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Zufriedene Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind produktiver, seltener krank und verursachen geringere Sozialkosten. Arbeitszufriedenheit hat aber nicht nur Vorteile für Betriebe. Das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ist auch ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität der Arbeit selbst. Doch was ist überhaupt Arbeitszufriedenheit? Wie wird sie gemessen? Welche Faktoren und Prozesse fördern, welche schränken sie ein?

Das Thema Arbeitszufriedenheit steht seit Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt kritischer wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Die Infoplattform gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten und ausgewählte ältere Publikationen zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Resultaten der Arbeitszufriedenheitsforschung.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitszufriedenheit"
  • Literaturhinweis

    Effort-reward imbalance and its association with sociocultural diversity factors at work: findings from a cross-sectional survey among physicians and nurses in Germany (2023)

    Schneider, Anna ; Hering, Christian ; Peppler, Lisa ; Schenk, Liane ;


    Schneider, Anna, Christian Hering, Lisa Peppler & Liane Schenk (2023): Effort-reward imbalance and its association with sociocultural diversity factors at work: findings from a cross-sectional survey among physicians and nurses in Germany. In: International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, Jg. 96, H. 4, S. 537-549. DOI:10.1007/s00420-022-01947-4


    "Due to staff shortages and reports of high work stress, work conditions of hospital physicians and nurses receive wide attention. Additionally, sociocultural diversity of the workforce and patient population is increasing. Our study aim is to analyze how individual and organizational diversity-related factors are associated with the experience of staff's work stress." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Das „German Job Search Panel“: Die Effekte von Arbeitslosigkeit und Covid19 auf das Wohlbefinden (2023)

    Stephan, Gesine ; Schmidtke, Julia ; Lawes, Mario ; Schöb, Ronnie ; Eid, Michael ; Hetschko, Clemens ;


    Stephan, Gesine, Clemens Hetschko, Julia Schmidtke, Mario Lawes, Michael Eid & Ronnie Schöb (2023): Das „German Job Search Panel“: Die Effekte von Arbeitslosigkeit und Covid19 auf das Wohlbefinden. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 19/2023), Nürnberg, 21 S. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2319


    "Zu den Auswirkungen von Arbeitslosigkeit auf das Wohlbefinden gibt es bereits eine Vielzahl von Studien (für einen Überblick s. z.B. Suppa 2021). Allerdings basieren diese in der Regel nicht auf hochfrequenten (also in kurzen Zeitabständen erfassten) Daten und erheben meist nur ausgewählte Dimensionen des Wohlbefindens. Im Rahmen eines DFG-geförderten Projektes befragte das „German Job Search Panel“ (GJSP) in den Jahren von 2017 bis 2021 zunächst arbeitsuchend gemeldete Personen daher monatlich zu ihrem Wohlbefinden. Die Erhebung erfolgte mit einer innovativen Smartphone-App. Anhand der Cortisolkonzentration im Haar wurde zudem die Stressbelastung der Befragten gemessen. Auf dieser Basis lässt sich sehr differenziert untersuchen, wie sich kritische Lebensereignisse - wie ein Eintritt in Arbeitslosigkeit - auf das Wohlbefinden auswirken. Zielgruppe der Befragung waren Personen, die sich zunächst arbeitsuchend gemeldet hatten. Denn ein zentrales Ziel des Projektes war es, den Auswirkungen des Eintritts in Arbeitslosigkeit auf die verschiedenen Facetten des Wohlbefindens nachzugehen. Nur ein Teil der Personen, die sich als arbeitssuchend registrieren, wird tatsächlich arbeitslos. Damit steht eine natürliche Vergleichsgruppe für diejenigen Personen zur Verfügung, die tatsächlich arbeitslos werden. Dies gilt insbesondere für Personen, die von Massenentlassungen und Betriebsschließungen betroffen waren. Denn bei diesen hängt die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Arbeitsplatzverlustes vornehmlich von externen Faktoren ab. Insgesamt nahmen anfangs knapp 1.900 Personen an einer ersten Kohorte und knapp 1.000 Personen an einer zweiten Kohorte des GJSP teil. Zwei Methodenberichte erläutern das Design der Befragung und die Selektion in die Befragung in Detail (Hetschko et al. 2022, Schmidtke et al. 2023). Das GJSP ermöglicht es unter anderem, die unmittelbaren Effekte des Eintritts in Arbeitslosigkeit bei zuvor arbeitssuchend gemeldeten Personen zu untersuchen. Wie ein erstes Teilprojekt (Lawes et al. 2023) zeigt, hat Arbeitslosigkeit unmittelbare negative Effekte auf die Zufriedenheit mit dem Haushaltseinkommen. Bei Personen, die sich aufgrund einer Entlassungswelle arbeitssuchend gemeldet hatten, sank mit Eintritt in die Arbeitslosigkeit auch unmittelbar die Lebenszufriedenheit. Wenn Personen aus anderen Gründen arbeitslos wurden, stieg beim Eintritt in die Arbeitslosigkeit hingegen die Zufriedenheit mit der Freizeit, und die Lebenszufriedenheit sank erst mit fortschreitender Zeit in Arbeitslosigkeit. Andere untersuchte Dimensionen des Wohlbefindens veränderten sich hingegen durch den Eintritt der Arbeitslosigkeit nicht signifikant. Durch die wiederholte Messung von Haarcortisol untersuchte ein weiteres Teilprojekt (Lawes et al. 2022) erstmals, wie sich die Arbeitssuche auf einen Biomarker für chronischen Stress auswirkt. Der Cortisolgehalt war kurz nach der Meldung als „arbeitsuchend“ am höchsten - also in einer Zeit mit tendenziell hoher Unsicherheit bezüglich der beruflichen Zukunft. In der Folge sank das Haarcortisol - unabhängig davon, ob die Betroffenen tatsächlich arbeitslos wurden. Zudem hatten bereits länger arbeitslose Personen eine höhere Haarcortisol-Konzentration, wenn sie ihre Wiederbeschäftigungschancen vergleichsweise schlecht einschätzten. Körperlichen Stress löst der Eintritt in Arbeitslosigkeit also nur dann aus, wenn Menschen davon ausgehen, dass ihre Wiederbeschäftigungsmöglichkeiten gering sind. Schmidtke et al. (2023) zeigten schließlich in einem weiteren Teilprojekt, dass die Covid19-Pandemie nur schwache und vorübergehende Effekte auf die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit hatte. Die mentale Gesundheit der Befragten war hingegen stärker beeinträchtigt. Insbesondere traf dies auf Menschen in Kurzarbeit zu. Insgesamt zeigten sich aber gewisse Anpassungseffekte an die Krise: Die zweite Welle der Pandemie wirkte sich geringer auf die Lebenszufriedenheit und die mentale Gesundheit aus als die erste Welle." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Stephan, Gesine ; Schmidtke, Julia ;
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    Work engagement and employee satisfaction in the practice of sustainable human resource management – based on the study of Polish employees (2023)

    Sypniewska, Barbara ; Baran, Małgorzata ; Kłos, Monika ;


    Sypniewska, Barbara, Małgorzata Baran & Monika Kłos (2023): Work engagement and employee satisfaction in the practice of sustainable human resource management – based on the study of Polish employees. In: International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Jg. 19, H. 3, S. 1069-1100. DOI:10.1007/s11365-023-00834-9


    "Sustainable human resource management (SHRM) views employees as a very important resource for the organisation, while paying close attention to their preferences, needs, and perspectives. The individual is an essential element of SHRM. The article focuses on analyzing selected SHRM issues related to the individual employee's level of job engagement and employee satisfaction. The main objective of our study was to identify individual-level correlations between factors affecting employee satisfaction, such as: workplace well-being, employee development, employee retention, job engagement, and employee satisfaction. Based on the results of a systematic literature review, we posed the following research question: is there any relation between factors affecting employee satisfaction (employee workplace well-being, employee development, employee retention, work engagement) and employee satisfaction in the SHRM context? To answer the research question, we have conducted a quantitative study on the sample of 1051 employees in companies in Poland and posed five hypotheses (H1-H5). The research findings illustrate that higher level of employee workplace well-being (H1), employee development, (H2), employee retention (H3) was related to higher level of employee engagement (H4), which in turn led to higher level of employee satisfaction. The results show the mediating role of employee engagement in the relationship between workplace well-being, employee development, employee retention, and employee satisfaction (H5). The presented results contribute to the development of research on work engagement and job satisfaction in the practice of SHRM. By examining the impact of individual-level factors on job satisfaction, we explain which workplace factors should be addressed to increase an employee satisfaction and work engagement. The set of practical implications for managers implementing SHRM in the organization is discussed at the end of the paper." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Bounded Well-Being: Designing Technologies for Workers' Well-Being in Corporate Programmes (2023)

    Tirabeni, Lia ;


    Tirabeni, Lia (2023): Bounded Well-Being: Designing Technologies for Workers' Well-Being in Corporate Programmes. In: Work, Employment and Society online erschienen am 19.10.2023. DOI:10.1177/09500170231203113


    "This article examines the relationship between workers’ well-being and digitalisation at work. It is based on the findings of a qualitative study carried out in a manufacturing company, and it focuses on the development of a wearable device for well-being. Using the analytical concepts of ‘translation’ and ‘inscription’ taken from Actor-Network Theory, it explores how digital technologies for well-being are designed in corporate programmes and shows how the final technology results from processes of inscription and translation performed by the actors involved in the design phase. The end device embodies a concept of well-being that has been called ‘bounded’ to emphasise how well-being at work is limited by organisational constraints. The article invites a rethinking of hedonic well-being at work as a precondition for eudaimonic well-being so that the human being is understood as a psychophysical unit that is part of a rich social context." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Perceptions of Pay Satisfaction and Pay Justice: Two Sides of the Same Coin? (2023)

