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Female breadwinner – Erwerbsentscheidungen von Frauen im Haushaltskontext

Nach wie vor ist die ungleiche Verteilung von Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit zwischen den Partnern der Regelfall. Traditionelle familiäre Arrangements werden dabei durch institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen bevorzugt. Die Folge ist, dass Frauen immer noch beruflich zurückstecken - auch wenn sie den Hauptteil des Haushaltseinkommens erarbeiten und damit die Rolle der Familienernährerin übernehmen.

Diese Infoplattform widmet sich den Bedingungen und Auswirkungen der Erwerbsentscheidung von Frauen sowie empirischen Studien, die sich mit der Arbeitsteilung der Partner im Haushaltskontext befassen.

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im Aspekt "...das Arbeitsangebot des Partners"
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    Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation (2023)

    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena ; Moral, Alfonso; Martín-Román, Ángel L.;


    Moreno-Mínguez, Almudena, Ángel L. Martín-Román & Alfonso Moral (2023): Father Parental Leave Use in Spain: The Role of the Female Partner Labour Situation. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 37, H. 1, S. 293-305. DOI:10.1177/09500170211062808


    "This article presents novel empirical evidence of fathers’ parental leave usage by introducing a family dimension in Spain. To test this hypothesis, a bivariate probit estimation was used to analyse the effect of the mother’s labour force participation on the father’s decision to take parental leave. This procedure allowed us to address the issue of simultaneous factors affecting the decisions of both the man and the woman, which were relevant to interpreting for the phenomenon. The results suggested that successfully using fathers’ paternity leave as a tool to promote gender equality depends on the family household’s characteristics and the woman’s connection to the job market. The bivariate probit estimation revealed that the effect of the woman’s decision on the man’s choice is much stronger than a naive regression would suggest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Familie, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen (2023)

    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias ;


    Pollmann-Schult, Matthias (2023): Familie, Erwerbsarbeit, Einkommen. In: O. A. Becker, K. Hank & A. Steinbach (Hrsg.) (2023): Handbuch Familiensoziologie, Wiesbaden, Springer VS S. 675-692. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-35219-6_27


    "Die familiale Situation hat erhebliche Auswirkungen auf das Erwerbsverhalten von Frauen und kann ebenfalls die Berufstätigkeit von Männern beeinflussen. Der Übergang zur Mutterschaft wirkt sich negativ auf die Erwerbsbeteiligung, den Erwerbsumfang und die Einkommenshöhe von Frauen aus. Bei Männern sind hingegen sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf die Arbeitszeit zu beobachten. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt verschiedene Theorieansätze zum Einfluss familialer Übergänge auf das Erwerbsverhalten und skizziert den empirischen Forschungsstand. Dabei wird auch diskutiert, inwiefern Effekte der Elternschaft durch individuelle Merkmale, familienpolitische Rahmenbedingungen und den kulturellen Kontext geprägt werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer)

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    How does intrahousehold bargaining power impact labor supply? European cross-country evidence (2004-2019) (2022)

    Belloc, Ignacio; Molina, José Alberto ; Velilla, Jorge ;


    Belloc, Ignacio, José Alberto Molina & Jorge Velilla (2022): How does intrahousehold bargaining power impact labor supply? European cross-country evidence (2004-2019). (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1132), Essen, 35 S.


    "This paper analyzes how intrahousehold bargaining power impacts labor supply, for seventeen European countries. To that end, we estimate a collective model using the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions for the period 2004-2019, and we study the validity of several potential distribution factors; that is to say, variables that impact labor supply only through intrahousehold bargaining power. Results show some degree of heterogeneity in the responses of labor supply to intrahousehold bargaining power. Spouses' education and the age gap operate as distribution factors in central European countries, such as Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. On the other hand, in the Mediterranean South countries, the share of unearned income of the wife operates as a distribution factor in Italy, Portugal, and Spain, and in countries of Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, and Lithuania), the sex ratio, wives' non-labor income share, spouses' age and education gap, and the fertility rate all operate as distribution factors. In northern economies, such as Denmark and Estonia, we find evidence for share of unearned income, age gap, and fertility rate, while in islands, such as Ireland and the United Kingdom, the sex ratio, the share of unearned income, the age and education gap, and the fertility rate are suitable bargaining power variables. The results are consistent with theoretical sharing rules, and distribution factors that empower a given spouse are mainly positively correlated with increases in the share of income they attract from intrahousehold bargaining." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Was macht Frauen in Deutschland zu Familienernährerinnen (2022)

    Brehmer, Wolfram; Klenner, Christina; Schmidt, Tanja;


    Brehmer, Wolfram, Christina Klenner & Tanja Schmidt (2022): Was macht Frauen in Deutschland zu Familienernährerinnen. (WSI-Report 70), Düsseldorf, 28 S.


    "Das Spektrum der Arrangements, in denen sich Paare Erwerbs- und Fürsorgearbeit teilen, wandelt sich. Jeder zehnte (Erwerbs-)Paarhaushalt in Deutschland hat eine weibliche Haupteinkommensbezieherin. Dabei liegt der Anteil in Westdeutschland deutlich niedriger als in Ostdeutschland. Dieser Report geht mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels der Frage nach, was dazu führt, dass Frauen den größten Teil des Haushaltseinkommens erwirtschaften und somit Familienernährerinnen werden. Werden Frauen zu Familienernährerinnen, weil Paare auf der Basis ihrer Einstellungen und nicht-traditionellen Geschlechterrollenorientierungen ein solches Arrangement wählen? Oder führen andere Umstände zu Familienernährerinnen-Konstellationen? Unsere Analysen zeigen: Viel spricht dafür, dass die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/09 die Tendenz zu Familienernährerinnen-Haushalten verstärkt hat. Dort, wo Frauen die Familienernährerinnen sind, steht das häufig mit Arbeitslosigkeit oder atypischer Beschäftigung des Mannes im Zusammenhang und von 2007 an wurde die Wahrscheinlichkeit für Familienernährerinnen-Haushalte von Jahr zu Jahr signifikant größer. Für den Einfluss der Wirtschaftskrise - wie sich die Coronakrise auswirkt, ist bisher nicht klar - spricht auch, dass Familienernährerinnen-Haushalte überdurchschnittlich häufig arm sind oder armutsnah leben. In vielen Fällen müssen Familienernährerinnen auch mit unterer beruflicher Stellung, in Teilzeit und mit entsprechend niedrigen Einkünften die Familie ernähren. Dass Familienernährerinnen-Konstellationen auf bewusst gewählten Strategien der Paare beruhen, lässt sich anhand der verfügbaren Daten nicht bestätigen. Allerdings haben Frauen, die Familienernährerinnen sind, häufiger egalitäre Einstellungen. Sie haben auch häufiger eine hohe Bildung, eine hohe berufliche Stellung und sind überdurchschnittlich in Vollzeit, in Großbetrieben und im öffentlichen Dienst tätig. Das heißt, dass berufliche Positionen von Frauen mit guten Einkommenschancen also ebenfalls das Überwiegen des weiblichen Einkommensanteils begünstigen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment (2022)

    Keldenich, Carina; Knabe, Andreas ;


    Keldenich, Carina & Andreas Knabe (2022): Women's labor market responses to their partners' unemployment and low-pay employment. In: Journal of labor research, Jg. 43, H. 1, S. 134-162. DOI:10.1007/s12122-022-09327-0


    "Using bivariate random-effects probit estimation on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel we show that women respond to their partners' unemployment with an increase in labor market participation, which also leads to an increase in their employment probability. Our analysis considers within and between effects separately, revealing differences in the relationships between women's labor market statuses and their partners' unemployment in the previous period (within effect) and their partners' overall probability of being unemployed (between effect). Furthermore, we contribute to the literature by demonstrating that a partner's employment in a low-paid job has an effect on women's labor market choices and outcomes similar to that of his unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Drivers of Participation Elasticities across Europe: Gender or Earner Role within the Household? (2021)

    Bartels, Charlotte ; Shupe, Cortnie ;


    Bartels, Charlotte & Cortnie Shupe (2021): Drivers of Participation Elasticities across Europe: Gender or Earner Role within the Household? (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1969), Berlin, 61 S.


