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EU-Freizügigkeit und Zuwanderung aus Südosteuropa

Die Mehrheit der Deutschen hält die Freizügigkeit, also das Recht auf freie Wahl des Wohnortes und Arbeitsplatzes innerhalb der EU, für eine der größten Errungenschaften der Europäischen Union. Neben den Einwanderern profitieren - angesichts von Fachkräftebedarf und alternder Bevölkerung - auch Wirtschaft und Sozialsysteme der Mitgliedstaaten. Seit 2014 gilt die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit auch uneingeschränkt für Bürgerinnen und Bürger Rumäniens und Bulgariens. Im Mittelpunkt der politischen Debatte steht seither die Annahme, es könne zu einem unkontrollierten Zuzug von Armutsmigranten kommen, die nicht in den Arbeitsmarkt integrierbar und belastend für die Sozialsysteme der Aufnahmeländer seien. Ist diese Sorge berechtigt? Was wissen wir über Größe, Ziele und Zusammensetzung der Wanderungsströme? Wie steht es um Kosten und Nutzen der vollen Freizügigkeit für die Bürgerinnen und Bürger dieser Länder?
Diese Infoplattform stellt Literaturnachweise zu wissenschaftlichen Befunden und Links zu weiterführenden Informationen und Positionen politischer Akteure zusammen.

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    Work and welfare take-up of enlargement migrants in the United Kingdom (2019)

    Roman, Monica;


    Roman, Monica (2019): Work and welfare take-up of enlargement migrants in the United Kingdom. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 26, H. 5, S. 341-344. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2018.1470311


    "The Brexit decision was affected by the false perception that European Union (EU) enlargement migration, in particular from Romania and Bulgaria (EU2), has been a burden to the UK. The article analyses the debated but largely underresearched EU2 migration to the UK after accession to the EU in 2007 using data of the British Labour Force Survey. The novel findings are that EU2 migrants are found to exhibit quite different characteristics and behaviour than the other European migrants while doing better concerning work, self-employment and welfare take-up." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Access to general social protection for immigrants in advanced democracies (2019)

    Schmitt, Carina; Teney, Céline ;


    Schmitt, Carina & Céline Teney (2019): Access to general social protection for immigrants in advanced democracies. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 29, H. 1, S. 44-55. DOI:10.1177/0958928718768365


    "Immigration has become a central socio-political issue in most advanced democracies. While research mainly focuses on immigrant-specific policies in the area of immigration, integration and citizenship, we still know very little about the incorporation of immigrants into mainstream social policies. By analysing cross-national differences in the inclusion of immigrants into general social protection across 27 rich democracies on the basis of comparative indicators from the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) dataset, we seek to address this gap in a quantitative study. A cross-national comparison of these indicators shows a particularly large variation in the inclusiveness of the access to social protection for immigrants across countries. By drawing on the welfare state and integration regime literature, we assess the power of two contrasting perspectives, namely, the post-national welfare state and the welfare chauvinism models, in explaining this large cross-national variation in immigrants' access to social security and social housing. Our overall findings suggest that both the welfare chauvinist and the post-national welfare state models comprise two theoretical perspectives that turn out to be fruitful to interpret cross-national variation in immigrants' access to social protection. According to the welfare chauvinism model, we find robust evidence that left-wing cabinets are particularly reluctant to open general social protection schemes to immigrants. By contrast and in line with expectations derived from the post-national welfare state model, countries with an overall generous welfare state and countries facing large immigration flows tend to provide immigrants with more generous access to social protection." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Should I stay or should I go? What we can learn from working patterns of Central and Eastern European labour migrants about the nature of present-day migration (2019)

    Stockmeijer, Anita; de Beer, Paul; Dagevos, Jaco;


    Stockmeijer, Anita, Paul de Beer & Jaco Dagevos (2019): Should I stay or should I go? What we can learn from working patterns of Central and Eastern European labour migrants about the nature of present-day migration. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 45, H. 13, S. 2430-2446. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2018.1562326


