conditions should be taken into account when (re)designing effective organizational gender equality interventions." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Women in economics (2020)

    Lundberg, Shelly;


    (2020): Women in economics. London: CEPR Press, 135 S.


    "Women are substantially under-represented in the field of economics. Few women reach senior positions in the profession, even though over the last few decades, between 30% and 35% of PhDs in economics have been earned by women. Women in economics face clear barriers to field entry and professional success that are distinct from those in other mathematics-focused fields. Women also appear to face implicit bias in the assessment of their research and other professional contributions that limit their success and persistence in the field This book, featuring leading experts on the issue of gender in economics, examines the role and progress of women in professional economics, reviews the barriers women that face at various stages of the training and promotional pipeline, evaluates programmes designed to support and encourage female economists, and discusses the benefits of greater gender equality across the economics research professions. Beginning with an overview of the representation of women in economics departments in the United States and in Europe, the opening chapters highlight the scarcity of Black women in American economics and provide some background on the ‘first gender reckoning’ of economics. Later chapters examine the forces that discourage women from majoring in economics as undergraduates and how they might be combatted, and on the paths to success for female graduate students. The book also documents differential treatment of women in the evaluation of research for publication and acceptance at conferences, as well as gender differences in collaborative networks that may affect research productivity. The ‘leaky pipeline’ in economics is reviewed, with a focus on the promotion gender gap in academics and central banking, and institutional factors that contribute to that gap, including gender bias in student evaluations and the inequitable consequences of gender-neutral tenure-clock-extension policies. The concluding chapters returns to policies and programmes that can support women and combat bias at all stages of the professional pipeline in economics." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Is There a Motherhood Penalty in Academia?: The Gendered Effect of Children on Academic Publications in German Sociology (2020)

    Lutter, Mark; Schröder, Martin ;


    Lutter, Mark & Martin Schröder (2020): Is There a Motherhood Penalty in Academia? The Gendered Effect of Children on Academic Publications in German Sociology. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 36, H. 3, S. 442–459. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcz063


    Based on data that tracks curriculum vitae (CV) and publication records as well as survey information from sociologists in German academia, we examine the effects of parenthood on the publication output of male and female academics that were present in German universities or research institutes in the year 2013. Results indicate that having children leads to a significant decline in the number of publications by women on average, while not affecting the number of publications by men. However, the gendered effect of children on productivity hardly mitigates differences in publication output between men and women, as women still publish about 20 per cent less than men after controlling for the adverse effects of children on productivity. The gendered effect of childbearing depends partly on prior levels of women’s academic achievements, suggesting a mechanism of performance-driven self-selection. Lower-performing women tend to suffer a stronger motherhood penalty than better performing women, while the publication output of successful women (who have been granted academic awards) is not reduced through childbirth. The results indicate that women are better at managing the ‘double burden’ of kids and career if external, award-giving committees have bestowed prestige upon them or indicated their potential for a scientific career. (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)

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    Balancing Research and Service in Academia: Gender, Race, and Laboratory Tasks (2020)

    Miller, Candace ; Roksa, Josipa;


    Miller, Candace & Josipa Roksa (2020): Balancing Research and Service in Academia. Gender, Race, and Laboratory Tasks. In: Gender & Society, Jg. 34, H. 1, S. 131-152. DOI:10.1177/0891243219867917


    "Our study highlights specific ways in which race and gender create inequality in the workplace. Using in-depth interviews with 67 biology PhD students, we show how engagement with research and service varies by both gender and race. By considering the intersection between gender and race, we find not only that women biology graduate students do more service than men, but also that racial and ethnic minority men do more service than white men. White men benefit from a combination of racial and gender privilege, which places them in the most advantaged position with respect to protected research time and opportunities to build collaborations and networks beyond their labs. Racial/ethnic minority women emerge as uniquely disadvantaged in terms of their experiences relative to other groups. These findings illuminate how gendered organizations are also racialized, producing distinct experiences for women and men from different racial groups, and thus contribute to theorizing the intersectional nature of inequality in the workplace." (Author's Abstract, IAB-Doku)

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    Pay and job rank among academic economists in the UK: Is gender relevant? (2020)

    Mumford, Karen ; Sechel, Cristina ;


    Mumford, Karen & Cristina Sechel (2020): Pay and job rank among academic economists in the UK: Is gender relevant? In: BJIR, Jg. 58, H. 1, S. 82-113. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12468