    "We compute participation tax rates across the EU and find that work disincentives inherent in tax-benefit systems largely depend on household composition and the individual’s earner role within the household. We then estimate participation elasticities using an IV group estimator that enables us to investigate the responsiveness of individuals to work incentives. We contribute to the literature on heterogeneous elasticities by providing estimates for breadwinners and secondary earners separately, according to their potential earnings rather than gender. Our results show an average participation elasticity of 0.0-0.1 among breadwinners and 0.1-0.4 among secondary earners in the EU as well as a high degree of heterogeneity across countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Differing Labor Supply: A Study on the Role of Culture (2021)

    Behera, Sarthak; Sadana, Divya;


    Behera, Sarthak & Divya Sadana (2021): Differing Labor Supply: A Study on the Role of Culture. (MPRA paper / University Library of Munich 110753), München, 41 S.


    "In this paper, we study the role of peoples' attitudes on their labor market behavior. Focusing within a household, we estimate how one's labor market decisions are dependent on their partner's labor market outcomes, and how these decisions are driven by their culture component. Historically, man has been associated as the primary earner in a family. We argue that culture might play a role in determining a person's labor market outcomes as it induces an aversion to the situation of when the wife earns more than the husband. We find that husbands increase their participation in the labor market if their wives earn more and this effect is even more prominent if they are from a country where people have the traditional view that man should be the primary bread-winner for the family. However, wives do not exhibit any such behavior. We argue that this irregularity is explained by the role that culture plays on forming labor market decisions. This result is important as it might contribute to the explanation of the slowdown in the convergence of the gender gap in the recent past." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labor Market Transitions of Members of Opposite-Sex Couples: Nonparticipation, Unemployed Search, and Employment (2021)

    Bloemen, Hans;


    Bloemen, Hans (2021): Labor Market Transitions of Members of Opposite-Sex Couples: Nonparticipation, Unemployed Search, and Employment. (IZA discussion paper 14673), Bonn, 74 S.


    "An empirical analysis of labor market transitions for spouses in couples is implemented. Object of study are transitions between the states of nonparticipation, unemployed search, and employment. Motivated by a model of household search, the emphasis is on spousal variables and interactions. Additionally, a proxy for the business cycle is included in the analysis, and household specific unobserved heterogeneity is accounted for. Results show that female transitions into nonparticipation (both out of unemployed search and employment) are positively affected by the husband's income (while no effect is found for transitions out of nonparticipation). Men seem to move from employment into unemployed search easier the higher is the wife's income. Since the wife having an income is in turn strongly accociated with female participation, this suggests that households with a participating wife are better able to deal with unemployment of the husband. A supplementary analysis with reservation wages and numbers of applications points in the same direction. Husbands' reservation wages are only sensitive to his own unemployment income if the wife is nonparticipating. This implies that unemployment benefits have a different role in households with the husband as a sole earner compared to dual earner households." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Women's employment transitions: The influence of her, his, and joint gender ideologies (2021)

    Grunow, Daniela; Lietzmann, Torsten;


    Grunow, Daniela & Torsten Lietzmann (2021): Women's employment transitions: The influence of her, his, and joint gender ideologies. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 45, S. 55-86., 2021-05-19. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2021.45.3


    "Research suggests that women’s employment decisions are influenced by not only their own gender ideologies but also their partners’. This paper is the first study examining the role of a couple’s joint gender ideology on the female partner’s employment transitions, specifically her work hours and employment breaks. The authors seek to advance research on the effects of gender ideologies on paid work transitions conceptually, arguing that a couple’s (dis)agreement on gender ideologies may be important. The authors use data from the German panel study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS) and logistic regression models estimating the probability of reducing work hours or taking an employment break between two successive panel waves. Women’s gender ideologies impact their likelihood of reducing work hours and taking an employment break. The more egalitarian women are, the less likely they are to reduce their labor market participation. The male partner’s gender ideology initially appears irrelevant. However, when considering the couple as a unit, the authors find a couple effect of joint ideology: Women are more likely to reduce their work hours when both partners believe in gender essentialism as opposed to other couple-ideology constellations. For women’s employment breaks, findings also point to a couple-ideology effect, though with less statistical certainty. The couple perspective shows that his gender ideology matters only in relation to hers. Introducing the couple perspective reveals that individual ideology measures provide a skewed picture of how gender ideologies actually work in couples to influence the gender division of paid work." (Author's abstract, © 1999–2021 Max Planck Society) ((en))

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Lietzmann, Torsten;
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    The gendered division of labor and its perceived fairness: Implications for childbearing in Germany (2019)

    Köppen, Katja; Trappe, Heike;


    Köppen, Katja & Heike Trappe (2019): The gendered division of labor and its perceived fairness. Implications for childbearing in Germany. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 40, S. 1413-1440. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2019.40.48


    "Background: Recently it has been claimed that gender equality and gender equity in the family tend to increase fertility. The strength of this association, however, depends on prevailing gender relations and the level of social support of employment and family within a society.
    Objective: We wish to improve our understanding of the relationship between gender equality, gender equity, and fertility by investigating the impact of the actual division of paid and unpaid labor on first- and second-birth fertility in Germany while including in our analyses a repeatedly measured indicator of gender equity that captures the subjective perception of fairness of this division.
    Methods: Using nine waves of the German Family Panel (pairfam), we apply discrete-time logistic regression models to cohorts of young women and men in coresidential unions to determine whether a birth occurs in a given year while using measures of gender equality and gender equity as lagged time-varying covariates.
    Results: We find that an arrangement in which the woman is in charge of routine housework and the division of paid and unpaid work is perceived as fair is positively associated with family formation. The perception of a fair division of work is no prerequisite for continued childbearing. Yet women's responsibility for domestic work facilitates family extension.
    Contribution: This paper extends the literature on the relationship between gender equality, gender equity, and family outcomes by using prospective panel data to capture attitudinal and behavioral changes over the life course more fully than has previously been done." (Author's abstract, © Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung) ((en))

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    Learning from mum: Cross-national evidence linking maternal employment and adult children's outcomes (2019)

    McGinn, Kathleen L.; Castro, Mayra Ruiz; Lingo, Elizabeth Long;


    McGinn, Kathleen L., Mayra Ruiz Castro & Elizabeth Long Lingo (2019): Learning from mum: Cross-national evidence linking maternal employment and adult children's outcomes. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 33, H. 3, S. 374-400. DOI:10.1177/0950017018760167


    "Analyses relying on two international surveys from over 100,000 men and women across 29 countries explore the relationship between maternal employment and adult daughters' and sons' employment and domestic outcomes. In the employment sphere, adult daughters, but not sons, of employed mothers are more likely to be employed and, if employed, are more likely to hold supervisory responsibility, work more hours and earn higher incomes than their peers whose mothers were not employed. In the domestic sphere, sons raised by employed mothers spend more time caring for family members and daughters spend less time on housework. Analyses provide evidence for two mechanisms: gender attitudes and social learning. Finally, findings show contextual influences at the family and societal levels: family-of-origin social class moderates effects of maternal employment and childhood exposure to female employment within society can substitute for the influence of maternal employment on daughters and reinforce its influence on sons." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Peer effects in parental leave decisions (2019)

    Welteke, Clara; Wrohlich, Katharina ;


    Welteke, Clara & Katharina Wrohlich (2019): Peer effects in parental leave decisions. In: Labour economics, Jg. 57, H. April, S. 146-163. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2019.02.008


    "We analyze whether mothers' parental leave decisions depend on their coworkers' decisions. The identification of peer effects bears various challenges due to correlated characteristics within social groups. We therefore exploit quasi-random variation in the costs of parental leave induced by a policy reform in Germany. The reform encourages mothers to remain at home during the first year following childbirth. Administrative linked employer- employee data enable us to assign a peer group to individuals who work in the same establishment and occupation. Our results suggest that parental leave decisions are significantly influenced by coworkers' decisions." (Author's abstract, © 2019 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Is there a male breadwinner norm?: the hazards of inferring preferences from marriage market outcomes (2018)

    Binder, Ariel J.; Lam, David;


    Binder, Ariel J. & David Lam (2018): Is there a male breadwinner norm? The hazards of inferring preferences from marriage market outcomes. (IZA discussion paper 11693), Bonn, 49 S.


