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Happiness – wie Glück, Arbeit und Einkommen zusammenhängen

Das Streben nach Glück ist ein zentrales Element im Leben, wobei das individuelle Wohlbefinden sowohl persönliche als auch gesellschaftliche Ursachen hat. Welchen Einfluss haben Wirtschaftsentwicklung, Einkommen, der berufliche Werdegang oder Arbeitslosigkeitserfahrungen auf das Glücksempfinden eines Menschen? Die IAB-Infoplattform bietet hierzu aktuelle Literatur.

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    Der Einfluss von Armut und Reichtum auf die Lebenszufriedenheit: eine empirische Analyse mit dem SOEP unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Capability Approach (2013)

    Hajek, André ;


    Hajek, André (2013): Der Einfluss von Armut und Reichtum auf die Lebenszufriedenheit. Eine empirische Analyse mit dem SOEP unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Capability Approach. München: Utz, 319 S., Anhang.


    "In dem zweiten Kapitel werden die wesentlichen Begriffe dieser Arbeit näher vorgestellt. Dazu gehören die Termini Lebenszufriedenheit, Armut und Reichtum sowie der Ansatz der Verwirklichungschancen. Die Basis der Operationalisierung von Armuts- und Reichtumsvariablen bildet dabei der Ansatz der Verwirklichungschancen. Welchen Problemen und Fragen man sich dabei in der Praxis stellen muss, wird in dem dritten Kapitel thematisiert. Ein Exkurs zur Kausalität erfolgt danach am Anfang des vierten Kapitels (Kap. 4.1). Dies ist wesentlich, um die Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit angemessen evaluieren zu können. Anschließend wird der Forschungsstand (wesentliche Theorien der Zufriedenheitsforschung und Einflussfaktoren der Lebenszufriedenheit) vorgestellt. Daraus werden entsprechende Hypothesen abgeleitet. Nachfolgend wird das Fundament für die empirischen Analysen erarbeitet (Vorstellung der Datenbasis, Operationalisierung, methodische Grundlagen). Nach einem anfänglichen Between-Vergleich zwischen Reichen und Nicht-Reichen sowie Armen und Nicht-Armen wird in dem empirischen Abschnitt mithilfe multivariater Analyseverfahren die Entwicklung der Individuen im Zeitverlauf betrachtet.
    In Ergänzung zum vierten Kapitel wird im fünften Kapitel gezielt auf die Wirkung der Wahlfreiheit auf die Lebenszufriedenheit eingegangen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Gebieten (1) soziale Exklusion, (2) Arbeitslosigkeit und (3) berufliche Weiterbildung. Über die Ergebnisse dieses Kapitels wird der besondere Nutzen des CA im Kontext der Armuts- und Reichtumsforschung herausgearbeitet.
    Das sechste Kapitel berücksichtigt - in Erweiterung zum vierten Kapitel - sowohl potenzielle Antizipation- als auch Adaptationseffekte im ökonometrischen Modell, da derartige Effekte in der bisherigen Zufriedenheitsforschung beobachtet wurden. Dadurch kann die Effektdauer eingeschätzt werden. Beleuchtet wird im siebten Kapitel indessen das komplexe Zusammenwirken der Lebenszufriedenheit mit der Gesundheit, dem Einkommen und dem Erwerbsstatus bzw. der beruflichen Autonomie.
    Im Anschluss daran wird im achten Kapitel der Frage nachgegangen: Wie tangiert makroökonomische Einkommensungleichheit die Individuen im Lande? Daran knüpft die Frage an, ob dieser Einfluss der Ungleichheit auf die Zufriedenheit zwischen den Gruppen der Einkommensarmen und Einkommensreichen differiert. Abschließend werden die einzelnen Ergebnisse im neunten Kapitel zusammengefasst und bewertet. Dies wird von einem Ausblick begleitet. Dieser weist auf künftige, bedeutende Fragestellungen hin." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Are Americans really less happy with their incomes? (2013)

    Kapteyn, Arie; Soest, Arthur van; Smith, James P.;


    Kapteyn, Arie, James P. Smith & Arthur van Soest (2013): Are Americans really less happy with their incomes? In: Review of Income and Wealth, Jg. 59, H. 1, S. 44-65. DOI:10.1111/j.1475-4991.2012.00532.x