    Valet, Peter ;


    Valet, Peter (2023): Perceptions of Pay Satisfaction and Pay Justice: Two Sides of the Same Coin? In: Social indicators research, Jg. 166, H. 1, S. 157-173. DOI:10.1007/s11205-022-03059-5


    "Individual perceptions of pay satisfaction and pay justice are closely related social indicators. Notwithstanding their apparent resemblance, there are essential theoretical differences between those two concepts. Yet, we know little if people merely consider pay satisfaction and pay justice as two sides of the same coin. This paper theorizes two situations in which people's perceptions of pay satisfaction and pay justice should differ in meaningful ways. First, their pay level should affect people's self-interest and thus have a stronger effect on their pay satisfaction than on pay justice. Second, pay inequality in the workplace should affect people morally and thus should have a stronger effect on their pay justice perception than on pay satisfaction. These hypotheses were tested with linked employer-employee data collected in Germany (N = 2.695). Results of regression analyses with multiple dependent variables show that people's pay satisfaction and pay justice perceptions increased with the level of their individual pay and decreased with the degree of workplace inequality. The pay effect was significantly stronger on pay satisfaction than on pay justice while the workplace inequality effects did not differ significantly. These results suggest that people under specific circumstances differentiate between pay satisfaction and pay justice. Consequently, researchers should consider that their results and conclusions might differ if they analyze pay satisfaction instead of pay justice and vice versa." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Die Arbeitszufriedenheit von Fachkräften im Sozialwesen und ihre Determinanten (2023)

    Wen, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Sabrina;


    Wen, Sebastian & Sabrina Schmidt (2023): Die Arbeitszufriedenheit von Fachkräften im Sozialwesen und ihre Determinanten. In: Neue Praxis, Jg. 53, H. 5, S. 404-420.


    "Der Beitrag von Sebastian Wen und Sabrina Schmidt beschäftigt sich mit der Arbeitszufriedenheit von Fachkräften im Sozialwesen. Zunächst werden die theoretischen Überlegungen und der entsprechende Forschungsstand dargelegt. Anschließend werden die für die vorliegenden Analysen genutzten Daten, alle vorgenommenen Operationalisierungen und das verwendete Analysesample erläutert. Auf dieser Basis werden die Ergebnisse präsentiert und interpretiert sowie schließlich in einem Fazit zusammengefasst und mit Blick auf mögliche Restriktionen und Anschlussfragen diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Educational job mismatch, job satisfaction, on-the-job training, and employee quit behaviour: a dynamic analytical approach (2023)

    Wen, Le; Maani, Sholeh A.; Dong, Zhi;


    Wen, Le, Sholeh A. Maani & Zhi Dong (2023): Educational job mismatch, job satisfaction, on-the-job training, and employee quit behaviour: a dynamic analytical approach. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 55, H. 56, S. 6605-6626. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2022.2161990


    "This paper extends the literature on the consequences of over-education, in particular quit outcomes. It is the first study that explicitly tests the impact of job satisfaction and on-the-job training for workers in educational mismatched jobs and on quit behaviour using a longitudinal data set. Accounting for unobserved heterogeneity and endogeneity, the dynamic analytical framework examines labour market outcomes for job-mismatched workers. We find that over-education alone, or accompanied by skill under-utilization in combination with lower job satisfaction, increases the incidences of job quitting. Opportunities for training facilitate the retention of initially job-mismatched workers. These results have implications for interpreting mismatch data, retention, and resource allocation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job demands, job resources and postdoctoral job satisfaction: An empirical study based on the data from 2020 Nature global postdoctoral survey (2023)

    Zhang, Yue; Duan, Xinxing ;


    Zhang, Yue & Xinxing Duan (2023): Job demands, job resources and postdoctoral job satisfaction: An empirical study based on the data from 2020 Nature global postdoctoral survey. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 18. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0293653


    "Postdocs encounter numerous hurdles in terms of their professional survival and academic development, as a result of institutional reform and the prevailing academic environment. These challenges significantly impact their job satisfaction, which in turn plays a crucial role in shaping their scientific research career trajectory. To facilitate the advancement of relevant systems and augment the job satisfaction of postdocs, this study employs the 2020 Nature Global Postdoctoral Survey data to conduct a comprehensive analysis. Utilizing descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, the impact of job characteristic elements on postdoctoral job satisfaction was examined within the theoretical framework of the Job Requirements-Resources (JD-R) model, as well as the mechanisms by which job characteristic elements impact postdoctoral job satisfaction. It was found that job demands and job resources negatively and positively predicted postdoctoral job satisfaction, respectively, with job burnout and job engagement playing a partial mediating role. Job demands can drive postdocs to develop negative coping psychology and limit the motivating effect of job resources on job engagement; job resources can act as a buffer to reduce the probability of postdocs experiencing job burnout as a result of job demands. The aforementioned findings generally support the applicability of the JD-R model to postdocs, theoretically revealing the intrinsic psychological mechanisms by which job characteristics influence postdoctoral job satisfaction and providing theoretical supplements and practical references for postdoctoral training and management." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gen Z entering the workforce: Restructuring HR policies and practices for fostering the task performance and organizational commitment (2022)

    Aggarwal, Arun ; Sadhna, Priyanka; Gupta, Sahil ; Rastogi, Sanjay ; Mittal, Amit ;


    Aggarwal, Arun, Priyanka Sadhna, Sahil Gupta, Amit Mittal & Sanjay Rastogi (2022): Gen Z entering the workforce: Restructuring HR policies and practices for fostering the task performance and organizational commitment. In: Journal of Public Affairs, Jg. 22. DOI:10.1002/pa.2535


    "Generation Z, the youngest generation is steadily entering the workforce with an entirely unique perspective on careers and workplace norms. Employers need to embrace this generation cohort and use their strengths while providing meaningful work. In this regard, the paper aims to examine the influence of HR policies and practices on Generation Z, toward job satisfaction using the attraction‐selection‐attrition (ASA) theory and self‐determination theory (SDT). Incorporating structural equation modeling, on a sample of 493 Generation Z employees, this paper came up with findings that flexible work practices, reward and recognition, compensation and benefits, feedback‐seeking behavior and volunteering work positively influence Gen Z. In addition, this paper also reveals that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between HR practices, task performance, and affective organizational commitment. The paper is a novel attempt to sensitize the employers to look beyond the surface by orchestrating a new model for meeting Gen Z expectations. The implications of these findings for theory and practice, as well as its limitations and future directions, conclude the paper." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Effects of Advanced Degrees on the Wage Rates, Hours, Earnings and Job Satisfaction of Women and Men (2022)

    Altonji, Joseph G. ; Zhong, Ling; Humphries, John Eric;


    Altonji, Joseph G., John Eric Humphries & Ling Zhong (2022): The Effects of Advanced Degrees on the Wage Rates, Hours, Earnings and Job Satisfaction of Women and Men. (IZA discussion paper 15010), Bonn, 95 S.


    "This paper uses a college-by-graduate degree fixed effects estimator to evaluate the returns to 19 different graduate degrees for men and women. We find substantial variation across degrees, and evidence that OLS over-estimates the returns to degrees with the highest average earnings and underestimates the returns to degrees with the lowest average earnings. Second, we decompose the impacts on earnings into effects on wage rates and effects on hours. For most degrees, the earnings gains come from increased wage rates, though hours play an important role in some degrees, such as medicine, especially for women. Third, we estimate the net present value and internal rate of return for each degree, which account for the time and monetary costs of degrees. Finally, we provide descriptive evidence that satisfaction gains are large for some degrees with smaller economic returns, such as education and humanities degrees, especially for men." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Doing boss-like tasks and worker well-being: Job enrichment revisited (2022)

    Asuyama, Yoko;


    Asuyama, Yoko (2022): Doing boss-like tasks and worker well-being: Job enrichment revisited. In: Labour, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 196-230. DOI:10.1111/labr.12217


    "This study revisits the relationship between job enrichment and worker well-being by analysing worker-level data from around 20 countries. Job enrichment, which vertically expands jobs, is primarily measured by the novel ‘boss-like tasks’ indicator, constructed from 42 task-frequency data. The aim of job enrichment is to motivate workers. However, the study finds that even though average non-boss workers doing more boss-like tasks earn higher wages, they are not necessarily more satisfied with their jobs. The non-positive or slightly negative association with satisfaction becomes positive when workers have low-skilled blue-collar jobs or when tasks involving planning and organizing are enriched." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Matching it up: non-standard work and job satisfaction (2022)

    Bech, Katarzyna; Velde, Lucas van der; Tyrowicz, Joanna ; Smyk, Magdalena;


    Bech, Katarzyna, Magdalena Smyk, Lucas van der Velde & Joanna Tyrowicz (2022): Matching it up: non-standard work and job satisfaction. (GRAPE working paper / Group for Research in Applied Economics 72), Warszawa, 37 S.