    "In this paper, we examine the extent to which the employment histories of Central and Eastern EU (CEE) labour migrants exhibit patterns of temporary, circular or settlement migration. We expect to find these diverse and changeable patterns following the phenomenon of 'New European Migration'. By distinguishing between working patterns we are able to describe actual migration behaviour to the destination country more accurately. We use wage data to track a cohort of all employees who worked in the Netherlands in June 2010, for a period of five years. Our findings show that the majority of CEE labour migrants stopped working as employees in the Netherlands within five years, mostly after an uninterrupted single period of employment. In addition, a third of CEE labour migrants engage in settlement migration, working continuously in the Netherlands for a long period. Only a very small proportion can be considered as circular migrants. This contradicts our expectations regarding New European Migration, that there would be fewer labour migrants with uninterrupted periods of work and more labour migrants working for shorter periods." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From culture to class-legitimate boundary making in German immigration debates on Southern and Eastern Europeans (2019)

    Ulbricht, Christian ;


    Ulbricht, Christian (2019): From culture to class-legitimate boundary making in German immigration debates on Southern and Eastern Europeans. In: Comparative Migration Studies, Jg. 7, S. 1-19. DOI:10.1186/s40878-019-0133-7


    "The article depicts symbolic boundary making in the German discourse on immigration. The analysis addresses the question of how wanted and unwanted immigrants are socially constructed and thereby differentiated in this discourse. The media analysis from 2008 to 2014 of so-called poverty migration from Rumania and Bulgaria and so-called new guest workers from Greece, Italy and Spain suggest that boundary making against these immigrants shifts from ethnicity and religion to an individual class-based approach. In this respect, the article discusses how a strong human rights discourse makes a dominant individualistic class-based definition of (un-) wanted immigration more likely. However, the analysis also shows that this construction of desirability refers to the ethnicity of the immigrants. In this sense, ethnic boundary making is stable in a liberal-universalistic context." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Europäische Arbeitsbehörde und Reform der EU-Entsenderichtlinie - Wirksame Instrumente zur grenzüberschreitenden Bekämpfung von Lohn- und Sozialdumping? (2019)

    Wagner, Bettina;


    Wagner, Bettina (2019): Europäische Arbeitsbehörde und Reform der EU-Entsenderichtlinie - Wirksame Instrumente zur grenzüberschreitenden Bekämpfung von Lohn- und Sozialdumping? In: WISO, Jg. 42, H. 3, S. 11-25.


    "Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Einführung der Europäischen Arbeitsbehörde sowie der Reform der Entsenderichtlinie und analysiert diese Maßnahmen in Hinblick auf ihre Wirksamkeit in der Bekämpfung von Sozialdumping. In der EU ansässige Firmen haben das Recht, grenzübergreifend Dienstleistungen anzubieten und zur Ausführung der Tätigkeiten eigene Arbeitnehmer/-innen zu entsenden. Diese Freiheiten werden seit vielen Jahren intensiv, aber nicht immer nur zum Vorteil der betroffenen Arbeitnehmer/-innen angewandt und wurden seitdem durch eine Vielzahl von Richtlinien und Verordnungen ausgelegt und erweitert. Die Spannungsfelder und Interessenkonflikte, die sich zwischen den Akteuren/-innen auftun und wie diese innerhalb einer ständig wachsenden Europäischen Union verhandelt werden und werden sollten, ist ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieses Beitrags" (Autorenreferat, © ISW-Linz)

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    Has Eastern European migration impacted UK-born workers? (2018)

    Becker Sascha O., ; Fetzer, Thiemo;


    Fetzer, Thiemo (2018): Has Eastern European migration impacted UK-born workers? (Warwick economic research paper 1165), Coventry, 17 S.


    "The 2004 accession of 8 Eastern European countries to the European Union (EU) was accompanied by fears of mass migration. The United Kingdom - unlike many other EU countries - did not opt for temporary restrictions on the EU's free movement of labour. We document that following EU accession more than 1 million people (ca. 3% of the UK working age population) migrated from Eastern Europe to the UK. We show that they mostly settled in places that had limited prior exposure to immigration. We provide evidence that these areas subsequently saw smaller wage growth at the lower end of the wage distribution and increased pressure on the welfare state, housing and public services. Using novel geographically disaggregated data by country-of-origin, we measure the effects of Eastern European migration on these outcomes for the UK-born and different groups of immigrants. Our results are important in the context of the UK's Brexit referendum and the ongoing EU withdrawal negotiations in which migration features as a key issue." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    EU-Zuwanderung hat das Wirtschaftswachstum in Deutschland erhöht (2018)

