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Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten – Bildung und Arbeitsmarkt

Auf der Flucht vor Krieg und politischer Verfolgung verlassen viele Menschen ihr Heimatland und suchen Schutz und neue Perspektiven in Deutschland und beantragen Asyl. Die Beteiligung am Arbeitsmarkt wird häufig als Schlüssel für die gesellschaftliche Integration der Fluchtmigrantinnen und -migranten gesehen. Welche Qualifikationen bringen die Menschen mit, welche arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahmen sind hilfreich? Wie gehen die einzelnen Bundesländer damit um, welche Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Wirtschaft und die Sozialsysteme sind zu erwarten, wie sieht die Situation in anderen Ländern aus?
Dieses Themendossier stellt wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Thema zusammen und ermöglicht den Zugang zu weiterführenden Informationen sowie zu Positionen der politischen Akteure.
Literatur zur besonderen Situation der Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine finden Sie im Themendossier Auswirkungen des Krieges gegen die Ukraine auf Wirtschaft, Arbeitsmarkt und Fluchtmigration in Deutschland

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im Aspekt "Zur Situation in anderen Ländern"
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    Asylum in Europe (2015)

    Leithold, Daniel;


    Leithold, Daniel (2015): Asylum in Europe. In: CESifo DICE report, Jg. 13, H. 4, S. 55-58.


    "Asylum regulations in European countries still differ significantly. There is a minimum standard set by the European Union that all countries have to reach. This ensures that an asylum seeker has the same chance of gaining protection regardless of the country in which s/he applies for asylum. However, regulations that determine the long-term perspective for refugees differ and therefore influence host country decisions. The more national regulations are harmonized, the less influential they will be in the host country decisions made by asylum seekers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hyper-precarious lives: migrants, work and forced labour in the global north (2015)

    Lewis, Hannah; Hodkinson, Stuart; Dwyer, Peter ; Waite, Louise;


    Lewis, Hannah, Peter Dwyer, Stuart Hodkinson & Louise Waite (2015): Hyper-precarious lives. Migrants, work and forced labour in the global north. In: Progress in Human Geography, Jg. 39, H. 5, S. 580-600. DOI:10.1177/0309132514548303


    "This paper unpacks the contested inter-connections between neoliberal work and welfare regimes, asylum and immigration controls, and the exploitation of migrant workers. The concept of precarity is explored as a way of understanding intensifying and insecure post-Fordist work in late capitalism. Migrants are centrally implicated in highly precarious work experiences at the bottom end of labour markets in Global North countries, including becoming trapped in forced labour. Building on existing research on the working experiences of migrants in the Global North, the main part of the article considers three questions. First, what is precarity and how does the concept relate to working lives? Second, how might we understand the causes of extreme forms of migrant labour exploitation in precarious lifeworlds? Third, how can we adequately theorize these particular experiences using the conceptual tools of forced labour, slavery, unfreedom and precarity? We use the concept of 'hyper-precarity' alongside notions of a 'continuum of unfreedom' as a way of furthering human geographical inquiry into the intersections between various terrains of social action and conceptual debate concerning migrants' precarious working experiences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tradable refugee-admission quotas, matching and the new European agenda for migration (2015)

    Moraga, Jesús Fernández-Huertas; Rapoport, Hillel;


    Moraga, Jesús Fernández-Huertas & Hillel Rapoport (2015): Tradable refugee-admission quotas, matching and the new European agenda for migration. In: CESifo DICE report, Jg. 13, H. 2, S. 50-56.


    "The recent proposal by the EU Commission to introduce a distribution key for refugees and asylum seekers is a welcome concrete measure to give solidarity and responsibility sharing in the field of asylum a practical content. It is akin to the distribution of initial quotas. We propose to extend this policy proposal in two directions. First, we propose to implement a matching mechanism to take refugees' and host countries' preferences into account. In doing so, the matching mechanism will contribute to lower the expected cost of hosting refugees for host countries and will improve refugees' long-term integration prospects. Second, we propose that the initial quotas allocated through the distribution key could be traded in a market for refugee-admission visas. The two proposed components are linked in the sense that the matching mechanism makes it possible to design a sanction scheme ensuring that receiving countries will have incentives to be attractive from the perspective of refugees and asylum seekers, that is, to offer them good treatment and conditions." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tradable refugee-admission quotas, matching and the new European agenda for migration (2015)

    Moraga, Jesús Fernández-Huertas; Rapoport, Hillel;


    Moraga, Jesús Fernández-Huertas & Hillel Rapoport (2015): Tradable refugee-admission quotas, matching and the new European agenda for migration. In: IZA journal of European Labor Studies, Jg. 4, S. 1-13. DOI:10.1186/s40174-015-0045-y


    "The Syrian Civil War gave rise to the largest refugee flight reaching Europe since the Yugoslavian wars in the 1990s. The crisis evidenced the deficiencies of the European Union Asylum Policy, which struggled both to offer solutions to Syrian refugees and to efficiently allocate costs across Member States. We draw on previous theoretical work to simulate how a system of tradable refugee-admission quotas coupled with a matching mechanism assigning refugees to their preferred destinations and destinations to their preferred types of refugees would give more flexibility to Member States while respecting refugee rights and preferences." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migrationsbericht des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge im Auftrag der Bundesregierung: (Migrationsbericht 2014) (2015)


    Bundesministerium des Innern (2015): Migrationsbericht des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge im Auftrag der Bundesregierung. (Migrationsbericht 2014). (Migrationsbericht des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge im Auftrag der Bundesregierung 13), Berlin, 298 S.


    "Der Migrationsbericht beinhaltet neben den allgemeinen Wanderungsdaten zu Deutschland (Kapitel 1) inklusive der EU-Binnenmigration von Unionsbürgern (Kapitel 2) und der detaillierten Darstellung der verschiedenen Migrationsarten (Kapitel 3) einen europäischen Vergleich zum Migrationsgeschehen und zur Asylzuwanderung (Kapitel 5). Zusätzlich behandelt der Bericht das Phänomen der illegalen/irregulären Migration (Kapitel 6), geht auf die Abwanderung von Deutschen und Ausländern (Kapitel 4) ein und informiert über die Struktur und die Demografie der Bevölkerung mit Migrationshintergrund (Kapitel 7 und 8). Dabei wird in den jeweiligen Kapiteln auf die Bedeutung der einzelnen Migrationsstatistiken und die Grenzen ihrer Aussagefähigkeit eingegangen. Zudem werden kurz die Rechtsgrundlagen der einzelnen Zuwanderergruppen dargestellt sowie auf aktuelle Rechtsänderungen und relevante Gerichtsurteile eingegangen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors in the EU Member States and Norway: synthesis report (2015)


    "Dieser EMN-Synthesebericht fasst die Ergebnisse von nationalen EMN-Studien aus 27 Ländern zu dem Thema 'Politiken, Praktiken und Daten über Unbegleitete Minderjährige in den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten und Norwegen' zusammen. Der deutsche Beitrag ist als Studie unter dem Titel 'Unbegleitete Minderjährige in Deutschland' erschienen. Der EMN-Synthesebericht liegt nur in Englisch vor" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Catching up: The labor market integration of new immigrants in Sweden (2014)

    Bevelander, Pieter; Irastorza, Nahikari ;


    Bevelander, Pieter & Nahikari Irastorza (2014): Catching up: The labor market integration of new immigrants in Sweden. Washington, DC, 23 S.