    "We leverage the flexibility enactment theory to study the link between working arrangements and job satisfaction. We propose that this link is moderated by individual inclination to non-standard working arrangements. Thus, we provide novel insights on the (mis)match between preferred and actual working arrangements. We apply this approach to data from the European Working Conditions Survey and empirically characterize the extent of mismatch in working arrangements across European countries. We shed new light on several phenomena. First, the extent of mismatch is substantial and reallocating workers between jobs could substantially boost overall job satisfaction in European countries. Second, the mismatch more frequently affects women and parents. Finally, we demonstrate that the extent of mismatch differs across European countries, which hints that one-size-fits-all policies, whether they deregulate or curb non-standard arrangements, are not likely to maximize the happiness of workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay (2022)

    Beckmann, Michael; Kräkel, Matthias;


    Beckmann, Michael & Matthias Kräkel (2022): Empowerment, Task Commitment, and Performance Pay. In: Journal of labor economics, Jg. 40, H. 4, S. 889-938. DOI:10.1086/718465


    "Although, from the viewpoint of social psychology, task commitment is a driving force for intrinsic motivation at the workplace, this topic has been widely ignored in labor and personnel economics so far. Our paper contributes to reduce this gap in the literature by offering a theoretical analysis on worker empowerment and task commitment. This approach also helps to explain the observed variety of compensation schemes across workers and firms. By using a large-scale linked employer-employee panel data set, we present empirical evidence that is consistent with the predicted patterns of our theoretical model." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Beschäftigungsbedingungen für junge Forscher*innen - ein empirischer Beitrag zu #IchBinHanna (2022)

    Berroth, Lara; Wegner, Antje; Briedis, Kolja; Adrian, Dominik;


    Berroth, Lara, Dominik Adrian, Kolja Briedis & Antje Wegner (2022): Beschäftigungsbedingungen für junge Forscher*innen - ein empirischer Beitrag zu #IchBinHanna. (DZHW-Brief 2022,04), Hannover, 12 S. DOI:10.34878/2022.04.dzhw_brief


    "Die durchschnittliche Vertragslaufzeit der an Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen beschäftigten Promovierenden beträgt 27 Monate. 26 Prozent haben einen Arbeitsvertrag mit einer Laufzeit von bis zu 12 Monaten. Auch wenn sich somit gegenüber älteren Studien eine Entwicklung zu längeren Vertragslaufzeiten abzeichnet, bleibt dennoch eine Lücke zwischen den Vertragslaufzeiten von Promovierenden und den tatsächlichen Promotionsdauern. Die subjektive Einschätzung der Finanzierungs- und Beschäftigungssituation fällt überwiegend positiv aus: Etwa drei Viertel der Promovierenden sind damit zufrieden. Im Durchschnitt wenden Promovierende mit einem Arbeitsvertrag an einer Hochschule oder Forschungseinrichtung 23 Stunden pro Woche für ihre Promotion auf. Regelungen zur Promotionszeit werden im Arbeitsvertrag oder der Promotionsvereinbarung selten getroffen. Sie garantieren aber meist einen recht hohen Zeitanteil der Arbeitszeit für die Promotion bzw. gehen mit einer höheren Zahl an aufgewendeten Wochenstunden für die Promotion einher. Im Vergleich mit Hochschulabsolvent*innen, die in anderen Bereichen erwerbstätig sind, zeigen Promovierende mit einer Stelle in der Wissenschaft in vielen Teilaspekten der Beschäftigung eine höhere (berufliche) Zufriedenheit. Deutlich unzufriedener sind sie jedoch mit der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit. Zentrale Ergebnisse zur Finanzierungs- und Beschäftigungssituation Promovierender sowie zu zahlreichen weiteren Themen finden sich unter nacaps-datenportal.de." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture (2022)

    Boehnlein, Philipp; Baum, Matthias;


    Boehnlein, Philipp & Matthias Baum (2022): Does job crafting always lead to employee well-being and performance? Meta-analytical evidence on the moderating role of societal culture. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 4, S. 647-685. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2020.1737177


    "We quantitatively summarize existing studies on job crafting and its effects on well-being and individual in-role and extra-role performance. We differentiate job crafting behaviors by target of impact (individual vs. work environment) and regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion focus). Drawing on 60 independent samples with a total of 20,547 participants, we use meta-analysis to show that promotion-oriented job crafting can be associated with increased well-being and both in-role and extra-role performance. Prevention-oriented crafting yielded partially significant results for well-being while showing non-significant relationships with both performance outcomes. Drawing on previous findings of the GLOBE study, we further show that the effects of job crafting on both in-role and extra-role performance are partially moderated by the cultural practices of in-group collectivism, future orientation, performance orientation, and uncertainty avoidance. By doing so, we illuminate the cultural circumstances under which job crafting behaviors are more suitable and where job crafting is less effective as a way to improve individuals’ performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))"We quantitatively summarize existing studies on job crafting and its effects on well-being and individual in-role and extra-role performance. We differentiate job crafting behaviors by target of impact (individual vs. work environment) and regulatory focus (prevention vs. promotion focus). Drawing on 60 independent samples with a total of 20,547 participants, we use meta-analysis to show that promotion-oriented job crafting can be associated with increased well-being and both in-role and extra-role performance. Prevention-oriented crafting yielded partially significant results for well-being while showing non-significant relationships with both performance outcomes. Drawing on previous findings of the GLOBE study, we further show that the effects of job crafting on both in-role and extra-role performance are partially moderated by the cultural practices of in-group collectivism, future orientation, performance orientation, and uncertainty avoidance. By doing so, we illuminate the cultural circumstances under which job crafting behaviors are more suitable and where job crafting is less effective as a way to improve individuals’ performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))756k

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    Durchführung von digitalen Arbeitssituationsanalysen für die mobil-flexible Arbeit zur Erhebung von psychischen Belastungsfolgen: Befragung von Mitarbeiter*innen einer öffentlichen Verwaltung zu Homeoffice – Erfahrungen während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie (2022)

    Bölsch-Peterka, Ronja; Schmidtke, Aliena; Krowicki, Martin; Böckelmann, Irina;


    Bölsch-Peterka, Ronja, Martin Krowicki, Aliena Schmidtke & Irina Böckelmann (2022): Durchführung von digitalen Arbeitssituationsanalysen für die mobil-flexible Arbeit zur Erhebung von psychischen Belastungsfolgen. Befragung von Mitarbeiter*innen einer öffentlichen Verwaltung zu Homeoffice – Erfahrungen während der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie. In: Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie, Jg. 72, H. 3, S. 115-128. DOI:10.1007/s40664-022-00460-2


    "Im Zuge der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie wurde die Arbeit in vielen Betrieben nach Hause verlagert und innerhalb kurzer Zeit hat sich die Arbeitssituation der Beschäftigten schnell verändert. Um mögliche Belastungen zu identifizieren und gesundheitliche Ressourcen auszubauen, sind fundierte Analysen der Arbeitssituation notwendig. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, auch in Zeiten mit Kontaktbeschränkungen, fundierte Analysen im Bereich des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements anzubieten. Mithilfe von digitalen Arbeitssituationsanalysen (ASITA) sollte die Homeoffice-Tätigkeit in einer öffentlichen Verwaltung erfasst und Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet werden. Mittels digitaler ASITAs wurden 3 Gruppen (16 Beschäftigte) zu ihrer Arbeitssituation im Homeoffice befragt. Eingeschlossen wurden Beschäftigte, die innerhalb der letzten 12 Wochen vor der Befragung an mindestens 2 Tagen pro Woche im Homeoffice gearbeitet haben. Das Arbeiten im Homeoffice stellt Anforderungen an die Beschäftigten, die wiederum positive als auch negative Beanspruchungsfolgen mit sich bringen. Aufseiten der Arbeitsorganisation ergaben sich individuelle Vorteile, wie der Wegfall von Arbeitswegen oder eine bessere Zeiteinteilung. Hinsichtlich der Kommunikation im Unternehmen fehlten klare Strukturen zur Arbeit im Homeoffice. Digitale ASITAs können ein aussagekräftiges Instrument sein, um gesundheitliche Belastungen und Ressourcen auch in Unternehmen mit mobil-flexiblen Arbeitsmodellen zu untersuchen. Wie am Beispiel der Pandemie gezeigt, bedingt ein Wandel der Arbeitssituation einen kontinuierlichen Reflexionsprozess, bei dem die Gesundheit der Beschäftigten eine wesentliche Säule sein muss." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (2022)

    Carleton, Cheryl; Kelly, Mary T.;


    Carleton, Cheryl & Mary T. Kelly (2022): Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (Villanova School of Business working paper 51), Villanova, PA, 31 S.


    "With the growing attachment of older workers to the labor force and their engagement in alternative work arrangements, it is important to investigate the characteristics of older cohorts of individuals who are in the labor market and the factors that influence job satisfaction, as job satisfaction may be a predictor of which older individuals are likely to continue to work and in what type of work arrangement. This study uses several recent years of the General Social Survey to both explore the characteristics of older workers and investigate what contributes to job satisfaction, controlling for both gender and work arrangement. It splits the sample of workers into two cohorts to test for differences in job satisfaction between those who are nearing retirement age (55-64) and those who continue to work post the traditional retirement age (65-80). For the sample as a whole, and similar to other studies, we find that job satisfaction is higher for women and for those who work in alternative work arrangements as compared to those in regular jobs. We also find that there are differences in what contributes to job satisfaction between the two groups of older workers. These outcomes may inform firms about what they might do in order to keep these workers as well as informing the government on whether it is necessary to rethink how some benefits are both provided and paid for." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Well-being, productivity and employment: Squaring the working time policy circle (2022)

    Cazes, Sandrine; Krämer, Clara; Touzet, Chloé; Martin, Sebastien;


    Cazes, Sandrine, Clara Krämer, Sebastien Martin & Chloé Touzet (2022): Well-being, productivity and employment: Squaring the working time policy circle. In: A. Bassanini (Hrsg.) (2022): OECD Employment Outlook 2022: Building Back More Inclusive Labour Markets, S. 243-350.


