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Messung der Armut – Armutsforschung und Statistik

Armutsforschung und Sozialpolitik greifen bei der Definition und Messung von Armut auf verschiedene Konzepte, Daten und statistische Verfahren zurück. Verwendung finden dabei absolute und relative Armutsgrenzen, Warenkorbstandards aber auch Indikatoren für soziale Ungleichheit oder den Lebensstil. Dieses Themendossier präsentiert mit Literaturhinweisen wissenschaftliche Befunde und Diskussionen zur Armutsmessung.
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    Work Hours Volatility and Child Poverty: The Potential Mitigating Role of Safety Net Programs (2024)

    Cai, Julie;


    Cai, Julie (2024): Work Hours Volatility and Child Poverty: The Potential Mitigating Role of Safety Net Programs. In: Social forces, Jg. 102, H. 3, S. 902-925. DOI:10.1093/sf/soad109


    "Despite established links among persistent unemployment, low wages, and children’s economic well-being, social scientists have yet to document how variability in work hours is linked to child poverty. Our knowledge of the safety net’s heterogeneous responses to work-hour instability is also limited. This is of critical importance for scholars and policymakers. Using nationally representative data collected every 4 months, this paper examines how intra-year work-hour volatility is related to child poverty, measured through both the official poverty measure (OPM) and the supplemental poverty measure (SPM). It further assesses varying degrees of buffering effects of cash, in-kind benefits, and tax transfers on income in the context of work-hour volatility. Results indicate that more than one in four households (26%) facing the greatest volatility lived under the poverty line. Black and Hispanic children, as well as those living with unpartnered single mothers, faced substantially higher variability in household market hours worked. Hispanic children experienced not only greater volatility in their caregivers’ work hours but also higher poverty level, even after taking government programs into account. In-kind benefits are more effective in buffering household income declines resulting from unstable work hours, followed by tax transfers and cash benefits. The effectiveness of near-cash benefits is particularly salient among Black children and children of single mothers. These results provide new evidence to inform policy discussions surrounding the best ways to help socioeconomically disadvantaged families to retain benefits and smooth their income in the face of frequent variation in work hours and, thus, earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Kinderarmut – Fallstricke der Debatte (2024)

    Cremer, Georg;


    Cremer, Georg (2024): Kinderarmut – Fallstricke der Debatte. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 73, H. 4, S. 253-263. DOI:10.3790/sfo.2024.1436201


    "Die Existenz von Armut in einem Sozialstaat gilt weithin als Beleg seines Versagens. Die dominanten Konzepte, Armut zu messen, sind jedoch nicht geeignet, Fortschritte oder Rückschläge bei der Bekämpfung von Armut verlässlich zu bewerten. Die statistische Konvention der „Armutsrisikoquote“ wird in der politischen Diskussion als sozialpolitische Norm fehlinterpretiert. Gemessen an dieser Norm aber scheitert jede Politik zur Armutsbekämpfung. Wird die Zahl der Grundsicherungsbezieher als Armutsindikator genutzt, so scheint Armut umso verbreiteter zu sein, je mehr der Sozialstaat leistet, sie zu bekämpfen. Die Auseinandersetzung um die Kindergrundsicherung zeigt, dass diese konzeptionellen und kommunikativen Fallstricke die Verständigung über eine wirksame Politik der Armutsbekämpfung erschweren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Prognose von "Beyond GDP"-Indikatoren zur Einkommensverteilung (2024)

    Ederer, Stefan; Rocha-Akis, Silvia; Fink, Marian; Lechinger, Vanessa;


    Ederer, Stefan, Marian Fink, Silvia Rocha-Akis & Vanessa Lechinger (2024): Prognose von "Beyond GDP"-Indikatoren zur Einkommensverteilung. (WIFO Research Briefs 2024,05), Wien, 8 S.