    "The considerable diversity among Sweden's immigrants reflects a humanitarian migration policy. Refugees have arrived in the country since the 1970s and 1980s, with their countries of origin shifting according to the ethnic and political conflicts of any given period. Sweden is also a longstanding magnet for labor migration from surrounding Scandinavia, and has attracted mobile EU citizens since its entry into the European Union in 1995 -- and especially following the EU enlargements of 2004 and 2007. Sweden's immigration flows continue to change today, as policy reforms in 2008 allowed employers to bring non-EU labor migrants to the country for the first time in decades.
    This report assesses how new immigrants to Sweden fare in the country's labor market. It shows that employment rates during newcomers' initial years in Sweden are relatively depressed for low-educated refugees and migrants who come based on family ties, in comparison to natives and labor migrants from EU countries. Since Sweden's refugees and family arrivals are not selected through employment-related criteria, they are likely to lack locally in-demand skills and are often out of work in the years immediately after arrival. The obstacles these groups face can be exacerbated by certain features of Sweden's labor market, such as high minimum wages, a relatively small pool of low-skilled jobs, and stringent employment protection for permanent work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The labour market integration of refugee and family reunion immigrants: a comparison of outcomes in Canada and Sweden (2014)

    Bevelander, Pieter; Pendakur, Ravi ;


    Bevelander, Pieter & Ravi Pendakur (2014): The labour market integration of refugee and family reunion immigrants. A comparison of outcomes in Canada and Sweden. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 40, H. 5, S. 689-709. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2013.849569


    "This paper assesses the employment and earnings trajectories of refugee and family reunion category immigrants in Canada and Sweden using two national level sources of data. The Canadian Immigration Database (IMDB) is a file that links the intake record of post-1979 immigrants with annual taxation records. The 2007 Swedish Register Data includes information on all legal permanent residents. Using standard regression methods, we compare labour force outcomes of age - sex - schooling - place of birth cohorts looking specifically at non-economic (family reunion and refugee intake) immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and the former Yugoslavia. We find that the employment and earning trajectories of the selected non-economic migrant groups are quite similar in the two host countries, although earnings are higher in Canada than in Sweden." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migrant deprivation, conditionality of legal status and the welfare state (2014)

    Corrigan, Owen;


    Corrigan, Owen (2014): Migrant deprivation, conditionality of legal status and the welfare state. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 24, H. 3, S. 223-239. DOI:10.1177/0958928714525819


    "This article adds to our theoretical understanding of the determination of third-country national (TCN) migrant deprivation and poverty in western Europe. The stratifying effects of different types of legal status on migrant outcomes have been established in previous research. The conditionality that states attach to securing different types of legal status has heretofore been overlooked as an important explanatory factor, however. A measure of the conditionality attached to attaining the key social rights - granting status of long-term residency (LTR) is operationalized using cross-national policy data. Building on existing theory, we hypothesize that the negative impact of welfare generosity on TCN material deprivation is moderated by a state's level of LTR conditionality, such that deprivation will be greatest where conditionality is high and generosity is low. This hypothesis is tested using large-scale European microdata in the context of multilevel modelling. The empirical results are consistent with the central hypothesis. These findings have implications for policymakers and for extant accounts of migrant welfare, the welfare state and the factors implicated in the determination of poverty and deprivation in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Receiving countries' perspectives: The case of Sweden (2014)

    Gerdes, Christer; Wadensjö, Eskil;


    Gerdes, Christer & Eskil Wadensjö (2014): Receiving countries' perspectives: The case of Sweden. (IZA discussion paper 8408), Bonn, 24 S.


    "Sweden has made its labour market more open for labour immigration since the mid1990s: becoming member of the common labour market of EES/EU in 1994, no transitional rules introduced at the enlargement of European Union in 2004 and 2007, and opening up for labour migration from non-EES/EU countries in December 2008. The changes have led to increased labour immigration. The labour immigration expanded for example after the enlargement in 2004 but not so much as in for example the United Kingdom and Ireland. Other forms of immigration have been more important. On the other hand, the migration has been rather stable in the years after the crisis in 2008. The main explanation is most likely that the recession in Sweden was only for one year, 2009, and that it was concentrated to some parts of the manufacturing industry where few migrant workers were employed. If the present EMU crisis is spreading to Sweden the result may of course be different." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic integration of intermarried labour migrants, refugees and family migrants to Sweden: premium or selection? (2014)

    Irastorza, Nahikari ; Bevelander, Pieter;


    Irastorza, Nahikari & Pieter Bevelander (2014): Economic integration of intermarried labour migrants, refugees and family migrants to Sweden. Premium or selection? (IZA discussion paper 8065), Bonn, 38 S.


    "We use Swedish register data to compare the employment and income of immigrants who intermarry natives versus those of immigrants who intramarry other immigrants in Sweden. We conduct the same analyses on three subsamples: labour migrants, refugees and family migrants. We find that intermarried immigrants outperformed intramarried ones in employment rates and salaries before and after marriage, in 1997 and 2007 respectively, and the same in true for each of the three subsamples analyzed. There is a statistically significant difference in income growth between intermarried and intramarried immigrants within that time period, but this difference is only significant for the subsample of family migrants. Finally, the upward mobility in employment status between 1997 and 2007 is higher for intermarried immigrants than for intramarried ones, with this being also the case for each of the three groups of labour migrants, refugees and family migrants. Our findings provide evidence to support both the selection hypothesis and the intermarriage premium hypothesis for the whole group of immigrants to Sweden. They also fully support the selection hypothesis for labour and family migrants but only partially for refugees; whereas they fully confirm the intermarriage premium hypothesis for family migrants but only partially for refugees and labour migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Neither temporary, nor permanent: the precarious employment experiences of refugee claimants in Canada (2014)

    Jackson, Samantha; Bauder, Harald;


    Jackson, Samantha & Harald Bauder (2014): Neither temporary, nor permanent: the precarious employment experiences of refugee claimants in Canada. In: Journal of refugee studies, Jg. 27, H. 3, S. 360-381. DOI:10.1093/jrs/fet048


    "Although refugee claimants are often portrayed as a drain on Canada's economic resources, their employment experiences and contributions to the labour market remain under-represented in the literature. This study explores the employment experiences of refugee claimants in Toronto, Canada. Through the lens of refugeeness, it traces the subjective employment trajectories of refugee claimants, as well as the objective forces compromising their employability. Drawing on 17 interviews with refugee claimants, our analysis shows both that refugee claimants face distinct barriers stemming from their precarious legal status, and that refugee claimants' employability is perceived as shaped by real and ascribed barriers associated with this status. In addition, refugee claimants perceive employment as an expression of belonging and citizenship." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Spurwechsel im Migrationsprozess: Erfahrungen aus Schweden (2014)

    Parusel, Bernd;


    Parusel, Bernd (2014): Spurwechsel im Migrationsprozess. Erfahrungen aus Schweden. In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik, Jg. 34, H. 3, S. 115-122.