    "Working time is both a key element of workers’ lives and a production factor. Understanding how working time policy relates to well-being and economic outcomes is thus crucial to design measures balancing welfare and efficiency concerns. Evidence so far has largely focused on the use of maximum hours’ regulation to prevent detrimental effects on workers’ health, and the effect of normal hours reductions on employment levels. This chapter brings two new perspectives: first, it accounts for the fact that workers’ well-being is an increasingly central societal objective of working time policies, and therefore considers well-being effects alongside productivity and employment effects. Second, it accounts for the use of flexible hours and the development of teleworking in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis and considers their impact on well-being, productivity and employment. Building on these analyses, the chapter discusses the potential of various working time policies to enhance non-material aspects of workers’ well-being such as health, work-life balance and life satisfaction while preserving employment or productivity" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Full Returns to the Choice of Occupation and Education (2022)

    Clark, Andrew E. ; Cotofan, Maria; Layard, Richard;


    Clark, Andrew E., Maria Cotofan & Richard Layard (2022): The Full Returns to the Choice of Occupation and Education. (IZA discussion paper 15279), Bonn, 57 S.


    "Information on both earnings and non-pecuniary rewards is needed to understand the occupational dispersion of wellbeing. We analyse subjective wellbeing in a large UK sample to construct a measure of "full earnings", the sum of earnings and the value of non-pecuniary rewards, in 90 different occupations. Labour-market inequality is underestimated: the dispersion of full earnings is one-third larger than the dispersion of earnings. Equally, the gender and ethnic gaps in the labour market are larger than those in earnings alone, and the full returns to education on the labour market are underestimated. These results are similar in data on US workers. In neither cross-section nor panel data do we find evidence of compensating differentials." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How do employees cope with mandatory working from home during COVID-19? (2022)

    Dicu, Andreea; Steger, Thomas; Rybnikova, Irma ;


    Dicu, Andreea, Irma Rybnikova & Thomas Steger (2022): How do employees cope with mandatory working from home during COVID-19? In: German Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 36, H. 3, S. 300-324. DOI:10.1177/23970022221079049


    "How do employees who are coerced to work from home during COVID-19 cope with this unprecedented situation? Drawing upon the job-demands-resources (JD-R) model and upon the literature on coping, we analyse empirical qualitative material which stems from two-stage interviews with and online diaries prepared by 15 white-collar employees in Romania. We identify four initial coping types in relation to mandatory working from home: ‘explorers’, ‘statics’, ‘chaotics’ and ‘irremediables’. In the follow-up stage of the field work, the ‘chaotic’ type of coping disappears. These findings in relation to the unique pandemic situation represent a significant contribution to the literature on working from home as well as on coping with stress." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    New insights into self-initiated work design: the role of job crafting, self-undermining and five types of job satisfaction for employee's health and work ability (2022)

    Döbler, Antonia-Sophie ; Wegge, Jürgen; Nowak, Joshua; Richter-Killenberg, Stefanie; Emmermacher, Andre;


    Döbler, Antonia-Sophie, Andre Emmermacher, Stefanie Richter-Killenberg, Joshua Nowak & Jürgen Wegge (2022): New insights into self-initiated work design: the role of job crafting, self-undermining and five types of job satisfaction for employee's health and work ability. In: German Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 36, H. 2, S. 113-147. DOI:10.1177/23970022211029023


    "The present study provides evidence for the important role of job crafting and self-undermining behaviors at work, two new concepts that were recently integrated into the well-known job demands-resources (JD-R) theory (Bakker and Demerouti, 2017). We investigate how these behaviors are associated with work engagement, emotional exhaustion, and work ability as a long-term indicator of employee’s well-being. Furthermore, we examine the moderating role of personal resources in the stress-strain process by comparing groups of employees representing the five types of job satisfaction defined by Bruggemann (1974). Data was collected in a cross-sectional study within a German DAX company’s manufacturing plant from 1145 blue- and white-collar workers. Results of structural equation modeling provided, as expected, support for an indirect effect of job demands and job resources on emotional exhaustion and work engagement through job crafting and self-undermining. Work ability, on the other hand, was mainly affected by emotional exhaustion, but not by work engagement. Most important, we found significant differences between path coefficients across the five types of job satisfaction indicating that these types represent important constellations of personal resources and job demands that should be considered both for analyzing stress at work and for offering tailored stress interventions in organizations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working-time mismatch and job satisfaction of junior academics (2022)

    Frei, Irina; Grund, Christian ;


    Frei, Irina & Christian Grund (2022): Working-time mismatch and job satisfaction of junior academics. In: Journal of business economics, Jg. 92, H. 7, S. 1125-1166. DOI:10.1007/s11573-022-01091-y


    "We examine the role of working-time mismatches (defined as the difference between actual and desired weekly working hours) in academics' job satisfaction. In doing so, we investigate how academics' career stage (predoc vs. postdoc) and contract status (part-time vs. full-time employment) moderate the relation between a mismatch in working hours and job-related well-being. Our results are based on longitudinal survey data among junior academics in the STEM fields indicate that mismatches in working hours are prevalent in academia and are associated with a loss of job satisfaction. In this context, overemployment (working more than desired) tends to unfold more severe consequences with respect to job satisfaction compared to underemployment. We find evidence for a similar reaction of doctoral students and postdocs with respect to job satisfaction when experiencing a working-time mismatch. Part-time employment positively moderates the link between working-time mismatch and job satisfaction for the case of underemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst: Eine Befragung zu Bindungsfaktoren in der Verwaltung (2022)

    Fulde, Michael; Laier, Jana;


    (2022): Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst. Eine Befragung zu Bindungsfaktoren in der Verwaltung. Berlin, 45 S.


    "Der Fachkräftemangel macht auch vor deutschen Verwaltungen nicht Halt. Neben der Rekrutierung von Nachwuchs, müssen Behörden ihre Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in Zukunft aktiv zum Bleiben bewegen, um übermäßige Fluktuation zu verhindern. Eine Herausforderung für deutsche Verwaltungen, denn viele Instrumente, wie zum Beispiel Onboarding Prozesse, stehen in Behörden vielerorts noch nicht zur Verfügung. Alle Ergebnisse im Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst. Wichtigste Ressource im System der öffentlichen Leistungserbringung sind Mitarbeitende in Behörden. Diese werden aber immer weniger, zum einen durch altersbedingte Austritte, zum anderen durch Fluktuation, zum Beispiel in die Privatwirtschaft. Für Verwaltungen ist es deshalb essenziell, neben der Rekrutierung von neuen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, das bestehende Personal an sich zu binden. Welche Erwartungen die Beschäftigten an ihren Arbeitgeber haben und wie die Personalbindung gelingen kann, hat jetzt das Bleibebarometer Öffentlicher Dienst 2022 der Next:Public untersucht. Die schlechte Nachricht: 80 Prozent der Beschäftigten im Öffentlichen Dienst können sich vorstellen, den Arbeitgeber zu wechseln – knapp ein Drittel gar zu einem Arbeitgeber in der Privatwirtschaft Das hat die aktuelle Umfrage zum Bleibebarometer mit 7.500 Teilnehmenden aus dem Öffentlichen Dienst in Bund, Ländern und Kommunen ergeben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job satisfaction: towards internalizing the feeling of inequality between men and women (2022)

    Gaye, Maimouna;


    Gaye, Maimouna (2022): Job satisfaction: towards internalizing the feeling of inequality between men and women. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 54, H. 33, S. 3823-3839. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2021.2016589


    "The more pronounced job satisfaction among women is generally observed despite their less favorable work situation compared to men. However, regression analysis alone in a sample of non-comparable men and women may be subject to model misspecification. Our work uses an innovative matching procedure, Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM), to address this issue and analyze the reasons for the differential in job satisfaction between men and women with the same characteristics. Data from the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey are considered including five measures of satisfaction with career development prospects taken as a new measure. The results show that women are more satisfied with job security, while they seem less satisfied with their career development prospects. A similar level of satisfaction is observed between men and women with regard to social relations, overall satisfaction and salary. Exceptionally, the youngest women, or those with higher education, or employed at a higher hierarchical level, or working in male-dominated sectors, expressed levels of satisfaction that were the opposite of the other women. This is likely due to the fact that these women align their job expectations with those of their male counterparts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    An empirical analysis of the relationship between innovation activities and job satisfaction among French firms (2022)

    Grolleau, Gilles; Mzoughi, Naoufel; Pekovic, Sanja;


    Grolleau, Gilles, Naoufel Mzoughi & Sanja Pekovic (2022): An empirical analysis of the relationship between innovation activities and job satisfaction among French firms. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 133. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103689


    "Drawing on the literature on innovation climate and employee attitudes, we discuss how innovations could impact job satisfaction. Using lagged predictors and relevant control variables, we investigate empirically this relationship on a large sample of French firms. Our estimation results show that employees in companies that engage in innovation activities are more likely to report increased job satisfaction. Moreover, building on previous organizational research arguing that layoffs are likely to create detrimental workplace atmosphere and conditions, we test whether the relationship between innovation and job satisfaction is moderated by downsizing decisions among the examined firms. We draw several theoretical and managerial implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Arbeiten vor und während der Pandemie (2022)

    Grunau, Philipp ; Walz, Hannes ; Wolter, Stefanie;


    Grunau, Philipp, Hannes Walz & Stefanie Wolter (2022): Arbeiten vor und während der Pandemie. (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales. Forschungsbericht 604), Berlin, 66 S.