    Clemens, Marius; Hart, Janine;


    Clemens, Marius & Janine Hart (2018): EU-Zuwanderung hat das Wirtschaftswachstum in Deutschland erhöht. In: DIW-Wochenbericht, Jg. 85, H. 44, S. 955-963. DOI:10.18723/diw_wb:2018-44-1


    "Die Zuwanderung nach Deutschland ist seit 2011 stark gestiegen, hauptsächlich durch Zuzüge von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern aus den in den Jahren 2004 und 2007 der EU beigetretenen Ländern und anderen Ländern des Euroraums. Der Abbau von Zuwanderungshindernissen und die konjunkturell bedingt gute Lage auf dem Arbeitsmarkt im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern sind die wesentlichen Gründe dafür. Modellsimulationen zeigen, dass die BIP-Wachstumsrate Deutschlands zwischen 2011 und 2016 ohne die EU-Zuwanderung um jahresdurchschnittlich rund 0,2 Prozentpunkte niedriger gewesen wäre. Es liegen aber weiterhin strukturelle Zuwanderungshindernisse vor. Auch könnte in Zukunft wegen der konjunkturellen Erholung und des demografischen Wandels in anderen EU-Ländern die Zuwanderung aus der EU nicht mehr so stark ausfallen wie bisher. Deshalb ist es wichtig, die Migrationsanreize zu stärken, unter anderem, indem Zuwanderer mehr Möglichkeiten bekommen, eine ihrer Qualifikation entsprechende Beschäftigung zu finden. Neben der EU-Zuwanderung kann es für die deutsche Wirtschaft zudem von Vorteil sein, den Arbeitsmarktzugang für Fachkräfte aus Drittstaaten zu erleichtern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Reform der Entsenderichtlinie: Schutz gegen Sozial- und Lohndumping oder Einschränkung des Binnenmarkts? (2018)

    Dauner, Matthias; Kramer, Ingo; Wagner, Bettina; Hassel, Anke;


    Dauner, Matthias, Ingo Kramer, Anke Hassel & Bettina Wagner (2018): Reform der Entsenderichtlinie: Schutz gegen Sozial- und Lohndumping oder Einschränkung des Binnenmarkts? In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 71, H. 3, S. 3-12.


    "Gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit am gleichen Ort: Künftig sollen Arbeitnehmer aus dem EU-Ausland nicht nur den gültigen Mindestlohn, sondern auch die gültigen Tariflöhne erhalten, wenn sie in einem anderen EU-Land arbeiten. Zudem werden die Einsätze erstmals befristet und dürfen in der Regeln nicht länger als ein Jahr dauern, mit Sonderantrag ist eine Verlängerung auf 18 Monate möglich. Werden mit dieser Regelung Beschäftigte besser vor Lohn- und Sozialdumping geschützt? Oder wird durch eine Abschottung der Arbeitsmärkte das freie Angebot von Dienstleistungen in der EU behindert? Nach Ansicht von Matthias Dauner, cep - Centrum für Europäische Politik, Freiburg, bedeutet der Reformvorschlag eine 'Kriegserklärung an die liberalen Verfechter des Binnenmarktes und ein Angriff auf das Geschäftsmodell vieler Unternehmen aus den Mitgliedstaaten Mittel- und Osteuropas, deren Wettbewerbsvorteil insbesondere in vergleichsweise niedrigen Lohn- und Lohnnebenkosten besteht'. Zwar würden auf den ersten Blick die Rechte von entsandten Arbeitnehmern gestärkt. Faktisch sei aber davon auszugehen, dass die Zahl der Entsendungen abnehmen dürfte. Leidtragende dürften die entsendenden Unternehmen und deren Mitarbeiter aus den neuen Mitgliedstaaten sein. Auch Ingo Kramer, Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände, sieht einen 'unnötigen Angriff auf den Binnenmarkt'. Eine verschärfte Entsenderichtlinie wäre nicht die Verwirklichung eines funktionierenden Binnenmarkts, sondern Protektionismus und für die deutschen Unternehmen ein massiver Kostentreiber. Für Anke Hassel, WSI, und Bettina Wagner, Hertie School of Governance, ist die Reform der Entsenderichtlinie dagegen eine notwendige Voraussetzung für einen besseren Binnenmarkt. Denn nur wenn Rechtssicherheit bestehe und Regulierungsarbitrage eingedämmt werde, könne ein produktiver Wettbewerb entstehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    2017 annual report on intra-EU labour mobility: Final Report Second edition September 2018 (2018)