    "Beruhend auf einem Vortrag im Rahmen eines Workshops zum Thema 'Asyl: Motive, Gesetze und Realitäten' bei den vierten Nürnberger Tagen zum Asyl- und Aufenthaltsrecht am 14.11.2013 soll die vorliegende Abhandlung Spurwechsel von Zuwanderern zwischen verschiedenen Aufenthaltszwecken bzw. Zuwanderungskanälen am Beispiel Schwedens näher untersuchen. Wechsel zwischen Aufenthalten im Rahmen der Zuwanderung aus humanitären Gründen und der Zuwanderung zu Erwerbszwecken stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Nach einem groben Überblick über Schweden als Zielland von Asylsuchenden und anderen Zuwanderern und Grundlinien der gegenwärtigen schwedischen Migrationspolitik werden Zusammenhänge - und Widersprüche bzw. Konflikte - zwischen der gesetzlichen Regulierung der Zuwanderung nach bestimmten Aufenthaltszwecken und den Motiven der Asylsuchenden und Zuwanderer anhand von administrativen Daten zu Spurwechseln im Jahr 2012 beleuchtet. Abschließend geht es um die Frage, inwieweit Spurwechsel möglich sind oder ermöglicht werden sollten." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    The labour market integration of resettled refugees (2013)

    Ott, Eleanor;


    Ott, Eleanor (2013): The labour market integration of resettled refugees. Genf, 64 S.


    "This literature review aims to synthesise what is currently known about labour market integration of resettled refugees. One aspect, widely acknowledged in the literature, is that a 'refugee gap' appears when comparing resettled refugees to other immigrants in terms of labour market integration. Analyses in multiple countries have shown that resettled refugees perform worse in measures of labour market integration compared to other immigrants and individuals in the short-term, even when controlling for differences in demographics such as age, education level, and level of host country language acquisition." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Integration of refugees into the European education and labour market: requirements for a target group oriented approach (2013)

    Seukwa, Louis Henri; Norstrom, Eva; Omodeo, Maria; Norberg, Anna; Zaccai, Claudia; Trevisan, Chiara; Clayton, Pamela; Buchetti, Margherita; Gag, Maren; Pretty, Sarah-Jane; Cardini, Rita; Schroeder, Joachim; McGill, Paul; Seukwa, Louis Henri; Franceschini, Daria; Solimano, Nicola;


    Seukwa, Louis Henri (Hrsg.) (2013): Integration of refugees into the European education and labour market. Requirements for a target group oriented approach. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 302 S.


    "For the first time in the history of the EU, from 2002 to 2007 asylum seekers and refugees had been explicitly considered in an employment programme trough EQUAL. Despite the success of this programme, EQUAL as a participant-oriented programme was not restarted after 2007. This book analyzes the results achieved by EQUAL with respect to the EU Council Directive laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekers as well as for the promotion of access to education and employment. Based on case studies in four European cities, the question of access to education and training programmes as well as to the labour market for refugees and asylum seekers is examined. The legal, political, structural and individual conditions for the success of such measures are also highlighted." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
    Louis Henri Seukwa: General introduction (7);
    Margherita Buchetti, Rita Cardini, Daria Franceschini, Chiara Trevisan, Maria Omodeo Nicola Solimano, Claudia Zaccai: The paradox of being a recognized refugee in Italy: Living in an open prison, Florence, Tuscany (19);
    Pamela Clayton, Paul McGill & Sarah-Jane Pretty: A life in limbo: Barriers to VET and labour market integration for asylum-seekers waiting for the granting of Leave to Remain (111);
    Maren Gag: Vocational integration of refugees and Asylum-seekers in Hamburg - roundabout routes from model to structure (143);
    Maren Gag, Joachim Schroeder: Refugee Monitoring : Research status, conceptual basis and implementation proposals, taking the example of the City of Hamburg (195);
    Maren Gag, Joachim Schroeder: Refugee Monitoring in Hamburg - first steps taken! (213);
    Eva Norstrom and Anna Norberg: The reception and introduction of asylum seekers and new arrivals in Gothenburg. Successes and failures in the development of a new system (231);
    Maren Gag, Paul McGill, Eva Norstrom, Maria Omodeo, Sarah Jane Pretty, Maike Schroder, Louis Henri Seukwa, Claudia Zaccai: Lessons learned : Recommendations on the European level and conclusive remarks (285).

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    Income inequality and health: lessons from a refugee residential assignment program (2012)

    Grönqvist, Hans; Johansson, Per; Niknami, Susan;


    Grönqvist, Hans, Per Johansson & Susan Niknami (2012): Income inequality and health: lessons from a refugee residential assignment program. (Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy 2012,11), Uppsala, 35 S.


    "This paper examines the effect of income inequality on health for a group of particularly disadvantaged individuals: refugees. Our analysis draws on longitudinal hospitalization records coupled with a settlement policy where Swedish authorities assigned newly arrived refugees to their first area of residence. The policy was implemented in a way that provides a source of plausibly random variation in initial location. The results reveal no statistically significant effect of income inequality on the risk of being hospitalized. This finding holds also for most population subgroups and when separating between different types of diagnoses. Our estimates are precise enough to rule out large effects of income inequality on health." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Exploring the potential of refugees and asylum seekers for social care work in England: a qualitative study (2011)

    Hussein, Shereen ; Manthorpe, Jill; Stevens, Martin;


    Hussein, Shereen, Jill Manthorpe & Martin Stevens (2011): Exploring the potential of refugees and asylum seekers for social care work in England. A qualitative study. In: Health and Social Care in the Community, Jg. 19, H. 5, S. 468-475. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2524.2011.00989.x


    "Literature highlights the potential for refugees to contribute to the labour force of receiving countries. Such a contribution may be welcomed in sectors, such as social care, where demand for labour is increasing and high vacancy rates exist. This article reports on empirical data examining the potential of refugee communities to work in social care in England. The analysis is based primarily on 20 interviews with refugees and asylum seekers and five representatives of refugee support groups, conducted in 2008 - 2009. The findings of this sub-study are set within results obtained from other interviews as part of a multi-methods study examining the contribution of migrants to the English care sector. In-depth interviews were analysed thematically, guided by a theoretical framework linking employment, migration and the nature of care work. The findings highlight a general willingness of refugee participants to join the care workforce. Individual and structural barriers to increased employability were identified, as well as possible strategies to overcome them. Although the findings and discussions presented are based on data collected in England and are specific to the care sector, most are more generalisable and may inform strategies aiming at maximising refugees' employability in other sectors and in other developed states." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Welfare-to-work and the responsiveness of employment providers to the needs of refugees (2011)

    Shutes, Isabel;


    Shutes, Isabel (2011): Welfare-to-work and the responsiveness of employment providers to the needs of refugees. In: Journal of social policy, Jg. 40, H. 3, S. 557-574. DOI:10.1017/S0047279410000711


    "Improving the responsiveness of service providers to the needs of users has been a principal aim of welfare state reform. In the context of employment provision, this article explores the effects of a job outcome-oriented performance system on the responsiveness of providers to the needs of unemployed refugees. These effects concern, first, the type of refugees to whom providers are responsive and, second, the type of employment assistance provided. It is argued that an emphasis on short-term job outcomes may conflict with supporting refugees who are 'harder to help', particularly those with English language needs. It may also conflict with supporting refugees to access employment related to their skills and interests by encouraging providers to focus on placing refugees in 'easy to access', low-skilled and low-paid jobs. The effects may, therefore, serve to reproduce labour market inequalities experienced by refugees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Explaining the refugee gap: economic outcomes of refugees versus other immigrants (2010)

