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Trotz eines Rückgangs ist die EU-Jugendarbeitslosenquote nach wie vor sehr hoch. Laut EU-Kommission sind derzeit 4,5 Millionen junge Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren) arbeitslos. Einem großen Teil dieser Generation droht durch fehlende Zukunftsperspektiven soziale Ausgrenzung mit weitreichenden Folgen. Mit Maßnahmen wie der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz und Jugendgarantien der Länder soll entgegengesteuert werden.
Diese Infoplattform bietet einen Einblick in die Literatur zu den Determinanten von und Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.

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    Intergenerational transmission of unemployment after apprenticeship graduation: does parental socioeconomic background still matter? (2024)

    Dummert, Sandra ;


    Dummert, Sandra (2024): Intergenerational transmission of unemployment after apprenticeship graduation: does parental socioeconomic background still matter? In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 58, 2024-03-14. DOI:10.1186/s12651-024-00364-z


    "A smooth transition from apprenticeship to standard employment is a key step in the professional biographies of apprenticeship graduates. In this study, the transition of apprenticeship graduates from households that receive unemployment benefits are considered. These graduates are thought to be disadvantaged because their parents’ socioeconomic background is assumed to influence their employment outcomes through processes of intergenerational transmission and cumulative disadvantage. Based on administrative data from the Sample of Integrated Welfare Benefit Biographies (SIG) provided by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), this analysis offers deeper insights into parental socioeconomic background and the individual factors that affect the risk of unemployment following the completion of an apprenticeship. In the case of an unsuccessful direct transition to standard employment, the factors infuencing the duration of the frst unemployment are also assessed. The results show that, as with individual characteristics, parents’ education level has a signifcant effect on the graduates’ risk of unemployment. The duration of the household’s benefit receipt, on the other hand, significantly influences the duration of the first unemployment in the case of an unsuccessful transition following an apprenticeship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer) ((en))

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    Dummert, Sandra ;
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    The bottom 20 percent: early career paths of youth with low grade point average (2024)

    Hansen, Jorgen; Kristensen, Nicolai;


    Hansen, Jorgen & Nicolai Kristensen (2024): The bottom 20 percent: early career paths of youth with low grade point average. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics online erschienen am 09.04.2024. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12562


    "Across nations, large proportions of younger birth cohorts obtain no professional qualifications. Using rich administrative data from Denmark and a semi-structural dynamic approach, we analyze different policies targeted towards young people who leave grade 9 with a grade point average in the bottom quintile. We find that preparatory courses, offered to students who are unable to commence a qualifying degree, have no positive impact on future labor market outcomes. Further, unobserved heterogeneity is more important for this group than are cognitive skills. Our results show that education is a good option for many, but not for all." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    A life course perspective on the NEET phenomenon: long-term exclusion across cohorts, gender, and social origin among young adults in Norway (2024)

    Heglum, Mari Amdahl; Nilsen, Wendy ;


    Heglum, Mari Amdahl & Wendy Nilsen (2024): A life course perspective on the NEET phenomenon: long-term exclusion across cohorts, gender, and social origin among young adults in Norway. In: Journal of Youth Studies online erschienen am 19.01.2024, S. 1-21. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2024.2305907


    "This study addresses the limitations of the NEET indicator (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) as a measure of the risk of social exclusion. Applying a life course analytical framework and sequence analysis to administrative data from Norway, we investigate the link between NEET status and longer-term exclusion across cohorts, gender, and social origin. Young adults with at least one year of NEET status at ages 22-25 (N = 125 804) are followed for ten years (age 22-31), spanning the years 1993-2017. Results show a mixed picture for individuals with early-career NEET status: 38 percent fare well over the long term, while over one-third face persistent challenges of long-term exclusion or reliance on permanent disability benefits. A deterioration of longer-term prospects, stronger among men than women, is observed across cohorts. An initial large gender gap in long-term exclusion probability in men's favor disappears in the youngest cohorts. Social inequalities remain stable over time. Findings support recent research emphasizing NEET category heterogeneity. Static measures may both exaggerate and underestimate the challenges faced by different sub-populations. The risk of long-term exclusion changes markedly over time, showcasing how the NEET indicator's sensitivity as a measure of at-risk youth depends on the historical-institutional context." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Towards Quality Education: An Entrepreneurship Education Program for the Improvement of Self-Efficacy and Personal Initiative of Adolescents (2024)

    Martín-Gutiérrez, Ángela ; Montoro-Fernández, Elisabet ; Dominguez-Quintero, Ana;


    Martín-Gutiérrez, Ángela, Elisabet Montoro-Fernández & Ana Dominguez-Quintero (2024): Towards Quality Education: An Entrepreneurship Education Program for the Improvement of Self-Efficacy and Personal Initiative of Adolescents. In: Social Sciences, Jg. 13, H. 1. DOI:10.3390/socsci13010023


    "In recent decades, youth unemployment has been the focus of attention of international and community bodies in the area of social rights. Specifically, there is a need to promote attitudes and skills to access employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship. The measures implemented have not been effective. In 2023, Spain had the highest youth unemployment rate in the European Union (29.6%). An improvement in the level and quality of education and training of young people would reduce their level of unemployment. Entrepreneurship education is, therefore, a necessary value in the society of the 21st century since it is a tool for the development and growth of the younger population. In the entrepreneurship education model proposed in this study for adolescents, we focus on the capacities of self-efficacy and personal initiative as precursors of entrepreneurial behavior. This paper analyzes the differences between the mean values of the variables before and after the implementation of the educational program and the influence or correlation between the variables. The main results are threefold: (i) the educational program implemented improves the mean values of the two variables analyzed; (ii) self-efficacy exerts a positive or direct influence on personal initiative, and (iii) the educational program improves or reinforces the positive influence of self-efficacy on personal initiative." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Lost in Categorisation? Employment Subsidies – Bringing the Beneficiaries Back In (2024)

    Robertshaw, David Keith ;


    Robertshaw, David Keith (2024): Lost in Categorisation? Employment Subsidies – Bringing the Beneficiaries Back In. In: Journal of Social Policy, Jg. 53, S. 86-106. DOI:10.1017/S0047279422000216


    "Employment subsidies are important active labor market policy (ALMP) tools, suited to a variety of labor market challenges. This paper engages with recent ALMP categorisation debates by appraising Cronert’s (2019) recent typology of employment subsidies. It uses empirical material to assess the typology’s explanatory power and produce insights to inform further typological development. The illustrative case of the British ‘ Wage Incentive’ (2012-2014) is used to assess the typology’s analytical purchase. Cronert’s typology helpfully identifies key distinctions in the distributional profiles of employment subsidies, but further understanding of the category is impeded by the practice of defining them as demand-side interventions. The paper argues for a reappraisal of their supply-side characteristics, maintaining that the (potential) worker should be included in the analysis, and that employment subsidies’ relationship with training and job creation should be acknowledged.It proposes a redefinition of employment subsidies reflecting their real-world use, and suggests a framework for further exploring varieties of employment subsidy design from the perspective of beneficiaries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Escaping the trap of temporary employment: Precariousness among young people before and after Spain's 2021 labour market reform act (2024)

    Verd, Joan M. ; Rodríguez-Soler, Joan; González-Heras, Alejandro; Godino, Alejandro ;


    Verd, Joan M., Alejandro Godino, Alejandro González-Heras & Joan Rodríguez-Soler (2024): Escaping the trap of temporary employment: Precariousness among young people before and after Spain's 2021 labour market reform act. In: International Journal of Social Welfare online erschienen am 23.01.2024. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12645


    "Temporary employment has been the core dimension of employment precariousness in Spain for decades. In December 2021, a labor market reform aimed at reducing the use of fixed‐term contracts, which especially affected young people, was passed. This article compares the situation of young workers before and after this labor market reform, with the objective of identifying internal differences among this age group. The results show a substantial reduction in the prevalence of temporary employment after the reform, although they also show that temporary employment, as well as incipient forms of precariousness such as involuntary part‐time employment, are more concentrated than before among the most disadvantaged in this age group, following traditional patterns of segmentation in the labor market. This article, therefore, provides insights into which profiles of young workers were better off after the reform and which were not, offering valuable lessons for other countries with similar labor market challenges." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    “With the Pandemic Everything Changes!”: Examining Welfare Reform and Conditionality Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Amongst NEET Experienced Young People (2024)

