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Europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung

Die Europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung wird als ein Instrument zur Stabilisierung ökonomischer Krisen im Euro-Raum diskutiert. EU-Mitgliedsländern mit hoher Arbeitslosigkeit könnten so zusätzliche Mittel zur Verfügung gestellt werden, die von Ländern mit guter wirtschaftlicher- und Beschäftigungssituation finanziert werden.
Dieses Themendossier dokumentiert die wissenschaftliche und politische Diskussion um die Ausgestaltung und Einführung einer Europäischen Arbeitslosenversicherung. Im Filter „Autorenschaft“ können Sie auf IAB-(Mit-)Autorenschaft eingrenzen.

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    An unemployment re-insurance scheme for the eurozone? Stabilizing and redistributive effects (2024)

    Dolls, Mathias;


    Dolls, Mathias (2024): An unemployment re-insurance scheme for the eurozone? Stabilizing and redistributive effects. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 170. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2024.104872


    "Die Studie 'Stabilisierungs- und Verteilungseffekte einer Arbeitslosenrückversicherung für die Eurozone' hat für den Zeitraum von 2000 bis 2016 die Wirkung einer Rückversicherung für nationale Arbeitslosenversicherungen im Euroraum untersucht. Die Analyse wurde vom ifo Institut im Auftrag der Bertelsmann Stiftung erstellt. Die Studie verwendet Eurostat-Haushaltsmikrodaten der europaweit durchgeführten Arbeitskräfteerhebung und der Gemeinschaftsstatistik über Einkommen und Lebensbedingungen, um die Arbeitsmarktentwicklungen und daraus resultierende Einkommensschwankungen in den heutigen 19 Mitgliedsländern der Eurozone für den Zeitraum 2000-2016 präzise abzubilden. Im Rahmen einer Simulationsanalyse werden die Stabilisierungs- und Verteilungswirkungen einer Arbeitslosenrückversicherung unter der Annahme berechnet, dass diese zu Beginn des Jahres 2000 eingeführt worden wäre. Dabei wird in der empirischen Analyse unterstellt, dass zwei Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen, bevor eine Hilfszahlung aus der Rückversicherung getätigt wird. Zum einen muss die Arbeitslosenquote in einem Mitgliedsland oberhalb des Durchschnitts der vergangenen Jahre liegen. Zum anderen muss innerhalb eines Jahres ein starker Anstieg der Arbeitslosenquote vorliegen. In der Studie werden Schwellenwerte für die benötigte Veränderungsrate der Arbeitslosenquote von ein und zwei Prozentpunkten betrachtet." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Support for an EU-wide social policy? A country-comparative analysis of unemployment perceptions (2024)

    Wang, Hequn ;


    Wang, Hequn (2024): Support for an EU-wide social policy? A country-comparative analysis of unemployment perceptions. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, S. 1-14. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12687


    "This article explored the influence of unemployment perceptions on attitudes towards an EU-wide social policy that guarantees a minimum standard of living for the poor across 18 European countries. The article relied on a theoretical framework that highlights the interaction among economic self-interest, ideology, and perceptions. Using data from Eurostat and the European Social Survey, the results show that Europeans with more negative perceptions of national unemployment or the living conditions of the unemployed were more likely to support an EU minimum income scheme. This association was particularly strong among individuals with non-egalitarian values or right-leaning ideology and remained relatively consistent across different national contexts. Additionally, support was stronger in countries with poor economic and welfare conditions. Overall, the findings reveal a high perceived legitimacy among Europeans for implementing a policy measure that aims to tackle poverty in the EU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Free movement and access to social security in the EU: The challenge of exporting unemployment benefits (2023)

    Grabbe, Christina ;


    Grabbe, Christina (2023): Free movement and access to social security in the EU: The challenge of exporting unemployment benefits. In: European Journal of Social Security, Jg. 25, H. 1, S. 20-40. DOI:10.1177/13882627231161926