    "Das WIFO erweitert seine Konjunkturprognose um zwei Indikatoren zur Einkommensentwicklung: das S80/S20-Einkommensquintilverhältnis und die Armutsgefährdungsquote. Beide sind wichtige Kennzahlen im Rahmen der Agenda 2030 der Vereinten Nationen sowie der "Beyond GDP"-Initiative der Europäischen Kommission, die einen breiteren Ansatz zur Messung von Wohlstand und Wohlergehen darstellen. Die beiden Indikatoren werden auf der Grundlage der EU-SILC-Daten mit Hilfe von EUROMOD berechnet. Wichtige Inputfaktoren sind dabei die Bevölkerungsprognose und die Haushaltsprognose von Statistik Austria sowie die Entwicklung von Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit, Lohneinkommen und Inflation basierend auf der jeweiligen WIFO-Konjunkturprognose. Da EU-SILC erst mit Verzögerung zur Verfügung steht, werden die beiden Indikatoren auch für vergangene Jahre geschätzt (Nowcast). Die Prognose für die Jahre 2024 und 2025 (Forecast) zeigt, dass die Indikatoren relativ stabil sind und innerhalb der üblichen Schwankungsbreiten liegen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    New measurement approaches to identifying spatial concentrations of poor and low-income households in German city regions (2024)

    Fina, Stefan; Dobusch, Diane; Weck, Sabine; Pfaffenbach, Carmella; Schmitz, Julian;


    Fina, Stefan, Julian Schmitz, Sabine Weck, Carmella Pfaffenbach & Diane Dobusch (2024): New measurement approaches to identifying spatial concentrations of poor and low-income households in German city regions. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, Jg. 82, H. 1, S. 40-54. DOI:10.14512/rur.1715


    "The question of whether 21st-century urbanization dynamics are leading to a suburbanization of poverty in Western city regions has been on the agenda of spatial researchers and housing policymakers for over a decade now. Persistent reurbanization trends are putting increased pressure on inner-city housing markets, resulting in affordability problems for low-income households. Evidence from the US and the UK shows that financing mechanisms in the real estate sector were severely disrupted in the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2009 and subsequent years, with many households losing their homes and being forced to move. Though social security systems and social housing policies generally have a moderating effect, they vary widely across Western countries. Against this background, this paper presents three spatial observation methods tailored to the spatial analysis of poverty concentrations in Germany. The methods are based on three popular conceptualizations of poverty: material poverty, relative poverty, and the concept of neighborhood deprivation. The main novelty presented in this paper is a cold-spot analysis of purchasing power in 33 city regions using interactive map visualizations and complemented by socioeconomic indicators. Expert feedback verifies the validity of the approach which addresses a ‘blind spot’ in assessing poverty in Germany, where many low-income households are increasingly exposed to risks of poverty despite not qualifying for social benefits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Quantitative assessment of the financial hardship in the euro area countries (2024)

    Ginevičius, Romualdas; Bilan, Yuriy ; Lisiński, Marek; Visokavičienė, Birutė Teodora;


    Ginevičius, Romualdas, Birutė Teodora Visokavičienė, Yuriy Bilan & Marek Lisiński (2024): Quantitative assessment of the financial hardship in the euro area countries. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 19. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0294886


    "The article examines financial hardship (FH) that appears as one of the essential socio-economic-financial categories reflecting a financial burden on society and therefore having a significant impact on the social and economic development of the country. The purpose of this article is to propose and approve a methodology for the complex quantitative assessment of financial difficulty, which allows comparing countries one another. The novelty of the conducted research is manifested by the formed financial hardship adequately exposing a system of indicators and suggesting the transformation of incomparable indicators into the comparable ones. The paper proposes a methodology for the integrated assessment of financial hardship based on multi-criteria methods, which contributes to solving the problems of the social sustainability and economic development of the countries employing different research methods. The proposed methodology provides a possibility of moving to a higher level of research comparing the countries as a whole, in line to the current status of FH. The actual benefits of the carried out research arise from the opportunity to envisage targeted measures for increasing social sustainability subject to the specific situation of the financial hardship of the countries thus removing the burdens of further economic development." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Incidence of Poverty in Working-age Population in EU Countries: A Gender Perspective (2024)

