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Prekäre Beschäftigung

Unter den Begriff "Prekäre Beschäftigung" fallen Arbeitsverhältnisse mit niedrigen Löhnen, die häufig nicht auf Dauer und Kontinuität angelegt sind, keine Absicherung durch die Sozialversicherung und nur geringe arbeitsrechtliche Schutzrechte aufweisen. Der Begriff ist umstritten - und noch viel mehr die Frage: Wirken prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse immer ausgrenzend oder leisten sie auch einen notwendigen Beitrag zur Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsmarktes? Die Infoplattform erschließt Informationen zum Forschungsstand.

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Prekäre Arbeit, prekäre Liebe: über Anerkennung und unsichere Lebensverhältnisse (2020)

    Wimbauer, Christine; Motakef, Mona;


    Wimbauer, Christine & Mona Motakef (2020): Prekäre Arbeit, prekäre Liebe. Über Anerkennung und unsichere Lebensverhältnisse. Frankfurt am Main ; New York: Campus Verlag, 420 S.


    "Erwerbsarbeit und Paarbeziehungen sind wichtige Quellen für Anerkennung. Doch was geschieht, wenn Arbeit prekär wird? Wie wirken sich unsichere Arbeitsverhältnisse und Anerkennungsdefizite auf die Liebe aus, auf Beziehungen und auf die Lebenszusammenhänge der Menschen überhaupt? Welche Ungleichheiten zwischen den Geschlechtern werden sichtbar? Das Buch zeichnet anhand von Interviews eindrücklich nach, welch destruktives Potenzial prekäre Erwerbsarbeit entfalten kann und was das für die Einzelnen, für Paare und für die Gesellschaft bedeutet. Außerdem entwickeln die Autorinnen Vorschläge, wie sich auf prekäre Beschäftigung, Geschlechterungleichheiten sowie auf Anerkennungsbedürftigkeit und Verletzbarkeit reagieren lässt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    'Keep hoping, keep going': Towards a hopeful sociology of creative work (2019)

    Alacovska, Ana;


    Alacovska, Ana (2019): 'Keep hoping, keep going': Towards a hopeful sociology of creative work. In: The sociological review, Jg. 67, H. 5, S. 1118-1136. DOI:10.1177/0038026118779014


    "This article explores the relationship between future-oriented temporality and precarity in creative work. Existing sociological studies implicitly assume an unproblematic causal link between creative workers' future-orientation and their precarity, subjugation and exploitation. This article problematizes this link and offers a more nuanced reassessment of creative work's futurity by arguing for the analytical potential of the notion of hope in gaining a better understanding of creative workers' hopeful - affective, practical and moral - responses to conditions of protracted precarity. Building on theories of hope, the article conceptualizes hope both as an existential affective stance and an active moral practice oriented towards the present - an orientation that enables workers to keep going in spite of economic hardship and job uncertainty. From 'an atypical case' study of creative work in South-East Europe, hope emerges empirically as the central quotidian practice of coping with precarity. Three practices of hope are discussed: (1) hope as therapeutic practice; (2) hope as informal labour practice; and (3) hope as socially engaged arts practice. In so doing, the article explores the possibilities of practising 'a hopeful sociology' of creative work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The struggle to reconcile precarious work and parenthood: the case of Italian 'precarious parents' (2019)

    Ba', Stefano;


    Ba', Stefano (2019): The struggle to reconcile precarious work and parenthood. The case of Italian 'precarious parents'. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 33, H. 5, S. 812-828. DOI:10.1177/0950017019843089


    "This research is about parents in precarious employment, as the intersection of parental responsibilities and paid work represents a privileged site from which to explore the process of precarisation within a wider social context. Social reproduction is then interrogated in order to conceptually frame parents' everyday struggles for stability. The dyad use-value and exchange-value is mobilised to make sense of parents' activities in the domestic sphere as well as in paid work, so that the outcome of this research marks a conceptual shift from the metaphor work - family balance to the tension between useful activities and the monetary valorisations that these parents need to obtain. The research suggests then that these parents produce social wealth at a number of different levels, but their activities need to meet their exchange-value because monetary valorisation represents the way to get their livelihood. This research aims to conceptualise the antagonism of 'precarious parents' as their 'normal life' is distorted by daily struggles to achieve these means." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sozialstaat unter Zugzwang?: Zwischen Reform und radikaler Neuorientierung (2019)

    Baumgartner, A. Doris; Fux, Beat;


    Baumgartner, A. Doris & Beat Fux (Hrsg.) (2019): Sozialstaat unter Zugzwang? Zwischen Reform und radikaler Neuorientierung. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 439 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-22444-8


