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Happiness – wie Glück, Arbeit und Einkommen zusammenhängen

Das Streben nach Glück ist ein zentrales Element im Leben, wobei das individuelle Wohlbefinden sowohl persönliche als auch gesellschaftliche Ursachen hat. Welchen Einfluss haben Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Einkommen, der berufliche Werdegang oder Arbeitslosigkeitserfahrungen auf das Glücksempfinden eines Menschen? Die IAB-Infoplattform bietet hierzu aktuelle Literatur.

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    Exploring determinants of subjective wellbeing in OECD countries: evidence from the World Value Survey (2012)

    Fleche, Sarah; Smith, Conal; Sorsa, Piritta;


    Fleche, Sarah, Conal Smith & Piritta Sorsa (2012): Exploring determinants of subjective wellbeing in OECD countries. Evidence from the World Value Survey. (OECD statistics working paper 2012,01), Paris, 41 S. DOI:10.1787/5k9ffc6p1rvb-en


    "The paper explores issues with assessing wellbeing in OECD countries based on self-reported life satisfaction surveys in a pooled regression over time and countries, at the country level and the OECD average. The results, which are in line with previous studies of subjective wellbeing, show that, apart from income, the state of health, not being unemployed, and social relationships are particularly important for wellbeing with only some differences across countries. The results also show that cultural differences are not major drivers of differences in life satisfaction. Correlations between the rankings of measures of life satisfaction and other indicators of wellbeing such as the Human Development Index and Better Life Index are also relatively high. Measures of subjective wellbeing can play an important part in informing policy makers of progress with wellbeing in general, or what seems to matter for wellbeing - health, being employed and social contacts - beyond income." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unhappiness and job finding (2012)

    Gielen, Anne C.; Ours, Jan C. van;


    Gielen, Anne C. & Jan C. van Ours (2012): Unhappiness and job finding. (IZA discussion paper 6320), Bonn, 32 S.


    "It is puzzling that people feel quite unhappy when they become unemployed, while at the same time active labor market policies are needed to bring unemployed back to work more quickly. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we investigate whether there is indeed such a puzzle. First, we find that nearly half of the unemployed do not experience a drop in happiness, which might explain why at least some workers need to be activated. In addition to that, we find that even though unemployed who experience a drop in happiness search more actively for a job, it does not speed up their job finding. Apparently, there is no link between unhappiness and the speed of job finding. Hence, there is no contradiction between unemployed being unhappy and the need for activation policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Life satisfaction among Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands: the role of absolute and relative income (2012)

    Gokdemir, Ozge; Dumludag, Devrim;


    Gokdemir, Ozge & Devrim Dumludag (2012): Life satisfaction among Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands. The role of absolute and relative income. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 106, H. 3, S. 407-417. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9815-8


    "Social Indicators Research May 2012, Volume 106, Issue 3, pp 407-417 Life Satisfaction Among Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in the Netherlands: The Role of Absolute and Relative Income Ozge Gokdemir, Devrim Dumludag ... show all 2 hide ' Download PDF (179 KB) ' View Article Abstract In this paper we investigate the role of several socio-economic and non-economic factors such as absolute and relative income, education and religion to explain the differences of happiness levels of Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants in the Netherlands by using ordered logit model. We focus on members of the Moroccan and Turkish communities, as these are the two largest non-EU immigrant communities in the Netherlands. Our findings reveal that Moroccans, although they have lower income levels and higher unemployment rates than Turkish immigrants, their happiness level is higher than the Turkish immigrants. In order to understand this dilemma a questionnaire survey was performed to 111 Turkish and 96 Moroccan immigrants in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Den Haag, Utrecht and Arnhem in 2010. The main purpose is to investigate how reference group's self-reported life satisfaction is related to the level of absolute income; the level of relative income and other socio-economic factors. The main findings are that for Turkish sample relative income is significantly and negatively correlated with life satisfaction whereas, both absolute income (positively) and relative income (negatively) are significantly correlated with life satisfaction for Moroccan case." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Subjective well-being: keeping up with the perception of the Joneses (2012)

    Guven, Cahit; Sorensen, Bent E.;


    Guven, Cahit & Bent E. Sorensen (2012): Subjective well-being. Keeping up with the perception of the Joneses. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 109, H. 3, S. 439-469. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9910-x


    "Using data from the US General Social Survey 1972-2004, we study the role of perceptions and status in self-reported happiness. Reference group income negatively relates to own happiness and high perceptions about own relative income, quality of dwelling, and social class relate positively and very significantly to happiness. Perceptions about income and status matter more for females, and for low income, conservative, more social, and less trusting individuals. Dwelling perceptions matter more for males, and for middle income, married, conservative, more social, and less trusting individuals." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Geschlechtsspezifisches Arbeitsmarktverhalten, Verdienste und Wohlbefinden im Familienkontext (2012)

    Heineck, Guido ; Möller, Joachim;


    Heineck, Guido & Joachim Möller (2012): Geschlechtsspezifisches Arbeitsmarktverhalten, Verdienste und Wohlbefinden im Familienkontext. In: H. Bertram & M. Bujard (Hrsg.) (2012): Zeit, Geld, Infrastruktur - zur Zukunft der Familienpolitik (Soziale Welt. Sonderband, 19), S. 209-230, 2011-04-28.


    "Zunächst analysieren wir auf Grundlage eines großen Mikrodatensatzes, der Stichprobe der Integrierten Erwerbsbiographien (SIAB), geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in Beschäftigungsformen, Arbeitszeiten und in Verdiensten im längerfristigen Vergleich. Danach wenden wir uns den ökonomischen Auswirkungen von familienbedingten Erwerbsunterbrechungen zu und führen hierzu eine Kohortenanalyse durch. Im Anschluss daran untersuchen wir auf Grundlage des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP), inwieweit individuelle Arbeitszeitformen, -präferenzen sowie Flexibilitätsmaße mit Job- und Lebenszufriedenheit von (Ehe-)Partnern mit Kindern zusammenhängen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Möller, Joachim;
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    Das Glück bei der Arbeit: über Flow-Zustände, Arbeitszufriedenheit und das Schaffen attraktiver Arbeitsplätze (2012)

    Kaudelka, Karin; Hien, Wolfgang; Hofmann, Josephine; Harzer, Claudia; Thomä, Dieter; Schuh, Sebastian C.; Binswanger, Mathias; Schlichtenberger, Clara; Dick, Rolf van; Krauß, Harald; Creusen, Utho; Popp, Reinhold; Kilger, Gerhard; Ruch, Willibald;


    Kaudelka, Karin & Gerhard Kilger (Hrsg.) (2012): Das Glück bei der Arbeit. Über Flow-Zustände, Arbeitszufriedenheit und das Schaffen attraktiver Arbeitsplätze. (Sozialtheorie), Bielefeld: Transcript, 150 S.