    Kovářová, Eva ; Vašenková, Tereza;


    Kovářová, Eva & Tereza Vašenková (2024): Incidence of Poverty in Working-age Population in EU Countries: A Gender Perspective. In: Prague Economic Papers, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 444-477. DOI:10.18267/j.pep.864


    "Poverty reduction has long been one of the political priorities of the European Union and its member states. Despite the political declarations and measures applied, poverty is still a phenomenon that affects the everyday lives of about 70 million Europeans. Moreover, trends in poverty incidence show how poverty risks are sensitive to overall socio-economic development and how they are more actual for some vulnerable population groups. Following the popular concept of poverty feminization, the analysis presented in the paper aims to identify gender perspective relationship between the poverty incidence and characteristics describing the situation on the labor market or the levels of attained education in EU-27 countries. Attention is paid to poverty incidence among women and men of working age (population aged from 25 to 54 years) and differences are examined in the relationship to the position of both genders on the labor market. Presented findings, based mainly on the results obtained from the panel regression analysis performed for the period 2007–2020, suggest that policymakers should integrate a gender perspective into all policies focused on poverty reduction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Poor and satisfied? A review of the monetary poverty indicator in the EU (2024)

    Martí, Mónica ; Ródenas, Carmen ;


    Martí, Mónica & Carmen Ródenas (2024): Poor and satisfied? A review of the monetary poverty indicator in the EU. In: The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Jg. 32, H. 1, S. 100-128. DOI:10.1332/17598273y2023d000000003


    "This article seeks to contribute to the generation of more accurate poverty indicators in the EU, by providing some further evidence of potential bias when joint income-wealth perspective on poverty measurement is not considered. Using the 2018 EU-SILC, we compare the individuals ’ financial satisfaction and his/her household classification as at risk of poverty (AROP). We detect a significant group of people whose households are classified as poor but who are satisfied with their economic situation. The explanations for this mismatch lie both in errors in the income estimation and in the presence of household wealth. Through an exploratory analysis with certain limitations, we find that those in this group have different characteristics from the rest of the poor and are more similar to those who are neither poor nor dissatisfied when we analyse economic stress and proxy wealth variables. The article supports the recommendation to revise the AROP indicator based on the joint income-wealth distribution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Policy Press) ((en))

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    Making ends meet: revisiting the consensual income approach to measuring poverty (2024)

    Saunders, Peter; Wong, Melissa;


    Saunders, Peter & Melissa Wong (2024): Making ends meet: revisiting the consensual income approach to measuring poverty. In: The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Jg. 32, H. 1, S. 129-146. DOI:10.1332/17598273y2023d000000010


    "Conventional (income-based) poverty measures have been criticised for being narrowly focused and failing to provide evidence that those identified as poor have an unacceptable standard of living. The consensual approach to deprivation addresses both weaknesses by drawing on community perceptions of what items are essential for all and establishing that those who do not have them cannot afford them. In contrast, the consensual income approach maintains the role of income as a key determinant of poverty but uses community perceptions of how much is needed to make ends meet to set a poverty line. Although perceptions vary widely, it is possible to estimate the income level at which people with that income would say that their current income is just enough to make ends meet. This article re-examines this approach drawing on recent developments in poverty research and using new data for Australia. The consensual poverty lines produced are shown to have similarities with those used in existing poverty studies, but also to exhibit important differences. An overlap measure is developed that includes those in consensual poverty who also indicate that their current income is not enough for them to make ends meet. The poverty rates produced by this overlap measure is shown to align with those based on the 50 per cent of median-income OECD equivalised poverty line used in most Australian studies. It is argued that the consensual income approach has the potential to advance our understanding of poverty beyond that provided by conventional income-based measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Policy Press) ((en))

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    On goodness of fit measures for Gini regression (2024)

    Shelef, Amit; Schechtman, Edna;


    Shelef, Amit & Edna Schechtman (2024): On goodness of fit measures for Gini regression. In: Economics Bulletin, Jg. 44, H. 1.


