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Berufsrückkehr – Wiedereinstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt

Die meisten Mütter und Väter wollen Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit vereinbaren. Stellt sich Nachwuchs ein, wird insbesondere von Frauen die Erwerbsarbeit zugunsten der Familie unterbrochen. Immer häufiger nehmen auch Männer Elternzeit in Anspruch. Wie gelingt der Wiedereinstieg von Eltern in den Beruf? Welche familienbewussten Maßnahmen greifen?
Die Infoplattform bietet Literatur zu arbeitsmarkt- und sozialpolitischen Erfolgsfaktoren und Handlungsbedarfen der beruflichen Reintegration.

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    Parental Leave: Economic Incentives and Cultural Change (2024)

    Albrecht, James; Vroman, Susan; Fernández, Raquel; Edin, Per-Anders ; Thoursie, Peter; Lee, Jiwon;


    Albrecht, James, Per-Anders Edin, Raquel Fernández, Jiwon Lee, Peter Thoursie & Susan Vroman (2024): Parental Leave: Economic Incentives and Cultural Change. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 32839), Cambridge, Mass, 49 S.


    "The distribution of parental leave uptake and childcare activities continues to conform to traditional gender roles. In 2002, with the goal of increasing gender equality, Sweden added a second “daddy month,” i.e., an additional month of pay-related parental leave reserved exclusively for each parent. This policy increased men's parental leave uptake and decreased women's, thereby increasing men's share. To understand how various factors contributed to these outcomes, we develop and estimate a quantitative model of the household in which preferences towards parental leave respond to peer behavior. We distinguish households by the education of the parents and ask the model to match key features of the parental leave distribution before and after the reform by gender and household type (the parents' education). We find that changed incentives and, especially, changed social norms played an important role in generating these outcomes whereas changed wage parameters, including the future wage penalty associated with different lengths of parental leave uptake, were minor contributors. We then use our model to evaluate three counterfactual policies designed to increase men's share of parental leave and conclude that giving each parent a non-transferable endowment of parental leave or only paying for the length of time equally taken by each parent would both dramatically increase men's share whereas decreasing childcare costs has almost no effect." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Is part-time employment a temporary 'stepping stone' or a lasting 'mommy track'? Legislation and mothers' transition to full-time employment in Germany (2024)

    Brehm, Uta ; Milewski, Nadja ;


    Brehm, Uta & Nadja Milewski (2024): Is part-time employment a temporary 'stepping stone' or a lasting 'mommy track'? Legislation and mothers' transition to full-time employment in Germany. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 34, H. 3, S. 354-369. DOI:10.1177/09589287231224607


    "Research on reconciling family and employment debates if maternal part-time employment works as ‘stepping stone’ to full-time employment or as gateway to a long-term ‘mommy track’. We analyze how mothers’ transition from part-time to full-time employment is shaped by changing reconciliation legislations and how this is moderated by reconciliation-relevant factors like individual behaviors and macro conditions. We extend the literature on work–family reconciliation by investigating mothers’ employment behavior after the birth of their last child, i.e., after the family formative phase. We draw upon Germany with its considerable regional and historical heterogeneity. Using event history methods on SOEP-data, we observe mothers who (re)enter part-time employment (i.e., up to 30 weekly working hours) after their last childbirth. Results suggest that the impact of reconciliation legislations depends on the moderation by other factors. Recent reconciliation-friendly legislations may have contributed to the polarization of maternal employment patterns: more and less employment-oriented mothers diverge sooner after childbirth than before. Legislations co-occur with increases both in childcare institutions and part-time culture, but their moderation effects compete. Hence, boosting part-time work as either a ‘stepping stone’ or a ‘mommy track’ requires a deep understanding of the mechanisms behind legislations as well as more explicit policy incentives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Elternzeiten während der Covid-19-Pandemie in Deutschland: Frauen, die in der Pandemie Mutter wurden, unterbrechen ihre Erwerbstätigkeit länger (2024)

    Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Frodermann, Corinna ; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Bächmann, Ann-Christin, Corinna Frodermann & Katharina Wrohlich (2024): Elternzeiten während der Covid-19-Pandemie in Deutschland: Frauen, die in der Pandemie Mutter wurden, unterbrechen ihre Erwerbstätigkeit länger. (IAB-Kurzbericht 17/2024), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2417


    "Die Geburt eines Kindes und die damit einhergehende Erwerbsunterbrechung haben für Mütter erhebliche Folgen für ihre weitere Karriere. Insbesondere die Dauer der Unterbrechung spielt hierfür eine wichtige Rolle. Infolge der Covid-19-Pandemie gab es weitreichende Umbrüche auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, etwa einen drastischen Anstieg der Kurzarbeit sowie zentrale Einschnitte in der außerhäuslichen Kinderbetreuung. Vor diesem Hintergrund haben die Autorinnen analysiert, ob sich familienbedingte Erwerbsunterbrechungen von Müttern während der Pandemie verlängert haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Birth Spacing and Working Mothers' Within-Organization Career Paths (2024)

    Carlson, Lisa ; Guzzo, Karen Benjamin ; Wu, Hsueh-Sheng;


    Carlson, Lisa, Karen Benjamin Guzzo & Hsueh-Sheng Wu (2024): Birth Spacing and Working Mothers' Within-Organization Career Paths. In: Socius, Jg. 10. DOI:10.1177/23780231241230845


    "The mechanisms behind mothers’ wage penalties remain unclear. In this article, the authors consider the role of birth spacing and changes in employers after a second birth. Using the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and competing risk event history models, the authors investigate how spacing between first and second births influences the likelihood of returning to a pre–second birth employer, changing employers, or remaining outside of the labor force within six months of the second birth. The authors find no differences in the influence of birth spacing on the likelihood of returning to an employer versus changing employers but that shorter birth spacings relate to lower likelihoods of returning to the labor market. There is some evidence that birth spacing and postbirth employment varies by age at first birth, marital status, and occupation. Overall, the results suggest that although birth spacing is relevant for returning postbirth to employment, job changes are unlikely to drive mothers’ wage penalties." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market gender gaps and childcare policies in countries with different social investment strategies (2024)

    Chłoń-Domińczak, Agnieszka; Kotowska, Irena E. ; Strzelecki, Paweł ; Bolesta, Karolina ; Smyk-Szymańska, Magdalena; Magda, Iga ;


    Chłoń-Domińczak, Agnieszka, Irena E. Kotowska, Iga Magda, Magdalena Smyk-Szymańska, Paweł Strzelecki & Karolina Bolesta (2024): Labour market gender gaps and childcare policies in countries with different social investment strategies. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 58, H. 4, S. 583-604. DOI:10.1111/spol.13031


    "We study the role of formal and informal childcare within the ECEC policies for gender employment and pay gaps, considering the life course stages distinctive for childcare tasks. The ECEC policies are framed within the types of social investment strategies identified in the EU countries to picture developments in social investments after 2005. The aggregated EU-SILC data from 2005 to 2019 for 27 European countries have been used in the panel regression models to uncover how the caring arrangements influence labor market gendered outcomes of women at different ages (15–24, 25–49, 50–65). We find that better provision and use of early education and childcare not only contribute to early investment in human capital but it also facilitates mothers' employment and thus contributes to lowering gender employment and pay gaps. However, better coverage of care for children older than 3 years old results in negative employment effects for grandmothers. These effects vary also across countries, depending on their overall institutional setting depicted by the types of social investment strategies distinguished. Consequently, the ECEC agenda should be extended by addressing the employment of women at the pre-retirement age. It is crucial not only for reducing gender gap in employment and pay but also in the light of challenges generated by demographic developments —the labor force shrinking and the population ageing processes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Work re-entry following maternity leave for first-time mothers: An events, social identity and intersectional theories informed identity work framework (2024)

