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Unternehmensgründungen durch Frauen

Unternehmensgründungen gelten als wichtiger Wachstumsfaktor der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung. Seit Jahren ist jedoch zu beobachten, dass mehr Männer als Frauen den Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit wagen. Auch wenn die Unterrepräsentanz von Frauen unter den Gründenden kein spezifisch deutsches, sondern ein internationales Phänomen ist, verweist sie doch auf - volkswirtschaftlich gesehen - ungenutzte Potenziale.
Die Infoplattform dokumentiert die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zu den Geschlechterdifferenzen im Gründungsgeschehen, deren Ausprägungen und Ursachen.

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    Female Solo-Entrepreneurs: Coping Strategies for Handling the Challenges and Double Burden of Business and Private Life (2022)

    Stossier, Theresa;


    Stossier, Theresa (2022): Female Solo-Entrepreneurs. Coping Strategies for Handling the Challenges and Double Burden of Business and Private Life. (BestMasters), Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, XVIII, 178 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-40336-2


    "Austria's economy is characterized through small and medium sized enterprises. Solo entrepreneurs are considered a special form within SMEs and contribute a major share to Austrian's economy besides being Austria's most popular legal form of organization within the micro firms. In 2020 every second of Carinthia's start-up businesses was established by a female entrepreneur. According to an entrepreneurship study presented by Volksbank in 2019, nearly half of all female entrepreneurs lived with children and juveniles. Two-thirds of women said they were solely responsible for family, childcare, and household and 71 percent of those female entrepreneurs specified that those circumstances caused difficulties for them. This book investigated Carinthian female solo entrepreneurs and aims to find out how these hard-working women manage their business and private life while contributing to such great extent to the (federal) state's economy. The conceptual foundations were found in embeddedness and the contextual framework which supports the importance of numerous influences on different levels placed on the entrepreneur. The empirical section represents a primary research that evaluates self-collected data sets of Carinthian solo-entrepreneurs. About the author Theresa Stossier completed a master's program in business administration at the Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt after education and bachelor studies in the field of tourism." (Provided by publisher)

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    Women's entrepreneurship and self-employment, including aspects of gendered Corporate Social Responsibility (2021)

    Bastida, Maria;


    Bastida, Maria (2021): Women's entrepreneurship and self-employment, including aspects of gendered Corporate Social Responsibility. Brüssel, 87 S. DOI:10.2861/284985


    "This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee. It highlights that despite the increasing number of public policies and institutional resources designed to promote women-led business, the entrepreneurship gender gap persists. This study aims to analyse this apparent contradiction, focusing on three main questions: What are the constraints that women face when deciding to become entrepreneurs? What factors attract women’s interest and motivate them to start their own business? And which policies may benefit women’s entrepreneurship?" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Aggregate Implications of Barriers to Female Entrepreneurship (2021)

    Chiplunkar, Gaurav; Goldberg, Pinelopi Koujianou;


    Chiplunkar, Gaurav & Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg (2021): Aggregate Implications of Barriers to Female Entrepreneurship. (NBER working paper 28486), Cambridge, MA, 53 S. DOI:10.3386/w28486


    "We develop a framework for identifying and quantifying barriers to entry and operation faced by female entrepreneurs in developing countries, and apply it to the Indian economy. We find that despite considerable progress over time, female entrepreneurs still face substantial entry and business registration costs (almost twice their male counterparts'). The costs of expanding a business, conditional on entry, are also substantially higher for women. However, there is one area in which female entrepreneurs have an advantage: hiring female workers is easier for them. We show that this pattern is not driven by the sectoral composition of female employment. Counterfactual simulations indicate that removing all excess barriers faced by women entrepreneurs would: (a) increase the fraction of female-owned firms significantly (nine times); (b) increase the real wages of female relative to male workers; and (c) generate substantial aggregate productivity and welfare gains (ca. 7% and 18% respectively). These large gains are due to reallocation: low productivity male-owned firms previously sheltered from female competition are replaced by higher productivity female-owned firms previously excluded from the economy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unternehmen: Warum gründen Frauen seltener? (2021)

    Gather, Claudia; Biermann, Ingrid;


    Gather, Claudia & Ingrid Biermann (2021): Unternehmen: Warum gründen Frauen seltener? In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 101, H. 11, S. 838-838. DOI:10.1007/s10273-021-3036-9


