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PASS background


"The panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS), established by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), is a dataset for labour market, welfare state and poverty research in Germany, creating an empirical basis for the scientific community and for policy advice. The study is carried out as part of the IAB's research into the German Social Code Book II4 (SGB II). The IAB has the statutory mandate to study the effects of benefits and services under SGB II aimed at integration into the labour market and subsistence benefits. However, due to its complex sample design, the study also enables researchers to answer questions far beyond these issues.<br> Subsequently, the main research questions which influenced the development of the study will be presented in chapter 2, and it will be pointed out which addition to existing data is made by PASS." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Trappmann, Mark (2011): PASS background. In: A. Bethmann & D. Gebhardt (Hrsg.) (2011): User Guide "Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security" (PASS) : Wave 3 (FDZ-Datenreport, 04/2011 (en)), Nürnberg, S. 10-11.