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Die Konstruktion von Indigenität am Beispiel des Internationalen Walfanges


"After the whaling moratorium had come into force in 1986, the Greenlandic whaling is still categorized as aboriginal subsistence whaling, which means that it is considered as a legitimate subsistence economy of the Greenlandic Inuit. On the contrary, the Japanese coastal whaling is continued as 'scientific whaling,' which is internationally criticized as an illegitimate practice with a suspected background of commercial interests. The consideration of the regulation of the international whaling as a form of global environmental regimes shows that the decisions within the International Whaling Commission will be determined by global models and categories of the world polity." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Sowa, Frank (2013): Die Konstruktion von Indigenität am Beispiel des Internationalen Walfanges. Grönländische und japanische Walfänger im Streben nach Anerkennung. In: Anthropos, Jg. 108, H. 2, S. 445-462.