    "This article presents and explores a rich new data source to analyse the determinants of pay and job rank among academic economists in the UK. Characteristics associated with individual productivity and workplace features are found to be important determinants of the relative wage and promotion structure in this sector. However, there is also a substantial unexplained gender pay gap. Men are considerably more likely to work in higher paid job ranks where there are also substantial within-rank gender pay gaps. We show that the nature of the gender pay gap has changed over the last two decades; but its size has not, suggesting a role for suitable policy intervention." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Professorinnen – jenseits der „Gläsernen Decke“? Eine qualitative empirische Studie zu geschlechtshierarchisierenden Praxen der Alltagskultur an Hochschulen (2020)

    Paulitz, Tanja; Wagner, Leonie;


    Paulitz, Tanja & Leonie Wagner (2020): Professorinnen – jenseits der „Gläsernen Decke“? Eine qualitative empirische Studie zu geschlechtshierarchisierenden Praxen der Alltagskultur an Hochschulen. In: Gender, Jg. 12, H. 2, S. 133-148. DOI:10.3224/gender.v12i2.09


    "Marginalisierungsprozesse von Professorinnen, die die „Gläserne Decke“ durchbrochen haben, finden bislang sowohl in wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen als auch in den Diskursen und Maßnahmen der Gleichstellungspolitik wenig Beachtung. Ziel des Beitrags ist, auf der Basis einer laufenden qualitativen empirischen Interviewstudie erste Hinweise für die Untersuchung und Bearbeitung informeller geschlechtshierarchisierender Praxis in der Alltagskultur an Hochschulen zu generieren. Die Auswertung der Interviews mit Professorinnen zeigt bislang, dass sowohl die alltäglichen Spiele um die Herstellung von Sichtbarkeit als auch jene um die Bildung von Bündnissen entscheidend für die Anerkennung von Leistung und für die Eröffnung von Handlungsmöglichkeiten auf der Professur sind. Da diese Praxen zumeist sehr subtil oder diskret bleiben und kollektiv abgestützt bzw. auch unterbrochen werden können, verweisen sie auf das Problem der (fehlenden) Diskursivierung, dem mit den derzeit vorhandenen gleichstellungsorientierten Ansätzen kaum effektiv begegnet werden kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Foreign women in academia: Double-strangers between productivity, marginalization and resistance (2020)

    Strauß, Anke; Boncori, Ilaria ;


    Strauß, Anke & Ilaria Boncori (2020): Foreign women in academia: Double-strangers between productivity, marginalization and resistance. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 27, H. 6, S. 1004-1019. DOI:10.1111/gwao.12432


    "This article examines the professional experience of foreign women academics working across geographic boundaries in today's neoliberal academia characterized by liquidity. Framed within an intersectional perspective, we use the concept of the ‘double-stranger' to examine data stemming from 20 in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted with scholars at different stages of their career in the social sciences. This article advances understandings of academic careers theoretically by identifying a temporal and hierarchical dynamic in the intersection of two categories of difference (gender and foreignness) that constitute a position of simultaneous belonging and non-belonging for foreign women academics; and empirically through a qualitative investigation that explores three areas in which academic professional experiences are mobilized for double-strangers: (i) transnational career moves; (ii) productivity and performance in today's neoliberal academia; and (iii) self-induced estrangement as a form of resistance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Mapping Career Patterns in Research: A Sequence Analysis of Career Histories of ERC Applicants (2020)

    Vinkenburg, Claartje; Schels, Brigitte ; Connolly, Sara; Fuchs, Stefan; Herschberg, Channah;


    Vinkenburg, Claartje, Sara Connolly, Stefan Fuchs, Channah Herschberg & Brigitte Schels (2020): Mapping Career Patterns in Research: A Sequence Analysis of Career Histories of ERC Applicants. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 15, H. 7, 2020-07-06. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0236252


