Prekäre Beschäftigung
Unter den Begriff "Prekäre Beschäftigung" fallen Arbeitsverhältnisse mit niedrigen Löhnen, die häufig nicht auf Dauer und Kontinuität angelegt sind, keine Absicherung durch die Sozialversicherung und nur geringe arbeitsrechtliche Schutzrechte aufweisen. Der Begriff ist umstritten - und noch viel mehr die Frage: Wirken prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse immer ausgrenzend oder leisten sie auch einen notwendigen Beitrag zur Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsmarktes? Die Infoplattform erschließt Informationen zum Forschungsstand.
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Mobile workers, contingent labour: Migration, the gig economy and the multiplication of labour (2024)
Altenried, Moritz (2024): Mobile workers, contingent labour: Migration, the gig economy and the multiplication of labour. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 56, H. 4, S. 1113-1128. DOI:10.1177/0308518X211054846
"The article takes the surprising exit of the food delivery platform Deliveroo from Berlin as a starting point to analyse the relationship between migration and the gig economy. In Berlin and many cities across the globe, migrant workers are indispensable to the operations of digital platforms such as Uber, Helpling, or Deliveroo. The article uses in-depth ethnographic and qualitative research to show how the latter's exit from Berlin provides an almost exemplary picture of why urban gig economy platforms are strongholds of migrant labour, while at the same time, demonstrating the very contingency of this form of work. The article analyses the specific reasons why digital platforms are particularly open to migrants and argues that the very combination of new forms of algorithmic management and hyper-flexible forms of employment that is characteristic of gig economy platforms is also the reason why these platforms are geared perfectly toward the exploitation of migrant labour. This allows the analysis of digital platforms in the context of stratified labour markets and situates them within a long history of contingent labour that is closely intertwined with the mobility of labour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2021 a Pion publication) ((en))
Arbeitsausbeutung im Reinigungsgewerbe: Problemlagen, Hilfestrukturen, Handlungsmöglichkeiten (2024)
Böhme, René;Zitatform
Böhme, René (2024): Arbeitsausbeutung im Reinigungsgewerbe. Problemlagen, Hilfestrukturen, Handlungsmöglichkeiten. (Working paper Forschungsförderung / Hans Böckler Stiftung 333), Düsseldorf, 89 S.
"Arbeitsausbeutung ist in Deutschland alltägliche Praxis. Zahlreiche Hürden führen dazu, dass es in den seltensten Fällen zur Strafverfolgung der Täter:innen kommt - das macht Ausbeutung zu einem lukrativen Geschäftsmodell. Um dem entgegenzuwirken, sind Bund, Länder und Kommunen aufgefordert, eine Gesamtstrategie zur Bekämpfung von Arbeitsausbeutung zu entwickeln. Diese sollte Erleichterungen bei der Strafverfolgung, quantitative und qualitative Verbesserungen der Kontrollmechanismen sowie eine Stärkung des Hilfesystems umfassen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)
Plattformnutzung durch Solo-Selbstständige: Explorative Befunde und forschungsstrategische Perspektiven (2024)
Depperschmidt, Rina; Matton, Heleen; Probst, Pia; Pongratz, Hans;Zitatform
Depperschmidt, Rina, Heleen Matton, Hans Pongratz & Pia Probst (2024): Plattformnutzung durch Solo-Selbstständige. Explorative Befunde und forschungsstrategische Perspektiven. In: Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Jg. 33, H. 1-2, S. 3-27. DOI:10.1515/arbeit-2024-0002
"Plattformarbeit ist für Solo-Selbstständige zu einem wichtigen Erwerbszugang geworden. Dieser Zusammenhang wurde noch wenig untersucht, obwohl der Forschungsstand für beide Erwerbsformen ähnliche Bedingungen ausweist. Mittels einer qualitativen Befragung haben wir die Plattformerfahrungen von 20 Solo-Selbstständigen aus drei Berufsfeldern in vergleichender Perspektive analysiert: Yoga-Lehrer*innen, Sprachlehrer*innen und Creator*innen von Inhalten für die sozialen Medien. Trotz verschiedener Formen der Nutzung von Plattformdiensten sind die Resultate ähnlich: Für kleinere Zusatzeinnahmen ist beträchtlicher Aufwand erforderlich, aber Tools und Informationsangebote der Plattformen machen Arbeitserleichterungen möglich. Die Solo-Selbstständigen erleben viele der aus der Plattformforschung bekannten Abhängigkeiten und verschärften Konkurrenzbedingungen auf Online-Märkten. Nur für wenige Creator*innen führt Plattformarbeit aus einer prekären Selbstständigkeit heraus. Der Beitrag plädiert dafür, die beiden Forschungsfelder stärker zu verbinden und mit institutionellen Absicherungen des solo-selbstständigen Erwerbs auch die Bedingungen von Plattformarbeit zu verbessern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter)
