The IAB Job Vacancy Survey: Establishment survey on labor demand and recruitment processes, waves 2000 to 2021 and subsequent quarters 2006 to 2022
Börschlein, Erik-Benjamin, André Diegmann, Nicole Gürtzgen, Alexander Kubis, André Pirralha, Laura Pohlan, Martin Popp & Franka Vetter (2024): The IAB Job Vacancy Survey: Establishment survey on labor demand and recruitment processes, waves 2000 to 2021 and subsequent quarters 2006 to 2022. (FDZ-Datenreport 06/2024 (en)), Nürnberg, 27 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2406.en.v1
IAB-Stellenerhebung: Betriebsbefragung zu Stellenangebot und Besetzungsprozessen, Welle 2000 bis 2021 mit Folgequartalen von 2006 bis 2022
Börschlein, Erik-Benjamin, André Diegmann, Nicole Gürtzgen, Alexander Kubis, André Pirralha, Laura Pohlan, Martin Popp & Franka Vetter (2024): IAB-Stellenerhebung: Betriebsbefragung zu Stellenangebot und Besetzungsprozessen, Welle 2000 bis 2021 mit Folgequartalen von 2006 bis 2022. (FDZ-Datenreport 06/2024 (de)), Nürnberg, 27 S. DOI:10.5164/IAB.FDZD.2406.de.v1
The effectiveness of between-wave mailings and tailored material incentives on response rates: results from a young adolescent longitudinal survey
Auriga, Roman, André Pirralha, Friederike Schlücker, Götz Lechner & Anna Passmann (2025): The effectiveness of between-wave mailings and tailored material incentives on response rates: results from a young adolescent longitudinal survey. In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Jg. 28, H. 1, S. 119-131. DOI:10.1080/13645579.2024.2303031
Adjusting to the Survey: How Interviewer Experience Relates to Interview Duration
Pirralha, André, Christian Haag & Jutta von Maurice (2024): Adjusting to the Survey: How Interviewer Experience Relates to Interview Duration. In: Methods, Data, Analyses, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 185-212. DOI:10.12758/mda.2023.05
Correction for measurement error in invariance testing: An illustration using SQP
Pirralha, André & Wiebke Weber (2020): Correction for measurement error in invariance testing: An illustration using SQP. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 15. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0239421
The Link Between Political Participation and Life Satisfaction: A Three Wave Causal Analysis of the German SOEP Household Panel
Pirralha, André (2018): The Link Between Political Participation and Life Satisfaction: A Three Wave Causal Analysis of the German SOEP Household Panel. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 138, H. 2, S. 793-807. DOI:10.1007/s11205-017-1661-x
Testing the Comparability of Different Types of Social Indicators Across Groups
Saris, Willem E., André Pirralha & Diana Zavala-Rojas (2018): Testing the Comparability of Different Types of Social Indicators Across Groups. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 135, H. 3, S. 927-939. DOI:10.1007/s11205-016-1506-z
Political Participation and Wellbeing in the Netherlands: Exploring the Causal Links
Pirralha, André (2017): Political Participation and Wellbeing in the Netherlands: Exploring the Causal Links. In: Applied Research in Quality of Life, Jg. 12, H. 2, S. 327-341. DOI:10.1007/s11482-016-9463-x
Os “Movimentos de Cidadãos”: acção e activismo no contexto do Referendo sobre a Despenalização do Aborto de 1998
Pirralha, André (2009): Os “Movimentos de Cidadãos”: acção e activismo no contexto do Referendo sobre a Despenalização do Aborto de 1998. In: E-Cadernos H. 4, S. 177-197. DOI:10.4000/eces.243
Evaluations of the measurement of the concepts 'Political Satisfaction' and 'Quality of state services'
Pirralha, André & Wiebke Weber (2014): Evaluations of the measurement of the concepts 'Political Satisfaction' and 'Quality of state services'. (RECSM Working paper 40), Barcelona, 22 S.