    "Despite the need to map research careers, the empirical evidence on career patterns of researchers is limited. We also do not know whether career patterns of researchers can be considered conventional in terms of steady progress or international mobility, nor do we know if career patterns differ between men and women in research as is commonly assumed. We use sequence analysis to identify career patterns of researchers across positions and institutions, based on full career histories of applicants to the European Research Council frontier research grant schemes. We distinguish five career patterns for early and established men and women researchers. With multinomial logit analyses, we estimate the relative likelihood of researchers with certain characteristics in each pattern. We find grantees among all patterns, and limited evidence of gender differences. Our findings on career patterns in research inform further studies and policy making on career development, research funding, and gender equality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Schels, Brigitte ; Fuchs, Stefan;
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    Erwerbsverläufe von Müttern und Vätern mit Hochschulabschluss im Wandel: Eine Untersuchung der Examenskohorten 1997, 2001 und 2005 (2019)

    Brandt, Gesche ;


    Brandt, Gesche (2019): Erwerbsverläufe von Müttern und Vätern mit Hochschulabschluss im Wandel. Eine Untersuchung der Examenskohorten 1997, 2001 und 2005. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 70, H. 3, S. 332-371. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2019-3-332


    "Dieser Beitrag untersucht, ob parallel zu den familienpolitischen Reformen der letzten Jahre eine Angleichung der Erwerbsmuster von Vätern und Müttern stattgefunden hat. Dazu werden die Erwerbsverläufe von Hochschulabsolventinnen und -absolventen aus drei Abschlusskohorten vergleichend untersucht. Mit Sequenz- und Regressionsanalysen werden geschlechts- und kohortentypische Verläufe identifiziert und geprüft, ob über die Kohorten geschlechterdifferente Standardisierungs- bzw. De-Standardisierungsprozesse erkennbar sind und worauf diese zurückzuführen sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass auch bei Hochqualifizierten geschlechtstypische Erwerbsmuster von Müttern und Vätern vorliegen. Väter weisen meist kontinuierliche Vollzeiterwerbsbiografien auf, wohingegen die Erwerbsverläufe von Müttern aufgrund von Eltern- und Teilzeiten divers sind. Über die Kohorten deutet sich bei Müttern jedoch eine graduelle Annäherung an die Vollzeiterwerbsbiografie an. Die Erwerbsverläufe von Vätern scheinen sich hingegen nicht verändert zu haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Challenging the gendered rhetoric of success?: The limitations of women-only mentoring for tackling gender inequality in the workplace (2019)

    Dashper, Katherine ;


    Dashper, Katherine (2019): Challenging the gendered rhetoric of success? The limitations of women-only mentoring for tackling gender inequality in the workplace. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 26, H. 4, S. 541-557. DOI:10.1111/gwao.12262


    "Mentoring is widely acknowledged to be an important contributor to women's career success and progression, but women often struggle to access mentoring networks that can help sponsor and develop their careers. Formal mentoring programmes designed specifically for women help overcome this challenge, but such schemes may at the same time reinforce masculine discourses which position women as deficient in relation to the invisibly male norm that is implicit within contemporary working practices. Drawing on a formal women-only mentoring programme built on gender-positive goals to empower women to 'be the best they can be' within the events industry, this article considers the extent to which such programmes can both challenge and reproduce gendered discourses of business and success. Interviews with mentors and mentees illustrate how such programmes make gender visible within business and individual careers, but masculinist underpinnings of organizational discourses remain invisible, unacknowledged and thus largely unchallenged." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Gleicher Titel, ungleiche Entlohnung. Geschlechtsbezogene Lohnunterschiede unter Promovierten in Deutschland (2019)

    Goldan, Lea;


    Goldan, Lea (2019): Gleicher Titel, ungleiche Entlohnung. Geschlechtsbezogene Lohnunterschiede unter Promovierten in Deutschland. In: Gender, Jg. 11, H. 2, S. 103-120. DOI:10.3224/gender.v11i2.08


    "Die bisherige Promoviertenforschung deutet darauf hin, dass Frauen monetär weniger vom Erwerb eines Doktortitels profitieren als Männer. Daher werden im vorliegenden Beitrag erstmals das Ausmaß und die Ursachen geschlechtsbezogener Lohnunterschiede unter Promovierten in Deutschland untersucht. Es wird erwartet, dass sich promovierte Frauen und Männer hinsichtlich ihrer Studienfachwahl und Beschäftigungsmerkmale unterscheiden. Auf der Grundlage des DZHW-Absolventenpanels 2001 werden die Brutto-Stundenlöhne zehn Jahre nach Studienabschluss mittels OLS-Regression und Oaxaca-Blinder-Dekomposition untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Stundenlöhne von promovierten Frauen um 16,3 Prozent geringer sind als diejenigen von promovierten Männern. Diese Lohnunterschiede sind zu zwei Dritteln darauf zurückzuführen, dass promovierte Frauen häufiger Fächer mit einem hohen Frauenanteil studiert haben, nach ihrem Studium weniger Berufserfahrung sammeln und seltener Leitungspositionen innehaben als promovierte Männer." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Karrierehindernis Geschlecht? Zum Verbleib von Frauen in der Hochschulmedizin (2019)

