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Trotz eines Rückgangs ist die EU-Jugendarbeitslosenquote nach wie vor sehr hoch. Laut EU-Kommission sind derzeit 4,5 Millionen junge Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren) arbeitslos. Einem großen Teil dieser Generation droht durch fehlende Zukunftsperspektiven soziale Ausgrenzung mit weitreichenden Folgen. Mit Maßnahmen wie der Europäischen Ausbildungsallianz und Jugendgarantien der Länder soll entgegengesteuert werden.
Diese Infoplattform bietet einen Einblick in die Literatur zu den Determinanten von und Strategien gegen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit auf nationaler wie internationaler Ebene.

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  • Literaturhinweis

    Lebenssituation und Perspektiven junger Menschen ohne festen Wohnsitz: Ergebnisse und Reflexion einer quantitativen Studie (2021)

    Beierle, Sarah; Hoch, Carolin;


    Beierle, Sarah & Carolin Hoch (2021): Lebenssituation und Perspektiven junger Menschen ohne festen Wohnsitz. Ergebnisse und Reflexion einer quantitativen Studie. In: Soziale Passagen, Jg. 13, H. 2, S. 315-331. DOI:10.1007/s12592-021-00391-4


    "Der Beitrag stellt zentrale Ergebnisse einer Befragung vor, in der versucht wurde, die Lebenssituation von wohnungslosen oder obdachlosen Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in drei deutschen Großstädten quantitativ zu erheben. Die Wohnsituation von „Straßenjugendlichen“ scheint dadurch, dass viele Betroffene zwischenzeitlich immer wieder bei Freunden oder Bekannten unterkommen, in erheblichem Maße durch Wohnungslosigkeit geprägt. Das Durchschnittsalter des Eintritts in eine Straßenkarriere liegt bei 16 bis 17 Jahren. Die befragten Jugendlichen sind von multiplen, insbesondere familiären Problemlagen betroffen, geben an, nicht freiwillig ohne festen Wohnsitz zu sein und sind mit ihrer Lebenssituation überwiegend unzufrieden. Dennoch sehen sie optimistisch in die Zukunft und glauben, mittelfristig ihre Wohnungs- bzw. Obdachlosigkeit überwinden zu können. Die Daten weisen außerdem darauf hin, dass junge volljährige Menschen ohne festen Wohnsitz vorwiegend mit dem Jobcenter in Kontakt stehen und das Jugendamt nicht mehr als relevantes Hilfesystem in Erscheinung tritt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Springer-Verlag)

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    Die jugendgerechte Ausgestaltung der Jugendberufsagenturen (2021)

    Beierling, Birgit;


    Beierling, Birgit (2021): Die jugendgerechte Ausgestaltung der Jugendberufsagenturen. In: Archiv für Wissenschaft und Praxis der sozialen Arbeit, Jg. 52, H. 2, S. 64-71.


    "In diesem Beitrag wird die jugendgerechte Ausgestaltung von Jugendberufsagenturen anhand folgender Aspekte diskutiert: Zum einen geht es um die Frage, ob die Jugendberufsagenturen mit ihren Angeboten die jungen Menschen überhaupt erreichen, zum anderen werden die jugendgerechte Ausgestaltung der Beratung und Förderung sowie die Möglichkeit, Jugendliche in Jugendberufsagenturen zu beteiligen, erörtert." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku, © Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e.V.)

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    Lost in Recession: Youth Employment and Earnings in Spain (2021)

    Bentolila, Samuel; Jimeno, Juan F.; Felgueroso, Florentino; Jansen, Marcel;


    Bentolila, Samuel, Florentino Felgueroso, Marcel Jansen & Juan F. Jimeno (2021): Lost in Recession: Youth Employment and Earnings in Spain. (Estudios sobre la Economía Española / Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada 2021-12), Madrid, 32 S.


