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Contested terrain


The research project 'The Career Development of Male and Female Scientists' wants to identify these barriers and develop policies to overcome them. Essentially, it tress to address the 'genderization of science' (Etzkowitz et al., 1992) by linking organizational structures in academia and science to individual career trajectories. The aggregate data look at are: organizational turnover, organizational demand for scientists, and the rising supply of qualified female scientists. The authors analyze individual-level data in terms of gender differences in motivation, ability, and job involvement. Finally, they explore the genderization of organizations and investigate the way in which - via recruitment, promotion policies, mentoring, and monitoring - 'invisible colleges' and informal networks lead to a cumulation of disadvantages especially for female academics. Taken together, the data will help us to understand why female participation stagnates and why equality is not in sight - despite high gains in educational attainment. (IAB2) ((en))


Allmendinger, Jutta, Stefan Fuchs, Janina von Stebut & Christine Wimbauer (2001): Contested terrain. Women in German research organizations. In: V. W. Marshall, W. R. Heinz, H. Krüger & A. Verma (Hrsg.) (2001): Restructuring work and the life course, S. 107-122.