    "'Glück bei der Arbeit' - gibt es das überhaupt? Warum ist Arbeitszufriedenheit nicht nur wichtig für Arbeitnehmer und Unternehmen, sondern auch für die Gesellschaft? Wie schafft man Arbeitsplätze, die zum Erfolgsfaktor werden? Dieses Buch liefert substanzielle Antworten mit Hilfe einer interdisziplinären Rundschau aus philosophischer und psychologischer Sicht, u.a. mit Erkenntnissen aus der Glücksforschung und Arbeitswissenschaft. Die Beiträge zeigen: Arbeit muss nicht nur Last, sondern kann auch Lust sein." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Reich und zufrieden? Theorie und Empirie zur Beziehung von Wohlstand und Lebenszufriedenheit (2012)

    Keuschnigg, Marc ; Wolbring, Tobias ;


    Keuschnigg, Marc & Tobias Wolbring (2012): Reich und zufrieden? Theorie und Empirie zur Beziehung von Wohlstand und Lebenszufriedenheit. In: Berliner Journal für Soziologie, Jg. 22, H. 2, S. 189-216. DOI:10.1007/s11609-012-0183-2


    "Die komplexe Beziehung von Einkommen und Lebenszufriedenheit kann auf verschiedene moderierende Einflüsse zurückgeführt werden. Dazu zählen die Befriedigung materieller Grundbedürfnisse, soziale Vergleiche und Gewöhnungsprozesse. Diese Teilerklärungen werden mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (1992 - 2008) sowie einer eigens durchgeführten Erhebung in München geprüft. Alle drei Mechanismen erweisen sich für die Erklärung des nichtlinearen Zusammenhangs zwischen Einkommen und Lebenszufriedenheit als empirisch relevant. Oberhalb einer Schwelle von ca. 800 EURO monatlich verfügbarem Einkommen steigern Wohlstandsverbesserungen die Lebenszufriedenheit nur noch unwesentlich. Dieser Befund bietet sich daher für eine empirisch angeleitete Definition von Reichtum an. Überdies haben Einkünfte aus Vermögensbeständen keinen nennenswerten Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden. Die Bedeutung von Einkommensvergleichen zeigt sich schwach in Bezug auf nachbarschaftliche Referenzwerte und deutlich stärker in Bezug auf spezifische Referenzgruppen wie Durchschnittsbürger oder Kollegen, nicht aber in Bezug auf Verwandte oder Freunde. Die Panelergebnisse stützen die Hypothesen zu Anspruchsniveau und Gewöhnung. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass Einkommensverluste die Lebenszufriedenheit stärker beeinflussen als -gewinne, ein Ergebnis, das insbesondere für Bessergestellte, nicht aber für Arme gilt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Partnership, gender roles and the well-being cost of unemployment (2012)

    Knabe, Andreas ; Schöb, Ronnie ; Weimann, Joachim;


    Knabe, Andreas, Ronnie Schöb & Joachim Weimann (2012): Partnership, gender roles and the well-being cost of unemployment. (CESifo working paper 3932), München, 29 S.


    "We use the differences between life satisfaction and emotional well-being of employed and unemployed persons to analyze how a person's employment status affects cognitive well-being. Our results show that unemployment has a negative impact on cognitive, but not on affective well-being, which we interpret as a loss in identity utility. Living in a partnership strengthens the loss in identity utility of men, but weakens that of women. Unemployment of a person's partner reduces the identity loss of unemployed men, but raises it for women. These results suggest that the unemployed's feeling of identity is affected by traditional gender roles, while this does not seem to be the case for the affective part of their subjective well-being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income comparisons among neighbours and satisfaction in East and West Germany (2012)

    Knies, Gundi;


    Knies, Gundi (2012): Income comparisons among neighbours and satisfaction in East and West Germany. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 106, H. 3, S. 471-489. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9818-5


    "A series of studies have suggested that changes in others' income may be perceived differently in post-transition and capitalist societies. This paper draws on the German Socio-economic Panel Study (SOEP) matched with micro-marketing indicators of population characteristics in very tightly drawn neighbourhoods to investigate whether reactions to changes in their neighbours' income divide the German nation. We find that the neighbourhood income effect for West Germany is negative (which is in line with the 'relative income' hypothesis) and slightly more marked in neighbourhoods that may be assumed to be places where social interactions between neighbours take place. In contrast, the coefficients on neighbourhood income in East Germany are positive (which is consistent with the 'signalling' hypothesis), but statistically not significant. This suggests not only that there is a divide between East and West Germany, but also that neighbours may not be a relevant comparison group in societies that have comparatively low levels of neighbouring." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Don't worry, be happy? Happiness and reemployment (2012)

    Krause, Annabelle;


    Krause, Annabelle (2012): Don't worry, be happy? Happiness and reemployment. (IZA discussion paper 7107), Bonn, 31 S.


    "Subjective well-being is primarily treated as an outcome variable in the economic literature. However, is happiness also a driver of behavior and life's outcomes? Rich survey data of recent entrants into unemployment in Germany show that a significant inverted U-shaped relationship exists between residual happiness and an unemployed individual's future reemployment probability and the reentry wage. Residual life satisfaction displays higher (or lower) satisfaction levels than would be predicted by a number of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. This paper is the first to show that happiness is mainly a predictor for self-employment and less for standard reemployment. Related findings suggest that happiness matters for male unemployed, and the concept of locus of control is able to explain part of the effect. If reemployment and higher wages are considered desirable outcomes for the unemployed individual and society, the shape of the effect suggests an optimal level of happiness, which is not necessarily the highest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Getting older and getting happier with work: an information-processing explanation (2012)

    Luchman, Joseph N.; Kaplan, Seth A.; Dalal, Reeshad S.;


    Luchman, Joseph N., Seth A. Kaplan & Reeshad S. Dalal (2012): Getting older and getting happier with work. An information-processing explanation. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 108, H. 3, S. 535-552. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9892-8


    "Job attitudes and subjective well-being (SWB) have important relationships with one another. Moreover, job attitudes and, to an extent, SWB are related to chronological age. Owing to a 'graying' workforce in industrialized countries, uncovering how age influences job attitudes is increasingly important. The present work explores the effects of cognitive-aging research on the item response process during attitude measurement. Research finds that older individuals attend selectively to positive affective experiences and weigh affective experiences more heavily during judgment than younger individuals. Based on cognitive-aging research, we propose an item-response process and hypothesize that chronological age results in a specific form of measurement non-equivalence. Our hypothesis is tested on 2 different samples of university employees, across 3 different job attitudes rooted in emotional experiences. Results indicate age-related measurement non-equivalence across all 3 attitudes such that older employees report more positive job attitudes than younger employees even when controlling for the latent attitude construct. Our findings suggest caution in interpreting of age-satisfaction correlations, focusing greater attention on understanding item response processes of older versus younger individuals and increased attention to job-related emotional experience for older employees." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Becoming (un)employed and life satisfaction: asymmetric effects and potential omitted variable bias in empirical happiness studies (2012)

    Maennig, Wolfgang; Wilhelm, Markus;


    Maennig, Wolfgang & Markus Wilhelm (2012): Becoming (un)employed and life satisfaction. Asymmetric effects and potential omitted variable bias in empirical happiness studies. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 19, H. 17, S. 1719-1722. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2011.652775


    "Becoming unemployed has negative effects on life satisfaction; a transition from unemployment to employment, however, has stronger positive effects in absolute terms. The asymmetry of the nonpecuniary effect indicates a potential 'omitted variable bias' in previous empirical happiness studies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Migrant's pursuit of happiness: The impact of adaptation, social comparison and relative deprivation: evidence from a 'natural' experiment (2012)

    Melzer, Silvia Maja ; Muffels, Ruud J.;


    Melzer, Silvia Maja & Ruud J. Muffels (2012): Migrant's pursuit of happiness: The impact of adaptation, social comparison and relative deprivation. Evidence from a 'natural' experiment. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 448), Berlin, 36 S.