    Wrigley, Liam ;


    Wrigley, Liam (2024): “With the Pandemic Everything Changes!”: Examining Welfare Reform and Conditionality Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Amongst NEET Experienced Young People. In: Journal of applied youth studies, Jg. 7, H. 1, S. 9-25. DOI:10.1007/s43151-023-00110-1


    "The purpose of this article is to critically explore pre-existing and continuing welfare conditionality of NEET (not in education, employment, or training) experienced young people in the UK. The article traces the policy history of NEET over the last 25 years, to demonstrate the enduring nature of benefit sanctioning that NEET experienced young people have faced throughout a decade of austerity, Brexit, and now the COVID-19 pandemic. The article engages with key narratives from 43 interviews of NEET experienced young people and youth work professionals, undertaken prior and during the pandemic. Overall, the article argues that government actors and policy makers alike have not gone far enough to support NEET experienced young people. The article found that more structural and institutional levels of support from central government are needed to meaningfully engage NEET experienced young people in their education, employment, and training trajectories throughout periods of crisis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufsbildungsbericht 2024 (2024)


    Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (2024): Berufsbildungsbericht 2024. (Berufsbildungsbericht ... / Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), Bonn, 162 S.


    "Die berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung bildet eine wesentliche Grundlage für Wirtschaftswachstum, Wohlstand und sozialen Zusammenhalt in Deutschland. Das deutsche Berufsbildungssystem mit seinen vielfältigen Ausbildungs- und Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten und Qualifikationsniveaus bietet breite Karriereperspektiven und garantiert eine hohe Beschäftigungsfähigkeit. Die tragende Rolle der Unternehmen, die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bund, Ländern und Sozialpartnern und die geringe Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland sind Kennzeichen dieses Erfolgsmodells, das zu Recht eine immer stärkere internationale Anerkennung genießt. Der Berufsbildungsbericht bildet einmal im Jahr die aktuelle Situation auf dem Ausbildungsmarkt ab und dient der Öffentlichkeit als Diskussionsgrundlage zur beruflichen Bildung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Which companies hire NEET? Organisational characteristics of hiring NEET in a Norwegian full-population registry study (2023)

    Alves, Daniele Evelin ; Lillebråten, Andreas ; Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff ; Lundberg, Camilla Stub ; Nilsen, Wendy ; Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk ;


    Alves, Daniele Evelin, Jannike Gottschalk Ballo, Wendy Nilsen, Camilla Stub Lundberg, Andreas Lillebråten & Vilde Hoff Bernstrøm (2023): Which companies hire NEET? Organisational characteristics of hiring NEET in a Norwegian full-population registry study. In: Journal of Youth Studies online erschienen am 14.12.2023, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2023.2290112


    "Which types of organizations hire NEET? We use longitudinal national registry data from Norway to investigate four types of organizational characteristics: (a) staff proportion with low pay and low education, (b) staff size and (c) staff proportion from groups with lower rates of work participation, and (d) private/public sector. Full-population registry data with all newly hired-employees in Norway aged 15 –30 years, yielded a sample of approximately 120,000 new hires in 2018 from 22,621 organizations. Organizational characteristics were measured the previous year. After controlling for individual and organisational level variables in logistic regression models, we found that: private organizations and those predominated by staff with low income, incomplete secondary school, NEET history and immigrant background were more likely to hire new NEET the following year. Organisation size was unrelated to the likelihood of hiring NEET. This study applies an innovative method to study demand side characteristics in a full population registry study. It also contributes to disentangling which of these characteristics lose their expected effect when the dataset is large and complete enough to control for individual and organizational factors- adjusted for organisation clustering. These characteristics can guide us towards which companies can serve as gate-openers for NEET." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Personalized Support in Youth Labor Market Policy: The Role of Youth Career Agencies (2023)

    Assmann, Marie-Luise;


    Assmann, Marie-Luise (2023): Personalized Support in Youth Labor Market Policy. The Role of Youth Career Agencies. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 231 S.


    "In the face of increasing youth unemployment across Europe, innovative approaches to youth labor market policy are crucial. One such approach is the introduction of ‘one-stop shops’ for young people. Here, employment offices and other actors, such as youth social services, cooperate to offer young people coordinated advice from a single source. The impact of their introduction upon the young people that use them is, thus far, under-researched. This study begins to fill this gap by outlining the support approach of the German ‘youth career agencies’ that centers on gaining a more complete picture of the young person’s life situation in order to offer them a range of possible support programs. The study interrogates whether the youth career agencies do offer more personalized advice for young people during their transition to employment than classical job center teams. It argues that, if the cooperative relationships between the actors involved in the youth career agencies are of good quality, more personalized support is likely to be offered there. However, personalized support in youth career agencies is still limited by the diverse specifications and target figures demanded of job centers by the Federal Employment Agency and also influenced by the professional background of the individual caseworkers." (Publisher information, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Pinball transitions: exploring the school-to-work transitions of 'the missing middle' (2023)

    Brozsely, Beverly; Nixon, Darren;


    Brozsely, Beverly & Darren Nixon (2023): Pinball transitions: exploring the school-to-work transitions of 'the missing middle'. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 26, H. 8, S. 980-995. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2022.2058357


    "This paper responds to the call for more research on the ‘missing middle’ by reporting the findings of a small-scale qualitative longitudinal study in the North of England exploring the labour market transitions of young people completing compulsory schooling with mid-level qualifications and seeking employment. It found that participants desired training which aligned with their skills, interests and future work intentions. Participants were drawn to seek apprenticeships because they offered ‘earning and learning’ in a real-life work environment. However, for the vast majority, apprenticeships were not available, so they turned to college to articulate their choices and gain work-related training. Qualifications were gained in order to gain leverage in the job market and help them achieve ‘getting on’ work. However, often a period of ‘pinballing’ between their ambitions and the reality of the labour market ensued due to the lack of desirable quality work available. The majority of participants were still resisting ‘going nowhere’ work and making efforts to achieve ‘getting on’ work when interviewed, however, some had stopped making the effort and resigned themselves to on-going poor quality work. The process of biographicity was, for them, a reconciliation with on-going low-quality work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Chance vertan: Die 'Ausbildungsgarantie' als Antwort auf Ausbildungsteilhabeförderung und Hebung von Fachkräftepotenzialen? (2023)

    Buck, Pia;


    Buck, Pia (2023): Chance vertan: Die 'Ausbildungsgarantie' als Antwort auf Ausbildungsteilhabeförderung und Hebung von Fachkräftepotenzialen? In: Berufsbildung, Jg. 77, H. 2, S. 32-35.


