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A selective look at institutional factors behind Vietnam's development


"Vietnam is a developing economy which still has a relatively low productivity level compared to other countries in Asia. The high growth rates of the last two decades have improved the situation. This development process is related to the institutional structure of the country. Vietnam's system of education and training is part of this structure. An analyses of this system is given in the paper. It is related to the structure of the product markets and of the labour market. There are prospects that the high growth rates of the recent past can be sustained in the future." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Blien, Uwe, Michael von Hauff & Van Phan thi Hong (2010): A selective look at institutional factors behind Vietnam's development. In: P. Sing & A. F. Julian (Hrsg.) (2010): Globalization and sustainable good governance : challenges and opportunities, S. 107-134.