    Cross, Christine ; Darcy, Colette ; Garavan, Thomas;


    Cross, Christine, Colette Darcy & Thomas Garavan (2024): Work re-entry following maternity leave for first-time mothers: An events, social identity and intersectional theories informed identity work framework. In: Gender, work & organization, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1111/gwao.13162


    "Many first-time mothers experience significant identity issues on work re-entry following maternity leave, an important individual and life-related event. Work re-entry prompts significant identity tensions leading to identity work challenges and potential career changes. We address this significant life event and develop a subjective identity informed conceptual framework explaining its key components and outcomes. We propose that for first-time mothers, re-entry following maternity leave triggers a cognitive and subjective assessment of identity threat and opportunity leading to the use of multiple identity work strategies to address personal, role, and collective identities. We analyze the impacts of these reworked identities and identity work for career decision making and outcomes. We theoretically underpin our framework using event systems, a subjective perspective on social identity and intersectional theories and in doing so, propose future research questions and highlight implications for national policy and organizational practices." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Family Formation and Employment Changes Among Descendants of Immigrants in France: A Multiprocess Analysis (2024)

    Delaporte, Isaure ; Kulu, Hill ;


    Delaporte, Isaure & Hill Kulu (2024): Family Formation and Employment Changes Among Descendants of Immigrants in France: A Multiprocess Analysis. In: European Journal of Population, Jg. 40. DOI:10.1007/s10680-024-09709-3


    "This paper investigates the association between family formation and the labour market trajectories of immigrants’ descendants overthe life course. Using rich data from the Trajectories and Origins survey from France, we apply multilevel event history models to analyse the transitions in and out of employment for both men and women by parity. We account for unobserved co-determinants of childbearing and employment by applying a simultaneous-equations modelling. Our analysis shows that women’s professional careers are negatively associated with childbirth. There are differences across descendant groups. The female descendants of Turkish immigrants are more likely to exit employment and less likely to re-enter employment following childbirth than women from other groups. The negative impact of childbearing on employment is slightly overestimated among women due to unobserved selection effects. Among men, the descendants of European immigrants are less likely to exit employment after having a child than other descendant groups. The study demonstrates the negative effect of childbearing on women’s employment, which is pronounced for some minority groups suggesting the need for further policies to help women reconcile work with family life." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Converging mothers’ employment trajectories between East and West Germany? A focus on the 2008-childcare-reform (2024)

    Fauser, Sophia ; Struffolino, Emanuela ; Levanon, Asaf ;


    Fauser, Sophia, Emanuela Struffolino & Asaf Levanon (2024): Converging mothers’ employment trajectories between East and West Germany? A focus on the 2008-childcare-reform. (SocArXiv papers), 24 S. DOI:10.31235/osf.io/kcgpm


    "Looking at a period of childcare expansion, we investigate East-West differences in employment trajectories around first childbirth in Germany over time to identify potential convergence. During Germany’s division (1945-1990), universal public childcare and female full-time employment were the norm in East Germany, while the male breadwinner model was dominant in the West. Even several years after reunification, East-West differences in women’s labor force behavior persist, although they are declining. In 2008, a widespread reform targeted the expansion of childcare availability to facilitate mother’s employment. We use sequence analysis methods to investigate East-West differences in mother’s employment trajectories around childbirth, comparing pre- (1990-2007) and post-reform (2008-2021) years. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1990-2021), the analysis comprises 355 East and 976 West German first-time mothers. Before the reform, employment trajectories between East and West German mothers differed in terms of timing and duration of employment states. After the reform, these differences decreased. Further analysis shows a convergence in the prevalence of post-birth part-time employment, nonetheless longer maternity leave is still more prevalent for West German and full-time employment for East German mothers. Employment trajectories of East and West German mothers have converged over the years. While childcare expansion might be contributing to this development, we still observe important East-West differences, especially regarding post-birth full-time employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Changing Fertility and Heterogeneous Motherhood Effects: Revisiting the Effects of a Parental Benefits Reform (2024)

    Fitzenberger, Bernd ; Seidlitz, Arnim;


    Fitzenberger, Bernd & Arnim Seidlitz (2024): Changing Fertility and Heterogeneous Motherhood Effects: Revisiting the Effects of a Parental Benefits Reform. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16966), Bonn, 54 S.