    "Spousal characteristics such as age, height, and earnings are often used in social science research to infer social preferences. For example, a 'male taller' norm has been inferred from the fact that fewer wives are taller than their husbands than would occur with random matching. The large proportion of husbands out-earning their wives has similarly been cited as evidence for a 'male breadwinner' norm. This paper argues that it is difficult and potentially misleading to infer social preferences about an attribute from observed marital sorting on that attribute. We show that positive assortative matching on an attribute is consistent with a wide variety of underlying preferences, including 'female taller' or 'female breadwinner' norms. Given prevailing gender gaps in height and earnings, positive sorting implies it will be rare for women to be taller than, or earn more than, their husbands - even if there is no underlying preference for shorter or lowerearning wives. In an empirical application, we show that simulations which sort couples positively on permanent earnings can largely replicate the observed distribution of spousal earnings differences in US Census data. Further, we show that an apparent sharp drop in the distribution function at the point where the wife begins to out-earn the husband results from a mass of couples earning identical incomes, a mass which we argue is not evidence of a norm for higher-earning husbands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Dynamic labour supply of married Australian women (2018)

    Cai, Lixin;


    Cai, Lixin (2018): Dynamic labour supply of married Australian women. In: Labour, Jg. 32, H. 3, S. 427-450. DOI:10.1111/labr.12122


    "Using the first 13 waves of the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey, this study investigates the determinants of labour supply of married Australian women, with a focus on whether and to what extent there is state dependence in their labour supply. It is found that both observed and unobserved individual heterogeneity contribute to the observed inter-temporal persistence of married Australian women's labour supply, but the persistence remains even after controlling for these factors. It is also found that non-labour income, age, education, health and the number and age of young dependent children have significant effects on married Australian women's labour supply." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The marriage unemployment gap (2018)

    Choi, Sekyu; Valladares-Esteban, Arnau ;


    Choi, Sekyu & Arnau Valladares-Esteban (2018): The marriage unemployment gap. In: The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Jg. 18, H. 1, S. 1-14. DOI:10.1515/bejm-2016-0060


    "In this paper we document that married individuals face a lower unemployment rate than their single counterparts. We refer to this phenomenon as the marriage unemployment gap. Despite dramatic demographic changes in the labor market over the last decades, this gap has been remarkably stable both for men and women. Using a flow-decomposition exercise, we assess which transition probabilities (across labor force states) are behind this phenomenon: For men, the main driver is the higher job losing probabilities faced by single workers. For females, the participation margin also plays a crucial role." (Author's abstract, © De Gruyter) ((en))

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    Does female breadwinning make partnerships less healthy or less stable? (2018)

    Foster, Gigi; Stratton, Leslie S.;


    Foster, Gigi & Leslie S. Stratton (2018): Does female breadwinning make partnerships less healthy or less stable? (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 259), Maastricht, 13 S.


    "This paper addresses the directions to follow when designing new educational systems and school-lo-work transition regimes to adhere to the needs of Industry 4. 0. Although a high level of general education will be important for its training content to develop adaptability, it is not the only component to develop. What will be more and more important are work related skills, both the general ones and the ones which are job-specific and need, therefore, on-the-job training to develop. This will require important educational reforms to favour an ever-better integration between educational institution and the world of work. Young people and their families alone will not be able to adapt on their own to the new human capital requirements of industry 4.0 productions. A new framework for an integrated action by governments, firms, educational institutions and families is needed to smooth the school-to-work in the future. The duality principle is the basis for a strong diversification of the supply of education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Abkehr vom Zuverdiener-Modell - aber wohin?: Gleichstellungspolitische Zielsetzungen und Anforderungen an Vereinbarkeitspolitik. Europäisches Fachgespräch am 1./2. Oktober 2018 in Berlin (2018)

    Gärtner, Debora; Reinschmidt, Lena;


    Gärtner, Debora & Lena Reinschmidt (2018): Abkehr vom Zuverdiener-Modell - aber wohin? Gleichstellungspolitische Zielsetzungen und Anforderungen an Vereinbarkeitspolitik. Europäisches Fachgespräch am 1./2. Oktober 2018 in Berlin. Frankfurt am Main, 77 S.

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    Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples?: parental investment in cases of matching and mismatching gender ideologies in Germany (2018)

    Nitsche, Natalie ; Grunow, Daniel;


    Nitsche, Natalie & Daniel Grunow (2018): Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples? Parental investment in cases of matching and mismatching gender ideologies in Germany. In: European Societies, Jg. 20, H. 5, S. 785-815. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2018.1473626


    "This paper examines the factors associated with a gendered division of childcare among parents in Germany. While much is known on the gender division of housework in families and the economic and sociological factors that may be driving it, we still know relatively little about whether and how these factors may affect the division of unpaid childcare in families. We first assess the relevance of partner's combined gender ideologies and relative resources on the division of unpaid childcare. Second, we assess whether the effect of economic resources may be contingent on the partners' agreement or disagreement on gender ideologies concerning maternal employment. We address these questions using data from the German Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam) and MLM Growth Curve Models. Our findings consistently show a significant positive effect of partners' combined gender ideologies and her share of income on his share of childcare. These effects are strongest, and robust, among couples with matching ideologies supporting maternal employment, which we term 'egalitarian island' couples. Economically efficient divisions of childcare thus appear dependent upon the couples' ideological pairing and on mothers' ideologies towards maternal employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Breadwinning as care?: The meaning of paid work in mothers' and fathers' constructions of parenting (2018)

    Schmidt, Eva-Maria ;


    Schmidt, Eva-Maria (2018): Breadwinning as care? The meaning of paid work in mothers' and fathers' constructions of parenting. In: Community, work & family, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 445-462. DOI:10.1080/13668803.2017.1318112


    "As some scholars have argued for a distinct conceptualisation of breadwinning and for understanding breadwinning as a form of care, this study addresses parents' constructions of breadwinning and its connections to care. It is based on an in-depth interpretive analysis of multiple-perspective, qualitative longitudinal interviews with 22 Austrian mothers and fathers from three points in time during their transition to parenthood. The analysis revealed four different types of breadwinning concepts by considering the jointly constructed meaning of mothers' and fathers' paid work within a parental couple and further relied on Tronto's [(1993). Moral boundaries. A political argument for an ethic of care. New York, NY: Routledge] conceptualisation of care as a four-step process. The results indicate that respondents construct a clear difference between earning money and breadwinning. Additionally, a difference is made between breadwinning and taking care of the family's subsistence, predominantly so for mothers. In conclusion, breadwinning can definitely be considered a form of care and thus a form of involvement in parenting, but it cannot be regarded a form of involvement in caregiving. The holistic picture of parents' joint constructions enabled us to contribute to the existing conceptualisations of breadwinning and of parental involvement, thus providing a novel perspective on matters of gender equality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Family labor supply and the timing of cash transfers: evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit (2018)

    Yang, Tzu-Ting;


    Yang, Tzu-Ting (2018): Family labor supply and the timing of cash transfers. Evidence from the Earned Income Tax Credit. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 53, H. 2, S. 445-473. DOI:10.3368/jhr.53.2.0115-6857R1


    "This paper exploits the unique disbursement timing and benefit rules of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) to provide new evidence on how families adjust their labor supply in response to receiving anticipated cash transfers. I find that income seasonality caused by EITC receipt leads to changes in the intra-year labor supply patterns of married women. On average, receiving a $1,000 payment significantly reduces the proportion of married women who work, by 1.3 percentage points, in the month when the EITC is received. Additionally, this labor supply response is mainly driven by those who are secondary earners or liquidity-constrained." (Author's abstract, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    Taxation and labor supply of married couples across countries: a macroeconomic analysis (2017)

    Bick, Alexander ; Fuchs-Schündeln, Nicola ;


    Bick, Alexander & Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln (2017): Taxation and labor supply of married couples across countries. A macroeconomic analysis. (IZA discussion paper 10504), Bonn, 39 S.