    "Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass strukturelle Gründe, wie die unterschiedliche Berufswahl, die Geschlechterunterschiede bei den Gründungen zu einem guten Teil erklären können. Hinzu kommt, dass das deutsche soziale Sicherungssystem Gründerinnen mit Kinderwunsch benachteiligt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    COVID-19: A Crisis of the Female Self-Employed (2021)

    Graeber, Daniel; Kritikos, Alexander S. ; Seebauer, Johannes;


    Graeber, Daniel, Alexander S. Kritikos & Johannes Seebauer (2021): COVID-19: A Crisis of the Female Self-Employed. In: Journal of Population Economics, Jg. 34, H. 4, S. 1141-1187. DOI:10.1007/s00148-021-00849-y


    "We investigate how the economic consequences of the pandemic and the government-mandated measures to contain its spread affect the self-employed — particularly women — in Germany. For our analysis, we use representative, real-time survey data in which respondents were asked about their situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our findings indicate that among the self-employed, who generally face a higher likelihood of income losses due to COVID-19 than employees, women are about one-third more likely to experience income losses than their male counterparts. We do not find a comparable gender gap among employees. Our results further suggest that the gender gap among the self-employed is largely explained by the fact that women disproportionately work in industries that are more severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our analysis of potential mechanisms reveals that women are significantly more likely to be impacted by government-imposed restrictions, e.g., the regulation of opening hours. We conclude that future policy measures intending to mitigate the consequences of such shocks should account for this considerable variation in economic hardship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    KfW-Start-up-Report 2021: Corona-Krise belastet Zahl der Start-ups - VC-affine Start-ups aber nur wenig betroffen (2021)

    Metzger, Georg;


    Metzger, Georg (2021): KfW-Start-up-Report 2021. Corona-Krise belastet Zahl der Start-ups - VC-affine Start-ups aber nur wenig betroffen. (KfW-Start-up-Report ...), Frankfurt am Main, 7 S.


    "Der Bestand an innovations- oder wachstumsorientierten jungen Unternehmen in Deutschland hat durch die Corona-Krise gelitten. Im Jahr 2020 ging die Zahl der Start-ups auf 47.000 zurück, nach 70.000 im Jahr 2019. Die deutlich geringere Zahl an Gründungen konnte offensichtlich die in diesem Segment typischerweise hohe Zahl der Schließungen nicht kompensieren. Im Vergleich zum Rückgang der Start-ups insgesamt blieb die Zahl der Venture Capital-affinen Start-ups mit 8.600 (2019: 9.400) dagegen erstaunlich stabil. Bei Start-ups sind im langjährigen Durchschnitt 20 % der Gründungspersonen Frauen. Das ist nur etwa halb so häufig wie im Gründungsgeschehen insgesamt. Davon ausgehend sinkt der Anteil von Gründerinnen sukzessive, je mehr Start-up-Merkmale in die Betrachtung einbezogen werden. Hierfür spielen geschlechterstereotype Verhaltensweisen eine Rolle. Die Weichenstellung hin zu mehr Start-up-Gründerinnen liegt also bereits weit vor der Gründung. Es braucht aber auch mehr erfolgreiche Rollenvorbilder. Hier hilft mehr Diversität im Venture Capital-Ökosystem, die den Zugang von Gründerinnen zu Venture Capital (VC) verbessert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers (2021)

    Naldi, Lucia; Markowska, Magdalena ; Ahl, Helene ; Baù, Massimo ;


    Naldi, Lucia, Massimo Baù, Helene Ahl & Magdalena Markowska (2021): Gender (in)equality within the household and business start-up among mothers. In: Small business economics, Jg. 56, H. 3, S. 903-918. DOI:10.1007/s11187-019-00275-1


    "Using data on all businesses started by mothers of young children in Sweden between 2000 and 2014, we explore which factors are associated with entrepreneurship among mothers. We find that being unemployed or being an immigrant is positively associated with business start-up by mothers; however, our findings show that what matters more is the paternity leave taken by the mothers' partners. These findings suggest that in institutional contexts such as Sweden, gender inequality is not a persistent feature of most households and that women can make career choices by negotiating with their partners who will make use of the parental benefits offered by the government." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Regional Differences in Women Entrepreneurship (2021)

    Türko, Esra Sena;


    Türko, Esra Sena (Hrsg.) (2021): Regional Differences in Women Entrepreneurship. Berlin: Peter Lang, 223 S.