    "The semi parametric Gini regression is more robust than ordinary least squares (OLS) regression when the underlying assumptions of the OLS fail and therefore has been used by many researchers. Several measures for goodness of fit of Gini regression were suggested in the literature. However, to the best of our knowledge, these were not compared. We examine the effect of one outlier on several goodness of fit measures in the case of a simple linear regression model via simulation. We base our comparison on the sensitivity curve. As expected, all measures under study are less sensitive to the outlier as the sample size increases. Results indicate that the least sensitive measure to an outlier is Gini correlation between the predictor Y_hat, based on Gini regression, and the observed value Y." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The end of welfare states as we know them? A multidimensional perspective (2024)

    Sowula, Jakub ; Gehrig, Franziska; Scruggs, Lyle A. ; Ramalho Tafoya, Gabriela ; Seeleib-Kaiser, Martin;


    Sowula, Jakub, Franziska Gehrig, Lyle A. Scruggs, Martin Seeleib-Kaiser & Gabriela Ramalho Tafoya (2024): The end of welfare states as we know them? A multidimensional perspective. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 58, H. 5, S. 785-799. DOI:10.1111/spol.12990


    "This article highlights the limitations of unidimensional analyses in the comparative welfare state literature and emphasises the need for a more holistic, multidimensional approach incorporating social spending, welfare state outputs and outcomes. To illustrate the utility of a multidimensional approach, we examine the long‐term welfare state trajectories of Sweden and Germany, prototypical social‐democratic and conservative welfare states, respectively, and compare them against the baseline of Europe's prototypical liberal welfare state, the United Kingdom. The social spending (expenditure) and output (generosity) allowed us to identify significant changes in the Swedish welfare state (i.e., retrenchment). The outcome dimension alerts us to a policy drift in the German Welfare State, as relatively stable public spending and welfare generosity until the first half of the 2000s were nonetheless associated with sharply increased inequality and poverty. Overall, our findings suggest that a holistic, multidimensional approach is necessary to fully understand the complexities of welfare state change and continuity, as focusing solely on one dimension can lead to analytical misjudgments. The sharp rise in inequality and poverty across countries raises doubts about whether policymakers and researchers rely too much on outdated assumptions of normality that fail to meet the welfare state realities of today." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    A note on the measurement of poverty persistence (2024)

    Villar, Antonio ;


    Villar, Antonio (2024): A note on the measurement of poverty persistence. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 236. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2024.111571


    "This paper introduces a poverty index that incorporates poverty persistence as an integral part of poverty measurement within a multiperiod framework. Using familiar tools (logarithmic utilities and a utilitarian social welfare function) we obtain a mathematically straightforward poverty index, which can be interpreted as an estimate of the social cost of poverty. This index can be neatly decomposed into incidence, intensity, and inequality, and is additively decomposable by population subgroups. It consists of the log of the geometric mean of individual intertemporal utility losses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Exploring the disability–poverty nexus in children: a cross-national comparative analysis in Europe (2024)

    Vinck, Julie;


    Vinck, Julie (2024): Exploring the disability–poverty nexus in children: a cross-national comparative analysis in Europe. In: The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Jg. 32, H. 1, S. 65-99. DOI:10.1332/17598273y2023d000000006