    "Recent economic research on international comparisons of subjective well-being suffers from several important biases due to the potential incomparability of response scales within and across countries. In this paper we concentrate on self-reported satisfaction with income in two countries: the Netherlands and the U.S. The comparability problem is addressed by using anchoring vignettes. We find that in the raw data, Americans appear decidedly less satisfied with their income than the Dutch. It turns out however that after response scale adjustment based on vignettes, the distribution of satisfaction in the two countries is essentially identical. In addition, we find that the within-country cross-sectional effect of income on satisfaction - a key parameter in the recent debate in the economic literature - is significantly underestimated, especially in the U.S., when differences in response scales are not taken into account." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Economic freedom, money and happiness: why deregulation matters beyond its wealth enhancing effect (2013)

    Knoll, Bodo ; Pitlik, Hans; Rode, Martin;


    Knoll, Bodo, Hans Pitlik & Martin Rode (2013): Economic freedom, money and happiness. Why deregulation matters beyond its wealth enhancing effect. In: CESifo DICE report, Jg. 11, H. 2, S. 35-42.


    "For a long time economic happiness research has focused on the question: 'Does money make people happy?' In recent years, some researchers have broadened the scope of this question by asking if (economic) events and situations can have effects that go beyond pure pecuniary effects. Periods of unemployment are detrimental for subjective well-being to a far greater extent than the loss of labor income and the reduced consumption levels of the unemployed. Institutions matter for two reasons: (1) Free markets are an important determinant of growth, thereby contributing to life satisfaction via higher income levels. (2) In addition, ideology, risk aversion and freedom of choice as a value in itself may explain why positive or negative effects on life satisfaction remain even after controlling for the individual income position. These non-pecuniary effects seem to be unequally distributed within societies. Further research is needed to address endogeneity issues and to fully understand some of the paradoxical results that have emerged from previous empirical studies." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Short-run and long-run causalities between happiness, income and unemployment in Japan (2013)

    Lee, Chew Ging; Lee, Cassey; Ng, Pek Kim;


    Lee, Chew Ging, Pek Kim Ng & Cassey Lee (2013): Short-run and long-run causalities between happiness, income and unemployment in Japan. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 20, H. 18, S. 1636-1639. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2013.829195


    "This article examines the short-run and long-run causal interactions between happiness and two economic variables in Japan, namely, unemployment and income. Results suggest that whilst more rapid economic growth and lower levels of unemployment are important in raising people's well-being in the short run, it is the relative growth performance of the economy that matters in the long run." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Glücksfaktor Arbeit: was bestimmt unsere Lebenszufriedenheit? (2013)

    Neumann, Michael; Schmidt, Jörg;


    Neumann, Michael & Jörg Schmidt (2013): Glücksfaktor Arbeit. Was bestimmt unsere Lebenszufriedenheit? (Roman-Herzog-Institut. Diskussion 21), München, 27 S.


    "Arbeit - genauer Erwerbsarbeit - ist ein zentraler Bestandteil unseres Lebens und nimmt somit auch Einfluss auf unsere Lebenszufriedenheit. Diese Erkenntnis ist zwar nicht neu. Die überwiegende Anzahl der Fachpublikationen zum Thema Lebenszufriedenheit fokussierte bislang aber auf andere Lebensbereiche und Personengruppen, wie etwa Studenten, Kinder und Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Problemen (Erdogan et al., 2012). Dies scheint überraschend, da wir doch einen großen Anteil unserer Lebenszeit im Beruf verbringen und sich dies nachhaltig auf unsere Zufriedenheit auswirken dürfte. Der Blick auf andere Lebensbereiche zeigt, dass diese ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle spielen, darunter vor allem die eigene Gesundheit oder die Familie. Wie also muss mein Arbeitsplatz aussehen, um mich glücklicher und zufriedener zu machen? Kann ich mir das Glück gewissermaßen 'erarbeiten'? Die vorliegende Publikation trägt vorhandene Literatur zu diesen Fragen zusammen und ergänzt sie um eigene Auswertungen aus dem Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP). Aufgrund der Komplexität der Forschungsfrage ist der vorliegende Beitrag wie folgt gegliedert:
    Zunächst wird in Kapitel 2 die Bedeutung des Arbeitsumfelds im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Lebensbereichen aufgezeigt. Zudem werden im internationalen Vergleich und nach der Art der Erwerbsform differenziert einige zusammengefasste Befunde erläutert. Im Anschluss daran beleuchtet Kapitel 3 beispielhaft einige für die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit wesentliche Aspekte der Arbeit, von denen unter Bezug auf die vorliegende Literatur erwartet werden kann, dass sie einen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Lebenszufriedenheit haben (ohne den Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit zu erheben). Kapitel 4 zieht die resultierenden Schlussfolgerungen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does migration make you happy?: a longitudinal study of internal migration and subjective well-being (2013)