    "In women entrepreneurship studies, the regional emphasis generally remained limited to the studies carried out within the scope of regional development. Regional differences were detected in many studies. However, unless the research was conducted within the theoretical framework of the regional economy, they were not discussed within this context. This book aims to represent the findings of studies on women entrepreneurship from various theoretical frameworks, which address differences and similarities at the regional level together and reveal the big picture. In addition, the factors causing differences in women entrepreneurship at the regional level and the topics, in which differences were observed, have been examined. The research involves conceptual and applied studies." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Entrepreneurship Policies through a Gender Lens (2021)


    OECD (2021): Entrepreneurship Policies through a Gender Lens. (OECD studies on SMEs and entrepreneurship), Paris, 165 S. DOI:10.1787/71c8f9c9-en


    "This publication examines how to strengthen the scope and effectiveness of entrepreneurship policies for women. It examines both dedicated measures for women and ensuring that mainstream policies for all entrepreneurs are appropriate for women. Evidence is offered on the gender gap in entrepreneurship and its causes. At the heart of the report are 27 policy insight notes by leading international experts on the role of public policy in facilitating entrepreneurship by women and how policies can be strengthened. They highlight many long‑standing issues related to the scope and effectiveness of women’s entrepreneurship policies – many of which have been exacerbated by the COVID‑19 pandemic – and point the way to more effective policy. Issues addressed include fostering a gender‑sensitive entrepreneurship culture, building entrepreneurship skills for women, improving women’s access to financial capital, supporting networks for women entrepreneurs and creating supportive regulatory environments. Issues in the design and delivery of policy support are also addressed. The report was prepared by the OECD in collaboration with members of the Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Policy Research Project (Global WEP), a network of established researchers from over 30 counties." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Female entrepreneurship: Public and private funding: industrial relations (2020)

    Demetriades, Stavroula; Cerf, Catherine;


    Demetriades, Stavroula (2020): Female entrepreneurship: Public and private funding. Industrial relations. (Eurofound research report / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions), Dublin, 46 S. DOI:10.2806/17117


    "Female entrepreneurs represent just a small proportion of the total number of entrepreneurs in the European Union today. Some of the hurdles facing female entrepreneurs – or would-be entrepreneurs – are related to getting adequate funding, access to the right networks, and finding the right information and advice. In the last few years, some private funds have realised that female founders are not always well served and there is a market gap when it comes to investing in women-led enterprises. This report examines the use of private funds to invest in female entrepreneurs in the European Union and Norway. In addition, it investigates the prevalence of public finance tools and public support schemes that effectively remove barriers and enable women to become competent entrepreneurs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Krisen von KMU: Herausforderung, Verlauf und Resilienz von frauen- und migrantengeführter Unternehmen (2020)

    Dienes, Christian; Schlepphorst, Susanne ;


    Dienes, Christian & Susanne Schlepphorst (2020): Krisen von KMU: Herausforderung, Verlauf und Resilienz von frauen- und migrantengeführter Unternehmen. Bonn, IV, 58 S.


    "Diese Studie untersucht den Krisenprozess von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen im Raum Frankfurt/Main. Dabei stehen vor allem die Herausforderungen migranten- und frauengeführter Unternehmen im Mittelpunkt. Auf Basis von insgesamt 527 befragten Unternehmen wurden 44,1 % als frauengeführt und 26,2 % als migrantengeführt identifiziert. Vier von zehn migrantengeführte Unternehmen haben in den letzten fünf Jahren eine Krise durchlaufen – ein höherer Anteil als nicht-migrantengeführte Unternehmen. Bei frauengeführten Unternehmen trat eine Krise bei drei von zehn Unternehmen auf, genauso häufig wie bei männergeführten Unternehmen. Im Großen und Ganzen bestehen zwischen migranten- und frauengeführten Unternehmen und ihren jeweiligen Pendants nur geringe Unterschiede. Dieser Befund spricht gegen gruppenspezifische Unterstützungsmaßnahmen. Allenfalls sollten Maßnahmen alle Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer ansprechen, unabhängig von deren Herkunft oder Geschlecht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    An entrepreneurship education and peer mentoring program for women in STEM: mentors’ experiences and perceptions of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intent (2020)

    Elliott, Catherine; Anis, Hanan; Mavriplis, Catherine ;


    Elliott, Catherine, Catherine Mavriplis & Hanan Anis (2020): An entrepreneurship education and peer mentoring program for women in STEM. Mentors’ experiences and perceptions of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intent. In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Jg. 16, H. 1, S. 43-67. DOI:10.1007/s11365-019-00624-2