    Connor, Phillip;


    Connor, Phillip (2010): Explaining the refugee gap. Economic outcomes of refugees versus other immigrants. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 23, H. 3, S. 377-397. DOI:10.1093/jrs/feq025


    "It is often assumed that refugees in the US are at an economic disadvantage compared to other immigrants. A number of hypotheses have been postulated to explain this 'refugee gap'. Refugees, on average, have less English language ability, less educational experience, different forms of family support, poorer mental and physical health, and generally reside in more disadvantaged neighbourhoods than other immigrants. Although these factors are well supported by evidence for specific refugee groups, a lack of representative data for both refugee and non-refugee migrants has made the testing of this refugee gap challenging. Using the first wave of the New Immigrant Survey, these hypotheses are tested on employment, occupation, and earnings outcomes using multivariate modelling techniques among recent immigrants in the United States. Findings demonstrate that accounting for each of the aforementioned explanatory factors minimizes the earnings and occupational differences between refugees and all other immigrants. Despite the inclusion of these factors within the model, however, a refugee disparity in earnings and occupational attainment continues to exist." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The employment experience of refugees in the Netherlands (2010)

    De Vroome, Thomas; Tubergen, Frank van;


    De Vroome, Thomas & Frank van Tubergen (2010): The employment experience of refugees in the Netherlands. In: International migration review, Jg. 44, H. 2, S. 376-403. DOI:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2010.00810.x


    "This study focuses on the economically disadvantaged position of refugees. We use survey data of refugees from Somalia, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the former Yugoslavia in the Netherlands, to analyze refugees' odds of employment and their occupational status. In line with human capital and social capital theory, we find that host country specific education, work experience, language proficiency, and contacts with natives are positively related to the chances of employment and occupational status. The study shows that health problems, integration courses, and the time spent in refugee reception centers form important additional explanations of the economic integration of refugees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Abschottungs- und Anwerbungsstrategien: EU-Institutionen und Arbeitsmigration (2010)

    Parusel, Bernd;


    Parusel, Bernd (2010): Abschottungs- und Anwerbungsstrategien. EU-Institutionen und Arbeitsmigration. (VS research), Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften, 269 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-531-92323-9


    "Die Asyl- und Zuwanderungspolitik in Europa ist nicht mehr nur eine Aufgabe der Nationalstaaten, sondern auch der Europäischen Union. Nachdem mit verschiedenen EU-Richtlinien und -Verordnungen im Bereich Asyl und 'illegale' Zuwanderung bereits gemeinschaftliche Regeln und Kriterien geschaffen wurden, rückt seit einigen Jahren verstärkt auch die 'legale' Migration, einschließlich der Zuwanderung von Arbeitskräften aus Drittstaaten, ins Blickfeld der europäischen Entscheidungsträger und Institutionen. Bernd Parusel analysiert, welche ökonomischen, demografischen, sozial- und entwicklungspolitischen Interessen die EU-Akteure vertreten, und untersucht, wodurch sie beeinflusst werden. Es wird deutlich, dass das europäische Institutionengefüge über eine eigene Dynamik verfügt, die eine prägende Wirkung auf die Steuerungsmittel der Zuwanderungspolitik ausübt und schrittweise neue - europäische - Politikergebnisse generiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    'When they don't use it they will lose it': professionals, deprofessionalization and reprofessionalization: the case of refugee teachers in Scotland (2010)

    Smyth, Geri; Kum, Henry;


    Smyth, Geri & Henry Kum (2010): 'When they don't use it they will lose it': professionals, deprofessionalization and reprofessionalization. The case of refugee teachers in Scotland. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 23, H. 4, S. 503-522. DOI:10.1093/jrs/feq041


    "This article discusses issues faced by refugees and asylum seekers in Scotland who were teachers in their country of origin as they seek to re-engage professionally. Refugees are frequently placed in low paid unskilled jobs, yet have often been well educated in their original country. This article draws on research conducted between 2006 and 2008, by the RITeS (Refugees Into Teaching in Scotland) project, funded by the West of Scotland Wider Access Forum (West Forum). In order to teach in Scotland, a candidate needs to register with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). This process has presented difficult challenges for refugee teachers, many of whom require intensive support to access the profession in Scotland. Additional structural barriers to employment are created by refusing to allow asylum seekers, who do not have leave to remain, to engage in paid employment. This article adopts a critical approach to the data gathered and explores the personal, cultural, institutional and structural barriers to employment faced by this particular group. The article draws conclusions and recommendations related to the reprofessionalization of a wider range of refugee professionals. As such it offers insights into the post arrival experiences of professional refugees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    State assisted integration: refugee integration policies in Scandinavian welfare states: the Swedish and Norwegian experience (2010)

    Valenta, Marko ; Bunar, Nihad;


    Valenta, Marko & Nihad Bunar (2010): State assisted integration: refugee integration policies in Scandinavian welfare states. The Swedish and Norwegian experience. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 23, H. 4, S. 463-483. DOI:10.1093/jrs/feq028


    "This paper sets out to provide an analysis of refugee integration policies in Sweden and Norway, by means of comparative analysis. There is a particular focus on the ideological foundations of the Swedish and Norwegian refugee integration policies, and the main programmes drawn on by the countries' authorities in order to integrate refugees. Further, the focus is widened to identify and analyse the changes, disparities and ambiguities in the Swedish and Norwegian refugee integration policies. The paper also seeks to examine how their experience can help in understanding the limitations of extensive state assisted integration measures. It is maintained here that these Scandinavian countries have developed extensive state sponsored integration programmes of a magnitude which is unique in a European context and elsewhere, and that housing and employment assistance are the two major pillars in both Swedish and Norwegian refugee integration policies. The findings suggest that Sweden and Norway have undergone similar experiences in respect of the challenges and long term outcomes of refugee integration policy-making. Although based on the principle of a strong welfare state, which provides extensive resettlement and integration assistance to refugees, refugee integration policies in Sweden and Norway have not succeeded in equalizing the initial inequalities between refugees and the rest of the population." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Understanding integration: a conceptual framework (2008)

    Ager, Alastair; Strang, Alison;


    Ager, Alastair & Alison Strang (2008): Understanding integration. A conceptual framework. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 21, H. 2, S. 166-191. DOI:10.1093/jrs/fen016


    "Integration has become both a key policy objective related to the resettlement of refugees and other migrants, and a matter of significant public discussion. Coherent policy development and productive public debate are, however, both threatened by the fact that the concept of integration is used with widely differing meanings. Based on review of attempted definitions of the term, related literature and primary fieldwork in settings of refugee settlement in the UK, the paper identifies elements central to perceptions of what constitutes 'successful' integration. Key domains of integration are proposed related to four overall themes: achievement and access across the sectors of employment, housing, education and health; assumptions and practice regarding citizenship and rights; processes of social connection within and between groups within the community; and structural barriers to such connection related to language, culture and the local environment. A framework linking these domains is presented as a tool to foster debate and definition regarding normative conceptions of integration in resettlement settings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Career development concerns of recent immigrants and refugees (2008)

    Yakushko, Oksana; Backhaus, Autumn; Watson, Megan; Ngaruiya, Katherine; Gonzalez, Jaime;