    "Using a semiparametric event study approach with a control group, we estimate the effect of motherhood on labor market outcomes in Germany, the child penalty. We further investigate how the 2007 parental benefits reform changed the child penalty while accounting for fertility effects. A large novel data set linking data from two administrative sources provides information on all births. Our estimation approach accounts for motherhood being a staggered treatment. The reform has small positive medium-run effects employment outcomes. It changes the selection into fertility and shows heterogeneous effects. However, the reform did little to reduce the average child penalty." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fitzenberger, Bernd ;
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    Labor Market Institutions and Fertility (2024)

    Guner, Nezih; Sánchez-Marcos, Virginia; Kaya, Ezgi ;


    Guner, Nezih, Ezgi Kaya & Virginia Sánchez-Marcos (2024): Labor Market Institutions and Fertility. (HCEO working paper / Human capital and economic opportunity global working group 2024,006), Chicago, Ill., 74 S.


    "Among high-income countries, fertility rates differ significantly, with some experiencing total fertility rates as low as 1 to 1.3 children per woman. However, the reasons behind low fertility rates are not well understood. We show that uncertainty created by dual labor markets, the coexistence of temporary and open-ended contracts, and the inflexibility of work schedules are crucial to understanding low fertility. Using rich administrative data from the Spanish Social Security records, we document that temporary contracts are associated with a lower probability of first birth. With Time Use data, we also show that women with children are less likely to work in jobs with split-shift schedules. Such jobs have a long break in the middle of the day, and present a concrete example of inflexible work arrangements and fixed time cost of work. We then build a life-cycle model in which married women decide whether to work, how many children to have, and when to have them. Reforms that eliminate duality or split-shift schedules increase women's labor force participation and reduce the employment gap between mothers and non-mothers. They also increase fertility for women who are employed. Reforming these labor market institutions and providing childcare subsidies would increase the completed fertility of married women to 1.8 children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Early child care, maternal labor supply, and gender equality: A randomized controlled trial (2024)

    Hermes, Henning ; Lergetporer, Philipp; Wiederhold, Simon; Peter, Frauke ; Krauß, Marina;


    Hermes, Henning, Marina Krauß, Philipp Lergetporer, Frauke Peter & Simon Wiederhold (2024): Early child care, maternal labor supply, and gender equality: A randomized controlled trial. (IWH-Diskussionspapiere / Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle 2024,14), Halle, 64 S.


    "We provide experimental evidence that enabling access to universal early child care increases maternal labor supply and promotes gender equality among families with lower socioeconomic status (SES). Our intervention offers information and customized help with child care applications, leading to a boost in child care enrollment among lower-SES families. 18 months after the intervention, we find substantial increases in maternal full-time employment (+160%), maternal earnings (+22%), and household income (+10%). Intriguingly, the positive employment effects are not only driven by extended hours at child care centers, but also by an increase in care hours by fathers. Gender equality also benefits more broadly from better access to child care: The treatment improves a gender equality index that combines information on intra-household division of working hours, care hours, and earnings by 40% of a standard deviation, with significant increases in each dimension. For higher-SES families, we consistently observe negligible, insignificant treatment effects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How Does the Provision of Childcare Services Affect Mothers' Employment Intentions? Empirical Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment (2024)

    Oehrli, Dominique ; Stadelmann-Steffen, Isabelle ; Lütolf, Meret;


    Oehrli, Dominique, Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen & Meret Lütolf (2024): How Does the Provision of Childcare Services Affect Mothers' Employment Intentions? Empirical Evidence from a Conjoint Experiment. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 53, S. 450-469. DOI:10.1017/S0047279422000423