    "Women are underrepresented in STEM and in entrepreneurship but are rare in STEM entrepreneurship. A gender-sensitive entrepreneurship education and peer mentoring program for women engineering and computer science students was developed to provide classroom instruction, experiential learning, and support to a small group of students. This paper reports on the experiences of student peer mentors in the program, in terms of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) and entrepreneurial intent (EI). Qualitative methods were adopted for this study. Student mentors were interviewed about their experiences and reported increased perceptions of entrepreneurial self-efficacy, a greater awareness of diversity and gender issues, and a changed perspective on problem solving and life in general. Student mentors reported a distinct interest in becoming an entrepreneur at “some time” in their lives, although not necessarily immediately upon graduation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Self-employment by gender in the EU: convergence and clusters (2020)

    Faria, João Ricardo; Gil-Alana, Luis ; Cuestas, Juan Carlos ; Mourelle, Estefania;


    Faria, João Ricardo, Juan Carlos Cuestas, Luis Gil-Alana & Estefania Mourelle (2020): Self-employment by gender in the EU: convergence and clusters. (Working paper / Universität Jaume I. Department of Economics 2020,22), Castellón de la Plana, 39 S.


    "This paper studies the convergence of self-employment by gender in the European Union, through tests for the order of integration and cluster analysis, in order to investigate the occurrence of two types of convergence: between genders and among European countries. The paper makes two contributions to the literature: 1) theoretically, it provides useful insights into the macroeconomic determinants of self-employment; 2) methodologically, it uses unit roots, fractional integration and cluster analysis to assess convergence. The empirical results point at mixed evidence of convergence, but with clear differences between the core and the periphery of Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women entrepreneurship in STEM fields: literature review and future research avenues (2020)

    Poggesi, Sara ; De Vita, Luisa; Mari, Michela; Foss, Lene;


    Poggesi, Sara, Michela Mari, Luisa De Vita & Lene Foss (2020): Women entrepreneurship in STEM fields. Literature review and future research avenues. In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Jg. 16, H. 1, S. 17-41. DOI:10.1007/s11365-019-00599-0


    "The aim of the paper is to explore the published management research on women entrepreneurs in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (also known as STEM) fields in order to offer a first, comprehensive state-of-the-art of this research. In doing so, a systematic literature review (SLR) of 32 papers has been undertaken. The results of this SLR show that the literature on this topic is still limited and fragmented. However, seeds have been sown for stimulating the theoretical debate and the empirical knowledge on these issues. Based on our analysis of these selected papers, we offer a vibrant research agenda for future developments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Analyzing the changing education distributions of solo self-employed workers and employer entrepreneurs in Europe (2020)

    van Stel, André ; van der Zwan, Peter;


    van Stel, André & Peter van der Zwan (2020): Analyzing the changing education distributions of solo self-employed workers and employer entrepreneurs in Europe. In: Small business economics, Jg. 55, H. 2, S. 429-445. DOI:10.1007/s11187-019-00243-9


    "Using macro-level data for 32 European countries, the present paper explores developments in the education distributions among solo self-employed workers and employer entrepreneurs in the non-agricultural economy over the period 1997–2014. Our dynamic analysis reveals that over this period, the number of solo self-employed workers, but particularly the high-educated solo self-employed, has increased considerably in Europe. This trend is even more pronounced for female solo self-employment. The education distribution of the solo self-employed is thus shifting quickly towards higher levels of education. Moreover, our static analysis based on 2014 reveals that, for the higher-developed countries within Europe (Western Europe including Scandinavia), solo self-employed and employer entrepreneurs are on average equally highly educated. We also find that the solo self-employed in Western Europe are considerably higher educated than their counterparts in the rest of Europe. In general, our results underline the rapidly increasing importance of, particularly high-educated, solo self-employed workers in modern, highly developed economies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Geringe Anzahl weiblicher Gründer in Start-ups: Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion der FDP (Drucksache 19/21698) (2020)


    Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (2020): Geringe Anzahl weiblicher Gründer in Start-ups. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion der FDP (Drucksache 19/21698). (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages. Drucksachen 19/22015), 10 S.


