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Zufriedene Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind produktiver, seltener krank und verursachen geringere Sozialkosten. Arbeitszufriedenheit hat aber nicht nur Vorteile für Betriebe. Das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ist auch ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität der Arbeit selbst. Doch was ist überhaupt Arbeitszufriedenheit? Wie wird sie gemessen? Welche Faktoren und Prozesse fördern, welche schränken sie ein?

Das Thema Arbeitszufriedenheit steht seit Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt kritischer wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Die Infoplattform gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten und ausgewählte ältere Publikationen zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Resultaten der Arbeitszufriedenheitsforschung.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitszufriedenheit"
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    Group-Based Incentives and Individual Performance: A Study of the Effort Response (2024)

    Frederiksen, Anders ; Manchester, Colleen Flaherty ; Hansen, Daniel Baltzer Schjødt;


    Frederiksen, Anders, Daniel Baltzer Schjødt Hansen & Colleen Flaherty Manchester (2024): Group-Based Incentives and Individual Performance: A Study of the Effort Response. In: ILR review, Jg. 77, H. 2, S. 273-293. DOI:10.1177/00197939231220033


    "Group-based incentives are attractive in contexts where production is interdependent. Prior work shows such incentives increase group performance despite freeriding concerns, yet little is known about the effort response of individuals. Using individual-level data, the authors assess the introduction of group-based performance pay using difference-in-difference estimation. Overall, performance increased by 19%. Nearly all workers contributed to this effect. Further, two-thirds of this effect stems from increased efficiency (more output per unit of time) and one-third from higher attendance. Both incentive and selection effects are present. By leveraging individual-level data, the authors pose new questions and evidence to the group-based incentives literature." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Overeducation, Overskilling and Job Satisfaction in Europe: The Moderating Role of Employment Contracts (2024)

    Giuliano, Romina; Rycx, François ; Mahy, Benoît; Vermeylen, Guillaume;


    Giuliano, Romina, Benoît Mahy, François Rycx & Guillaume Vermeylen (2024): Overeducation, Overskilling and Job Satisfaction in Europe: The Moderating Role of Employment Contracts. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 1419), Essen, 34 S.


    "This paper is the first to examine whether and how overeducation and overskilling, considered separately and in interaction, influence workers' job satisfaction at European level. It also investigates the moderating role of employment contracts. Our results, based on a unique pan-European database covering 28 countries in 2014, show that overeducation and overskilling reduce the probability of workers being satisfied with their jobs, but also that the drop in job satisfaction is almost double for genuinely overeducated workers (i.e. workers that are both overeducated and overskilled). These adverse effects on job satisfaction are found to be more pronounced among mismatched workers (whether overeducated, overskilled or both) on fixed-term rather than indefinite contracts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Multidimensional work-nonwork balance: are balanced employees productive at work and satisfied with life? (2024)

    Hildenbrand, Kristin; Topakas, Anna; Daher, Pascale; Gan, Xiaoyu;


    Hildenbrand, Kristin, Pascale Daher, Anna Topakas & Xiaoyu Gan (2024): Multidimensional work-nonwork balance: are balanced employees productive at work and satisfied with life? In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 35, H. 6, S. 1048-1087. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2023.2258335


    "Given ever increasing work and nonwork demands, achieving work-nonwork (WNW) balance is an important priority for many employees. Scholars have only recently settled on a definition of WNW balance as multidimensional and, as such, our understanding of its antecedents and outcomes is limited. Drawing on Conservation of Resources theory, we explore how organizations can support employees to achieve WNW balance and whether ‘balanced’ employees are more productive at work and satisfied with life. In detail, we hypothesize that the positive effect of supervisor WNW support (FSS) on employees’ life satisfaction and job performance is mediated by multidimensional WNW balance. We find, across two studies with two waves each, that only the dimension of WNW balance effectiveness and not the dimension of WNW balance satisfaction mediated the relationships between FSS, life satisfaction (Study 1 and 2) and self-rated job performance (Study 1). The relationship between FSS and supervisor-rated job performance (Study 2) was not mediated by either WNW balance dimension. As such, organizations can facilitate WNW balance through FSS, while ‘balanced’ employees seem indeed happier with their life and consider themselves to be better performing at work. We discuss the unexpected finding regarding the superior role of WNW balance effectiveness over WNW balance satisfaction for our outcomes in relation to the conceptualization of WNW balance as multidimensional and delineate important theoretical and practical implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Vor dem Kollaps!? Beschäftigung im sozialen Sektor: Empirische Vermessung und Handlungsansätze (2024)

    Hohendanner, Christian; Steinke, Joß; Rocha, Jasmin;


    Hohendanner, Christian, Jasmin Rocha & Joß Steinke (2024): Vor dem Kollaps!? Beschäftigung im sozialen Sektor. Empirische Vermessung und Handlungsansätze. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 111 S. DOI:10.1515/9783110748024


    "Diese Studie bietet eine empirisch fundierte Gesamtschau auf die Beschäftigung in einem der personalintensivsten und am stärksten vom Fachkräftemangel betroffenen Arbeitsfelder in Deutschland: dem sozialen Sektor. Wer das Buch liest, gewinnt ein tieferes Verständnis über Zusammenhänge und die Notwendigkeit, offen über Beschäftigung im sozialen Sektor zu debattieren. Anhand aktueller Daten zeigen die Autor:innen, dass der soziale Sektor im Wettbewerb um Arbeitskräfte schlecht dasteht. Zunehmend fehlen Arbeitskräfte und grundlegende, bislang als selbstverständlich betrachtete Leistungen der sozialen Daseinsvorsorge können immer häufiger nicht mehr erbracht werden. Die Autor:innen zeigen Wege auf, wie soziale Berufe wieder attraktiver und der Kollaps des sozialen Sektors (vielleicht) verhindert werden kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter Oldenbourg)

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    Hohendanner, Christian;
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    Miss or match? The impact of PhD training on job market satisfaction (2024)

    Lawson, Cornelia; Lopes-Bento, Cindy;


    Lawson, Cornelia & Cindy Lopes-Bento (2024): Miss or match? The impact of PhD training on job market satisfaction. In: Research Policy, Jg. 53, H. 3. DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2023.104945


    "Job satisfaction is vital to being productive and to contribute to society. This paper adds to our current understanding of the job market for academics by investigating job satisfaction of PhD holders leaving academia for the private or non-academic public sector (government, public administration) compared to those who remain in university or public research center positions. We investigate whether a PhD matters for satisfaction by comparing PhD holders and PhD dropouts who hold similar motivations and ‘taste’ for science. Empirically we rely on a unique survey of PhD grant applicants (funded and not) and show that about half of PhD graduates leave academia. In endogenous treatment effects models accounting for selection into sector, we find that despite a preference for the academic sector, PhDs do not experience lower job satisfaction when employed outside of academia and that overall satisfaction is highest in the non-academic public sector. We further find that PhD graduates are happier in their jobs than those that do not complete a PhD, a finding that is mediated by the job content (i.e. the relatedness of the employment to a research activity). These findings are of relevance to employers and policy makers, as they inform about job match of graduates and the value of pursuing a PhD across employment sectors." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2024 Elsevier) ((en))

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    The well-being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles (2024)

    Love, Inessa ; Dhakal, Chandra; Nikolaev, Boris ;


    Love, Inessa, Boris Nikolaev & Chandra Dhakal (2024): The well-being of women entrepreneurs: the role of gender inequality and gender roles. In: Small business economics, Jg. 62, H. 1, S. 325-352. DOI:10.1007/s11187-023-00769-z


    "The current study presents new evidence on the well-being of women entrepreneurs using data from the World Values Survey for 80 countries. Results indicate that in low- and middle-income countries, female entrepreneurs have lower well-being than male entrepreneurs, while in high-income countries, they have higher well-being. Several macro and micro-level mechanisms– institutional context, gender roles, and individual characteristics–that potentially moderate this relationship are explored. The gender gap in well-being is larger in countries with higher gender inequality, lower level of financial development, and stricter adherence to sexist gender roles. Additionally, women entrepreneurs with lower education, more children, and risk-averse preferences are more likely to report lower well-being. The results suggest several policy mechanisms that can be used to enhance the well-being of women entrepreneurs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Reconsidering Occupational Internal Labor Markets: Incidence and Consequences (2024)

    Osterman, Paul ;


    Osterman, Paul (2024): Reconsidering Occupational Internal Labor Markets: Incidence and Consequences. In: ILR review, Jg. 77, H. 3, S. 366-395. DOI:10.1177/00197939241242089


