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Migration und Integration

Bei dem Thema Einwanderung nach Deutschland gilt es auch die Bedingungen einer gelingenden Integration von Zugewanderten in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Arbeit zu untersuchen. Die Arbeitsmarktforschung beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie die Integration in das Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem, der Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt sowie die Bedingungen der sozialen Teilhabe und kulturellen Integration verbessert werden können.

Aktuelle Studien zeigen zudem, dass Deutschland angesichts seiner demographischen Herausforderungen dringend auf Zuwanderung angewiesen ist. Inwiefern kann Zuwanderung der Schrumpfung und Alterung des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials entgegenwirken? Welche Entwicklungen in der nationalen und europäischen Einwanderungspolitik begünstigen die Einwanderung von Erwerbspersonen und Fachkräften? Die hier zusammengestellte Literatur bietet einen aktuellen und umfassenden Überblick über den Themenkomplex Migration und Integration.

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    Zuwanderungsmonitor (2018)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Hauptmann, Andreas; Sirries, Steffen; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ;


    Brücker, Herbert, Andreas Hauptmann, Steffen Sirries & Ehsan Vallizadeh (2018): Zuwanderungsmonitor. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Daten und Indikatoren), Nürnberg, 7 S.


    Der monatlich erscheinende Zuwanderungsmonitor analysiert Zuwanderung, Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und SGB-II-Hilfequote dieser Personengruppen:
    EU-28: Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union seit 01. Juli 2013
    EU-2: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Januar 2007: Bulgarien und Rumänien.
    EU-8: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Mai 2004: Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Slowenien, Slowakei, Tschechien, und Ungarn.
    EU-4: die südeuropäischen Mitgliedsstaaten: Griechenland, Italien, Portugal und Spanien.
    Balkanstaaten: Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kosovo, Mazedonien, Montenegro und Serbien.
    Kriegs- und Krisenländer: Afghanistan, Eritrea, Irak, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia und Syrien. (IAB)

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    Highly skilled labour migration in Europe (2018)

    Burmann, Martina; Hoffmann, Vanessa; Hofbauer Perez, Maria; Schworm, Sebastian; Rhode, Carla;


    Burmann, Martina, Maria Hofbauer Perez, Vanessa Hoffmann, Carla Rhode & Sebastian Schworm (2018): Highly skilled labour migration in Europe. In: ifo DICE report, Jg. 16, H. 1, S. 42-52.


    "Along with globalisation, the intensity of movement of people has increased and economic activity has become increasingly interconnected. As our societies are more and more knowledge-based, countries are reliant on highly skilled workers as they drive innovation and development and enable nations to position themselves successfully in the competitive global economy. In the light of population ageing and skill shortages, attracting highly skilled workers has become an important task of countries worldwide. In Europe in particular, demographic change and a lack of skilled labour are prompting governments to introduce direct measures to actively recruit economic migrants, especially highly skilled workers. Since most countries in Europe face similar challenges, highly skilled migrants from third countries are particularly important. In the following sections, we will first present a descriptive overview of migration flows into the EU as a whole, as well as into individual EU countries, differentiating by visa type. We also provide some descriptive evidence for skill shortages in the EU economies. Afterwards we will outlay a major supranational labour migration policy, the EU Blue Card, which was introduced in 2009, as well as selected national migration policies aimed at attracting skilled migrants from third countries. We will also compare labour migration policies in the EU with those in place in selected non-EU countries. In addition to attracting new workers, recent international student graduates also constitute a potential pool of highly skilled workers. Designing policies that allow graduates to transition from their studies into the host-countries' labour market offers another way of building and strengthening a country's highly skilled labour pool. Such policies will be investigated in the last section." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The changing structure of immigration to the OECD: what welfare effects on member countries? (2018)

    Burzynski, Michal; Rapoport, Hillel; Docquier, Frédéric;


    Burzynski, Michal, Frédéric Docquier & Hillel Rapoport (2018): The changing structure of immigration to the OECD. What welfare effects on member countries? (CESifo working paper 6992), München, 38 S.


    "We investigate the welfare implications of two pre-crisis immigration waves (1991-2000 and 2001-2010) and of the post-crisis wave (2011-2015) for OECD native citizens. To do so, we develop a general equilibrium model that accounts for the main channels of transmission of immigration shocks - the employment and wage effects, the fiscal effect, and the market size effect - and for the interactions between them. We parameterize our model for 20 selected OECD member states. We find that the three waves induce positive effects on the real income of natives, however the size of these gains varies considerably across countries and across skill groups. In relative terms, the post-crisis wave induces smaller welfare gains compared to the previous ones. This is due to the changing origin mix of immigrants, which translates into lower levels of human capital and smaller fiscal gains. However, differences across cohorts explain a tiny fraction of the highly persistent, cross-country heterogeneity in the economic benefits from immigration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrants' contribution to innovativeness: evidence from a non-selective immigration country (2018)

    Candel-Haug, Katharina; Falck, Oliver ; Cuntz, Alexander;


    Candel-Haug, Katharina, Alexander Cuntz & Oliver Falck (2018): Immigrants' contribution to innovativeness. Evidence from a non-selective immigration country. (CESifo working paper 7409), München, 41 S.


    "The economic consequences of migration are hotly debated and a main topic of recent populist movements across Europe. We analyze Polish immigration in the context of the 2004 enlargement of the European Union and find a positive and significant spillover effect of the immigrants on the number of local inventors in German counties in 2001-2010. For causal identification, we exploit a historical episode in the Polish migration history to Germany before the fall of the Iron Curtain and construct a shift-share instrument. Our results differ from findings for high-skilled migration to the United States, which is particularly interesting as Polish immigration to Germany was not based on selection by qualification in our period of analysis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration policies and the highly skilled (2018)

    Casarico, Alessandra ; Uebelmesser, Silke ;


    Casarico, Alessandra & Silke Uebelmesser (2018): Migration policies and the highly skilled. In: ifo DICE report, Jg. 16, H. 1, S. 28-33.


    "Europe faces a skill shortage challenge. Beside policies targeting the domestic population, attracting foreign skilled workers is another option. This article provided an assessment of various migration policies geared towards this goal. At the EU level, the introduction of the EU Blue Card was a step in this direction, as this card eases immigration by highly skilled from outside the EU, provided that they fulfil certain conditions. These conditions comprise of higher professional qualifications, an employment contract or a binding job offer with a high salary compared to the average of the EU country in which the job is offered. EU countries 4 There is evidence that high-wage earners and those with high non-wage income are sensitive to the tax systems. For an interesting study on the effect of the preferential tax scheme in Denmark on foreign top earners' mobility, see Kleven et al. (2014). Akcigit, Baslandze, and Stantcheva (2016) study the effect of top tax rates on the international mobility of 'superstar' inventors. determine the details; they can also set an upper limit on the number of non-EU citizens who can enter for highly-qualified work.5 At the moment, a new directive to attract highly skilled workers to the European Union is under discussion by the European Parliament and Council, with the goal of easing entry conditions and further harmonising the regulatory framework (European Commission 2016). On a country level, EU countries are mostly continuing to facilitate admission of highly skilled workers, for example, the Czech Republic and Italy, while some other EU and non-EU countries, like New Zealand, Denmark and the United Kingdom, have made their skilled migration policy more selective (OECD 2017). There is, however, one important caveat: a selective migration policy only allows selection among those individuals who have an interest in coming to a country. To influence highly skilled workers' location decisions location decisions, in addition to a well-designed migration policy, the institutional framework of the destination country is also important. This comprises of labour market institutions, the transfer system, as well as the quality of the education sector and the design of family policy. In addition, a welcome culture is needed. Only in such cases can the destination country achieve its goals and benefit from the new ideas, skills and contacts that migrants bring with them." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Shaping labour migration to Italy: the role of labour market institutions (2018)

    Devitt, Camilla;


    Devitt, Camilla (2018): Shaping labour migration to Italy. The role of labour market institutions. In: Journal of modern Italian studies, Jg. 23, H. 3, S. 274-292. DOI:10.1080/1354571X.2018.1459408


    "This article critically examines the existing explanations for the initiation and perpetuation of labour migration to Italy between the 1970s and early 2000s and highlights the role of labour market institutions in shaping demand for migrant labour. It posits that the institutions governing the labour market in Italy have contributed to creating demand for migrant workers first by generating a significant amount of low-standard employment and second by producing massive obstacles and disincentives to the labour market participation of the domestic supply of labour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market and social integration of Eastern European migrants in Scotland and Portugal (2018)

    Dickey, Heather ; Drinkwater, Stephen ; Shubin, Sergei;


    Dickey, Heather, Stephen Drinkwater & Sergei Shubin (2018): Labour market and social integration of Eastern European migrants in Scotland and Portugal. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 50, H. 6, S. 1250-1268. DOI:10.1177/0308518X18781086


    "This article investigates the factors influencing the labour market performance and social integration of Eastern European migrants in two regions within Scotland and Portugal. Given the potential links between these outcomes, measures of labour market success and integration into the host community are examined from a multi-dimensional perspective, including by modelling these jointly within a statistical framework. The main findings indicate the importance of a range of factors for labour market and social integration, which change with time and cannot be limited to any definable set of goals. In particular, proficiency in the host country's language plays a key role in obtaining a highly paid job and social integration, but not for the probability of employment. Further, maintaining family links and cultural identity often outweigh the importance of being integrated into host communities. Other human capital factors, especially whether the job matches skills and qualifications, strongly influence some labour market outcomes, whilst migrant network variables are important for integration more widely. Focus on the immediate earnings and having a job tends to be prioritised over career progression, which can lead to better integration. Drawing on the insights from economics and human geography, this paper stresses that these findings hold both in the separate and joint modelling approaches. The effect of the influences is also found to be generally similar in Scotland and Portugal. However, some significant differences are detected between the host communities with regards to the impact of previous migration and friendship on social integration and age on employment." (Author's abstract, © 2018 a Pion publication) ((en))

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    Family unification, siblings, and skills (2018)

    Duleep, Harriet Orcutt; Regets, Mark;


    Duleep, Harriet Orcutt & Mark Regets (2018): Family unification, siblings, and skills. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 271), Maastricht, 38 S.


    "Recently proposed immigration reforms would constitute a major break in the 40-year-old U.S. admissions policy favoring family members. Although emphasizing the importance of the nuclear family, the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform and a house subcommittee on immigration recommend eliminating immigration preferences to other close relatives, including the brothers, sisters, and adult children of U.S. citizens. Under the proposed system, those relatives could not obtain U.S. visas unless they qualified because of specific job skills. Using Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) data on admissions criteria matched to 1990 Census data, we examine the effect of family admissions on immigrant education, self-employment, and earnings. Of particular relevance to the current debate, we also examine the effect of one of the family-based admission categories recommended for elimination -- the preference category that admits the siblings of U.S. citizens. We find that family-based immigrants, in general, have low initial earnings but high earnings growth relative to immigrants admitted on the basis of occupational skills. The earnings growth of immigrants is particularly high in cohorts with relatively high sibling admissions. Furthermore, sibling admissions are positively associated with immigrant self-employment. We also find that immigrant education levels are positively associated with sibling admissions and that the flows of occupation-based immigrants and immigrants admitted under the sibling category are intimately connected, particularly for immigrants from regions of the world where economic opportunities are limited for highly educated individuals. The results on earnings growth, self-employment, and education suggest that eliminating the sibling category may be counterproductive. More generally, the paper adds to our basic knowledge about the complex interactions of admission categories, human capital investment, and earnings growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant selection before and after communism (2018)

    Ganguli, Ina;


    Ganguli, Ina (2018): Immigrant selection before and after communism. In: The economics of transition, Jg. 26, H. 4, S. 649-694. DOI:10.1111/ecot.12159


    "The end of the Soviet Union and communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe led to sudden increases in emigration and large changes in wage inequality. This has provided a unique opportunity to understand how these changes altered incentives to emigrate during the transition period. In this paper, I analyze immigrant selection before and after the fall of the Soviet Union within a Roy Model framework, in which the relative return to skills determines the skill composition of immigrants. Using micro-level data from Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria, matched to Census data on immigrants from these countries in the United States, Spain and Greece in the post-Soviet period, I find evidence of positive selection of immigrants in the US, and negative selection for Greece and Spain. Using retrospective data from Ukraine during the communist period, I find that selection among Soviet men in the US was intermediate and selection among women was positive." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Social skills, workplaces and social remittances: A case of post-accession migrants (2018)

    Grabowska, Izabela;


    Grabowska, Izabela (2018): Social skills, workplaces and social remittances: A case of post-accession migrants. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 32, H. 5, S. 868-886. DOI:10.1177/0950017017719840


    "This article examines how the social skills of migrants are moulded in workplaces and employment-related situations. It surveys literature on social skills, workplaces, social remittances and relational learning. It devotes attention to destination workplaces as spaces where people who left their comfort zones experience disjuncture between origin and destination. This can bring insights, noticing differences and making comparisons. On return to their workplaces in their origin countries, migrants are able to reflect upon and eventually remit these experiences, packaged as social remittances. Three categories of social skill were distilled from biographical interviews with returnees to Poland: (1) the capability for cross-cultural communication; (2) the capability for dealing with emotional labour; (3) the capability for taking initiative and acting independently. The study analysed situations of disjuncture as a result of migration which led to learning, non-learning and alienation. By bringing migration to the forefront, we consider social skills as social remittances." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From peripheral region to escalator region in Europe: young baltic graduates in London (2018)

    King, Russell ; Saar, Maarja; Parutis, Violetta; Lulle, Aija ;


    King, Russell, Aija Lulle, Violetta Parutis & Maarja Saar (2018): From peripheral region to escalator region in Europe. Young baltic graduates in London. In: European Urban and Regional Studies, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 284-299. DOI:10.1177/0969776417702690


    "This paper examines recent migration from three little-studied European Union (EU) countries, the Baltic states, focusing on early-career graduates who move to London. It looks at how these young migrants explain the reasons for their move, their work and living experiences in London, and their plans for the future, based on 78 interviews with individual migrants. A key objective of this paper is to rejuvenate the core - periphery structural framework through the theoretical lens of London as an 'escalator' region for career development. We add a necessary nuance on how the time dimension is crucial in understanding how an escalator region functions - both in terms of macro-events such as EU enlargement or economic crisis, and for life-course events such as career advancement or family formation. Our findings indicate that these educated young adults from the EU's north-eastern periphery migrate for a combination of economic, career, lifestyle and personal-development reasons. They are ambivalent about their futures and when, and whether, they will return-migrate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hindernislauf statt Sprint (2018)

    Klaus, Sebastian;


    Klaus, Sebastian (2018): Hindernislauf statt Sprint. In: Personalwirtschaft, Jg. 45, H. 11, S. 50-52.