    "We document contemporaneous differences in the aggregate labor supply of married couples across 17 European countries and the US. Based on a model of joint household decision making, we quantify the contribution of international differences in non-linear labor income taxes and consumption taxes to the international differences in hours worked in the data. Through the lens of the model, taxes, together with wages and the educational composition, account for a significant part of the small differences in married men's and the large differences in married women's hours worked in the data. Taking the full nonlinearities of labor income tax codes, including the tax treatment of married couples, into account is crucial for generating the low cross-country correlation between married men's and women's hours worked in the data, and for explaining the variation of married women's hours worked across European countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Household production and consumption over the lifecycle: National Time Transfer Accounts in 14 European countries (2017)

    Vargha, Lili; Gál, Róbert Iván; Crosby-Nagy, Michelle O.;


    Vargha, Lili, Róbert Iván Gál & Michelle O. Crosby-Nagy (2017): Household production and consumption over the lifecycle. National Time Transfer Accounts in 14 European countries. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 36, S. 905-944. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.32


    "Background: While the importance of unpaid household labour is recognised in total economic output, little is known about the demographics of household production and consumption.
    Objective: Our goal is to give a comprehensive estimation on the value of household production and its consumption by age and gender and analyse nonmarket economic transfers in 14 European countries based on publicly available harmonised data.
    Methods: We introduce a novel imputation method of harmonised European time use (HETUS) data to the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) in order to assign time spent on home production to consumers in households and estimate time transfers. Moreover, monetary values are attributed to household production activities using data on earnings from the Structure of Earnings Survey (SES).
    Results: We show that the nonmarket economic life cycle of men differs from that of women. The gender gap in household production is not evenly distributed over the life cycle. Women of working age contribute the most in net terms, while the main beneficiaries of household goods and services are children and to a lesser extent adult men. These patterns are similar across countries, with variations in the gender- and age-specific levels of home production and consumption.
    Conclusions: In Europe, in the national economy, intergenerational flows are important in sustaining both childhood and old age. In contrast, in the household economy, intergenerational transfers flow mostly towards children.
    Contribution: We add a new focus to the research on household production: While keeping the gender aspect, we demonstrate the importance of the life cycle component in household production." (Author's abstract, © Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung) ((en))

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    Dynamic effects of educational assortative mating on labor supply (2016)

    Gihleb, Rania; Lifshitz, Osnat ;


    Gihleb, Rania & Osnat Lifshitz (2016): Dynamic effects of educational assortative mating on labor supply. (IZA discussion paper 9958), Bonn, 88 S.


    "In 30% of young American couples the wife is more educated than the husband. Those women are characterized by a substantially higher employment (all else equal), which in turn amplifies income inequality across couples. Using NLSY79, we formulate and structurally estimate a dynamic life-cycle model of endogenous marriage and labor supply decisions in a collective framework. We establish that the education gap at the time of marriage, produces dynamic effects due to human capital accumulation and implied wage growth. Inequality between couples is largely driven by the persistence in labor supply choices and only slightly affected by assortative matching." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A structural analysis of the effects of the Great Recession on retirement and working longer by members of two-earner households (2016)

    Gustman, Alan L.; Tabatabai, Nahid; Steinmeier, Thomas L.;


    Gustman, Alan L., Thomas L. Steinmeier & Nahid Tabatabai (2016): A structural analysis of the effects of the Great Recession on retirement and working longer by members of two-earner households. (NBER working paper 22984), Cambrige, Mass., 71 S. DOI:10.3386/w22984


    "This paper uses data from the Health and Retirement Study to estimate a structural model of household retirement and saving. It applies that model to analyze the effects of the Great Recession on the work and retirement of older couples who were both employed full-time at the beginning of the recession. We analyze the effects of job loss, changes in wealth and changes in expectations.
    The largest overall effects of the Great Recession are observed for 2009 and 2010. In 2009, an additional 2.5 percent of all 55 to 59 year old husbands were not working full-time as result of the Great Recession, amounting to a reduction of 3.2 percent in full-time work. In 2010, 2.8 percent of 55 to 59 year old husbands were not working full-time as a result of the Great Recession, amounting to a 3.8 percent reduction in full-time work. For wives the reductions in full-time work due to the Great Recession were 1.7 percent and 2.2 percent of those who initially held a job, or reductions of full-time work of 2.3 and 3.0 percent respectively. For those 60 to 64, the reductions were 1.2 percent of men and 0.9 percent of women. Having been laid off in the last three years reduces full-time work by 30 percent. There also are lingering effects of layoff on the probability of working longer. Having been laid off three or more years in the past reduces full-time employment in the current year by about 12 percent. This reflects the reduced work incentives for full-time work arising from lower earnings due to the loss of job tenure with a layoff as well as the additional earnings penalty from a layoff.
    The effect on own work of a spouse having been laid off is much smaller. The reason is that, as found in the estimation of our structural model, having one spouse not working increases the value of leisure for the other. In contrast, when one member of the household loses their job, the value of consumption increases relative to leisure. For recent layoffs, these effects are roughly offsetting.
    All told, the effects of the Great Recession on retirement seem relatively modest. These findings are consistent with our earlier descriptive analyses." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zukunftsreport Familie 2030 (2016)

    Heimer, Andreas; Juncke, David; Moog, Stephan; Haumann, Wilhelm; Braukmann, Jan; Ristau, Malte; Knittel, Tilmann;


    Heimer, Andreas, David Juncke, Jan Braukmann, Tilmann Knittel, Stephan Moog, Malte Ristau & Wilhelm Haumann (2016): Zukunftsreport Familie 2030. Berlin, 66 S.


    "Gelingt es, mit einer forcierten Familienpolitik den Wünschen der Mütter und Väter nach einer partnerschaftlichen Aufteilung von Familie und Beruf zu entsprechen, wird sich die sozioökonomische Situation von Familien im Jahr 2030 deutlich verbessern.
    Das Haushaltseinkommen von Familien kann um durchschnittlich 1.400 Euro steigen. Die Zahl der Eltern und Kinder, die armutsgefährdet sind, kann um rund 470 Tsd. Personen zurückgehen. Die Zahl der Personen in Haushalten mit SGB-II Bezügen kann sogar um rund 670 Tsd. Personen sinken. Bis 2030 können rund 790 Tsd. Mütter mehr sozialversicherungspflichtig beschäftigt sein.
    Das Gutachten, das verschiedene Szenarien betrachtet, zeigt: Eine Weiterentwicklung der Familienpolitik hat positive Auswirkungen auf die Gesamtwirtschaft. Der Anstieg der Erwerbstätigenquote sowie der Erwerbsumfänge führen zu einem Anstieg des Arbeitsvolumens um 3,2 PP. Das führt im Chancen-Szenario bis 2030 zu einer spürbaren Erhöhung des Bruttoinlandprodukts um rund 70 Mrd. Euro." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Die Verbreitung des Doppelernährer- und Doppelbetreuermodells in fünf Ländern Europas (2015)

    Berghammer, Caroline ; Verwiebe, Roland ;


    Berghammer, Caroline & Roland Verwiebe (2015): Die Verbreitung des Doppelernährer- und Doppelbetreuermodells in fünf Ländern Europas. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Jg. 68, H. 2, S. 116-124. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2015-2-116


    "Ausgangspunkt unserer Analysen ist das Argument einer Reihe von Studien, dass die Gleichheit der Geschlechter am besten verwirklicht ist, wenn beide Eltern sich in gleichem Ausmaß am Arbeitsmarkt und an der Kinderbetreuung beteiligen. Der Beitrag beschreibt Trends im sogenannten Doppelernährermodell (beide Eltern arbeiten Vollzeit) in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Österreich und Spanien von 1998 bis 2010 und untersucht die Aufteilung der Kinderbetreuungszeit in diesen Paarhaushalten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Getting back into work after job loss: the role of partner effects (2015)

    Bryan, Mark L. ; Longhi, Simonetta;


    Bryan, Mark L. & Simonetta Longhi (2015): Getting back into work after job loss. The role of partner effects. (ISER working paper 2015-11), Colchester, 33 S.