    "Numerous studies have demonstrated that the provision of early childhood education and childcare services (ECEC) is associated with higher women’s participation in the labor market.However, many questions about the causal relationship between the supply of childcare and patterns of female employment remain open. In an effort to overcome common endogeneity problems, we conducted a conjoint experiment in Switzerland, which enables us to analyze mothers’ employmentintentions in different – and even in some hypothetical – contexts. Our results demonstrate that improving the provision of ECEC services does affect mothers’ intentions to engage in paid labor. Nevertheless, mothers comprise a heterogeneous group. As expected, ECEC services’effects are limited for mothers with comparatively high levels of employment. In contrast, mothers with low levels of employment are quite reactive to changing policy contexts, especially if external childcare spots for preschoolers become affordable. Notably, elasticity is present not only in the behavior of women with preferences for supplementary, external childcare, but also in that of women with preferences for parental or home-centered childcare. Our study thus highlights childcare policies ’ potential to change the patterns of female employment in contexts marked by persistent traditional gender roles and limited childcare provision." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    “I feel like I am betraying my child”: The socio-politics of maternal guilt and shame (2024)

    Rúdólfsdóttir, Annadís Greta ; Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís ;


    Rúdólfsdóttir, Annadís Greta & Auður Magndís Auðardóttir (2024): “I feel like I am betraying my child”: The socio-politics of maternal guilt and shame. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 31, H. 6, S. 2733-2748. DOI:10.1111/gwao.13124


    "In this paper, we explore maternal shame and guilt as affective derivatives of social regulations of motherhood in Iceland, which is internationally perceived as a frontrunner in gender equality. We analyze 450 qualitative questionnaires completed by parents describing feelings of guilt and shame in connection to parenthood. We use 76 questionnaires completed by fathers to contrast and compare to answers from mothers to better understand the affective-discursive workings of motherhood. The affective-discursive analytical framework allows us to understand affective pulls, pushes, power dynamics and their social politics. The findings are contextualized in the Nordic welfare state, neoliberalism, the current ethos of intensive mothering. The recurrent thread running through the data is the idea of the ever-present mother, and under this umbrella concept, we have developed two affective-discursive themes: (i) the guilt of working (long hours) and having to arrange for childcare and (ii) failing to be 100% present for the child. We conclude that the emotions of guilt and shame are consistently present in mothers' lives, much more so than in fathers' lives, and that this gendered pattern is both caused by and serves to reinforce the age-old cultural mandate that mothers are primarily responsible for child rearing. The marks of intensive mothering are evident in mothers' description of feeling guilty for everyday tasks such as working, cleaning, studying, arranging for daycare, sending their children to preschool, and attending to their own needs. This gendered pattern suggests that the gender equality cornerstone of the Nordic welfare state might be at risk as important institutions, such as preschools, are perceived as inferior to mothers' constant attention." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Parenthood, earnings, and the relevance of family formation sequences (2024)

    Yu, Wei-hsin ; Kuo, Janet Chen-Lan;


    Yu, Wei-hsin & Janet Chen-Lan Kuo (2024): Parenthood, earnings, and the relevance of family formation sequences. In: Social science research, Jg. 121. DOI:10.1016/j.ssresearch.2024.103027


    "Prior research sheds little light on how shifts in family formation trajectories have implications for recent cohorts’ earnings gains and losses with childbearing. Using longitudinal data from a contemporary cohort, we examine how the pay premium or penalty for parents varies by their relationship status at childbirth and subsequent changes in the status. Fixed effects models show that children born to unpartnered women are associated with substantial pay penalties for the mothers. Conversely, women giving birth within cohabiting or marital unions experience small or no motherhood penalties. For residential fathers, only children born after marriage are linked to pay increases. Men having children while cohabiting or unpartnered receive no fatherhood premiums even if they later transition into marriage. Married mothers’ earnings outcomes also depend on their sequence of marriage and childbearing. Whereas women bearing children before marriage encounter a substantial motherhood penalty, those doing so after marriage face none. The variation in parenthood penalties or premiums by childbearing context cannot be entirely elucidated by the differences in the age of entering parenthood, ethnoracial composition, education, or pre-parenthood earnings growth rate among people having children in various contexts. We suggest that the family formation sequence is related to individuals’ expectations and the support they receive for their parental roles, which shape parenthood earnings outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Part-time subsidies and maternal reemployment: Evidence from a difference-in-differences analysis (2024)