Feeling disadvantaged? Type of employment contract and political attitudes (2024)
Gatskova, Kseniia, Michal Pilc & Maciej Beresewicz (2024): Feeling disadvantaged? Type of employment contract and political attitudes. In: Socio-economic review. DOI:10.1093/ser/mwae011
"We tested the theory of relative deprivation in the context of the Polish labour market during the post-crisis period from 2009 to 2015. This period witnessed the highest incidence of temporary contracts in the European Union, providing novel evidence on the causal relationship between the type of employment contract and political attitudes. Our findings suggest that temporary workers are more supportive of income redistribution but less supportive of democracy. Additionally, a shift from permanent to temporary contracts among prime-aged employees leads to a decrease in their support for democracy. Although this effect is modest in magnitude, the article points to an important mechanism influencing shifts in political attitudes. Our findings suggest that the effect of temporary employment on political attitudes is more pronounced among socio-demographic groups less accustomed to unstable employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Oxford Academic) ((en))
‘Workers using foodbanks’: the embedding of food insecurity at the nexus of welfare and employment laws (2024)
Hayes, L.J.B.; Maynard, Naomi;Zitatform
Hayes, L.J.B. & Naomi Maynard (2024): ‘Workers using foodbanks’: the embedding of food insecurity at the nexus of welfare and employment laws. In: The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 318-342. DOI:10.1332/17598273y2024d000000026
"In this first UK study of ‘Workers using foodbanks’, 65 per cent of research participants, including 76 per cent of those of working age, identified poor-quality employment as the root cause of their food insecurity. This primary problem of the deficient quality of jobs was characterized by insecure work, low wages, and excessive mental stress. Data revealed an environment in which workers are required to claim benefits because available employment cannot sustain their needs. A contemporary generation of ‘in-and-out-of-work[ers]’ are food insecure because of a secondary problem of inadequate welfare support. Post-pandemic welfare laws are interacting with ineffective employment rights protection to scaffold a low-wage labour market in which jobs are stripped of qualities that meet workers ’ basic needs. There is an urgent need to respond to the UKs record high incidence of food insecurity by improving the quality of available employment so that all jobs deliver adequate income, security of working arrangements, and support for good mental and physical health. ‘Workers using foodbanks’ is an aphorism that captures a contemporary reality in which the risk of food insecurity is embedded in contractual arrangements for work that are forged at the nexus of welfare and employment laws." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Policy Press) ((en))
Werkverträge – wachsende Parallelwelt in transnationalen Arbeitsmärkten (2024)
Hüttenhoff, Frederic; Jaehrling, Karen;Zitatform
Hüttenhoff, Frederic & Karen Jaehrling (2024): Werkverträge – wachsende Parallelwelt in transnationalen Arbeitsmärkten. (IAQ-Report 2024-04), Duisburg ; Essen, 19 S. DOI:10.17185/duepublico/81838
"In manchen Branchen wie dem Baugewerbe und Schiffbau haben Werkverträge zugenommen und einen Funktionswandel durchlaufen. Dort zeichnet sich ein Produktionsmodell ab, das mittels Subunternehmen und unter Rückgriff auf internationale Arbeitsmärkte Firmenstrukturen verschleiert und die Feststellung der verantwortlichen Arbeitgeber erschwert. Diese Intransparenz hat eine erhebliche Prekarisierung der Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen der betroffenen, in der Regel migrantischen Arbeitskräfte zur Folge. Um dem zu begegnen, haben Gewerkschaften, Betriebsräte und Beratungsorganisationen begonnen, sich transnationaler auszurichten. Insbesondere vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil der neuen Strategien. Nicht alle Probleme können durch eine Rechtsmobilisierung „von unten“ und kollektive Verhandlungen der Sozialpartner gelöst werden. Die Durchsetzung von equal pay und equal treatment bleibt eine staatliche Kernaufgabe." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)