    "The German reunification, which several economists have called a 'natural' experiment, provides the unique possibility to inquire the impact of migration on subjective well-being (SWB). The main goal of the research is to assessing the impact of adaptation, social comparison and relative deprivation on the change in SWB associated with moving from Eastern to Western Germany after the German reunification in 1989. We suspect that the gains or losses in subjective well-being after migration are affected by the way migrants adapt to their new economic conditions, by with whom migrants compare themselves (that is, their reference group), their former peers in the East or their new peers in the West, and how well they integrate into the new society, that means whether they are relatively deprived with respect to earnings or not. We estimate fixed- and random-effects Generalized Least Square panel regression models. Our results indicate a positive and lasting effect of migration on SWB, although it is strongly suppressed by dissatisfaction resulting from the comparison of migrants' income with the incomes of their former peers in East Germany and the relatively higher earnings of their new peers in West Germany. Moreover, our analyses provide an explanation for the increase of SWB associated with an increase in income found in East Germany after the reunification; a deviation from the Easterlins' paradox." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Zum Glück wachsen: Sieben Weisheiten zu Wachstum, Wohlstand und Wohlbefinden (2012)

    Neumann, Michael;


    Neumann, Michael (2012): Zum Glück wachsen: Sieben Weisheiten zu Wachstum, Wohlstand und Wohlbefinden. (Roman-Herzog-Institut. Diskussion 20), München, 32 S.


    "Wie gut ist das BIP als Gradmesser für Wohlbefinden tatsächlich? Geht Wachstum notwendiger Weise mit steigender Ressourcenverwendung einher? Stimmt die Behauptung, dass Einkommensungleichheit in einem Land zu geringerer Lebenszufriedenheit führt? Das RHI geht diesen 'Weisheiten' auf den Grund. Die Themengebiete, die uns Menschen direkt betreffen, scheinen prädestiniert für eine große Varianz an Meinungen und für die Entstehung von Mythen und vermeintlichen 'Weisheiten'. Das Roman Herzog Institut geht mit der Diskussion sieben von diesen 'Weisheiten' auf den Grund. Es werden empirische Untersuchungen herangezogen, mit denen sich Bestätigungen oder Widerlegungen dieser Weisheiten ergeben. Gleichzeitig finden Sie in dieser Publikation Verweise auf die Ausführungen der RHI-Experten, die gemeinsam zum Themenauftakt 'Wachstum, Wohlstand, Wohlbefinden' bei einem interdisziplinären Workshop am RHI diskutiert haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Unemployment and happiness (2012)

    Ohtake, Fumio;


    Ohtake, Fumio (2012): Unemployment and happiness. In: Japan labor review, Jg. 9, H. 2, S. 59-74.


    "Are unemployed people unhappier than employed people? To answer this question, this paper presents an extensive review of previous overseas studies and conducts an empirical analysis of the determinants of happiness in Japan. The main result in this study is consistent with that of previous studies; even when the income level and other individual characteristics are held constant, unemployment reduces people's happiness. This conclusion, if it is true, suggests that under budget constraints, to create jobs rather than to redistribute wealth to the unemployed may be more effective to raise people's levels of subjective well-being (happiness)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income and well-being across European provinces (2012)

    Okulicz-Kozaryn, Adam;


    Okulicz-Kozaryn, Adam (2012): Income and well-being across European provinces. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 106, H. 2, S. 371-392. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9812-y


    "The majority of studies investigate the effect of income on life satisfaction at either individual or country level. This study contributes with analysis at the (sub-national) province level across West European countries. I use a unique dataset Eurobarometer 44.2 Bis that is representative of province populations in a multilevel model. Provinces are defined according to The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics at second level (NUTS II). Living conditions measured by regional income increase life satisfaction beyond personal income and national income. There is larger life satisfaction inequality between the rich and the poor in poor provinces than in rich provinces. Personal income matters more for life satisfaction in poor provinces than in rich provinces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income inequality and its consequences for life satisfaction: what role do social cognitions play? (2012)

    Schneider, Simone M.;


    Schneider, Simone M. (2012): Income inequality and its consequences for life satisfaction. What role do social cognitions play? In: Social indicators research, Jg. 106, H. 3, S. 419-438. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9816-7


    "While it is generally agreed that income inequality affects an individual's well-being, researchers disagree on whether people living in areas of high income disparity report more or less happiness than those in more equal environments, thereby indicating the need to study how and why income inequality matters to the individual's well-being. Findings on group-specific reaction patterns to income inequality further fuel this need. Alesina et al. (2004) argue that a preference for inequality and the perception of the possibility of social mobility account for the indistinct relationship between income inequality and subjective well-being. Combining this hypothesis with previous research on social cognition and drawing on social justice theory, this paper aims to demonstrate the mediating nature of perceptions of income inequality. It argues that the perceived legitimacy of distributive outcomes and procedures contributes to how income inequalities affect individuals and their sense of well-being. The empirical analysis is based on data from the International Social Justice Project, developed from face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of the German population. Using structural equation modeling, the paper finds structural biases in the perception of income inequality. The paper concludes that subjective well-being is a product of the individual's perception and legitimating processes. The results indicate that social cognition is a useful tool for studies of income inequality and subjective well-being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Alt aber glücklich: Führt eine schrumpfende und alternde Bevölkerung zu weniger Wohlstand? (2012)

    Sievert, Stephan; Klingholz, Reiner;


    Sievert, Stephan & Reiner Klingholz (2012): Alt aber glücklich: Führt eine schrumpfende und alternde Bevölkerung zu weniger Wohlstand? (Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung. Discussion paper 07), Berlin, 23 S.


    "Die Alterung und die Schrumpfung der Gesellschaft führen in Deutschland dazu, dass der Wirtschaft in Zukunft weniger potenzielle Arbeitskräfte zur Verfügung stehen als bisher. Bis 2050 dürfte die Zahl der Personen im erwerbsfähigen Alter von 53,5 auf 38,6 Millionen Menschen sinken. Der Anteil der wirtschaftlich Abhängigen, also der Kinder und insbesondere der Ruheständler, an der Gesamtbevölkerung wird im gleichen Zeitraum deutlich steigen. Im Umkehrschluss bedeutet dies, dass der materielle Wohlstand unserer Gesellschaft von einem immer kleiner werdenden Teil der Bevölkerung erwirtschaftet werden muss und folglich bei gleichbleibender Leistung jedes Einzelnen abnehmen würde. Doch ist dies wirklich so? In den vergangenen dreieinhalb Jahrzehnten ist die eingesetzte Arbeit in Deutschland bereits relativ konstant geblieben, und das Wirtschaftswachstum fußte einzig und allein auf Produktivitätszuwächsen. Letztere können auch weiterhin für eine wachsende Wirtschaft sorgen, sind jedoch ebenfalls nicht immun gegen demografische Veränderungen. So dürfte die Alterung der Gesellschaft mittelfristig die Kapitalaustattung der Erwerbstätigen senken und könnte ohne politische Reformen auch die totale Faktorproduktivität negativ beeinflussen, die ausdrückt, wie effizient die vorhandenen Produktionsfaktoren Arbeit und Kapital genutzt werden. Letzteres wäre dann der Fall, wenn ältere Arbeitnehmer weniger produktiv und innovativ wären als jüngere, worauf verschiedene Studien hindeuten. Ob dies in Zukunft so bleibt, wird sich zeigen. Unzweifelhaft ist jedoch, dass der demografische Wandel das Wirtschaftswachstum unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen dämpft. Dies bedeutet freilich nicht, dass die Wirtschaft in einer schrumpfenden Gesellschaft zwangsläufig schrumpfen muss." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The psychology of quality of life: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia (2012)

    Sirgy, M. Joseph;


    Sirgy, M. Joseph (2012): The psychology of quality of life. Hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. (Social indicators research series 50), Dordrecht: Springer London, 622 S.