    "What are useful ways to characterize varying employment systems? This article returns to an older idea, Internal Labor Markets (ILMs). The traditional assumption characterized ILMs as the core of the labor market but current thinking argues that ILMs have frayed. Little direct measurement has been carried out, however, and both viewpoints have relied on proxies or case studies. The author utilizes a new survey of employed US workers to provide an estimate of the incidence of ILMs and finds that between 25 and 40% percent of adult workers are in ILMs. The article then elaborates theory regarding the practices of ILMs, a theory grounded in the idea of complementary bundles of human resource practices, and asks what are the correlates of being in an ILM. Findings show that although wages in ILMs are no higher than non-ILM wages, ILMs are positively associated with other aspects of job quality and attitudes across the board." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Slow Work: The Mainstream Concept (2024)

    Silvestre, Maria João; Velez, Maria João; Gonçalves, Sónia P. ;


    Silvestre, Maria João, Sónia P. Gonçalves & Maria João Velez (2024): Slow Work: The Mainstream Concept. In: Social Sciences, Jg. 13, H. 3. DOI:10.3390/socsci13030178


    "The global acceleration of the pace of life has led to an increase in working hours, time pressure, and intensification of work tasks in organizations, with consequences for the physical and psychological health of workers. This acceleration and its consequences make it especially relevant to consider the principles of the slow movement and how they can be applied to the work context, focusing on the importance of slowing down the current pace of work and its implications for the sustainability of people and organizations. The key purpose of this study is to define the concept of slow work and understand its relationship with individual and organisational factors in order to extract the structuring dimensions, enabling its empirical study and practical application. Using grounded theory methodology, we conducted 12 semi-structured interviews with leaders of organizations from different sectors. Data analysis was performed using the MAXQDA programme. It was concluded that slow work is a way of working that respects the balance between individual rhythms and the objectives of the organization, in favor of the sustainability of both parties, and that advocates qualitative goals, thinking time, individual recovery, purpose, and the humanisation of work. The main contribution is the conceptualisation of a construct that may be used in future studies, as well as in the development of organisational policies promoting the slow work culture." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Younger and less satisfied? Young workers life satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany (2023)

    Achatz, Juliane; Christoph, Bernhard ; Anger, Silke ;


    Achatz, Juliane, Bernhard Christoph & Silke Anger (2023): Younger and less satisfied? Young workers life satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. In: IAB-Forum H. 29.12.2023. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231229.01


    "Adverse effects on workers’ employment situation are highly unequal for different groups. Young workers were particularly affected by the pandemic. They were less likely to receive short-time work allowance and their income developed less favourably than the income of older workers. While financial concerns and job insecurity decrease life satisfaction, it appears that additional threats and restrictions coming along with the pandemic—as approximated by incidence rates—had a much more substantial influence on young workers’ life satisfaction than labour market-related disadvantages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Fairness of earnings in Europe: the consequences of unfair under- and overreward for life satisfaction (2023)

    Adriaans, Jule ;


    Adriaans, Jule (2023): Fairness of earnings in Europe: the consequences of unfair under- and overreward for life satisfaction. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 39, H. 1, S. 118-131. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcac044


    "A large percentage of workers in Europe perceive their earnings to be unfairly low. Such perceptions of unfairness can have far-reaching consequences, ranging from low satisfaction to poor health. To gain insight into the conditions that can attenuate or amplify these adverse consequences, comparative research on the role of country contexts in shaping responses to perceived unfairness is needed. Furthermore, justice theory proposes that both types of perceived unfairness - underreward and overreward - cause distress, but evidence on overreward from representative survey data is scarce and laboratory studies have produced mixed results. Data from the European Social Survey (collected in 2018/2019) offer a means of addressing both of these gaps in the research. Studying the association between perceived fairness of personal earnings and life satisfaction in a cross-section of 29 European countries, I find that both underreward and overreward are associated with lower life satisfaction. This relationship is more pronounced in countries where the equity norm is strongly legitimized and weaker in countries where the trade union density is high." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Experienced versus decision utility: large-scale comparison for income–leisure preferences (2023)

    Akay, Alpaslan ; Jara, H. Xavier ; Bargain, Olivier B.;


    Akay, Alpaslan, Olivier B. Bargain & H. Xavier Jara (2023): Experienced versus decision utility: large-scale comparison for income–leisure preferences. In: The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Jg. 125, H. 4, S. 823-859. DOI:10.1111/sjoe.12538


    "Subjective well‐being (SWB) data are increasingly used to perform welfare analysis. Interpreted as “experienced utility”, it has recently been compared to “decision utility” using small‐scale experiments most often based on stated preferences. We transpose this comparison to the framework of non‐experimental and large‐scale data commonly used for policy analysis, focusing on the income–leisure domain where redistributive policies operate. Using the British Household Panel Survey, we suggest a “deviation” measure, which is simply the difference between actual working hours and SWB‐maximizing hours. We show that about three‐quarters of individuals make decisions that are not inconsistent with maximizing their SWB. We discuss the potential channels that explain the lack of optimization when deviations are significantly large. We find proxies for a number of individual and external constraints, and show that constraints alone can explain more than half of the deviations. In our context, deviations partly reflect the inability of the revealed preference approach to account for labor market rigidities, so the actual and SWB‐maximizing hours should be used in a complementary manner. The suggested approach based on our deviation metric could help identify labor market frictions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Arbeitszeit und gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen (2023)

    Backhaus, Nils; Nold, Johanna; Entgelmeier, Ines; Brenscheidt, Frank; Tisch, Anita;


    Backhaus, Nils, Johanna Nold, Ines Entgelmeier, Frank Brenscheidt & Anita Tisch (2023): Arbeitswissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Arbeitszeit und gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen. (baua: Fokus), Dortmund, 44 S. DOI:10.21934/baua:fokus20230807


    "Aus arbeitswissenschaftlicher Sicht ist das Ziel gesetzlicher Regelungen zur Arbeitszeit, dass Erwerbstätige über lange Zeit leistungsfähig, belastbar und zufrieden mit ihrer Arbeit sind. Die gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen stellen aus Sicht des Arbeitsschutzes einen (Mindest-)Standard für eine gesunde und sichere Gestaltung der Arbeit dar. Flexible Arbeitszeiten bieten eine Chance für Betriebe und Beschäftigte, wenn sie die Grenzen der Leistungsfähigkeit der Beschäftigten unter der Bedingung einer Arbeits- und Lebenswelt mit hoher Intensität berücksichtigen und hinreichend Erholungszeiten ermöglichen. Der baua: Fokus basiert auf einer Stellungnahme der BAuA im Rahmen einer Anhörung im Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landtags." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Fairness im Berufsleben: Die Bedeutsamkeit der Fairnessdimensionen für die Arbeitszufriedenheit und die Vermeidung von Burnout-Symptomen : Die Ergebnisse der Replikationsstudie vom Frühjahr 2023 (2023)

    Bauer, Felix;


    Bauer, Felix (2023): Fairness im Berufsleben. Die Bedeutsamkeit der Fairnessdimensionen für die Arbeitszufriedenheit und die Vermeidung von Burnout-Symptomen : Die Ergebnisse der Replikationsstudie vom Frühjahr 2023. Frankfurt am Main, 20 S.


    "Wie bedeutsam sind Fairnessdimensionen für die Arbeitszufriedenheit und für die Vermeidung von Burnout-Symptomen? Das prüfte die FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie und Management (Nürnberg) unter Leitung von Dr. Felix Bauer. Grundlage der Studie bildete eine Untersuchung der iba – Internationale Berufsakademie und der berufundfamilie im Sommer 2022 zu der Bedeutsamkeit und Umsetzung von Fairnessaspekten aus Sicht von Erwerbstätigen. Für die Replikationsstudie wurden die Daten von 518 Personen ausgewertet, die vom 17.03 bis zum 25.04.2023 an der Online-Befragung teilnahmen. Gut 2/3 von ihnen waren weiblich und 88,2% gehörten der Altersgruppe der 18- bis 31-Jährigen an, also der Generation Y und Generation Z. Die Auswertung zeigt: Fairnessdimensionen haben einen starken Einfluss auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit. Und: Burn-out-Symptome werden deutlich schwächer, je mehr Fairness-Kriterien eingehalten werden. Je mehr Beschäftigte das Empfinden haben, dass Fairnessfaktoren bei ihrer Arbeit gegeben sind, umso zufriedener sind sie. Dabei spielen insbesondere Aspekte aus den Bereichen Information und Kommunikation sowie Führung eine Rolle: „ein respektvoller und wertschätzender Umgang der Vorgesetzten mit den Anliegen der Mitarbeitenden“, „ein konstruktiver Umgang mit Fehlern“, „eine wertschätzende und respektvolle Kommunikation auf Teamebene bzw. mit Kolleg*innen“, die Möglichkeit gegenseitig regelmäßig Feedback zu geben bzw. zu erhalten sowie dass Termine bzw. Teambesprechungen eingehalten werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    What do Happiness Data Mean? Theory and Survey Evidence (2023)