    "We investigate the reaction of couples to a job loss during periods of growth and recession in the UK focussing on re-employment of the spouse who lost their job. Re-employment was faster for those with a partner in work, but was not generally affected by other measures of the partner's labour market attachment or resources. For men, the strongest partner effects were for entry into high quality jobs; and having a working partner substantially mitigated the negative impact of the recession on entry into these jobs. For women, an employed partner was associated with a greater likelihood of re-entry into any type of job. Hence, while dual earner families may be able to restore the pre-job loss income level, single earner families are more likely to be trapped in cycles of low-quality jobs and no jobs leading to a decrease in household income over time. The difference in outcomes between single and dual earner couples is likely to increase during recessions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    What happens after the 'Daddy Months'?: fathers' involvement in paid work, childcare, and housework after taking parental leave in Germany (2015)

    Bünning, Mareike ;


    Bünning, Mareike (2015): What happens after the 'Daddy Months'? Fathers' involvement in paid work, childcare, and housework after taking parental leave in Germany. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 31, H. 6, S. 738-748. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcv072


    "The German parental leave reform of 2007 created a new incentive for men to take parental leave by introducing 'daddy months': 2 months of well-remunerated leave exclusively reserved for fathers. Against the backdrop of the reform, this study examines how fathers' uptake of parental leave affects the amount of time they spend on paid work, housework, and childcare after the leave has ended. It investigates whether the effect of parental leave differs by the length of leave taken and by whether fathers took the leave alone or at the same time as their partners. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel from 2006 to 2012 and Families in Germany from 2010 to 2012, the results of fixed-effects regressions indicate that fathers who took parental leave subsequently reallocated their time from work to home. They reduced their working hours and increased their involvement in childcare even after short and joint periods of parental leave. But only those who took >2 months of leave or were on leave while their partner was working subsequently increased their participation in housework. Hence, fathers increased their involvement in childcare already after short leaves, whereas enhanced gender equality in couples' division of labour especially emerged after longer or solo leaves." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Household bargaining and the design of couples' income taxation (2015)

    Cremer, Helmuth; Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie; Roeder, Kerstin; Maldonado, Dario;


    Cremer, Helmuth, Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, Dario Maldonado & Kerstin Roeder (2015): Household bargaining and the design of couples' income taxation. (CESifo working paper 5205), München, 33 S.


    "This paper studies the design of couples' income taxation. Consumption and labor supply decisions within the couple are made by maximizing a weighted sum of the spouses' utilities; bargaining weights are given but specific to each couple. The information structure and labor supply decisions follow the Mirrleesian tradition. However, while the household's total consumption is publicly observable, the consumption levels of the individual spouses are not observable. With a utilitarian social welfare function we show that the expression for a spouses' marginal income tax rate includes a 'Pigouvian' (paternalistic) and an incentive term. The Pigouvian term favors a marginal subsidy (tax) for the high-weight (low-weight) spouse, whose labor supply otherwise tends to be too low (high). The sign and the magnitude of the incentive term depends on the weight structure across couples. In some cases both terms have the same sign and imply a positive marginal tax for the low-weight spouse (who may be female) and a negative one for the high-weight spouse (possibly the male). This is at odds with the traditional Boskin and Sheshinski results. Our conclusions can easily be generalized to more egalitarian welfare functions. Finally, we present numerical simulations based on a calibrated specification of our model. The calculations confirm that the male spouse may well have the lower (and possibly even negative) marginal tax rate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Household behaviour and social norms: A conjugal contract model with conformism (2015)

    Cudeville, Elisabeth; Recoules, Magali;


    Cudeville, Elisabeth & Magali Recoules (2015): Household behaviour and social norms: A conjugal contract model with conformism. In: Annals of economics and statistics H. 117/118, S. 279-312. DOI:10.15609/annaeconstat2009.117-118.279


    "This paper introduces conformism to a conjugal contract model, in order to explore the complex interactions between households' allocation decisions and conjugal social norms both of which are endogenously determined in the model. In couples, men and women are assumed to be relatively autonomous in the allocation of their resources, but linked through the production and the joint consumption of a domestic public good. Given that their relative market wages will generally differ, the husband and wife have an incentive to negotiate and agree upon an income sharing rule - a 'conjugal contract' - in order to benefit from specialization gains. The model departs from the existing literature by introducing conformism to the bargaining process concerning the conjugal contract. Through the conformism of individuals, the conjugal social norm influences the marital behaviour of couples and the allocation of family resources. But the social norm itself results endogenously from the aggregation of couples' marital agreements. The model consistently explains some empirical evidence that challenges traditional economic models of the household, notably the fact that women still bear the bulk of domestic tasks, even when they are better paid than their partner in the labour market. The model shows that wage policies promoting gender wage equality may lead men and women to share household duties more equally, but that conformism reduces their efficiency. The model also consistently explains the fact that new economic developments - such as women's increased labour-force participation - contribute to the reshaping of social expectations about the roles of men and women in domestic and child-caring activities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Distributional and behavioral effects of the gender wage gap (2015)

    Gallego-Granados, Patricia; Geyer, Johannes ;


    Gallego-Granados, Patricia & Johannes Geyer (2015): Distributional and behavioral effects of the gender wage gap. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 753), Berlin, 42 S.


    "The gender wage gap is a persistent labor market phenomenon. Most research focuses on the determinants of these wage differences. We contribute to this literature by exploring a different research question: if wages of women are systematically lower than male wages, what are the distributional consequences (disposable income) and what are the labor market effects (labor supply) of the wage gap? We demonstrate how the gender gap in gross hourly wages shows up in the distribution of disposable income of households. This requires taking into account the distribution of working hours as well as the tax-benefit system and other sources of household income. We present a methodological framework for deriving the gender wage gap in terms of disposable income which combines quantile decomposition, simulation techniques and structural labor supply estimation. This allows us to examine the implications of the gender wage gap for income inequality and working incentives. We illustrate our approach with an application to German data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Long-term care reform and the labor supply of household members: evidence from a quasi-experiment (2015)

    Geyer, Johannes ; Korfhage, Thorben;


    Geyer, Johannes & Thorben Korfhage (2015): Long-term care reform and the labor supply of household members. Evidence from a quasi-experiment. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1500), Berlin, 45 S.


    "Im Jahr 1995 wurde in Deutschland eine neue Pflegeversicherung eingeführt. Als Pflichtversicherung ist sie eine eigenständige Säule der Sozialversicherung und ersetzte ein System der einkommensabhängigen Sozialhilfe. Leistungen der neuen Pflegeversicherung werden durch den Grad der Pflegebedürftigkeit bestimmt und sind einkommensunabhängig. Da anspruchsberechtigte Pflegebedürftige zwischen Geld- und Sachleistungen wählen können, wurde die Situation von Haushalten, die häusliche, informelle Pflege organisieren müssen verbessert. Die informelle Pflege zu stärken war eines der wichtigsten Ziele der Pflegereform, da sie häufig als die kostengünstige Alternative im Vergleich zu formellen Pflege wahrgenommen wird. Diese Sichtweise ignoriert jedoch Opportunitätskosten, die entstehen, wenn Pflegende ihr Arbeitsangebot reduzieren, um die Doppelbelastung aus Pflege und Lohnarbeit abzuschwächen. Wir nutzen die Reform als Quasi-Experiment und untersuchen ihren Einfluss auf das Arbeitsangebot von Pflegenden, die mit einer pflegebedürftigen Person in einem Haushalt wohnen. Wir finden starke negative Arbeitsangebotseffekte für Männer, jedoch keine Effekte für Frauen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Unemployment and the timing of parenthood: implications of partnership status and partner's employment (2015)

    Inanc, Hande ;


    Inanc, Hande (2015): Unemployment and the timing of parenthood. Implications of partnership status and partner's employment. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 32, S. 219-250. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2015.32.7