    Zimmert, Franziska ; Zimmert, Michael;


    Zimmert, Franziska & Michael Zimmert (2024): Part-time subsidies and maternal reemployment: Evidence from a difference-in-differences analysis. In: Journal of Applied Econometrics, Jg. 39, H. 6, S. 1149-1171., 2024-06-01. DOI:10.1002/jae.3072


    "Employment interruptions of mothers are still one of the main causes for different labor market outcomes between women and men. Employment subsidies can incentivise mothers to shorten employment interruptions after childbirth. We examine a German parental leave reform incentivizing an early return to part-time work. Exploiting the exogenous variation defined by the child's birthday, we apply unconditional difference-in-differences (DiD) estimation using administrative data. Machine learning augmented DiD estimation shows that our findings are robust to the inclusion of a large dictionary of potential covariates. Additionally, we estimate conditional effects in the DiD setting. Our results show that being eligible to the new regime yields positive average employment effects that are mainly driven by part-time employment. In particular, the increased attractiveness of part-time work does not cannibalize full-time employment. The policy creates heterogeneous incentives depending on the opportunity costs of working part time: especially mothers with middle income and prior part-time workers respond to the reform. Besides, diverging results for East and West Germany hint at the potential of a change in social norms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Erwerbsverläufe und frühzeitige Aktivierung von Bedarfsgemeinschaften mit kleinen Kindern (2023)

    Artmann, Elisabeth;


    Artmann, Elisabeth (2023): Erwerbsverläufe und frühzeitige Aktivierung von Bedarfsgemeinschaften mit kleinen Kindern. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2023), Nürnberg, 36 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2303


