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Soziale Herkunft und Arbeitsmarktchancen

Soziale Herkunft bezeichnet die sozio-kulturelle sowie die ökonomische Situation in der Familie. Der Zugang zu Bildung, beruflicher Aufstieg und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe werden durch die soziale Herkunft stark beeinflusst. Dieses Themendossier enthält wissenschaftliche Literatur zu den Auswirkungen sozialer Herkunft auf die Chancen am Arbeitsmarkt.

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    On the Origins of Socioeconomic Inequalities: Evidence from Twin Families (2024)

    Bingley, Paul; Cappellari, Lorenzo; Tatsiramos, Konstantinos;


    Bingley, Paul, Lorenzo Cappellari & Konstantinos Tatsiramos (2024): On the Origins of Socioeconomic Inequalities: Evidence from Twin Families. (LISER working papers), Esch-sur-Alzette, 56 S.


    "Using Danish Twins Registry and population data, we link twins with their relatives to evaluate the controversial assumptions of the classic twin model and decompose socioeconomic inequality into genetic (heritability) and environmental factors. We reject the equal environments assumption, finding that the classic model overestimates heritability. Heritability explains 9% of variation in education and 14-16% in earnings, income, and wealth, helping to fill the ‘missing heritability’ gap between the classic twin model and Genome-Wide Association Studies. Shared environments account for 26-42% of these variances and 45-81% of intergenerational persistence. These findings reconcile estimates from twin and adoptee studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic returns to reproducing parents' field of study (2024)

    Birkelund, Jesper Fels ;


    Birkelund, Jesper Fels (2024): Economic returns to reproducing parents' field of study. In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 75, H. 3, S. 303-321. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.13090


    "Research on the influence of family background on college graduates' earnings has not considered the importance of the match between parents' and children's field of study. Using a novel design based on within-family comparisons, I examine long-term earnings returns to reproducing parents' field of study in Denmark. I find that individuals whose field of study matches that of a parent have earnings that are 2 percent higher than those of their siblings with college degrees in different fields, on average. Earnings returns to field inheritance are highest in the fields of law (9 percent), medicine (6 percent), and engineering (4 percent) and are driven mainly by income from self-employment. I find no direct evidence of nepotism as the earnings advantage does not arise from inheritance of parents' firms or employment in parents' occupational network. My findings indicate that, although a college degree generally equalizes family background differences in economic outcomes, there are additional payoffs to field inheritance, particularly in traditional fields characterized by a high degree of social closure and self-employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Mechanisms of Upward Social Mobility: A qualitative analysis of class-specific careers in law and educational science (2024)

    Blome, Frerk;


    Blome, Frerk (2024): Mechanisms of Upward Social Mobility. A qualitative analysis of class-specific careers in law and educational science. In: C. Gross & S. Jaksztat (Hrsg.) (2024): Career Paths Inside and Outside Academia (=Soziale Welt. Special Edition 26), S. 372-406. DOI:10.5771/9783748925590-372


    "Hochschulen sind entscheidend für die (Re-)Produktion und Legitimation sozialer Ungleichheiten und wurden in diesem Zusammenhang vornehmlich mit Blick auf Studierende untersucht. Die Wissenschaftskarriere hingegen wurde vor dem Hintergrund klassenspezifischer Ungleichheiten bisher kaum erforscht. Die wenigen vorliegenden Studien verweisen auf eine Unterrepräsentation von weniger herkunftsprivilegierten Wissenschaftler:innen und konzentrieren sich in ihrer Erklärung auf die Reproduktion der Ungleichheiten. Dieser Beitrag hingegen bezieht sich auf die Erklärung sozialer Mobilität und stellt dafür mit der Theorie des sozialen Selbst eine interaktionistische Perspektive in den Mittelpunkt. Basierend auf einer vergleichenden Analyse von 27 autobiografisch-narrativen Interviews mit deutschen Rechts- und Erziehungswissenschaftler:innen unterschiedlicher sozialer Herkunft zeigt der Artikel zwei Mechanismen sozialer Aufstiegsmobilität auf. Erstens gewinnen die aufwärtsmobilen Wissenschaftlicher:innen durch positive Bewertungen ihrer studentischen wie akademischen Leistungen, und darauf basierenden sozialen Vergleichsprozesse, an Selbstvertrauen, wodurch sich ihre Selbstkonzepte verändern. Zweitens verändern auch soziale Beziehungen und Interaktionen mit autoritativen Anderen ihre Selbstkonzepte. Dabei sind diese beiden Mechanismen miteinander verwoben. So sind Leistungsindikatoren eng verbunden mit der Konstitution sozialer Beziehungen zu autoritativen Anderen sowie der positiven Bewertung und Förderung durch ebenjene. Die Ergebnisse des Aufsatzes tragen sowohl zur Ungleichheitsforschung im Hochschulbereich als auch zur Forschung über soziale Mobilität im Allgemeinen bei, indem sie vergleichende Einsichten in klassenspezifische Karrieremuster und Mechanismen sozialer Aufstiegsmobilität in der Wissenschaft bieten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Nomos)