    "Ein Gesetz zur Fachkräftezuwanderung muss künftig den rechtlichen Rahmen vereinfachen, die Komplexität reduzieren sowie das Verfahren verständlich und zügig gestalten. Momentan haben weder Arbeitnehmer noch Arbeitgeber Planungssicherheit." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education (2018)

    Lee, Rennie ;


    Lee, Rennie (2018): Immigrant entry visa categories and their effects on the children of immigrants' education. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 44, H. 9, S. 1560-1583. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1362976


    "As the U.S. continues to debate how to reform the current immigration system, there has been an increased emphasis on increasing skilled migration via employment sponsorship and subsequently decreasing other forms of migration, such as family reunification or refugees and asylees. Employment migration is viewed favourably because immigrants tend to arrive with greater education and language skills. However, it is unclear whether the descendants of immigrants admitted via employment categories have greater integration outcomes than the descendants of immigrants admitted via other categories. This study examines whether an immigrant's entry visa (e.g. temporary work, refugee, student, etc.) affects their children's education. Using data from the 2004 Immigration and Intergenerational Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles, this study finds that children whose fathers arrived via student/tourist visas have greater odds of college attainment. Related, this study identifies a possible mechanism, advanced/honors courses in high school, that may explain why father's student/tourist visa exerts a positive effect on student's pathway to college completion. However, there are no significant effects for fathers arriving under temporary work visas or as legal permanent residents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    International migration and innovation diffusion: an eclectic survey (2018)

    Lissoni, Francesco ;


    Lissoni, Francesco (2018): International migration and innovation diffusion. An eclectic survey. In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, Jg. 52, H. 5, S. 702-714. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2017.1346370


    "Im neuen Zeitalter der internationalen Massenmigration hat die Rolle von hochqualifizierten Personen bei der Verbreitung von Innovation erhebliche Beachtung gefunden. Unter Nutzung von wirtschaftsgeschichtlichen Studien als Vorlage werden in diesem Beitrag verschiedene Gruppen von Untersuchungen nach drei Hauptthemen geordnet: der Unterscheidung zwischen Mobilität und Migration, den Richtungen der Ströme und ihrer Inhalte. Die Migration fördert eine Diffusion von Ursprungs- zu Aufnahmeländern, aber auch in die umgekehrte Richtung sowie innerhalb von und zwischen Zielorten. Der Beitrag enthält einen Vorschlag für ein Forschungsprogramm unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wichtigkeit von sozialen Bindungen zwischen Migranten sowie der Unterscheidung zwischen dem Zugriff auf allgemeine Informationen einerseits und Wissenstausch andererseits." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Migrants' support for welfare state spending in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands (2018)

    Lubbers, Marcel; Kuhn, Theresa; Larsen, Christian Albrekt; Diehl, Claudia ;


    Lubbers, Marcel, Claudia Diehl, Theresa Kuhn & Christian Albrekt Larsen (2018): Migrants' support for welfare state spending in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. In: Social policy and administration, Jg. 52, H. 4, S. 895-913. DOI:10.1111/spol.12404


    "This contribution describes differences between 10 migrant groups and natives in their attitudes towards government spending in three residence countries: Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. Previous research provided evidence that 'migrants' as a catch-all category of people from different origins are in favor of more government spending on social welfare. We study to what extent support for government spending can be explained by self-interest explanations of welfare state attitudes as well as by differences in ideological position. The contribution employs data from the Migrants' Welfare State Attitudes project, including migrant groups from similar origins in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands. The study moves beyond the larger migrant groups of Turks and Poles that received attention in previous research as well, and includes a greater variety of groups that differ in terms of their skill levels. The overall finding is that migrants' welfare state spending preferences are, as in the case of natives, significantly related to socio-demographic differences and standard ideology measures of attitudes to regulation of the economy and family values. However, even with these standard variables included, spending preferences differ strongly between migrant groups, residence countries, and welfare spending domain. A comparison between country of origin and residence country provisions seems to be a promising path for further understanding migrant group differences in welfare state spending attitudes. The study challenges the idea that all migrants are supportive of extended welfare state arrangements." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Mass refugee inflow and long-run prosperity: lessons from the Greek population resettlement (2018)

    Murard, Elie ; Sakalli, Seyhun Orcan;


    Murard, Elie & Seyhun Orcan Sakalli (2018): Mass refugee inflow and long-run prosperity. Lessons from the Greek population resettlement. (IZA discussion paper 11613), Bonn, 65 S.


    "This paper investigates the long-term consequences of mass refugee inflow on economic development by examining the effect of the first large-scale population resettlement in modern history. After the Greco-Turkish war of 1919 - 1922, 1.2 million Greek Orthodox were forcibly resettled from Turkey to Greece, increasing the Greek population by more than 20% within a few months. We build a novel geocoded dataset locating settlements of refugees across the universe of more than four thousand Greek municipalities that existed in Greece in 1920. Exploiting the spatial variation in the resettlement location, we find that localities with a greater share of refugees in 1923 have today higher earnings, higher levels of household wealth, greater educational attainment, as well as larger financial and manufacturing sectors. These results hold when comparing spatially contiguous municipalities with identical geographical features and are not driven by pre-settlement differences in initial level of development across localities. The long-run beneficial effects appear to arise from agglomeration economies generated by the large increase in the workforce, occupational specialization, as well as by new industrial know-hows brought by refugees, which fostered early industrialization and economic growth." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How posting shapes a hybrid single European labour market (2018)

    Mussche, Ninke; Corluy, Vincent; Marx, Ive ;


    Mussche, Ninke, Vincent Corluy & Ive Marx (2018): How posting shapes a hybrid single European labour market. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 24, H. 2, S. 113-127. DOI:10.1177/0959680117708374


    "Some scholars argue that intra-EU labour migration improves the allocation of human capital in Europe and that labour mobility is still too low to constitute a single European labour market. Others insist that free movement of labour and services makes employment more precarious and causes wage dumping. Less attention has been given to the origins, destinations and nature of flows of posted workers, partly because data on posting are scarce. We aim to fill this gap by exploring unique posting data for Belgium. We argue that while the free movement of labour and a single European labour market have been policy goals for decades, it is the free movement of services that is shaping a hybrid single European labour market, since high levels of short-term service mobility are more significant than long-term labour migration. This is as much a phenomenon of intra-EU15 mobility as of post-accession mobility, and is set to remain more prevalent than classic free movement of labour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Estimating migration changes from the EU's free movement of people principle (2018)

    Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo; Bollen, Johannes;


    Rojas-Romagosa, Hugo & Johannes Bollen (2018): Estimating migration changes from the EU's free movement of people principle. (CPB discussion paper / CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis 385), The Hague, 41 S.


    "We estimate the impact of the free movement of people (FMP) principle on bilateral intra-EU migration stocks using a gravity model. Employing a combination of the World Bank and the UN's global migration databases, with observations between 1960 and 2015, allows us to analyse the impact of the FMP for most EU member states. We find that implementing the FMP by an EU member state increased, on average, its stock of intra-EU migrants by 28%. The vast majority of intra-EU migration went to the old member states and we find that FMP had a substantial impact on migration originating from both old and new member states. The only exception is migration within new member states, which was negatively affected by FMP." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK (2018)

    Ruiz, Isabel; Vargas-Silva, Carlos;


    Ruiz, Isabel & Carlos Vargas-Silva (2018): Differences in labour market outcomes between natives, refugees and other migrants in the UK. In: Journal of economic geography, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 855-885. DOI:10.1093/jeg/lby027


    "Using 2010-2017 data we compare the labour market outcomes of refugees (those who migrated to seek asylum), natives (UK-born) and other migrants in the UK (work, study and family migrants). The results indicate that refugees are less likely to be employed and earn less than natives and other migrants. The evidence suggests that differences in health status (particularly mental health) may be one of the factors that partly explain these gaps. Employment growth of refugees between 2010 and 2016 was significantly higher than that of other migrants, but this was not the case for earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The anatomy of job polarisation in the UK (2018)

    Salvatori, Andrea;


    Salvatori, Andrea (2018): The anatomy of job polarisation in the UK. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 52, H. 1, S. 1-15. DOI:10.1186/s12651-018-0242-z


    "This paper studies the contribution of different skill groups to the polarisation of the UK labour market. We show that the large increase in graduate numbers contributed to the substantial reallocation of employment from middling to top occupations which is the main feature of the polarisation process in the UK over the past three decades. The increase in the number of immigrants, on the other hand, does not account for any particular aspect of the polarisation in the UK. Changes in the skill mix of the workforce account for most of the decline in routine employment across the occupational distribution, but within-group changes account for most of the decline in routine occupations in middling occupations. In addition, there is no clear indication of polarisation within all skill groups - a fact that previous literature has cited as evidence that technology drives the decline of middling occupations. These findings differ substantially from previous evidence on the US and cast doubts on the role of technology as the main driver of polarisation in the UK." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Beneficial brain drain and non-migrants' welfare (2018)

    Schiff, Maurice ;


    Schiff, Maurice (2018): Beneficial brain drain and non-migrants' welfare. (IZA discussion paper 11483), Bonn, 18 S.


    "Though a net brain gain has tended to be seen as a benefit and referred to as a 'beneficial brain drain' in the literature, its welfare impact for source country residents - or nonmigrants - is at best ambiguous. Increased educational investment in response to a brain drain is equivalent to a bet where migrants (M) win and where the impact on residents (R) - whose well-being is a concern for the government - is ambiguous or negative. I compare residents' welfare a) for an open vs. a closed economy, b) under the presence or absence of education externality, c) with vs. without government intervention, and d) with government's concern equal for R and M (R = M) or greater for R (R > M). Main findings are: i) residents lose under an open economy in four of the five scenarios considered, with an ambiguous result under an externality and no intervention; ii) optimal education policy has a positive or ambiguous impact on residents' welfare (and a positive impact under a closed economy); and iii) welfare is higher under intervention when R > M than when R = M. It is worth noting that, though the standard developing country policy of subsidizing higher education is optimal under an education externality in the case of a closed economy, this result need not hold under an open economy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Between mobility and migration: The multi-level governance of intra-European movement (2018)

    Scholten, Peter; Ostaijen, Mark van;


    Scholten, Peter & Mark van Ostaijen (Hrsg.) (2018): Between mobility and migration. The multi-level governance of intra-European movement. (IMISCOE Research Series), Cham: Springer London, 270 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-77991-1


    "This open access book offers a critical perspective on intra-European mobility and migration by using new empirical data and theoretical discussions. It develops a theoretical and empirical analysis of the consequences of intra-European movement for sending and receiving urban regions in The Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Poland and Czech Republic. The book conceptualizes Central and Eastern European (CEE) migration by distinguishing between different types of CEE migrants and consequences. This involves a mapping of migration corridors within Europe, a unique empirical analysis of consequences for urban regions, and an analysis of governance responses. Next to the European and country perspectives on this phenomenon, the book focuses on the local perspective of urban regions where most mobile citizens settle (either permanently or temporarily). This way the book puts the analysis of intra-European movement in the perspective of broader theoretical debates in migration studies and beyond." (Publisher information, © Springer) ((en))

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    Brexit und Ausländerbeschäftigung in Großbritannien: vom Musterland zum Bollwerk? (2018)

    Schrader, Klaus;


    Schrader, Klaus (2018): Brexit und Ausländerbeschäftigung in Großbritannien. Vom Musterland zum Bollwerk? In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 98, H. 8, S. 558-564. DOI:10.1007/s10273-018-2331-6


    "Im Zuge der EU-Osterweiterung war Großbritannien eines der wenigen EU15-Länder, das von Anfang an die Möglichkeiten der Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit nutzte und mit dieser Strategie durchaus erfolgreich war. Wie die empirische Analyse zeigt, war die Arbeitsmigration aus den Beitrittsländern kein entscheidender Faktor für das Brexit-Votum. Es war eher eine Angst vor dem Statusverlust der weniger gebildeten Wähler, die die Vertiefung und Erweiterung der EU als Bedrohung für ihren sozialen Status und ihre nationale Identität ansehen. Eine politische Diskussion über eine EU mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten erweist sich als ratsam." (Autorenreferat, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Replacement migration: ein Konzept mit begrenzter Reichweite (2018)

    Siedhoff, Mathias;


    Siedhoff, Mathias (2018): Replacement migration. Ein Konzept mit begrenzter Reichweite. In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung H. 1, S. 84-96.


    "Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels verweisen zahlreiche Akteure häufig auf die steigende Bedeutung von Zuwanderungen aus dem Ausland. Eine Diskussion über 'Replacement Migration' ist aber wenig hilfreich, wenn wir sie nicht deutlich differenzierter führen und uns offener gegenüber Zuwanderungen zeigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Is high-skilled migration harmful to tax systems' progressivity?: understanding how migration responds to tax changes will aid in setting the progressivity of a tax system (2018)

    Simula, Laurent; Trannoy, Alain;


    Simula, Laurent & Alain Trannoy (2018): Is high-skilled migration harmful to tax systems' progressivity? Understanding how migration responds to tax changes will aid in setting the progressivity of a tax system. (IZA world of labor 423), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.423


    "In welchem Ausmaß Hochqualifizierte auf steuerpolitische Korrekturen mit Ein- oder Auswanderung reagieren, wird üblicherweise anhand so genannter Migrationselastizitäten im Zusammenhang mit Nettoeinkommensveränderungen analysiert. Dieses Verfahren beruht jedoch auf einem falschen Maß der Elastizität - die empirische Forschung benötigt an dieser Stelle dringend eine neue Richtung. Von politischer Seite sollte einzelstaatliches Steuer-'Tagging', das hochqualifizierte ausländische Arbeitskräfte gezielt anlocken soll, vermieden werden und stattdessen die internationale Zusammenarbeit und Harmonisierung auf dem Gebiet der Unternehmens- und Einkommensbesteuerung intensiviert werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Choosing skilled foreign-born workers: evaluating alternative methods for allocating H-1B work permits (2018)

    Sparber, Chad ;


    Sparber, Chad (2018): Choosing skilled foreign-born workers: evaluating alternative methods for allocating H-1B work permits. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 57, H. 1, S. 3-34. DOI:10.1111/irel.12203


    "The H-1B program allows highly educated foreign-born labor to temporarily work in the United States. Quotas restrict the number of H-1B recipients. In many years, all available work permits were allocated by random lottery. This paper argues that an alternative distribution method based upon ability would increase output, output per worker, and wages paid to less-educated workers. Baseline estimates suggest that a change in allocation policy could result in a $26.5 billion gain for the economy over a 6-year period. This estimate grows when H-1B demand rises." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Die Blaue Karte EU: Ein länderübergreifender Überblick (2018)

    Stitteneder, Tanja;


    Stitteneder, Tanja (2018): Die Blaue Karte EU: Ein länderübergreifender Überblick. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 71, H. 6, S. 43-47.