    "Arbeitslosengeld-II-Beziehende sind grundsätzlich verpflichtet, Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um ihren Leistungsbezug zu beenden oder zu verringern. Dazu zählt die Pflicht zur Arbeitssuche und Teilnahme an angebotenen Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Eine Ausnahme von dieser Regelung betrifft Bedarfsgemeinschaften, die Kinder unter drei Jahren betreuen. Hier kann sich ein Partner auf die Erziehung des Kindes berufen und muss dem Arbeitsmarkt nicht zur Verfügung stehen, kann dies aber auf freiwilliger Basis tun. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht untersucht anhand von administrativen Daten zunächst, wie sich die Arbeitsmarktverläufe von Eltern im Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bezug in den ersten vier Lebensjahren ihres Kindes entwickeln. Des Weiteren wird analysiert, in welchem Umfang Mütter und Väter in diesem Zeitraum von den Jobcentern in gemeinsamen Einrichtungen aktiviert werden. Im Sinne von Aktivierung werden sowohl Betreuungstermine im Jobcenter als auch Teilnahmen an arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen betrachtet. Die Stichprobe für diese Untersuchungen umfasst Bedarfsgemeinschaften, in denen in den Jahren 2014 oder 2015 ein Kind geboren wurde und die zumindest am Tag der Geburt des Kindes Arbeitslosengeld II bezogen. Die Erwerbsverläufe von Müttern und Vätern weisen darauf hin, dass vor allem Frauen die Betreuung der Kinder übernehmen und für den Arbeitsmarkt nicht verfügbar sind. Ein wesentlicher Teil der Mütter in der Stichprobe ist in den ersten drei Lebensjahren des Kindes als „nicht arbeitsuchend” gemeldet, während der Anteil von Müttern in sozialversicherungspflichtiger Beschäftigung mit dem Alter des Kindes zunimmt, aber während des Beobachtungszeitraums niedrig bleibt. Nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes zeigt sich insgesamt ein Sprung in den Arbeitsuchendmeldungen von Frauen und ein geringer Anstieg in den Teilnahmen an arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen. Dieses Muster ist vor allem auf westdeutsche Frauen zurückzuführen, den bei ostdeutschen Frauen nehmen sowohl die Arbeitsuchendmeldungen als auch die Beschäftigungsquote bereits nach dem ersten Geburtstag des Kindes sprunghaft zu. Die Erwerbsverläufe von Vätern scheinen hingegen kaum von der Geburt ihres Kindes beeinflusst zu werden, sie sind durchgehend häufiger in Beschäftigung bzw. arbeitsuchend gemeldet als Frauen. Auch nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes zeigen sich allenfalls geringe Veränderungen in den Erwerbsverläufen der Väter. Mütter werden im Beobachtungszeitraum dieser Studie in den ersten drei Lebensjahren ihres Kindes insgesamt nur sehr eingeschränkt aktiviert. Sowohl die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Betreuungstermine je Jobcenter als auch der Anteil an Frauen in arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen sind deutlich geringer als die entsprechenden Zahlen für Väter. Jedoch zeigen sich für Mütter auch bei der Aktivierungsintensität wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen ost- und westdeutschen Jobcentern. Mütter in ostdeutschen Jobcentern nehmen bereits nach dem ersten Geburtstag ihres Kindes zunehmend Betreuungstermine wahr und an Maßnahmen teil, während sich bei Müttern in westdeutschen Jobcentern vor allem nach dem dritten Geburtstag des Kindes eine Zunahme der Aktivierungsintensität zeigt. Rund vier Jahre nach der Geburt ihres Kindes sind etwas weniger als 20 Prozent der westdeutschen Mütter sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt, aber rund 28 Prozent der ostdeutschen Mütter. Kausale Effekte frühzeitiger Aktivierung auf die Erwerbschancen der Eltern lassen sich mit den vorliegenden Daten jedoch nicht bestimmen, unter anderem weil sich die Teilnehmenden an frühzeitigen Aktivierungsmaßnahmen von denjenigen unterscheiden, die nicht teilnehmen. Im Rahmen eines Feldexperiments ließe sich für derartige (Selbst-)Selektionen kontrollieren, da die Zielgruppe zufällig einer Interventions- und Kontrollgruppe zugeordnet werden könnte. Aufgrund der Zufallszuordnung könnten spätere Unterschiede in den Arbeitsmarktergebnissen zwischen beiden Gruppen als kausale Effekte der Intervention (z.B. eine intensivere Frühaktivierung) interpretiert werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Artmann, Elisabeth;
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    Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg (2023)

    Bacher, Johann; Lankmayer, Thomas; Beham-Rabanser, Martina;


    Bacher, Johann, Martina Beham-Rabanser & Thomas Lankmayer (Hrsg.) (2023): Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg. Wiesbaden: Springer, 247 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-38040-3


    "Der österreichische Arbeitsmarkt ist durch eine starke Geschlechtersegregation geprägt, die sich dadurch charakterisiert, dass Frauen andere, häufig schlechter bezahlte Berufe ausüben als Männer und in hohem Ausmaß Teilzeit arbeiten, wenn sie Kinder haben, mit der Folge, dass sie weniger verdienen und auch geringere Pensionen beziehen werden. Diese Geschlechterunterschiede sind in der einschlägigen Literatur vielfach beleuchtet und zeigen Benachteiligungen von Frauen gegenüber Männern am Arbeitsmarkt auf. Demgegenüber lässt sich für den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt eine höhere Arbeitslosigkeit der Männer gegenüber den Frauen beobachten. Forschungsbefunde deuten zudem darauf hin, dass Frauen ein beruflicher Wiedereinstieg leichter gelingt als Männern. Obwohl diese Geschlechterunterschiede in vielen Evaluierungen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Österreich gefunden wurden, wurden sie bisher nicht systematisch untersucht. Dementsprechend fehlen auch (empirisch gesicherte) Erklärungsansätze. An diese Forschungslücke knüpft die vorliegende Publikation an. Sie basiert auf einem breit angelegten Forschungsprojekt und verfolgt das Ziel, Geschlechterunterschiede beim beruflichen Wiedereinstieg systematisch zu beleuchten und Erklärungsansätze für diese empirisch zu prüfen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Maternal employment effects of paid parental leave (2023)