    "By ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, states committed themselves to ensure an adequate standard of living and social protection to all persons with disabilities, including children. Yet, prior studies showed that children with disabilities are more likely to grow up poor. Existing research has mainly focused on single-country case studies or comparative analyses for low- and middle-income countries. Due to the lack of good quality data, comparative studies on poverty outcomes, its determinants and the poverty-reducing role of social transfers among children with disabilities in high-income countries are largely missing. This article addresses these gaps using the 2017 EU-SILC cross-sectional survey. The results show great differences across Europe in the prevalence of childhood disability, the poverty outcomes of children with disabilities and the poverty-reducing effectiveness of social transfers for them. In only a third of European countries are children with disabilities more likely to live in poor households than children without disabilities. Countries that perform weakly for children without disabilities also perform weakly for children with disabilities. Moreover, social transfers achieve more for children with disabilities in more than half of European countries. The family’s employment participation and social background have the expected poverty-reducing effects for children with disabilities and children without disabilities, though the strength of some effects differs between the two groups within certain geographical regions. However, the income-based poverty indicator disregards the higher costs families with children with disabilities face which underestimates their poverty risk. More research is needed on which poverty indicator accurately reflects the real living standards of children with disabilities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Policy Press) ((en))

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    Armutsmessung in Zeiten von Vielfachkrisen (2023)

    Badelt, Christoph; Heitzmann, Karin ;


    Badelt, Christoph & Karin Heitzmann (2023): Armutsmessung in Zeiten von Vielfachkrisen. In: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Jg. 49, H. 3, S. 17-48.


    "In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir, dass die traditionellen Armutsmaße nicht geeignet sind, ein adäquates Bild der sozialen Probleme zu zeichnen, die durch die jüngsten Krisen, vor allem durch die Inflation, verstärkt wurden. Vielmehr müsste ein breiteres Indikatorsystem zur Armutsmessung verwendet werden. Da dieses in der Praxis nur auf Stichprobenbasis dargestellt werden kann, steht die Sozialpolitik vor dem Dilemma, dass ein geeignetes Armutsmaß nicht gleichzeitig als Kriterium für automationsunterstützte Entscheidungen über die Förderung bestimmter Einzelpersonen dienen kann. Genau dies wäre allerdings für eine Sozialpolitik, die Unterstützungen zielgerichtet an Armutsbetroffene richten möchte, notwendig. Auch könnte Treffsicherheit nur in Einzelfallentscheidungen erzielt werden, wie sie in der Sozialarbeit (z. B. im Sozialhilfewesen) gefällt werden. Da es aber aus vielfältigen Gründen problematisch wäre, Sozialpolitik stärker in die Sozialarbeit zu ver-schieben, wird es wichtiger, durch eine präventive Sozialpolitik die Zahl jener Menschen, deren Grundbedarfe durch konventionelle Maßnahmen der (Sozial-)Politik nicht gesichert werden können, möglichst klein zu halten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Within, Between, and Beyond: A New Approach to Examining World Income Inequality (2023)

    Clark, Rob;


    Clark, Rob (2023): Within, Between, and Beyond: A New Approach to Examining World Income Inequality. In: Social forces, Jg. 102, H. 2, S. 403-429. DOI:10.1093/sf/soad051


    "World income inequality is comprised of uneven development between states and unequal distribution within states. Recent work shows that the “between-country” component still accounts for a majority of the total, but that attention is shifting to the “within-country” portion, which is growing in both absolute and relative terms. What is less appreciated, though, is that the way income is distributed within countries also plays an indirect role in how income differences are recognized between them. When a nation’s income distribution is highly unequal, its mean income is substantially larger than the income of its average person, thereby masking a depreciation in living standards for those residing in the middle. The practical effect of this distortion is that poor, unequal countries seem wealthier than they really are when using mean incomes to represent country averages, as is typically done. I address this shortcoming in prior work by estimating between-country inequality using median incomes. My analysis covers the 1990–2017 period for 123 countries that represent over 90 percent of the world’s population. According to Theil’s T, I find that (a) inequality in median incomes is almost 15 percent higher than inequality in mean incomes, and that (b) median incomes are converging about 7.5 percent more slowly than mean incomes. This translates to a higher level of world income inequality, which is likewise converging at a slower rate. Overall, I find that the direct and indirect effects of national inequality are now responsible for about half of the world’s income inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hinter den Fassaden: Zur Ungleichverteilung von Armut, Reichtum, Bildung und Ethnie in den deutschen Städten (2023)

    Helbig, Marcel ;


    Helbig, Marcel (2023): Hinter den Fassaden: Zur Ungleichverteilung von Armut, Reichtum, Bildung und Ethnie in den deutschen Städten. (WZB discussion paper P / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Forschungsgruppe der Präsidentin P 2023-003), Berlin, 210 S.


