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Soziale Herkunft und Arbeitsmarktchancen

Soziale Herkunft bezeichnet die sozio-kulturelle sowie die ökonomische Situation in der Familie. Der Zugang zu Bildung, beruflicher Aufstieg und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe werden durch die soziale Herkunft stark beeinflusst. Dieses Themendossier enthält aktuelle wissenschaftliche Literatur zu den Auswirkungen sozialer Herkunft auf die Chancen am Arbeitsmarkt.

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    Mehr Diversität in der MINT-Bildung: Chancenungleichheit aufgrund sozialer Herkunft: Ursachen und Lösungsansätze : Eine Studie von MINTvernetzt (2023)


    "Diese Studie untersucht, welchen Einfluss die Dimension „Soziale Herkunft“ auf die MINT-Bildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen hat. Sie liefert gleichzeitig konkrete Empfehlungen für die Praxis, um mehr Chancengleichheit zu schaffen und so die Diversität in MINT-Berufen zu verbessern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Zum Zusammenhang von Kinderarmut und Bildungsabbrüchen (2023)


    Deutscher Bundestag. Wissenschaftliche Dienste (2023): Zum Zusammenhang von Kinderarmut und Bildungsabbrüchen. (Dokumentation / Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste WD 9 - 3000 - 056/23), Berlin, 11 S.


    "Rund jedes fünfte Kind ist in Deutschland aktuell von einer finanziellen Risikolage betroffen. Diese liegt vor, wenn das in Abhängigkeit von der Haushaltszusammensetzung berechnete Haushaltseinkommen unterhalb der Armutsgefährdungsgrenze liegt. Auch eine Erwerbstätigkeit der Eltern schützt nicht unbedingt vor dieser Situation.1 Annähernd 1.000 Lebensmitteltafeln versorgen hierzulande regelmäßig ca. 1,5 Millionen Menschen mit Essen, von denen sich ungefähr ein Drittel im Kindesalter befinden. Mehr als zwei Millionen von insgesamt 13,6 Millionen Kindern wachsen in Familien auf, die auf Sozialhilfe angewiesen sind, in sogenannten SGB-II2 -Bedarfsgemeinschaften.3 Diese Dokumentation beschäftigt sich auftragsgemäß mit den Zusammenhängen von Kinderarmut und Bildungsabbrüchen in den letzten zehn Jahren. Es werden wissenschaftliche Beiträge vorgestellt, die die Schulbildung und weiterführende Bildungswege junger Menschen in Deutschland in den Blick nehmen und nach Ursachen und Folgen von Armut befragen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Disadvantaged young people find the transition from school to work particularly difficult (2022)

    Achatz, Juliane; Sandner, Malte ; Schels, Brigitte ; Reims, Nancy ;


    Achatz, Juliane, Nancy Reims, Malte Sandner & Brigitte Schels (2022): Disadvantaged young people find the transition from school to work particularly difficult. In: IAB-Forum H. 08.02.2022 Nürnberg, 2022-02-04. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20220208.01


    "How the transition from school to working life takes place sets the course for individual labour market opportunities. This transition is particularly difficult for disadvantaged young people. Different factors come into play: studies of young people in Germany show that in addition to low or no educational qualifications, attending a special needs school, having a disability, or growing up in low-income families are further barriers to a successful transition. Participation in support programmes can only partially offset these disadvantages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Computers as Stepping Stones? Technological Change and Equality of Labor Market Opportunities (2022)

    Arntz, Melanie ; Lipowski, Cäcilia; Neidhöfer, Guido ; Zierahn, Ulrich;


    Arntz, Melanie, Cäcilia Lipowski, Guido Neidhöfer & Ulrich Zierahn (2022): Computers as Stepping Stones? Technological Change and Equality of Labor Market Opportunities. (ZEW discussion paper 22-014), Mannheim, 73 S.