    "Background: In many countries, including the UK, unemployment is associated with earlier entries into motherhood. However, the implications of male unemployment are not straightforward.
    Objective: The paper addresses this issue by investigating transition to first births in relation to unemployment experience as moderated by partnership status. It also examines the effects of both partners? employment statuses on transition into parenthood, focusing on the joint labour market status of cohabiting and married couples.
    Methods: The impact of unemployment experience on the timing of parenthood is predicted using discrete time event history analysis. Data from the British Household Panel Study provide complete family and work histories. Unobserved heterogeneity is controlled for.
    Results: Unemployment leads to earlier entries into parenthood for both men and women. However, its impact differs according to the relationship status in which it is experienced. Unemployed men who cohabit and unemployed women who are single have a higher probability of becoming parents. Among married individuals the timing of parenthood is determined largely by the labour market status of the female partner. Irrespective of the male's employment status, couples with employed female spouses have a substantially lower probability of becoming parents. Yet among women who are not in employment there is a delaying effect of unemployment compared to being economically inactive.
    Conclusions: Different mechanisms explain the relationship between unemployment and fertility timing for non-married and married individuals. Neoclassical family models seem to determine parenthood timing among married individuals, whereas early parenthood among non-married individuals can be explained by an uncertainty reduction strategy or discouragement from marriage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Engineers' Parenting: zum Verhältnis von Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren zu Elternschaft (2015)

    Jeanrenaud, Yves ;


    Jeanrenaud, Yves (2015): Engineers' Parenting. Zum Verhältnis von Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren zu Elternschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 197 S. DOI:10.1007/978-3-658-09235-1


    "Yves Jeanrenaud zeichnet die Konstruktion von Elternschaft hinsichtlich spezifischer Berufskultur und Fachhabitus der Ingenieurwissenschaften anhand narrativer Interviews mit Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren nach. Der Ingenieurberuf gilt gemeinhin als traditionell, besonders in Bezug auf die Zuschreibung von Geschlechterrollen zu Karriere, Familie und Elternschaft. Diese traditionelle, bürgerliche Berufskultur hat entsprechende Auswirkungen auf die Vorstellungen davon, was Familie ausmacht und wie Elternrollen auszufüllen sind. Diese Studie zeigt, wie doing engineering das Familien- und Elternschafts-Modell von Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren strukturiert. Dabei erweist sich die Berufs- und Studienwahl als Schlüssel zur professionellen Identitätskonstruktion. Auf Basis dieser Entscheidungsprozesse wird Elternschaft vor dem Hintergrund der Erwerbsbiografie konstruiert und damit die Trennung des Erwerbs- und Familienlebens in privat und öffentlich aufgrund des Fachhabitus aufrechterhalten und die bürgerliche Geschlechterordnung perpetuiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Labor-market specialization within same-sex and difference-sex couples (2015)

    Jepsen, Christopher ; Jepsen, Lisa K.;


    Jepsen, Christopher & Lisa K. Jepsen (2015): Labor-market specialization within same-sex and difference-sex couples. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 54, H. 1, S. 109-130. DOI:10.1111/irel.12078


    "We use data from the 2000 decennial U.S. Census to compare differences in earnings, hours worked, and labor-force participation between members of different household types, including same-sex couples, different-sex couples, and roommates. Both same-sex and different-sex couples exhibit some degree of household specialization, whereas roommates show little or no degree of specialization. Of all household types, married couples exhibit by far the highest degree of specialization with respect to labor-market outcomes. With respect to differences in earnings and hours, gay male couples are more similar to married couples than lesbian or unmarried heterosexual couples are to married couples." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Der Einfluss der Pflegeverantwortung von Frauen auf das Arbeitsangebot ihrer Partner: eine Untersuchung mit dem SOEP (2015)

    Kaschowitz, Judith;


    Kaschowitz, Judith (2015): Der Einfluss der Pflegeverantwortung von Frauen auf das Arbeitsangebot ihrer Partner. Eine Untersuchung mit dem SOEP. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 780), Berlin, 25 S.


    "Durch den zu erwartenden Anstieg der Zahl Pflegebedürftiger und die hohe Bedeutung der familialen Pflege in Deutschland gewinnt die Vereinbarkeit von Pflege und Beruf für immer mehr Paare an Bedeutung. Diese Arbeit analysiert mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels 'spill-over'-Effekte von Pflege auf Erwerbsarbeit innerhalb von Partnerschaften. Untersucht wird für die Jahre 2001 bis 2011, ob eine Pflegetätigkeit von Frauen das Arbeitsangebot ihrer Partner beeinflusst. Pflegeübernahme wird dabei als Bestandteil innerfamilialer Arbeitsteilung aufgefasst. Bisherige empirische Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Frauen ihre Arbeitszeit bei Pflege reduzieren. Aufgrund dessen und vor dem Hintergrund theoretischer Überlegungen der Geschlechtersoziologie und der Neuen Haushaltsökonomie sowie empirischer Ergebnisse aus der Väterforschung wird vermutet, dass Pflege durch Frauen zu einer Arbeitszeitausweitung der Partner führt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Männer pflegender Partnerinnen eine höhere Arbeitszeit haben, als Männer der Vergleichsgruppe. In den multivariaten Analysen wird zunächst deutlich, dass Pflege durch die Partnerin mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit einhergeht, überhaupt erwerbstätig zu sein. Die darauf aufbauenden Analysen nur für erwerbstätige Männer zeigen keine Arbeitszeitveränderungen aufgrund der Pflegetätigkeit der Partnerin. Pflegeübernahme scheint daher stark an den Erwerbsstatus des Partners gebunden zu sein." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Understanding the added worker effect: a multiple methods interpretation (2015)

    Laurie, Heather; Longhi, Simonetta; Scott, James; Gush, Karon; Bryan, Mark ;


    Laurie, Heather, Karon Gush, James Scott, Mark Bryan & Simonetta Longhi (2015): Understanding the added worker effect. A multiple methods interpretation. (ISER working paper 2015-04), Colchester, 17 S.


    "This paper provides an integrated interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data examining how couples respond when one partner loses their job. According to economic theory there may be an 'Added Worker Effect' where, when one partner loses their job, their spouse enters the labour market or takes on additional hours to compensate. The paper uses a multiple methods approach to gain a fuller understanding of couples' responses pre and post the UK Great Recession and to explore the factors influencing couples' decision-making process when experiencing a job loss. The paper is therefore a synthesis of findings produced by quantitative and qualitative elements of the same project and aims to explore where the findings from each methodological strand of the research can contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of household decision making and couple's labour supply responses to job loss." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sickness insurance and spousal labour supply (2015)

    Olsson, Martin; Thoursie, Peter Skogman ;


    Olsson, Martin & Peter Skogman Thoursie (2015): Sickness insurance and spousal labour supply. In: Labour economics, Jg. 33, H. April, S. 41-54. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2015.02.005


    "Analysing a reform in the Swedish public sickness insurance, we find that an increased replacement rate for one spouse has a negative cross effect on the other spouse's labour supply. The cross effects are present in the labour supply margins that workers can easily adjust. For wives of treated husbands, the total number of sick days increases on average 9.1% per month, whereas labour earnings are unchanged. The cross effect on total sick days for husbands to treated wives is 6.1% on average, with no effect on annual labour earnings. The total number of sick days and annual labour earnings for treated spouses are estimated to be unaffected by the reform, which indicates that the cross effects stem specifically from higher insurance coverage for the couples." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The rise and decline of the male breadwinner model: institutional underpinnings and future expectations (2015)

    Trappe, Heike; Pollmann-Schult, Matthias ; Schmitt, Christian;


    Trappe, Heike, Matthias Pollmann-Schult & Christian Schmitt (2015): The rise and decline of the male breadwinner model. Institutional underpinnings and future expectations. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 31, H. 2, S. 230-242. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcv015


    "In this article, we provide a long-term East - West comparison of partnered women's employment from the 1940s into the first decade of the new millennium in Germany, and focus on the nexus of gainful employment and family-related responsibilities in women's lives. Based on an analysis of the institutionally and culturally shaped opportunity structures that define the conditions for partnered women's employment, we identify distinct periods of support and derive hypotheses on cohortspecific developments. The empirical analysis largely confirms that a divergence between East and West German women's employment patterns started as early as in the 1950s. East - West differences in labour market participation were strongest among women born around 1940. For successive cohorts of East and West German women, the employment patterns converged. Whereas the labour market participation of West German women gradually increased over time, the employment pattern of East German women adjusted to the West German pattern after unification, resulting in an increase of part-time employment and non-employment, in particular among mothers. The article concludes by discussing implications of these trends for the future of the male breadwinner model." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The added worker effect differentiated by gender and partnership status: evidence from involuntary job loss (2015)

    Triebe, Doreen;


    Triebe, Doreen (2015): The added worker effect differentiated by gender and partnership status. Evidence from involuntary job loss. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 740), Berlin, 33 S.


