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Zufriedene Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind produktiver, seltener krank und verursachen geringere Sozialkosten. Arbeitszufriedenheit hat aber nicht nur Vorteile für Betriebe. Das Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz ist auch ein wichtiger Indikator für die Qualität der Arbeit selbst. Doch was ist überhaupt Arbeitszufriedenheit? Wie wird sie gemessen? Welche Faktoren und Prozesse fördern, welche schränken sie ein?

Das Thema Arbeitszufriedenheit steht seit Jahrzehnten im Mittelpunkt kritischer wissenschaftlicher Auseinandersetzungen. Die Infoplattform gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Arbeiten und ausgewählte ältere Publikationen zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Resultaten der Arbeitszufriedenheitsforschung.

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im Aspekt "Arbeitszufriedenheit bei unterschiedlichen Personengruppen"
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    Younger and less satisfied? Young workers life satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany (2023)

    Achatz, Juliane; Christoph, Bernhard ; Anger, Silke ;


    Achatz, Juliane, Bernhard Christoph & Silke Anger (2023): Younger and less satisfied? Young workers life satisfaction during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. In: IAB-Forum H. 29.12.2023. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FOO.20231229.01


    "Adverse effects on workers’ employment situation are highly unequal for different groups. Young workers were particularly affected by the pandemic. They were less likely to receive short-time work allowance and their income developed less favourably than the income of older workers. While financial concerns and job insecurity decrease life satisfaction, it appears that additional threats and restrictions coming along with the pandemic—as approximated by incidence rates—had a much more substantial influence on young workers’ life satisfaction than labour market-related disadvantages." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Language proficiency of migrants: the relation with job satisfaction and skill matching (2023)

    Bloemen, Hans G. ;


    Bloemen, Hans G. (2023): Language proficiency of migrants: the relation with job satisfaction and skill matching. In: Empirical economics, Jg. 65, H. 6, S. 2899-2952. DOI:10.1007/s00181-023-02445-3


    "We empirically analyze the relation between language proficiency and job level of migrants in the Netherlands. A lack of language skills may induce the migrant to work in jobs of a lower level leading to lower job satisfaction. We analyse information about job satisfaction, the fit between the migrant’s education and skill level and the job, and professional level. Men with a higher proficiency level are more satisfied with their type of work and are employed at a higher professional level. For women, no impact of language proficiency can be found." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Die Jungen wollen nicht mehr arbeiten? Sinnansprüche und Arbeitsethos jüngerer Arbeitnehmer:innen (2023)

    Boór, Beata; Kittel, Bernhard ;


    Boór, Beata & Bernhard Kittel (2023): Die Jungen wollen nicht mehr arbeiten? Sinnansprüche und Arbeitsethos jüngerer Arbeitnehmer:innen. In: WISO, Jg. 46, H. 2, S. 33-51.


    "Die dargestellten empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, anders als der mediale Diskurs vermuten lässt, keine relevanten Unterschiede in den Arbeitswerten zwischen den Altersgruppen oder Generationen. In den untersuchten Dimensionen Arbeitszentralität und JobattributPräferenzen zeigen sich ähnliche Ergebnisse und Dynamiken für beide Altersgruppen. Der Lebensbereich „Arbeit“ hat weiterhin einen hohen Stellenwert im Leben der Menschen. Entgegen der in der Einleitung genannten Schlagzeilen ist die Bereitschaft, selbst ohne finanzielle Notwendigkeit zu arbeiten, unter jungen Arbeitnehmer:innen weiterhin hoch und sinkt tendenziell erst mit der Annäherung an das Pensionsalter ab. Gleichzeitig lässt sich nicht nachweisen, dass der Lebensbereich „Freizeit“ für die jüngere Generation bedeutender wäre als für die Gruppe der über 35-Jährigen. Stattdessen zeigt sich altersunabhängig eine hohe Bedeutung dieses Bereichs und eine niedrige Bereitschaft, diesen kontinuierlich der Erwerbsarbeit unterzuordnen. Die resultierende Abnahme der relativen Arbeitszentralität betrifft somit alle Arbeitnehmer:innen und ist nicht auf die jüngeren Generationen beschränkt. Die Ergebnisse für die Dimension der Jobattribut-Präferenzen zeigt außerdem die anhaltend hohe Bedeutung von extrinsischen und intrinsischen Faktoren sowie von Vereinbarkeit zwischen dem Arbeits- und Privatleben. Aspekte wie Sicherheit, gute Bezahlung, Work-Life-Balance und selbstbestimmtes Arbeiten in einer wertschätzenden Umgebung sind somit nicht nur für jüngere Generationen relevant. Wenn allerdings empirisch keine Alters- oder Generationenunterschiede in den Arbeitswerten der Österreicher:innen nachgewiesen werden können, bleibt letztlich die Frage, wieso der mediale Diskurs und die öffentliche Wahrnehmung an den Narrativ eines Generationenwandels festhält. Dafür ist es notwendig, auf andere Studien zurückzugreifen, die das allgemeine Lebensgefühl junger Menschen in Europa untersuchen. Einen Teil der Erklärung liefern Jugendstudien wie die Studie „Junges Europa“ der Tui Stiftung oder die deutsche Shell-Jugendstudie, die aufzeigen, dass Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene inzwischen selbstbewusster sind, klare Vorstellungen davon haben, was sie möchten und weniger bereit sind, sich bestehenden Machtverhältnissen unterzuordnen. Es kann angenommen werden, dass diese Befunde im Wesentlichen auch für Österreich zutreffen. Gleichzeitig treffen sie mit ihrer Bereitschaft, diese Dinge auch einzufordern, auf einen sich verändernden Arbeitsmarkt. Der durch die COVID-19-Pandemie beschleunigte Wandel der Arbeitswelt, gepaart mit dem demografischen Wandel, der anstehenden Pensionierungswelle und einer Verschiebung des Arbeitsmarktes hin zu einem Angebotsmarkt bildet den Kontext, in dem diese erstarkte Emanzipation junger Arbeitnehmer:innen möglich wird. Wie in diesem Beitrag aufgezeigt, sind es nicht die Arbeitswerte der jungen Generation, die sich verändern, sondern ihre Möglichkeiten und Instrumente, ihre Wünsche zu artikulieren und sich dabei zu behaupten." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku, © ISW-Linz)

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    The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work (2023)

    Burbano, Vanessa C.; Rickne, Johanna; Meier, Stephan; Folke, Olle;


    Burbano, Vanessa C., Olle Folke, Stephan Meier & Johanna Rickne (2023): The Gender Gap in Meaningful Work. (Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) 2023,06), Stockholm, 39 S.


    "An understanding of differences in non-monetary work conditions is fundamental for a complete characterization of individuals’ well-being at work. Thus, to fully characterize gender inequalities in the labor market, scholars have begun to explore gender differences in non-monetary work conditions. We examine one such condition—meaningful work—using nationally representative survey data linked with worker and employer administrative data. We document a large and expanding gender gap in meaningful work, wherein women experience their jobs as more meaningful than men do. We then explore patterns underlying this difference. We find little correlation between women’s higher experience of meaningful work and either labor market decisions related to first parenthood or women’s under-representation in leadership jobs. Instead, the gender gap appears to be highly correlated with the sorting of more women into occupations with a high level of beneficence—the sense of having a prosocial impact. While both women and men experience such jobs as more meaningful, women do so by a larger margin. Next, we consider the relationship between the gender difference in meaningful work and the gender wage gap, contributing to the discussion on compensating differentials in work amenities. We find that while the gender gap in meaningful work closes a substantial part of the wage gap in lower-paid jobs, it does little to close the gap in higherpaid jobs where the gender wage gap is largest." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Going From Entrepreneur Back to Employee: Employer Type, Task Variety, and Job Satisfaction (2023)

    Melillo, Francesca;


    Melillo, Francesca (2023): Going From Entrepreneur Back to Employee: Employer Type, Task Variety, and Job Satisfaction. (Les GREDEG working papers 2023-21), Vabonne, 37 S.


    "While the literature documents a wage loss for entrepreneurs that return to paid employment, we examine how these entrepreneurs are re-integrated into the labor market. We consider which type of employers hire entrepreneurs and their satisfaction with the new corporate job. Using matched employer-employee data from Belgium combined with an ad-hoc survey, we find that entrepreneurs are hired by smaller employers that offer fewer employee benefits and pay less, contributing to explaining the wage loss. We also find that entrepreneurs are more satisfied than observationally equivalent employees when they are assigned to jobs that involve higher task variety. This effect is more pronounced for entrepreneurs who sort into better employers. Our findings highlight the importance for managers to assign entrepreneurs to the "right" job tasks." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How White Workers Navigate Racial Difference in the Workplace: Social-Emotional Processes and the Role of Workplace Racial Composition (2023)

    Nelson, Jennifer L. ; Johnson, Tiffany D.;


    Nelson, Jennifer L. & Tiffany D. Johnson (2023): How White Workers Navigate Racial Difference in the Workplace: Social-Emotional Processes and the Role of Workplace Racial Composition. In: Work and occupations online erschienen am 12.06.2023, S. 1-46. DOI:10.1177/07308884231176833


    "Research on racialized emotions and racialized organizations has begun to inform how we understand social interactions in the workplace and their implications for racial inequality. However, most research to date focuses on the experiences and coping strategies of racial minority workers, especially when confronted with instances of racial prejudice and discrimination. We extend research on racialized emotions in the workplace by mapping the stages of belonging/unbelonging white workers go through when they encounter instances of racial discomfort or perceived prejudice in the workplace. This is an important contribution to the study of race and work because existing research suggests the deleterious effects for people of color when white people experience negative emotions such as threat, fear, and anxiety in interracial encounters. Drawing on interview data with 56 white teachers in a metropolitan area in the U.S. Southeast, we document a process of racialized belonging. This is a process whereby white workers experienced varying degrees of surprise, confusion, frustration, and fear resulting from interracial—and some intraracial—experiences with coworkers as well as students. We note how the process is informed by racialized imprinting prior to workplace entry and followed by racialized emotions and racialized coping. Racial composition of the workplace also played a role, though the process looked similar across contexts. We argue that by accounting for white workers’ prior life experiences as well as organizations’ involvement in accommodating their emotional expectations, the way white workers behave when race becomes salient to them can be better understood and addressed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Job Satisfaction and Gender in Italy: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach (2023)

    Piccitto, Giorgio ; Ballarino, Gabriele ; Schadee, Hans M. A. ;


    Piccitto, Giorgio, Hans M. A. Schadee & Gabriele Ballarino (2023): Job Satisfaction and Gender in Italy: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 169, H. 3, S. 775-793. DOI:10.1007/s11205-023-03187-6


    "The aim of this study was to propose a reliable measurement model for the concept of job satisfaction in Italy and to test its measurement invariance across gender. We used the 2003 and 2009 Italian National Statistical Office (ISTAT) Family and Social Subjects (FSS) data, containing information on 8 dimensions of job satisfaction. The best-fitting model was a four-factor one, including the dimensions of intrinsic, rewards, timing and socio-contextual job satisfaction. Multi-group analysis supported the measurement invariance across gender. Additionally, we evaluated the role of several job and individual characteristics as determinants of job satisfaction for men and women. While for a number of them the patterns of association with job satisfaction were similar over genders, some differences also did emerge." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Job demands, job resources and postdoctoral job satisfaction: An empirical study based on the data from 2020 Nature global postdoctoral survey (2023)

    Zhang, Yue; Duan, Xinxing ;


    Zhang, Yue & Xinxing Duan (2023): Job demands, job resources and postdoctoral job satisfaction: An empirical study based on the data from 2020 Nature global postdoctoral survey. In: PLoS ONE, Jg. 18. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0293653


    "Postdocs encounter numerous hurdles in terms of their professional survival and academic development, as a result of institutional reform and the prevailing academic environment. These challenges significantly impact their job satisfaction, which in turn plays a crucial role in shaping their scientific research career trajectory. To facilitate the advancement of relevant systems and augment the job satisfaction of postdocs, this study employs the 2020 Nature Global Postdoctoral Survey data to conduct a comprehensive analysis. Utilizing descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, the impact of job characteristic elements on postdoctoral job satisfaction was examined within the theoretical framework of the Job Requirements-Resources (JD-R) model, as well as the mechanisms by which job characteristic elements impact postdoctoral job satisfaction. It was found that job demands and job resources negatively and positively predicted postdoctoral job satisfaction, respectively, with job burnout and job engagement playing a partial mediating role. Job demands can drive postdocs to develop negative coping psychology and limit the motivating effect of job resources on job engagement; job resources can act as a buffer to reduce the probability of postdocs experiencing job burnout as a result of job demands. The aforementioned findings generally support the applicability of the JD-R model to postdocs, theoretically revealing the intrinsic psychological mechanisms by which job characteristics influence postdoctoral job satisfaction and providing theoretical supplements and practical references for postdoctoral training and management." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Gen Z entering the workforce: Restructuring HR policies and practices for fostering the task performance and organizational commitment (2022)

    Aggarwal, Arun ; Sadhna, Priyanka; Gupta, Sahil ; Rastogi, Sanjay ; Mittal, Amit ;


    Aggarwal, Arun, Priyanka Sadhna, Sahil Gupta, Amit Mittal & Sanjay Rastogi (2022): Gen Z entering the workforce: Restructuring HR policies and practices for fostering the task performance and organizational commitment. In: Journal of Public Affairs, Jg. 22. DOI:10.1002/pa.2535


    "Generation Z, the youngest generation is steadily entering the workforce with an entirely unique perspective on careers and workplace norms. Employers need to embrace this generation cohort and use their strengths while providing meaningful work. In this regard, the paper aims to examine the influence of HR policies and practices on Generation Z, toward job satisfaction using the attraction‐selection‐attrition (ASA) theory and self‐determination theory (SDT). Incorporating structural equation modeling, on a sample of 493 Generation Z employees, this paper came up with findings that flexible work practices, reward and recognition, compensation and benefits, feedback‐seeking behavior and volunteering work positively influence Gen Z. In addition, this paper also reveals that job satisfaction mediates the relationship between HR practices, task performance, and affective organizational commitment. The paper is a novel attempt to sensitize the employers to look beyond the surface by orchestrating a new model for meeting Gen Z expectations. The implications of these findings for theory and practice, as well as its limitations and future directions, conclude the paper." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (2022)

    Carleton, Cheryl; Kelly, Mary T.;


    Carleton, Cheryl & Mary T. Kelly (2022): Happy at Work - Possible at Any Age? (Villanova School of Business working paper 51), Villanova, PA, 31 S.


    "With the growing attachment of older workers to the labor force and their engagement in alternative work arrangements, it is important to investigate the characteristics of older cohorts of individuals who are in the labor market and the factors that influence job satisfaction, as job satisfaction may be a predictor of which older individuals are likely to continue to work and in what type of work arrangement. This study uses several recent years of the General Social Survey to both explore the characteristics of older workers and investigate what contributes to job satisfaction, controlling for both gender and work arrangement. It splits the sample of workers into two cohorts to test for differences in job satisfaction between those who are nearing retirement age (55-64) and those who continue to work post the traditional retirement age (65-80). For the sample as a whole, and similar to other studies, we find that job satisfaction is higher for women and for those who work in alternative work arrangements as compared to those in regular jobs. We also find that there are differences in what contributes to job satisfaction between the two groups of older workers. These outcomes may inform firms about what they might do in order to keep these workers as well as informing the government on whether it is necessary to rethink how some benefits are both provided and paid for." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Earmarked Paternity Leave and Well-Being (2022)

    Korsgren, Pontus; Lent, Max van;


    Korsgren, Pontus & Max van Lent (2022): Earmarked Paternity Leave and Well-Being. (IZA discussion paper 15022), Bonn, 24 S.