    Benjamin, Daniel J.; Debnam Guzman, Jakina; Fleurbaey, Marc; Kimball, Miles; Heffetz, Ori;


    Benjamin, Daniel J., Jakina Debnam Guzman, Marc Fleurbaey, Ori Heffetz & Miles Kimball (2023): What do Happiness Data Mean? Theory and Survey Evidence. In: Journal of the European Economic Association, Jg. 21, H. 6, S. 2377-2412. DOI:10.1093/jeea/jvad026


    "What utility notion—e.g. flow/lifetime, self/family-centered—do self-reported well-being (SWB) questions measure? Existing applications make different assumptions regarding the (i) life domains, (ii) time horizons, and (iii) other-regarding preferences captured by SWB data. To obtain relevant evidence, we ask survey respondents what they had in mind regarding (i)–(iii) when answering commonly used—life satisfaction, happiness, ladder—and new SWB questions. We find that respondents’ self-reports differ from researchers’ assumptions and differ across SWB questions and sociodemographic groups. At the same time, simple SWB-question wording tweaks are effective in moving self-reports toward desired interpretations. We outline actionable suggestions for SWB researchers. (JEL: D69, D90, I31)" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Much Ado about Salary: A Comparison of Monetary and Non-Monetary Components of Job Satisfaction (2023)

    Bernini, Cristina; Tampieri, Alessandro;


    Bernini, Cristina & Alessandro Tampieri (2023): Much Ado about Salary: A Comparison of Monetary and Non-Monetary Components of Job Satisfaction. (Working paper - Economics / DISEI, Università degli studi di Firenze 2023,06), Firenze, 32 S.


    "We investigate how specific components of job satisfaction influence overall work happiness. We use the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS), which includes measures of satisfaction with total pay, job security, the nature of work, and hours worked. Our analysis employs a multi-level model to assess the variations in job satisfaction among different types of occupations. This approach allows for a clear comparison of both monetary and non-monetary aspects of job satisfaction. Our findings indicate that the importance of satisfaction with salary in explaining overall satisfaction is lower compared to other non-monetary aspects. This result holds true even when we narrow down the sample by considering factors such as gender (males or females), employment type (full-time or part-time), further job satisfaction components (available for fewer years), and examining income as a second-level factor rather than job occupation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Determinants of Motivation to Work in Terms of Industry 4.0 - The Gen Z Perspective (2023)

    Bińczycki, Bernard ; Łukasiński, Wiesław; Dorocki, Sławomir ;


    Bińczycki, Bernard, Wiesław Łukasiński & Sławomir Dorocki (2023): Determinants of Motivation to Work in Terms of Industry 4.0 - The Gen Z Perspective. In: Sustainability, Jg. 15, H. 15. DOI:10.3390/su151512069


    "The mentality of Generation Z differs markedly from the approach to social and economic issues presented by earlier generations. These young people have had access to the internet and other innovative technologies since birth. A tape recorder or a floppy disk is a museum exhibit for them. They are unfamiliar with the everyday problems that citizens of Central and Eastern Europe faced during the socialist era, such as the lack of necessities on the shelves. The aim of this article is to present the results of the authors’ survey on the identification of work motivation factors relevant to Generation Z. The survey involved 649 respondents, young Poles who are currently entering the labor market. It was also an interesting research task for the authors to compare the results of surveys among young Poles with the results of international surveys. The research provided insight into young people’s expectations, values, and preferences regarding work. The results of the survey can provide valuable guidance for employers in shaping sustainable human resource management strategies. In addition, studying the competences of Generation Z can identify the gap between the requirements of the labor market and the skills possessed by young workers. The study conducted by the authors is among the first of its kind in Poland after the pandemic, emphasizing the growing trend in remote work. Earlier research was undertaken in a different economic climate. The current investigation took place following the COVID-19 outbreak and amidst heightened military operations in Ukraine. It also takes into account the effects of recent technological progress related to the rapid development of Industry 4.0. Notably, the questionnaire used in this study is unique as the authors categorized motivational factors into three essential groups, highly relevant in today’s markedly altered labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Language proficiency of migrants: the relation with job satisfaction and skill matching (2023)

    Bloemen, Hans G. ;


    Bloemen, Hans G. (2023): Language proficiency of migrants: the relation with job satisfaction and skill matching. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 65, H. 6, S. 2899-2952. DOI:10.1007/s00181-023-02445-3


    "We empirically analyze the relation between language proficiency and job level of migrants in the Netherlands. A lack of language skills may induce the migrant to work in jobs of a lower level leading to lower job satisfaction. We analyse information about job satisfaction, the fit between the migrant’s education and skill level and the job, and professional level. Men with a higher proficiency level are more satisfied with their type of work and are employed at a higher professional level. For women, no impact of language proficiency can be found." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Die Jungen wollen nicht mehr arbeiten? Sinnansprüche und Arbeitsethos jüngerer Arbeitnehmer:innen (2023)

    Boór, Beata; Kittel, Bernhard ;


    Boór, Beata & Bernhard Kittel (2023): Die Jungen wollen nicht mehr arbeiten? Sinnansprüche und Arbeitsethos jüngerer Arbeitnehmer:innen. In: WISO, Jg. 46, H. 2, S. 33-51.


    "Die dargestellten empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, anders als der mediale Diskurs vermuten lässt, keine relevanten Unterschiede in den Arbeitswerten zwischen den Altersgruppen oder Generationen. In den untersuchten Dimensionen Arbeitszentralität und JobattributPräferenzen zeigen sich ähnliche Ergebnisse und Dynamiken für beide Altersgruppen. Der Lebensbereich „Arbeit“ hat weiterhin einen hohen Stellenwert im Leben der Menschen. Entgegen der in der Einleitung genannten Schlagzeilen ist die Bereitschaft, selbst ohne finanzielle Notwendigkeit zu arbeiten, unter jungen Arbeitnehmer:innen weiterhin hoch und sinkt tendenziell erst mit der Annäherung an das Pensionsalter ab. Gleichzeitig lässt sich nicht nachweisen, dass der Lebensbereich „Freizeit“ für die jüngere Generation bedeutender wäre als für die Gruppe der über 35-Jährigen. Stattdessen zeigt sich altersunabhängig eine hohe Bedeutung dieses Bereichs und eine niedrige Bereitschaft, diesen kontinuierlich der Erwerbsarbeit unterzuordnen. Die resultierende Abnahme der relativen Arbeitszentralität betrifft somit alle Arbeitnehmer:innen und ist nicht auf die jüngeren Generationen beschränkt. Die Ergebnisse für die Dimension der Jobattribut-Präferenzen zeigt außerdem die anhaltend hohe Bedeutung von extrinsischen und intrinsischen Faktoren sowie von Vereinbarkeit zwischen dem Arbeits- und Privatleben. Aspekte wie Sicherheit, gute Bezahlung, Work-Life-Balance und selbstbestimmtes Arbeiten in einer wertschätzenden Umgebung sind somit nicht nur für jüngere Generationen relevant. Wenn allerdings empirisch keine Alters- oder Generationenunterschiede in den Arbeitswerten der Österreicher:innen nachgewiesen werden können, bleibt letztlich die Frage, wieso der mediale Diskurs und die öffentliche Wahrnehmung an den Narrativ eines Generationenwandels festhält. Dafür ist es notwendig, auf andere Studien zurückzugreifen, die das allgemeine Lebensgefühl junger Menschen in Europa untersuchen. Einen Teil der Erklärung liefern Jugendstudien wie die Studie „Junges Europa“ der Tui Stiftung oder die deutsche Shell-Jugendstudie, die aufzeigen, dass Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene inzwischen selbstbewusster sind, klare Vorstellungen davon haben, was sie möchten und weniger bereit sind, sich bestehenden Machtverhältnissen unterzuordnen. Es kann angenommen werden, dass diese Befunde im Wesentlichen auch für Österreich zutreffen. Gleichzeitig treffen sie mit ihrer Bereitschaft, diese Dinge auch einzufordern, auf einen sich verändernden Arbeitsmarkt. Der durch die COVID-19-Pandemie beschleunigte Wandel der Arbeitswelt, gepaart mit dem demografischen Wandel, der anstehenden Pensionierungswelle und einer Verschiebung des Arbeitsmarktes hin zu einem Angebotsmarkt bildet den Kontext, in dem diese erstarkte Emanzipation junger Arbeitnehmer:innen möglich wird. Wie in diesem Beitrag aufgezeigt, sind es nicht die Arbeitswerte der jungen Generation, die sich verändern, sondern ihre Möglichkeiten und Instrumente, ihre Wünsche zu artikulieren und sich dabei zu behaupten." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku, © ISW-Linz)

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    The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work (2023)

    Burbano, Vanessa C.; Rickne, Johanna; Meier, Stephan; Folke, Olle;


    Burbano, Vanessa C., Olle Folke, Stephan Meier & Johanna Rickne (2023): The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work. (Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) 2023,06), Stockholm, 39 S.