Positioning precarity: The contingent nature of precarious work in structure and practice (2024)
Jankowski, Krzysztof Z.;Zitatform
Jankowski, Krzysztof Z. (2024): Positioning precarity: The contingent nature of precarious work in structure and practice. In: The British journal of sociology, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.13125
"Conceptualizing precarity has come to rest on the multi-dimensional and differentiated insecurities of job and worker, this however belies the relationship between structure and experience where precarity originates. To bridge that relationship, I employ the landscape concept to position workers relative to the structural contingency of precarious work. To study this landscape, I conducted an ethnography involving job searching, working, and interviewing workers. While certainly insecure, these jobs displayed parallel characteristics of streamlined hiring and short-notice starts which workers took advantage of. I explore three ideal-typical ‘jobs’—the first, only, and best job—to examine how vulnerability is balanced with contingency to produce precarity. This analysis and the landscape approach locate the political-economic transformation of work in the context of workers' lives and their labor market position. Taking precarious work is an act of balancing one's vulnerabilities in a way that constructs and thus naturalizes precarity. Overall, the article contributes an image of an economy where workers have to be opportunistic in a continual struggle for work while stratified by their personal circumstances and position in this labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))
The Impact of Welfare Conditionality on Experiences of Job Quality (2024)
Jones, Katy, Sharon Wright & Lisa Scullion (2024): The Impact of Welfare Conditionality on Experiences of Job Quality. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 6, S. 1658-1679. DOI:10.1177/09500170231219677
"This article contributes to emerging debates about how behavioural conditionality within welfare systems influences job quality. Drawing upon analysis of unique data from three waves of qualitative longitudinal interviews with 46 UK social security recipients (133 interviews), we establish that the impact of welfare conditionality is so substantial that it is no longer adequate to discuss job quality without reference to its interconnections to the welfare system. More specifically, we identify how conditionality drives welfare recipients’ experience of four core dimensions of jobquality: disempowering and propelling claimants towards inadequate pay, insecurity and poor employment terms, undermining multiple intrinsic characteristics of work and creating what we term a new ‘Work–Life–Welfare balance’. Instead of acting as a neutral arbitrator between jobseekers and employers, the welfare system is exposed as complicit in reinforcing one-sided flexibility through one-sided conditionality, by emphasising intensive job-seeking, while leaving poor-quality work provided by employers unchecked." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Support and employment preferences in online platform work: A cluster analysis of German-speaking workers (2024)
Klaus, Dominik, Maddalena Lamura, Marcel Bilger & Barbara Haas (2024): Support and employment preferences in online platform work. A cluster analysis of German-speaking workers. In: International Journal of Social Welfare. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12659
"Online platform work is an emerging field of non-standard employment. Up to now, there has been little knowledge of the perspective of online platform workers on social protection and regulation. We provide quantitative data (n = 1727) on their needs for support and on their employment status preferences. Given the heterogeneity of German-speaking online platform workers, we have conducted a cluster analysis to group workers according to task length, hourly wage, working hours and experience on online platforms. Most of the respondents are solo-self-employed and hybrid workers. They prefer support instruments that improve their skills and income over those that aim to strengthen their rights. The majority of platform workers are in favour of working outside of platforms. The study also shows that despite the low dependence on platform income, the actual poverty risk is relatively high." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))
