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Codebook and documentation of the panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS)


"This data report provides an overview of the ninth survey wave, for which 13,271 individuals in 8,921 households2 were interviewed between February 2015 and September 2015. This sample included 11,659 individuals and 7,865 households that had previously been interviewed for PASS.<br> This data report3 of wave 9 documents the wave-specific aspects of the study. Chapter 1.2 contains a short description of the instruments and the survey program. Following a short overview of the innovations and characteristics of wave 9 (Chapter 1.3), the data report provides key figures on the wave's sample and response rates (Chapter 2). The data preparation process is described (Chapter 5), and an overview of the variables generated is presented (Chapter 4). Additionally, the weighting procedure is presented (Chapter 6). Separate tables list the frequencies of all of the variables included in the scientific use file that were recorded in wave 8 by their respective datasets (Volumes II through V)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))


Bethmann, Arne, Benjamin Fuchs, Martina Huber, Mark Trappmann, Alice Reindl, Marco Berg, Ralph Cramer, Christian Dickmann, Reiner Gilberg, Birgit Jesske & Martin Kleudgen (2016): Codebook and documentation of the panel study 'Labour Market and Social Security' (PASS). Datenreport wave 9. (FDZ-Datenreport 07/2016 (en)), Nürnberg, 247 S.


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