    "The updated edition of this popular book covers up-to-date research on hedonic well-being (emotional well-being, positive/negative affect, affective dimension of happiness, etc.), life satisfaction (subjective well-being, perceived quality of life, subjective well-being, and cognitive dimension of happiness), and eudaimonia (psychological well-being, self-actualization, self-realization, growth, mental health, character strengths, etc.).
    The book is divided in six major sections. Part 1 begins with a chapter that covers much of the history and philosophical foundations of the psychology of quality of life in terms of three major pillars: hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. This part also covers much of the research that has successfully made distinctions among these three major constructs and its varied dimensions. To establish to the importance of the topic (the psychology of quality of life), this part also covers much of the literature on the positive benefits of hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia on the individual, the community, organizations, and society at large. Part 2 focuses on capturing much of research dealing with the effects of objective reality (objective factors grounded in real, environmental conditions) on hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. Specifically, this part captures the quality-of-life literature related to biological and health-related effects, income effects, other demographic effects, effects of personal activities, and socio-cultural effects. Part 3 shifts gears to focus on the effects of subjective reality on hedonic well-being, life satisfaction, and eudaimonia. In this context, the book reviews research on personality effects, effects of affect and cognition, effects of beliefs and values, effects of goals, self-concept effects, and social comparison effects. Part 4 focuses on quality-of-life research that is domain specific. That is, the book covers the research on the psychology of life domains in general and delves in some depth to describe research on work well-being, residential well-being, material well-being, social well-being, health well-being, leisure well-being, and the well-being of other life domains of lesser salience. Part 5 focuses on covering much of the psychology of quality-of-life literature dealing with specific populations such as the elderly, women, children and youth, and specific countries. Part 6 is essentially an epilogue. This part discusses a variety of theories proposed by quality-of-life scholars designed to integrate much of the literature on the psychology of quality of life. The last chapter covers the author's own integrative theory." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job characteristics and subjective well-being in Australia: a capability approach perspective (2012)

    Suppa, Nicolai;


    Suppa, Nicolai (2012): Job characteristics and subjective well-being in Australia. A capability approach perspective. (Ruhr economic papers 388), Essen, 27 S. DOI:10.4419/86788443


    "Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht empirisch den Effekt von Job-Eigenschaften auf subjektives Wohlbefinden, wobei der Capability-Ansatz als konzeptioneller Rahmen dient. Zunächst wird ein Messmodell für vier latente Job-Eigenschaften mittels einer konfirmatorischen Faktoranalyse vorgestellt. In einem zweiten Schritt wird dann der Einfluss von Job-Eigenschaften auf die Lebens- und Jobzufriedenheit, mittels australischer Paneldaten, untersucht. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass (i) die vier latenten Job-Eigenschaften valide Konstrukte darstellen, (ii) positive Job-Eigenschaften die Lebens- und Jobzufriedenheit signifikant erhöhen, (iii) Job-Eigenschaften die mit Arbeitslosigkeit einhergehende Unzufriedenheit teilweise erklären können und (iv) dass das Kontrollieren unbeobachteter Heterogenität in derartigen Untersuchungen von zentraler Bedeutung ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Gender differences in subjective well-being in and out of management positions (2012)

    Trzcinski, Eileen; Holst, Elke;


    Trzcinski, Eileen & Elke Holst (2012): Gender differences in subjective well-being in and out of management positions. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 107, H. 3, S. 449-463. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9857-y


    "This study used data from the German Socio-economic Panel to examine gender differences in the extent to which self-reported subjective well-being was associated with occupying a high-level managerial position in the labour market, compared with employment in non-leadership, non-high-level managerial positions, unemployment, and non-labour market participation. Our results indicated that a clear hierarchy exists for men in term of how status within the labour market was associated with subjective life satisfaction. Unemployed men were the least satisfied, followed by men who were not in the labour market, while men in leadership positions reported the highest level of subjective life satisfaction. For women, no statistically significant differences were observed among women in high-level managerial positions, women who worked in non-high-level positions, and women who specialized in household production, with no market work. Only women who were unemployed reported lower levels of life satisfaction, compared with women in other labour-market statuses. Our results lend evidence to the contention that men can 'have it all', but women must still choose between career and family in Germany. We argue that interventions need to address how the non-pecuniary rewards associated with high-level managerial and leadership positions can be increased for women. Such policies would also likely serve to mitigate the 'pipeline' problem concerning the number of women who are available to move into high positions in the private sector." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Well-being in Germany: GDP and unemployment still matter (2012)

    Vatter, Johannes;


    Vatter, Johannes (2012): Well-being in Germany. GDP and unemployment still matter. (RatSWD working paper 196), Berlin, 31 S.


    "This paper examines regional differences in subjective well-being (SWB) in Germany. Inferential statistics indicate a diminishing but still significant gap between East and West Germany, but also differing levels of SWB within both parts. The observed regional pattern of life satisfaction reflects macroeconomic fundamentals, where labor market conditions play a dominant role. Differing levels of GDP and economic growth have contributed rather indirectly to regional well-being such that the years since the German reunification can be considered as a period of joyless growth. Approximately half of the 'satisfaction gap' between East and West Germany can be attributed to differing macroeconomic conditions. Moreover, we argue that it is advisable for governments to collect more data on aspects that presumably influence the well-being of society. For example, it is highly probable that reliable data on regional income inequality would lead to several important and influential studies. This, in turn, can help to design indicators for those characteristics which are known for affecting SWB. In total, we do not perceive any fundamental caveat for using data on SWB in order to measure welfare directly, at least within culturally and linguistically homogenous regions. To reduce statistical uncertainty, however, it would be helpful to include subjective information of this kind into larger cross-sectional surveys such as common census data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Country-specific life satisfaction effects of unemployment: does labour market policy matter? (2012)

    Wulfgramm, Melike;


    Wulfgramm, Melike (2012): Country-specific life satisfaction effects of unemployment. Does labour market policy matter? (ZeS-Arbeitspapier 2012/07), Bremen, 32 S.