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    Beyond human capital: how does parents' direct influence on their sons' earnings vary across eight OECD countries? (2024)

    Bonomi Bezzo, Franco; Raitano, Michele ; Vanhuysse, Pieter ;


    Bonomi Bezzo, Franco, Michele Raitano & Pieter Vanhuysse (2024): Beyond human capital: how does parents' direct influence on their sons' earnings vary across eight OECD countries? In: Oxford economic papers, Jg. 76, H. 2, S. 375-394. DOI:10.1093/oep/gpad007


    "This article asks to what degree the association between parents’ education and sons’ earnings is mediated by various forms of sons’ human capital across eight large OECD countries. We exploit the OECD Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) database, which provides information on four dimensions of human capital (educational attainment, field of study, cognitive skills, and proxies of non-cognitive skills). We find that the intergenerational transmission process is wholly mediated just by sons’ formal educational attainment in Germany, Norway, and the USA. By contrast, in France, Italy, Spain, Poland, and the UK, a significant residual association remains after we control for all dimensions of sons’ human capital. While we cannot exclude that this residual association is due to unobservable background-related skills sons might have, this also points to family origin factors unrelated to human capital accumulation—such as social ties—that might play a role in the intergenerational transmission of labour market advantages in these countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intergenerational transmission of unemployment after apprenticeship graduation: does parental socioeconomic background still matter? (2024)

    Dummert, Sandra ;


    Dummert, Sandra (2024): Intergenerational transmission of unemployment after apprenticeship graduation: does parental socioeconomic background still matter? In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 58, H. 1, 2024-03-14. DOI:10.1186/s12651-024-00364-z


    "A smooth transition from apprenticeship to standard employment is a key step in the professional biographies of apprenticeship graduates. In this study, the transition of apprenticeship graduates from households that receive unemployment benefits are considered. These graduates are thought to be disadvantaged because their parents’ socioeconomic background is assumed to influence their employment outcomes through processes of intergenerational transmission and cumulative disadvantage. Based on administrative data from the Sample of Integrated Welfare Benefit Biographies (SIG) provided by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), this analysis offers deeper insights into parental socioeconomic background and the individual factors that affect the risk of unemployment following the completion of an apprenticeship. In the case of an unsuccessful direct transition to standard employment, the factors infuencing the duration of the frst unemployment are also assessed. The results show that, as with individual characteristics, parents’ education level has a signifcant effect on the graduates’ risk of unemployment. The duration of the household’s benefit receipt, on the other hand, significantly influences the duration of the first unemployment in the case of an unsuccessful transition following an apprenticeship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Dummert, Sandra ;
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    The employment expectations of adolescents: Examining the role of social origin, parental support, and personality traits (2024)

    Esche, Frederike; Böhnke, Petra;


    Esche, Frederike & Petra Böhnke (2024): The employment expectations of adolescents: Examining the role of social origin, parental support, and personality traits. In: Advances in life course research, Jg. 61. DOI:10.1016/j.alcr.2024.100629


    "Early life course conditions and the social origin of families frequently influence the inequalities people experience in adulthood. The transition from education to work is a challenging period during which adolescents make their first employment-related choices and establish the course of their careers. Future expectations guide adolescents’ employment-related choices and are assumed to influence future employment outcomes. Therefore, this paper investigates whether family (dis)advantages affect adolescents’ employment expectations. We assess various underlying mechanisms that may influence the relationship between social origin and adolescents’ employment expectations by using cross-sectional data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP: 2006–2018), specifically a youth questionnaire administered at age 17. Three key findings emerge. First, family disadvantages, particularly an insecure parental labor market participation, influence the employment expectations of adolescents negatively. Second, supportive parenting does not mediate the relationship between social origin and the employment expectations of adolescents; instead, it functions as an additional positive factor. Third, supportive parenting creates more optimistic employment expectations because it fosters specific “beneficial” personality traits, such as extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, and internal control beliefs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Social inequality in admission chances for prestigious higher education programs in Germany: do application patterns matter? (2024)