    "Angesichts der demographischen Entwicklung und des zunehmenden Innovationsdrucks konkurrieren die Mitgliedstaaten der EU mit anderen Ländern der Welt um hochqualifizierte Fachkräfte. Die Blaue Karte soll die dauerhafte Zuwanderung von hochqualifizierten Drittstaatangehörigen in die EU fördern und erleichtern. Zwar variieren die Gültigkeitsdauer, die Verwaltungsgebühren, die geltenden Einkommensgrenzen und die Anzahl der ausgegebenen Blauen Karten je Mitgliedstaat, die Blaue Karte hat aber das Potenzial, die Zuwanderung Hochqualifizierter für alle Mitgliedstaaten der EU positiv zu beeinflussen. Von einer Reform der Blauen Karte, über die die Mitgliedsländer seit 2016 beraten, würden nicht nur die Zielländer und Antragsteller profitieren, sondern auch international tätige Unternehmen und Organisationen - und somit der gesamte Wirtschaftsraum der EU." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    When does religiosity matter for attitudes to immigration?: The impact of economic insecurity and religious norms in Europe (2018)

    Storm, Ingrid ;


    Storm, Ingrid (2018): When does religiosity matter for attitudes to immigration? The impact of economic insecurity and religious norms in Europe. In: European Societies, Jg. 20, H. 4, S. 595-620. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2017.1402122


    "Religious identity and practice has been associated with attitudes to immigration in Europe, but it is not known how this relationship varies between different cultural and economic contexts. Analysing data from seven waves of the European Social Survey (ESS) 2002 - 2014 we examine the association cross-nationally and over time, in what was a financially unstable period for many European countries and households. We have two main findings. Firstly, it is not religion per se, but rather conformity to national rates of religiosity which is associated with concern about the economic and cultural consequences of immigration. Secondly, the association between religion and anti-immigration is strengthened in contexts of economic uncertainty. These findings suggest that while religion does not predict immigration attitudes uniformly across countries, when religion reflects cultural conformity, it could become an expression national or ethnic group identity in times of economic insecurity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Minas: Atlas über Migration, Integration und Asyl (2018)


    "Die Themen Migration, Integration und Asyl bilden das Fundament der Arbeit des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge.
    Mit der nun vorliegenden achten Ausgabe des 'Atlas über Migration, Integration und Asyl' (Minas) werden diese Themenfelder in kartographischen und informatorischen Grafiken anschaulich gemacht und geben einen Überblick über das Migrationsgeschehen in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Study on the movement of skilled labour: Final report (2018)


    "What are the main patterns of 'brain flow' in Europe? Are particular countries or economic sectors affected? And what measures do Member States take to retain or attract skilled labour? An independent study on the movement of skilled labour has been looking into these questions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland: differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success (2017)

    Andrejuk, Katarzyna;


    Andrejuk, Katarzyna (2017): Self-employed migrants from EU Member States in Poland. Differentiated professional trajectories and explanations of entrepreneurial success. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 4, S. 560-577. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249050


    "This article discusses the diversified self-employment trajectories of intra-EU migrant entrepreneurs in Poland in the context of the culture hierarchies persistent in Europe. The business ventures are established by intra-EU labour migrants, graduates of Polish universities, but also lifestyle migrants and individuals who migrate to Poland because of a partner or family residing here. Nationals of the post-2004 Member States are more inclined to register their own business entities than are nationals of the EU-15 countries: they are also more susceptible to the risk of failure (closing or suspending an enterprise). Qualitative research reveals that the career trajectories of EU-15 nationals are not necessarily dependent upon integration efforts. Immigrant entrepreneurs from countries like the UK or Spain may attract customer attention by profiting from their cultural background, but many of them exhibit a tendency to live in language and cultural enclaves. Migrant entrepreneurs from the EU-12 typically become successful in their business activities when they are well integrated with the host society - especially if they have a good knowledge of Polish." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigrant networks and remittances: Cheaper together? (2017)

    Aparicio-Fenoll, Ainhoa; Kuehn, Zoë;


    Aparicio-Fenoll, Ainhoa & Zoë Kuehn (2017): Immigrant networks and remittances. Cheaper together? (Carlo Alberto notebooks 497), Turin, 34 S.


    "We estimate the causal effects of immigrant networks on individuals' remittance sending behavior for migrants from many different countries residing in Spain. Our methodology addresses typical issues that arise when estimating network effects: reverse causality, common unobserved factors, and self-selection. In particular, we instrument the size of networks by predicting the number of migrants in each location using the location's accessibility by distinct methods of transportation and information about how migrants from each country arrived in Spain. Our findings show that immigrants from above-average remitting countries remit more if they live in larger networks. Testing for mechanisms of network effects, we also find that these migrants are more likely to send remittances via bank transfers, which suggests that large networks of individuals who remit a lot might be better at sharing information about cheaper remittance channels (bank transfers compared to money orders in post offices or agencies). In line with this hypothesis, we find that due to network effects migrants shy away from the most expensive remittance channels, potentially freeing resources for additional remittances. Furthermore, cost spreads between the most expensive and cheapest providers are lower for countries characterized by high remittances and stronger networks, suggesting that network effects might be competition-enhancing." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fachkräftezuwanderung im Rahmen der EU-Binnenmobilität (2017)

    Baas, Timo;


    Baas, Timo (2017): Fachkräftezuwanderung im Rahmen der EU-Binnenmobilität. In: Bertelsmann-Stiftung (Hrsg.) (2017): Faire Fachkräftezuwanderung nach Deutschland : Grundlagen und Handlungsbedarf im Kontext eines Einwanderungsgesetzes, S. 89-111.


    "Die Zuwanderung aus den EU-Mitgliedstaaten ist in den vergangenen Jahren stark gewachsen. Insbesondere EU-Migranten aus den mittel- und osteuropäischen sowie aus den südost-europäischen Ländern wählen vermehrt Deutschland als Zielland. Hierbei ist festzustellen, dass seit der Arbeitsmarktöffnung nicht nur die Zuwanderung zugenommen, sondern sich auch der Anteil der Männer an den Zuwanderern erhöht hat. Dies lässt darauf schließen, dass die Beschränkung der Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit insbesondere Männer von einer Wanderung abgehalten hat." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Drivers of highly skilled mobility from Southern Europe: escaping the crisis and emancipating oneself (2017)

    Bartolini, Laura; Gropas, Ruby; Triandafyllidou, Anna ;


    Bartolini, Laura, Ruby Gropas & Anna Triandafyllidou (2017): Drivers of highly skilled mobility from Southern Europe. Escaping the crisis and emancipating oneself. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 4, S. 652-673. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249048


    "Since the outbreak of the crisis in Southern Europe, young highly educated Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese and Greeks have been taking their talents and expertise to other countries in search of a better quality of life and career prospects. This paper explores the characteristics of these new emigrants, the reasons for which they are leaving, and whether these reasons are shaped by the economic crisis, by pre-crisis grievances, or by other factors. We analyse original data from 6377 questionnaires collected in 4 countries through an e-survey we ran in 2013. We refer to the existing literature on the drivers of highly skilled emigration and the (un)employment situation in the four aforementioned Southern European countries which have been hardest hit by the economic crisis. We suggest that while gender is not important, age, marital status, education and satisfaction with current employment (both income related and with regard to future prospects) are important factors predicting emigration. Non-economic factors, notably career opportunities, quality of life and future prospects supersede all other considerations in the decision to emigrate for these highly educated Europeans." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ability, academic climate, and going abroad for work or pursuing a PhD (2017)

    Bertrand-Cloodt, Danielle; Cörvers, Frank; Heijke, Hans;


    Bertrand-Cloodt, Danielle, Frank Cörvers & Hans Heijke (2017): Ability, academic climate, and going abroad for work or pursuing a PhD. In: CESIfo Economic Studies, Jg. 63, H. 1, S. 119-140. DOI:10.1093/cesifo/ifw015


    "We investigate whether highly able students are being creamed off from Dutch universities. Therefore, we examine the relation between ability and the destination of recent graduates of Dutch universities. Students can choose to continue their academic career by investing in a PhD degree instead of working, taking into account that both options can be realized in the Netherlands as well as abroad. Using a data set of workers and PhD students who recently graduated from Dutch universities, we simultaneously estimate two probit equations, one for the migration decision and one for the choice between working and pursuing a PhD. We take into account that both decisions can be affected by the climates in certain fields of study and universities to promote going abroad and starting a PhD. Our findings indicate that highly able graduates are significantly more likely than average graduates to go abroad. They also invest more often in a PhD programme, which is positively correlated with their likelihood to go abroad. The odds of going abroad and participating in a PhD programme are shown to be associated with control variables indexing the climates promoting going abroad and starting PhD study" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zuwanderungsmonitor (2017)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ; Sirries, Steffen; Hauptmann, Andreas;


    Brücker, Herbert, Andreas Hauptmann, Steffen Sirries & Ehsan Vallizadeh (2017): Zuwanderungsmonitor. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte), Nürnberg, 7 S.


    Der monatlich erscheinende Zuwanderungsmonitor analysiert Zuwanderung, Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und SGB-II-Hilfequote dieser Personengruppen:
    EU-28: Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union seit 01. Juli 2013
    EU-2: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Januar 2007: Bulgarien und Rumänien.
    EU-8: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Mai 2004: Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Slowenien, Slowakei, Tschechien, und Ungarn.
    EU-4: die südeuropäischen Mitgliedsstaaten: Griechenland, Italien, Portugal und Spanien.
    Balkanstaaten: Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kosovo, Mazedonien, Montenegro und Serbien.
    Kriegs- und Krisenländer: Afghanistan, Eritrea, Irak, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia und Syrien. (IAB)

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    ifo Migrationsmonitor: Aktuelles Zuwanderungsgeschehen und Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von Migranten (2017)

    Budimir, Kristina;


    Budimir, Kristina (2017): ifo Migrationsmonitor: Aktuelles Zuwanderungsgeschehen und Arbeitsmarktpartizipation von Migranten. In: Ifo-Schnelldienst, Jg. 70, H. 18, S. 34-41.


    "Das Jahr 2015 war seit Aufzeichnung der Wanderungen des Statistischen Bundesamtes das Jahr mit der höchsten Zuwanderung von ausländischen Staatsangehörigen nach Deutschland, auch nach Abzug von Fortzügen. Waren EU-Staatsangehörige vor 2015 die größte Gruppe der Zuwanderer, sind es seit 2015 Staatsangehörige aus Nicht-EU-Ländern. Die Betrachtung der Partizipation ausländischer Staatsangehöriger auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt seit 2010 zeigt, dass die sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung über alle Migrantengruppen sowohl absolut als auch bezüglich ihrer erwerbsfähigen Bevölkerung an Bedeutung gewonnen hat - mit den stärksten Zugewinnen unter den Staatsangehörigen der Länder der EU-Osterweiterung. Die Daten der Bundesagentur für Arbeit zeigen zudem, dass die Arbeitslosenquoten der Migrantengruppen - mit Ausnahme Staatsangehöriger der nichteuropäischen Asylherkunftsländer - seit 2010 kontinuierlich gesunken sind. Dennoch schneiden alle Migrantengruppen am deutschen Arbeitsmarkt sowohl hinsichtlich Partizipations- als auch Arbeitslosigkeitsraten im Vergleich zu deutschen Staatsangehörigen schlechter ab. Auch in qualitativer Hinsicht, z.B. bei der Anforderung der Tätigkeit, der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung, im unteren Entgeltbereich und beim Ergänzen des Erwerbseinkommens mit Leistungen aus der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende, weisen Migranten gegenüber Deutschen weitaus höhere Anteile auf. Die quantitativ und qualitativ schwächere Teilhabe der ausländischen Arbeitnehmer am hiesigen Arbeitsmarkt ist vornehmlich auf ihre Qualifikation, Beruf und Beschäftigungsstruktur zurückzuführen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Binnenwanderung im Kontext der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise: Trends und Perspektiven (2017)

    Burkert, Carola ; Kislat, Julia;


    Burkert, Carola & Julia Kislat (2017): Binnenwanderung im Kontext der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise. Trends und Perspektiven. In: R. Hrbek & M. Große Hüttmann (Hrsg.) (2017): Hoffnung Europa - Die EU als Raum und Ziel von Migration (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V., 96), S. 141-178, 2017-03-27.


    "In diesem Beitrag wurde aufgezeigt, in welchem Maße die Mobilität innerhalb der EU in den letzten Jahren gestiegen ist. Hauptgründe dafür sind regionale Disparitäten auf den Arbeitsmärkten sowie das teilweise enorme Einkommensgefälle zwischen den Staaten. Zwar kam es infolge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise und der dadurch aufkommenden Arbeitslosigkeit vor allem unter Jugendlichen in Südeuropa zu einer Umlenkung der Migrationsströme von den südeuropäischen Krisenländern hin zu nordeuropäischen Ländern - wodurch auch die Arbeitsmärkte in den von der Krise besonders betroffenen Ländern entlastet wurden. Jedoch ist auf diese Migration von Staatsangehörigen der Krisenländer GIIPS nur ein kleiner Teil des Anstiegs der Binnenmigration zurückzuführen. Vielmehr wird die Mobilität innerhalb der EU maßgeblich durch die EU-2 und EU-8, also Osteuropa und den Balkan, bestimmt." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Burkert, Carola ;
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    Liquid migration, grounded lives: considerations about future mobility and settlement among Polish and Spanish migrants in Norway (2017)

    Bygnes, Susanne; Erdal, Marta Bivand;


    Bygnes, Susanne & Marta Bivand Erdal (2017): Liquid migration, grounded lives. Considerations about future mobility and settlement among Polish and Spanish migrants in Norway. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 1, S. 102-118. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1211004


    "The 2004 EU extension and the 2008 financial crisis triggered new migration flows within Europe, and subsequent debates about what the novelty of these migration flows consists of. We draw on adult Polish and Spanish migrants' in Norway's considerations about future mobility and settlement, and explore how these situate themselves in relation to conceptualisations of intra-European migration as 'liquid'. Family concerns, economic factors and working life conditions in countries of origin appear as significant in migrants' reflections about the future. This seems to contrast with conceptualisations of intra-European migration as 'liquid' in the sense of increasing individualisation, lifestyles of mobility and a migrant habitus. Rather a 'normal life' is emphasised by migrants' underscoring desires to lead more grounded lives, under less 'liquid' conditions. Migrants' already established lives in Norway, together with deregulated labour markets in Poland and Spain, are experienced as reasons not to return. Migrants' considerations about the future suggest that key characteristics of South - North and East - West intra-European migration flows to Norway, appear to be converging: with a trend of transition to longer-term settlement and a wish for more grounded lives, where dignity is central and ongoing mobility is less prominent." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Goods and factor market integration: a quantitative assessment of the EU enlargement (2017)

    Caliendo, Lorenzo; Opromolla, Luca David; Sforza, Alessandro; Parro, Fernando;


    Caliendo, Lorenzo, Luca David Opromolla, Fernando Parro & Alessandro Sforza (2017): Goods and factor market integration. A quantitative assessment of the EU enlargement. (CEP discussion paper 1494), London, 64 S.