    Nowok, Beata; Ham, Maarten van; Gayle, Vernon ; Findlay, Allan M.;


    Nowok, Beata, Maarten van Ham, Allan M. Findlay & Vernon Gayle (2013): Does migration make you happy? A longitudinal study of internal migration and subjective well-being. In: Environment and Planning. A, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Jg. 45, H. 4, S. 986-1002. DOI:10.1068/a45287


    "The majority of quantitative studies on the consequences of internal migration focus almost exclusively on the labour-market outcomes and the material well-being of migrants. We investigate whether individuals who migrate within the UK become happier after the move than they were before, and whether the effect is permanent or transient. Using life-satisfaction responses from twelve waves of the British Household Panel Survey and employing a fixed-effects model, we derive a temporal pattern of migrants' subjective well-being around the time of the migration event. Our findings make an original contribution by revealing that, on average, migration is preceded by a period when individuals experience a significant decline in happiness for a variety of reasons, including changes in personal living arrangements. Migration itself causes a boost in happiness, and brings people back to their initial levels. The research contributes, therefore, to advancing an understanding of migration in relation to set-point theory. Perhaps surprisingly, long-distance migrants are at least as happy as short-distance migrants despite the higher social and psychological costs involved. The findings of this paper add to the pressure to retheorize migration within a conceptual framework that accounts for social well-being from a life-course perspective." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Does unemployment hurt less if there is more of it around?: a panel analysis of life satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland (2013)

    Oesch, Daniel ; Lipps, Oliver;


    Oesch, Daniel & Oliver Lipps (2013): Does unemployment hurt less if there is more of it around? A panel analysis of life satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 29, H. 5, S. 955-967. DOI:10.1093/esr/jcs071


    "This article examines the existence of a habituation effect to unemployment: Does the subjective well-being of unemployed people decline less if unemployment is more widespread? The underlying idea is that unemployment hysteresis may operate through a sociological channel: if many people in the community lose their job and remain unemployed over an extended period, the psychological cost of being unemployed diminishes, and the pressure to accept a new job declines. We analyse this question with individual-level data from the German socio-economic panel (1984 - 2010) and the Swiss household panel (2000 - 2010). Our fixed-effects estimates show no evidence for a mitigating effect of high surrounding unemployment on the subjective well-being of the unemployed. Becoming unemployed hurts as much when regional unemployment is high as when it is low. Likewise, the strongly harmful impact of being unemployed on well-being neither wears off over time, nor do repeated episodes of unemployment make it any better. It thus appears doubtful that an unemployment shock becomes persistent because the unemployed becomes used to, and hence reasonably content with, being without a job." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Happiness and satisfaction with work commute (2013)

    Olsson, Lars E.; Gärling, Tommy; Friman, Margareta; Ettema, Dick; Fujii, Satoshi;


    Olsson, Lars E., Tommy Gärling, Dick Ettema, Margareta Friman & Satoshi Fujii (2013): Happiness and satisfaction with work commute. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 111, H. 1, S. 255-263. DOI:10.1007/s11205-012-0003-2


    "Research suggests that for many people happiness is being able to make the routines of everyday life work, such that positive feelings dominate over negative feelings resulting from daily hassles. In line with this, a survey of work commuters in the three largest urban areas of Sweden show that satisfaction with the work commute contributes to overall happiness. It is also found that feelings during the commutes are predominantly positive or neutral. Possible explanatory factors include desirable physical exercise from walking and biking, as well as that short commutes provide a buffer between the work and private spheres. For longer work commutes, social and entertainment activities either increase positive affects or counteract stress and boredom. Satisfaction with being employed in a recession may also spill over to positive experiences of work commutes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work hours and well being: an investigation of moderator effects (2013)

    Pereira, Maria C.; Coelho, Filipe;


    Pereira, Maria C. & Filipe Coelho (2013): Work hours and well being. An investigation of moderator effects. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 111, H. 1, S. 235-253. DOI:10.1007/s11205-012-0002-3