Subjective Job Insecurity and the Rise of the Precariat: Evidence from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States (2024)
Manning, Alan & Graham Mazeine (2024): Subjective Job Insecurity and the Rise of the Precariat: Evidence from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Jg. 106, H. 3, S. 748-761. DOI:10.1162/rest_a_01196
"There is a widespread belief that work is less secure than in the past, that an increasing share of workers are part of the “precariat.” It is hard to find much evidence for this in objective measures of job security, but perhaps subjective measures show different trends. This paper shows that in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, workers feel as secure as they ever have in the past 30 years. This is partly because job insecurity is very cyclical and (pre-COVID) unemployment rates very low, but there is also no clear underlying trend towards increased subjective measures of job insecurity. This conclusion seems robust to controlling for the changing mix of the labor force, and it is true for specific subsets of workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © MIT Press Journals) ((en))
Stratified pathways into platform work: Migration trajectories and skills in Berlin's gig economy (2024)
Orth, Barbara (2024): Stratified pathways into platform work: Migration trajectories and skills in Berlin's gig economy. In: Environment and planning. A, Economy and space, Jg. 56, H. 2, S. 476-490. DOI:10.1177/0308518X231191933
"Platform labour scholars have noted the prevalence of migrant workers in the gig economy. This paper builds on this research but interrogates the broad concept of 'migrant labour'. The study draws on biographical interviews with platform workers in grocery delivery and domestic work platforms in Berlin, Germany as well as expert interviews with union representatives, migrant organisations and white-collar platform company employees. Through an examination of the mobility strategies of platform workers in this subset of the platform economy, the study reveals a stratification of migrant trajectories and of skills needed to engage in platform work across different types of labour platforms. The study finds that platform companies draw on a workforce that consists of recently arrived young migrants with comparatively high education, language skills and digital literacy. Through close analysis of an understudied section of the gig economy, the paper contributes to the ongoing theorisation of the nexus of migration regimes and platform-mediated labour regimes. The findings complicate the notion of 'accessibility' of platform work and call for the inclusion of visa regimes, immigration categories and particular skill sets in future research on platform labour." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 a Pion publication) ((en))
Unpacking cross‐country variations in domestic worker protection regimes: Adopting a policy regime perspective (2024)
PAUL, Anju Mary;Zitatform
PAUL, Anju Mary (2024): Unpacking cross‐country variations in domestic worker protection regimes: Adopting a policy regime perspective. In: International Labour Review, Jg. 163, H. 3, S. 377-396. DOI:10.1111/ilr.12432
"Domestic workers are some of the most vulnerable and least protected workers in the world. However, there is significant variation in domestic worker protections across countries. Using a policy regime perspective, I unpack how differing ideas, institutional arrangements and interest groups inform differences in the degree of legal protections that a country provides domestic workers. I posit that only if all three of these building blocks are present and supportive will a country institute a strong domestic worker protection regime. I apply this model to explain the incomplete/weak domestic worker protection regimes in Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa and Sweden." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))
Advancing Workers' Rights in the Gig Economy through Discursive Power: The Communicative Strategies of Indie Unions (2024)
Però, Davide & John Downey (2024): Advancing Workers' Rights in the Gig Economy through Discursive Power: The Communicative Strategies of Indie Unions. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 1, S. 140-160. DOI:10.1177/09500170221103160