    "The freedom of movement of EU workers and access to national welfare state systems has become a controversial topic among policymakers in recent years. To understand this, the article analyses the positions of Western European states towards the proposal of the European Commission to reform the European social security coordination. The structural problems of this reform and the current Regulation (EC) 883/2004 can be seen in the discussion on the export of unemployment benefits. Although Western European states have similar insurance-based and comprehensive unemployment systems, they have conflicting views on this issue. The article presents a comparative case study of Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany. Data was generated via expert interviews and policy documents and analysed through institutionalist approaches. By tracing the debates on the export of unemployment benefits, the article makes a more general argument about the debate on the free movement of workers and social security in the EU. It explains that policymakers' main concern is not only the financial burden on their welfare systems, but also that the current Regulation (EC) 883/2004 and the reform proposal are incompatible with national monitoring and enforcement systems, which are designed to work best when the worker is in the Member State of last employment. This incompatibility of the coordination rules with national rules creates opposition among policymakers to the access of EU workers to national welfare systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Federal Unemployment Reinsurance amid Local Labor-Market Policy (2023)

    Ignaszak, Marek; Jung, Philip ; Kuester, Keith;


    Ignaszak, Marek, Philip Jung & Keith Kuester (2023): Federal Unemployment Reinsurance amid Local Labor-Market Policy. (CRC TR 224 discussion paper series / EPoS Collaborative Research Center Transregio 224 419), Bonn, 87 S.


    "Consider a union of atomistic member states. Idiosyncratic business-cycle shocks cause persistent differences in unemployment. Private cross-border risk-sharing is limited. A federal unemployment-based reinsurance scheme can provide transfers to member states in recession, which helps stabilize local unemployment. Limits to federal generosity arise because member states control local labor-market policies. Calibrating the economy to a stylized European Monetary Union, we find that moral hazard puts notable constraints on the effectiveness of federal reinsurance. This is so even if payouts are indexed to member states usual unemployment rate or if the federal level pays only in severe-enough recessions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Welfare brokers and European Union migrants' access to social protection (2023)

    Voivozeanu, Alexandra; Lafleur, Jean-Michel;


    Voivozeanu, Alexandra & Jean-Michel Lafleur (2023): Welfare brokers and European Union migrants' access to social protection. In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 74, H. 4, S. 717-732. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.13021


    "In spite of the existence of an extensive national and supranational legal framework, European Union (EU) citizens who exercise their right to freedom of movement to work in another Member State face numerous hurdles in accessing social protection. While recent scholarship on street-level bureaucracy and on migration and welfare has shed light on the role of discretion and stereotypes in access to rights, little is known about the processes through which such hurdles are overcome. In this article, we focus on a specific strategy which is the recourse to what we call “welfare brokers”. These actors offer assistance to EU migrants to overcome specific cross-border administrative challenges in the area of social protection that derive from their use of the right to freedom of movement. Relying on qualitative data collected with brokers and Romanian migrants working in Germany, the article also demonstrates that welfare brokers attempt to transform the norms, bureaucratic practices and representations that condition access to these entitlements. The article concludes by underlining how the existence of a brokerage industry is a sign of existing inequalities in the exercise of freedom of movement within the EU." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    On the design of a European Unemployment Insurance System (2023)

    Ábrahám, Árpád; Brogueira de Sousa, João; Mayr, Lukas; Marimon, Ramon ;


    Ábrahám, Árpád, João Brogueira de Sousa, Ramon Marimon & Lukas Mayr (2023): On the design of a European Unemployment Insurance System. In: European Economic Review, Jg. 156. DOI:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2023.104469


    "We study the welfare effects of both existing and counter-factual European unemployment insurance (UI) policies using a rich multi-country dynamic general equilibrium model with labour market frictions. The model successfully replicates several salient features of European labour markets, in particular the cross-country differences in the flows between employment, unemployment and inactivity, as a result of labour market and UI policy differences across euro area countries. We find that mechanisms like the recently introduced instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE), which allows national governments to borrow at low interest rates to cover expenditures on unemployment risk, yield sizeable welfare gains. Furthermore, we find that, in spite of the calibrated heterogeneity across euro area countries, there is a common direction in which they can improve their UI policies; in particular, a harmonized benefit system that features a one-time payment of around three quarters of income upon separation is welfare improving in all euro area countries relative to the status quo." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    A few Euro more: benefit generosity and the optimal path of unemployment benefits (2022)

    D'Ambrosio, Anna ; Scrutinio, Vincenzo;


    D'Ambrosio, Anna & Vincenzo Scrutinio (2022): A few Euro more: benefit generosity and the optimal path of unemployment benefits. (CEP discussion paper 1835), London, 56 S.