    "Die Art wie wir arbeiten unterlag schon immer einem gewissen Wandel, von der Industrialisierung über die Entstehung und Konsolidierung des Sozialstaats bis hin zu Digitalisierung und Flexibilisierung der heutigen Zeit („Arbeiten 4.0“). Dennoch scheint sich dieser Wandel in den letzten Jahren beschleunigt zu haben, insbesondere im Zuge der von der Corona-Pandemie geprägten vergangenen zwei Jahre. Dieser Bericht stellt daher die Veränderungen „erlebter Arbeit“ zwischen 2013 und 2021 dar, betrachtet somit also sowohl die Zeit vor als auch während der Pandemie. Dabei stehen die Beschäftigtenperspektive und somit subjektive Dimensionen im Fokus. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine hohe Arbeitsdichte, mit hohem Termindruck bis 2017 und einer verstärkten Erreichbarkeit in der Freizeit. Gleichzeitig sinkt aber auch der Anteil der Beschäftigten, die Vereinbarkeits-Konflikte in Form von Störungen des Privatlebens durch Berufliches erleben. Die Arbeitszufriedenheit ist hoch, die Bindung an den Betrieb nimmt jedoch über die Zeit etwas ab, ein Trend, der während der Pandemie 2021 gebrochen wurde – ob nun temporär oder langfristig, müssen die kommenden Jahre und Befragungswellen zeigen. Während der Pandemie zeigen die Regressionsergebnisse, dass viele Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung zwischen verschiedenen Beschäftigtengruppen kleiner werden. Für befristete Beschäftigte hingegen finden wir Anzeichen, dass die Arbeitsqualität 2021 wahrscheinlich aufgrund der wirtschaftlichen Lage schlechter geworden ist. Unvermindert stabil sind hingegen die Kollegialität und Hilfsbereitschaft unter KollegInnen. Bei der Analyse von Veränderungen der Arbeit basierend auf Berichten von Beschäftigten besteht natürlich potenziell der Nachteil, dass öffentliche Diskussionen über Themen der Arbeitsqualität möglicherweise Beschäftigte vor der Befragung dazu gebracht haben, ihre Arbeit neu zu bewerten, ohne dass sich für den Einzelnen/die Einzelne zwangsläufig objektive Änderung ergeben hätten. Nichtsdestotrotz bietet eine Betrachtung der Arbeitsqualität seitens von Beschäftigten unschätzbare Vorteile, nicht zuletzt da diese – subjektiven – Einschätzungen letztendlich deren Verhalten bestimmen, was insbesondere in Zeiten von Fachkräfteengpässen von Bedeutung ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Benefits of an Employee-Friendly Company on Job Attitudes and Health of Employees: Findings from Matched Employer–Employee Data (2022)

    Herr, Raphael M. ; Brokmeier, Luisa L. ; Fischer, Joachim E.; Mauss, Daniel;


    Herr, Raphael M., Luisa L. Brokmeier, Joachim E. Fischer & Daniel Mauss (2022): The Benefits of an Employee-Friendly Company on Job Attitudes and Health of Employees: Findings from Matched Employer–Employee Data. In: International journal of environmental research and public health, Jg. 19, H. 15. DOI:10.3390/ijerph19159046


    "This study explored the association of an employee-friendly work environment with employees’ job attitudes (engagement, commitment, turnover intentions, and job satisfaction), and health (mental and general health), applying matched employer–employee data. The German Linked Personnel Panel (LPP; n = 14,182) survey simultaneously captures the data of employees and the human resources (HR) management of companies. A two-step cluster analysis of 16 items of the HR valuation identified relatively more- and less-employee-friendly companies (EFCs). Logistic regressions tested differences between these companies in the assessment of job attitudes and health of their employees. Compared to less-EFCS, more-EFCS had a reduced risk of poorer job attitudes and substandard health of their employees. For example, the risk for higher turnover intentions was reduced by 33% in more-EFCS (OR = 0.683, 95% C.I. = 0.626–0.723), and more-EFCS had an 18% reduced chance of poor mental health reporting of their employees (OR = 0.822, 95% C.I. = 0.758–0.892). More-EFCS have more motivated and healthier employees. The most distinct factors for more-EFCS were: the existence of development plans for employees, opportunities for advancement and development, and personnel development measures." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © MDPI) ((en))

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    Exploring the Influences of Job Satisfaction for Europeans Aged 50 + from Ex-communist vs. Non-communist Countries (2022)

    Homocianu, Daniel ; Dospinescu, Octavian; Sireteanu, Napoleon-Alexandru;


    Homocianu, Daniel, Octavian Dospinescu & Napoleon-Alexandru Sireteanu (2022): Exploring the Influences of Job Satisfaction for Europeans Aged 50 + from Ex-communist vs. Non-communist Countries. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 159, H. 1, S. 235-279. DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02754-z


    "The paper deals with the analysis of the influences of job satisfaction among Europeans aged 50 + (SHARE-ERIC's data set-Wave7) filtered on main residences and education before 1989. Besides confirming the leading role of the workplace atmosphere and own efforts recognition (dual-core), it further validates the assumption that education and residence in former communist countries count when analyzing job satisfaction and brings two particular types of models. We used many methods based on data mining and variable selection, ordinal and binary logistic and probit regressions, cross-validations via LASSO and mixed-effects modeling with random effects on countries, average marginal effects, and logistic-based prediction nomograms. We discovered seven common influences that count the most when analyzing job satisfaction in these circumstances. It is about the dual-core above and the ones corresponding to older respondents, the better-educated ones (ISCED2011), those with computer skills, the ones endowed with thoroughness, and the ones having higher values of the CASP index of life quality. Depending on each of the two specific models, we discovered peculiarities related to the role of some economic (GDP and SMC to GDP) and institutional (WGI) indicators. For the ex-communist models, we found significant negative influences for both categories while, for non-communist ones, only the second category matters and has a positive role." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Wie Arbeit, Transformation und soziale Lebenslagen mit anti-demokratischen Einstellungen zusammenhängen: Befunde einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage (2022)

    Hövermann, Andreas ; Kohlrausch, Bettina; Voss-Dahm, Dorothea;


    Hövermann, Andreas, Bettina Kohlrausch & Dorothea Voss-Dahm (2022): Wie Arbeit, Transformation und soziale Lebenslagen mit anti-demokratischen Einstellungen zusammenhängen. Befunde einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage. (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. Working paper Forschungsförderung 241), Düsseldorf, 78 S.


    "Die vorliegende Analyse präsentiert detaillierte Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage zum Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeit, sozialer Lebenslage, Digitalisierungserfahrungen, Einstellungen zum sozial-ökologischen Wandel und anti-demokratischen Einstellungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt sowie gute, sichere Arbeitsbedingungen vor anti-demokratischen Einstellungen schützen. Ebenso wird gezeigt, dass die konkrete politische Gestaltung von Digitalisierung in der Arbeitswelt und der sozial-ökologischen Transformation eine hohe Bedeutung hat für die demokratische Integration der Bürger:innen und damit für die Stabilität der Demokratie." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employee satisfaction and asymmetric cost behavior: Evidence from Glassdoor (2022)

    Kim, Jonghwan; Ra, Kyeongheum ;


    Kim, Jonghwan & Kyeongheum Ra (2022): Employee satisfaction and asymmetric cost behavior. Evidence from Glassdoor. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 219. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2022.110829


    "This study examines the effect of employee satisfaction on firms’ cost behavior. Exploring over a million employees’ ratings collected from Glassdoor.com between 2008 and 2020, we find that higher employee satisfaction is associated with a higher degree of asymmetry in cost behavior. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the association is more pronounced in industries that lay great store by human capital. Our results suggest that satisfied employees are a valuable asset that affects firms’ choices over cost behavior." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Earmarked Paternity Leave and Well-Being (2022)

    Korsgren, Pontus; Lent, Max van;


    Korsgren, Pontus & Max van Lent (2022): Earmarked Paternity Leave and Well-Being. (IZA discussion paper 15022), Bonn, 24 S.


    "Earmarked paternity leave has been introduced in an attempt to increase fathers' involvement in child rearing and to achieve gender equality in the labor market and at home. So far well-being effects of such policies are unexplored. This paper takes a first step in that direction by studying the impact of earmarked paternity leave quota on life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and work-life balance using several policy changes in Europe over the period 1993-2007. We find that earmarked paternity leave increases life satisfaction by 0.18 on a 10 point scale which is equivalent to a 10.8 percentage point increase even decades later. Both fathers and mothers benefit, though the increase in life satisfaction for mothers is nearly 30% higher than that of fathers. Perhaps surprisingly, the impact on job satisfaction and work-life balance is close to zero. Hence even when the impact of paternity leave quota on the labor market are small, the increases in life satisfaction may still justify the existence of such policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Digitalisation and Employees' Subjective Job Quality in the Second Half of Working Life in Germany (2022)

    Kortmann, Lisa Katharina ; Vogel, Claudia; Simonson, Julia ; Huxhold, Oliver ;


    Kortmann, Lisa Katharina, Julia Simonson, Claudia Vogel & Oliver Huxhold (2022): Digitalisation and Employees' Subjective Job Quality in the Second Half of Working Life in Germany. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 162, H. 2, S. 577-597. DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02854-w