    "The economic effects from labor market integration are crucially affected by the extent to which countries are open to trade. In this paper we build a multi-country dynamic general equilibrium model with trade in goods and labor mobility across countries to study and quantify the economic effects of trade and labor market integration. In our model trade is costly and features households of different skills and nationalities facing costly forward-looking relocation decisions. We use the EU Labour Force Survey to construct migration flows by skill and nationality across 17 countries for the period 2002-2007. We then exploit the timing variation of the 2004 EU enlargement to estimate the elasticity of migration flows to labor mobility costs, and to identify the change in labor mobility costs associated to the actual change in policy. We apply our model and use these estimates, as well as the observed changes in tariffs, to quantify the effects from the EU enlargement. We find that new member state countries are the largest winners from the EU enlargement, and in particular unskilled labor. We find smaller welfare gains for EU-15 countries. However, in the absence of changes to trade policy, the EU-15 would have been worse off after the enlargement. We study even further the interaction effects between trade and migration policies and the role of different mechanisms in shaping our results. Our results highlight the importance of trade for the quantification of the welfare and migration effects from labor market integration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The migration of professionals within the EU: any barriers left? (2017)

    Capuano, Stella ; Migali, Silvia ;


    Capuano, Stella & Silvia Migali (2017): The migration of professionals within the EU. Any barriers left? In: Review of International Economics, Jg. 25, H. 4, S. 760-773., 2017-01-03. DOI:10.1111/roie.12283


    "As shown by the intense legislative effort at the European Union level, the mutual recognition of professional qualifications represents an important step towards the completion of the single EU labor market. In this paper we provide the first empirical evidence on the link between intra-EU mobility and mutual recognition of professional qualifications. Our results show that bilateral EU migration is positively affected by the destination country's rate of recognition of professional qualifications obtained in another EU member state." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Challenged by migration: Europe's options (2017)

    Constant, Amelie F.; Zimmermann, Klaus F. ;


    Constant, Amelie F. & Klaus F. Zimmermann (2017): Challenged by migration. Europe's options. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 46), Maastricht, 16 S.


    "This paper examines the migration and labor mobility in the European Union and elaborates on their importance for the existence of the EU. Against all measures of success, the current public debate seems to suggest that the political consensus that migration is beneficial is broken. This comes with a crisis of European institutions in general. Migration and labor mobility have not been at the origin of the perceived cultural shift. The EU in its current form and ambition could perfectly survive or collapse even if it solves its migration challenge. But it will most likely collapse, if it fails to solve the mobility issue by not preserving free internal labor mobility and not establishing a joint external migration policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Polnische Neuzuwanderer in Deutschland (2017)

    Diehl, Claudia ; Gresser, Anne;


    Diehl, Claudia & Anne Gresser (2017): Polnische Neuzuwanderer in Deutschland. In: Geographische Rundschau, Jg. 69, H. 3, S. 12-16.


    "Zuwanderer aus Osteuropa und Ostmitteleuropa sind relativ hoch qualifiziert und können sich innerhalb der EU weitgehend frei bewegen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellen sich zwei wichtige Fragen: Ist die Vorstellung, dass Menschen aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen dauerhaft ihr Herkunftsland verlassen, um in der Fremde ihr Glück zu suchen, noch angemessen? Und welche Rolle spielt bei dieser Zuwanderergruppe die Integration in den Aufnahmekontext im Sinne einer Angleichung von Neuankömmlingen und Mehrheitsangehörigen?" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderungsgruppen in Deutschland (2017)

    Dubois, Maëlle; Oswald, Anne von; Siegert, Wassili; Ziegler, Janine;


    Dubois, Maëlle, Wassili Siegert, Anne von Oswald & Janine Ziegler (2017): Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderungsgruppen in Deutschland. (Working paper / IQ-Fachstelle Einwanderung 2017,02), Berlin, 13 S.


    "Die Entwicklung des deutschen Arbeitsmarktes wird derzeit durchweg positiv bewertet. Eine detaillierte Betrachtung nach unterschiedlichen Zuwanderungsgruppen im Vergleich zu Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit zeigt zugleich, dass nicht alle in gleichem Maße von dieser Entwicklung profitieren. Anhand der Arbeitsmarktkennzahlen analysiert das vorliegende Working Paper die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Zuwanderungsgruppen aus der EU, aus Staaten des Westbalkans und aus nichteuropäischen Asylherkunftsländern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Je suis un Italien de Paris: Italian migrants' incorporation in a European capital city (2017)

    Dubucs, Hadrien; Schmoll, Camille; Pfirsch, Thomas; Recchi, Ettore;


    Dubucs, Hadrien, Thomas Pfirsch, Ettore Recchi & Camille Schmoll (2017): Je suis un Italien de Paris. Italian migrants' incorporation in a European capital city. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 4, S. 578-595. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249051


    "Italy has experienced a new wave of population outflows, in particular since the end of the 2000s, with France as one of the top destinations. This paper investigates the structural and socio-cultural integration of Italian migrants in Paris. The paper is based on a mixed-methods approach, using in-depth interviews, census data and an online survey. We found that the profile and incorporation patterns of post-crisis migrants reflects a long-term trend of middling migration out of Italy. Similar to other studies, we show that current Italian migrants are prevailingly highly skilled and employed in non-manual jobs. As for socio-cultural integration, the paper highlights the symbolic value of the host city, to which migrants are strongly attached. Moreover, the longer the Italian's stay in Paris, the higher his/her integration in Italy-oriented activities, both within Paris and in Italy. This indicates a complex incorporation model that is at odds with assimilation but at the same time departs from ethnicised and community-based patterns. Italian migrants combine being both Parisian and Italian in a 'synergistic balancing act' (Erdal and Oeppen 2013. 'Migrant Balancing Acts: Understanding the Interactions between Integration and Transnationalism.' Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39 (6):867 - 884.) of integration and transnationalism." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From diversity to conviviality: intra-EU mobility and international migration to Denmark in times of economic recession (2017)

    Duru, Deniz Neriman; Trenz, Hans-Jörg;


    Duru, Deniz Neriman & Hans-Jörg Trenz (2017): From diversity to conviviality. Intra-EU mobility and international migration to Denmark in times of economic recession. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 4, S. 613-632. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249049


    "This article explores differences among EU and non-EU migrants in accommodating to the Danish flexicurity labour and welfare regime during times of economic crisis. We build our findings on a quantitative survey followed by semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with EU and non-EU migrants who moved to Denmark during the recession period (2008 - 2013). We argue that the lack of multicultural policies triggers individualised strategies of accommodation rather than ethnic or national group base integration, favouring a more homogenous group of high-skilled and educated group of workers and students of postgraduate/higher education, whom we describe as a 'flexicurity diversity group'. Through patterns of conviviality, individual socialisation is based here on common interests, needs and lifestyles and not on pre-defined ethnic and/or cultural traits. The transition from diversity to conviviality that is initiated by this group remains however incomplete in light of the unequal opportunities and the differentiated scheme of rights that apply to EU and non-EU immigrants. Danish flexicurity has thus not had the desired inclusive effects but discriminates in terms of facilitating easy access to the labour market for all, and 'securing' social benefits and offering rights and protection only to the privileged group of EU migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    People to jobs, jobs to people: global mobility and labor migration (2017)

    Eichhorst, Werner; Colussi, Tommaso; Lichter, Andreas; Kahanec, Martin ; Sommer, Eric; Guzi, Martin ; Nikolova, Milena ;


    Eichhorst, Werner, Tommaso Colussi, Martin Guzi, Martin Kahanec, Andreas Lichter, Milena Nikolova & Eric Sommer (2017): People to jobs, jobs to people. Global mobility and labor migration. (IZA research report 74), Bonn, 193 S.


    Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels und der aktuellen Flüchtlingskrise werden Fragen nach den wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen internationaler Arbeitsmigration in Europa und anderen Industrieländern laut. Befürworter sehen in den Einwanderern potenzielle Arbeitskräfte, die die Folgen der demografischen Alterung und den Fachkräftemangel abschwächen können. Gegner befürchten vor allem negative Konsequenzen für die sozialen Systeme in den Einwanderungsländern sowie die Verdrängung einheimischer Arbeitskräfte. Die vorliegende Untersuchung stellt zunächst die potenziellen Determinanten der Mobilität von Arbeitskräften als auch von Arbeitsplätzen dar, sowohl auf individueller Ebene als auch aus Ländersicht. Im zweiten Kapitel wird das erwartete Erwerbspersonenpotenzial aus zukünftigen Wanderungsströmen bis zum Jahr 2030 prognostiziert. Anschließend wird die Entscheidung zur Produktionsverlagerung ins Ausland von Unternehmen als Reaktion auf den einheimischen Fachkräftemangel diskutiert. Abschließend wird für eine gezielte Einwanderungspolitik zur Rekrutierung ausländischer Fachkräfte plädiert, um die Verlagerung inländischer Arbeitsplätze ins Ausland zu verhindern. (IAB)

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    The intra-EU mobility regime: Differentiation, stratification and contradictions (2017)

    Engbersen, Godfried; Leerkes, Arjen; Snel, Erik; Scholten, Peter;


    Engbersen, Godfried, Arjen Leerkes, Peter Scholten & Erik Snel (2017): The intra-EU mobility regime: Differentiation, stratification and contradictions. In: Migration studies, Jg. 5, H. 3, S. 337-355. DOI:10.1093/migration/mnx044


    "This article analyses the contested nature of the contemporary intra-EU mobility regime after the EU enlargement of 2004 and 2007. Migration from the new EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has evolved into one of the main migration flows within Europe, especially to Northern and Western European countries. We will analyse three dimensions of the contested nature of the intra-EU mobility regime. Firstly, we show that the current regime has contributed to a highly diverse and complex nature of contemporary labour migration. Research shows that CEE labour migrants engage in circular and temporary labour mobility, but also in midterm and long-term settlement migration. This diversity challenges contemporary (local) integration policies. Secondly, we address forms of civic stratification, which has become an important dimension of social inequality in Europe. Civic stratification is the result of inequalities in de jure entitlements to social and economic rights or in de facto access to EU citizens' rights. Thirdly, we deal with the contradictions between governance responses to intra-EU mobility at different levels of government. In particular, a paradigm conflict has emerged between the intra-EU 'mobility' frame, which defines free movement primarily as a neo-liberal, economic form of mobility by EU citizens to address temporary unbalances in European labour markets, and the local governance strategies driven by a more 'settlement' frame of intra-EU 'migration' which focuses on integration-related concerns." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The interregional migration of human capital and its regional consequences: a review (2017)

    Faggian, Alessandra ; Dotzel, Kathryn R.; Rajbhandari, Isha;


    Faggian, Alessandra, Isha Rajbhandari & Kathryn R. Dotzel (2017): The interregional migration of human capital and its regional consequences. A review. In: Regional Studies. Journal of the Regional Studies Association, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 128-143. DOI:10.1080/00343404.2016.1263388


    "In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir die Literatur über die interregionale Migration von hohem Humankapital unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auswirkungen von Zu- und Abströmen auf lokale Ökonomien. Es gibt zwar auch andere Untersuchungen über die Determinanten von hochqualifizierten interregionalen Migrationsströmen, doch bei diesem Beitrag handelt es sich um den ersten Versuch, die umfangreiche Literatur über die Auswirkungen dieser Ströme auf die Ökonomien der Empfänger- und Senderegionen sowie auf das gesamte System zu ordnen und zu untersuchen. Wir stellen fest, dass sich die Mehrheit der bisherigen Beiträge auf die wirtschaftlichen Konsequenzen für die Zielregionen konzentriert und den starken Bedarf an weiteren Studien zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen auf die Ursprungsregionen verdeutlicht. In einer kritischen Bewertung der aktuellen Lage wird festgestellt, dass Fortschritte in der Erforschung von hochqualifizierter Migration durch einen Mangel an verfügbaren geeigneten Daten über die Merkmale der Migration und Migranten behindert werden. Ebenso wird in der Untersuchung die Notwendigkeit einer Berücksichtigung der Innovation, der Zusammensetzung von Qualifikationen und des Geschlechts in künftigen Analysen der Auswirkungen von hochqualifizierter Migration betont. Wir schließen mit Vorschlägen für neue Methoden, die von Wissenschaftlern bei künftigen Studien über die Auswirkungen der interregionalen Migration von hohem Humankapital genutzt werden können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Central and eastern European accession: changing perspectives on migrant workers (2017)

    Fitzgerald, Ian; Smoczynski, Rafal;


    Fitzgerald, Ian & Rafal Smoczynski (2017): Central and eastern European accession. Changing perspectives on migrant workers. In: Social policy and society, Jg. 16, H. 4, S. 659-668. DOI:10.1017/S1474746417000215


    "This article provides a reflection on the period since the May 2004 Central and Eastern European (CEE) accession and subsequent migration to the UK, and on shifting perspectives of and towards CEE migrants in this period. The authors have been researching this phenomenon in the North of England since 2005 through a series of studies as well as ongoing engagement with regional respondents. CEE migration is analysed through the perspectives of government, employers and trade union interests. A central argument is that attitudes to CEE migrants changed following the 2008 financial crisis as funding for local authorities was reduced, obscuring evidence-based arguments for their value to the UK labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migration und Arbeitsmärkte in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (2017)

    Friesl, Christian; Geis, Wido; Wallner, Clemens; Schellenbauer, Patrick; Hörmann, Martin; Schnell, Fabian;


    Friesl, Christian, Wido Geis, Martin Hörmann, Patrick Schellenbauer, Fabian Schnell & Clemens Wallner (2017): Migration und Arbeitsmärkte in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. (IW-Report / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2017,27), Köln, 24 S.