    "The relationship between work hours and subjective well being is marked by contradictory findings, thereby implying that it is far from being completely understood. A study of moderator effects can help explain variations in results across studies and, thus, overcome inconsistencies in past research. Accordingly, the current study aims to enlighten the relationship between work hours and well being by investigating how a number of variables moderate this relationship. To develop the research hypotheses concerning the moderator effects, this study relies mostly on social identity theory. Overall, the results suggest that work hours, per se, do not have a significant relationship with individual well being. Rather, their effects seem to depend on a number of issues, namely concerned with individuals' objective characteristics, as well as their social identities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Income comparisons, income adaptation, and life satisfaction: how robust are estimates from survey data? (2013)

    Pfaff, Tobias;


    Pfaff, Tobias (2013): Income comparisons, income adaptation, and life satisfaction. How robust are estimates from survey data? (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 555), Berlin, 44 S.


    "Theory suggests that subjective well-being is affected by income comparisons and adaptation to income. Empirical tests of the effects often rely on self-constructed measures from survey data. This paper shows that results can be highly sensitive to simple parameter changes. Using large-scale panel data from Germany and the UK, I report cases where plausible variations in the underlying income type substantially affect tests of the relationship between life satisfaction, income rank, reference income, and income adaptation. Models simultaneously controlling for income and income rank as well as models with a number of income lags are prone to imperfect multicollinearity with consequences for the precision and robustness of estimates. When testing relative-income effects, researchers should be aware that reference income constructed as average of a rather arbitrarily defined reference group and reference income predicted from Mincer-type earnings equations are two approaches that can produce inconsistent results, and that are probably not as reliable and valid as previously assumed. The analysis underlines the importance of robustness checks and regression diagnostics, two routines that are often not carried out diligently in empirical research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Austria's well-being goes beyond GDP (2013)

    Röhn, Oliver; Gönenc, Rauf; Boarini, Romina; Beer, Christian;


    Röhn, Oliver, Rauf Gönenc, Christian Beer & Romina Boarini (2013): Austria's well-being goes beyond GDP. (OECD Economics Department working papers 1079), Paris, 58 S. DOI:10.1787/5k422133hjnv-en


    "Austria enjoys strong material well-being and high quality of life. Steady convergence with top GDP per capita levels translated into decisive improvements in household disposable incomes while significant redistribution has ensured low income inequality and poverty. This has been combined with gains in leisure time, especially time spent in retirement, low unemployment, high environmental standards, rising life expectancy, a well-functioning social support network and high subjective well-being. This performance was achieved with a unique combination of supportive conditions for a dynamic business sector, priority for family based care, a wide supply of public services, and a well-functioning social partnership. Particularly remarkable for a small open economy has been the degree of stability, which may have contributed to Austria's high quality of life. However, a number of weaknesses also exist. Older, unskilled and in particular people with migrant background, have lower labour market attachments. Outcomes in education and health care are subject to inequalities. Family services are still mainly carried out by women, who have closed the gap in education attainment with men but face tensions between work and family responsibilities and a high wage gap. The gaps experienced by people with migrant background are in several dimensions larger than in the average OECD country. This Working Paper relates to the 2013 OECD Economic Survey of Austria (https://www.oecd.org/eco/surveys/austria-2013.htm)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The new stylized facts about income and subjective well-being (2013)

    Sacks, Daniel W. ; Wolfers, Justin; Stevenson, Betsey;


    Sacks, Daniel W., Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers (2013): The new stylized facts about income and subjective well-being. (CESifo working paper 4067), München, 14 S.


    "In recent decades economists have turned their attention to data that asks people how happy or satisfied they are with their lives. Much of the early research concluded that the role of income in determining well-being was limited, and that only income relative to others was related to well-being. In this paper, we review the evidence to assess the importance of absolute and relative income in determining well-being. Our research suggests that absolute income plays a major role in determining well-being and that national comparisons offer little evidence to support theories of relative income. We find that well-being rises with income, whether we compare people in a single country and year, whether we look across countries, or whether we look at economic growth for a given country. Through these comparisons we show that richer people report higher well-being than poorer people; that people in richer countries, on average, experience greater well-being than people in poorer countries; and that economic growth and growth in well-being are clearly related. Moreover, the data show no evidence for a satiation point above which income and well-being are no longer related." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The interplay between educational achievement, occupational success, and well-being (2013)