    "An understanding of differences in non-monetary work conditions is fundamental for a complete characterization of individuals’ well-being at work. Thus, to fully characterize gender inequalities in the labor market, scholars have begun to explore gender differences in non-monetary work conditions. We examine one such condition—meaningful work—using nationally representative survey data linked with worker and employer administrative data. We document a large and expanding gender gap in meaningful work, wherein women experience their jobs as more meaningful than men do. We then explore patterns underlying this difference. We find little correlation between women’s higher experience of meaningful work and either labor market decisions related to first parenthood or women’s under-representation in leadership jobs. Instead, the gender gap appears to be highly correlated with the sorting of more women into occupations with a high level of beneficence—the sense of having a prosocial impact. While both women and men experience such jobs as more meaningful, women do so by a larger margin. Next, we consider the relationship between the gender difference in meaningful work and the gender wage gap, contributing to the discussion on compensating differentials in work amenities. We find that while the gender gap in meaningful work closes a substantial part of the wage gap in lower-paid jobs, it does little to close the gap in higherpaid jobs where the gender wage gap is largest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction and the 'Great Resignation': An Exploratory Machine Learning Analysis (2023)

    Celbiş, Mehmet Güney ; Wong, Pui-hang ; Nijkamp, Peter ; Kourtit, Karima ;


    Celbiş, Mehmet Güney, Pui-hang Wong, Karima Kourtit & Peter Nijkamp (2023): Job Satisfaction and the 'Great Resignation': An Exploratory Machine Learning Analysis. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 170, H. 3, S. 1097-1118. DOI:10.1007/s11205-023-03233-3


    "Labor market dynamics is shaped by various social, psychological and economic drivers. Studies have suggested that job quit and labor market turnover are associated with job satisfaction. This study examines the determinants of job satisfaction using a large survey dataset, namely the LISS Work and Schooling module on an extensive sample of persons from the Netherlands. To handle these big data, machine learning models based on binary recursive partitioning algorithms are employed. Particularly, sequential and randomized tree-based techniques are used for prediction and clustering purposes. In order to interpret the results, the study calculates the sizes and directions of the effects of model features using computations based on the concept of Shapley value in cooperative game theory. The findings suggest that satisfaction with the social atmosphere among colleagues, wage satisfaction, and feeling of being appreciated are major determinants of job satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Impact of income and unemployment on happiness: panel data evidence for European countries (2023)

    Cimpoeru, Smaranda;


    Cimpoeru, Smaranda (2023): Impact of income and unemployment on happiness: panel data evidence for European countries. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 30, H. 8, S. 1047-1051. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2022.2035666


    "This study examines the short-run and long-run relationships between happiness and two economic variables, namely income and unemployment. Drawing from a sample of eleven European countries over a time period of 36 years spanning 1985–2020, we find that both income and unemployment have a significant impact on happiness levels. In particular, the results show that higher income leads to higher happiness in the long-run, but the short-run impact is rather weak. Moreover, unemployment decreases people’s happiness levels both in the short and in the long-run, emphasizing the need for European policies directed to job creation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Twenty Years of Job Quality in OECD Countries: More Good News? (2023)

    Clark, Andrew E. ; Kozák, Michal ;


    Clark, Andrew E. & Michal Kozák (2023): Twenty Years of Job Quality in OECD Countries: More Good News? (IZA discussion paper / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 16597), Bonn, 37 S.


    "The distribution of job quality across workers and the change in job quality over time can be measured by job-domain indices or single-index job-satisfaction. This paper takes both approaches to establish the evolution of job quality over a period from the mid-1990s to the mid-2010s in 13 OECD countries, using data from the three latest ISSP Work Orientation modules. The rise in job satisfaction from 1997 to 2005 has continued through 2015, despite the 2008 Great Recession. This improvement is also found in most of the job-outcome domains, despite some evidence of work intensification. Job security was the most-important job aspect every year, and the percentage of workers with secure jobs rose over time. There has been a small rise in the dispersion of job satisfaction, but the good news regarding better job quality over a 20-year period does not seem to be dampened by large changes in its inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Can mandatory work in activation programs be meaningful work? (2023)

    Eleveld, Anja;


    Eleveld, Anja (2023): Can mandatory work in activation programs be meaningful work? In: Critical Social Policy online erschienen am 19.12.2023, S. 1-20. DOI:10.1177/02610183231218966


    "Quantitative well-being studies have shown that welfare recipients performing work activities in activation programs report relatively high levels of well-being. This article asks how these findings can be explained, given welfare recipients’ constrained autonomy. To answer this question a qualitative study was conducted in the Netherlands to explore the interaction between welfare recipients’ constrained autonomy and how they experience work in MandatoryWork Programs. This article uses concepts from critical theoretical approaches to meaningful work and autonomy to analyze the data. The findings show how the restrained autonomy of program impacted the participants’ work experiences in various, sometimes contradictory ways. It is concluded, among other things, that quantitative well-being research does not seem to fully capture people's experiences as having the status of a welfare recipient and, related to that, what it means for them when their autonomy is constrained in one or more dimensions. It is also recommended that future quantitative well-being studies clearly distinguish between types of activation programs, particularly regarding their mandatory nature, their goals and their target groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Flexicurity and self-perceived work–life balance in the EU27: A repeated cross-sectional multilevel analysis (2023)

    Ferent-Pipas, Marina ; Lazar, Dorina;


    Ferent-Pipas, Marina & Dorina Lazar (2023): Flexicurity and self-perceived work–life balance in the EU27: A repeated cross-sectional multilevel analysis. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy online erschienen am 12.12.2023, S. 1-29. DOI:10.1177/0143831X231213024


    "This study examines the relationship between flexicurity policies and work–life balance, addressing the research question ‘How do higher flexicurity efforts in a country relate to employee perceptions of work–life balance?’ The European Commission adopted flexicurity in 2007 and proposed employment quality as an expected outcome. Work–life balance, a dimension monitored as part of employment quality, has so far been assumed as an implicit outcome of flexicurity, but no empirical research is dedicated to the topic per se. In this article the authors construct a composite indicator to proxy for national flexicurity efforts following the European Commission’s guidelines. For work–life balance and other individual characteristics, the authors employ data on about 74,000 EU27 employees from the three latest waves of the European Working Conditions Survey. First, findings show that the between-country differences in work–life balance were narrower in 2015 compared to 2005. Second, the multilevel analysis suggests that the higher a country scores as regards its flexicurity policies, the likelier its citizens are to report having a work–life balance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy (2023)

    Fleischer, Julia ; Wanckel, Camilla;


    Fleischer, Julia & Camilla Wanckel (2023): Job Satisfaction and the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector: The Mediating Role of Job Autonomy. In: Review of Public Personnel Administration online erschienen am 12.01.2023, S. 1-22. DOI:10.1177/0734371X221148403


    "Worldwide, governments have introduced novel information and communication technologies (ICTs) for policy formulation and service delivery, radically changing the working environment of government employees. Following the debate on work stress and particularly on technostress, we argue that the use of ICTs triggers “digital overload” that decreases government employees’ job satisfaction via inhibiting their job autonomy. Contrary to prior research, we consider job autonomy as a consequence rather than a determinant of digital overload, because ICT-use accelerates work routines and interruptions and eventually diminishes employees’ freedom to decide how to work. Based on novel survey data from government employees in Germany, Italy, and Norway, our structural equation modeling (SEM) confirms a significant negative effect of digital overload on job autonomy. More importantly, job autonomy partially mediates the negative relationship between digital overload and job satisfaction, pointing to the importance of studying the micro-foundations of ICT-use in the public sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How does institutional context shape work-related functionings for regular and self-employed workers? A contextualised application of the capability approach to Belgium, France and the Netherlands (2023)

    Focacci, Chiara Natalie ; Pichault, François ;


    Focacci, Chiara Natalie & François Pichault (2023): How does institutional context shape work-related functionings for regular and self-employed workers? A contextualised application of the capability approach to Belgium, France and the Netherlands. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 43, H. 13/14, S. 36-61. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-12-2022-0312


    "Purpose: According to Sen's theoretical framework of capability (1985), individuals reach their full potential once they have the freedom, intended as the set of functionings at their disposal, to do so. However, many critiques have been developed against the lack of embeddedness of the capability approach in social and political relations and structures. In this article, the authors investigate the influence of three institutional contexts (Belgium, the Netherlands and France) on the respective work-related functionings of self-employed and regular workers, with a focus on human capital investment and institutional support offered to them. Design/methodology/approach Data from the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) are used to highlight similarities and differences in building work-related functionings for regular and self-employed workers. A regression analysis is provided at the country level. Findings In the three labor markets, the authors find that the building of work-related functionings is more successful for regular employees, especially as regards institutional support. Self-employed workers, on the other hand, need to rely on their individual capability as regards employment protection and human capital investment. However, the authors find interesting differences between the three institutional contexts. In both Belgium and France, self-employed workers are subject to higher instability in terms of changes in salary and hours worked, whereas atypical work is better positioned in the Dutch labour market. The Netherlands is also characterized by a less significant gap between regular and self-employed workers with respect to participation in training. Originality/value In this article, the authors contextualise Sen's (1985) theoretical framework by taking into account the institutional differences of labor markets. In particular, the authors provide a novel application of his capability approach to regular and self-employed workers in an economically relevant European area." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Workplace Sex Composition and Appreciation at Work (2023)

    Folke, Olle; Rickne, Johanna;


    Folke, Olle & Johanna Rickne (2023): Workplace Sex Composition and Appreciation at Work. (Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) 2023,05), Stockholm, 24 S.