    "This paper examines the added worker effect (AWE), which refers to the increase of labor supply of individuals in response to a sudden financial shock in family income, that is, unemployment of their partner. While previous empirical studies focus on married women's response to those shocks, I explicitly analyze the spillover effects of unemployment on both women and men and I also differentiate according to their partnership status (marriage vs. cohabitation). My aim is to evaluate whether intra-household adaptation mechanisms differ by gender and by partnership status. The underlying method is a difference-in-differences setting in combination with an entropy balancing matching procedure. The paper considers plant closures and employer terminations as exogenous forms of unemployment. Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study from 1991 through 2013, the empirical investigation finds evidence of the existence of an AWE. The effect is largest when a woman enters unemployment and is mainly driven by changes on the intensive margin (increase of hours)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Erwerbs- und Arbeitszeitmuster in Paarbeziehungen: Stellungnahme des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) für die Anhörung im Landtag NRW: Unterlagen von der Enquetekommission V (Familienpolitik) am 24. August 2015 - Thema: "Zeitpolitik" (2015)

    Wanger, Susanne ; Bauer, Frank;


    Wanger, Susanne & Frank Bauer (2015): Erwerbs- und Arbeitszeitmuster in Paarbeziehungen. Stellungnahme des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) für die Anhörung im Landtag NRW: Unterlagen von der Enquetekommission V (Familienpolitik) am 24. August 2015 - Thema: "Zeitpolitik". (IAB-Stellungnahme 03/2015), Nürnberg, 12 S.


    "Das IAB äußert sich in dieser Stellungnahme zu der Frage, wie die Erwerbs- und Arbeitszeit in Paarhaushalten aufgeteilt wird und welche Gründe dafür maßgeblich sein können. So unterscheiden sich die Erwerbsbeteiligung und die Arbeitszeitmuster von Frauen und Männern nach wie vor erheblich. Bei Frauen entscheidet insbesondere die familiäre Situation, ob und in welchem Umfang sie beschäftigt sind. Dagegen beeinflusst die Familiengründung das Erwerbsverhalten von Männern bisher kaum. Der hohe Anteil von Frauen, die Teilzeit arbeiten, führt zu einer ausgeprägten Arbeitszeitlücke zwischen Frauen und Männern. In Verbindung mit Untersuchungen zu Erwerbs- und Arbeitszeitmustern von Paaren zeigt sich, dass sich insbesondere bei Paaren mit Kindern die Unterschiede im zeitlichen Ausmaß der Erwerbsarbeit verfestigen und sich auch bei einer Realisierung der Arbeitszeitwünsche nur wenig bei der Verteilung der partnerschaftlichen Erwerbszeit ändern würde. Eine Förderung von partnerschaftlichen Modellen wie durch das 'Elterngeld plus' oder durch eine Familienarbeitszeit mit gleichberechtigten Stunden-Modellen für Eltern wie vorgeschlagen könnte zu einer ausgewogeneren Aufteilung der Arbeitszeiten bei Paaren beitragen. Dies gilt insbesondere dann, wenn sie mit passenden Arbeitszeitmodellen flankiert werden, die Beschäftigten Einfluss auf die Lage und Gestaltung der Arbeitszeit ermöglichen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Wanger, Susanne ; Bauer, Frank;
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  • Literaturhinweis

    Gender identity and women's supply of labor and non-market work: panel data evidence for Germany (2015)

    Wieber, Anna; Holst, Elke;


    Wieber, Anna & Elke Holst (2015): Gender identity and women's supply of labor and non-market work. Panel data evidence for Germany. (IZA discussion paper 9471), Bonn, 46 S.


    "This paper aims to verify results of the innovative study on gender identity for the USA by Bertrand et al. (2015) for Germany. They found that women who would earn more than their husbands distort their labor market outcome in order not to violate traditional gender identity norms. Using data from the German Socio-economic Panel Study we also find that the distribution of the share of income earned by the wife exhibits a sharp drop to the right of the half, where the wife's income exceeds the husband's income. The results of the fixed effects regression confirm that gender identity has an impact on the labor supply of full time working women, but only in Western Germany. We also show that gender identity affects the supply of housework but in contrast to the US where women increase their contribution to nonmarket work when they actually have a higher income than their husbands, we find for Germany that women only barely reduce their weekly hours of non-market work once their income exceeds that of their husbands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender identity and womens' supply of labor and non-market work: panel data evidence for Germany (2015)

    Wieber, Anna; Holst, Elke;


    Wieber, Anna & Elke Holst (2015): Gender identity and womens' supply of labor and non-market work. Panel data evidence for Germany. (DIW-Diskussionspapiere 1517), Berlin, 46 S.


    "This paper aims to verify results of the innovative study on gender identity for the USA by Bertrand et al. (2015) for Germany. They found that women who would earn more than their husbands distort their labor market outcome in order not to violate traditional gender identity norms. Using data from the German Socio-economic Panel Study (SOEP) we also find that the distribution of the share of income earned by the wife exhibits a sharp drop to the right of the half, where the wife's income exceeds the husband's income. The results of the fixed effects regression confirm that gender identity has an impact on the labor supply of full time working women, but only in Western Germany. We also show that gender identity affects the supply of housework but in contrast to the US where women increase their contribution to non-market work when they actually have a higher income than their husbands, we find for Germany that women only barely reduce their weekly hours of non-market work once their income exceeds that of their husbands." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    "Weil wir beide jetzt nicht die Malocher sind" (2014)

    Behnke, Cornelia;


    Behnke, Cornelia (2014): "Weil wir beide jetzt nicht die Malocher sind". In: C. Behnke, D. Lengersdorf & S. Scholz (Hrsg.) (2014): Wissen - Methode - Geschlecht: Erfassen des fraglos Gegebenen (Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, 54), S. 299-311. DOI:10.1007/978-3-531-19654-1_20


    "Seit einigen Jahren gibt es eine gesellschaftspolitische Debatte sowie zahlreiche wissenschaftliche und populärwissenschaftliche Publikationen zum Thema aktive Vaterschaft (vgl. Cyprian 2007; Oechsle/Müller/Hess 2012). Männer sind heute aufgefordert, ihren familialen Pflichten nicht nur dadurch nachzukommen, indem sie die Rolle des Familienernährers ausfüllen; sie sollen sich auch innerhalb des familialen Binnenraums engagieren. Aktive Vaterschaft ist zu einem neuen gesellschaftlichen Leitbild geworden, ohne dass damit genau umrissen wäre, was eine solche Vaterschaft denn eigentlich auszeichnet. Einigkeit dürfte darüber bestehen, dass der aktive oder involvierte Vater eben nicht mehr nur reiner Berufsmensch sein soll, sondern auch innerhalb des Familienlebens in einer nicht näher geklärten Bringschuld steht. Die Debatten über aktive Vaterschaft sind gelegentlich normativ aufgeladen und mit einem moralisierenden Unterton versehen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Husband's unemployment and wife's labor supply: the added worker effect across Europe (2014)

    Bredtmann, Julia; Otten, Sebastian; Rulff, Christian ;


    Bredtmann, Julia, Sebastian Otten & Christian Rulff (2014): Husband's unemployment and wife's labor supply. The added worker effect across Europe. (University Aarhus. Economics working paper 2014-13), Aarhus, 47 S.