    Fries-Tersch, Elena; Bradley, Harriet; Rossi, Ludovica; Tugran, Tugce;


    Fries-Tersch, Elena, Tugce Tugran, Ludovica Rossi & Harriet Bradley (2018): 2017 annual report on intra-EU labour mobility. Final Report Second edition September 2018. (... annual report on intra-EU labour mobility / European Commission), Luxembourg, 250 S. DOI:10.2767/077683


    "This report provides an annually updated picture of intra-EU labor mobility in the EU. It presents an overview of stocks and flows of all and of active EU movers of working age using the most up-to-date EU-wide comparable data. Therefore, the report identifies main countries of destination and of origin and identifies major changes compared to previous years in the Member States. Like every year, the report looks at the situation of movers on the labor market, by comparing indicators such as employment rates, occupations, sectors of activity, education, over-qualification between different groups of movers, to nationals in the country of residence and over time. Furthermore, the report addresses a variety of specific topics, that differ from year to year, depending on current developments and policy needs. This year, the report specifically looks at the gender dimension of mobility, language and other barriers to cross-border mobility in neighboring regions; and at the mobility of health professionals." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inequality in Southeast Europe: Income inequality, labor markets, tax and transfer systems, educational opportunity, socioeconomic reforms (2018)

    Jusic, Mirna;


    Jusic, Mirna (2018): Inequality in Southeast Europe. Income inequality, labor markets, tax and transfer systems, educational opportunity, socioeconomic reforms. (FivePointsOn), Sarajevo, 14 S.


    "In Southeast Europe (SEE), a region undergoing challenging economic and political transitions, levels of income inequality tend to be among the highest in Europe. Despite inequality serious repercussions, governments in the region have not devoted sufficient attention to this issue. Rather, socioeconomic reforms, formulated in light of countries? EU accession prospects, tend to stress fiscal consolidation and labor market deregulation. Focusing on Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia, this brief looks at the current state of economic inequality, its potential root causes, as well as remedies offered in current reform documents. It provides general recommendations on ways in which inequality in the region could be reduced." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From peripheral region to escalator region in Europe: young baltic graduates in London (2018)

    King, Russell ; Saar, Maarja; Parutis, Violetta; Lulle, Aija ;


    King, Russell, Aija Lulle, Violetta Parutis & Maarja Saar (2018): From peripheral region to escalator region in Europe. Young baltic graduates in London. In: European Urban and Regional Studies, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 284-299. DOI:10.1177/0969776417702690


    "This paper examines recent migration from three little-studied European Union (EU) countries, the Baltic states, focusing on early-career graduates who move to London. It looks at how these young migrants explain the reasons for their move, their work and living experiences in London, and their plans for the future, based on 78 interviews with individual migrants. A key objective of this paper is to rejuvenate the core - periphery structural framework through the theoretical lens of London as an 'escalator' region for career development. We add a necessary nuance on how the time dimension is crucial in understanding how an escalator region functions - both in terms of macro-events such as EU enlargement or economic crisis, and for life-course events such as career advancement or family formation. Our findings indicate that these educated young adults from the EU's north-eastern periphery migrate for a combination of economic, career, lifestyle and personal-development reasons. They are ambivalent about their futures and when, and whether, they will return-migrate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social inclusion in the EU since the enlargement: progress or regress? (2018)

    Rogge, Nicky; Konttinen, Emilia;


    Rogge, Nicky & Emilia Konttinen (2018): Social inclusion in the EU since the enlargement. Progress or regress? In: Social indicators research, Jg. 135, H. 2, S. 563-584. DOI:10.1007/s11205-016-1504-1