    "We study appreciation of one’s work using nationally representative survey data from Sweden linked with employer–employee data. The level of appreciation from colleagues rises sharply with the share of women in the workplace. This strong pattern holds for women and men workers, as well as for subordinates and managers. More appreciation from colleagues is associated with higher levels of job satisfaction and other indicators of worker well-being. These results demonstrate the benefits of workplace gender diversity and inclusion, and suggest new directions for research on gender inequality in the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Digitalization Boost of the Covid‐19 Pandemic and Changes in Job Quality (2023)

    Friedrich, Teresa Sophie ; Vicari, Basha ;


    Friedrich, Teresa Sophie & Basha Vicari (2023): The Digitalization Boost of the Covid‐19 Pandemic and Changes in Job Quality. In: Social Inclusion, Jg. 11, H. 4, S. 274-286., 2023-09-18. DOI:10.17645/si.v11i4.7082


    "The Covid‐19 pandemic caused a digitalization boost, mainly through the rise of telework. Even before the pandemic, advancing digital transformation restructured the way of working and thereby changed the quality of jobs—albeit at a different pace across occupations. With data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), we examine how job quality and the use of digital technologies changed during the first pandemic year in different occupations. Building on this, we analyze change score models to investigate how increased workplace digitalization connects to changes in selected aspects of employees’ subjective job quality. We find only a weak association between the digitalization boost in different occupational fields and the overall decrease in subjective job quality. However, telework—as one aspect of digitalization—is connected to a smaller decrease in work–family reconciliation and conformable working hours. Thus, it may buffer some detrimental pandemic effects on job quality. In addition, telework is connected to increased information overload, creating a new burden for specific employee groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Friedrich, Teresa Sophie ; Vicari, Basha ;
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    ifaa-Studie: Anreiz- und Vergütungssysteme in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie 2023: Betriebliche Ansätze zur Stärkung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität und Fachkräftesicherung (2023)

    Gahmann, Amelia;


    Gahmann, Amelia (2023): ifaa-Studie: Anreiz- und Vergütungssysteme in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie 2023. Betriebliche Ansätze zur Stärkung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität und Fachkräftesicherung. Düsseldorf, 41 S.


    "Die Sicherung von Fachkräften entwickelt sich zunehmend zum Hauptthema der Personalarbeit. Benefits, finanzielle Anreize und attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen stellen in vielen Unternehmen eine Ergänzung zum monetären Entgelt dar und sind damit Teil einer ganzheitlichen Vergütungsstrategie. Bereits in den Jahren 2017 und 2020 hat das ifaa - Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. als Forschungsinstitut der Arbeitgeberverbände der Metall- und Elektroindustrie zwei Befragungen zur Verbreitung dieser Leistungen durchgeführt. Um aktuelle Entwicklungen zu identifizieren, hat das ifaa 2023 mit Unterstützung der Arbeitgeberverbände eine weitere Befragungswelle realisiert. Die Ergebnisse sind eindeutig: Neben einem hohen branchentypischen Entgelt bieten die Unternehmen unterschiedliche Zusatzleistungen und Anreize an, um Beschäftigte zu finden und an das Unternehmen zu binden. Die vorliegende Broschüre zeigt die Verbreitung von Benefits in deutschen Unternehmen der Metall- und Elektroindustrie. Die Ergebnisse werden mit den Angaben von Unternehmen aus anderen Branchen verglichen, sowohl aus der Produktion (Gummi- und Kunststoffherstellung, Papier- und Pappeindustrie, Chemie) als auch aus anderen Sektoren wie den Sozialversicherungen, dem öffentlichen Dienst und Handel . Darüber hinaus zeigen die Abbildungen, wie sich das Angebot zur vorangegangenen Befragung 2020 verändert hat" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Adopting telework: The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being (2023)

    Gueguen, Guillaume; Senik, Claudia ;


    Gueguen, Guillaume & Claudia Senik (2023): Adopting telework: The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being. In: BJIR, Jg. 61, H. 4, S. 832-868. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12761


    "We study the impact of work from home (WFH) on subjective well-being during the Covid period, where self-selection of individuals into telework is ruled out, at least part of the time, by stay-at-home orders. We use a difference-in-differences approach with individual fixed effects and identify the specific impact of switching to telecommuting, separately from any other confounding factor. In particular, our identification strategy avoids the influence of interpersonal heterogeneity by exploiting the multiple entries into WFH, by the same individuals, at different times. On average over the period, switching to WFH, especially full-time, worsens mental health. We also find a positive but imprecisely measured impact of part-time WFH on life satisfaction. However, this hides a dynamic evolution, whereby the initial deterioration gives place to an adaptation process after a couple of months. We also uncover a particularly pronounced fall in subjective well-being of women with children, especially in the first months; this could be associated with home-schooling." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Pay equality among heterogeneous agents (2023)

    Hoffman, Ryan; Kambhampati, Ashwin; Kaplan, Scott ;


    Hoffman, Ryan, Ashwin Kambhampati & Scott Kaplan (2023): Pay equality among heterogeneous agents. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 229. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2023.111188


    "A principal incentivizes a team of agents to work by choosing performance-contingent rewards. She desires to implement work by all agents as a unique Nash equilibrium. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions under which it is optimal to reward heterogeneous agents equally, and show that increasing inequality in the marginal productivities of agents can either increase or decrease pay inequality. Our results rationalize patterns of performance pay in many labor market settings, including professional sports leagues and the military." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Are more automatable jobs less satisfying? (2023)

    Jacobs, Arthur ; Ootegem, Luc Van; Verhofstadt, Elsy ;


    Jacobs, Arthur, Elsy Verhofstadt & Luc Van Ootegem (2023): Are more automatable jobs less satisfying? (Working paper / Ghent University. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 2023,1059), Gent, 20 S.


    "We investigate whether the characteristics which render a job more likely to disappear due to automation also make that job less satisfying. The literature on automation offers convincing reasons in favour of this hypothesis, but it has not been empirically tested before. We use a widely-established, occupation-level measure of automatability and find that more automatable jobs are indeed significantly less satisfying using data from the European Working Conditions Survey. The effect is sizeable and robust to controlling for a wide range of individual-level variables and job-context variables. Our finding suggests that more automatable occupations are less satisfying because of their inherent nature (i.e. the nature of the tasks required for the performance of that occupation). We conduct a mediation analysis and find that the smaller creative intelligence requirement related to automatable occupations is the most important reason for their lower job satisfaction. We discuss to what extent these economy-wide findings translate to the level of the individual worker, in the context of a labor market segmented by education level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unravelling the Link between Automatability and Job Satisfaction (2023)

    Jacobs, Arthur ; Verhofstadt, Elsy ; Ootegem, Luc Van;


    Jacobs, Arthur, Elsy Verhofstadt & Luc Van Ootegem (2023): Unravelling the Link between Automatability and Job Satisfaction. In: Journal of labor research, Jg. 44, H. 3, S. 199-227. DOI:10.1007/s12122-023-09346-5


    "We take a closer look at the negative association between automatability and job satisfaction using data from the European Working Conditions Survey. We find a significant negative effect of automatability on job satisfaction. We observe that the association is not driven by individual or contextual confounders, but rather that it is generated by the specific task content of highly automatable occupations. More precisely, we identify 'originality requirements' as the key mediator, as more originality hinders the automatability of an occupation while boosting the job satisfaction of employees. We also find evidence for a stronger bias of future automation towards less satisfying occupations within lower-educated labour market segments. We discuss what these findings imply for the future quality of work and for inequality by education." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    A New Index of Perceived Job Quality in 116 Countries: Associations with Working Hours and Other National Characteristics (2023)

    Joshanloo, Mohsen ;


    Joshanloo, Mohsen (2023): A New Index of Perceived Job Quality in 116 Countries: Associations with Working Hours and Other National Characteristics. In: Social Sciences, Jg. 12, H. 9. DOI:10.3390/socsci12090492