    "Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz sind vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels auf die Zuwanderung von Fachkräften angewiesen, um ihre wirtschaftliche Leistungsfähigkeit zu erhalten. So kommen in Deutschland nur 60,7 Personen zwischen 10 und 19 Jahren auf 100 Personen zwischen 50 und 59 Jahren. In Österreich sind es 67,2 und in der Schweiz 68,9. Gleichzeitig handelt es sich bei bedeutenden Teilen der Bevölkerungen in den drei Ländern bereits heute um Zuwanderer. So ist in Deutschland jeder siebte, in Österreich fast jeder fünfte und in der Schweiz deutlich mehr als jeder vierte Einwohner nicht im Land geboren. Dabei war die Zuwanderung in die drei Länder in der Vergangenheit sehr stark von Personen aus den (anderen) EU-Ländern getragen, die selbst zunehmend vom demografischen Wandel betroffen sind, sodass die Migrationspotenziale hier beschränkt sein dürften. Hinzugekommen ist in den Jahren seit 2014 eine große Zahl an Flüchtlingen, die aufgrund eines häufig sehr ungünstigen qualifikatorischen Hintergrunds und der Sprachbarriere allerdings sehr schwer in den Arbeitsmarkt zu integrieren sind. Obschon sich die institutionellen Rahmenbedingungen teilweise unterscheiden, gilt daher für alle drei Länder gleichermaßen, dass die Erwerbszuwanderung aus Drittstaaten gestärkt werden muss. Zuwanderung kann ihre wirtschaftlichen Potenziale allerdings nur voll entfalten, wenn die ins Land kommenden Personen zügig und gut auf dem Arbeitsmarkt Fuß fassen, was im Hinblick auf Drittstaatenangehörige von außerhalb des EU-/EFTA-Raums in den drei Ländern nicht immer der Fall war. So liegen die Arbeitslosenquoten von Nicht-EU-Ausländern in Deutschland bei 11,8 Prozent, in Österreich bei 13,9 Prozent und in der Schweiz bei 13,5 Prozent. Gelingt die Arbeitsmarktintegration nicht, kann Zuwanderung auch zu einer substanziellen Belastung für das Zielland werden. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße, aber nicht ausschließlich im Hinblick auf die große Zahl der Flüchtlinge. Wichtig ist in diesem Kontext, dass die ins Land kommenden Personen möglichst zeitnah nach der Ankunft Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt und zu passenden (Nach-) Qualifizierungsangeboten erhalten und eine Erwerbstätigkeit gefördert und gefordert wird." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The role of language skills in the settling-in process: experiences of highly skilled migrants' accompanying partners in Germany and the UK (2017)

    Föbker, Stefanie ; Imani, Daniela;


    Föbker, Stefanie & Daniela Imani (2017): The role of language skills in the settling-in process. Experiences of highly skilled migrants' accompanying partners in Germany and the UK. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 16, S. 2720-2737. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1314596


    "The role of the family in the international migration of highly skilled migrants has often been disregarded. Highly skilled labour migrants follow a concrete job offer abroad and are structurally integrated into the new environment through the work place. On the contrary, the migration of family members is subject to different conditions since most accompanying partners initially do not work. However, accompanying partners are described as managers of the settling-in process of the whole family [Yeoh, Brenda, and Katie Willis. 2004. 'Constructing Masculinities in Transnational Space: Singapore Men on the 'Regional Beat'.' In Transnational Spaces, edited by Peter Jackson, Philip Crang, and Claire Dwyer, 147 - 163. London: Routledge] and their experiences can be crucial for the duration of their stay. Our paper explores the experiences of mobility of highly skilled migrants' accompanying partners in Germany and in the UK with regard to their strategies and practices during the settling-in process. The main focus is on the role of language, the establishment of new social networks and labour market participation. The paper draws on the concept of capital accumulation and conversion [Bourdieu, Pierre. 1986. 'The Forms of Capital.' In Education: Culture, Economy, and Society, edited by Albert Henry Halsey, 46 - 58. New York: Oxford University Press] and asks how partners make use of their cultural capital language after migration. Our paper is based on empirical studies in Germany and in the UK, which focus on the migration and settling-in processes of highly skilled professionals and their families." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market potentials of the freedom of movement for workers (2017)

    Geis, Wido;


    Geis, Wido (2017): Labour market potentials of the freedom of movement for workers. (IW policy paper 2016,18), Köln, 24 S.


    "The freedom of movement for workers is one of the core principles of the European Union and most Europeans have positive attitude towards it. 75 percent regard it as a good and only 9 percent as a bad thing. Nevertheless, the number of persons moving from one EU member country to another is still small. In 2016, only 3.57 million inhabitants of the EU between 25 and 35 years had the nationality of another member state. This equates to a share of 5.4 percent and is less than the number of third country nationals in this age group with 4.69 million or 7.1 percent. If labour mobility would be enhanced, this could be helpful for all countries. On one hand, it could help the economically strong countries to avoid skill shortage and, on the other hand, it could relieve the burden from the social systems in the countries with high unemployment rates, especially in southern Europe. This does not necessarily hold true for migration flows from the eastern to the western EU member states, as, in this case, the crucial factor is not the difference in the labour market situation but at the welfare level.
    The main obstacle to EU mobility is the linguistic divide in Europe. As a consequence of it, most people willing to work in another EU member state have to learn a new language first. This can be very costly in terms of time and money and prevent people from migrating. A joint language that is spoken by all Europeans would be helpful. This could only be English, as it is taught in the schools in all member states. Nevertheless, although, by now, nearly all pupils in Europe get an intense training in English, the language skills of large parts of the adult populations in the EU member states do not yet suffice for a deeper communication in English. Thus, persons who are willing to move still have to learn the language of the destination country. To facilitate this, the supply of language classes in destination countries as well as in the countries of origin should be improved. Moreover, measures that foster transnational social networks can also be helpful, as they give people the chance to use the foreign languages and make contacts in potential destination countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitskräftemobilität in der EU: ein Gewinn für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt (2017)

    Geis, Wido;


    Geis, Wido (2017): Arbeitskräftemobilität in der EU. Ein Gewinn für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt. (IW-Report / Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft Köln 2017,19), Köln, 19 S.


    "Im Jahr 2014 lebten rund 915.000 zwischen 2004 und 2012 aus anderen EU-Ländern sowie Island, Liechtenstein, Norwegen oder der Schweiz zugewanderte Personen in Deutschland. Das entspricht mehr als einem Prozent der Gesamtbevölkerung. Knapp die Hälfte von ihnen wohnte in den wirtschaftsstarken Südländern Bayern, Baden-Württemberg und Hessen, wohingegen auf die neuen Bundesländer ohne Berlin zusammen nur rund fünf Prozent entfielen. Viele dieser EU-Zuwanderer verfügen über ein hohes Qualifikationsniveau. Der Akademikeranteil unter den 25- bis 64-Jährigen liegt bei 31,1 Prozent. Allerdings gibt es Unterschiede je nach Herkunftsregion. So sind die Zuwanderer aus Nord- und Westeuropa deutlich besser qualifiziert als die Zuwanderer aus den östlichen EU-Mitgliedsländern. Dennoch weisen gerade die Männer aus diesen Ländern eine besonders hohe Erwerbsbeteiligung auf. Der Erwerbstätigenanteil liegt bei den 25- bis 64-Jährigen bei 90,0 Prozent und ist auch bei einer multivariaten Analyse unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen signifikant höher als diejenige von Einheimischen. Insgesamt liegt die Erwerbstätigenquote der EU-Zuwanderer mit 77,4 Prozent auf demselben Niveau, wie bei der Gesamtbevölkerung im entsprechenden Alter. Dabei sind rund drei Viertel der erwerbstätigen EU-Zuwanderer in qualifizierten Tätigkeiten und ein Fünftel sogar in hochspezialisierten Expertentätigkeiten beschäftigt. Insgesamt lässt sich damit schließen, dass die Arbeitskräftemobilität innerhalb der EU in den letzten Jahren einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Fachkräftesicherung in Deutschland geleistet hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Firms left behind: Emigration and firm productivity (2017)

    Giesing, Yvonne; Laurentsyeva, Nadzeya;


    Giesing, Yvonne & Nadzeya Laurentsyeva (2017): Firms left behind: Emigration and firm productivity. (CESifo working paper 6815), München, 44 S.


    "This paper establishes a causal link between the emigration of skilled workers and firm performance in source countries. Using firm-level panel data from ten Eastern European countries, we show that the emigration of skilled workers lowers firm total factor productivity. We exploit time, country, and industry differences in the opening of EU labor markets from 2004 to 2014 as a source of exogenous variation in the emigration rates from new EU member states. We argue that a potential channel behind this effect relates to the reduction in firmspecific human capital due to a higher worker turnover." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European mobility in times of crisis: The new context of European south-north migration (2017)

    Glorius, Birgit; Domínguez-Mujica, Josefina;


    Glorius, Birgit & Josefina Domínguez-Mujica (Hrsg.) (2017): European mobility in times of crisis. The new context of European south-north migration. Bielefeld: Transcript, 296 S.


    "The global economic and financial crisis had severe impact on southern European economies and stimulated growing numbers of mainly young migrants heading north, nurturing the fear of brain drain back home. This volume compiles recent research results on European south-north migration, addressing migration processes and practices, the management of migratory moves by institutional frameworks and relevant public discourse. It thereby delivers an important contribution to the understanding of the durability and contextuality of recent European south-north migration and their consequences for European economies, politics and societies." (Publisher's text, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Highly skilled and highly mobile? Examining gendered and ethnicised labour market conditions for migrant women in STEM-professions in Germany (2017)

    Grigoleit-Richter, Grit;


    Grigoleit-Richter, Grit (2017): Highly skilled and highly mobile? Examining gendered and ethnicised labour market conditions for migrant women in STEM-professions in Germany. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 16, S. 2738-2755. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1314597


    "For the past decades, most Western countries have curtailed low-skilled immigration and adopted policies encouraging highly skilled migration. Accordingly, the German government began in 2000 to initiate changes in policy and legislation to encourage skilled professionals particularly in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-professions to take up employment in Germany. Although highly skilled migrants are privileged with regard to education, competencies, and abilities, the article argues that highly skilled migrant women's transition into the labour market and their work performance are determined by the gendered and ethnicised conditions still prevalent in STEM fields. The paper thereby draws on qualitative interviews with highly skilled migrant women who migrated to the second largest city in Germany: Hamburg. The findings show that migrant women face a traditionally highly gender-segregated sector. Furthermore, they are confronted with ethnicised ascriptions that contribute to 'othering' processes, which impact their professional identity and slow down the transferral of their cultural capital. Yet, the majority of the interviewed women developed a strong local attachment and sense of belonging that fostered their social integration and counteracted experienced discrimination in the workplace. As a result they were less willing to uproot themselves again and thus contrast the popular image of being 'birds of passage'." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The role of argumentation and institutions for labour migration in the European Union: exemplified by Spanish labour migration to Germany (2017)

    Heimann, Christiane; Wieczorek, Oliver ;


    Heimann, Christiane & Oliver Wieczorek (2017): The role of argumentation and institutions for labour migration in the European Union. Exemplified by Spanish labour migration to Germany. In: International migration, Jg. 55, H. S1, S. 69-85. DOI:10.1111/imig.12338


    "This contribution will show how institutions in Spain and Germany facilitated intra-European labour mobility as a solution to a mismatch in the labour market. To this end, we have chosen the recruitment of Spanish job candidates for German employers as an example. Employing Bourdieu's field-theoretical framework as well as expert interviews, we highlight the role of institutional agents encouraging labour migration. We analysed 30 expert interviews to gain insights from institutional agents that facilitate labour migration in the Spanish and the German labour market. Our findings show how these agents use their resources to legitimize policies and create sustainable structures steering labour migration and integration." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Digital labor markets and global talent flows (2017)

    Horton, John; Kerr, William R.; Stanton, Christopher;


    Horton, John, William R. Kerr & Christopher Stanton (2017): Digital labor markets and global talent flows. (NBER working paper 23398), Cambrige, Mass., 42 S. DOI:10.3386/w23398


    "Digital labor markets are rapidly expanding and connecting companies and contractors on a global basis. We review the environment in which these markets take root, the micro- and macro-level studies of their operations, their ongoing evolution and recent trends, and perspectives for undertaking research with micro-data from these labor platforms. We undertake new empirical analyses of Upwork data regarding 1) the alignment of micro- and macro-level approaches to disproportionate ethnic-connected exchanges on digital platforms, 2) gravity model analyses of global outsourcing contract flows and their determinants for digital labor markets, and 3) quantification of own- and cross-country elasticities for contract work by wage rate. Digital labor markets are an exciting frontier for global talent flows and growing rapidly in importance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Hoffnung Europa - Die EU als Raum und Ziel von Migration (2017)

    Hrbek, Rudolf; Große Hüttmann, Martin;


    Hrbek, Rudolf & Martin Große Hüttmann (Hrsg.) (2017): Hoffnung Europa - Die EU als Raum und Ziel von Migration. (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V. 96), Baden-Baden: Nomos, 196 S.


    "Der Band behandelt die Zuwanderungspolitik der EU, vergleicht die Arbeitsmigrationspolitik Deutschlands und Kanadas, beleuchtet Probleme der Binnenwanderung (Freizügigkeit) am Beispiel Großbritanniens und der Schweiz und fragt nach der Bedeutung des Themas Migration für rechtspopulistische Strömungen in Europa." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)

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    Open borders in the European Union and beyond: migration flows and labor market implications (2017)

    Kennan, John;


    Kennan, John (2017): Open borders in the European Union and beyond. Migration flows and labor market implications. (NBER working paper 23048), Cambrige, Mass., 31 S. DOI:10.3386/w23048


    "In 2004, the European Union admitted 10 new countries, and wages in these countries were generally well below the levels in the existing member countries. Citizens of these newly admitted countries were subsequently free to take jobs anywhere in the EU, and many did so. In 2015, a large number of refugees from Syria and other broken countries sought to migrate to EU countries (along very dangerous routes), and these refugees were met with fierce resistance, at least in some places. This paper seeks to understand the labor market implications of allowing free migration across borders, with particular reference to the EU. The aim is to quantify the migration flows associated with EU enlargement, and to analyze the extent to which these flows affected equilibrium wages. The main conclusion is that the real wage effects are small, and the gains from open borders are large." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migrants in liminal time and space: an exploration of the experiences of highly skilled Indian bachelors in Amsterdam (2017)

    Kirk, Kate; Bal, Ellen; Janssen, Sarah Renee;


    Kirk, Kate, Ellen Bal & Sarah Renee Janssen (2017): Migrants in liminal time and space: an exploration of the experiences of highly skilled Indian bachelors in Amsterdam. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 16, S. 2771-2787. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2017.1314600


    "This paper sheds light on the relationship between individual agency, transnational social relations, geographic place, and cultural constructions of life phase and gender among highly skilled Indian migrants to the Netherlands. Amsterdam is attracting an increasing number of Indian migrants who work primarily in the fields of information technology, engineering and business management. The nature of this highly skilled work requires mobile, flexible workers, and therefore mainly attracts single men between 25 and 34. Their migrant experiences and choices are marked by a 'performance of liminality': migration is part of a coming of age ritual that both structures their lives and is structured by circumstances and agency. The experience of bachelors in particular can be understood as a 'double liminality' in that it is both temporary and spatial. Many of our bachelor informants felt they were 'betwixt and between' the socio-cultural expectations they grew up with and what they perceive to be Dutch or Western culture, and between those that pertain to childhood and to adulthood. They live on a metaphorical threshold, shaped by their masculine ideals, beliefs about 'Indian culture', their expected life trajectories, and their experiences in and expectations of the Netherlands and the city of Amsterdam." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Die Hochqualifizierten-Richtlinie 2.0: Geplante Novellierung der europarechtlichen Vorgaben zur Blauen Karte EU (2017)

    Klaus, Sebastian;


    Klaus, Sebastian (2017): Die Hochqualifizierten-Richtlinie 2.0: Geplante Novellierung der europarechtlichen Vorgaben zur Blauen Karte EU. In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 60-72.