    "This paper analyzes whether technological change improves equality of labor market opportunities by decreasing returns to parental background. We find that in Germany during the 1990s, computerization improved the access to technologyadopting occupations for workers with low-educated parents, and reduced their wage penalty within these occupations. We also show that this significantly contributed to a decline in the overall wage penalty experienced by workers from disadvantaged parental backgrounds over this time period. Competing mechanisms, such as skill-specific labor supply shocks and skill- upgrading, do not explain these findings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Social origin and secondary labour market entry: Ascriptive and institutional inequalities over the early career in Italy and Germany (2022)

    Barbieri, Paolo ; Gioachin, Filippo ;


    Barbieri, Paolo & Filippo Gioachin (2022): Social origin and secondary labour market entry. Ascriptive and institutional inequalities over the early career in Italy and Germany. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 77. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2021.100670

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    Bildungsvorstellungen im sozialen Wandel – eine Kohortenanalyse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der Zeit von 1958 bis 2018 (2022)

    Becker, Rolf ; Anhalt, Elmar; Gilgen, Sandra ;


    Becker, Rolf, Sandra Gilgen & Elmar Anhalt (2022): Bildungsvorstellungen im sozialen Wandel – eine Kohortenanalyse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in der Zeit von 1958 bis 2018. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 23-40. DOI:10.1515/zfsoz-2022-0003


    "Ziel der vorliegenden Kohortenanalyse ist es, die frühere Studie von Meulemann (1982) über den Wandel von Bildungsvorstellungen in der Bevölkerung zu replizieren. Hierbei wird seine implizite These, die Bildungsexpansion seit den 1960er Jahren sei verantwortlich für den sozialen Wandel subjektiver Interpretationen sowohl von Bildungschancen als auch von Wert, Inhalt und Zielen der Bildung gewesen direkt überprüft. Dazu werden zwei Zeitdimensionen – historische Periode und Abfolge von Geburtskohorten – berücksichtigt und neben den ursprünglich verwendeten Datensätzen auch aktuelle Daten analysiert. Zudem werden zusätzliche erklärende Argumente eingeführt. Für einen Zeitraum von 60 Jahren werden periodenspezifische und kohortendifferenzierende Effekte der Bildungsexpansion auf die subjektive Wahrnehmung von Bildung aufgedeckt. Bildungschancen werden trotz gestiegener Bildungsgelegenheiten zunehmend kritischer von den jüngeren Kohorten beurteilt. Die meritokratischen Spielregeln werden weiterhin akzeptiert, jedoch bezweifeln jüngere Kohorten zunehmend, dass Bildung der Weg zum sozialen Aufstieg ist. Schließlich unterliegen auch die schulischen Erziehungsziele einem sukzessiven Wertewandel." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © De Gruyter)

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    Einmal arm, immer arm? Zur intergenerationalen Transmission von Armutsrisiken (2022)

    Böhnke, Petra; Fischer-Neumann, Marion; Fischer-Neumann, Marion; Zölch, Janina;


    Böhnke, Petra, Marion Fischer-Neumann & Janina Zölch (2022): Einmal arm, immer arm? Zur intergenerationalen Transmission von Armutsrisiken. In: K. Marquardsen (Hrsg.) (2022): Armutsforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Forschung, S. 163-175.


    "Armutserfahrungen in der Kindheit beschneiden Lebenschancen und erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit, auch im Erwachsenenalter arm zu sein. Was trägt zur Verfestigung von Armut über Generationen hinweg bei und was kann sie verhindern? Um Antworten auf diese Frage zu finden, beleuchtet der Beitrag das Zusammenspiel von Familie, sozialen Netzwerken sowie sozialräumlichen und institutionellen Kontexten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The myth of equal opportunity in Germany?: Wage inequality and the role of (non-)academic family background for differences in capital endowments and returns on the labour market (2022)

    Consiglio, Valentina S.; Sologon, Denisa M. ;


    Consiglio, Valentina S. & Denisa M. Sologon (2022): The myth of equal opportunity in Germany? Wage inequality and the role of (non-)academic family background for differences in capital endowments and returns on the labour market. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 159, H. 2, S. 455-493. DOI:10.1007/s11205-021-02719-2