    "Since digitalisation alters occupational task profiles via automation processes, job quality is also likely to be affected. While existing literature mainly focusses on objective job quality, this study asks if and how digitalisation is associated with employees’ subjective job quality in the second half of working life in Germany. Analyses are based on the German Ageing Survey 2014. Our sample includes n = 1541 employees aged 40–65 years who are subject to social insurance contributions. Subjective job quality is operationalised with regards to job satisfaction and perceived occupational stress in general, and ten aspects of job quality in detail. Digitalisation is approximated by substitution potentials of occupations. We control the association for compositional effects in the workforce, as well as for the moderating effect of perceived job insecurity. The results indicate that digitalisation is predominantly beneficial but also unfavourable in a few other respects for employees’ subjective job quality. The higher the degree of digitalisation, the higher is the employee’s general job satisfaction on average; for general perceived occupational stress, we find no significant association. Regarding single aspects of subjective job quality, employees working in more digitalised occupations are found to report on average higher satisfaction with working hours and earnings, and lower levels of stress due to tight schedules. However, they also report higher levels of stress due to negative environmental factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Viel Schatten, aber auch etwas Licht: Die Situation der Baubeschäftigten – Ergebnisse einer Online-Beschäftigtenbefragung (2022)

    Kümmerling, Angelika; Weinkopf, Claudia; Bosch, Gerhard; Hüttenhoff, Frederic;


    Kümmerling, Angelika, Gerhard Bosch, Frederic Hüttenhoff & Claudia Weinkopf (2022): Viel Schatten, aber auch etwas Licht. Die Situation der Baubeschäftigten – Ergebnisse einer Online-Beschäftigtenbefragung. (IAQ-Report 2022-06), Duisburg ; Essen, 24 S. DOI:10.17185/duepublico/76127


    "Eine Online-Befragung unter 3052 Baubeschäftigten zeigt, dass rund jeder vierte Beschäftigte in “näherer Zukunft“ beabsichtigt, seinen Arbeitgeber oder sogar die Branche zu wechseln. Baubeschäftigte beschreiben ihren Beruf als abwechslungsreich, vielfältig und lernförderlich und schätzen die Entscheidungsspielräume. Negativ werden die hohe körperliche Belastung und die Verdichtung der Arbeit durch neue Technologien gesehen. Ein hoher Anteil berichtet auch, dass der Fachkräftemangel in ihrem Betrieb bereits spürbar sei. Die Unzufriedenheit mit den Arbeitsbedingungen insgesamt, den Arbeitszeiten und der Bezahlung ist hoch und stellt einen Hauptgrund für Wechselabsichten dar. Nur gut jeder fünfte Arbeiter ist der Meinung, seinen Beruf bis zum gesetzlichen Renten-Einstiegsalter durchhalten zu können. Arbeiter wünschen sich einen Renteneintritt mit 60,7 Jahren, Angestellte mit 61,7 Jahren. Die Wechselneigung ist nicht betriebsunabhängig: Beschäftigte, die ihren Betrieb für zukunftsfähig halten und die das Betriebsklima als gut einschätzen, zeigen eine geringere Wechselneigung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Performance-related pay and productivity: Do performance-related pay and financial participation schemes have an effect on firms' performance? (2022)

    Lucifora, Claudio ; Origo, Federica ;


    Lucifora, Claudio & Federica Origo (2022): Performance-related pay and productivity. Do performance-related pay and financial participation schemes have an effect on firms' performance? (IZA world of labor 152), Bonn, 11 S. DOI:10.15185/izawol.152.v2


    "Richtig gestaltet können leistungsbezogene Vergütungssysteme die Unternehmensproduktivität und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit wirksam steigern. Auf den individuellen Erfolg bezogene Modelle sind mit einem stärkeren Produktivitätsanstieg verbunden, während Gruppenanreize und Gewinnbeteiligung geringere Effekte haben. Allerdings sollten negative Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitsintensität und die physische wie psychische Belastung der Arbeitnehmer nicht außer Acht gelassen werden, zumal neue Formen mobilen Arbeitens den Stellenwert leistungsbezogener Entlohnung eher noch vergrößern werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Informal care-giving and the intention to give up employment: the role of perceived supervisor behaviour in a cohort of German employees (2022)

    Montano, Diego ; Peter, Richard;


    Montano, Diego & Richard Peter (2022): Informal care-giving and the intention to give up employment: the role of perceived supervisor behaviour in a cohort of German employees. In: European Journal of Ageing, Jg. 19, H. 3, S. 575-585. DOI:10.1007/s10433-021-00660-4


    "Current social policies in the European Union addressing employment, retirement and long-term care are expected to result in increasing employment rates among informal carers. The present investigation contributes to previous research by focusing on how specific work-related factors, in this case supervisor behaviour, may facilitate the fulfilment of the demands arising from paid work and care and ultimately influence the desire to give up employment. To this end, population data from the German Cohort Study on Work, Age, Health and Work Participation conducted in 2011 and 2014 are analysed (n = 3916). Three research hypotheses investigating the associations between care-giving, supervisor behaviour, the intention to give up employment and work-private-life conflict are tested by means of cumulative link models. The results suggest that the intention to give up employment is stronger among employed carers. In addition, the perception that one's supervisor is considerate towards subordinates and is effective in planning, coordinating work and solving conflicts is found to be negatively related to the desire to give up employment, especially among carers. The statistical analyses reveal that supervisor behaviour mediates the association between the level of work-private-life conflict and the intention to give up employment. It is concluded that the working conditions may exert a substantial influence on the levels of psychosocial load carers experience by facilitating or hindering the extent to which carers are allowed to accommodate their work schedules and job assignments to the conflicting demands of their dual role as workers and carers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Robots, Meaning, and Self-Determination (2022)

    Nikolova, Milena ; Nikolaev. Boris, ; Cnossen, Femke ;


    Nikolova, Milena & Femke Cnossen (2022): Robots, Meaning, and Self-Determination. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1191), Essen, 54 S.


    "We are the first to examine the impact of robotization on work meaningfulness and autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which are key for motivation and human flourishing at work. Using worker-level data from 13 industries in 20 European countries and OLS and instrumental variables estimations, we find that industry-level robotization harms all work quality aspects except competence. We also examine the moderating role of routine and cognitive tasks, skills and education, and age and gender. While we do not find evidence of moderation concerning work meaningfulness in any of our models, noteworthy differences emerge for autonomy. For instance, workers with repetitive and monotonous tasks drive the negative effects of robotization on autonomy, while social tasks and working with computers - a tool that provides worker independence - help workers derive autonomy and competence in industries and jobs that adopt robots. In addition, robotization increases the competence perceptions of men. Our results highlight that by deteriorating the opportunities to derive meaning and self-determination out of work, robotization will impact the present and the future of work above and beyond its consequences for employment and wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for European Employees (2022)

    Nikulin, Dagmara ; Parteka, Aleksandra; Wolszczak-Derlacz, Joanna;


    Nikulin, Dagmara, Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz & Aleksandra Parteka (2022): Working Conditions in Global Value Chains: Evidence for European Employees. In: Work, Employment and Society, Jg. 36, H. 4, S. 701-721. DOI:10.1177/0950017020986107


    "This article investigates a sample of almost nine million workers from 24 European countries in 2014 to conclude how involvement in global value chains (GVCs) affects working conditions. We use employer–employee data from the Structure of Earnings Survey merged with industry-level statistics on GVCs based on the World Input-Output Database. Given the multidimensional nature of the dependent variable, we compare estimates of the Mincerian wage model with zero-inflated beta regressions focused on other aspects of working conditions (overtime work and bonus payments). Wages prove to be negatively related to involvement in GVCs: workers in the more deeply involved sectors have lower and less stable earnings, implying worse working conditions. However, they are also less likely to have to work overtime. We prove that the analysis of social implications of increasing involvement of countries in global production must compare wage effects of GVCs with other aspects of complex changes in workers’ well-being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The increasing educational divide in the life course development of subjective wellbeing across cohorts (2022)

    Patzina, Alexander ;


    Patzina, Alexander (2022): The increasing educational divide in the life course development of subjective wellbeing across cohorts. In: Acta sociologica, Jg. 65, H. 3, S. 293-312., 2021-09-27. DOI:10.1177/00016993211055678


    "Labour market, health, and wellbeing research provide evidence of increasing educational inequality as individuals age, representing a pattern consistent with the mechanism of cumulative (dis)advantage. However, individual life courses are embedded in cohort contexts that might alter life course differentiation processes. Thus, this study analyses cohort variations in education-specific life course patterns of subjective wellbeing (i.e. life, health and income satisfaction). Drawing upon prior work and theoretical considerations from life course theories, this study expects to find increasing educational life course inequality in younger cohorts. The empirical analysis relies on German Socio-Economic Panel data (1984–2016, v33). The results obtained from cohort-averaged random effects growth curve models confirm the cumulative (dis)advantage mechanism for educational life course inequality in subjective wellbeing. Furthermore, the results reveal substantial cohort variation in life course inequality patterns: regarding life and income satisfaction, the results indicate that the cumulative (dis)advantage mechanism does not apply to the youngest cohorts (individuals born between 1970 and 1985) under study. In contrast, the health satisfaction results suggest that educational life course inequality follows the predictions of the cumulative (dis)advantage mechanism only for individuals born after 1959. While the life course trajectories of highly educated individuals change only slightly across cohorts, the subjective wellbeing trajectories of low-educated individuals start to decline at earlier life course stages in younger cohorts, leading to increasing life course inequality over time. Thus, the overall findings of this study contribute to our understanding of whether predictions derived from sociological middle range theories are universal across societal contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Worker well-being and quit intentions: is measuring job satisfaction enough? (2022)

    Pelly, Diane;


    Pelly, Diane (2022): Worker well-being and quit intentions: is measuring job satisfaction enough? (UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy discussion paper series 2022,04), Dublin, 50 S.


