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Needles in haystacks are hard to find


"In the Research Project on Data Anonymity the possibilities and difficulties of restoring the identity of individuals whose data have been included in an anonymized data file were tested in realistic simulations. In this paper the results of exact matching and of statistical matching using empirical data from the German Microcensus are reported. A check of the results by an independent datatrustee demonstrates that a real invader encounters more difficulties attempting to achieve an identification than is frequently assumed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Blien, Uwe, Walter Müller & Heike Wirth (1993): Needles in haystacks are hard to find. Testing disclosure risks of anonymous individual data. In: Statistisches Amt Europäische Gemeinschaften (Hrsg.) (1993): Proceedings of the international seminar on statistical confidentiality in Dublin (Ireland), S. 391-406.