    "Das Ziel, berufliche Teilhabechancen "für Alle" anzubieten und auch der sich zuspitzende Fachkräfteengpass bringen u. a. den Übergangssektor und die steigende NEET-Quote in den Fokus bildungspolitischer Diskurse, in welchen in neuerer Zeit auch über eine Ausbildungsgarantie nachgedacht wird." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    What, for whom, and under what circumstances: Do activation policies increase youth employment in the EU? (2023)

    Cefalo, Ruggero ; Scandurra, Rosario ;


    Cefalo, Ruggero & Rosario Scandurra (2023): What, for whom, and under what circumstances: Do activation policies increase youth employment in the EU? In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 391-406. DOI:10.1177/09589287231199568


    "Activation measures have assumed a prominent role within policy perspectives aimed at increasing labour market participation to support welfare sustainability. Most comparative studies on active labour market policies (ALMPs) have been conducted at the national level, although several scholars recently stressed the need to consider more carefully the territorial dimension of social policies. This article addresses this research gap by providing quantitative estimates of the territorial effect of national ALMPs provision on youth employment in European regions. We find that regional contextual traits, which can present a variety of configurations, play a significant role in moderating the effects of ALMPs. Divergent outcomes per type and level of education also highlight the complexity of the landscape for ALMPs' design and implementation. Our analysis helps identify the institutional and contextual conditions that require evaluation when designing and implementing policies targeting young people." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Making activation for young welfare recipients mandatory (2023)

    Dahl, Espen S.; Hernæs, Øystein;


    Dahl, Espen S. & Øystein Hernæs (2023): Making activation for young welfare recipients mandatory. In: Labour, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 96-121. DOI:10.1111/labr.12238


    "Activation policies to promote self-sufficiency among recipients of welfare and other types of benefits are becoming more common in many welfare states. We evaluate a law change in Norway making welfare receipt conditional on participation in an activation program for all welfare recipients below the age of 30. Analysing the program's staggered implementation across municipalities with several modern event study estimators, we estimate that the law change had quite precise 0-effects on benefit receipt, work and education. We also do not find any effects on the probability of being out of work or of being in employment, education or labour market programs. Qualitative evidence suggests that the zero effect may be due to the law change only impacting the participation of recipients with low expected gain from activation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    In what way a 'Guarantee for youth'? NEETs entrapped by labour market policies in the European Union (2023)

    Emmanouil, Effie; Chatzichristos, Georgios; Gialis, Stelios ; Herod, Andrew ;


    Emmanouil, Effie, Georgios Chatzichristos, Andrew Herod & Stelios Gialis (2023): In what way a 'Guarantee for youth'? NEETs entrapped by labour market policies in the European Union. In: Journal of Youth Studies online erschienen am 16.05.2023, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2023.2211943


    "Following the economic crisis of 2008/2009, the European Union developed the Youth Guarantee (YG) Action Plan to tackle youth labour market disengagement by ‘fostering employability’ and ‘removing barriers’ to employment. The current study adopts a Geographical Political Economy approach to analysing the YG's underpinnings and the conditions that differentiate its application on a regional level to explore whether – and, if so, how – the YG helps young people in the Southern EU to enter the labour market. The article introduces the first comparative, cross-regional investigation of the YG programme, targeting the NUTS-II regions of Spain and Italy. It uses mixed methods, supplementing quantitative analysis with in-depth interviews with key informants. We show that in Spanish and Italian regions the YG is closely entwined with socio-spatial inequality and labour precarity, which is reflected in the growing rates of temporary employment and inactive youth. Crucially, we conclude, such outcomes are not simply the result of the institutional/operational misapplications of the YG, as is often assumed. Rather, these misapplications are systematically reinforced by the mechanics of labour flexibilisation within a recessionary and crisis-prone environment, one whose geographical unevenness means that the YG is playing out in quite different ways in different places." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Junge Menschen ohne Berufsausbildung. Welches Fachkräftepotenzial verbirgt sich in dieser Gruppe? (2023)

    Faißt, Christian; Jahn, Daniel; Wapler, Rüdiger; Hamann, Silke ;


    Faißt, Christian, Silke Hamann, Daniel Jahn & Rüdiger Wapler (2023): Junge Menschen ohne Berufsausbildung. Welches Fachkräftepotenzial verbirgt sich in dieser Gruppe? (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Baden-Württemberg 02/2023), Nürnberg, 42 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.REBW.2302


    "In Baden-Württemberg haben zwischen 2013 und 2021 mehr als 236.000 junge Menschen zwischen 15 und 25 Jahren eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung aufgenommen, ohne über eine abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung zu verfügen. Ausbildungslosigkeit kann sich für die jungen Menschen langfristig negativ bezüglich ihrer Arbeitsmarktbiografien auswirken und ist darüber hinaus auch deshalb überaus problematisch, weil in Baden-Württemberg Fachkräfte besonders knapp sind. Unter den jungen Menschen ohne Abschluss finden sich relativ viele Hauptschüler*innen (22 Prozent) und ausländische Beschäftigte (24 Prozent). Weniger als 1 Prozent der Ausländer*innen verfügen über einen nicht anerkannten Berufsabschluss. Zu den am häufigsten gewählten Berufen der männlichen Ungelernten gehören Verkehrs- und Logistikberufe, Maschinen- und Fahrzeugtechnikberufe, die Metallberufe und die Mechatronik-, Energie- und Elektroberufe. Für die weiblichen Ungelernten stehen Verkaufsberufe an oberster Stelle, gefolgt von den Sekretariatsberufen und den Verkehrs- und Logistikberufen. Die Zeitarbeitsbranche nimmt ebenfalls zunächst viele formal nicht qualifizierte Männer und Frauen auf. Von den 136.000 Personen, die zwischen 2013 und 2017 ohne berufliche Qualifizierung eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung begonnen haben, bleiben rund 50.000 auch langfristig ohne beruflichen Abschluss. Dies geht einher mit einer geringeren Beschäftigungsstabilität, einem niedrigeren Einkommen und selteneren beruflichen Aufstiegen verglichen mit denjenigen, die noch formale Qualifikationen erwerben. Das Risiko dauerhafter Ausbildungslosigkeit ist für zwei Typen von Erwerbsverläufen besonders kennzeichnend: für die nach Schulabschluss direkte Einmündung in sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung und in deren Verbleib sowie für die heterogenen Arbeitsmarktbiografien. Diese zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass auf längere Orientierungsphasen relativ selten Zeiten in Ausbildung folgen, sondern vielmehr deutlich häufiger Arbeitslosigkeit zu beobachten ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness (2023)

    Hardoy, Ines; von Simson, Kristine;


    Hardoy, Ines & Kristine von Simson (2023): Pressing the right button—labour market odds for youth with mental illness. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 36, H. 7-8, S. 592-607. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2023.2289952


    "Mental disorders threaten the chances of finishing secondary school and can hinder the school-to-work transitions of afflicted youths. Earlier onset depression predicts the chronicity, recurrence, and severity of episodes throughout life. Using rich, objective mental health data and a battery of variables covering personal and family characteristics, we investigate the impact of Norway’s vocational rehabilitation programs on youths aged 18–23 who are registered as unemployed. Our results indicate that the impact vary with mental health in adolescence, a variable often unavailable in such analyses. Separate analyses for age group 19–21 and 20–23 show that the younger ones with previous diagnosed mental disorders were likely to pursue further education after participating in programs providing work practice; those with no earlier diagnosed mental disorders were prone to pursue ordinary education after completing a training program. For the older age cohorts, aged 20–23, vocational rehabilitation programmes seem counterproductive, irrespective of program type and of whether they were diagnosed with mental health problems in adolescence or not." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Employment Effects of a Wage Subsidy for the Young during an Economic Recovery (2023)

    Kunze, Astrid; Magda, Iga ; Palczynska, Marta;


    Kunze, Astrid, Marta Palczynska & Iga Magda (2023): The Employment Effects of a Wage Subsidy for the Young during an Economic Recovery. (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16196), Bonn, 49 S.