    "While providing equal opportunities to all members of society independent of an individual's socio-economic background is a major objective of German policy makers, educational opportunities of children with a non-academic family background are still unequally obstructed. When analysing the labour market implications of this disadvantage, social capital as an additional source of inequality often lacks attention. Drawing on the instrumental value of rather loose contacts (i.e. weak ties) on the labour market as revealed by Granovetter (Getting a job. A study of contacts and careers, The University of Chicago Press, Cambridge, 1974), this paper goes beyond the human capital approach and includes a measure of instrumental social capital in the form of weak-tie career support in the earnings function. Applying an Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition and quantile regressions, we find a significant average wage gap between those with and without an academic family background. A large part can be explained by deficits that those from less educated families incur with respect to human and instrumental social capital: Lower educational attainment accounts for more than half of the wage gap between the two groups while fewer career support explains around five percent of the differential. Additionally, a non-academic family background is associated with a significant deficit in returns to their instrumental social capital along the wage distribution. The findings therefore suggest that inequalities of opportunity on the German labour market occur beyond the education system, as not only the quantity but also the quality of career supporting networks of those from a non-academic family are inferior." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Parental occupation and students' STEM achievements by gender and ethnic origin: Evidence from Germany (2022)

    Gutfleisch, Tamara ; Kogan, Irena ;


    Gutfleisch, Tamara & Irena Kogan (2022): Parental occupation and students' STEM achievements by gender and ethnic origin: Evidence from Germany. In: Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Jg. 82. DOI:10.1016/j.rssm.2022.100735


    "Research has documented a positive association between parents’ background in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and children’s achievement and participation in STEM. Yet it is unclear whether girls and boys with and without migration background benefit equally from having STEM-affiliated parents, and whether this relationship varies depending on the educational stage. Using nationally representative data from standardized assessment tests, we explore gender and ethnic differences in the association of parental STEM occupation and students’ achievement in STEM at two educational stages (fourth and ninth grade) in Germany. Results show that parents’ STEM occupation is associated only with girls’ math competencies in fourth grade and boys’ math and science competencies in ninth grade. After controlling for parental socio-economic status, no significant variation in this relationship can be reported by migrant generation status and ethnic origin. Eastern European students (irrespective of parents’ background) perform better in STEM fields than other immigrant groups at both educational stages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © 2023 Elsevier) ((en))

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    Interplay between family background and labour-market conditions in shaping students' occupational status expectations (2022)

    Hartung, Andreas ; Weßling, Katarina ; Hillmert, Steffen ;


    Hartung, Andreas, Katarina Weßling & Steffen Hillmert (2022): Interplay between family background and labour-market conditions in shaping students' occupational status expectations. In: Journal of education and work, Jg. 35, H. 4, S. 405-421. DOI:10.1080/13639080.2022.2073338


    "This study examines the relevance of labour-market conditions for individual occupational status expectations. We are particularly interested in students’ status expectations in the final stages of their school careers. Occupational expectations are an important basis for adolescents’ biographical decisions and corresponding transitions to vocational training and employment. By anticipating their likely labour-market situation, adolescents adjust their occupational choices; however, this anticipation is strongly moderated by their family background. We demonstrate this interaction using the example of school students in Germany’s secondary education’s tracked system. We link survey data from the German National Educational Panel Study to regionalised administrative data on unemployment. We find expectations for higher-status occupations in poor regional labour markets among students in non-academic school tracks. In contrast, students in the academic track aspire to lower status occupations in poor regional labour markets. In both cases, higher parental occupational status mitigates the impact of labour-market conditions on individual occupational status expectations. Our results indicate a greater awareness of structural conditions in the region among adolescents who are equipped with fewer familial resources." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktchancen aus soziologischer und ökonomischer Sicht (2022)

    Hausner, Karl Heinz; Stölner, Robert;


    Hausner, Karl Heinz & Robert Stölner (2022): Bildungs- und Arbeitsmarktchancen aus soziologischer und ökonomischer Sicht. In: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Jg. 51, H. 1, S. 42-46. DOI:10.15358/0340-1650-2022-1-42


    "Auch 20 Jahre nach der ersten PISA-Studie zeigen sich weiterhin massive Bildungsungleichheiten in Deutschland. Nichtmeritokratische Kriterien wie die soziale Herkunft beeinflussen die Bildungschancen der Kinder und Jugendlichen. Angesichts der Korrelation zwischen Bildungsstand und beruflichem Erfolg ein seit Jahren alarmierender Befund. Dabei können gezielte Bildungsinvestitionen auf individueller Ebene wirken und gesellschaftliche Kosten verringern." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Verlag Franz Vahlen )