    Samuel, Robin ; Bergman, Manfred Max; Hupka-Brunner, Sandra ;


    Samuel, Robin, Manfred Max Bergman & Sandra Hupka-Brunner (2013): The interplay between educational achievement, occupational success, and well-being. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 111, H. 1, S. 75-96. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9984-5


    "Many studies have examined the effect of life events, education, and income on well-being. Conversely, research concerning well-being as a predictor of life course outcomes is sparse. Diener's suggestion 'to inquire about the effects of well-being on future behavior and success' has, with some exceptions, not yet come to fruition. This article contributes to this body of research. We conceptualize and analyze the interplay between educational achievement, occupational success, and well-being as a complex process. The relationship between these domains is examined drawing on a structure-agency framework derived from Bourdieu and Social Comparison Theory. Social comparison between adolescents and their parents is suggested to be the mechanism explaining the effects of successful and unsuccessful intergenerational transmission of educational achievement and occupational success on well-being. It is further argued that well-being may serve as an individual resource by fostering educational and occupational outcomes. Panel data from the Transition from Education to Employment (TREE) project, a Swiss PISA 2000 follow-up study, was used. The interplay between well-being and successful and unsuccessful intergenerational transfer of educational attainment was analyzed in an autoregressive cross-lagged mixture model framework. Social comparison was found to be related to well-being, while well-being proved to significantly increase the probability of successful intergenerational transfer of educational attainment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Determinants of subjective well-being in high and low income countries: do happiness equations differ across countries? (2013)

    Sarracino, Francesco;


    Sarracino, Francesco (2013): Determinants of subjective well-being in high and low income countries. Do happiness equations differ across countries? In: The Journal of Socio-Economics, Jg. 42, H. February, S. 51-66. DOI:10.1016/j.socec.2012.11.006


    Die Bedeutung sozialer Beziehungen für das subjektive Wohlbefinden der Menschen in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern ist Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung. Hierzu wurden Daten des World Value Survey für den Zeitraum 1980 bis 2001 mittels Regressionsanalysen und Oaxaca-Dekomposition ausgewertet. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass das soziale Kapital sowohl in armen als auch in reichen Ländern entscheidend für das subjektive Wohlbefinden ist. Hierzu zählen soziale Beziehungen zu Arbeitskollegen, in religiösen Gruppen, bei ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeiten und in der Freizeit. (IAB)

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    Subjective well-being and income: is there any evidence of satiation? (2013)

    Stevenson, Betsey; Wolfers, Justin;


    Stevenson, Betsey & Justin Wolfers (2013): Subjective well-being and income. Is there any evidence of satiation? (CESifo working paper 4222), München, 25 S.


    "Many scholars have argued that once 'basic needs' have been met, higher income is no longer associated with higher in subjective well-being. We assess the validity of this claim in comparisons of both rich and poor countries, and also of rich and poor people within a country. Analyzing multiple datasets, multiple definitions of 'basic needs' and multiple questions about well-being, we find no support for this claim. The relationship between wellbeing and income is roughly linear-log and does not diminish as incomes rise. If there is a satiation point, we are yet to reach it." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Subjective well-being and income: is there any evidence of satiation? (2013)

    Stevenson, Betsey; Wolfers, Justin;


    Stevenson, Betsey & Justin Wolfers (2013): Subjective well-being and income. Is there any evidence of satiation? (IZA discussion paper 7353), Bonn, 26 S.


    "Many scholars have argued that once 'basic needs' have been met, higher income is no longer associated with higher in subjective well-being. We assess the validity of this claim in comparisons of both rich and poor countries, and also of rich and poor people within a country. Analyzing multiple datasets, multiple definitions of 'basic needs' and multiple questions about well-being, we find no support for this claim. The relationship between wellbeing and income is roughly linear-log and does not diminish as incomes rise. If there is a satiation point, we are yet to reach it." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Soziales Wohlbefinden in Deutschland nur schwach ausgeprägt: Untersuchungen zum subjektiven Wohlbefinden mittels eines aggregierten Indexes (2013)

    Weick, Stefan;


    Weick, Stefan (2013): Soziales Wohlbefinden in Deutschland nur schwach ausgeprägt. Untersuchungen zum subjektiven Wohlbefinden mittels eines aggregierten Indexes. In: Informationsdienst Soziale Indikatoren H. 49, S. 12-15.