    "In this paper, we exploit the provision of higher UB at different points of the unemployment spell to shed light on the relative cost of insurance at different horizons after the job loss. First, we exploit a double cap system in an RDD setting to study the effect of higher benefit levels in the early part of unemployment spell on time on benefits and non-employment. We find that higher benefits increase the time spent on benefits and in non-employment, with no impact on new job quality. Second, we exploit an age-based discontinuity in benefit duration, which determines higher benefits later in the spell, to compare the behavioural and mechanical costs of these two variations in benefits. We find that the moral hazard costs are greater for higher benefit levels early in the spell. In addition, we provide evidence of a slight negative selection in long term unemployment and argue that the long-term unemployed face higher uncertainty in their employment prospects. These findings suggest that higher benefits later in the unemployment spell generate lower costs and would provide higher insurance. Our results question the optimality of strongly declining schedules for unemployment benefit levels." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Should unemployment insurance be centralized in a state union? Unearthing a principle of efficient federation building (2022)

    Fenge, Robert; Friese, Max;


    Fenge, Robert & Max Friese (2022): Should unemployment insurance be centralized in a state union? Unearthing a principle of efficient federation building. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Jg. 124, H. 2, S. 363-395. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12466


    "Our study compares the efficiency of unemployment insurance programs in a state union. A centralized insurance will pool the cost of unemployment; this results in a collective bargaining in the member states, which leads to excessively high wages and inefficient insurance. Those high wages attract workers who reduce the outsourced economic cost of unemployment. Only with perfect mobility, this opposing migration effect completely outweighs the pooling effect, and the insurance is no longer inefficient when centralized. Furthermore, we conclude that a principle of efficient federal systems might be that fiscally linked economic policies and institutions should be governed on the same federative level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The impact of a European unemployment benefit scheme on labor supply and income distribution (2022)

    Lefebvre, Mathieu ; Simon, Agathe ;


    Lefebvre, Mathieu & Agathe Simon (2022): The impact of a European unemployment benefit scheme on labor supply and income distribution. (French Stata Users' Group Meetings 2022 14), Marseille, 58 S.


    "This presentation investigates the effect of the introduction of a European unemployment insurance scheme (EMU-UI) on the labor supply and the income distribution in the Eurozone countries. Based on a structural estimation of the labor supply and using the European tax-benefit microsimulation model EUROMOD, I simulate various scenarios of reform. The results show that the labor supply response to the introduction of an EMU-UI differs substantially across countries and depends on the design of the EMU-UI. I find that a flat EMU-UI scheme implies very strong disincentive to work but reduces poverty. On the contrary, a fully contribution-related EMU-UI system limits much more the distortions on the labor market in most countries but has limited effects on poverty and inequality. An EMU-UI with a common replacement rate, articulated with floor and ceiling amounts, would allow for upward convergence because it would strongly reduce poverty and inequality in several countries while not inducing important labor supply reduction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    On the design of a european unemployment insurance system (2022)

    Ábrahám, Árpád; Marimon, Ramon ; Sousa, João Brogueira de; Mayr, Lukas;


    Ábrahám, Árpád, João Brogueira de Sousa, Ramon Marimon & Lukas Mayr (2022): On the design of a european unemployment insurance system. (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Department of Economics and Business. Working paper 1826), Barcelona: Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 52 S.


    "We study the welfare effects of both existing and counter-factual European unemployment insurance policies using a rich multi-country dynamic general equilibrium model with labour market frictions. The model successfully replicates several salient features of European labor markets, in particular the cross-country differences in the flows between employment, unemployment and inactivity. We find that mechanisms like the recently introduced European instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE), which allows national governments to borrow at low interest rates to cover expenditures on unemployment benefits, yield sizable welfare gains, contradicting the conventional classical view that costs of business cycles are small. Furthermore, we find that a harmonized benefit system that features a one-time payment of around three quarters of income upon separation is welfare improving in all Eurozone countries relative to the status quo." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tracking the impact of COVID-19 on economic inequality at high frequency (2021)

    Aspachs, Oriol; Reynal-Querol, Marta; Montalvo, Jose G. ; Mestres, Josep; Graziano, Alberto; Durante, Ruben;