    "Earmarked paternity leave has been introduced in an attempt to increase fathers' involvement in child rearing and to achieve gender equality in the labor market and at home. So far well-being effects of such policies are unexplored. This paper takes a first step in that direction by studying the impact of earmarked paternity leave quota on life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and work-life balance using several policy changes in Europe over the period 1993-2007. We find that earmarked paternity leave increases life satisfaction by 0.18 on a 10 point scale which is equivalent to a 10.8 percentage point increase even decades later. Both fathers and mothers benefit, though the increase in life satisfaction for mothers is nearly 30% higher than that of fathers. Perhaps surprisingly, the impact on job satisfaction and work-life balance is close to zero. Hence even when the impact of paternity leave quota on the labor market are small, the increases in life satisfaction may still justify the existence of such policies." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The increasing educational divide in the life course development of subjective wellbeing across cohorts (2022)

    Patzina, Alexander ;


    Patzina, Alexander (2022): The increasing educational divide in the life course development of subjective wellbeing across cohorts. In: Acta sociologica, Jg. 65, H. 3, S. 293-312., 2021-09-27. DOI:10.1177/00016993211055678


    "Labour market, health, and wellbeing research provide evidence of increasing educational inequality as individuals age, representing a pattern consistent with the mechanism of cumulative (dis)advantage. However, individual life courses are embedded in cohort contexts that might alter life course differentiation processes. Thus, this study analyses cohort variations in education-specific life course patterns of subjective wellbeing (i.e. life, health and income satisfaction). Drawing upon prior work and theoretical considerations from life course theories, this study expects to find increasing educational life course inequality in younger cohorts. The empirical analysis relies on German Socio-Economic Panel data (1984–2016, v33). The results obtained from cohort-averaged random effects growth curve models confirm the cumulative (dis)advantage mechanism for educational life course inequality in subjective wellbeing. Furthermore, the results reveal substantial cohort variation in life course inequality patterns: regarding life and income satisfaction, the results indicate that the cumulative (dis)advantage mechanism does not apply to the youngest cohorts (individuals born between 1970 and 1985) under study. In contrast, the health satisfaction results suggest that educational life course inequality follows the predictions of the cumulative (dis)advantage mechanism only for individuals born after 1959. While the life course trajectories of highly educated individuals change only slightly across cohorts, the subjective wellbeing trajectories of low-educated individuals start to decline at earlier life course stages in younger cohorts, leading to increasing life course inequality over time. Thus, the overall findings of this study contribute to our understanding of whether predictions derived from sociological middle range theories are universal across societal contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Patzina, Alexander ;
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    Wissenschaftlicher Abschlussbericht: Gewinnung von Nachwuchs – Bindung der Profis: Evaluation des Bundesprogramms "Fachkräfteoffensive" (GeBiFa) (2022)

    Weltzien, Dörte; Hohagen, Jesper; Pasquale, Denise; Wirth, Charlotta; Kassel, Laura;


    Weltzien, Dörte, Jesper Hohagen, Laura Kassel, Denise Pasquale & Charlotta Wirth (2022): Wissenschaftlicher Abschlussbericht: Gewinnung von Nachwuchs – Bindung der Profis. Evaluation des Bundesprogramms "Fachkräfteoffensive" (GeBiFa). (Fachkräfteoffensive Erzieherinnen und Erzieher), Freiburg, 387 S.


    "Der Abschlussbericht stellt die Evaluationsergebnisse der verschiedenen Programmbereiche der „Fachkräfteoffensive“ vor. Aus diesen leitete das Evaluationsteam Handlungsempfehlungen ab. Mit dem Programmbereich 1 „praxisintegrierte vergütete Ausbildung“ soll pädagogischen Fachkräften der Berufseinstieg erleichtert werden. Die Evaluationsergebnisse zeigen: Durch das Ausbildungsformat werden neue Bewerberinnen und Bewerber für das Arbeitsfeld gewonnen. Der Programmbereich 2 wurde entwickelt, um die Qualität der Ausbildungspraxis durch professionelle „Praxisanleitung“ zu sichern. Die Evaluation zeigt: die Praxisanleitungen übernehmen ein hohes Maß an Verantwortung am Lernort Praxis, als Vorbild für die Auszubildenden und bei der Kooperation mit der Fachschule. Sie nehmen eine zentrale Rolle für das Gelingen der praxisintegrierten Ausbildung ein. Mit dem Programmbereich 3 „Perspektive mit Aufstiegsbonus“ soll durch den Erwerb von Zusatzqualifikationen die Bindung von Fachkräften erhöht werden. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation zeigen, dass der Aufstiegsbonus grundsätzlich eine neue Möglichkeit zur Fachkräftebindung darstellt. Die Arbeitszufriedenheit der Bonusfachkräfte stieg an." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Organisational Capability for Delayed Retirement (2022)

    Wikström, Ewa; Allard, Karin; Arman, Rebecka; Seldén, Daniel; Liff, Roy; Kadefors, Roland;


    Wikström, Ewa, Karin Allard, Rebecka Arman, Roy Liff, Daniel Seldén & Roland Kadefors (2022): Organisational Capability for Delayed Retirement. In: H. F. Erhag, U. L. Nilsson, T. R. Sterner & I. Skoog (Hrsg.) (2022): ¬A¬ Multidisciplinary Approach to Capability in Age and Ageing, S. 221-232. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-78063-0_16


    "Throughout the industrialised world, societies are ageing. These demographic changes have created a political and societal focus on an extended working life. Unfortunately, there is a lack of systematic knowledge about how such changes can be successfully implemented within organisations. In this chapter, we discuss this lacuna and specifically focus on organisational capability. We highlight workplace conditions and practices that may inhibit or promote the retention of workers beyond the previous norm for retirement. The novelty of an organisational capability approach is that it highlights workplace conditions that enable older people to use their abilities to perform acts of value and to achieve a better quality of life and greater participation in society. Workplace resources, capabilities and functions form a dynamic pattern. Factors that influence the work abilities of older workers are related in complex interactions and not merely in the format of simple cause and effect. When looking at retirement from the perspective of older workers, we have focused on aspects such as the individual’s ability to control the retirement process. Central to Sen’s idea is that individuals have different conversion factors, which means that, even though two individuals may have access to the same resources, they do not necessarily have the capability to enjoy the same functions. For example, the probability that an older person will remain employed will partially depend on his or her health, human capital and type of job. But two seemingly similar individuals can nevertheless have very different chances of remaining employed because their employer has implemented very different age management policies, or simply because they have different attitudes towards older workers. Since organisational capability makes it possible to focus on the interaction between the individual’s resources and preferences and the opportunity structure existing at the workplace (meso level) and embodied in the retirement system (macro level), much of the discussion and many of the policies and practices concerning older people can be related to the concept of capabilities." (Author's abstract, © Springer) ((en))

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    Reduced well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic - The role of working conditions (2022)

    Zoch, Gundula ; Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;


    Zoch, Gundula, Ann-Christin Bächmann & Basha Vicari (2022): Reduced well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic - The role of working conditions. In: Gender, work & organization, Jg. 29, H. 6, S. 1969-1990., 2021-11-03. DOI:10.1111/gwao.12777


    "The COVID-19 pandemic has had diverse impacts on the employment conditions and family responsibilities of men and women. Thus, women and men were exposed to very different roles and associated challenges, which may have affected their well-being very differently. Using data from the National Educational Panel Study and its supplementary COVID-19 web survey for Germany (May–June 2020), we investigate gender differences in the relationship between working conditions and within-changes in subjective well-being. We systematically consider the household context by distinguishing between adults with and without younger children in the household. The results from multivariate change-score regressions reveal a decline in all respondents' life satisfaction, particularly among women with and without younger children. However, the greater reduction in women's well-being cannot be linked to systematic differences in working conditions throughout the pandemic. Kitagawa–Oaxaca–Blinder counterfactual decompositions confirm this conclusion. Further analyses suggest that women's caregiving role, societal concerns, and greater loneliness partly explain the remaining gender differences in altered satisfaction. From a general perspective, our results suggest important gender differences in social life and psychological distress at the beginning of the pandemic, which are likely to become more pronounced as the crisis has unfolded." (Author's abstract, © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) ((en))

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    Vicari, Basha ; Bächmann, Ann-Christin ;
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    Self-employment and Subjective Well-Being (2021)

    Binder, Martin; Blankenberg, Ann-Kathrin;


    Binder, Martin & Ann-Kathrin Blankenberg (2021): Self-employment and Subjective Well-Being. (GLO discussion paper / Global Labor Organization 744), Essen, 34 S.


    "Self-employment contributes to employment growth and innovativeness and many individuals want to become self-employed due to the autonomy and exibility it brings. Using "subjective well-being" as a broad summary measure that evaluates an individual's experience of being self-employed, the chapter discusses evidence and explanations why self-employment is positively associated with job satisfaction, even though the self-employed often earn less than their employed peers, work longer hours and experience more stress and higher job demands. Despite being more satisfied with their jobs, the self-employed do not necessarily enjoy higher overall life satisfaction, which is due to heterogeneity of types of self-employment, as well as motivational factors, work characteristics and institutional setups across countries." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Working Time Mismatch and Job Satisfaction: The Role of Employees' Time Autonomy and Gender (2021)

    Grund, Christian ; Tilkes, Katja Rebecca;


    Grund, Christian & Katja Rebecca Tilkes (2021): Working Time Mismatch and Job Satisfaction. The Role of Employees' Time Autonomy and Gender. (IZA discussion paper 14732), Bonn, 36 S.


    "Evidence shows that working time mismatch, i.e. the difference between actual and desired working hours, is negatively related to employees’ job satisfaction. Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we examine the potential moderating effect of working time autonomy on this relation and we also consider the corresponding role of gender. First, individual fixed effects panel estimations reaffirm both the negative link of working hours mismatch and the positive relation of working time autonomy to employees’ job satisfaction. Second, our results show a positive moderating relation of working time autonomy on the link between mismatch and job satisfaction. Third, our analyses hint at gender-specific differences: particularly women seem to benefit from the moderation role of working time autonomy" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Adopting Telework. The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being in 2020 (2021)

    Gueguen, Guillaume; Senik, Claudia ;


    Gueguen, Guillaume & Claudia Senik (2021): Adopting Telework. The causal impact of working from home on subjective well-being in 2020. (PSE working paper / Paris School of Economics 2021-65), Paris, 36 S.


    "Using the UK household longitudinal survey, we uncover a positive effect of work from home on life satisfaction, which is driven by partnered people and those without children at home. Concerning mental health, there is no average effect of telework, except for those living in rural areas, but this hides a dynamic evolution, as mental health initially deteriorates in the first months of telework, but improves after a period of adaptation, especially the feeling of being useful, of being a worthy person, and of being able to concentrate." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Becoming self-employed from inactivity: an in-depth analysis of satisfaction (2021)

    Justo, Raquel ; Congregado, Emilio ; Román, Concepción;


    Justo, Raquel, Emilio Congregado & Concepción Román (2021): Becoming self-employed from inactivity: an in-depth analysis of satisfaction. In: Small business economics, Jg. 56, H. 1, S. 145-187. DOI:10.1007/s11187-019-00212-2


    "Inactive individuals represent a pool of potential labour whose activation entails economic and social advantages. Additionally, being active allows individuals to cover their basic psychological needs—autonomy, competence and relatedness—which leads to greater satisfaction through self-determination. We posit that self-employment may be an attractive alternative because its nonpecuniary aspects may suit their needs better. Using data from the European Community Household Panel, we applied propensity score matching techniques to analyse the change in satisfaction with main activity of inactive individuals becoming self-employed compared to those becoming employees and those remaining inactive. We further perform separate analyses for homemakers, retirees and students to account for heterogeneity within inactivity. We find that self-employment is associated with more satisfaction than remaining inactive in the case of retirees and homemakers, while students tend to experience a larger increase in satisfaction when entering self-employment compared to paid employment. The implications of these results for activation and entrepreneurship policies are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Time, Income and Subjective Well-Being - 20 Years of Interdependent Multidimensional Polarization in Germany (2021)

    Merz, Joachim; Scherg, Bettina;


    Merz, Joachim & Bettina Scherg (2021): Time, Income and Subjective Well-Being - 20 Years of Interdependent Multidimensional Polarization in Germany. (IZA discussion paper 14870), Bonn, 40 S.


    "Society drifts apart in many dimensions. Economists focus on income of the poor and rich and the distribution of income but a broader spectrum of dimensions is required to draw the picture of multiple facets of individual life. In our study of multidimensional polarization we extend the income dimension by time, a pre-requisite and fundamental resource of any individual activity. In particular, we consider genuine personal time as a pronounced source of social participation in the sense of social inclusion/exclusion and Amartya Sen's capability approach. With an interdependence approach to multidimensional polarization we allow compensation between time and income, parameters of a CES-type subjective well-being function, where a possible substitution is evaluated empirically by the German population instead of arbitrarily chosen. Beyond subjective well-being indices we propose and apply a new intensity/gap measure to multidimensional polarization, the mean minimum polarization gap 2DGAP. This polarization intensity measure provides transparency with regard to each single attribute, which is important for targeted policies, while at the same time their interdependent relations is respected. The empirical investigation of interdependent multidimensional polarization incidence and intensity uses the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) and detailed time use diary data from the three German Time Use Surveys (GTUS) 1991/92, 2001/02 and the actual 2012/13. We focus on the working individuals where the working poor requires increasing interest in the economic and social political discussion. The microeconometric two-stage selectivity corrected estimation of interdependent multidimensional risk (incidence) and intensity quantifies socio-economic factors behind. Four striking results appear: First, genuine personal leisure time additional to income is a significant subjective well-being and polarization dimension. Second, its interdependence, its compensation/substitution, ev" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Crowdwork for Young People: Risks and Opportunities (2021)

    O'Higgins, Niall; Caro, Luis Pinedo;


    O'Higgins, Niall & Luis Pinedo Caro (2021): Crowdwork for Young People: Risks and Opportunities. (IZA discussion paper 14933), Bonn, 41 S.


    "In recent years, crowdworking has emerged as a small but rapidly growing source of employment and income principally for young(er) people. Here, we build on previous work in identifying the determinants of crowdworkers' earnings. We focus on the reasons why young crowdworkers earn significantly higher hourly wages than their older counterparts. We show that this is due to the higher returns to experience accruing to younger crowd-workers. Educational attainment does not explain this age-based differential, as education is a negligible factor in determining crowdworkers' earnings. We also analyse why young women earn around 20% less than their male counterparts despite blind hiring. We confirm that this is partly explained by constraints on working time faced by women with children. The analysis also shows that 'freely chosen' crowdwork - as opposed to, young people crowd-working because of a lack of alternative employment opportunities - is conducive to higher levels of job satisfaction. Moreover, young crowdworkers in middle income countries earn less than their counterparts in high income countries but report higher levels of job satisfaction. This is entirely attributable to the lower quality of their options outside of crowdwork." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Inhabiting the Self-Work Romantic Utopia: Positive Psychology, Life Coaching, and the Challenge of Self-Fulfillment at Work (2021)

    Pagis, Michal ;


    Pagis, Michal (2021): Inhabiting the Self-Work Romantic Utopia: Positive Psychology, Life Coaching, and the Challenge of Self-Fulfillment at Work. In: Work and occupations, Jg. 48, H. 1, S. 40-69. DOI:10.1177/0730888420911683


    "Much has been said about the rise of work as a central identity marker in modern society. With the recent popularization of self-help and positive psychology, this identity marker broadened its signification to include new emotional needs such as love and passion, creating a new cultural imaginary: the “self-work romantic utopia.” Sociological studies have criticized this utopia as a myth that serves capitalist neoliberal structures, leading to frustration and self-blame. However, little is known about how workers themselves confront this myth and the strategies they employ when attempting to inhabit it in today’s precarious job market. Based on 60 in-depth interviews with upper-middle class Israeli workers who hired life coaches to improve their work experience, the author identifies five strategies used to inhabit this romantic utopia: starting over, healing, idealization, polygamy, and vision. Through the analysis of these strategies, the author illustrates how even the relatively privileged workers need to adapt the self-work romantic utopia to their life circumstances, inhabiting the myth in partial degrees. Such flexible implementation turns the “myth” into a cultural tool that directs workers’ lives and actions even in a precarious, unstable job market, maintaining subjective experiences of agency in a sphere characterized by growing structural constraints. Yet paradoxically, these strategies eventually strengthen the precarious, noncommitted, and individual-oriented structure of the job market, yielding flexible, individualistic solutions that replace workplace responsibility." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Generation Z: A comparative study of the expectations of Gen Z and the perception of employers (2020)

    Böhlich, Susanne; Axmann, Richard;


    Böhlich, Susanne & Richard Axmann (2020): Generation Z: A comparative study of the expectations of Gen Z and the perception of employers. (IUBH discussion papers - Business & Management 2020,01), Erfurt, 15 S.