    "Das Leben aller Bürger wird durch die Ausgestaltung des Wohlfahrtsstaats gerahmt und dies gilt in besonderem Maße für diejenigen, die auf Unterstützung durch den Sozialstaat angewiesen sind. Doch inwiefern lassen sich die Unterschiede im subjektiven Wohlbefinden von europäischen Arbeitslosen durch die nationale Ausgestaltung der Arbeitsmarktpolitik erklären? Dieses Paper untersucht den moderierenden Einfluss der Generosität und des Designs aktiver und passiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik auf die Lebenszufriedenheit der betroffenen Arbeitslosen. Hierzu werden die Umfragedaten von 4 Wellen des European Social Surveys gemeinsam mit arbeitsmarktpolitischen Makrodaten in einer Mehrebenenanalyse untersucht. Während sich der negative Lebenszufriedenheitseffekt von Arbeitslosigkeit in allen Ländern bestätigt, zeigt sich ein überraschend starker moderierender Effekt der Generosität der Arbeitslosenunterstützung: Der nachteilige Effekt von Arbeitslosigkeit verdoppelt sich in Ländern mit eingeschränkten Leistungen im Vergleich zu großzügigeren Ländern beinahe. Hierbei finden sich Hinweise auf nichtpekuniäre sowie Ressourcenmechanismen. Der positive moderierende Effekt der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik stellt sich hingegen als deutlich weniger robust dar." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Deprivation, social exclusion and subjective well-being (2011)

    Bellani, Luna ; D'Ambrosio, Conchita;


    Bellani, Luna & Conchita D'Ambrosio (2011): Deprivation, social exclusion and subjective well-being. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 104, H. 1, S. 67-86. DOI:10.1007/s11205-010-9718-0


    "This paper aims at investigating empirically the relationship between self-declared satisfaction with life and an individual's well-being as measured by the indices of deprivation and social exclusion proposed in the income distribution literature. Results on European countries show that life satisfaction decreases with an increase in deprivation and exclusion after controlling for individual's income, relative income and other influential factors in a multivariate setting." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job security and employee well-being: evidence from matched survey and register data (2011)

    Böckerman, Petri ; Johansson, Edvard; Ilmakunnas, Pekka;


    Böckerman, Petri, Pekka Ilmakunnas & Edvard Johansson (2011): Job security and employee well-being. Evidence from matched survey and register data. In: Labour economics, Jg. 18, H. 4, S. 547-554. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2010.12.011


    "We examine the effects of establishment- and industry-level labor market turnover on employees' well-being. The linked employer-employee panel data contain both survey information on employees' subjective well-being and comprehensive register-based information on job and worker flows. We test for the existence of compensating wage differentials by explaining wages and job satisfaction with average uncertainties, measured by an indicator for a high excessive turnover (churning) rate. The results are consistent with the theory of compensating wage differentials, since high uncertainty increases real wages, but high uncertainty has no effect on job satisfaction while not controlling for wages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The effect of subsidized employment on happiness (2011)

    Crost, Benjamin;


    Crost, Benjamin (2011): The effect of subsidized employment on happiness. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 384), Berlin, 43 S.


    "While a large body of evidence suggests that unemployment and self-reported happiness are negatively correlated, it is not clear whether this reflects a causal effect of unemployment on happiness and whether subsidized employment can increase the happiness of the unemployed. To close this gap, this paper estimates the causal effect of a type of subsidized employment projects - Germany's Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen - on self- reported happiness. Results from matching and fixed effects estimators suggest that subsidized employment has a large and statistically significant positive effect on the happiness of individuals who would otherwise have been unemployed. Detailed panel data on pre- and post-project happiness suggests that this effect can neither be explained by self-selection of happier individuals into employment nor by the higher incomes of the employed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Age, life-satisfaction, and relative income (2011)

    Fitzroy, Felix; Nolan, Michael; Steinhardt, Max Friedrich ;


    Fitzroy, Felix, Michael Nolan & Max Friedrich Steinhardt (2011): Age, life-satisfaction, and relative income. (IZA discussion paper 6045), Bonn, 25 S.


    "We first confirm previous results with the German Socio-economic Panel, and obtain strong negative effects of comparison income. However, when we split the sample by age, we find quite different results for reference income. The effects on life-satisfaction are positive and significant for those under 46, consistent with Hirschman's (1973) 'tunnel effect', and only negative (and larger than in the full sample) for those over 46, when relative deprivation dominates. Thus for young respondents, reference income's signalling role, indicating potential future prospects, can outweigh relative deprivation effects. Own-income effects are also larger for the older sample, and of greater magnitude than the comparison income effect. In East Germany the reference income effects are insignificant for all age groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Sicherheit macht zufrieden: wie Verunsicherung die Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeit beeinträchtigt (2011)

    Hardering, Friedericke; Bergheim, Stefan;


    Hardering, Friedericke & Stefan Bergheim (2011): Sicherheit macht zufrieden. Wie Verunsicherung die Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeit beeinträchtigt. Frankfurt, M., 33 S.


    Untersucht werden die Auswirkungen der wahrgenommene Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit. Hierzu werden einschlägige Studien für Deutschland ausgewertet. Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit hängt nicht nur von der eigenen Beschäftigungssituation ab, sondern ebenso von der Einschätzung der Folgen, die eine Kündigung nach sich ziehen kann. Die wahrgenommene Wahrscheinlichkeit des sozialen Abstiegs wie auch die erwarteten Konsequenzen desselben werden wiederum stark durch den sozialen Vergleich beeinflusst. Zudem fliest die aktuelle Konjunkturlage in die wahrgenommene Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit ein. Die Schlussfolgerungen dieser Studie sind: Für mehr Zufriedenheit mit der Arbeit ist nicht nur die Verbesserung der unmittelbaren Arbeitsbedingungen und die Vermeidung von Arbeitslosigkeit wichtig, sondern insbesondere die Verringerung der Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit in der Gesellschaft. Breite Wohlfahrtsmaße sollten neben dem subjektiven Wohlbefinden auch ein Maß für gesellschaftliche Verunsicherung einschließen. Die psychologischen Kosten, die durch Verunsicherung bei 'objektiv' sicher Beschäftigten entstehen, müssen mehr Berücksichtigung finden. (IAB)

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    Work to live or live to work? Unemployment, happiness, and culture (2011)

    Krause, Annabelle;


    Krause, Annabelle (2011): Work to live or live to work? Unemployment, happiness, and culture. (IZA discussion paper 6101), Bonn, 20 S.


    "Happiness drops when individuals become unemployed. The negative impact of the unemployment shock, however, may differ by cultural background. To test the hypothesis of a 'Teutonic work ethic', this paper takes advantage of Switzerland in its cultural diversity. By comparing different cultural groups in the same institutional setting, I empirically test whether such deep psychological traits have an influence on how unemployment is perceived. It is found that unemployment has a significantly negative effect on life satisfaction in Switzerland. I furthermore present evidence which confirms to some extent the hypothesis that Swiss German individuals suffer more from unemployment, although for the most part, these results are without statistical significance. Swiss Germans are additionally found to be happier than their French-speaking compatriots - independent of whether they are unemployed. This difference between Romanic and Germanic cultural backgrounds is in line with previous findings, but deserves further research attention." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does migration make you happy?: considering the impact of migration on subjective well-being (2011)

    Melzer, Silvia Maja ;


    Melzer, Silvia Maja (2011): Does migration make you happy? Considering the impact of migration on subjective well-being. In: Journal of Social Research and Policy, Jg. 2, H. 2, S. 73-92., 2011-12-01.