"Finding limited representation in established unions, a growing number of precarious and migrant workers of the gig economy have been turning to self-organization. Yet little is known about how these workers can compensate for their lack of material resources and institutional support and negotiate effectively with employers. Drawing on interviews, frame, and content analysis grounded in ethnographic research with the precarious and migrant workers of British ‘indie’ unions, we examine the significance of self-mediation practices in facilitating effective negotiations. We find that the effectiveness of campaigns can be enhanced by strategically integrating vibrant direct action of workers and allies with self-mediated messages, which are framed to resonate with the general public and mainstream media – a practice that we call communicative unionism. These findings extend labour movement scholarship by showing the analytical importance of considering workers’ discursive power-building practices. They also contribute to addressing social movement studies’ historical neglect of workers’ collective engagements with employers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
The Dynamics of Control of Migrant Agency Workers: Over-Recruitment, 'The Bitchlist' and the Enterprising-Self (2024)
Tarrabain, Chloe & Robyn Thomas (2024): The Dynamics of Control of Migrant Agency Workers: Over-Recruitment, 'The Bitchlist' and the Enterprising-Self. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 38, H. 1, S. 27-43. DOI:10.1177/09500170221100934
"This article explores migrant workers’ experiences of organisational control while undertaking temporary agency work. This study is based on a ‘covert’ ethnographic study set at a temporary employment agency that short-term contracts workers to the catering and hospitality industry. The findings show how control is perceived by workers to emerge from the over-recruitment, coupled with the allocation of work through an informal ranking system. Migrant workers’ specific socio-economic circumstances and their race and gender identities informed their responses to these systems, resulting in the buy-in to discourses of enterprise. The result was actors who are complicit, if not active, participants in self and peer regulation. As such, this article contributes to the literature on enterprising-selves, control of temporary agency workers and the wider manufacturing consent literature." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Die Marginalisierten: (Über-) Leben zwischen Mangel und Notwendigkeit (2024)
Wimmer, Christopher;Zitatform
Wimmer, Christopher (2024): Die Marginalisierten. (Über-) Leben zwischen Mangel und Notwendigkeit. Weinheim: Juventa Verlag, 302 S.
"Christopher Wimmer blickt nach »ganz unten«. Seine These trifft den Kern der deutschen Gegenwart: Ein - wenn nicht sogar das zentrale - Ergebnis kapitalistischer Vergesellschaftung besteht in der Marginalisierung von Menschen in sozialen, politischen und kulturellen Zusammenhängen. Wimmer zeigt, wie sich Marginalisierung konkret auswirkt. Er beschäftigt sich mit der Sozialisation der Marginalisierten und stellt daraufhin ihre Arbeitssituation, ihr Alltagsleben und ihre sozialen Beziehungen ins Zentrum. Überall dort zeigen sich Auswirkungen ihrer sozialen Position. Doch auch das Bewusstsein der Marginalisierten ist von ihrer Lage beeinflusst. All dies hat Folgen für eine Politik, die sich mit sozialer Marginalisierung auseinandersetzen will." (Verlagsangaben, IAB-Doku)
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Natives' and migrants' employment uncertainty and childbearing during the great recession: a comparison between Italy and Sweden (2023)
Alderotti, Giammarco, Eleonora Mussino & Chiara Ludovica Comolli (2023): Natives' and migrants' employment uncertainty and childbearing during the great recession. A comparison between Italy and Sweden. In: European Societies, Jg. 25, H. 4, S. 539-573. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2022.2153302