    "Wie ungleich sind Deutschlands Städte? Wo leben die Armen, wo die Wohlhabenden und wo die Akademiker? Diese Fragen beantwortet die vorliegende Studie sowohl im Querschnitt für die 153 größten deutschen Städte als auch in der zeitlichen Entwicklung. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien kann hier nicht nur auf Daten der Kommunalstatistik (101 Städte), sondern erstmals auch auf räumlich vergleichbare Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) für ganz Deutschland zurückgegriffen werden. Mit den Daten der BA ist es zudem erstmals möglich, soziale Ungleichheiten in deutschen Städten nicht nur anhand von Armutslagen (SGB II-Statistik), sondern auch anhand der Verteilung von hoher Bildung und hohen Einkommen zu analysieren. Die Daten der Kommunalstatistik liegen für die Jahre 2005 bis 2021 vor, die Daten der BA für die Jahre 2013 bis 2022." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job market polarization and American poverty (2023)

    Siddique, Abu Bakkar ;


    Siddique, Abu Bakkar (2023): Job market polarization and American poverty. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 57. DOI:10.1186/s12651-023-00356-5


    "The article posits that the puzzles of stagnating poverty rates amidst high growth and declining unemployment in the United States can be substantially explained by polarized job markets characterized by job quality and job distribution. In recent decades, there has been an increased number of poor-quality jobs and an unequal distribution of jobs in the developed world, particularly in the United States. I have calculated measures of uneven job distribution indices that account for the distribution of jobs across households. A higher value of the uneven job distribution indices implies that there are relatively large numbers of households with multiple employed people and households with no employed people. Similarly, poor-quality jobs are those jobs that do not offer full-time work. Two-way fixed-effect models estimate that higher uneven job distribution across households worsens aggregated poverty at the state level. Similarly, good-quality jobs help households escape poverty, whereas poor-quality jobs do not. This paper suggests that eradicating poverty requires the government to direct labor market policies to be tailored more toward distributing jobs from individuals to households and altering bad jobs into good jobs, rather than merely creating more jobs in the economy. This paper contributes by elaborating on relations of employment and poverty, addressing employment quality and distribution, and providing empirical evidence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Wohlstand, Armut und Reichtum neu ermittelt: Materielle Teilhabe aus mehrdimensionaler Perspektive : Bericht zum ersten Modul des Projekts "Materielle Teilhabe im Lebensverlauf" (2022)

    Becker, Irene; Tobsch, Verena; Schmidt, Tanja;


    Becker, Irene, Tanja Schmidt & Verena Tobsch (2022): Wohlstand, Armut und Reichtum neu ermittelt. Materielle Teilhabe aus mehrdimensionaler Perspektive : Bericht zum ersten Modul des Projekts "Materielle Teilhabe im Lebensverlauf". (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Study 472), Düsseldorf, 120 S.