    "This study investigates the employment effects of a large-scale wage subsidy programme for the young unemployed that was introduced in 2016, during a period of recovery in the Polish economy. The focus is on the question of whether the effects differed between men and women. The study employs a large population administrative data set from the unemployment register, and exploits for identification the fact that firms were only eligible to participate in the wage subsidy programme if the newly recruited worker was below age 30 and was previously unemployed. A challenge in this research is that before 2016, standard packages of active labour market programmes for all unemployed and specific programmes for unemployed below age 30 had been in place. Exploiting the long period and broad data coverage, we estimate the differential impact of the new programme using a difference-in-discontinuities design. The main finding is that over the medium term, the new wage subsidy programme was effective for low- and middle-skilled eligible young women, but not for men. We discuss the policy implications of such programmes targeting young unemployed people." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Being a NEET before and after the Great Recession: persistence by gender in Southern Europe (2023)

    Malo, Miguel Ángel; Cueto, Begona; Mussida, Chiara ; Baussola, Maurizio ;


    Malo, Miguel Ángel, Chiara Mussida, Begona Cueto & Maurizio Baussola (2023): Being a NEET before and after the Great Recession: persistence by gender in Southern Europe. In: Socio-economic review, Jg. 21, H. 1, S. 319-339. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwab043


    "This article adds to the scant literature on the time persistence of being a young Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) by including four main novelties: we distinguish short- and long-term persistence; we use estimations before (2004–2007) and after the Great Recession (2013–2016); we analyse four Southern European countries that are relatively similar and were significantly affected by the Great Recession (Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain); and all analyses are disaggregated by gender. The descriptive analysis shows a convergence in NEET rates by gender in the four countries due to a worsening of the male NEET rate and no improvement among young females. The econometric estimations show that long-term persistence is smaller than short-term persistence and that the latter increased after the Great Recession, especially for male NEETs. Policy implications for the design of the Youth Guarantee and lessons from the coronavirus pandemic are also discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender disparities between young and adult NEETs: do we need a more refined policy approach? (2023)

    Odoardi, Iacopo ; D'Ingiullo, Dario; Quaglione, Davide ;


    Odoardi, Iacopo, Dario D'Ingiullo & Davide Quaglione (2023): Gender disparities between young and adult NEETs: do we need a more refined policy approach? In: Applied Economics, Jg. 55, H. 56, S. 6685-6699. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2022.2161991


    "Italy has the highest rate of individuals Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) in Europe, and its NEET has the highest gender bias in Western Europe. A marked heterogeneity, however, accompanies the age sub-groups, and women’s conditions become systematically worse with advancing age. Using data from 2019, we investigate the association between the probability of being NEET and a set of individual and regional (socioeconomic and institutional) characteristics, examining whether and to what extent the role of these determinants varies depending on gender within two distinct age groups: young (15?24) and adult (25?34) NEETs. In general, we find clear evidence that women are at a relative disadvantage compared to men and, as age increases, both positive and negative determinants show relations that tend to weaken for men and to worsen for women. The results of our analyses also suggest that social/family obligations affect men and women differently, to the detriment of women, and that this disparity widens with age. The contrast between the position of men and women within marriage is empirically confirmed and perfectly captured by marginal effects with opposite signs. The policy implications of our analysis are discussed in the concluding section of this paper." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2023: Analysen auf Basis der BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge und der Ausbildungsmarktstatistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zum Stichtag 30. September (2023)

    Oeynhausen, Stephanie; Schuß, Eric ; Christ, Alexander; Granath, Ralf-Olaf; Milde, Bettina;


    Oeynhausen, Stephanie, Alexander Christ, Eric Schuß, Bettina Milde & Ralf-Olaf Granath (2023): Die Entwicklung des Ausbildungsmarktes im Jahr 2023. Analysen auf Basis der BIBB-Erhebung über neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge und der Ausbildungsmarktstatistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zum Stichtag 30. September. (BIBB-Preprint), Bonn, 54 S.


    "Die Zahl neu abgeschlossener Ausbildungsverträge ist im Berichtsjahr 2023 erneut gestiegen. Bundesweit wurden 489.200 Ausbildungsverträge neu abgeschlossen, das entspricht einem Plus von 3,0 % (+14.000) im Vergleich zur Vorjahreserhebung. Insgesamt liegt die Zahl der neu abgeschlossenen Ausbildungsverträge jedoch weiterhin deutlich unter dem Niveau von 2019 vor Ausbruch der Coronapandemie (-35.900 Verträge bzw. -6,8 %). Nach Rückgängen in den Vorjahren stieg die Nachfrage der Jugendlichen nach Ausbildung um 17.300 auf 552.900 (+3,2 %). Auch das Angebot an dualen Berufsausbildungsstellen nahm in vergleichbarem Umfang zu (+18.600 bzw. +3,4 %) und lag nun bei 562.600. Damit übertraf das Angebot zum zweiten Mal in Folge die Nachfrage der Jugendlichen. Allerdings nahmen auch die Schwierigkeiten zu, das Ausbildungsangebot der Betriebe und die Nachfrage der Jugendlichen zusammenzuführen. Sowohl der Anteil der unbesetzten Ausbildungsstellen als auch der Anteil der erfolglos suchenden Ausbildungsplatznachfrager ist im Vergleich zum Vorjahr leicht angestiegen. Bundesweit blieben 2023 73.400 Ausbildungsstellen unbesetzt, das sind 13,4 % des betrieblichen Angebots – ein neuer Höchstwert. Gleichzeitig hatten 63.700 junge Menschen zum Bilanzierungsstichtag 30. September 2023 noch keinen Ausbildungsplatz gefunden und hielten deshalb ihren Vermittlungswunsch weiterhin aufrecht. 11,5 % der Ausbildungsplatznachfrage blieb damit erfolglos." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku))

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    (In)visible Sanctions: Micro-level Evidence on Compulsory Activation for Young Welfare Recipients (2023)

    Smedsvik, Bård ; Iacono, Roberto ;


    Smedsvik, Bård & Roberto Iacono (2023): (In)visible Sanctions: Micro-level Evidence on Compulsory Activation for Young Welfare Recipients. In: Journal of Social Policy online erschienen am 19.06.2023, S. 1-21. DOI:10.1017/S0047279423000338


    "Since the early years of activation and workfare in the 1990s, the use of welfare conditionality and benefit sanctions has been proposed among the necessary solutions to ensure the efficiency of welfare policy by reinforcing individual economic incentives. Using rich administrative registers from Norway, we produce micro-level quantitative evidence on compulsory activation for young recipients of social assistance. The empirical challenge is that activation through the threat of benefit sanctions is not a feature that unambiguously emerges from observational data, except for when sanctions indeed take place and benefits are reduced. To overcome this barrier, we introduce a novel methodology to identify individual-level effects of activation on young welfare recipients, exploiting municipal variation in the introduction of compulsory activation. More precisely, we study whether individuals who are residents in municipalities that have introduced compulsory activation display a stronger relationship between their labor market status (activation) and their benefit size (because sanctions being in place) compared to individuals residing in municipalities where activation has not been made compulsory. Our results show that there is no different relationship between social assistance benefits and passive labor market status for individuals living in municipalities that practice activation compared with individuals residing in municipalities in which activation is not yet mandatory. In other words, there is no visible effect of sanctions for passive recipients." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A need to be recognised: On the importance of shared semantics for young adults while not in education or employment (2023)

    Välimäki, Vesa ; Aaltonen, Sanna ; Honkatukia, Päivi;


    Välimäki, Vesa, Sanna Aaltonen & Päivi Honkatukia (2023): A need to be recognised: On the importance of shared semantics for young adults while not in education or employment. In: Acta sociologica, Jg. 66, H. 4, S. 421-434. DOI:10.1177/00016993221145350


    "Young adults who are not in education or work are often depicted as deviating from the norm of gainful employment that is still widely shared across the Nordic countries. While it has been argued that young adults feel that they are being blamed for their NEET situation, this article seeks to identify the variety of interpretations they have of their situation and what kind of explanations can be proposed for the differences. Theoretically, perspectives from Axel Honneth's recognition theory are combined with Thomas Scheff's sociological work on shame to discuss the variations in the sentiments of young adults. Based on this framework, the article illuminates how young adults use the shared semantics available within their immediate circles to enable them to feel worthy of recognition despite their depicted deviation from the norm of gainful employment. Additionally, the article contributes to sociological debates on Honneth's recognition theory – especially its ambiguous concept of shared semantics – by making sense of the role of communities and institutions as providers of shared semantics. The findings are based on an abductive analysis of 35 in-depth interviews with young Finnish adults aged 18–29 who have been or are currently outside of education or employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Instrumente des SGB III und des SGB II zur Unterstützung junger Menschen bei der Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt (2023)


    Deutscher Bundestag. Wissenschaftliche Dienste (2023): Instrumente des SGB III und des SGB II zur Unterstützung junger Menschen bei der Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt. (Sachstand / Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste WD 6 - 3000 - 070/23), Berlin, 30 S.