    "This paper measures and monitors EU Member States' change in social inclusion using a set of statistical indicators as commonly endorsed by the Heads of State and Government in the Europe2020-program and employed by Social OMC. In particular, for each EU Member State a composite policy performance index is constructed using Van Puyenbroeck and Rogge (Eur J Oper Res, 2017) 'indirect' geometric benefit-of-the-doubt-method. Using their multi-factor decomposition, changes in social inclusion in the global EU-region and the individual EU Member States during the period 2005 - 2014 are analyzed and explained. Results showed that old EU Member States generally outperformed new EU Member States in social inclusion in both 2005 and 2014. In addition, results pointed out a general trend of increase in progress and cohesion in the EU. However, whereas the increase in social progress and social cohesion in the EU was more outspoken in the pré-crisis period, this increase was only small and more dispersed across EU Member States in the post-crisis period." (Author's abstract, 䗏 Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The Impact of Acquiring Unrestricted Work Authorization on Romanian and Bulgarian Migrants in the United Kingdom (2018)

    Ruhs, Martin ; Wadsworth, Jonathan;


    Ruhs, Martin & Jonathan Wadsworth (2018): The Impact of Acquiring Unrestricted Work Authorization on Romanian and Bulgarian Migrants in the United Kingdom. In: ILR review, Jg. 71, H. 4, S. 823-852. DOI:10.1177/0019793917735100


    "When Romania and Bulgaria (the so-called A2 countries) joined the European Union in 2007, the United Kingdom imposed temporary restrictions on the employment and welfare entitlements of A2 citizens that lasted until January 1, 2014. This article analyzes the impact of the removal of these restrictions on the labor market outcomes and use of welfare benefits of A2 migrants. Applying difference-in-difference analysis to data from the UK's Labour Force Survey, the results suggest that acquiring unrestricted work authorization had a significant negative impact on the incidence of self-employment among A2 migrants but there are no discernible effects on other labor market outcomes or on their receipt of a range of welfare benefits. The article offers potential explanations for these results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Between mobility and migration: The multi-level governance of intra-European movement (2018)

    Scholten, Peter; Ostaijen, Mark van;


    Scholten, Peter & Mark van Ostaijen (Hrsg.) (2018): Between mobility and migration. The multi-level governance of intra-European movement. (IMISCOE Research Series), Cham: Springer London, 270 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-77991-1


    "This open access book offers a critical perspective on intra-European mobility and migration by using new empirical data and theoretical discussions. It develops a theoretical and empirical analysis of the consequences of intra-European movement for sending and receiving urban regions in The Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Poland and Czech Republic. The book conceptualizes Central and Eastern European (CEE) migration by distinguishing between different types of CEE migrants and consequences. This involves a mapping of migration corridors within Europe, a unique empirical analysis of consequences for urban regions, and an analysis of governance responses. Next to the European and country perspectives on this phenomenon, the book focuses on the local perspective of urban regions where most mobile citizens settle (either permanently or temporarily). This way the book puts the analysis of intra-European movement in the perspective of broader theoretical debates in migration studies and beyond." (Publisher information, © Springer) ((en))

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    Effects of EU expansion on migrants' employment and income: a natural experiment (2018)

    Soon, Jan-Jan;


    Soon, Jan-Jan (2018): Effects of EU expansion on migrants' employment and income. A natural experiment. In: Prague economic papers, Jg. 27, H. 1, S. 113-128. DOI:10.18267/j.pep.648


    "With the European Union expansion in 2004 providing a unique form of natural experiment, this paper uses the European Values Study data and the difference-in-differences estimation to identify causal effects of the EU expansion on migrants' employment chances and income. Estimation results suggest that the expansion has increased migrants' employment chances and income. The probability of having a full-time employment for a male migrant in the postexpansion period increases by about 7.7 percentage points. The increase in income for male migrants is higher than that of their female counterparts after the expansion. When the income distribution is broken down into quantiles, estimation results show that male migrants at lower ends of the income distribution experience higher increase in income. At the highest end of the income distribution, there is no evidence that the expansion has any significant effect on either male or female migrants┐ income." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gleicher Ort, gleiche Arbeit, gleicher Lohn? (2018)

    Wagner, Bettina;


    Wagner, Bettina (2018): Gleicher Ort, gleiche Arbeit, gleicher Lohn? In: Gute Arbeit, Jg. 30, H. 6, S. 13-16.


    "Für mobile Arbeitskräfte, die in der EU grenzüberschreitend arbeiten, sind ein gerechter Lohn und sichere Arbeitsbedingungen keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Praktische Einblicke und Erkenntnisse bieten Daten aus der Beratung mobiler Arbeitskräfte." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Identifying macroeconomic effects of refugee migration to Germany (2018)

    Weber, Enzo ; Weigand, Roland;


    Weber, Enzo & Roland Weigand (2018): Identifying macroeconomic effects of refugee migration to Germany. In: Economics Bulletin, Jg. 38, H. 2, S. 852-862., 2018-04-17.