    "Employers currently encounter more and more members of Generation Z - who finished their school as well as university education - without knowing exactly what this generation wishes and needs. This paper verifies current assumptions about Generation Z with a quantitative study in Germany, consisting of two parts. As a first step, members of Generation Z (n = 103) were queried upon their work attitudes while in a second step, company representatives (n = 48) were asked about their assumptions on the adolescents' preferences. Thus, not only conclusions on young adults could be drawn, but also on the (lack of) knowledge about Generation Z of their employers. The prior assumption that the young generation would be difficult to employ inter alia due to their refusal of a work-life blending, lacking career orientation, and inability to take feedback could not be supported. In fact, Generation Z seems to be committed as well as motivated to work for their professional success. Employers showed a decent understanding of their young employees, though there seem to be a couple of misapprehensions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Incongruity between Work and Gender Roles: The Effects of Gender Stereotype Deviation on Job Satisfaction (2020)

    Otten, Sina; Alewell, Dorothea;


    Otten, Sina & Dorothea Alewell (2020): Incongruity between Work and Gender Roles: The Effects of Gender Stereotype Deviation on Job Satisfaction. In: Management revue, Jg. 31, H. 2, S. 206-231. DOI:10.5771/0935-9915-2020-2-206


    "We analyze the effects of deviation from gender stereotypes on job satisfaction for male and female employees in general and for employees in leadership positions. Based on social role theory, backlash mechanisms owing to the violation of gender norms and role incongruity theory, we expect that deviating from gender stereotypes negatively affects job satisfaction. We test our hypotheses by hierarchically applying multiple linear regressions to German employee data. Results show a stable negative effect of deviation from gender stereotypes on job satisfaction for women only. Our findings are consistent with recent studies that confirm traditional gender structures on the labor market and expand our knowledge about backlash effects, since they indicate that deviation from gender norms not only affects objective career indicators but also subjective ones. As job satisfaction is a predictor of organizational success, we discuss ways for organizations to reduce the harmful effects of persistent traditional gender stereotypes in workplaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    "We're Worth What We Are Paid": Unravelling the "Paradox of the Contented Female Worker" (2020)

    Smith, Maria;


    Smith, Maria (2020): "We're Worth What We Are Paid": Unravelling the "Paradox of the Contented Female Worker". In: Sociological research online, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 317-332. DOI:10.1177/1360780419870809


    "Pay satisfaction research has suggested that women are more satisfied with their pay than men, even though, in general, women earn less. This article argues that this body of research has misconceptualised this phenomenon as an issue of women only. It also argues that previous explanations for this gender pay paradox have not adequately explained these patterns of satisfaction. A social constructionist approach to pay satisfaction is proposed which situates satisfaction within the context of structural inequality. This draws upon the scholarly work of feminist scholars and the conceptual ideas of Pierre Bourdieu. This theoretical approach is explored with data from qualitative interviews with support staff at universities in the United Kingdom. This evidence suggests that their pay satisfaction is influenced by beliefs about the “value” of different occupations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ungrateful slaves? An examination of job quality and job satisfaction for male part-time workers in the UK (2020)

    Warren, Tracey ; Lyonette, Clare ;


    Warren, Tracey & Clare Lyonette (2020): Ungrateful slaves? An examination of job quality and job satisfaction for male part-time workers in the UK. In: The British journal of sociology, Jg. 71, H. 2, S. 382-402. DOI:10.1111/1468-4446.12741


    "Research on part-time work has concentrated over many decades on the experiences of women but male part-time employment is growing in the UK. This article addresses two sizable gaps in knowledge concerning male part-timers: are men's part-time jobs of lower quality than men's full-time jobs? Are male part-timers more or less job-satisfied compared to their full-time peers? A fundamental part of both interrogations is whether men's part-time employment varies by occupational class. The article is motivated by the large body of work on female part-timers. Its theoretical framework is rooted in one of the most controversial discussions in the sociology of women workers: the “grateful slave” debate that emerged in the 1990s when researchers sought to explain why so many women expressed job satisfaction with low-quality part-time jobs. Innovatively, this article draws upon those contentious ideas to provide new insights into male, rather than female, part-time employment. Based upon analysis of a large quantitative data set, the results provide clear evidence of low-quality male part-time employment in the UK, when compared with men's full-time jobs. Men working part-time also express deteriorating satisfaction with jobs overall and in several specific dimensions of their jobs. Male part-timers in lower occupational class positions retain a clear “lead” both in bad job quality and low satisfaction. The article asks whether decreasingly satisfied male part-time workers should be termed “ungrateful slaves?” It unpacks the “grateful slave” metaphor and, after doing so, rejects its value for the ongoing analysis of part-time jobs in the formal labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Gratifikation und Befindlichkeit - Ein Berufsgruppenvergleich von verbeamteten Lehrkräften, Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und Erwerbstätigen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen (2019)

    Kiel, Ewald; Braun, Annika; Hillert, Andreas; Bäcker, Klaus; Weiß, Sabine;


    Kiel, Ewald, Annika Braun, Andreas Hillert, Klaus Bäcker & Sabine Weiß (2019): Gratifikation und Befindlichkeit - Ein Berufsgruppenvergleich von verbeamteten Lehrkräften, Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und Erwerbstätigen in Wirtschaftsunternehmen. In: Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, Jg. 73, H. 3, S. 324-336. DOI:10.1007/s41449-019-00159-w


    "Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Befindlichkeit und das Erleben von beruflicher Verausgabung und Gratifikation in einem Berufsgruppenvergleich mit verbeamteten Lehrkräften sowie Angestellten im öffentlichen Dienst und in Wirtschaftsunternehmen. Mittels eines Online-Verfahrens wurden insgesamt 24.516 Erwerbstätige der genannten Berufsgruppen zu Symptomen von Depressivität, Ängstlichkeit und Stress befragt, erhoben durch die Depressions-Angst-Stress-Skalen (DASS). Die Wahrnehmung von beruflicher Verausgabung und Gratifikation erfolgte durch die Skalen zur Effort-Reward-Imbalance von Siegrist. Ein zentrales Ergebnis ist, dass Depressivitäts-, Ängstlichkeits- und Stresssymptome mit der Art des Arbeitsverhältnisses in Bezug stehen: Angestellte in Unternehmen gefolgt von denen im öffentlichen Dienst zeigen die höchsten Werte in den DASS-Skalen und berichten zudem von einem geringeren Gratifikationserleben. Lehrkräfte erweisen sich als die Berufsgruppe mit der insgesamt günstigsten Einschätzung. Berufliche Sicherheit stellt sich hier als protektiver Faktor heraus, zusätzlich berichten Lehrkräfte von der höchsten Anerkennung durch Kollegen und Vorgesetzte.<br> Praktische Relevanz: Die abgeleiteten Maßnahmen sind explizit auf die Bedürfnisse der unterschiedlichen Erwerbstätigengruppen zugeschnitten. Bei im öffentlichen Dienst tätigen Personen sind immaterielle Gratifikationen bedeutsam, es sind beispielsweise institutionelle Formen der Rückmeldung zu etablieren, die Vorgesetzte für wertschätzende Kommunikation sensibilisieren. Für angestellte Mitarbeiter wären neben Maßnahmen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsfürsorge langfristige Beschäftigungsperspektiven zielführend, deren Bedeutung für die Befindlichkeit sichtbar wird." (Autorenreferat)

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    The Underemployment-Job Satisfaction Nexus: A Study of Part-Time Employment in Australia (2019)

    Kifle, T.; Kler, P.; Shankar, S.;


    Kifle, T., P. Kler & S. Shankar (2019): The Underemployment-Job Satisfaction Nexus. A Study of Part-Time Employment in Australia. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 143, H. 1, S. 233-249. DOI:10.1007/s11205-018-1976-2


    "This study investigates the association between underemployment and job satisfaction among part-time workers across the period 2002-2014, given that both are increasingly important phenomena within the Australian labour market, and currently under-researched. We delve deeper into this nexus by extending the focus of job satisfaction beyond overall job satisfaction, including another five workplace satisfaction domains. This is done to see if the association is sensitive to specific aspects of work. We find that being underemployed is negatively associated with job satisfaction, across all workplace satisfaction domains. Further, we find that the underemployment-job satisfaction nexus to be somewhat gendered. Specifically, we report that underemployed males have a greater negative association with job satisfaction relative to their female peers. These results suggest that part-time underemployment is a significant (amounting to around 94% of the entire underemployed people in Australia) but well-hidden issue within the Australian labour market, and the consequence of this for job satisfaction are pronounced." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Skills mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction among older workers (2019)

    Markus, Bönisch; Jakob, Peterbauer; Eduard, Stöger;


    Markus, Bönisch, Peterbauer Jakob & Stöger Eduard (2019): Skills mismatch, earnings and job satisfaction among older workers. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 68, H. 4, S. 339-370. DOI:10.3790/sfo.68.4.339


    "Kompetenzen stellen einen wichtigen Bestandteil wissensbasierter Gesellschaften dar. Individuelle Kompetenzen können den Erfolg am Arbeitsmarkt unterstützen und das Einkommen und die Arbeitszufriedenheit beeinflussen. Sie müssen jedoch auf effiziente Weise eingesetzt werden, um diese positiven Arbeitsmarktergebnisse zu erzielen. Trotz der Tatsache, dass in den letzten Jahren viele Forschungsarbeiten zum Verhältnis der individuell vorhandenen Kompetenzen und den Arbeitsplatzanforderungen (Skill Mismatch) durchgeführt wurden, ist wenig über den Zusammenhang zwischen Alter und Skill Missmatch bekannt. Daher untersuchen wir die Unterschiede zwischen jüngeren (25 - 49) und älteren Arbeitnehmern (50 - 65) anhand des PIAAC-Datensatzes für fünf Länder (Österreich, Deutschland, Spanien, Belgien und Vereinigtes Königreich). Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ältere Arbeitnehmer im Allgemeinen über niedrigere Kompetenzen verfügen als jüngere Arbeitnehmer, jedoch diese stärker nutzen. Diese stärkere Nutzung (overutilization) führt im Allgemeinen zu einem Lohnvorteil." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Increases in wellbeing in the transition to retirement for the unemployed: catching up with formerly employed persons (2019)

    Ponomarenko, Valentina ; Leist, Anja K.; Chauvel, Louis ;


    Ponomarenko, Valentina, Anja K. Leist & Louis Chauvel (2019): Increases in wellbeing in the transition to retirement for the unemployed. Catching up with formerly employed persons. In: Ageing and society, Jg. 39, H. 2, S. 254-276. DOI:10.1017/S0144686X17000976


    "This paper examines the extent to which wellbeing levels change in the transition to retirement depending on transitioning from being employed, unemployed or economically inactive. Whereas transitioning from employment to unemployment has been found to cause a decrease in subjective wellbeing with more time spent in unemployment, it is not clear how transitioning from unemployment to retirement affects wellbeing levels. We use the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to monitor the life satisfaction of respondents who retire in between two waves. We portray wellbeing scores before and after retirement and then identify the change in life satisfaction during the retirement transition using a First Difference model. Results indicate that being unemployed before retirement is associated with an increase in life satisfaction, but presents mainly a catching-up effect compared to employed persons transitioning to retirement. These results are still significant if we control for selection into unemployment and country differences. Retirement from labour market inactivity does not lead to significant changes in wellbeing. As the wellbeing of unemployed persons recovers after transitioning to retirement, especially the currently unemployed population should be supported to prevent detrimental consequences of economically unfavourable conditions and lower wellbeing." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Explaining the gender gap in job satisfaction (2019)

    Redmond, Paul; McGuiness, Séamus;


    Redmond, Paul & Séamus McGuiness (2019): Explaining the gender gap in job satisfaction. (IZA discussion paper 12703), Bonn, 7 S.


    "In general, women report greater job satisfaction than men. The existing literature cannot fully explain the nature of this difference, as the gap tends to persist even when controlling for job characteristics. In this paper, we study job satisfaction using recent data for 28 EU countries. Women, on average, are more satisfied than men and the gap remains even when we account for a wide range of personal, job and family characteristics. However, the gap disappears when we include job preferences, as women place greater importance on work-life balance and the intrinsic desirability of the work." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Generation Z im Vier-Länder-Vergleich: Ein empirischer Vergleich von Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Österreich und Schweiz (2019)

    Scholz, Christian; Grotefend, Lisa-Dorothee;


    Scholz, Christian & Lisa-Dorothee Grotefend (Hrsg.) (2019): Generation Z im Vier-Länder-Vergleich. Ein empirischer Vergleich von Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Österreich und Schweiz. (Strategie- und Informationsmanagement 36), Augsburg: Hampp, 346 S. DOI:10.978.395710/3246


    "Mit der Generation Z - geboren ab Anfang der 1990er Jahre - tritt zurzeit eine neue Generation in die Arbeitswelt ein, wird von ihr geprägt, aber prägt sie auch selbst. Diese Publikation befasst sich mit dem Phänomen 'Generation Z' - und zwar als Befragung von 3.610 Jugendlichen der Generation Z in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Österreich sowie der Schweiz. Diese Publikation basiert auf den Masterarbeiten von Sabrina Eilers, Martin Elizen, Kathrin Meier und Claudia Karaca, geschrieben am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Organisation, Personal- und Informationsmanagement der Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken. Beantwortet werden unter anderem folgende Fragen: - Was erwartet die Generation Z vom Arbeitsleben? - Warum entscheidet sie sich für oder gegen einen Arbeitgeber? - In welcher Büroarchitektur will sie arbeiten? - Träumt sie wirklich vom Großraumbüro und vom Desksharing? - Welche Lebensträume hat sie? - Wie stellt sie sich Work-Life-Balance vor? - Wie sollten Arbeitszeitmodelle aussehen? - Wovor hat sie Angst? -Wie steht sie zu Politik und zu Tagespolitik? Hinzu kommt noch eine weitere und ganz wichtige Frage: Ist 'Generation Z' ein nationales beziehungsweise regionales Phänomen oder ist sie weltweit identisch? Ganz konkret: Was kommt dabei heraus, wenn man vier benachbarte Länder aus Mitteleuropa miteinander vergleicht?" (Verlagsangaben)

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    Generational Differences in Definitions of Meaningful Work: A Mixed Methods Study (2019)

    Weeks, Kelly Pledger; Schaffert, Caitlin;


    Weeks, Kelly Pledger & Caitlin Schaffert (2019): Generational Differences in Definitions of Meaningful Work: A Mixed Methods Study. In: Journal of Business Ethics, Jg. 156, H. 4, S. 1045-1061. DOI:10.1007/s10551-017-3621-4


    "The search for meaningful work has been of interest to researchers from a variety of disciplines for decades and seems to have grown even more recently. Much of the literature assumes that employees share a sense of what is meaningful in work and there isn't much attention given to how and why meanings might differ (Rosso et al. in Res Organ Behav 30:91–127, 2010). Researchers have not only called for more research studying demographic differences in definitions of meaning (e.g., Michaelson et al. in J Bus Ethics 121(1):77–90, 2014), but also moreresearch utilizing mixed methods to study psychological concepts like meaningful work (e.g., Eid and Diener, in Eid, Diener (eds) Handbook of multimethod measurement in psychology, American Psychological Association, Washington, 2006). This study specifically examines differences across generational cohorts on their prioritization of sources of meaningful work through qualitative, in-depth interviews followed by a more generalizable, quantitative survey. Findings from the qualitative study show that generational cohorts define the meaning in their jobs differently, and they hold negative perceptions about the lack of desire for meaning in each of the other cohorts. Study 2 maps generational cohorts on the comprehensive model of meaningful work designed by Lips-Wiersma and Morris (J Bus Ethics 88(3):491–511, 2009) to reveal that although there are some differences in prioritization of sources of meaningful work, all generational cohorts share similar desire to “develop and become themselves” when asked about their definitions of meaningful work. Implications and future research are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Different strokes for different folks: entrepreneurs' job satisfaction and the intersection of gender and migration background (2018)

    Bijedić, Teita; Piper, Alan;


    Bijedić, Teita & Alan Piper (2018): Different strokes for different folks. Entrepreneurs' job satisfaction and the intersection of gender and migration background. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 1011), Berlin, 24 S.


    "Migrant enterprises comprise about 10% of all enterprises in Germany and are therefore a crucial part of the German economy and its entrepreneurial ecosystems. Relatedly, migrant entrepreneurship is a highly recognized topic within political discussions as well as within entrepreneurship research. While there is already an impressive body of work regarding the nature and quality of migrant enterprises, many questions regarding the personal motives and satisfaction of migrant entrepreneurs still remain unanswered (particularly with reference to gender and generation of migration). Using the German Socio-Economic Panel dataset, we close this research gap by investigating the job satisfaction of migrant entrepreneurs in Germany compared with native entrepreneurs, and also with conventionally employed migrants and natives. First generation migrants show, in general, less job satisfaction than the native population. Second generation male migrant entrepreneurs' show less job satisfaction, however this association is reversed for females: second generation female migrant entrepreneurs are more satisfied with their self-employment than their native counterparts. These differing results lead to differing implications for policy makers who wish to create and develop entrepreneurial and labour market support for different target groups." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are schools different? Wellbeing and commitment among staff in schools and elsewhere (2018)

    Bryson, Alex ; Wilkinson, David; Stokes, Lucy ;


    Bryson, Alex, Lucy Stokes & David Wilkinson (2018): Are schools different? Wellbeing and commitment among staff in schools and elsewhere. (IZA discussion paper 11456), Bonn, 49 S.