    "In the field of neoclassical economics, migrants are expected to move to improve their economic situation, but what are the effects of moving on the subjective well-being (SWB) of migrants? Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) (1990-2007), I investigate the influence of migration from Eastern to Western Germany on SWB. The hypotheses in this study are derived from neoclassical economics and from the psychology literature. Following the rational choice framework, I expect that migration improves SWB in the long term. Fixed-effects models distinguish between the effects of unobserved heterogeneity, such as varying personality traits, and migration on SWB. The results reveal that migration has a positive, longterm effect on SWB. In addition, the favorable labor market conditions in Western Germany account for the increasing SWB that is reported by male migrants but does not account for that reported by female migrants." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Unemployment and well-being in Europe. The effect of country unemployment rate, work ethics and family ties (2011)

    Mikucka, Malgorzata;


    Mikucka, Malgorzata (2011): Unemployment and well-being in Europe. The effect of country unemployment rate, work ethics and family ties. (LISER working papers 2011,14), Esch-sur-Alzette, 36 S.


    "Subjective well-being literature shows that higher unemployment rate corresponds to lower psychological cost of own unemployment. The goal of the paper is to deepen the understanding of this regularity by investigating the role played by the work ethics and the strength of family ties. I analyze the European Values Study data (2008) for 36 countries using multilevel regression methodology. First, starting from the “stigma hypothesis” I postulate that higher unemployment rate is associated with weaker work values, which correspond to less social pressure and feeling of guilt, in turn lowering the psychological cost of own unemployment. This is only partly supported by the data: whereas stronger work values lower the well-being of unemployed, the country work ethics has no effect. According to the second hypothesis, stronger family ties raise the well-being of the unemployed. This prediction is confirmed: people living in countries with stronger family ties and those declaring stronger norms for family support suffer less from being unemployed. However, the strength of family ties does not mediate the link between unemployment rate and effect of own unemployment. Moreover, weaker family ties contribute to lower well-being of unemployed in western Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does a better job match makes women happier?: work orientations, work-care choices and subjective well-being in Germany (2011)

    Muffels, Ruud; Kemperman, Bauke;


    Muffels, Ruud & Bauke Kemperman (2011): Does a better job match makes women happier? Work orientations, work-care choices and subjective well-being in Germany. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 361), Berlin, 36 S.


    "The study examines the effects of work orientations and work-leisure choices alongside the effect of genes or personality traits on subjective well-being (SWB). The former effects are assumed to be mediated by the match between women's preferred and actual number of working hours indicating labor market and time constraints. Data come from 24 waves of the German (SOEP) Household Panel (1984-2007). Random and fixed-effect panel regression models are estimated. Work orientations and work-leisure choices indeed matter for women's SWB but the effects are strongly mediated by the job match especially for younger birth cohorts and higher educated women. Therefore, apart from the impact of genes or personality traits preferences and choices as well as labor market and time constraints matter significantly for the well-being of women, providing partial support to the role (scarcity-expansion) theory and the combination pressure thesis while at the same time challenging set-point theory." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Subjective well-being and aggregate unemployment: further evidence (2011)

    Ochsen, Carsten ;


    Ochsen, Carsten (2011): Subjective well-being and aggregate unemployment. Further evidence. In: Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Jg. 58, H. 5, S. 634-655. DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9485.2011.00562.x


    "According to the literature, individual well-being is negatively related to aggregate unemployment. This study examines whether the distribution of aggregate unemployment by duration affects well-being, in addition to the level of unemployment. Different explanations are provided to indicate how the shares of short-term (up to 3 months) and long-term (more than 1 year) unemployed people could affect the well-being of the employed and unemployed. Using data from almost 300,000 individuals from 11 EU countries, we find significant effects of both shares on life satisfaction. Among the unemployed, for example, we find a U-shaped effect of the distribution of aggregate unemployment by duration on subjective well-being, which compensates to some extent for the negative effect of the unemployment rate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Happiness in Europe: cross-country differences in the determinants of satisfaction with main activity (2011)

    Pedersen, Peder J.; Schmidt, Torben Dall ;


    Pedersen, Peder J. & Torben Dall Schmidt (2011): Happiness in Europe. Cross-country differences in the determinants of satisfaction with main activity. In: The Journal of Socio-Economics, Jg. 40, H. 5, S. 480-489. DOI:10.1016/j.socec.2010.10.004


    "Data in the European Community Household Panel are used to analyse the impact on self-reported satisfaction from a number of economic and demographic variables. The paper contributes to the ongoing discussion of the relationship between life satisfaction and income utilizing also the panel property of the data. We find an impact from the level of income only for a group of Southern European countries. For the same group of countries the difference between individual and average change in income has a significant impact on satisfaction. For all countries in the panel we find a significant impact from the change in the individual income situation over the last year. We find a strong impact from changes in labour force status and a strong negative impact on satisfaction from being unemployed and a somewhat weaker impact from being outside the labour force. Further, the level of and change in self-reported health has a strong impact on satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Multidimensional well-being at the top: evidence for Germany (2011)

    Peichl, Andreas ; Pestel, Nico;


    Peichl, Andreas & Nico Pestel (2011): Multidimensional well-being at the top. Evidence for Germany. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 425), Berlin, 17 S.


    "This paper employs a multidimensional approach for the measurement of well-being at the top of the distribution using German SOEP micro data. Besides income as traditional indicator for material wellbeing, we include health as a proxy for nonmaterial quality of life as well as self-reported satisfaction with life as dimensions. We find that one third of the German population is well-off in at least one dimension but only one percent in all three dimensions simultaneously. While the distribution of income has become more concentrated at the top, the concentration at the top of the multidimensional well-being distribution has decreased over time. Moreover, health as well as life satisfaction contribute quite substantially to multidimensional wellbeing at the top which has important policy implications." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Quality of life in Europe: empirical evidence (2011)

    Poggi, Ambra; Devicienti, Francesco ; Bizzotto, Giulia; Villosio, Claudia ; Vesan, Patrik ;


    Poggi, Ambra, Giulia Bizzotto, Francesco Devicienti, Patrik Vesan & Claudia Villosio (2011): Quality of life in Europe. Empirical evidence. (Walqing working paper 2011-04), Moncalieri, 58 S.


    In dem Bericht werden neuere Daten über die Lebensqualität der europäischen Bevölkerung aus den Jahren 2006 und 2007 dargestellt und kommentiert. Insbesondere die Einkommensverhältnisse sowie die Lebensbedingungen von Berufstätigen werden dabei herangezogen. Es werden insgesamt vier Typen der Lebensqualität analysiert: (1) Materielles Wohlbefinden, (2) Soziale Integration, (3) Gesundheitliches Wohlbefinden und (4) Subjektives Wohlbefinden. Die Zufriedenheit hängt in sehr starkem Maße vom Arbeitsstatus ab. Arbeitslose gehören erwartungsgemäß in allen vier Kategorien zu den Verlierern. (IAB)

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    If happiness is relative, against whom do we compare ourselves?: implications for labour supply (2011)

    Pérez-Asenjo, Eduardo;


    Pérez-Asenjo, Eduardo (2011): If happiness is relative, against whom do we compare ourselves? Implications for labour supply. In: Journal of population economics, Jg. 24, H. 4, S. 1411-1442. DOI:10.1007/s00148-010-0322-z