    Finger, Claudia ; Elbers, Benjamin ; Solga, Heike ;


    Finger, Claudia, Heike Solga & Benjamin Elbers (2024): Social inequality in admission chances for prestigious higher education programs in Germany: do application patterns matter? In: European Sociological Review. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcae024


    "Research has shown that admission to prestigious higher education programs varies by students' socio-economic status (SES). Access to these programs is characterized by high competition and often rather complex admission procedures. Thus, access may depend not only on students’ performance and decisions to apply but also on their application patterns: Where and how they apply, which may vary by social background due to differences in educational achievement, aspirations, and constraints. Using applications to highly prestigious medical programs in Germany, we examine whether admission chances are socially selective even among the positively selected group of applicants, and whether this is due to SES differences in application patterns or performance. Based on complete application register data, we identify application patterns through cluster analysis. We then used the resulting cluster model to predict cluster membership in the 2018 applicant cohort, for which we collected survey data with information on applicants’ SES, preferences, and motivations. We find that application patterns vary primarily by applicants’ performance (grades and test scores) and SES-specific geographic constraints. However, our multivariate analyses on admission chances show that application patterns do not mediate SES differences in admission chances. Instead, these differences are entirely due to SES differences in applicants’ performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Public and Parental Investments, and Children's Skill Formation (2024)

    Gensowski, Miriam ; Højen, Anders; Bleses, Dorthe; Dale, Philip; Justice, Laura; Landersø, Rasmus;


    Gensowski, Miriam, Rasmus Landersø, Philip Dale, Anders Højen, Laura Justice & Dorthe Bleses (2024): Public and Parental Investments, and Children's Skill Formation. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16958), Bonn, 52 S.


    "This paper studies the interaction between parental and public inputs in children’s skill formation. We perform a longer-run follow-up study of a randomized controlled trial that increased preschool quality and initially improved skills significantly for children of all backgrounds. There is, however, complete fade-out for children with highly educated parents. Given positive long-run effects for children with low-educated parents, the treatment reduces child skill gaps across parents’ education by 46%. We show that the heterogeneous treatment effects are a result of differences in parents’ responses in terms of investments, reacting to school quality later in childhood. There is also evidence of crossproductivity between reading and math skills and socio-emotional development." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Meritokratie als Problem: Leistungsbezogene Bewertungen in Berufungsverfahren (2024)

    Hamann, Julian ;


    Hamann, Julian (2024): Meritokratie als Problem: Leistungsbezogene Bewertungen in Berufungsverfahren. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Jg. 76, H. 2, S. 119-143. DOI:10.1007/s11577-024-00954-2


    "Als Prinzip für die Herstellung und Legitimation sozialer Ordnung gilt Meritokratie entweder als normativer Maßstab moderner Gesellschaften oder als eine von der Empirie sozialer Ungleichheiten laufend widerlegte Ideologie. Der Beitrag wählt einen anderen Ausgangspunkt und widmet sich den Herausforderungen der konkreten Umsetzung des abstrakten Leistungsprinzips. Anhand von Berufungsakten zu 145 Berufungsverfahren aus der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wird ein spezifisches Problem rekonstruiert: Meritokratie ist in Berufungsverfahren nicht das einzige Prinzip zur Herstellung und Legitimation sozialer Ordnung. Die Besetzung von Professuren ist nicht nur an der Bestenauslese, sondern auch an der sozialen Passung von Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten orientiert. In der Praxis entsteht so das Ordnungsproblem, die Orientierung an Leistung mit der Orientierung an sozialer Passung zu vereinbaren. Der Beitrag zeigt, erstens, dass dieses Problem überhaupt erst entsteht, als das meritokratische Prinzip in den 1970er-Jahren so verbindlich wird, dass Leistungszuschreibungen die alleingültige Rechtfertigung für Berufungsentscheidungen sind. Zweitens wird herausgearbeitet, wie Gutachterinnen und Gutachter und Kommissionen mit diesem Ordnungsproblem umgehen und die meritokratische Bestenauslese in Berufungsverfahren mit der sozialen Passung von Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten vereinbaren. Der Beitrag trägt zu einem differenzierteren Verständnis des Leistungsprinzips bei, indem er praktische Probleme bei der konkreten Umsetzung des meritokratischen Prinzips beleuchtet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    The bottom 20 percent: early career paths of youth with low grade point average (2024)

