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Strategies and targeted measures to support integration of refugees into the German labour market


"The influx of large numbers of refugees to Germany in 2015/2016 created the need to step up integration efforts as a significant part of those who asked for asylum in 2015/16 need to be integrated into society and the labour market. As a reaction to this development the framework conditions for refugee integration were changed. By August 2016, Germany adopted for the first time an Integration Act as a legal basis for integration. The guiding principles of the Integration Act are 'promoting and demanding' and 'early intervention' deemed to help facilitate the integration of refugees. To meet the specific needs of the target group a number of targeted labour market integration measures have been developed over the past two years and counselling services for asylum seekers and refugees have been stepped up. The paper presents these programmes and services and discusses their potential to support the labour market integration of different groups of asylum seekers and refugees. The purpose of this exercise is to identify good practices and to discuss its transferability to other contexts." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Konle-Seidl, Regina (2017): Strategies and targeted measures to support integration of refugees into the German labour market. Host country discussion paper - Germany. Brüssel, 18 S.


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