    "Using nationally representative linked employer-employee data for Britain in 2004 and 2011 we find school staff are more satisfied and more contented with their jobs than 'like' employees in other workplaces. The differentials are largely accounted for by the occupations school employees undertake and perceptions of job quality. School employees are also more committed to their organization than non-school employees, a difference that remains large and statistically significant having conditioned on job quality, human resource management practices (HRM), managerial style and other features of employees' working environment. Using panel data for workplaces and their employees observed in 2004 and 2011 we find increases in organizational commitment are linked to improvements in workplace performance in schools, but not in other workplaces." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Paradox lost: The disappearing female job satisfaction premium (2018)

    Green, Colin P. ; Heywood, John S. ; Kler, Parvinder; Leeves, Gareth;


    Green, Colin P., John S. Heywood, Parvinder Kler & Gareth Leeves (2018): Paradox lost: The disappearing female job satisfaction premium. In: BJIR, Jg. 56, H. 3, S. 484-502. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12291


    "Using the original data source of Clark, we show that over the last two decades the female satisfaction gap he documented has vanished. This reflects a strong secular decline in female job satisfaction. This decline happened both because younger women became less satisfied as they aged, and because new female workers entered with lower job satisfaction than their early 1990s peers. Decompositions make clear that the decline does not reflect changing job characteristics for women but rather their increasingly less favourable evaluation of job characteristics. These findings fit with the suggestion that women in the early 1990s had a gap between their labour market expectations and actual experience that has since closed and that the gender satisfaction gap has vanished as a consequence." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Work engagement as a key for unlocking performance: An investigation across different organizational levels (2018)

    Gutermann, Daniela;


    Gutermann, Daniela (2018): Work engagement as a key for unlocking performance. An investigation across different organizational levels. Amsterdam, 225 S.


    "Constructive leadership and leaders' work engagement itself are important levers for employees' work engagement. Individual and organizational work engagement leads to individual and organizational performance. The Engagement-Index (ENG-I) is a statistically valiated and well accepted measurement of behavioral work engagement in organizations. These are the results of the dissertation by Daniela Gutermann.
    Work engagement
    Since people spend around one third of their day at work, the question of which factors enhance their well-being and their motivation at work is an important one. Moreover, organizations have to face several challenges, such as a quickly changing global economic market, digitalization, and continuous need for innovation. Work engagement is a construct that is an asset for both employees and organizations. Gutermann aims to answer the question which factors may foster work engagement within organizations and how this is related to individual and organizational performance across different organizational levels.
    Constructive and destructive leadership
    Daniela Gutermann investigated how constructive and destructive leadership is related to work engagement and which role leaders' work engagement itself may play for followers' tendency to engage in their work. Additionally, since a lot of organizations are interested in the topic of work engagement, she introduced a new engagement assessment - the Engagement Index (ENG-I) - that faces both, scientific and organizational requirements. Finally Gutermann analyzed the link between individual and organizational work engagement and performance by considering causality issues." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The impact of minimum wages on well-being: evidence from a quasi- experiment in Germany (2018)

    Gülal, Filiz; Ayaita, Adam ;


    Gülal, Filiz & Adam Ayaita (2018): The impact of minimum wages on well-being. Evidence from a quasi- experiment in Germany. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 969), Berlin, 45 S.


    "To analyze well-being effects of minimum wages, the introduction of a minimum wage in Germany in 2015 is used as a quasi-experiment. Based on the representative SOEP data, a difference-in-differences design compares the development of life, job, and pay satisfaction between those who are affected by the reform according to their pre-intervention wages and those who already have marginally higher wages so that they are not directly affected. The results show that the minimum wage has significantly positive effects on all considered dimensions of well-being, on average, with an increase in life satisfaction by 0.10 standard deviations (0.15 points on a ten-point Likert scale). Positive effects last at least until one year after the reform. Life satisfaction tends to increase particularly in the region that is overall economically less developed (East Germany). The results hold if those who are not employed anymore after the reform are included in the analysis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeit auf Abruf, Rufbereitschaft und Bereitschaftsdienst: Wenn die Arbeit ruft (2018)

    Hank, Eva; Stegmaier, Jens ;


    Hank, Eva & Jens Stegmaier (2018): Arbeit auf Abruf, Rufbereitschaft und Bereitschaftsdienst: Wenn die Arbeit ruft. (IAB-Kurzbericht 14/2018), Nürnberg, 11 S.


    "Fragen der Arbeitszeit und ihrer Flexibilität werden seit einiger Zeit wieder vermehrt diskutiert. Während Arbeitgeber die Bedeutung eines flexiblen Personaleinsatzes für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Unternehmen betonen, hebt die Arbeitnehmerseite hervor, dass die Kontrolle über flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle nicht einseitig bei den Arbeitgebern liegen darf. In diesem Zusammenhang rückte Arbeit auf Abruf - bei der Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer lediglich die Dauer, nicht aber die Lage der Arbeitszeit vereinbaren - in den Fokus der Diskussion. In dem Kurzbericht wird zunächst die Verbreitung unterschiedlicher Formen von 'Rufarbeit' untersucht: Arbeit auf Abruf, Rufbereitschaft und Bereitschaftsdienst. Der Fokus liegt dann auf den Determinanten und möglichen Folgen dieser Arbeitsformen und abschließend werden aktuelle Änderungsvorhaben der Bundesregierung betrachtet, die Arbeit auf Abruf in ihren Koalitionsvertrag aufgenommen hat." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Stegmaier, Jens ;
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    Paying for what kind of performance?: performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs (2018)

    Jones, Daniel; Vlassopoulos, Michael; Tonin, Mirco;


    Jones, Daniel, Mirco Tonin & Michael Vlassopoulos (2018): Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay and multitasking in mission-oriented jobs. (CESifo working paper 7156), München, 40 S.


    "How does pay-for-performance (P4P) impact productivity, multitasking, and the composition of workers in mission-oriented jobs? These are central issues in sectors like education or healthcare. We conduct a laboratory experiment, manipulating compensation and mission, to answer these questions. We find that P4P has positive effects on productivity on the incentivized dimension of effort and negative effects on the non-incentivized dimension for workers in nonmission- oriented treatments. In mission-oriented treatments, P4P generates minimal change on either dimension. Participants in the non-mission sector - but not in the mission-oriented treatments - sort on ability, with lower ability workers opting out of the P4P scheme." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Work Orientations, Well-Being and Job Content of Self-Employed and Employed Professionals (2018)

    Warr, Peter; Inceoglu, Ilke;


    Warr, Peter & Ilke Inceoglu (2018): Work Orientations, Well-Being and Job Content of Self-Employed and Employed Professionals. In: Work, employment and society, Jg. 32, H. 2, S. 292-311. DOI:10.1177/0950017017717684


    "Drawing on psychology-derived theories and methods, a questionnaire survey compared principal kinds of work orientation, job content and mental well-being between self-employed and organisationally employed professional workers. Self-employment was found to be particularly associated with energised well-being in the form of job engagement. The presence in self-employment of greater challenge, such as an enhanced requirement for personal innovation, accounted statistically for self-employed professionals' greater job engagement, and self-employed professionals more strongly valued personal challenge than did professionals employed in an organisation. However, no between-role differences occurred in respect of supportive job features such as having a comfortable workplace. Differences in well-being, job content and work orientations were found primarily in comparison between self-employees and organisational non-managers. The study emphasises the need to distinguish conceptually and empirically between different forms of work orientation, job content and well-being, and points to the value of incorporating psychological thinking in some sociological research." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Turnover intentions in a call center: the role of emotional dissonance, job resources, and job satisfaction (2018)

    Zito, Margherita; Emanuel, Federica ; Colombo, Lara; Ghislieri, Chiara ; Cortese, Claudio Giovanni; Molino, Monica;


    Zito, Margherita, Federica Emanuel, Monica Molino, Claudio Giovanni Cortese, Chiara Ghislieri & Lara Colombo (2018): Turnover intentions in a call center. The role of emotional dissonance, job resources, and job satisfaction. In: PLoS one, Jg. 13, H. 2, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0192126


    "Background: Turnover intentions refer to employees' intent to leave the organization and, within call centers, it can be influenced by factors such as relational variables or the perception of the quality of working life, which can be affected by emotional dissonance. This specific job demand to express emotions not felt is peculiar in call centers, and can influence job satisfaction and turnover intentions, a crucial problem among these working contexts. This study aims to detect, within the theoretical framework of the Job Demands-Resources Model, the role of emotional dissonance (job demand), and two resources, job autonomy and supervisors' support, in the perception of job satisfaction and turnover intentions among an Italian call center.
    Method: The study involved 318 call center agents of an Italian Telecommunication Company. Data analysis first performed descriptive statistics through SPSS 22. A path analysis was then performed through LISREL 8.72 and tested both direct and indirect effects.
    Results: Results suggest the role of resources in fostering job satisfaction and in decreasing turnover intentions. Emotional dissonance reveals a negative relation with job satisfaction and a positive relation with turnover. Moreover, job satisfaction is negatively related with turnover and mediates the relationship between job resources and turnover.
    Conclusion: This study contributes to extend the knowledge about the variables influencing turnover intentions, a crucial problem among call centers. Moreover, the study identifies theoretical considerations and practical implications to promote well-being among call center employees. To foster job satisfaction and reduce turnover intentions, in fact, it is important to make resources available, but also to offer specific training programs to make employees and supervisors aware about the consequences of emotional dissonance." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction?: micro data evidence from the new German minimum wage (2017)

    Bossler, Mario ; Broszeit, Sandra;


    Bossler, Mario & Sandra Broszeit (2017): Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction? Micro data evidence from the new German minimum wage. In: Labour, Jg. 31, H. 4, S. 480-493., 2017-02-10. DOI:10.1111/labr.12117


    "In Deutschland wurde am 1. Januar 2015 der gesetzliche Mindestlohn von EURO 8.50 pro Arbeitsstunde eingeführt. Mit einer Analyse von Differenzen-in-Differenzen schätzen wir den Effekt auf Outcomes von anhaltend Beschäftigten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen deutlichen absoluten Anstieg in der Entlohnungszufriedenheit von betroffenen Personen. Änderungen in der generellen Jobzufriedenheit sind weitestgehend durch den Anstieg in der Entlohnungszufriedenheit getrieben, sodass nur ein kleiner Effekt auf andere Dimensionen der Jobzufriedenheit bestehen bleibt. Effekte des Mindestlohns auf den Arbeitseinsatz und die Bleibebereitschaft zeigen sich nicht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Bossler, Mario ;
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    Relationships between followers' behaviors and job satisfaction in a sample of nurses (2017)

    Gatti, Paola ; Cortese, Claudio G.; Ghislieri, Chiara ;


    Gatti, Paola, Chiara Ghislieri & Claudio G. Cortese (2017): Relationships between followers' behaviors and job satisfaction in a sample of nurses. In: PLoS one, Jg. 12, H. 10, S. 1-16. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0185905


    "The study investigated two followership behaviors, followers' active engagement and followers' independent critical thinking, and their relationship with job satisfaction in a sample of nurses. In addition, the study also considered a number of control variables and classical job demands and job resources - workload and emotional dissonance for job demands, and meaningful work for job resources - which have an impact on well-being at work. A paper-and-pencil questionnaire was administered to 425 nurses in an Italian hospital, and a hierarchical multiple regression was used to test the hypotheses. In addition to the job demands and job resources considered, followers' active engagement had a significant impact on job satisfaction. Moreover, it showed a significant linear and curvilinear relationship with the outcome variable. Followers' independent critical thinking has a non significant relationship with job satisfaction, confirming the mixed results obtained in the past for this dimension. These findings bore out the importance of analyzing followers' behaviors as potential resources that people can use on the job to increase their own well-being. Looking at followers not just as passive recipients but as active and proactive employees can also benefit the organization." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Cross-national analysis of gender differences in job-satisfaction (2017)

    Hauret, Laetitia; Williams, Donald R.;


    Hauret, Laetitia & Donald R. Williams (2017): Cross-national analysis of gender differences in job-satisfaction. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 56, H. 2, S. 203-235. DOI:10.1111/irel.12171


    "Research over the past two decades has found significant gender differences in subjective job satisfaction, with the result that women report greater satisfaction than men in some countries. This paper examines the so-called 'gender paradox' using data from the European Social Survey for a subset of fourteen countries in the European Union. We focus on the hypothesis that women place higher values on certain work characteristics than men, which explains the observed differential. Using estimates from Probit and ordered Probit models, we conduct standard Blinder - Oaxaca decompositions to estimate the impact that differential valuations of characteristics have on the gender difference in self-reported job satisfaction. The results indicate that females continue to report higher levels of job satisfaction than do men in some countries, and the difference remains even after controlling for a wide range of personal and job characteristics and working conditions. The decompositions suggest that a relatively small share of the gender differential is attributable to gender differences in the weights placed on working conditions in most countries. Rather, gender differences in job characteristics contribute relatively more to explaining the gender - job satisfaction differential." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Organizational context and employee reactions to psychological contract breach: A multilevel test of competing theories (2017)

    Jiang, Lixin; Benson, Wendi L.; Probst, Tahira M. ;


    Jiang, Lixin, Tahira M. Probst & Wendi L. Benson (2017): Organizational context and employee reactions to psychological contract breach. A multilevel test of competing theories. In: Economic and Industrial Democracy, Jg. 38, H. 3, S. 513-534. DOI:10.1177/0143831X15579288


    "This study examines how organizational context affects employee reactions to perceived psychological contract breach. Using Conservation of Resources and Social Comparison theories, the authors develop competing hypotheses regarding the potential exacerbating vs. buffering effects of organizational context on the relationships between psychological contract breach and job security satisfaction, job satisfaction, work - family conflict, and burnout. They collected a multi-source, multilevel data set composed of faculty and departmental administrators at a university experiencing repeated budget reductions. It was found that psychological contract breach was related to detrimental job outcomes (i.e., decreased job security satisfaction and job satisfaction, increased work - family conflict, and burnout). However, this relationship was stronger among faculty in departments reporting low rather than high departmental budget cuts, thus supporting Social Comparison theory rather than Conservation of Resources theory. Social comparison matters when it comes to psychological contract breach." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Overoptimistic entrepreneurs: Predicting wellbeing consequences of self-employment (2017)

    Odermatt, Reto; Stutzer, Alois; Powdthavee, Nattavudh ;


    Odermatt, Reto, Nattavudh Powdthavee & Alois Stutzer (2017): Overoptimistic entrepreneurs. Predicting wellbeing consequences of self-employment. (IZA discussion paper 11098), Bonn, 35 S.


    "The formation of expectations is a fundamental part of the process when people decide about engaging in an entrepreneurial venture. We evaluate the accuracy of newly self-employed people's predictions of their overall future wellbeing. Based on individual panel data for Germany, we find that they are overly optimistic when we compare their predicted life satisfaction with their actual life satisfaction five years later on. This overoptimism also holds for those entrepreneurs who successfully remain in business for at least five years. A possible reason might be that they underestimate the heavy workload reflected in higher working hours than desired and the drop in leisure satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction?: micro data evidence from the new German minimum wage (2016)

    Bossler, Mario ; Broszeit, Sandra;


    Bossler, Mario & Sandra Broszeit (2016): Do minimum wages increase job satisfaction? Micro data evidence from the new German minimum wage. (IAB-Discussion Paper 15/2016), Nürnberg, 20 S.