    "Young workers in Spain face the unprecedented impact of the Great Recession and the Covid-19 crisis in short sequence. Moreover, they have also experienced a deterioration in their employment and earnings over the last three decades. In this paper we document this evolution and adopt a longitudinal approach to show that employment and earnings losses suffered by young workers during recessions are not made up in the subsequent expansions. We also estimate the size of the scarring effects of entering the job market in a recession for college-educated workers during their first decade in the labor market. Our empirical estimates indicate that, while there is some evidence of scarring effects, the driving force is a trend worsening of youth labor market outcomes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Long-term NEET among young adults with experience of out-of-home care: A comparative study of three Nordic countries (2021)

    Berlin, Marie; Brännström, Lars; Kääriälä, Antti; Andersson, Gunnar; Lausten, Mette;


    Berlin, Marie, Antti Kääriälä, Mette Lausten, Gunnar Andersson & Lars Brännström (2021): Long-term NEET among young adults with experience of out-of-home care: A comparative study of three Nordic countries. In: International Journal of Social Welfare, Jg. 30, H. 3, S. 266-279. DOI:10.1111/ijsw.12463


    "Previous research suggests that young adults from out-of-home care (OHC) are at high risk of low education and unemployment. However, there are no studies on their risk of long-term NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). This study compared the risk of NEET at age 21–23 among OHC youth across Denmark, Finland and Sweden, using register data for an entire birth cohort born in 1987. The Nordic countries share many features, but there are differences in the provision of after-care support and in the linkage between the educational system and the labour market. The results show that about a fourth in Denmark and Sweden and a third in Finland were NEET, suggesting that the welfare systems were not able to compensate for the OHC youth’s childhood disadvantages. To a significant extent, the excess risk of NEET was attributed to poor school performance. Implications for research, policy and practice are discussed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Youth employment trajectories and labour market reforms during the Great Recession in Europe (2021)

    Berloffa, Gabriella; Şandor, Alina; Villa, Paola; Smith, Mark;


    Berloffa, Gabriella, Alina Şandor, Mark Smith & Paola Villa (2021): Youth employment trajectories and labour market reforms during the Great Recession in Europe. In: SINAPPSI, Jg. 11, H. 1, S. 8-21.


    "The Great Recession had profound consequences for the quantity and quality of work for young people in European countries. Usual labour market indicators capture only some crisis effects, highlighting the need for a more dynamic and nuanced approach. As a result, this paper adopts an innovative approach to both the analysis of the integration of young adults (aged 17-34) on to the labour market and the study of the relationship between the labour market performance and policy making." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The relevance of public employment services for the labour market integration of low-qualified young people – a cross-European perspective (2021)

    Broschinski, Sven ; Assmann, Marie-Luise;


    Broschinski, Sven & Marie-Luise Assmann (2021): The relevance of public employment services for the labour market integration of low-qualified young people – a cross-European perspective. In: European Societies, Jg. 23, H. 1, S. 46-70. DOI:10.1080/14616696.2020.1764998


    "In the wake of the Great Recession, youth labour market integration has become a central issue in both national as well as EU policy, e.g. in connection with the European Youth Guarantee. In this context, public employment services (PES) are considered central actors in promoting youth labour market integration. However, since international comparative analyses are scarce and the role of institutions and policies is thus rarely explicated, it is still an open empirical question whether and in which context PES can fulfil such a key role. Therefore, we analyse two questions based on the EU-LFS 2016 ad-hoc module: (i) How relevant is PES support to young people with different educational levels in finding a job? (ii) How do differences in the educational system and in labour market policies shape the relevance of PES support across Europe? This study illustrates that in countries with highly stratified, standardised and vocational-specific educational systems the relevance of PES is comparatively high in particular for the low-qualified. Thus, those countries have good reasons to strengthen PES to support the most disadvantaged and to combat labour market inequalities." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The difficult school-to-work transition of high school dropouts: evidence from a field experiment (2021)

    Cahuc, Pierre ; Minea, Andreea; Carcillo, Stéphane ;


    Cahuc, Pierre, Stéphane Carcillo & Andreea Minea (2021): The difficult school-to-work transition of high school dropouts. Evidence from a field experiment. In: The Journal of Human Resources, Jg. 56, H. 1, S. 159-183. DOI:10.3368/jhr.56.1.0617-8894R2


    "This paper investigates the effects of the labor market experience of high school dropouts four years after leaving school by sending fictitious résumés to real job postings in France. Compared to those who have stayed unemployed since leaving school, the callback rate is not raised for those with employment experience, whether it is subsidized or non-subsidized, if there is no training accompanied by skill certification. We find no stigma effect associated with subsidized work experience. Moreover, training accompanied by skill certification improves youth prospects only when the local unemployment rate is sufficiently low, which occurs in one fifth of the commuting zones only." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, © the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System) ((en))