    "While the links between worker well-being and quit intentions have been well researched, most studies to date rely on a very narrow conceptualisation of well-being, namely job satisfaction, thus ignoring the documented multidimensionality of subjective well-being. This paper explores whether this approach is justified. Using novel survey data, I compare the extent to which hedonic (job satisfaction and affect) and eudemonic (disengagement and basic psychological needs) well-being indicators individually and jointly explain variation in the quit intentions of 994 full-time UK workers. Well-being indicators perform well, explaining four to nine times more variation in quit intentions than wages and hours combined, with the disengagement measure performing best. I find systematic differences in the hedonic and eudemonic well-being profiles of workers who report positive quit intentions and those who do not. A composite model containing all seven well-being indicators offers the best fit, explaining 29.4% of variation in quit intentions versus 24.0% for job satisfaction on its own. My findings suggest that the standard single-item job satisfaction indicator is probably good enough for organisations who are looking for a quick and easy way to identify workers who may be most at risk of forming positive quit intentions. For organisations seeking to develop effective preventative quit strategies however, supplementing single-item job satisfaction with multifaceted well-being indicators is likely to yield valuable additional insights." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Endbericht zur Studie „Arbeitsplatzsituation in der Akut- und Langzeitpflege und Ermittlung sowie modellhafte Implementierung von Indikatoren für gute Arbeitsbedingungen in der Langzeitpflege“ - Los 1: Analyse, Befragungen und Maßnahmenempfehlungen zum Pflegearbeitsplatz der Zukunft (2022)

    Peters, Verena; Stohr, Daniel; Bastian, Nina; Schröder, Jan; Zimmermann, Sandra; Herten, Benjamin; Meyer-Frieß, Kathrin; Schulte-Coerne, Nora; Laukhuf, Andrea; Wellmer, Amber; Müller, Laura; Müller, Nils; Runschke, Benedikt; Kirstein, Katharina; Reinhards, Thomas; Spies, Sabrina; Stehle, Esther; Werding, Martin ; Seidel, Jonas; Klärner, Kai-David; Beule, Patrick; Ott, Notburga;


    Peters, Verena, Benjamin Herten, Katharina Kirstein, Nora Schulte-Coerne, Jonas Seidel, Amber Wellmer, Esther Stehle, Nils Müller, Patrick Beule, Andrea Laukhuf, Laura Müller, Benedikt Runschke, Sabrina Spies, Daniel Stohr, Sandra Zimmermann, Jan Schröder, Nina Bastian, Kathrin Meyer-Frieß, Thomas Reinhards, Notburga Ott, Kai-David Klärner & Martin Werding (2022): Endbericht zur Studie „Arbeitsplatzsituation in der Akut- und Langzeitpflege und Ermittlung sowie modellhafte Implementierung von Indikatoren für gute Arbeitsbedingungen in der Langzeitpflege“ - Los 1: Analyse, Befragungen und Maßnahmenempfehlungen zum Pflegearbeitsplatz der Zukunft. Bochum, 739 S.


    "Im Rahmen der Konzertierten Aktion Pflege (KAP) wurde gemeinsam mit den in der Pflege beteiligten Akteuren im Juni 2019 Maßnahmen vereinbart, um mehr beruflich Pflegende zu gewinnen, sie zu stärken und zu entlasten und die Ausbildung und Arbeitsbedingungen attraktiver zu gestalten. Im Zuge dessen hat das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit die Studie Arbeitsplatzsituation in der Akut- und Langzeitpflege und Ermittlung sowie modellhafte Implementierung von Indikatoren für gute Arbeitsbedingungen in der Langzeitpflege beauftragt. Ziel der Studie war es, die Datengrundlagen zur Situation von beruflich Pflegenden zu verbessern und Maßnahmen zu identifizieren, die die Maßnahmen der KAP entweder bestätigen oder über diese hinausgehen bzw. mit denen die formulierten Ziele der Aktion vorangetrieben werden können. Los 1 der Studie umfasste dabei eine Analyse, Befragungen und Maßnahmenempfehlungen zum Pflegearbeitsplatz der Zukunft. Die Untersuchung beinhaltete eine umfassende systematische Analyse der bereits vorhandenen Literatur, eine Auswertung statistischer Daten sowie die Erhebung von Primärdaten in Form von qualitativen Interviews und einer quantitativen Erhebung unter beruflich Pflegenden in Deutschland. Die bereinigte, nicht repräsentative Stichprobe umfasst dabei Angaben von 5.514 Befragten, und sie ist damit eine der umfangreichsten Befragungen der letzten 10 Jahre bezogen auf Inhalte und Stichprobengröße. Sie bietet in besonderer thematischer Breite und Tiefe Einblicke in die Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen beruflich Pflegender in Deutschland. Die Ergebnisse dieser knapp dreijährigen Forschung sind in diesem Bericht zusammengefasst." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Does the household context matter for job satisfaction among low-wage workers? (2022)

    Pohlig, Matthias ; Dingeldey, Irene ; Israel, Sabine;


    Pohlig, Matthias, Sabine Israel & Irene Dingeldey (2022): Does the household context matter for job satisfaction among low-wage workers? In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 43, H. 3, S. 1028-1058. DOI:10.1177/0143831X20975865


    "Previous research has established that low-wage earners have on average lower job satisfaction. However, several studies have found personal characteristics, such as gender, age and educational level, moderate this negative impact. This article demonstrates additional factors at the household level, which have not yet been empirically investigated, and which may exacerbate gender differences. The authors analyse the job satisfaction of low-wage earners depending on the contribution of individual earnings to the household income and on household deprivation using the 2013 special wave of the EU-SILC for 18 European countries. The study finds that single earners in low-wage employment report lower job satisfaction whereas low-wage employment does not seem to make a difference for secondary earners. Furthermore, low-wage earners? job satisfaction is linked with the ability of their household to make ends meet." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The unique and common effects of emotional intelligence dimensions on job satisfaction and facets of job performance: an exploratory study in three countries (2022)

    Schlägel, Christopher; Lang, Guido; Engle, Robert L.;


    Schlägel, Christopher, Robert L. Engle & Guido Lang (2022): The unique and common effects of emotional intelligence dimensions on job satisfaction and facets of job performance: an exploratory study in three countries. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 33, H. 8, S. 1562-1605. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2020.1811368


    "Previous empirical studies have either used a unidimensional or a multidimensional analytical approach to examine the consequences of emotional intelligence (EI). In this exploratory study we integrate and extend these two approaches, using a novel perspective to better understand the structure of the EI-job satisfaction and the EI-job performance relationship. Using commonality analysis and data from Germany, India, as well as the U.S. we partition the explained variance for job satisfaction, in- role performance, and extra-role performance into the variance that is uniquely explained by the individual EI dimensions and the variance that is common to sets of EI dimensions. We provide evidence that the EI dimensions are differently related to job satisfaction and job performance facets. Furthermore, the findings offer insights on how unique and common effects vary across countries. Partitioning the unique and commonly shared variance allows us to assess the true predictive power of individual EI dimensions and of sets of EI dimensions. Based on these findings, we discuss implications for theory development and provide future research directions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The determinants of the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction across Europe (2022)

    Soboleva, Natalia ;


    Soboleva, Natalia (2022): The determinants of the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction across Europe. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 42, H. 11/12, S. 1180-1198. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-06-2021-0152


    "Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of work values and socio-demographic characteristics upon the link between life satisfaction and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: The European Values Study (EVS) 2008–2009 is used as the dataset. The sample is limited to those who have paid jobs (28,653 cases). Findings: Socio-demographic characteristics matter more than work values in explaining the effect of job satisfaction on life satisfaction. The association between life satisfaction and job satisfaction is stronger for higher educated individuals and those who are self-employed and weaker for women, married individuals, religious individuals and those who are younger. Extrinsic and intrinsic work values significantly influence life satisfaction independent of the level of job satisfaction. Practical implications It is important to pay attention to the working conditions and well-being of the core of the labour force, in other words, of those who are ready to invest more in their jobs. Also, special attention should be given to self-employment. Originality/value: The paper compares the roles of work values and of socio-demographic characteristics as predictors of the association between job satisfaction and life satisfaction. It shows that the role of job in person's life depends largely on demographic factors, religiosity and socio-economic factors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction, Structure of Working Environment and Firm Size (2022)

    Tansel, Aysit;


    Tansel, Aysit (2022): Job Satisfaction, Structure of Working Environment and Firm Size. (IZA discussion paper 15397), Bonn, 27 S.