    "The main purpose of this study was to create a global index of perceived job quality that assesses individuals’ perceptions of enjoyment, meaning, and engagement at work, as well as freedom of choice in job selection. The study also explored the correlation between weekly working hours and perceived job quality. A sample of 121,207 individuals from 116 countries was used, sourced from the Gallup World Poll. Additionally, variables from other sources were incorporated to establish the nomological net of the new index. Perceived job quality was highest in South and North America, while it was lowest in East Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa. Perceived job quality was weakly associated with cultural characteristics at the national level, while it was more strongly associated with experienced positive affect, psychosocial well-being, and optimism. No evidence was found that countries with higher levels of wealth have higher average levels of perceived job quality. The number of hours worked per week was not significantly related to perceived job quality at the national level. Working hours were found to be longer in collectivist, hierarchical, and less free countries, as well as in countries where work is valued over leisure. Weekly working hours was largely unrelated to economic indicators at the national level." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job pride and work orientation among blue-collar workers in the Finnish vehicle industry (2023)

    Koivunen, Tuija ; Pyöriä, Pasi; Saari, Tiina;


    Koivunen, Tuija, Pasi Pyöriä & Tiina Saari (2023): Job pride and work orientation among blue-collar workers in the Finnish vehicle industry. In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Jg. 43, H. 13/14, S. 229-244. DOI:10.1108/IJSSP-04-2023-0098


    "Purpose: Although the number of blue-collar industrial workers has been declining, manufacturing jobs continue to have considerable importance, even in technologically advanced economies. This study gives a voice to this often-overlooked group of workers, focusing on the Finnish vehicle industry. Design/methodology/approach The study assessed how manual workers in automotive manufacturing describe their job pride and how their accounts were related to conceptualizations of work orientation. The data included semi-structured interviews and an open-ended survey question on situations in which the respondents had felt proud of their work. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings According to the results, the respondents had a high level of job pride in general, but the meaning given to this attitude varied considerably, depending on the situation. The study participants' work orientation was a mixture of instrumental and intrinsic traits. However, there were also respondents who did not experience job pride or who had lost it because of the work circumstances. Originality/value Relatively little research has assessed the importance of job pride in the context of industrial manufacturing. Recognizing job pride in its variety is crucial information for employers who aim to develop working conditions and employee retention." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Emerald Group) ((en))

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    Arbeit und Gender (2023)

    Krause, Florian; Arndt, Luisa; Vedder, Günther; Vedder, Günther; Honé, Alicia; Warnecke, Anja; Pieper, Jessica;


    Krause, Florian & Günther Vedder (Hrsg.) (2023): Arbeit und Gender. (Schriftenreihe zur interdisziplinären Arbeitswissenschaft 15), Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 189 S.


    "Das Zusammenspiel von Arbeit und Gender ist innerhalb der Arbeitswissenschaft seit vielen Jahren von besonderem Interesse. Permanent kommen an der Schnittstelle aktuelle Themen hinzu, die bisher noch wenig beforscht wurden. In diesem Sammelband geht es um Fragestellungen aus folgenden Bereichen: (1) Menstruationsbedingte Arbeitsunfähigkeit – eine Diskursanalyse; (2) Frauen im organisationalen Führungsfeld unter Covid 19; (3) Die Vereinbarkeit von Familie, Beruf und Ehrenamt; (4) Sind Frauen im vorzeitigen Ruhestand glücklicher?; (5) Gewichtsdiskriminierung im Privat- und Berufsleben. Alle Beiträge sind am Institut für interdisziplinäre Arbeitswissenschaft der Leibniz Universität Hannover entstanden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Nomos)

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    Selbstverwirklichung im Beruf: Zur Geschichte eines Mythos (2023)

    Lemberg, Jason;


    Lemberg, Jason (2023): Selbstverwirklichung im Beruf. Zur Geschichte eines Mythos. In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Jg. 73, H. 46, S. 41-46.


    "Das Ideal der beruflichen Selbstverwirklichung ist allgegenwärtig. Obschon über die damit verbundenen Verheißungen oft nur mit deutlichen Einschränkungen gesprochen wird – so müssten wichtige Kriterien hinsichtlich der beruflichen Qualifikation und der biografischen Grundvoraussetzungen erfüllt sein –, ändere dies nichts an der Macht der damit verbundenen Bilder, Vorstellungen und Fantasien. Ganz im Gegenteil: Ein Großteil der Menschen sehnt sich nach einer erfüllenden Arbeit, und sagte nicht schon Konfuzius: "Wähle einen Beruf, den du liebst, und du brauchst keinen Tag in deinem Leben mehr zu arbeiten"?" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job satisfaction and firm earnings: Evidence from matched survey and register data (2023)

    Lydiksen, Nis; Ladenburg, Jacob; Gotfredsen, Andreas; Stenbro, Helle;


    Lydiksen, Nis, Andreas Gotfredsen, Jacob Ladenburg & Helle Stenbro (2023): Job satisfaction and firm earnings: Evidence from matched survey and register data. In: Labour, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 197-221. DOI:10.1111/labr.12240


    "This study examines the relationship between employee job satisfaction and firm performance in a sample of Danish private sector firms. The study relies on a representative survey merged with administrative data and accounting information for a sample of 1,929 Danish firms representing all economic sectors. The results of this study suggest that the average job satisfaction on the firm level positively affects the firms' pre-tax earnings. The effect amounts to a 7.9% increase per point increase in job satisfaction when job satisfaction is measured on a scale from 0 to 10. Furthermore, the study finds that workers' satisfaction with achievements at the job and their satisfaction with management are specifically related to better performance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    The Value of Working Conditions in the United States and the Implications for the Structure of Wages (2023)

    Maestas, Nicole; Mullen, Kathleen J.; Von Wachter, Till; Powell, David; Wenger, Jeffrey B.;


    Maestas, Nicole, Kathleen J. Mullen, David Powell, Till Von Wachter & Jeffrey B. Wenger (2023): The Value of Working Conditions in the United States and the Implications for the Structure of Wages. In: The American economic review, Jg. 113, H. 7, S. 2007-2047. DOI:10.1257/aer.20190846


    "We document variation in working conditions in the United States, present estimates of how workers value these conditions, and assess the impact of working conditions on estimates of wage inequality. We conduct a series of stated-preference experiments to estimate workers' willingness to pay for a broad set of working conditions, which we validate with actual job choices. We find that working conditions vary substantially, play a significant role in job choice, and are central components of the compensation received by workers. We find that accounting for differences in preferences for working conditions often exacerbates wage differentials and intensifies measures of wage inequality." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Going From Entrepreneur Back to Employee: Employer Type, Task Variety, and Job Satisfaction (2023)

    Melillo, Francesca;


    Melillo, Francesca (2023): Going From Entrepreneur Back to Employee: Employer Type, Task Variety, and Job Satisfaction. (Les GREDEG working papers 2023-21), Vabonne, 37 S.


    "While the literature documents a wage loss for entrepreneurs that return to paid employment, we examine how these entrepreneurs are re-integrated into the labor market. We consider which type of employers hire entrepreneurs and their satisfaction with the new corporate job. Using matched employer-employee data from Belgium combined with an ad-hoc survey, we find that entrepreneurs are hired by smaller employers that offer fewer employee benefits and pay less, contributing to explaining the wage loss. We also find that entrepreneurs are more satisfied than observationally equivalent employees when they are assigned to jobs that involve higher task variety. This effect is more pronounced for entrepreneurs who sort into better employers. Our findings highlight the importance for managers to assign entrepreneurs to the "right" job tasks." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Manager's gender, supervisory style, and employee's perception of the demanding work climate (2023)

    Mensvoort, Carly van ; Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald ; Lippe, Tanja van der;


    Mensvoort, Carly van, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey & Tanja van der Lippe (2023): Manager's gender, supervisory style, and employee's perception of the demanding work climate. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 39, H. 6, S. 862-875. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcad019


    "Prior research on the link between managers’ gender and workplace gender equity primarily focuses on career outcomes. The present study explores overly demanding work climates, which we see as a realization of the ideal worker norm, bad for all workers, but a particular barrier to women’s careers. We examine whether female managers are ‘agents of change’ toward better work climates, while also exploring the impact of gendered supervisory styles on employees’ experience of overly demanding work. Together we provide a novel elaboration of the doing gender framework and the question of whether women managers are agents of change. Two-level models with organization-fixed effects for a European manager-employee linked sample reveal overall support for female managers as change agents, particularly when they manage with a feminine supervisory style. A masculine supervisory style increases employee perceptions of being overworked irrespective of manager’s gender. When female managers only enact a masculine supervisory style, they produce particularly less favourable employee experiences. Male managers who combine both feminine and masculine styles also produce worse work climates for their subordinates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The link between computer use and job satisfaction: The mediating role of job tasks and task discretion (2023)

    Minardi, Saverio; Hornberg, Carla ; Barbieri, Paolo ; Solga, Heike ;