    "Die Integration junger Menschen in den Arbeitsmarkt stellt vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels und des zunehmenden Fachkräftemangels eine wichtige staatliche Aufgabe dar. Von zentraler Bedeutung sind dabei die Förderungsmaßnahmen nach dem Dritten Buch Sozialgesetzbuch - Arbeitsförderung (SGB III) und dem Zweiten Buch Sozialgesetzbuch – Bürgergeld, Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende (SGB II). Das SGB III sieht unter anderem Maßnahmen zur Berufsorientierung, zur Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie zur Unterstützung bei der Arbeitsplatzsuche vor. Hierbei werden junge Menschen am Übergang von der Schule ins Berufsleben gezielt gefördert, um ihre Qualifikationen und Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln und ihre Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu verbessern. Viele dieser Leistungen stehen auch Beziehern von Leistungen der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende nach dem SGB II zur Verfügung, das SGB II bietet jedoch auch eigene Maßnahmen zur Aktivierung und beruflichen Eingliederung, von denen sich einige auch speziell an junge Menschen richten. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll einen knappen Überblick über die nach dem SGB III und dem SGB II bestehenden Fördermöglichkeiten geben. Die Darstellung beschränkt sich im Wesentlichen auf die Instrumente und Leistungen, die sich explizit an junge Menschen richten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Situation am Ausbildungsmarkt 2022/23: Zunehmende Passungsprobleme bei stabiler Gesamtlage (2023)


    Bundesagentur für Arbeit. Statistik/Arbeitsmarktberichterstattung (2023): Situation am Ausbildungsmarkt 2022/23. Zunehmende Passungsprobleme bei stabiler Gesamtlage. (Berichte: Arbeitsmarkt kompakt / Bundesagentur für Arbeit 2023,10), Nürnberg, 30 S.


    "Die seit Jahren rückläufige Entwicklung bei der Zahl der gemeldeten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber ist 2022/23 zum Halten gekommen. Gleichzeitig wurden in etwa so viele betriebliche Ausbildungsstellen gemeldet wie im Vorjahreszeitraum. Insgesamt standen 422.000 gemeldete Bewerberinnen und Bewerber 529.000 gemeldeten betrieblichen Ausbildungsstellen gegenüber. Damit waren über 100.000 mehr betriebliche Ausbildungsstellen als Bewerberinnen und Bewerber gemeldet. Auf 100 gemeldete betriebliche Ausbildungsstellen kamen rechnerisch – ebenso wie im Vorjahr – 80 gemeldete Bewerberinnen und Bewerber. Am 30. September 2023 waren 26.000 Bewerberinnen und Bewerber unversorgt. Trotz der aus Bewerbersicht günstigen Marktsituation ist die Zahl höher als im Vorjahr (+4.000). Zusätzlich suchten 37.000 Bewerberinnen und Bewerber, die auf eine Alternative ausgewichen waren, weiterhin eine Ausbildungsstelle. Die Zahl der unbesetzten Ausbildungsstellen stieg um 5.000 auf 73.000. Dies zeigt an, dass Besetzungsprobleme weiter zugenommen haben. Besonders schwer fiel dabei die Besetzung von Ausbildungsstellen in Lebensmittelberufen, in der Orthopädie- und Rehatechnik, in Bau- und baunahen Berufen, in der Fahrzeugführung, in Metallberufen oder auch in Hotel- und Gaststättenberufen. Der Ausgleich am Ausbildungsmarkt wird seit Jahren durch erhebliche regionale, berufsfachliche und qualifikatorische Disparitäten erschwert. Die Tatsache, dass sich die Zahlen sowohl der unversorgten Bewerberinnen und Bewerber als auch der unbesetzten Ausbildungsstellen erhöht haben, kann als Hinweis gewertet werden, dass die Passungsprobleme zugenommen haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    On the non-standard routes: vocational training measures in the school-to-work transitions of lower-qualified youth in Germany (2022)

    Achatz, Juliane; Schels, Brigitte ; Jahn, Kerstin;


    Achatz, Juliane, Kerstin Jahn & Brigitte Schels (2022): On the non-standard routes: vocational training measures in the school-to-work transitions of lower-qualified youth in Germany. In: Journal of vocational education and training, Jg. 74, H. 2, S. 289-310., 2020-04-21. DOI:10.1080/13636820.2020.1760335


    "This study explores school-to-work transitions in Germany, aiming to achieve a richer understanding of the complexity of labour market entry trajectories while focusing on transition measures. The term transition measures refers to additional training courses that complement the regular vocational education and training system of firm-based or school-based qualification routes. The contribution of supplementary training measures to the school-to-work transitions of young adults is a controversial issue. While programmes aim to ease the transitions of low-skilled youth in the training and labour market, critics point to the risks of long-term subsidised careers or fragmented employment trajectories in subsequent years. By applying sequence analysis to administrative data of the Federal Employment Agency, individual trajectories of a cohort of school leavers with an at-most intermediate school-leaving certificate are analysed for the period 2008 to 2014. The results show a complex picture of ten distinct school-to-work transition patterns. Youth passing through transition measures tend to experience a less continuous but still purposeful transition pathway. We also identify a small number of youth experiencing at-risk trajectories characterised by a highly discontinuous transition process, which points to sustained detachment from the training and labour markets." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Achatz, Juliane; Schels, Brigitte ;
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    Long-Term Effects of Hiring Subsidies for Unemployed Youths - Beware of Spillovers (2022)

    Albanese, Andrea ; Cockx, Bart ; Dejemeppe, Muriel;


    Albanese, Andrea, Bart Cockx & Muriel Dejemeppe (2022): Long-Term Effects of Hiring Subsidies for Unemployed Youths - Beware of Spillovers. (CESifo working paper 9972), München, 107 S.


    "We use (donut) regression discontinuity design and difference-in-differences estimators to estimate the impact of a one-shot hiring subsidy targeted at low-educated unemployed youths during the Great Recession recovery in Belgium. The subsidy increases job-finding in the private sector by 10 percentage points within one year of unemployment. Six years later, high school graduates accumulated 2.8 quarters more private employment. However, because they substitute private for public and self-employment, overall employment does not increase but is still better paid. For high school dropouts, no persistent gains emerge. Moreover, the neighboring attraction pole of Luxembourg induces a complete deadweight near the border." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Being NEET in Youthspaces of the EU South: A Post-recession Regional Perspective (2022)

    Avagianou, Athina; Gialis, Stelios ; Kapitsinis, Nikos ; Strand, Anne Hege; Papageorgiou, Ioannis;


    Avagianou, Athina, Nikos Kapitsinis, Ioannis Papageorgiou, Anne Hege Strand & Stelios Gialis (2022): Being NEET in Youthspaces of the EU South: A Post-recession Regional Perspective. In: Young. Nordic Journal of Youth Research, Jg. 30, H. 5, S. 425-454. DOI:10.1177/11033088221086365


    "Youth unemployment and precarity have been expanding in the aftermath of the recent global recession. This article offers a theoretically informed empirical examination of the spatio-temporally uneven expansion of young people “Not in Employment, Education or Training” (NEETs) between 2008 and 2018 in the European Union (EU) South, namely in Italy, Spain, Greece and Cyprus. This article contributes to the growing literature on youth inactivity and marginalization, by focusing on the spatial, rather than just the temporal dimension of youth which marks most relevant studies. The analysis engages with the concept of “youthspaces” to critically analyse the economic, social and political spatialities that determine the dynamic relationship between youth and the labour market, and discuss the persistently high NEET rate in the EU South. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we highlight that gender, class, education and economic growth are key socio-spatial factors that determine the geographically uneven expansion of NEETs across the study regions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Preventing NEETs during the Great Recession: The effects of a mandatory activation program for young welfare recipients (2022)

    Cammeraat, Emile ; Koning, Pierre ; Jongen, Egbert;


    Cammeraat, Emile, Egbert Jongen & Pierre Koning (2022): Preventing NEETs during the Great Recession. The effects of a mandatory activation program for young welfare recipients. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 62, H. 2, S. 749-777. DOI:10.1007/s00181-021-02018-2