    Die Bundesregierung antwortet auf die Anfrage der FDP-Fraktion zur Anzahl weiblicher Gründerinnen in Start-ups. (IAB-Doku)

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    Life-course and entry to entrepreneurship: embedded in gender and gender-egalitarianism (2019)

    Cheraghi, Maryam; Wickstr øm, Kent Adsb øll; Klyver, Kim;


    Cheraghi, Maryam, Kent Adsb øll Wickstr øm & Kim Klyver (2019): Life-course and entry to entrepreneurship. Embedded in gender and gender-egalitarianism. In: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Jg. 31, H. 3/4, S. 242-258. DOI:10.1080/08985626.2018.1551791


    "Prior research has suggested that low gender egalitarianism results in a gender gap in entrepreneurship participation, as it provides men and women with different opportunities and constraints. However, this research has primarily relied on an unrealistic assumption, namely that gender-related opportunities and constraints occur evenly throughout different life stages. This paper details an institutional life-course model that explains gender-related patterns in individuals' propensity to enter entrepreneurship and contingencies related to the level of gender-egalitarianism in society and individuals' life stages. We test our conceptual model on a unique integrated dataset from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and the World Value Survey, encompassing a total of 672,781 adults in 71 countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender gap in self-employment: The role of risk attitudes (2019)

    Hayduk, Iryna; Williams, Donald R.;


    Hayduk, Iryna & Donald R. Williams (2019): Gender gap in self-employment. The role of risk attitudes. In: Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, Jg. 27, H. 3, S. 673-698. DOI:10.1111/ecot.12209


    "This paper examines the link between the willingness to take risk and the gender gap in self-employment in the transition economy, where for decades entrepreneurship was considered a crime. Using rich data on risk preferences and entrepreneurial activities, we show that male-female risk tolerance differential is the main determinant of the gender gap in self-employment in Ukraine. The decomposition results indicate that up to 38% of the gap can be attributed to this factor. Robustness tests support the validity of the baseline findings by suggesting that the results are not confounded by such factors as being unemployed before starting a current job, having a self-employed household member, or living in a relatively wealthy household before transitioning to self-employment." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Female founders monitor 2019 (2019)

    Hirschfeld, Alexander; Mütze, Janina; Gilde, Jannis;


    Hirschfeld, Alexander, Janina Mütze & Jannis Gilde (2019): Female founders monitor 2019. Berlin, 55 S.


    "Seit 2018 erscheint in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Google for Startups und unserem Startup-Unternehmerinnen-Netzwerk der Female Founders Monitor (FFM): Der FFM bringt die Startup-Forschung voran, indem er die Bedeutung von Gründerinnen und ihre Herausforderungen in den Mittelpunkt rückt. Auf diese Weise werden die spezifischen Motive von Gründerinnen und ihr besonderer Beitrag im Startup-Ökosystem sichtbar. Dabei geht es nicht zuletzt darum, neue Impulse für die Stärkung von Frauen in Wirtschaft und Politik zu setzen. Der nun vorliegende Female Founders Monitor 2019 zeigt uns, wo wir aktuell stehen und was noch zu tun ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Existenzgründungen von Frauen - aktuelle Entwicklungen (2019)

    Kay, Rosemarie ; Günterberg, Brigitte;


    Kay, Rosemarie & Brigitte Günterberg (2019): Existenzgründungen von Frauen - aktuelle Entwicklungen. (Daten und Fakten / Institut für Mittelstandsforschung Bonn 24), Bonn, VI, 33 S.


    "Frauen sind seit jeher im Gründungsgeschehen in Deutschland unterrepräsentiert. Diese Unterrepräsentanz hat sich in jüngerer Vergangenheit wieder verstärkt. Analysen auf Basis der Gewerbeanzeigenstatistik zeigen, dass dies zum einen darauf zurückzuführen ist, dass die Gründungsneigung von Frauen noch stärker als die der Männer zurückgegangen ist. Zum anderen trägt ein weit überdurchschnittliches Ausmaß an Gründungsaktivitäten von Männern aus den EU-8- und EU-2-Beitrittsstaaten, mit dem ihre Landsfrauen nicht mithalten können, dazu bei. Die von Frauen gegründeten Unternehmen weisen teilweise andere Branchenschwerpunkte als die von Männern gegründeten auf. Sie sind zumeist im Dienstleistungssektor angesiedelt. Im Bereich der freiberuflichen Gründungen sind Frauen sogar leicht überrepräsentiert. Qualitative Unterschiede im Hinblick auf Größe und Innovationspotenzial bestehen zwischen von Frauen und Männern gegründeten gewerblichen Einzelunternehmen kaum (mehr)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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