    Yakushko, Oksana, Autumn Backhaus, Megan Watson, Katherine Ngaruiya & Jaime Gonzalez (2008): Career development concerns of recent immigrants and refugees. In: Journal of Career Development, Jg. 34, H. 4, S. 362-396. DOI:10.1177/0894845308316292


    "The number of recent immigrants and refugees in the United States is growing dramatically. Among key reasons for migration is search for adequate employment and hope for opportunities to develop occupationally. However, recent immigrants and refugees face multiple obstacles in their career development in the United States. This article uses social cognitive career theory to examine the role of relocation circumstances, stressors of migration, acculturation patterns, and oppression on the career development and employment functioning of recent immigrants and refugees. Specific suggestions for career counselors working with this population are provided." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dequalifikation von anerkannten Flüchtlingen auf dem oberösterreichischen Arbeitsmarkt, mit einem Beispiel eines möglichen Lösungsweges anhand von Schweden (2007)

    Scheiber, Gudrun;


    Scheiber, Gudrun (2007): Dequalifikation von anerkannten Flüchtlingen auf dem oberösterreichischen Arbeitsmarkt, mit einem Beispiel eines möglichen Lösungsweges anhand von Schweden. In: Wiso. Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Zeitschrift des ISW, Jg. 30, H. 2, S. 153-166.


    "Menschen mit migrantischem Hintergrund bringen oft genug berufliche Kompetenzen mit nach Österreich, die allerdings hier brachliegen. Anerkannte Flüchtlinge haben gegenüber anderen MigrantInnen den Vorteil, dass sie keine Arbeitserlaubnis und Ähnliches brauchen, um auf dem heimischen Arbeitsmarkt einer Beschäftigung nachgehen zu können. Dennoch sind auch sie von Dequalifizierung betroffen. Welche Ausbildungen und Berufe die Flüchtlinge mitbringen und in welchen beruflichen Positionen sie in Österreich eingesetzt werden, ob ihre Ausbildungen in Österreich anerkannt sind und ob sie sich auf dem österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt diskriminiert fühlen und nach weiteren Ursachen einer möglichen Dequalifizierung wurde in dieser Untersuchung gefragt. Auch wurden mögliche Lösungswege beschrieben und anhand eines Beispieles aus Schweden ein möglicher, gangbarer Weg zur Behebung der Probleme der Anerkennung von mitgebrachten Qualifikationen aufgezeigt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The aspiration and access to higher education of teenage refugees in the UK (2007)

    Stevenson, Jacqueline; Willott, John;


    Stevenson, Jacqueline & John Willott (2007): The aspiration and access to higher education of teenage refugees in the UK. In: Compare, Jg. 37, H. 5, S. 671-687. DOI:10.1080/03057920701582624


    "Refugee young people are an educationally diverse group. However, unlike groups such as Gypsy/Roma and Travellers, in the UK they do not attract targeted educational funding. In addition, neither the UK integration or refugee educational strategies nor the Higher Education Funding Council for England's strategic plan refer to higher education as a progression route for young refugees, as distinct from other minority ethnic young people. Our research with young refugees has shown that many have specific issues affecting their educational achievements, including interrupted education, experience of trauma, concerns about status and English language difficulties. Our findings also show that that despite these multiple disadvantages many view higher education as a route out of poverty and discrimination and are highly aspirational and motivated. We argue that homogenizing the support needs of young refugees along with those of other minority ethnic students is both inappropriate and insufficient and the continued failure to focus on them as a specific widening participation group will perpetuate their continued absence from the UK higher education system." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Potentieel en realisatie van ondernemerschap bij vluchtelingen (2007)

    Wauters, Bram; Lambrecht, Johan;


    Wauters, Bram & Johan Lambrecht (2007): Potentieel en realisatie van ondernemerschap bij vluchtelingen. In: Tijdschrift voor economie en management, Jg. LII, H. 1, S. 37-63.


    "The integration of refugees in Western societies is often perceived as problematic. By promoting refugee entrepreneurship, both their integration in society can be aided and domestic entrepreneurship can be boosted. Refugee entrepreneurship has been an underdeveloped domain of scientific research though. Most of the time, scholarly attention was devoted to ethnic entrepreneurship or to the employment positions in general of refugees. Also policy attention has been limited. There clearly exists a potential for refugee entrepreneurship in Belgium, but this is too seldom realized in practice. Male refugees who have been selfemployed in the past and whose family is active as an entrepreneur, have a higher appetite for entrepreneurship. We also found that refugee entrepreneurs earn less than other entrepreneurs. This income difference can be found in each sector.than other entrepreneurs. This income difference can be found in each sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Employment effects of spatial dispersal of refugees (2006)

    Damm, Anna Piil; Rosholm, Michael ;


    Damm, Anna Piil & Michael Rosholm (2006): Employment effects of spatial dispersal of refugees. (CReAM discussion paper 2006,05), London, 42 S.; 492 KB.


    "We argue that spatial dispersal influences labour market assimilation of refugees through two mechanisms: first, the local job offer arrival rate and, second, place utility. Our partial search model with simultaneous job and residential location search predicts that the reservation wage for local jobs decreases with place utility. We argue that spatial dispersal decreases average place utility of refugees which decreases the transition rate into first job due to large local reservation wages. We investigate both mechanisms empirically and test the predictions of the theoretical model by evaluating the employment effects of the Danish spatial dispersal policy carried out 1986-1998." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Undocumented immigration and host-country welfare: competition across segmented labor markets (2005)

    Carter, Thomas J.;


    Carter, Thomas J. (2005): Undocumented immigration and host-country welfare. Competition across segmented labor markets. In: Journal of regional science, Jg. 45, H. 4, S. 777-795.


    "In this paper's model, undocumented workers are endogenously sorted into secondary labor markets. When further illegal immigration occurs, some new migrants follow their fellows into already migrant-dominated jobs, lowering migrant wages and raising real incomes of host-country labor and capital. Some submarkets switch from employing legal workers to employing migrants, lowering demand for and wages of legal workers. Undocumented immigration is Pareto-improving when enforcement reserves primary-sector jobs for legal workers. Pareto-dominant policies target the number of migrant-dominated submarkets, not the number of migrants. This appears consistent with U.S. enforcement practices. The effects of deportations, employer sanctions, and amnesties are explored." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant performance and selective immigration policy: a European perspective (2005)

    Constant, Amelie; Zimmermann, Klaus F. ;


    Constant, Amelie & Klaus F. Zimmermann (2005): Immigrant performance and selective immigration policy. A European perspective. (IZA discussion paper 1715), Bonn, 29 S.


    "The European Union aims at a stronger participation by its population in work to foster growth and welfare. There are concerns about the attachment of immigrants to the labour force, and discussions about the necessary policy responses. Integrated labour and migration policies are needed. The employment chances of the low-skilled are limited. Whereas Europe could benefit from a substantive immigration policy that imposes selection criteria that are more in line with economic needs, the substantial immigration into the European Union follows largely non-economic motives. This paper discusses the economic rationale of a selective immigration policy and provides empirical evidence about the adverse effects of current selection mechanisms." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Legal status at entry, economic performance, and self-employment proclivity: a bi-national study of immigrants (2005)

    Constant, Amelie; Zimmermann, Klaus F. ;


    Constant, Amelie & Klaus F. Zimmermann (2005): Legal status at entry, economic performance, and self-employment proclivity. A bi-national study of immigrants. (IZA discussion paper 1910), Bonn, 41 S.