    "We study the impact of mandatory activation programs for young welfare recipients in the Netherlands. What makes this reform unique is that it clashed head on with the Great Recession. We use differences-in-differences and data for the period 1999–2012 to estimate the effects of this reform. We find that the reform reduced the number of welfare recipients but had no effect on the number of NEETs (individuals not in employment, education or training). The absence of employment effects contrasts with previous studies on the impact of mandatory activation programs, which we argue is due to the reform taking place during a severe economic recession." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Youth unemployment in Canada, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom in times of COVID-19 (2022)

    Deng, Zechuan; Murray, Aisling; Smyth, Emer; Arim, Rubab; Dupéré, Véronique; Henseke, Golo ; Dietrich, Hans ; Schoon, Ingrid;


    Deng, Zechuan, Rubab Arim, Golo Henseke, Ingrid Schoon, Hans Dietrich, Aisling Murray, Emer Smyth & Véronique Dupéré (2022): Youth unemployment in Canada, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom in times of COVID-19. In: Economic and Social Reports / Statistics Canada, Jg. 2, H. 3, S. 1-6., 2022-02-25. DOI:10.25318/36280001202200300003-eng


    "Youth unemployment recovering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Very few countries managed to avoid a hit to their economy or young people's employment in the wake of COVID-19. The article "Youth unemployment in Canada, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom in times of COVID-19" shows that unemployment levels rose for workers in their mid-teens to mid-twenties in Canada, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom during the early days of the pandemic, reaching peak levels in the summer of 2020. One year later, in the summer of 2021, youth unemployment rates in all four countries largely recovered, although they all recorded slightly higher numbers than in 2019, before the pandemic. These findings are from a collaboration between Statistics Canada and three institutes in Europe on the COVID-19: Youth economic activity and health monitor project." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dietrich, Hans ;
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    The Effects of More Intensive Counselling for Disadvantaged Unemployed Youth (2022)

    Eppel, Rainer ; Mahringer, Helmut;


    Eppel, Rainer & Helmut Mahringer (2022): The Effects of More Intensive Counselling for Disadvantaged Unemployed Youth. (WIFO working papers 652), Wien, 36 S.


    "Many European countries are facing the key challenge of integrating low-skilled jobless young people into the labour market. From 2018 to 2020, the Public Employment Service (PES) in Vienna tested a new model of intensified support ("case management"). The target group consisted of young unemployed persons with low formal qualifications who were drawing on social assistance. Based on the pilot project and a propensity matching approach, we show that the increase in staff significantly increased the intensity of the counselling. It led to an increase in job proposals and active labour market programme participation, as well as sanctions in the form of benefit suspensions for failure to keep PES appointments. In line with the goal, more of the young people were encouraged to take part in training and further education instead of being quickly placed in an unskilled job. However, in the three-year follow-up period, the intensified counselling did not (yet) have a significant effect on the overall extent of integration into employment. Regarding post-unemployment job quality, we find no effects on wages at the start of a job." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Young People between Education and the Labour Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy (2022)

    Fiaschi, Davide ; Tealdi, Cristina ;


    Fiaschi, Davide & Cristina Tealdi (2022): Young People between Education and the Labour Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. In: International Journal of Manpower, Jg. 43, H. 7, S. 1719-1757. DOI:10.1108/IJM-06-2021-0352


    "Purpose: The aim is to study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the careers of different groups of young individuals, based on transition probabilities. Design/methodology/approach: The authors analyse the evolution of individual shares and flows between different types of employment (self-employment, temporary, and permanent), unemployment, education, and other types of inactivity of individuals aged 20–29 in Italy. Findings: The authors find that the pandemic worsened an already concerning situation of higher inactivity rates, compared to other EU countries. In quarters III and IV of 2020, mainly females and non-Italian citizens were less in (permanent and temporary) employment and more in the NLFET (neither in the labour force nor in education or training) state compared to the same quarters one year before. The authors also find evidence of a temporary but not persistent return to education among 20–24 years old individuals, particularly females. These changes are suggestive of a prolongation of the time needed to achieve temporary and permanent employment, mostly for females and non-Italian citizens. Originality/value: The contribution lies in the provision of a rigorous estimation and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the careers of young individuals in Italy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Off to a Bad Start: Youth Nonemployment and Labor Market Outcomes Later in Life (2022)

    Filomena, Mattia ; Giorgetti, Isabella; Picchio, Matteo ;


    Filomena, Mattia, Isabella Giorgetti & Matteo Picchio (2022): Off to a Bad Start: Youth Nonemployment and Labor Market Outcomes Later in Life. (IZA discussion paper 15366), Bonn, 65 S.


    "We estimate the effect of nonemployment experienced by Italian youth after leaving secondary school on subsequent labor market outcomes. We focus on the impact on earnings and labor market participation both in the short- and in the long-term, up to 25 years since school completion. By estimating a factor analytic model which controls for time-varying unobserved heterogeneity, we find that the negative effect of nonemployment on earnings is especially persistent, being sizeable and statistically significant up to 25 years after school completion, for both men and women. Penalties in terms of participation last instead shorter; they disappear by the 10th year after school completion. Hence, early nonemployment operates by persistently locking the youth who get off to a bad start into low-wage jobs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Why Don't Firms Hire Young Workers During Recessions? (2022)

    Forsythe, Eliza;


    Forsythe, Eliza (2022): Why Don't Firms Hire Young Workers During Recessions? In: The Economic Journal, Jg. 132, H. 645, S. 1765-1789. DOI:10.1093/ej/ueab096


    "Recessions are known to be particularly damaging to young workers' employment outcomes. I find that during recessions the hiring rate falls faster for young workers than for more experienced workers. I show that this cannot be explained by the composition of jobs or workers' labour supply decisions, and I conclude that firms preferentially hire experienced workers during periods of high unemployment. I develop a new model of cyclical upgrading that relaxes the classic assumptions of exogenous firm size and rigid wages. I show that this model predicts larger log wage decreases during recessions for young workers than for experienced workers, a prediction that is supported by the data. I conclude that policymakers should consider extending unemployment insurance coverage during recessions to new labour market entrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Quality of life of NEET youth in comparative perspective: subjective well-being during the transition to adulthood (2022)

    Jongbloed, Janine ; Giret, Jean-François ;


    Jongbloed, Janine & Jean-François Giret (2022): Quality of life of NEET youth in comparative perspective: subjective well-being during the transition to adulthood. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 321-343. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2020.1869196


    "In this study, we examine the self-reported subjective well-being (SWB) of youth who are ‘not in employment, education or training’ (NEET) across 24 countries in Europe. Theorizing from a youth transition regimes perspective focusing on the varying levels of social protection available to youth as well as social norms regarding the transition to adulthood, we attempt to understand the psychological outcomes associated with youth NEET statuses across country contexts. Using European Social Survey (ESS) data, we compare not only the SWB of NEET individuals with that of non-NEET youth, but also how it differs amongst specific NEET sub-categories. We hypothesize that the well-being of NEET youth will be highest where more comprehensive social protections are available, but that inequalities in well-being between NEET and non-NEET groups will be minimized in contexts where prolonged school-to-work transitions to adulthood are the social norm. We find that overall levels of well-being differ systematically amongst countries for both NEET and non-NEET groups, being highest in the Nordic countries. However, when examining relative scores that take into account the distribution of well-being within each country, we discover that inequalities between NEET sub-categories are also the most pronounced in these ‘universalistic’ contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik für junge Erwachsene in der Grundsicherung: Die Beschäftigungswirkung unterscheidet sich je nach Instrument deutlich (Serie "Evaluation von Instrumenten der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik") (2022)

    Knize, Veronika ; Pongratz, Tamara; Wolf, Markus; Zabel, Cordula ;


    Knize, Veronika, Markus Wolf, Cordula Zabel & Tamara Pongratz (2022): Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik für junge Erwachsene in der Grundsicherung: Die Beschäftigungswirkung unterscheidet sich je nach Instrument deutlich (Serie "Evaluation von Instrumenten der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik"). In: IAB-Forum H. 15.12.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-12-12. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20221215.01