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    Erfolgskarrieren muslimischer Migrant*innennachfahren aus der Arbeiterklasse: Eine figurationssoziologische Analyseperspektive auf Wechselwirkungen zwischen sozialer Mobilität und sozialem Wandel (2022)

    Hüttermann, Jörg;


    Hüttermann, Jörg (2022): Erfolgskarrieren muslimischer Migrant*innennachfahren aus der Arbeiterklasse. Eine figurationssoziologische Analyseperspektive auf Wechselwirkungen zwischen sozialer Mobilität und sozialem Wandel. In: Soziale Welt, Jg. 73, H. 1, S. 34-66. DOI:10.5771/0038-6073-2022-1-34


    "Dass die deutsche Einwanderungsgesellschaft sich seit den 1960er Jahren grundlegend gewandelt hat, ist gegenwärtig kaum umstritten. Vor allem die alltäglich gelebten Beziehungen zwischen Zugewanderten (und ihren Nachfahren) und Nichtmigrant*innen haben sich verändert. Vor diesem Hintergrund befasst sich der Autor mit der Frage, in welcher Weise der berufliche Aufstiegsprozess türkeistämmiger „Gastarbeiter“-Nachfahren an diesem Veränderungen teil hat und mit der Frage, wie der Prozess der Einwanderungsgesellschaft auf den Aufstiegsprozess dieser Arbeiterkinder zurückwirkt. Um dies zu beantworten, setzt er figurationssoziologisch an. Zunächst legt er ein zugespitztes Prozessmodell des Figurationswandels der deutschen Einwanderungsgesellschaft vor, das er im Laufe der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte entwickelt hat. Sodann zieht er berufsbiographische Narrative türkeistämmiger und nordafrikanischer Migrant*innennachfahren heran, die allesamt der Arbeiterklasse entstammen und im Verlaufe ihrer Karriere Mittelklassepositionen erreichen. Er betrachtet die Aufstiegsakteure mit Blick auf ihr je besonders Wechselwirkungsverhältnis zum Wandel der Einwanderungsgesellschaft und arbeitet schließlich drei Akteurstypen des beruflichen Aufstiegs heraus; nämlich den Typus des avancierenden Fremden, des muslimischen Kultursubjekts und des Pragmatikers. Die drei Akteurstypen beruflichen Aufstiegs unterscheiden sich vor allem in ihrer Mobilitätsstrategie. Der Autor schließt mit kritischen Überlegungen zu gesellschaftlichen Effekten und Nebeneffekten der unterschiedlichen Mobilitätsstrategien. Er zeigt, dass insbesondere auftstiegsmobile muslimische Kultursubjekte in ihrem Zusammenspiel mit alteingesessenen Kultursubjekten neue symbolische Grenzziehungen vornehmen, die dazu beitragen, die Hürden für den sozialen Aufstieg von Migrant*innennachfahren zu erhöhen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Cumulative advantages and disadvantages in attainment of higher education: Set-analytic comparison of asymmetric inequalities in six European countries (2022)

    Lauri, Triin ; Saar, Ellu ;


    Lauri, Triin & Ellu Saar (2022): Cumulative advantages and disadvantages in attainment of higher education: Set-analytic comparison of asymmetric inequalities in six European countries. In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Jg. 63, H. 1-2, S. 51-88. DOI:10.1177/00207152221092152


    "This article explores how parental resources work together to secure higher education for their offspring. It does so by, first, mapping the linkages between cumulative advantages and disadvantages of respondents’ parental resources and educational attainment across countries and cohorts. Second, investigating under which institutional setup of education systems these linkages between parental background and educational attainment are the weakest. At both levels, the set-analytic approach is applied. We show that disadvantages tend to cumulate to a much greater extent than advantages and their role in hindering higher educational attainment is much stronger than advantages to enable it. The only configuration of educational system that is sufficient to mitigate linkages between cumulative background and educational attainment in both directions, that is, advantageous background to enable and disadvantageous background to hinder higher educational attainment, combines high levels of standardization and decommodification." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gender Gaps in Early Wage Expectations (2022)

    Leibing, Andreas; Waights, Sevrin; Peter, Frauke ; Spieß, C. Katharina ;


    Leibing, Andreas, Frauke Peter, Sevrin Waights & C. Katharina Spieß (2022): Gender Gaps in Early Wage Expectations. (IZA discussion paper 15281), Bonn, 42 S.