    "In Deutschland wurde am 1. Januar 2015 der gesetzliche Mindestlohn von EURO 8.50 pro Arbeitsstunde eingeführt. Mit einer Analyse von Differenzen-in-Differenzen schätzen wir den Effekt auf Outcomes von anhaltend Beschäftigten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen einen deutlichen absoluten Anstieg in der Entlohnungszufriedenheit von betroffenen Personen. Änderungen in der generellen Jobzufriedenheit sind weitestgehend durch den Anstieg in der Entlohnungszufriedenheit getrieben, sodass nur ein kleiner Effekt auf andere Dimensionen der Jobzufriedenheit bestehen bleibt. Effekte des Mindestlohns auf den Arbeitseinsatz und die Bleibebereitschaft zeigen sich nicht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Bossler, Mario ;
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    Occupational stereotypes and gender-specific job satisfaction (2016)

    Janssen, Simon; Backes-Gellner, Uschi ;


    Janssen, Simon & Uschi Backes-Gellner (2016): Occupational stereotypes and gender-specific job satisfaction. In: Industrial Relations, Jg. 55, H. 1, S. 71-91., 2014-06-19. DOI:10.1111/irel.12126


    "Using representative data containing information on job satisfaction and workers' gender-specific prejudices, we investigate the relationship between stereotyping and job satisfaction. We show that women in stereotypically male jobs are significantly less satisfied with their work climate and job content than in stereotypically female jobs but more satisfied with their income in those same jobs. Our findings indicate that women trade off their higher income satisfaction against the negative consequences of stereotyping. As long as we take into account that stereotypically male jobs are physically more demanding than stereotypically female jobs, men are generally more satisfied with stereotypically male jobs." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Janssen, Simon;
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    Job anxiety, work-related psychological illness and workplace performance (2016)

    Jones, Melanie K.; Sloane, Peter J.; Latreille, P. L.;


    Jones, Melanie K., P. L. Latreille & Peter J. Sloane (2016): Job anxiety, work-related psychological illness and workplace performance. In: BJIR, Jg. 54, H. 4, S. 742-767. DOI:10.1111/bjir.12159


    "This article uses matched employee - employer data from the British Workplace Employment Relations Survey to examine the relationship between employee psychological health and workplace performance in 2004 and 2011. Using two measures of work-related psychological health - namely employee-reported job anxiety and manager-reported workforce stress, depression and anxiety - we find a positive relationship between psychological ill-health and absence, but not quits. The association between psychological ill-health and labour productivity is less clear, with estimates sensitive to sector, time period and the measure of psychological health. The 2004 - 2011 panel is further used to explore the extent to which change in psychological health is related to change in performance." (Author's abstract, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Die Bewertung der Arbeitszufriedenheit: eine standardisierte Methode zur Befragung behinderter und nicht-behinderter Beschäftigter (2016)

    Pfaff, Simon; Kuhn, Marc;


    Pfaff, Simon & Marc Kuhn (2016): Die Bewertung der Arbeitszufriedenheit. Eine standardisierte Methode zur Befragung behinderter und nicht-behinderter Beschäftigter. In: Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Jg. 25, H. 1/2, S. 57-79. DOI:10.1515/arbeit-2016-0025


    "Eine hohe Arbeitszufriedenheit hat - unabhängig vom Grad der Behinderung - nicht nur einen positiven Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität der Beschäftigten, sondern auch eine hohe Bedeutung für den Arbeitgeber. Trotzdem finden sich in der standardisierten Umfrageforschung kaum Arbeiten, die sich systematisch der Zufriedenheit behinderter und nicht-behinderter Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer widmen. In diesem Beitrag zur Methodenentwicklung und Methodendiskussion entwickeln wir basierend auf verfügbaren Messinstrumenten einen Vorschlag zur Messung der allgemeinen Arbeitszufriedenheit. Auf der Grundlage einer Befragung in Integrationsfirmen in Baden-Württemberg prüfen wir Aspekte der Reliabilität und Validität des Erhebungsinstruments. Dabei stellen wir fest, dass die resultierende Datenqualität als zufriedenstellend angesehen werden kann." (Autorenreferat, © De Gruyter)

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    Further training for older workers: A solution for an ageing labour force? (2016)

    Zboralski-Avidan, Hila;


    Zboralski-Avidan, Hila (2016): Further training for older workers: A solution for an ageing labour force? Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 267 S.


    "Aufgrund von arbeitsmarktpolitischen Reformen hat sich in Deutschland die Erwerbsbeteiligung älterer Beschäftigter erhöht. Angesichts eines möglichen Erhalts des Qualifikationsniveaus, der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und des wirtschaftlichen Potentials älterer Arbeitnehmer muss der beruflichen Weiterbildung zunehmend Bedeutung beigemessen werden. Darüber hinaus scheint die Notwendigkeit einer verlängerten Lebensarbeitszeit mit einem Anstieg von jenen älteren Erwerbstätigen einherzugehen, die nur eine geringe Arbeitszufriedenheit aufweisen und infolgedessen wesentlich häufiger dazu neigen, Frühverrentungsoptionen in Anspruch zu nehmen. Da empirischen Studien zufolge ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der Arbeitszufriedenheit und dem individuellen Arbeitsmarktverhalten besteht, sollten in der Arbeitsmarktforschung die Einflussfaktoren auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit älterer Beschäftigter, wie es beispielsweise die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung sein könnte, stärker berücksichtigt und analysiert werden. Dementsprechend setzt sich die vorliegende Studie mit folgenden Forschungsfragen auseinander. Erstens soll allgemein untersucht werden, ob in den letzten Jahren ein Anstieg der beruflichen Weiterbildungsbeteiligung älterer Beschäftigter festgestellt werden kann. Zweitens wird analysiert, welchen Einfluss die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung auf deren Arbeitszufriedenheit hat und welche Unterschiede hierbei zwischen der beruflichen Stellung älterer Arbeitnehmer ausgemacht werden können. Zur Bearbeitung dieser zwei Forschungsfragen werden die Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels (SOEP) der Jahre 2000, 2004 und 2008 ausgewertet. Zunächst wird in einer Querschnitt-Trendanalyse geprüft und nachgezeichnet, wie sich die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung von Arbeitnehmern im Alter von 55 bis 64 Jahren entwickelt hat. Anschließend wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Weiterbildungsbeteiligung und Arbeitszufriedenheit älterer Beschäftigter im Quer- und Längsschnitt untersucht, wofür sowohl ein gepoolter Datensatz als auch das Paneldesign des SOEP genutzt wird. Zum einen deuten die Ergebnisse der empirischen Analysen darauf hin, dass sich die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung älterer Beschäftigter im Zeitverlauf erhöht hat. Dieser stetige Trend zeigt, dass betriebliche Investitionen in das Humankapital älterer Arbeitnehmer als wachsendes Beschäftigungssegment auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zunehmend wichtiger werden. Zum anderen wurde ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen der Weiterbildungsbeteiligung und der Arbeitszufriedenheit von älteren Erwerbstätigen und insbesondere von gewerblichen Arbeitern gefunden. Unter Berücksichtigung ökonomischer Implikationen, die mit der durch Weiterbildung erhöhten Arbeitszufriedenheit älterer Beschäftigter verbunden sind, könnten aus diesem Befund entsprechende bildungs- und arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen abgeleitet werden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Job satisfaction and wages of family employees (2015)

    Block, Jörn H. ; Zhou, Haibo; Millán, José María; Román, Concepción;


    Block, Jörn H., José María Millán, Concepción Román & Haibo Zhou (2015): Job satisfaction and wages of family employees. In: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Jg. 39, H. 2, S. 183-207. DOI:10.1111/etap.12035


    "Although they represent a sizable occupational group, little is known about family employees. Using utility theory and the theory of compensating wage differentials, we hypothesize that family employees have higher levels of job satisfaction and lower wages relative to regular employees. We present several regressions based on a large cross-country panel data set that support our hypotheses, and we discuss our study's implications for research on family businesses and the labor market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Do changes in regulation affect temporary agency workers' job satisfaction? (2015)

    Busk, Henna ; Jahn, Elke J. ; Singer, Christine;


    Busk, Henna, Elke J. Jahn & Christine Singer (2015): Do changes in regulation affect temporary agency workers' job satisfaction? (IAB-Discussion Paper 08/2015), Nürnberg, 28 S.


    "Diese Studie untersucht den Einfluss einer Reform des Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetzes, die die Vorschriften im Zeitarbeitssektor deutlich lockerte. Wir isolieren den kausalen Effekt dieser Reform, indem wir umfangreiche Befragungsdaten nutzen und einen Differenz-von-Differenzen-Schätzer mit einem Matching-Ansatz verknüpfen. Es zeigt sich, dass die Gesetzesänderung zu einem Rückgang der Arbeitszufriedenheit von Leiharbeitern führte, während die Arbeitszufriedenheit von regulär Beschäftigten unverändert blieb. Weitere Analysen zeigen, dass der negative Effekt auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit von Leiharbeitern sowohl auf einen Rückgang der Löhne sowie eine erhöhte wahrgenommene Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit zurückgeführt werden kann. Diese Ergebnisse bleiben auch bei alternativen Modellspezifizierungen und Placebotests robust." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Jahn, Elke J. ; Singer, Christine;
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    Intrinsic motivations of public sector employees: evidence for Germany (2015)

    Dur, Robert ; Zoutenbier, Robin;


    Dur, Robert & Robin Zoutenbier (2015): Intrinsic motivations of public sector employees. Evidence for Germany. In: German Economic Review, Jg. 16, H. 3, S. 343-366. DOI:10.1111/geer.12056


    "We examine differences in altruism and laziness between public sector employees and private sector employees. Our theoretical model predicts that the likelihood of public sector employment increases with a worker's altruism, and increases or decreases with a worker's laziness depending on his altruism. Using questionnaire data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, we find that public sector employees are significantly more altruistic and lazy than observationally equivalent private sector employees. A series of robustness checks show that these patterns are stronger among higher educated workers; that the sorting of altruistic people to the public sector takes place only within the caring industries; and that the difference in altruism is already present at the start of people's career, while the difference in laziness is only present for employees with sufficiently long work experience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von jungen Beschäftigten: 6. Sonderauswertung zum DGB-Index Gute Arbeit (2015)

    Gerdes, Johann; Wagner, Alexandra;


    Gerdes, Johann & Alexandra Wagner (2015): Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von jungen Beschäftigten. 6. Sonderauswertung zum DGB-Index Gute Arbeit. Berlin, 35 S.


    "Einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz haben, sich mit eigenen Ideen einbringen und einer sinnvollen Aufgabe nachgehen: So wünschen sich junge Menschen ihren Job. Die Realität sieht oft anders aus: Viele arbeiten befristet, machen regelmäßig Überstunden und stehen stark unter Druck. Das zeigt eine repräsentative Studie zur Arbeitsqualität bei jungen Menschen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Beschäftigungsstruktur und Zufriedenheit von Zeitarbeitnehmern in Deutschland (2015)

    Grund, Christian ; Minten, Axel; Martin, Johannes;


    Grund, Christian, Johannes Martin & Axel Minten (2015): Beschäftigungsstruktur und Zufriedenheit von Zeitarbeitnehmern in Deutschland. In: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Jg. 67, H. 2, S. 138-169.


    "Auf Basis von Daten des Deutschen Sozio-Ökonomischen Panels der Jahre 2001 bis 2012 untersuchen wir Determinanten einer Zeitarbeitsbeschäftigung sowie möglicher Erklärungsansätze für Unterschiede in der Arbeits- und Lebenszufriedenheit zwischen Arbeitnehmern in Zeitarbeit im Vergleich zu Normalbeschäftigten und zu arbeitslosen Personen. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass frühere Zeiten von Arbeitslosigkeit die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Zeitarbeitsbeschäftigung deutlich steigern. Zudem führen Zeitarbeitnehmer eher Tätigkeiten aus, für die sie nicht passend qualifiziert sind. Die niedrigere Arbeitszufriedenheit von Zeitarbeitern im Vergleich zu Normalbeschäftigten lässt sich vor allem auf Unterschiede in individuellen Merkmalen und auf eine als deutlich stärker empfundene Arbeitsplatzunsicherheit zurückführen, während ihre Lebenszufriedenheit auch unter Berücksichtigung dieser Faktoren signifikant geringer ist. Jedoch äußern Zeitarbeitnehmer eine deutlich höhere Lebenszufriedenheit als arbeitslose Personen. Eine explizite Analyse der Übergänge zwischen den Beschäftigungsstatus bestätigt diese Ergebnisse" (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Does self-employment really raise job satisfaction?: adaptation and anticipation effects on self-employment and general job changes (2015)

    Hanglberger, Dominik; Merz, Joachim;


    Hanglberger, Dominik & Joachim Merz (2015): Does self-employment really raise job satisfaction? Adaptation and anticipation effects on self-employment and general job changes. In: Journal for labour market research, Jg. 48, H. 4, S. 287-303., 2015-04-01. DOI:10.1007/s12651-015-0175-8


    "Zahlreiche empirische Analysen, auf Querschnittsdaten oder Paneldaten basierend, kamen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Selbständige ein höheres Niveau an Arbeitszufriedenheit erreichen als abhängig Beschäftigte. In unserem Beitrag untersuchen wir, ob dieses empirische Ergebnis möglicherweise auf die Vernachlässigung von Antizipations- und Adaptionseffekten zurückgeführt werden kann. Um den Sachverhalt empirisch zu überprüfen, spezifizieren wir fixed-effects Regressionsmodelle, die auch Antizipation und Adaption der Arbeitszufriedenheit vor einem Wechsel aus abhängiger Beschäftigung in Selbständigkeit und allgemein bei einem Arbeitsplatzwechsel berücksichtigen. Grundlage für unsere Analyse ist das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP) der Jahre 1984 - 2009. Im Gegensatz zur existierenden Literatur findet sich keine positive Langzeitwirkung der Selbständigkeit, wenn Antizipation und Adaption berücksichtigt werden. Werden Antizipation und Adaption bei Arbeitsplatzwechsel im Allgemeinen berücksichtigt, so reduziert sich der Effekt der Selbständigkeit auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit um ca. zwei Drittel. In Modellen, die Antizipation und Adaption an Selbständigkeit und Arbeitsplatzwechsel berücksichtigen, zeigt sich lediglich für die ersten drei Jahre der Selbständigkeit eine höhere Arbeitszufriedenheit. Der positive Effekt der Selbständigkeit nimmt in der Folge jedoch ab und ist für Personen, die 4 oder mehr Jahre selbständig sind, nicht mehr signifikant. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen damit, dass bisherige Studien die positive Wirkung der Selbständigkeit auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit zumindest deutlich überschätzen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Arbeitgeberattraktivität aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Mitarbeitergenerationen (2015)

    Otto, Christian; Remdisch, Sabine;


    Otto, Christian & Sabine Remdisch (2015): Arbeitgeberattraktivität aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Mitarbeitergenerationen. In: M. Hartmann (Hrsg.) (2015): Rekrutierung in einer zukunftsorientierten Arbeitswelt : HR-Aufgaben optimal vernetzen, S. 47-68.


    "Angesichts des zunehmenden Wettbewerbs um qualifizierte Fach- und Führungskräfte müssen sich Unternehmen bemühen, Nachwuchskräfte anzuwerben und die Bindung der Leistungsträger zu stärken. Dabei gilt es, sich auf die nachrückende 'Generation Y' einzustellen und gleichzeitig den mittleren und älteren Generationen gerecht zu werden. Dies erfordert eine altersgruppenspezifische Personalarbeit und ein fundiertes Wissen über die Besonderheiten der Mitarbeitergenerationen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird untersucht, was einen Arbeitgeber für die Mitarbeitenden aus unterschiedlichen Generationen attraktiv macht und wo die Konsequenzen für die Personalrekrutierung liegen. Dazu werden Ergebnisse aus einer aktuellen Studie der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg zur Arbeitgeberattraktivität in mittelständischen Unternehmen herangezogen. Es zeigt sich unter anderem, dass die Unterschiede zwischen den Generationen in vielen Bereichen gering sind." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Disability, training and job satisfaction (2015)

    Pagán-Rodríguez, Ricardo;


    Pagán-Rodríguez, Ricardo (2015): Disability, training and job satisfaction. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 122, H. 3, S. 865-885. DOI:10.1007/s11205-014-0719-2


    "This study analyses the effects of participating in further training on the levels of job satisfaction reported by workers without and with disabilities in Germany. Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel which covers the period 1989 - 2008, we estimate a 'Probit Adapted OLS (POLS)' model which allows us to identify the determinants of job satisfaction for people without and with disabilities. The results show that the participation in further training increases the levels of job satisfaction reported by all workers, although this increase is significantly lower among workers with disabilities. In addition, no significant differences in terms of job satisfaction were found according to the number of courses attended by disability status. However, significant differences were found between participants without and with disabilities if the duration of training was more than 1 month. From a public policy perspective, these findings show the need to redesign and implement innovative training programs for people with disabilities which contribute to increasing their levels of job satisfaction within the German labour market." (Author's abstract, © Springer-Verlag) ((en))

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    Labor supply and productivity responses to non-salary benefits: do they work? If so, at what level do they work best? (2015)

    Spencer, Marilyn; Chambers, Valrie; Bowden, Randall; Gevrek, Deniz ;


    Spencer, Marilyn, Deniz Gevrek, Valrie Chambers & Randall Bowden (2015): Labor supply and productivity responses to non-salary benefits. Do they work? If so, at what level do they work best? (IZA discussion paper 9153), Bonn, 41 S.


    "This study explores the impact of a particular low marginal-cost employee benefit on employees' intended retention and performance. By utilizing a unique data set constructed by surveying full-time faculty and staff members at a public university in the United States, we study the impact of this employee benefit on faculty and staff performance and retention. We focus on the impact of reduction in dependent college tuition at various levels on employees' intentions to work harder and stay at their current job by using both OLS and Ordered Probit models. We also simulate the direct opportunity cost (reduction in revenue) in dollars and as a percent of total budgeted revenue to facilitate administrative decision making. The results provide evidence that for institutions where employee retention and productivity are a priority, maximizing or offering dependent college tuition waiver may be a relatively low-cost benefit to increase intended retention and productivity. In addition, the amount of the tuition waiver, number of dependents and annual salary are statistically significant predictors of intended increased productivity and intent to stay employed at the current institution. Employee retention and productivity is a challenge for all organizations. Although pay, benefits, and organizational culture tend to be key indicators of job satisfaction, little attention is given to specific types of benefits. This study is the first comprehensive attempt to explore the relationship between the impact of this low-cost employee benefit and employee performance and retention in a higher education institution in the United States." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Realisierungschancen egalitärer Erwerbsmodelle: Analysen zur Erwerbsbeteiligung in Partnerschaften mit Kindern auf Basis des Mikrozensus (2014)

    Bohr, Jeanette;


    Bohr, Jeanette (2014): Realisierungschancen egalitärer Erwerbsmodelle. Analysen zur Erwerbsbeteiligung in Partnerschaften mit Kindern auf Basis des Mikrozensus. (GESIS-Schriftenreihe 14), Köln, 246 S.