    "There are concerns about the attachment of immigrants to the labor force, and the potential policy responses. This paper uses a bi-national survey on immigrant performance to investigate the sorting of individuals into full-time paid-employment and entrepreneurship and their economic success. Particular attention is paid to the role of legal status at entry in the host country (worker, refugee, and family reunification), ethnic networks, enclaves and other differences among ethnicities for their integration in the labor market. Since the focus is on the understanding of the self-employment decision, a two-stage structural probit model is employed that determines the willingness to work full-time (against part-time employment and not working), and the choice between full-time paid work and self-employment. The choices are determined by the reservation wage for full-time work, and the perceived earnings from working in paid-employment and as entrepreneur, among other factors. ! Accounting for sample selectivity, the paper provides regressions explaining reservation wages, and actual earnings for paid-employment and self-employment, which provide the basis for such an analysis. The structural probit models suggest that the expected earnings differentials from working and reservation wages and for self-employment and paid-employment earnings matter much, although only among a number of other determinants. For Germany, legal status at entry is important; former refugees and those migrants who arrive through family reunification are less likely to work full-time; refugees are also less self-employed. Those who came through the employment channel are more likely to be in full-time paid work. In Denmark, however, the status at entry variables do not play any significant role. This suggests that the Danish immigrant selection system is ineffective." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Uprooted and Unwanted: Bosnian refugees in Austria and the United States (2005)

    Franz, Barbara;


    Franz, Barbara (2005): Uprooted and Unwanted. Bosnian refugees in Austria and the United States. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 208 S.


    "The tragedy of war does not end when the soldiers put down their guns. Among the after-effects, the dislocation and relocation of civilians often loom large. The aftermath of the Bosnian conflicts has left many refugees needing to establish new lives, often in radically different cultures. In "Uprooted and Unwanted", Barbara Franz offers a cogent look at how these refugees have fared in two representative cities - Vienna and New York.
    Between 1991 and 2001, some 30,000 Bosnian refugees settled in Austria, and 120,000 found their way to the United States. Franz focuses on the strategies, skills, and informal networks used by Bosnian refugees, particularly women, to adapt to official policies and administrative practices in their host societies. Her analysis concludes that historically inaccurate ideas on how to deal with displaced persons have led to policies in both Europe and North America that have adversely affected those whose lives have been devastated by war." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market participation and conditions of employment: a comparison of minority ethnic groups and refugees in Britain (2004)

    Bloch, Alice ;


    Bloch, Alice (2004): Labour market participation and conditions of employment. A comparison of minority ethnic groups and refugees in Britain. In: Sociological research online, Jg. 9, H. 2, S. 1-24.


    "This paper draws on data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and from a survey of 400 refugees in Britain in order to present an up to data comparison of the labour market experiences of minority ethnic groups and refugees. It will show that refugees experience lower rates of employment than their ethnic minority counterparts and that those refugees in employment are more likely to be in temporary and part-time work with poorer terms and conditions of employment and with lower wages. The reasons why refugees experience greater disadvantage in the labour market than others include structural barriers due to policies such as dispersal that can leave refugees isolated from social and community networks that provide information and advice and informal routes into employment but also leave refugees in areas with higher levels of unemployment. Migration patterns are also influential with refugees for the most part arriving more recently in Britain than people from minority ethnic groups. Refugees are also increasingly reliant on agents and smugglers to plan their route and destination and so asylum seekers can find themselves in countries where they have no social networks. Social networks and community organisations play an important role in the early stages of settlement. Finally, the circumstances of exile, attitudes to the country of origin and the insecurity of having temporary status in Britain all prevent economic activity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A punitive policy: labour force participation of refugees on Temporary Protection Visas (TPV) (2004)

    Marston, Greg;


    Marston, Greg (2004): A punitive policy: labour force participation of refugees on Temporary Protection Visas (TPV). In: Labour & Industry, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 65-79. DOI:10.1080/10301763.2004.10669305


    "Labour market participation is a key determinant of a successful refugee resettlement. However, the Australian Government's policy of issuing temporary protection visas (TPV) has a negative impact on labour force participation of refugees on TPVs. In exploring this issue, this article presents findings from a qualitative study into the experience of refugees on TPVs living in Victoria. The major barriers to accessing the labour market identified by the study are: the visa status; lack of proficiency in English; discrimination in relation to the TPV; lack of work experience; and skill recognition in Australia. These barriers need to be overcome through a number of means. The first and most important step in improving access to the labour market for refugees on TPVs is to abolish the policy of temporary protection and the associated restrictions on accessing support services." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Undokumentierte Migration in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten: interne Migrationskontrollen und die Handlungsspielräume von Sans Papiers (2004)

    Stobbe, Holk;


    Stobbe, Holk (2004): Undokumentierte Migration in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten. Interne Migrationskontrollen und die Handlungsspielräume von Sans Papiers. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 249 S.


    "Die Dissertation setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, welche Auswirkungen interne Migrationskontrollen auf die Handlungsspielräume von Sans Papiers (MigrantInnen ohne gültige Aufenthaltserlaubnis) haben. Dazu werden interne Migrationskontrollen in den Bereichen polizeiliche Kontrollen, Arbeitsmarkt, Gesundheitsversorgung, Meldeauflagen und Wohnen sowie Schule und Kinderbetreuung ländervergleichend untersucht. Empirische Grundlage sind Expertengespräche mit MitarbeiterInnen von staatlichen Behörden und Beratungseinrichtungen sowie vierzig qualitative, teilstrukturierte Interviews mit Sans Papiers. In jedem Untersuchungsland wurden systematisch zwanzig MigrantInnen im erwerbsfähigen Alter und mit einem mindestens sechsmonatigem undokumentierten Aufenthalt nach den Kriterien Geschlecht, Herkunft und Qualifikation auswählt und nach ihren Erfahrungen mit Migration und Kontrollen befragt. In der Migrationsforschung wird diskutiert, ob globale ökonomische, politische und soziale Prozesse die Fähigkeit der fortgeschrittenen Industriestaaten eingeschränkt haben, Migration zu kontrollieren. Derartige ökonomische Prozesse sind der mit dem Schlagwort 'Globalisierung' gekennzeichnete erhöhte Austausch von Waren und Dienstleistungen, vor allem aber von Informationen und Kapital; politische Prozesse sind internationale Rechtskonventionen und das Entstehen von suprastaatlichen Strukturen wie die Europäische Union oder die Freihandelszone NAFTA; soziale Prozesse sind die Herausbildung komplexer sozialer Netzwerke von MigrantInnen und Transnationalismus. VertreterInnen der 'Kontrollverlustthese' sehen ihre Annahme durch die seit Mitte der 1980er beobachtete Konvergenz der Migrationspolitik und durch die Zunahme von undokumentierter Migration in den OECD-Staaten bestätigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass die Konvergenz der Migrationspolitik im Bereich der internen Kontrollen nur auf der Ebene der Leitlinien und gesetzlichen Normen (Output- Ebene) stattfindet. Auf der Outcome-Ebene, der Ebene der Implementierung und Umsetzung der Kontrollen, bestehen jedoch nationale Unterschiede fort. Interne Kontrollen sind in Bereiche der Sozial- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik sowie der Politik der inneren Ordnung eingebettet, die in den Untersuchungsländer höchst unterschiedlich verzahnt und mit Ressourcen ausgestattet sind. Zudem konfligieren interne Kontrollen in den USA häufig mit anderen Aufgaben der beauftragen staatlichen Institutionen, während sie in Deutschland häufig kongruieren. Die Reichweite der Kontrollen ist daher in den USA deutlich geringer als in Deutschland. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit machen deutlich, dass kein 'Kontrollverlust' durch globale Faktoren stattgefunden hat und die Handlungsspielräume von Sans Papiers vom nationalen Kontext abhängig sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Asylum and integration in member states of the EU: integration of recognized refugee families as defined by the Geneva Convention considering their status with the respect to the law of residence (2003)