    Aspachs, Oriol, Ruben Durante, Alberto Graziano, Josep Mestres, Marta Reynal-Querol & Jose G. Montalvo (2021): Tracking the impact of COVID-19 on economic inequality at high frequency. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 16, H. 3. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0249121


    "Pandemics have historically had a significant impact on economic inequality. However, official inequality statistics are only available at low frequency and with considerable delay, which challenges policymakers in their objective to mitigate inequality and fine-tune public policies. We show that using data from bank records it is possible to measure economic inequality at high frequency. The approach proposed in this paper allows measuring, timely and accurately, the impact on inequality of fast-unfolding crises, like the COVID-19 pandemic. Applying this approach to data from a representative sample of over three million residents of Spain we find that, absent government intervention, inequality would have increased by almost 30% in just one month. The granularity of the data allows analyzing with great detail the sources of the increases in inequality. In the Spanish case we find that it is primarily driven by job losses and wage cuts experienced by low-wage earners. Government support, in particular extended unemployment insurance and benefits for furloughed workers, were generally effective at mitigating the increase in inequality, though less so among young people and foreign-born workers. Therefore, our approach provides knowledge on the evolution of inequality at high frequency, the effectiveness of public policies in mitigating the increase of inequality and the subgroups of the population most affected by the changes in inequality. This information is fundamental to fine-tune public policies on the wake of a fast-moving pandemic like the COVID-19." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Cross-country unemployment insurance, transfers, and trade-offs in international risk sharing (2021)

    Enders, Zeno ; Vespermann, David;


    Enders, Zeno & David Vespermann (2021): Cross-country unemployment insurance, transfers, and trade-offs in international risk sharing. (Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2021: Climate Economics), Kiel, 53 S.


    "We assess to which degree an international transfer mechanism can enhance consumption risk sharing as well as allocative efficiency and apply our results to a potential European unemployment benefit scheme (EUBS). Specifically, we first develop a simple model with nominal rigidities to build intuition by deriving analytical results. We then use a rich DSGE model, calibrated to the Core and the Periphery of the euro area, to quantitatively analyze the changing dynamics that a EUBS brings about. We find that a EUBS can provide risk sharing by stabilizing relative consumption as well as unemployment. Following supply shocks, however, the cross-country transfer embodied in the unemployment benefits is spent to a large degree on relatively inefficiently produced goods in the receiving countries. This renders the allocation even more inefficient by opening country-specific labor wedges further, also after government-spending shocks. Yet, since this trade-off between allocative efficiency and consumption risk sharing does not exist after certain demand shocks, the welfare effects of a EUBS depend on the cause for international unemployment differentials. A EUBS that is only active after specific shocks would therefore maximize overall welfare. Even without this feature, a EUBS would raise welfare in the Core, leaving the Periphery’s welfare almost unchanged." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Commission entrepreneurship and EU employment policy – The fate of a former darling (2021)

    Mailand, Mikkel;


    Mailand, Mikkel (2021): Commission entrepreneurship and EU employment policy – The fate of a former darling. In: European journal of industrial relations, Jg. 27, H. 3, S. 249-267. DOI:10.1177/0959680120963531


    "An ongoing disagreement between researchers of EU decision-making processes is about who primarily drives the development – the Commission or the member states. The present article addresses this issue within the context of EU employment policy, a cornerstone in Social Europe. Research has often pointed to a gradually weakening and subordination of these policies to economic policies. However, recent in-depth studies have found a progressive ‘socialization’ taking place in the European Semester. In this article, it is argued that Commission entrepreneurship has been relatively successful and that the Commission stands out as the most important actor in a partial comeback of EU employment policy, which has taken place since the 2010s." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Towards a new consolidated framework for analysing benefit coverage (2021)

    Nelson, Kenneth; Nieuwenhuis, Rense ;


    Nelson, Kenneth & Rense Nieuwenhuis (2021): Towards a new consolidated framework for analysing benefit coverage. In: Journal of European Social Policy, Jg. 31, H. 3, S. 352-362. DOI:10.1177/0958928721996653