    "Obwohl in vielen Partnerschaften ein gleichberechtigtes Rollenverständnis vorherrscht, führt die Geburt eines Kindes häufig zu einer geschlechtsspezifischen Aufgabenverteilung, bei der die Frau ihre Erwerbstätigkeit längerfristig reduziert. Die Studie geht der Frage nach, welche Mütter eine gleichmäßige Aufteilung der Erwerbsarbeit präferieren und unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen egalitäre Erwerbsmodelle in Partnerschaften mit Kindern realisiert werden. Dabei werden nicht nur die faktisch praktizierten Erwerbskonstellationen, sondern auch die darüber hinausgehenden Arbeitszeitwünsche von Müttern berücksichtigt. Als Datengrundlage dient der Mikrozensus, der die Möglichkeit bietet, das Erwerbsverhalten von Frauen in Ost- und Westdeutschland unter Berücksichtigung zentraler sozioökonomischer Merkmale beider Partner sowie in unterschiedlichen Familienkonstellationen abzubilden." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Returning to the workforce after retiring: a job demands, job control, social support perspective on job satisfaction (2014)

    Brown, Melissa; McNamara, Tay K.; Pitt-Catsouphes, Marcie; Besen, Elyssa;


    Brown, Melissa, Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes, Tay K. McNamara & Elyssa Besen (2014): Returning to the workforce after retiring. A job demands, job control, social support perspective on job satisfaction. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 25, H. 22, S. 3113-3133. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2014.919951


    "Despite growing interest in the aging of the workforce, few investigations have explored a key aspect of diversity among older workers: whether or not they consider themselves retired. Using a sample of workers ages 50 and older from the National Study of the Changing Workforce (2008), we apply career development theory and the job demand - control( - support) framework to investigate potential differences between working retirees (i.e. employed older adults 50+ who consider themselves retired) and working non-retirees (i.e. employed older adults 50+ who do not consider themselves retired) in terms of their job characteristics (i.e. demands, control, support) and how these job characteristics are related to job satisfaction. We find that working retirees report lower job demands and higher social support, and that there is limited evidence for the buffering hypothesis. Implications for researchers and employers are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    You can't always get what you want: gender differences in job satisfaction of university graduates (2014)

    Bönte, Werner; Krabel, Stefan;


    Bönte, Werner & Stefan Krabel (2014): You can't always get what you want. Gender differences in job satisfaction of university graduates. In: Applied Economics, Jg. 46, H. 21, S. 2477-2487. DOI:10.1080/00036846.2014.899677


    "Previous literature stressed on the gender differences in job satisfaction and the factors influencing the job satisfaction of men and women. Two rationales are usually provided for the finding that women tend to be relatively more satisfied with their jobs than men although disadvantaged in labour markets: first, women may have relatively lower expectations of career and income, and second, they may attach relatively less importance to extrinsic rewards than men. In order to analyse whether substantial gender differences exist already at the beginning of the career, we employ information of over 20 000 graduates collected through a large-scale survey of German university graduates who recently entered the labour market. We find that the job satisfaction of female graduates is on average slightly lower than the job satisfaction of male graduates, but our results do not point to substantial gender differences. In our sample of highly qualified individuals, men and women are very similar in what they want from their jobs and also in their perceptions of what they get. While our results point to substantial similarity of men and women in the early career stage, gender differences may emerge at later stages of the career life cycle." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Generation Y und Personalmanagement (2014)

    Dahlmanns, Andreas;


    Dahlmanns, Andreas (2014): Generation Y und Personalmanagement. (Praxisorientierte Personal- und Organisationsforschung 18), München: Hampp, 112 S.


    "Wer ist die Generation Y und welche Bedeutung hat sie für das Personalmanagement in einem Unternehmen? Dieses Buch verschafft den Lesern einen Überblick über die Generation Y und einzelne Einflussfaktoren, welche diese geprägt haben. Es werden konkrete Anforderungen der Generation Y an einen Arbeitgeber sowie deren Auswirkung auf das Personalmanagement aufgezeigt. Darüber hinaus werden ausgewählte Aufgabenfelder des Personalmanagements hinsichtlich einer generationsspezifischen Gestaltung beschrieben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    "Momentan ist es noch ganz okay..." Arbeitswelten und Berufsverläufe von jungen Erwerbstätigen mit mittleren Bildungsabschlüssen (2014)

    Eichmann, Hubert; Saupe, Bernhard;


    Eichmann, Hubert & Bernhard Saupe (2014): "Momentan ist es noch ganz okay..." Arbeitswelten und Berufsverläufe von jungen Erwerbstätigen mit mittleren Bildungsabschlüssen. (FORBA-Forschungsbericht 2014,01), Wien, 104 S.


    "In dieser Studie untersuchen wir Erwerbsarbeitsformen und Berufsbiografien von jungen Erwachsenen unter 35 Jahren in Österreich, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf Personen mit mittleren Bildungsabschlüssen. Anlass für dieses Projektvorhaben war eine eigene Untersuchung zu Praktika bzw. zur 'Generation Praktikum' in Österreich (Eichmann/Saupe 2011). Während schlecht entlohnte Arbeitsverhältnisse bei Studierenden bzw. Graduierten medialer Dauerbrenner sind, ist der Wissensstand über Strukturen von (atypischen) Arbeitsverhältnissen bei der wesentlich größeren Gruppe junger Erwachsener unterhalb des Hochschulniveaus vergleichsweise bescheiden. Diese 'mittleren' Gruppen sind im Vergleich zu einerseits (angehenden) HochschulabsolventInnen und andererseits Jugendlichen ohne abgeschlossene Berufsausbildung oder sonstigen Problemgruppen wenig erforscht." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

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    Supportive work-family environments: implications for work-family conflict and well-being (2014)

    Fiksenbaum, Lisa Michelle;


    Fiksenbaum, Lisa Michelle (2014): Supportive work-family environments. Implications for work-family conflict and well-being. In: The international journal of human resource management, Jg. 25, H. 5, S. 653-672. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2013.796314


    "Work-family conflict (WFC) remains a growing type of stress and concern for many employees. Recognizing these difficulties, organizations are offering various formal programs (e.g. on-site childcare, flextime, compressed work week, telecommuting and so on.) to help their employees in balancing both work and family life. However, many employees are hesitant to use them due to 'stigmas' attached to them. A work environment that is supportive of such programs is likely a contributing factor in the success and effectiveness of these programs. This study tested a model that examines the availability of work-family programs and work-family culture (i.e. in terms of managerial support, organizational demands and career consequences) as predictors of WFC. The model also examined the effects of WFC on individual's well-being (i.e. life satisfaction and work engagement). Data were collected from 112 employees, and the overall fit of the model was good (i.e. the model was reasonably consistent with the data). Results demonstrated that the availability of work-family benefits promoted a supportive work-family culture, which was inversely related to WFC. WFC contributed negatively to both life satisfaction and work engagement. That is, employees who reported more WFC were less satisfied with their life and were less inclined to be engaged at work. Results of the study highlight the importance of inculcating an accommodating work environment, and will be discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von jungen Beschäftigten: 5. Sonderauswertung zum DGB-Index Gute Arbeit (2014)

    Gerdes, Johann; Wagner, Michael ; Wagner, Alexandra;


    Gerdes, Johann & Alexandra Wagner (2014): Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von jungen Beschäftigten. 5. Sonderauswertung zum DGB-Index Gute Arbeit. Berlin, 35 S.


    "Die Studie 'Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von jungen Beschäftigten' wertet die Daten des aktuellen DGB-Index Gute Arbeit aus und zeigt, wie Beschäftigte unter 35 Jahren ihre Arbeits- und Einkommensbedingungen beurteilen. So zeigt die Auswertung etwa, dass zwei von drei Beschäftigten unter 35 Jahren regelmäßig Überstunden machen - mehr als ein Drittel sogar über fünf Stunden jede Woche.
    Fast ein Drittel (29 Prozent) der Beschäftigten dieser Altersgruppe arbeiten in atypischen Beschäftigungsverhältnissen. Zum Vergleich: Bei den über 35-Jährigen sind es nur 18 Prozent.
    Weiteres Ergebnis: 57 Prozent der jungen Beschäftigten unter 35 Jahren geben an, oft oder sehr oft unter Zeitdruck arbeiten zu müssen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    IGA-Barometer 4. Welle 2013: Die Arbeitssituation in Unternehmen: eine repräsentative Befragung der Erwerbsbevölkerung in Deutschland. Flexibilität, Life-Domain-Balance und Gesundheit. Auswirkungen von Erwerbslosigkeitserfahrungen (2014)

    Hessenmöller, Anna-Maria; Schröer, Sarah; Schüpbach, Heinz; Pieper, Claudia; Schiml, Nina; Pangert, Barbara; Otto, Kathleen; Scheel, Tabea; Mohr, Gisela;


    Hessenmöller, Anna-Maria, Barbara Pangert, Claudia Pieper, Nina Schiml, Sarah Schröer, Heinz Schüpbach, Kathleen Otto, Tabea Scheel & Gisela Mohr (2014): IGA-Barometer 4. Welle 2013: Die Arbeitssituation in Unternehmen. Eine repräsentative Befragung der Erwerbsbevölkerung in Deutschland. Flexibilität, Life-Domain-Balance und Gesundheit. Auswirkungen von Erwerbslosigkeitserfahrungen. (IGA-Report 27), Essen, 114 S.


    "Die Initiative Gesundheit und Arbeit befragte zum vierten Mal seit 2004 etwa 2.000 Erwerbstätige in Deutschland zum Stellenwert der Arbeit. Die Ergebnisse dieser vierten Befragungswelle des iga.Barometers geben Aufschluss darüber, wie die deutsche Erwerbsbevölkerung den Einfluss der Arbeit auf die Gesundheit, die Bereitschaft, das Unternehmen zu wechseln, oder die eigene Arbeitsfähigkeit bis zur Rente einschätzt.
    Die befragten Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer beschrieben ihre Arbeitssituation im Wesentlichen als positiv. Zum Beispiel würde nur jeder fünfte Befragte den Beruf, die Branche oder den Arbeitgeber wechseln, wenn die Möglichkeit bestünde. Bei einer Reihe von Fragen zeigt sich jedoch auch Verbesserungsbedarf für die Unternehmen. Denn nur jeder Zweite sagt, dass er sich vorstellen kann, seine aktuelle Tätigkeit uneingeschränkt bis zur Rente auszuüben.
    Ein aktuelles Schwerpunktthema sind die Veränderung von Flexibilitätsanforderungen und -angeboten für die Beschäftigten und deren Folgen für Gesundheit und Life-Domain-Balance. Die Mehrzahl der Befragten berichtet, dass sich die Arbeit positiv auf ihr Privatleben auswirkt. Ein Fünftel hingegen fühlt sich erschöpft, zum Beispiel weil Erholungszeiten fehlen. Als zentrale Ansatzpunkte erweisen sich im iga.Barometer ausreichend Zeitpuffer und eine Begrenzung der ständigen Erreichbarkeit.
    Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe sind die Erfahrungen der Beschäftigten mit Erwerbslosigkeit und die Auswirkungen auf weitere Arbeitsverhältnisse. So sind Menschen, die mindestens einmal erwerbslos waren, seltener in ihrem gelernten Beruf tätig und häufiger befristet beschäftigt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Occupational stereotypes and gender-specific job satisfaction (2014)

    Janssen, Simon; Backes-Gellner, Uschi ;


    Janssen, Simon & Uschi Backes-Gellner (2014): Occupational stereotypes and gender-specific job satisfaction. (University of Zurich, Institute for Strategy and Business Economics. Working paper 107), Zürich, 30 S.


    "Using representative data containing information on job satisfaction and worker's gender-specific prejudices, we investigate the relationship between stereotyping and job satisfaction. We show that women in stereotypically male jobs are significantly less satisfied with their work climate and job contents than in stereotypically female jobs but more satisfied with their income in those same jobs. Our findings indicate that women trade-off their higher income satisfaction against the negative consequences of stereotyping. As long as we take into account that stereotypically male jobs are physically more demanding than stereotypically female jobs, men are generally more satisfied with stereotypically male jobs." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The power of the pram: do young children determine female job satisfaction (2014)

    Kifle, Temesgen; Kler, Parvinder; Shankar, Sriram;


    Kifle, Temesgen, Parvinder Kler & Sriram Shankar (2014): The power of the pram. Do young children determine female job satisfaction. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 21, H. 4, S. 289-292. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2013.856991


    "Policy-makers worldwide have attempted a number of strategies over the last few decades to increase female labour-force participation without jeopardizing their choice of also maintaining a fulfilling family life, should they choose to do so. One such Australian strategy heavily subscribed by females with young children has been to promote part-time employment. Results provide evidence that females with young children at home engaged in part-time employment are generally more satisfied with their working hours and work - life balance relative to those with older and no children, whilst the opposite holds when looking at those in full-time employment. This suggests that part-time employment should be pursued as a policy tool to aid females with young children maintain a relationship with the labour market without having to also give up being the primary carer of their children." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    A weighty issue revisited: the dynamic effect of body weight on earnings and satisfaction in Germany (2014)

    Kropfhäußer, Frieder; Sunder, Marco;


    Kropfhäußer, Frieder & Marco Sunder (2014): A weighty issue revisited. The dynamic effect of body weight on earnings and satisfaction in Germany. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 635), Berlin, 14 S.


    "We estimate the relationship between changes in the body mass index (bmi) and wages or satisfaction, respectively, in a panel of German employees. In contrast to previous literature, the dynamic models indicate that there is an inverse u-shaped association between bmi and wages among young workers. Among young male workers, work satisfaction is affected beyond the effect on earnings. Our finding of an implied optimum bmi in the overweight range could indicate that the recent rise in weight does not yet constitute a major limitation to productivity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    European women: the link between money, career, and financial satisfaction (2014)

    Kulic, Nevena ;


    Kulic, Nevena (2014): European women. The link between money, career, and financial satisfaction. In: European Sociological Review, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 287-301. DOI:10.1093/esr/jct030


    "This study goes beyond economic research on women's economic independence, which relies only on income in explaining women's economic well-being within a household, and adopts a perspective that recognizes the importance of their actual employment patterns and occupational choices (Gerson, 1993, Hakim, 2000). Using the data on financial satisfaction from the European Community Household Panel from 1994 - 2001, this article compares married and cohabiting women from five industrialized European countries. Analyses indicate that it is not relative income or pure employment that matters the most for a woman's financial satisfaction but, more likely, the choice of continuous and full-time labour market involvement. The data also offer other interesting findings: a homemaking career may be as beneficial for a woman's financial satisfaction as continuous employment, while a discontinuous employment path seems to be detrimental for a woman's financial satisfaction. Cross-country comparison shows that institutions alter women's economic well-being independently of their individual achievements, suggesting that more research is needed to disentangle the institutional components that most influence the relation between women's paid and unpaid employment, and their economic well-being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsmarktergebnisse und berufliche Ziele der Generation Y im Vergleich zur Generation X (2014)

    Metzler, Christoph; Werner, Dirk; Zibrowius, Michael;


    Metzler, Christoph, Dirk Werner & Michael Zibrowius (2014): Arbeitsmarktergebnisse und berufliche Ziele der Generation Y im Vergleich zur Generation X. In: IW-Trends, Jg. 41, H. 3, S. 1-17.