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    Territorial disparities in youth labour market chances in Europe (2021)

    Cefalo, Ruggero ; Scandurra, Rosario ;


    Cefalo, Ruggero & Rosario Scandurra (2021): Territorial disparities in youth labour market chances in Europe. In: Regional Studies, Regional Science, Jg. 8, H. 1, S. 228-238. DOI:10.1080/21681376.2021.1925580


    "Comparative research on youth employment has mostly focused on differences between countries or regimes of youth transitions. The territorial differentiation below country level has been less explored, notwithstanding the potential impact on youth-life chances and the territorial cohesion of the European Union. This paper aims at deepening into the investigation of regional variations in patterns of youth labour market chances. To do this, we build on a composite indicator measuring regional youth labour market integration (YLMI) as a comprehensive measure of contextual fragilities (or strengths) of regional youth labour markets. We provide both comparative and longitudinal views over 15 years (2004–18). Furthermore, we explore the impact of contextual factors related to economic conditions, labour market and demographic trends on the regional patterns of youth integration in the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    The Wounds That Do Not Heal: The Lifetime Scar of Youth Unemployment (2021)

    De Fraja, Gianni; Lemos, Sara; Rockey, James;


    De Fraja, Gianni, Sara Lemos & James Rockey (2021): The Wounds That Do Not Heal: The Lifetime Scar of Youth Unemployment. In: Economica, Jg. 88, H. 352, S. 896-941. DOI:10.1111/ecca.12384


    "This paper uses UK administrative data to study the long-term effects of unemployment on earnings. It is the first paper to pinpoint accurately the relative importance of the timing of employment shocks within workers’ lives. We find a strong effect of events in the first few years after entry into the labour market: each month of unemployment between ages 18 and 20 causes a permanent income loss of 1.2% per year. This scar effect of youth unemployment is lower when it happens when the worker's age is between 21 and 23, and it disappears altogether in the next three-year age period. The scar effect is most severe for individuals at the lower end of the ability distribution." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku, Published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons) ((en))

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    Youth unemployment in Germany and the United Kingdom in times of Covid-19 (Series "Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis") (2021)

    Dietrich, Hans ; Patzina, Alexander ; Achatz, Juliane; Anger, Silke ; Henseke, Golo ; Christoph, Bernhard ;


    Dietrich, Hans, Golo Henseke, Juliane Achatz, Silke Anger, Bernhard Christoph & Alexander Patzina (2021): Youth unemployment in Germany and the United Kingdom in times of Covid-19 (Series "Tracking youth joblessness during the Covid-19 crisis"). In: IAB-Forum H. 04.08.2021 Nürnberg, o. Sz., 2021-07-30.


    "Despite economic and institutional differences, youth unemployment figures in Germany and the United Kingdom rose during the Covid-19 pandemic and reached a peak in August 2020. Since then they have tended to decrease in both countries. Three aspects are important in this regard: the total number of unemployed youth, the inflow pattern of young people into unemployment, and the duration of their unemployment spells. The analysis of the two countries’ youth unemployment is embedded in a broader European perspective." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Young People between Education and the Labour Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy (2021)

    Fiaschi, Davide ; Tealdi, Cristina ;


    Fiaschi, Davide & Cristina Tealdi (2021): Young People between Education and the Labour Market during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. (IZA discussion paper 14479), Bonn, 16 S.


    "We analyse the distribution and the flows between different types of employment (self-employment, temporary, and permanent), unemployment, education, and other types of inactivity, with particular focus on the duration of the school-to-work transition (STWT). The aim is to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy on the careers of individuals aged 15-34. We find that the pandemic worsened an already concerning situation of higher unemployment and inactivity rates and significantly longer STWT duration compared to other EU countries, particularly for females and residents in the South of Italy. In the midst of the pandemic, individuals aged 20-29 were less in (permanent and temporary) employment and more in the NLFET (Neither in the Labour Force nor in Education or Training) state, particularly females and non Italian citizens. We also provide evidence of an increased propensity to return to schooling, but most importantly of a substantial prolongation of the STWT duration towards permanent employment, mostly for males and non Italian citizens. Our contribution lies in providing a rigorous estimation and analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the carriers of young individuals in Italy, which has not yet been explored in the literature." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Resilience to the Financial Crisis in EU Countries: A Comparative Analysis of NEET Youths in a Longitudinal Perspective (2021)

    Filandri, Marianna ; Pacelli, Lia; Trentini, Francesco;


    Filandri, Marianna, Lia Pacelli & Francesco Trentini (2021): Resilience to the Financial Crisis in EU Countries: A Comparative Analysis of NEET Youths in a Longitudinal Perspective. (Working paper series / Dipartimento economia e statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" 2021,22), Torino, 28 S.