    Minardi, Saverio, Carla Hornberg, Paolo Barbieri & Heike Solga (2023): The link between computer use and job satisfaction: The mediating role of job tasks and task discretion. In: BJIR, Jg. 61, H. 4, S. 796-831. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12738


    "This study focuses on the consequences of the use of computerized work equipment (hereafter: computer use) on the content and quality of work. It investigates, first, the relationship between computer use and both job tasks and task discretion and, second, their mediating role for the relationship between computer use and job satisfaction. With our German-UK comparison, we contribute to the long-standing debate on the upskilling/de-skilling nature of the use of technology and its repercussions on the quality of work. We analyse data from the Skills and Employment Surveys for the UK and the BIBB/BAuA Employment Surveys for Germany using structural equation modelling. In line with the literature on routine-biased technological change, we show that computers are complementary to the performance of less routine and more abstract cognitive tasks and that this relationship is conducive to a higher level of task discretion and job satisfaction in both countries. Accounting for differences in job tasks performed, we find a negative direct effect of computer use on both task discretion and job satisfaction in the United Kingdom but not in Germany. Our results indicate that the ultimate effect of computer use on both task discretion and job satisfaction depends on the institutional contexts in which technology is introduced." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    What makes work better or worse? An analytical framework (2023)

    Murray, Gregor; Gesualdi-Fecteau, Dalia; Levesque, Christian; Roby, Nicolas;


    Murray, Gregor, Dalia Gesualdi-Fecteau, Christian Levesque & Nicolas Roby (2023): What makes work better or worse? An analytical framework. In: Transfer, Jg. 29, H. 3, S. 305-322. DOI:10.1177/10242589231207967


    "Dieser Artikel will neue gedankliche Perspektiven zum Thema bessere und schlechtere Arbeit aufzeigen, indem er einen neuen analytischen Rahmen zur Beurteilung der Qualität von Arbeit und ihrer Implikationen entwickelt. Hierzu wird auf eine breite Auswahl an Literatur über Arbeitsplatzqualität zurückgegriffen und darauf hingewiesen, dass wir eine umfassendere Agenda und ein dynamischeres Verständnis von Möglichkeiten brauchen, schlechtere Arbeit besser zu machen. Zu diesem Zweck präsentiert das Autorenteam einen dreidimensionalen Rahmen: Risiko, Autonomie und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten. Der Rahmen beurteilt bessere und schlechtere Arbeit und welche Möglichkeiten Arbeitnehmer:innen haben, zwischen diesen unterschiedlichen Dimensionen ihres Arbeitslebens zu navigieren. Wir untersuchen sich daraus ergebende Implikationen für Strategien der beteiligten Akteure und für die Wissenschaft, um eine Agenda für bessere Arbeit voranzubringen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    How White Workers Navigate Racial Difference in the Workplace: Social-Emotional Processes and the Role of Workplace Racial Composition (2023)

    Nelson, Jennifer L. ; Johnson, Tiffany D.;


    Nelson, Jennifer L. & Tiffany D. Johnson (2023): How White Workers Navigate Racial Difference in the Workplace: Social-Emotional Processes and the Role of Workplace Racial Composition. In: Work and occupations online erschienen am 12.06.2023, S. 1-46. DOI:10.1177/07308884231176833


    "Research on racialized emotions and racialized organizations has begun to inform how we understand social interactions in the workplace and their implications for racial inequality. However, most research to date focuses on the experiences and coping strategies of racial minority workers, especially when confronted with instances of racial prejudice and discrimination. We extend research on racialized emotions in the workplace by mapping the stages of belonging/unbelonging white workers go through when they encounter instances of racial discomfort or perceived prejudice in the workplace. This is an important contribution to the study of race and work because existing research suggests the deleterious effects for people of color when white people experience negative emotions such as threat, fear, and anxiety in interracial encounters. Drawing on interview data with 56 white teachers in a metropolitan area in the U.S. Southeast, we document a process of racialized belonging. This is a process whereby white workers experienced varying degrees of surprise, confusion, frustration, and fear resulting from interracial—and some intraracial—experiences with coworkers as well as students. We note how the process is informed by racialized imprinting prior to workplace entry and followed by racialized emotions and racialized coping. Racial composition of the workplace also played a role, though the process looked similar across contexts. We argue that by accounting for white workers’ prior life experiences as well as organizations’ involvement in accommodating their emotional expectations, the way white workers behave when race becomes salient to them can be better understood and addressed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work from Home: Von der Pandemienotlösung zum Konzept multilokaler Arbeit – Empirische Studie zu den Erfahrungen der Beschäftigten für eine Zukunft der Arbeitswelten an verteilten Orten (2023)

    Pfnür, Andreas; Höcker, Martin Christian; Voll, Kyra; Bachtal, Yassien;


    Pfnür, Andreas, Kyra Voll, Martin Christian Höcker & Yassien Bachtal (2023): Work from Home: Von der Pandemienotlösung zum Konzept multilokaler Arbeit – Empirische Studie zu den Erfahrungen der Beschäftigten für eine Zukunft der Arbeitswelten an verteilten Orten. (Publications of Darmstadt Technical University, Institute for Business Studies (BWL) 138378), Darmstadt: Darmstadt Technical University, Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law, Institute for Business Studies (BWL), 143 S.


    "Die Arbeitswelt erfährt eine gravierende Transformation. Im Zentrum der Veränderungen steht der Wandel der physischen Organisation der Arbeit. Während in den vergangenen Jahren durch die COVID-19-Pandemie die Arbeit voranging von zu Hause erledigt werden musste, können Wissensarbeitende den Ort ihrer Arbeitserbringung zunehmend freier wählen. Durch die Rückkehr der Beschäftigten in die Büros der Unternehmen, der gleichzeitig anhaltenden Nutzung des Work from Home und des Ausprobierens dritter Arbeitsorte entsteht ein neues Konzept der physischen Arbeitsorganisation: Multilokalität. Diese Studie untersucht anhand der Befragung von 1.136 deutschen Wissensarbeitenden den Status quo des Work from Home, der Arbeit in Büros und an dritten Orten und analysiert vergleichend, wodurch Arbeitserfolg von Beschäftigten an den verschiedenen Orten entsteht. Darüber hinaus werden Change-Management-Prozesse betrachtet, um herauszuarbeiten, welche notwendigen Voraussetzungen geschaffen werden müssen, um den Übergang der eindimensionalen Arbeit im Büro oder zu Hause zu einer multilokalen Arbeitswelt erfolgreich zu vollziehen. Basierend auf einer Diskussion der empirischen Ergebnisse zu den Potenzialen und Herausforderungen der Transformation der Arbeitswelt werden Implikationen für die Notwendigkeiten staatlicher Regulierung, für die Beschäftigten, die Unternehmen und die immobilienwirtschaftlichen Akteure abgeleitet. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen den gigantischen Umfang der Veränderungen, den die multilokale Arbeit in der Arbeitswelt und anderen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens, wie beispielsweise dem Verkehr, der Umwelt oder auf den gesellschaftlichen Wohlstand bezogen anstößt. Für die Beschäftigten ist die Freiheit des mobilen Arbeitens nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Studie zeigt auf, wie sie sich individuell auf die multilokale Arbeit einstellen und Work from Home, Büros und dritte Orte bestmöglich nutzen. Eine weitere zentrale Erkenntnis ist, dass das neue Konzept multilokalen Arbeitens neben dem großen gesellschaftlichen Mehrwert auch in hohem Ausmaß volkswirtschaftliche Potenziale aufweist, welche jedoch noch nicht vollumfänglich realisiert werden. Arbeitgeber erfahren durch den richtigen Einsatz multilokaler Arbeit einen großen Gewinn. Zum einen durch einen höheren Arbeitserfolg und die verbesserte Gesundheit ihrer Beschäftigten, aber auch durch die positive Wirkung auf ihre Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber. Diese Potentiale zu heben ist die Aufgabe des betrieblichen Immobilienmanagements. Um den Herausforderungen einer aufweichenden Unternehmenskultur, der erschwerten Kommunikation zwischen und Steuerung von Mitarbeitenden sowie der ständig notwendigen Abwägung zwischen individuellem und Teamerfolg zu begegnen, benötigen Unternehmen eine individuelle Strategie zur Ausgestaltung des neuen Konzepts verteilter Arbeitsorte. Dabei helfen Investitionen in die Ausstattung bei Work from Home, verbesserte Informationskulturen und Weiterbildungsangebote mobiles Arbeiten erfolgreich zu gestaltet. Nicht zuletzt wird deutlich, dass zukünftig ein veränderter Bedarf an betrieblichen Immobilien vorherrschen wird. Eine Argumentebilanz zur Entscheidungsstützung in der Abwägung zur quantitativen Anpassung von Flächen sowie mögliche Ansätze zur qualitativen Verbesserung von Büros und der Einsatz von dritten Orten als Ergänzung der Bürostrategie geben Hinweis darauf, wie Unternehmen mit ihren Immobilien auf die dynamische Arbeitswelt reagieren können. Abschließend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass veränderte Flächenbedarfe der Unternehmen Anpassungen der Geschäftsmodelle und Strategien immobilienwirtschaftlicher Akteure erfordern, das Büro der Zukunft zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt, besonders mit Blick auf die Arbeitswelt von morgen, jedoch noch nicht klar skizziert werden kann." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job Satisfaction and Gender in Italy: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach (2023)