    "The conceptualisation and measurement of benefit coverage is muddled with considerable confusion. In this forum contribution, we propose a new consolidated framework for the analysis of benefit coverage. Three sequential steps in measurement are suggested, involving the calculation of coverage rates, eligibility rates and take-up rates in social protection. Each step of the analysis focuses on particular aspects of programme legislation and implementation, and together the new framework will substantially improve the possibilities of research to inform policymaking. We provide an empirical illustration of our approach based on Swedish data, and highlight how our new consolidated framework for analysing benefit coverage provides a reorientation of the research agenda on benefit coverage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work Incentives at the Extensive and Intensive Margin in Europe: The Role of Taxes, Benefits and Population Characteristics (2020)

    Jara, H. Xavier ; Gasior, Katrin ; Makovec, Mattia;


    Jara, H. Xavier, Katrin Gasior & Mattia Makovec (2020): Work Incentives at the Extensive and Intensive Margin in Europe: The Role of Taxes, Benefits and Population Characteristics. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 152, H. 2, S. 705-778. DOI:10.1007/s11205-020-02462-0


    "Tax and benefit systems play an important role in determining work incentives at both the extensive and the intensive margin of labour supply. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of work incentives in Europe. Our analysis makes use of microsimulation techniques and representative household surveys from all 27 EU countries and the UK to compare the distribution of short- and long-term participation tax rates and marginal effective tax rates across population subgroups. We focus on people currently in work and characterise the population facing low work incentives in each country. Our results highlight the large variation in the distribution of work incentives across European countries, explained not only by differences in the design of tax-benefit systems, but also by the characteristics of the labour force across countries. Unemployment insurance benefits contribute substantially to short-term participation tax rates and explain on average a 20 percentage point difference between work incentives of short- versus long-term unemployment. Our analysis further highlights the need to use microdata to study differences across countries in terms of the population subgroups facing low incentives to work with the aim to inform the policy debate on potential reforms to make work pay." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    The Income Protection Role of an EMU-wide Unemployment Insurance System: the Case of Atypical Workers (2020)

    Jara, H. Xavier ; Simon, Agathe ;


    Jara, H. Xavier & Agathe Simon (2020): The Income Protection Role of an EMU-wide Unemployment Insurance System: the Case of Atypical Workers. (EUROMOD working paper 2021,06), Cambridge, 48 S.


    "This paper evaluates the potential of a common unemployment insurance system for the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU-UI) to improve income protection of atypical workers, namely those in part-time and temporary contracts. We use EUROMOD, the European tax-benefit microsimulation model, to simulate entitlements to national and EMU-UI and assess their effects on the household disposable income of atypical workers in the event of unemployment. Our results show that there are sizable gaps in the coverage of national UI schemes between countries, with atypical workers having particularly low coverage rates. The introduction of an EMU-UI would reduce coverage gaps and increase net replacement rates, especially for atypical workers, and would protect a large share of the workforce against the risk of poverty. Extending eligibility for the EMU-UI to the self-employed would further improve income protection, reducing their risk of falling into poverty in the event of unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Macroeconomic stabilisation properties of a euro area unemployment insurance scheme (2020)

    Kaufmann, Christoph; Hauptmeier, Sebastian; Attinasi, Maria Grazia;


    Kaufmann, Christoph, Maria Grazia Attinasi & Sebastian Hauptmeier (2020): Macroeconomic stabilisation properties of a euro area unemployment insurance scheme. (European Central Bank. Working paper series 2428), Frankfurt am Main, 45 S. DOI:10.2866/657604


    "In this paper we use a medium-scale DSGE model to quantitatively assess the macroeconomic stabilisation properties of a supranational unemployment insurance scheme. The model is calibrated to the euro area's core and periphery and features a rich fiscal sector, sovereign risk premia and labour market frictions. Adopting both simple policy rules and optimal policies, our simulations point to enhanced business cycle synchronisation and interregional consumption smoothing. Depending on the exact specification, the results suggest a reduction in the volatility of consumption by up to 49% at the region-level, while the cross-regional correlation of unemployment and inflation increases by up to 52% and 27%, respectively, compared to the decentralised setting. The higher degree of inter-regional risk-sharing comes at the cost of sizable fiscal transfers. Limiting such transfers via claw-back mechanisms implies a much weaker degree of stabilisation across countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Incentive effects of cash benefit among low-skilled young adults: Applying a regression discontinuity design (2020)

    Kleif, Helle Bendix ; Nielsen Arendt, Jacob ;