    "In recent years the number of young individuals not in employment, education nor training has been rising alarmingly. This condition may have long-lasting social and economic consequences and the ability to profile the most resilient types gives important information on more effective interventions for the most fragile ones. We analyse the trajectories of young Europeans in and out of the NEET condition in the decade following the financial crisis. We link the trajectories to pre-crisis structural features of selected institutions at the country level as well as to pre-crisis economic growth, institutions and policies often mentioned as able to facilitate the employment of young people. We take advantage of the longitudinal nature of the EU-SILC rotating panel to identify specific patterns in and out of the NEET condition, and we estimate a multilevel model to assess the impact of macrovariables on individual trajectories. Main results point to the positive effect of family support policies, training and of economic growth in deceasing the probability of being NEET for a very long period of time. Less so regarding the probability of churning in and out of NEET." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Evaluation der Jugendberufsagenturen in Schleswig-Holstein: Abschlussbericht (2021)

    Green, Susanne; Holthusen, Lorenz; Kestner, Sylvia; Wittig, Wolfgang; Kiepenheuer-Drechsler, Barbara;


    Green, Susanne, Lorenz Holthusen, Sylvia Kestner & Wolfgang Wittig (2021): Evaluation der Jugendberufsagenturen in Schleswig-Holstein. Abschlussbericht. Berlin, IV, 171 S.


    "Im Auftrag des Landes Schleswig-Holstein evaluierte das Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb) zwischen Mai und November 2019 acht Jugendberufsagenturen. Der Fokus lag auf dem standortbezogenen Umsetzungsstand in Bezug auf die eigenen sowie die landesweiten Zielsetzungen. Dabei standen Fragen im Fokus, die sich den Themenfeldern „Zusammenarbeit mit dem jungen Menschen“, „Möglichkeiten zur individuellen und beruflichen Orientierung“ und „Wirkungen der Jugendberufsagenturen auf die Zielgruppe“ zuordnen lassen. Die Analyse umfasste Dokumente, Einzelinterviews mit den Koordinator*innen und Gruppeninterviews mit Expert*innen der jeweiligen Kooperationspartner sowie eine Online-Befragung von Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden aus den Standorten sowie von Wirtschaftspartnern. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich eine hohe regionale Ausgestaltungsoffenheit, die sich an bereits bestehender Vernetzung, der Standortnähe zu Partnern und zur Zielgruppe, aber auch an vorhandenen Räumlichkeiten, materiellen und personellen Ressourcen sowie Verkehrsanbindungen orientiert. Zudem wird der prozessuale Charakter von Jugendberufsagenturen als „lernendes System“ herausgestellt. Die Einbindung und Qualifizierung des Personals spielt eine wesentliche Rolle, um die Akzeptanz und Wahrnehmung des Mehrwerts der JBA zu fördern. Bei der Frage nach den Wirkungen werden die jeweils vorgesehenen Indikatoren auf ihre Validität und Aussagekraft hin geprüft und kritisch kommentiert. Der Bericht enthält Hinweise zu den daraus ableitbaren Erkenntnissen zur Wirkung der Jugendberufsagenturen auf die Zielgruppe. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen zu den Themenfeldern werden Handlungsempfehlungen abgeleitet, um dem Auf- und Ausbau von Jugendberufsagenturen vor Ort weitere Impulse zu geben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Classed and gendered transitions in youth activation: The case of Finnish youth employment services (2021)

    Haikkola, Lotta ;


    Haikkola, Lotta (2021): Classed and gendered transitions in youth activation. The case of Finnish youth employment services. In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 24, H. 2, S. 250-266. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2020.1715358