    Piccitto, Giorgio ; Ballarino, Gabriele ; Schadee, Hans M. A. ;


    Piccitto, Giorgio, Hans M. A. Schadee & Gabriele Ballarino (2023): Job Satisfaction and Gender in Italy: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 169, H. 3, S. 775-793. DOI:10.1007/s11205-023-03187-6


    "The aim of this study was to propose a reliable measurement model for the concept of job satisfaction in Italy and to test its measurement invariance across gender. We used the 2003 and 2009 Italian National Statistical Office (ISTAT) Family and Social Subjects (FSS) data, containing information on 8 dimensions of job satisfaction. The best-fitting model was a four-factor one, including the dimensions of intrinsic, rewards, timing and socio-contextual job satisfaction. Multi-group analysis supported the measurement invariance across gender. Additionally, we evaluated the role of several job and individual characteristics as determinants of job satisfaction for men and women. While for a number of them the patterns of association with job satisfaction were similar over genders, some differences also did emerge." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Wissenschaftskulturen in Deutschland: Eine Studie im Auftrag der VolkswagenStiftung (2023)

    Ploder, Michael; Müller, Ruth; Knöchelmann, Marcel; Simon, Dagmar; Bluemel, Clemens; Walker, David; Streicher, Jürgen; Schiffbänker, Helene;


    Ploder, Michael, David Walker, Helene Schiffbänker, Jürgen Streicher, Ruth Müller, Clemens Bluemel, Marcel Knöchelmann & Dagmar Simon (2023): Wissenschaftskulturen in Deutschland. Eine Studie im Auftrag der VolkswagenStiftung. Hannover, 74 S.


    "Die VolkswagenStiftung baut aktuell einen neuen Profilbereich „Wissen über Wissen“ auf, mit dem sie gezielte Impulse zur strukturellen Verbesserung von Wissenschaft in Deutschland geben wird. Im Rahmen des Projekts „Wissenschaftskulturen in Deutschland“ (2022) haben wir untersucht, wie Wissenschaftler:innen in verschiedenen Forschungsfeldern und Disziplinen das Arbeiten und Leben am Wissenschaftsstandort Deutschland wahrnehmen und welche Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen sie für Wissenschaftskulturen in Deutschland ausmachen. Ziel war es, eine aktuelle Zustands- und Problembeschreibung zu erarbeiten, aus der sich Ideen für die Fördertätigkeit der Stiftung sowie für einen positiven Wandel in den Wissenschaftskulturen in Deutschland ableiten lassen. Im Rahmen des Projekts verstehen wir Wissenschaftskulturen als multidimensional: Sie setzen sich aus epistemischen, sozialen, organisationalen und gesellschaftlichen Dimensionen zusammen. Wir sprechen daher auch von Wissenschaftskulturen im Plural: Während es Rahmenbedingungen auf gesellschaftlicher und organisationaler Ebene gibt, die für alle Wissenschaftsfelder in Deutschland gelten, sind manche feldspezifisch, und Forschungsfelder haben ihre eigenen epistemischen und sozialen Praktiken und Normen, vor deren Hintergrund sie organisationale und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen deuten und verhandeln. In Deutschland haben Fragen des Arbeitens und Lebens in der Wissenschaft in den letzten Jahren vor allem entlang der Protestbewegungen aus dem wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, #IchbinHanna und #IchbinReyhan (Bahr et al., 2022), an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen, die auf prekäre Beschäftigungsverhältnisse und einhergehende Einschränkung von Qualität, Kreativität, Produktivität und auch Diversität in der Wissenschaft hinwiesen. Diese Protestbewegungen, die Evaluierung des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes 2022 oder Vorstöße einiger Universitäten, neue Anstellungsformen vor allem für Postdocs zu etablieren, haben zu einer intensiven Diskussion der Situation des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses geführt. Was allerdings weitgehend fehlt, sind Auseinandersetzungen und Analysen, die eine systemische Perspektive einnehmen und in diesem Sinn Wissenschaftskulturen in Deutschland aus der Sicht verschiedener Akteur:innen und ihrer Interaktionen in den Blick nehmen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Cognitive Environments: Potenziale kognitiver Umgebungen in der Post-Covid-Zeit (2023)

    Riedel, Oliver; Rief, Stefan; Bauer, Wilhelm; Hölzle, Katharina;


    Riedel, Oliver, Katharina Hölzle, Wilhelm Bauer & Stefan Rief (Hrsg.) (2023): Cognitive Environments: Potenziale kognitiver Umgebungen in der Post-Covid-Zeit. Stuttgart, 56 S. DOI:10.24406/publica-1684


    "Was wäre, wenn wir Arbeitsumgebungen entwickeln würden, die sich hochindividuell an einzelne Nutzer anpassen könnten? Arbeitsplätze, die erkennen bei welchen Umgebungsparametern wir bei unterschiedlichen Tätigkeiten am besten arbeiten können und dann unsere persönlichen Idealwerte einstellen. Oder Arbeitsplätze, an denen das Fenster uns einen erholsamen, virtuellen Anblick eines Bergsees einspielt, weil es Zeit für eine Pause wäre. Mit Hilfe von im Raum integrierter IoT-Technologie, Sensoren in Smartwatches und maschinellem Lernen könnten derartige Umgebungen bald real werden. Aber welche Funktionen eines »Cognitive Environments« würden positiv aufgenommen werden und an welcher Stelle wäre mit Skepsis zu rechnen? Welchen Stellenwert hat die persönliche Kontrolle bei der Aktivierung einzelner Funktionen? Wäre es vorstellbar, das eigene Präferenzprofil mit anderen zu teilen? Um das herauszufinden, wurden im Projekt Office 21 rund 50 mögliche Funktionen für Nutzende und Betreiber in einer Online-Befragung untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen großes Interesse potenzieller Nutzerinnen und Nutzer, geben aber auch Hinweise zu möglichen Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Healthy New Work: Auswirkung agiler Arbeit auf die psychische Gesundheit (2023)

    Rietze, Sarah; Zacher, Hannes ;


    Rietze, Sarah & Hannes Zacher (2023): Healthy New Work: Auswirkung agiler Arbeit auf die psychische Gesundheit. In: Personal quarterly, Jg. 75, H. 3, S. 32-38.


    "Unternehmen führen agile Praktiken ein, um Leistung und Innovation zu steigern. Welche Auswirkungen diese Praktiken auf Arbeitsmerkmale und die psychische Gesundheit von Beschäftigten haben, wurde bislang nicht untersucht. Es wurde eine Fragebogenstudie mit zwei Messzeitpunkten und 260 Beschäftigten in agilen Teams durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass agile Praktiken positiven Auswirkungen auf die psychische Gesundheit (höheres Engagement, geringere Ermüdung), vermittelt durch reduzierte Arbeitsanforderungen und erhöhte Ressourcen, haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Haufe-Lexware)

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    Distinguishing challenging and overchallenging jobs: Cognitive and affective skills mismatches and their impact on job satisfaction (2023)

    Santiago-Vela, Ana ; Hall, Anja ;


    Santiago-Vela, Ana & Anja Hall (2023): Distinguishing challenging and overchallenging jobs: Cognitive and affective skills mismatches and their impact on job satisfaction. In: Research in Comparative and International Education, Jg. 18, H. 1, S. 55-78. DOI:10.1177/17454999221116486


    "This study supplements the existing conceptualisation of skills mismatch based on cognitive evaluations (being underskilled or overskilled) with an affective aspect that captures how workers cope with skills (mis)match situations (feeling overchallenged or underchallenged) and an analysis of skills mismatch situations’ influence on job satisfaction of workers with higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET). Using the German BIBB/BAuA Employment Survey 2018, the results indicated that underskilling by itself was not negatively associated with job satisfaction; however, underskilling in combination with feeling overchallenged exerted a significant negative influence on job satisfaction. This corroborates the approach of differentiating challenging (i.e. non-detrimental) jobs from overchallenging jobs. Overskilling was associated with penalties regarding job satisfaction, whereas overskilling in combination with underchallenging jobs produced a remarkably larger negative impact on job satisfaction. Moreover, overskilled HE workers received larger penalties regarding job satisfaction than those received by overskilled VET workers." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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