    Wollenschläger, Michael;


    Wollenschläger, Michael (Hrsg.) (2003): Asylum and integration in member states of the EU. Integration of recognized refugee families as defined by the Geneva Convention considering their status with the respect to the law of residence. Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verl., 407 S.


    Der Band ist in erster Linie an Juristen gerichtet. Er entstand im Rahmen der deutschen Sektion der 'Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem' (AWR). Im ersten Teil werden die internationalen und die europäischen Normen zur Integration von Flüchtlingen vorgestellt. Danach untersucht der Autor die Integrationspolitik von Österreich, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Italiens, der Niederlande und des Vereinigten Königreichs. Im letzten Abschnitt stellt er die Vorschläge der AWR zur Reform von Gesetzen und administrativen Verfahren im Zusammenhang mit der Integration von Flüchtlingen vor. Auch dieser Teil der Studie ist nach einzelnen Ländern geordnet und enthält sehr detaillierte Informationen beziehungsweise Vorschläge. (ZPol, Leske u. Budrich)

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    Wie offen ist der Bildungsmarkt?: rechtliche und symbolische Ausgrenzungen junger afrikanischer Flüchtlinge im Bildungs-, Ausbildungs- und Beschäftigungssystem (2002)

    Neumann, Ursula; Jensen, Sandra; Seukwa, Louis Henri; Hansen, Georg; Adick, Christel; Niedrig, Heike; Apedjinou, Dela; Lewes, Berenice; Brophy, Michael; Schroeder, Joachim; Gerhardt, Ludwig;


    Neumann, Ursula, Heike Niedrig, Joachim Schroeder & Louis Henri Seukwa (Hrsg.) (2002): Wie offen ist der Bildungsmarkt? Rechtliche und symbolische Ausgrenzungen junger afrikanischer Flüchtlinge im Bildungs-, Ausbildungs- und Beschäftigungssystem. (Bildung in Umbruchsgesellschaften 01), Münster: Waxmann, 168 S.


    "Dieses Buch ist eine Zusammenstellung der Beiträge eines Kolloquiums, das sich mit der Frage beschäftigte, in welcher Weise die Bildungssysteme der europäischen Aufnahmeländer mit jungen afrikanischen Flüchtlingen umgehen. Referentinnen und Referenten aus Großbritannien, den Niederlanden, Österreich und Deutschland diskutieren ihre Sicht der Probleme, Bedarfe und Projekterfahrungen in der Bildungsarbeit mit jungen Flüchtlingen im europäischen Kontext.
    Es geht insbesondere darum, gegenwärtige Probleme der Bildungs- und Flüchtlingspolitik aus der jeweiligen Ländersicht zu skizzieren, Praxisbeispiele aus der Bildungsarbeit vorzustellen sowie Beiträge zur erziehungswissenschaftlichen Theoriebildung einzubringen.
    Ausgrenzungsmechanismen im deutschen Schul- und Ausbildungssystem sowie im Arbeitsmarkt werden aufgezeigt und deren Auswirkungen auf die jungen Flüchtlinge beschrieben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Les demandeurs d'asile sur le marché du travail suisse 1996 - 2000 (2002)

    Piguet, Etienne; Ravel, Jean-Hugues;


    Piguet, Etienne & Jean-Hugues Ravel (2002): Les demandeurs d'asile sur le marché du travail suisse 1996 - 2000. (Forum Suisse pour l'Etude des Migrations et de la Population. Rapport de recherche 19), Neuchâtel, 153 S.


    "Le présent rapport est structuré de la manière suivante : Le premier chapitre présente en détail les donnés utilisées pour l'étude. Le deuxième chapitre présente le profil sociodémographique des demandeurs d'asile. Il répond à la question de l'évolution de cette population et de sa transformation entre 1996 et 2000. Le troisième chapitre porte sur la situation des demandeurs d'asile sur le marché du travail. Il répond à la question du rôle économique de cette main-d'oeuvre. Le quatrième chapitre met en évidence les principaux facteurs qui facilitent ou freinent l'insertion sur le marché du travail. Il répond à la question de l'effet de la nationalité, du temps de séjour, etc. Il permet d'estimer si les changements conjoncturels ont eu un effet sur l'emploi et dans quelle mesure l'interdiction de travail promulguée en septembre 99 a fait diminuer l'occupation. Ce chapitre permet aussi de répondre à la question du caractère saisonnier ou non de l'emploi des demandeurs d'asile. Le cinquième chapitre étudiera les parcours individuels. Il permettra de mieux comprendre la dynamique du marché du travail pour les demandeurs d'asile et les phénomènes d'alternance entre emploi et inactivité." (Extrait de texte, IAB-Doku) ((fr))

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    Arbeidspotentieel en arbeidsmarktloopbanen van vluchtelingen en asielgerechtigden: een verkennend onderzoek naar ervaringen van nieuwkomers op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt (2002)

    Warmerdam, John; Tillaart, Harry van der;


    Warmerdam, John & Harry van der Tillaart (2002): Arbeidspotentieel en arbeidsmarktloopbanen van vluchtelingen en asielgerechtigden. Een verkennend onderzoek naar ervaringen van nieuwkomers op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. (OSA-publicatie A189), Den Haag, 207 S.


    "Dit rapport bevat het verslag van een verkennend onderzoek naar het arbeidspotentieel en de arbeidsmarktloopbanen van vluchtelingen en asielgerechtigden. Het onderzoek is in de periode februari 2001 tot maart 2002 in opdracht van de OSA uitgevoerd door het ITS. Het onderzoek bestond uit drie onderdelen: een kwantitatieve analyse van databestanden van de IND, een reeks diepte-interviews met circa 50 vluchtelingen uit zogenaamde nieuwe etnische groepen (in dit geval Irakezen, Iraniers. Ethiopiers/Eritreers, Somaliers en Vietnamezen) en een aantal gesprekken met vertegenwoordigers van bij inburgering, scholing, toeleiding en bemiddeling betrokken instanties." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((nl))

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    The economic adjustment of recently arrived Bosnian, Afghan and Iraqi refugees in Sydney, Australia (2001)

    Waxman, Peter;


    Waxman, Peter (2001): The economic adjustment of recently arrived Bosnian, Afghan and Iraqi refugees in Sydney, Australia. In: International migration review, Jg. 35, H. 2, S. 472-505. DOI:10.1111/j.1747-7379.2001.tb00026.x