    "Das subjektive Wohlbefinden hat viele Aspekte, die sich, zumindest nicht vollständig, mit einer einzelnen Maßzahl erfassen lassen. Glück und Zufriedenheit - das Eingebundensein in die Gesellschaft sowie das Gefühl ein erfülltes Leben zu führen - gelten als Merkmale des subjektiven Wohlbefindens, die zwar von der Persönlichkeit, aber auch wesentlich von den sozialstrukturellen, kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Voraussetzungen in einem Land und nicht zuletzt von individuellen Erwartungen abhängen. Das subjektive Wohlbefinden ist kein Abbild der objektiven Situation und wird von sozialen Vergleichen und Präferenzen beeinflusst, steht aber in Europa dennoch mit dem Lebensstandard in einem deutlichen Zusammenhang. Untersuchungen zum subjektiven Wohlbefinden im nationalen und internationalen Rahmen basieren überwiegend auf der Survey-Frage zur Zufriedenheit mit dem Leben allgemein, die auf eine übergreifende Bewertung des eigenen subjektiven Wohlbefindens abzielt. Alternativ, aber auch ergänzend wird die Nutzung von aggregierten Indizes vorgeschlagen (Diener, 2000). Messfehler sollen durch die Verwendung einer größeren Anzahl von Items reduziert und zudem die Untersuchung einzelner Komponenten des subjektiven Wohlbefindens ermöglicht werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Income comparison, income formation, and subjective well-being: new evidence on envy versus signaling (2013)

    Welsch, Heinz; Kühling, Jan;


    Welsch, Heinz & Jan Kühling (2013): Income comparison, income formation, and subjective well-being. New evidence on envy versus signaling. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 552), Berlin, 24 S.


    "Drawing on the distinction between envy and signaling effects in income comparison, this paper uses 307,465 observations for subjective well-being and its covariates from Germany, 1990-2009, to study whether the nature of income comparison has changed in the process of economic development, and how such changes are related to changes in the nature of income formation. By conceptualizing a person's comparison income as the income predicted by an earnings equation, we find that, while in 1990-1999 envy has been the dominant concern in West Germany and signaling the dominant factor in East Germany, income comparison was non-existing in 2000-2009. We also find that the earnings equation reflects people's ability more accurately in the second than in the first period. Together, these findings suggest that comparing one's income with people of the same ability is important only when ability is insufficiently reflected in own income." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Well-being over the life span: semiparametric evidence from British and German longitudinal data (2013)

    Wunder, Christoph; Küchenhoff, Helmut; Wiencierz, Andrea; Schwarze, Johannes;


    Wunder, Christoph, Andrea Wiencierz, Johannes Schwarze & Helmut Küchenhoff (2013): Well-being over the life span. Semiparametric evidence from British and German longitudinal data. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Jg. 95, H. 1, S. 154-167. DOI:10.1162/REST_a_00222


    "This paper applies semiparametric regression models using penalized splines to investigate the profile of well-being over the life span. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) and the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), the analysis shows a common, and quite similar, age-specific pattern of life satisfaction for both Britain and Germany that can be characterized by three age stages. The evidence suggests that the U-shaped profile is a good approximation of decreasing and increasing well-being in the first and second stage. After people reached their late 60s, however, a decline in well-being is found in the third stage." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Third European quality of life survey: quality of life in Europe: Impacts of the crisis (2012)

    Anderson, Robert; Dubois, Hans; Leončikas, Tadas; Sandor, Eszter;


    Anderson, Robert, Hans Dubois, Tadas Leončikas & Eszter Sandor (2012): Third European quality of life survey. Quality of life in Europe: Impacts of the crisis. Dublin, 163 S. DOI:10.2806/42471


    "What determines life satisfaction and happiness? How do we value our social situation and immediate surroundings? How has this changed with the economic crisis? For the third wave of the European Quality of Life survey, 35,500 Europeans in all EU Member States were interviewed, in an effort to gain insights to these questions. This overview report presents findings and trends and shows that the impacts of the recession are indeed noticeable and measurable in some areas, while in others there are more long-term developments to be observed. While overall life satisfaction levels have not changed much, optimism about the future and trust in institutions have declined markedly in those countries most affected by the downturn. And groups that were already vulnerable - the long-term unemployed, older people in central and eastern Europe and single parents - report the highest levels of material deprivation and dissatisfaction with their life situation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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