    "Ohne Solidarität, Vergemeinschaftung und Sozialintegration ist der Wohlfahrtsstaat nicht überlebensfähig. Trotzdem bleiben die drei Elemente als grundlegende Konzepte der Sozialstaatsdebatte meist unterbeleuchtet. Expertinnen und Experten aus Sozial- und Politikwissenschaften untersuchen die sozialintegrative Dimension der Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit. Aus der Perspektive der Vergemeinschaftung behandeln sie die aktuelle wohlfahrtsstaatliche Theoriedebatte, analysieren Formen von Solidarität und setzen sich mit den spezifischen Problemlagen des modernen Wohlfahrtsstaates auseinander. Angesichts der Krisenhaftigkeit des Kernbereichs Arbeit interessiert insbesondere sein Reformvermögen. Präsentiert werden empirisch orientierte Beiträge zu Familie, Nachbarschaft und Solidarverbänden sowie theoretisch ausgerichteten Beiträgen zu aktuellen Problemlagen wie der Arbeit 4.0. Ferner werden Lösungsansätze in Form von "realutopischen" Perspektiven und Optionen diskutiert." (Verlagsangaben, © Springer)

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    'I don't want to be a vagrant for the rest of my life': Young peoples' experiences of precarious work as a 'continuous present' (2019)

    Bone, Kate Daisy;


    Bone, Kate Daisy (2019): 'I don't want to be a vagrant for the rest of my life': Young peoples' experiences of precarious work as a 'continuous present'. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 22, H. 9, S. 1218-1237. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2019.1570097


    "This work presents findings from a qualitative multi-case study investigating the lives of young, precariously employed academics working at a large Australian university. The lived experience of precarious employment is explored through a temporal analysis of how lifestyles are conceived and constructed under the conditions of liquid modernity. The findings highlight how participants felt limited in their capacity to commit to long-term life plans due to invasive feelings of insecurity and dependency that confronted participants with feelings of inadequacy. Participants referred to an inability to make adult-like decisions and bind themselves to future commitments such as independent living arrangements and starting a family. Engagement with concepts of temporality assisted in the theorising of a 'continuous present', which refers to the deferring and sacrificing of lifestyle plans in the hope for an imaginary future that never seems to arrive. This theorisation contributes an understanding of how precarious employment can disrupt the flow of culturally acceptable expectations surrounding adulthood and how precarity develops over time. The analysis illustrates that an extended durée of precarious employment increases precarity beyond the present and into the future temporal zone of young peoples' lives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dualization and subjective employment insecurity : explaining the subjective employment insecurity divide between permanent and temporary workers across 23 European countries (2019)

    Chung, Heejung ;


    Chung, Heejung (2019): Dualization and subjective employment insecurity : explaining the subjective employment insecurity divide between permanent and temporary workers across 23 European countries. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 40, H. 3, S. 700-729. DOI:10.1177/0143831X16656411


    "Dualization theory posits that certain institutions cause dualization in the labour market, yet how institutions deepen the subjective insecurity divide between insiders and outsiders has not been examined. This article examines this question using data from 23 European countries in 2008/2009. Results show that the subjective employment insecurity divide between permanent and temporary workers varies significantly across different countries. Corporatist countries, with stronger unions, have larger subjective insecurity divides between permanent and temporary workers. However, this is because permanent workers feel more secure in these countries rather than because temporary workers are more exposed to feelings of insecurity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Haushaltshilfe: Keine Entlastung in Sicht (2019)

    Enste, Dominik;


    Enste, Dominik (2019): Haushaltshilfe: Keine Entlastung in Sicht. (IW-Kurzberichte / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2019,42), Köln, 3 S.


    "Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Immer mehr Haushalte suchen vergeblich nach einer Haushaltshilfe. Angesichts eines immer weiteren Anstiegs der Frauen- aber auch Männererwerbstätigkeit ist der Wunsch nach Entlastung im Haushalt zwar groß, aber das Angebot offensichtlich knapp. Dies gilt auch für nicht angemeldete Haushaltshilfen" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Formelle und informelle Formen von Abrufarbeit in Deutschland: Eine Bestandsaufnahme zu Verbreitung und Prekaritätsrisiken (2019)

    Jaehrling, Karen; Kalina, Thorsten;


    Jaehrling, Karen & Thorsten Kalina (2019): Formelle und informelle Formen von Abrufarbeit in Deutschland. Eine Bestandsaufnahme zu Verbreitung und Prekaritätsrisiken. (IAQ-Report 2019-03), Duisburg, 24 S. DOI:10.17185/duepublico/49090