    "This article examines the role of youth activation in reproducing classed and gendered youth transitions. A large body of research on transitions examines how structural conditions continue to pattern youth transitions in the context of detraditionalization and individualisation. What is often missing from these analyses, is the role of institutional actors and youth policies. Based on a multi-sited ethnographic research in employment services in Helsinki, Finland, this article explores the role of youth activation and welfare conditionality in NEET young people's transitions. Youth activation refers to a complex mix of employment services, prevention of social exclusion, active labour market policies and welfare conditionality. The article shows how the seemingly supportive practices provided by youth employment services channel young people to a limited number of occupational tracks at the lower end of the labour market in a gendered manner. This channelling is institutionalised in the services' organisational structures and practices, and strengthened by welfare conditionality. The consequence is a powerful institutional pattern that structures and restricts youths? transition paths." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Keiner darf verloren gehen" - neue Chancen in Coronazeiten: Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Jugendberufsagentur Rostock (2021)

    Heilmann, Sven;


    Heilmann, Sven (2021): Keiner darf verloren gehen" - neue Chancen in Coronazeiten. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Jugendberufsagentur Rostock. In: Nachrichtendienst des Deutschen Vereins für öffentliche und private Fürsorge, Jg. 101, H. 2, S. 83-85.


    "Mit dem Begriff der Coronapandemie im März 2020 entstand in der Rostocker Jugendberufsagentur, dem Jugendhaus Rostock, eine völlig neue Herausforderung für die Beratung unter einem Dach - nicht nur für die Kund/innen, sondern auch für die Mitarbeiter/innen. Für die Betreuung der Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen mussten schnell neue Wege gefunden werden, damit keine "Generation Corona" entsteht." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Evaluierung der Jugendberufsagentur Berlin: Abschlussbericht (01.08.2020 - 31.12.2020) : Drucksache 18/3645 v. 26.04.2021 (2021)

    Kestner, Sylvia; Kiepenheuer-Drechsler, Barbara;


    Kestner, Sylvia & Barbara Kiepenheuer-Drechsler (2021): Evaluierung der Jugendberufsagentur Berlin. Abschlussbericht (01.08.2020 - 31.12.2020) : Drucksache 18/3645 v. 26.04.2021. Berlin, 71 S.


    "Wie wird die Jugendberufsagentur Berlin in den zwölf regionalen Standorten umgesetzt? Welche Entwicklungsprozesse wurden seit 2016 angestoßen und welche Aspekte haben sich in der neuartigen rechtskreisübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit bewährt? Und vor allem: Wie nehmen die jungen Ratsuchenden das Beratungsangebot der JBA Berlin wahr? Dies sind nur einige der Fragestellungen, die im Rahmen der begleitenden Evaluation der JBA Berlin vom 1. Juni 2016 bis zum 31. Dezember 2020 zu beantworten waren. Der Abschlussbericht der begleitenden Evaluation ergänzt zum Stichtag 31.12.2020 vor allem die Erhebungen zur Perspektive der jungen Menschen. Erste Ergebnisse konnten bereits im dritten Zwischenbericht präsentiert werden. Mit Blick auf den langen Evaluationszeitraum werden mit diesem Bericht aber auch eine Einordnung der stattgefundenen Entwicklungen vorgenommen und abschließend Weiterentwicklungspotenziale im Kontext einer rechtskreisübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit aufgezeigt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    The Temporality of Being NEET: A Longitudinal Study of NEET Occurrences among Young Adults in Denmark (2021)

    Kleif, Helle Bendix ;


    Kleif, Helle Bendix (2021): The Temporality of Being NEET: A Longitudinal Study of NEET Occurrences among Young Adults in Denmark. In: Young. Nordic Journal of Youth Research, Jg. 29, H. 3, S. 217-235. DOI:10.1177/1103308820945098


    "The NEET concept has become standard vocabulary when addressing youth disengagement. Across countries, the definition is used to measure young adults at risk of social exclusion. Using sequence and clustering analyses on unique Danish register data, this article presents a longitudinal study of the temporal developments of NEET occurrences. This enables a critical assessment of the quality of the NEET concept as a proxy for measuring young adults at risk of social exclusion. The article demonstrates how four out of five young adults labelled NEET cannot be characterized as being at risk of social exclusion. Using quantitative analyses, the results confirm the criticism of the NEET concept in some of the qualitative literature and find that there is a need to discuss the applicability of the concept nationally to define who is at risk, as well as in cross-national comparisons of young adults not in employment, education or training." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Jugendliche aus Förderschulen mit Schwerpunkt "Lernen": Schwieriger Übergang in Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt (2021)

