Patterns of resilience during socioeconomic crises among households in Europe (RESCuE)
"Since 2008, Europe has been shaken by an ongoing crisis. If relevant parts of populations are exposed to socioeconomic risks, it is a distinctive characteristic of European political ethics that they must not be left alone, but should be subject to support and solidarity by budget support policy, economic development policies and social policy at different levels. But, in analogy with medical and psychological findings, some parts of the vulnerable population, although experiencing the same living conditions as others, are developing resilience, which in our context means that they perform social, economic and cultural practices and habits which protect them from suffer and harm and support sustainable patterns of coping and adaption. This resilience to socioeconomic crises at household levels is the focus of the project. It can consist of identity patterns, knowledge, family or community relations, cultural and social as well as economic practices, be they formal or informal. Welfare states, labour markets and economic policies at both macro or meso level form the context or 'environment' of those resilience patterns. For reasons of coping with the crisis without leaving the common ground of the implicit European social model (or the unwritten confession to the welfare state) under extremely bad monetary conditions in many countries, and for reasons of maintaining quality of life and improving social policy, it is a highly interesting perspective to learn from emergent processes of resilience development and their preconditions. Thus, the main questions are directed at understanding patterns and dimensions of resilience at micro-/household level in different types of European member and neighbour states accounting for regional varieties, relevant internal and external conditions and resources as well as influences on these patterns by social, economic or labour market policy as well as legal regulations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Promberger, Markus, Ursula Huws, Hulya Dagdeviren, Lars Meier, Frank Sowa, Marie Boost, Athena Athanasiou, Attila Aytekin, Maria Arnal, Luìs Capucha, Carlos de Castro, Krystyna Faliszek, Jane Gray, Krzysztof Lecki, Witold Mandrysz, Georgia Petraki, Juan Carlos Revilla, Tarik Sengül, Barbara Slania, Monica Tennberg, Terhi Vuojala-Magga & Kazimiera Wódz (2014): Patterns of resilience during socioeconomic crises among households in Europe (RESCuE). Concept, objectives and work packages of an EU FP 7 project. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 05/2014), Nürnberg, 52 S.