    Bergemann, Annette; Riphahn, Regina T. ;


    Bergemann, Annette & Regina T. Riphahn (2023): Maternal employment effects of paid parental leave. In: Journal of Population Economics, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 139-178. DOI:10.1007/s00148-021-00878-7


    "We study the short-, medium-, and long-run employment effects of a substantial change in Germany's parental leave benefit program. In 2007, a means-tested parental leave transfer program that paid benefits for up to 2 years was replaced with an earnings-related transfer that paid benefits for up to 1 year. The reform changed the regulation for prior benefit recipients and added benefits for those who were not eligible before. Although long-run labor force participation did not change substantially—the reform sped up mothers' labor market return after their benefits expired. Likely pathways for this substantial reform effect are changes in social norms and in mothers' preferences for economic independence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Selection into maternity leave length and long-run maternal health in Germany (2023)

    Bister, Lara ; Eibich, Peter ; Hedel, Karen van; Rutigliano, Roberta; Kühn, Mine ;


    Bister, Lara, Peter Eibich, Roberta Rutigliano, Mine Kühn & Karen van Hedel (2023): Selection into maternity leave length and long-run maternal health in Germany. In: Journal of Social Policy, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1017/S0047279423000429


    "Existing literature shows the importance of maternity leave as a strategy for women to balance work and family responsibilities. However, only a few studies focused on the long-run impact of maternity leave length on maternal health. Therefore, how exactly they are related remains unclear. We examine women’s selection into different lengths of maternity leave as a potential explanation for the inconclusive findings in the literature on the association between maternity leave and maternal health. This study aims to unravel the association between maternity leave length and mothers’ long-term health in Germany. Drawing on detailed data from the German Statutory Pension Fund (DRV), we estimated the association between maternity leave length and sick leave from 3 years following their child’s birth for 4,243 women living in Germany in 2015 by applying discrete-time logistic regression. Our results show a negative relationship between maternity-leave length and long-term maternal health, likely driven by negative health selection. Long maternity leaves of more than 24 months were associated with worse maternal health in the long run, while a positive association emerged for vulnerable women with pre-existing health problems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen (2023)

    Frodermann, Corinna ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ; Filser, Andreas ;


    Frodermann, Corinna, Andreas Filser & Ann-Christin Bächmann (2023): Elternzeiten von verheirateten Paaren: Mütter kehren meist schneller auf den Arbeitsmarkt zurück, wenn ihre Partner Elternzeit nehmen. (IAB-Kurzbericht 1/2023), Nürnberg, 8 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.KB.2301


    "Seit der Einführung des Elterngeldes im Jahr 2007 steigt der Anteil von Vätern, die nach der Geburt eines Kindes ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbrechen. Dieses stärkere Engagement der Väter geht auch mit einer schnelleren Arbeitsmarktrückkehr von Müttern einher. Paarinterne Aufteilungsmuster zeigen allerdings, dass bei vielen Ehepaaren nach wie vor nur die Mutter ihre Erwerbstätigkeit unterbricht, während der Großteil der Väter keine Elternzeit nimmt. Wenn Väter ebenfalls unterbrechen, dann vorrangig für maximal zwei Monate. Die vorgelegten Befunde machen insgesamt deutlich, dass verheiratete Paare in Deutschland nach wie vor weit davon entfernt sind, Sorge- und Erwerbsarbeit gleich aufzuteilen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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