    "Employees' wellbeing is important to the firms. Analysis of job satisfaction may give insight into various aspect of labor market behavior, such as worker productivity, absenteeism and job turn over. Little empirical work has been done on the relationship between structure of working environment and job satisfaction. This paper investigates the relationship between working environment, firm size and worker job satisfaction. We use a unique data of 28,240 British employees, Workplace Employee Relations Survey. In this data set the employee questionnaire is matched with the employer questionnaire. Four measures of job satisfaction considered are satisfaction with influence over job, satisfaction with amount of pay, satisfaction with sense of achievement and satisfaction with respect from supervisors. They are all negatively related to the firm size implying lower levels of job satisfaction in larger firms. The firm size in return is negatively related to the degree of flexibility in the working environment. The small firms have more flexible work environments. This is the first study that explore the effect of work amenities. We further find that, contrary to the previous results lower levels of job satisfaction in larger firms can not necessarily be attributed to the inflexibility in their structure of working environment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Tough times at the top: Occupational status predicts changes in job satisfaction in times of crisis (2022)

    Weiss, David ; Rudolph, Cort W. ; Weiss, Mona ; Zacher, Hannes ;


    Weiss, David, Mona Weiss, Cort W. Rudolph & Hannes Zacher (2022): Tough times at the top: Occupational status predicts changes in job satisfaction in times of crisis. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 139. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2022.103804


    "How do individuals with a higher versus lower occupational status experience major, unexpected changes to their work life? The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted most areas of work life and, thus, provides a unique opportunity to examine changes in work attitudes in response to a worldwide crisis. We predict that individuals with higher, but not with lower occupational status showed a decline in job satisfaction during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany (1st lockdown; March to May 2020), with subsequent recovery to initial job satisfaction levels. Based on role theory and social-psychological theories of hierarchical differentiation, we argue that, due to the profound work-related changes, individuals with higher (vs. lower) occupational status are more negatively affected in realizing their work goals and, thus, experience decreasing levels of job satisfaction. To test these predictions, we investigated trajectories of job satisfaction between December 2019 and August 2020 (7 measurement waves; N = 1583). Results of piece-wise growth curve models showed that individuals with higher occupational status showed a steeper decline in job satisfaction (followed by recovery) over time, whereas individuals with medium and lower occupational status did not experience a significant change in job satisfaction. In addition, we show that the decline in job satisfaction is moderated by perceived constraints at work associated with the pandemic among individuals with higher occupational status. Overall, these findings contribute to our understanding of the link between occupational status and job satisfaction in times of crisis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2022 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Wissenschaftlicher Abschlussbericht: Gewinnung von Nachwuchs – Bindung der Profis: Evaluation des Bundesprogramms "Fachkräfteoffensive" (GeBiFa) (2022)

    Weltzien, Dörte; Hohagen, Jesper; Pasquale, Denise; Wirth, Charlotta; Kassel, Laura;


    Weltzien, Dörte, Jesper Hohagen, Laura Kassel, Denise Pasquale & Charlotta Wirth (2022): Wissenschaftlicher Abschlussbericht: Gewinnung von Nachwuchs – Bindung der Profis. Evaluation des Bundesprogramms "Fachkräfteoffensive" (GeBiFa). (Fachkräfteoffensive Erzieherinnen und Erzieher), Freiburg, 387 S.


    "Der Abschlussbericht stellt die Evaluationsergebnisse der verschiedenen Programmbereiche der „Fachkräfteoffensive“ vor. Aus diesen leitete das Evaluationsteam Handlungsempfehlungen ab. Mit dem Programmbereich 1 „praxisintegrierte vergütete Ausbildung“ soll pädagogischen Fachkräften der Berufseinstieg erleichtert werden. Die Evaluationsergebnisse zeigen: Durch das Ausbildungsformat werden neue Bewerberinnen und Bewerber für das Arbeitsfeld gewonnen. Der Programmbereich 2 wurde entwickelt, um die Qualität der Ausbildungspraxis durch professionelle „Praxisanleitung“ zu sichern. Die Evaluation zeigt: die Praxisanleitungen übernehmen ein hohes Maß an Verantwortung am Lernort Praxis, als Vorbild für die Auszubildenden und bei der Kooperation mit der Fachschule. Sie nehmen eine zentrale Rolle für das Gelingen der praxisintegrierten Ausbildung ein. Mit dem Programmbereich 3 „Perspektive mit Aufstiegsbonus“ soll durch den Erwerb von Zusatzqualifikationen die Bindung von Fachkräften erhöht werden. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation zeigen, dass der Aufstiegsbonus grundsätzlich eine neue Möglichkeit zur Fachkräftebindung darstellt. Die Arbeitszufriedenheit der Bonusfachkräfte stieg an." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Political and Social Consequences of Qualification Mismatches: A Bounding Approach to Status Inconsistency (2022)

    Wiedner, Jonas ;


    Wiedner, Jonas (2022): Political and Social Consequences of Qualification Mismatches: A Bounding Approach to Status Inconsistency. In: Social forces, Jg. 101, H. 1, S. 150-175. DOI:10.1093/sf/soab120


    "Many employees work in jobs that do not match their level of formal education. Status inconsistency theory (SIT) argues that such mismatches result in stress, dissatisfaction, political alienation, and social withdrawal. Status inconsistency may, therefore, pose a threat to social cohesion. However, extant SIT scholarship does not fully appreciate the consequences of an identification problem due to the perfect collinearity among the effects of occupation, education, and their mismatch. I review the literature and show that prior findings depend on implicit theoretical assumptions that are often implausible once spelled out. To overcome this problem, I propose a new approach to the study of mismatches that builds on recent advances in the modeling of age, period, and cohort effects. I demonstrate how a set of relatively weak assumptions that are transparently grounded in sociological theory allows for (partial) identification of mismatch effects. The empirical analysis draws on comparable large-scale survey data from the United Kingdom (UKLHS) and Germany (GSOEP), two countries with a very different institutional organization of education to job matching. Compared with previous research, I use theoretically justified identifying assumptions and provide more rigorous evidence by addressing non-random selection into mismatch. Constrained regression models show mismatch effects on work-related identities, satisfaction, and organizational integration. Contra SIT, my results suggest that the effects of mismatches do not arise from cognitive dissonance but from an expectation formation mechanism. I find only weak evidence that mismatch effects spill over into the political domain. Despite large institutional differences, the results are similar across countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Organisational Capability for Delayed Retirement (2022)

    Wikström, Ewa; Allard, Karin; Arman, Rebecka; Seldén, Daniel; Liff, Roy; Kadefors, Roland;


    Wikström, Ewa, Karin Allard, Rebecka Arman, Roy Liff, Daniel Seldén & Roland Kadefors (2022): Organisational Capability for Delayed Retirement. In: H. F. Erhag, U. L. Nilsson, T. R. Sterner & I. Skoog (Hrsg.) (2022): ¬A¬ Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing, S. 221-232. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-78063-0_16


    "Throughout the industrialised world, societies are ageing. These demographic changes have created a political and societal focus on an extended working life. Unfortunately, there is a lack of systematic knowledge about how such changes can be successfully implemented within organisations. In this chapter, we discuss this lacuna and specifically focus on organisational capability. We highlight workplace conditions and practices that may inhibit or promote the retention of workers beyond the previous norm for retirement. The novelty of an organisational capability approach is that it highlights workplace conditions that enable older people to use their abilities to perform acts of value and to achieve a better quality of life and greater participation in society. Workplace resources, capabilities and functions form a dynamic pattern. Factors that influence the work abilities of older workers are related in complex interactions and not merely in the format of simple cause and effect. When looking at retirement from the perspective of older workers, we have focused on aspects such as the individual’s ability to control the retirement process. Central to Sen’s idea is that individuals have different conversion factors, which means that, even though two individuals may have access to the same resources, they do not necessarily have the capability to enjoy the same functions. For example, the probability that an older person will remain employed will partially depend on his or her health, human capital and type of job. But two seemingly similar individuals can nevertheless have very different chances of remaining employed because their employer has implemented very different age management policies, or simply because they have different attitudes towards older workers. Since organisational capability makes it possible to focus on the interaction between the individual’s resources and preferences and the opportunity structure existing at the workplace (meso level) and embodied in the retirement system (macro level), much of the discussion and many of the policies and practices concerning older people can be related to the concept of capabilities." (Author's abstract, © Springer) ((en))

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    Workplace well-being: Shifting from an individual to an organizational framework (2022)

    Wilcox, Annika ; Koontz, Amanda;


    Wilcox, Annika & Amanda Koontz (2022): Workplace well-being: Shifting from an individual to an organizational framework. In: Sociology Compass, Jg. 16, H. 10. DOI:10.1111/soc4.13035


    "Well-being (or lack thereof) is one phenomena that is shaped by and has important implications for organizational (in)equalities, yet remains widely conceptualized at an individual level. Through a review of previous research on organizational inequality and diversity, we argue for a shift towards studying “workplace well-being”—well-being as created by and through work organizations. We identify and discuss three pillars of workplace well-being and consider how these pillars are constituted across three levels of analysis. We note that “workplace well-being” offers a more theoretically- and empirically-grounded framework for understanding how well-being operates in the workplace. This concept can be utilized to “check” where organizational change is needed and develop change initiatives that better support diversity, inclusivity, and equity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Reduced well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic - The role of working conditions (2022)

    Zoch, Gundula ; Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;


    Zoch, Gundula, Ann-Christin Bächmann & Basha Vicari (2022): Reduced well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic - The role of working conditions. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 29, H. 6, S. 1969-1990., 2021-11-03. DOI:10.1111/gwao.12777


    "The COVID-19 pandemic has had diverse impacts on the employment conditions and family responsibilities of men and women. Thus, women and men were exposed to very different roles and associated challenges, which may have affected their well-being very differently. Using data from the National Educational Panel Study and its supplementary COVID-19 web survey for Germany (May–June 2020), we investigate gender differences in the relationship between working conditions and within-changes in subjective well-being. We systematically consider the household context by distinguishing between adults with and without younger children in the household. The results from multivariate change-score regressions reveal a decline in all respondents' life satisfaction, particularly among women with and without younger children. However, the greater reduction in women's well-being cannot be linked to systematic differences in working conditions throughout the pandemic. Kitagawa–Oaxaca–Blinder counterfactual decompositions confirm this conclusion. Further analyses suggest that women's caregiving role, societal concerns, and greater loneliness partly explain the remaining gender differences in altered satisfaction. From a general perspective, our results suggest important gender differences in social life and psychological distress at the beginning of the pandemic, which are likely to become more pronounced as the crisis has unfolded." (Author's abstract, © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) ((en))

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    Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;
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