    "Anfang Juni 2016 schlug die Europäische Kommission eine Neufassung der Richtlinie über die Bedingungen für die Einreise und den Aufenthalt von Drittstaatsangehörigen zur Ausübung einer umfassende Qualifikationen voraussetzenden Beschäftigung vor (hier im Weiteren bezeichnet als: Hochqualifizierten-RL 2.0). Kurz gesagt: Die bereits existierende sog. Hochqualifizierten-RL soll novelliert werden und nimmt dabei auch neuere Elemente auf, wie sie sich in der sog. ICT-Richtlinie finden. Namentlich ist dies ein mögliches Akkreditierungsverfahren für den anstellenden Arbeitgeber und eine gesteigerte Binnenmobilität. Allerdings würde die Blaue Karte EU auf der Grundlage auch der Hochqualifizierten-RL 2.0 eines bleiben: Ein nationaler, wenngleich in seinen Voraussetzungen und rechtlichen Wirkungen harmonisierter Aufenthaltstitel, der Zugang nur zum Arbeitsmarkt in dem jeweils ausstellenden Mitgliedstaat gewährt. Überlegungen einer 'EU-weiten' Blauen Karte ist ausdrücklich und eindeutig eine Absage erteilt worden.Der Entwurf der Hochqualifizierten-RL 2.0 bewegt sich damit grundsätzlich weiterhin in einem auf den Arbeitsmarkt eines einzelnen Mitgliedstaates bezogenen Rahmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    From Brakeman to Booster: policy change in Germany's EU labour migration policy (2017)

    Kolb, Holger;


    Kolb, Holger (2017): From Brakeman to Booster: policy change in Germany's EU labour migration policy. In: International migration, Jg. 55, H. S1, S. 11-21. DOI:10.1111/imig.12368


    "More than 8 years ago the Council Directive 2009/50/EC of 25 May 2009, which is also (and much better) known as Blue Card-directive, came into effect. Although in general the passing of the directive can be regarded as a milestone in the history of EU migration policy, the first proposals of the directive brought forward by the European Commission envisaged a much deeper and more binding framework including less room for maneuver for the member states. It is well known that particularly the German government at that time spoke out against a (more) extensive Europeanisation of labour migration policy. In sharp contrast to this rather reluctant stance towards more Europe in this area recent developments indicate a significant policy change in the German way of dealing with the question of how much Europe is necessary in labour migration policy. This article seeks to retrace this rather sudden shift and to put it into a broader context of migration policy change in Germany." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    European labor market integration: what the experts think (2017)

    Krause, Annabelle; Zimmermann, Klaus F. ; Rinne, Ulf;


    Krause, Annabelle, Ulf Rinne & Klaus F. Zimmermann (2017): European labor market integration: what the experts think. In: International journal of manpower, Jg. 38, H. 7, S. 954-974. DOI:10.1108/IJM-05-2017-0101


    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the current state of the single European labor market (SELM), its related risks and opportunities, and identify useful measures for reaching the goal of increased European labor mobility.
    The authors conducted an online survey among European labor market experts (IZA research and policy fellows) on the current state of the SELM, its determinants, and the role of the Great Recession. The authors evaluate the data using descriptive and regression-based methods.
    The experts agree on the SELM's importance, especially for larger economic welfare, but are not convinced that it has been achieved. To enhance labor mobility across Europe, the respondents identify key factors such as recognizing professional qualifications more efficiently, harmonizing social security systems, and knowing several languages. Moreover, at least 50 percent of the respondents consider positive attitudes - by policy makers and citizens alike - toward free mobility to be important to enhance labor mobility.
    The IZA Expert Opinion Survey presents a unique opportunity to learn how numerous experts think about the important issue of European labor market integration and moreover constitutes a valuable extension to public opinion surveys on related topics. This survey's findings provide a sophisticated basis for a discussion about policy options regarding the SELM." (Author's abstract, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    South-North migration of EU citizens in times of crisis (2017)

    Lafleur, Jean-Michel; Stanek, Mikolaj ;


    Lafleur, Jean-Michel & Mikolaj Stanek (Hrsg.) (2017): South-North migration of EU citizens in times of crisis. (IMISCOE Research Series), Cham: Springer London, 224 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-39763-4


    "This open access book looks at the migration of Southern European EU citizens (from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece) who move to Northern European Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom) in response to the global economic crisis.
    Its objective is twofold. First, it identifies the scale and nature of this new Southern European emigration and examines these migrants' socio-economic integration in Northern European destination countries. This is achieved through an analysis of the most recent data on flows and profiles of this new labour force using sending-country and receiving-country databases. Second, it looks at the politics and policies of immigration, both from the perspective of the sending- and receiving-countries. Analysing the policies and debates about these new flows in the home and host countries' this book shows how contentious the issue of intra-EU mobility has recently become in the context of the crisis when the right for EU citizens to move within the EU had previously not been questioned for decades.
    Overall, the strength of this edited volume is that it compiles in a systematic way quantitative and qualitative analysis of these renewed Southern European migration flows and draws the lessons from this changing climate on EU migration." (Publisher's text, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Networks beyond nationalities?: Relationships amongst Eastern European women workers in Italy facing the economic crisis (2017)

    Marchetti, Sabrina ;


    Marchetti, Sabrina (2017): Networks beyond nationalities? Relationships amongst Eastern European women workers in Italy facing the economic crisis. In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Jg. 43, H. 4, S. 633-651. DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2016.1249052


    "This article explores the intricate relationship between Georgian, Ukrainian and Polish women working as live-in elderly caregivers in the province of Reggio Emilia, Italy. Their case shows how both elements of competition and of support can articulate the relationship between national groups that, on the one side, have in common some cultural, linguistic and historical legacies, but, on the other, have a different legal status in the European Union and positions in the Italian labour market for elderly care. In so doing, this article contributes to the debate on migrants' social networks by pointing to the necessity of further exploring the boundaries that define people's participation to the same circle of contacts and relationships that constitute their network of reference. From the analysis of 36 in-depth interviews with women of these nationalities, the article shows how the three groups have overlapped through time in the same Italian areas and how they have emulated each other in their migratory trajectories as well as in their employment strategies in the elderly care sector, but it will also underline how in some cases they have competed and been divided, especially beginning in 2008 as a consequence of the economic crisis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Stymied ambition: does a lack of economic freedom lead to migration? (2017)

    Meierrieks, Daniel ; Renner, Laura;


    Meierrieks, Daniel & Laura Renner (2017): Stymied ambition. Does a lack of economic freedom lead to migration? In: Journal of population economics, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 977-1005. DOI:10.1007/s00148-017-0633-4


    "We investigate the relationship between economic freedom and international migration for the 1980 - 2010 period using a dataset on migration from 91 emerging countries to the 20 most attractive OECD destination countries. We find that more economic freedom at home discourages high-skilled migration, but not low-skilled migration. The negative association between economic freedom and high-skilled emigration also holds when we estimate (dynamic) panel models that allow for endogeneity in the economic freedom-migration nexus. In sum, our findings suggest that high-skilled migration is especially responsive to the economic incentives resulting from economic freedom." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Beschäftigung und Migration in der Region Westbalkan: Übersicht der Wanderungsbewegungen und Arbeitsmärkte (2017)

    Müller, Ruth; Reinig, Alexandra; Klingholz, Reiner;


    Müller, Ruth, Alexandra Reinig & Reiner Klingholz (2017): Beschäftigung und Migration in der Region Westbalkan. Übersicht der Wanderungsbewegungen und Arbeitsmärkte. Berlin, 52 S.


    "Die ehemals sozialistischen Kleinstaaten in Südosteuropa haben massiv an Bevölkerung verloren. Hauptgrund dafür waren lange Zeit die lokalen Konflikte. Heute ist es der Arbeitsmarkt jener Balkanländer, die noch nicht Mitglieder der EU sind. Das Berlin-Institut hat sich in einem Policy Paper mit den Ursachen und Folgen der Wanderungsbewegungen auf dem Westbalkan beschäftigt. Das Paper wurde im Auftrag des Sektorvorhabens 'Beschäftigungsförderung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit' der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) erstellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The impact of EU and Non-EU immigration on British wages (2017)

    Nickell, Stephen; Saleheen, Jumana ;


    Nickell, Stephen & Jumana Saleheen (2017): The impact of EU and Non-EU immigration on British wages. In: IZA journal of development and migration, Jg. 7, S. 1-28. DOI:10.1186/s40176-017-0096-0


    "There is a consensus among academics that immigration has little or no effect on native British wages, but these studies have not refined their analysis by occupations. Our contribution is to extend the literature to incorporate occupations. Doing so, we find that immigration has a small negative impact on average British wages, with a somewhat larger impact within the semi/unskilled service occupations. This paper also explores if there is any differential impact between EU and non-EU immigration on wages. We find there to be none. These findings are likely to be useful for shaping future immigration policy in Britain." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The commodification of mobile workers in Europe: a comparative perspective on capital and labour in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden (2017)

    Ostaijen, Mark van; Zelano, Karin; Reeger, Ursula;


    Ostaijen, Mark van, Ursula Reeger & Karin Zelano (2017): The commodification of mobile workers in Europe. A comparative perspective on capital and labour in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden. In: Comparative Migration Studies, Jg. 5, S. 1-22. DOI:10.1186/s40878-017-0048-0


    "One of the defining features of contemporary Europe is the freedom of movement of persons. Despite its advantages, this 'freedom of movement' is also contested, since it has been shown to cause discrimination, exploitation and pave the way for a 'race to the bottom'. How can we understand the social-economic consequences of free movement in Europe? To answer this question, we developed a typology along the dimensions value of work and degree of power which delivers four ideal types of labour relationships: exploitative, deprived, greedy and esteemed. This has been applied to Central and Eastern European (CEE) workers in Austria, the Netherlands and Sweden.
    Our study shows dual labour market strategies of both capital and labour agents, using on the one hand strategies of cost minimisation, and on the other hand compliance strategies and dual frames of reference, both of which contribute to a low degree of freedom and a low value of work. It addresses the responsibility and significance of both capital and labour contributing to exploitative and greedy relationships throughout all three cases. The results contribute to a more balanced understanding of the responsibilities towards the 'shadow sides' of free movement in the EU, as it shows that not all free movement of persons is totally free. Moreover, instead of bold political statements, it demonstrates the relevance of a more differentiated perspective on the downsides and benefits of European free movement." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The selection of high-skilled emigrants (2017)

    Parey, Matthias; Netz, Nicolai; Waldinger, Fabian; Ruhose, Jens;


    Parey, Matthias, Jens Ruhose, Fabian Waldinger & Nicolai Netz (2017): The selection of high-skilled emigrants. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Jg. 99, H. 5, S. 776-792. DOI:10.1162/REST_a_00687


    "We measure selection among high-skilled emigrants from Germany using predicted earnings. Migrants to less equal countries are positively selected relative to nonmigrants, while migrants to more equal countries are negatively selected, consistent with the prediction in Borjas (1987). Positive selection to less equal countries reflects university quality and grades, and negative selection to more equal countries reflects university subject and gender. Migrants to the United States are highly positively selected and concentrated in STEM fields. Our results highlight the relevance of the Borjas model for high-skilled individuals when credit constraints and other migration barriers are unlikely to be binding." (Author's abstract, © MIT Press Journals) ((en))

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    Remittances as a shield to vulnerable households in Macedonia: the case when the instrument is not strictly exogenous (2017)

    Petreski, Marjan; Tumanoska, Despina; Petreski, Blagica;


    Petreski, Marjan, Blagica Petreski & Despina Tumanoska (2017): Remittances as a shield to vulnerable households in Macedonia. The case when the instrument is not strictly exogenous. In: International migration, Jg. 55, H. 1, S. 20-36. DOI:10.1111/imig.12279


    "The objective of this article is to investigate whether remittances sent to Macedonia have a role to play for shielding vulnerable households, by highlighting the importance of a strictly exogenous instrument in an IV context. Results suggest that remittance-receiving households have, on average, a 20.1 per cent lower vulnerability than non-receiving ones. However, if one has a reasonable belief that vulnerability and the instrument are determined simultaneously, or are directly correlated due to the existence of a third unobservable factor, then the shielding effect of remittances for vulnerable households remains up to the ninth percentage of direct influence and with a reducing magnitude, and then disappears." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Going across Europe for an apprenticeship?: A factorial survey experiment on employers' hiring preferences in Germany (2017)

    Protsch, Paula ; Solga, Heike ;


    Protsch, Paula & Heike Solga (2017): Going across Europe for an apprenticeship? A factorial survey experiment on employers' hiring preferences in Germany. In: Journal of European social policy, Jg. 27, H. 4, S. 387-399. DOI:10.1177/0958928717719200


    "Owing to the recent recession, the German apprenticeship model is once again praised for smoothing out school-to-work transitions. In line with the social policy shift of favouring education as a key means to combat youth unemployment, European Union (EU) recommendations and German national policies encourage young Southern and Eastern EU citizens to apply for apprenticeship training abroad. Yet, young people wanting to go abroad are not only mobile young people but also immigrants. Given the prevalence of ethnic disparities in the German apprenticeship system, the question arises whether employers would be willing to hire these newcomers. Using a factorial survey experiment, we investigate how employers rate applications from Spanish newcomers compared to those from young immigrant descendants of Spanish origin. The results indicate that newcomers are substantially less preferred than immigrant descendants born in Germany. Employers' expectations about newcomers' language skills and employers' interest in training for their own skilled labour force are key barriers to policies promoting apprenticeships abroad." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Free movement in the European Union: national institutions vs common policies? (2017)

    Ruhs, Martin ;


    Ruhs, Martin (2017): Free movement in the European Union: national institutions vs common policies? In: International migration, Jg. 55, H. S1, S. 22-38. DOI:10.1111/imig.12398


    "The current rules for 'free movement' in the European Union (EU) facilitate unrestricted intra-EU labour mobility and equal access to national welfare states for EU workers. The sustainability of this policy has recently been threatened by divisive debates between EU countries about the need to restrict welfare benefits for EU workers. This article develops a theory for why the current free movement rules might present particular challenges for certain EU member states. It focuses on the potential roles of three types of national institutions and social norms in determining national policy positions on free movement in the EU15 states: labour markets (especially their 'flexibility'); welfare states (especially their 'contributory basis'); and citizenship norms (focusing on the 'European-ness' of national identities). I show that these institutions and norms vary across member states and explain why we can expect these differences to contribute to divergent national policy preferences for reforming free movement." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Italian scientists abroad in Europe's scientific research scenario: high skill migration as a resource for development in Italy (2017)

    Sbalchiero, Stefano; Tuzzi, Arjuna;


    Sbalchiero, Stefano & Arjuna Tuzzi (2017): Italian scientists abroad in Europe's scientific research scenario. High skill migration as a resource for development in Italy. In: International migration, Jg. 55, H. 4, S. 171-187. DOI:10.1111/imig.12340


    "In recent years, the brain drain issue has gained such momentum that it has become necessary to adopt tools and methods to take a picture of a phenomenon that is, by its very nature, dynamic and changeable (Portes, 1976; Meyer, 2001; Ackers, 2005 Scott, 2015). This particular study focuses on clarifying the reasons why Italian scientists choose to look elsewhere for the best place to conduct their scientific research, and in what way their scientific experience abroad shapes the image of the Italian scientific system. A first exploratory analysis involving 83 in-depth interviews with Italian scientists (mathematicians, engineers and physicists) working in Europe was conducted based on qualitative and quantitative analytical methods, and the content emerging from these interviews was used for a systematic mapping of the situation that provided the foundations for our preparation of a second tool - a questionnaire - that was subsequently used to conduct a much more broad-based survey that involved 602 respondents. While our findings add complexity to existing theories on the brain drain and brain circulation, they also confirm the potential of highly skilled migration to improve the national development of Italian academic system." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Wanderungsmonitoring: Erwerbsmigration nach Deutschland: Bericht für das Jahr 2016 (2017)

    Schmidt, Hans-Jürgen; Rühl, Stefan;


    (2017): Wanderungsmonitoring: Erwerbsmigration nach Deutschland. Bericht für das Jahr 2016. (Wanderungsmonitoring: Erwerbsmigration nach Deutschland), Nürnberg, 35 S.