    Kleif, Helle Bendix & Jacob Nielsen Arendt (2020): Incentive effects of cash benefit among low-skilled young adults: Applying a regression discontinuity design. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 15, H. 11. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0241279


    "In 2014, the Danish Government implemented an active labour market reform directed at unemployed young adults under 30 years of age with low educational qualifications. The reform replaced the (unemployment) cash benefits with a lower education benefit for many of the unemployed aged under 30 and obliged the low-skilled in this group to enrol in a regular general or vocational (VET) education program. This paper exploits the sharp discontinuity that occurs at age 30 to estimate the joint effect of higher benefits and the cessation of educational obligations on the share receiving cash benefits and the share enrolled in education. We estimate the effects by applying a regression discontinuity design. We report results for the group of low educated young adults and for subgroups facing different economic incentives. The results establish that reaching age 30 creates an incentive to apply for cash benefits, and we find strong evidence that a significant increase in the share of cash benefit recipients relates to a corresponding reduction in the share of young adults enrolled in education. When including subgroups the size of the effect increases, and the results demonstrate that the effects are strongest among previous education benefit recipients. This indicates that the results are mainly driven mainly by individuals reverting to cash benefits." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Für ein stabiles und soziales Europa. Einführung einer europäischen Arbeitslosenrückversicherung: Mindeststandards bei nationalen Arbeitslosenversicherungssystemen notwendig (2020)

    Neumann, Henriette; Hentschel, Livia;


    Neumann, Henriette & Livia Hentschel (2020): Für ein stabiles und soziales Europa. Einführung einer europäischen Arbeitslosenrückversicherung. Mindeststandards bei nationalen Arbeitslosenversicherungssystemen notwendig. In: Soziale Sicherheit, Jg. 69, H. 1, S. 36-42.


    "Am 1. Dezember 2019 hat die neue EU-Kommission ihre Arbeit aufgenommen. Als neue Kommissionspräsidentin hat Ursula von der Leyen den europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern versprochen, eine europäische Arbeitslosenrückversicherung vorzulegen. Was ist damit gemeint? Was soll diese Rückversicherung bewirken? Und an welche Bedingungen müssen die nationalen Arbeitslosenversicherungssysteme geknüpft werden, damit eine europäische Arbeitslosenrückversicherung erfolgreich sein kann? Diesen Fragen wird im Folgenden nachgegangen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Lessons from the American federal-state unemployment insurance system for a European unemployment benefits system (2020)

    O'Leary, Christopher J. ; Barnow, Burt S.; Lenaerts, Karolien ;


    O'Leary, Christopher J., Burt S. Barnow & Karolien Lenaerts (2020): Lessons from the American federal-state unemployment insurance system for a European unemployment benefits system. In: International social security review, Jg. 73, H. 1, S. 3-34. DOI:10.1111/issr.12226


    "Dieser Artikel untersucht die Praxis im nationalen Arbeitslosenversicherungssystem der Vereinigten Staaten bezüglich Anspruchsberechtigung der Antragsteller, Leistungsgroßzügigkeit, Leistungsfinanzierung und Notfallmaßnahmen, um Lehren für eine mögliche Europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung für die Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union zu ziehen. Dabei wird die Arbeitslosenversicherung im amerikanischen System analysiert und es werden Bereiche benannt, in denen der Staat bestimmend ist. Das System der Vereinigten Staaten liefert zwar einige gute Ideen für die Einrichtung einer Europäischen Arbeitslosenversicherung, aber es zeigen sich auch Mängel in der amerikanischen Umsetzung. Wir liefern eine Übersicht über die bestehenden nationalen Arbeitslosenunterstützungssysteme in der EU und über die Debatte über eine Europäische Arbeitslosenversicherung. Dabei werden Bereiche individueller und institutioneller Risiken in einem mehrsäuligen Arbeitslosenversicherungssystem analysiert, und es werden Beispiele für Kontrollmechanismen und Anreize zur Eindämmung dieser Risiken gegeben. Wir schlagen einen Ansatz vor, bei dem das System schrittweise entwickelt wird, und befürworten eine Ausrichtung auf die unteren Säulen, die Finanzierung der Leistungen und Maßnahmen gegen regionale und systemweite Arbeitsmarktkrisen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons)

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