    "Junge Menschen der Jahrgänge 1980 bis 1995, in der medialen Berichterstattung häufig als Generation Y oder Millennials bezeichnet, steigen in den letzten Jahren zunehmend in das Berufsleben ein. Ihnen wird von manchem Beobachter unterstellt, dass sie andere berufliche Ziele verfolgen würden und andere Vorstellungen hätten als vergleichbare Altersgruppen in den Vorgängergenerationen. Unternehmen müssten daher ihre Arbeitsbedingungen anpassen, um auch für diese jungen Fachkräfte attraktiv zu bleiben. Ein intergenerationaler Vergleich dieser Generation Y mit den Angehörigen der Geburtsjahrgänge 1965 bis 1979 (Generation X) auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels findet allerdings keine eindeutigen Anhaltspunkte für eine unterschiedliche Einschätzung oder Haltung, wenn sozio-demografische Faktoren, konjunkturelle Trends und Merkmale der beruflichen Tätigkeit berücksichtigt werden. Vielmehr erweist sich die Zunahme der Erwerbstätigkeit von jungen Frauen im Verbund mit einer Ausweitung der Teilzeitbeschäftigung als potenzieller Treiber für beobachtbare Unterschiede. Für die Personalarbeit von Unternehmen bedeutet das, dass sie eher die allgemeinen Trends adressieren als sich auf vermeintliche Besonderheiten einer neuen jungen Generation einstellen sollten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Employment, late-life work, retirement, and well-being in Europe and the United States (2014)

    Nikolova, Milena ; Graham, Carol;


    Nikolova, Milena & Carol Graham (2014): Employment, late-life work, retirement, and well-being in Europe and the United States. In: IZA journal of European Labor Studies, Jg. 3, S. 1-30. DOI:10.1186/2193-9012-3-5


    "Flexible work arrangements and retirement options provide one solution for the challenges of unemployment and underemployment, aging populations, and unsustainable public pension systems in welfare states around the world. We examine the relationships between well-being and job satisfaction on the one hand and employment status and retirement, on the other, using Gallup World Poll data for several European countries and the United States. We find that voluntary part-time workers are happier, experience less stress and anger, and have higher job satisfaction than other employees. Using statistical matching, we show that late-life workers under voluntary part-time or full-time arrangements have higher well-being than retirees. There is no well-being premium for involuntary late-life work and self-employment compared to retirement, however. Our findings inform ongoing debates about the optimal retirement age and the fiscal burdens of public pension systems." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Part-time work, women's work-life conflict, and job satisfaction: a cross-national comparison of Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (2014)

    Roeters, Anne; Craig, Lyn ;


    Roeters, Anne & Lyn Craig (2014): Part-time work, women's work-life conflict, and job satisfaction. A cross-national comparison of Australia, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. In: International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Jg. 55, H. 3, S. 185-203. DOI:10.1177/0020715214543541


    "This study uses the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) 2013 'Family and Changing Gender Roles' module (N?=?1773) to examine cross-country differences in the relationship between women's part-time work and work - life conflict and job satisfaction. We hypothesize that part-time work will lead to less favorable outcomes in countries with employment policies that are less protective of part-time employees because the effects of occupational downgrading counteract the benefits of increased time availability. Our comparison focuses on the Netherlands and Australia while using Germany, the United Kingdom, and Sweden as benchmarks. Part-time employment is prevalent in all five countries, but has the most support and protection in the Dutch labor market. We find little evidence that country of residence conditions the effects of part-time work. Overall, the results suggest that part-time work reduces work-life conflict to a similar extent in all countries except Sweden. The effects on job satisfaction are negligible. We discuss the implications for social policies meant to stimulate female labor force participation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitszeitgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Work-Life-Balance: Schlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben "Arbeitszeitgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Work-Life-Balance mit Hilfe der rechnerunterstützten Simulation - ARBWOL" (2014)

    Stock, Patricia; Leupold, Michael; Schmidt, Daniel;


    Stock, Patricia, Daniel Schmidt & Michael Leupold (2014): Arbeitszeitgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Work-Life-Balance. Schlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben "Arbeitszeitgestaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Work-Life-Balance mit Hilfe der rechnerunterstützten Simulation - ARBWOL". Karlsruhe, XII, 102 S.


    "Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens ARBWOL ist die Aufdeckung von Effekten flexibler Arbeitszeitmodelle auf die Work-Life-Balance und die daraus resultierende ganzheitliche Belastungssituation der Mitarbeiter. Hierzu sollen innerhalb der heterogenen Gruppe der Beschäftigten zunächst sog. 'soziale Rollen' identifiziert werden. Als soziale Rolle wird die Position eines Beschäftigten in seinem außerberuflichen Umfeld verstanden sowie die daraus resultierenden Verpflichtungen und Erwartungen (z.B. eigen- und gemeinnützige Arbeit, ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten, sportliche Aktivitäten), welche aus dieser Position resultieren und so zu einer (außerberuflichen) Belastung des Beschäftigten führen können. Im Anschluss daran werden typische Belastungen sowie potenzielle soziale Konflikte für die verschiedenen sozialen Rollen ermittelt und ein Rollen-Belastungs-Modell abgeleitet, das die Wirkungszusammenhänge beschreibt. Hierzu wird in diesem Forschungsprojekt ein dualer Forschungsansatz verfolgt:
    - Einerseits soll durch eine Befragung die Belastungssituation der Beschäftigten im Dienstleistungsbereich erfasst und analysiert werden. Aus dem Ergebnis soll ein genaueres Bild bezüglich der individuell von den Beschäftigten empfundenen Arbeitssituation abgeleitet werden.
    - Andererseits sollen mittels einer personalorientierten Simulationsstudie die Auswirkungen verschiedener Arbeitszeitmodelle auf die Work-Life-Balance in Abhängigkeit von sozialen Rollen abgebildet werden.
    Es sollen Handlungsanleitungen und Empfehlungen zur belastungsreduzierenden Gestaltung von Arbeitszeitmodellen entwickelt werden. Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse sollen in ein simulationsunterstütztes Analyse- und Gestaltungsinstrument eingebunden werden, das es ermöglicht, im konkreten Anwendungsfall Empfehlungen für die Arbeitszeitgestaltung abzuleiten." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Labour market policy and its effects on subjective well-being and reemployment stability in Europe (2014)

    Wulfgramm, Melike;


    Wulfgramm, Melike (2014): Labour market policy and its effects on subjective well-being and reemployment stability in Europe. Bremen, 143 S.; 1,86 MB.


    "This dissertation analyses the effects of labour market policy on subjective well-being and social inclusion of the unemployed as well as employment stability once the unemployment spell is finished. In the first research stage, the treatment effect of participation in the German work creation scheme One-Euro-Jobs on life satisfaction and perceptions of social inclusion are studied using microeconometric panel methods. It is shown that active labour market policy (ALMP) measures can moderate the social exclusion of long-term unemployed and can thus foster their subjective well-being. However, ALMP cannot fully substitute the psychosocial functions of regular employment. In the second research stage, multilevel as well duration analyses show how country differences in well-being of the unemployed and their reemployment stability can be traced back to national differences in labour market policy. Especially the generosity of unemployment benefits is strongly and positively associated with reemployment stability and subjective well-being of the unemployed in Europe." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Life satisfaction and self-employment: a matching approach (2013)

    Binder, Martin; Coad, Alex ;


    Binder, Martin & Alex Coad (2013): Life satisfaction and self-employment. A matching approach. In: Small business economics, Jg. 40, H. 4, S. 1009-1033. DOI:10.1007/s11187-011-9413-9


    "Despite lower incomes, the self-employed consistently report higher satisfaction with their jobs. But are self-employed individuals also happier, more satisfied with their lives as a whole? High job satisfaction might cause them to neglect other important domains of life, such that the fulfilling job crowds out other pleasures, leaving the individual on the whole not happier than others. Moreover, self-employment is often chosen to escape unemployment, not for the associated autonomy that seems to account for the high job satisfaction. We apply matching estimators that allow us to better take into account the above-mentioned considerations and construct an appropriate control group (in terms of balanced covariates). Using the BHPS dataset that comprises a large nationally representative sample of the British populace, we find that individuals who move from regular employment into self-employment experience an increase in life satisfaction (up to 2 years later), while individuals moving from unemployment to self-employment are not more satisfied than their counterparts moving from unemployment to regular employment. We argue that these groups correspond to 'opportunity' and 'necessity' entrepreneurship, respectively. These findings are robust with regard to different measures of subjective well-being as well as choice of matching variables, and also robustness exercises involving 'simulated confounders'." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Temporary contracts and young workers' job satisfaction in Italy (2013)

    Bruno, Giovanni S. F.; Caroleo, Floro E.; Dessy, Orietta;


    Bruno, Giovanni S. F., Floro E. Caroleo & Orietta Dessy (2013): Temporary contracts and young workers' job satisfaction in Italy. (IZA discussion paper 7716), Bonn, 31 S.


    "The Italian process of flexibilization of the labour market has created a dual market populated by protected permanent employees and unprotected temporary workers. The latter comprises not only temporary employment relationships but also autonomous collaborations used by firms as low-cost de facto temporary employment relationships. Little is known about the quality of these temporary jobs, particularly widespread among young workers. We estimate a regression model of perceived overall job satisfaction of young workers, based on the ISFOL-PLUS 2006-2008-2010 panel. We control for the various temporary contracts and for perceived satisfactions in nine aspects of the job. We find that lack of job stability is the most serious cause of lower satisfaction for both temporary employees and autonomous collaborators. But while temporary employees compensate concerns of job stability with other job aspects, attaining satisfaction levels comparable to those of permanent employees, autonomous collaborators do not and are thus significantly the least satisfied." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Workplace well-being, gender and age: examining the 'Double Jeopardy' effect (2013)

    Carvalho Wilks, Daniela; Neto, Felix;


    Carvalho Wilks, Daniela & Felix Neto (2013): Workplace well-being, gender and age: examining the 'Double Jeopardy' effect. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 114, H. 3, S. 875-890. DOI:10.1007/s11205-012-0177-7


    "This study examines the effects of age and gender on work-related subjective well-being, looking at job-related affective well-being and job satisfaction. Specifically, it investigates whether older women, who may be doubly disadvantaged in being old and being women, are victims of a ''double jeopardy'' effect. Self-reported survey-data were obtained from 446 adults employed full-time. The results of this study suggest that age seems to matter more than gender in the workplace, and that aging is associated with lower job-related well-being and higher job satisfaction. Although older women reported slightly lower job-related affective well-being than men, the decrease of subjective well-being with age impacts on both genders." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitszufriedenheit von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund: eine Analyse auf Basis des Soziooekonomischen Panels (SOEP) (2013)

    Derfler, Peter; Bešić, Almina;


    Derfler, Peter & Almina Bešić (2013): Arbeitszufriedenheit von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund. Eine Analyse auf Basis des Soziooekonomischen Panels (SOEP). In: Arbeit. Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Jg. 22, H. 2, S. 134-149. DOI:10.1515/arbeit-2013-0206


    "In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir Unterschiede zwischen der Arbeitszufriedenheit von Migrant/innen und Nicht-Migrant/innen. Diese werden theoretisch durch Unterschiede bei Arbeitsplatzmerkmalen und humankapitaltheoretische Ansätze abgeleitet und anhand von Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) empirisch untersucht. In Anbetracht der unterschiedlichen Arbeitsplatzmerkmale von Migrant/innen im Vergleich zu Nicht-Migrant/innen wird eine geringere Arbeitszufriedenheit von Migrant/innen angenommen. Wir untersuchen die Auswirkungen von unterschiedlichen Faktoren auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit dieser Personengruppen. Dabei stellen wir fest, dass geringfügige Unterschiede bei der Arbeitszufriedenheit von Migrant/innen und Nicht-Migrant/innen bestehen, jedoch keine der von uns gewählten Einflussfaktoren diese Unterschiede ausreichend erklären können." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Intrinsic motivations of public sector employees: evidence for Germany (2013)

    Dur, Robert ; Zoutenbier, Robin;


    Dur, Robert & Robin Zoutenbier (2013): Intrinsic motivations of public sector employees. Evidence for Germany. (CESifo working paper 4276), München, 32 S.


    "We examine differences in altruism and laziness between public sector employees and private sector employees. Our theoretical model predicts that the likelihood of public sector employment increases with a worker's altruism, and increases or decreases with a worker's laziness depending on his altruism. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, we find that public sector employees are significantly more altruistic and lazy than observationally equivalent private sector employees. A series of robustness checks show that these patterns are stronger among higher educated workers; that the sorting of altruistic people to the public sector takes place only within the caring industries; and that the difference in altruism is already present at the start of people's career, while the difference in laziness is only present for employees with sufficiently long work experience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Life satisfaction and unemployment: the role of voluntariness and job prospects (2013)

    Hajek, Andre;


    Hajek, Andre (2013): Life satisfaction and unemployment. The role of voluntariness and job prospects. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 601), Berlin, 19 S.


    "In dieser Arbeit wird die Beziehung zwischen Lebenszufriedenheit und Arbeitslosigkeit im Längsschnitt untersucht. Die Daten dieser Publikation beruhen auf Zahlen des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin), Berlin. Es wird ein Zeitraum von 1998-2009 betrachtet. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Rolle der Freiwilligkeit und der beruflichen Perspektive für den Einfluss der Arbeitslosigkeit auf die Zufriedenheit. Zentrale Ergebnisse der Fixed-Effects-Regressionen: Im Gegensatz zu freiwilligen Ausschieden aus dem Beruf führen unfreiwillige Abgänge aus der beruflichen Tätigkeit zu einer starken Minderung der Zufriedenheit. Außerdem wirken fehlende berufliche Perspektiven nach der Beendigung einer beruflichen Tätigkeit in den geschätzten Modellen negativ auf die Zufriedenheit. Ferner führt eine Betriebsschließung, ein höchstwahrscheinlich exogenes Ereignis, zu einer signifikanten und bedeutsamen Minderung der Lebenszufriedenheit. Dies gilt in erster Linie für Männer. Die Implikationen werden diskutiert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Cross-national analysis of gender differences in job-satisfaction (2013)

    Hauret, Laetitia; Williams, Donald R.;


    Hauret, Laetitia & Donald R. Williams (2013): Cross-national analysis of gender differences in job-satisfaction. (CEPS-INSTEAD working paper 2013-27), Esch-sur-Alzette, 26 S.


    "Research over the past two decades has found significant gender differences in subjective job-satisfaction, with the result that women report greater satisfaction than men in some countries. This paper examines the so-called 'gender paradox' using data from the European Social Survey for a subset of fourteen countries in the European Union. We focus on the hypothesis that women place higher values on certain work characteristics than men, which explains the observed differential. Using estimates from Probit and ordered Probit models, we conduct standard Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions to estimate the impact that differential valuations of characteristics have on the gender difference in self-reported job satisfaction. The results indicate that females continue to report higher levels of job satisfaction than do men in some countries, and the difference remains even after controlling for a wide range of personal and job characteristics and working conditions. The decompositions suggest that a relatively small share of the gender differential is attributable to gender differences in the weights placed on working conditions in most countries. Rather, gender differences in job characteristics contribute relatively more to explaining the gender job-satisfaction differential." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    From "work-family" to "work-life": broadening our conceptualization and measurement (2013)

    Keeney, Jessica; Boyd, Elizabeth M.; Sinha, Ruchi; Ryan, Ann-Marie; Westring, Alyssa F.;


    Keeney, Jessica, Elizabeth M. Boyd, Ruchi Sinha, Alyssa F. Westring & Ann-Marie Ryan (2013): From "work-family" to "work-life". Broadening our conceptualization and measurement. In: Journal of vocational behavior, Jg. 82, H. 3, S. 221-327. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2013.01.005


    "Despite frequent reference to 'work-life' issues in the organizational literature, little theoretical or empirical attention has been paid to non-work areas beyond family. The purpose of the research described here is to move beyond work-family conflict to a broader conceptualization and measurement of work interference with life. A measure of work interference with life across eight nonwork domains and two forms of interference (strain- and time-based) was developed and tested in two studies of 1811 and 3145 university alumni from multiple organizations and diverse occupations. In Study 1 evidence for the dimensionality of this measure is presented. In Study 2 work interference with life demonstrated incremental validity above and beyond work interference with family with respect to job satisfaction, turnover intentions, life satisfaction, and mental health. The results of relative importance analyses are presented for the same outcomes. This research has implications for designing more inclusive work-life policies and practices and presents a new lens for understanding individual differences at the work-life interface." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Collective bargaining and faculty job satisfaction (2013)

    Krieg, John M.; Wassell, Charles S.; Henson, Steven E.; Hedrick, David W.;


    Krieg, John M., Charles S. Wassell, David W. Hedrick & Steven E. Henson (2013): Collective bargaining and faculty job satisfaction. In: Industrial relations, Jg. 52, H. 3, S. 619-644. DOI:10.1111/irel.12027


    "Estimates of the impact of union membership on job satisfaction suffer from nonrandom self-selection of employees into unions. In this paper, we circumvent this problem by examining the impact on satisfaction of collective bargaining representation, rather than of union membership. We use a two-stage technique that controls for nonrandom selection of faculty into institutions, and apply that to a panel of faculty at repeatedly observed four-year universities. We find that bargaining agreements increase satisfaction with compensation but reduce satisfaction with faculty workload. Bargaining has no statistically measurable impact on overall job satisfaction or on faculty's satisfaction with their authority to make decisions regarding their instructional duties." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Are migrants going up a blind alley? Economic migration and life satisfaction around the world: cross-national evidence from Europe, North America and Australia (2013)

    Olgiati, Analia; Calvo, Rocio; Berkman, Lisa;


    Olgiati, Analia, Rocio Calvo & Lisa Berkman (2013): Are migrants going up a blind alley? Economic migration and life satisfaction around the world. Cross-national evidence from Europe, North America and Australia. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 114, H. 3, S. 383-404. DOI:10.1007/s11205-012-0151-4


