Female employment, reconciliation policies, and childbearing intentions in East and West Germany
"The chapter is organised as follows: first, we discuss the demographic, economic, institutional and political circumstances in Germany (Section 2). In order to link our analyses to previous studies we will briefly outline the state of the art concerning fertility research in Germany (Section 3, Subsection 3.1). Thereafter, we present our theoretical framework and the hypotheses. The data set analysed to test our hypotheses is the first wave of the German Family Panel (pairfam), which will be described in Section 4, followed by the descriptive and multivariate results. Finally, the chapter gives an outlook an further developments in German family policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Lutz, Katharina, Mandy Boehnke, Johannes Huinink & Silke Tophoven (2013): Female employment, reconciliation policies, and childbearing intentions in East and West Germany. In: L. Sz. Oláh & E. Fratczak (Hrsg.) (2013): Childbearing, women's employment and work-life balance policies in contemporary Europe, S. 97-134.