"This study contributes to the empirical research on the fertility decline registered in Europe in the aftermath of the Great Recession adopting a comparative perspective. We explore childbearing behavior during the crisis across three dimensions of vulnerability: migration background (measured as: country of origin and length of stay in the destination country), labor market uncertainty, and country of residence. We compare childbearing behavior by parity among native and migrant women with different employment statuses in Sweden and Italy. Using the Swedish population registers and the Italian Labor Force Survey, we investigate the change in childbearing probabilities between the pre-crisis (2006?2009) and the years following the onset of the crisis (2010?2015). We find that the chances of motherhood in the aftermath of the Great Recession decreased substantially among recently arrived migrant women, but also among unemployed natives and women with unstable careers. The migration and labor market vulnerabilities, however, do not accumulate: unemployment and career instability negatively affect only native women?s probability of motherhood. Finally, the country comparison demonstrates that while the duration of stay and the weaker labor market attachment reduces the chances of motherhood in both contexts, the negative effect of unemployment is particularly strong in Italy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Prekäre Beschäftigung und depressive Symptomatik – geschlechtsabhängige Assoziationen (2023)
Burr, Hermann (2023): Prekäre Beschäftigung und depressive Symptomatik – geschlechtsabhängige Assoziationen. In: Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin, Jg. 58, H. 5, S. 318-326. DOI:10.17147/asu-1-273034
"Einleitung: Längsschnittstudien deuten darauf hin, dass das Risiko für die Entwicklung einer depressiven Symptomatik bei prekärer Beschäftigung bei Männern höher ist als bei Frauen. Eine südkoreanische Studie lässt vermuten, dass die Position im Haushalt diesen Unterschied erklären könnte. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob diese Risikounterschiede durch die Position im Haushalt (d.h. alleinlebend ohne Partnerin/Partner oder zusammenlebend mit Partnerin/Partner) erklärt werden können. Methoden: Die Analyse basiert auf einer Kohorte von 2009 Beschäftigten der „Studie Mentale Gesundheit bei der Arbeit“ (S-MGA) (Rose et al. 2017). Hierbei wurden fünf Indikatoren prekärer Beschäftigung verwendet: subjektive Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit, geringfügige Beschäftigung, zeitlich befristete Beschäftigung, Niedriglohn (Nettostundenlohn < 60 % des Medians) und Episoden von Arbeitslosigkeit in der Vergangenheit – ebenfalls zusammengefasst in einem Index prekärer Beschäftigung. Mögliche Assoziationen zwischen prekärer Beschäftigung im Zeitraum 2012–2017 und einer depressiven Symptomatik im Jahr 2017 wurden durch logistische Regressionsanalysen untersucht – stratifiziert nach Geschlecht und Haushaltsstatus (d. h. alleinlebend ohne Partnerin/Partner oder zusammenlebend mit Partnerin/Partner) im Jahr 2012 und adjustiert für depressive Symptomatik, Alter, beruflichen Status und Partnerschaftsstatus im Jahr 2012. Ergebnisse: Der Haushaltsstatus zeigte keine signifikanten Interaktionen mit den Indikatoren einer prekären Beschäftigung bzw. dem Index prekärer Beschäftigung, weder bei Frauen noch bei Männern. Schlussfolgerung: Es ist immer noch ungeklärt, warum in vielen Studien die Risiken von prekärer Beschäftigung für die Entwicklung einer depressiven Symptomatik bei Männern höher sind als bei Frauen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)
Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention (2023)
Doorn, Niels van, Fabian Ferrari & Mark Graham (2023): Migration and Migrant Labour in the Gig Economy: An Intervention. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 4, S. 1099-1111. DOI:10.1177/09500170221096581
"In urban gig economies around the world, platform labour is predominantly migrant labour, yet research on the intersection of the gig economy and labour migration remains scant. Our experience with two action research projects, spanning six cities on four continents, has taught us how platform work impacts the structural vulnerability of migrant workers. This leads us to two claims that should recalibrate the gig economy research agenda. First, we argue that platform labour simultaneously degrades working conditions while offering migrants much-needed opportunities to improve their livelihoods. Second, we contend that the reclassification of gig workers as employees is by itself not sufficient to counter the precarisation of migrant gig work. Instead, we need ambitious policies at the intersection of immigration, social welfare, and employment regulation that push back against the digitally mediated commodification of migrant labour worldwide." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