    "- Im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern ist Abrufarbeit in Deutschland relativ stark reguliert; nicht zuletzt durch die Anfang 2019 in Kraft getretene Reform des Arbeitszeitgesetzes.
    - In der Praxis bleiben dennoch Schutzlücken bestehen. Neben formellen lassen sich eine Reihe von informellen Varianten von Abrufarbeit identifizieren, an denen die Re-Regulierung vorbeigeht.
    - 2017 waren rund 5,4 Mio. Beschäftigte in formaler Abrufarbeit tätig, davon rund 1,7 Mio. auf der Basis von §12 TzBfG. Hinzu kamen 2,1 Mio. Beschäftigte ohne festgelegte vertragliche Arbeitszeit. Wie viele von ihnen sich informellen Varianten von Abrufarbeit zuordnen lassen, ist schwer zu bestimmen.
    - Formale Abrufarbeit tritt überproportional häufig in Kombination mit Niedriglöhnen und niedrigem Stundenvolumen auf. Das gilt auch für die Gruppe der Beschäftigten ohne vertraglich festgelegte Arbeitszeit. Hier besteht weiterer Forschungsbedarf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Patterns of precarious employment in a female-dominated sector in five welfare states: the case of paid domestic labor sector (2019)

    Jokela, Merita ;


    Jokela, Merita (2019): Patterns of precarious employment in a female-dominated sector in five welfare states. The case of paid domestic labor sector. In: Social Politics, Jg. 26, H. 1, S. 30-58. DOI:10.1093/sp/jxy016


    "This is the first quantitative comparative study that examines the relationship between paid domestic labor and precarious employment on the microlevel. Using the Luxembourg Income Study 2013/2014, it shows that across welfare regimes, domestic workers have a higher probability of working in precarious employment settings compared to other industries. Furthermore, the overlaps of two or more precarious employment settings are significantly more common in domestic work than among other industries in all countries examined. This is an important finding as it proves the high insecurity of the formal domestic labor industry even in countries with specific regulations regarding domestic work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work in transition: Labour market life expectancy and years spent in precarious employment in Spain 1986-2016 (2019)

    Lozano, Mariona ; Rentería, Elisenda;


    Lozano, Mariona & Elisenda Rentería (2019): Work in transition: Labour market life expectancy and years spent in precarious employment in Spain 1986-2016. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 145, H. 1, S. 185-200. DOI:10.1007/s11205-019-02091-2

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    The limits to mobility: Precarious work experiences among young Eastern Europeans in Spain (2019)

    Marcu, Silvia ;


    Marcu, Silvia (2019): The limits to mobility: Precarious work experiences among young Eastern Europeans in Spain. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 51, H. 4, S. 913-930. DOI:10.1177/0308518X19829085


    "This article contributes to the existing literature on the geography of mobility by examining the precarious work experiences of young people in relation to the limits to their mobility. Using 60 in-depth interviews with young immigrants from Eastern Europe who practised mobility to and from Spain, the article highlights the concern of 'limits to mobility' to show how respondents try to end their precarious work and labour instability in order to reach a stable destination. What are the limits to mobility? When is the peak reached? I argue that the limits to mobility can be explained by the interplay between the political-economic structure and people's spatiotemporal experiences. I have found three different types, depending on the life-course contexts in which young people live their limits to mobility: (1) mobility as tiredness-specific to those who have practised mobility to Spain and, after travelling, training and changing precarious jobs in several countries, try to move and settle in one place; (2) mobility as a labyrinth-situated between the fulfilment of objectives and the uncertainty of relocation; and (3) mobility as resistance to precarity through return-practised by people who migrated with their parents at an early age, who studied in Spain, but for professional reasons had to leave, and are currently either back in their countries of origin or in Spain. The limits to mobility have not as yet been researched in this way, and the findings may contribute to a refinement of the spatiotemporal framework of youth mobility." (Author's abstract, © 2019 a Pion publication) ((en))

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    Zwischen Ressource und Belastung: Zur Bedeutung der Paarbeziehung bei prekär Beschäftigten (2019)

    Motakef, Mona;


    Motakef, Mona (2019): Zwischen Ressource und Belastung. Zur Bedeutung der Paarbeziehung bei prekär Beschäftigten. In: Sozialer Sinn, Jg. 20, H. 1, S. 59-84. DOI:10.1515/sosi-2019-0003

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    Trade Union responses to zero hours work in Ireland (2019)

    Murphy, Caroline ; O'Brien, Mike ; O'Sullivan, Michelle ; MacMahon, Juliet ; Turner, Thomas ; Lavelle, Jonathan ; Gunnigle, Patrick ; Ryan, Lorraine ;