    "This paper addresses two important issues: the nature of the reference group to which individuals compare themselves, and the implications of social comparisons for labour supply. It identifies age as the main characteristic defining the reference group. Race, sex and religion are other relevant features in its determination. It provides micro-level evidence that social comparisons influence the hours an individual works. Specifically, if her income is lower than her reference group income, she will work more. It also shows that for males, white people and people living in rural areas the effect of relative income on both happiness and labour supply is greater." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The relation between life satisfaction and the material situation: a re-evaluation using alternative measures (2010)

    Christoph, Bernhard ;


    Christoph, Bernhard (2010): The relation between life satisfaction and the material situation. A re-evaluation using alternative measures. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 98, H. 3, S. 475-499. DOI:10.1007/s11205-009-9552-4


    Eines der überraschendsten Forschungsergebnisse ist der schwache Zusammenhang zwischen der materiellen Situation eines Individuums und seinem subjektiven Wohlbefinden. In jüngster Zeit wurde deshalb verstärkt danach gefragt, ob das Einkommen als Indikator für die materielle Situation ausreichend ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird gezeigt, dass unter Einbeziehung alternativer Maße für die materielle Situation der Zusammenhang zwischen der materiellen Situation und subjektiven Wohlbefinden wohl doch stärker ausfällt. Der Autor gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Ansätze zur Messung der materiellen Situation und schlägt die Anwendung eines sogenannten Deprivations-Ansatzes aus der Armutsforschung vor. Er argumentiert, dass sich dieser besser als Einkommen oder Vermögen zur Analyse des genannten Zusammenhangs eignet. Diese Hypothese wird anhand von drei verschiedenen deutschen Datensätzen überprüft. Es zeigt sich, dass in allen Fällen Deprivations-Maße besser zur Erklärung von Unterschieden im subjektiven Wohlbefinden geeignet sind. Da beide Ansätze unterschiedliche Aspekte der materiellen Situation aufzeigen, wird eine Kombination beider Ansätze als Alternative vorgeschlagen. (IAB)

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    Christoph, Bernhard ;
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    Boon or bane? Others' unemployment, well-being and job insecurity (2010)

    Clark, Andrew; Knabe, Andreas ; Rätzel, Steffen;


    Clark, Andrew, Andreas Knabe & Steffen Rätzel (2010): Boon or bane? Others' unemployment, well-being and job insecurity. In: Labour economics, Jg. 17, H. 1, S. 52-61. DOI:10.1016/j.labeco.2009.05.007


    "The social norm of unemployment suggests that aggregate unemployment reduces the well-being of the employed, but has a far smaller effect on the unemployed. We use German panel data to reproduce this standard result, but then suggest that the appropriate distinction may not be between employment and unemployment, but rather between higher and lower levels of labour-market security, at least for men. Men with good job prospects, both employed and unemployed, are strongly negatively affected by regional unemployment. However, insecure employed men and poor-prospect unemployed men are less negatively, or even positively, affected. There is however no clear relationship for women. We analyse labour-market inequality and unemployment hysteresis in the light of our results." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work and well-being (2010)

    Clark, Andrew E. ;


    Clark, Andrew E. (2010): Work and well-being. In: CESifo DICE report, Jg. 8, H. 4, S. 17-21.


    Zwei Forschungsfragen bezüglich Arbeit und Zufriedenheit werden in dem Beitrag diskutiert. Zum einen wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitsmarktstatus und Zufriedenheit thematisiert. Ist die subjektive Zufriedenheit von Arbeitslosen geringer als die Zufriedenheit von abhängig Beschäftigten? Und ist die subjektive Zufriedenheit von Selbständigen höher als die Zufriedenheit von abhängig Beschäftigten? Sind Rentner zufrieden mit ihrem Berufsausstieg? Wird der Erwerbsstatus freiwillig gewählt oder spielen Zwänge eine Rolle? Zweites Thema ist der Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitsplatzmerkmalen und Zufriedenheit. Arbeitsplatzqualität wird hier nicht nur als eine objektiv messbare Größe betrachtet, sondern auch in ihrer subjektiven Dimension. Berücksichtigt man diese Heterogenität bei der Bewertung von Arbeit, dann lassen sich auch die Unterschiede in der Bewertung des Berufsausstiegs erklären: Die Zufriedenheit hängt hier sowohl von der Art der Arbeit als auch von der Zukunftsperspektive ab. (IAB)

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    International differences in well-being (2010)

    Diener, Ed; Arora, Raksha; Kapteyn, Arie; Helliwell, John; Krilla, Amy; Kahneman, Daniel; Veenhoven, Ruut; Barrington-Leigh, Chris; Clark, Andrew E. ; Krueger, Alan B.; Di Tella, Rafael; Layard, R.; Fischler, Claude; MacCulloch, Robert; Graham, Carol; Mayraz, G.; Harter, James K.; Nickell, S.; Huang, Haifang; Oishi, Shigehiro; Chattopadhyay, Soumya; Picon, Mario; Easterlin, Richard A.; Sawangfa, Onnicha; Harris, Anthony; Schkade, David A.; Ingleheart, Ronald F.; Smith, James P.; Fortson, Jane; Tortora, Robert; Deaton, Angus; Tov, William; Helliwell, John F.; Soest, Arthur van;


    Diener, Ed, John Helliwell & Daniel Kahneman (Hrsg.) (2010): International differences in well-being. (Series in positive psychology), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 489 S.


    "This is a major compendium of the principles and practice of well-being research explaining international differences in well-being. It combines psychology, political science, and economics to examine the well-being of nations. This book draws together the latest work from scholars around the world using subjective well-being data to understand and compare well-being across countries and cultures. Starting from many different vantage points, the authors reached a consensus that many measures of subjective well-being, ranging from life evaluations through emotional states, based on memories and current evaluations, merit broader collection and analysis. Using data from the Gallup World Poll, the World Values Survey, and other internationally comparable surveys, the authors document wide divergences among countries in all measures of subjective well-being, The international differences are greater for life evaluations than for emotions. Despite the well-documented differences in the ways in which subjective evaluations change through time and across cultures, the bulk of the very large international differences in life evaluations are due to differences in life circumstances rather than differences in the way these differences are evaluated." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Wohlstandsmessung durch Indikatoren zur Lebenszufriedenheit (2010)

    Erber, Georg;


    Erber, Georg (2010): Wohlstandsmessung durch Indikatoren zur Lebenszufriedenheit. In: Wirtschaftsdienst, Jg. 90, H. 12, S. 831-839.


    "Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt ist als Maßstab für den Wohlstand einer Gesellschaft unzureichend. Aktuell bemühen sich verschiedene Organisationen, einen Indikator zusammenzustellen, der den Wohlstand besser abbildet. Auf EU-Ebene wurde hierfür ein Indikatorensystem insbesondere auch die 'Satisfaction Adjusted Life Expectancy' (SALY) vorgeschlagen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Women between part-time and full-time work: The influence of changing hours of work on happiness and life-satisfaction (2010)

    Gash, Vanessa; Gordo, Laura Romeu; Mertens, Antje ;


    Gash, Vanessa, Antje Mertens & Laura Romeu Gordo (2010): Women between part-time and full-time work: The influence of changing hours of work on happiness and life-satisfaction. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 268), Berlin, 42 S.