    Hendrix, Ulla; Niegel, Jennifer; Mauer, Heike;


    Hendrix, Ulla, Heike Mauer & Jennifer Niegel (2019): Karrierehindernis Geschlecht? Zum Verbleib von Frauen in der Hochschulmedizin. In: Gender, Jg. 11, H. 1, S. 47-62. DOI:10.3224/gender.v11i1.04


    "Dieser Beitrag untersucht, warum Frauen nur selten Professorinnen in der Hochschulmedizin werden, obwohl Medizinstudentinnen mittlerweile deutlich in der Mehrheit sind. Anhand einer Online-Befragung von Assistenzärzt_innen sowie von Interviews mit Akteur_innen in Schlüsselpositionen der Universitätskliniken und medizinischen Fakultäten in NRW werden zwei zentrale Erklärungsansätze aus dem Feld herausgearbeitet: die Annahme, dass die mangelnde Vereinbarkeit von Hochschulmedizin und Familie für den geringen Frauenanteil auf den Professuren verantwortlich ist (1), sowie die Vermutung, dass Frauen wissenschaftliche Karriereambitionen durch falsche Strategien nicht realisieren können (2). Beide Erklärungsansätze operieren jedoch mit essentialistischen Geschlechterbildern, die für die Aufrechterhaltung ungleicher Geschlechterverhältnisse in der Hochschulmedizin zentral sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The gender promotion gap: evidence from central banking (2019)

    Hospido, Laura ; Lamo, Ana; Laeven, Luc;


    Hospido, Laura, Luc Laeven & Ana Lamo (2019): The gender promotion gap: evidence from central banking. (European Central Bank. Working paper series 2265), Frankfurt am Main, 52 S. DOI:10.2866/21455


    "We examine gender differences in career progression and promotions in central banking, a stereotypical male-dominated occupation, using confidential anonymized personnel data from the European Central Bank (ECB) during the period 2003- 2017. A wage gap emerges between men and women within a few years of hiring, despite broadly similar entry conditions in terms of salary levels and other observables. We also find that women are less likely to be promoted to a higher salary band up until 2010 when the ECB issued a public statement supporting diversity and took several measures to support gender balance. Following this change, the promotion gap disappears. The gender promotion gap prior to this policy change is partly driven by the presence of children. Using 2012-2017 data on promotion applications and decisions, we explore the promotion process in depth, and confirm that during this most recent period women are as likely to be promoted as men. This results from a lower probability of women to apply for promotion, combined with a higher probability of women to be selected conditional on having applied. Following promotion, women perform better in terms of salary progression, suggesting that the higher probability to be selected is based on merit, not positive discrimination." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    'If you put pressure on yourself to produce then that's your responsibility': Mothers' experiences of maternity leave and flexible work in the neoliberal university (2019)

    Huppatz, Kate ; Napier, Jemina ; Sang, Kate ;


    Huppatz, Kate, Kate Sang & Jemina Napier (2019): 'If you put pressure on yourself to produce then that's your responsibility': Mothers' experiences of maternity leave and flexible work in the neoliberal university. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 26, H. 6, S. 772-788. DOI:10.1111/gwao.12314


    "Women remain underrepresented in senior positions within universities and report barriers to career progression. Drawing on the concepts of Foucault and Bourdieu, with an emphasis on technologies of the self, this article aims to understand mothers' academic career experiences. Interviews were conducted with 35 non-STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medicine) academics in Scotland and Australia, to reveal the gender dimensions of parents' academic careers, in neoliberal university contexts. The data suggest that there are tensions between organizational policies, such as maternity leave and flexible work, and the contemporary demands of academic labour. New managerial discourses which individualize and make use of moral systems are particularly effectual in driving women to take up marketized research activity and compromise leave entitlements." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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