    "Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Anpassung des Arbeitsangebots von Frauen in Reaktion auf den Jobverlust ihres Partners, dem sog. 'Added Worker Effect'. Während sich die bisherige Literatur überwiegend auf Studien für spezifische Länder konzentriert hat, nehmen wir bewusst eine international vergleichende Perspektive ein und untersuchen, inwiefern der Added Worker Effect über die verschiedenen Wohlfahrtsstaatssysteme in Europa variiert. Unsere empirischen Analysen basieren auf Längsschnittdaten der 'European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)' für den Zeitraum 2004 bis 2011. Für unseren aus 28 europäischen Ländern bestehenden Datensatz finden wir Evidenz für das Vorliegen eines Added Worker Effects: Frauen, deren Partner im vergangenen Jahr arbeitslos wurde, haben eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, in den Arbeitsmarkt einzutreten sowie den Umfang ihrer Arbeitszeit zu erhöhen, gegeben dass sie schon am Arbeitsmarkt partizipieren. Darüber hinaus finden wir jedoch eine hohe Variation in der Existenz und der Stärke des Added Worker Effects sowohl über den Verlauf des Konjunkturzyklus als auch über die verschiedenen Wohlfahrtsstaatssysteme in Europa." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Maternity leave in the context of couples: the impact of both partners' characteristics and employment experiences on mothers' re-entry into the labour market (2014)

    Hoherz, Stefanie;


    Hoherz, Stefanie (2014): Maternity leave in the context of couples. The impact of both partners' characteristics and employment experiences on mothers' re-entry into the labour market. (ISER working paper 2014-15), Colchester, 37 S.


    "This research focuses on re-entry for mothers after maternity leave. The empirical analysis focuses on the first twenty-two years of post-reunification Germany, using proportional hazards models. Results show that the re-entry into part-time employment is primarily affected by the mothers own resources and former career, the return to full-time work is more linked to the partners resources. This behaviour is especially prevalent in families where the mother has a higher earning potential than the father, a group having the highest re- entry chances for mothers, especially into full-time employment. The results concerning experiences of unemployment for the male partner show that mothers try to compensate uncertainties with increased labour force participation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Marriage, gender, and class: the effects of partner resources on unemployment exit in Germany (2014)

    Jacob, Marita ; Kleinert, Corinna ;


    Jacob, Marita & Corinna Kleinert (2014): Marriage, gender, and class. The effects of partner resources on unemployment exit in Germany. In: Social forces, Jg. 92, H. 3, S. 839-871., 2013-11-10. DOI:10.1093/sf/sot130


    "Research on social inequality and the family has indicated that partners are relevant to individuals' labor market decisions. Unemployment is a particularly interesting issue in the partnership context because the ensuing loss of income may affect the entire family. Against this background, we examine how singles and couples differ in terms of unemployment duration and how a partner's income and labor market - related resources influence re-employment. Considering the gender and class differences in labor market participation, we are particularly interested in variations in partner support between men and women in differing economic circumstances. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), we find that cohabitation accelerates re-employment, whereas marriage increases the prospect of reemployment only for men. More specifically, the partner's labor market resources facilitate re-employment. Although partner income has no effect in absolute terms, unemployed men and women who were formerly minor earners refrain from re-entering paid work. This pattern is more pronounced among low- and medium-income couples than among high-income families. Unemployment thus strengthens patterns of inequality both between and within couples." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income taxation, labour supply and housework: a discrete choice model for French couples (2014)

    Kabáteka, Jan; Stancanelli, Elena; Soest, Arthur van;


    Kabáteka, Jan, Arthur van Soest & Elena Stancanelli (2014): Income taxation, labour supply and housework. A discrete choice model for French couples. In: Labour economics, Jg. 27, H. April, S. 30-43. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2014.01.004


    "Earlier studies suggest that income taxation may affect not only labour supply but also domestic work. Here we investigate the impact of income taxation on partners' labour supply and housework, using data for France that taxes incomes of married couples jointly. We estimate a household utility model in which the marginal utilities of leisure and housework of both partners are modelled as random coefficients, depending on observed and unobserved characteristics. We conclude that both partners' market and housework hours are responsive to changes in the tax system. A policy simulation suggests that replacing joint taxation of married spouses' incomes with separate taxation would increase the husband's housework hours by 1.3% and reduce his labour supply by 0.8%. The wife's market hours would increase by 3.7%, and her housework hours would fall by 2.0%." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Wenn der Mann kein Ernährer mehr ist ... (2014)

    Koppetsch, Cornelia; Speck, Sarah;


    Koppetsch, Cornelia & Sarah Speck (2014): Wenn der Mann kein Ernährer mehr ist ... In: C. Behnke, D. Lengersdorf & S. Scholz (Hrsg.) (2014): Wissen - Methode - Geschlecht: Erfassen des fraglos Gegebenen (Geschlecht und Gesellschaft, 54), S. 281-298. DOI:10.1007/978-3-531-19654-1_19


    "Michael Meuser hat in seinem Beitrag 'Geschlecht, Macht, Männlichkeit - Strukturwandel von Erwerbsarbeit und hegemoniale Männlichkeit' die Frage nach den Auswirkungen des Strukturwandels von Erwerbsarbeit auf den Wandel von Männlichkeit aufgeworfen (Meuser 2010). Was passiert mit männlichen Lebensentwürfen, so die Frage, wenn Männlichkeit, die bislang unauflöslich an Beruf und Erwerb gebunden war, durch prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse verunsichert wird? Ist damit ein gesellschaftlicher Machtverlust des Mannes zu verzeichnen, oder gelingt es Männern trotz prekärer Erwerbsumstände, ihre dominante Geschlechterposition aufrechtzuerhalten? Auch wir möchten uns dieser Frage widmen. Wir gehen zunächst auf die Überlegungen von Meuser ein und möchten dann einen alternativen Forschungsansatz vorstellen, bei dem wir herausarbeiten, wie Männer unterschiedlicher Sozialmilieus ihre Rolle im Kontext von Familie und Paarbeziehung definieren." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie von Paaren mit nicht schulpflichtigen Kindern - unter spezifischer Berücksichtigung der Erwerbskonstellation beider Partner: ausgewählte Ergebnisse auf der Basis der FiD-Daten ("Familien in Deutschland") (2014)

    Lauber, Verena; Storck, Johanna; Fuchs, Nittaya; Spieß, C. Katharina ;


    Lauber, Verena, Johanna Storck, C. Katharina Spieß & Nittaya Fuchs (2014): Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie von Paaren mit nicht schulpflichtigen Kindern - unter spezifischer Berücksichtigung der Erwerbskonstellation beider Partner. Ausgewählte Ergebnisse auf der Basis der FiD-Daten ("Familien in Deutschland"). (DIW Berlin. Politikberatung kompakt 88), Berlin, 99 S.


    "Die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf ist ein zentrales familienpolitisches Thema. Mit unterschiedlichen familienpolitischen Maßnahmen setzt die Familienpolitik daran an, die Vereinbarkeit zu verbessern. In jüngster Vergangenheit wird in diesem Zusammenhang insbesondere die Arbeitsteilung zwischen den Geschlechtern fokussiert - dabei geht es primär um Mütter und Väter mit Kindern, die noch nicht schulpflichtig sind.
    Die familienwissenschaftliche Forschung hat zu diesem Thema bereits einige wichtige Analysen hervorgebracht - vielfach konnten jedoch detaillierte Analysen für einzelne Gruppen, d.h. Paar- und Haushaltskonstellationen nicht durchgeführt werden, da die Datenbasis dies nicht ermöglichte. Mit den vier Wellen des Datensatzes 'Familien in Deutschland' (FiD) sind detaillierte Analysen für Paare mit nicht schulpflichtigen Kindern möglich. Die in diesem Bericht zusammengestellten empirischen Untersuchungen veranschaulichen beispielhaft die mit den FiD-Daten in diesem Kontext möglichen Analysen. Dabei handelt es sich um bivariate und multivariate deskriptive Analysen, welche am Anfang tiefergehender Analysen stehen können und den an ähnlichen Fragestellungen interessierten Forschern aufzeigen sollen, welche Möglichkeiten die Daten geben. Darüber hinaus zeigen sie, wie sich die Paar- und Haushaltskonstellation nach Erwerbstätigkeit beider Partner differenziert darstellt. Die diesem Bericht zugrundeliegenden Analysen erfolgten im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ)." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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