    "Using detailed data from a unique survey of high school graduates in Germany, we document a gender gap in expected full-time earnings of more than 15%. We apply a regression-compatible Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition and find that especially differences in coefficients help explain the gap. In particular, the effects of having time for family as career motive and being first-generation college student are associated with large penalties in female wage expectations exclusively. This is especially true for higher expected career paths. Resulting expected returns to education are associated with college enrollment of women and could thus entrench subsequent gaps in realized earnings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Labour market prospects of young adults in Europe: differential effects of social origin during the Great Recession (2022)

    Moawad, Jad ;


    Moawad, Jad (2022): Labour market prospects of young adults in Europe: differential effects of social origin during the Great Recession. In: European Societies, Jg. 24, H. 5, S. 521-547. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2022.2043409


    "Research on the direct effect of social origin (DESO) focuses on how background influences later labour market outcomes after accounting for education. Growing up in a household of low social origin might decrease the chances of certain future outcomes; however, the extent to which this matters is contingent on the economic cycle. Using the EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and the European Social Survey (ESS) between 2002 and 2014, we analyse whether the gap in the DESO in terms of employment and earnings widened following the Great Recession for young adults (25-34) in France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. Our results suggest that young adults of high social origin faced more disadvantages in terms of employment than young adults of low social origin in France, Spain and the United Kingdom. On the other hand, analyses show that young adults of low social origin experienced more disadvantages in terms of earnings than their counterparts of high social origin in Spain." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do the consequences of parental separation for children's educational success vary by parental education? The role of educational thresholds (2022)

    Schulz, Wiebke ;


    Schulz, Wiebke (2022): Do the consequences of parental separation for children's educational success vary by parental education? The role of educational thresholds. In: Demographic Research, Jg. 47, H. 28, S. 883-918. DOI:10.4054/DemRes.2022.47.28


    "Background: Research shows that children’s social background influences the extent to which they experience educational disadvantages when their parents separate. However, while some studies find larger separation penalties for children from lower social backgrounds than for children from higher backgrounds, other studies find the opposite. The present study builds on this research by examining heterogeneous parental separation effects by parental education for lower (mid-secondary) and higher (higher-secondary) educational thresholds. Methods: Analyses are based on a sample of children (and their siblings) born in the 1970s and 1960s (N = 6,855 children), drawn from the German Life History Study. A series of linear probability models are estimated; additional analyses include sibling-fixed-effects models. Results: No separation disadvantages for children from higher status backgrounds were found, for either outcome. Children from lower educational backgrounds had fewer chances of completing mid-secondary education; this was true to a lesser extent for higher-secondary education. Sibling fixed effects show the same pattern but also indicate that results may be partly due to unobserved family characteristics. Contribution: The findings of this study support the compensation perspective. In a context of high educational inequality and high socioeconomic disparities between children who experience parental separation and those who do not, children from lower educational backgrounds face the risk of not reaching mid-secondary and to a lesser extent higher-secondary education if their parents separate. Looking only at higher educational outcomes perhaps obscures unequal family separation consequences that may contribute to persistent educational inequalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Max-Planck-Institut für demographische Forschung) ((en))

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    The Effect of Social Benefit Reform on Educational Inequality (2022)

    Trinh, Nhat An ;


    Trinh, Nhat An (2022): The Effect of Social Benefit Reform on Educational Inequality. In: Journal of Social Policy, S. 1-22. DOI:10.1017/S0047279422000848


    "Cross-country research argues that the design of welfare states and social protection systems shapes the intergenerational transmission of inequality. Studies that examine this relationship within a country are however lacking from the literature. Based on a quasi-experimental research design using difference-in-differences estimation and data from the Socio-Economic Panel, I analyse whether the educational disadvantage of children of long-term unemployment assistance recipients increased after changes to eligibility criteria, benefit levels, and conditionality were introduced in Germany in 2005. I find that differences in the probability to enter the academic secondary school track between children of parents receiving long-term unemployment assistance one year before the transition and children of parents not receiving unemployment or social benefits increased by 13 percentage points. In part, this was driven by the introduction of means-testing that changed the composition of unemployment assistance recipients. However, further decreases in the financial conditions of these already disadvantaged families following reductions in benefit levels appear as the main driver of the observed effect. Changes in parental subjective wellbeing due to increased benefit conditionality and stigma do not seem to play a significant mediating role. The findings highlight the important contribution of social policy to social mobility and equality of opportunity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Educational Success Despite School? From Cultural Hegemony to a Post‐Inclusive School (2022)