    Hansen, Jorgen; Kristensen, Nicolai;


    Hansen, Jorgen & Nicolai Kristensen (2024): The bottom 20 percent: early career paths of youth with low grade point average. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12562


    "Across nations, large proportions of younger birth cohorts obtain no professional qualifications. Using rich administrative data from Denmark and a semi-structural dynamic approach, we analyze different policies targeted towards young people who leave grade 9 with a grade point average in the bottom quintile. We find that preparatory courses, offered to students who are unable to commence a qualifying degree, have no positive impact on future labor market outcomes. Further, unobserved heterogeneity is more important for this group than are cognitive skills. Our results show that education is a good option for many, but not for all." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Stairway to Heaven? Selection into Entrepreneurship, Income Mobility and Firm Performance (2024)

    Harju, Jarkko; Matikka, Tuomas; Juuti, Toni ;


    Harju, Jarkko, Toni Juuti & Tuomas Matikka (2024): Stairway to Heaven? Selection into Entrepreneurship, Income Mobility and Firm Performance. (VATT working papers / Valtion Taloudellinen Tutkimuskeskus (Helsinki) 168), Helsinki, 79 S.


    "Using full-population data from Finland, we show that individuals at the top of the income distribution are significantly more likely to start new incorporated businesses compared to others. There is no similar selection based on parental income, but more than half of new entrepreneurs have entrepreneurial parents. Individual income gains from entrepreneurship are similar across different background characteristics, but parental entrepreneurship and personal income are positively linked to key firm-level outcomes such as productivity and job creation. This highlights the importance of the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial skills and suggests that businesses established by high-income individuals generate largest positive spillovers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intergenerational transmission or local labor market context? A comparative analysis of the formation of work value patterns in 65 European regions (2024)

    Hörisch, Felix ; Weiss, Julia ;


    Hörisch, Felix & Julia Weiss (2024): Intergenerational transmission or local labor market context? A comparative analysis of the formation of work value patterns in 65 European regions. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, Jg. 33, H. 3, S. 690-709. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12634


    "This article analyzes the driving factors behind the formation of individual work values in European welfare states. By comparing relative preferences for extrinsic and intrinsic work values, we shed light on the discussion of the effects of intergenerational transmission and the structuring effects of labor market policies and regional opportunity structures on the formation of work values. Therefore, a multilevel analysis is applied using the innovative CUPESSE data set, which provides data on young adults and their parents in 65 NUTS‐1‐regions from 11 European countries. The results show that individual work values of young Europeans are most substantively shaped by the respective values of their parents. Furthermore, we demonstrate that individual characteristics such as sex, education and personal unemployment experiences determine preferences for work values. Finally, the paper shows that the local labor market context and welfare state arrangements also play a decisive role in the formation of individual work values." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Bildungspolitik ist Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Teil des Zeitgesprächs "Herausforderungen für die Arbeitsmärkte der Zukunft" (2024)

    Isphording, Ingo E.; Zorn, Dirk;


    Isphording, Ingo E. & Dirk Zorn (2024): Bildungspolitik ist Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Teil des Zeitgesprächs "Herausforderungen für die Arbeitsmärkte der Zukunft". In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 104, H. 8, S. 524-526. DOI:10.2478/wd-2024-0138