A multidimensional operationalization of precarious employment with a counting approach: evidence from Spain (2023)
García-Pérez, Carmelo, Mercedes Prieto, Jorge Seva, Hipólito Simón & Raquel Simón-Albert (2023): A multidimensional operationalization of precarious employment with a counting approach: evidence from Spain. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 55, H. 5, S. 546-561. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2022.2091744
"The article proposes a novel multidimensional operationalization of precarious employment using the Alkire-Foster dual threshold counting approach methodology. The proposal is made in a context in which, although precarious employment tends to be considered a multidimensional construct characterized by an accumulation of unfavourable features of employment quality, there is neither a standard and generally accepted definition nor operationalization of the phenomenon in the literature. The proposed methodology has the advantages that it can be easily applied to the usual content of most labour surveys, and that it allows an analysis of both the scale and the nature of precariousness. The illustrative evidence obtained for Spain reveals both a high incidence of multidimensional precariousness (affecting almost 40% of wage earners) and a high intensity (multidimensional precarious wage earners suffer from around 3 job deprivations). Moreover, it shows that employment precariousness is highly persistent over time and tends to grow over time and that there is great heterogeneity in the scope of the phenomenon according to its individual incidence and among different groups of workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Jung, akademisch, prekär: Studentische Beschäftigte an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen : eine Ausnahme vom dualen System regulierter Arbeitsbeziehungen (2023)
Hopp, Marvin; Leslie, Lukas; Hoffmann, Ann-Kathrin; Seeliger, Martin; Zielke, Aaron;Zitatform
Hopp, Marvin, Ann-Kathrin Hoffmann, Aaron Zielke, Lukas Leslie & Martin Seeliger (2023): Jung, akademisch, prekär. Studentische Beschäftigte an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen : eine Ausnahme vom dualen System regulierter Arbeitsbeziehungen. Bremen, 178 S.
"Das Forschungsprojekt „Jung, akademisch, prekär?“ wird vom Institut für Arbeit und Wirtschaft in Kooperation mit ver.di und GEW durchgeführt. Gegenstand des Projektes ist eine bundesweite Beschäftigtenbefragung. Insgesamt wurden im Zeitraum vom 30. Januar 2022 bis zum 22. Juli 2022 11.107 studentische/wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte und Tutor*innen zu ihren Beschäftigungsverhältnissen und Arbeitsbedingungen befragt. Die Studie ist damit die bisher umfassendste Erhebung im Feld. Untersucht wurden unter anderem die Auswirkungen geringer Regulierung. So arbeiten die jungen Studierenden (mit Ausnahme Berlins) in einem nicht tariflich abgesicherten Bereich, sind in den meisten Bundesländern entweder unmittelbar oder mittelbar von den Personalvertretungsgesetzen der Länder ausgenommen und unterliegen Sonderregelungen, die auf Basis des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes im Zeitraum von 6 Jahren freie Hand bei Vertragslaufzeiten und -anzahl lässt. Auf Basis der Datenlage wird gezeigt, welche Auswirkungen diese besondere Konstellation auf die soziale Lage, soziale Zusammensetzung, Ausgestaltung der Verträge und in letzter Konsequenz die Einhaltung von Arbeitnehmer:innenrechten hat. Das Beispiel Berlin zeigt wiederum, dass eine Integration studentischer Beschäftigter in das „duale System“ regulierter Arbeitsbeziehungen möglich ist und dies positive Auswirkungen auf soziale Lage der Beschäftigten sowie die Einhaltung derer Arbeitnehmer*innenrechte hat. Die vorgelegten Forschungsergebnisse werden von den Gewerkschaften ver.di und GEW in die Spitzengespräche mit der Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL – Arbeitgeberverband der Länder) über eine Bestandsaufnahme zu den Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen studentischer Beschäftigter eingebracht. Die Gespräche sollen aus Sicht der Gewerkschaften eine Tarifierung der studentischen/wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte und Tutor*innen vorbereiten." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))