    Yildiz, Erol ; Ohnmacht, Florian ;


    Yildiz, Erol & Florian Ohnmacht (2022): Educational Success Despite School? From Cultural Hegemony to a Post‐Inclusive School. In: Social Inclusion, Jg. 10, H. 2, S. 313-323. DOI:10.17645/si.v10i2.5178


    "This article explores how a differential thinking has arisen between “us” (locals, natives) and “them” (migrants) in German‐speaking areas, how in this context a canned Rezeptwissen (recipe knowledge) has established itself and how there has been a normalisation of cultural hegemony in the context of education. This binary thinking has also taken hold stepwise within the concepts of school development and educational programmes. It has contributed significantly to the construction of an educational normality that has retained its efficacy up to the present. Along with the structural barriers of the educational system, the well‐rehearsed and traditional conceptions of normality serve to restrict and limit the educational prospects and future perspectives of youth who are deemed to stem from a migration background. These prospects and perspectives for the future have a negative impact on their educational goals and professional‐vocational orientations. Our research also shows that ever more youths and young adults are confronting and grappling with this ethnic‐nationally oriented understanding of education and seeking to find other pathways and detours to move on ahead and develop appropriate conceptions of education and vocational orientations for themselves. The article explores the need for a “post‐inclusive” school and “post‐inclusive” understanding of education, which overcome the well‐rehearsed and historically shaped conceptions of normality in the context of education, opening up new options for action and experience for the young people involved." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Berufliche Übergänge und Employability von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen: Ein systematischer Literature Review zu Reproduktionsmechanismen sozialer Ungleichheit (2022)

    Zach, Lisa;


    Zach, Lisa (2022): Berufliche Übergänge und Employability von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen. Ein systematischer Literature Review zu Reproduktionsmechanismen sozialer Ungleichheit. (BestMasters), Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 111 S.


    "In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat die Debatte um einen gerechteren Zugang zu höherer Bildung zunehmend Beachtung erfahren. Es wird angenommen, dass eine stärkere universitäre Bildungsbeteiligung von Studierenden, deren Eltern keinen Hochschulabschluss besitzen (First-in-Family Studierende), sich positiv auf deren beruflichen Werdegang nach Studienabschluss auswirkt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht auf Basis eines systematischen Literature Reviews, wie sich der berufliche Übergang von First-in-Family Hochschulabsolvent*innen gestaltet, und welche ungleichheitsbedingenden Mechanismen aufgrund der sozialen Herkunft dabei wirkmächtig werden können. Zudem wird auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von Hochschulabsolvent*innen sowie deren Bedeutung beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt eingegangen. Auf der Grundlage von 60 deutschsprachigen und 114 englischsprachigen Publikationen, überwiegend aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, Australien, den USA und Deutschland, werden ein umfassender Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung gegeben sowie Maßnahmen hinsichtlich der Reduktion sozialer Ungleichheit und der Förderung von Employability vorgestellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer)

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    Heterogeneity in Long-Term Returns to Education: An Inconvenient Truth (2022)

    Zühlke, Anne ; Ruberg, Tim; Kugler, Philipp;


    Zühlke, Anne, Philipp Kugler & Tim Ruberg (2022): Heterogeneity in Long-Term Returns to Education: An Inconvenient Truth. (IAW-Diskussionspapiere 141), Tübingen, 41 S.


    "This paper studies the long-term relationship between parental and child education in Germany, where children are tracked into academic and non-academic track schools at the age of 10. On average, children are more likely to attend an academic track school if their parents attended one. Estimating marginal treatment effect curves, we find that there is no effect for disadvantaged individuals, suggesting that educational policies attempting to improve the educational prospect of disadvantaged individuals may fail to reduce inequalities in the long run. Low labor market returns despite better education is the main explanation for the null effect for these individuals" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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