    "Research on the early settlement experience of refugees from Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan is absent, both in Australia and overseas. The current study, based on questionnaire results and the application of SPSS results, explores the impact that pre-migration and post-arrival experiences have on the initial post-arrival economic adjustment in Sydney, Australia of recently arrived refugees from these three countries. Guided by a summary of previous findings and surveyed results of key service providers in Sydney, two propositions based on pre-migration and post-migration background variables have been developed and tested with mixed results. As expected, there was a significant relationship between English language competency and the likelihood of being gainfully employed. However, there was, for example, no significant association between current employment status and the time spent in detention camp or the extent of negative exit conditions experienced, and there were no significant differences in employment outcomes for those with or without qualifications. This study concludes with a number of recommendations, in particular, the need for early intervention with adequate English language tuition, employment skills training and career counseling which could greatly assist humanitarian entrants in finding employment and reducing welfare dependence." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    EQUAL - Sonderprogramm gestartet (2001)


    (2001): EQUAL - Sonderprogramm gestartet. In: EURO Professional - Qualifikation ... Beruf ... Arbeitsmarkt H. 43, S. 12-15.


    Die Gemeinschaftsinitiative EQUAL ist Teil der Strategie, mit der die EU mehr und bessere Arbeitsplätze schaffen und sicherstellen will, daß niemand der Zugang zu diesen Arbeitsplätzen verwehrt wird. Das im Juli 2001 dazu in Deutschland gestartete EQUAL-Programm wird mit insgesamt 514 Mio. EURO aus dem Europäischen Sozialfonds finanziert. Der Beitrag stellt die Leitlinien des Programms sowie die wichtigsten geplanten Aktivitäten und Zielgruppen vor: Beschäftigungsfähigkeit, Unternehmergeist, Anpassungsfähigkeit, Chancengleichheit von Männern und Frauen und Verbesserung der Situation von Asylbewerbern. (IAB)

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    Refugee settlement in Britain: the impact of policy on participation (2000)

    Bloch, Alice ;


    Bloch, Alice (2000): Refugee settlement in Britain. The impact of policy on participation. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 26, H. 1, S. 75-88. DOI:10.1080/136918300115651


    "The settlement of refugees and asylum-seekers in countries of asylum depends on a range of factors that include the policies of the country of asylum as well as the experiences to and attitudes of individuals to exile. This article examines the direction of social policy towards refugees and asylum-seekers in Britain and the impact of policy on participation. Drawing on a sample of 180 refugees and asylum-seekers from the Somali, Tamil and Congolese communities in the London Borough of Newham, this article shows the importance of immigration status, and the associated citizenship rights, on the social and economic settlement of refugees and asylum-seekers. Labour market participation is known to be a key factor affecting the settlement of refugees. Labour market activity is explored along with the impact of policy on participation. The article concludes that the direction of government policy, which continues to erode access to social and economic institutions, has an adverse affect on the settlement of refugee people in Britain." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Integration or segregation? Immigrant populations facing the labour market in Sweden (2000)

    Knocke, Wuokko;


    Knocke, Wuokko (2000): Integration or segregation? Immigrant populations facing the labour market in Sweden. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 21, H. 3, S. 361-380. DOI:10.1177/0143831X00213005


    "This article discusses the labour market situation for different categories of immigrant populations and young people of immigrant origin in Sweden, pointing to the failure of integration policies. The article argues that, as in other labour-importing countries, it is Sweden's economic needs and structural labour market conditions that are decisive for their integration, or alternatively segregation, or discrimination in the labour market and in working life. It challenges the argument which points to cultural factors intrinsic to ethnic minorities themselves as a major obstacle to their successful integration in the labour market. Instead, it shows the operation of discriminatory mechanisms which affect persons of non-Swedish origin, particularly in a tight labour market situation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Rechte auf Arbeit und Bildung der Asylbewerber in der Europäischen Union (1999)

    Dohmes-Ockenfels, Daniela;


    Dohmes-Ockenfels, Daniela (1999): Die Rechte auf Arbeit und Bildung der Asylbewerber in der Europäischen Union. (Schriften zum Völkerrecht 135), Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 281 S.


    "Viele Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union unterwerfen Asylbewerber einem Arbeitsverbot. Die Kinder der Asylbewerber unterliegen nicht überall der allgemeinen Schulpflicht und haben in einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten keinen Anspruch auf Teilnahme am Unterricht. Die Rechte auf Arbeit und Bildung, die in dem Internationalen Pakt über wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte von 1996 völkerrechtlich kodifiziert sind, gelten jedoch für jedermann. Der Pakt kodifiziert Abwehrrechte sowie Leistungs- und Schutzpflichten der Staaten. Er enthält ein auf sämtlichen Verwirklichungsebenen geltendes akzessorisches Diskriminierungsverbot, das den Staaten eine Ungleichbehandlung nur erlaubt, wenn sie auf objektive und vernünftige Gründe gestützt ist. Die Autorin untersucht die Rechtsstellung der Asylbewerber in den Mitgliedstaaten und zeigt, daß das Arbeitsverbot und die Beschränkung des Schulbesuchs nur als zeitlich begrenzte Eingriffe mit den Rechten auf Arbeit und Bildung vereinbar sind. Zulässiger Anknüpfungspunkt für eine Ungleichbehandlung im Sinne des Diskriminierungsverbots ist der nur vorläufige Aufenthalt der Asylbewerber. Mehrere Mitgliedstaaten verstoßen gegen ihre Verpflichtungen aus dem Pakt. Die Autorin zeigt insoweit Möglichkeiten zur Durchsetzung der Rechte für die verletzten Individuen auf." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees in Finland: the elusiveness of integration (1998)

    Valtonen, Kathleen;


    Valtonen, Kathleen (1998): Resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees in Finland. The elusiveness of integration. In: Journal of Refugee Studies, Jg. 11, H. 1, S. 38-60. DOI:10.1093/jrs/11.1.38


    "This qualitative case study is an exploration of the integration process of refugees from Middle East countries who resettle in Finland. For the purpose of this analysis, integration is conceptualized as societal participation. The quality of life aspect is examined by juxtaposing individuals' own resettlement goals and priorities with their actual level of participation in the surrounding society. Resettlers' patterns of participation indicate that there are major obstacles to be negotiated before they can attain a level of participation that is compatible with their own resettlement goals, which were articulated as employment, an opportunity to study, and maintenance of culture, including religion. The degree of discrepancy between goals and participation does not seem to be the prime determinant of subjective wellbeing, which depends rather, upon the individual's freedom of action in the resettlement situation. Indications were found of disempowerment, stressor consistency and lack of robust roles which were dysfunctional to the integration process." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social situation and social measures concerning people seeking political asylum or having refugee status in the member states of the Council of Europe (1982)

    Lohrmann, Reinhard;


    Lohrmann, Reinhard (1982): Social situation and social measures concerning people seeking political asylum or having refugee status in the member states of the Council of Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 61 S.


    In diesem Bericht wird neben einem groben Überblick über die Asylpolitik in Staaten des Europarats die soziale Situation der zuletzt aufgenommenen Flüchtlinge dargestellt. Der Schwerpunkt wird dabei auf Fragen der Wohnsituation, der Spracherziehung, der Berufsausbildung und der Beschäftigung gelegt. (IAB)

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