    "Arbeitslosigkeit im frühen Erwerbsleben kann sich langfristig negativ auf die Erwerbschancen im weiteren Lebensverlauf auswirken. Umso wichtiger ist es, arbeitslose junge Erwachsene bei der Verbesserung ihrer Erwerbschancen zu unterstützen, etwa mit Maßnahmen der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Dabei haben sich insbesondere kurze betriebliche Trainingsmaßnahmen als sehr effektiv erwiesen, während Ein-Euro-Jobs die Chancen auf reguläre Beschäftigung eher schmälern als verbessern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Ist diese Krise anders? Wie sich die Corona-Krise auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation von Jugendlichen in Europa auswirkt (2022)

    Konle-Seidl, Regina;


    Konle-Seidl, Regina (2022): Ist diese Krise anders? Wie sich die Corona-Krise auf die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation von Jugendlichen in Europa auswirkt. In: IAB-Forum H. 20.01.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-01-18. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220120.01


    "Wirtschaftliche Einbrüche haben für junge Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt allgemein schwerwiegendere Folgen als für andere Altersgruppen. Wie wirkt sich die Covid-19-Krise diesbezüglich im Vergleich mit der globalen Finanzkrise vor einem Jahrzehnt aus? Ein genauer Blick auch auf andere europäische Länder liefert hier interessante Einblicke." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Konle-Seidl, Regina;
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    Impact of an Economic Crisis on Youth Employment: Evidence from 2008 Financial Crisis in Spain (2022)

    Martínez-García, Miguel Á. ; Cámara, Angeles;


    Martínez-García, Miguel Á. & Angeles Cámara (2022): Impact of an Economic Crisis on Youth Employment: Evidence from 2008 Financial Crisis in Spain. In: Economics, Jg. 16, H. 1, S. 276-287. DOI:10.1515/econ-2022-0033


    "This article addresses the impact that the previous economic crisis had on Spanish economy, focusing on the effects on employment. Therefore, the data on the employed population drawn from the economically active population surveys are broken down by age groups, to analyse the 2008 financial crisis. The model created makes it possible to quantify the losses in production and employment in all sectors, highlighting construction, manufacturing, real estate, and professional and administrative activities as the most affected sectors due to the fall in youth employment. The results obtained allow different employment policies to be focused on sectors most affected by the economic crisis and show that crises do not equally affect all works, because younger workers have suffered disproportional job losses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Information, reflection, and successful job search: A labor market policy experiment (2022)

    Mühlböck, Monika ; Kalleitner, Fabian ; Steiber, Nadia ; Kittel, Bernhard ;


    Mühlböck, Monika, Fabian Kalleitner, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2022): Information, reflection, and successful job search. A labor market policy experiment. In: Social Policy and Administration, Jg. 56, H. 1, S. 48-72. DOI:10.1111/spol.12754


    "Jobseekers, especially young people with little experience on the job market, face several challenges. They need to know which jobs are suited for them, where to find them, how to apply, and they need resilience in the face of repeated rejections. Previous research has shown that receiving information and reflecting on how to search for a job enhance self-efficacy and search motivation, thereby reducing the duration of unemployment spells. Following up on these results, we conducted an experiment in cooperation with the Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs which combines an “information nudge” in the form of a short video-clip with what we call “reflection nudge” in the form of an online survey. We find that a treatment combining reflection and information reduces job search duration of young unemployed people with a low level of formal education. Considering the low costs of the intervention, efficiency is very high." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Scarring Dreams? Young People's Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment (2022)

    Mühlböck, Monika ; Kalleitner, Fabian ; Steiber, Nadia ; Kittel, Bernhard ;


    Mühlböck, Monika, Fabian Kalleitner, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2022): Scarring Dreams? Young People's Vocational Aspirations and Expectations During and After Unemployment. In: Social Inclusion, Jg. 10, H. 2, S. 252-264. DOI:10.17645/si.v10i2.5162


    "Young people's early‐career unemployment experience has been found to have long‐lasting effects, resulting in lower earnings even decades later. However, while this so‐called “scarring effect” is well established, there is still little knowledge about the mechanisms through which it comes about. We take a closer look at the period that produces the wounds that later turn to scars. Drawing on a panel survey in which young adults in Austria were interviewed once at the beginning of an unemployment period and again one year later, we study how job aspirations and expectations changed during this period. We find that respondents on average lowered their aspirations and expectations over time, particularly those who experienced latent deprivation during unemployment. Furthermore, while the aspirations and expectations of those who were unemployed at the time of the second interview remained relatively unchanged, those who were employed lowered their expectations and to some extent also their aspirations. Our results suggest that research should pay more attention to the heterogenous effects of early‐career unemployment: It produces scarred dreams for some while others manage to keep their aspirations and expectations alive." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Learning to keep the faith? Further education and perceived employability among young unemployed (2022)

    Mühlböck, Monika ; Kittel, Bernhard ; Steiber, Nadia ;


    Mühlböck, Monika, Nadia Steiber & Bernhard Kittel (2022): Learning to keep the faith? Further education and perceived employability among young unemployed. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 43, H. 2, S. 705-725. DOI:10.1177/0143831X20944211


    "To keep up job search motivation and maintain re-employment chances, it is important that unemployed individuals do not stop believing in their ability to (re)gain satisfying employment. This article examines whether further education during unemployment has a positive effect on perceived employability (i.e. the subjective assessment of one?s chances to obtain the desired job), based on a panel survey of unemployed young adults in Austria. The article finds that educational activities - either on own initiative or as part of an active labor market program - indeed help to sustain or even increase perceived employability. However, only for long-term programs do the effects persist beyond the duration of the activity. This study thus identifies substantial psychological side effects of active labor market policies involving further education, which could be used to increase actual employability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    NEETs and Youth Unemployment: A Longitudinal Comparison Across European Countries (2022)

    Pennoni, Fulvia ; Bal-Domańska, Beata ;


    Pennoni, Fulvia & Beata Bal-Domańska (2022): NEETs and Youth Unemployment. A Longitudinal Comparison Across European Countries. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 162, H. 2, S. 739-761. DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02813-5


    "Young people’s place in the labor market has been a topic of interest to the European Union and national governments for many years. This study analyzes young people who are Not in Employment nor in Education or Training (NEET) and Youth Unemployment (YU) in the European Union member states, through data collected over a period of sixteen years, considering the influence of some macroeconomic factors through an hidden Markov model. This approach is based on maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters, and provides a dynamic classification of the countries into clusters representing different levels of the phenomena. We discover three clusters of countries, and we show that whereas Italy was the worst performing country in terms of both NEETs and YU, the Czech Republic was the best performing country in reducing NEETs, and Poland and Slovakia were the best performing in reducing YU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe: Career guidance and counselling as auxiliary levers (2022)

    Psifidou, Irene; Harrison, Cynthia; Farazouli, Alexandra; Mouratoglou, Nikolaos;


    Psifidou, Irene, Nikolaos Mouratoglou, Alexandra Farazouli & Cynthia Harrison (2022): Minimising early leaving from vocational education and training in Europe. Career guidance and counselling as auxiliary levers. (CEDEFOP working paper series / European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training 2022,11), Thessaloniki, 40 S. DOI:10.2801/75320


    "Career guidance and counselling are key features of comprehensive strategies aiming to reduce early leaving from education and training. They may assist students, not only in terms of decision-making but also in managing their transitions within education and training pathways or from education to employment. Minimising the risks of either insufficient information or unrealistic expectations, career guidance and counselling may support learners in making informed decisions based on their interests, talents, and future job aspirations, as well as preventing dropout and early leaving. For those who have left education and training early, career guidance and counselling may assist them to return to, and qualify in, upper secondary education. This paper examines how national policies and practices in career guidance and counselling in EU Member States may support learners at risk and early leavers from education and training. It identifies common patterns and existing information gaps, and sets out future prospects." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic Inactivity, Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and Scarring: The Importance of NEET as a Marker of Long-Term Disadvantage (2022)