    "Die Ausgestaltung einer guten frühen und schulischen Bildung ist eine essenzielle Voraussetzung, um die transformativen Herausforderungen eines sich wandelnden Arbeitsmarkts zu bewältigen. Digitale Transformation und sozial-ökologische Umgestaltung der Arbeitswelt verändern nicht nur die Anforderungen in bestehenden Berufen, sondern schaffen auch ganz neue Berufsbilder und Tätigkeitsfelder. Schulische Bildung stattet zukünftige Beschäftigte mit den notwendigen grundlegenden Fähigkeiten aus, die auf dem Arbeitsmarkt honoriert werden. Sie ermöglichen erst den Erwerb komplexerer fachlicher Fähigkeiten in beruflicher und tertiärer Bildung und legen den Grundstein für Meta-Kompetenzen des lebenslangen Lernens, der Flexibilität und der Krisenresilienz. Missstände in schulischer Bildung, die diesen Kompetenzerwerb erschweren, haben somit auch erhebliche Konsequenzen für arbeitsmarktpolitische Zielgrößen. Bildungspolitik muss daher immer auch als Arbeitsmarktpolitik verstanden werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer)

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    Intergenerational Educational (Im)mobility Among Those Born in the United States, 1940 to 1990 (2024)

    Jeffrey, Wesley ;


    Jeffrey, Wesley (2024): Intergenerational Educational (Im)mobility Among Those Born in the United States, 1940 to 1990. In: Socius, Jg. 10. DOI:10.1177/23780231241271717


    "This visualization highlights patterns of intergenerational educational immobility across five birth cohorts in the United States. Namely, a strong link is observed between parent and offspring educational attainment that has remained largely stable over the years. The author discusses the challenges of achieving equality of educational opportunity in the United States in light of the relative nature of educational credentials." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Impact of an Early Career Shock on Intergenerational Mobility (2024)

    Kaila, Martti; Riukula, Krista ; Nix, Emily;


    Kaila, Martti, Emily Nix & Krista Riukula (2024): The Impact of an Early Career Shock on Intergenerational Mobility. In: Journal of labor economics. DOI:10.1086/730322


    "Children’s and parent’s incomes are highly correlated, yet little is known about how early career shocks contribute to this correlation. This paper focuses on a consequential labor market shock: job loss. We document three new results. First, adult children born into the Bottom 20% of the income distribution have double the unemployment following job loss compared with those from the top 20%, and 154% higher earnings losses. Second, this increases the rank-rank correlation 30% for those impacted. Third, richer parents provide career opportu-nities to their adult children after job loss, consistent with advantages from wealthy parents persisting well into adulthood." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Origins of attainment: do brother correlations in occupational status and income overlap? (2024)

    Karlson, Kristian Bernt ; Birkelund, Jesper Fels ;


    Karlson, Kristian Bernt & Jesper Fels Birkelund (2024): Origins of attainment: do brother correlations in occupational status and income overlap? In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 40, H. 3, S. 379-389. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcad030


    "We study the overlap in the overall impact of family background on two widely studied labour market outcomes by considering whether brother similarities in occupational status are rooted in the same underlying family characteristics that affect brother similarities in income. We extend previous research using sibling correlations as an omnibus measure of total family background impact on a given outcome by directly quantifying how brother correlations in occupational status and income overlap. We apply a novel variance components model to data from Denmark and the United States, two countries known to follow a contradictory pattern: While income mobility is much lower in the United States, occupational mobility is virtually similar. Apart from confirming this pattern, we find a substantial overlap, around 70 per cent, in brother similarities in income and occupational status in both countries. Conventional family background variables account for less than one-fifth of this overlap in each country, suggesting that shared family origins of attainment in these two domains are constituted by largely unknown family characteristics. We speculate what these characteristics might be." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Family background consistently affects economic success across the life cycle: A research note on how brother correlations overlap over the life course (2024)

    Karlson, Kristian Bernt ;


    Karlson, Kristian Bernt (2024): Family background consistently affects economic success across the life cycle: A research note on how brother correlations overlap over the life course. In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 75, H. 3, S. 347-353. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.13081


    "Scholars of social mobility increasingly study the role of family background in shaping attainment throughout the entire life course. However, research has yet to establish whether the family characteristics influencing early career attainment are the same as those influencing late career attainment. In this research note, I apply an extended sibling correlation approach to analyze brothers’ life cycle earnings and family income, using data from the U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979. My analysis reveals a near-perfect correlation in the family characteristics that affect attainment at early, mid, and late career stages. This finding has significant implications for how mobility scholars conceptualize the impact of family background across a career. It suggests that family background forms a single, consistent dimension in determining attainment throughout the life course. Further analysis also indicates that the imperfect relationship between current and lifetime income is exclusively driven by within-family processes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Ganztag als Chance: Wirkweisen, Entwicklungspotenziale und Handlungsfelder schulischer Ganztagsangebote (2024)

    Kielblock, Stephan; Maaz, Kai;


    Kielblock, Stephan & Kai Maaz (2024): Ganztag als Chance: Wirkweisen, Entwicklungspotenziale und Handlungsfelder schulischer Ganztagsangebote. (FES diskurs), Bonn, 26 S.