    "Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt die Messung von Wohlstandsverteilungen in zweifacher Hinsicht weiter: Einkommen und Vermögen werden integrativ betrachtet; zudem wird mit der zusätzlichen Einbeziehung von Konsum und Sparen ein fundiertes Schichtungskonzept materieller Teilhabe für Deutschland entwickelt. Die Analysen führen zu einer mäßigen Modifizierung der gängigen Armuts- und Reichtumsgrenze. Seit 2000 hat die auf dieser Basis ermittelte Armutsquote deutlich zugenommen, wobei sich drastische Unterschiede nach Teilgruppen der Bevölkerung zeigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Coronabedingte Ungleichheit und Armut in Deutschland: Überschätzt oder unterschätzt? (2022)

    Dauderstädt, Michael;


    Dauderstädt, Michael (2022): Coronabedingte Ungleichheit und Armut in Deutschland: Überschätzt oder unterschätzt? In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 102, H. 1, S. 64-66. DOI:10.1007/s10273-022-3096-5


    "Anfang November 2021 veröffentlichten sowohl das europäische statistische Amt Eurostat als auch das deutsche Destatis die Ergebnisse der Haushaltsbefragung 2020 zu Einkommen und Lebensbedingungen (EU-SILC: Survey of Income and Living Conditions). Die Ergebnisse für Deutschland waren auf den ersten Blick schockierend: Die Ungleichheit, gemessen mit der Quintilsquote (S80/ S20-Quote), also das Verhältnis des Einkommens des reichsten Fünftels der Bevölkerung zu dem des ärmsten Fünftels, stieg von 4,89 auf 6,47. Die Armutsrisikoquote, die den Anteil der Bevölkerung mit einem Einkommen von weniger als 60 % des mittleren Einkommens angibt, kletterte von 17,4 % auf 24,0 %. Das wären über 5 Mio. zusätzlich von Armut(srisiken) betroffene Menschen in Deutschland. Tatsächlich dürfte die Entwicklung weit weniger dramatisch sein; denn Destatis hat 2020 sein Erhebungsverfahren verändert, weswegen die Werte für 2020 mit den Vorjahren nicht vergleichbar sind. Das lässt aber die Fragen offen, wie sich die Einkommensverteilung in Deutschland tatsächlich verändert hat und ob das alte oder das neue Erhebungsverfahren ein realistischeres Bild der deutschen Verhältnisse liefert. Wenden wir uns zuerst der Veränderung in der Pandemie zu." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Measuring Poverty Persistence (2022)

    Fusco, Alessio; Kerm, Philippe Van;


    Fusco, Alessio & Philippe Van Kerm (2022): Measuring Poverty Persistence. (LISER working papers 2022,02), Esch-sur-Alzette, 14 S.


    "This chapter reviews the literature on the measurement of poverty persistence. The review has two parts. We first cover the literature on poverty persistence indicators which develops “principled”, descriptive summary measures. We then review the econometric literature which teases out the determinants of poverty persistence. Finally, we describe the challenges and limitations the literature on poverty persistence face." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A new poverty indicator for Europe: The extended headcount ratio (2022)

    Goedemé, Tim ; Bosch, Karel van den; Decerf, Benoit;


    Goedemé, Tim, Benoit Decerf & Karel van den Bosch (2022): A new poverty indicator for Europe: The extended headcount ratio. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 287-301. DOI:10.1177/09589287221080414


    "The methodology currently used to measure poverty in the European Union faces some important limitations. Capturing key aspects of poverty is done using a dashboard of indicators, which often tell conflicting stories. We propose a new income-based measure of poverty for Europe that captures in a consistent way in a single indicator the level of relative poverty, the intensity of poverty, poverty with a threshold anchored in time and a pan-European perspective on poverty. To do so, we work with a recently developed poverty index, the extended headcount ratio (EHC) and derive the relevant poverty lines to apply the index to poverty in Europe. We show empirically that our measure consistently captures the aspects typically monitored using a variety of indicators and yields rankings that seem more aligned with intuitions than those obtained by these individual indicators. According to our measure, Eastern Europe has a much higher level of poverty than Southern Europe, which, in turn, has a considerably higher level of poverty than North-Western Europe. In North-Western Europe, the evolution of our measure over time correlates most strongly with the at-risk-of-poverty rate, while in Southern and Eastern Europe, it correlates most strongly with at-risk-of-poverty with the threshold anchored in time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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