    Murphy, Caroline, Thomas Turner, Michelle O'Sullivan, Juliet MacMahon, Jonathan Lavelle, Lorraine Ryan, Patrick Gunnigle & Mike O'Brien (2019): Trade Union responses to zero hours work in Ireland. In: Industrial relations journal, Jg. 50, H. 5/6, S. 468-485. DOI:10.1111/irj.12271


    "This paper examines the strategies adopted by Irish unions in responding to zero hours work in four sectors. It concludes that rather than adopting either a passive or a uniform approach, unions have pragmatically varied their strategies to curtail zero-hours work through actively combining both bargaining and regulatory approaches." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Precarious work among young Danish employees: a permanent or transitory condition? (2019)

    Nielsen, Mette Lykke ; Dyreborg, Johnny ; Lipscomb, Hester J.;


    Nielsen, Mette Lykke, Johnny Dyreborg & Hester J. Lipscomb (2019): Precarious work among young Danish employees. A permanent or transitory condition? In: Journal of youth studies, Jg. 22, H. 1, S. 7-28. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2018.1469739


    "There is broad agreement that precarious work is a growing problem, and that it is highly prevalent among young employees. The financial crisis in 2008 has reinforced the need for knowledge about how precarious work affects young employees. This paper explores how the concept of precarious work may apply differentially to different groups of young people at work and whether this challenges the term 'transition', which until now has been one of the core elements within contemporary youth research. We examine discursive representations of precarious work, vulnerability and risks among young Danish employees aged 18-24 in the healthcare sector, the metal industry and retail trade captured in 46 interviews involving 74 participants. Results are discussed taking into consideration the Nordic welfare model with an active labour marked policy. We conclude that precarious work is not, in fact, simply a characteristic of young employees' work as such, but rather it is related to their position in the labour market and the type of jobs in which they are employed. While some are in transition, others are at risk of being trapped in precarious and risky working conditions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Rethinking precariousness and its evolution: a four-country study of work in food retail (2019)

    O'Brady, Sean ;


    O'Brady, Sean (2019): Rethinking precariousness and its evolution. A four-country study of work in food retail. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 25, H. 4, S. 327-344. DOI:10.1177/0959680118814339


    "This article analyses the expansion of precarious work in industrialized economies, integrating the welfare regime, risk shift and segmentation literatures. I examine trends in wages, working hours, pensions and healthcare in food retail in Canada, Germany, Sweden and the USA between 1980 and 2016. Precariousness increased in each country, but the form and degree of change differed markedly, reflecting the effects of product market competition, bargaining centralization and labour regulation." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job precariousness among lawyers in Spain (2019)

    Obiol-Francés, Sandra; Muñoz-Rodríguez, David; Santos-Ortega, Antonio;


    Obiol-Francés, Sandra, Antonio Santos-Ortega & David Muñoz-Rodríguez (2019): Job precariousness among lawyers in Spain. In: The journal of poverty and social justice, Jg. 27, H. 2, S. 279-294. DOI:10.1332/175982718X15451304489459


    "This article stems from an interest in discovering how working conditions have changed in qualified professions in Spain, concentrating on lawyers. Using a qualitative method, we have found significant sources of precariousness that are transforming the profession's ways. Throughout this article, light has been cast on the connections between the changing professional model of the lawyer's job over the past three decades and the emergence of precarious situations. Our findings highlight that there has been a transformation in the occupation of lawyers in Spain: income and professional careers are marked by extreme uncertainty, raising psychosocial risks." (Author's abstract, 䗏 2019 Policy Press) ((en))

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    Work in deregulated labour markets: a research agenda for precariousness (2019)

    Pulignano, Valeria ;


    Pulignano, Valeria (2019): Work in deregulated labour markets: a research agenda for precariousness. (European Trade Union Institute. Working paper 2019,03), Brüssel, 27 S.


    "The traditional dichotomy of paid versus unpaid work has a tendency to marginalise unpaid work when we attempt to conceptualise precariousness, leading to our perception that it involves exposure to the unpredictability of an individual’s future. A new theoretical and empirical perspective is thus required – one that breaks with the distinction between paid and unpaid work and rethinks precariousness in terms of the paid-unpaid continuum of work by identifying the unpaid activities that increasingly underlie paid employment as a source of ‘value’ creation in a deregulated labour market. This paper proposes an original heuristic analytical framework for the study of precariousness within the continuum of paid and unpaid work, while presenting its features, explaining the various underlying motives and shedding light on its scientific and policy-related dimensions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Führt Elternschaft in prekäre Beschäftigung? (2019)

    Stuth, Stefan ;


    Stuth, Stefan (2019): Führt Elternschaft in prekäre Beschäftigung? In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Jg. 46, H. 6, S. 44-57.