    "This paper asks whether part-time work makes women happy. Previous research on labour supply has assumed that as workers freely choose their optimal working hours on the basis of their innate preferences and the hourly wage rate, outcome reflects preference. This paper tests this assumption by measuring the impact of changes in working-hours on life satisfaction in two countries (the UK and Germany using the German Socio-Economic Panel and the British Household Panel Survey). We find decreases in working-hours bring about positive and significant improvement on well-being for women." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Perceived job insecurity and well-being revisited: towards conceptual clarity (2010)

    Geishecker, Ingo;


    Geishecker, Ingo (2010): Perceived job insecurity and well-being revisited. Towards conceptual clarity. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 282), Berlin, 35 S.


    "This paper analyzes the impact of job insecurity perceptions on individual well- being. In contrast to previous studies, we explicitly take into account perceptions about both the likelihood and the potential costs of job loss and demonstrate that most contributions to the literature suffer from simultaneity bias. When accounting for simultaneity, we find the true unbiased effect of perceived job insecurity to be more than twice the size of naive estimates. Accordingly, perceived job insecurity ranks as one of the most important factors in employees' well-being and can be even more harmful than actual job loss with subsequent unemployment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Happiness and social policy in Europe (2010)

    Greve, Bent ; Noll, Heinz-Herbert ; Klein, Carlo; Weick, Stefan; Jordan, Bill; Sirovátka, Tomáš ; Fors, Filip; Zupi, Marco; Cerami, Alfio; Saxonberg, Steven ; Berg, Maarten; Veenhoven, Ruut; Beblavy, Miroslav;


    Greve, Bent (Hrsg.) (2010): Happiness and social policy in Europe. Cheltenham: Elgar, 221 S.


    "Happiness has become a central issue in research in recent years. This book brings together researchers from around Europe to present, analyse and discuss the relation between happiness and social policy. Bent Greve demonstrates in this unique book, that research on happiness is important to understand and that the welfare state and social policy is essential in promoting more jobs, social inclusion and to a certain degree also a high level of equality. He highlights that while differences do exist among the countries studied, clearly social policy has a role in increasing happiness in Europe." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Glücksforschung: Stand der Dinge und Bedeutung für die Ökonomik (2010)

    Hirata, Johannes;


    Hirata, Johannes (2010): Glücksforschung. Stand der Dinge und Bedeutung für die Ökonomik. In: (2010): Ordo. Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 61, S. 127-149.


    "Die moderne Glücksforschung ist über die vergangenen Jahre überaus produktiv gewesen und hat zweifellos einige wertvolle Erkenntnisse zutage gefördert. Dieser Produktivität steht jedoch eine gewisse Orientierungslosigkeit und Heterogenität gegenüber - als Beobachter weiß man gelegentlich nicht so recht, worin denn das übergeordnete Ziel der betriebenen Forschung und die Bedeutung der jeweiligen Forschungsergebnisse bestehen. Ausgehend von einer Untersuchung der Voraussetzungen und Methoden der modernen Glücksforschung werden einige grundlegende Fragen und die mögliche Bedeutung der Glücksforschung für die Ökonomik kritisch erörtert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being (2010)

    Kahneman, Daniel; Deaton, Angus;


    Kahneman, Daniel & Angus Deaton (2010): High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jg. 107, H. 38, S. 16489-16493. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1011492107


    "Recent research has begun to distinguish two aspects of subjective well-being. Emotional well-being refers to the emotional quality of an individual's everyday experience - the frequency and intensity of experiences of joy, stress, sadness, anger, and affection that make one's life pleasant or unpleasant. Life evaluation refers to the thoughts that people have about their life when they think about it. We raise the question of whether money buys happiness, separately for these two aspects of well-being. We report an analysis of more than 450,000 responses to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, a daily survey of 1,000 US residents conducted by the Gallup Organization. We find that emotional well-being (measured by questions about emotional experiences yesterday) and life evaluation (measured by Cantril's Self-Anchoring Scale) have different correlates. Income and education are more closely related to life evaluation, but health, care giving, loneliness, and smoking are relatively stronger predictors of daily emotions. When plotted against log income, life evaluation rises steadily. Emotional well-being also rises with log income, but there is no further progress beyond an annual income of ~$75,000. Low income exacerbates the emotional pain associated with such misfortunes as divorce, ill health, and being alone. We conclude that high income buys life satisfaction but not happiness, and that low income is associated both with low life evaluation and low emotional well-being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income, happiness, and the disutility of labour (2010)

    Knabe, Andreas ; Rätzel, Steffen;


    Knabe, Andreas & Steffen Rätzel (2010): Income, happiness, and the disutility of labour. In: Economics Letters, Jg. 107, H. 1, S. 77-79. DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2009.12.032


    "We re-examined the claim that neglecting the impact of working hours on happiness causes a downward bias in the income - happiness-relationship. Pouwels et al. (2008), using cross-sectional data for Germany, found that controlling for working hours would substantially increase the impact of income on subjective well-being. Replicating their methodology, we find similar results. When we consider a methodology that has currently become standard in the happiness literature, including a panel dataset and the control for individual unobserved heterogeneity by including fixed effects, however, the results change considerably. Using this estimation technique and specifying the impact of working hours in a more flexible, quadratic form that allows for non-monotonic influences, we obtain results that suggest that the impact of working hours on happiness is rather small and exhibits an inverse U-shape. Since the magnitude of the effect of working hours is small, there is no evidence that leaving working hours out of the analysis leads to an underestimation of the income effect." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Second European quality of life survey: living conditions, social exclusion and mental well-being (2010)

    Layte, Richard ; Whelan, Christopher T.; Maitre, Bertrand;


    Layte, Richard, Bertrand Maitre & Christopher T. Whelan (2010): Second European quality of life survey. Living conditions, social exclusion and mental well-being. Dublin, 83 S.


    "Over the past two decades, the concept of social exclusion has increasingly replaced the concept of poverty within the EU policy discussion on social vulnerability and disadvantage. It has been shown that unequal access to the labour market and poor living conditions negatively affect social participation and social contact, which in turn impact on the quality of life of Europe's citizens and lead to a sense of social exclusion. The second European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), conducted by Eurofound in 2007, offers a wide-ranging view of the diverse social realities in Europe today. This report looks at the relationships between living conditions, social exclusion and mental well-being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Pädagogik des Glücks: wann, wo und wie wir das Glück lernen (2010)

    Münch, Joachim; Wyrobnik, Irit;


    Münch, Joachim & Irit Wyrobnik (2010): Pädagogik des Glücks. Wann, wo und wie wir das Glück lernen. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verl. Hohengehren, 170 S.


    "Philosophische Abhandlungen zum Glück findet man zuhauf, das Streben nach Glück beschäftigt die Menschen schon seit der Antike. Die Zahl der Publikationen über Bildungstheorien ist ebenso Legion. Dagegen wurde bisher der Zusammenhang von 'Bildung' und 'Glück' eher weniger beachtet. In der vorliegenden 'Pädagogik des Glücks' versuchen Joachim Münch und Irit Wyrobnik diesen Zusammenhang zu erhellen, indem sie der Frage nachgehen, wann, wo und wie wir das Glück lernen können. Auf diese Weise geraten die verschiedenen Lebensabschnitte und Lernorte mit ihren jeweils besonderen Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten für Zufriedenheit und Glück in den Blickpunkt. Schließlich wird auch der Frage nachgegangen, wie wir 'Saboteure' des Glücks bekämpfen und 'Tore' zum Glück weit öffnen können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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