    Ralston, Kevin ; Feng, Zhiqiang; Everington, Dawn; Dibben, Chris;


    Ralston, Kevin, Dawn Everington, Zhiqiang Feng & Chris Dibben (2022): Economic Inactivity, Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and Scarring: The Importance of NEET as a Marker of Long-Term Disadvantage. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 59-79. DOI:10.1177/0950017020973882


    "The category of not in employment, education or training (NEET) refers to young people who are recorded as neither in paid employment nor formal education either at one time point, or for a continuous period. This article assesses levels of employment scarring for those aged 36–39, at Census 2011 (prime employment years) who were recorded as NEET when aged 16–19 at Census 1991 in Scotland. Outcomes are compared for those who moved from NEET into economic activity and by gender. We find evidence that NEET status leads to long-term scarring associated with economic inactivity and unemployment and that this is only partially offset for those who moved from NEET in 1991 to be economically active in 2001. The results also highlight gendering of NEET outcomes. NEET may be a category borne of administrative convenience, rather than sociological consistency but, as intended, it captures a group who experience disadvantage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Forecasting National and Regional Youth Unemployment in Spain Using Google Trends (2022)

    Simionescu, Mihaela ; Cifuentes-Faura, Javier ;


    Simionescu, Mihaela & Javier Cifuentes-Faura (2022): Forecasting National and Regional Youth Unemployment in Spain Using Google Trends. In: Social work & society, Jg. 164, H. 3, S. 1187-1216. DOI:10.1007/s11205-022-02984-9


    "In Spain, the youth unemployment rate is one of the highest in the European Union. With the pandemic caused by Covid-19, young people face high unemployment rates and are more vulnerable to a decrease in labour demand. This paper analyses and predicts youth unemployment using Google Trends indices in Spain for the period between the first quarter of 2004 and the second quarter of 2021, being the first work to carry out this study for Spain and the first to use the regional approach for the country. Vector autoregressive Bayesian models and vector error correction models have been used for national data, and Bayesian panel data models and fixed effects model for regional data. The results confirm that forecasts based on Google Trends data are more accurate in predicting the youth unemployment rate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Krise auf Jugendliche am Arbeitsmarkt in den EU-27 (2022)

    Tamesberger, Dennis;


    Tamesberger, Dennis (2022): Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Krise auf Jugendliche am Arbeitsmarkt in den EU-27. In: L. Bellmann & W. Matiaske (Hrsg.) (2022): Sozio-Ökonomik der Corona-Krise, S. 111-136.


    "Mit einer deskriptiven Datenanalyse des Zeitraums zwischen dem ersten Quartal 2020 und dem ersten Quartal 2021 werden die EU-27-Länder je nach Betroffenheit von wirtschaftlicher Rezession in drei unterschiedliche Gruppen unterteilt. Gezeigt wurde, dass die Gruppe der Länder, die den stärksten BIP-Einbruch verzeichneten, gleichzeitig sehr schwierige institutionelle Rahmendbedingungen vorfand. In der zweiten Gruppe, die mittelstark betroffen war, konnten Länder mit dualem Ausbildungssystem die Vulnerabilität der Jugendlichen eindämmen, und die dritte Gruppe mit mäßigem bis keinem Einbruch des BIP zeigt ein recht diverses Bild. Auf supranationaler Ebene konnte festgestellt werden, dass Jugendliche im Alter von 15-19 Jahren eher von Arbeitslosigkeit betroffen sind als junge Erwachsene, darunter waren es vorwiegend junge Frauen und Migran*innen, die von der Krise in die Arbeitslosigkeit gedrängt wurden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Learning from experience: integrating disadvantaged young people through mobility schemes: ESF Transnational Cooperation Platform - Community of Practice on Employment, Education and Skills (2022)


    "Trans-European mobility has been at the core of EU education policy since the introduction of mobility programs in the 1980s when the Erasmus and Youth for Europe programmes were introduced (in 1987 and 1988, respectively). Under the SOCRATES, Lifelong Learning Program (particularly the Leonardo and Erasmus strands) and the Erasmus+ programs mobility has become an important tool to provide young people with an experience of studying and working abroad. Significantly, the new Erasmus+ program for the 2021-27 period will have an estimated budget of EUR 26.2 billion, almost double the amount allocated to the 2014-20 programming period, with 70% of the budget dedicated to mobility.Mobility programs have demonstrated that they can have an impact on learners’ skills and competences as well as wider skills such as level of autonomy, confidence, independence, and open mindedness. In addition, a mobility period can help learners to define their future career and life choices. The evaluation of the Erasmus+ program found that participants had a shorter transition time between education and employment.4.The research on the longer-term investment of mobility programs is in its infancy, for example, with ongoing research (at the time of writing) into the cost-benefit analysis of mobility programs in Czechia. However, mobility should be considered as a longer-term investment in individuals, particularly those from vulnerable groups as they may endure less periods of unemployment compared to their peers. Historically, existing mobility programs such as the Leonardo program and Erasmus+ programs have tried to target those with fewer opportunities as part of the focus on social inclusion, but they have not been extremely successful. The category of ‘fewer opportunities’ is extremely broad and has tended to cover young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs), unemployed and underemployed, people with disabilities and minorities. The mid-term evaluation of the Erasmus+ 2014-20 program found that just 11.5% of the total number of participants in Erasmus+ were disadvantaged young people. The evaluation stressed that the program needs to do more to reach out to more vulnerable young people" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    ALMA, Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve - Active inclusion initiative for integrating disadvantaged young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) through mobility: manual of guidance (2022)


    "Publication metadata ALMA (Aim-Learn-Master-Achieve) is an active inclusion initiative to empower the most vulnerable young people aged 18 to 29 who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs), by implementing a tailor-made approach to support them to find a job and integrate into society. ALMA offers these young people counselling in their home country followed by a supervised, work-related learning experience in another EU Member State, with the aim of supporting their integration into the labour market and society in their home country. ALMA is one of the European Commission initiatives for the European Year of Youth 2022, and will be a key instrument in implementing the Reinforced Youth Guarantee adopted in 2020." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Not all wishes come true: the occupational compromises youths accept when entering vocational training (2021)

    Ahrens, Lea; Schels, Brigitte ; Fischer, Melanie; Kleinert, Corinna ;


    Ahrens, Lea, Melanie Fischer, Corinna Kleinert & Brigitte Schels (2021): Not all wishes come true: the occupational compromises youths accept when entering vocational training. In: IAB-Forum H. 15.10.2021 Nürnberg, 2021-10-14.


    "In times of economic crisis, Germany’s large vocational training segment comes even more to the fore as prime model for reducing the risk of youth unemployment. A growing number of pupils continue school and pursue academic education. Still, vocational training remains important for school leavers from lower and intermediate secondary schools. These young people are confronted in their teenage years with the difficult decision for one occupation out of more than 400 options." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Even more discouraged? The NEET generation at the age of COVID-19 (2021)

    Aina, Carmen ; Mussida, Chiara ; Scicchitano, Sergio ; Brunetti, Irene ;


    Aina, Carmen, Irene Brunetti, Chiara Mussida & Sergio Scicchitano (2021): Even more discouraged? The NEET generation at the age of COVID-19. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 863), Maastricht, 24 S.


    "This paper evaluates if and to what extend the risk of becoming Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) has worsened during the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy. The analysis is based on a unique dataset from the merging of two sample surveys, the Italian Labor Force Survey and the Institutional Quality Index dataset. We find that the probability of being NEET significantly increased during the pandemic, but heterogeneously between age cohorts and geographical areas. The most affected categories have been young people (aged 25-34) and those living in North-West regions. Females are mostly affected compared to males, especially those experiencing motherhood and living in a Southern province. Investment in education reduces the NEET status, mainly for age-group 25-34 in the South. Participation in the civil society significantly reduces the probability to being NEET. Finally, active policies conducted at regional level are a further educational investment that protect from becoming NEET, although their effectiveness is not significant in the Southern regions. We provide novel evidence to inform policymakers and help building evidence-based policies, tailored on local needs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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