    "Der Rechtsanspruch auf ganztägige Förderung im Grundschulbereich, der ab 2026 jahrgangsweise in Kraft tritt, wird den Bildungs- und Lebensraum Schule spürbar und nachhaltig verändern. Neben der besseren Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf soll er gute und zeitgemäße Bildung für alle ermöglichen und dazu beitragen, den in Deutschland weiterhin starken Zusammenhang zwischen familiärer Herkunft und Bildungserfolg zu entkoppeln. Was nötig ist, um die mit dem Recht auf Ganztag verbundenen bildungspolitischen Ziele zu erreichen, ist Gegenstand der hier vorliegenden Expertise. Sie identifiziert Ansatzpunkte in Form konkreter Handlungs- und Entwicklungsfelder und benennt spezifische – vor allem pädagogische und organisatorische – Stellschrauben und Qualitätskriterien für wirksame schulische Ganztagsangebote. Ein zentrales Ergebnis: Ganztag muss gestaltet werden. Entscheidend für die Wirkung ist nicht das bloße Vorhandensein entsprechender Angebote, sondern ihre Qualität. Zusätzlich zu dem bereits herausfordernden Ausbau entsprechender Kapazitäten in vielen Bundesländern braucht es deshalb große Anstrengungen mit Blick auf die Steuerung, Planung und Durchführung ganztägiger Angebote." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule (2024)

    Kracke, Nancy; Schwabe, Ulrike ; Buchholz, Sandra;


    Kracke, Nancy, Ulrike Schwabe & Sandra Buchholz (2024): Neuer Bildungstrichter: Trotz Akademisierungsschub immer noch ungleicher Zugang zur Hochschule. (DZHW-Brief 2024,02), Hannover, 11 S. DOI:10.34878/2024.02.dzhw_brief


    "Vom Akademisierungsschub der vergangenen Jahre haben Kinder, deren Eltern nicht studiert haben, kaum profitiert. In Deutschland finden aktuell nur 25 von 100 Kindern aus nicht-akademischen Elternhäusern den Weg an die Hochschule. Haben die Eltern studiert, nehmen 78 von 100 Kindern ein Studium auf. Besonders stark benachteiligt sind Kinder, deren Eltern keine berufliche Ausbildung abgeschlossen haben: Von ihnen treten nur 8 von 100 Kindern ein Studium an. Die Teilhabe an Hochschulbildung ist in Deutschland daher weiterhin sehr ungleich. 55 Prozent der Studienanfänger*innen stammen aus einem akademisch gebildeten Elternhaus, in der altersgleichen Gesamtbevölkerung machen sie jedoch nur 28 Prozent aus." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The Causal Effect of Parents' Education on Children's Earnings (2024)

    Lee, Sang Yoon (Tim); Seshadri, Ananth; Roys, Nicolas A.;


    Lee, Sang Yoon (Tim), Nicolas A. Roys & Ananth Seshadri (2024): The Causal Effect of Parents' Education on Children's Earnings. (NBER working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research 32223), Cambridge, Mass, 42 S.


    "We present a model of endogenous schooling and earnings to isolate the causal effect of parents' education on children's education and earnings outcomes. The model suggests that parents' education is positively related to children's earnings, but its relationship with children's education is ambiguous. Identification is achieved by comparing the earnings of children with the same length of schooling, whose parents have different lengths of schooling. The model also features heterogeneous preferences for schooling, and is estimated using HRS data. The empirically observed positive OLS coefficient obtained by regressing children's schooling on parents' schooling is mainly accounted for by the correlation between parents' schooling and children's unobserved preferences for schooling. This is countered by a negative, structural relationship between parents' and children's schooling choices, resulting in an IV coefficient close to zero when exogenously increasing parents' schooling. Nonetheless, an exogenous one-year increase in parents' schooling increases children's lifetime earnings by 1.2 percent on average." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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