    Menze, Laura ; Anger, Silke ; Pollak, Reinhard ; Solga, Heike ; Sandner, Malte ;


    Menze, Laura, Malte Sandner, Silke Anger, Reinhard Pollak & Heike Solga (2021): Jugendliche aus Förderschulen mit Schwerpunkt "Lernen": Schwieriger Übergang in Ausbildung und Arbeitsmarkt. (IAB-Kurzbericht 22/2021), Nürnberg, 12 S.


    "In Deutschland wird ein vergleichsweise hoher Anteil der Schülerinnen und Schüler mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf an separaten Förderschulen unterrichtet. Dort erreichen die jungen Menschen häufig keinen Schulabschluss und gehören damit zu einer am Arbeitsmarkt vulnerablen Gruppe. Deshalb wird in dem Kurzbericht untersucht, ob und wie diesen Jugendlichen der Zugang in Ausbildung und zum Arbeitsmarkt gelingt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: Jugendliche von Förderschulen mit dem Schwerpunkt „Lernen“ finden seltener Zugang zu einer Ausbildung und erwerben bis zum Alter von 20 Jahren seltener einen Ausbildungsabschluss als Jugendliche von Regelschulen, selbst wenn sie einen vergleichbaren Schulabschluss haben." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku)

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    Anger, Silke ; Sandner, Malte ;
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    Neither studying nor working: free time as a solution? (2021)

    Moreno-Colom, Sara; Borràs Català, Vicent; Alcaraz, Núria; Trinidad, Albert;


    Moreno-Colom, Sara, Albert Trinidad, Núria Alcaraz & Vicent Borràs Català (2021): Neither studying nor working: free time as a solution? In: Journal of Youth Studies, Jg. 24, H. 7, S. 977-993. DOI:10.1080/13676261.2020.1784857


    "This article analyses the importance of free-time activities in building the identity of Spanish young people who neither study nor work. The initial point is that the situation of unemployment, inactivity and precarious work that affects many young people leads to changes in the construction of their identity. Low employment and job insecurity accentuate the loss of centrality of paid work in their life project, and the use of free time reflects the traits that identify them in a specific context. The relationship between free time and training and/or working time was therefore investigated using a qualitative methodological strategy to analyse the structure, meaning and content of free time according to young people’s situation in relation to education and employment, their gender and their region of residence. The results suggest that the symbolic centrality of working time persists alongside changes in the meaning and content of free time." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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    Mentoring Improves the Labor-Market Prospects of Disadvantaged Adolescents (2021)

    Resnjanskij, Sven; Wiederhold, Simon; Wößmann, Ludger; Ruhose, Jens;


    Resnjanskij, Sven, Jens Ruhose, Simon Wiederhold & Ludger Wößmann (2021): Mentoring Improves the Labor-Market Prospects of Disadvantaged Adolescents. In: CESifo forum, Jg. 22, H. 4, S. 38-43.


    "How can the labor-market prospects of school-attending adolescents from disadvantaged families be improved? One possible approach is the use of mentoring programs that assign adolescents a mentor who can provide them with support that their family environment is not able to provide. But do such programs really help? Testing this empirically is difficult because it is unclear how these adolescents would have developed without participating in the mentoring program, since available datasets generally do not include a convincing control group of similarly disadvantaged youths. To overcome this limitation, we randomized participation in a large German mentoring program, exploiting the fact that the program was oversubscribed, i.e., had more applicants than available slots. Due to the random assignment, the adolescents who did not participate in the program provide a compelling control group for the participants. We find that the mentoring program significantly improves an index of labor-market prospects for eighth- and ninth-graders from severely disadvantaged families one year after program start. The positive effects are present for all three components of the index, which measure cognitive (math grade), non-cognitive (patience and social skills) and motivational (labor-market orientation) aspects. For disadvantaged adolescents, the expected income benefits from program participation greatly exceed program costs. In contrast, the program has no positive effects for adolescents from less disadvantaged families. The results suggest that mentoring works when it compensates for a lack of family support." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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