    "Das vorliegende Wanderungsmonitoring gibt zu Beginn einen Gesamtüberblick über die aktuelle Entwicklung der Zuzüge von ausländischen Staatsangehörigen nach Deutschland. Bei EU-Ausländern, die keinen Aufenthaltstitel benötigen, kann keine Differenzierung nach Aufenthaltsgründen vorgenommen werden. Die Zuwanderung von Drittstaatsangehörigen kann dagegen differenziert nach Aufenthaltszwecken betrachtet werden. Die von den örtlichen Ausländerbehörden erteilten Aufenthaltstitel (Aufenthalts- und Niederlassungserlaubnisse sowie Blaue Karten EU) werden im AZR registriert und umfassen den Aufenthalt aus familiären oder humanitären Gründen, zum Zweck der Erwerbstätigkeit oder der Bildung. Betrachtet werden im Folgenden sowohl die Zuzüge (Kapitel 1) als auch die an Drittstaatsangehörige erteilten Aufenthaltstitel (Kapitel 2) im Jahr 2016." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Freizügigkeitsmonitoring: Migration von EU-Bürgern nach Deutschland: Jahresbericht 2016 (2017)

    Schmidt, Hans-Jürgen;


    (2017): Freizügigkeitsmonitoring: Migration von EU-Bürgern nach Deutschland. Jahresbericht 2016. (Berichtsreihen zu Migration und Integration. Reihe 2: Freizügigkeitsmonitoring), Nürnberg, 21 S.


    "Das Freizügigkeitsmonitoring des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge berichtet über aktuelle Entwicklungen der Zu- und Fortzüge von Unionsbürgern nach bzw. von Deutschland. Hierzu werden entsprechende Auswertungen aus dem bundesweiten Ausländerzentralregister (AZR) vorgenommen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Berufseinstiege auf europäischen Umwegen: Konsequenzen der Wirtschaftskrise für Neuzuwanderer aus Südeuropa (2017)

    Stedtfeld, Susanne; Ette, Andreas ; Sauer, Lenore ;


    Stedtfeld, Susanne, Andreas Ette & Lenore Sauer (2017): Berufseinstiege auf europäischen Umwegen. Konsequenzen der Wirtschaftskrise für Neuzuwanderer aus Südeuropa. In: Geographische Rundschau, Jg. 69, H. 3, S. 17-23.


    "Die europäische Wirtschaftskrise führte für die am Übergang von der Ausbildung in den Arbeitsmarkt befindliche jüngere Generation zu erheblichen Unsicherheiten und erschwerten Berufseinstiegen. Die daraus resultierende Zunahme der Abwanderung aus Südeuropa in andere europäische Staaten wird meist als Zeichen eines funktionierenden Binnenmarktes und als effektiver ökonomischer Anpassungsmechanismus begrüßt. Weitgehend unbeantwortet blieb bisher aber die Frage, ob diese jungen Menschen ihre Migration für einen erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg auf europäischen Umwegen nutzen konnten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    "You'll never walk alone!" Die Bedeutung von sozialen Beziehungen für die Migrationsverläufe junger Spanierinnen und Spanier nach Deutschland (2017)

    Stedtfeld, Susanne; Ette, Andreas ; Sauer, Lenore ;


    Stedtfeld, Susanne, Lenore Sauer & Andreas Ette (2017): "You'll never walk alone!" Die Bedeutung von sozialen Beziehungen für die Migrationsverläufe junger Spanierinnen und Spanier nach Deutschland. In: Bevölkerungsforschung aktuell, Jg. 38, H. 4, S. 2-10.


    "Mit der Verschlechterung der Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsmarktlage in Spanien und anderen südeuropäischen Staaten im Zuge der Wirtschaftskrise 2008 wanderten zunehmend junge Menschen aus diesen Ländern in andere europäische Staaten ab. Dies galt insbesondere auch für junge Spanierinnen und Spanier, die in ihrem Heimatland keine Möglichkeit sahen, ihren Berufseinstieg umsetzen zu können. Deshalb versuchten viele ihr Glück auch in Deutschland. Nun stellt sich die Frage, welche Erfahrungen diese jungen binneneuropäischen Arbeitsmigrantinnen und -migranten hier machten und welche Faktoren Einfluss auf die Entscheidung hatten, nach Deutschland zu migrieren. Erste Aussagen deuten darauf hin, dass vor allem soziale Beziehungen eine große Rolle spielen. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der Beitrag auf der Basis von 33 qualitativen Interviews mit in Deutschland lebenden jungen Spanierinnen und Spaniern, wie solche Beziehungen den Migrationsprozess beeinflusst haben. Die Resultate der Studie bestätigen die Annahme, dass soziale Beziehungen in Migrationsprozessen wichtige Schlüsselrollen einnehmen." (Autorenreferat)

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    The migration&development apparatus: Contradictions between international discourse, institutional practices, and migrants' perspectives (2017)

    Stielike, Laura;


    Stielike, Laura (2017): The migration&development apparatus. Contradictions between international discourse, institutional practices, and migrants' perspectives. (International Migration Institute. Working papers 136), Oxford, 24 S.


    "In this paper I focus on the contradictions between the international discourse on migration and development, the institutional practices of states and NGOs, and the perspectives of migrants themselves. I argue that taking a closer look at contradictions enables us to question seemingly secure knowledge on migration and development. Drawing on Michel Foucault's concept of apparatus, I analyse the migration and development paradigm as a network of discourses, practices, and modes of subjectivation. Using the example of Cameroonian migration to Germany, I argue that the migration&development apparatus is characterised by four major contradictory binaries: inclusion and exclusion, competence and incompetence, politicisation and depoliticisation, as well as dependency and independency." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Intra-EU migration: legal and economic view on jobseekers' welfare rights (2017)

    Tepperová, Jana; Wilksch, Florian; Zouhar, Jan;


    Tepperová, Jana, Jan Zouhar & Florian Wilksch (2017): Intra-EU migration: legal and economic view on jobseekers' welfare rights. In: Journal of International Migration and Integration, Jg. 18, H. 3, S. 917-936. DOI:10.1007/s12134-016-0509-6


    "International migration influences economies of both the home and the host country. Some countries perceive immigration as a threat and consider limitations to their social security system to protect the domestic economy. Within the European Union, both the economic and the legal side of the issue must be taken into account. The paper presents an empirical analysis of natives' and immigrants' unemployment rates in EU15 countries and discusses a possible use of the findings in intra-EU migration policy. Using Labour Force Survey Data for 2012, we estimate a series of logistic regressions in order to compare the immigrant/native unemployment rates, considering the differences in the structure of both subpopulations (in terms of age, sex, education and types of jobs).We conclude that a substantial part of the gap between natives' and immigrants' unemployment rates can be explained by these additional characteristics in most of the EU15 countries." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    "Aushungern" als Instrument der Migrationskontrolle?: Der Ausschluss von EU-Bürgerinnen und EU-Bürgern von existenzsichernden Leistungen (2017)

    Voigt, Claudius;


    Voigt, Claudius (2017): "Aushungern" als Instrument der Migrationskontrolle? Der Ausschluss von EU-Bürgerinnen und EU-Bürgern von existenzsichernden Leistungen. In: Asylmagazin H. 1-2, S. 25-32.


    "Am 29. Dezember 2016 sind wesentliche Teile des 'Gesetzes zur Regelung von Ansprüchen ausländischer Personen in der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende nach dem Zweiten Buch Sozialgesetzbuch und in der Sozialhilfe nach dem Zwölften Buch Sozialgesetzbuch'1 in Kraft getreten. Das Artikelgesetz ändert Regelungen im SGB II und XII sowie im Aufenthaltsgesetz. Weitere Änderungen werden zum 1. Januar 2018 im Gesetz über das Ausländerzentralregister (AZRG) sowie der dazugehörigen AZRG-Durchführungsverordnung in Kraft treten.
    Zentrales Ziel der Gesetzesänderung ist es, bestimmte - in der Regel nicht erwerbstätige und damit nach offizieller Auffassung unerwünschte - Gruppen von Unionsbürgerinnen und Unionsbürgern weitgehend von regulären existenzsichernden Leistungen nach dem SGB II und XII auszuschließen. Zugleich sollen verschärfte Meldepflichten der Sozialleistungsträger an die Ausländerbehörden sowie der Ausländerbehörden an die Familienkasse zu vermehrten Feststellungen über den Verlust oder das Nichtbestehen des Freizügigkeitsrechts sowie zur Verweigerung von Kindergeld führen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitsmigration oder Auswanderung? Eine Analyse atypischer Arbeitsmigration nach Deutschland (2017)

    Wagner, Bettina; Hassel, Anke;


    Wagner, Bettina & Anke Hassel (2017): Arbeitsmigration oder Auswanderung? Eine Analyse atypischer Arbeitsmigration nach Deutschland. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 70, H. 6, S. 409-420. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2017-6-409


    "Deutschland ist zu einem der wichtigsten Zielländer für Arbeitsmigranten innerhalb der Europäischen Union (EU) geworden. Die deutsche Regierung hat nach den Osterweiterungsrunden von 2004 und 2007 temporäre Beschränkungen der Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit für die Beitrittsländer eingeführt. Diese Beschränkungen hatten allerdings keinen großen Einfluss auf den Gesamtumfang der Arbeitskräftemobilität. Vielmehr gingen sie mit neuen, 'atypischen' Formen der Mobilität wie Arbeitnehmerentsendung, Selbstständigkeit und Saisonarbeit einher, die gemäß den Regelungen der EU nur in geringem Umfang den Bestimmungen des Gastlandes unterliegen. Durch die Kombination der vorübergehenden Beschränkungen der Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und die durch atypische Formen der Mobilität eröffneten Möglichkeiten wurden Anreize für Unternehmen und Arbeitsmigranten geschaffen, Formen der atypischen Migration zu verfolgen. Dies trug zu einer beträchtlichen Zunahme von Ausgliederungen und Subunternehmerverträgen bei, bei denen der flexible Einsatz von externen Arbeitskräften die bereits bestehende Wettbewerbsdynamik im unteren Lohnsegment verstärkte." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Aktivierung durch Ausschluss: Sozial- und migrationspolitische Transformationen unter den Bedingungen der EU-Freizügigkeit (2017)


    (2017): Aktivierung durch Ausschluss. Sozial- und migrationspolitische Transformationen unter den Bedingungen der EU-Freizügigkeit. In: Movements. Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung, Jg. 3, H. 1, S. 89-108.


    "This article traces transformations of social and migration policies in Munich under the conditions of EU-european freedom of movement. It asks what role a) the assumption that migration is a threat to the welfare system and b) workfarism play in those transformations. Following the struggles of a family of EU-internal migrants in Munich it shows how social institutions (the Jobcenter, the German government and the European Court of Justice) turn into border guards, how the foreigners' office becomes a labour activation agency and how this fosters differential zones of inequality and precarisation within the richest city of Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Government of Migration through Workfare in the UK: Towards a shrinking Space of Mobility and Social Rights? (2017)


    (2017): The Government of Migration through Workfare in the UK. Towards a shrinking Space of Mobility and Social Rights? In: Movements. Journal für kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung, Jg. 3, H. 1, S. 1-19.


    "This article focuses on migration within the European Union, exploring the gradual restriction of rights for 'free movers' in connection with the restructuring of welfare towards workfare policies. Based on analysis of secondary sources, case laws and qualitative interview material with migrant support organisations and legal experts, the author explores the intersection between welfare and migration controls in the United Kingdom to highlight the rapid erosion of social assistance and social security rights for EU migrants. The article takes this national context as a point of departure to examine wider developments in other EU countries where similar patterns of restriction both at the judicial and policy levels emerge under the mark of workfarist politics and the 'activation paradigm'. The main argument is that measures applied in the context of the workfare reforms enhancing the vulnerability of the precarious workforce are experienced in exemplar ways by migrants, stigmatised as fraudulent benefit claimants and in fact compelled to provide their labour under increasingly precarious conditions. The inter-dependency between the proof of habitual residence, retention of worker status and entitlements to in-work benefits emerges as a central mechanism in the government of mobility at a critical moment in the 'undoing of Europe'." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Immigration and the UK: reflections after Brexit (2016)

    Alfano, Marco; Dustmann, Christian; Frattini, Tommaso;


    Alfano, Marco, Christian Dustmann & Tommaso Frattini (2016): Immigration and the UK. Reflections after Brexit. (CReAM discussion paper 2016,23), London, 21 S.