    "Was passiert mit Erwerbstätigen, die wegen der Kinderbetreuung nicht im gewünschten Umfang erwerbstätig sein können? Der Autor wirft in diesem Beitrag einen Blick auf die Betreuungslücke für Kleinkinder und ihre Folgen für die Beschäftigungsverhältnisse von Müttern und Vätern. Er zeigt, dass mit steigender Kinderzahl das Risiko der prekären Beschäftigung steigt – vor allem für Mütter in den alten Bundesländern, wo die Ganztagsbetreuung schwach ausgebaut ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Nicht-/Anerkennung im Lebenszusammenhang prekär Beschäftigter ohne Paarbeziehung: Kompensation oder Kumulation von Anerkennungsdefiziten? (2019)

    Wimbauer, Christine; Motakef, Mona;


    Wimbauer, Christine & Mona Motakef (2019): Nicht-/Anerkennung im Lebenszusammenhang prekär Beschäftigter ohne Paarbeziehung. Kompensation oder Kumulation von Anerkennungsdefiziten? In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 48, H. 5/6, S. 453-470. DOI:10.1515/zfsoz-2019-0031


    "Im Zentrum des Beitrages stehen Anerkennungsverhältnisse bei prekär Beschäftigten ohne Paarbeziehungen , die wir aus einer sinnverstehenden Perspektive auf den Lebenszusammenhang untersuchen : Werden erwerbsseitige Anerkennungsdefizite (und fehlende Paar-Liebe) in anderen Nahbeziehungen oder anderen Sinndimensionen kompensiert, abgefedert oder verstärkt? Grundlage ist Honneths Anerkennungstheorie, wonach ein gelungenes Selbstverhältnis – neben rechtlicher Anerkennung – intersubjektiver Anerkennung in der Erwerbssphäre und der Liebessphäre bedarf. Datenbasis sind acht narrative teil-leitfadengestützte Einzelinterviews mit prekär Beschäftigten ohne Paarbeziehung, die wir deutschlandweit zwischen 2014 und 2016 erhoben und hermeneutisch-fallrekonstruktiv ausgewertet haben. Empirisch fundiert werden drei idealtypische Konstellationen nachgezeichnet: Die Abmilderung erwerbsseitiger Anerkennungsdefizite durch Anerkennung in Nahbeziehungen oder alternativen Sinnquellen; ambivalente Relationierungen von Nicht-/Anerkennung in den Anerkennungssphären und die Kumulation multipler Anerkennungsdefizite . Zentral für eine oft verlaufskurvenförmige Kumulation von Anerkennungsdefiziten sind die gesellschaftliche Erwerbsarbeitszentrierung, Paarnormativität, die nicht adäquate Berücksichtigung von Sorgearbeit (Care) sowie von gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter)

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    Expediting youth's entry into employment whilst overlooking precariousness: Flexi-employability and disciplinary activation in Hong Kong (2019)

    Wong, Victor ; Au-Yeung, Tat Chor;


    Wong, Victor & Tat Chor Au-Yeung (2019): Expediting youth's entry into employment whilst overlooking precariousness. Flexi-employability and disciplinary activation in Hong Kong. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 53, H. 5, S. 793-809. DOI:10.1111/spol.12418


    "With an emphasis placed on supply-side interventions such as skills training and incentives enhancement, active labor market polices (ALMPs) are strongly promoted by international organizations and widely adopted across different welfare regimes to boost employment rates. This article first presents the under-examined relationship between ALMPs and employment precariousness, which has posed a challenge to the neoliberal notion of employability and activation. Youth-focused employment policies tend to speed up employment entry whilst downplaying the risk of precariousness and the importance of job quality, and thus further reinforcing the belief that engaging in precarious employment is tolerable if not inevitable. The article then examines the case of Hong Kong, which illustrates that its relatively low rate of youth unemployment may conceal the unfavorable employment conditions confronted by youth. It is argued that the service-led employment policies and short-term vocational training define the employability of young workers in terms of labor flexibilities. The coined phase of 'flexi-employability' is characterized by promoting youth's readiness for, and adaptability to, the volatilities and changing demands of the labor market. Arguably, the disciplinary approach to youth activation would only strengthen the work-first principle by enforcing young people to take up jobs available and leave welfare as soon as possible, but without thoroughly addressing the risks and insecurities generated by the labor market in undermining their well-being." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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