    "Are migrants satisfied with their decision to move to another country? research shows that the income-wellbeing relationship is weak in wealthy countries, usually countries of destination. are then economic migrants mistaken? employing data from the gallup world poll, a representative sample of the world population, we investigate whether a general pattern of association exists between income and the cognitive component of subjective wellbeing, and whether this pattern differs by immigration status in 16 high-income countries. in only a handful of countries do we find a distinctive immigrant advantage in translating income into higher life evaluation or life satisfaction: australia, belgium, the netherlands, portugal and sweden. for immigrants in most of these countries, income increases cognitive wellbeing even in the fifth income quintile. depending on the measure used, immigrants in canada, denmark, finland, italy and the us only have positive income-wellbeing associations at or below the third quintile. we take this as evidence that, among recent arrivals, income is positively associated with wellbeing up to the point in which non-pecuniary factors associated with long-term residence become dominant. we also find a number of 'frustrated achievers' among the foreign born in the us, france and finland. these immigrants report a negative association, in absolute value, between income and life satisfaction or life evaluation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    How German employees of different ages conserve resources: perceived age discrimination and affective organizational commitment (2013)

    Rabl, Tanja; Triana, María del Carmen;


    Rabl, Tanja & María del Carmen Triana (2013): How German employees of different ages conserve resources. Perceived age discrimination and affective organizational commitment. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Jg. 24, H. 19, S. 3599-3612. DOI:10.1080/09585192.2013.777936


    "The literature claims that perceived age discrimination functions as a stressor. Using conservation of resources theory, this paper examines the moderating effect of employees' age on the relationship between employees' perceived age discrimination and affective organizational commitment. We collected survey data from 1255 German employees. Results show a negative relationship between perceived age discrimination and affective organizational commitment. This relationship was stronger for older employees than for younger employees. Older employees appear to be more vulnerable to the stressor of perceived age discrimination and more motivated to conserve resources by reducing their affective organizational commitment than their younger colleagues. These findings have important implications for organizations' retention management in times of demographic change" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Expectations and experiences of young employees: the case of German nonprofits (2013)

    Walk, Marlene; Schinnenburg, Heike; Handy, Femida;


    Walk, Marlene, Femida Handy & Heike Schinnenburg (2013): Expectations and experiences of young employees. The case of German nonprofits. In: Administration in Social Work, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 133-146. DOI:10.1080/03643107.2012.667658


    "Nonprofits rely heavily on their employees, and employee performance depends on job satisfaction. Using qualitative research methods, this article examines employee expectations, work experiences, and job satisfaction in German nonprofits. Expectations do not match the workplace reality, and this gap leads to job dissatisfaction. Ways to ameliorate this are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    I can't get no job satisfaction: Meta-analysis comparing permanent and contingent workers (2013)

    Wilkin, Christa L.;


    Wilkin, Christa L. (2013): I can't get no job satisfaction: Meta-analysis comparing permanent and contingent workers. In: Journal of organizational behavior, Jg. 34, H. 1, S. 47-64. DOI:10.1002/job.1790


    "Scholars are concerned that contingent workers experience more adverse psychological job outcomes than permanent employees, but the empirical work on job satisfaction is mixed. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively summarize the potential mean differences in job satisfaction between contingent workers and permanent employees. Meta-analytic results from 72 primary studies (N=237,856) suggest that compared with permanent employees, contingent workers experience lower job satisfaction (d=-0.21); but when outlying primary studies are removed, the mean difference is small but significant (d=-0.06). Methodological artifacts explain small but significant differences in job satisfaction but do not account for much variance. Moderator analyses support previous findings that contingent workers are not a homogeneous group; some contingent workers (e.g., agency workers) experience lower job satisfaction than permanent employees, whereas the job satisfaction of other contingent workers (e.g., contractors) is similar to permanent employees. The findings have implications for increasing our understanding of job satisfaction by showing that job satisfaction appears to vary by employment type. Practical implications suggest that extending human resource practices to contingent workers may increase their job satisfaction, which has been shown to influence job performance, citizenship behaviors, and turnover." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Health-impaired employees' job satisfaction: new evidence from Athens, Greece (2012)

    Drydakis, Nick ;


    Drydakis, Nick (2012): Health-impaired employees' job satisfaction. New evidence from Athens, Greece. In: Applied Economics Letters, Jg. 19, H. 8, S. 789-793. DOI:10.1080/13504851.2011.605346


    "This study by utilizing the 2008 Athens Area Study (AAS) data set investigates four aspects of job satisfaction - total pay, promotion prospects, respect received from one's supervisor and total job satisfaction - between healthy and heath-impaired employees. Health-impaired employees are found to be less satisfied according to all job satisfaction measures even when a large number of productivity features and job characteristics are controlled for. The outcomes also suggest that women are more satisfied with their jobs than men are, regardless of health status. Moreover, the estimations show that health-impaired employees' job satisfaction is affected more than healthy employees' job satisfaction by adverse mental health symptoms (life dissatisfaction). Finally, health-impaired employees are found to become more satisfied with their jobs with time after disability onset. This study concludes that health-impaired employees may have higher expectations about what they will obtain from their work, as well as they may have job satisfaction adjustments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von jungen Beschäftigten: vierte Sonderauswertung zum DGB-Index Gute Arbeit. Schwerpunkte: Stress, Überstunden, Arbeitsintensität. Studie (2012)

    Gerdes, Johann; Heyser, Jessica;


    Gerdes, Johann (2012): Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von jungen Beschäftigten. Vierte Sonderauswertung zum DGB-Index Gute Arbeit. Schwerpunkte: Stress, Überstunden, Arbeitsintensität. Studie. 39 S.


    "Weil die Wirkungen von Arbeit so weitreichend sind, hat die DGB-Index GmbH eine bundesweite Repräsentativumfrage über die Entwicklung der Arbeitsbedingungen aus Sicht der Beschäftigten in Deutschland in Auftrag gegeben. Die Befragung wurde 2011 vom Umfragezentrum Bonn (uzbonn) durchgeführt und fachlich vom Internationalen Institut für Empirische Sozialökonomie (INIFES) begleitet. Die Gesamtstichprobe umfasste 6.083 Personen, darunter 1.238 abhängig Beschäftigte unter 35 Jahren. Der vorliegende Bericht wertet nur die Ergebnisse für diese 'jungen abhängig Beschäftigten unter 35 Jahren ' aus. Ältere Beschäftigte, die 35 Jahre und älter sind sowie Auszubildende finden nur punktuell als Vergleichsgruppen Berücksichtigung. Befragt wurden Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer aus allen Branchen, Einkommens- und Altersgruppen, Regionen, Betriebsgrößen, Wirtschaftszweigen und Beschäftigungsformen, gewerkschaftlich Organisierte wie Nicht-Mitglieder. Das vorliegende Ergebnis ist repräsentativ für das Urteil der Beschäftigten über ihre Arbeitsbedingungen in Deutschland. Nach der Gewichtung der Daten sind 26,1% der Befragten 'junge abhängig Beschäftigte unter 35 Jahren'. Mit der Befragung wurde die Arbeitsqualität aus der Sicht von abhängig Beschäftigten ermittelt. Diese Arbeitsqualität setzt sich immer aus verschiedenen Dimensionen zusammen. Aus den in der Befragung beleuchteten insgesamt 11 Dimensionen soll im folgenden Bericht der Fokus auf die Faktoren Arbeitszeit, Arbeitshetze und zeitliche Beanspruchung durch Arbeit gelegt werden. Außerdem wird durch die Zusammenfassung der Einzelbewertungen eine Übersicht über die Gesamtbeurteilung ausgewählter Dimensionen vorgestellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Geschlechtsspezifisches Arbeitsmarktverhalten, Verdienste und Wohlbefinden im Familienkontext (2012)

    Heineck, Guido ; Möller, Joachim;


    Heineck, Guido & Joachim Möller (2012): Geschlechtsspezifisches Arbeitsmarktverhalten, Verdienste und Wohlbefinden im Familienkontext. In: H. Bertram & M. Bujard (Hrsg.) (2012): Zeit, Geld, Infrastruktur - zur Zukunft der Familienpolitik (Soziale Welt. Sonderband, 19), S. 209-230, 2011-04-28.


    "Zunächst analysieren wir auf Grundlage eines großen Mikrodatensatzes, der Stichprobe der Integrierten Erwerbsbiographien (SIAB), geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in Beschäftigungsformen, Arbeitszeiten und in Verdiensten im längerfristigen Vergleich. Danach wenden wir uns den ökonomischen Auswirkungen von familienbedingten Erwerbsunterbrechungen zu und führen hierzu eine Kohortenanalyse durch. Im Anschluss daran untersuchen wir auf Grundlage des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP), inwieweit individuelle Arbeitszeitformen, -präferenzen sowie Flexibilitätsmaße mit Job- und Lebenszufriedenheit von (Ehe-)Partnern mit Kindern zusammenhängen." (Textauszug, IAB-Doku)

    Beteiligte aus dem IAB

    Möller, Joachim;
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    The importance of job training to job satisfaction of older workers (2012)

    Leppel, Karen; Brucker, Eric; Cochran, Jeremy;


    Leppel, Karen, Eric Brucker & Jeremy Cochran (2012): The importance of job training to job satisfaction of older workers. In: Journal of Aging and Social Policy, Jg. 24, H. 1, S. 62-76. DOI:10.1080/08959420.2012.629136


    "If job training has positive impacts on worker satisfaction, then job training can have desirable consequences for an organization that result both directly through its effects on productivity and indirectly through its effects on job satisfaction. Furthermore, the aging of the workforce implies that older workers will become increasingly important to firms and to the economy. This study, therefore, seeks to examine the relationship between job training and job satisfaction, focusing in particular on U.S. workers born in 1964 or earlier. The results of ordered logit regression analysis indicate that availability and quality of training received directly affect job satisfaction." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Female entrepreneurship and the management of business and domestic roles: motivations, expectations and realities (2012)

    MacGowan, Pauric; Redeker, Caroline Lewis; Cooper, Sarah Y.; Greenan, Kate;


    MacGowan, Pauric, Caroline Lewis Redeker, Sarah Y. Cooper & Kate Greenan (2012): Female entrepreneurship and the management of business and domestic roles. Motivations, expectations and realities. In: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Jg. 24, H. 1/2, S. 53-72. DOI:10.1080/08985626.2012.637351


    "Whilst some women are motivated to establish entrepreneurial ventures by factors which are similar to those of their male counterparts (including a desire for independence and financial gain), unlike the majority of men, a sizeable number choose entrepreneurship to balance work responsibilities and earning potential with domestic/familial commitments. Despite growing numbers of women citing flexibility and childcare obligations as strong motivations for starting a business relatively little attention has been paid to exploring their motivations, expectations and actual experiences of entrepreneurship, and the extent to which entrepreneurship really offers an improved work/family 'balance'. This paper presents findings of exploratory, qualitative research conducted in Northern Ireland, which focused upon the entrepreneurial journeys of 14 women as they established and managed their ventures, whilst balancing domestic/familial demands. Drawing upon information-rich evidence from in-depth interviews, insights are presented into their motivations and expectations of what entrepreneurship would offer, and the realities of their experience." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Occupational stress, mental health and satisfaction in the Canadian multicultural workplace (2012)

    Pasca, Romana; Wagner, Shannon L.;


    Pasca, Romana & Shannon L. Wagner (2012): Occupational stress, mental health and satisfaction in the Canadian multicultural workplace. In: Social indicators research, Jg. 109, H. 3, S. 377-393. DOI:10.1007/s11205-011-9907-5


    "Workplaces are becoming increasingly multicultural and therefore, include a large variety of employees from more than one ethnicity, nationality, religious and/or cultural background. In the context of this new global economy, Canadian workplace structure and composition has also permanently changed. Consequently, the primary purpose of this project was to explore occupational stress, mental health and satisfaction (life, job, relationship) as experienced by immigrant individuals attempting to achieve integration into Canadian workplaces. In order to address this research aim, responses of Canadian born participants (N = 42) were compared to those of non-Canadian born participants (N = 42) with respect to a series of questionnaires addressing the variables of interest. Our results suggested that, with the exception of self-reported symptoms of somatization and paranoia, non-Canadian born workers in the fields of education, healthcare and/or social work report more similarities than differences when compared to the responses of Canadian born workers. In general, the findings of this study suggested positive outcomes for non-Canadian born professionals who immigrate into Canada under the economic category." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Ageing and work motivation: a task-level perspective (2012)

    Stamov-Roßnagel, Christian; Biemann, Torsten;


    Stamov-Roßnagel, Christian & Torsten Biemann (2012): Ageing and work motivation. A task-level perspective. In: Journal of Managerial Psychology, Jg. 27, H. 5, S. 459-478. DOI:10.1108/02683941211235382


    "Purpose - The paper aims to establish the position that discrete work tasks, rather than entire jobs, are the most useful level of analysis of age differences in work motivation.
    Design/methodology/approach - A total of 189 workers (aged 18-65 years) from production and office jobs in the building industry completed a survey on personal and job resources, overall and task-specific motivation, and job satisfaction.
    Findings - Age was positively associated with motivation for generativity-related, but not growth-related tasks. Personal and job resources were positively and differentially related to task-specific motivation.
    Research limitations/implications - Building on the notion of age-specific constellations of high and low-motivation tasks, the findings inspire research into age-related changes in work motivation. The authors studied only two task types; a more comprehensive task set will in future studies yield deeper insights into motivational regulation. Working with other industry sectors will enhance generalisability.
    Practical implications - The results contribute to a theory-based, empirically grounded platform to assess age-related changes in work motivation, and to derive age-differentiated motivational interventions.
    Social implications - Supporting older workers' motivation in light of the demand for longer individual work lives is becoming an important agenda for employers and policy makers. This research contributes to developing tools for such motivation support.
    Originality/value - The paper enhances the conceptual clarity of work motivation research by distinguishing global and task-specific levels of motivation. The conceptualisation differentiates job design approaches by considering age-related changes at multiple levels instead of focusing on major age effects only." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Arbeitszufriedenheit in marktförmigen Beschäftigungssystemen: eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel von Freelancern (2012)

    Süß, Stefan; Haarhaus, Benjamin;


    Süß, Stefan & Benjamin Haarhaus (2012): Arbeitszufriedenheit in marktförmigen Beschäftigungssystemen. Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel von Freelancern. In: Industrielle Beziehungen, Jg. 19, H. 1, S. 31-55. DOI:10.1688/1862-0035_IndB_2012_01_Suess


    "Im Zuge einer weitreichenden Flexibilisierung des deutschen Arbeitsmarkts verliert stabile, langfristige Beschäftigung (geschlossene Beschäftigungssysteme) zu Gunsten flexibler, atypischer Beschäftigung (offene bzw. marktförmige Beschäftigungssysteme) zunehmend an Bedeutung. Insbesondere verzeichnet das Freelancing, das als Prototyp marktförmiger Beschäftigung gelten kann, eine starke Zunahme. Obwohl die Charakteristika verschiedener betrieblicher Beschäftigungssysteme verschiedene Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit der Beschäftigten vermuten lassen, ist dieses Feld bislang weitgehend unerforscht. Aus diesem Grund wurde auf Basis des Zürcher Modells untersucht, ob sich für Freelancer und Festangestellte verschiedener Einkommensklassen unterschiedliche Arbeitszufriedenheitstypen ermitteln lassen. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Unterscheidung zwischen hohem und niedrigem Einkommen insbesondere für die Arbeitszufriedenheit in marktförmigen Systemen von großer Relevanz ist." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Continuous training, job satisfaction and gender: an empirical analysis using German panel data (2011)

    Burgard, Claudia; Görlitz, Katja;


    Burgard, Claudia & Katja Görlitz (2011): Continuous training, job satisfaction and gender. An empirical analysis using German panel data. (SOEPpapers on multidisciplinary panel data research at DIW Berlin 394), Berlin, 22 S.


    "Auf Basis des Sozio-Ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) untersucht dieses Papier den Zusammenhang zwischen Weiterbildungsteilnahme und Jobzufriedenheit, wobei insbesondere auf Geschlechterunterschiede eingegangen wird. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Korrelation zwischen Weiterbildung und Jobzufriedenheit bei Männern signifikant positiv ist und bei Frauen insignifikant, wobei für sozio-demographische, job- und firmenspezifische Charakteristika kontrolliert wird. Nach Berücksichtigung individueller fixer Effekte wird dieser Unterschied zwischen den Geschlechtern stärker. Desweiteren werden Kurscharakteristika analysiert, um Ursachen für den Unterschied zwischen Männern und Frauen zu identifizieren. Unseren Ergebnissen zufolge spielen finanzielle Unterstützung sowie Karriereorientiertheit von Kursen lediglich für die Jobzufriedenheit von Männern eine Rolle, nicht jedoch für die von Frauen." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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