    "The recent referendum in the UK on membership of the EU has sent shockwaves across the political establishment not just in the UK itself and throughout Europe, but also around the world. In the run-up to the referendum, economists were (perhaps for the first time) united in pointing out that the economic case for Brexit is rather slim, that hardly any well-argued reason could be given by the Brexit camp as to why it may be a good idea to leave the EU, and that the economic consequences could be severe. That lack of economic argument in favour of Brexit, which should have been the key battleground in the run up to the referendum, led the debate to focus on one particular issue, Immigration. Like the free movement of goods, capital, and services, a fundamental pillar of the EU, and a non-negotiable requirement for any new member state, is the free movement of people. It is that particular aspect of EU membership that became the strongest single assertion of the Brexit camp. The inability to control immigration f m within the EU was made a symbol for everything else Brexit stood for (such as the idea of 'sovereignty' or the pain of being subjugated to 'rules made in Brussels and not the UK'), but - again - fact-based arguments against free mobility on economic or welfare grounds were hard to find. Nevertheless, free mobility within the EU became quickly the scapegoat for the economic and social woes that had distressed the country since the great recession, and perhaps even earlier, such as crime, real wage decline, inequality, unemployment, access to social services, health provision, and benefits and transfers. 'Immigration' and everything people associated with it and were encouraged to believe by a relentless campaign of the majority of the tabloid press decisively contributed to the decision that the UK took on June 23, 2016. Immigration and free mobility will likely again be central in the negotiations between the UK and its European partners in developing a model for Brexit that minimises the economic costs for both the UK and the EU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From labour migration to labour mobility?: the return of the multinational worker in Europe (2016)

    Andrijasevic, Rutvica; Sacchetto, Devi ;


    Andrijasevic, Rutvica & Devi Sacchetto (2016): From labour migration to labour mobility? The return of the multinational worker in Europe. In: Transfer, Jg. 22, H. 2, S. 219-231. DOI:10.1177/1024258916635975


    "There is currently a large knowledge gap about intra-European labour migration. Commentators are caught up in a debate over whether such movement is best understood in terms of social dumping and hence a race to the bottom, or in terms of business opportunities and benefits for firms, states and mobile workers. The argument put forward in this article is that both approaches are inadequate in that they focus attention on a linear east-to-west Europe movement and discuss it from the vantage point of the state, businesses and trade unions in the country of destination. In order to gain a clearer understanding of emerging migration patterns in the enlarged Europe this article adopts mobility of workers as the analytical lens through which to examine the integration of labour markets as well as the tensions between capital, trade unions and labour to which mobility gives rise. Building on fieldwork conducted at Foxconn electronics assembly plants in the Czech Republic, the article suggests that the term 'multinational' worker is best suited to convey the experiences and practices of this emergent workforce." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Governance quality and net migration flows (2016)

    Ariu, Andrea; Squicciarini, Mara P.; Docquier, Frédéric;


    Ariu, Andrea, Frédéric Docquier & Mara P. Squicciarini (2016): Governance quality and net migration flows. In: Regional science and urban economics, Jg. 60, H. September, S. 238-248. DOI:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2016.07.006


    Die Autoren untersuchen den Einfluss institutioneller Faktoren auf die Ein- und Auswanderung von Migranten nach Qualifikationsniveau. Hierzu erfolgt eine Analyse von Daten über bilaterale Migrationsströme zwischen OECD-Staaten und Staaten außerhalb der OECD für die Jahre 1990 und 2000. Für die Bewertung der Governance wurden u.a. folgende Indikatoren herangezogen: Meinungsfreiheit, politische Stabilität, Mitbestimmung, Rechtsordnung und Korruptionsbekämpfung. Es zeigt sich, dass die Qualität der Institutionen vor allem für die Zuwanderung von Hochqualifizierten von Bedeutung ist. (IAB)

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    Labour mobility and labour market adjustment in the EU (2016)

    Arpaia, Alfonso; Kiss, Áron; Palvolgyi, Balazs; Turrini, Alessandro;


    Arpaia, Alfonso, Áron Kiss, Balazs Palvolgyi & Alessandro Turrini (2016): Labour mobility and labour market adjustment in the EU. In: IZA journal of migration, Jg. 5, S. 1-21. DOI:10.1186/s40176-016-0069-8


    "This paper assesses the role of labour mobility in the adjustment to asymmetric economic shocks in the EU. After presenting a series of stylised facts of mobility in the EU, it assesses mobility as a channel of economic adjustment by means of a vector autoregression (VAR) analysis in the vein of Blanchard and Katz (BPEA 1:1 - 75, 1992). Results indicate that, over the period 1970 - 2013, mobility absorbed about a quarter of an asymmetric shock within 1 year. Movements in response to shocks have almost doubled since the introduction of the euro. In contrast to previous papers on the labour market adjustment in the EU, the response of wages is integrated to the analysis. It is found that real wages have also become more responsive to asymmetric shocks." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ten years after the post-accession migration wave from EU 8 to the UK: what can we learn from the largest intra-EU migration experiment? (2016)

    Bahna, Miloslav ;


    Bahna, Miloslav (2016): Ten years after the post-accession migration wave from EU 8 to the UK. What can we learn from the largest intra-EU migration experiment? In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 41, H. 4, S. 373-389. DOI:10.1007/s11614-016-0244-4


    "Als 2004 acht postkommunistische Länder aus Zentral und Osteuropa der EU beitraten, öffneten nur drei der 15 'alten' EU-Länder ihre Arbeitsmärkte sofort und ohne Übergangsbestimmungen. Großbritannien und Irland wurden in der Folge zu besonders populären Destinationen für Arbeitskräfte aus den neuen EU-Ländern. Die vorliegende Analyse deutet darauf hin, dass die Rate der Migration aus den EU-8-Ländern nach Großbritannien in der Periode von 2004 bis 2014 umso höher war, je niedriger das Lohnniveau im Land war - die Rate steigt von Slowenien (dem Land mit dem höchsten Lohnniveau unter den Beitrittsländern) bis zu Litauen (dem Land mit den niedrigsten Löhnen). Der neoklassische Ansatz liefert zwar ein gutes Erklärungsmodell für unterschiedliche Migrationsraten. Die großen Unterschiede zwischen Ländern mit ähnlichem Lohnniveau im Hinblick auf die Verweildauer der Migranten (gemessen an der Relation zwischen dem Migrantenzufluss und dem Bestand an Migranten) können jedoch mit diesem Ansatz nicht erklärt werden. Die vorliegende Analyse erklärt diese Unterschiede mit dem Vorhandensein und der Nutzung von Migrantennetzwerken." (Autorenreferat, © Springer-Verlag)

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    How successful are highly qualified return migrants in the Lithuanian labour market? (2016)

    Barcevicius, Egidijus;


    Barcevicius, Egidijus (2016): How successful are highly qualified return migrants in the Lithuanian labour market? In: International migration, Jg. 54, H. 3, S. 35-47. DOI:10.1111/imig.12224


    "This article analyses whether the human capital gained abroad helps returning migrants to integrate into the Lithuanian labour market. The analysis focuses on highly qualified migrants, defined narrowly as people with higher education who held qualified jobs when working abroad. The article found that for this group of returnees professional aims were important when taking a decision to return, together with other motives such as family reasons and home-sickness. Most of the returnees were able to find employment and pursue their careers without major difficulties, although a significant minority signalled an intention to emigrate again. The article examines the key factors that sometimes helped and sometimes hindered integration of the returnees and discusses the role of the public policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour migration as a way to escape from employment vulnerability?: evidence from the European Union (2016)

    Bazillier, Rémi ; Boboc, Cristina;


    Bazillier, Rémi & Cristina Boboc (2016): Labour migration as a way to escape from employment vulnerability? Evidence from the European Union. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 23, H. 16, S. 1149-1152. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2016.1139670


    "Free Movement of people is a fundamental principle of the European Union (EU). In a context of strong divergence in employment and working conditions among EU member states, migration can be seen as a way to increase employment opportunities but also to escape from poor working conditions at home. In this article, we focus on the possible influence of employment vulnerability by comparing its individual level among migrants and native workers in EU countries. We implement propensity score matching methods using data from the European Social Survey (2008) and indexes of employment vulnerability proposed by Bazillier et al. (2014). Overall, we show that migrants face the same level of employment vulnerability than natives, all other things being equal. But there are strong differences by skill-level. Low-skilled migrants have a lower level of vulnerability mainly because of a lower level of employer vulnerability while high-skilled migrants face a higher level of vulnerability, because of a higher level of job vulnerability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The gain from the drain: skill-biased migration and global welfare (2016)

    Biavaschi, Costanza; Elsner, Benjamin; Machado, Joël; Burzynski, Michal;


    Biavaschi, Costanza, Michal Burzynski, Benjamin Elsner & Joël Machado (2016): The gain from the drain. Skill-biased migration and global welfare. (CReAM discussion paper 2016,24), London, 57 S.


    "High-skilled workers are four times more likely to migrate than low-skilled workers. This skill bias in migration - often called brain drain - has been at the center of a heated debate about the welfare consequences of emigration from developing countries. In this paper, we provide a global perspective on the brain drain by jointly quantifying its impact on the sending and receiving countries. In a calibrated multi-country model, we compare the current world to a counterfactual with the same number of migrants, but those migrants are randomly selected from their country of origin. We find that the skill bias in migration significantly increases welfare in most receiving countries. Moreover, due to a more efficient global allocation of talent, the global welfare effect is positive, albeit some sending countries lose. Overall, our findings suggest that more - not less - high-skilled migration would increase world welfare." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Remittances and the brain drain: evidence from microdata for Sub-Saharan Africa (2016)

    Bredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian; Martínez Flores, Fernanda;


    Bredtmann, Julia, Fernanda Martínez Flores & Sebastian Otten (2016): Remittances and the brain drain. Evidence from microdata for Sub-Saharan Africa. (CReAM discussion paper 2016,27), London, 43 S.


    "Research on the relationship between high-skilled migration and remittances has been limited by the lack of suitable microdata. We create a unique cross-country dataset by combining household surveys from five Sub-Saharan African countries that enables us to analyze the effect of migrants' education on their remittance behavior. Having comprehensive information on both ends of the migrant-origin household relationship and employing household fixed effects specifications that only use within-household variation for identification allows us to address the problem of unobserved heterogeneity across migrants' origin households. Our results reveal that migrants' education has no significant impact on the likelihood of sending remittances. Conditional on sending remittances, however, high-skilled migrants send significantly higher amounts of money to their households left behind. This effect holds for the sub-groups of internal migrants and migrants in non-OECD countries, while it vanishes for migrants in OECD destination countries once characteristics of the origin household are controlled for." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fluch oder Segen: Was Arbeitskräftemobilität für den Euroraum bedeutet (2016)

    Brinke, Anna auf dem; Dittrich, Paul-Jasper;


    Brinke, Anna auf dem & Paul-Jasper Dittrich (2016): Fluch oder Segen: Was Arbeitskräftemobilität für den Euroraum bedeutet. (Jacques Delors Institut. Policy paper 159), Berlin, 12 S.


    "Wir untersuchen den Effekt der Arbeitskräftemobilität im Euroraum nach der Krise 2008. Die Unterschiede in der Arbeitslosigkeit erreichten 2013 ihren Höchststand. Am deutlichsten waren die Unterschiede in der Jugenderwerbslosigkeit. Wie reagierten die Migrationsbewegungen darauf? Halfen sie die Ungleichgewichte auszugleichen oder trugen sie zu einer Verstärkung bei? Die Zahlen zeigen, dass die positiven Effekte der Arbeitskräftemobilität überwiegen: sie hat makroökonomische Ungleichgewichte unterm Strich verkleinert. Trotzdem gab es zu wenig Migration aus den südlichen in die nördlichen Euroländer, um als Stoßdämpfer zu wirken.
    Eine Erhöhung dieser Zahlen und Erleichterung von Migrationsentscheidungen sollte daher weit oben auf der Agenda von Europapolitikern stehen. Dieses Paper schlägt drei sich ergänzende Strategien vor, die Arbeitskräftemobilität zu einem wichtigen Faktor für die weitere wirtschaftspolitische Integration der Eurozone machen sollten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Brexit: Mögliche Folgen für die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und die Arbeitsmigration (2016)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ;


    Brücker, Herbert & Ehsan Vallizadeh (2016): Brexit: Mögliche Folgen für die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und die Arbeitsmigration. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte 16/2016), Nürnberg, 8 S.


    "Die Bevölkerung Großbritanniens hat sich am 23. Juni 2016 mit knapper Mehrheit für den Austritt des Landes aus der Europäischen Union entschieden. Diese neue Premierministerin hat erklärt, dass die Entscheidung für den Austritt aus der EU umgesetzt wird. Offen ist jedoch, wann eine Mitteilung an den Europäischen Rat erfolgt. Auch ist noch nicht klar, welche Ziele das Vereinigte Königreich in den Austrittsverhandlungen verfolgen wird. Vor dem Hintergrund dieser unübersichtlichen Lage wird in dem vorliegenden Aktuellen Bericht anhand verschiedener Szenarien diskutiert, welche Optionen bestehen und welche Folgen sich daraus für die Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit und die Migration in Europa ergeben würden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Brücker, Herbert ; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ;
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    Zuwanderungsmonitor (2016)

    Brücker, Herbert ; Sirries, Steffen; Hauptmann, Andreas; Wapler, Rüdiger; Vallizadeh, Ehsan ;


    Brücker, Herbert, Andreas Hauptmann, Steffen Sirries, Ehsan Vallizadeh & Rüdiger Wapler (2016): Zuwanderungsmonitor. (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. Aktuelle Berichte), Nürnberg, 6 S.


    Der monatlich erscheinende Zuwanderungsmonitor analysiert Zuwanderung, Beschäftigung, Arbeitslosigkeit und SGB-II-Hilfequote dieser Personengruppen:
    EU-28: Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union seit 01. Juli 2013
    EU-2: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Januar 2007: Bulgarien und Rumänien.
    EU-8: Beitrittsstaaten vom 01. Mai 2004: Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Polen, Slowenien, Slowakei, Tschechien, und Ungarn.
    EU-4: die südeuropäischen Mitgliedsstaaten: Griechenland, Italien, Portugal und Spanien.
    Balkanstaaten: Albanien, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kosovo, Mazedonien, Montenegro und Serbien.
    Kriegs- und Krisenländer: Afghanistan, Eritrea, Irak, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia und Syrien. (IAB)

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    Remittance behaviours of foreigners in Italy (2016)

    Busetta, Annalisa; Stranges, Manuela ; Cetorelli, Valeria;


    Busetta, Annalisa, Valeria Cetorelli & Manuela Stranges (2016): Remittance behaviours of foreigners in Italy. In: International migration, Jg. 54, H. 2, S. 98-118. DOI:10.1111/imig.12213


    "This article investigates the determinants of remittance behaviours among foreigners in Italy and intends to gain a better understanding of the temporal pattern of remittances. The analysis is based on data from the 2009 'Italian Statistics on Income and Living Conditions of Households with Foreigners'. The decisions on whether to remit and how much to remit are separately yet simultaneously estimated using a zero-inflated beta regression model. The findings reveal that remittances are driven by a mix of altruistic and self-interest motives that may persist for many years. Many covariates included in the model have a different effect on the propensity to remit and on the relative amount of remittances. We find some evidence that the average propensity to remit follows an M-shaped trajectory over time. However, the model specification including only time and time squared proves that the inverted-U shape trajectory, well-established in the literature, still remains a better choice in terms of parsimoniousness and flexibility. Among those who remit, time since migration does not have any significant effect on the normalized amount remitted." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The impact of remittances from Canada's seasonal workers programme on Mexican farms (2016)

    Carvajal Gutiérrez, Lidia; Johnson, Thomas G.;


    Carvajal Gutiérrez, Lidia & Thomas G. Johnson (2016): The impact of remittances from Canada's seasonal workers programme on Mexican farms. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 155, H. 2, S. 297-314. DOI:10.1111/j.1564-913X.2014.00022.x


    "Based on a survey of participants in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program, the authors' three-stage least squares estimation of a simultaneous equation model finds that migrants' remittances enhance on-farm investments in Mexico, which, in turn, increase farm income. Remittances are also found to have a positive influence on non-farm income in Mexico, by giving respondents the possibility of starting a new business and diversifying their investments. These results support the hypothesis underlying the 'new economics of labour migration' that remittances contribute to economic development by relaxing the credit constraint on the investment function of family farms." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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