    "Diese Studie untersucht ökonomische Effekte der Immigration nach Deutschland, wobei explizit zwischen der Einwanderung Asylsuchender und sonstiger Einwanderung unterschieden wird. Wir schlagen einen makroökonometrischen Modellansatz mit Verwendung von Instrumentvariablen vor. In der mittleren Frist hat die Immigration Nichtasylsuchender einen günstigeren Effekt auf BIP und Arbeitsmarkt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Weber, Enzo ;
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    Umsetzung des Koalitionsvertrages in der europäischen Sozialpolitik: Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (Drucksache 19/2834) (2018)


    Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (2018): Umsetzung des Koalitionsvertrages in der europäischen Sozialpolitik. Antwort der Bundesregierung auf die Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten und der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN (Drucksache 19/2834). (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Bundestages. Drucksachen 19/3290 (05.07.2018)), 7 S.


    Die Bundesregierung antwortet auf die Anfrage der Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN zur Umsetzung der EU-2020-Strategie und der im Koalitionsvertrag formulierten Vorhaben zur Stärkung eines sozialen Europas. (IAB-Doku)

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    Zuwanderung aus Südosteuropa: Eine empirische Untersuchung von Modellprojekten für Zugewanderte aus Bulgarien und Rumänien (2017)

    Amonn, Jan; Worthmann, Georg; Czudaj, Katharina;


    Amonn, Jan, Katharina Czudaj & Georg Worthmann (2017): Zuwanderung aus Südosteuropa. Eine empirische Untersuchung von Modellprojekten für Zugewanderte aus Bulgarien und Rumänien. (Gesellschaft für Innovative Beschäftigungsförderung. Arbeitspapiere 58), Bottrop, 80 S.


    "Von 2014 bis 2016 förderte das nordrhein-westfälische Arbeitsministerium im Rahmen eines ESF-finanzierten Vorhabens Pilotprojekte für Zugewanderte aus Südosteuropa in sieben Kommunen (Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Hamm, Köln, Wuppertal). Ziel der Landesförderung war es, die Aktivierung, Heranführung und Integration der zugewanderten Menschen aus Bulgarien und Rumänien in den hiesigen Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsmarkt zu verbessern. Die G.I.B. hat dieses Vorhaben wissenschaftlich begleitet und evaluiert.
    Die Untersuchung macht deutlich, dass alle Pilotprojekte vor der Aufgabe standen, soziale Teilhabe und Arbeitsmarktintegration miteinander zu verknüpfen. Es gelang ihnen, die lebensweltlichen Problemlagen der Menschen zu verringern, sodass für einen Teil der Zugewanderten eine Arbeitsmarktintegration erreicht werden konnte. Aufgrund der anhaltenden Zuwanderung und verbleibender Herausforderungen werden weiterhin Unterstützungsangebote für diese Zielgruppe benötigt. Die Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung beschreiben die Unterstützungsangebote in den Pilotprojekten und deren Beitrag, um die gesteckten Ziele der Förderung zu erreichen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland: differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success (2017)

    Andrejuk, Katarzyna;


    Andrejuk, Katarzyna (2017): Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland. Differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 4, S. 560-577. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249050


    "This article discusses the diversified self-employment trajectories of intra-EU migrant entrepreneurs in Poland in the context of the culture hierarchies persistent in Europe. The business ventures are established by intra-EU labour migrants, graduates of Polish universities, but also lifestyle migrants and individuals who migrate to Poland because of a partner or family residing here. Nationals of the post-2004 Member States are more inclined to register their own business entities than are nationals of the EU-15 countries: they are also more susceptible to the risk of failure (closing or suspending an enterprise). Qualitative research reveals that the career trajectories of EU-15 nationals are not necessarily dependent upon integration efforts. Immigrant entrepreneurs from countries like the UK or Spain may attract customer attention by profiting from their cultural background, but many of them exhibit a tendency to live in language and cultural enclaves. Migrant entrepreneurs from the EU-12 typically become successful in their business activities when they are well integrated with the host society - especially if they have a good knowledge of Polish." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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